The Signal, 1906-9-6, Page 7THr sioNAL: GODI RIuII °N'11AItIO stint** barnstl Ptd * '4.4 itit'i4++4i• i`' 's"'s9+AOcs' ` iTct'A` 4T 'i it 4iv49 i"14evi'"' I If s and other outbuildings 44wren• painted it would add •h to appearettier,and hewould Improve the Farm Buildings. The News of the District. their ifling. Now that h roar est la 1* trifling. Now that the harem[ is � over, most farmers would have plenty M}t' of time un their hands in which to paint their buildings themselves, if they do not want to employ a painter. Contrast a [stinted building with an unpainted one, and are what a, differ- ence Mee is in apparent, values. \\'e can [stint 1)444 farm houses that do not hook to Ise worth more than a few hundred dollars that wuldd•double in value, so (oar as ap4N•ur nt•,'M Sae (nn- rerne1, if they were painted. And men who buy (area are influenced by the ho.ko of the buildings. Another 'X+4.0+4 +454464 +4545* 44+46*4 .+104 *** 4` I 535 45464545464445 LANES. PORTER'S HILL LEESURN CARLOW. TuwtUAY, Sept.41b. Mrs. Hall, of Ottawa, visited friends o1) the A1hllrld circuit during last week. Mus. Frank Quinn. of Chicago, hots again [returned home after a prolonged visit 1)t the home of Mt'. Daniel Quina. The fading,. of 1 him vicinity are busy picking ,appl4N and threshing. The wr'ather t' very favorable for all kinds of work. Mrs. Suualry and daughter, May, of Urtroit, 41)•4 trending tattoo (ew days at the h of the former's father, John Baldwin. William Howl, jr., has about fin- ished building a new ,uldition 1)t his house. Hr its erecting as fine cement font. which grratly whim to the ap- pearance of the place. KINTAIL. TrtcauAY, Sept. 4th. Arnold Cowan is visiting under the parental rood. Rev. Father O'Neil. of London, was here on Sunday. Missies Annie and Catherine Taylor are h • from Chicago. Jsa Rose. son of Rev. Mr. Koss, is visiting his aunt, Mr. A. Beckett. Aussie Whitty has returned to Stratford Business College to continue his 'ludi ll there. We are sorry to hear of the illnr-s of Joseph \Vhill y it! the Si Io, I.4( bigie moon to bear of his reeove•y. Ur. McLennan, wife and Loftily. of Riley, McDon- ald, Minn \Vinnogette Mrrn- ald. of 1) trrit..sp eat Sunday herr. Nits. A. H: Murray and ( 'h• have returned to their home in Fargo, N. D.. after a two nlo44(hti vivit with her mother here. Quite a numtwr of 1 he young folks Attended the patty on Friday evening at the home of Jas. Sennitt. All re- m good time. w. Navin has!1 . rt R 1 Among thole y'ho took in Toronto exhibition (rlou1 herr were M1NM•M Mary and Flo McLeod, Mlurdie Mr - Kenzie and Archie McMtit chid LAURIER. Tt'xaDAY. Sept. Ith Mi.s May Urannen intends leaving for Toronto this week. Mia, Sadie MacLean,' of Duluth, iv visitingher cousin. m Miss Lex3 Mac- Lean. Miss Jennie Du.gla.s, of Flower - dale. 'Tent a few days in our midst titin week. Mina Sadie Mau•Chnrles, of ('lover Valley, spent Sunday with Miss Mary McDonald. MoNUAY, Sept. Mr. and MIs. Petri. MacDougall are visiting friends at Pori Stanley. Mow. [vino', of Kipps'n, i, the guest of her daughter, Sire. Sterling McPhail. John T. Elliott intends leaving for Charlestown, \Vashiogton, next week. After a ple4sint visit with friends in St'atfnr,l Miss Mabel Newton hots returned to her hums. Miss M,u'I)ougotll, of Detroit, who hats spent the summer here, its at pre*. rot visiting friends in F:ginuudrillr. In the absence of the pastor of Bethany 41)14.111 on Snndav Nlr, Archibald delivered ,1)l eha!tient aullhew1. Owing to the 411 ,181e4e of the weat- thermu+t 1)t the campers at the lake have palled 4441' stakes sued returned 11) thee' h •M in Clinton. Mils Helen MaeDonadd, of London. and Miss Maggie Mlu•I'Iutil, u( Brae- side, after spending a pleasant week with friends at Dunlop, h,r:y returned to Porter'. Hill. HOLMESVILLE. 