HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-13, Page 88 TaoistAY, Sept. 13 1946
Arrangements Beit!( Made for a Better
Show Thee Ever.
The preparat ions for the Great
Northwestern Exhihition are well ad.
vanced, and the dir,etora make u
bet of intere4ting announce•
mints this week. In addition to
Victor's Royal Venetian Hand, a high•
claim attraction that will be appre-
ciated especially by the music -loving
public, the director* have engaged n
compau • of star ocrol1atic performers,
who will give exhibitions on the three
days of the fair, afternoon and even.
tog. The Marians, in then urrial
comedy ladder act, and Mlle. Zoau•, in
her *winging wire. act, will give vis-
itors to the fair a thtitling perform-
ance. A company of glass-blowers
are to have a tent on the grounds, 81111
will give exhibitions of their wonder-
ful and interesting art.
The Canadian Handicrafts Guild, of
Montreal, will send a large exhibit of
baodierafts and hoer induwtrirs pro-
ducts; which will ie both interesting
and instructive.
The O. T. R. is giving single fare
rates for visitor* to Ooderich during
the exhibition. The tickets will he
goo.I coming on the afternoon of rue*.
day, September '2ah. and on Wednes-
day. Thursday and Friday following,
and returning on or before Saturday,
the 21/th. An effort is (wing made to
have a special train out of Oodel•ich
the night of the tips ' g day.
Harry Stnrdy's tender for the te-
fleahnleut booth privilege* has been
Applications for apace for apeelal
diaplaya by merchants 1 manu-
facturers are coining in. lite 111 1111
uutsidr Qrtlle, aril those who wast
apace and have not already made ap-
plication should burry.
The teiu k r • re has been work-
ing and the half•tnile track 10 gettin*
into good shape. The 'speed testi will
again he a big feature. and mune of
the horses that will compete may al-
ready be seen on the reek.
' All entries, except for the speed
t *,.hould Ise in by Mattutday, 22n11
/wtAn extra fir will be charged
fddr'",rntries after this date.
Remember the day. of the fair--
; Wednesday. Thtn•sdav and lal•iday.
tar teuilwr 'N. 27 slid :14 -Intl. Ju not
fail to 1a- on hand. Prize IiN:a may
he secured un application to M. O.
I.lohnston. secretary.
i To the Citizens of Goderich by President
Clark of theG. N. W.
'Peruyit ale as president of the Gloat
Northwestern Exhibition to Ball your
attention to the necessity of the citi-
zens of, the town taking an active
interval in and lending a helping hand
the exhibition. The Society c.ar-
t,e41 at very heavy debt for )'rays but
is now oat of debt. 1 Atli pleased to
state. We have increased the p1 ire
Hal in PVery Meetion Mild 1 think we
can now alma( of having the Inst prize
I desire to announce to the public
that I have bought out the harness
business heretofore conducted by :1.
J. PALTHIDGE, and tam prepared to
fill all orders in my Zine. I will have
constantly in stock a 1.1111 lints of
Robes, W hips, Trunks, Valises
and everything usually found in a first-
class harness shod, at right prices.
A share of the public patron:ige is
Successor to A .I. 1'ALI'HIo .l Hamilton St., Giiderich
Prof. Doreniwend
of Toronto
will he at the HO'I'EI. BEDFORD. l.OUERI('lI, on
1S"EI/NESDAV, September :bah. will' his celebrated
Hair Goods Styles
Ladies' 4Vigs, Switches Iwo%v or straight • P pn-
thaws•''rnnsfut•malions. Wavy and Plain Ka onto.. etc.
Jtli a. call and .rr4 how quirkly and easily he
can tratistm1(4 your appearance. Beauty, genre and.
y ger app•aranre are ohtainet, to alt)' nothing of
the beneficial efleet upon the heath.
Gentlemen who are bald should not
(--) i ''
r- ..s.•(1)UPEc� a )
s .
- - their r cram•
cal utility and 11nrabilit, Strong in sl melon. and .el
nal oral in opp•arane • 1 teal they are bey I detect ion.
They give aI younger and perusing effect to t he•
face and head. Ses•urely fastened. nu 111rnger of
their coming off. Consultation tree. 1' • P111)'.
The Dorenwend Co. of Toronto, Limited - - 103 and
miss ..('ring
h i. portent
world rt••
now net, for
los Yonge Street
Iiat in Ontario :lust .. of Toronto Or
London. N',• wave Iveelv.M1 a very
liberal awunut in apeetal donations
(rota burin*'«* men and citizens. so
that pompom* ate Unite elle •aftltlt(
, fur a tis t-llas, exhibit i this (all,
; The date; are fixed fur 11'etlie d Iy,
1 Thursday and Friday. the Lilith, 27th
and tit of this month.
rhe town has provided excellent
grounds and *bitable buildings at •a
Targe exp enae tor the put pose of
benefitting the people both financially
and edueotionally, and is paying
. about $271* ever)' )'Crap• tin agriculture
buildings itccount.
A ed effort on the part of the
citizens hf (i(MI1ril'h eamtut fail to
Blake the show this fall a gland sue.
1•ram, \1'e are giving this year a treat
in special attractinr,+ that will *atisfy
everyone who attends 111e fair.
In 11802 the exhibitors suffered a
ggr•eviuur hardship and the present
directorate will eude*Vor to make
Matters right. l'.OI we expect 'you to
lie With IIs til help to attain this 1141111 -
able object :'
Trusting to have your getter/tit. a
sistance, 1 remain
Inures very duly.
