The Signal, 1906-9-6, Page 3Xews of the Sistriet.
Alias hell O'Neil, of Clinton, has
been appointed to a position on the
public sternal staff at Milverton,
Mibi Agues Armitage, eldest daugh-
ter of 111e lair A. Armitage. of Sea•
forth, died Inns week 111'1'oninto.
Uen'ge A. I'bippen, %Vinghaul, has
been npp(ieted a Provincial (tomabh.,
He formerly held at p siliou as (minty
Mins Muhel O0Venhw'k, of Srefieth,
has gone to Siu kville, N, H., where
She has a ^o.41 potation in a school of
dottiest ii• •.ri1'o:r.
Joseph I' 4',L 'c. of the Rupert Hell
Rugine acid 'Thresher Co., Se'afol•1 h,
left last week for Hensel!, whets. he
purposes going 111111 horsiness for him-
E. Blackattl, of Helped!, has sold
his hotel to Mr. 1"i1zp4t'fek, of Lon-
don. and intends Kuing 1., f;+l toms
He has an interest it it hotel ,at 1%im-
11 4wg.
John McIntosh, clerk of (Hey tow'n-
4111p, Sar bell ((4 414 'IIIL,'tI ala•4l1m're of
the township as well, in the latter
eal/A(ity suereeling A. Reymann, re -
1 signed.
1 ul
Jaes.1. Driver, a one -title 44.sidvnl
of 111•IIMM•Im, was married hent month
1 t,, Miss Bertha Sophia Hruthliug, of
tAsot MAIM RLG.:a:.(
I Antmert q.u.kly cures L•chms,, Eczema, tad
oil..., skin hoe.Llet.
neo Garr ears 175 Ferries Ave.. N. I lamikoe,
Sial Etienne sec..( chil&loed. 111 consulted
.pecial,a,- lay week' and wed. in Lo,p4tab—
tad despairtd al 'ea geeing better.
Irmw b
• / f M•ro awwr b.
t !./. A,4'
,1.J Irrnl. M s -nen. `bel, to "'hit: ,. ,, i•
4e ,s alae. the "Ira ay/no/for. 1 J,.'t veal 'Mr"
if Aa, aorta/ saran. J,.. are.''
Don't put it off --pt a boa of Eire Ointment
at on. c aid be rehe,sJ. Pnee 50c.--6 he $2.50.
,'.ts r hem The Cheetah: Ca. d
Grade. ' ' —(IHaien—Terwito.
better f o r
you --noth-
ing more
than a
meal of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly
balanced, wholesome, nourishing
food, equally good for young and
o!d. Made from Canada's finest
wheat flour, rich cream and pure
butter. Baked by the Mooney
baker in the Mooney way.
Say ' Mooney's ' to your grocer.
The Northern 1
Navigation Co. 7
I For Georg -Ian Ray, Soo, Machina'
islands through the 30.000
sae osier" leave 4 ollingwawl Monday.
Tn..-tat. Thursday and Sat14rdnc at
I- :41 4,. in., (Owen 40nud 11 p.m. ,Monday.
Thur.dna and Saturday BailingR. ti„
r..'ry sound, Hying Inlet and French
niter. Mondnt .tnapu-r only gm, .n
.anit 't, Mari..
Penetang and Parry Sound Divis-
Steamer le-ia, Penefeng week dal' -
.'l.'. 4'.t11. northbound. $l,',rner I"u'e-
PAM sound Mondnt. VP,lne-lav and
Frolic{ at 159, a.m., due-dnr. Tho/.dac
and ".1?.•nlat AI ; 14.41,. ,-0111h1,01111/1.
For Soo, Port Arthur, Fort
William and Duluth.
Steamers Irate Sarnia 3:7, Monday,
"miss.' -,lay and Friday. Friday"
^tenni. r goes through t0 Duluth.
Attractive Tourist Rates
Tickets and Information from all
railway agents.
on 3
*'\ 4'l
V our money retuned
.4 not tth,hed in every way.
because the "CartwnMar1nnrtic"
i e eL. erva//r &sneered and
M,Ilow ground in it, own
Is liar way, With
ordinary careful
ase, It MII hold
in rep for
earl. spa
Magnetic a
4.aar laala
usu. cue•
nor►14 NUM. ejls
lorry Mara."
