HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-13, Page 22 TurRSUAy September 13, 1906
vANATTCH t RoliSRTlsos
Telephone Call No. x1
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Subscribers whir feu toreceive Ilex SIUYAI
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quaint -lug a+ of the fact at as early a arta a.
When a cb►ute of address 1e Out red. but h the
old and the new outdrew should be pveu.
Adwrttsing Rase .
• Legal and ether .hallo advenl.eweute, la,•
per line for fir.[ wsertiou cud tc per line to
each mubsnqueut iuwrllun. SMpsurell by a
uonparoll eerie, twelve Itueu turn tach.
Uu•luew cards of dx limes and under, e.1 per
• r
Advertlsewent. of Lori, Found, Mtrayed, Vit
oat lune Vacant, Malawian. %%anted, House. to
Witte or to /trot, Farina tar Flake or to Hent
article+ tor Sale. etc.. nut exceeding sigh
Mae, Y'■• each ineen tun ; 51 tot Arse mouth, sa
tar each eub.queut mouth. Larger sal vert tee
rnenl• In proportion.
Aaauaawwata in ordinary readloe t y -pe feu
orate per 11a.. No Dance lona than'��•.
Any +peeal notice. the abject .t wh1, 1. ,. for
pecuniarybenefit of say ladlvldurl or a••uo-i
alien, to be celtdered an adterlieetnenl and
to be charged rcrordlgly.
Raba for diepkay sad contract al.erti'.e
mend+ will be p+ ea on appllcul tuns
Add roes all connuulrrttoos to
Tali atae41.,
thaeilcb. On
The Balt Reporter, a strong ('on
servat ire journal. makes this acknowl-
edgment :
let it be noted that within one year
the Liberal Government at Ottawa bee
appointed two Conservatives living in
(salt 144 office. Mr. Hoy l'ran.tun,
surveyor and engiueer, who was One
of the first to eater Pekin with the
British tnaops under General Oasalee,
was given a [dare at the capital. lu
the Interior Department: and Dr.
Walter('owe nlast week receival the
appointment of yeterinetry inr.pPetor
in the Northwest. Merit., of course.
counted in both cameo. Still such re-
cognition or political opponents is
creditable to the Government and we
are. pleased to record it and -ed to
say to the Government at Ot-
tawa : Ti y it Again.
It would be morn creditable to The
Reporter if it would advise its friends
at Toronto W follow the example of
the Dominion Government, instead of
carrying on its eamp'gn of arbitrary
di.misal of Provincial oMrew in
order to provide John for (',neervativ'e
party workers.
The next Pr•eeidential election in
the United Staten is two years oft: w.
it is safe to prophesy what will take
place then.
)touaevelt will run -that is, if Bryan
is the Democratic candidate, and it
looks as if he would be. The way is
will work out is this :
Bryau will work up it great nuli'al
boom during the next two years, and
the t.ruet magnates, the 7.1 per rent.
tariff patriots and the whole troop of
monopolistic, sandbagger* will get
such a searing that They will move ell
creation to bring nit the only moan
who would have a chane+ of heating
the Democratic leader: and that nen
is Roosevelt.
Roosevelt has said he- will not
again he a randidat.: btrt,what a man
say,' on Sunday does not always hold
good to the end of the week. In his
trust -lusting campaign Bryan's lir
dent oratory will lead him into an
o:caaional "break," n lapse into the
ironoelam of his previone campaigns :
someone will call him an "anarchist,"
and then President Teddy will bounce'
out with a manifesto (spelled in the
"reformed" style) announcing that
the interests of civilization the won't
mayof the tru.ts)demand a teeon.ider-
ation of him 194)4 declaration and that,
solely for the purpose of saving the
United Staten --[otherwise the world--
fromdent ruction, he will ailment to bre
again elected—and so on and so forth.
Just wait and Ire if it won't happen
that way.
Who are to be the candidates for
the mayoralty in (i derieh next Janu-
ary, did you' nay ? 0h, tank lie 401110 -
thing easier than that.
Hy this time the ltussiens will he no
used to being killed that they might to
make good material for Canadian la-
crosse players.
There was a anrplus of over a Mil-
lion dollars in the PoMnlffice Depart-
menl fur the last tleeal year. This
should pave the way for Syme im-
provements in the postal Nervine
throughout the country.
