HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-13, Page 1THE SIGNAL to January tet, 1907, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, 25 cents rlrTY-NINTH YEAR -No. 310e ..........1 A'GOOD JOB speaks ler itself. The' work turned out of The Signal's lob printing de- partainet tells a story of skilled workmanship sad honest material. If you have a bit of printing to be dose call and see us, GODEKICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : SEN'EMBER 13, 1906 VAN.TTRit t RORIt1tTeON, Pu.u*waas Financial ARE YOU SATISFIED to keep your money at home or in a bank where it is earning little or no interest P The .Standard Loan Company plays interest on deposits at the rate of four per cent. per annum and money van ire withdrawn at any time. Open :an account with us and theieby incresae your savings. THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY Goderich Office, - Corner North St. and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. Acoonlmodetion for Summer Visitors FOR SUMMER VISITORS. 1( requee of the Hosed of Trade. allporous. but lug accommodation for mummer vlsltor+4 to t:aiderkh are requested to leave their newt, and particular. at the newspaper offices of the town, where ll.t9 may be kept which will be et ratable for enquirer*. Any addrea a mut in to The Sigurd Deice will be properly recorded. JA .8 MIT- I HELL Secretary HWM of Trade. *OSLO .i R. JORD..N. - -- - - . Titulars or PIANO AND O*r0A11, YMCA Li/Lieu MK, studio at at Mrs. N'Wiam'., Market street. A ROY ADAMS TKACHrtk or PIA:40 Studio In Bank of Montreal Riock. Fine Arts 1) For Sale 1,)1FL1.: FOR KALE.--L!-l'ALIHHE iL W'iranct.4cr, in lireclam condition : 31.W cash. Apply at SRI NAL uFF'(l1. It LLRESH M114111 l'OVn'S i'OR SALE. 11 -Apply to F:. t . ATTRI1.1.. Ridgewoodfaro:. gnash I/1WO Bl'(.l'I} s ONE CLIT'fISR 1 AND A 41011, 1.1(1H7 W AKIN. 'recoil) purchases' fruu. M. 4a'. Howell. for vale cheap. Apply a.t 1'11A'. 1-. LEES Imntwure +tore. tf Warning WARNING. ANYONE FOUND Inwpawdng or carrying fier-ar1111. w, any pert of our property 0i11 be arre+tel aril prose ruled. ISlgnedi k. C. mal K. c. ATTlilll To Kent TYPEWRITI HS TO RENT; ALi. makes. iowee charges.. W. E. ELLIOTT, telephone 101. tf. HAWINGw'AND PAINTINGPAINTING1 N ROOMS TO LET. -ABOUT THREE all. AND ATCOLOR.R COR• minutes walk Row Collegiate Institute. lei v,4e tuition and elaaMr. Iluod location. C Portable route-. Aim') tiro. F. HARUITT, lamblia Road at THE SPINAL. 1(iolltborpr'- row,. 1Jentistry ll (1• R. MALE, LDS.. D.D.R. McLms'a Block ours Turnbull'sold stand.' In Dungannon Wedneelay afternoon+. Medical i)R.4. EMMERSON Ac Tt'RNBULL. 1 A. T. KMMgwu)u, M. It W. M. TI'aMarl.l.. M. H. Office-. 11 Ilton greet. 'Phone 102, Kes•lkun•'plla,e 121. H. A. lit MA('KLIN, M. B. J PHYSICIAN AND MIMEOS 8tiecW IffbIllitklra to Kyc, Ear. Nese and Throat. Office and rwd4ercri old Henkel Mon - real, option.. Po -IoM -o, We -t -t., Uodrncla. Telephone Su. let_ Legal CAMERON k KILLORAN, BAR- It1iTItKM solicitors, notarise.. eta Office,awlton St., thirdd door from 9gmarr,GoAcricb, ant. M. d. CAMERON, K. ('. J. L. K14 IAIKAN. 1KOL'UFOOT,- HAYS k BLAIR. . harrbaero, .oliclton. notaarie r public pr. •- 'on in the Maritime (bort etc. Oce. 0 Square, next door ('. A. shorn'. grocery. Prt vale fund* to lend at kw+a tate. of intermit. w'. PROCI)1400C. K. C. K. C. HAYS. O. F t1.AI K. If 0. JOHNSTON,. BARRISTER. Mk* **Hefter, notary public. commkwlooer, etc. Mone)to lean. oleo•, corner Hampton and et. Andrew'. 81reat, Ooderlcb, Opt. Il'KINSON k OARKOW, BAR- RISTERS, attorney+, ooticltor•. etc., Uodencb. Money to lend at lowewt rale.. IC L. DICKINSON. CHARLES OARKOW. LL.B. rpt) KFaT.--POR THE F'AI+I. ANI) 1 winter month., or longer if erase. the Mpopular and well known St. Lawrrmw" on ontreal +tm.t, lioderlch. Fully f,rnl..hed and ryyulpped a+ a large boarding houv'. A ptendid chance for the right Wheal to do a god blains•.,.. Pon+roion given al on c e. Apply for parienlur, to MRS. t'. KE('E. on the premiers, - 6 -•-t. HOUSE FOR RKNT.--FUKNIMHEO or nnfleal+h,d Hod **Mimi. 1 or. Htit, anti.. road uud w',0rrl.a. -beet, npper.ite l'dleygiate• In+tlt aur. An meters gsmtsmeucrw Nine nnnm. /u•rything In lir+t else. repair. For further partk•*k,r. Apple to w'. .1. No Witt grocer Hemlhon-I fret. r11U RENT. I' ttM F O K T A H I. E 1 rvena'oru bnu•r rear Collegiate Mei nor: good sellar: hard 111111 vitt water in kitchen. Tenn. roar. Apply to 1158. DEO, 1 'IIX. 1411-I t. i)AMTURE F'OR" (•ATTI.F. AM) r hon.•+ at Itidirrwn..l Pack' harm. Fat term+,etc.. apply;to THo11A' 1111.LIAN, at this F'arn, hnu+r, tbtf VOR RENT. -A DWELLING IIN 11' Kien ++t neer. • A dwelling afurni•hed or moo, near lake front; modern e0141 Fok 8..IJ'. -Two new dwelling. on Angl, .w .Iret : one dwelling of Pieto, .Iran . aim building lot• un algin at elite, I- ' n .tns•1, I'rdar -I mat and fine .4 met. 11'ANTK11.