HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-13, Page 44 TsoairAT September 13, I `••
T f 1 t ST(;NA 1, : GODERJCH ONTAR10
President" of the Grand Truni. Pacific Railway.
One ot, the railroad poen of the tun.•s who has mastered all the intricacies of
railway work, m hs thirty-two years of continuous serviee. ie Charles Melville Hays,
president of the (,rand Trunk Pacific Radway, and s.wund vice-president and gen-
eral uoahager of the grand Trunk Railway. Ilan, in lusts at Rock 'Aland. 111., at
the age of se •etatern be Logan to learn the a -L, -t• 0t railroading, **clerk in tbe pas-
senger department of the .Atlantic and Pacific road at alt. Lop,a.- Then, after a
year of tuts *i.bodiiug had proved his fitness. he was pf01110ted 10 the auditor's
department cud le
secretary to the pteu
attaining the dignity
elected vice-president. \
In the two latter Positions \Ir. Hays represent
on tbe boards of tbe varioue coin pies in which his r
of Sir Charles Rivers 111
at $25;UUu a year wall a fiv
f health; it needed heroic t
ed, and Jett surgery work in
armbers of the staff.
to the geueral a i rtii ehdeht's °true. front ISia-Sri be was
rat manager of two Lag roads. then general manager. later
general wauager of the 1abaah system and in ISV4 was
his company as director
was interested. In Jan-
a he war made general
years' contract. The
talent -strung tonics
he way of cutting
uary, 1896, through the eff
manager of the Grand Trun
road was in a debilitated State
quickly arid properly adman*
expenses and amputating useless
Mr. fiays Lunde it clear that, as he vats to lar responsible for nits, he must
be free to select his own means to. •rodule them. Hr was not to puppet nor
4 ofDirectors
ul tbt Board m carrying
r figure -bead. Ile must have thes ,rt
out what he decided the road heeded. is the (fraud fount had to sleet American
competition. it must wire its way by re goring nod applyiig 1nu,Main .•ethode.
The English acberue of operating did not it the .ItuauIoh; the rued needed a risk.
vigorous. clean-cut business system. witlt, e..mhar at tradition all removed. • Mr.
Bays preset -Ibis.' this and he sew that th.• rdiciur was administered.
Old bridges that should Tong Ireton. hive . •en put a r, the retired list were take
down, and modern steel bridges subatlttd.• 1 •• road was double -tracked; primi-
tive back -number rule" and r gulatiura were y so its o alined Ly' introducing the
Standard Rules in force in the States; the road-, is wen brought up to concert
pitch; the rolhug stork made the later ..and best, slur, trains va-ne displaced by
tut -flyers; tbi• road was transformed -impel a sn uiway to a railway: and trained Inen
took the places of the old men whose nor merit wag patience at the home office.
In 1901' Mr. Hays retired 'to accept the presoden of the v,uther Pacific;
but the position proving distasteful, he was again secure. for the grand Trunk and
is now busy with this road and his new project—the (Ara. Truuk Pacific H.R.
rr..a .....w..,e.c Ari et the rsrAmsat of C..W., r w roar awe. aq W r 11.ct 11 tb. D+o.n.,.s. at M•t.a..s
TOWN COUNCIL I N ie;• Iw rip; nutift d y thyi fouunc I law
To Council Grants More Petitions
to Granolith.c Walks --Extensions
of e Water Mains, Sewers and
Ligh ng -The; •Ins" and the "Outs'
Come • a Deadlock with Reference
to the ratalgar Street Walk -A
Heated ' •stage Between t h e
Mayor and ouncillor Blair.
The regular m
.council was held a
Inst, with all the rn
places with the erre
chlor Elliott. '
A letter front the town
to the effect that he had
to restrain M: A. Pigott
rutting through the north
the roadway at the harbor
ing until the roadway arms% t
hanktuent was put in pauper sha
traffic and that the injunction
been renewed for week. '
At the rcgnrat of ('01. McDounld
the Guelph tt Godet'ch Railway he en
• rlosPd a draft of as bylaw to close rip
Harbor lane and open Water torte.
and suggested that the town ; hould
require a !soul of indeinnity to pro-
tect it from the possibility trf having
to pity any datum/es, in connection
with the change.