The Stare and Stripe,' were hni.te'd
to the place of honor at the Toronto
exhibition on "Aturrlran" 'ieitor:
dry last. week. Think of it t The
Canadian National Exhibition NA.
TiONAL, mind you! And in nitrn-
Ioyal Tory Toronto, too !
Mir William[ Mulock i. the liters.
nominee - in the Tory papers for the
vaeanry that &retina exist in the
Provincial Liberal Irnrler.hip. Sir
William wouldn't iw a Mut man for
the job if be could knock out the
Whitney majority at Toronto am
quickly as he did the p stofflee deficit
at Ottawa.
If it im trite, as has been Mated. that
the ('analinn immigration literature
Advertises the Went only, to the total
neglect of the Eastern Provinces, the
Eastern Provineee have a decided
grievance. New nett lent should be in-
formed of ronditionm in the Haat tot
well as in the West, an Mat they
may charm, freely and intelligently In
which Penetrant they will locate.
The ships cantonal by Admiral
Dewey at the battle of Manila Bay
bare just bion sold by ties United
Slate. Navy Department, .after roach
advertising, for the sum ofSlat Tuts,
ways ,a contemporary, enables us to
tures un estimate of the clime of ship+
uppteed to the United States navy in
this battle, and the magnitude of the
victory won by D/irry, of which
Uncle Main will never (rase boasting.
Thorm who supposed that the On-
tario Oov.rnm.ut intended to develop
water powers all over the Province
and distribute the power to the neigh-
boring wuniripuhties, Without the
intervention of private capital, have
All rye -opener in the Government's
action in regard to the Healey's Fulls
(ower. This important power has
Mon leased to it company, the Gov(rn-
mrpt imposing certain conditions
upon the leaser[.. This i. what The
Signal forecasted mord he Ago as the
policy which the Government wni0d
probably tumour.
The administration of the license
law in New Ontario under the Whit -
hey Government has I'44uu' in ha eon -
destination from the temper 'e and
mural telorm department of the Meth-
odist church. Acting on irhestiati
fn•ilished by Rev. Dr. Chown. this
laxly ham panted a leaolntiln deploring
the eo0ditions of diwnder and Illegal-
ity cunrarrt(+d with the issue ul certain
licensee. and the failure of the Gov-
ernment l0 carry out its promises
that there should lie n0 uncle:tar in the
number of liquor !ieensea isttied III
New Ontario Thr temperance people
were told twit year. ago what was in
More if the Huns (lover nlliera were
Retgarking upon the fact that on
appeals were enteled against the
voters' list in 1Wingb,lm this year,
The Ail vam•. saq•s that "that indlcatrm
that p*lllla•al matters are in 0. 1511ie11-
rent state, :.11.1 that neither Grits nor
Tories expect an election. It is well
that it is .o. Huron haul a f111 Cup of
elect loll fol' mine yetlt'r., and it is it re-
lief to be tree fruit' the turmoil, strife
and aeti y of politice' Contest., for
these ore not conducive to hueinese or
!nicht! enjoyment." For a riding that
had no fewer Than ten elections in
nine years, the past year and a half
eertlaiuly hart been abnormally quirt
in Weer Huron, so far a4 polities ere
concerned. But the politicians are
beginning to talk alslnt the next gen-
eral elections, and in a year or so we
'than probably have all become again
very 'h excited over"the suctions
of the day' and be calling one moot her
naves and doing all the other peculiar
things which the election fever brings
To convert t h e northern and
waiter') portion 4.1 Ontario into the
"Province of Algoma- Is the dream of
a nutulwr of residents of that district
who claim that ler present eon•
ditions their part of the country is not
fairly trental. A Targe portion of the
revenue of Ontario, they say. i. col.
