The Signal, 1906-8-30, Page 88 TuutaDAT, August 30, 1906 7'IiN: SIGNAL : (a1DER1l'iI ()NIA It 10 - -; - - it----- IJOCAL TOPICS. 44'mltluued now pare 1. about =:1221arid that another $IU,(II�l1 or $16,( will he spent in the erec- tion an fittings u 1 of frei ht uMces and oh F K , the put lug In of the orcrs- nary switcbrs, e(,4, The intention is to use the hotter on Dr. Holmen prop- erty for general office, agent's office, aturehowie, rte., anti to build the freight shat to the rear of that, ex- tending hark to Mr. %Varnock's Iioru. The freight shed will have a *tee! frame and the aiding and roofing will he of ga Ivan fired iron. Aa can he sw•n from the location the shed will 1e consides•ahly larger then the present one. Areess to the shed will present had for vehicles by a road at the we.) side of the freight others. leading out he - hind the shed, and a switch will he put in frultl near Holme+ Cita) oftdee• for healing and unloading the ears. \Ve tersllnd this ie only he begin- ning of tie improvements intended to he nestle here to areal hate the business of the N. T. H. The present n 1 house will plr111ah1y l.' burn down and a new one built noineWhe•re near the Cattle pens. Thie would leave the room at present Ixcupied by the height sheds and round holier for addit' 1 sidings. Thr work on the change*. In connection with the new freight nfitcefand Mhuds will- men(e right away. it is said, bol 1 h round house chanties will probably not be proceeded with until the other la Cum llet/d. The requirements of the traffic at this point have for surer time called for I11ore r x1101111 rind up -tel -(late are dentin and the Orand Trunk are evidently alive t1( the fart that the next few rears are going to iw (i(xlerich's prr/wng time. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The le.t In photography i. Nkat (a11o..' photo .1 radio hon. out and 1114 4.n- 01111.r. ,Ire ell .rat t.aed one•.. The fall fair e a.on has opened aryl no 10.. the 14 4.,n for ordering your are tailored .uil for fall wear. I'rklham the tailor ha+ all the lotted Motion and in work mrmobilo and style he i. wlsurpawd. The chow of Augo.t brtnll^the depart 1111' of many v Isnot,. but before ya1 (ease for houee do not md+s .seing the very full liar. of souvenir gods Wilmer $ulilh Ila- a, hi. furr.it un• and art 41ore on Ka.t stnel. The foundation for the 1'. P. R. freight sheds is (wing laid just east of the Ocean House. Messrs. Cameron & Killoran have been appointed solicitors for the G(derieh branch of the Sovereign Wank. Dietrich & Son's flour mill has been much improved by x coat of paint. 'Ile metallic siding is nen) painted black. The primary} department of the Not•th street Meth•xlist rhnlrh ale having their picnic (hie aftern•xln at the Harbor park. F. F. Lawrence sold alxut ninety tickets for the excursion to Toronto on Turwlay and * gond number for the excursion today. The steamer Huron was delayed on her down trip by a raft of lugs which Nurmmnded her at I.ittle Current and she did not arrive herr till Monday evening. Hodgen. Bros. have secured -the frerviceel of Mies J. ('putts, of Dalt, as manager 1(l their dressmaking depart- ment, which reopens on Tuesday, Sept 4111. The temporary girders for the third span of the C. P. H. Maitland bridge have been put in phare and thin morn- ing pr4lutraliunt+ Weft• being made for hosting permanent gimlets( into posi- tion. George Hoskin, managing agent .1 the Intercolonial Evangelical and Col - port age Mission I,f Atg , the Northwest and North America, was in Man this week in the interests of hie 1111MIt11. The cement sidewalk eont rector has completed the work on St. Patrick street and the extension of the Light- house street walk and is now at work at the north end of Cambria road and on (i lot west e4. t(l•t•,l4P. M. \V. Howell, who ha( been selling and installing the new g,as lite light - Ing system t hruugqhotit western On- tario, reports Imminent( very wltitfer- tory. A number of towns are having the system installed very generally. On their return from Goderirh Tuesday of Ia*t week some of the Berlin PxciireioniNts fired N Targe sky rocket through the window of Mr. Lucas' parlor, adjoiningthe Clinton station and Net fits. to a lce rlll•tain. Yesterday afternoon F. i)Ilvie and E. H. Mwarts were before the court for alleged selling of lignnr,aftet• hours on August tlth. The veer ,against Mr. Davis wan wit.hdr•awtl and the ;letinn against. Mr. Swarts w,us.disniiseed, the difference Iwtween town time and etandal'd time apparently being I)'I- punsitile for the her appearing to Iw open after hours. Postmaster (111)!, who last Thur•ailay afternoon fell off his wheel gt,iutr down the hill leruling to thr•hridge:And rut his face and *ems badly, 'Was 111)14. to 144 up for the flat time yesterday and will no doubt 1N• up town am usual next week, The yacht North Pier renamed with her party of exeu•siunist1, who had leen taking a erulsq around the Houle prninNulu, on Monday after noon about 4 ti 411s•k. The trip down wee fairly rough but war enjoyed 1,y the Irxt•111•4Il 1111xte, The Collegiate 11141itit4. Opens fur the fall term on 'l'nrwlal', Septehaber 4th. with the Klin• +tat? 1111 Ia11 term. It is eslwt•ially deviled that all pupils should Iw present on the opening (fay, no that the classes may he 1I" (11411 1 oeganizetl as stem as possible. A 11liniarlur• prairie Hie Otl thr rom- r oons smith. 1(f U. M'('1Why's red - dente hast Friday after000n caused the file brtyluie a 1.1111 to extingeish it. Th.. gross 141414 dry and hunted readily atnd 1(11114. AB area wee burned. It is not known how the fire snorted. The violent her of Collier's \ 'Pekly has an interesting er1ir14. ot1 "Of taw*. the \Vashington of the North." '1'111s is the third of a series of art teles Montle, ing the progrmss of cities on this confluent towards ideal conditions, two previous articles being on Man Etruria•,* and \Vitshiugton. Other United Slates cities will be Elmira 111 due colors*. The September meting of the (.ode - rich branch of the \Von)en's Institute will be held at the honer of Mies A. Andrews, Hayfield toad, 011 Thursday. September Oth. A full attendance in requested, as menllel•s of Hohnesyille 'old Clinton branches are ekneeled h/ be present. Friends will also he wel- come. Those wishing to go in hand wagon are 111 alert in Swims. opposite South street at 2:3) *.'