Ua. W. F. t'1. '.h 1.
President 1. .' \1
C. P. R. Construktioa Work in Colborne
in Advanced State.
Frau the crossing on the lith eon•
cession in the township of Colborne.
looking rust, the liter through the
SJWarlls, Young. McCnrvie and AIIiu
farms irnow completed on11 re.uly for
lialbo ting as far as the division line
(the road leading flow ('.blow to
Hrulniller). At this imint is to to sit-
uated the Devon *than, sn called 111
rewernhrana'of the ei ly settler'* in
this neighloorhood, who Rause from
Devonshire, England. Work on the
new station will be coualneiced right
away. The contractor with his u.rli
is now on the grounds and on Tuesday
the Murveyur'. la* the cutupauy wet('
"staking out the site for the buildings.
The new station is to cost $4,111111.
There will be three tracks to ptovide
acro aslatiotl for the handling of
the truffle at this print, which no
doubt will be considerable.
Five acres or more of laud has her n
1Maght for station latriny*r, fru111 off
the 1te. ens and Allot farms, and as
the lino was surveyed through a
swampy piece of Land it has entailed
a heavy expenee on the company for
draining anti cleating off the site
ready for the buildings. From this
point rant through the Stevens. Henn
and Friigap lama a Vast amount of
work has been done this s • and
the long embankment that it wow
uwrs.atry• to fraise across the valley
worried by Sharp'. creek is now well
ander wily and will be completed
*trout the end of s4pteuiler. 'This
last piper (4*) ;111W3) work has leen a
hig lert.,king, fi no less than sixty
thousand yards of filling-in Material
had 10 be 'est 1>' the d )
engines nfter leaving t he steam shovel.
At the nage of the creek ale 1 W spill
Kindnfoetal. ut c 'tele masonry, 22
feet in bright, with h me • ready 1h.• steel bridge 1h.Il will span it.
The strain *hovel ie now' at work Moi
Andt.'w• Million's (arum. **here 1114,14. is
n +1.1.111 cuffing c.f *ix .8' eight f rt,
Ind when Ihat i. completed the sulk
1urthe .tlovel will tai (l (1(lmlleover.
F Ihi. tett& over t.. Ilio• 11•el'
\l..tII u,d au Auburn the caulk is well
lid yaneesl a.Id it I* ex poet ..l that the
whole of th'' line 1' • Alibittli to 1)un-
lop' s hill will be Itrluled x1141 Ie.ldy fur
the tails by the rad of SI•pteulbs r.
The 5E01%161 (sir 61118.4111g g will Is• pro.
elitistfrom .lames \litchrll's farm,
Niter• a valuable gravel pit measuring
about live acre. has tw•en :secured by
cher pony-. and i1 is estimated that
there is a sufficient quantity there to
h:.11ast the line from Auburn to (I.s1-
erirh, which will he a very important
..hnsideralion for the c panv-.
The work 111 Colborne townatlip ha.
been atte101011 with very considerable
difficulty. 1le•re ieing scarcely
el• unr
hundred Faille of leYel road from
Anliuu to Dunlop. with cuttings and
embankments to Ise mode and swamps
to Is• tilled in hunt • silt• of the
town*hip to the titherIt is only
justice to l'l'I.trrlrtn• Pigott to shale
that he hoe tort and 11VPr(•'(1)1*' thew•
11dtlrolties in .1 Ie.uty nn'I able
111'1', x1111 !tial his work in 1111s town
.bipt is entirely creditable t.. hint as n
,o011.tcto •,
F. 1.. William - !eft v.•steriay for Toronto.
With Sharman gold a visit to the London
Henry Horton : oak n trip to Detroit the past
J. F. Jordan made • visit to Inndnn thia
blr l'arrio)cit last week on a *441 to Anse
M4. Jenny 1.•140 took to the (-gem/slot' to
Det mit,
James Carrie lens been .pending holidays in
G\'Ili ctrl villi,•, m. was np from St rat ford over
Harr)' Me('re'th let for Troy. New York. on
G. Arthur Cerne ,,nlfe a trip to Detroit the
pa -t week.
William Me v,een has been op Irnin Onelph
nn n holiday.
Dr. J. 1.. Turnbull we- In town several day.
thep.esl erect.
Nil Knthnrine Stratton, of Lyndon, spent
Sunday at home.
Mi.- Mand Hi_ -cat "el timed to Brooklyn.
N. 1'.. this week.
Mr -..1. A. ltnmbell left for London Tuesday
to visit !vial it r..
MI.. 4R)le 1orden Is visiting her mint. Mrs.
.J. Shannon. London.
Ford. Shannon i- home from opine•* on a
couple of weeks' 6 ovation.
Mr. and Mr-..1a10e- Dirk -n1 trade n ,4•10 10
Toronto tinting Ili*' week.
Nr. and Mr Joseph itrwph.•y were among
the rvrmnlaad- 10 11011.41.
Mt. *ret Mrs. A. Hnehannn left tan Tuesday
morning for Donchaucla N. s.
ver-. Bedford and children len on Tnrsdn '
afternoon on a trip to London.
Mn. 'Rev., Turnbull And Mn -ler 1 'eml*nien
('airy were in London 11,1- week.