heated from the new district,' in the
mhape of timber dues, receipt^ front
mineral led^, etc., and a proportion-
ate amount is not expended by the
Government in the di.trirta which
yield this revenue. They state also
that the people of old Ontario are
ignorant or neglectful of the needs of
the mining rointry, and that ruining
develop mt is retarded by the legis-
lation enacted hy the representatives
fnoni the agrirultural distrirta of the
Province. A %keetch of the new Pros--
rovince of Algoma states that it would
contain 1111.815•rpuare miles. including,
besides the northern and western dist
trine 4.1 the present Province of On •
tat'i., the Dettrirt of Keewatin, on the
chores of Hodson Bay. This would be
notch target than the combined area
of the two new Pn.vinr.. of Alberta
and Saskatchewan. The present
population of this are* ie r tituated at
about 161,1140, and it is claimed that
the new Province would mimosas each
vett and varied remcorrem as could not
Iw equalled by any of the preen[
Pmvinres. An organization has been
effected for the purport's of +serving nn
a campaign for eerwuion, which will
perhaps do no harm and may here the
rf.ilt of increasing the interest of the
people of old Ontario in their great
heritage in the north.
The Rural Maid.
nh, faire -4 id the rural mottle.
'fly birth esus In the fnn.*sl shades:
()teen laughs and glimpses of 1he -ky
%Veer ell th,a mel thy Intent rye.
Thy +port.. thy wrnderins when t child,
%Veer Pi Pe In the eylven wild.
And all the beauty of the place •
le in thy heart, and on thy face.
The twilight a the t rre+and rock.
Is In the light .had+ of thy Io•ke ;
'IT) .1.'p len. the wind, that weaves
11• playful w,q- among the leaves.
Thr ryes are string.. in whrrn serene
And ollroa sister, hen, en b ern
Their lashes aro the herlee, that look
On their >uane UMW. in the brook.
The fore.; depth.. by two impressed
Are no more sinY.w than thy breast :
The holy tree* that Alla the air
Of 1 Moe carne solltlU*Ps, la lh.r.,
Hon.W. J. Hanes Town.
Tnrontn TPlrgram.
Hey 1 the fact that he will eons
from Sarnia, nothing is known ne to
the identity of the president of the
I'niversa a' of Toronto.
Not Catching at Ottawa.
e'mlhnrinr- star Journal.
A disease called hyp'r+euM., which
makes the sense of hearing exitamely
acute, im prevalent. in Now York. If
it reacher. Ottawa we hope It will slake
Pnrlfam.nt herr the voice of the
people on thatincreased indemnity.
The Rejuvenated G. T. R.
Inrldnn Advertiser.
Exartl3• MI y y.'ar. Mame, the Grand
Tank Hallway was busy opening
lines throughout Canada. Today. the
mime railway to hns.y spreading a net-
work of lines from ons end to the
other of new (*nada The pioneer
line is, Indeed, renewing ifs youth
The annual meeting of the Genera/
Reform ARtsa•iation of Outatio wag
held at Toronto on 11'ednemlay of last
week. This is the pa11'ty logAnizattion
which was created at the Provincial
Liberal convention of its)4 and which
is made up largely of-otBcers of the
various riding az socinlions throughout
the Province, R. Holmes, of Clinton,
was among thoer present.
The meeting was presided over by
H. M. Muwai, K. ('a who in his open-
ing address remarked upon the Abate•
weorof the custom of holding politi-
cal meetings between Parliamentary
erasions, at w. hi.h Ministers of the
Crown and menthe' of Pat hament
addressed the people whorl they re-
titeented. ' "it is doubtful," he said,
"if the country' at large sees' as it of
Ministers or hears as :h h' bre
as in desirable." A Minimte' should
not Ise so engrossed in departmental
drndgrry that hr cannot meet •the
people at puhlir gathriings and give
(hyper utterance: to his views on gov-
V1'. MOWS' believed 1 1111 1 the Literal
opportunity WAS it ill Ontario.
He saW signal of it se (oi>servativr
i's•klesene.m and want of 'won ou,ir
After the .Iertiun of office«
speecRoes, Hon. es Chas. made
ymanHyman, Hon. A. H.
Aylesworth and others.
Hop. G. W. Rosa' Speech.