('Hark. 1111 Tue*Lal• afternoon H. 1. \Iorr•ieh borrowed a bicycle to run an er1•1111 but he had no warner uulinted it and gut started then he turned a somer- sault and lighting on hie shoulder, disk wet el it. He was 111 ken into his store and all attetlupt. Was made to set the shoulder but it proved u neicr4.ss- fu1 111141 he had to le taken home, when 1)r.• Etltlllerion and Hunter soon had the dislocated joint properly The 1\*ors•II have Iwen ,advised by the Moffatt Stove Co.. makers of the relehratrd Pearl }Lenges, and Also by the \\•inghaul foundry, makers of the Huron rangers, that they have tlupli rated their Toronto exhibit and are wending a full line of their stores end ranges for the Orelerieh Exhibition. .1. H. inform us that hr will have some of these gonads wet 11(1 111 111'> store on arrival for the lenrtit of those who eatlnut attend either of t hese n1 - moth exhibitions. SUMMER SPORTS. The Maple Leaf 'xi -noise team of town plays the Argonaute of Clinton Oil 14411111. Ila)-. The result of the flotlxkll game i1( Seaforlh 14.1. week. in which the Hurons tired the Corinthian., the vim - ding texts from 1he'OM Country, 1 to I, wide ,another leaf to the laurels of the football players of our sister town down the line. Although the Hurons did not defeat the visitors, they have the diet inrtion of Icing the only tram that the Corint11ian% have not healer) in their Can/Wien tour. Taken with the defeat ofO 1 1 the ( (,n 4.x h II Country stets at Glderirh and Clinton. it goer to show that in at lead( two lines of spirt Huron county Amid. no mean position. The Cumuli( Bowling Club, the. membership of which includes 4401114. of T11ont,,., et representative ht owlet., are holding a lig tournament on Saturday-. Mrpte111Is.' bit, extend- ing over 14(1N11• Bay, and eneeeeling days. and 1l isexpected Ctrl that the event will 1e the hugest ever held in the city. The program consistm of a primary • petition, (onslet' Scotch doubles and singles. In x11 twenty-four prises will be distributed as follow.: 1'I'itnar?• rotnp etit' trophy prize ,old eight individual prizes for the winners and runners-up. Cons,lattun: eight individsal prizes fat• the winn4.rs and runner. -rap. Doubles : four individual prizes ((n the winnl-4.w and •runner. -rap. Singers: prizes for first threw platen. The prizes ere hrndw - rind valuable and rare well worth driving for. What !mule interest to the affair in the fact that the tusrnunrnt will lw held dur- ing the exhibition. when low rale* will he in effect on all the .railways. Many.nntsidr howlers will he in town during the fair and if is expected that they will take rul-antage of the t •Ih1111P11I and enter one or more of the VNI'Io(&N competition.. All the Toned+) clubs amu also have entries, and the e% Hat promisee to bring out the moat reprew'tlINIivr gathering of bowlers in the histol•y of the game 111 Toronto. 'rhe Kteens are brie>p( (laced 111 ffl'rt-('lass shape, the 411111 K b+ a Ilial r' stat a 1 t tut 1(l r) 4.0 rat gg 1 stun for the purpose. Refrewhmente will iw served free durlug the tourn11' merit, and everything will iw 110114. looking t1( the 1e)nlflll•t 1)f vIN4or1 from outside ('11111x. Thr secri•tary i s Gordon Brown, Audit I)epsrtluenl, Rarlianien1 Buildings, Toronto. PERSONAL MENTION. Min. Vera 11'hitely to s kiting In Toronto. Iter. I. IL N',rllsin. of Loudon, to In lawn this week. Mia. Audra MCIA'aio. of Uel roll. h, visiting friend+ In town. MI,. Helen 1hephald *4444. ref ural from her s 4-0 to Toronto. Alia. 1:11111) I4ell,k•h hid owl: on a s 4.4? to 11144'1 /too. )'rank 1)04.1: 1. among the excunloni-t. to Toronto phi. Week. A. M. Robert Son left on Monday afternoon 4111 Irl111'11 10 H,urt.uK. AU.. 441.11) Uamdry. of 1 hlrago. arrived Mune un lur.lbty 1111 tier )hies tun. (Moro Lethbridge, of St. Thoma.. ha- been let town u 1,•w day" til. week. lir. 141,'Hur. (orderly of Dungannon, now of the Sault, t+ rl.it lug In t141. sirinit y. Mi.. Dell I'.+ery, of 1 'mlilon. ba+ been visit ins her mend. Ali.. Dellphine Nauru \Irv. Ja+. T. H*.Kenai her daughter. of De- troit returned to their home loot seek. 'Mi+r M Urrgor. of Henwll, 4+ vl+iting her .i.lrr. Mr.. E. J. Knudwll. ):ase .tent, Air. and Mrs. Balla., of Stanley. well1 gllr-t. et the modem,. of '1'. Leckie osrr Sunda). John Ib Ss atomic of Kanlloop•, H. I'.. ha. been 111 town un r 43+3 to hl. n•lat is 1. here. Mr+. A. S. Henderson and )',ung .on, of De- troit. are v1ating Mr.. Uro. 4h•Milbul. Hayfield hind. Mrs. Dunstan and dnnghter. Unca•. heft ye.- terday on their return to $)•raeu.e after a s i.11 in tow u. Al r...lnhllr&!ewartand infant are vietlug the former. nom her. Mn. Uro. McMillan, Bay field rout. W. U. Vox. of Leamington. came up on the King Edward Sunday es ening and 1+ -(4.1141 44 a fes day+ 01 tossn. John K4•idMoloch.. of Moloch. and Archie Campbell. l'hnstaner•, are en...L. of their •Ir. Collo Campbell. Burma roof. Ali -s Maude Hi+sott, nuns In training at Brooklyn, N. J., 4. -opending a few week. at Maur at the po.tumr- building. Gavin Omen len on 'Tue+day for Cobalt 14gain ahcr a -hurt si.it in town. Mr-. Green accompanied hint .1- far 4- Toronto. Guelph Heed.*: Aid. M. F. 1 'ray went up to lloderirh on Saturday es ening and will bring hi. (Moil) 11Nrk rat the end of he week. A..1. rooter lease. till. week on a trip to Toronto ,end stagers Falls accompanied by Mrd rooter, and will 4.w Mown! about a week. Mr'. Cho.. Heal and son. )lmaer ('hark.. end Mr-. 11. LeTonzel left on their return to New York after a vomit of moue time in Bode - rich. Mr-. Wiggle. and son and Alias F. Dietrich have returned 10 their honor at F'oradale after a Ion day+' visit at the redolence of N. Diel- ri,-h. Mn. John Anne.. anrtfrlaugbter. Mi.