"C.rM-Ma.netir" F.lee-
tk Cushion Strops, 111,00.
Pt.. booklet "Riau w Sba.en."
F,,...1.' In
CHAS. C. LEE, - ,Goderich
■ )M 101VOW , Y=iiii iil , !
'4 a 1LLON
h1,Ry a The rnaw aulnIF ;TAY tram fa Will
1"" °^7 wlr* 11mars/ gesi.114 lee w.
a••ea•an.n 4'011 eA*Ma Fos 41041. It 11w.
anowwwiert Mmslear,t &WK.. a,•• aw
l L (milt 11f9GiT so
For sale by J. NICHOLSON
Hucheater, where lie has been resiling
for some time.
Dr. and Mrs. Elliott, of Lttc':uuw,
have gime to the Ohl Country, where
the D(x't1m• intends t'ekiny a 1441st -grad -
1114.1e Coln•-(• in "ohne of 111e• British nod
foreign hllstlhals,
1),avid Hastings, of Turnb•ry, who
rmeepiel trout St. Joseph's 41,,Tii ) at
1un40,1 in July. and who"• where-
abouts Inial since (et'i. 1141k1ow'n. 1.-
111ruoJ home last week.
George Levi, who for over .erten
tern year' has represented the 1111/01. 0.
H,u'ria en. 141 1%11(u11, lugs resigned
the agency. ,11r. Livia le the father of
Limner Travis, of (ioderieh,
Thomas Warwick died at the house
of refuge on 'Tuesday of last week, :u
the age of 'limay-s.vrm. He was tors -
rely a resident of Clinton 11111 fur
411amn)' years beton. that lived in 44.4-
Harry James.: 4141544,44'. eh trk"of the
Allerie4u hotel in Brussels again on
September 7th, the present lease 10
McLetmen k 1A•nadf001 expiring on
that date. Mr. Hroaelfoot will spend
o time in the %Vent.
Mise Jessie Porter, un. of A%'ing-
ham's most estiva*blr young ladies, be-
eline,' the (ride of John laattisun. of
Port Elisio, on %Yecdtte•w.fay of last
week. The (("ninny took place in
St. Andrew's ellur(•h, Toroutn,
Robert (`,u no; inn. of Tu14ae, ('al.,
a native of 'l'hckert:mitll, died re-
cently in California, aged sixty-two
years. 1111 ,w'4, a hnother of S. 1
and Hobert 4'3 111°1.11311, of '1'ne•krr.
smith, and had lived in 1'4lifiwnia
over thirty-five )'ear's
A happy ) 1 v.'nl took plate in the
Young Methodist 8.118111.11 at Winnipeg
011 1\'4'1411("lay ml Iasi week, when
Roswell Russell, eldeet '.4111 of (leo,
Russell, formerly of Wiugh4tm, "411
married to Miss Phage, ;1 Ilmpular
young holy of that city.
'•'111' 1:
11 . 11;111:1 i'll'f1 (1''i'i 0'I•
ing and contents 1'' destruction.
Closing Poultry Stations.
111 ((('(4t'Lnlee with Its determina-
tion to elcsr lip all pimltI V stations in
the different parts of the Dominion,.
the Government will (lose the
H.1,1esville station before November
1st.. Started in variuu' harts for the
purpose of LIP muustealing to the
farmers the Irussibili1I M of 414luhry
raising. these ex IWmu•nt l stations
have more titandourwhat was ex-
pected of them, said fanners will lir
hilt to p1•ofit by the ohjeet 111,010114 they
have bad. The stetson At 1{nl/llesVlllr
has beset well Managed, x44.4 11.1. been
visited by Mir drrds of person:: infer-
. r.ted 111 the rehiring of poultry. and it
will be 11111444.41 when closed. Mr.
Swallow has not yet derided what he
will do, other than that he will nut re-
main at 1l0IpmsV,ille. He 11,5 a c 1144/14'
of III'utssit1 ler consideration,
411.1 111w go lack to Clinton to tesidi,
The duus• of Airs, Elliott, Heron
street, ('linter. w4s entered by a
burgles' (1111• night recent 11', :4rp .Me(Ily
through 1441 414'••4 W111d11W. A fl, sinter
in the house bail it tussle with the it+•
troller but the 1,114.1• gent I/If Airier take
Mg a small amount of Mimi ley.