Miss Hite Jordan end Mb. Helen Shephard
have returned to school nl Toronto.
Me, ft. S. Williams and Mi. 5thel leave
tomtxtOW on a tint 10 rho i'ar11e coast.
C. A. Nairn and his nephew. Chas. florin.
were 4111011g 1 h Torouto visitor. lout week.
kala. Rica Cowan" ret-lrned on Tneday
evening frmn n *Olt to her aster in Toronto.
Mra. J. 1'. Mlllian and Mi., FAilh mutinied
MIR week from a visit to relative. In Toronto.
T. St. 1', Cuddy, of St rat hnn. bas arrives) 40
take the place of ninl0r at Iter Sterling Hank.
Mr. and Mn. Rdwnrd Heyer retnrnrd last
week from a three month.' 11.11 at Maws,
W i..
Mi« Maxwell. M 11wdfnrd. I'm.. Is the guest
of her emit. Mrs. 'J. 11. Mean*. Hrltanla
Heir. 11. W. Wright went In Wootton! ye.
t.•nlay 10 attend tRr wedding of hi. hmther
Mr.. (•aalelm. I,n. rculrn.d rro.n her , kit to
Sarnia and 1. now an n fortnight . , 411 to
4 **nlOn
Mn. merle Mt. nDrrned In Hamilton after
lira ni the re.idenre al Mr. and Mr. IT
Stratford Heaeon lirx J M Turner and
NM. Winn!. she ha. el returned Man A 11.11
to Golleri,h.
MIs- Gracie 11ngiRrh I- taking In the
11 a -tern Veit London, being the 41) 4 of SIM.
Myrtle Shannon.
Mrs. and Mlr ('anek, Newple street ora
away 00 a month's •iett to Toronto. Port Perry
Mid *Own plan•*.
ill .!ggla Nairn sad ('has. /1/11 111 returned
he Dot refit Netnrd*y Otter • plr,wnt visit wick
rel (h'* la town.
M-. and Mn. John dalton and els• 1.11y Mao,
1 Economy
1 for 00110wy taabie. tote 10 esj•)
any Ias011.11 of hi. - wbkh the
e peadtlo,lt coo never hope to have.
It t. true cav0orny Io open R eselap
▪ vlml In The tiovereirt aa.k d
Dement et tram t l 04.04 Rewards
lutereat gild 4 t4_.'. • )rat
rut yvur 13301e7 n.. + Va..< where
)ou.au get it *her. , „ want It.
04e , Lnirrrign
vi Cattaii'ae
Jordan hid,k.
,f Kirlg.bridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mr-. (illttltl. of town.
Conductor Buchanan 4 away On holiday, to
w indsur and Toronto, 111.1 un being taken by
o midnctor A. Moore.
'Miss Emma Plnm.te.ct Irtnrned to icer home
to Clinton 011 w-eduertu) .abler 8 visit wit h -her
friend. 411+.. Stnnlun.
\Ira. Uelpphhine Eatery. of 1'reditoa lett for
it Tuewla>'. While In town Abe ga.. the
gar -t of the bt1.+e. Nairn.
George Salield, of Unclench township. and
Jame+Jour.. of Colborne. took In Me excur
• to the %Ve-t last Finlay.
Among Mom who took ill Owe excursion to
London on 1 neallay were Harry 11'ur.elh
Harty Salatld. Hen. Grah.aul.
Mn. 1). M.Avuy, of Montreal. 1. visiting
with her relatives in town. Mr. Mckvoy sea.
bent last week for a brief , cit.
Mita Husker and Mi. -'c ,1t lave ret limed
toss. Marys atter a 11,11 at the reaWbnce of
Mr. Lacey, litderich town -hip.
Alex. Sounders leave. this afternoon to
attend the meeting of the Canadian Manu-
factlirer. -lsaociat14111 at 4) innipeg.
31re. Greig and Mi.., F:va Acheson were
among, the excur+ioni,l- to ll•tr01t 14 Friday
morning on the steamer Klug Edward. '
4lr*, F. J. Ituoball lett 011 a Slat 10 Heu.all
on Monday. accompatited b) Alias McGregor,
who sea, rete nine atter a, iso In town.
MI, l'. ift•ck ha.`oue.tuTroy. N. Y., where
she will • and net a fester.: y bolo.. She 8''11•
a,aouIpanh,l by her daughter. Olio 511a.
*Mrs. Ua0,ide cud daughter. of Brandon.
who have been sidling At H. Stover'., left for
Toronto on Mutrdayen mute 10 their house.
George Lethbridge; of 1.1. Thowa+, spent a
day or two with hi. Oodericb friends me;
week. rel urnwrr to St. Thomas this morning.
Mr. and Mr.. 1'ex. of Pott Moron. are ata)irlg
41 'Mrs.( ox's old re.ldenc McDonald street.
Mn. Cox is a daughter of the late Mr. ('outte,
J. Allen. of Ottawa, we -in town last week on
a brief vi -it. Mr. Allen, r a lloderi,h Ud Boy
who 1. now a leading pliasmaclst in the Colonist
Mrs. R. H. Mocii.b and son Charles and
daughter Eva left last Frinr% on the steamer
King lid ward on their return 10 their house at
Brazil. Ind.
bin. Hogan left la -t week for London to
von relative. before going to New Hanop
shire, where .he will ,$*..l the winter with
her daughter.
