HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-30, Page 6a Tnu.IDAT August 30, 1906
'jxI1 r, 'SII; %.; 1TI • /,epERICi1 ONTARIO
Nothing Relieved
His Kidneys
Until He Tried
I al
ay M. J. Phillipe
t opyrigbt, 19011, Ly U
M. furter
YaIIicsass Out., Dec. 1, 190S
" I bad suffered fur seven year!
with kidney trouble. Could
scarcely walk and was unable
to attend to my farm. Saw
" Bu -Ju " advertised, and after
taking the first few pills, felt
much retie% ed. After taking
half a box, was able to do a
fall day's work. 1 kauw one
box of "Bu -Ju" saved me
$4u.w doctor bills.
"Jamas Ausorr."
It costa only 3c a ,icy to take "Bu -Ju"
-the kidney p111 that never fail,.
All druggists have " Bu -Ju " ur will
get them fur yuu
w,..aea. owe.
NAVE YOU A BOSS ? or are you (tide-
pe•dent' It Lou rte making moue) fur wine nue
else, quit .ad make money fur yourself. Get out
of slavery and lie tree. Write C. MAaeaa,.,. &
CO., [pnhoo. They wt'1 show yuu the way. They
have started thourauds un the road to freedom.
Seven fullers a d.y. 'ret y day to the year, Is %,e•
ing made hand aur their go.1s. Write oust
Time is moor!
"Indictment agaiu-.t Samuel J. HIM -
kitts," read the ludietuvat clerk lu bis
slugsong voice. "'lint inforwutieu
charges him with penury iu certlfylug
to the presence lu prison of tl'titiore
prrsuur wad re't•elvblg free from the
comity therefor to the amount of SI.
8$11.70, said Samuel ,1. Ilawkius being
ut that time uud at the present time
the aberiff of Ba!uhridee comity The
ludlctmeut Is before you."
The grand jury, first of Ile Mud fur
years, bad been lu sesiiult In Ib11n-
bridge'couuty for forty-two days, and
Its labors bud resulted lu the vollug of
seventewu Indictment*. The name of
Sheriff hawking wag Last ou the dirt to
be eousiaereti.
There was a motley crowd ou the
stairway of the cot.rthoutle waltiug to
bear the result of the jury's dellbera-
tioos. A fat deputy sheriff, his hatuds
folded comfortably across his stomach.
swept a cutter urawu uy n hue team
of trotter'.
A luau Iu u big fur cwt wile driving.
It W:am lata Iiuwk!us. the slit riff. and
the light faded Lots X!u!iy's cosies ne
she watched the t:vtu nwee'p err,
Into her father's tis. vi way n1:11 never
shop unto It had brought np hy" the
side porch of the Iroise.
'the 'hrrilf spracr front the' sleigh,
uud. a•:itirett w•alliii, even to blanket
,the !plow:, rnshnl rp the stees:uill Into
the hAtw'. %Yue 1!n' aes.11.1nee of the
•' ,spited lover Lu pest led uud smiled
i 'aied)' to \toile'e a:itis' in the sit
1Ing roma, but dl•1 not daunt. Instead
he rushed into the kits h:'u autl;,..tvith u
cry of delight swept \I oily luta hie
anus. lie Elate► Ler teiverly on Lice
and dine ulul hair. e\Memel sit!Ili
meted patiently t., Ibe metiers o girl
did u,l 1. -;,seal to Mete. and n half mi.
rnnw h t' yieli ..f r•11.4 revolted bee
when uta• y,:uu amu thistly rrlts I
hoer lied '::u. 1 Irick Iii'autiu". to)u.dc ...
• ••I !tor `,!o!I ' hcelled. 'The luau I
tm v d...e , • l : ud i'ut not in
Light -weight
Made up in the latet
style of cut and finish
August nth to Sept; 8th
$4,05frnutn gtlust Si,tdi'rieh te guinc
A 1"
September Slit.
$2.95 going August :?itis
L .7 andaflthandSepte.tu
her 1st, 4th and nth.
All tickets valid returning unto'
September Lyth. 1906.
For ticket' anti full oriel ui It ion
call on
F,Tnwii Agent.
