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• ag****9****9494.494.4944 4.4 9i94Si9i9+4.49+419+4"i9+ ViC 4+ +++4 44+ +49/19444N DUNGANNON
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in DungannOn fur Tb. Signal 14 at tar/Kra
News of the D1str1ct. ddrertisina and Job ...oak. And is eatliunhed
' .45 I Altd.oasi ad] risolte enters for subscription..
j!altlee Book Slid Sts,ticifiery Slum and Mi..
g ive iessapts fur suioune. paid fur the mime.
• 14464444644+45454646404141464444464454546464546466136*** 4546464454645464546 4546++6364 16+46 446V Athuwr rel:TsPits!=
MorooeY, Sept. 10th.
Wm. Long, of Zion, visited at
on Sunday.
Lizzie Linfield is visiting at
this week.
Robert Young, of Uodertch, occu-
pied the pulpit of Nile church hu.t
fiabbath evening.
The young people of Nile League Are
1E4.1 ',repining for a literary context
to take place on September rah. Full
partieularm next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oirvin returned
this week after spending a few weeks
with friends at Torotit6 end other
TvEsineY, Sept. Ilth.
WKDDINO.-A pretty event which
bad been looked forward to for twine
tour took place at the Methodist par-
sonage. Hayfield, On WethlefitittY of
last week. when Milne May Perdue,
second daughter of William Perdue,
became the bride of J obit Brae . The
ceremony wax performed by Her. T.
A. Steadman, after which the happy
war drove -to the residence of the
bride'e perente, where the wending
luncheon was served. Brideamitiii
and groomsman were dispeneeel with
and only the immediate relativen of
the contracting parties were present
at the luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Bea-
com drove to Clinton arid left by the
3:Z3 train for Toronto, Niagara 1•'alls
and other phiCen. To the happy
couple. who are both residents of the
Hayfield line, their numerous friends
extend cordial good wishes for their
fieture happiness and proaperity.
Toinsuast, Sept. Ilth.
Mrit. Jas. Johnston, of North Bay,
is visiting friends herr.
Hugh John Blake hem rented his
farm of Bin acres to R. Henry.
Robert •Higginm left on Tuesday,
September lith, for the London fair.
Albert eiheckleton left here on Mon•
day to attend the tioderich Collegiate.
Mrs. R. Higgine and her son,
Aubrey, are visiting relative.' at (lin-
, ton.
Mrs. %Vw. Pierce is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. J. B. McKay, in (lode -
Dr. Simpaon, liintsil, nttend•
ing Mrsi. John Hunter, who its nick at
Mn. Samuel Vanstone, of Doderieh.
is the room iff her sinter. Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. J. Whiny is (Tending it few
daym with her daughter. Mts. Stewart
Findlay, of Mafeking.
Sirs. Thou. Shackleton arrived home
from the Tot -unto exhibition on Satin -
day:September 8th. atter spending it
ery pleasant time amongst her tele-
tives there.
Mr. toed Mrs. Arthur Johnston, of
Retelstoke. B C., who were visiting
the formers sister. Mrs. T. W. 1.ittle,
of Dungannon, are now visiting rela-
t Ives in thin neighborhood.
" ••• LANES.
MoNfisr. Sept.
Daniel Alton %pent a few days with
friends in Stanley township holt week.
The weekly prayer -meeting has
again commenced in the Presbyterian
church here.
The farmers of this locality are at
present preparing the ground for the
Itt.' fall ploughing.
Mantle atilt Minder Bodin
Ritchie, of Zion, were the glinite of
Mr. and Mr%. Thome% F'ergtison on
!Sunday last.
%Saes Emma and Martha Johnston
returned to Ooderich on Monday lest
to attend the Model. We wish them
every succesi; in their line of studies.
Quite a number returned home front
the Toronto exhibition on Saturday of
last week and report having an en-
joyable and profitable holiday. It is
a tine outing rater a summer's hervest-
It in with feeling!' of great sorrow
and sympathy that we record the
death of Mts. Walter Findlay, id
Vaneouver. B. C. For it few week•
past she had re/tided with her brother.
