The Signal, 1906-9-6, Page 1(TUS• SIGNAL, to January 1st, 1907, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, 25 cents FIFTY-NINTH YEAR \., 1L,. 1 GODEIt1111, ONTARIO, CANADA : SEPTEMBER 6, 1906 AIGOOD JOB speaks for Itself. The work turned out of The Signal's fob pnntaue de partment tells a story of skilled workmanship and honest material. If you have a bit of printing to be done:call and see us. VANATTKR & ROBERTSON. Pusumeass Financial UNQUESTIONABLE G Thee is no question nt all about your needing a 'savings accon lit, am there is only one 1411 re way of accumulating wealth, and that be by saving it. A few persons inherit wealth. while °therm gain independence by a stroke of luck, but the vast majority of people 'SWUM n competence by 'pndiug leas than they make and saving the surplus. We pay FOUR per rent. interest un deposits and money can lw withdrawn at any time. - aw THE STANDARD LOAN 11O11PANY Goderich Office, - Corner North St. and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. • . • M . . 1 THE POINT FI:IItII The old and popuhr rr.ur 1. open Loi the teeeptlon of gue.IN. Petordi from Waya aro budded tocoue and +pend an aftbrwoon oe rvenIi.g „i the Ibinl. Uood +ert ce for Menlo'. driving' and looting INartl... For any particular. a.htr a+. J. T. GOLI►'I'HOKP'e:, 1'n41Yn1K'111K 1 ..Irrich chant or For . Sale L1UK SALE. -.t LLM11'F.D Ql'AN, 1' TIT V' of nary tad uutario fall wheat for wed. The wheat 1+ bald with while Than and red beer)end 114 hardy and a fairly goof )lel der.UW one good bloat sow +pin due 10 row' far. Apph' to to SI)W) KHY., J. 4'.. )da 12, oon ewion x, ti.lerleb P.O. Music A ROY ADAMS TaACHrta or PIANO Studio In Hank d Montreal Block. • Fline Arts 1kRAWIN(1 AND 'PAiNTINO HN se oil. AND WATER COLOR. I'll. rile tuition And class- es. UFO. F. HAK41ITT.4 au,briw Road IuoWtborpr'a nowt. 1Jentistry LSKI*IH MIIA'II COWS FOR SALE. 1a --apply to F:. 1 . .{ rTRII.l Hingecloset TWO lit (114IEs, ONE ('t -ITER AND A 111141141.11;)1T WAIi11N, reeenll) punch lit d from M. N Howellfor ale elosp. Apply .1 4'HAS. ( 1./.1:t4halxlware afore. If Warning I1'AKNINO.--ANYONE FO l' N D 11 , n'.)w$siug or rattling no. m. on any tart of our prop•rtr *111 be urre.tet and mew- • w...L I0IKuei 1,. 1'. „rid F:. 1', ,11'T1t11.1. '1'Q !tent --- 111YPF:\\'NITERS TO RENT: ALL 1 m..kw• luw.rt charge W. E. ELLIOTT, telephone 1ar2. lL i)OO►MS TO LET.-ABOt'TTHREE 1L minute, work frau, Collegiate InaAWte. coma kw:ono.. 1• frtable room-. .Apply au THF: SIGNAL. TO RENT. --FOR TILE FALL. ANI) winter months. or Lager If de4red Ihr popular and well known "St. Inwn-nlr" on I. F.. SALE. L.D.M.. D. Debt. 314x,1 nerd +I ort, G,alerirl.. FuliT furn4hrd n•od uipta.l it. u large Loann ling tu-e. .1 Melwean'. Mork -plrndYd rha.Ne fur 11, )iglu.•...111 1n do .1 aI)r. Told dTurnbull'. and.1 good bu..e- ule. I'o-..•-.i Kern at 011.• MRS. Apply r art 1 1 1 1 FA In 11n,.K:mnon NSd1.e•aitY afternoon-. t V . t K C. K K. the len•rnir.. a - 1-1. Medical I)RS. F:MMERMON k TURNBIJL1.. A. T. Err MMWaSx, M-, D. '.4. S. TCNNNt'Lt.. M. B. 114111x., Hamilton Street. (Tone 1er-'. Ite.ldemr 'phone 121. 1(. A. H. MA('KLIN. M. H. • PH1'SI('1AN AND S1'14UEON ,,Nrial ttentlot. to Eyc, For, Now and Throat. (Mlo• and re.Mrnce, oto Hank of \1.51 teat oppoeale Pt.dofllrc, 11 a -t +t.. Oodrnalo. Telephone No. 1)0 Legal lIA51E:KIN k KILLUKAN, BAK- KISTEKS lirilon. notarlea. ate. Orc M. Hon ilt on St.. 1 h.oint donor from Ag rare. U,MIe ric h. Ont. M. 0. (•AMF:ItON, K. C. J. L. KII.- DoKAN. PHOUDFOOT, HAYS a BLAIR. twrri-ter., ,°licher', uotarle' public pr, 'un u, the Maritime 1'ourt, rte. 0111ce, r'..t ride 141uare, next door 4', A. Nairn . grocery. Pru 1.oe fun& to lend al It w,.t rate. of interest. 45. l'Hu1 DF(x1T. K. r. K. r. HAWS. 11. F 11-11R. M0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, . *diethyl, rotary publle. ,'orimiasloner. rte. Money to Moan. Omer, eortaer Hamilton *tidal. Andrew's Streets. Goderich. Ont._ I4'KINSON k DARROW, BAR- E.,RIITKK$, attorneys, ,eolieltor+. etc., (h,derich. Mone • to lend at loweat noes. E. 1. 1111 •KINSON. CHARLES ()Altai W, LLB. Insurance. Loans. etc. (OHS \\'. ('HAiUiE, LIFE, FiRE It and accident in+urnnre. Agent for lending mutual and stock nompsnue.. ln+oramt•e In all line+ effected on hest plan. and ALIO wee't rale+. 4 .11 at office. corner 4vest Street and Square. or eutdm. J. W. CRAIOIE, Uoderlrh. Ont. tele .hone 24 (KILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN. T1 S c R A N e E CO. -Farm and iodated town property mowed. V nlue of property i„ lomat up to Jon. IMtt, over gg1,0,4, 4. (Murree and directors: -J. R. Mcl.enn, pm.; T. Fearer, cin, awes.: Jan. Connolly. 