A report from the engineer as to
the cast of at: extension of the watet-
works main inn Britannia; and Hay -
Held roads tai serve Mew,s. Mmt•ney,
I•:lltott, Hawkins and Postlethweite.
was that the cost would 1w ahout'11N11.
The. work was ordered to he pax -redid
with. the gentlemen named to sign n
proper ontlerttking to take the ,er-
vices tlo•y agreed to.
Anita het petition for an ex eosin,'
of t he waterworks came 114.111 rrsf
dents 11n 1'3v1'y81ree1' lel w.'.'n Wil-
liaii and Klir.rlwt1* streets. The .•n;
ginrel. reported the rust would hr
about $Ila, and the petition wase
granted' on the sane• twins ns the
,.t her,
fit ill ,t not her proposed extension
was to the Hingham property. the
Boat of w'hirh the engineer reported
would 1w ;shout $Y_':, This was not
acted on.
,lamir"in Heid wrote asking for
.'le•trie light connection for the new
I ater he is alerting an IAil3nnla road
and t he moral was referred In t he
engineer to report.
NI. i1..fuhndon, n•i•trl,tt ' Of the 1i.
N. 1\'. fair, wrote asking Ihr 1.' to fo
snake necessary repairs ad the A ri-
eiltural grounds in 1Ile wily of glass
for sum.. of the window's MIA the fix-
ing rip of the d.a.rs, fetwia, de., And
cls, Ihr Appps's.itlmeil of Ihr two
.penial ronstables for the days of the
fair. as was the usual custom. The
repairs were derided on and the ap-
',ointttlent of the ronslahle' WW1 I.•f(
with the chairman of the ti. N. W.
lhl Nor. Hlair's mot tam the clerk was
asked to prepare a list of the expanse
the limn had tweti at .in rn •,-Linn
with the eniprtahuneit of the Essex
Fusiliers and the Hnitfah howlers. '-
A t•equisili.n for six pairs of heats
and a cut for the 11rr brigade rias re-
ceived and .Nr. tilde nmovrd 11131 the
clerk prepare n list of the supplies the
fire hi -ignite hid lawn fut'niahet with
the past two years before any action
was taken, Mr. V g ee milel the
ttot.inn, which was passel.
A letter from Engineer Hulwrls of
the 1:. A 11. Railway. with reference 10
the hart.„ hill crossing, state) that
the work wt,.ih1 he done in arcordanee
with the r•giirements of the railway
set, that 31rnc• would 1w cnn.tt•nrtp,l
on hath Mud.•g of the bridge. that six
inches of metal would he placed on
the etiPwi.kmeta, hut. In view of the
ptwaent haul .,,nditdon of the etulwnk-
tnent the company thought it not in
tate town's inter -eats to do the work
just now, but in cam. of rain would
ing of the town
Friday everting
tnh•rs in their
ion of Conn
olicitor was
vken steps
Co. ft'o111
.rt inn of
e edi.
dit ao and continue it until completed.
Smite of the council ry tl ght it
would 1a• ,t g•mtd plan a have part of
the roadway gravelled, a d on tion
of Councillors Sallow.. a 1 Clark it
was dei i.led to ask the tai ay com-
pany to wave! a portion t Ise feet
wide. The Intal Width at th top of
the embankment was given as htrty-
Ilitre fret.
Councillor. Sallow,. had plana o bit.
proposal for it cement walk down his
Medan hill on the north side.
idea is 10 hare the walk in leve•
streiches with n few steps between
each pair of level portions. The
Mayor thought the matter should be
deferred until it was seen what the
council might think should he tion.' on
the Harbor hill ,after the railway work
was cnlupleteil. He thought it would
Iw necessari to reduce the grade at
the top of the hill by bringing the
rnuttnencement of the incline lack to
about the next rooter, at Mrintosh's
restaurant. Mr. Blair suggested a
walk leading up from the C. P. R. sta-
tion, round the point 'of the harbor
park and up into the pork. The mat-
ter Was finally left with the chairman
of the Nada. works ramnaitt.'P 10 call
a meeting on the ground ant lix,k in-
to the matter.