David Alton, of Lanett. The remains
were taken 'to Lueknow station on
Mondaw to he taken hark to Vancou-
ver. We feel h sympathy for Mr.
Findlay and fatnily in their lonely
t rip.
Itzeoter oe R. S. No. I0. --The fol-
lowing in the result of exeminations
held sine,. holiday.. Some were not
present at all the examinations :
IV. Haim- Ides Sherwood, 7:4. Senior
III. Viola Baker. 107 : Wilfrid Far-
rimh, 01. Junior ill. -Laura Johns-
ton, 73 ; May Caird, 70 ; Vina Sher-
w"od, Eddy Dwyer, 112. Menior
II. -Charlie Smeltzer, 174 : Allan NM -
401 I. hi( Mamie O'Laughlin, 75.
Junior I. -Rachel Alton, 108; Charlie
Sherwood, 1:411 ; Drennan, 101
Johnny Scott, 04. Part 11. Annie
Drennan. 1115 ; Hattie raird,
Freddie Johnston. 45: Tommy Little.
115 ; Bernette O'Laughlin, M. Senior
I. Lizzie Drennsn, ltsi ; Jetties
Little. 75 ; Joe Bowler. 75, la et, ierr
(From another eorresporidrat.1
TuganAy, Sept. Ilth.
WKDDisti.--The evening of Septem-
ber 5th wax a happy one in the resid-
ence and on the lawn at Fir Park
• Farm, the home of Mrs. J. Johnston",
the event heing the marriage. of her
daughter, Edith H., to Chas E. Me•
l)onegh, merchant at lonen. The
ceremony tee* piece at 7 p. con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. t'raw, of Mi. Helene,
issainted by Rey. Mr. Smith. of Luck-
'. now. young eouple were unat-
tended. The bride wan ronehieteel
her (station beside the strtvoin by her
• brother. 1V Fn. Joh nntone, lteknm.,,
Ale wee prettily dreamed In while
organdie. Aft, r the ceremony wits
performed and an ample 'Tread wns
enjoyed by the guente the evening
wan timid in pleasant efinversation
' and minde. An the night. worc into
the "wee, tuna' " hours the Kiwi's' he-
, gen to lefty.. and the young couple
amkl hearty good wishes left to take
the early tnuin from Goderich 10
epend their honeymoon et Tomnto.
Mns. lielr)onagh is A young lady whom
to know is to reapect and the groom,
Mr. Mcl)onagh, haa shown himself to
be a yoting man of excellent bosineset
qualifications. We join In wishing
them true happiness( and aircrews in
tiff% Mrs. McDonagh will he peered
to reoeive her frleas in her home at
L'inso after Rentember 17th.
Zil=141111 veal an Ms =7w
kap ls Wear Ow *lbw wage.
On110111110. end Yew
TeesneY, Sept. Ilth.
Thrashings were the go isist, week.
Mr. and Mr*. James HO11011 were at
Toronto Fair last week.
Jean Chinon and Ruth Shaw have
resumed their studies( at the Collegiate
Institute in Ouderich.
sATuenev. Sept. Rh.
MATHDdosiaL.-A very pretty wed-
ding took place in St. J....septet. chairch,
Kingsbridge, on September 5th, when
Miss Agnes O'Keefe became the bride
of Raymund Marontate. of Amherst •
burg, Out. The bride wam attired in
a charming conturue of pale grey
taffeta with trimmings of valen-
cieunces and t d'esprit, and wore a
hat to match. Her bridesmaid, Miss
Katherine Sullivan, wore IA very pretty
dress of white organdie and carried
whit* ewers. The bride was given
away by_her brother, Jael. O'Keefe,
while Frank Dalton performed the
dune's of best titan. After the eel*,
lllll ny theavedding guests, to the num-
ber II( sixty, drove to the home of the
bride's mother, whets. breakfaat wait
served. Speeches were !mule by Rev.