Bedford and Annls Mclean and Miss Andra
McLean returned to Detroit on ,the Utamer
King Edward boa rental' after spetldtig IM
-nu,,(itr here.
Mn. tram., Iawson and Ills. Anolc have m-
ini (.e11 flow a visit 10 '1.005(0. They were
accompanist hams by bei.. Jean Lawson. who
1s on her holidays.
Mr. and Mr.. Alex. D. DI'kssn, of Qu'•
Appell, sa-k.. have been 1n Gown for a week
v141110g Mr. Ds'ksas• [••haves. They *nave
10100110. fur `sarin.
After a plea -ant visit of two months with
retain.. in Added. Mr-. J. Harris lett ui
'Friday for serous to lake the 41atner Minorite
fur her home no Duluth.
.lir-. Janie- Robinson. oyer* vi -it of .neral
week. 10 18..1.. leave* 10111,,1 lbw fie Torool 010
attend a 1110nth oft +e befog.• ret urnilla -to bre
1 • at Hul.-evah.. Mau.
Mr. :mil Mrs. 1. Straiton ere visiting their
daughter, ►h-.. 1-ulher Bobbin., of Roam -ter.
N. 1'. They are ar.uu lWatol d by their trait[
chid. 41i -s Norma White's.
Kt1. and Mr.. Joseph F:Illal retermll to
town )ede•rdnv. Mrs. Elliot had been v *411•
111K aur a lett day. in the ,',laity of London
since her relit, u f n.n1 her trip aero.- the oir,ul.
AMA. t'nnlon, unr popular Ore. -molter. 1.
s *ending 11n. week In Nen' York• allrnding
111.•drrw.1aker.' convention. and will rrtmrn
September 17th with all the lair-t•\dea. andsl1 les.
Jackson w-ighuuan and *'Award McDowell
lett on Monday r, rl,imr for tt'inghan, 10 yoln
,4 party w•he are taking In the wr4er,I excite
stun. Hebert Henry and Robert McDowell. of
lve.tne•d, a1.4are taking nu the 1.•11,0111•••100.
Urn. Polon+un. of Mage. Mal N. w hu hod
been silting in town, left )n-1 Fl Oaken mule
to Montreal. oda re he 1. attending Ihq .Metho-
dist General 4 onference. Mr. Itobllitam is
still here, but leis... next week for he home
at Ninon. -....-
.1. 1). aw-an.on. wife and faintly have k-ft\far
their Knn.la•p- R '' tin thIr y
the) int. -lid ,loling-Flatullton. Toro.anto x d
w"tnnt[.eg Mn. D. C,tmelon ae-omtaoni.•
11101n n, far M. Ilanalttm, where Me enamel
vi .hang her blot hen.
Mr.. Furby, of timbale. mother In-law 01.101..
tithing. of Auburn. left on bee return to Buffalo
on Monday. 11r-. Furter hod the uli4ort nue• to
brink het thigh aMmt a year ago ahll*' at .111.
burn on a wish. and Mrd not been x1)11• to ret urn
;o her home In Hnlnfalo 1111 j11+1 lately.
A picnic tufty. .un.is(Ing of Mr. and Mr+.
John Patter +,,,, and kA lir Pattrr.,m. of
tlingh.n ' Mr. and Mr.. tltobt. McKenii•• and
three s bilr{ren. of Dungannon. and lir. Mud
Mr-. Haigh 1,nnleais and two sons, of 1 -mire,
.tent the day 4, town yesterday. leaving on
their return shortly after J oclock.
Her:ent moonier vi iron with Mr. and Mrs.
Waller a111ib, UIo ee.ter Termer. were Mr.
and .Nr-. 11-. I'ea,'ov k, . Mi.A Joy and Master
Olen Peacock.. r. and Mrs. W. H. Shannon,
the Mimes M7rtyv. Vera. Utwlyt and Master
Harold Shannon.. rs. J. Shannon. Mr.. Mary'
Kualball and Mrs. J. rooter, all of t.ondon.
W. w-. MacVtnr, of Sarnia, spent Thunder
evening of *8-t week to town and went out
again on the No train on Friday morning.
Mee took a gond look round It. int a. a flying
vitt would permit and la enthu-h+tie In re -
rd to the (mine of the old town. He 1s still
n the railway mail servl,n on the Gland
Ten nk.
Dixie Watson. clerk of the Grown for the
Province of Saskatchewan, has been spending
holiday, at the Park Hon.. and ha. been
having nran7 n hearty handshake. from fortiori.
acquaintances. D I. over twenh' yens -Ince
Mr. Watson went to Regina and the place has
made wnnferhtl 4rides In that period. Mr.
Watson took npa large tract of hind and has
been making is good thing oat of the 1011101E0
in prices.
Is Coming.
Our lady reader. should make note
that Prof. D,renwend will lel at
l- little
SI'I'.i'I.\i.'I \
We full' guarantee
our work
Jeweler and Optician
South side Square
Hotel 19edford Wednesday. Septem-
ber :'lith, with his celebrated hair
goat& styles, ill Witte, anitl•hes ill
wavy or straight hate IMwlpaduul 5,
transformations etc. His t(IMMIM are
an well known that It is hardly neces-
sary to say that they rue tllr finest
productions in the world. Consulta-
tion is tree. all eall and Mer what he can
do toward.. improving your appear-
ance curd making you luotc younger.