-A few turni•hrd bone+ or room. near the lake, to rent for the .utnmrr +resort. *tif Yul'Nl1 It ROBER'T'SON. Heal Estate tor bale. L1OH SALE OR 1'u RENT. -rk 1 tire -clips '!*Uncre form (nIWe+t 11'awnno.b. eoncr+.ion 5, lot 2;, with 17', ocre9 lu a .,nod .roto of cultivation. well fenced. well w..tiered• good orchard. 1a bank burn. good houv. 1'o.(nf3ee, blacken U, -4 (4 And dory rat corns r of farm. . onvenbnl to 'A end church. ?y roil•+ (nest'. P. R. motion at Auburn. Term. n4 -y. W. A. HA HRISo.N. Lncknow. 1.15-3n. Insurance. Loans. etc. 11E\V HOCSE FOR SALK,-ON • Britannia ton& olid of W. T. M,,rnry'+ reedenc0 Apply to G. M. ELLIOTT, East iOHN W. CRAIGiE, LiFE, FiRE ..asst.id • and ace mit lu.nrance. Agont for ossein` mutual and stock coIAp{rsnle.. Ineurence In aU line. effected on beet plans and at lowe..t rate+. Call at oelce, corner West yytrret and Square. or addree.. J. W. CRAI011f, Oodetich, Ont. fele ,hone 24' McKILLOP MUTUAL FiRE iN- rl S l; R A N CE C U. -Farm and i+oleted town property [Hewed. Value of property in .ured up to Jan, 901. ores 53,OW,tam. OJMMeer+ and director+ :-J. 8. McLean. pm.; T. erases rice -ores ; lea. ('onoolly, O. Dale,Mr. Che- ney, J. Watt, Jo., Krone, J. U. UHeve, J. Benne- webs, directors : T. K. Hay*. 8oefortb, eecretery- tre*.urer • In to, neat director to 1o. J. W. \)enHnm.. olmeav, agent for Wret Huron. Polley -hoidens uk ley -holders eau pay momementa and gettheir calla reeelpted at Mr. Cosh, Clinton or at McLean Brea..' Palace 1 matins More doderbb- - Marriage Licenses `*%ALTE KELLY. 3!. N EHI('H U T Watchmaker, Jeweller and Opticlao. twiner of Marriage Menem, W LANK, ISSUER OF MARR1- r r • AOK Ikw,.ea. Goderich. (Mt. auctione46rina rrHOMAH GUNDRY, LIVE STOCK and general auctioneer. tan rrmwyrd from Hwmllton Street to new einem on South Street. where he will be found et All time. when not crying noir.. Terme ree,.onaute and every el 04 urea to fire eon ,atidaell.mPhone: Al. t)EOROE BF+CKETC. GENERAL Se auctioneer Ml Hamlltu0.410,1.Goderich. P.O. hoe 151, ;111 *Ie • will receive epeclnl attention, 1 will hey your entire stock of household good+ for ox.h, and will .011 yon stove., furniture, mettresems, prIng4, etc.. cheap, ('011 and see what we galtt_ do for you In this line. (150514 F. BECK ETT, t'nrn=Ity Shop, (loderlrb, GODERICH MARKETS. THURSDAY. September 13th. The hog market on Monday was very poorly supplied. Only W animal. were weighed at the scale, at the station. Posse es. Ewe can of sheep and Iamb+ were Amities! by Andrews lit Co., numbering over 1'.1 head. The pritie realized fur Iamb. was 35.5' per hundred and for .peep a good Enure wt... obtained. F'aU wheat, per bush, new 30 66 to 3 0 fie Sprtng wheat, per bwh. se .. J M to 0 66 ltye per bark ............. .... 0 M to 0 /1 Buckwheat. per bush 0 41 to 0 41 flair, per both., new .... a 25 to 0 IS Per., per bush C 67 to 067 Harley, per bush.. . .. . 0 0 to 0 •l Screonlugo per too.. ... 18 4) to ' 18 W Flour, family. per cwt 250 to 2 50 Flour, patent, pot cwt .. , - 280 to 3 80 Baru, per on Iu W to W 00 Short., p -i- ton ... .... 20 110 to 20 0, Hay, y •r a.m .... 7 W to 7 00 11'ua1, per cord 1 In to 6 W Butler, per Ib tY Iso 0 lir Cheese, per Ib .. 0 12 to 0 r,' Cage, troth, per dog 0 16 to 0 1, Potato, 0 440 to 41 ('attle, ruddily to good. per cwt. 3 W to 4 W Cattle, export. per owt .. . :l 50 to 3 :31 Hogx ire weight, pcwt .. 6 Ir1 to 6 Oa Sprlu` pm Lawba • 00 to 5 W Sheep, per c wt ... , 300 to 350 Ham, per Ib 0 18 to n 16 Racal, per lb 0 1.5 to 0 2 Lard, per' Ib.. . . . 1a to IS Tallow. per Ib .. . 0 0• to 004 Hides. ppeer cw'1 ... .... 6• 50 to 7 50 Shewpdkin+ is to 4.4 1'McKeon . 010 to 0 10 *1)nndde 0mr;ete ou.lage 5.1 LION YALE. -THE FINE BHI('K r house, with 31 acre+ of land, on Hayfield rood. et pr+rnt ocoopinl by the undersigned. An (deal place for a home and forge garden. The bed Aly In Ooderich. Thl. place .honll doubly In value in the next four year.. There 1+ an abundance of pear-, pl . eherHe+. g rrwprea. andADVIY +mollnn troll..prem( .. To be +old in bulk or d1rlA-r J. H, MALLOUGH. THE (10DERiCH REAL ESTATE AS11 INSCRAN('E AOEN('Y. Fon 844.1. Furnl+hal collage to rent. 7 troop.. nicely .Ituated un I:ra33•40n ot. 1;-+1 Dee frame dwelling. nine mon+, with good +si moe•r kitchen. gund -table, well +Whited on Keay. et. 14 -story brick +tn•ck and cement 10 -roomed dwelling. Larne .table. 6 lot+. Finely situated on Kray- ants PM", a -`nap. 2 Ay brick Coro. lakes'. oven and photo- graph glittery. Situated on Main street. Myth. 31,:u,. 2 large lot.. corner Picton •rand Willington. Price. Vera. Se. this. 2. tory brick. *roomed hon.. and 4 acre.e of land. good orchard. Price 3.2,.145. 2 nnr.qunrter acre 1014 ,w.,, O. T. H. +teflon. li-+lay frame honer. M MOM., Brasted on Picton start, near CuIL'gMle Institute. 31.va,. Lot and frame Innndry, 211 Mat frontage on Sost +treef, neat' Square. 