'Father Mel 'ormaek and Rrv. Father
Hogan, id Windsor, to which the groom
responded in it happy manner. About
3 o'cick the bridal ',arty left Inc a
short visit 1., Toronto anti Deana be-
fore settling in their 1 • in Col'
ehat er Mouth.
Totten...v. Sept. llth.
David L. Taylor in indisposed.
Miss Sadie Griffin its leaving for
Detroit on
Miss Belle McRae is attending Lan..
don fair this week.
Mini Dom Phelan. of Gixierich, is
visiting Miss K.
Jliek M. O'Rielly took in the excur-
sion Detroit on Friday last.
Thr party given in McDonald's Hall
bit week proved a great ',ment.
Mr. and Min. Neil Mclhatidd and
:Miss Sara Taylor were in Gialerich on
Jake McDonald, of Brockville. and
Murdie Winn's, of Liwknow, spent
Sunday herr.
Miss Hattie Young attended the
wedding at Kingsbridge of Miss
Agnes O'Keefe to Raymond Meer-
inlette, of Amerstburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor and
family. of the Sault, are visiting it
few days at the former's h herr,
after spending some days at Toronto
• Tremoev. Sept. lith.
Miss Luella Treleaven viaited Miss
Laura Irwin over Siltiday.
Man Amy Reid is 'mending a few
days visiting zelatiVer bete.
Oliver Henry. of Port Albert, was
the guest of Cannon Smothers un Sat-
urday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Saunders and
Mi.,. May and George visited friends
at Crewe on Sunday.
Stephen Stuthers. Elliott Brown
and Cl/trews. Shackleton went to Tor -
into exhibition last week.
Those who tool. in the garden party
At Zion report having had a good
notwithstanding the coldness i;1 thi•
Onrrusitv.--On Sunday evening at
the home of David Alton, lot colleen -
Rion Ashtield, is•ciirted the death
of Mrs. Walter Findlay, daughter iif
the late Valentine Alton. She heel
been living at Vancouver, B. C., and
on her way home to attend her
brother's funeral in July she wits
stricken down with a r plicat ion of
d knows, from which she never recor-
ere& She leaves to mout n the loss of
a loving wife and inothen a husband
and family of four children. The fun-
eral to lawknow tiatk place 01 I Mon-
day afternoon at 3:11, o'clock, the
roma«. twing.taken to her old home at
Vancouver. The bereaved family and
friends have the sympathy of the en-
tire community.
WiDNEsn %Y. Rept. 12th.
A. R. Finleysnii is in London this
Bet -ea Campbell, of Jackson, Mich.,
is home 011 visit to her parents.
Sarah MacLean. of Duluth, was
visiting her aunt, Mrs M. McRae. last
Bella MacDonald took advantage of
the King Edward excursion Inc the
Lizzie Dickson. who has been very
ill Inc atone weekm past, is slowly im-
Melogrn. Peter Maeintyre and .John
Dickson and Mien... Minnie MacIntyre
and .hoinie Armstrong were in Toron-
to Wit week.
John R. MacKenzie, who, in not in
very robust health, has resigned his
petition with A. R. Finlayson and W.
Matheson has leen engaged in himplace
Rod Finlayson, Eddie Hobb and
Sarah Mar( 'harles intend_going to
Kinenrdine to attend high school
there. Donald R. Finlayson and
Rhoda MacKenzie ore in attendance
at the Gotlerieh Collegiate.
The date stone of the .Ashfleld Pres-
hyterian church was raised to ita place
last week. A record of the history of
the congregation from its earliest days
was deposited with the some by Mrs.
0. MacLennan.
A MARINE. MONSTER. -It wit's re-
ported that sons' ladies down at Point
Clark lighthouse eame upon a strange
lllll nster, 'Totting itself in the hike,
which fled on their approach. In-
quiries, however, hnve resulted in the
(however), that the " lllll inter" was a
very civil biped. hailing from our
THK MAIL SlittVit E. Them is quite
an agitation to have the route of our
mail pierviee rhenged, to begin from
Ripley, instead of from I oehaish as at
present. The preen t service is the
most etivenragemot in from every
point of view, however. and we hope
that the Department et Ottawa will
firmly refine. to pay any heed to the
clamor lend deride the cam. on -de
mask& Those who make thin their
°Mee for receiving or despatching
mall would do well to look after their
own interred* and not Allow them to
Pe overlooked.
