HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-6, Page 6a TittlItsOty Stpt, ember 6 I oi 6 s- 1:4 InVr1ri4 iTSTTAR _a• 3 Cents a Day Will Cure Your Kidneys 3c • day for • apociallat--tbra will core you of every towe of Kiduey Trouble. Thera all it oosta--3r • day—to take THE GENTLE KIDPICT PILL And " Bu -Ju" cue.— that Not merely eras the pais aud makes you feel better --but Leals and strengthens the Kid- neys and completely mugs. Toke Bu Ju " our gorassms thet they cure or moray regraded At di uy,,gists or sent preprai soa reorsit of pin e, 50c. THE C1.AIL1N CHEMICAL CO MERMED woseseird at ARE YOU MAKIIIC 82,003.22 A YEAR ? is being done with au goods. •A.f 1. a. Wafted, permanent sad profitable. ....NI ill every house, every day. No fake. and tio nerd to create the demand. Legitimate repuuhi, hoonems Votress start without • ce t of capital Write to day CI IR & Wholesale t'ea. end C,flee... London. Ou Light -weight ./ Homespuns Made. up in the latest style a cut and !Mist' AT — DUNLOP'S THE TAILOR WEST ST.. - dODERICR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM TO WESTERN FAIR LONDON $1.90 going Sept. 8th to 14th $1.55 going Sept. 1 I t h and 13th All tickets valid returning onto SepteMber 17th. 1936 1 Secure tit'kets at Iii Hal l'i mil offices. .F. F. LAWRENC.ti v.•ht Unice hoots 11. I ii:Au J. STRAITON, Itepot Ticket Agent. J. Distriet eg,,, I senger Agent, Toronto. 'PHONE 15 OR 24 warehotew f cr. 114 if NVItert you ...it (and Yard ) - ottrilit ) THE IlEsa 1 Ilo. k s it it r e COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL A L W AY 8 ON HAND • 1 .41 Weigh, 41 IM 1114. itiari.et oboe you t.,.•• for het. LEE. Order. left AI '. . 11.1rolo to. Stio. Irmist able 141111111T, omuls It al !elided leo SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Nort west Homestead Regulatl s. -- Any even ninithensi seethe' ttf on !And. 11,,' North sia..t Int . exer4 toe oil 20i. rittl re.er, \ IN. 1....... OCR MI be peolint 11 Ito I- Ili.. -.Ile to.ei of 11 M nal. Mate mi.r is 1.1 elltent of 011e winner est woof 1111 ...te., lllll or lorse. F:ntiv tw made prtalos111 ,41 hien) land °Mee for the ril,triet in whet. the lanil mit note. The homesteader I- minim! in perform the enn4it Inn. entineet,s1 thine. Itt, oink, one of the following plan.- th At leami mix month.' redden," upon and cultivation of the land in earl, rent. for three year.. iti 111 he father tor ittighetif the fnt her re...WI I alt),, linmemtemder o•ide. nee. s farm In the re inity of the Wiwi ...tenet for the re hotrement. rim to reAtIence fluty he hy each jimmies melding wish tlite father or mother. 10' If ft.. settler ham hi. twrinanent midden," nowt farming land owned by him in the eleln ity of his homestead. the rielitirementm se to release* may lo• matholed Ity reeldenee upon the mid lend,. • vitoritbs* not lee lit writing ...Amid he given tn the trAtriii..lonet of Iltortinion !Anti. nt Ottawa Of intention to nt.ply for patent. (*(YRY. Demo r of the Minimter of the Interior. N. It —Unstitherbed imhliontion nf this ad• vertimment will not he oak' for. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS copy of change ef refining advertise- ments must ha left at this office by Ildloseday noon te insertion in Issue Of same week. The little parlor with its bairchoth thiniture, its gothly rag earpet. 1 I stuffed birds mil 114 11:111)011141e t'brO- 1111.111 was a dismol place at best, b uow with tbe double raw of choirs till rouged etltfly utioot tbe sides of aud ties feeble light uf au unduidi kens- seue lamp empbasiziug all 1 barren eglinest It deemed a volt • desert of a room. Sinai) Biddle sot pritul erect ua the solo, ber Week border. handkereblef • molted between her ands. She wits vaguely reseutful this uuwouted solitary diguity Ir was forted to waintain. Sbe o owed to be out in tbe kitcben waehl g disheo. Tbis sitting still with fol ed bands like a chttor 10 one's own woe Wi:1 lu uowisie pleas- ing to h but ale. realized that to- nigbt a least It was expected Of bee Jud rah was uot one of tbose M- ire II souls who eau throw couven- 11 •ality to die wiudo o" It woo all over. The last wourulug relative—fortified by tbe awple post fuueral ..upper -bad conduled with her, wept with her and departed traiuwa rd. The only oound In ireoL the tattiness wag the clatter of dishwaohlug id