'Lon, !a roomed frame +tore audd .v riling. WSW .tAble. seamed onEltrin-a venue. Income from bust- nes+. Map annually. op(4n)m'ty knock+ beg noir et your door. Money to loan, .1 per cent. CARRY. HAMiINK Hank of Commrr'e Bldg. Bread and Butter, ''Education nasi wwiihdme e•h hToMsg a0,mah. 1.1 leweWrna. the wlyves1einten best t+ nolpMC a0 ere have hied .t.ndente CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE IAfa MI ted rat r gram • erne.' SEPTEMBER Brd Dtep a pllgtal far isIon solea M GEORGE SPOTTON PRiNOIPAL AN EXCELLENT FARM FOR 9.t LE. -8n acne, in tt c.t Wawa nosh. two miles from Auburn : +oil n ,-lay loam. about 140 acre+ under cultivation nun :In to W acro, timber. A well and two Tong. of water, • new frame dwelling. a good born. stahletand driving vhsl, Apply to VOt SG k I.(OHART• SON Goderleh YOUNG & ROBERTSON, REAL Eotate end insurance Age . Real In tate for me or t0 let. Propene. any part of the town and e•n000'. Fire and life ineuranee, money to loam. etc. L'OR SALE. --FOUR TOWNLOTS r oe'Aptt NiplY orpt Apply oUTeMM't rt tf, T Hi E STERLIMi BANK OF CANADA Heal/ O1)•ICK • T1114,1 1,1111 •C111O)11E14 CAPITAL. - 111,(1n,l14) IS('ORW)HATF.D HY $PEt'IAI. ACI' or IMIMINDJN PARLIAMENT Tu UK( K11'E DEPOSIT# SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT INTEREST ALLOW ED DEPOSIT- 01.' 31 AND UPWARDS, Paid every three months or com- pounded quarterly. F'A5M5104' SALE: NOTSM. (-ASH):D tat COI.LIN TEMAT K KA S()N- AHLr KATESS. I4)AN1 MADE. .A c1ENRRAL BANKING HI'MINESs TRANSACTF:D. (;(►1►ERI('H BRANCH A. O. 11.1 M 141-E. 1l Lan ,ger. Navigation ' Public Notice TOWN OF ODURRi('H. 1 ('ul'RT uF RIVISIUN. TAX[ Notice that the Municipal Council of the t'orporatton of the town of Ooderlch In- i,•ml.tonon-t met (relent sidewalk+in the mid town as follow..: 12. On the north .ids of Trafalgar +trete'. be - ween Victoria street and Cambria road. The estimated cot of the work 1+ $370.66. Of which 311:(111 i+ to be provided out of the general fu nd+ of the mn n]cipallt y. Lt. On the mesh Ade of Brock rarer'. be. Tweet' Alban drier* end Victoria +fne0. The r+nutated cu+t of the work i+ $7118.25. of which E❑1..% Is to be provided out of the general fund+of the munlrlpaUt y. . 14. On t he south side of St. Patrick'. street, between Waterloo .greet and Colborne street. The e4tbnetest ,sett of the work 1+ 3244.70, of which F1•Lt1814 to be ro%idod out of the gen- eral Rands of the municipality. 25. on the w•ret rade of Wellington •treat be- tween Hritannie. road and 8t. Uforge+ Cres- cent. The a+tlmated cot of the work 14 *Lamm%, of which $443.10 1+ to be provided out of the general fund. of the municipality. :ells On the en.t side of Waterloo erre' .Se- t e- t ween Caledonia terrace and C'ulborne street. The estimated .•osl of the work 1+ $146.66, of which 3101.31 I+ to be provided out of the general funds of the mnoklpality. 27. On the north mode of Angle.ea. street between Cambria toed and Victoria .Heat. The eaittated cost of the work 1+ 34.50.75. of which $l'0,70 I+ to be provided out of the general fund. of the Idiotic Y. And Intend+ to else+.a portion of Ole final coot thereof upon the real property to be Immediately benefitted thereby, fronting or abutting upon ..old duet+ afore,n(d, between the mid point., nue to levy such final coma according to the front owe theme. by twenty annual special e9+e+4ment+; rand that a state- ment +homing the Lend+ liable to nna propo+rd to be aprcinlly aw.e•..ed for the +old work. Ind the names of the owner- thereof. so fur a+ the same can be n..certalnrd from the twat revised a.r'aotnent roll and otberwl.e, le now filed In the o6lceof the Clerk of the Municipality: and 14 open for inmeetlon during office hours. A Cour of Revision will be held on the ah day of 8epternbet, we, at the bout of a o'clock in the afternoon, at the Connell ('hamber In the town of Ooderich, for the purpose of hearing r•omolalnh .gait et the proposed a.m.amens or the accuracy of frontage measurement. or any other romptaint which the per.on.. Interested may dr+lre to make and which 14 by Mw cognbable by the lnnrt. D Ned t he 12th day of September, 1941: M. O. JOHNMTON; Clerk. STAR -COLE LINE STEAMERS STEAMER IURON for Molt Ste. Msrie, Mich.. via North Channel of Oeorgian Bay, TUESDAY, 3 P. M. Foe Pot Huron, Detrolt,Toledo, and Cleveland, "MAY, i%9► P. M. Wk. LRM APIA. Auction Sales LOCAL- TOPICS. Last Band Concert - The :74rd regiment band gave a very enjoyable program un the Square last evening, and tomorrow (Friday) ev 5, the weather (wing favorable, the last outdoor concert of the er:tw,n will toe given. These snaltiler con- certs h,tve (leen heartily appreciated and have given a great deal 0 pleasure to the townspeople and the Yll....ue • visitant,. N. money is better 0 rut by the town than theappropria- tou for these open -sir hand recitals. New Harness U.aler. The harness business of A. J. Palt- :Ace was sold last week to John Donalds4u, of Brussels, and the new' proprietor is now In pxw.