New life for a quarter. Milked,
J(jred Iron Pills. For sale by
Make arrangements to visit the
Otvet. Northwestern Exhibition, Sep-
tember letin, Mk and h.
Teams...tit, Sept. Ilth.
Janine Miller, of Clinton. visited
relatives( here lately. Mr. Miller
formerly resided in Oodt•rich town-
ship, but for Howe time lately had been
living in the State of Kansas.
Labor Day an Monday of last week
gave the achool a holiday. On Wed-
nesday last the inspector visited the
school, this lasing his first visit since
the new teacher assumed her duties.
John Young, of Loyal, third sou of
W. 10. Young, left on Friday of lest
week to Les lll e his studies at the
Roman Catholic college at Sandwich.
This in Mr. Young's second year at the
Tuesn.% v, Sept. Ilth.
Taylor is improving his
place by building a new lietehoinw.
Mi.'. Sallows and her friends, Mr.
and Mils. Higginison, Uoderich,
visited Maplewood Farm Sunday last.
Mrs. George MePliee is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Cassiday, in London Inc a
i•ouple of weeks. She will also rail on
ttw wholesale houses to ke
chases tot the c • g season
Loyal Kends out its find, commercial
traveller in the person of Agar Sone
inersel, who has taken the itgency for
the Boston Garter C puny. We
wish Mr. Sonimersal every success in
his new undertaking.
A her of our residents Attended
the T.ironto exhibit nin during the
past two weeks. Among them WI -II.
the Mimeem M. L. (end A. W. Omen.
We are pleased to state 1 he voting
ladies Were again sticenedul In the
but ter -making tlimpetit • . Congrat
let Ione !
Tutnannst. -The farmers around
hem are having their threshing done
by the Goldthorpe inaehine in charge
of Joseph Dunbar load tietnye Blur-
rOWS. We welcome Mr. Burt•ows
hack after an absence of ten years :
we f 1 it hard to get N titan to 1111
his placeDuring the last week he
threshed for las. Young and John
0. excellent style, Frank
Young having charge of the alien('
mow, while Jas. Green and Haugh-
ton S ostal earned away the
grain. Houghton was soon meized
with a violent attack of cramps
and had to retire for the day.
However. we are pleased to state he is
quite himself again. John Patton
ably filled his plow. while W. 10.
Young took charge of the straw and
built • of the finest stacks ever
built around Loyal.
Ttoesiisy, Sept. 1111).
Warner Walter returned hist week
ft the West.
Alex Young left this morning on a
trip to Henson.
Lester Robertson 1% home roma
Toronto for a holiday visit.
Our popular stotekeeper. Mrs. Jones,
left today int a visit to the London
Threshing% are the oilier of the day
and the grain is turning mit better
than tor atone years.
Remember the picnic by Morning
Star Lodge, No. 3110, A. F. & A. M.. at
Point Farm on Saturday.
Miss Tena Johnston. former teacher
at No. /4, left on Monday for London,
where she will take her Normal course.
Our ratepayers are well pleased
know that the dispute between God-
erich and Colborne townships has
been nettled.
Among fh011e who are visiting the
Western Fair at London are Mr. and
Mrs. Cunningham, Sit I Lenten
slaver, Miss Hattie Mallows, George
and Miss Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Walters, the Misses Hamilton, and
Milton and Melville Tyndall.
Mine boat Jonathan Miller has had
his new windmill installed and is hav-
ing bathrooms and water connection
put in the„hotel. The house has been
painted in red and yellow and is be-
ing reshingled. Jonathan has been
finding the weather lately very WarIll
and a little dry. He hopes things will
he a little nowe moist ere long.