Mrs. Edward Rutledge, formerly of
Clinton, diel It'.I week a1, 1110.0m:t-
itiau Sault. She w4, the srrmild
d,ulghter of 1i.'-g.'isno,."f,
4(111•leis aloud 1hirt)'-1twee years of
,age. She leaves her (111•,11,41144 4111,1 two
small children 111 mourn her toms.
A pretty house welding was vele-
Mated ats the 'l'r4le:avec 1 e•disul,
1411('ktlow•, ' 4411 Wednesday of last
Werk. when Ethel, 414eghler of the
late Alexan.l('• :mil Selina Wheeler,
was married to Itavid Alexander
Downie. of Stirtun, Wellington
On Sa inlda y. uggi.t 'Lit h. Alis*
i3e'alrieo• Alrns. da ghter of Richard
Robinson. (.114,ane ts Swuship. Wag
nulls's' ill 44mnauige to Murray A.
\idler. of 4,4..ydmin ter, Alberta.
I'he veto' y % '. pert, mead by Rev,
A. H. finingof Exeter, t the home
of the briele's father.
Titesela) of hast week th. Man-
ning.' son of John ))Annin4 Munis
township. was ,assisting in t hint( a
separator into a barn when tho, tole
brake and the machine stated t ruts
out. lining AI((nu ing was 'rim Vet!
.11111 one let( Iva.. at the an '14'
and the other fealty crushed.
I•l'1 M11mr time Ileg.t intlolls h:i t•
been going on -et: arra' the Alaribn
'l,auefaet41ting ('o., of.M+u•ion, Ohio,
..m1 the Clinton Tine -1011g Co., Ltd.,
a'dh the View• of Am4l,(,unation And a
large ipvestmaent of rewind in lin•
4'lintotl Threshing ('o. 1.y the An„•.: -
cans, who Wish to e+aalhlisll1114 11n.ula•
lovitstions err out far the we :ding
Tb,nlIts %boson, of the rah .onees-
in of Hallett, to muss Ellin Alcd3rie's
(tighter of W. J. AleHrien, of the
Ms lin(. The event take, place on
e 11th. The bride ie a eherming
tang Lad)' who will halt -e the best
rhes of a large circle ..f friends for
r happiness.
After- an illness of nenrly five
months. (win cancer, Catharine R(''.
wife of ('11ar110 Mehno,k, 12th cnneP14-
4ia1 of Grey, .passel away nn Friday,
.%ug1114t. 24t1t. The de•eaase'd was born
in Germany' and un their removal to
1'3414414 the family lived at. Hayfield.
Mr.. Srhn(1i•k is 141114 i •I by Ilei• hus-
band and Deo sons. She 14',1s in her
seventy-seventh year.
Sudden Death at Exeter.
A vert- sal) (tern/ tete' was '4 he
,lealh of Al is14 Lily Willis at. l ai'l4.1'all
.411111144., Path tilt. Miss Willis.
whine home was in Marlette, 411.•1..,
ara'ived in Exeter that evening to visit
relatives and friends thPr1e, her home
haying formerly been at Exeter. On
tier .way (1'0111 the station she eons
plaints' of feeling unwell and a 1110.
;nem later she fell forward upon the
sidewalk end expired iminle(llntely.
411914 Willie was thiels three• venrm of
age. 'rho remains were taken to Afar-
Iette for interment. •
Wingham Hospital Co.
Thr \t'inghan" H(1.pilnl Company
list elected permanent 11itvelors end
"Glee'.' ns follows: Ititeetnrs, 'thine.
lull, Hirhurl Clegg, Frank 3. Taylor.
114•vr T. M. Boyle. Walter H. Green. R.
\'anst A. E. !Smith. 1). T. Hep-
burn, 01'. Smith, 11-. F. Ven1tone,
41r', .1. E. Ta,llyn, R. C. Kiwi mnnd, .l.
P. Kennel)', .1. 1(. Mncdon,dd, and Dr.
If. 11. fjnrnilton, of li,•IRt(rl,v1: hl -
rr'v pr,- ul,•nr, 1►r. T. 4'hisholm, Al. P
',resident, 'Phos. Krell: VieC-president,
\V. H. Green ; seeretary, R. Van -
stone: treasurer. lir. A. 3, Irwin.
Death of John Cook, Morris.