Wall Paper
Up-to-date designs in 'Wall
Paper. Take, aldvent:ar of our
Clearing Side during the months
,'1 September and October.
Prices range (low 5c to :Ill' per
School Supplies
He:idyu a ares tar School
hooks and tirhuol `coppice..
Husinesa hours : K a.m. to 11
Terms Strictly Cash
Geo. Porter
Court House Square, lioderlch
Telephone No. 100
School Shoes
Now is the time to buy school shoes for the
boys and girls. They will need good strong
servicable shoes, the.kind that will and the test
in any ‘weather. In this line we !cave excelled all
past efforts and you will find at your command the
most complete stock of neat and reliable footwear
at the lowest possible prices.
Shoes for Working Men
Our stock has been selected with the greatest
care , from the best manufacturers and does not
include anything that will not give satisfaction.
Queen Quality
Walk -Over
Downing & MacVicar
It has been noticed that the at'ei.(1:'
matt would dispose of a 1ut of his ex-
perience at thirty cents uu ib; dollar
Chicago News.
la t b. first step toward. position. plying from '
ay,uii to8.10,01111 per annum in retinas' -wet 1,e.
Ton can becalm:. good 4,p•r.lt0r in As Months
if you study in The fent rill Telegraphy School.
J Gerrard .t. F:a.t. Toronto. TM- most '* 8001
1'amide. Wrote fur particular..
1're.ideal. Prluclpal
We will pry the highest cash prices
for live old hens, also spring chickens,
ducks and all kind. of poultry. Men.
tion Chia paper. •
PRODUCE CO., Limited.
'Phone Na
e, •
ti `I Court House
Special Display of
"Novi = Modi" Man = Tailored
Coats and Costumes
hale taken the agency for the County of Huron for "Novi-
Modi" Man -tailored Costumes for women.,
The "Novi-Modi" system is doing for,ladies what Semi -Ready
tailoring has done for men, giving then all \the advantages of high-
class made-to-order garments without the annoyance and bother of
frequent fittings and the uncertainty of fit of the made-to-order. Once
you find yotir size in the "Novi-Modi" garments you have no trouble
except the selection of the style and material that suits you best.
Over 50 styles are at your disposal in costumes and 100 in coats.
They can be made in any of 300 cloths, either plain materials or fancy
mixtures. A complete record is kept of all orders, and should a
customer desire it the same style of garment will not be made twice
from the same material. This guarantees that distinctive style in
dress which is so much desired by all ladies.
"Novi-flodi" garments are man -tailored throughout and high-
grade only. They are sold only through the exclusive agents of the
Company and at one price from one end of Canada to the other.
A thoroughly posted representative of the Company will be at our
store Wednesday and Thursday (Sept. 19th and 20th) with a complete
nge of "Novi-Modi" styles and materials. He will show finished
garments In all styles made by the Company, be prepared to explain the
many advantages of the system and take orders for tailored suits,
separate coats or skirts, which will be delivered in about ten days from
receipt of same.
invite you to come and see these new garments. They are
well wort of a visit even if you do not want a coat or skirt this fall.
If you do, is a splendid opportunity to order while the Company's
full range o styles is at your disposal. Come whether you think of
buying or not, 'ou will not he asked to unless you wish.
42c A YA
Any wholesale (tons: will charge you as much for these Silks as we will on
Sattir*lay. No need for.us to ay wily lir how we are alile to sell they for such
little money. Enough for yot to know 3o11 can buy thorn at a saving that is
worth while.
if you want Taffeta Silk for y purpose ---underskirts, waists, trimming or
('Vern a full dress -you shouldn't let t chance go by.
boo yards Chiffon Taffeta Silk, g weight ; the shades are white, cream,
sky, pink, green. cardinal, navy, bro• a and black. Extra spacial
bargain on sale Saturday morning at
yard ..... 42c
Travellers' Sample andkerchiefs
An even 600 sample Handkerchiefs to sell Sat lay with the silks at the
half price mark. One of the many saving chances that *me in the way of this
store's Customers every little while. There are alt kinds 1 the lot, cambric and
pare linen, ladies' or )gentlemen's sizes. There may be tiny des in some near the
edges, but that won't. make them wear out much s(a)ner. On sale Saturday, 81111
each handkerchief ONE-HALF PRICE OR LESS.
is good chance to lay i11 a supply of handkerchiefs for hrdinary use at
the saving that means something. They will not likely last long, so the earlier you
come the better your chance of getting a good supply.
New subscribers may have
Die Jigna1 and the
Weeklq kbe
for the balance of the year for only
25 cents
The two papers to January 1st, 1908, for
Send all orders to
F. 1.. William - !eft v.•steriay for Toronto.
With Sharman gold a visit to the London
Henry Horton : oak n trip to Detroit the past
J. F. Jordan made • visit to Inndnn thia
blr l'arrio)cit last week on a *441 to Anse
M4. Jenny 1.•140 took to the (-gem/slot' to
Det mit,
James Carrie lens been .pending holidays in
G\'Ili ctrl villi,•, m. was np from St rat ford over
Harr)' Me('re'th let for Troy. New York. on
G. Arthur Cerne ,,nlfe a trip to Detroit the
pa -t week.
William Me v,een has been op Irnin Onelph
nn n holiday.
Dr. J. 1.. Turnbull we- In town several day.
thep.esl erect.
Nil Knthnrine Stratton, of Lyndon, spent
Sunday at home.