Office hours : 11:811 n. In. to
9its p.m.
J. I). McDonald. District Pi- II
aenger Agent, Toronto,
'PHONE 15 OR 24
When Tont want ( Warehouse 1 cr. \fest
and A'a rd's , I rwtt and l
THE H134'1' at Uo, k 'snare
re'All toast welsthed on Ibe nuarkid 'rides,
where you gel 2.11(11 Ib.. fur it Int.
WM. LEE,..
orders left nt 1'. t', i.Nb'':t Hardware 'torr
(feet side Milner, uiromutlr .1iendtd to.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
4ny even , utnln•rrd 114.11 .of 4Mnniuion
Lands lit Manitoba or the North weal 1 ant tress
exee a,ht,t a and JI, not Humeri ed. ,any Ise hoeno,
teed by any p•r+m w ho b t ler . de, hr.ul of
family, neatly male over le years of tar, I n the
r %tont of Mir gnnrter Wilton of tri :u rs• ruse,•
.x MM.
Fnt.JJ mid he made per.nnnlly-et the Inrnl
lend ,Mil t-. far t he 111'11'40 . In welsh the I31141 Ir
The honaeslendrr Is rgnlr.d 10 perform the
rnndillun' ronnw•t.d therewith nn,le•r ,tno of
the following Mane:
Int Al Imes .ix month.' re.Mrner noon and
rnit ovation of the lend In ,'e 0 shat tar three
(II 1f the father for mother. If the fat het 1. de
triaiiejt of the hmnesteader re -ides upon a fere,
the vicinity of the Inml entered l,., I1 , rn
cements ee to realitenee may he -nu-fled
by nee tw'r.nn residing with the fnlMr or
mot r.
131 1 he'sett ler lin. hl. permanent rv,llent,
'rpm. hi ins land owned by him In the thou
11y of his homestead. the rrvinirement. vi to
rastdenne y be satisfied by twkleutr. upon
the said le
Six months' , .tice In writing shordd he `iv en
to the rmnml - Door of Dominion Lands nt
!).taws of intent.. , to apply Inc Latent.
Witt% cony.
Deputy of eh Mlnieter of the Interior.
N. VartiM eat wlhisett le ' 4 for.fof rhe cul
gut at the head of the eurridur leading
to the greaud glass dour behind which
the Jury w ea de:there:dug- Some of the
waiting tbroug about him were at-
tracted by motivt-i of curiosity only:
otters, restless utid impatient, were
there to gather t.•rumbs of information
fur friends who feared. Then there
were torte or four uewspuper men
with pleusaut, cynical faces and keen
There was slleece luside the court-
room after the Indictment clerk had
finished his .romdiug. Juror Vander'
beck was first to speak. "I would like
to hear from Mr. Scarborough on this
The prosceutor smiled as be twisted
Lis brown wustuche. "Toil can't shift
any respuu,lbillty. gentleweu," be re-
plied; "Tbe law does not allow me to
dictate as to who shall be Indicted.
It's up to you."
"Boys. I wish you'd hear me on this
matter." The speaker was John Keats
of Bay township, :t silents kiutlly mate
who during the tedious weeks of the
inquisition bad thought murk and sui•l
little. There was a rustle of luteres:
u3 be rose, a tall, lanky figure in rusty
black•, His 'pare., lined face w -ss
Le stoop.
smooth shaven oust he had t
oil p
of bard work in hon powerful shoul-
ders. Jubn i en.s was only thirty.
years oke,' but he bad never been re-
garded as young. His intimates
thought of biw, though, with affectltul-
ate respect that had nothing ot con-
tempt lu it es "Old Johu."
"I dou't believe that we'd better In-
dict Sam Hawkit .," be said. "I know
him as if he was my own brother, for
we were raised ou neighboring farms.
He ain't bad: he's only weak. .Sam
would never Lave got into trouble If
you'd left him on the farm.