11 P(IIlPmlay morning of last week
John .',wok. a well-known resident of
t he 611i concession of Hmt•ri14, dropped
distil while it ' g from his hoose to
the h,.rn. Heart. (Whirr tyn' the
1//11O111. Mr. ('sulk wens limn in Eng-
land, ar144 rattly In 4' ,era (early
Age. His bovho,xI dors wile spent.
',1 Montreal, ind he afterwards lived
et Paris, Brantford and (ioderirh,
then Rasing to Morris and Inking up
the farm 1111 whish h• died. n%(•r fifty
veers ago. 11e was in his sevent.•
eighth year ntthe time of his death.
!Iris slirt•i14.14 by three daughter/4 and
t brie. rie 'one,
Struck by Lightning.
As n result of the '.4,1111 n 44.18.48 ago
'Sunday et -ening Ilevid Ferguson, of
Titekerstvdth, *uffer•ed the loss of hi'
It*. fine harps and the entire "(' 4M111'8
rrnp. One of the barns was 1/1 flick by
lightning and wax sire. turn 11 H5I
fi •', which *pectin to the ...,j ' '
building, and both heir 1otn1)y de-
stroyed. 'rile line stw'k. with the ex-
ception of one pig, was sefely n• -
1e1. The Ions will he heavy,
4mrt.iolly 4—event by insurance. Dim-
ing Ph1. 141111P *404.441, n barn 011 the nd-
JonnnR fern. to the near, owned by
ohn McLellan, wan also struck. The
ventilator Wag *truck hillno further
(1/1 'nage waw (lour. ,This building had
a metal met. ,ind it is Aft. McLellMn's
theory that the roof ,"'ted as a com-
dnctor and thereby MINN! the ballet -
Death of J. J. Elliott, V. S.
On Sunday, August :40111, (irelined
the dew h of.1. J. Elliott, `;.M..' 1( %%Ing -
haul, and the funeral 11,k Omen the
fnllewMg Tuesday. aftet•timia. J1,',
Elliott WAN 1 11 Mon of the hale John
Elliott. of the loth coneeeehei of East
1"aw•oneoh• After graduating he
settled in Clifford ,and -Shin six )'ears
Ago returned to W(6,01'1111. Selling
11111 hi,pr,1r•liee h(• stent part of the
4(11111111(1 of Rst1,in the Canadian West,
hupists to I:improve his h4A11h, And
alw•It the winter of 1914.5 in Pali-.
Wrni,a. He wits • of 1Yilg114111's
(11.1wt pl'llgIeaM1Ve Mild pllhlle-N1111.itel-
rilrhens, (Hr(piel a aae,at in. the coun-
cil for two terms, rued far "tole lime
was the chief officer of they 'I'wvllerry
Cuusll-vaive .•tsw1'i,at' He %Vila a
mten11M•r of the 11414.111, Odtl4elle14414,
%VIMH11nr11 of the 4%'or3d and lode
4Wfl(Ient Order of 4".ta•sters, end was a
Presto. -
faithful einem MI o .
attendant f the 1111 h= -
Death of Henry Days, Lucknow.
Thr Lmeknuw Srntiiiel say. in re-
ferring 111 the death of Henry Days, urn
111••'S(Iil 1111.. to which brief *eremite...
was 14414.41. irl aur 4awt 1sku.: 'rale. lily.
wane born near 11'roxeter nearly furty-
eighl y 161411 ago and lregaul the study
of chemistry in 1Vinghwi, n nluviuv
thence 10 Lucknow, when. Ile 1e
Ilmainel ever since. 111 his profession
he was recognized 444 41 peer of the
best, serving a► tern) as a mein ler of
the Coullcil of the Ontario ('allege of
Phanmu'v. He married TI'iph,'nn
May. 54'.' 1 daughter of the late
!set. M,u•tin, and 111401 her now dr.
ya,44. , 1 he businrs'. rMta(liwhed bt' her
deceased hnsbamd.- Al's Days was 11
member of the Frei. Masons. Odd -
fellows and Chosen Fi•i'ilds 'fidgets,
:11141 apart. f,' his • esliau' friends
and Iv11atiVes will 11e'rarely nl:r(el by
these societies. iti which le. mat, al-
ways ma iv. and energetic."
The Blyth Standard Changes Hands,
A. E. Ht-,ulwin, who is now con-
nected with The Toronto Saturday
Night. has 11351111MA of Thr Blyth
Standard to J. L. Ker-. son of W. H.
