HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-13, Page 3111Ailtisit.ssi able drivere in charge of, the 'Buses, which will meet all train a and 'avant hn at REASONABLE nrrt '1'14 14; l+I( .Al, : (:, till f:?, Xews 6f the Sistriet. Blyth', tax rate for RUNS it 21 wills. The tax rate in kit. Marys will be 24i Wille this year. Dr. and Mrs. Fowler, oft \Viughaw, have 1eft. fur California, Dr. J. K. M. (torsion has returned to Ripley and will tesuwr his practice Ora r. The new high school at Wingham was opened lust week with 112 pupils u atteidauce. U. McNaughton has disposed of his business at Varna and will have shortly fur the We ,t. Forty-three students-lweuty-uipe gide r and fourteen boys s -are attend- ing the Clinton Model School. A the In W. J. Oalbraitll's clothing .ate, Clinton, resulted in the de- struction of the stock by r kt and water. Mr.. Coulter, who had been teacher of the primary department of the Seaforth public school for nearly a Everyone Run Down depreuxi-wilt headaches, u.Jg•atlon, eoosips. two. bu14, to:rooms. scrofula or other results of impure blood - cm find speedy relic( r Mlra elesd Tonic. k draw. out the poison from the blood sad toots up Kumar. Iowa, Wails and bowels. k- co ons the medirmal Purr. irk. palatable- a virtues of tu.wve herb. mush aA n • natural wane! wo the syisem.. Fwe, $1 a bugle -6 far $5. At dcus-gores -or hum 1 he Masao' Co. 01 Canada. Limited. F:amtltort-Toromo. fie J.., to get :a,err...,.,e--dal/or quarter of a century, has resigned ou account of ill -health. The Kincardine Horticultural So- ciety recently held its tenth annual exhtbitiou, which was attended with gratifying success. Ou Thursday last the 114r1 iage took pplace u( \V. Leonard 'l'aylor and Miss Hel.ecca, daughter of Mr. and airs. Henry Carter, of Tuckerswith. 1 Iain Snyder died al his hutue on the 2nd concession of lit/wick no Thurs- day, August alit*, after un nines. of several week's of typhoid fever. At Winthrop. on iVrdnesday of last week. Mies Martha. daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. S \V Shannon, f o' Inlhr•op, was united in mart iage to tieorge H. Love. John Moor, who for the past five years had been a resident of Blyth, Irf last week fur Ailsit Craig, %•here he hits purchased a bakery until confec- tionery ,husines., The departure of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Powell to take up their ieeidruci ill Turouto removes front KiIWadllte two very- estimable people ohm will be greatly Missed there. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Sauble lirir, Hay. On Welluen. try,'September 5th, their daughter, Mis. Pearl, became the wife of Morris Brenner, sin of Joseph Brenner, Grand Bend. The mart 'age of Miss Lillian Linty, set and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Oras, tot 'sli•rl• of headwall, Mid now of Toronto, ro Hanrld \V, Price, H. A., Sc., took plate on Wrdurst y, AU ash 24101. at the Ilona. of the b1 i V.• pang euts, 11➢t B:ltlis,i '1 street, '1'„r int . The nrtl•riage 111. alias \eller Tbuuusem. daughter o1' Jlr. nd Nits. 1\'alter. 'I'I son, of ••holt wood,' Mitchell, ' to \Villi,wl Me , tills Martin. B. A.. banister. of Ke - gine. Sark., rein of Her. V. M. Martin, 8: D., of Est 1er, is announced to take place ik KIInx church, Mitchell, on %Velnrattty, September 2tilh. Food Valu Mooncy's Perfetion Cream Sodas are crisp squares of wholesome nourishment. They are the food that builds strength and muscle. The arc as easily slly ligated by the child and invalid as bythe sturdyworkman. y contain ALL the food properties of finest Can. d.an wheat floor, in a form uh t delights the appetite. /•.1%vsys frc.h and crisp in I! t r:,'.'