+ Mary. Ieaye today for their horse at London. after a side to 41rs. W. Vault., and Mr-. Percival K. Hell. Mn. 1'. T. Hallo and +on, J. Reginald. are rived hone ye-teMav after a ex work •vie(with friend. in Brantford, St. Mary + and Ka- nter. Frank Sallow+ and hi. wife and two chit dn•n.-.oriel and Jack. of Portage la Prairie. are on a 11.11 to Mr. Sallow.' mother, Bruce Mn. Ia•Ight alai Ali-. Taylor left on their re• Inn, to Toronto ,end New York, re -penis ely, on Friday. after aside at the n-ddenm• of Br, Taylor. MI+.e•- Ikea.bo. Oeraktlne and Lase. Graeae left on their return to Cuero. Tex*-. 1hb- nwrIlrc.,ninrd.g. They were arrompanid by Ain. I' -. Mrs. David H)'+Inp 1,•t owned Sunday evening on the .b•:tmer King Edward after -pending muse week. silting fi Mud- 11( let reit and 1'hat bum. Mr.. Itobr. H..tohneon and family. waterloo +11141, rat owned to town two .1r. King el ward 1nud:(y es enitlg. has Mg .Vent a 1,1eln11 with relative+ in MI1'higeul. Mie' Loll Me•1're.tth returned h01n1• on Sir. King Kavoird Wednesday 'seining ( De- troit . ae•.ealp.mdad by Das Id H)'-0op, who will -lend 11 few day- In town. lies. 1.4014,-1 Naftel, of Desmon. Kahw). and Moorefield 1wn.h. was in town 1111+ week• having doh en down on a fortnight'. vl+ll to the oke lame.. Bay held rood. Mi.. Tas c( der, of Ibhbingeton. lint. ha. been s I.4)111g fn. rad- In Ill. ne•4thborbxo1 during r he pied roomle ill week., pan of the Ilene the sure of M•.. It. Erhlln, Nile. Aecountnnt Iktln of the Sterling Bank ha. received po,not ton 10 the mamagrr.hip of the ('or Burs ell hrlurh of the bank and have.. Ihr ars! of the month to a+.unle hi. Or doth•••, Mia. Sundt .1. ',therm. of5:..'lair' Mlrh., 10 vieting a4. the 1s • of her Runt, Ain. J. H. Fel n'nM. 31,-.1'at bran ha. been away from li,deri.11 f.., ebrbt+er year. and +I4- great lou provement• .old many rhangw. Mr. and NI,. A. W. Hadden and+pn 1'harte- wereamong the 1)111 Boy- n•nilon s l.tttr. to Ahin.li,n. rant., last week. Mn. Iloodd.n, with her +4.m. 4. remaining at her formes- home for n month. whirr 41r. Hadden ha. ret lnud to town. Mr, collo Campbell, wile w'1,+ to 'Toronto noting a. 00 (414, at the National F:xhlhit inn. n•• 1111-104i huui.• Totwlay evening. Mr.. 1'arum bell sill he the Maty Judge -ant by the )'abn. Annuanr bon next week to budge• .11 the Pon Arthur Mir. Dr. Mteldnu1 and the Mi.., Rob n and I bong h) and Iwoman. Meld run, left on their re- turn to 111.1 04n4 on Monde). They. ern• a.' emnpoi dad by M4.. Dene Ib,211. who had (ern vMt lug hen- oath her Metal. M11-. Wien Mel drum, Miring. the +umne•r. F. W. F -I suet who bad been *kiting In Tor,,i.?o for 1* week. will room to ))'ald,lork 4.4 aanuA•r. dal 1,(s+err in the 4 'collegiate at an 1((4•1141' of MINI per )ear and W. 4I. Fit wil& fur the 14.1 sear with Dor I'anodian Securities Co, 1.1isoilo L of Toronto. 1(a.. ben appointed ronmurrr'Il4 1101.11.1. at rolKn 47,Ileginte In 411 me at ,1(l 111)1101 clary of ibis, ler annum. mi.. ('Rohn. head dm -soaker for Hodgen- linl.,, 111,1111 punted by her .leer, Mi.. Ftnna•-. of 1r•Ilawn, ssho, ha. been sidling her .Mdrr here during the p1,.( ( w1) week., left town Sat • nrd4{`' for their hour b0 the 1111.1. Minim ('Rulon N'IB 1N1 011.4-111 ml her sae'I1!lott tont 11 about 4eplen(N•r Pah. wham ooh,- N111 return and open 1V dre.e. king parlor. over the Mtandald Loan 4'0.'• prrnds.•. corner Milian. and North. J. S. Ityan, of Ito•kland, cal.. an old Nilo. b, +ern , I. r Melling the e. of Ili. boyhood at Nile and till. seek I. n sl+ilor l,, the queen I'It). He 11 -ft Rockland on Wtdne.lay about 110011 and nem•hed Sunt Mid on antnrday Right. shores. when he went out 111 Ito.khand, (4)341) nuc years ago, It took yearly three week. for Ihr trip. Mr, Ryan 64 eighteen years of age when he we left herr and he look. a+ if thing. had 4401111 wall with him In California. The Cat Came Book. Mr. frank La.. y, , t Sprague, Mani- toba, found his young chickens being killed off In a wholesale manner, and Jumping to cun.iu.lune, decided that "41 was the eat." And so Pussy was shipped off to a friend at Rainy River S0 malas distant Hut even after Pussy's departure, the ktntng of the °Mekong continued; a careful watch WO" keipt; the culprit was found to be a large hawk; and 1t was promptly killed. Then came the coincideaoe The vary morning her lnnoesne. had been proven to walked Miss Tummy, weary and dusty after her tramp, but 'Ut111 In the ring." 'Tense Pas" Tbiaga, Find came the "Peter Pan" hat. s queer little plaided Scotch affair, with gn111s. This was followed by the "Peter Pan" blouse, with low round cellar, short sleeves and patch poeket. Now there's an entire "Peter Pan" atilt, which youngish girls are wearing with Immense delight, because of Its simplicity and girlishness it's merely ■ shirt waist salt. the blouse whereof 1s like that described above, and the *bort round skirt platt- ed or plain. For eountry wear, morn Inge, picnics, etc., It's a very pretty sort Ro far that's 211 the "Peter Psnnlsh" modes, thongh possibly those new belts of blight Seoteb plaid silk baleag to Ant category. NEWS OF DISTRICT. UUNGANNUN. 'Duganno, \rw4 011 page �. �TOTh'I' -'THE LOCAL AGENCS 11 i11 I)111g4n1aon fur The Signal Is at (be I'11+1 ()Mee Ikapk and 1ta(ionrry Store, and Nr+ McLean will rroel-e older. fu. anb+crlpplllou. wls.•rl i.11et and Job work, and I. aulhut{utl 1 1111 a ne'elp1+ Its awn111(t. paid fur rale .lame. rpm.: M'I'ERLINII HANK OF CAN 1 ItgAD Or0ll'k, Tt,MUrT.1. Ads rune. made to farluer. at los cot rale. Sole Mute. c*.,id or collected oil fusorabl tern(.. Dollar de•pu'll' and upward. twelves and l,lrre.l paid or ril.ilp,umded four tholes A yr. Officehaul". 1" a.1(,. l0 :1 p.m.: Saler dal', to a.m. 103 p. m.., iid 7 (Liu. to a too. k. AIANNINIJ, Mlai oder Dungannon Br01(r11 had a painful ptlwach•aehe after. din- ner, "Mother." raid the boy very ' 601N•r1y, reeling of hie ribs to este that 111(1)4. war fet1•hilig loose, 'soother, 1 I Irlieve 1'111 going to have a rite."