the kitelien Mak, where two syaipathetic ueighlwro plied their dioli towels aud diseitooed tbe late sad function very minutely. Sarah moved tuteaslly 00 tbe soya. No ono could wool, disheo to sult her; ehe would Lave to do them •Il over tomorrow before sbe put them away, She ached to get at thein now, not only to have them done properly. but to relieve the strain of this 'unwonted .activity. This, however, was clearly Imposolble according to the prevedeut of the I•ownsuulty. To have a mind for household duties before tbe morrow would savor of callonenem. She beard tbe gate latch elicit and then the norad of heavy footsteps rous- ing up the gravel walk. She leaned furward. Ilsteulug lutently. Any diver- sion would be weirome to her tense Der vex. Presently the front door opened softly sit Wite softly closed "17 1 WAS Gone To N %WI A ftkOUL/ill SAINT ON giant TD NAME TOD.' Sbe was aware tbat some one had tip- toed chimoily MO) the room. Sbe look- ed up to flud .• palr of good natured eye, regarding her whimsically. "flood eveninO Setb," sbe said with- out rioing. "Won't you set down?" Meth Carlton selected a straight backed chair In the front row, jerked It forward and sat down awkwArdly. "I run over to see how you was get - tit,' on," he erplained. "Oh, nicely!" .be replied. "Every- body's beeu so good. An'. Seth, 1 want to tbank you now." "What fur'.i" he deo:lauded brusquely. "For all you done," said sbe, "nein' up the hedge au' lookin' after tbe horses today ate beta' one of the bear - She paused a moment. "Don't jou thiuk ererytbIng passed off well?" she asked. Ile nodded abstractedly. Ile appear- ed to he thinking deeply. "Sarah," he mold at length, looking at her wIth that penetration of gaze she ti losayn found rather discoueerting, "do you know I was sort of provoked today?" "Provoked?" Them were surprise and wonder and disbelief in her voice. "Yet, provoked," he repeated Sad,. Her eyes questioned him, but dm waited silently for hini to go on. "1 was Iletenlo' to what lots of them folks had to nay to you today," he r*. mined slowly. "I heard 'em nt tehs' about his mufferin' an' his patience. I heard one of 'em say he was • regular saint on earth." "Wasn't iwr Her tone was •,ireri (mho, but there was a hint of cbal- Ictige In lf. "I'l) be the lest OOP to deny it," Said be, "but what made we provoked was that them folks only looked at one side of R. Thern warn't none of 'em that o.oke of your sufferin' or your pa- tienee." She woe Intent Her hand. were nere- misty twietting and untwioting tbe black bordered handkerchief. A spot of eolor CRITIC Into either cheek. "Mind. I know your father was one of the beet men," be said sturtItty. "but it made 111' 111311 that they didn't tell the other aide of it - that yon wet one of the best women. Didn't Yon glee up everything for him? Where hare you been for the past ten years? Noe here% What have you done ell thnt time exeept take rare of him? Nothin'. Ain't yon suffered an' been patient? Didn't you give up the man you loved so you (millet %pond all yonr time Min' care of your father? Sarah. If I was goln' to name a regular mint on earth I'd name pm!" IT WIIIMA long nisest few Seth Carl- My nes•vemoneeo hes left me entirely ton to make He sat hack In tbe-rhalr, Ise rfwelt 1.4 taking rsther surprised at his ewn statement poem) Irim Pills. rm. sale by et Ws feelings. flarag feet•Vlispn.gv. ---_-_-_-_-___ "It *wilt el •'.1411h )01 wake out," prutested. He grunted. "Didu't it mem nothiu' to you that Med, teu yearn look, whets you 10111 we you could timer loamy me so twig as he lived?" The valor spots brigbteued to her &beets. "Didu't it?" be persinted. "Yes," the admitted slowly. "Ala' hasn't it umaut sumethhe all them ten years?" She nodded her reply, for ber eyes briumied with tears uud there was u lump in her throat. "Talk about potholer uu' sufferba' au' saints on earth!" be excialwed. "Thew folks ain't got eyes to see beyond their noses. That's wbut made *ie pro- voked." He rose mid stalked up and dowu the room. At last be paused before her. "You've hero a 'alma of It about twig enougb," he said; "you've doue your duty— morels dime it --an' I've waited for you for ten moot unsaintly Now, next Saturday 1 waut years. you"— "Not so moon at that, Seth," she begged. "Next Saturday," be said !um:nobly. 