The matter of it sidewalk across the
harbor hill crossing was left with Ow
chairman 11f the public works commit-
tee to take the uuttner up with the
ilwmy o pane. Engineer Peterson
h ting staled the a pang would do
an •thing rra'.mahle.
H forting to the-np•ning of Water
Lane, 11r. Blair expressed the opinion
that t e ,4!'"t there world Ile of no
nor tot a town, and thought the rail•
way "int uty might ars well be asked
to pay 1 r. town the cost of opening
the street A 11 leave it rllo.rd.
A rattiest from .1. S. Howrie for
water extensi n to the new house he
is ere. 1 ing 0 Elgin aveime was
granted, the, en inert. reporting the
cosi as iat.,ttt 1;„lil,
Wm. Dickson wote asking the
council I0 ppinvid.' him with Ihree
loads al Barth to till t the new salts, -
walk that had br.•n ha'd outrage -the
trees pa•1 his plan. \t .notion was
An ;utilising feature of t .' meeting
rain•• rip In r•onteciian with petitions
with trivia -nee tit the lim•ati, t of the
walk on Traf,itr -i Set. ll .' pati -
tion asked for the walk insi the
trees and anal her wanted the alk
outside and in n couple of emt.P' he
rantP names were on hot h petit in ..
Patt1,•1 hard. Martine ing, At
\Wet. Blake spoke itt Mane of th.' walk
inside the love" next the It'nces and
H. 1'. Miming• it summit of the
other petition. The'ignahlres to Ihr
first wee.• as follmv•:: Patrick Ford,
Janie% 'tV11'.in. Michael O'Rielly,
Marlin Cummings. %'illi.ant Make,
Mr, liallatp h,. r. 11. 'Pittard, 1'harint1.'
Omen, Atihir lbeltl•lon, •Apt hoar
Townsend, Airs. %'tn, (titnin haus,
Mrs. Carrie, John Dean ; while the
'ettian for ile walk mit side the trees
tad ill' following signatures: H.
NI ' gs. A. M, Jane. .las. W411011,
Rin. Arheann, .las, McCracken,
Stephen Sint her., (i. A. ('seri., .1,
Holland, Wnf, Holland. %'lit. Stew-
art, .la., Hetgie, Andrew William-
son. A. NI. Todd, Win. Knight. H.
Cunningham, Mrs. Mannings,
lotte (sereno Mr. \lunuingw railed
arrear' to the fret that the council
had already ogreei'10 pal the milk
uilsale the law. from Nf,trth street to
Victoria stare, and he thought the
whole street should be tinifarm.
unrillnrs 111110'111111 M311011s vel
in favor of having the walk outside
the trees on both •id.•a of the street
and 1'amu•illat. 1'lirk and Young in
favor of having the walk on the Inefdr
of Ihr trews from Virtora' street In 11.
1'.,ttnrd's un niroint of a drain. Mr.
001dtharp• voted to have the walks
outside the ite,s and the Mayor voted
the other way, tanking a tie vole.
Roth motion And amendment were
loot on tine division, And .'tns...p leatly
no decl.lon nava come to in the matter.
A petition from residents of Hritan-
nisi toad from Smith 141.11411. 1.0 Water.
11x, streetasked for the construction
of is Naval. This was referred to the
politic works rnmmf'•e", s1re•t in-
bpa•r1ot anti t 11 ort' w,th power.
l'br water and holt committee rec-
uueuended that tenders 1a• asked for
ext twining- and hark- tilling for a
%cadet 111.1111 lit l'am6rir roild, about
tali tort, that tin itcatdeaeent light iw
phial at the north end of Mulnatudd
street. t the clerk write Ili.' O.
R., asking whv A lank i. not installed
on the li.'1'. H. water arrow,• for en-
gine., that too menial waa
the piwn'Iit un tote application
light on Nelson street beta aril North
aril %'sorted« -tie•le, th.tl the peti-
tiut. for water ulaills on Hi axon t
Itt*4l Iw 1efrltrd to the engineer to
repoI, that the council arrept the
tender either of F. B. Habitee lir Hobt.