Mi.- Mand Hi_ -cat "el timed to Brooklyn.
N. 1'.. this week.
Mr -..1. A. ltnmbell left for London Tuesday
to visit !vial it r..
MI.. 4R)le 1orden Is visiting her mint. Mrs.
.J. Shannon. London.
Ford. Shannon i- home from opine•* on a
couple of weeks' 6 ovation.
Mr. and Mr-..1a10e- Dirk -n1 trade n ,4•10 10
Toronto tinting Ili*' week.
Nr. and Mr Joseph itrwph.•y were among
the rvrmnlaad- 10 11011.41.
Mt. *ret Mrs. A. Hnehannn left tan Tuesday
morning for Donchaucla N. s.
ver-. Bedford and children len on Tnrsdn '
afternoon on a trip to London.
Mn. 'Rev., Turnbull And Mn -ler 1 'eml*nien
('airy were in London 11,1- week.
Miss Hite Jordan end Mb. Helen Shephard
have returned to school nl Toronto.
Me, ft. S. Williams and Mi. 5thel leave
tomtxtOW on a tint 10 rho i'ar11e coast.
C. A. Nairn and his nephew. Chas. florin.
were 4111011g 1 h Torouto visitor. lout week.
kala. Rica Cowan" ret-lrned on Tneday
evening frmn n *Olt to her aster in Toronto.
Mra. J. 1'. Mlllian and Mi., FAilh mutinied
MIR week from a visit to relative. In Toronto.
T. St. 1', Cuddy, of St rat hnn. bas arrives) 40
take the place of ninl0r at Iter Sterling Hank.
Mr. and Mn. Rdwnrd Heyer retnrnrd last
week from a three month.' 11.11 at Maws,
W i..
Mi« Maxwell. M 11wdfnrd. I'm.. Is the guest
of her emit. Mrs. 'J. 11. Mean*. Hrltanla
Heir. 11. W. Wright went In Wootton! ye.
t.•nlay 10 attend tRr wedding of hi. hmther
Mr.. (•aalelm. I,n. rculrn.d rro.n her , kit to
Sarnia and 1. now an n fortnight . , 411 to
4 **nlOn
Mn. merle Mt. nDrrned In Hamilton after
lira ni the re.idenre al Mr. and Mr. IT
Stratford Heaeon lirx J M Turner and
NM. Winn!. she ha. el returned Man A 11.11
to Golleri,h.
MIs- Gracie 11ngiRrh I- taking In the
11 a -tern Veit London, being the 41) 4 of SIM.
Myrtle Shannon.
Mrs. and Mlr ('anek, Newple street ora
away 00 a month's •iett to Toronto. Port Perry
Mid *Own plan•*.
ill .!ggla Nairn sad ('has. /1/11 111 returned
he Dot refit Netnrd*y Otter • plr,wnt visit wick
rel (h'* la town.
M-. and Mn. John dalton and els• 1.11y Mao,
1 Economy
1 for 00110wy taabie. tote 10 esj•)
any Ias011.11 of hi. - wbkh the
e peadtlo,lt coo never hope to have.
It t. true cav0orny Io open R eselap
▪ vlml In The tiovereirt aa.k d
Dement et tram t l 04.04 Rewards
lutereat gild 4 t4_.'. • )rat
rut yvur 13301e7 n.. + Va..< where
)ou.au get it *her. , „ want It.
04e , Lnirrrign
vi Cattaii'ae
Jordan hid,k.
,f Kirlg.bridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mr-. (illttltl. of town.
Conductor Buchanan 4 away On holiday, to
w indsur and Toronto, 111.1 un being taken by
o midnctor A. Moore.
'Miss Emma Plnm.te.ct Irtnrned to icer home
to Clinton 011 w-eduertu) .abler 8 visit wit h -her
friend. 411+.. Stnnlun.
\Ira. Uelpphhine Eatery. of 1'reditoa lett for
it Tuewla>'. While In town Abe ga.. the
gar -t of the bt1.+e. Nairn.
George Salield, of Unclench township. and
Jame+Jour.. of Colborne. took In Me excur
• to the %Ve-t last Finlay.
Among Mom who took ill Owe excursion to
London on 1 neallay were Harry 11'ur.elh
Harty Salatld. Hen. Grah.aul.
Mn. 1). M.Avuy, of Montreal. 1. visiting
with her relatives in town. Mr. Mckvoy sea.
bent last week for a brief , cit.
Mita Husker and Mi. -'c ,1t lave ret limed
toss. Marys atter a 11,11 at the reaWbnce of
Mr. Lacey, litderich town -hip.
Alex. Sounders leave. this afternoon to
attend the meeting of the Canadian Manu-
factlirer. -lsaociat14111 at 4) innipeg.
31re. Greig and Mi.., F:va Acheson were
among, the excur+ioni,l- to ll•tr01t 14 Friday
morning on the steamer Klug Edward. '
4lr*, F. J. Ituoball lett 011 a Slat 10 Heu.all
on Monday. accompatited b) Alias McGregor,
who sea, rete nine atter a, iso In town.
MI, l'. ift•ck ha.`oue.tuTroy. N. Y., where
she will • and net a fester.: y bolo.. She 8''11•
a,aouIpanh,l by her daughter. Olio 511a.
*Mrs. Ua0,ide cud daughter. of Brandon.
who have been sidling At H. Stover'., left for
Toronto on Mutrdayen mute 10 their house.