0. Dale. Mr. ('hes- sm. J Watt, Jus. Evan., J.O.Or)eve. J. Benne- wee., director.; T. K. Hays, $rafortb, secretary tr.nsurer ; Inspectors. 'marmot director to 1004. J. W. Yeo. Holun'ville. agent for 4',eat Huron. Polley holders ranay a+ww.n)enta and get their card. rrrclpteI at Mr. ('cats', Clinton,r at Melwmn Bro.; Palace 4 lothing Morn(loleneb Marriage Licenses WALTER E. KELLY, V V UODF:KICH, ONT. 15'atchtnalter, Jeweller and Optician. I+.u.r of Mat doge IAecn'e+. WLANE, ISSUER OF MARRI- • AUE Bowmen. Uodertrh, Ont, Auctioneelhng 'F• HOMAM OPTNDRY, LiVE STOCK and general auctioneer, has ren.ovel from Hamilton Mensal to new omree on South Street. where he will be found rat all time+ when not trying ode.. Term. reasdnable and ra cry rr ore met to are you +aO+fart don 'Ph • .40. (-1 UROR RECKETT. (4ENEI(At. VI auctioneer, 1111 Hamilton street. Goderich. 1'. 0, hot Ila(. All 141114 44.444 resist- ya'e'InI attention. 1 will toy your entity Owls of bon...hold gond. for ra-h. nod 44111 +111 you 410. aa, f',rnit ere, nnenre+ars, cheap. ('all and are 441,,1 we c+ui do for eon 1n IMn IN.. 4114(11441 F: HF:CKETT. 1 rio-lt Nhop, noterlrh, 4, 13read and But I('I Education Huainan rgme. hale, Ihla pa -1 year. ma14eT1CN TIM 1: 1 a,4 many demand- ltpol nn foe young ladle. noel gentlemen who areihoremesy' gtunntlnd In he'd now principle.. it., we lin. n had .t intent. lo CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 4AMua t4,a41d1) with %'Ingham mantras ('allege/ mums SEPTEMBER 3rd Drop a petal for Information to • GEORGE SPOTTON PRINCIPAL OUSE FOR RENT. FURNISHED11 - or unfurnl+Iwd good hr,tbon. or. Belt tnnla road and waterloo -treet. nppodt.• 4'oIlr,tixte InatinS.. 111 water,. convenience-. Nine roam, Everything in Oro ua m., repair. For farther prtwider. ,apple to W. J. MOHRto\'.' grocer Handlton ,4 mg. -COMFUHTABLE 11 even -room home near Collegiate In -ti tote; good endue; haul awl +oft water in kin•b•n. Tenon roar. Apply to MHS. GEO. 1 •I I N, 111tt f. l)AMTi'RE FOR' C'ATTi.E: ANI► 1 hor-e•. at HNgewoud Park F'*zm. For term., lie.. nppI)•lo THOMAS MILLI AN. .•1 the farm hour. 9/41f L'OR HEN1'. -A D\YELLINO ON P YR V. street. 1 dwelling ,fn nlshel or not omear lad a front: modern run. euie•nce.. Von 51,1.4:. -Two new dwelling+ 011 Angk-m'a -tree'' one Awoiling o. Tinton .beet' a1.11 building lit. un 1:11411% avenue. F:.srx -Gem. I 'polar -rn•r! and I'lge +torl. w'Asr.I.--A few' urni-bed hone. or room - near the lake. to rent for the-nu,11. 4,011. $6.1 VUCNIl g 1111141.3tT41 N. Heal =state tor bale. LOCAL TOPICS. Breaks the Record. , There noun be tremendous 'rowdy al Toronto exhibition this week, if other towns are seeding contingents in proportion to thorn which have been leaving Goderich. Ahead. NIU ticket% for 'Toronto have been sold herr since the opening of the exhibi- tion. This is a larger uuunlwr than in any previous year. The Victoria "Street Sidewalks. The town council has "wen having some trouble to know where to place the gr.uiul.t11 is sidewalk. in Victoria street f'l plkasef eve,yliuly, and a special ,reeling ware held on Tuesday night to runsider the, matter further. The decision noun. to was to plane the walks on both sides of the street. in- side the trees. A street t • after GODERICH MARKETS. THl•K,tIAT, Sr ten,b.114ith, Fall wheat per bush, new ' go M- to $ 11 e; Sppring wheat. per bu.ht new a epi 40 o s: I() e, pa bII+h 04.5 to bL' Hulkwbeat. per bush Oat.. per bush., new Pea.. per bush Barley. per bush . ...... ... Screening.. per ton IN w to Flour, fondly. per cwt Flour, patent, per ew•t. Brat, per ton.. ;Mon., per ton Itoy.perton 55 oud. per cont Butter, per Ib 1'he nee. per Ib Egg.. fre.h, per dos Potatom Tattle,e1rdio'y to good. 1•nitle a=W1't. per cwt Hags, live. weight, per r4ng Iamb, ' Haw, per Ib Hucou, per Ib .\ lard. per I1 Tallow, per Ib Hide, ppeer rw•t sheet:. lkiu.+ ( hie ons 11 114 10 06 4)4 I 7 10 Ute u M. 10 0 113 0 4) tc Il 4) 114 OU 230 W 2 ,40 211 10 'a' 111 411) to 10 ton 211 14 to 2U 411 7Wto W 3111 to a an IN to 1) 1N O12 to 422 116: )7 441 4 a4 4 :j1, a 111 5 m, ,I :141 -Ola 0:31 a, 1•i OM 744 4.1 0 111 S terp, per cwt 41 114 10 041 to per owl. 3 M, to 3 :m, to awl .... a u, to 4 04 to 3 14 10 uta to 41 tS to 1.1 to 0114 to 44 )utsbde u 11 S) to 43 to Ohl to !x 011 pag'r .5.1 THR STERLING :: NK OF ('ANAL) A 111.:411 I lievic44 - T4,WlNT., AI' rtlt Ittt t r len' 11-. - 1111r4,a11 IN( ORIO MATED HY SPECIAL A('r OF IMIMISION I'AfI.IAMENT TO (RECEIVE 1)K14Lr1TS SAVINGS BANK • DEPARTMENT • INTEREST ALIO ,E/)drs DEPOSITS OF $1 AND ('PWAKIIS. Paid every three t or rorn- pxunderd quarterly. F',VItMEIRM' SALE Ni/TES CASHED OK ('1I.1.11'TED AT REASON- ABLE RATES. LOANS MADE. A OF:NERAL. RANKING HUSINF.SS TRANMAI'TEI I. (U01)ERICH BRANCH A. U. UAMfiLF. \l ,ria gal 11430H SALE owTO RENT. --A nr't claw -uncre farm ildw'e.I 1V awanreh, lwner..41on .S; l01 27. with 17.1 ,e,rr+ 1n a goal - • - -- - -- .tate of cultivation. well frllee•d, well watered. good on'hnrl, large bank I., n,, rood holed. P,r-(211flro, h,ck+ndth +hop and don• at corner of farm. 