Hon. Mr. Ross said he was exceed-
ingly glad to inert .., many of the
mtalwarta ohm had fought in the Lib-
eral ranks. He complimented the of -
there of the nssa•ia(ion upm their
ability and the good work they had
done. He rejoiced iii the continued
prosperity of the Dominion 1.iheral
Iarty ler its splendid Irad.rsltip.
le synipathizesl with the president's
view that the leaders ehuuld newt the
people "(limner in order that their per-
sonklity would be impressed upon the
pel'ple. It would 1w 441 ineetttumble ad-
vantage to the Liberal party that
their leaders .honld he heard in Var-
ious pada of the Province,
Mr. Room briefly reviewed the Prov-
incial situation and took a hopeful
view. The l'bmervalives in power
had abendon.d the principles held in
opposition. He e•itseized the Govern-
ment's course in regard to the water-
power question.
"We are taking the rest rare," said
the ex -Premier. '•Sums of its perhaps
needed it in 111011. waym than one, reit
it is a proems of recuperation which
we are going through at the present
moment and when the proper time
comes I think it will be found that the
Liberal party of Ontario is still as
looks as it the Committev, anxious to
• justify its ex Wetter, hnd searched 1 he
dictionary for obsolete torus to fall
upon It can hardly claim much
vigorous, is still lir progressive and '1s
rill ,lie loyal to the principles of Libel -
alien" as it was at any previous period
in its hletory."
Mr. Roes went on to state that We
was nut the time fur them to ipd(caOe
their pulley as to the future.' That
would 1"e a pewees of evolution, and
the party would lar prepared to take
advantage of circuwstance% and to
educate the public opinion of Ontario in
*import of the principles of the Lib-
eral patty. It haat takeu eighteen
years to destroy the Conservative
Government at Ottawa, and it had
taken more than thirty yet+. to upset
the Liberal party in Ontario. But he
was quite sure it would take a good
deal Inas titue to overthrow the pres-
ent l'oneera'attle Government in this
Province. Even on its record up to
the present moment, there was much
to criticize, and wore especially for its
introduction of the spoils system,
which wee contrary to all British pre-
cedents, and was %%Auton and cruel in
its partizanship. N'ha( wine' roan
could give any reason for the practical
diswisaal . of 11,144) wagietrates, men
tried anti true, men of the highest
standing in Ontario, to he replaced,
not in the natural order of vacation
by death or resignation or disqualifi-
cation, but to Iw ++'placed purely for
party purposes? 'There was to have
(wen no partizanship in the license ad-
ministration, yet every license colll-
ilissioner and nearly every inspector
loot been dismissal for party reasons.
The policy of the I-ilaerale had been to
develop the northern districts, int
the people theta vier. in almost open
rebellion, and for the first time in the
history of the Province there was it
movement for the secession of New
Ontario front the Province of Ontario.
The Liberals had been charged with
extravagance, but in eighteen mouths
of offiee the'Conm'rvativ.a had in•
creased the expenditure by $1,5141,040,
or :lfl per cent. 11'here wunld the
Province he in the next five lir six
years if the Conservatives remained in
power? Mr. Matheson had !hatted his
loan in Great Britain at 9144 cents on
the dollar, but he asked the people of
Canada, who.ubs.quently ,'ubsrribed,
to pay I(11 cents These platters
should he placed befoie the people in
their true light. Even their promise
to repeal the numbered .allot bad
been marked by treachery..
"Loo not lose heart in the position
of the Littera) party in Ontario,' said
Mr. Rose. "Liberals can never lose
heart in a good came. Our record is
before the people of thin country. a
record of honest government. of care-
ful ,ulminietration, ,a record which has
contributed a great deal to the pres-
ent prosperity of Ontario."
Mr. Resor concluded with a hopeful
reference to the futon. and maid many
of him young colleague+ had already
left their stamp on the Conservative
Government's legislation.
witb the eagle% to tl a great Iwnefit of
our industrial and r Trial 5111.1ic
!Vet ywhet e.
This Way in Goderich Ten. Years Ago.
Mitchell Ad aerate.
Some of our citizen^ are in the habit
of tying their rows with a long rope
or chain on the sides of certain street'.
'L he aniulnla s '1Mita eras over to
the other side of the street, then it rig
("1144S along and the hursr to tripped
with the ire-piere, lawt week is ser -
i llll •
er•i01la accident came very near happen-
ing fr this rause, and as the pac-
t ice is a dangerous one we hole it will
not occur again.
What Members Should Do.
- Toronto /.lobe.
The duty of an elected representa-
tive does not end with the Parlia-
mentary se -.ion and campaigns. He
owes it to his conotitnents to give a
frequent arc.)wnt of hie stewardship.