George Lethbridge; of 1.1. Thowa+, spent a
day or two with hi. Oodericb friends me;
week. rel urnwrr to St. Thomas this morning.
Mr. and Mr.. 1'ex. of Pott Moron. are ata)irlg
41 'Mrs.( ox's old re.ldenc McDonald street.
Mn. Cox is a daughter of the late Mr. ('outte,
J. Allen. of Ottawa, we -in town last week on
a brief vi -it. Mr. Allen, r a lloderi,h Ud Boy
who 1. now a leading pliasmaclst in the Colonist
Mrs. R. H. Mocii.b and son Charles and
daughter Eva left last Frinr% on the steamer
King lid ward on their return 10 their house at
Brazil. Ind.
bin. Hogan left la -t week for London to
von relative. before going to New Hanop
shire, where .he will ,$*..l the winter with
her daughter.
Bedford and Annls Mclean and Miss Andra
McLean returned to Detroit on ,the Utamer
King Edward boa rental' after spetldtig IM
-nu,,(itr here.
Mn. tram., Iawson and Ills. Anolc have m-
ini (.e11 flow a visit 10 '1.005(0. They were
accompanist hams by bei.. Jean Lawson. who
1s on her holidays.
Mr. and Mr.. Alex. D. DI'kssn, of Qu'•
Appell, sa-k.. have been 1n Gown for a week
v141110g Mr. Ds'ksas• [••haves. They *nave
10100110. fur `sarin.
After a plea -ant visit of two months with
retain.. in Added. Mr-. J. Harris lett ui
'Friday for serous to lake the 41atner Minorite
fur her home no Duluth.
.lir-. Janie- Robinson. oyer* vi -it of .neral
week. 10 18..1.. leave* 10111,,1 lbw fie Torool 010
attend a 1110nth oft +e befog.• ret urnilla -to bre
1 • at Hul.-evah.. Mau.
Mr. :mil Mrs. 1. Straiton ere visiting their
daughter, ►h-.. 1-ulher Bobbin., of Roam -ter.
N. 1'. They are ar.uu lWatol d by their trait[
chid. 41i -s Norma White's.
Kt1. and Mr.. Joseph F:Illal retermll to
town )ede•rdnv. Mrs. Elliot had been v *411•
111K aur a lett day. in the ,',laity of London
since her relit, u f n.n1 her trip aero.- the oir,ul.
AMA. t'nnlon, unr popular Ore. -molter. 1.
s *ending 11n. week In Nen' York• allrnding
111.•drrw.1aker.' convention. and will rrtmrn
September 17th with all the lair-t•\dea. andsl1 les.
Jackson w-ighuuan and *'Award McDowell
lett on Monday r, rl,imr for tt'inghan, 10 yoln
,4 party w•he are taking In the wr4er,I excite
stun. Hebert Henry and Robert McDowell. of
lve.tne•d, a1.4are taking nu the 1.•11,0111•••100.
Urn. Polon+un. of Mage. Mal N. w hu hod
been silting in town, left )n-1 Fl Oaken mule
to Montreal. oda re he 1. attending Ihq .Metho-
dist General 4 onference. Mr. Itobllitam is
still here, but leis... next week for he home
at Ninon. -....-
.1. 1). aw-an.on. wife and faintly have k-ft\far
their Knn.la•p- R '' tin thIr y
the) int. -lid ,loling-Flatullton. Toro.anto x d
w"tnnt[.eg Mn. D. C,tmelon ae-omtaoni.•
11101n n, far M. Ilanalttm, where Me enamel
vi .hang her blot hen.
Mr.. Furby, of timbale. mother In-law 01.101..
tithing. of Auburn. left on bee return to Buffalo
on Monday. 11r-. Furter hod the uli4ort nue• to
brink het thigh aMmt a year ago ahll*' at .111.
burn on a wish. and Mrd not been x1)11• to ret urn
;o her home In Hnlnfalo 1111 j11+1 lately.
A picnic tufty. .un.is(Ing of Mr. and Mr+.
John Patter +,,,, and kA lir Pattrr.,m. of
tlingh.n ' Mr. and Mr.. tltobt. McKenii•• and
three s bilr{ren. of Dungannon. and lir. Mud
Mr-. Haigh 1,nnleais and two sons, of 1 -mire,
.tent the day 4, town yesterday. leaving on
their return shortly after J oclock.
Her:ent moonier vi iron with Mr. and Mrs.
Waller a111ib, UIo ee.ter Termer. were Mr.
and .Nr-. 11-. I'ea,'ov k, . Mi.A Joy and Master
Olen Peacock.. r. and Mrs. W. H. Shannon,
the Mimes M7rtyv. Vera. Utwlyt and Master
Harold Shannon.. rs. J. Shannon. Mr.. Mary'
Kualball and Mrs. J. rooter, all of t.ondon.
W. w-. MacVtnr, of Sarnia, spent Thunder
evening of *8-t week to town and went out
again on the No train on Friday morning.
Mee took a gond look round It. int a. a flying
vitt would permit and la enthu-h+tie In re -
rd to the (mine of the old town. He 1s still
n the railway mail servl,n on the Gland
Ten nk.