- Htiffalu Cunmlereial. - • Savin f evr. COLBORNE. ')'IrspAY. Aug. :Nth.\Vater is getting rather scare.. and 81)1114' of the wells are dry 'already. Hr. and Air,. Hill had the 1,1)1,111. of entertaining valet ol•s near Seet11'tIl, Air, and Mn. \tartlet were hontwd with a visit by friend. from Detroit. Ali. and Mrs. Flick N(wnt Sunday at the h • of Mrs. Flick's patents near t't•rtl i t un Mr, and Mrs.' lough Hill and Miss M:udrl took a trip to Cnelitun 1.4 v isit M Heist, formerly Miss M*•hw'antz. The farmer4 are anxiously wilting for the arrival of the new threshing 1111u'hin0. J11r1 11:114. patience and it will 111.4ke its appearance the lathe' part of tide week. KINGSBRIDGE. \VHI'r:pot, Aug. JHh Toe ROAN ('.'THo)LIt' CHU hell. Since the public dedication of thi handsome edifice lead O(•tolw, by Bishop . t'Evrt' , ,t which time there rev nothing finished *NMI. the build- ing, a gleet change lues taken place and today the am•hitr.tulal berm and col. (stet lines of this large Gothic ^hurrh in its present finished date may be seen to advantage. The tall spire, 1471)1c11 was at the time of the dedica- tion it: an unfinished state, is now completed end slated from the top of the tower to the 1 mss I hist Mir tllonnt. i1 at a height of Itki feet from the grotind line, and the Hne-toned bell which is the pride of the peri+hioners is thew heard daily all over this impor- tant parish. One of the first improve- ments was (0 Ielliove the Old frame church that had leen a place of wor- ship from the roiliest days 111 settle- ment. The timbers and lumber there - have been used for other put - poses, such as enlarging and improv- ing the stables. rte., and the site of the building has born Ira•ellrtl Oft and when seeded down will remain aN a spaeioll( lawn. :adding much to the external appearance end showing the outline to advantage. The interior ,t the church is well in keeping with the exterior and the spacious flatlet nary has been carpeted throughout with :1 rich crimson carpet, showing the beautiful altar and church fnrnitnr• to the Iwst sdvantage. There are twenty-five figured windows, the gift of members of the . oner*gation, each Window• representing a different Srriptut•al subject. and the soft light falling front the 10.itire( tund gl411114s gives the interior quite a cathedral like eppearance. The seating of the church ie perhaps the meat notable feature of the interior and the cot- traetor, I H. Snider, of Waterloo, Out.. hes tilled his contract to the en- tire mat isfertion Of the building e 1,1ittee and others r4.N1/(nlsible for 1 In erection of the rhureh. There are 1)1) (rw•M 9 fret long, ills on reeh side, with one centre and two side aisle,. rimming the full length of the build- ing. The drsig11 is plain, but 1 h finish is excellent and they afford a very rntnf1)rtable seat for the (leen- twit. The asset used in the construr tion of the seals IN holdl1r1'11 Cht•s11111 with ends of quartered oak, both eteineel a rich dark rotor, which shows the grain of thln.e beautiful woods to adventege. The church in its now complete) stale inns! have rod a Lugg emir of murrey and will retrain a Listing mon mllent to the generosity of the member', of this congregation for genera t inns to mule. TO (he -pi-.'. ant. •h-lespeeted parish priest. Rey. Father 11r("nrular, nine)) is dote for the sn(,rssftl termination of t\i. Large Inde•takiug. Joannrs Scotts, the early Meth -h philosopher. being in eompiny with the i4,1d King Cherie.* of Fraure, that monarch naked hint good hnlunnl'wlly what was the difference between a Seat and a sot ? Mcutus, who .:11 opposite the King. anewee(h "Only the 1.1 emit of the table." -T. D. B. Itis related of a Buffalo small boy who rattle hark from Monday w -hent, where he had been deeply moved by the story of the making of a wife be Adam out of one of hie rites, test he • ■ WATCII REPAIRING 1S OUR SPEl',IALTY We fully guarantee our work H. PARK Jeweler and Optician swill] sidle ti1111;1r4 TO THE PUBLIC The p411' of ref rat t 14. t hrnnghnnl I he Holt brit F:nq'tr ha+ dropped n moo" or two, and enn+rgnently torn? prf. r. nor down. 1V4. urn now•n .plying all col. at lower pricer, while the 41n411ty 4. 444 It not nrtler, thnn eser. Mr .F:ANA M1AT MARX KT handle+ 411 kind. M neat., pultry, 1'(e., and, while thanking the pohllr .fur their liberal tpatronage. we .nllelt a e•onllnname of he -wove. MrLEAN BROS., - nrner Iw.l MI. and Swum..ndertch. made !Has Spending has ever been an easier matter than saving -bast less wise. \Ve offer exceptional inducements and facilities to help you to save. $1.00 opens an account 1n our savings department. Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it, OODERICH BRANCH ANDREW PORTER, Manager. Jordan Block. AUGUST SPECIALS 4'.pyri4141 honks, regular $1.:.1) and $1.511, (Tearing at 75e each. Anlong the above will be found the following hooks. When 1t Was Dark. The Work of Our Hands, it) Krays, The Heart of the Ancient Wood, I,v HoIN•rls. The Bar Sinter, .1,y )i'irh'ud Hauling Das is. Tommy and Co , by Jen/111B K. Je When Patty Went to College. Old Gordon Graham, by the alitlof / 1' ••Letters of a Self made Merchant to itis Also many others of the new 1''1(171 ugh! books, NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES Clearing halanee of our boxed note natter and enschip•s at one-half 1(H. Itllslrll•Ma hours : 14 a.m. to (t p.m. Terms Stnctly Cash. 1 Geo. Porter Court House Square, Cioder,ch Telephone No. 100 11111.111111111, 'Phone No. 25 School Shoes Now is the time to buy school shoes for the boys and girls. They will need good strong servicable shoes, the kind that will stand the test in any weather. In this line we have excelled all past efforts and you will find at your command the most complete stock- of neat and reliable footwear at the lowest possible prices. Shoes for Working Men Our'stuck has been selected with the greatest care from the best manufacturers and does net include anything that will not give satisfaction, Queen Quality Shoes for Women L SOLE AGENTS REPAIRING Walk -Over Shoes tar Men Downing & MacVicar TELEGRAPHY i. the 111-t -1. I.. o. Aid. pnu tum pal 11,11l 11) ss. a.1( tier annutu in rail war ....r11r, 1'011 rdn tn.,,ane• a good operator in -Ix month. if )un stud) u. [he Central 'I'elegr.n.h)'ti•hool, 34lernlnl -1. r... -t. Toronto. The floe.) shout let .umda. 0 i?e for lwrt iru1a1" W. N. BHaw, T J. JOHNSTON, 1'..