This is e.s'ntial to the sustaining of
that puhlir inteeet which is the Inst
safeguard Hg•ainst political deteriora-
tion. it ie 1'seential ohs: member*
runt their constituent.. frequently in
public dismission, and it is the ditty of
the rank and Nle to respond with sus-
tained Interco and to freely rept-eat
their views, whether in approval or
Getting Better,
Montreal alar.
WP nte sh1'.vly hit definitely aband-
oning the utilitarian es the only grind,
and are beginning to discover that it
is as necessary to spend our money
well as to earn it in *unlearnt quant!.
ties. ')then rides go in more for
plaree of entertainment. for attractive
park•. for the gay machinery of re-
creation : an•l life is h mote worth
the living. The holiday habit, too, is
growing and we ale ruining to the
European mondani, which insists that
a 1 have rest if be is to do his
hest stank, He was a Wine philoso-
pher 'who skid : "1 ran do a year's
work in fifty weeks, hilt not in fifty-
[ Wo."
The "Poor Pay" People.
"Onlooker" In Mt. Thomas Times.
it im simply natounding the Aumunt
of time, expense and h'.,uhlr that in
required for the enlleetion of legal
Ananrial obligations. A man may
owe only 25 cent., yet itwill rust fif-
teen rents worth of *hoe leather, 75
cent. omni of t' ', and n+ 11 vol.
of choice pmfinity tonecon>plish
the collection of that trivial Amount.
People who are proud to see their
namedown in the chalrch report of
yearly donatinny tot' a goodly mum du
not. scruple to shrink everyday collec-
tions, and rumor the li,g-.nffering bill
rnlltctut• for not Alomimahle talkative
and An 1111'.rtinrnt pante became. he
anile and to -tames the p►)•nneit of his
rmphg•tr's claims. The wurkl is lark•
ing in a menet. of moral nhligntlon,
'There Are temple in 1 his cit y who het, n
repgtnlion for, and pride thein4•t,M
upon it. never paying for :anything if
they can get out of It.
Another C. P. R. Extension
A ('anedian Pacific Railway exten-
Rion from the Toronto, (trey It Bruce
division, probably at Fle.herlon, of
Mtlithnmpton, Hanover and ('hesley,
may nuaterinlize' +e the revolt of it de-
Lntatior. which waited'1151011 .I. W.
ennard, ami starnt. to the general neat -
ager of the Catoolien I'nriflr, at To-
totoo boa week. The Maria ofMosllh-
Ampton. 1.ie111-('id. Belcher, w'h0
heads'.1 t deputation, pointed out
the pralbilit.ies of the herb or in that
town, and ptwlletPd that *him exten-
mion world ke It au important port
for shipping. Mr. Lennard • replied
that they were exceedingly homy and
that labor wn., diflenit to obtain at
the present time, but that Ntrveyors
would he Rent over the route Ihie fall.
Sir Theism's. Shaughnessy, he .aid, had
an eye to the traffic possibilities of
this root*.
Occasionally a man spends a lot Of
time at his club because there's no
place like house. --•Chicago News.
Aefore a girt machos the age of
eighteen she gate need to having her
heart broken. New York Time..
The Spelling Reform.
Winnipeg Free Press.
it d. difficult to understand why the
British press should -ie thrown into
such a state of coin ent ion over Presi-
dent Roosevelt's order to the "Wash-
ington Printing Hareau concerning
the yelling of his Presidential mes-
sages. The ridicule with which the
ropoeition has been received in Eng-
land Was natural and is easily ander-
stood. There hes .seders no Zack of
ridicule of the President's action by
United Staten ppaaper+. But that a
paper like The i.ondon Times should
([seep senora international conse•
wieners from the step only shows
that The Time,' fails to nnderet«nd
either the matter itself, or the short
life of en executive order from Wash-
in ton. The United Suttee (Congress
not passed a law adopting the
g neral use of the phonetic system.
Thr President's executive order may
be changed by any of his nocre.or* as
'amity a,' it was issued.