"Oh, I know all about It, and so does
every mau ou 'this jury! Our party
agreed to trade sheriff for register of
deeds, and so you fellows put up a
poor candidate so .dim Connors could
wlu In a walk. Hut Ram didn't know
be. was to be a sacrifice. He went In
to win, and be did win! He had to
taortgage bis farm to do it, and after,
he bad beeu in awhile he found out he
waso't wanted and that he'd have to
walk the plank nt the end of our teres
All the bosses want Jim Conyers, and
next fall he'll be elected. The same
accident don't happeu twice. Ain't
that so?'
Nobody answered, though. several
had shifted uneasily during his talk.
"Well." continued the speaker, "Sant
didn't feel very good when he found
out what he's' up ngalnet. The most
gage was still on his farm, and he had
to get It off thin tertn or not at a11.
They esy he's Made fletltlous etitries
to collect fees and board bills from
the county. Ton don't know whet
you'd done or I'd douetntler the same
circumstances. Now, let's all shoulder
a little of Sam's responsibility mad let
Mtn pay that money back. The county
won't be out'anything, and to prose-
cute Ram woilld -would break hearts.
Fin gang to vote against a tnie bill."
They balloted In silence. "None for
a true bill; twenty -threw ngainst." said
the clerk, R !late entotlun even show -
Ing In the singsong voice which had
as a mere matter of routine heeded Re
many dint afternoon. "No further 16'
"This jury etnnds ntlJourned sine
die," Belled the foremen.
i.aughing and talking like sehoolboya,
now that the long strain bad been re-
moved, the jurors tiled ont of the room.
• e • e • e
Molly Dwyer inn inking breed In the
kitchen of her hone, three miles from
the county meat. and a pretty picture
she made, her (Meeks glowing from the
ardent kiss of the fire, while her eye's
rivaled the eosin In brlglatneen.
The Antler was felling steadily. Rust
/only Molly srnppevt to listen. On the
erlsp air eame the faint chime of 'ieith •
hells. The attend grew loader moment
by ttlrlment. Mnlly want to the wlntna
to watch. Around the turn of the read
Copy of change of running 'vertise-
ertants must be left at the o co by
Monday noon 10 ensure insertion
In Issue of same week.
,!:lural•, `ail?" she
'ugh her ntt,tnde ex
1 1,0•11 the strain of self
I1 , " ,'I • , ., • :Inst gaatr'i.: paxiet)-
,Ir:.a • the • •. weskit that the jin'y b1.!
1,e11 111 r':•! r 1:1:111 was 10, 531':1"
1'' I tiper •1 •'e „orb Joy to native ttuyth', ,
-Was there any ti.nr,:or" Ile is „ .
1 •hctdd tilt!: t'!er. 5' . v'.t.
,:ntgtr synth the goal, all r 'i..!
who do eon tbluk s ,vt I n. • • ':1 .10' 'e
Eerrta-. 1!u yon 4.!.,'t". \I .. 1.„ Ls'.
1.1.41 un, nhtost d::n.!: 1:1 t•.!
tits% I u ed to 1.!,1,1.. ir! ' .t t
0^.ort oil )•,m int 1 , s'. toy r: =1 ,'. •
whets I I,.•:It•J what lie did to.lav"
The girl was white about VW
but bee voiee Was low, ttlu,ott sew le.•
"'Then yon did 'dell from the count;
as they said you did?
Sato looked up quickly, for he had
ntitea9Le dauger sigtsul. "Oh, no. Mol
Iy: steal In hardly the word. bud" -
"Did you steal Prow the county?"
Ilfv face fell suddenly. "You won't
let me explain"- be began again.
"Did you?•'
"1 enppo-e some of -them call 1t
stealing. 1Whut of It? •I'ul • guiug to
pay it bark." Then rage at the teen
respntsihle fon title eurtplieattou over
came him. "It eervee them right. They
putt we up to kttoe•k nee dutvu, auyl
they'll have to watch things the hal-
ship of my term; thal'e nil. But what
ut it:'" be asked.
"What of AO" eller stain' and loath-
ing 'mewl to entsb him.