1'uxou.ty, Sept. 4th. Mrs. Pickard is offering44her fine brick hoot' fah sale. Robert \V,•ir, principal of Mar traalr1, yelled un hi. friends, Mr. ,and Mrs. N. 'free art ha. Rev. Mr. Junes, of Auburn, will preach bete -next ,Hablsit h - I( a, d 11. Hoh err it t evening.Iw a1 I The English church S,.bbalh school held their annual picnic lastweek down on the Nltilland rf,e• Hats. The keit social held 1)u 1114 grounds of .butes Huss last Sionalpy eve g proved:a .44811.'4N 1114• 111114 ('411.141 biting )Ygl. The INonhry station of this place is (wing di'p..-el of. People of this vicinity are sorry to louse Mr. Swallow as a citizen. ' The officials of the Methsli't c 1)rrh have Milted ed R r.. J. F '.h et to prrachAtt their anniversary. Fut ther particulars will Is. given later. The \Votul'n's Institute will visit the Choleric!' Institute on Thursday, September nth, at the home of Aliso A. Andrews, Hayfield rad. Many trout this 'vicinity art taking in the Toronto exhibition, aruong them Ming Miss F:. Holdsworth. Mts. Forester and E. Pickard and wife. Mr. and Mr"..1. Yea left last Satur- day for Toronto exhibition and while there will visit their daughter. Sirs. I' lstet•, who. lives north of rot -onto. W. Jenkins, who is buying apples in this vicinity for Hobert Elliott, has tonight a large Iwr of orchards and will l.rgin parking the fall :reit Miss Jennie MacRae eend Miss Tensa in a few days. K,•ugdon .pent %'rdnesday in .1. ('ant.eIon, who had several breaks Mtridhvran• with his lhreohing machine at the Nies. Kinrhelve has returned to h.',' first of the- season, is now doing ex- cellent wok. He is very It in de- mand. having aa., many as twent '-fse 1111111 in one day tore? itbui,t 6hr.•.hing. SAYFIELD. Inane in Chicago atter .pending 1444 IOW time at her pat•rnts'. Miss .lean .Inhhsto11e returned to limdrrirh this week after spending her Vacation with her patrols. James Marl.ennan ,and Charlie Ale- hregor left this week to attend the (ilwlrrirh 4'ojlegoatr Institute. Miss Idella Wilson haw retooled to her t • in Ripley :after spending a few days with Mrs. Tom Dickson. .lames Hose. son 1)l Rev. Mat Huse. of 4'alw Hrrtou, foruet'h• of AshHrld, i' tinting his aunt. Mrs. Alpert Beckell. Miss Isnlwl MacLennan. F. i.. 1'. M.. is 11) give 4 recital in Luck town hall on 'I'hurwday evening. Sept- ember lith, assisted be .1411,,',. Angler - SOIL of Buffalo, -esdtott.t, and Mise Joynt. of l,.ucknow. ehmutiotIiat. PORT ALBERT. Tritan% v. Sept. 4th. • Hrrlor tad Alex. McKenzie PP- Punit'11 their studies of the H. 4'. 1. this week. Mt. tau Mrs. lames M.' Vhinney and Mita Mary McKenzie are at the Toronto exhibition this week. • Mrs. Wni. Garside and her Ian daughters, of Brandon, were the guests of Mrs. .luhn Bennett last week. Times are good at the mill these dayt. Mr. Mhowltllnlz says trade never was Iwtter. It pays to make a good article. Mr. Rennet' 444)111 t pair of fine stet' this week to .line Foley for a good figure. Mr. Foley it whirring III s' • good °nee to winter. In the thownee .rte' Her. T. Hiek', who wva visiting his graudmnlhrr at Thornhill. Waiter Hawkins took the aerviee' last Monday here and at Dcn- gannon. WEleNgsnAv, Sept. 5th. Miss Sint Johnson is h • on It vi+ir. The evaporator Inas started and is in full blast. Mrs. H. Little at enied her cou'fn's welding in To.