'AU' we'll go on to Waohington ale stay a wouth, au' to New York au' to Phila- delpby. Your salntin' days are over. It's Huse you had a chance to be just a womau for •whlie." "I can't—not iso soon," she protested. "Did I say a word durin' them ten years?" be asked. She shook her bead. "Iladu't that ougbt to count for isome- tblu"t" "Yes, I suppose it bad; but. Seth"— Ile smiled almost grimly as be played big trump card. "I've bought tbe tiekets," be said geutiy. /Suddenly sbe begau to weep !without reetrerut. He watcbed ber lu silence. hatultively be knew that these were not tears of sorrow. After a Uwe he sat beside her on the sofa 504 awk- wardly stroked her bale "You ain't gotta' to know what care or sorrow is if I can help it," he de- clared. Unconsciously be lad raised bis voice. "Husb—oh, bush!" die whispered. "Tbey'll hear you mit lu the kitchen. Mb.' .loues an' MIs' Porteous are out there wasbite disheit." "Thiuk I ..are if they dor be said detlantly. "I ain't a mite ashamed of It. Are your She lifted ber eyes to his and railed. it was a wonderful smile. Soumbow the room seemed to lose much of its desolation, even as her face Wet its minty traces of years and patient suf- fering. "I'll be ready Saturday," she said. A Too Amorous Bear. Among the attractions of tho Cava- nagh House at Peterborough are a bevy good-looking girls, and a half -tamed Lear. Whether it was the weather, or whatever the cause. Mr. Bruin became amorous one day last week and welien Bridget went out with his dinner he at mace stood upon his hind feet, and with his arms embraced Bridget. The girl screamed for help. and then started to battle for life against oho too ethic- tionat• boar. The other girls In the kitchen heard the screams and rushed to her emslatonee The cook was the first to arrive. She caught hold or the girl and 'tamed to pull hew out of the bear's en.brace. Almost imnaediately ail the girls in the house aosre on the scans, and wee,- lined up. all palling against Bruin lay this rinse many of the men around the piano had arrived and took a hand In the combat. It was • diffi- cult taak for the men, because by the time th•.• arrived Bridget was Partial- ly disrob• d. and every now and then another garment was torn In shreads and drop; • d off, until finally, the poor girl was almost without any covering At this the mon retreatecand tht bear gave up the fight. It was a close call for Bridget, and had it not been for the cook she would have been well hugged. As It was, she got off with a number of scratches and the lois of her clothing. steams rags ea deo.eies -ogess• The oldest body of aay Inmaan be- ing reposes In the dr,gyptisn egallery of the Stitiali IDEUMMID. IT la the body of a man who wee boded in a eludlow grave hollowediout of the sem:Wooe ou the west bunk of tbe h.la In upper Eitypt. Ttils meal moat have hunted along the banks -albs Nile before tbe Mae of the emilest sramoded king wbicia the muesum possesses, before the time of KRINIS. •11110 was soppeeed to hove ruled Egypt at least 5000 & C, There were previous te tbat time two prehistoric rooms, one the conqueror,. axed thie other the cm mowed. from raids Aiming fh• RCM den race of theoradieet 47neetige It Is with these remote atocks thst this man had to do. Ckmaidertog the enroll [folk In whleh Int was fogad. It la evi- dent that he era emoderted with a late period of the rsew Mese age of Egypt. *He was buried in a chime toilette neollthie spre,s. with his osio- Bible pots and Instruments of flint about him. Theme.ts of meow no la- setilption of say Weed on the pots., blames .er.itimara. all Its eing -been long Metre the lovestleo of any wetttas langpiegpas—Asiweinan-ilatitinalialt. A Good Name For a Town. We "effete Easterners" know, of course., of the spirit of "Mottle" which animate. the West, and there are few people down here who have not been told strange tales of the marvelous growth of a "town" after Its location. Warman, en the Canadian Northern, 11 an instance schteh romps to mind at the moment. One day It was just pralrie, next day them were a dozen stores, numerous tents, and work had begun on a mahout and a church. Hut it has remained for one little colony of MIchiganders, who have nettled In Alberta, to give to their town a name whloh is characteristic of Canada's New Wiest. They have called their town HURRY, and that they are true to their name is shown in the feet that whereas 1 year ago the site of die town was just rolling prairie, it now Mut stores. ohurehes, echnols and practical- ly an the comforta of eNilization. Hur- rv ts located teenly-tive milea eolith of I Vegreville, Alberta. Add It tv the mimes ' In your Orteetteer, for It will be heard of Again They All Failed. alone hate trie.I to devls a corn e equal to l'utneitin'o. lint after fifty vettyp nothing him roltle. 