.isttlrc-proof packages. At a!1 grecs. s in their k, !lien pakagea 1 Back to the old reliable riiHE\- ere joining hark and it w•ili alw•i,y. ie • en• dih1V11t• t11 reerve 11111• rust i111PIN ro the Lest of oar totality in any- thing they need in the line of Heating and • Plumbing, Eav'est roughing, Roofing- and (leneral Repair Work. Prompt service and satisfaction guaranteed. \\ e at snit, nget)ts Ihit v. ,n again for those etlebrnted (food Cheer and Penn -Esther Ranges and Heaters. 1..•:,•e your orders early and avoid t rush. 'Phone R. PINDER`' NO NEW BLADES. NO ANNUAL TAX. 1f you wish to test ono of those Rizors without RISK or OBLIGATION on your part, apply to ue for details I 40 0 N C• ‘nO PVICP4 Carte- �e1~ silo Pair i■ Leather case u'ss Mita Caeca." 52.4 Ise atevy /Nerds "i'arM,-Maynel it }:Inst i, f 'nxh l.,n ',trap•. 21.00 Pres tlMkMl "filets le Shaven." �eby ' HAS. C' L (inderich A pretty wetting was relrbratel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Web- ber, of Neilsen. on Septriulwai 5th, when their daughter, Lora J., hs$anue the bride 111 James H. E min, of London, (hit. The ceremony was performed by Hee. Mil.. S h. After the welding trip Mr. and Mr„ h:muions will reside in London. \ about sixty friends anti retitiye:. A Morris township corers{ lent \ her the nuptial knot was securely .aye : "Reeve Taylor will seek re -ler 'ed the guests mut down to it supper tion at the * owing ••pal i•he•tloan ich reltected great credit upon the ,and will pi•ulwhly Xeellee the seat by ho tees. The i.*rrrual decorating of acclamation after having fought it the cruse exhibited uun•h talslefulneas. nil Inst January. Thr probability is, heir of flowers and myrtle. After bat the whole council will go in with- supprk an interesting impromptu pen- t opposition, as they are managing- g as rendered by eleeutionary hominess carefully and reouuw- v as far as the writer is aware.' afternoon. She was in her ordinary health during the early part of the afteruouu but wan token with par- alysis, and although medical aid wits suusuuuei flow Ouderich nothing gave her relief. She leaves unr sun, and was a sister of Messrs. John and Charles Ridout. Wedding in East Wawaseeh. At the home of Mr. mud MI•a. John Menzira, East Wawauush, un Wed- uesday, September 5th. their duugb- ter, Miss Lizzie, was united hi roar., riuge to 1.1 ,kart McOce, a proapst•uus among farmer of the asawe township. 1 he ceremony was perfut wed I.y Hey. J, J. Hastie, of Belgt•ave, iu the spac- ious lawn, and was witnessed by up- wards of our hundred guests. Atter the wedding dinner the happy couple drove to \Viughauu and took the train shorthoneymoon r to Toronto for a trip. Ou their return they will take up housekeeping on the groom's (Attu in East `it%%A o.h. Sturgeon Committed for Trial. Samuel Sturgeon, arrested in con- nection with the outrage upon Eliza•l beth Bradley, with the McLeod Mothers, who are still at huge, was committed for triad at Kincardine last week by Magistrates Joseph B.u•krr and Me Kenzie, and when hail was suggested it wits rifux•d, on the ground that the offen::e.w,is too seri- ous. Miss Bradley le,'uuited the patheti- story of the assault on Aug- ust 5.. Several times she broke down when cowing upon parts of the story which accentuated the villainy of the • i' 'er s pat wa- ' r tw taco. b sw rI t 7 p y extruded to het• by the court and counsel. Her small brother, who wit - w•ith her on the 1.ight upon which the assault was committed, also gave' testimony, end arb..tantiat.ed the story of his siaiee. Following the. taking of t`*e ('.'o vu's evidence Stun Kenn utas usked what he haul to say,' and tie replied that he had nothing• The magistrate thereupon committed hila for U iatl and be will come up lit 1\'afkerlun at the next assizes. Bowbrick-Tindall • Nuptiils. The home of C. Hoare. nr.tr ('linto;l. was Abe. scene of a very pretty wed- ding n \VeJnrslay, S.