•lenylilIt on 1'hnlwlay. Mis+ Jeffreys, of Egnlon,ivillr, is visiting her friend, Misr Floss Att- wood. Dr. Atkinson. of Detroit, was in town (or a flew clay' at hi' summer residence. irhr.'rnwd on l,Hl,or iay was the largest on '11.1.11111. A her re - maims' for the evening donee Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser arrive) Monday evening fr their visit to the 1114 Country. They report a fine tip ,and 1'N,k will Misses Koine end Edith limen I.•ft on Saturday for Detroit, whir• they have loosit' \Vhilr here they visite th.•ir her.' The How'ntte(• faaiuily left for Lon- don on Tuesday after two) months re- sort here. Mr. and Mrs. ('lark also left 1111 Tnrslay for londa'1). Ihr. Smith arrived h • fr Toronto 1)41 Mond.,V 4vrnin4{ after an absence of two wf«'ks. While away he was sick for over it week. The following attended the Toronto fair last week : Mrs..1. Falconer. MIs. Cleave, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krwin, Mrs. Ewing. Mrs. 1h. Smith 11041 son Kenneth, Mist. H. Biggest, 11. W. Er- win, A. Elliott, A. G. Erwin. T. 11. Rrow'nlee, Mise F. Stanbury•, Miss A. Ellio(t., Apr. and Mrs. W. Mustard. A Goon BrNesitsa( IIANt•H.--AM Mr. lirintim is leaving the store at Par) Albert there will be a gond opening Inv w ' lire 411,111. \\'hal, we need in Port Albert is a fakery in i•nnnedlion with a1. grocery store, and the place Mr. (irinton iv leaving is espe•in.Ity Muit.'.1 for the purpose.. DKATH 01.' F'.IIt)(FI, ItgsI DENT. --TIIe death occurred at Arlen, Matt., on August :sith of Mrs. M. E. Boughton. sister of • Janie, ('t•awfnrl 1)l this place. The deceased ens the last of six sister', daughters of James T. Crawford. of Ner4'1' Nan. She WAN hrohght 44 1 al Port Albert and moved 1•o 1h.' West thirty year' ago. Besides her husband, who is post- master at Arlen, 'he leaven a fatuity of six children. John Crawford. Ni. P. for Portage la Prairie. i+ another brother of the deceased. (Prom Nnot her corm.uonaest.1 'rr esuity, Sept. Ith. Miss Ntyrlle Smote has gold' 161 w..i k in the s 'r hotel at (i,tlerieh. Mi.. Tent F. HnwkilIM ha' gone to troch in the pl)hli1 .,•1111411 at Lemming - ton Mims Rlnnche Olver is 1i'itiwg with her t• Alis. Miller, in Stratford for It few days. Miss Attie Johnston and her brother Hoolerif•k, of Ooilerl 'h, spent Labor Day in our midst. Miss Lena Brown has ret 1n•nel f Muskoka, where she had been Visiting with her brother for two weeks. Among !home from nr and here who took in Tnlotto exhibit' were Jana. and Frank Hayden. Edward Blown 1111d Will Singe. Mr. and Mrs.. Olver and Mr. and Mts. Bennett. Attended theenncert 11 ml supper held in Ihil)4p(aitit n on Fridnp eveninggnm a reception for Rev. 4'. N. Rutherford, who hnw been away on his vacation the pant month. A Fatal Fall. , Meafort.h, Ang. 31. John O'Reilly. of McKillop, is demi .as the remit of fall- ing from a load of lotto on the \Vingle farm. eontwemion 'L (4 Reilly'a skull WW1 trseturn& He wslkel s short distance after the fall. MONDAY. Sept. lila. Hmaghwn S 'al, of Loyal. wast tan$irnl visitor herr Monday 1)r 1 IIID week. Altos \\'inoie Shaw, formerly teach- er of the Dunlop Ncb.od, who now re- sides at Stratford. acts up o1) a vlait to her pstreists here 1)u the rw0[int holi- day. Two of the Goldthorpe ?1n'SUhing machines, n, oharge of Engineer. Dun- bar and the veteran lieorge Hurtrtwt, have been lhlewhing (r 1 here last week and this week. .Again the sage Government has se- lectetf Tburaday as the day for Cao• 5ulais general thanksgiving, and trout the tune of the lural [open. tar set that the day does not. suit everybody. As 1 timid 1)u former °evasions. the Iwst day of the week would ty Mu441ay, with the religious services on the pre- ceding Sunday. \Vhy not let the people have a voice in selecting the day ? 