•.idenl, Principal [Typewriters 1 The f..11..wing 1411• halg.un. 111 ...'.1 11.1, 11111es. Underwood, No, I $70,00 I No. I Yost • • 17.50 1 Empire • - 35.00 o the dozen rate. W. E. ELLIOTT 'PHONE is BoyWanted ted A good opportunity 6 open to a boy, 14 or 15 years old, to learn the Printing Trade. One having passed his P Entrance examination desired. Apply at The Signal Office, OLD HENS WANTED We will pay the highest 1:11.11 priers (+1r live old liens, also sprit* (hi(kens, ducks and all kinds of poultry. Men. t ion thin paper. THE CANADA POULTRY AND PRODUCE CO., Limited. •st•,,tf.nd, - - 4)uteria. • Court House Square 200 pairs Sample Hose at quarter less than regular SATURDAY MORNING we put on sale a lot of sample hose. Some are cot ton, some are cashmere, some are ladies' and some are children's sizes. Most of the latter are 7 and 71. All are in perfect condition. There are no two pairs alike. The price will be A QUARTER LESS THAN REGULAR TAFETTA RIBBON, toc Here is a ribbon bar- gain for Saturday. One of, our best. Over- 80o yards pure silk neck and hair ribbon in pinks, blues, blacks, etc Good width, regular 15c, sell- ing Saturday at per yard 10 cents CLEARING THE UNDERWEAR talc Vests, 3 for 25c 3 white vests for the price of 2 if you come here Saturday. Over 300 of them. • Ladies' and children's sizes, '_short sleeves or ,sleeve- less, assorted ribs, our regular 12.0 qualities, clearing the balance out Saturday at - 3 for 25 cents DRESSMAKING Our dressmaking, de- partment will reopen "Tuesday, September 4th. This season it will be in charge of Miss Coutts, who comes to Goderich with strong recommend- ations from the firm she has been with for eight seasons. All orders will be filled promptly when promised and all work guaranteed. Fall Dress Goods • Dress goods for Fall are here. Big assortment of the season's' fashionable fabrics, most of them imported by ourselves direct from the British markets. It is no idle boast for us to say that no such stock has ever been on our counter... There is every indication that broadcloths and tweeds with a sprinkling of fancy materials will he most in demand, with a tendency to lighter weights than in past seasons. Come and look the new goods over. You are as welcome to look as to hal\'. OUR FAMOUS BROADCLOTHS Our famous broadcloths at 5oc, 85c and $11.15 are undoubted value. New stocks for fall are here in all the pope- lar shades. Imported by ourselves direct from Britain, and we can find no better in the trade. At 50 cents (1romit10111, full :11.1 inches wide. good weight and Ihlt4h. in !In(ke. II11Virg, cardinals, browns, green1, rt,,, rte., beat value et per 0c yard .lull. At 85 cents i(11psotwl black cloths made from fine Aus- tralian yen's. !right finish, guerenteel shrank, 41 inchee wide, black and all the leading fa a, robots M per yard„ At $z. i5 - This is the biggest selllnpt ,•Inth we have, and the Valli' is uhf aueptnnalle, made frons choke )ynone, thoroughly shrunk. tied finial, 48 to a1) litchi** wile, black and nil colors, per el 11 R yardllllll J SOME ELEGANT TWEEDS "Tweeds will be very popular for suits or separate skirts, and we show some handsome designs in quiet color combinations. Of none enough for the pattern to become common. At 50 cents Imported tweed 4, regular *4111 weight. full :11* inehee wide, prat patterns in grays, blues 50c and rade, per yard �lV At $i,00 At this popular prim We have sonar elegant teat taeT11s t hnl will make very at ylish costume,. ilh. deaign4 are alt oget1.•er differentfrom on formerly shown, They come in designs a gray, blue and gremt the predominating $1 .(v$� colors. CAI to in inches wide.. per yen]. X/ At $z.25• Rpitlengths only at, thes* prier, no t.wn .like. inane of the h,andsorne'l mult,1uga that. hove ever come on our 'minter*, imported dire° from Scotland. Mpeefnl wt. yard per $1.25 MESSRS. Stoddart & McKinnon beg to announce that they have taken the contract for the handling of Massey -Harris Implements and extra parts and extend an invitation to all Massey -Harris patrons and friends to visit the them in their showrooms. i By close application to busi- ness and by carefully looking after the requirements of custo- mers they hope to merit the sup- port and confidence of the whole farming community. ' the VNI'Io(&N competition.. All the Toned+) clubs amu also have entries, and the e% Hat promisee to bring out the moat reprew'tlINIivr gathering of bowlers in the histol•y of the game 111 Toronto. 'rhe Kteens are brie>p( (laced 111 ffl'rt-('lass shape, the 411111 K b+ a Ilial r' stat a 1 t tut 1(l r) 4.0 rat gg 1 stun for the purpose. Refrewhmente will iw served free durlug the tourn11' merit, and everything will iw 110114. looking t1( the 1e)nlflll•t 1)f vIN4or1 from outside ('11111x. Thr secri•tary i s Gordon Brown, Audit I)epsrtluenl, Rarlianien1 Buildings, Toronto. PERSONAL MENTION. Min. Vera 11'hitely to s kiting In Toronto. Iter. I. IL N',rllsin. of Loudon, to In lawn this week. Mia. Audra MCIA'aio. of Uel roll. h, visiting friend+ In town. MI,. Helen 1hephald *4444. ref ural from her s 4-0 to Toronto. Alia. 1:11111) I4ell,k•h hid owl: on a s 4.4? to 11144'1 /too. )'rank 1)04.1: 1. among the excunloni-t. to Toronto phi. Week. A. M. Robert Son left on Monday afternoon 4111 Irl111'11 10 H,urt.uK. AU.. 441.11) Uamdry. of 1 hlrago. arrived Mune un lur.lbty 1111 tier )hies tun. (Moro Lethbridge, of St. Thoma.. ha- been let town u 1,•w day" til. week. lir. 141,'Hur. (orderly of Dungannon, now of the Sault, t+ rl.it lug In t141. sirinit y. Mi.. Dell I'.