"What of it? This witch: No Dwyer
ever married 9 Hee?, and I'm not go-
ing to he the first nue. here's your
Nue"- ww•hauic:tlly be took the ex-
tended bauble t:n.l slipped it in hie
pocket -"int before you go 1 want to
tell you why Jul:u Serus got you oft-
-because lir ditto; lit 1 loved yon and
that it would break tuy heart 11 you
were Intik it. :I: that's why. stud. thank
God, I've (wind out isefore ire too late
That John Kerns cares that notch for
because" -111141 she steal her head
proudly -"I care for him just an
ntn'•h." Tbeu she went erimu'on, tot
Lents 'foal In the doorway.
Ae John adv:nu•td foto. the' room
with face_ alight the eher►ff slipped out
withouta word. The chime of his
kIi ttItelli grew fainter and fainter,
4o die out finally !n the distance. And
all was well.
1. -
Peoeoek Feathers.
Culue'.i:less seems to be confined to
the brio 1j:g of the tail feathers of 3u -
no's Lir,' into a house. 1 am not aware
that this idea is hold outeide this coun-
try; uud 1f it is confined to England
I-tauy v: ions 'Mises may have led to
the belief. which possibly arose In com-
paratiyels modern times -no earlier
:lieu the Orusades. Nothing is more
probable than that several cnisuders
brought home the gorgecus feathers as
cUttositie, n atrance sight and galike-
ly to nlnl.e a deep impression. Nothing
is easier to eonee!ve than that some
nilsfortrtt.'-lentil from disrnses toss of
wealth or other "bad leek" -may have
happened to more than nue puelestor
of the bct;itifnl feathers and that they
)food on that account soou be credited
with heft r the cause. A belief of this
kind nut•'• started Is of rapid growth
::ud very lots; lived.- London Notes
and Quet i,•e.
The better self shall live 1111 huinas
'Shall 1,1d its eyelids, and the human
lis gathered like • scroll within the
Pureed forever
This 1s life to come,
Which martyred men have made tnure
Fur us who strive to [Mow. May 1
• reach
That purest haven; be to other ruuir
The cup of strength in some' great
Enkindle generous sister, feed pure
Beget the smiles shut have 00 cruelty -
13, the sweet present., uta good dif-
:And In diffusion ever more Intense.
So shell I Join the chub' inviable
Whose music is the gladness of the
l;eoage Eliot.
11s'• Typewriter Sponge.
'"rite t•: unit sponge In New York:'
said the nteuugrapher, "Is the type.
writer e; .nee.' He gets all his work
done by the employee* of els friends.
He drupe into the office, ostea.Ibly,for
a chat' %sill' the buss. Presently be
l,oke toward bis victim and says in a
careless, utlinnd wuy• 'Oh, by the
way, M your stenographer busy nowt
If not 1'd like her to do little type-
writing for ale. It will take only a few
nlluntes.' •
"The chauewt are that she Is knocking
the "cry dnylights out of the machine
at that minute, int the manager 1s too
polite to call his attention to tbe feet,
eu ebe does the work. i'tually It takes
her front one to two hours. All tbe pay
she gets is n mere'Ihnuk yon.' i know
lots of loris who are bothered ttils way
by hangers o0." -New York Sua.
Interesting Letter From Bromley Ex-
peeinlents "in Canada.
At the conclusion, of the eucceesful
experiment at H><tmley, during which
four men lived w f ielently. and well at
a cost fur food ,it 4d a day each, it
!nay be remembered that two of them
were sent to Canada by The London
Express, in conjunction with the emi-
gration department ut the Salvation
The following letter was, received
recently from Harding. one of the
Tu the Editor -of The Express:
Slr,-I arrived eat. Iv un Sunday
last, after a rather rough voyage. We
were two days overdue when we 'ar-
rived at Quebec. The item that caused
the greatest excitement on beard was
the arrival of the four -penny men.
There wets a discussion In the saloon
as to -whit would be the cheapest way
to victual a ship. and after hearing var-
ious opinions I gave them a little menu
and Its cost.
They, of course, rtdl: uled my state-
ment, saying that It was impossible
to obtain the articles at the price, but I
mentioned that I had lived on the diet
for three months.