1 't the question tie voted on at the next ultmfeipeal election. each e y playing the expense of Paling the vote in that locality. ST. HELENS. Tt'KMnAv. Sept. 4th. Lorne Firtb returned to London on Mondej'. Miss Mina* Huth'rtbrd was home over Sunday. Will Rutherford and Mid Humphrey vfsilatl friends at Westfield on Sun- da y. - K. R. S,tlluw•s. of (ioderich, was in The hong on Monday taking n few Mr. ,and Mrs, %V. 130wIes, of lin, Iplr, spend at few daym visiting rel,lto es here the first of the week. J..13. Rutherford, V'. Caine, W. H Ferrier, • John Mc3)uliald and others are taking i1) th.' Toronto exhibit' this week. Miss Lilian *rid Donald Clark and \ ' . Itss (hrfss) Miller went W ( 'lerich on Monday and will attend the Collegiate Institute there. Mrs. Thurston tied wmis, Hobert and T. W., left on Wednesday for their hum,' 1)a Alia, Minn., after a urunth's visit at the i of . Mrs. Thurston's father. Hobert Murray. • WESTFIELD. MONDAY, Sept. :3rd. lw e wvisit ('mmPP Il left last work to his daughter, Mts. W. R. Carr, at Kirkton. Herbert Bamford and Alhertd':unp- bell are attending the National F.xhi- biti0ll at Toronto this week. ' Miss Malwl Hickinghottow went to Toronto last week to visit friend -4 and also to take in the -exhibition. The embers of the A. O. 1'. W. from this vicinity attended the fun- eral of a brother Workman at Nile on Wedndaday of hast week. WENT ASTRAY.-- Aa several men of experience fr this Vicinity were re- turning home by the t.4.•k road from ti derieh one day last week they lost their way and wandered,PVerol mile•. oot of their road. We think they sholI4d 'know the lay of • ruuntry better than that. Cm:ne'n Ntrrgs,-The anniverwtry services of the Donnybrook Methodist appointment will Iw held next Sun- day and Monday, September 1H,h and Ilkh. Rev. F. Swann. of Holmesville. will preach three time. on Sunday. and on Monday evening a sacred conccrt will be given. Diss McDonald, of Auburn. and Mr. ('alk, of Clinton. will fm•nish the nt1tsic : MissJoynt, of imeknow, iv expected to `IVe several te,uling1, and addresses will he delivered by Rev. Messrs. Small, of Auburn : ('ran'. of St. Helens ; Swann, of Holmreville. and Reid. of Nile. Freewill offering at the 4104W.. ...The anniversary ser- vices of \\'(•lit field appoint ment will be held nn Septeml,.'r 31st and October 1st. COLBORNE. August. 27th, Hid. ('oM,yrrll. MKIIc'rlN.l. The Pollan-ne ruunril mel in the 411w11 Hall balmy. All the member, were present. Arconnf s were paid as follows : Bell 'telephone Co., 2:N• : \Vol. Potts, Cinder walk and breaking MI OOP. $i1 : lie,rge Dawson. tilling culvert and digging ditch and rep4uring *1s:.1. T. Goldthorpe, I lieu, $dal: .1. T.Onldthorpe, drawing aeon., $.i: lobo (1raven1tin. breaking stone, fXt.45 ; Wm. Milligan. gravel. 1119.44? Peter M)F:wan, lumber and posts, $111.34: Thos. T,ahh, repairing bridge nth vol., $17.4.•5; Star °fare. printing voters' fiNtr, $;ifx;,t): ('barbs Walters, inspecting. 51./C: Sam1141 Echlin, tile, *55.2s'i W. (t(' ell, setting Dusts. $11 : Jacob Moser, building cement culvert, $117 ; John Breen. gravel and use of road, $7.45 ; .J. .1. Robertson. inspecting culvert ,and watering sante. 