The President's lneswges, hoesever
he chooees to write them himself, will
ISPublished in the present style of
spelling. Official documents are seen
at first hand not hy one person in a
hundred thousand. And, anyway, as
to the mmrh-talked-of list of :411 words
issued by the Carnegie Committee and
endorsed by President Roosevelt. real
reformed spelling is proposed in bot
sixty -moven (asps, In Zti rases, or
nearly four-fifths nt the total number,
what is called the "new form" is
actually either the old form or such a
form As is already recognised by
usage and the dirtionarlea.
For example, thirty-six of the al-
leged changes relate to the elimina-
tion of the silent "u" in such words as
"honour," "colour," Pte, Thirty-eight
of the alleged changes relate to the
dropping of the diphthong in such
words an "arra." "aesthetic." 'rte.
The diphthong. +o far Rs the Dewe;
papers were concerned. was prac-
tically knocked out when the type-
setting machine came in. Twenty-
two of the alleged 'granges relate to
the ase of "ter" rather than "ore" In
Finch words as "metre," 'hnitte,"--etc.
This tiaage h'. ,long heen general in
the United States, Seventeen of the
alleged ehAllges relate to the dropping
of the final "e" from such words as
"synonyms," •'develop'," "opposite,"
etc. When has any cnnaide•ahle
number of Ile +sone spelleed them with
the final "e
With respect to the note of "z" for
"s" in words like "criticize," or 'hi' for
•'e" in 'offense," and the like. (hie is
elso sin old story. Likewise the
doubled cona,nants in su(h words ail
"distill" (there are 'seventeen of these
in the "reform" Heti were lung ago
generally dropped, Nur ran it he
maid that there 1e Innovation in spell-
ing it "sextet" rather than • liexette,"
for broth air permissible, And likewise
"'molding" as well am •' Iding."
The Carnegie (' 'tier has been
hard p11t to It In swell the else Of its
lint. Por example, who tinea the word
'tough" I' Is there* horseman who
does not elreauly write "hock"? Few
on rile continent write "gaol" rather
than "trail," or "bonito." rather then
"hark, ' nr "tyre' rather Than "1 ire,'
or ••dyke" rather than "dike," or
"rnnlrich" rather than "corner," It.
credit for change when the chime.'
ham already cuter in the good old
gradual. uninstructed, tpoutaneasue
Of the sixty-seven change* proposed
for which (herr it nu dictionary au-
thority no rtes than furry -seven re-
late to the substitution of •'1" for "ed"
as the rign of the past tense, aa. `•kiss"
for "kiseeti.' Only twenty other•
11'utdm ate attached. as follows:
Altho. Plvdog. Murprize.
Apothem. Por. 'rho,
Catalog. Riese. Thuto.
Di d,.g. S' 'tsar. Thoroly.
Demagog. Mithe. Thru,
Fantasia. Sulfate, Thr t.
Pelagog. Sulfur.
How much simpler it would have
been for, the ('arnegie Cu Mee to
have given out this smaller list with-
out padding and pretense of some-
thing big!
If Adam hail eaten the apple fist
he would probably have declared that
Eve dared him to. --Chicago News.
Good 111auners ie the art of making
those people Pliny With whom 11r con-
verst'. Whoever makes the fewest
persons i easy is the hest bred in the
company. --Swift.
A Fienrhruan was teaching in a
large school where lie had a repute -
t' for making smite wirer mistaken.
One day he was taking a chase which
war. rather disorderly. \Whatwith
the heat and troublesome toye he was.
ver)' snappish. Having p ishrd
several Ioys and errs[ 0110 to the
hot tom of the form. he athast ml ted
out in at puasrion :. 'Zr*' whole (1,154 go
to IP loft 1"—Ex,
nm many studrnl. were ruroll(vl
at our opening c his year (IR hast.
)•ear. The can... iv that nor
gruluntaw receive excellent
situations in leading Canadian
land Au11.1.1an Cilie•^.
Business College
is a lice institution. It does
('analogue for the asking.
GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal.
A Famous School
istRATPOr1D. Oral.
Tht..,'b..nt I. ,." o(rnaxnd 1n 1.• one of
. Y he hr.; ('onlinen i,) S. hoot- in t he
IMoinp'. tier »orv•s sur 1I, urungh
mod up -to -dire, %Ve gree a pr*rUeal
training and assist nor rrnduates to
good po.Irion.. It 14 In,pn.,Ible for ne
to sail+fy the demand shute on n4 for
oAMee help. Those Interested In their
own w.gMre .honkd write for our for.