They bombarded me with questions
as to how I felt, and su on; and for
the remainder ,.f the voyage I was
continually Bought fur by lady passen-
gers to give them recipes. At the cun-
cert Wei had they billed me on the pro-
gram as the "Food Aeon -nee"
We arrived In Quebec on Sundlty
morning. We Interviewed the Salve -
Hun Immigrant department. and were
sent to Shelburne to a Mr. Sheppard;
left et 0.30 a. m. en route to Montreal,
stayed there nye hours, resumed our
journey to Toronto, arriving there at
7.30 am, Monday morning; stayed there
siz hours, and arrived at our destina-
tion at 1.50 p.m. the same night.
Surprise Visit.
Enquiring at the station., I found 1
bad four miles to walk. On arriving
at the farm everybudy was in bed.
We were sorry, but had to knock them
up. Mr. Sheppard vias surprised lu
see us, and said that he was not want-
ing anybody. He, however, very- kind-
ly gave us some supper and a bed.
We were awakened early next morning
by Mr. Sheppard saying that there was
a gentleman wanting two men welting
to see us.
We quickly dressed and Interviewed
the gentleman. whu engaged Inc and
sent Smith to his sun 5, about a mile
away. Mr.- Klndrew is my employer's
name, and a nicer man I have never
met. They treat me as one of their
family. The country here 1s grand -
lovely pastures - and there Is every
prospect of a good crop.
My' routine of work has,been fencing,
cutting down timber fn the bush, and
looking after catte. Mr. Klndrew is
very careful to point out every detail
I.do not understand. I am enjoytng.thls
life immensely. and shall stick to it.
Prtmrose, Ontario, Canada.
Helps Men to Work Hard.
'Thtt'.t w!.:i! Fen ozone - • it
uppl;.•s 1h,' m141100011 strength that -
, itab1er ,t luno 1 , rtl litlNtll health
tiiiyreoiiQItlhiee. "Lest speipg 1 oleo'
Ne, rn111pleeT)•1nt11 1 ,.m
��i�l�d tent
wnrk" mites .I. \'i , . 'scapi. of
'1'nrnlntll. .Alun. "in the ntn•ni:R---i-
it'W 1Ireil 1111110 teh,'l all over. find
no appetite. was sleepless, nert•nns
ilei unhappy. Erred !i,die put new life
inln Ittt. Now 1 Pill1r.11141, nerv•-0
err, •ttnillr, 1 sles•p w,4I, 1 kunw tine
.1ny .,f health." 11'' I,y supplying
nn.n htnehl aan•l vn.tI Winn' 11011.
lessen' int' builds up : try i1 :sae per
Lux sit 4111 dealers.
Self -maria men ane t1 hinately
vain of their job,
Miller's (icit, 1'nw,lers cute. For
sale by .Ins. M. dom.
Many a matt Isegine him charity at
home by tutting down him wife'a sl
lowalice, l'hieagn News.
Miller's 1' Iwaand Ina 1'i11. rettntt
color to [wile cheeks and hlntwlless lips.
Fur nets by Jn'. \\'ilet!n.
The niers!. thing alwttit a ennrrnee
vntatinn N the way von 0n1,ry teeing
hark from IG --New York Preen.
I was pile and weakly for years.
Millrr'e 1'onlwttm,l In'n Pills brought
el,ntta change. For sale by .las.
A Difficult Problem solved.
nc wrute to an r
A subscriber u r
and asked:
Haase tell me. does a man in run -
sing around a tree go before or behind
The editor answered:
"That depends. If he 1s trying to
catch himself, neeessarlly he Lillian!
himself, and eun'equently goes behind.
If, en the contrary, he 1s running away
from himself, the deduction leads to
the very ubvluus conclusion that he
precedes blmaeif, and consequently gore
before. If he euceeeds in catching up
with himself, and passes hem"elf, at
the moment of passing he neither pre-
cedes nor fulluws himself, but both he
and himself are running even. This Is
the only case where he does not go
future or behind hlmselt'-Calgary
tette Helped Nits -The 1:1'1 Who
1. Gelates elesh.
A rplcudld laxative sirup way W
made us follows. l'ut a half puuud of
ruisiue, prunes uud figs to souk 10
three pluts of cold water. Bottle the
sirup utter two days aud take a table-
•puuuful night uud morning.