The sale of the bonds to purchase
the right of way for the P. R.
through our township in delayed by
what appears to be a fl;tw in the
bylaw, the broker who agreed to piir-
chase the bonds refusing them on the
grounds that, the word,. "eaeh and
every yea.- fire °Milted from the
hyl•tw, with the result that no partieu-
lar timt• is fixed for payment.
TUESDAY, Sept. llth.
, Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. McClinton at-
tended the Toronto exhibition Ian(
Min. Nellie Fowler, of Toronto, ia
renewing old esequeintancem here at
Melbourne McDowell. of Cobalt, is
spending a 'short tittle with his
brother Harvey.
.1. Wightmati. of Goderich, spent a
few days lent week renewing old
aeq.Iitintaneea here.
Miss M. Hiles, of Kincardine., paid a
flying visit to her cousin. Mies L.
Campbell. this week.
Dr. MrDowell and wife, of Michigan,
are visiting the former's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. .1. MeDowell.
D•tvid Dunbar is building a fine new
cement house, which adds greatly to
the appearance of him farm.
Miss Annie Wighttnan returned
h from Wingham on Satiirriny
hint after siwniling the past t wo weeks
visiting friends there.
Mrs. F. Smoot, of Hohnenville, ad-
dresieed union meeting of the %V. F.
M. s. of the eirenit in the Westfield
elitirch this (Ti•stlayi afternoon.
Surcitameri. SERVICES. The
Donnybrook church annivereary Pei -
fires were is 41Peided Fillereas. all the
serviees tieing well attended and excel-
lent die...mews being delivered by Rev.
F. Swann. (In Monday evening the
ehuirch was crowded and the audience
Wan I 104. disappointed, se is program of
high order wow rendered. Mimi Me -
Donald, of Autinni, desterven speelel
mention, as her contriMitions to the
program indieated that. (the is likely to
herome one of popular einem.
Others on the progrein were A. (look,
of Clinton, Mier Joynt, of Locknow,
and the neighboring ministers'. Al-
though it wan a freewill offering the
presser& amounted to $110.
Milken Drip Powdery cure. Por
Dale hy Jae. %Nilson.
The weather has been almorruany
hot and dry. A gond rain and a change
to lower temperatures would be ap
Tes:susy, Rept. II tit.
Jan. Helm end Chas. E. McDonagh,
who carried on a general duns. 1st
Lanes, have dissolved partnership,
and the 'Hilliness will he carried on hy
Mr. Mt•Dottagh.
The t went y•si x tit it nn tial convent itm
of the Sabath schools in the Ashfield
Methodist ciiciiit will 1,.' held on Fi•i•
day, Oetober 1201. in Hope elitit•eli.
There will he three sessions, at 4147)
2 p. and 7 p. Ati riti•t ire
plograin i4thlresses and dismiss.
4,11 matters tif interest to Sabinith
school o I irkeiN kis iieeu prepared. and
there ahould be a large attendance at
the meeting's. Rev. W. A. Smith im
chail of Oh I e •
let. Mid E. Sherwood is secretary.
TUE2411,01": Sept. Ilth.
Mrs. .1as. Ramage started for the
1%'est Fritlity•last.
MIS. MeGuit•e and Miss Charlotte
Took nlielit last week at Mr,
Mi. Mitchel% of Lueknow, delivered
a ileititzinne prom at T.
h • last week.
Judging from the loads of tile com•
ing from T. Phillips hush kiln we
would say that business is good.
Mrs. Sineitzer +.11(1 daughter. of
Sault Site. Marie, ate visiting the
former's minter,51i.s. JOII I I Gaunt.
NS'e are sorry to hear that Moe. Jas.
McDonald, of the Oth conceit , 0.
poorly again, but hope soon to hear of
an improvement.
'tVr are pleased to see Mine Annie
sheriff, of Wite.hem, again in our
• 1st. She is visiting her grand-
mother. Mts. Ferries.
Miss Robinson, of Brooklyn, has re-
turned home after spending a few
weeks with het coosins, Mrs. Stuart,
Mrs. Murray anti Mrs. Camt•ron.