Are -ern, by n rnur.c of Ism ming in
our w•elhknow n and r.•Ilable met a lit Inn,
which otter, Ale r,l•wr.t and m.., stroe.
til r ruur-e. and is the 1011.1 lnhnent int
in 'P1111044 posit' Our loci
ryaipn.ent and method. aro st
of t he la.
.1 mien,. may enter with.' mal adsan-
t:,g•• at ony roup, Write for our cata-
British American
Business College
v, NlHgStikils„ Ton . ronj'ato,ge end
T. M. WATSON, Principal
Daring July we had fifty 1lmrs u.
nonny .-alle for ofllre 4e111 n, wr had
graduate. going onto and doting Ang
11.1 we had sixty tone4 a. many-. T10-
I.1hew-hool t hal 1. ruu.to nrli' -gems
.brad' and not ".tan ener till" of
"harking up." Welts for b•onlifel
atnk.gne• \nes H the titer to rarer.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
t'nr. Yong. and Alexander yr
Facts. Talk
Berlin Business College
11 . la. li t' L o:R. I'rineipeh
We have decided to dispense with the usual
formal opening and to announce that our large and
attractive stock is now ready. We will be pleased
to have our many customers call and select from
our new and fashionable designs.
South Side of the Square —
'W. Acheson&Son
Our fall import of Carpets is now complete and
we can fill all requirements for Carpets or Rugs in
whatever quality.
For general 1140 where a carpet will have hard wear and durability
15 an important consideration Brussels carpet giver greatest mati,'faetiva,
A great new range at per yard nee, $1.1o, Sivas, =t.
Splendid designs ,and colorings, very tine patterns, exact reparaluctiots
of wilt on and velvet e-trpets at per yard, wade and laid. 5oc, 5c'aad
Runproof rulers, pond ively will not fade. We have now au exceptionally
large electiou at front 40C to 95C r Sols.
Sp erinl value in M,'( 1, h Linolruuy., all our own 'lomat, a bilge range of
patterns. I.' le " yards wide al per .quare yard, .p•eial 35c to Sot
1?xf ra
heavy :( yards end 4 yams wide at per *quart. yen] 45c and sec
Buttenck Patterns for September now In.
We have added another line 10 our hu.inrme and have just
opened out a shipment of imported Scotch Linoleunns nod 5)ilrluth',
A splendid selection of Linoleum, in floral, Oriental and 1,14,rk
design•,'eguine Inc And VW values for :Iia• at square yard.
Extra heavy quality Oilcloth in imitation III linoleum psi erne,
sex^1 V111ue11 at 271e for lira aquae. yard. '
stair Oilcloth, 18 inches wide, regular lair value at Die per yard.
A large stock of hou.Phold'furnituri' ^Inlays
in stock 'at Hose prices, A rail Ndicited.
Itw,denM, Cdr.
\l•Lua 4. and
. ,brie turd.
('hnu,• I,e
H. B. Beckett
Undertaker and Embalmer
A Canadian product of yety superior quality ae
proved hy Government analysis. _5r, or *2.75 per
dozen. .
A salve with very wide uws, gond for -burro.
ex wan. Catarrh. piles anti many other purr,s••-.
We :Oe atthot•ized to GIVE AWAY, a dozen of the
regular size thin week to any who wish to tt•y. it.
No rateh in any way. ('alp and see.
W. C. GOODE, Chemist
The Red Cross Drug Store.
Bedford Block, - - Godench
New Fall Goods
Comprising the latest patterns.
Leave your order now.
The very latest in NECK WEAR
--a11 the new wine shade's.
Eccelda Handkerchiefs
Scotch Cloth Shirts ,•
:t for 25c
Everything in Men's Smart Wear.
$I6.50 SUITS
You should get a 2oth Century Brand Black
Worsted Suit. Our special $16.50 Black Worsted
Suit is a winner ---Tailored by experts of the
highest order --Full of style and perfect -fitting
Fronts and shoulders retain their shape. We
invite you to see these suits.
Suitt made to order (1.00 ertra
The 'VIII place fee men's and boys' Clothing snarl iru,n(ah(etpt