Elliott for coal, The tepom•1 was
amended 1.y accepting F. H. Hohuet
tender ;anti Ness then aadoptel.
Gat. Halle( lentler.'l fur cement
foundations air the tw''i cannon Witt
the haul nt $27, but no it'•lian was
H. J. Lamb, Guyer 'nt engineer
in clone:.• at 1.0ud,.n, writ.• a4kiug for
a'wiuntM of the o.unt,•i•'s r•silution .If.
feline to supply electatcik piiW.•t• for
lighting the outside Iar•akw•ale• if the
lara timeum wail.' lay the cable, iu,
order that the wart 11,ilIl1t lir' prod
erected wiih at once. A- tat formai
1r.alu:ti11 11.14 ;Is yet l,'en passed,
Messrs. 131.,ir and Vanua 'ed to
that tart, t. -
l'he Dext platter to come up wags the
prop...tl ter the .•stahlishrltem of a
c trriage fae'tory in (i.tderich. H. 1\'.
'rhour..in, \\ . A. \IiKim Auld .1. A.
Walker were resent no the intrust
of the pi -..posed company. Mr. '1'1
w011 figi14111rd that the intention Wats
10 copy' the factory of the Husltnd
Carriage Co.„ Stratford, rtoure lir les,.
:\ letter from the architect of the
Stratford factory ,•toted that the
building was ti three alar}}• one and
rust $•ri,(1a1, with a:vamp ad.iitMoat for
mitehtnevy. About slaty hands were
employed at this factory. .11r. Thous.
aria said to ptupao.il wets In folio a
routpa.nt• with $241,0ut1 01- $C1-:,11,11 stile
ecrilad before at salting was door.
Theo were askirta the town for a pain
of $211,1100. repayable with interest,
the payments to rouaurn.•.• in three
year.. Nlr. %',,lker aid he thought
the prtr.pee•ts were oast for •nth ,in
industry herr, A11 cal riagg.. factories
were behind in their orders and Ire
thougut Gialetirh was splendidly %nu-
tted to raphe.• a share of the No
1w,.t trade. He would like t,%tailtl
with tWent to
r work
yr hitt) • iron and t rk
up, It wvs proposed to capitalize the
company at $11111,1111.
The (matter was 1.41 with the Mayor
and Councillor ('lark' to have a bylaw
Some show of heat developed be-
tween the Mayor and Councillor Blest•
a result of the question Gotta thelat-
te motto upon whitsr•otde:a it was that
the owilfgs at the .corner of Victoria
and miiton streets were - place) .its
they w e. \lr. Blair ....intended that
the ream ion of the council was than
there was a he it crossing in a 'line
with the \' Iona street walk and
that the prase • t arrangement would
neret.sitate a ge at deal of, tilling in
with gravel and t • changing of +./'lir
of the catch basins. Tilt. .Mayor said
be had expressed his (inion that the
wav the walks w.'t•e bat was the hast
and said that niece Alit i ten of the
pnhlir'thonprht sn flam had given
nn nrdrt't, 11 t000h, to have he .t4r,s-
ings placed as tbe'y have been.
A n,.w• ratifies fr residents of
Brta•k steer( asaial for the stdew•ailk to I
bet carries a block farther than rt first
asked for, taking it through front
Apert street to Victoria ti reel,
insid.• the trees. The petition war
A walk on the south side. of St. Pat-
ric•k's street, from Waterloo street to'
Colborne street, outside the trees WAS
petitioned for and granted.
Another petition, for a walk on the
West side of %Wellington street from'
Britannia road to St.' George's, cres-
cent, five fret wide, outside the trees,'
was granted, rind a walk of the rant
side of %Waaterloo street ftum l nllannt•
sleet to the steps leading down the
hill w•as decided on, a petition having
hero reeeiyed for the construction of
one as far as Caledonia terrace and
the council deciding to continue it to
the lank.