'onvenlenl 10 sd•ho„I and 'ehnn'h, 44, utile+ from 1 P. It...dation at ,5nhan,. Term• easy. w', A. HAI1RiSON, Loo know. 1.4.1111 %TE\V HOI'SE FOR SALE, --ON 1 Hrttannln rood. ea4 of 15'. T. Mnrney'+ rridenee Apply to 0. M. ELLIOTT, East anYct. L1OH SALE. --THE FINE BRiCK P house. with 3i rrres of land, on Hayfield road, at prernt occupied by the undcrdgnrd. An ideal pia,. for home and large garden. The Twat buy in Upterkh. 'I hia place should double in vain.' in the next fuer year. Ther. i• an abundance of pear.. planus, ehenie.. gra. ,and mull fruit., To he -old In bulk or d iviN•del. Appy on prendvw. J. H. JIAL1A)1'UH. • • /11HE IOODERICH REAL ESTATE 1 AND 1NS1'RANCE AGENCY. Fon 1404. Fnrnl.hed collage to rent. : room. nicely ,It anted on Ken)•'. .fm'I. 11.01,4 frame ,laidling. tam rx,ul+, with good moonier kitchen, good affable, will Allotted on Keay-, •nrt•t. O..tory lino and cement la ra,uud dwelling. Large -table. a IM,. Foully altuated on Kenv- .Inert. 101,4101; n -1.111. 2 -.tori brl-k 'tore, Laker- m,•n nnd photo- graph gallery. 41tnat.d on Man -triad, Myth. SLOG. 2 Lige lu), corner (Melon aid wrlllnenon. Prier. $lot S..• 2 •tory brink, groomed house omit 4 acres of 1111111. gourd on•h.rd. Price• 1=.:01. 2 one.gufirtrr Arte lot+ near 11. 'I'. It. -dation. )4...t.,ry frim,. home, s room-, donated on Picini' .t reel, near l 'oll...dme 1wt11 rate. 11.:15. Lot And /rami laundry. AI flea frontage on End +Inert. near Square,toot groomedframe -lore and400dling, 41414. '114).).. ail 'tiled on Mgt' Avenue. I„r„uee hon, bu+5 nen'. 11.0 annually. Opportunity knack4 log once At von door. Mune)' to loan, 5 per cot. HAMLINK. CAREY. . Bank of Cowmen c tang. A N EXCELLENT' FARM F O R C1 s.4 --MI acres In We -t w'nw'n nosh. 1 w mile. from Auburn : oil a elm loam, about In' acm under cultivation and '4 to m, urn,+ amber. A well and two )n ng- of wnur• WOW w from° dwelling., a barn, table and 41riving6 heed. Aping to '01'N.1fi R1►HF:HT- 140N (ioderlch YOUNG k KOHERTMI►N• REAL Estate and ln.nranec Agent-. heal r tate for 'nlr or to IM. Perp di ie'. handled In filly part of the town and county. Flee and life In'nranr'e. money to hen. Mr. IyOH MALE.- POCK TOWN 1A/114 (nn Hayfleld road, moth M Mr+. 11'140tt1 ) GM - non'. property. Apply to U. 1t. TIP,M14'' t& 144/5. Navigation Lost or Found LOS1.--A GOLD SCARE Pi N. 2.4 with `earl and four ruble.. Reward on leaving at SIGNAL (Muer. LOST.- A CHILD'S NAVY BLUE coat. trimmed with ohne braid. Saturday evening. Angled IMIb. Finder will plea+)• leave. .ams .0 Mr. ((s+orter'. dors or at ST. 0EOKU1'$ RECTORY. L\Ol'ND.-UN THE SQUARE, A ✓ pair of bowler. white ,•nervus =hoe• watt' rubber sole.. Owner ean have wine by apply- ing pplying to THE SIGNAL. L OST -ON EAST STREET. AN nr0ethyst brooch. Finder will be rewarded on leaving vac at Suomi Omni. Situations Vacant "WANTED.- AT ONCE, A GOOD general ..►ream. Small family nod no wa.hing. ,Apply Io )LKS. S. A. MrliAW. a PPRENTiCE WANTED. - TO A learn the tailoring bu+lne'c. F. H. MM MARTIN. Merchant Tailor. CHANTED. -A 001) (4RNi;RAL servant. 14)41. (4A. M. P1)l,L)CY STAR -COLE I,1NI': STEAM EItti of gi Ba • S1'EAMER III'RON for Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.. via North ChannelGeorgian y. TUEADAY, H P. M. For Port Huron,i ettnit,Toledo, L Cleveland, FRIDAY, 14:10 P. M. W. LKI4, Agent. the Meeting was to the effect that legal proceeding*. 5%04114 lw taken t.1 compel the placing mf the walks out- side the trees Signals of August 113rd Wanted. The Signal'. edition of August '_rind is exhausted and there i'. a demand for a _dozen ol•so of climes of that issue. If home of our suha•rilwrs who have copies of 'that date will hand theist in at 4h.•office it will he appres•iated as a (4vor. e , New stooks at th.Tubl,c Library. The following books• lutve Irately twen added to the public library : Fenw•ick's Carver; The Law of the Laud; \\'hitaker's Almanac: Litera- ture. its Principles ,and Pyvtbleins; Coniston ; Northange• Abbey ; \1'u- cousta : young Barbarians : Cranmford. Real Estate Transfers. Y g k Robertson. real .state a elites, report the following sales : House anti lot to Mrs. Ruwd'r► on Angleea st., our of the houses pot rip on the old planing 1ui11 property : Milne and Int to Jas. Heed on \\'iIhan1 at., a new home put up by Col. Yi .4l ng : two lots t0 .1111 4)1 Moser un Nelson ..t., the Armstrong property : farm on Huron road folie.. Bissett, the Drysdale farm. Poing & Rotwons,n have purchased two lot. on Hiller St., near purchased Park. timi, WANTED. - TO DO GEN. Uf F:KAL housework. Family of three. thine. to ref uuleore abort( fir' or .econd week In September. For further Isanlealar. apply to THIS 411.4 111 . ANTE D. --BY SEPTEMBER 1ST, n suitable girl for .nrl horwork. Apply to 31e.'