11111WI the eitneket, that owl painlessly Imrertirns lam' warts. Iktn't experiment, Ilwr ib.' hest, and that's "l'iuttiasn's." THE TENNIS GIRL. THE GIBSON WHITE LINEN TAILORED COSTUME STILL SMART. To Deena Well leer la Toasts Tolima - strut l• Malt lbe Battle -5 Wear Lae* Trims toed Petticoats APitropriato N•ckHear sad Hats. The typical teuulo girt the sort of girl uue would expect to flud In a Gib- son picture, is vowed lu dazzliug white Luen of severe wake utid wears u shirt •ud a straw panacea or lintel hat The ouly relief die affords herself ie a hat• baud and waint belt iu eulors which probably proclaim tbe college or the club of some mascullue relative or friend. More becououg If less ostenta- tiously sportiug Is a rilibou of pale blue to watch blue eyes ur a pale piuk to accentuate a delleate .omplexiou. Per - GOWN OP LOOM AND 1111111101DIRT. bap. most alluriug uf all Is the entirely wLlte enseuthie. The tourutuneut girl should remember to dress well for her matches. We all know what a tremen- dous incentive Is the sympathy of on- lookers on such Oet'aS101111. ludeed, ou- lookers are quite as alive to the appro- priateness as- to the prettiness id a player's costume. aud they give a tier - baps unconscious bucking to the girl who is clever enough to comblue these desired objects. Not kuowing either of tlie players, they want the oue who looks the most cbarming to -win. And she is swayed to her best exertious by this tbought, probably ()truly expreosed In applause of Ler good Strokes. -For this girl the ideal apparel is that described above. Every ganuent mast,. of course. be of spotless freshneos. Nothing Is likely to prejuiliie tbe allude of an audience as auy lack in thie respect, and tido menus e clean white skirt every day of a tournament week. The uudersikirt also tunas a consideration of esseutial. Importance. On no accouut Mould a lacey petticoat be worn for teuult. Great a• bi the at- traction of sucb lingerie, there is danger of the foot catching In ft. The em- broidered substitutes are nos' so lovely tbat one can give up the les.s suitable alternative without regret. A white alIk petticont Is Ilkowise delightful for tennis, as It Is so easy to move about In, and It may be made with an em- hroldered muslin overflounce, so that no effect of daIntInees le lost. The question of hats and neckwear Is not so easily disposed of. Some ten- nis players hare never swerved from their devotion to the sailor hat, and custom has inured them to Ito weight mid made them oblivious of any dis- comfort arising from its bardoem. Othello however, have adopted the pan. auto aud linen bats, both of them pref- erable from the picturesque polio of view. Tbe Peter Pan waist is a pop- ular sporting model this summer. With its turnover collar. elbow sleeves and flaring cuff It is indeed both com- fortable and becoming. The tennis costume illustrated Is of white linen. The skirt in laid in box plaits and stitched ten incheo from the waist. Tbe little jacket lo OD tbe LI- mouo order anti elaborately worked in English embroidery. AMY VARNUM. WATCH WORK OF CRIMPS. Oper•tions of Mon Who Abduct Able, - Bodied Se•men—Wili Be Subject to Surveillance on the Pacific Coast. The Pacific coast, the last home of the ehanghaler and the crimp in the new world, Is determined to rem iv.. that re- proach. The State of Washington has given she biood-money men of Seattle and Puget Round notice that the Idris gent laws will be enforced, and now the Canadian Government has appointed Mr. Alexander lienderson, judge of thi county Court of Vancouver, a veers' CoMmIstioner to inquire into all the transactions of the shipping office here The newspapers have told of late suot terrible stones of men being enticed to drink, then, a• often al 00'1, doped and plared aboard windjammers, dial the Marine and Plehertes Department at Ottawa ham taken