57: John Treble, putting in the culvert, $4 ; John Treble, repairing culvert• 51 ; Harry Phillips. items for rnlvert, $1.:+1. A Letter from the clerk of hotle'1Jch totrnahip wits read accepting $75.011Y in settlement of the dispute in regard to the Holinesville hill cot. Mored h) - rounding. Robertson, 'rr45ndel h)• Councillor St.rnughan, that the $75.In he paid to Goderich township. Moved in amendment by Councillor Me - Manns, aef•ond.d by ro,neillor Me. Kwan, that the anotmt he $.it1.IMl, Reeve .Jewell voted with the motion, which dirtied. MI v1d ha• I'1lunrillor Straughan, secnndel by Reeve Jewell, that this council proceed. in rnojune- I' with W('MI \\'awano'h, with the wn1•k,o(rntting end grovelling Shan (1454'4 hill. provided that the job ran IN• completed of t rust of aCilia?il. ( arried. The roomy rale was flied at. 2 1-111 mills. township rate at 2 milli and spNecial'rhnol rite at. 2 I -lot mots on the dollar. The emineil adlonrned to meet ,gain o1 Noonday. the 'lllh of September, at 2 mi rIoek. F. W. Mi'- IMNAatt. Geek. \V 4(uNKNUAY, Sept. with. Rev„ lames Hamilton, of lwrburn, and Rev. J.'1.. Small exchanged pulpits on M Morningstar Longe, No. :Mk A. F. & A. AI.. a i11 hold ,t picnic at Point Farm on Sat IOWA). m(ter11lsmI. 13epteilller 15. The Irtelhre4 lite 104 .kfng fo1•w•,ud to It 14411e111111e. i111pr uvetuent that could easily lie .,oho Levy has that'ge of a Katt} 1)p made refer' to teas. 111 fvnt...t apple rickets' which c •el work ninny farms are rows of [N,111a1'a; Ho. t11iti K. They are parking (1)c I''N'IM rum and grow 44p until there is 1t1It, Elliott, of ONIe• Iich. Mr. 144V)' a sit. a growth of y g 1411-11411.4I,•' the roadside ; un hour M work wflh ,t reports that the eat l)• fall apples are homing out well. Nu'ong sickle would clean them Ali out, but they are allowed to grow -on to A Iwr 1)( """w pro4de are ''t.the d4l1. • it of the farm.--l'lintuu lending the uroltu exhibition, in- New Era. chiding F. %N'. Me1umagh, H. M. Young, T. S. Ha stilton ,o)d Mis5 Me. ••1.441 np as tel," admitted the holt. Hardy. Mr. You g is a delegate from ing senator ; but my bark is to lhr West Huron t1' t h'au•mers' institute wall• and 1'11 die in the hist ditch, convrution. going down with HH ags ying, and, \\'m. Cufningha hurhng defiance at the Inc. soar 1)u I has sold his t King, 1)t the King Edward hotel in the rushy town. The pn1114' w -at. 11 the 11(.igI11Nle- fancy driver to Holg the wing. of t•ntiuph, regardless 1)f the party lash that harks at my heels." He looked as though he nu'antoo.t it, to. Philadelphia ledger. Sunlight Soap is hotter than otter soaps, kat a best when used in the Sunlight way. Say Spotlight Sep and follow (insomnia h,NNI of $''IMI. A Iutlf•hl animal was COI. (1tt.•r s n: the lute South African w raised by Mr. C411ninghuu, splendid record as a horse -lir Mrs. Tyndall and family Clinton today. attending the of her moor, Mies Ella Tyndall, Arthur Bowbrick, a Baptist Int of Saskatchewan. Both Iaride nod groom are well and favorably known here 111141 at Auburn, and carry tai h [heel to [brit home t e in the \Vest. u 1 1104 41•I'II4M 411 at wide circle of (tiro 4thee of thio timing r and was who his a .ed. are at edding n Rev. ist.' d. MAFEKIN(i. AIuNU.t]-, Sept. \lis. AI' Et:bauds went down 40 Toronto) o1) Friday to attend the millinery owning', Miss Edith Edwards went to Paisley on Thursday for it two weeks visit with relatives there. Miss Millie and .lame. Webster 5(1111 u vis' at the "friends,"° f Luckn w visited home of Thos. Maki. on Sunday. Many of the farmer. have sowed their fall wheat. Thr heavy rain un Sunday: night will hasten