Trzsosv, Sept. Ilth.
Mins Thoinpson is visiting at the
homi• of Mr. and Mrs. kutf.
Mr. and Mrs. Dhler, sr., spent Sun-
day in Hay visiting their daughter.
Ed. Damen. of Toronto, is visiting at
the 1101 le or Inn lin her, Rev. .1. s.
Mrs. Diarist and t wo of her daughters
were visiting friends at Zurieh and
Jacob Flick and Paul and Polly
Maedel took in the excursion to
Detroit mi Friday.
John :SehWanZ Ilan purchased a
sulky plough. John knows a good
thing when he sees it.
John Flick and his sister, accom-
panied by Miss Maed..1, spent a very
pleasant time at Zurich and Dash-
Thos. Biggin. who has been living
ori t he Allan farm. *Maitland conces-
sion, fol several years, is leaving this
as he is unable to continue the
heavy work of the faim. He has not
yet decided what he will do, hut it is
possible he May buy small store
The Colborne Sunday school of the
Evangelistic church will celebrate
their harvest home on Sunday even-
ing, September Zird. A well -ordered
program is provided (or, composed of
speeches, recitations and singing. The
singing will he elmditeted tinder the
lible leadership of M. Ohler. A free-
will offet Mg will he teken. All are
welc lllll e.
Tumor v, Sept. llth.
Mrs. John Biggart is on the sick
Mini Edith Falconer 0. home for a
few days.
Mrs. 1). Reid, of (*Wench, is here
on a visit.
All our h. -API -keepers are at London
fair this week.
Mr. McLean, id Goderieh. called on
friend.; here this week.
A load from Blyth visited at James
Ctturphell'n Tueaday.
A larg.• number of visitors spent
Sunday in Breezy BitYfield.
The inspector of the Postoffice
Department woe in town on Tuesday.
HORSES I -- A manlier of
outside liverymen should visit, our
town on Sundays and attend to their
horses. Moine of them are on the
street most of the time. Those Who
drive them had better reform before
they are brought up before the mag-
TAKEN IN I,. Lieg., Death has
afitin visited "lir community. This
tune the grim tempi... called tit the
h • of Matthew Bates, of he Front
road, and claimed his only son,
M .1 Hanna. ifp hail been attend-
ing the Collegiate Itintittite at Sea -
forth, where he Wan 'liken ill. , His
death twetirrisl Sat urday eVell ing.
The remains were interred in the Hay-
field cemetery, the funeral being
largely attended.
Sleep, or No Sleep,
Inventor Eden neserte that men
deep too eh : that four or five
hours it day is enough. Testa, on the
other hand, declarer. that, it im because
men do not sleep enough that they
fail to live to list or 125 years -the age
their eonstitotion seems to warrant
Tenla says that in sleep all YHA
wear and tear ceases ; that in sleep,
in fact, the ravages of wear and hear
are repaired. Hence they whir, (deep
h do not waste their time, for
the longer they sleep the longer they
will live.
He pointe tiltubetone, whose mind
remained keen and his frame power -
Ail up to a great age. Gladstone, he
soya, slept. seventoen hours a dray.
He point.' to the negroes, many of
wh middle-aged at, 711, and at tat
are .1111 fey from old. The negroes
sleep all they can. They AVel age 13
or 4 hours ithr•d a day.
The whites, Trite holds, should do
the same. When not working, they
?should he sleeping. Hi. philosophy of
/deep summed up in the paradox :
The more -hours yon sleep t h.• more
hours you'll he awake.-Philaelelphin
You may call a fellow a brick, last
he in only clay after all. -New York
A woman atti naturally carry her
age better by drog,ping a few birth-
days. -New York Times.
While the average woman displays,
rati:Lly mite tbe wont a It when It
Judgment at a bargain wale, she
eases to seloctleg a beshaed.-Okl-
aims New*. •
14'1 a1,64;„
forum. atter than gascolon and bridge ....irk.
• Aluminium plater Inon.biratabks.