-pteiitlwr 5th. his nil r, Miss Arinanrlla Sophia Tin- dall, het g united to Arthur J. Bow brick, Ha tilt minister of Olen Fwru. `laskatcbri\•;tn. The rrrr y wit. performed fan the lawn beneath itis evergreen art•b, by the Hey. F. Swann, of Holmrsville, in the areselu'e of icat Jo. h l'obhbdick and family have ter to make their future home •y. Previous to their del srt- ubhheliek w'as waited 1111 by f the \Vuwan's atis.i11mtr3)• presented with an ail- par•se of money. Mts. at ked and was granted permission . resent the 'y tit the Kitimat I -I . lr, Hriti+h tot Dia. Death of Mrs. \arvie. Kincardine. On Wednesday.. ptemher .ith, the death of airs. \\'ut. arvir .t a itrted at her home in Ki reline. Mrs. Harvie Mid been i11 .1'mnue time, hating underggone leu .I •atio11" for causer. Th. deceased wit e eldest daughter of H. T. Horde • id Wail thirty-eight years of age. Business Change at BI eft EX 1 cit a K crr 11111. the I ire. Sticiel 111 dress a l'obblidie a raw a n d usual talent. cialspie tttttts among t e ringer's Icing the Messrs. Tindall, o Carlow. and Thus. Radcliffe, of Auburn. Among the guests were Mr. and M Chapman. of H. C. Mr. and Mrs, 1. '. Richards, of Brie i . r • Mr. and s Bakerof filth a Mr. Snell, of F. 'coedit.: J. Anderson, of St. Anruatine ; G. Tindall, of ('h;t• hark: Mr. and tsi. Rohn. Slitter, Misers Carr, Mr. n1 d Mrs. \Vighttitan. from Blyth, and t her friruds from 1•arious parts. The'., wielding march was played 11V (ieol.r Flal'ker, Ite- gina. Thr bride w•ats intidy attired in a cream silk dress•i ed with point d'esprit and ritlon, and rallied a bouquet of while 114 rs. Little Misr ('ora Ethrlwyu l'hapfl n. i•iuvin of the bride, was a phalli... a Hower girl. Moser A Sun, of Blyth, ha •e posed of theit• hat dame buatl ss to McPherson Bros., of London. . Moser had been iq talsinesr in Blyth crr thirty-two years. Hr will not too from town for a while but will coot iuu his coal busineca there. Will Mixer may take a position as traveller in the West. Barn Burned near Belgrave. A barn on the farm of Thomas lirydgrs. near Iielgrave. was destroyed by tire a few days ago.' ,'Ils eshing was joist commencing. when the straw' an the lain took fire and the Barnes spread so quickly that the separator woes destroyed liefot•e it could he re- moved. Me. Brydges lost all his seanon'i crop• as well err the other con- tents of the barn. Seaforth Man Drops Dead. George Whitely died very suddenly at his home at Seaforth on Monday morning. Ile was preparing to sit doern to breakfast when he fell from his chair. expiring instantly. He was itppatently in good health, death be- ing clue to r spoons of the heart. De - ..rased was a well-known horseman. and was about sixty years of ape. He leaves a widow, two .eine and a da•lgh- I el'. Oti Wednesday „afternoon of last week the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'fluor. Winghanr. was the arose of happy event, the wi.thling of their daughter, Nliss Emily Bertha Jobb, to and popular young man of %%Ingham. lite r et y wits pet formed by Rev. T. S. Boyle. and the ;isnot festivities reside in Winghant 11111.141.11. )-4.. I' 1 a =mw•miirsi •/r • iii ,1 f I!ssas_� _. ::IIe' • • I LLON J• NGL -,TAY FENCE 1"157 4 15. 1511ua 1115115 alar r.n,r a .. 11 nu N. memo. .raw .ars 4400.1es 5a . en5 n a••. easels ••••••41k 140•107 140•107 ,M.• ••m4, .n 5,,.11 e' wont". .WI., we. 111n4 „s,.1 - ',.lar.. ea. --41•4 .east, waeN w .T"1.'f 3l4• I1 it for sale by J. NiCHOLSON Fire Near Zurich. The Hue tank barn of Jacob Koeh- ler, • *Hilt' south of 'Zurich, was burned to the ground last Saturday morning. The season's threshed grain, with hay nod straw, isa total loss. Implements and stork saved. Mr. Koehler noticed smoke pouring opt through the roof at 14 oclock, in the morning. The origin of the fin, is a mystery. The 1.,, 1. heavy ; _ in - mitred in the Hay Mntoal. Poisoned by Canned Fruit. A former Exeter lady, Mts. 31 )hn H. Nash, air inulin, diel rer.nt1y nit the result. it Is siippimed, of eating cannel rhimhle'Isert'ies. She pat•tnok fteel r of the berries for sapls•t and took violently ill soon after end died Ihp following morning. Mrs. it;nsh wvle the dotny hter of Mr. 11111 Mrs. 4. Fan• son, of Exeter. and urns not quite twenty-five. yearn of mgr. The re. !Melillo were taken to Exeter for In• torment. Seaforth Banker Wedded. 