its growth. Some of the people intend going down to Toronto to the exhibition this' week. Further details will be given next week. Threshing is the order of the day. Charlie Agar is doing must of the ' work ,urNlnd het V. l'hur1i' cer- tainly 1 fainly a hustler. Labor Day passel off quietly here. The farmers do nil have time to take the (toy elf, hot the school children get the ,ulvantage elf it. Airs. Hall, of Clinton, visited friends i1) Ashfield hoot week. She returns to Clinton on Monday accompanied by Morley, who luta IN•rn rusticating al T. Blake's. l'he garden part )• at Zion on Tues- day evening should 1..• a gots! thing. Many of the y g people intend tak- ing it in, ael they say it rivals a day ,at. Toronto fair in its attractions. The topic at League' on Sunday night was taken by Tboa. Blake : the Meriptti's lesson eras read by Miss Aggie Kilpatrick. It was the regular consecration night and "roll call" was taken, Will b'inlay saved his second crop of NIfa11,1 hay last week. Alfalfa is one of the lest hay crops 1 should be grown re than it it. It gives three ' crops as year, yielding lie VPral tuns of 1 hay per acre. Miss Irru.• Mallough and brother Harrold roomed to (Joderieh on Satur- day after a donne of we'kd visit. at the h • of thew aunt, Mrs. Win. Blake. They wee accompanied h)• ALPO Lizzie and John Blake, who spent Sunday in town. DUNLOP. . T.'KNUAY, Sept. 4th. Mr. ,and Mrs. Chas, McNeil were at Toronto fair last week and also elided their relatives in and near Barrie. Mts. Broadwell, of Alpena. Mich., is visiting her mister. Mrs. McDonald, of this plate. It is eighteen year' Mince they had seen each other. Thr frame house which has stood fit so y )•eats on the McNeil fa run. not far ((von out. postlfi..', has been sold to one of 1o)•al's residents, who hots pulled it down and will take its ti111wr' to Loyal for building p m- itst week anotherof 1)l.1 1urPe'm threshing outfit. wags In the neighbor- hood fora day and a half. Tho ma- chine staff were ler the en1111)'n)) of the veteran Thresher chieftnin George Burrows, who for over a quarter of a century was an mortal visitor on many of the farms of the western division of Colborne and As11- He1d. For m • time he used -horse power but later adopted steam, and many is the time he has kept the en- gine puffing while the men, big and little, puffed and st.rainel like the en• gine. working the grain to the feeder. For the last several years George has been in tin. Northwest at threshing tines, and he hat. b,4n connected with the 1'. P. H. work going on in Col- borne. Though he is a Mlle past th, half spntr,r)• fu years and Father T' has given him white hairs, his step i as quirk A. ever and him eye HS keen t. watch the engine And the men n4 work. He spoke while here of ninny of him former mtnff, not forget?fns Joseph. Quite a , n111111wr of 111r elderly rnen who 414e1 to work a threshing in this section he now finds missing. About. 11::4) p. m. Frirh43 nighthe steamed up to Il. Zoelner's near the lake, who had telephoned that the lake had neer•ly gone dry Asking him to bring a look of {ra45m from the I/nnlop river to thresh with the next day. Oe. P N staff of feed ere are Abner Morris And John Barr r.,wm. A yomng elan marvels the float time he Snakes a fool of hirnawlf. Mut, he soon gets used In it. -New York Tines. TamilsTes soya September r1, 190($ 7 Cool and Comfortable Everything ' U1) nl ed in the shale 1)t' smuttier wean' to make you feel cool and comfortable. CANVAS HATS STRAW HATS WASH VESTS COLLARS WASH TIES OUTING SHIRTS, etc., at' MCLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters. North side Court House Square, Galeria). FIN Rev. W'. A. Smith, our pastor, (wen- 1 pied the pulpit here on Sunday morn- ing. He Ie4Vrs this week for a thee•• weeks' vacation at Port Shale%. During his absence his place will 1t.