. ll kson. gra1.41n Waterloo +11. MRS. 5514 pip ,(DFl$IT. a2tt Wanted 'WARDERS \VASTEi).--MTI- lJ DKNTS preferred ; motet hon.., good lo•Allty, Britannia toad. far minute.' walk front the ('olleglate. Apply.5 THIS 014)). E. D. Settled at Last. • As will be seen from the report of the 4u.f meeting 4.1 the (idlblrle township r 1i1. the long-st ling dispute Iwlwrrn Colborne and Coale - rich township; in co salon with the Hihirsvillr 'wedge hill has been settled. Goderich township has agreed to rethiee itm claim against Colborne from $1111 to $75. nod t he 4',1ha'nr conned has vi tell tl pay tha iimlle, f. Thr nettleenrut should 1„ fairly Nati.faetory to the people of both township.. and the dove of peace may again be permitter) to hover over the .imter i..lnicipalities, Diamond Wedding. Mr. and Ml's. Joseph Wilson, 7th concession, %Vest Weiwatl)osh, cele- brated • the sixtieth nnnivermary if their welding haste Monday. Septem- Iwr:4rd. The affaip• won held at the home "(Mrs. \\'n1. McAllister, \\'cat \Vawatiesih, and *every pleaasant day was spent. the gathering (tering alanit forty. Rev. K. \V. ('raw, of St. Helens, land Rev. 1'. Rutherford. of Dungannon, were present and y Herb., .5(111/1, >l,)th :11r. and M.'.'. N'ilsou :are,iu e piit•atively good health. They were made the recipients of a gold ring eu•I) ito a memento of the (N•raMiSu. They have liyel for•O•-... ''ii years on the present It stead, having e to Canada Ir Ihnnfrieshire fifty- seven years agoThey lived threw year. in `•w , ork Stater near Hlorh- este• and t telnaiude• of the time near Shakes are. Their family con- sists of four sans and- two daigh- te•rN, all living, and they MIS , tuner seventeen gr ' children and six ggreat-gnmulchildre,,. The children air .1,,bn, of Auburn : Joseph, 11f 1letroit \Villilun, on the NM:i stead t Hev. .Iloues. of Toronto : 11,14, William Me- \Ilister and Mrs. Robert. McAllister, I.4th of the 7th c ea.mion of West \\ aw•nneish. A remarkable factis that all the grandchildren are living: Sic, of them Who live in the \\'eslrt•n States were unable to to present for the occasion. - At the Harbor. A000mmodstion for Summer Visitors F011 MI'MMER ViMITOHS. 144 regn.'1 of the Board of Trade. all persona hat Ng ascot ,dation for 'nmmrr vl*Iter to (oleril•h are name -dial to leave their mite, amu lartlrutNr+at the new"p.,ter (Mees of the town, where leaf. may he kept n hieh will he available for couturiere"., Any addnamea wet. In to 1 he SI` nal °Mc* w111 he prolerl4 reworded. JAMES MIT- ('HEI.1. Merretnry 1Mwnl of Trude. Notice 1)(K)TH 1'1(1\'1 LI. %E. )eealet lender' will lir need, el rip o. 4.01441. 1114 h, tan for the ode pt k liege nf-rlling re. frrahmenu. on the ground. M the treat Vnrth. we.tern 1xhihlrlon on Srptendrr _MItb. 27th and With next. Noland** n.w•wsarlly am-epled. M. 41. JIIHNIT'N, S. Secretory. 1' Dressmaking Parlors. D. 11. Martin WONappoinlel to declare the pulpit of Sl. Andrew's church, 1 14151 b. vaeanl on November 1111,, W111111 Rev. I1,'. AleLeu), who is retir- ing 1 the active work of the ministrywill have completed forty year's it! the nlioistt•y, The revises! older of standing orders w•a..rudopfed 1,5' the Presbytery. 'l'he Presbytery adjourned to meet at Brucrflelel on t he second 1'uesda)• of November. G. & Cl. Railway Notes. least week the C. P. N. contractors •rel the x(1:41)4 1144,5'14 wl)l(h had Iteeu at work on the hit) Iwluw the light) 1 ler the bridge at the fool of Nolan hill, preparatory 111 starting the cut thtNigh the northern fart of the roadway which hos leen used for :raffle while the embankment leading 1)) to the bridge was Iwing raised. On Friday the town I.a,k out all colonel ion rest raining the cun- t•actol•x from pleax•rdlug with the work until the new roadway 141 1,1 be primerly gravelled. The c01,11.14e'- Nos; then proceeded with the wort' on the line ruilting through the Hig Mill propet•ty and we understand ,114 au•rangenwItt WW1 c to Iwlween the Guelph k 1..sdrrich Co. Alia I1,.' cont('1414.,•. to !newt the w'i.hee of Ihr town in the nm11e• The 51ilve•rton Sun understands that it is the intenti of the 4). k, (1. Railway C pay not to open the road further for traffic until Milverton has Iwru reached, which. from ines•nt indications, will not he ptevemo. to Oetotwt• 1141. Ballasting of the (curl 11, k fiod- e'rich Railway is a ph'teI as fir 149 Li 'MOW, bin 11(11 a se' l lift will have to be put tluw 11. A t• to 4ontini)4' the injunction secured some days ago by • M. Al Pigott k ('o.. reNteaining the Railway Companqy and the- Western Canada Flour Milts l' parry foul excavating along the right-of-way, has beim dis- missed. The plaintiffs wished 4.. pre- vent the defendants+ from excavating 11n Harlan. Mtre•et, adjoining the well of !he 101 • dills Company, who started to 1,10141 a cement wall to pro. Leet their building and especially the big smoke -stick, when Pigott & Cu. ml Id Iwgin work there. Pigott & Co. hold the contract to h,,ild the roadbed, and thought the 'xeavationie mooned would infringe on their con- tract rights. Model Students., 1'he (1.Mderich Mt141el School ulwned 014 'I'neslay last. This years class is considerably larger than Inst. year's, in fact is one of the Iargr14t. the Nrhool has hn,l fur snue• time, consisting of forty -tau students. against twenty• seven land year Thee Clinton claw; al - see is larger than )last year. The nalmem of thine taking their Model work here Are atm follows : Annabel Swann. Hnlnlesville. Betsey Mini' h, Sl. Augustine.. Mina M. Walter. Saltforl. Margaret Jackson, Auburn. F: Johnston. Lantra. Mayme (irvin,• Nile. Viet Ulla Miners. Exeter. Helen Drysdale, (iorlerich. Irene Mallough, (i derich. Freda, Hesse, Zurich. Charlotte Sterling, Hayfield. Belle McDougall, Hltrondnle. - feeaie HI,akr, (l,Mle,•ieh. Ella Goldthorpe, StltfnrI. Nellie Sullivan, KintMil. Arthur Boyer. ((derich. - Bessie Hriruiromlw. (i(ale•rirh. Beatrice McNair, (4 de•ieh. Susan McNair, (inderieh, Maty Colbert, Crewe. - \Vrn, Fingland, Auburn. Evelyn A. Horton, Hensatll. Donald (1. McLean. Hl'th. Ca.si' A. Finn. Gld.rich, Lillian McManus, Snitforl. Lottie Nuhinsan. (.aderich, Mahe' Sparks, Hersall. Alvin Brintnell, Exeter. Olive Foster. )95,.'ppardttn. Franklin L. Yen. Stlff,t. Ethel ('opting. Blake. Annie Law, Behoove. Norman Boyce. Blake. Clinton Hogarth. Exeter. Mary E. Barclay, Dmngnnnon. Marthai Johnston, Lanes. Gordon Stewart. Ailsa. Miss Troy; \Vhit'e'hntrh. Alex. Mclennan, Goderich. Edward Rlobinnon, Marnoch. Angus McLeod, Goderich. Mr. Mieldal.••Ailsa Craig. The steamer Turtet Chief is expect - .s1 1 at the Hig Mill. The. %chiseller L. 11. Mason with coal fur the Big Mill name in during the night and 1s unloading. Chief Engineer Sing of the Public Works Ih•partm.'nt arrived in kairt with his yacht Otonabee past evening. He was on his way to the (4eurgian Baty and called in to have a slight repair made. The steamer Huron, of the Star - Cole line, made her Inst rall act this port on Sunday, leaving on her down trip,.hont 3 o'clock in the morning. The steamer King Edward has ex - advertised to Detroit. going Fridav, the 7th and 14th, good to te- tnrn till the 10t14. Thew will prob- ably close her season. Our enterpt•ising pair of fishermen, Messrs. McKay and McDonald, leave today with their-tlg Petrie for Provi- deonee Bay. on the south shote of the Manitoulin ishields, where they will spend the remainder of the %eoaon fishing. Two yarhts were in tort during the week. The Hirondefle arrive) last Thursday evening at',lt 10 o'clock on her way up to i',u•ty Sound to pink up n fishing party . from Buffalo. ('apt. .lam. Green, of Pott Huron. -formerly rat (,tderich, wait acting as ,ilio for the Hirondelle. His many friends in Grde•irh were glad of the opportunity rf meeting him. On Saturday the yacht Daisy called in on her way up to the Heorgian Itly. She left on Tuesday morning and after falling at. Georgian Bay p.mrt goes to ('hieg(' and on to Memphis. She is owned in New York. MCRA ('ONL.ON, WHO HAS MAN - AIRED with Nook anexaw a ti wittetaktbon the der«making depnn.ment with Hentgetra tHtrnotdordl Leone IlankmMood akIng Septemhnr the M.•mher Nth. and will he plea.el to hare all tonnes patrolrs a*d Ial.o Iwo ones call upon her- M1101 ('0. WY !t Presbytery Meeting. The I'remhytery of Huron held its regular meeting at Clinton on T(1em• day. September 4th. The following ministers were present : Hev. 1'. Fletcher, moderator: I)r. Mclean, clerk : Itev, Menses. Larkin, of Mea - forth : Anderson, of Gnterth : Small. of Auburn : Davidson of \',tent ; Carrier... of (item' Hind : Smith. of Henmall:'Martin, (if Exeter; Carswell. of McKillop; Dr. Stewart, of Clinton : Shaw. of Kg hint.; and Urgnhart, of Kip n. There were also present the following eklew : Mesar(. McKay, of Kippwn : Johnston. of Varna ; Young, of Smith's Hill : and IArek- heirt, eif McKillop. The .'om(11i11.iinew to the past. assembly gave in a repot of their diligerw-e. A committee, con - abating of Rev..I, Messrs. M)4In11, M. A. ('aarriere, and A. McKay, elder, was appointed to strike standing miftees for the. rear. At it later sederynt the report wM adopted with the following runvrnew : Horne mis- sion., Hev. \Vi,. Shaw : church life and work, Hev. Mr. Mawew ; Sabbath *sh,.o's, Itev, .1, Davidenn : finance, Rev. Mr. Shaw : mupet•intendenei o1 st.idrntoe, Itr. Stewart : ('hri+daln Endeavor, lieu. 11. Urquhart : aug- mentation, Itev, 4'. Fletcher : confer- ence, Rev. N. Leckie : foreign mi.