N. 41, - Y011(.1111 always tie)* )uus work much
better &w,. Iti the newel °glee - more time.
better redline. for doing the suit, mon, COM
tui table fin the patient.
min.: STERLING BANK 010 ('AN
Alai', °welch. Tiatusro
a .
.. e to farmer. al Instal 'rates.
At,' un* e ',anal or eolledud 011 fainiable
tem, Dollar dennaii. and upward. received
and intareat paid or diaupotinded four !Wale a
ear. law huuN. MDA. th a at
41" 1" 11jule;
. NON (lumping Mill. Dealer In dour and
47;b4reeethie,tar htpeprflouingpr b 1
ro, w01t
141 tended to.
Tueesuev, Ilth.
Miss Haley ha spending a few days
in Detroit.
Mr, and aim Jasper Walkout are
at London this week.
Jas. Elliott has commenced work et
Mctievin's new livery barn.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Raoul) were vis-
itors at Dunlop over Sunday.
Jit,.tt Stonehotase 04 win -king at J.
Anderson's more at Lin -know.
We are sou --y to hear of the COO-
tintarti illeie...4 of Mra. Clara Wilson.
Ale. and Mrs. Charlet( t are at-
tending the fair at London this week.
Warm r Nosed and Will Begley
have gone to London and St, Thomas
for this week.
Deer Brom., of Hlyth, have ideated
building the cement blocks at Mr.
Henderson's 1 he.
Mr. Johnston and family, of Revel -
;duke, B. C.. see visiting id the I
of Mrs. T. W. Little,
Mims Nichobion, of Buffalo, has re-
turned to her h • after it pleasant
visit wish friends here.
WIll. Mulligan) has returned
from Henfryn, where she haul been
visiting for two months.
Miss Lulu Robinson left by steamer
King Edward last Friday for her
wi irk at Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mrs. McClure and Mrs. Gardner. of
Benmiller, celled on friends in Dun-
gannon 011 Monday of this week.
Mrs. Scott, of Port Albert, in tinder
the doetor's care at the 1 • of het.
daughter. Mrs. McNally. of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinn West and eon and
Mrs. Frank Gordon wen• visitors at
Mrs. Young's on Monday .if this
1.4m West hrtaik returned front
Daliphio. Man., last week to tee his
mother, who is very ill at Mrs. Frank
saaJonea, of Algoine, is visiting
his friends here. It is ..vet. twenty
years Mi.11CP he left nand he see,, many
changes in thin place.
Miss McDei tt and Miss Nivior
have returned to their duties. We
can hardly imagine fall and winter
millinery being iliatie up while t be
weather is so warm.
'1'. G. Allen is building a store -room
at the evaporator for the dried fruit.
The evaporator is getting along well
and there are more apples on hand
than they can Ilse at present.
Richard Cousins hag quit his job of
drawing cream and is working at the
evaporat0e. Barney Benninger has
taken his place on the road, OM two
men are not required in the creamery
at present. Pasture is very poor
owing to the dry summer and cream
is not as plentiful ss it was* month
ago. They - are making about 900
pounds per day now.
Examinations for First-class Certi-
ficates May be Further Divided
Toront.), Srpt. S. Education
Dena' 1 iii..1.1 has further important
changes in the existing regulations
under eonsideration.
Itt view of the position generally
held that, with the eniteted and the
further proposed increases to the
teacher.' retiiiineta I , none but
holders of tIrst-elass pt ideational Cer-
tificates should be ill, Wed t., act On
principals of graded pi 911- Is, it
is planned to further divide the ex-
aminations under which teacher's
actively engaged in their work ran
ol 4 ain this qualificati
At the present time the first-class
certificate van be obtained in. two
parts, the extlll inat iori for each part
being a year apart. It is proposed to
further divide the exi • :Ilion. in
m der that it may be token in three,
or possibly tour, parts. 'Lids priv-
ilege, however. will be accorded only
to those at present holding second-
class Certifiea:14 .1 Who are actually
engaged in teaching Ind are conse-
quently at a disadvantage in prepar-
ing their work for the eX14 lll l union.