Halitus are extremely uourlttblug, es-
peclully the suu dried Malaga*. which
are full of grape sugar. That they
should be thoroughly masticated goes
without raying. A uutritluus uud pul-
atable mixture fur sandwiches may be
made from blunt -teat almonds uud rals-
lla that have beeu put through the
unmans mediae.
Treatment fur pimple" and black-
heads calla fur ubaolute deaulluess of
the body, exteruully dud internally.
Pimples show that the body Is absorb-
ing poisonous substuucesa that it should
be tbrowlug off freely. Seep the in-
testinal tracts, the IIdueys and the
skin all active by drinking plenty of
water, eating fruit and bathing dully.
At night at•rub the fate well with hot
The girl who to gaining flesh rapidly
must keep out of door", doiug pleuty of
good hard work, playiug golf or tenuls.
rowing or walking and so helping that
fat to turn into tire. slender ttluw•le.
Avoid bread and butter. taking salad
toast instead. ]sive unduly on fruit.
vegetables uud Ieau meats. Never take
batter, cream, eggs. 'cereals or fat
meats. Make It n habit to take Ieweu
juice In u little water before breakfast
every moru!ug. It will be good for
you. Lo not sleeps too much and keep
busy all the thine.
Use a package and you will not be satisfied
with any other tea.
Prices -35, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 6o cts. per lb. in lead packets
T. H. ESTABROOKS, ST. JOHN. N. e. Wtosue S.
TORONTO, • M.waeroa •r., a.
Whoa ■ Woman Ness.
A daetor express em the opinion that
nine tunes out of ten the woman who
nage 1s tired. Oue time out of teu she
1s hateful. Times out of wind her bus -
baud is to blame.
The tows that come under the pbydl-
clan's eye are those of the wolltell who
are tired. uud who have beeu tired so
long that they are suffering from smile
Conn of nervous disease.
They may think they are only tired:
but, In Leet, they are 111. lu such easel
the wuwuu often suffers more from her
nagglug than her butibnud ur the cell
dreu with whom she finds fault.
She knows she does 1t. She does not
luteud to do It. She ware,. Iu her own
self respect wheu wee does It, and In
the depth of her soul longs for some-
thing to stop It. The condition Is usual-
ly brought o0 by brokeu sleep, im-
proper food, want of some other exer-
el m thau housekeeping and not enough
of out of dour air and practleal ob-
jective thinking.
It Is ofteu the most unselfish and
most affectionate of woiuen W110 11111,11
Into this state. They are too touch de•
voted to their families to give them-
selves euough of auy healthy exereiae
and diverstou, enough of naps perhaps
or concerts.
Parnell'a Bread
Every roe who has tried
it will hay. oil tither.
Bas • nutty, palatable.
wink wheat flavor
that is peculiarly it.
Our name is labelled ton
ern y dual,
It le tett Saone Pelee •a
the Inferior Kind.
P. T D>✓AN
YOUR POPULAR Ult03,1.11 Atll 11
For the Mattress.
The dally turning over Is nut the
only necessary atteutlou for the proper
treatment of u wettress. This opera-
tiou itself In liable to strain the tick
fug and pull the stuffing out of shape
In course of Hun. . Tu ovoid this han-
dles may be Newts] to the soden, so that
the unyielding surface of the mattress
itself need not be grasped. Three ea 11
be made from webbing or a erosipiect'
of ticking and sewed as firmly as pos-
sible to the sides.
Coal ! Coal !
Very Low Prices
for Coal for
Next Year's Supply
For Cash
Mars Gabrielle Drees.
A decidedly novel nee for the gulmpe
is given In the gabrlellc dress here
♦boron In n new form. The gabrielle.
or overdress, which may nine nerve ns
a princess, Is fashioned of seven pieces,
cut In deep round outline at the top.
and at each nide It Is shaped 10 fort
two straps. The closing Is nrrantrtd
n the back,where a1 Inverted box
platt disposes of the extra (upness al-
lowed In the +skirt. A wide hem and
three tucks Ankh the lower edge. The
'Phone ?0
A Wrinkle For Housewives.
"i have been putting tip preserves
and pickles far 3a years," said a house-
wife of the old school, "and I discover-
ed the other day that I ars nut too old
1u learn something new. I went to see
my sun's young wife. They Were mar-
ried last winter. She was putting up
onions --a decidedly dlsagreeable task.