11n Satorlay, Septembet• 1st. et Tnnmto, H. 11. Birk. ao'c11nntant. In the Senforth bt•anr•h of the 1h.minion Bank. woe united in m:uriage to Miss Mary (Irser, daughter of !Wilton T. Mheppard. of Toronto. The erre toony was solemnized at the ehnh+h of St. Nary the Virgin by Het. Archdeacon Hill. nnele of the grout, assisted by Rev. A. Hart, reefer of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Black hate taken tip their residence In Seaton h. Death of Toronto Lady. HOT WEATHER DEBT How to Protect Oneself Against H - t, Fatigue, and Summer Di Il y people are w. easily a by thof weather as to be capal but liit work during the sunt onthi. Inquiry among this a iss i11 show that in, nearly every n st ace there 's a1 weak moo utar•h a d mo or less • (digestion. Put t lige tive ortpin right by usinjt Alto. a rtiniiaeh lets and the sow= tiler ti a will prove ,the pleasantest, most d irable and enjoyable season of the yea One lift Mi-o-na tablet before each weal will ive you life• vitality, energy and , ynical endurance during the heated t rut aand ward el the ordinary dims.. s of summer. MI ,-nit is not lin cutin y summer tunic r digestive. it is n t tie strengthener the digestive rytte , building up the organs to perfect he Ith and vitality by curing the iudi . ,tion and .ib- nolntely removing al pains and dis- tress in the stomach, pecks before the eyes, sick and nerco s headache, and other symptoms that come front a weakened stotmarh. :11i -n -nit makes positive a lusting cures and is sold tinter an hsnliate guarantee that it will cure all 1 'seines of the stomach, except. cancer, i ' the money -- ilk•, per Ieix -- -will be re- ttinded. For sale by all denters. The R Booth Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Consistent. "Jl:uie, enn't yam play tennis 11•i111 - nut making all that noise?" ••Now•, ma. who in the world eret beard of anyone's playing 1t'nuis with out 1', icing a racquet"- Balli111n Amen icon. Clinton New Kra: Mrs. Cole. wife of Henry Cole, Toronto. who wit. spending the immune' with friends who were camping nn the l lake shorts died rather unexpectedly y WONDERFUL PROORSSS. Saskatchewan Filling Up Five Time* Quicker Than Did Manitoba. Rev. Oeu'te Loyd. Archdeacon of the Diocese of Haskatc I:ewan, was In Win- nipeg re•'•entiy arranging with the rall- w.y :utl,uratlrs t..r sates for churches and sections along the Vries. Seventeen new m• 0 have gone to work ht the dl'.- ceie during the present year, and twen- ty crr-thirty more wi.i be required dur- ing the balance of the year. The Influx of new seders Into Fas• katchewan 1. decisred by the archdea- con to be five times es rapid as it was In Manitoba at a eorresponding period In Its hist:ry, and sj far as population Is concerned the work done In Mani- toba In twenty-five years is to be dune In Saskatchewan in five. "We have in the diocesef Sas- katchewan an area of 260,000 square miles.' Bald Mr. 1.10d. "Three years aro the diocese tsar wholly an Indian one. the largest In the Dominion and one of the largest In the woad. As an Illustration of the wonderful progress made since 1903 I may say that une half the tcurk of this great area la n.r.,• white work. North Lf the Saskatch- ewan the work as among the Indians, but south id the river ft Is now all white. "The town of Lloydminstsr, founded In 11103, has grown r'umpact. It is a flourishing town of 0u population, and is one at good appearance. As an il- lustration