Dixie Watson. clerk of the Grown for the
Province of Saskatchewan, has been spending
holiday, at the Park Hon.. and ha. been
having nran7 n hearty handshake. from fortiori.
acquaintances. D I. over twenh' yens -Ince
Mr. Watson went to Regina and the place has
made wnnferhtl 4rides In that period. Mr.
Watson took npa large tract of hind and has
been making is good thing oat of the 1011101E0
in prices.
Is Coming.
Our lady reader. should make note
that Prof. D,renwend will lel at
l- little
SI'I'.i'I.\i.'I \
We full' guarantee
our work
Jeweler and Optician
South side Square
Hotel 19edford Wednesday. Septem-
ber :'lith, with his celebrated hair
goat& styles, ill Witte, anitl•hes ill
wavy or straight hate IMwlpaduul 5,
transformations etc. His t(IMMIM are
an well known that It is hardly neces-
sary to say that they rue tllr finest
productions in the world. Consulta-
tion is tree. all eall and Mer what he can
do toward.. improving your appear-
ance curd making you luotc younger.
Wall Paper
Up-to-date designs in 'Wall
Paper. Take, aldvent:ar of our
Clearing Side during the months
,'1 September and October.
Prices range (low 5c to :Ill' per
School Supplies
He:idyu a ares tar School
hooks and tirhuol `coppice..
Husinesa hours : K a.m. to 11
Terms Strictly Cash
Geo. Porter
Court House Square, lioderlch
Telephone No. 100
School Shoes
Now is the time to buy school shoes for the
boys and girls. They will need good strong
servicable shoes, the.kind that will and the test
in any ‘weather. In this line we !cave excelled all
past efforts and you will find at your command the
most complete stock of neat and reliable footwear
at the lowest possible prices.
Shoes for Working Men
Our stock has been selected with the greatest
care , from the best manufacturers and does not
include anything that will not give satisfaction.
Queen Quality
Walk -Over
Downing & MacVicar
It has been noticed that the at'ei.(1:'
matt would dispose of a 1ut of his ex-
perience at thirty cents uu ib; dollar
Chicago News.
la t b. first step toward. position. plying from '
ay,uii to8.10,01111 per annum in retinas' -wet 1,e.
Ton can becalm:. good 4,p•r.lt0r in As Months
if you study in The fent rill Telegraphy School.
J Gerrard .t. F:a.t. Toronto. TM- most '* 8001
1'amide. Wrote fur particular..
1're.ideal. Prluclpal
We will pry the highest cash prices
for live old hens, also spring chickens,
ducks and all kind. of poultry. Men.
tion Chia paper. •
PRODUCE CO., Limited.
'Phone Na
e, •
ti `I Court House
Special Display of
"Novi = Modi" Man = Tailored
Coats and Costumes
hale taken the agency for the County of Huron for "Novi-
Modi" Man -tailored Costumes for women.,
The "Novi-Modi" system is doing for,ladies what Semi -Ready
tailoring has done for men, giving then all \the advantages of high-
class made-to-order garments without the annoyance and bother of
frequent fittings and the uncertainty of fit of the made-to-order. Once
you find yotir size in the "Novi-Modi" garments you have no trouble
except the selection of the style and material that suits you best.
Over 50 styles are at your disposal in costumes and 100 in coats.
They can be made in any of 300 cloths, either plain materials or fancy
mixtures. A complete record is kept of all orders, and should a
customer desire it the same style of garment will not be made twice
from the same material. This guarantees that distinctive style in
dress which is so much desired by all ladies.
"Novi-flodi" garments are man -tailored throughout and high-
grade only. They are sold only through the exclusive agents of the
Company and at one price from one end of Canada to the other.
A thoroughly posted representative of the Company will be at our
store Wednesday and Thursday (Sept. 19th and 20th) with a complete
nge of "Novi-Modi" styles and materials. He will show finished
garments In all styles made by the Company, be prepared to explain the
many advantages of the system and take orders for tailored suits,
separate coats or skirts, which will be delivered in about ten days from
receipt of same.
invite you to come and see these new garments. They are
well wort of a visit even if you do not want a coat or skirt this fall.
If you do, is a splendid opportunity to order while the Company's
full range o styles is at your disposal. Come whether you think of
buying or not, 'ou will not he asked to unless you wish.
42c A YA
Any wholesale (tons: will charge you as much for these Silks as we will on
Sattir*lay. No need for.us to ay wily lir how we are alile to sell they for such
little money. Enough for yot to know 3o11 can buy thorn at a saving that is
worth while.
if you want Taffeta Silk for y purpose ---underskirts, waists, trimming or
('Vern a full dress -you shouldn't let t chance go by.
boo yards Chiffon Taffeta Silk, g weight ; the shades are white, cream,
sky, pink, green. cardinal, navy, bro• a and black. Extra spacial
bargain on sale Saturday morning at
yard ..... 42c
Travellers' Sample andkerchiefs
An even 600 sample Handkerchiefs to sell Sat lay with the silks at the
half price mark. One of the many saving chances that *me in the way of this
store's Customers every little while. There are alt kinds 1 the lot, cambric and
pare linen, ladies' or )gentlemen's sizes. There may be tiny des in some near the
edges, but that won't. make them wear out much s(a)ner. On sale Saturday, 81111
each handkerchief ONE-HALF PRICE OR LESS.
is good chance to lay i11 a supply of handkerchiefs for hrdinary use at
the saving that means something. They will not likely last long, so the earlier you
come the better your chance of getting a good supply.