%e..ion. His a nnounerlent will 11e touud in our advertising columns this week. Mr. Donaldson was in the harness busineeut in Brussels for ten Yeats and knows the requirements of the trade thor- oughly and will no doubt capture a good share of the (noir in this line here. He will move his family here shortly. Mr. Paltridgo is leasing for Forest. where his many triends will wish him the best. of slicers+. Accident to James Buchanan, Last Sunday evening James Bu- chanan, Jr.. had the misfortune to have Gore ribs broken ao the result of an upset (chile he was driving home from linylrld. Mr. Buchanan and Dan ILu•rison were together in the rig and ,al a II4UI'ow twirl of the mmol their lig collider( with *nether alit] they were upset in he ditch. Their horse was killed outright and the two risen were somewhat shaken up. Mr. Buchanan, as mast• rtl ,*four, had three ribs broken. They returned to Hayfield, where Ur. \Vmods attended to Mr. Buchanan's injuries. and pro- curing another hots' they completed the journey to Goderie'h. Death of Capt. Charles McIntosh. I'Cherie was a mix -tip un the Square on Monday evening, when a buggy driven hy two young men locked wheels with Edward Acheson'+ rig. Mr. Acheson's buggy wan damaged. The young fellows had been driv- ing around the Square at a dangerous pace, the spectators say. This is a practice that (•annul be loo strictly prohibited. The Square u)tet not be used as a racing track. ('apt. Charles McIntosh, rnusin of Jetties McIntosh of the Oolrrirh Lumber ('n. and hi -other of Mrs. (('apt.) Murray McGregor, died at 1►r- Iruil Inst. Tuesday and the remains were brought here yesterday evening for interment in the Homan Catholic cemetery, Colborne. \late .van Said rat 94. Pieter'- church at 9 o'clock this ulorniug by Rev. Father McRae. ('apt. McIntosh was well known in Oo'ericll, for Inns years being one of our hraat-ktmwn laky captains. Ile el from here to Detroit in the late severities. He was married to a sister of the late Capt. Murray 111e- (ilegor and leaves besides his widow- a family of five boys and one dnughte'. The Lot's are Cherie., .11.11m, Sey , 1 array and Frank. Case Against Mr. Bonier Dismissed Magistrate Humber on \I lay gave his decieMn in the ease ageinet Mr. Bolder, of Exeter, for ohtnining money under false pretences. The hprivate prosecutor. were the Davi. arking Co., of H*rrietnn. to whom \ir. Buhler gold hogs. The alleged false pretences ronsieted in Kipling the perking company with a greater weight than the payer paid the farmer... The usual practice appears to be for the packing Company to pay fur the weight shown by the weight tickets but in this case Mr. Bohiet' had .no scale ipceipts,and added a certain weight to his own memoranda 0 the weight for the result of a week's feed- ing he Kav(' the animals twfure ship- ment: At the trial the Crown attor- ney ronthlcted the prosecution and Bair-ister Stanbut'y acted for the de- fence. The magistrate dismissed the case. Women's Institute. Thr regular monthly meeting 0 the Gotlrrieh bruu'li of West Huron Women's institute was held on the lawn at the home 0 Miss A. Andrews on Thursday Inst. Members of the Holmesville hra itch were present. wit h a good gathering of the hone mem- bers. ,*rad to .111 appearances every px'roon enjoyed the *aria' afternoon pent together. All the addresses were good and were listened to with closest ,attention. The afternoon's program was as follows. Address of welcot .' 10 visitors by Miss Lewitt, president : pap:'r by Miss. Potter, -How to Orow Old Beantifnlly" (hy tequ(.tl ; 411)30, Mil. Colwell ;paper by Mrs. W. Jenkins. Holmrsa ilia, "Che Efficient \Vnnmu gue.tion+: paper by Mrs. J. L. Aitken. "An Aim in Life ;" F010, \tics Colwell : a tali. by 141i*. \V, T. Marney un "11„w- 1,1 (,'unk Meat." The October meeting will be held at the home of 111isw M. E. Mal keld. Bayfield toad. - ('nM, tLEARiNii AUCTION SALE or FARM STOCK. . IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FL'RNiTI'RE. Mr'. Louie Int stele will sell by public muctioa 01 lot 104. Heron road, Ooderfch, on FRIDAY. SF.PTEMRKR 21st. commencing at 1 o'clock : 2 %forking homes, 1 driving mereelevated to be Ili Mal G erl-h Chief NW. : I emend ur ppose brood mare. with fool by her ede. deed by Lorhlnver: 1 two-year-old gelding, sired by Tom Reid. 1 taco -year -sold geldin , mitre by Tom Reid, 401,5 by (Fodrnch ('hie! ; I row, doe to calve January 1st :. cow.,up- C=tew41 to he with calf : 1 purebred 1'orkehIM boar, I minder(' Yorkshire mw. with I(tter by her +IAe ; I +tying Mg. atonal°° Plymouth Ruck hone. 1 Seem. manner +treader. 1 binder, 1 mower. 1 hey te4der, I hay rake 1 .teed drill. 1 met die hernia.. 1 gwing tooth enitivstar. 7 mets of iron harrow., 1 Iron enter, 1 'plow. 1 gang plow. 1 Kanftamo plow, ydrill plow, with potato digger ; 1 +ow6Mr. 1 Oof allege 1 cutting box. 1 paper. 