Kerr, puhlish(•r of The Brussels Poet.
In his t'a1P41ietur)', Mr- Heathen% 14,44.5 :
•'I(06111.1s ..f The Standard will dad
Alr. Kerr 1. be :a bright. deter
elan. He 1-. a Priam ir•.al printer.., ward
writer and thoroughly lnderstenda
the newsp441er business in all its
hran.hrs, (cave hint your confidence,
assistance and patronage, and in CP -
Will he w ilI give )•011 a paper that yoe
will have every IV/VOW' (0 he proud of.
On Mstur(lav, Septemlwr 1st. 144)4., 1
t/w1k puseession of The Standard and
nn MAttud+y. SepU'n1Fw•r 14t, 191111,
heti .vith it a period of twel•4. years.
n 4•luain4, I wish to extend 114y .in-
, 're, gratitude and (lest wishes to the
ny, friends and (patrons ' who M1
nal v gave me their as4ist [tee and
pat nate dieing the twelve years
that was publisher of The Stand-
ard. ('PWPII'
g at Kincardine.
The ale of Kincardine were
greatly -.hos '1141 ..n Tuesday 11f14Tnnon
Of last week 1 teem of the drowning
of Robert Mel 1y, a welhknown and
highly respect 1 reeulent of the town.
Mr. S.IIer . nit had not been in
gcw'I health of la had (wen in the
habit of going out . ith the fishermen
on be tog (inward. the help. that
the pure air of the PakInveZr, would
benefit hitt.. On Tu.' ty ht. 14 (0tl-
paniPd :Messrs. Melia nut to the
fishing grounds off inve neon, and
while the men were Susi - engaged
lifting their nets he fell fisln the hug,
"Skil 4414 sirs ' I( slowly at the
time. Hr had beensitting 'n the
sten. of the boatwhile the (tow were
winking forwent. and it is link nen
hew long a time (•Ippse(F before II*
absence was diseoVered• The weal
there is very deep and cold and a
three was 1111 1111414' of t-rscue ,and but
little possibility of r(•eovering the body
the fishermen returned to port with
the std intelligence. Al. Mrlle'v was
sixty-five year of age. Fur 4', Pte hr
led an .,Clive hardness life. being in
partnership frith his bother Frank
in the twittery business. Hr is sur-
rit•rd bya widow, five .114)9 find three
dnnghters. The sons ,are George 1'„
mbdis(oy, \Cis.: Cliffe. Long Hench•
• Hen. Ilam' 111141 Roy. l'hicngu.
Mrs. A. T. C.s.per. of Clinton. and
Misses iiertt.* and 441 -trade at home
are the 14nryi4 ing daughters.
Hot Weather Seems to Have Bad Ef-
fect Upon Some People.
It is . gents/My recognized by
physicians that nanny people suffer
more Wit 41 cntu1111 diming the sum ilei
111,1,, in the winter. " 11.8• Iva. dry
w t.:d ime and the .henge frons the hot
days 111 cord flights memo 111 Mayer a
hail effect upon ) he disease.
b:yen after the 11411711 n1,gh.n14 111'
treating entarrh have 111441 nrl Mlrr+'.*-
ful. 11y •i will 1.111',1 the 11i4ea..('. (11111
all (•atnrrh 'ifferers should hike the
In many instate -es 11)' 'i has
ceroid emend) when the patient. 4, 15
suffered 141111+' r'hiI(11)4eW. Quite it
number of people in O,HIPr•ich who t o•
years het e'wen mhable to get a gas'
night's 141eep, nh-((mint of the $1,s -
Agreeable tickling and dropping at Ile.
bock of the throe!, have nhtsitell
quirk relief from a few treatments ..f
Ilynm.ei and the continued nae has
melte n n)ng11Pre• and lasting. core.
There is no st •h dosing when
• uses Ply i. Simply Strath.• its
nleliented air through the Iww•ketin-
haler that come* in every outfit and
n11 germ* will Fse kilfa44 end the
nureons lnenlhreme will he bended.
The ennplVete outfit tenni distil,
extra bo,oftleak•,
Erol Rifle by all dealers. The R. T.