+ery, of 1 'mlilon. ba+ been visit ins her mend. Ali.. Dellphine Nauru \Irv. Ja+. T. H*.Kenai her daughter. of De- troit returned to their home loot seek. 'Mi+r M Urrgor. of Henwll, 4+ vl+iting her .i.lrr. Mr.. E. J. Knudwll. ):ase .tent, Air. and Mrs. Balla., of Stanley. well1 gllr-t. et the modem,. of '1'. Leckie osrr Sunda). John Ib Ss atomic of Kanlloop•, H. I'.. ha. been 111 town un r 43+3 to hl. n•lat is 1. here. Mr+. A. S. Henderson and )',ung .on, of De- troit. are v1ating Mr.. Uro. 4h•Milbul. Hayfield hind. Mrs. Dunstan and dnnghter. Unca•. heft ye.- terday on their return to $)•raeu.e after a s i.11 in tow u. Al r...lnhllr&!ewartand infant are vietlug the former. nom her. Mn. Uro. McMillan, Bay field rout. W. U. Vox. of Leamington. came up on the King Edward Sunday es ening and 1+ -(4.1141 44 a fes day+ 01 tossn. John K4•idMoloch.. of Moloch. and Archie Campbell. l'hnstaner•, are en...L. of their •Ir. Collo Campbell. Burma roof. Ali -s Maude Hi+sott, nuns In training at Brooklyn, N. J., 4. -opending a few week. at Maur at the po.tumr- building. Gavin Omen len on 'Tue+day for Cobalt 14gain ahcr a -hurt si.it in town. Mr-. Green accompanied hint .1- far 4- Toronto. Guelph Heed.*: Aid. M. F. 1 'ray went up to lloderirh on Saturday es ening and will bring hi. (Moil) 11Nrk rat the end of he week. A..1. rooter lease. till. week on a trip to Toronto ,end stagers Falls accompanied by Mrd rooter, and will 4.w Mown! about a week. Mr'. Cho.. Heal and son. )lmaer ('hark.. end Mr-. 11. LeTonzel left on their return to New York after a vomit of moue time in Bode - rich. Mr-. Wiggle. and son and Alias F. Dietrich have returned 10 their honor at F'oradale after a Ion day+' visit at the redolence of N. Diel- ri,-h. Mn. John Anne.. anrtfrlaugbter. Mi.+ Mary. Ieaye today for their horse at London. after a side to 41rs. W. Vault., and Mr-. Percival K. Hell. Mn. 1'. T. Hallo and +on, J. Reginald. are rived hone ye-teMav after a ex work •vie(with friend. in Brantford, St. Mary + and Ka- nter. Frank Sallow+ and hi. wife and two chit dn•n.-.oriel and Jack. of Portage la Prairie. are on a 11.11 to Mr. Sallow.' mother, Bruce Mn. Ia•Ight alai Ali-. Taylor left on their re• Inn, to Toronto ,end New York, re -penis ely, on Friday. after aside at the n-ddenm• of Br, Taylor. MI+.e•- Ikea.bo. Oeraktlne and Lase. Graeae left on their return to Cuero. Tex*-. 1hb- nwrIlrc.,ninrd.g. They were arrompanid by Ain. I' -. Mrs. David H)'+Inp 1,•t owned Sunday evening on the .b•:tmer King Edward after -pending muse week. silting fi Mud- 11( let reit and 1'hat bum. Mr.. Itobr. H..tohneon and family. waterloo +11141, rat owned to town two .1r. King el ward 1nud:(y es enitlg. has Mg .Vent a 1,1eln11 with relative+ in MI1'higeul. Mie' Loll Me•1're.tth returned h01n1• on Sir. King Kavoird Wednesday 'seining ( De- troit . ae•.ealp.mdad by Das Id H)'-0op, who will -lend 11 few day- In town. lies. 1.4014,-1 Naftel, of Desmon. Kahw). and Moorefield 1wn.h. was in town 1111+ week• having doh en down on a fortnight'. vl+ll to the oke lame.. Bay held rood. Mi.. Tas c( der, of Ibhbingeton. lint. ha. been s I.4)111g fn. rad- In Ill. ne•4thborbxo1 during r he pied roomle ill week., pan of the Ilene the sure of M•.. It. Erhlln, Nile. Aecountnnt Iktln of the Sterling Bank ha. received po,not ton 10 the mamagrr.hip of the ('or Burs ell hrlurh of the bank and have.. Ihr ars! of the month to a+.unle hi. Or doth•••, Mia. Sundt .1. ',therm. of5:..'lair' Mlrh., 10 vieting a4. the 1s • of her Runt, Ain. J. H. Fel n'nM. 31,-.1'at bran ha. been away from li,deri.11 f.., ebrbt+er year. and +I4- great lou provement• .old many rhangw. Mr. and NI,. A. W. Hadden and+pn 1'harte- wereamong the 1)111 Boy- n•nilon s l.tttr. to Ahin.li,n. rant., last week. Mn. Iloodd.n, with her +4.m. 4. remaining at her formes- home for n month. whirr 41r. Hadden ha. ret lnud to town. Mr, collo Campbell, wile w'1,+ to 'Toronto noting a. 00 (414, at the National F:xhlhit inn. n•• 1111-104i huui.• Totwlay evening. Mr.. 1'arum bell sill he the Maty Judge -ant by the )'abn. Annuanr bon next week to budge• .11 the Pon Arthur Mir. Dr. Mteldnu1 and the Mi.., Rob n and I bong h) and Iwoman. Meld run, left on their re- turn to 111.1 04n4 on Monde). They. ern• a.' emnpoi dad by M4.. Dene Ib,211. who had (ern vMt lug hen- oath her Metal. M11-. Wien Mel drum, Miring. the +umne•r. F. W. F -I suet who bad been *kiting In Tor,,i.?o for 1* week. will room to ))'ald,lork 4.4 aanuA•r. dal 1,(s+err in the 4 'collegiate at an 1((4•1141' of MINI per )ear and W. 4I. Fit wil& fur the 14.1 sear with Dor I'anodian Securities Co, 1.1isoilo L of Toronto. 1(a.. ben appointed ronmurrr'Il4 1101.11.1. at rolKn 47,Ileginte In 411 me at ,1(l 111)1101 clary of ibis, ler annum. mi.. ('Rohn. head dm -soaker for Hodgen- linl.,, 111,1111 punted by her .leer, Mi.. Ftnna•-. of 1r•Ilawn, ssho, ha. been sidling her .Mdrr here during the p1,.( ( w1) week., left town Sat • nrd4{`' for their hour b0 the 1111.1. Minim ('Rulon N'IB 1N1 011.4-111 ml her sae'I1!lott tont 11 about 4eplen(N•r Pah. wham ooh,- N111 return and open 1V dre.e. king parlor. over the Mtandald Loan 4'0.'• prrnds.•. corner Milian. and North. J. S. Ityan, of Ito•kland, cal.. an old Nilo. b, +ern , I. r Melling the e. of Ili. boyhood at Nile and till. seek I. n sl+ilor l,, the queen I'It). He 11 -ft Rockland on Wtdne.lay about 110011 and nem•hed Sunt Mid on antnrday Right. shores. when he went out 111 Ito.khand, (4)341) nuc years ago, It took yearly three week. for Ihr trip. Mr, Ryan 64 eighteen years of age when he we left herr and he look. a+ if thing. had 4401111 wall with him In California. The Cat Came Book. Mr. frank La.. y, , t Sprague, Mani- toba, found his young chickens being killed off In a wholesale manner, and Jumping to cun.iu.lune, decided that "41 was the eat." And so Pussy was shipped off to a friend at Rainy River S0 malas distant Hut even after Pussy's departure, the ktntng of the °Mekong continued; a careful watch WO" keipt; the culprit was found to be a large hawk; and 1t was promptly killed. Then came the coincideaoe The vary morning her lnnoesne. had been proven to walked Miss Tummy, weary and dusty after her tramp, but 'Ut111 In the ring." 'Tense Pas" Tbiaga, Find came the "Peter Pan" hat. s queer little plaided Scotch affair, with gn111s. This was followed by the "Peter Pan" blouse, with low round cellar, short sleeves and patch poeket. Now there's an entire "Peter Pan" atilt, which youngish girls are wearing with Immense delight, because of Its simplicity and girlishness it's merely ■ shirt waist salt. the blouse whereof 1s like that described above, and the *bort round skirt platt- ed or plain. For eountry wear, morn Inge, picnics, etc., It's a very pretty sort Ro far that's 211 the "Peter Psnnlsh" modes, thongh possibly those new belts of blight Seoteb plaid silk baleag to Ant category. NEWS OF DISTRICT. UUNGANNUN. 'Duganno, \rw4 011 page �. �TOTh'I' -'THE LOCAL AGENCS 11 i11 I)111g4n1aon fur The Signal Is at (be I'11+1 ()Mee Ikapk and 1ta(ionrry Store, and Nr+ McLean will rroel-e older. fu. anb+crlpplllou. wls.•rl i.11et and Job work, and I. aulhut{utl 1 1111 a ne'elp1+ Its awn111(t. paid fur rale .lame. rpm.: M'I'ERLINII HANK OF CAN 1 ItgAD Or0ll'k, Tt,MUrT.1. Ads rune. made to farluer. at los cot rale. Sole Mute. c*.,id or collected oil fusorabl tern(.. Dollar de•pu'll' and upward. twelves and l,lrre.l paid or ril.ilp,umded four tholes A yr. Officehaul". 1" a.1(,. l0 :1 p.m.: Saler dal', to a.m. 103 p. m.., iid 7 (Liu. to a too. k. AIANNINIJ, Mlai oder Dungannon Br01(r11 had a painful ptlwach•aehe after. din- ner, "Mother." raid the boy very ' 601N•r1y, reeling of hie ribs to este that 111(1)4. war fet1•hilig loose, 'soother, 1 I Irlieve 1'111 going to have a rite."- Htiffalu Cunmlereial. - • Savin f evr. COLBORNE. ')'IrspAY. Aug. :Nth.\Vater is getting rather scare.. and 81)1114' of the wells are dry 'already. Hr. and Air,. Hill had the 1,1)1,111. of entertaining valet ol•s near Seet11'tIl, Air, and Mn. \tartlet were hontwd with a visit by friend. from Detroit. Ali. and Mrs. Flick N(wnt Sunday at the h • of Mrs. Flick's patents near t't•rtl i t un Mr, and Mrs.' lough Hill and Miss M:udrl took a trip to Cnelitun 1.4 v isit M Heist, formerly Miss M*•hw'antz. The farmer4 are anxiously wilting for the arrival of the new threshing 1111u'hin0. J11r1 11:114. patience and it will 111.4ke its appearance the lathe' part of tide week. KINGSBRIDGE. \VHI'r:pot, Aug. JHh Toe ROAN ('.'THo)LIt' CHU hell. Since the public dedication of thi handsome edifice lead O(•tolw, by Bishop . t'Evrt' , ,t which time there rev nothing finished *NMI. the build- ing, a gleet change lues taken place and today the am•hitr.tulal berm and col. (stet lines of this large Gothic ^hurrh in its present finished date may be seen to advantage. The tall spire, 1471)1c11 was at the time of the dedica- tion it: an unfinished state, is now completed end slated from the top of the tower to the 1 mss I hist Mir tllonnt. i1 at a height of Itki feet from the grotind line, and the Hne-toned bell which is the pride of the peri+hioners is thew heard daily all over this impor- tant parish. One of the first improve- ments was (0 Ielliove the Old frame church that had leen a place of wor- ship from the roiliest days 111 settle- ment. The timbers and lumber there - have been used for other put - poses, such as enlarging and improv- ing the stables. rte., and the site of the building has born Ira•ellrtl Oft and when seeded down will remain aN a spaeioll( lawn. :adding much to the external appearance end showing the outline to advantage. The interior ,t the church is well in keeping with the exterior and the spacious flatlet nary has been carpeted throughout with :1 rich crimson carpet, showing the beautiful altar and church fnrnitnr• to the Iwst sdvantage. There are twenty-five figured windows, the gift of members of the . oner*gation, each Window• representing a different Srriptut•al subject. and the soft light falling front the 10.itire( tund gl411114s gives the interior quite a cathedral like eppearance. The seating of the church ie perhaps the meat notable feature of the interior and the cot- traetor, I H. Snider, of Waterloo, Out.. hes tilled his contract to the en- tire mat isfertion Of the building e 1,1ittee and others r4.N1/(nlsible for 1 In erection of the rhureh. There are 1)1) (rw•M 9 fret long, ills on reeh side, with one centre and two side aisle,. rimming the full length of the build- ing. The drsig11 is plain, but 1 h finish is excellent and they afford a very rntnf1)rtable seat for the (leen- twit. The asset used in the construr tion of the seals IN holdl1r1'11 Cht•s11111 with ends of quartered oak, both eteineel a rich dark rotor, which shows the grain of thln.e beautiful woods to adventege. The church in its now complete) stale inns! have rod a Lugg emir of murrey and will retrain a Listing mon mllent to the generosity of the member', of this congregation for genera t inns to mule. TO (he -pi-.'. ant. •h-lespeeted parish priest. Rey. Father 11r("nrular, nine)) is dote for the sn(,rssftl termination of t\i. Large Inde•takiug. Joannrs Scotts, the early Meth -h philosopher. being in eompiny with the i4,1d King Cherie.* of Fraure, that monarch naked hint good hnlunnl'wlly what was the difference between a Seat and a sot ? Mcutus, who .:11 opposite the King. anewee(h "Only the 1.1 emit of the table." -T. D. B. Itis related of a Buffalo small boy who rattle hark from Monday w -hent, where he had been deeply moved by the story of the making of a wife be Adam out of one of hie rites, test he • ■ WATCII REPAIRING 1S OUR SPEl',IALTY We fully guarantee our work H. PARK Jeweler and Optician swill] sidle ti1111;1r4 TO THE PUBLIC The p411' of ref rat t 14. t hrnnghnnl I he Holt brit F:nq'tr ha+ dropped n moo" or two, and enn+rgnently torn? prf. r. nor down. 1V4. urn now•n .plying all col. at lower pricer, while the 41n411ty 4. 444 It not nrtler, thnn eser. Mr .F:ANA M1AT MARX KT handle+ 411 kind. M neat., pultry, 1'(e., and, while thanking the pohllr .fur their liberal tpatronage. we .nllelt a e•onllnname of he -wove. MrLEAN BROS., - nrner Iw.l MI. and Swum..ndertch. made !Has Spending has ever been an easier matter than saving -bast less wise. \Ve offer exceptional inducements and facilities to help you to save. $1.00 opens an account 1n our savings department. Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it, OODERICH BRANCH ANDREW PORTER, Manager. Jordan Block. AUGUST SPECIALS 4'.pyri4141 honks, regular $1.:.1) and $1.511, (Tearing at 75e each. Anlong the above will be found the following hooks. When 1t Was Dark. The Work of Our Hands, it) Krays, The Heart of the Ancient Wood, I,v HoIN•rls. The Bar Sinter, .1,y )i'irh'ud Hauling Das is. Tommy and Co , by Jen/111B K. Je When Patty Went to College. Old Gordon Graham, by the alitlof / 1' ••Letters of a Self made Merchant to itis Also many others of the new 1''1(171 ugh! books, NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES Clearing halanee of our boxed note natter and enschip•s at one-half 1(H. Itllslrll•Ma hours : 14 a.m. to (t p.m. Terms Stnctly Cash. 1 Geo. Porter Court House Square, Cioder,ch Telephone No. 100 11111.111111111, 'Phone No. 25 School Shoes Now is the time to buy school shoes for the boys and girls. They will need good strong servicable shoes, the kind that will stand the test in any weather. In this line we have excelled all past efforts and you will find at your command the most complete stock- of neat and reliable footwear at the lowest possible prices. Shoes for Working Men Our'stuck has been selected with the greatest care from the best manufacturers and does net include anything that will not give satisfaction, Queen Quality Shoes for Women L SOLE AGENTS REPAIRING Walk -Over Shoes tar Men Downing & MacVicar TELEGRAPHY i. the 111-t -1. I.. o. Aid. pnu tum pal 11,11l 11) ss. a.1( tier annutu in rail war ....r11r, 1'011 rdn tn.,,ane• a good operator in -Ix month. if )un stud) u. [he Central 'I'elegr.n.h)'ti•hool, 34lernlnl -1. r... -t. Toronto. The floe.) shout let .umda. 0 i?e for lwrt iru1a1" W. N. BHaw, T J. JOHNSTON, 1'..•.idenl, Principal [Typewriters 1 The f..11..wing 1411• halg.un. 111 ...'.1 11.1, 11111es. Underwood, No, I $70,00 I No. I Yost • • 17.50 1 Empire • - 35.00 o the dozen rate. W. E. ELLIOTT 'PHONE is BoyWanted ted A good opportunity 6 open to a boy, 14 or 15 years old, to learn the Printing Trade. One having passed his P Entrance examination desired. Apply at The Signal Office, OLD HENS WANTED We will pay the highest 1:11.11 priers (+1r live old liens, also sprit* (hi(kens, ducks and all kinds of poultry. Men. t ion thin paper. THE CANADA POULTRY AND PRODUCE CO., Limited. •st•,,tf.nd, - - 4)uteria. • Court House Square 200 pairs Sample Hose at quarter less than regular SATURDAY MORNING we put on sale a lot of sample hose. Some are cot ton, some are cashmere, some are ladies' and some are children's sizes. Most of the latter are 7 and 71. All are in perfect condition. There are no two pairs alike. The price will be A QUARTER LESS THAN REGULAR TAFETTA RIBBON, toc Here is a ribbon bar- gain for Saturday. One of, our best. Over- 80o yards pure silk neck and hair ribbon in pinks, blues, blacks, etc Good width, regular 15c, sell- ing Saturday at per yard 10 cents CLEARING THE UNDERWEAR talc Vests, 3 for 25c 3 white vests for the price of 2 if you come here Saturday. Over 300 of them. • Ladies' and children's sizes, '_short sleeves or ,sleeve- less, assorted ribs, our regular 12.0 qualities, clearing the balance out Saturday at - 3 for 25 cents DRESSMAKING Our dressmaking, de- partment will reopen "Tuesday, September 4th. This season it will be in charge of Miss Coutts, who comes to Goderich with strong recommend- ations from the firm she has been with for eight seasons. All orders will be filled promptly when promised and all work guaranteed. Fall Dress Goods • Dress goods for Fall are here. Big assortment of the season's' fashionable fabrics, most of them imported by ourselves direct from the British markets. It is no idle boast for us to say that no such stock has ever been on our counter... There is every indication that broadcloths and tweeds with a sprinkling of fancy materials will he most in demand, with a tendency to lighter weights than in past seasons. Come and look the new goods over. You are as welcome to look as to hal\'. OUR FAMOUS BROADCLOTHS Our famous broadcloths at 5oc, 85c and $11.15 are undoubted value. New stocks for fall are here in all the pope- lar shades. Imported by ourselves direct from Britain, and we can find no better in the trade. At 50 cents (1romit10111, full :11.1 inches wide. good weight and Ihlt4h. in !In(ke. II11Virg, cardinals, browns, green1, rt,,, rte., beat value et per 0c yard .lull. At 85 cents i(11psotwl black cloths made from fine Aus- tralian yen's. !right finish, guerenteel shrank, 41 inchee wide, black and all the leading fa a, robots M per yard„ At $z. i5 - This is the biggest selllnpt ,•Inth we have, and the Valli' is uhf aueptnnalle, made frons choke )ynone, thoroughly shrunk. tied finial, 48 to a1) litchi** wile, black and nil colors, per el 11 R yardllllll J SOME ELEGANT TWEEDS "Tweeds will be very popular for suits or separate skirts, and we show some handsome designs in quiet color combinations. Of none enough for the pattern to become common. At 50 cents Imported tweed 4, regular *4111 weight. full :11* inehee wide, prat patterns in grays, blues 50c and rade, per yard �lV At $i,00 At this popular prim We have sonar elegant teat taeT11s t hnl will make very at ylish costume,. ilh. deaign4 are alt oget1.•er differentfrom on formerly shown, They come in designs a gray, blue and gremt the predominating $1 .(v$� colors. CAI to in inches wide.. per yen]. X/ At $z.25• Rpitlengths only at, thes* prier, no t.wn .like. inane of the h,andsorne'l mult,1uga that. hove ever come on our 'minter*, imported dire° from Scotland. Mpeefnl wt. yard per $1.25