1 hrt n.'w power, 1 high wagon. 1 low wagon. 1 eel bnh.liegh+, I hay rack, 1 h,i.ry. 1 wool reek. 1 cutlet.. 1 gravel box, 1 water *weigh. I +et donhii working barna+. 1.11 "tai. NISR1 harness, a member ora canton went mote Mr wm r • 1 en*e mine 1 net at weighing maims. 1... Ilat Ne,. A rMlyd •pprronngg wire, 1 grinddone. 0. tarp, of hay. fork., .ho,M4, eh.O' mud Mbrr *Itlilry, too rams.. one to ment10n. 1 exten.Ion *Ride, 1 .Mehoanl, 1 he4mnte odte. 1 parlor .-rank and choirs, 1 Happy Thcagl.t ranee, edema new, new, 1 kitchen table and chair. I (m•1 heater. 1 ad ether wood bettor and oer heaeekold reeds Tanga :-All .am• of 310 and ander 81.44 , ever that *meant It aamths' R wla ka 4)00*1 ma hml.Mag .pplevll lose saes A =Am' of a ..tr,M0 Portend an reedit tamest* t fee sash R dhtpee K, r Mrs, aA D1t s, T. GUiIINIY. usre Proports. Aestlseeee. Annual Meeting of the W. C. T. U. The annual meeting 0 the (oderich W. C. T. L'. was held on Monday ;ifternoon last and was a very inter- esting and profitable meeting. The Nest half-hour was given to Bible stud'. atter which reports of the year 4 work were gi'vein by the recut d- inK secretary ,old treasurer, which went to show that the Union had lust nothing 0 its 1144141 Het-i(ity hy *Aunt - iqg the 81 fee, which includes for each member Thr White Ribbon Tidings. Reports were givru by several impel.- inteidents, the evangelistic, fluter'. mission and weak among htwlwrnten being especially good reports. Other departments reported on were jail work. systetuatr giain5, tuothersi meetings, .ail01'e work, temperance in Salioath schools, parlor meetings and franchise. The elect lin of officers resulted a,. (0110*8 : President, Mrs. E. P. Paulin ; vim -president. Mrs. J. P. Hrow•u ; recording secretary, Mrs. J. Robertson : corresponding Recce - Lucy, Mrs: (Rev.) H,wxn; treasurer, Mrs. G. M. ElliotL Ater the meet- ing light refteshinents' were served rind a• very plrasamt Racial half-hso r was spent by all present. .- Aged Eighty-six. The death occurred pant Pm-iduy at Saltfotd of Mrs. John ('onnelt,snd the funeral took place the following Sun- day, .erviee Neinge.held at St. i3eter's, church by Rev, Father McRae. Mrs. Connell was a native of Limerick, Ireland, and came to (:alines int N- early fifties, having been married'. in the Old Country. Her husband had to this c try a few years I*, fore and was working in New York State. Shortly after bis wife carne to this country Mn gunnel' ed to near Clinton ,and was engaged on the rnnstructi,n of the (fraud Trunk. The 4'ldrsf. son, Daniel, was born in the 01(1 Country and the other mem- Imre of the family, William. Martin, John and the Misses Mary and Bridget, are natives of thin country. Of the fondly all but John, who is at the Sault. live here or at Saltford. Mrs. Connell had reacher the 'ad- vanced age 0 righty -nix and her death waw dlir rather to the iuflrmitica of age than to any specific ailment. Her husband diet its 1&H. Her maiden mune wort F,Ilen O'Brien. The pall - hearers were John Walters'. Johh Wrist. John Dean. Dennis Neville, flichsa'I O'Rie111• and Owell MrAvoy. Student Organizatigls. At a meeting held on Monday after- noon the *indents of the Collegiate Institute reorganized their football eluh, electing the following officers: Honorary president, Dr. Sole : honor- ary vice•pra'wident, Dr. W. S. Turn- bull ; president, A. N. Meyer. M. A. : secretary -treasurer, Gordon E. Wight - man ; form representative-IMt, G. Marquis.; 2nd, \V. Lewitt : :ltd, B. Long ; commercial form, H. Weld' : captain and manager. W. .1. Taylor. A challenge for the Hough sup, now held by Clinton, ha% been sent in, and judging fie the work dour by the G. C. 1. team on their opponents' grounds term. the 'school has ex,•,•Ilent reason for rxp.•eting final tri. ph in the c - g contest, and e.m.wqueotly the po.ses4ion of the coveted trophy. The toys solicit the sslppxu-t r.3 the tows' in prau•tire games as well as in the final watch. Ara in -et it4 of the ('solei i,ltI' ItlSIi- tutr and Model Helmet etndeut' held Int he Collegiate on Wednesday after- noon. the following oitrers in connec- tion with the Literary Satiety tar the fall tern) Were fleeted : 11111,. presi- dent, H. L String B. A.; president, W. J. Taylor : first *coca -president, '.hiss Annals -I Swaim : second vice- president, Miss Johnston : secretary, ric4 Framer: O. C I. treasurer, Hen - MUM Cane : (4. M. R- treasurer, to be decided later : G. C. I. journalist, Miss Jean Toni : G. M. S. Journalist, Mr. Got dun: a-sistslnt (4. M. S. J'onrnaliat, :11i.4 Walter: pianist, Miss Lilian ('lark; councillors, Miss (Arvin. Ros- well Rutherford, Mims F. Sallow.. Accidents. On Mondny evening as 55'. i.. Fer- guson's tenni attached to n lumber waggon was %Landing at Thus.