But her eyes vete not watery. They
were as clear as the sky. She simply
nodded and muttered something be-
tween closed teeth. "What In the world
are you keeping that pin between your
teeth for?"' I asked. To keep the on-
ions from hurting my eves. I'll he
through 1n a minute." "Do you mean
to say that will do It " 1 asked Inoredu-
lousl,v. Rhe nodded. The pin was In Its
place again. She kept It there to• ten
minutes while I watched her work, and
her eyes were as dry as a walnut."
Barnstormers For the West.
A theatrical yndlrate 15 being form-
ed In Winnipeg for the purpose of sup-
plying nttrarttunei nt every town be-
tween 11131 Pity and \'ane•nuver on the
-main line of the t'nnadlan Partite Hall-
way-. --'PIu&JuI a to to play one night a
week In ene-Is -Trrwa.,Fpd to have the
!Mlle night rnrh week,-$lrthat farmer.
ns w011 as townepeopto will a1wii'rlwok
forward t i this one day rnrh week for
Rattle amn•eetnent. if this kind of thing
keep* up, how Ione will the sped.-hnr
dens./ farmer of the prairies come down
to ttntarin at (Trisrmar-tide to "have
a good Meet
2 5 cl
in homes in which it is not already aken,
we will send it. for the remainder o the
year 1401; to new subscribers for ie
small sum of
1.ouk over this list of special offers to
new S11hscr1111'rs and take your choice :
THE SiGNAL to January Ist, 1907, only 25c.
to January Ist, 1907, only 50 cents.
to January ist, 1907, only 50 cents.
to January ist, 1907, only 50 cents.
to January ist, 1907, only 50 cents
SiGNAL and
to January ist, 1908, for the two papers
only $i.75.
'draft ea a Family Trey.
(Wiest (at nnniverenry QHnnrrl—loon
belong 10 ot1e branch of the host's fan, -
11y. I believe. Poor Relation -Yes; I.
Itelong to the brooch that never had
any pttnte on It.
In Trade.
Mime thither That he Lord Noenlle-
Md& ile made his money In trade.
ensu !Mistier Whet Ione?
\Iles (IOtbcr- Matrimonial. Ile frett-
ed hon off. fnr nn Wrests
All eertnne rnrh ere better believer*
In Immnrtallte than we can give
grounds tor.-Emsrsoa
OAB1lt1LL11 OR PR1Negett NOng.
guimpe Is made w•Ith the rreld:I ion
seams and n group ot lingerie tucks
to yoke depth nt the center of the front
and at each aide of the hark elotltlg. A
standing collar fin0hen the 'leek. The
sleeves In Idaorter length tenninnte In
wide bands, while tlmse lu full 'ergot
may have deep encs or narrow hands.
English ea Rh were with eruhrolderell
batiste and Insertion uud panmma with
dotted awing. needlework and velvet
are nice Wiriest for the (rock.
Other Imitable material' include pon-
gee, shantung, tnffetrl, Inmtdoerne, al-
bntmen, linen, dark, mohair, abdIIlcnne,
etc. -Delineator,
It Rings ,n Your Ears.
Tent /MOW rtstgKh is everywhere yon
go. deep rind htllnty bemuse r
tive. Fi,et 11. ens r'atnrrh w'hor'e
email have Leen e•und by entail ho -
none. Motel, never neglent s r•nld,
never bill' with entnrrli. go u1 y •
druggist and get ('nMr'rhnzone. 101
itnt,nt. death 11) '11111', cures theta itt A
few 'Minden. Throat trouble and
eatnerh disappear ns by ningir. ('at-
tnrihnzone in the great threat, tease
I branchial remedy today. now
sande ane it. why % biotin/4e it dors le.
Herr gniekh• and entr thoroughly.
Two adzes. 'Lir and S1.11f1. at all dealers.
The Signal doer good job ',tinting.
,Any of the above offers good for any address
in CC :nada, tho United States or Great Britain.
• Seold your ostler at once, so as to get
whole benefit of the offer. Address
Vanatter & Robertson