- e inne, Rev. J. Andersen.. Rev. 1)r. Mlewart, and Rev. (7, Fletcher were appointed to addresses the %V. F. Ni. M. of the Presbytery at Its annual meet- ing at Brueefleld in November. Rev. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Urt the habit of dewing 44411 and )v 44111 mere *gain Iw roulnr,t w'mh ,loud)' x4{ u p14lel. I'rldhNnl the tailor ran +how > ou how i0 look +4:411 ou lilt 11• Ilton*)•. Pict ain• fronting 1+ made as peeloltYY at auWilmer Smith', A large -.tuck of m1.141- m1[- ltabte for is owing ever • . mita) of auhiosa Kept On hand and all work H guaranteed factory. Of the tanking of many picture. there 1• end but much atudy of the art i.tM etfe•1., in portraiture *1(441iod at R. it. Ballow.' studio 4.4ldrlght 10 the rye rather thorn a wearies.+. to the 41t -h. Good ,n/greao Is now being trade +al the brickwork of the Baptist rhumb. Mr. and Moe. Wm. Lee unwed yester- day to Heir handsome new residence on Montreal .Deet. C'. Wo de. 11f Sarnia, has lawn ap- plinted to take Conductor Stratton's rim on the G. T. R. John J. Foran. writing front .:ase send wl s "Please f4.100114f4.100114 • Sask., y . • wr 'File ' Signal, I stud lust without it." Ig John Kernighan. J. P.. is 4urtiig Police Magistrate this week dewing the absence of Magistrate H iter front town. The cement • sidewalk contractors have rnmpletwl the sidewalk on the west side of Victoria street heats the jail to Cooper's warehouse. The house E. NLewis was Moving tutu) Lighthouse street 5,1(10 been played in 414;iti on the lake 1aink just south 5f the summer hears. Col. Y g brought the Drysdale farm on the Huron caul at the au' - 1' sale ,m Saturday. Septeidwr let, for Ill:r,11M,. The farm cun.)•tt. of Ikl x(11'1•., Thr regular meeting of flee public school baud was, held on Monday last when nmtine work ineludiug the passing of a Iter of He4.011 1)tN, en - 114041 the attention of the hoard. .1. F. Hain, of the Sterling Hank, has his wire-haired Airdale, "Lucky Briar." at the dog show in Tonmto this week. He teas receiver x tele• gran) stating that it has taken first and third price.. Work has started on the el gr. in (nnne•tion with the new freight irnicete and sheds the G. T. K. is erecting here. A couple of men are here lay- ing out the ground 111141 a gang of half a hundred workmen, it is expected, will urive tonight. .I. Ht•indley, of (l derich'township. brought a load of oats+ to town 1en Tuesday, 1•onmimtiug of seventy-eight latgs containing 314I b)mhels. The ken clerk says this is about the. biggest haul In. hum .'ver weighed. The grain was sold to W. Ronson, & 51111. Hereafter the productof the differ- ent mills of the \\''.tern Canada Flour Millie Co. will N. branded SS ••Purity" thaw. The 11110)e 114 11 t appropriate one, and wherever the Company's flour goes it will be char- acterized by purity broth in name anti in fader. E. 1.. Diekinon, l'. S. Put.', F. Davi* and H. \V. Thomson. skip, made up a rink of local txowler14 which ('urpetel in the Canada howling (lob's tournament at Toronto this week. They were defeated in the third round of the trophy match. Mr. Th 140(1 Was one of the umpires for the tournament. The at.tendanee at the Collegiate In- stitute Km far this tern, numbers alanit Het a Irma number than Inst year, but the large n her pnesed rat the recent N xamivationm 11)rans . that there are not su many former students 111 curie hack. No doubt the 1111 111 in at- t1ndan,e will be augn)entrA 1'. some extent by later nrri'ats. An action brought by W'tn. Patton, of (io,lerich township, againmt Alex, ('ox, 4.f the venue townlnip• waas tried at the Septenlbwr session of the ision (' t, (i. F. Blair appearing for the plaint 111 and ('has. Darrow for the defendant. The milieu) waw for elun- ieges s11atainel to the plaintiff% buggy from a row which wax grazing on the read its 11r. Cox drove by. Judgment was reserved. CHURCH NOTES. At Victoria atrgt Methodist church on Sunday morning the *service was conducted by .1. H. Millian, and in the evening Rev. .1. 1.. Small, of Auburn. l)reached, the sermon (wing an excel- entstudy of the' life of M(4sen. Next Sunday Gurdon \\'ightman will hay,. (charge of the morning, %revue and HY.