official ...pollinate!' of the complaint.. The shanghaiing ol an old man ef SR named Keating end the mysterious disappeattance of a flif- teen-year-old boy (*ailed l'hkholm wht ran away to sea, have been instrpment• al In deciding tho Government to ap- point the crenitnis•Ion. 1110 Inlpow•ible to ,,ay jumt how man) men bove been mnqe drunk in water- front hieda and stUt,ped on board sail - Ins reerielf In nn unoonoci •ti. condition but that a numbor of unfortunatio have boon treateit'this way In the laot few 3...ors is shsolotely eertatro 01 course, It Is mita, nil for the shippins °Mee to Moos men 1,. he visited on whet they as in a state of Int v't• ,tion, and It will, he the dm!: of the eorrimleelonm to find out If the Icroal oftlejnlie were aware that men whom they nlinwed 14 bo ;Oared on 'Moo wet. In en irrommon• stIble eondltion. Two men shipped att sail om, ono a' Vancouver and the other In Nee. Wee!. nitneter, hove been releastel reeentlt after Puttee cola! inquiries. both ot wh'im el/timed that they hail been mad. Intogleatell by "runners" and then shit, • red Ad eble-bodied seamen. The Dom inton OovernMent le determined IMO Mis sort of thine shall he donee away with. The *hipping master flays ht courts the fullest Investigation. /behind the running away to ma ol James Clialiell0..611•4 en1111112111hilk_101 5. Mel aro ono *tits ei'..ape, I a coarse tog, a bOording-hotose- keeper et peer, Sound who has •received tieenvisbie no torlety of late, *hipped the buy and was instiumental I, hia eluding Ito, police. The American, of eourse. want- ed the -blond -Money of 135 which Is paid fur every man or buy shipped on a Vol - eel by him. The boy mysteriously disappeared from here several days ago. and It was discovered that he had been shipped It 'ugh the Atnerican on thq editing vessel. The Pose of Leny. The lad was taken tu Esquenalt by this man's agents and put +Omani the ship in the RoYal Roads. The pollee sent word to th. (ligroin io return "him to his porenta The boording-house master's laueri %%al making a run from the ship and Chish'.ilitt was brought in, but GIs. Puget Svund, man allegtre ite slipped,ashore and disappeated. The lad has not yet been recaptured, And the nonce louk on the sturv as being decidedly liehy. ' It is poSsible a charge of stbdisction may be brought. The 'shipping aet makes it clear that anyone who gets • boy to ship without the consent of hie parents is guilty,. of ,this offence. British Peatenastim.dieneeare Problem. In the annual report 'for this year end- ing March 31, the British Postmoster, General says the quesUon,of reductlun of postage charged fiir magazines. Pet' Iodic -al,. and newspapers sent from the It:tilted Kingdom to Caned* is engaging his attention. "Although there are ob- vious objections to making In the case of Canada arrangements more favor- able than can be granted to pedeoliconso etc., wattle within ,the. United King- dom Itself, or Out to other colonleo; 1 recognise thkt in donseque:nor of the ,geogfaphicaltaltuation of the Doolittle, the circumstances are exceptional, anti I am endeavoring to concert:some oleo Which, will meetthe end In view with' nut radiily burdening the exchequer." , Mellowing is an estimate(' of the weight of letters and iibetcards fithsr than articles exchanied by the Potted Kingdom witn Canada and !grit -tonna - land dispatched fr.on the United King- dom: Litton and postcards...weighed, 445,000 pounds; circulars. book. packets, newspapers, 1,391.000 pounds. Itestintd for the United Kingdom. 15.700 pounds letters, 414,000 pound's books and pa- peri;- number of porcels derpartch.,1 to caned& was 172,60; received, . 76.492. This amount of money order tranmae- Mae between the United Kingdom and British America were: Issued In th. United Kingdom, 1511.1)5; Issued h. British America. £543.5011. • if TABLE' DECORATIONS. Tim Rye Favorite Relabel., Schemes Yes July Dinners. '• The rose provides at this time of year the favorho table decoration, and year by yeat 10Itle iieW variety or suule haprovement on oue of the already ex- isting varietiel wakes Itst appearance mud for a tittle ht sure of a welcome. Tbe design I4e9111 itt the illustration of rose decoration Photon the queeu of flowers to admirable perfection. Sur- rounding the candelabrum In the ren- ter of the table, four grneeful antes formed