• supplied by Walter Hackett, Jas. Taylor and 1•:rnest Sherwood. Four of our boys leave this ,reek to continence their high mch«d course of PtndiPM, Il1u•old Treleaven, Finlay Reid and Bailie Mtothets will attend. the Lncknow• seho of and \Vorthv Kilpatrick will attend (ioderich Cot- Iegiate Institute. We wish then) sue- CPPN. Freeborn and Albert Johnston, of. Kip tan, visited relatives here last e (wk. We take plelasnre in congratu- lating Freeborn upon his 1,11f1CP149 ski. the honor tnatl•il'ulstion examin,tti1)n' of Toronto University. He Nnceeeded in taint tiring one of the (M'Ptd FAt- ward Blake s.'hullu'hips, UK. \TU (r• 'feta. F16NI(Y,- On Iri-. Jap, Aagnsl 314, Thiel. Henry passed away at his residence, Int 12. conces- sion N, Ashfleld, at. the ripe old age of eighty-three yrnl•s. The f •rnl, which took place on Molotov to Dint- gamlon cemetery, was very Iat•gely attended, showing the high esteem in which the 4 ,'.,•awed was hell. IMPRI IVKMI':NTM Ngl'KNNAHY. In- slw4tot lout tiaitel the school on uPwbay. Hr reported favorably on the work (wing dune but ,advised s inttlrnvenlent in the accommodation and eluiptnent of the school. Aceord- ing to the new r('gulationot all srh(edm 1nalathe fitted 11p with at least. the minimus equipment in order to share in county and legislative grana. NKw' EVA POHATI,K.-WP are pleased to note the introduction oft new in- dustry to our hnrg. J(P. Culhrrt. lilt. (turret an evaporator on Thin. Reed's farm and will vim opp1,sition to the Lurknow and Dt1*�ngannon evlpotttora for the apple trace. \Ve understand that as soon as preparations are com- pleted he will repo re quite a staff of helpers. More particulars next week. Metro ot. REI'oHT Fon Aror.T. S.H. No. 5, Ashfield- V.-0elrg1Treleaven. 1V. -Wm. Alton, Bert, River., Pearl Saunders, Maggie Olen, Penny Fitz- gerald, Mary Saunders. Garman Mothers, Leila Blake, Wallace Twain - ley. II1. \\'at AIton. George Maunders, Ernest. Hall. 11.-•. Kt31 Johnston. Elliot TwnmI s'. Mary Jon114, T ' filen, Jessie Hfolhers, Edith .Johnston. Pt. I. Willie Fitz- gerald, John (filen. Hoag 'twnnley, (ila.dys Rivera. George lilt m. N h, r in attendance 21. Average 21. .1. C. HTarrunna. Teacher. It Creeps Like a serpent. Steals through the 'ystenl like a thief in the night. That's how r8l;arrh arta. Dont trifle with smelt a scourge !tool exper•inren; with a doubtful treal ment. 'rime and experienee prove that l'atarrhovon,• Gley rare. that it gives quirk relief and sin t.hor- o,ighly destrr,yw the disease that it 111e' forever. het ('atarrhnrone in the first place. and your cone is *wooed. In 1:N• and $I.IN) sizes at all dealer* and g taran- teed In evert_ mow. Any girl who has a dimple and understands the art of working it can make n dignified man act like a monkey, ilfaleagn News. SLAUGHTER SALE Page Fence and Gates We need not take space to tell of the high quality pf Page Fencing. That is already estab- lished. justlookatprices these : Regular 9 strand 50 inches Page Fence, now 35c per rod, was 40c. Regular 9 stand, :311 inch Page Fence, now 33c per rod, was 3t(c. All No. 9 Wire, .9 strand, 52 inch Page Fence, now 39c per trod, All No. 9 Wire, K strand, 49 inch Page Fence, now 35c per rod, All No. 9 Wire, s strand, 4t(4 inch Page Fence, now 3oc per rod, All No. 9 Wire, 9 strand, 51 inch Page Fence, now 33c per rod, HIGH CARBON WIRE. GATES. 