}broth 1'0.. lfiftaln, N. Y,
Millet's (trip Pilasters retry. Foe
Nth. by .Ins. 1Vllsnn,
People wouldn'tlie half ns Inner if
they ought t.0, --New York i'ress.
i ran eat well and my digestion ix
food. miller's Orme wnlnd iron 1911s
did it. rot wile by .1'as. Wilson.
At the age of sixty mow her.oea
wool(' like tl exchange their laurel
wreathe /(►! h(tir.—Chiengn
Dbawaaatag a Pleasure.
I)0 nut get discouraged about having
to wash dishes 8110 days lu the year
Dishes must be washed, mud of all the
many duties that fall to wumaa's lot
this seems to be the most disliked. But
there is an Ideal way,
The eblef things required to make It
a pleasure are care, order, plenty of
good but water and a stack uC dry tea
towels, two dishcloths and a terse
enameled bowl. The dishes, wheu re-
moved from the table, must bare each
of Its klud put together. Put all the
cooking utensils uu the range and 1111
them with water until the time coulee
to (lean them.
Have a receptacle lu which to plan
all the scraps that come from the
dirties, plates, etc. The most impor-
tant thing 1s to bare plenty of hot
water—not merely warm, but bot—and
use some good soap la the water to
make your suds. It cleans the greasy
meat Wilber and plates twice as quick-
ly. Have your mops with handles for
deep Mouthed jugs and have nice d(ah-
c•lotha made of cheesecloth.
Beglu with the giassware and next
chlaa and follow with spoons, forks,
knives, etc. Never use a wet towel.
A Your Loan Present,
Three girls have hit on a novel re-
membraoc•e for a mutual friend who
was tulles away from ber "sin cowl -
They made twelve envelopes varying
In size and labeled each with the name
of the month. They t ..0 each took
four ea4elopea anti proceeded to put
some appropriate little grits into them,
choosing swan Plat articles and also
writing !C I
g an ani t OUaIa• 1 !1
little message
to the loved one. The January rut el-
ope contained a calendar, and lu oth-
er were ribbons,' needlework, book-
marks, handkerchiefs, e•t(•. Our envel-
ope, the June one, eoutalned a sachet
redolent of roses to snake the whole
array sweet. And wbeu all the en-
velopes were ready they were labeled,
"Not to be opened uutil the first day
of --" (whatever the mouth was), aid
then they were all put IuskJe the lar-
geest envelope, which represented the
month on which the gift was received
9'1)11'( girls bad no end of fun plan-
ning and arranging the hag parcel, and
they enjoyed the mobility letterawhl'b
told them the aurpriee and pleasure
each new gift occasloued.
Nleterie Game of Yowls.
At the banquet given the British
bowlers In Guelph, hir Hugh Guthrie,
M. P., who made a very oluquent speech,
said the most dramatic game of bowls
ever played was that whish took place
on the afternoon of July is, 31t years
ago- it was to Plymouth ata gather -
Ing of sea captainslever before had
there been such a gathering of notable
sea dogs, and never had there been
since. Among those- present were Sar
Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins, Sir
Martin Frobisher, the Lprd High Ad-
miral of England, Sir waiter Raleigh.
and other notables A game of bowl.
wan being played when the mall of a ',
ship was sighted approaching Piy-
mouth. The ship reached port. the
captain landed, and made the announce-
ment that the Spanish Armada hal
been ■sen en the rout line. Immedi-
ately everyone wanted to quit the game
and seek their ships. Drake protested,
saying there was tone to nntah the\
game of bowls and finish the Spanish
afterwards' lir succeeded fn hi* wish,
the game was played, and as the last
shot tt'aa snored the captains left their
skips to enter the beatte with the same
zeal and pluck (hat bad characterized
their game of bowls.—Brantford Ex-
1(eul what our advertises (1r,• s11)• -
ng this week. They want your"radr
" ec.k 4." Furnace
hails PO It lutist IColll act, to bottom.
I don't he ; i. vc you can fin.' fault with any part of the ' Iiecla,'
Waterpsn—..,!aced sa, that it tidies just what is wanted—
thick is, it e:'alk,rates the water and keeps the air
f:om getting illy. "
Dose —i crougil to almit big clunks of wood. Lined,
to I .: ent es. "pc of heat into t11c cellar. Patent
catches keep the dour shut.
[DILA N110 —ca:: i .iLL the dust up the chimney.