- Harris', Nelson street, the spirited animals took frightin some way and ran awn y. They came ton stop at Mrs. McAnloy's hoarding house at the corner of Cambria road. after having jurnpred n pipe fence. Nobody wan in the rig and beyond n few oerltehes and the demolition of n portion of the fence no damage wall done, though it looked et the time as if there tnight be 'seri nn% consequences to the valuable team Lost or Found j 09T.-BET\VEEN f)UNGANNON Y and Mt. Augutstine on the nth conremlon 1'r+t Wawano-. Mon4a , September 3M. a light grey ov'rrnn,t. Finder will please notify ALEX. (.'AM KRIMN, 0oderlch, by postal card OTE LOST. - SOMEWHERE iN Onderich. a note drawn on Sovereign nk paper for /541, without Interest, made b Peter and Mrs. Minn In tarot of P. T. Dean Tho yppablle are warned that the said note 1. not negotiable by other than the ntder+lgned, 1' T. 1I)F.AN. 31 Situations Vacant `ANTED.- AT ONCE, A 0001 general moven', Mtaall familyand no washing. Apply to MRS. S. A. MetOW, A PPRRNTICE WANTED. --TO Ito the IMlorng bndns.e, MMM MARTIN. MembeM. Tatler, WANR'tED.--BY fStEP•TRRM BERheame.ISSTT, W M, to Mtt' f) arias, w+Merlos Due t IURS. Wanted • ARDERS WANTED. -STU• R l' te. Apply *t e0 l'R SL Goderich for a few years and has since been in the West for mune time. is in charge 0 n flour milling bnainese at Fergus Falls. The bride's travelling costume was 0 navy blue corduroy velvet, with hat to match. Many beautiful pre$rnta teetitled to the es- teem in which the bride is held, among them being a beautiful silver tray, suitably engraved, (woos the m,'Inhers of Knox church choir. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. -.11 tailoring at PridMm'+ means late't cloth., best fit and workmanship and 4athdled cu.touaere. The beouty of a portrait painting coupled with the aort'eotltem of detail ..:ured by the m camera *re cobleed In the work. that leaves K. k. Sallow.' photo Murtha Oe' *4'.e to the klud of picture framing, upholstering etc,, dour at Wilmer Smith'+ furniture and art .torr and you cwillbe a resin lar eu+tomer for All met rt d The Home Circle will meet uext Monday evening, the 17th inst. Preston Strang has heroine a stud- ent at Ino with Dickinson k Onrrow. Absent 10) exfoursion tickets were sold for London on Tuesday. U. F. Haullink has opened his apple evaporator ;tad him Chris. Audereon as Dae . 327 tickets were sold for the excur- sion to Detroit per steamer King Ed- ward hast Friday. The Sigurd and The Toronto Weekly (cluhe for the hallaoce of the year to new %uhsctibers, only 'Ler cents. 'rho. cottage and lot just rest of the Knitting Co.'s property on East 'greet. has 'wen Rohl by J. T. Goldthorpe to Ker. B. Nutt for $1,:7Mt A meeting of tt a 1)aulghter/I of the Empire will he held next. M ond'ay afternoon at 4 4. •nock in the law library at the court house. The people are h*e•k from Toronto exhibition and this week large num- bers have been going to London to take in the Western Fair. J. E. Jordan. organist of Knox church, has taken rooms at Mrs. Williams reeideoee, Market strait. His protections' card appear. -in this wverb's issue. - At the meeting_ 0 the l'an,uIian Undertakers and Embalmers' Associ- ation- held at Toronto boat week H. B. Beckett., of town, wash elected sevond %'ice.president. The trial of the young men connect. - tool with the charivari shooting at' Kingsbridge aortae tiler sign 001r10/1111) tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock be- fore Judge Doyle.. - The 1:2'i p. tn. trail on Monday was over an hour late in arriving and the 2:50 was a few minute late in leaving on that account Fall fair traffic was alnsignel as the (lOIlse. The gang of laborers that was to rums 1.0 Maui work Inst week on the new (i. T. R. freight, shed tailed to materialize, and -nothing in being done at the grounds. 1t is Raid , there may be some change in the plans of the G. T. R. extension. 'l'he Carey -Galt camp in Colborne was tns)ken up last week, Mr, and Mrs. Casey and family moving hack to their residence on St. George's errs - rent and Mr. and Mrs. Galt and family t, the Redford fur the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gamble will continue to occupy Mr. Galt's house for the winter. The engagement has been an- nounced of Miss Lilian Peterson, daughter of Chief Engineer Peterson of the Guelph k Goderich Railway nod Mrs. Peterson. to F. Herman C. Mne• Donald, *in of 11r. and Mrs. Frank E. MacDonald, of Toronto. The War - triage 19 to take place early in No- vember. The Med regiment hand has engage- ments for the Blyth, Bayfield and Dungannon shows, in addition to the (client Northwestern Exhibition. Brussel.)waotd the blend, to, hut the show there is on the %ante day a% Dungannon's, and the Dungannon en- gagement having already teen made t3r114Me1. WO in la' refused. A perty of (4. T. R. officials, includ- ing F. H. M'Onigun, W. G. Brownlee, W. E. (cillan and A. J. Nixon, were in town yesterday in their special train. They cane from \Vingham and' left for !windup. They nl:ode a trip to the dock and inspected the 'elevator and two looked levet' the improvements contemplated at. the 0. 