Another petition was for a walk*
the moth side of Anglesea street from
Cambria ro,td to Victoria street,
five feet acid.'. The , pet ittonet'
Weltltet the walk inside the trees,
but the council decided to grant
the petition and place the walk tatt-
sl.le itt,' ii -pt..
bulet `Rosati WA% 1.ie..'ttt Slid ad-
dressed the darnel! -with tele•enrr ti
continuing the walk (talo th1'.'ud tit
Victoria street to the jail and also
with reference 111 placing a1 rateli basin
on the town side of the jail 10 (Act. ,i(r-
fare water into the sewer. This he
maid had ►ern decided on Some years
lig'. but not carried out. Hr could
supply prison labor for pint of the
work 1t it was don.' right away. A
Ill11tiun was paused authorizing the
cot iitie hon of the cement cros'ing
across Napier street and the other
Matter was tefetred to this engin...a'
and public. works committee with
Resolutions were passed .that the
Elgin avenue walk lw connected with
K ing"l t.tl e1 reel. by .'rowing at right
angles acrotis Elgin avenue. then
across the (tont of a hi: aid then At
right angles aerosis %avoiris street to
Kingston street, and that with Jeefer-
Pnce 10 the crossings on 1 he east side of
Vivaldi. street in no ca., shall there
itt• more than three cr"..ings on any
street inteesrctiun and so far an pas.
t.ible all such crossing, should lead 111 -
wards the town. •
M.'ptenler Hth was .rt AP the day
for a c1«lt•t nt recision an connection
with lite gi•anolit his walks decided on.
0 ' o t .. o
Ant n pas passed t ,ulrerlise
for trotters fiir the market fees and
then by-law 15 ,of this. year came up
and was given two resoling•. This is
file hy''Inw ht clow• up Harbor 'street
and open Water lane, The bylaw was
then referred to a coituoitfee, consist-
ing of the Mayor ,and Councillor.;
Young and Blair. a
The council ad jotirned,'at 11 o'clock.
I St. Croix, N. B., Sept. lv.—lSpeeiall.
' No matter what town or city you
I turn to you will always flntl over
whelming evidence forthcoming of
'the ultd.nhted merits ttf Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills in coring all c«ars of kidney
trouble. Herr is evidence from St.
('roix, where Miss Elsie J. Allen
1 writes and says:
•'1 would like you to publish tnv
, case for the hwneft 'of other sufferer's.
' 1 was attacked with kidney trouble,
1 weakness, pain, in the hark and was
Irk 1'
Both a Toilet Soap
and Complexion Soap
Fo- 1
3 cakes
a rake,
\'ou get two soap.
in onc—
e-Ice of
"Royal Crown
=~ ' Toilet Soap
_ t
as t- ci 'm er = tip Its rich., creamy lather
penetrates t!'t • pc-, - tc..s th:- skin—leaves that
delightful fccl•r,g Air coo'ries and cleanliness that only
the'purest and fi..,e'.t ..`t -taps an.
And ,here 13 tttc• W'•'•tch- Iia ed —soothing healing
tah,e away reds ss and roughness,
alta': skit in -ration, a•:.l Stake the col • flexion beautiful.
loc. a cal::—v,ortt. 25c. to every an or woman
who caiuci a hcaithful, clean skin,'
t,'..t that peer Primal gives you " R•yai Crews" -Esttl
DesKl'o Desk
is only another w y of saying " Ambition. " We all are
ambitions—wee all •ant to reach the top, but if the first
few rouge in the la der of success are missing, it's pretty
hard to get a foothold, 'sn't it 1
Begin right and a end the foaesr Cin• Rt clvttaa &
SIIORTIIAND Cot.t.paa. thing is taught that is not needed
in business life. The rung are all in OUR ladder, and when
you graduate you stand alon /fat a firm foundation.
Business and Shorthand w k our specialty.
Write for our catalogue ; it . free.
School term : September till J ne, inclusive.
Forest City Business College
J. m, vPSTISPVPLT, Prsw.•I
Y. N.O. A. ■1de., Lsnd.w,
Our dress depart merit ii slut•fat complete with the leading nrw makes and colors for the fall season,
i)tr.s tweet. Nom a5 cents up to the tiniest novelties it tweed effects. The following seasonable linea
are teprwarntr,l iu our asstrLtuent, lath in cid, as and hlarkA. broadcloths, venetians, poplins, satins,
cool►t's, sri'ln- clr,•t1"1., hem lei la.. c,t.hmrn•., hl.ltra, plaids, clans, tartans and Fermat segos.