Ash t'al: —bra:.11, deep, strong, pan—big enough to hold the
daily (all cf ashes.
Fused —that absolutely prevent gas, smoke and dust
JOWLS escaping into the house. 1<i'SID 301 NTS are
the only pos:able way of hawia; a,clean house.
The "Ueda" is the only Furnace having Fused• Joints,
-nil mea riesgh .1. ,w Our of your house sad 1 will kt yen kine. juel what it
cu.t to 11 -1 411 11 4 . ('141 '110.4 Furnace. 1 will afro *rad oat new
, .• 11-.1• I.•1, •,a• r•, roof 1' nin,,,l.r Stoves and Kau; .. MI free
•• llet•la Fun,.. a Loa:.ler," Cif.r ul - 80
ISN'T it worth something to know that Barns,
Chicken Ilouses, Tool Sheds, etc., have
fireproof rr'of-?
Paterson's "Wire Edge"
Ready Roofing
is absolutely fireproof and waterproof—and practically
Lwrproof. It is cheaper than shingles and lasts a lifetime.
We will send you a free sample. Test it yourself.
will also mail a copy of our illustrated booklet.
Hardware.atores everywhere handle Patersotl's "Wire Edge"
or get it for yott. lusiat on having it.
The Stove and Hardware People
invite you to see the largest stock of the most
up-to-date Stoves and Ranges in Huron county.
Huron Ranges
have large ovens, perfect fire boxes and grates
and are easy on fuel.
Mr. 1Voro(ll, (iodrrirh.
Dear kir,
The ('tow) Hilton rarer. we i,urehas.d from you het.
fall hag given ti. entire satisfaction. Am it baker itle per -
feet ion. We e,11! heartily recommend it to anyone needing
• the Iw,st kitchen range.
He'per•tfnlly yours,
1'arlow. Aug. 24, 11141.
Classic Ranges
(1(sll•rieh, Aug.:1hh, 14111.
Me, \Vorselh
Dear Sir,--
1n answer In your 1'ngtiify 1 /1111
plete14 -,l to any that the Moffat stove "Classic
National" 1 purchn*ed from you bast fall
given great iatisfact • . 1 n1111 delighted
with the (leen as 11 IA*VII ver)' lit 114. TnPI
cooks even all around. I have Pve•y
confidence in recnrinnending the reng..
Respectfully yours,,
Mrs. .Tn.v. Stewart,
Month stn., I.
M. T. Tj'ndall.
Our stove business has grown to be the largest
by selling the hest stoves and selling them cheap.
A1, Sept"u0ssr G,
Back to the old
►1111EN' :at• eunlinlr back Anil
I it will sine) s 1'N'Nur en -
*Iv a%ul' im serve our y11. -tomes*
to the best of our a111111y in any-
thing they need In the line of
Heating and
Roofing and
Repair Work.
Prompt service and satisfaction
We are 44(114 :Ige•nt4 Ihim
year :(gain for those eel(hr:.lel
(food Cheer and
Penn -Esther
and Heaters.
4.e.,..• your orders ":mel' and
avoid the ru.11.
'Phone455W. R. PINDER
are always
11-e find "-ti'ta'n' in dealing out
pure, fn', lI 'g.HNii tl our enatzmets.
'i'he stock is specially well assorted !ca-
ortIle s • ['rule. and the most
parlirll4r wants of aur I/alrons will
have prompt service,
Fresh Vegetable. and (roilx in
Phone qt or call,
The Square, Godrrlch.
1111: I IA1)IN(1
Funeral Directors
(Irde re urtullr ette„,A to et N1
horn, night or day
have opened a livery *table in
the titarlil on NPwgnte street op-
iw'14st• the Colborne Hotel and
have 1i11e1 it with
New and Up-to-date Rigs. New
t Harness, and Good,
Meltable Horses
All patrons are assured the hest
of service. Your, patronage 1•'
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Telephone t)1
Livery, hack
'Bus Stables
(1OOP) HO14Sb s
--- #Te., A T-
Hacks and reli-
nhl+' drivers in
charge o the
'Hies.,,, which wilt
inept, all train a
and sten to h.atx
\ 1.1, C.‘1,1,8.4 ),I,t ATTENf)) II TO
I' ROM I'1'1,Y ("ROM HOTRi. i
fa(IUTH STRit F:T rnosk virT