Thr trend of (Inning Departmental
changes will be emphatically towards
!letter titinlifient 0,ti and inertinedi
Salary recognition.
---- ---
Miller'. Drink Cure is $1.0o iwr box.
For male by Sas. Wilson.
The nolo Who gives himself away
titusI expeet the World to Iskc 1 • at
his ow'n veluation. --New York Times.
IN some conditions the
I gain from the use
of Scott's Emulsion 13
very rapid. For this
reason we pui up a
Rfty-cent size, which Is,
enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful
as a trial for babies
and children. In other
conditions the gain is
slower --health cannot
be built up In a day.
In such cases Scott's
Enwhion must be taken
as nourishment: a food
rather than a medicine.
It's hood for tired end
week digestions.
SCO1T & $OWN, ammo.
Tema% ea&
solieAD. Ai afgesbft
be, 13, 1906
Tri*s AT, Septets
• ,‘
Cool and
Everything yon need in the shape of summer
wear to make you feel cool and comfortable.
Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters.
North side Court ! louse Square, Goderich.
FALL 1906. - FALL 1906.
' " MARTIN'S " r-.- ir•
, .
t't :
DO IT NOW :;',4A '
FALL 1906. ' FALL z9O6.
Fall 'Dress Materials and
Fall Mantles
We have been busy these last few days marking ail the
new materials that have been arriving almost daily and will
be ready to show them on Saturday. Wo have anticipated
a very large' fall business this season and have bought accord-
ingly all the newest materials in all the newest weaves,
colors and effects and all are marked at Millar's prices, which
are the lowest for high-class goods.
Ladies' Mantles
Misses' Mantles
Children's Cloaks
Our range of ladies', misses' and children's mantles and
cloaks will be found. very coniplete in every detail, many of
the lines being our own importations and others from the
leading Canadian manufacturers. It is impossible to detail
the many different style:a;,,lrwliercordialperrmly Gyotoeu tso pay
us a visit of inspection and ymi will be welcome whether
you buy or not.
Perrin's Gloves
.Pur Millar's Scotch Store PITE
Some men have their wishbone where
their backbone ought to be.
If your backbone is where it ought to be,
you will not be wishing you had one of our
Pandora Ranges but would actually have one.
A look into the firebox :is usually enough
to convince the most skeptical.
3 bars in the grate.
No cementing of castings spring and fall.
Can be changed in less than one minute
from coal to wood or wood to coal linings.
The grate is made so as to force the draft
through firepot, securing quick and equal com-
There are many other excellent points
which we will explain when you call.
Just one word about our heating and
plumbing. We have the best mechanic that
money can procure. Quality is what we guar-
antee. If we cannot please you in this depart-
ment would gladly refund your mosey We
cannot skimp the job in order to- glvt you a
cut price. •
Onee a customer, always a ciestenter, 1% our motto.•
When in at the Fair, make use Of our store to leave
your pareele. ,
FALL 1906. - FALL 1906.
' " MARTIN'S " r-.- ir•
, .
t't :
DO IT NOW :;',4A '
FALL 1906. ' FALL z9O6.
Fall 'Dress Materials and
Fall Mantles
We have been busy these last few days marking ail the
new materials that have been arriving almost daily and will
be ready to show them on Saturday. Wo have anticipated
a very large' fall business this season and have bought accord-
ingly all the newest materials in all the newest weaves,
colors and effects and all are marked at Millar's prices, which
are the lowest for high-class goods.
Ladies' Mantles
Misses' Mantles
Children's Cloaks
Our range of ladies', misses' and children's mantles and
cloaks will be found. very coniplete in every detail, many of
the lines being our own importations and others from the
leading Canadian manufacturers. It is impossible to detail
the many different style:a;,,lrwliercordialperrmly Gyotoeu tso pay
us a visit of inspection and ymi will be welcome whether
you buy or not.
Perrin's Gloves
.Pur Millar's Scotch Store PITE