Auterir,e, Empire twins, hig rang,. of Silo--•.
only 1.1 ,rut«, great value,
Krnhroiderrd Dooms, in light ran
shades Ou,
%Wool, 111.11 a ripe,. Very rater and =n,
bemitiful colorings lll
Conor mud see the McKinnon coat, taught
just lakt week. newest demigtts in the market,
colorings choic.' • pt•ires 1 Si 0 r,$, 5
1'ratews.',tell $5,“$9.50
greys, newest makes ,
Our stuck is Iarver and more attract ivr than ever before.
Corner Hamilton Street and Square
thoroughly inn down. 1 atarte'd tak-
ing Dodd'+ Kidney fills and they did
sir so nrt('b goad :hut in a little while
1 tt'ns quite well and now 1 ant sito11g
and healthy as 1 ,•,old wish to
Corrugated Galvanized
Iron RoofingaadSiding,
179 King Street East,
The prier of beef eattlethronghont the
Itnt i.h.) ,,,pit, has dropped a notch or
tan, and •onrynently Racal price. ate
. down. 'RP are no...itpot iia all Put -
1. at lower price-. while the quality ia to
good, if not b -torr them rtrr. Me
LEAN'S MEA'L' MARKET handle. an
kind. of moat., pulmo, He.. and, t.blle
thanking the partite for their liberal
ptmaugr, we -.holt n tnntlnnat1,-P of_
1 ornrr t., -e st. amt >yn,,r.' Ilal'rich.
Hardware Supplies for Fall
Nails, locks, hinges, bai'ndoor hangers,
etc., etc. A full litre of builders'
Shovels, spades, and allinds of farm
and garden tools. -
IP1ali41 tltsle,3t oE'iltc.
s, vatlliShes, w !te-' lead.
See our Pocket Pottery --keen goods
at keen'priciel.
Robertson's Ready -mixed Paints are the Pest
We are agents for Goderich
The Hardware Store, West Street.
Nex ` Post Mice,
Our 6o Days' Sale is now expired and in order to
still reduce our stock lower we have decided to extend
the sale for
15 Days only, Commencing
Monday,- September 10th.
We have still plenty of goods to select froth suitable for the coming; season and at
prices that the. shrewdest buyers cannot but recognize as -GENUINE Iiargains. If you have
not as yet helm out to our sale, conte next week, and be convinced for yourself that this is
the place to hey good honest goods at Bargain Prices. -
have some special 1'alnes'to offer at the coming sale in the following lines, viz.:
Ladies' Furs Consisting of Huffy, Stoles.
('aperines, Etc.
One Crate fancy (ierman China ; One Case of Underwear, and Five Cases
BOO'i•S and SHOES.
All the above mentioned have ,just arrived.
just a wo1•d of explanation how and why these Goods are herr, and on sale'—Last
May we gave orders for the above named goods to be delivered Sept. 1st, the China pack-
age being all import order. 'Rhe Furs, knots and Shoes, etc., were made rip in accordance
with oar special order. It was only fair and right that we accept them, so our loss in this
transaction will be yo1 ,a i, providing
you avail yourselfof.this opportunity.
The ('hinaware consists of' some very useful articles which would sell in the usual wad
from 2/5 to u(lc. each, 0111' sale price 1(l, 1 5 and 2:'c.
Boots and Shoes.
doubt you art' well aware of the pn•esent advance in these lines. Remember they
were hop 'ht at the oleo prices, and will he sold at Genuine Bargains.
Ladies' Furs.
Are you g 'ng to want anything in the above line this fall and winter ? If so, jiist
conte a1111 ask to ee these goods. Have a good assortment to select from.
Remember, it
show goods. Also, do not forget that our stock in general it; still
is only a pleasure
wall ngsortell, and e , - ially you will find our
Grocery Department
To contain a good selection of Fresh, New and I'p-to-(late Goods at very ('lose Prices.
in conclusion, let tis thank our many customers and the puhlic in general for their
liberal patronage during our past sale, and trust that each and every one will make
special effort to come to nor 15 Days' Sale.
I am your obedient servant,