•. H. Not of the evening service. The pastor, Het. W. H. Graham. will have returned h • and cps •d him duties Wove the following Sabbath. Irving---Weatherald. Yesterday morning St. George's church ware the a:en.' Sofa very happy ,rent, the occasion being the marriage 411 *lona, )•onngemt dat(ghter of Mr, and Ilan. Thom. \V,.ntbey-old, In An- drew mdrew Wilson Irving, of (ixh, The rhurrh was simply decorated With a few potted and cut flowers. and the affair was 14 quiet one, only im- mediate friends Iwing (among the in- vited guests. The organist, Mr. ('off, played •Lohengrin'. Bridal Chorus 1x• - line the ceremony-. The bride entered of her father's arm and wore a rta4t of (•1141111 e)lienne with chiffon lace tr' ' gland, pirlire hitt and cart -N.1 x shower bouquet of rte:uu roses. Mlle Woounattended. T a net'S•tre In- rlided the hymn. "The Voice 'rho Brent het o'er Eden." rind Psalm 120, terwl'red by the choir, of which the bride wenn a former valued member. Thr church we -vire was r'ourinded a few minutes Iwfite noon and the party left the sacred edifice to ale joy fill strains of Mendelsaohn's Wedding llnrrh, driving to the home of the b'ide's parents, where. a rerheyrhr. re- past ,41111 other festivities made the tin)e paw. quickly. Thr breakfast table ens decorated with a centrepiece of gladioli' and apto'rs, beneath fes- toons n1 myrtle. Daring the serving of the wedding beakfu,t Miss. Rose N,tftel presides1 Very a 4'r•eptnhly rat. the pi The out-of-town guests were the groom'.. mother, of (1,61.: his brother-in-law and mister. Mr. and 11r•s.Hlalbantyne,of Reston; Mr. and Mrs. Kerber, of Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. and, Mr's. Pinner and Mims Manlier, of Clinton: Mr. 'their, rot \VrexIats'k, and Misa Naftel, of Tonmto. Veater- day wail the forty-fifth anniverMary of the marriage 5t the bride's parent., and in poop suing her health new. M. 1'urnlull vet y felicitously referred to 1144 coincidence. The happy reouple left nn the. VW) train for a visit to Fluff/dee and other points before mak- ing their permanent 14441434•nee in Galt, where the groom honk: t1,.' 41410141110 o1 draughtsman with the (onrley•M?- Dream. Co. The bride is a graduate nurse of (felt bowline') e') and hail many friends in that Gown, who, together with her host of friend. In (4xlerich, wish her a long life of unalloyed hap- piness. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --SEPT. 6. radia Edge of the New Sea on --J. H. Colborne.... 4 .Boarder-. Wanted - Apply at Thl'Odic. 1 People are Heins Steadily Faluw,ted -W. P'rotium'. _. . ... _.. _. 1 A Su 1a'r4011e'hool-Mallin? Sualw.e.. ('anew2 Fleets Talk -Berlin Ruminate. follies_! . 14 Huron Range, -non/elle , 1 4%','%tern Fltlr--F. F. Lewrlrswae... ....... e Iteufer-U. T. k 1 aiedkerehlef.- W. A. McKim 3 A Cued Tonle W. C. Uoode 4 144r+t Showing of Fall (Teta-Hodgeus Hross Purity Flour-W..4sta Canada Flour Mill ... . ..-. . . .. 4 Apprentice Wanted -1%H. Martin .. 1 Selling -out Sale -S. J. Young 1 Iron Hoofing -\'.'heeler& Hain. Toronto14 ground for minket' in the stand they made against the Old ('ountry• burn. In t1' eight -rink match, 1414 arau)ged by the \Vostern Bowling A'stx•iation, which we.a yn lard on the ) g4ewus at Clinton and Ooderich, they won by 15 shots. The Goderich rinks. in their varii115 games 14gain141 the visitors, were 5 ahead, Winghanl led by 2. Meaforth wipe 40 up, Brussels 5 up. and Clinton only 2 down. Altogether t his 1.1 the test record made against - the. visitor. by any group of clubs en the emint•y." Aid Toronto Satuday Night has the following cuuuul•nt : "No wonder that there is joy in Seafnrlh, that the village father•s+ are. haggling over 11 grant fit a medal to lw struck in honor of the tattle, or that the r'fee•e Mr. Brown Jackson thinks that to have presided at suet a hat is g1, of human great- tipeN. Scaforth's 1 , however. he well dea•rved. They hawed good athletes in Hurn) county, good as,ta'iatiuu player., and good bowl- ers. for two rinks from that county defeated the Hritishera." ANNOUNCEMENTS. 