13 foot by 441 inch Gate for $4.95, was $0.00 12 foot by 48 inch Gate for $4.85, was $5.75 10 foot by 4s inch Gate for $425, was *5.25 SMALLER GATES IN PROPORTION. THESE PRICES ARE GOOD FOR 3o DAYS. REMEMBER THE PLACE. was 45c. was 40c. was 35c. Wi.s 38c. 7 E. P. Paulin's Hardware STOVES. PLUMBING, ETC. Store 'Phone 57 House 'Phone 177 Correct. "in ?him in4tanf•e," explained the pmfemsou• of surgery to t group of medical Atudentm, "the leftleg of the patient is son.ewhat, shorter than the right. limb, Lhna calming the patient to limp. Now, Mr. Freels. whet would you do in a cane like this Y' "Well," responded the. alert Mr. Fresh, "1 guess I'd Ilinp, teal." --Brook• lyn Life. Subscribe for The Nignal. Humor of the Farm. A farmer, who had hired a 'raw Irishman r'eeetatly arriyeli1) this er1401r1•, sent him oat to plow a ileld. "Now, Peat,' said he, "you know you want to make your Hest furrow straight, so you'.1 better choose a hark and plow at. ft." "All right. sum'," said Pat ; tar When he got to th.• field he chose a prominent object on a neighboring hillside for n mark, and plowed luta Hr11, furrow t.taight at il. BY and by the faro WI' 'sone 11111 1.0 Mee how Pat was getting along. and was amazed to Hud that the plow haat leen wandering in a zig-zag course all over the Held. "Why, Pat.!" he ex claimed, " I thought 1 told pan to 1.111.11141 n 111,1rk and plow at if, til 11114 The Better Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is more irrita- tion -more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation -for a while. You take your guiding (arrow would be 'straight." :More, std 1 did, sat," re- plied Pat. ••1 plowed straight, for the 1.0W on the hill twyant, but the ray - Thur wouldn't kaiw'still." Willie's Picture. An sing story boo told of a cer- tain An1.•rir,ur '('1ur stet. For.s4n e. °reado t of public rejoicing itwas de- rided to de•orat• hit school, and the b.yt were invited to help with gifts of flowers, etc. Thereupon Willie B- offeted to bring 11 picture of \Vashing- ton. Nee11eMN to rein:ark, the offer was accepted, and a 'UMW*. of about f.rot Itgwuw, Murroun el by laurel leavt•s, etc., was left, in a most con- spicuous position on 0111 of the walls. Next. dao Willie arrived with his "picture. Hut judge of everynne'M feelings. when he solemnly produced n. postage stamp twitting upon it the fiend of the 11411.11 who "couldn't tell a lir." 'PHONE S6 D. MILLAR CO. OUR FIRST SHOW OF 'PHONE 56 Fall mantles and Jackets We take this opportunity of announcing to the ladies of Goderich and vicinity, the arrival of our first shipment of imported and Canadian mantles and jackets, and we will show same in our mantle saloon, when a visit of inspection is cordially invited. SCOTT'S A NEW DEPARTMENT. Infants' children's and young ladies' ready-to-wear EMULSION goods. Pellisses, Coats and Jackets, Hoods, Hats and Tam O'Shanters. and it cern Me cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it .reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation ; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. Mt'LL WW1 You • e•MKI ►nu. SCOTT $ 00WNE, olnwert1stw, Teewy O... NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. TO VISITORS. .• 4411' «bowing a foil range of wool shaw lm and rug'. Sew our special shawls, etc. i(1geutesl. real KkIer fingering, for making fascinators, Meas, Only to be had at. Minor'.. "Sr Millar's Scotch Store 'P7I=