'C. R. yards here. The marriage of Sheldon B. Cle- ment. of North Bay, eon 0 Rev. B. Clement, of town, took place at St. (7etharinee on the 4th inst_, the bride being Mis. Martha Catherine Coy, violent daughter of Franck E. Coy, of St. Cathnrines. Rev. B. Clement, aa%- sisted in the ceremony and Mrs. H. E. Hodgen%, of town, sister of the groom. was present. - Many in this section who ile^agnea acquainted with Hiss 8. J. Williams, the evangelist. in connection with her work at. North street and Victoria .treat Mel healiht churches in town find also on the Be 'ller, Dungannon nal Auburn eircnitn, will he interested in the announcement of the death of her father, Thorniest E. Williams, at Tottenham. on September Gth. in his eighLO•sevent11 Year. George Green ham issued a writ. ,against the Canadian Mail Order Co. and its manager, J. T. Benor, to re- cover $5(0 which he paid for stock in the r•oneern, hie alum being that the money was obtained from him by ►nt'repreoelltation. The alleged mit- reprose'ntaLinn consisted in the stat.•- ment of the time when the company would .Moat op eintinn., It in now dated that, the company intends start- ing business shortly. Phillips ---Cox. . Yesterday ming Knox church was in festive attire on the o casiun rat the marriage of one et' it' valued choristers, Mise France. \\'., dsughter of Mr. aand Mrs. Wm. J. Cox, Bri- tannia toad. to Alfred Phillip., of Fergus Falls, Minn. ' Those was a large attendance at the church to wit- ness the interestingreremony, which was performed by Rev. .1. A. Ander• son, B. A. The decorations of the chinch were of white and pink aster.' end fern.. George Lethbridge. of St. Thome.), a former organist of Knox chnreh, presided at, the organ and the strain. of Lohengrin'M Bridal Chorus accompanied the entry of the bridal party. The bride looked very charm- ing inn costume of Bi'la*itelm net over (Tram satin trimmed with ribbon and applique. She carried a bouquetof lily -of -the -valley, and her bridaal veil wan caught up with the same flower. She waft attended t,5 two cousins ns flower•ggirl., Mises Olive ('ox and Alma Nts'nty, who hooked very pretty in a motnn)es of organdie trimmed with hnhy Irish lace and Immo Olin. Tie former wore blue mid ra►•rie.l white ..teta and the letter *an dressed in pink and carried pink asters. Perry Beattie, nephew of the bride, trade an 'tomtit a page, (Incited in while and . Several eases rains lip in the Pulite earrging the ring In n haskr( with I (yourt thin week for infractions of the pink and white n.terw. Che ushers cow bylaw, in all of which a fine wan were .Lames 30Th on, .4 town, ; it. and Frank Campbell, of Landon). ,1t 1 np0)sd. Those fount' guilty of the eonrinaion of the ceremony \len. I breoking the bylaw were John J. Hur- ley, . lames (7teenway, John Webb NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -SEPT. 13. YAMS A halloo. School -Central Rushes Collage. Stratford .. ..... _. .... ... Y Urerceat Loot -Alex. ('Amason . 1 Silt erwarr-Rlrte Bre.., Toronto , 1 FR.., Result + -Bright AtuerI040 RuNnw4 Col- lege .. 8 Fall Mithuery-Mr . H. Park .. 2 Read for EMI -deo. Porter 4 ROW for Hale --Stile take . 1 C1yagr of Husinem -John 1>v(aaklsoo.... Rall (Jowls -D. Millar Cu7 Hardware bup pp(lla. for Fall -J. Nicbolnou . 4 Some Meq Hmvo Their Wishbone -E. P Paulin . ... . .- . .. . Mimic Card -J. E. Jordan . "N. ovl-Mode'-Hodgen Bros . 8 Aonououewent - N Ingham Beanie, ('diene Y Auction Sale of Stock and' Iwplelwet.-• Mn. Drysdale 1 Coining Prof. Dorenwend s 11 itch Haul Toilet Soap--Huy:al Crown Sump Co Court of Hevi.dom-Town of Uexterlch . . 1 Wayne Preshy tertian church, audits a partiug gift he received :t handsome gold watch trt)nl the metuberM of the. congregation, with other memento,+ from societies in the church. An evid- ence of the manner in which Mr. Stewart's work with them is appre- ciated hy the Fort Wayne eongre- gatien is the fact that they want hint to returu to then) nr;t year at their p erntanent pastor. After a few Plays At home Mr. Stewart will leave for Chicago for his hast year in the Mc- Cormick Theological Seminary. CHURCH NOTES. The September meeting of the rural deanery of Huron (Anglican) will he bald in Seatorth tomorrow, The anniversary srrvlcew in connec- tion with Victoria street Methodist church will he held on Sunday, October :74th. Mos. S. J. Williams, the well- known evangelist, will take part in the services. A recital is announced to 1* given in Knox church on Monday evening, 24th inst., by J. E. Jordan, organbot of the church, and w chorus, which will Iw arltiat('d by outside talent. Further annou neeulent next week. The Methodist General Conference ie in session at. Montreal. Rev. O. N. Bassen and (i. M. Elliott, 0 town, are in attendance. R. W. MoKenaie wee appointed a delegate, but is unable to attend on aarrottnt. of an attack of ill - health. On Sunday afternoon last the Misses Hoxeken and Mins Ethel Mose- who are leaving town shortly for 7'nrnto,were presented with it hook each iir the Sunday school of Mt. George s church, in recognition of their valued serViees in connection with Sunday school and church work and as souvenirs of aamx:iaUons formed in that connection. SUMMER SPORTS. Missouri Chief, the Last pacer owned hy J. W. Smith, of town, raoed of Syracuse on Tuesday, getting fourth looney. Hili time woe 25)34 and 2:084. This i0 exceedingly fast time and shows the quality and sped of the greet paler. Al an enthusiastic meeting of the students of the Clinton l'ollegiate In- stitute. the football club, holders of the collegiate championship of On- tario for rigghtsuccessive eeaao0•, elected the folluaiing officers for the full term :- Hon. pre*ident, K. M. McLean ; president, J. Houston, M.' A. manager and captain, C. McKin- non, B. A. : secretary -treasurer, D. L. Cranston ; field committer, R. '11eKenzie, W. Manning, C. Copp : curators, B. Johnson. H. Badour. The annual tournament ut the Clin- t.tl gun club will he held on October lith and lllth. A number of prizes will be offered as usual and the event is likely to draw a crowd of crack shots. Two rinks of Goderich bowler's went to Mitchell nn Tuesday and played three snatches, one in the morning and ten in the afternoon. The Gode- rich players were down um the morn- ing's play but won in loth afternoon Haines. The (oderich rink. were : C. A. Nnirn H. W. Hall. A. Mel). Allan W. Lane That. Davies J. Wynn Fred Davis F. Jordon ANNOUNCEMENTS. ('. C. ire has n good top huggy to trade for hay 01. oats. A snap for new ftubecrihen-The Signal and The Toronto Weekly Globe for the balance of the year, only 25 renL., dtls.elhn s adding 143"'hns•h was and John Iiearom. In one CAMP the pinyeb. I IlII )xefon• rand after th'' row wait ehninel to a fence. Mut the ceremnm• Appropriate Audra were dung , magistrate deeidetl that wan an in - by Fr's'. T. Keener, of Woodstock. a fraction of the hylaw. Jame.' Slattery e former member of Knox hnrrrhuujjr, ' was fined a dollar and costs for using the selections being "True Till Deat11'; uhiiive language to Miss Bertha and "A Hymn of Thanksgiving. (reenww Jame* McMahon was The we'ldinR ti' .t w"*e'rven 41 the+ fined for Irving drunk and disorderly home of the Iyride'a parent^. about `,K saline en the said boat that wan forty-five guests being torment, the port during the week was also fined' pasty including only Immediate fete a r>imil*r , friends and rel*Uvrs obd the members of Knox church choir. Mr. and Mn.' J. lire Stewart returned home from Phillip* left on tare 2016 p. m. train for Detroit last week, accompanied hy hie a trig, t► Toronto, Uhlcago and Minna. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes tsltewart, *poll*, before going t0 Fergon Falb, who had limn visiting him for a few where they will utak'. Carle Moue. Plays In Detroit. Mr. Stewart woe In Mr. Phillips, who was a neldoat of . chugs (luring the summer of the Feat FALL FAIRS -1000. London Sept. 7-15 Exeter Sept. 17.18 BI th Y Sept. 18-19 Kincardine Sept. 18-10 Walkerton Sept. 19.211 Zurich ........ Sept. 19.211 Seaiforth.. . sept. 211-21 Ripley .... ' Sept. 25.26 i.istnwel . , Sept. .45.215 Goderich r Sept. 26-27-28 \Vingham Set. 27-28 Luck now ....... (t. 2:i Hayfield Oct. 24 Teeswnt'r BrlfiMln Dungannon Ft Frfwich Oct. :i•4 Oct. 4-f Oct. 4-6 Oct. 6 AUCTION SALES. TuanDa4. October 2nd.- Auction c*I. M farm, farm .took and implementor property of Mn. Samuel Hart, at le 5, concretion 1, Col- borne. I mile from Benmlller. TROP(. 0UN- I)RY, anetloneer. Tee:.oA,, September'Lifh.-Auction %018 of farm lute and goods and chattel*, at J. H Grnton'e store.) ort Albert, commencing at 1 o'clock. THo ti. 01'NURY, auctioneer MARRIED. 1'H11,1,1Pt-PDX. In Knox church, on Wed- nesday. September IYth by Rev. Jae. A. Andorran. H. A.. Alfred Phillip+, of Fergwe Fall+, to noncom W. you t daughter of Minn., illiam .1. ('ox, of lioder(c 1414A('0M-PKRUI'F. At the Methodist per +onag0, IMyIOM. on **member kb. bitter. T..1. Steadman. May, second dwugbter of William Perdae, to John Hoecom, all o< (ioderich township. Mettler: MKN%IES. Al. the home of the bride's parent. an September NIL by Rev. .1, J. Jostle of .lt Relgnave, Hoht ScOee to Mimeo Lossie Mendes, 0141(4a ler e( Mr. wee Mew Jobe Mende., all d l Set Wawa- ne.1h, DIED. M.INTOt48, in i etrott rm Tpectear. Revs feather 11th. Capt. ('harts. McIntosh. (►tt'ON teLL-In R,alUotd, em F'rldoy Nest 6alher 7th• plea (?Br4en, widow er the ilii Jahn ('nnMll, aand Ten U B n TsAtrte (. reds. th, yaegatet vrhlte, k pvee wlh-et wB- IL Intr. dot M a, sed seethe pf v, W. H. uiwham, 5tar0tyot of Timor% 3lethodat ohamoll, (iedertch imps