of greeu wire frames are deft- ly arrouged, intwlued with tine suillaz 'strands. two et the foliage are•hei ,soinewhat smaller Sum their fel. lows. From each of the comers minim; beautiful roses without' any other fo- 501113 TABLE DIWORATION. liege than their owu nue leave.. ailing which are Introdueed some of lice sweet rosy tinted youtio shouts o• ()- liege. Arches of exactly SiwilbiT ua- ture, but •of ellehtly smaller dioen- sions In proportlou, are placed mound the eIngle candlestick• on pact tilde of the ceutral deeoratiou, while very full trails of smilax appear throtA tbe &relies rad gurrounding the bad of the lights, being arranged in conveational artistic scrolls upon the tal Moth. Tbe dainty finger bowit. earh baped like a full blown rose of the ft0t del- icate pink minute. contain 00 ring In the water a tiny toseliud nx. a few petals or roans oimIlar to thoo. ou the table. One of the oharms of Ilals par- ticular decoration lie+ in fact of Its being entirely innocent ,t• wiring. Not a wire lo noel to keep do roses in positiou, rind all who have e! perieured the tedious but hitherto neosoutry pre- liminaries of wiring rosiest ivill appre- ciate this point. Anothr 'charm In counectIon with title ochtme is that every dower Is in water. The seeret, a verysimple one, le the' a new anti Ingenious little receptar!! 1. temel at the base of the foliage tote..., whirls, only about no Melt In dello 15 oo con- trived that it not only helot the stalks of the flower. firmly 1:i their place, holding the blossoms Ir41 up. lint at 'AIM TAMED 18.5 CANDLE "MADE. the same time allows the flowers the untold advantage of being 11 IN titer (hit wbole time The character of thie rose scheme 1. Maintained throughout In the dainty eceemorieti, candle ahndeo. menu mid SUPS cards and dessert doilies, all rep- resenting in Me form and another the same Bower. ,..w gamesmen remise tunnel. What la Icn IIA th• Palliser tun- nel le now In course of conatioetion nbout one 1111D1 A half mime Wee, of Polliser on t'e P R The tunnel will be app., 'Ornately 700 feet long. and is being constructed elth n fe, of ellminattlio a 23 -degree eller. with which ever. tody tsavoling between raleary aril Golden le familiar. Con- struction int. begun In the early pall of Let °stoner, and It la inryreeted to be finished by the end of next month. l'avrarda 01 15* men have been employ eti on its oonstruotinn night and day. a.nd while completed it will Alert a ,eneldemikie olivine of time and wear and tear ,1 rolling stoek. About 10,- 94ee harms of cement will toe vied la the eenstmetten. sal Um ant grill be sioresinuatig UAW Do you know you can buy Red Rose Tea at the same price as . other teas? Then, why not? "is good tea" Prices -25, 30, ;5, 40, 50 and On cts. per lb. in lead packets T. 14. IEBTACI00K13, JOHPI, N. B. WINNIPEG. TORONTO. • IIIIILLinGTON 5, , 5. 1111111111.111.11.1111MIMISOMMS2Slaeri,MBegem Parnell's Breed Yee caa get it fresh at tow Jour ovary day. Is kneaded by machin- ery from Ow bigham grads M•aitoh• flour and the purec yeast. Made by tn• bargees eskers In °anode.. P rr VOUk POPULAR OltOCER, AOUNI Coal! Coal! Very Low Prices for Coal for Next Year's Supply For Cash ROBERT ELLIOTT 'Phone 70 talnitaliatal•WW•lluMMislaatatIMAIIIR Ell111•11111•1111=11Ainge 1111•111•111111113110eigleur INTRODUCE 25c iN ORDER TO THE SIGNAL in homes in which it is not already taki.n. 1904; to new subscribers for the wo will send it. 14 the remainder of the small sum of 25 CENTS PAID IN ADVANCE. 5' • Look over this list of special otters to sti bscriber s and take your choice : THE SIGNAL to January 1st, 1907, only 25c. THE SIGNAL and THE MONTREAL FAMILY HERALD and WEEKLY STAR to January ht, 1907, only 50 cents. THE SIGNAL and THE TORONTO WEEKLY GLOBE to January 1st, 1907, only 50 cents THE SIGNAL and THE TORONTO WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE to January 1st, 1907, only 50 cents. THE SIGNAL and THE TORONTO WEEKLY SUN Io Janusry 1st, I907, only 50 cents THE SIGNA1, and THE TORONTO WEEKLY GLOBE to January Ist,I908, for the two papers only $1.75. Any of the above offers good for any address in Canada, the United States or Great Britain. Send your order at once, so as to get the whole benefit of the offer. Address Vanatter & Robertson THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT.