HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-30, Page 7J 1 i THE SIGNAI, r (><(ll)h;ltlell I►N'I'AIt111 i+ . +4 * .44 i4. 4-i .i ii:9+++++ +++*+ X4 +4 4144+444V 41 T. The News of the District. d�1 e otl 444 fel' 45+4444440454 4'W44s4'9"44464,444 0"'P'+4446***4**4 'x`4,46 tT+ LEEBURN. TUeslAY. Aug. 28th. Mrs. X. Baechler, jr., of Port Huron, ip over on a few day,' visit to relatives here. , The tireru machine from Port Al- bert and one of Joseph Goldthorpe's threshers were here during several d.) • 1(l last week. quite a number of farmers ,indllheir wiar, end families picnicked at the lake at the foot of Butternut Rote lust Satunlay. The I. bill sailboat was used by many for it Nail on the late. LOYAL TUN:SHAY, Aug. 213th. Miss Sallowe. of (Jl)deril•ly ,petit Sunday at home. J. Young and sinter, Nellie, Npent Sunday in /unborn. the gue,ta of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. Jas. Tabh, after a long and severe illness, pulsed to the great beyond un Sluu•toy .evening, the 27th. We Sym- pathise with the family in their old bereavement. Sly. ,old Mts. Harry Morrie enter- tained their ,Ieirea, the Mistiest Howell, xith Ihrir friends on Poplar Row and around Loyal to a picnic a( Meurer - tang park on Saturday afternoon. All spent a very enjoyable afternoon. Robert Bean had his barn, on the Hogan farm. with all the twati00 s ,.nip, w1111P implements and sheep, IIUrnel by lightning on Sunday me- ting 114441. l'he loon wee partly rov- 1•rd by 'insurance. We Mymquthise will Mr. Bean in his loss. SHEPPARDTON. Moxu.ty, Aug. 27t1). \\-1(l. Foster i, home on ;1 visit to his poems. em ts. Miss Lillian McLean spent Saturday and Sunday at Kintail. KINTAIL. 11'14uNesu.ty, Ang. 21111). Dr. .1. McRae, of the Soo, sp' lit Sunday here. ,las. 1111e is visiting his nuut Mrs. H. A. Cat t irk. Frank Twill, of St. Helen., tt*114.41 our hurt', nn Sunday. CREWE. TLIIWAY, Aug.21th. • Will Piercy is sinking an artesian well. Miss Olorgetta Aurnin gave a birth- day party last !Way. Mr's. J. B. McKay, of Goderich, is visiting her mother, Mrs. %Yin. Pierce. Miss Sadie (3tiM11 spent a few day* Miss Mary Culbertvisited her sistei, its Olsledirh this Ww•k. Mrs. 1'. S. Reid, of Mafeking, on Mon - Mr. rind Mrs. Neil SliDemald spent day• Hey. Mr. and MI'*. T. Hick! culled Sunday all 1'aeammint. Mr.. !toss and Mrs. Maxon and sen *pont a few tins* at the home of Dun- can McKay. Mrs. Dan 31,1 Wan, of Duluth. Minn., as visiting at. the hewn. of her livid her - K, Melanin. Mrs. Thurston and soles. of Adak. N. D., and her father, Mr. Murray, of St. Helena, visited at the home 11f Mrs. 1, McUn•gor eat Teteslay. • NILE. Ten:.t.tv. Aug. Dith. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Derwin Telt this week out it 1 W11 weeks' vigil to friends nut Iwlatitem in Torrent a and other points. Owing to the rain on Sunday eVen- ing the atlend,uar 1(t church was small. Rob" t Young, of l:/ele•irh, occupied the pulpit. Next 5 lay Itrv. Mr. Nutt, of (helerirh, w 111 permit. %Vt. irgret to Int. 11( reptr1 the death of Janie, 'I'a4 4. Which .eeurNYl (111 31 hay of this week tater an ill-, IIe.M of .044.1•,11 11111111 Its ea heart tloubte. 1►(c4aw•,1 leaves r1 widow oral right rhildt• li : Will, of %%'....1- 11. Id ; '. e.1- N.Id: 'j'1111111NN, 111 1', IIIN 11'111•; F1-IYI. of lioderirll ; %Ira. %wire.. of Hoboes. sill.', and F:IiZa..101)15. Isauw• 115)4 Min- nie. al 1 •. \\'e extend to these our sineele sympathy i14 their ghost loss. Thr fn11.•i111 bakes place on Wednesday it/balloon to Colborne Miss (Inter Crawford spent Sunday rrrurrrr). Under the parental ref. Mrs. Irvin Foster is on the sick list. 1'r hl/w to ofhear soon • her rerov"r . 1 Miss Lizzie Rutherford, of Cedar 'alley. visited at the home of Mrs. .1 ti Bennett over Sunday. 31 and Mr*. O. Simpson. who have tweet a 'siting their daughter in Olean. ;ter rxpNted h this week. lluite a ua)ber from around here spent ;a tile' . 01 afternoon at the lake last Saturate They report having hada gulag tint The farmers art nal herr are nearly all through ilxu test rid preparing the laud for the sawing f wheat is the under of the day. Lorne Graham ruterta • ed a few of his friends one evening 1 week at en open air musical concert • lore by his phonograph. It eau t . heard a long way off on a calm eveni AUiSUHN. Tre:may, August frith. The harvest is past for another year. Threshing is in full blast. The water supply of the village is Wonting it srriou' consideration. Some of the villagers are firm be- lievers in the borrowing Mywtein ill that line, .1... Voting is busy at present pre - pat Ig slay") and heading for the making of barrels for the apple Wr- yest. He is also busy in the cooper shop making barrels as well. • Master Shearer Wilson. formerly of this I,N nlity, but at present of the Mc• 1'orwirk Company, of London, paid n short visit to relatives herr last week. It is over tom years )ince he was herr. Hr noticed many changes in 11)141 short time. The county fathers have prepared :1 rl•oteriog for the bridge across the Maitland here. We expect it will be laid in el few days. The old flooring is baldly rotted. Strange that lunar of the 141r1 elm plank procured by - forint y yrotugly and It/wlships tarns out some- what akin to the soft varieties. The contract for rutting down the hill known as Shannon's HII1, en rhe boundary line Iwtwevn West \Vawa- ne.h oral Colborne townships will be let on Tneslay, September I1th, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the grounds. Plan, Specifications of work and other particulars will be made known at time of letting. CARLOW. Trtaway. Aug. Doth. • Partners are busy now preparing the ground fot• the fall wheat. John Buchanan ,the other day re reit-tat a box of heather from Cal - hinder, Scotland. 4'. 1'. H. work is making good preig- rr.s and the steam ahovel will solus be through to the river. The funeral of the late Henry Day posed through the village on Ito way from 1.trknow to Colborne cemetery. M1s. Patrick ha) returned to her home nt London south after a Iwo works' visit bo her mother, Mra. Tyn- 414111. \1'm. McPhee, the old reliable thiawher•. is again at work this 4(•ason wit ll his machine and has .bark for his floor manager and Thomas for hitt feeder. The trio make i► s;rang team and make. thing) hum when they get started. The bairn en the old Hogan farm, owned by Robots Bent), was totally destroyed by flee last Sunday night as the result of being struck by light - fling. The barrel content"' 2101111' thirty loads of elate, twelve 1,1x11) of leas anti fitly lona of hay anti Mr. nn Mao loot four or five sheep, a new drill. n cultivetnr. a roller and a pair of halwleighs. He had $1.1MM1 in- surance. heat. Sunday night two Anhtun lads on their way brick frlut the County town were obliged to slop nt the hotel here owing to the sorest'. While in the hotel %heal the etrok. of lightning which set fire to Sir. Hean'a 14trn cause and the boyo weir kulck. I down by the ahnck and had hi he taken In to the hotel to recover f the effects. Thio ehotd by a warning for young lade to be hole at it mouton - able hour. Much sympathy is felt for the rela- tive* of the late Jame Titbit in the loss they have ,u,tatnid in hie death loft Monday. Mr. Tahh was horn in Hope township, Durham county, but for twenty-nine yearn had been a mei- dent of Huron comity, Removing fin(! tan Wawannosh and then to Colborne, where he htntght the old Levy farm. Later he moved to the Carey farm on the Oth conenwi(m and after that h)ught George Morris' faro). Mr. Tehh was a progressive farmer and Rock loran. in religion be was a Methodist and In politics a Reformer. Balm flaw are so polished that they /mitre* kook glassy, WEST WAWANOSH. 11' :s, 1 L• I .t v Aug. :Nth. \i ., so - r ,... ( llha a 1111 m, ..f the nth r•11u sign, paid to short t isil to Tle.w,urt• last week. 111• WN. ace partied by Mrs. Wilson and duughlrr, KIit.dwlh. Rather ,1(l :uuf•ing circumstance occurred o11 the eth concession a few days ago when two neighbors going in opposite directions inet one night. One was above the overage it; avoir- dupois and had a hag of auger to hal- last his Iuggv. The other revelling in s•1111- o11w•Ielllllr.•. WAS a finished mlecinlen of the distiller's art. A col- lision veal the result. The sugar I)(1- Ia.t pens.l the heaviest and the spit. - it 1101101 rieielnN and the horse landed in the ditch. lis resµ111w 141 Ill, Cry 111r help. tate exclamatory meting wits, "By (Josh. Neldie is in the dilrh.'• on 51r. and Mrs. Jas. Culbert on Thursday. Mr. and Mts. Abraul l'nllwrt visited their nephew, T110)Iwl, Culbert, jr., at fiheppludUw on Sunday. Rrn1, Mharkeltos arrived home on Friday after having a very enjoyable trip visiting friends in Alg . Part of the Friday's u1a11, including The Signal's bundle, did not 1(1114e at our pwtufficr on tier last week. There is no reason that we knoW of WiY mails should 1Is N 111 1 I I r h s delayed i1( thee manner, et wl' during n p ,ally nulg J the err se run. 11'0 du nut think there is another arcs' of Ontario in more meed of better rail'.vay and ,.sail com- nrrlion, than our township. ST. HELENS. Trksu.ty. Aug. 38th. Ur. J. Umtdoti rejoined his family at Mt4'nlstir's on Saturday, 14ov. H. \V. !'raw left on 'Tuesday for it shortvacation in Tut unto. Bedevil Allele ,and \V. S, M.('1'11stie attended Brussels races last i'hln srh(y. K. M. Miller, of Ely, Minn., U. spent Slruday at Mrs. Aar. and Mrs. H.Iwig, 0f Auburn, visited at ('u.1rad ik•ekri's ((u 'Tues- day. Miss Jean (lark returned on Mon - 4137 after a short visit at her uncle's 111 Iw•1•h 41*h. • Mrs. H. Thompson, of the Soo, left on Tuesday on her return trip, after spending a COMM'. of ' the visiting let the parental NI t !tel n f. Mr. and Mrs. Hyde, of the 4th of Bruer township, are visiting NI the home of their son. Jars. Hyde, the vil- lage blaekMulith. t. Salkeld, of do det•ich, wade a fly- ing bait to friends her. 1111 Monday, Mrs. Salkeld, sr., and Misses Lizzie and isemnt Salkeld Ietitt•ning With him. PORT ALBERT. Ts•kxa.ty, Aug. 28th. Our gene4 1 ,lrrehant. .I. H. Orin - ton has decided to dispose of his busi- ness herr. and is !riling off the Wi- ener of his 241)4(14 at greatly 1•elllrel prices. Bemav PI('KINtr. - Thr thiml.Ie• And w, it proved. for he was lying berry crop in the woods has kern !crush the' neck of the horse to pre - of good this season and n hers front his rsrapw. Could no moans be of our young and 111(1 folks have wade 4rvised to pit one 1(t lou ..f it Hutler s and Orahue's wood lots their inhabitants on the Indian list GODERICH TOWNSHIP. I'1F:s11.tY, Aug. 24th. grgM/Irl. 31is, gnes For,ien retail nal on 5at- Imlay la from visiting leleitites at 11ANAt.t'M ,Gtaw1\m TIME. - T II P H.'Igrave. match of improvement has extended every and is MIN. F. l'.4 • and daughter. Evelyn. (�a`nxda'M 1 growingoft time in ih4idenre of Windsor. nr visiting at the home of Sirs. R. Bell. among the ftrinrrs, as is show'! hy . objective point for gathering that de- lirious fruit. The return of the berry pickers with their well -tilled pails given ample evidence that 1 heir out- ing has been both profitable .and Mnc- Misses Alive !Lc Minniel'I.,•k left Ih the 1'•i -onto exhibitio the way they are improving their 11.'nr t lark 15 0 1 buildings. The old-time fashion of week to +atb•n•1 Ilsing stone and lime for Ileilding wall, under hank barns is now a thing M0. and MIN. N. ' ewarthx, of of the past and cement is the ingred- 11olinesvi114', spent Sin ay at the lent toted to mix with the rnncrl•te home of Si•. 11.14 Mrs. \Via. 3t.•Jl.lth. for all work of that nature. \t'e Hayfield toad. notice a handaol11e piece of work just completed h)- W. Brown under Angus dotdon's new barn on the 2nd ron- re.ssiun, of the work11)enship of whish the contractor may feel justly proud. Being a handy noon cud above x11 a ood Workman. Sf. Brown has ton - t 'Veil a mixer which is now run by ho power, but will sol- be driven by gasoline engine. This im the Mixth :urge barn contracted for thio season. The ethers were 1. Quaid'e, T. Riches Ison's and Ned Folel''.s, of Port Alle t, and 1. Jackson's and Thos. Scot 1'14, of Anterley. and there pie several others to complete before the cher of the season. Master E.I. 3115w•, who ha hren visiting relative in the tow ship. Irft on Friday ler stemma- King :d - Wald, for his Mime in \\-iudstn•. Robert if (mason. of (:314, hrnthar of H.V. Jas. Ilemiltun, will give• a lec- ture on Finlay eeve . g in the 1'nion ,. .., + 1 11 ar 1 c The s1( . P [. nl hi h m chinch. 71 1 J will be '•Th.• Satiated I(pul4ie in the \VouId" A silver e(11154•1 ion will he taken ed the ladies' 11 pens• fund. iSAYFIELD. Mosn VI. Aug. 27th. Miss Flies Pollock is visiting friends in Dry+dalte for as couple of weeks. A number gal the punt)! people had a pic•nir 111 111. 134.5)4* 411(,• day last week. The .h needed rain 5111114' 00 Sun day afternoon. the first ter about six w ctrl s. 31ra. Higgins is still rilnfllad un her led. 5,11111 hopes 1/f hetrecovery are entertained. The .umunl•r Visite el have had n dance in the pavilion nearly every (light for the past (Wee Werke. Rev. E. 1'. Jennings and family re- turned to Kingvt'tll. o11 Saturday after a 111onth•s nest in bre•zy Hay- field. Itt•'. 1,. Nall el. Mol of A. Nafleh of 41)NlericIs township. is home firm Rothala)•. for a emlple of !!reek', boll. days. .A number of the ottani. took in the fig foot hall 11latrh in S1,1 forth rend re- port the beat exhibition of football ever need. Dr. Smith is in Toronto this week attending the meeting of the !Medical A MM/N'141 alts. His. dolt IPM IIPre are taken by 110. Arian. of Loaldon. who hes lately grIuluab'l. Mehted 1•rop•ns on Ti.ada)•. Sep- tP.lr11e1• 4th. All having little ones who intend to et art. this fell should and then the Heat day, so that the teacher eau arrange her (lashes. Th. Language of Umbrellas. There is as Innguag.. of unnhrellas as of flower.. For Macaws% place your nmhrella in n rack, and it will often indicate that it will change owners. Ti' open 0 gnirkly in the street. means that w)r11Plemly M 1.125' is going to be in danger. To shut itquickly signifies that a hat or two will prolm'ly he knocked off. An 'della{ ent•ri"l 34.er a w•otnan, the teen getting nothing but the drippingkofthe rain, signifies conM- ship When a man has the umbrella end the won)an lite drippings, it indicates marriage. To swing your nnlhtella over your Shoulder slgniflee "1 nn1 making a nuisance of myself." To `wit an alpaca umbrella by the wide of a silk one 14nM/tea "Exchange M no robbery." To lend an umbrella indicates "I am a fool." To return an umbrella means -well never mind what it moans; !nobody ever does that. Therm le no hope for the !tan who knrnefoo ply pertNets in acting the fool. DUNLOP. Tt•1•:si.ty, Aug. 3316: 31iee Curran. of Crewe, visited rela- tives here last week. Mrs. D. Cunningham returned to Chicago on Tuesday of this week after a three months Visit there and in tiodet•irh. Hiss Maggie McPhail and 31i.,. Ella StciAlnnld :ire over ft• Porter: Hill. •1. the guests of Mts. Allen. Miss McDonald was a fortitet 1raidenl of Potter's Hill hit now reeiides nt the Forest (hitt•. F'; •lies from here nod l.e•hnrn bad quite at net -yams tin1e of it on their way I»/church of 4l))leriCh on Sunday, fig they had to pans nn auto which wits out on a pleasure trip. 'rh.re Was 110 41(I)I(4t a done, however, with the exception of the upsetting of one buggy. Auto. should not roe into the country at chwrch-going hones in the nen-fling. Quite a her of residents in our section w•er awakened by the (wavy rainstorm of Sunday night and had their sleeping rooms lighten"* up by the glare fr Hobert Bryan's barn. which was struck by light g and rte.troveO Air. Bean's fam)l watt formerly the property of the late P. Hogan. Old neighbors deeply aynl- pathize with hint in him loess. The first threahinga of the spasm took plop en Meblydnt' het at 1t. Iltnai4*'s and Miehu•1 Tuhin'l. Th.• tawny nt the hatter place looked like a Iegulxr Northwewt threshing. The peas were drawn tip from the field and the threshing was done off 1114. avagon. The thraeher was one of Joseph (1oldthorpt" m and .loaeph Hun - tor. or Port Albert. wits engineer and monomer. \\'(•11 Fisher, Thos. .innline and \�. Mxndereon being feeder%. Deafness Cannot be Cured h7• Meal application.. fa they canna reerh the 41«wed port elm of the ear. '!'hero la only way to sure 4eafne s. and that is by ron.tl tlonnl remedies. Deenea. la roared ley an In. blamed rendition of the moron, lining of the 4,1.taehinn tube. When tide lithe 1• inflamed yell hoc, w rambling wend or imperfect hear iic and when It 1, entirely Mused deafness 1, the result..and noise the tnflanunldinn eh') be taken outand the: tube realar.d tole. normal .'nndiann, henrinp will he deafened forever; nine .war. mit of ton are cannel by "'teeth wheal is nettling bit. fn inflamed rmnlltlon of the moonee a11 1Naea. We will rive one Hnndrwd Dawns for any teas of dawane,. lesnsed by ew(arrkl that non• not he cured by Halla Catarrh l'nr. Pend for circular*. free. f�pF�J.CHI1?4 YRCO.,Toledo. O. Twee yHalf:, TwyltyWha for osestlmtion. The world owes ever man a living, hat it is a debt that he has to kiwis to colbet. UUNGANNUN. / 2 A. NEN'TUN, DENTIST. 1.1'('K• . Vf No N. -Al 1101111.1 every da>' (1c0pl'Thur• day...New leeway fur extracting tent 11 44011500- turwl. hater than gee. 1'roan :old bridge 41 Orli. UI(. Alauil. nm !,Lies 11(011 bae.kablel. N. B. - Yon rats always hate your work lunch beauty dune i1 the dental ugLr -UMW flute. henry L,cilil tr- fur doing Ito. ,1.,,k. inure cunI- hatable for the. pea 'rut. NOTICE. 'HK Lex': '5'\1. A(iKN(in 111114 uu50u fur The Signal al the hist 0lnrr Nes. Mrlwalu waliruam•Iv.' latdrn fur sub:nripliuu•. ,adierteang Cid tub work, and 1- outhunted to Xi VI' 11•I•01es 1m1' ;emin11/a1.• 11%11,) tot ' Illy '..Inc. 'Enemata'. Aug. 34th. Miss Ihvumet. of 'Toronto, in the guest of Mrs. Thom. Elliott. Ahs. 'Temple Clark is tisi(itg her litany friends a(t Auburn his week. Rev. and MIs. Hicks left Tuesday to tri*it friends atlTinsman .1 'lion. Herb. 1\'hyard left. herr Tuesday for his home in the %Vest. \Ve regret to hear of the runtinuel i11ue1* of 'rhos. Anderson, sr. •- Wm. 11'0 s of Listowel, h 1. waw here t 011bl stns.* !s • . I1 th week Mrs. Wiltiamis left on 'I'hnrsday for her home in Canton, III. 'rhe leant. of Hnht. Malls ug)1 is Haim week hnnurrd by visitor, from (11111. 11. t'. 'Taylor will pr.ac•)4 in the Methl)1is1 rhurrh next tSu11day eyrie • Miss Elsie Nobel, or li,slericll, is vision); Mrs. „II Sliepp;1(,l for a fray days. Quite a nlllniter spent riyil• 41)113 17 at P1111 Albert and 'sport :4 (.Iks1 time•, M111. Nb1•1/11 and KIM, of Myth, are Visitors atthe holm, of Nits. lien. Bradford. The Misses Holey, nl Chicago. art• ps•iditag the weak with their Ni.tet, 11 i.. Haley. Mr. Mt -Cline and daughter, Mary. (If Goderich. called nn friends herr • day this week. \Ls, Hofi'uren, of l'hesley, i* v;nil- Mng her *icer, Mrs. Stephen beeves, who has lir 1( I(e ill. Mr.. Fisher, of B1•nnliller. Was visit- ingat the 1 • of her aatightri. 311s. H. Long., for ,a few days. Miss Nettie Spud has returned from a Very pleasant visit with her friend Miss Mabry. Seaforth. David Sproul left on the steamer King Edwltol un Monday 1.sr a visit with (r'IPr11l. at Sylvan. Algot/1e. :Hiss Lulu Robinson is at Dunlop this week nursing A1r•s. Hilary Hurt - on. who, We understand is quite ill. Master Edgar Rick le has returned to his home in Toronto after spending two months with his friends herr. John Parks has gone to see the \Vestet> ronnh•_y. Hr wits 'al • ponied ley 1t. 11'. 1\'il'on, of l:.Nlrrirh. Mr's, Frank Olen', has gone t.. %\'ingh:mn owing to the serious illness of her mother,. Mrs. Oen. \\'r.thruuk. Airs. \\'m. May and daughter, Hazel, left by 'tea,le•1Fiisg Edward on Sunday for their 6111511' in Sault Ste. Marie. Sert-ies 1m withdrawn in the Metho- dist church next Sunday u>lirnin4 and D. (L. Taylor will bike the service in this evening. H. J. Crawford end John Medd left Wednesday morning on a prospect- ing tour to ('014.111 and faurhford, New Ontario. Miss Sarah 3fallongh has returned to her home in Bloomington, 11I.. after a three months' holiday with her many friends her. Our genial liveryman. Mr. Mr Nevin, is ere•tMg a new barn quite near the old one. Business t Ile increasing when he. hes to refuge his buildings so •11, 31iss(•. Clara and Maud Whyarl left. on Tuesday for a trip to Montreal. Miss Maud will stop otf at Elmira o.1 her retina. to resume her duti,s in that town. Dr. J. H. Mrl'rae. of Sault Site. Marie,• is renewing acquaintances in our cilhage this week. He has been in that town four years and appar- ently has done well Hiss Lillian Mallotgh, of Duluth. Ila* returnee from Germany, where she has been studying 11111sie, and is visiting her friends here for a *hurt time before retro Ding hour. Howard ('ase Was rather unforlun- xte one day hast. ' week, While play- ing at school he fell and broke hih, art11. it IS getting n1ung•p11 right and w, hope to seer 1 Iwtler in a few wt•eks. Un Mund,,y morning next servile will be held in' the Presbyterian church, an Mr. futherfc.pl Iles re- turned }reel his hnlidaym. Since he left the eongregaticln h,(Ve been horsy renovating the basement. noel )lull' they ar• ready for a good pPer'.. work. S a•1''' 1.11 11111mr 1 will a rendered. t re 1. A•Drain Dispute. A number of ferules of \Vatwanooh were at \Vinghan, recently' to give evidence before .Iudg. Doyle on an •appeal front a drnin award of I. Biker C. E., of Stratford. Some twenty )ears ago a drain was constructed welder an award to drain ;tome swamp beds on the forms of Meaar's. Niven., Elliott Smiley and perhaps some others, had no p11an lsinn eats made for keeping the drains in repair. New some of the parties) wnnb•d the drain deepened and widened, and as all the parties could not agree', the engineer waft 1)1011ghtlull and Maude nn award, which Mr. Sulilie amended ngninet. ,lndgemet tens reserved. He Dodged. • (1 is Said of it noted Virginia judge that in a pinch he always came out ahead. An incident of his childhood might go to prove this, Well, Benny.- said him father\ when the Ind had been going to !who'd leant a th, " what did you learn to -41 y'r" "Abut the •, lM.hrr." "Spell ae �' hfil father naked. After a little lapse Benny answered, • " Father. 1 (1111'1 believe it was a 111041.40 after all ; 11 was a rat.." ---Hep - tens er i.ippincott's. She Wanted barters. American% have minuet lees n sweatier way of expressing themselves, and a Holston young lady, while on a Visit to Scotland, nearly frightened the life oat of a bashful young shop. man by asking "I have a desire to obtain a pair of derider elastic op - pendagea capable of helig cont.rartell and expanded hy mean* of oscillating h,rnished steel appliances that sparkle like particles ssf gold lent set with diamonds, and which are utilised for keeping in position the habiliments of the lower extremitleR, which delicacy forbids nue mentioning." But the poor ahopnan did not hear aft the sentence. for he had fainted for the Ant time in hie life. The Sailor's Consolation. 4)4.'14011 rauN1 501 a hurt kale. 1'150 sew a.. mountain, rolling, %%•hen linrj,cy Buntline IurIad hi.4ukl. And -nid to 11111) Buwlulr •-.1 •1wag nor we^lel • 41us ally. IOU ; Hod k!don't )*IU 141(4)2 goer now I Lord help rlu, 34014 1 pale. all Unhappy folk. u1 •I.on: •low "Foolhardy than. who lire 411 town. What dauber tory are ell In. And now arc winking u, their tied , For fear the lour •houki fall to: Poor eons 1111" Iwo they rue y a•, And w1.4e•, 1'yu a lutlmr, Vet our moil luck. In such a norm. To be upon toe /w0an. '7111 n, for then, who're VIII tali day 11n business from their 1501110•, And late nt !Malt arc .outing house. 'Cu cheer. 1114' a 11, 1114* .1.11m. ; tth"c von nod 1 hilt on the duck. A n• cumfur(ata 1>11W. !11y c1 es! what tiles ..,id chimney puts About their heads 111• flying' ".1114 eery oflrn 111141• oro 111111111 Huts own are killed and undone. Bt urrrl urn+ of enrrlago.. Iii (hieve•. and 1114•, in 1.0114014 IN know what risks n11 la,nd,lwen run. 1' non noblemen to lailur*: Illhon, Hill. let u. thank Providence That 4 o aid 1 are .livors'" ' 1t'llliauu Pitt. Advice in Small Space. Miss Ellen Tel'l'y has written the following letter to the students at the Leeds Dramatic College, "1 11:1,1.' been asked l4) say :a wort/ to you. If I any our wood it will be, 'Work.' If it were two wends 1 s should 1 n .Be patient,' and if it were three words, 1400. be vain.• •• Sunlight bap 1s hotter than other soap Dat is best whoa seed is the laaligbt way. Bey Snligkt Seep sad anew dirsetisaa Tuuw, AY, August 30, 1906 CooI and Comfortable Everything. you need in the shape of sen tier Wear to Make you feel cool and comfortable. CANVAS HATS STRAW HATS WASH VESTS COLLARS WASH TIES OUTING SHIRTS, etc., at MCLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters. 'North side ('ourt house Square, Goderich. A GRATEFUL LETTER. North Rang., Digit)' Co., N. S.. Aug 27. 1Mp*•cial.l 11 i, such grate- ful unsulieitel letters :1* the following that prove beyond all shadow of (hada !shat Hislirs Kidney Pills will do if th. v are only given n fair trial, Mins (1. Hell of this place writes : '•I wish to Maly a few words with re- gard to the t•urati'e powers of Dield's Kidney Pills. They have greatly benefited loth my father and mother. My father muttered terribly from rheu- matisrn for ten years'. lie used mix boxes of DodiTe Kidney Pills and the ri• mol( 1 '. that. he am 111 , �/ h 1 t u n o K { C 1 ( his rhe div { h m. Finding that. my lS) Loiter haul benefited so :h 1 aul- ised my another tell give them n trial, ns she was troubled with inflamma- tion of the kidneys for over twenty - font. years. She now feels better in eters way ,and cannot may ton mu0h fot;{)od.l, Kidney Pills. CONTINUE ' Those who re gaining flash and strength by regular treat- ment with Scott's Emulsion •hould continue the treatment n hot weathers smaller doss God away wtle ith any od to alibbJjection ducWhits Geringh h• h• y at Whits !!cera iowxs (Merles, Tares" pa sadM.wtGl( mbe.agels L??I NCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A {ComFAMILY. LteRARv Best In nt (Arnim 12 COUPLE -Mr Noveta Yea#Lv MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.eo Pia26 GTO. a OOP? NO CONTINUED STORIES e *421(542 Rut.al11 col PLATS IN rPsg* She Hid Nerve. A young W01111111 rltend It doctor's ...hop where ad d prel4criptions were given free to } terms in poor 1.1 rrumMbtnr1.. ila'ln been fur - Malted with a prescript n for medi- cine, which she waw d could he bought at a ti ighlrurin chemist's, she looked what the lu(•dil'inc would be likely to rust. "About WO vhil- hllg)," maid the durtlll. "C3 ttld ye e It 11• I 1 1• th money ••• h ask" RnkI w . ^Un t; let me see your prescription again," the doctor said. and. taking the paper, he scored out the name of one of the ingredients. "What was thele for%", was Inc. next question. -Well, you are," answered the doctor, "I foul something in for the nerves, but I ser you don't need it." The Sigr it does good job printing. No titan's heart ix permanently M,tliaflel until hie mind is. 'PHONE 56 D. MILLAR CO. OUR FIRST STOW OF 'PHONE 56 Fall mantles and Jackets IN OUR MANTLE SALON ON Saturday and Following Days. We take this opportunity of announ`Cing to the ladies of Goderich and vicinity, the arrival of our first shipment of imported and Canadian mantles and jackets, and we will show same in our mantle saloon, when a visit of inspection is cordially invited. A NEW DEPARTMENT. Infants', children's and young ladies' ready-to-wear goods. Pellisses, Coats and Jackets, Hoods, Hats and Tam O'Shanters. TO VISITORS. We are show{ng a full range of wool shawls and rugs. Mee cur special imported, real Eider Angering, tor making faacinatony homey shawls, etc. Only to he had at Millar's. P SNE Millar's Scotch Store "re S , uG TER s , - OF PageFence and Gates s We need not take space to tell of the high quality of Page • Fencing. That is already estab- lished. Just look at these prices : • Regular tl strand :41inches Page Fence, now 35c Iyer rod, was 40c. Regular 9 strand, :, ; inch Page Fence, now 33c per rod, was :Ise. A it No. 9 Wire, 9 strand, :_ inch Page Fence, now per rod. was Macs Al No, 9 Wire, i; Strand, 4$ inch Page fence, now 35c per rod, was 40c. All t). 9 Wi1'P, !; strand, 404, i eh Page Feller, noW 3 OC per roll, was :35c. All \). 1t Wire, 9 strand, 51 itia Page Fence, now 33c per rod, w,s 3 c. HIGH CARBON WIRE. GATES. 1:3 foot by 4s inch Gate fol $4.95, was $0.00 \ 12 foot by 4'4 inch Gate for ;$4.85, was $5.75 10 foot by 4s inch Gate for $4.25, was $5.25 SMALLER GATES IN PROPOuTiON. THESE PRICES ARE GOOD FOR 3o DAYS. \REMEMBER THE PLACE. E. P. Paulin's Hardware STOVES, PLUMBING, ETC. Store 'Phone 57 House 'Phone 177 A GRATEFUL LETTER. North Rang., Digit)' Co., N. S.. Aug 27. 1Mp*•cial.l 11 i, such grate- ful unsulieitel letters :1* the following that prove beyond all shadow of (hada !shat Hislirs Kidney Pills will do if th. v are only given n fair trial, Mins (1. Hell of this place writes : '•I wish to Maly a few words with re- gard to the t•urati'e powers of Dield's Kidney Pills. They have greatly benefited loth my father and mother. My father muttered terribly from rheu- matisrn for ten years'. lie used mix boxes of DodiTe Kidney Pills and the ri• mol( 1 '. that. he am 111 , �/ h 1 t u n o K { C 1 ( his rhe div { h m. Finding that. my lS) Loiter haul benefited so :h 1 aul- ised my another tell give them n trial, ns she was troubled with inflamma- tion of the kidneys for over twenty - font. years. She now feels better in eters way ,and cannot may ton mu0h fot;{)od.l, Kidney Pills. CONTINUE ' Those who re gaining flash and strength by regular treat- ment with Scott's Emulsion •hould continue the treatment n hot weathers smaller doss God away wtle ith any od to alibbJjection ducWhits Geringh h• h• y at Whits !!cera iowxs (Merles, Tares" pa sadM.wtGl( mbe.agels L??I NCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A {ComFAMILY. LteRARv Best In nt (Arnim 12 COUPLE -Mr Noveta Yea#Lv MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.eo Pia26 GTO. a OOP? NO CONTINUED STORIES e *421(542 Rut.al11 col PLATS IN rPsg* She Hid Nerve. A young W01111111 rltend It doctor's ...hop where ad d prel4criptions were given free to } terms in poor 1.1 rrumMbtnr1.. ila'ln been fur - Malted with a prescript n for medi- cine, which she waw d could he bought at a ti ighlrurin chemist's, she looked what the lu(•dil'inc would be likely to rust. "About WO vhil- hllg)," maid the durtlll. "C3 ttld ye e It 11• I 1 1• th money ••• h ask" RnkI w . ^Un t; let me see your prescription again," the doctor said. and. taking the paper, he scored out the name of one of the ingredients. "What was thele for%", was Inc. next question. -Well, you are," answered the doctor, "I foul something in for the nerves, but I ser you don't need it." The Sigr it does good job printing. No titan's heart ix permanently M,tliaflel until hie mind is. 'PHONE 56 D. MILLAR CO. OUR FIRST STOW OF 'PHONE 56 Fall mantles and Jackets IN OUR MANTLE SALON ON Saturday and Following Days. We take this opportunity of announ`Cing to the ladies of Goderich and vicinity, the arrival of our first shipment of imported and Canadian mantles and jackets, and we will show same in our mantle saloon, when a visit of inspection is cordially invited. A NEW DEPARTMENT. Infants', children's and young ladies' ready-to-wear goods. Pellisses, Coats and Jackets, Hoods, Hats and Tam O'Shanters. TO VISITORS. We are show{ng a full range of wool shawls and rugs. Mee cur special imported, real Eider Angering, tor making faacinatony homey shawls, etc. Only to he had at Millar's. P SNE Millar's Scotch Store "re