4 Announcements under thin heading to cent, per line., If you are troubled with Buffalo Naga in your house. get a bottle of r,m• Buffalo Bug Killer, only 25c., at 11.'4V. THo.S/V s Urlg Mtore. To the prospective visitor to Toron- to, who is looking for a desirable place if residence during his %cast- in the city. let Ila K a recommend "Oa-Kathe. new pension at 142 Bloor-.L west. 1t is beautifully furnished and some very effective towline have been added by the "Arts and ('rafts." Its large e Knrands•wide verandah u d table and service co111bine W render it one. 11I the statnetive and comfortable places to 144 found in the eity. It is 'sexily teaches. are the Avenue road car frrun the depot passe. the house. To the Western Fair. Alwa s n popular outing. Rate of single fare iu effect mood going (4ept- rmh•r Nth to 14th. ani excursion rata's 11n September 11th and 13th. All ticket* valid retutoing until Septem- ber 17th. Further information at (hued Trunk offices. No Race Suicide There. A stoutlittle woman on an East Washington street car looked around anxiously for meats for the children who were with her. Two of the older girls had habirm in their arms. People on the car did not know whether it was an orphans' home pie. ole 11r a Sunday school convention. "Beg pardon. lady,", maid the con- ductor, "hut you have given me only right ticketm." "Didn't know you chargee) for babies in arms," maid the little woman. a' she kept her eye on all uyemtwrm of .her party. "Beet there are nine without them," Mill t1,' roltductot. apologetically. Perhaps he really thought the woman had only eight tekett.. "Stand up, children." commanded the little woman. She wan imperiona in her command. and immediately after her otdet• to stand they all arose to their feet. Counting them one by one, !the pemently came to ai little boy of about eight yearn, and, pointing her finger athint, she said : "Sammy, 1 thought you strayed at home with the rest of the children.' - indianap)lis Star. Hev. I)r. Meld • will pr'enleh both morning and evening atthe owning of the Ihoverrnrrt Presbyterian church, Toronto, of which Rev. ,lames \\'ilson, formerly of (iud'rich, Is the put.t..r. Nev. Ut. Potts will preach in the atft't•- noon. The opening will lake place next 5 lay and the opening services will i,. continued the following Monday, when Rev. Professor Kilpatrick, of Knox College, will peach in the morn- ing, and Rev. J. A. Mnedlnald, of The (ilolxe, in the evening. SUMMER SPORTS. The members of the hanebtll club enjoyed the visit of t1,' visiting team from London on Monday. The Orients are a very gentlemanly lot, both on rind off the diamond, many of them being mel of MIthst*tire and standing In the Forest City. 1'he Orient. ('Int, of tvhirh they art m'mlwr-, also c11n- dierta a minstrel show in the 144•a5on, and it is proposed 141 have the• minstrels here next January. They put on a first -claws program) and would dotubt- le•sa draw a -bumpe•r house, A challenge retool] at the rifle range was to hove been held nn i.alx)r 1)aty between sides (lumen by .1, Nl'wton11.,' and E. It. Watson, the former being (1,' chnlleoger. but the (1)alch wane postpones' till next. Saturday. The tenure will be picked from the (bolt: - rich, (3,Mlerich towr•.hip anti Colborne 1(51.1 N•IaationM, Un halm'. Day four inert haul a shoot at the AMI yards range. Th' weather rinrditlonn were very unflvurahle to good marksmanship, but the following sores were made out, of a possible 711 : E, R. Watson. ft4: Chan. ('liishdlrn, 51 : W. Chisholm, fi7 : (len. James, 42. Huron County's Fame. Huron county has won elute repu- tation by ahe achievement of iia bowlers in defeat In.( the British tourist., and almo by the succeed of the eieselurth f 4,tball tenth in tieing the Corinthians. The Toronto Nesils Bare " The howlers of Huron county have FARMERS' INSTITUTE. List of Meetings in West Huron for F -Oy. Dates have hewn arranged 1414 follows fur the meetings of the West Huron Farmers Institute during the coming seae°n : St. ;Helen% . Dec. 1 Nile, church hasem'nt " :4 (loderirh, Teu)pelance Hall 4 Benmill.'r, Firester•s Hn11.... " 5 Holrllesville, Wilmon's Hall.... •' el Lnudemh ro', Brown's Hall " 7 Kintail Jan. 5 Althorn - FALL FAIRS --1906. - -Aug. 27 -Sept. In Toronto iAtndSu Sept. 7.15 Exeter .. Sept. 17-15 Blyth Sept. 18-I0 Kincardine ... - Sept, 1f4 -IN \Valkertein Sept. ln.21) Zurich Sept. 111-21, Menforth . Sept. 214.21 Ripley .... Sept.. 25►214 List.ow.'l Sept. 'Li 72t Goderich Sept. 28-27-28 \Vingharn 'Set. 27.214 Luck now . , • . (let. 244 Bayfield Oct. 2-:i Te'awater Oct. :4-4 Hrussela. Oct. 4-7 Dungannon Oct. 4-6 Forfwich Oct, 0 AUCTION SALES. Sln Mnav, September 1a11. The Misys H,..kep will hold a +ode M ho,..nho'd furniture at the re•dden'.•, hrore drwnt, rnmme no a1 2oelok. Tnea. OlvDR v . .aetloueet. BORN, HARRIS. .AI " !bawl ale," ( n, Mogi/moon Mon lay Septen,her 3rd to r and Mo..Omrge F, Harr,, a daughter.- MARRIED. I It VtNU WEATHEHALD. On WeNtnerebt • eepamhrr .511), at Ht. George'. rhurrh, Goderich. by Rev, Mark Tornbnll, teeter. Andrew w'Il,on Irvin`` of 0n11, et Moon. ° inge.t. daughter of T'holna. weather -aid, DIED. - HOW ATT. At Indian Head. Moak,. on Satur- day. A1rgua1 lath the Intuit Asoolikar of Mr. and Mr, ht.,. M. Howatt, %gal 3 month.. ANDEKIM)N• In Inueknow, nn 1at.lmlay.l4p- (ember 161. Tlaoua. tder„on. aged 142 Team% and A month.. A