of the gruv:th of the colony I may say a couple of years ago it you went out'twenty miles from Lloyd- minster you would come to virgin pratrle, where there was no habitation. Now you can go out a hundred miles and there ars stall the shacks of set- tlers. They are not numerous, but every mile or two you will come to a new location and a breaking. The immense amount of advertlslag of all kinds that the colony got In England has resulted In Ltoydminster becom- ing the lumping -off place for a Very large number of Brutish people- It we are to minister In our dlecess to the people to whom we shuuld as a church mlalster, the clergy ought within a few years W be as numaruus as the clergy aft the diocese of Rupert's Land - "This material condition of our peo- ple Is entirety satlsfaetury. Many of them have at present time from e0 to 100 acres In wheat, end when I saw 1t last It was looking magnificent. We have the finest awl In the world and farming In the dlstrlrt is nv longer an experiment. We du net expect to have a city like Winnipeg in a few year*, but we do anticipate a develop -men' of the rural districts which In rapidity of Im- provement will tar surpass that seen In the, Province of Manitoba, .ltd we be- lieve that in five years much of the work will be dope which occuplen a Quartet -of s century to Manitoba. " have put seventeen new men at weftIn the dloi•ese since Jan, 1 last and we need many more at the present tuna Our clergy are drawn from Pt. John's College, Wycliffe, In Toronto. the Montreal Theological College, and from England. and. Thr cull es a not g e eg r turning out sufficient men to supply our D ew missions. Of these missions there 1. no end. Little villages are already ',ringing up all along the new railways oft land much of which was entirely un- tonched a year ago. The prospects for the Y;:ngllsh settlers In the district are entir.• satisfactory. They are'1dcr�eas- tng In mbere with a rapidity of which very fe , even o western people are aware. an we are `endeavoring to pro- vide ehureea to the utmost of our ability." The Public is Often Faked. • large ;malts often teem t .nd corn raters "HA good 414 Putnam's" There Its only one genuine Corn Extractor moil that 44 Pitt noun's Painleee. whirh is 14 miracle id PM( ienry /Ind prompt- neas. l'se no other. Would Do For Omelettes. Two Irish/111'H driving threigh the coantry noticed that many of the barns had weathei varies tio the ',hare of huge roostet... "Pat." .utid ime mut to the tablet, "v:tn von tell toe why they alwevs base a rosier anal nivel. a hen on t he tie. iv thim harusr -Shire," replied Pat. "an' it must be became. av the difficulty they'd have in collecting the aegge." l'algary In the Good OId Summer Time. }:e err Molt lot?• but father !timber - It the .• , Sixty good round, dollar. }very' week hum. -he. for tato-. , Mother'. on the gad. 1.4eryl.5fy lo.,f- 1u:ununee Hut Pate old dud. u1rtetiler r., The Signal. t Tut. ks A1. septsmbu 13, 1906 7 andora Managed Like an Engine. One-third ore housekeeper s life is spent in her kitchen. One-half the labor of housekeeping i, at the cuok stove. Your range can double or halve the cooking slavery of housekeeping. A poor'range adds worry as well as work, and worry multiplies the housekeeper's care. Get a range that reduces the w o, k and eliminates the worry'. The Pandora Range is as easily and accurately managed as an engine- it responds to the touch as quickly and certainly as the huge engine obeys the hand of the engineer. The Pandora Range sates worry, and because worry kills, it prolongs life. Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Writs for booklet. e McCIary' London, Toronts, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancorgents Jetta. N.S. E. P. PAUL IN, GODERICH SOLE AGENT T$� Pima fort, 3, and 4 boas.,. In ia has made a great record throughout all l`anrds. Tuere are good reason* whtbl* is so. rlalaared right -- liar; not hump U. twpreted plate -luta and turu.,oi1 over. Mitehe. well Bark -Keay draught - This 11iak has several Imitators but no se mol. Nono geoulne without the naw* lill:r'F.LL." b'orSalo byAgents. Manu• factored by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. [:f1 J Ask for Booklet "K.'•• • • ,. '11:11.E) YOU i7 E- 1 PATErl;Q�1'S �rl'JII�E EDGE" ,, ,�, 1'1 It, 1 II I 1. lI, READY ROOFING It :s the one toe( that a; 114 ,t affected by beat and cold. It never Irak.--:aver hardens or cracks' is rain, snow and tire•pronf -and lasts a lifetime. Cheaper thou shiggle.. Vett will want it fur every building after you know how thoroughly 1.1 satisfactory it is. Our free booklet gives lots of information 'about it. Write for a copy and free sample of the best rooting in the world. Hardware dealers eveywhere sell .Paterson', "Wire Edge" or will get It for you. �ATERSON MFG. CO. Ltd. art l' t Meanest ace Toronto s i Great Specialists in Stomach Catarrh. Though often they fail 1.1 give even temporary relief, Mr. AV. (Seymour, of Iltintaville. Ont., cured himeelf with chronic catarrh of the stomach. 'There wise eonalnart nry h. I Was costive and restuslly nauseated before and nfter meals. I also had a gnawing nenaation in the stotniseta, Perrino/ye gave me great relief, rind 1 also used Conti-rhos/me, which Is good for ratan h. Although it. took a num- ber of Ix-oces F'crrow.ne. I got hack my health and today am quite well." For at stela e‘tarrh. indigestion and muerte. In a thousand oases it has proved wonderfol !wefts. Try It younallf, 51k; per box at alldealers. WORSELLS' The Stove and Hardware People invite you to see the largest stock of the most up-to-date Stoves and Ranges in Huron county. Huron Ranges have large ovens, perfect fire boxes and grates and are easy on fuel. Mr. Wankel', Ontletich. The Crown Ilion .n la re we. iitto chneed from 011 has given us ent ire . As n baker it is r oer- feet-aim. We can heartily mesa mil it to anyone needing thr bed kitchen range. Revert -mire. Sturdy's Groceries are always reliable.... 1Vee Hltd satisfart' in dealing out pore, fresh goods all our customer.. The ,Irak Is specially well assorted for the sunlutrr trade, and the t �uu•tieulau• wants of • patlsals will have prompt seri-irr. Fresh vegetables anal ft ilia in sweat. Phone 91 or call. STURDY & CO. The Square, Goderach J. BROPIIEY & SON 111- 1 1 tlll.11 funeral Directors and Embalmers hours, ,Ight or day \r\i\.. FHE BON -TON L'very and Hack Stables EAST STREET FINEST SERVICE IN TOWN. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE. finest turnouts in town are supplied these well-known stables. Carriages for every re- ittkiretilent and go oil ( 'awful Alrivers furnished when required. ul rails proinptly attended to. Walker & Augustine. 'Phone sr East street Livery. ant Ranges \ THE MOST ERFECT KING APPARATUS. Mr. it sell, linderie In nit -mei. ti your I' (miry I am National" I pitridiawil moo yro last fall gives great tuttisfection. am blighted with the oven as it **Kett •I lit 5. fuel 14111 I cook's even all aintinti. have every Reaper I fully yonre. Sont It rit rt. Our stove business has by selling the hest stoves rown to be the largest d selling them cheap. \ HARDWARE HARDWARE NEW LI VERY KNOX BROS. have opened a livery stable in t he ..‘tatut Newgate street op- posite t he Colborne Hotel and have titled it with New and Up-to-date Rigs, New Harness, and Good. Reliable Horses. All patrons are assured the lwst of nervier.. l'out pat ta imago. is Knox Bros. Opposite Colborne House NEWGATE STREET Telephone 173 ti N 1)111 RHOS. Livery, Hack 'Bus Stables Al.L CALLS4 ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY FROM HOTELS AND PRIVATE HOURE1.4 CIU N DRY BROS. warm smear ,raose nrry