HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-30, Page 5..THP, t' IGN 41, • (;(►DERICII ()NT .% It IO PEN AND SCISSORS. A little lulu, • little trout. A .011 uupuk., u midden drew. A ud life ew dryly/ d. -Jet dog 1' (realer than a mountain stream. 514 .tu'plc is the heart of mini, Su rva,ly (or new holm* and joy. Teo lbuueawt seen' slum tI taste left It younger thou r y. The dictum of Dr. Albutt. regius . Endeavor of physics at Cambridge University, that the law ought to fit. hid any man to begin playing golf hie fore he hi thirty-five years old, until which time he is capxblr of motes vigorous ,,t111et1'., lois muerte(' adae- eussiun in the Puglia(( press 011 the suitability of tumour Worts (o 4114' different ages of men. boiled down, the general tontlusiuns le:whist ate these ; ('ricket s1 Id Le +abandollel At rorty years; footled', thirty : hockey, thirty-five; lawn tennis. by woolen, ferty•tive. and by nom, sixty; rowing. sixty. The etre for patting cycling was nut definitely fixed --prob- ably when riders break their necks. By muumuu consent golf should be played while lire lasts, lnft should nut 14. begun he) young. Met itlald'a ire• spin•t,'curling. al • make's nu trgrted for time. but looks, furwerd to ,'teer- nity. (fletiy, unlit men of visa* run*t•ientes, with a reasonable insur- mice against a future life in a climate where Ice is out of the yuertiuu, *1 1,1 show themselves to li ecume'iceman- enaIc addicted to curling, After a wanly argument in which neitherssereL two 1rirhnlrn decided to tight it out. 1t tette atlas( that when either said "I've t• glt" the tight should {ears. After they had been at it about ten u.inutle14 one of them fell, and im- mediately yelled "Enough enough But his imp/mein went nn pounding Jilin until a 11utn who we' watching then. said : "11•Lr don't you let hits up' He says lies got a gh." •'I know he says au," said the Victor, het Ween puncher, "but heSi such a liar vuu can't believe a word he rays." .4 S./Ad ./ 1 ipMdli,. A potato went out On 111Nh e11d ...aught an union bed -That'. pi *• e fur me !" ultrved the-Tna•h, And all the feet., turned fid. -nu 'nay!" the union. wrepine. cried; " your lo, r 1 amok he: The pumpkin be your lawful bride-• You c.u.u•luupe with 141••," Hut uow,.nl .t ill the tuber cane, And 1,, down at hear feet.; ratuh newer by an) nam. And 1l w dl -melt to, wheal : Atoll. tau, Minn e.rly bar. (wt )un 1'a cow, to.u4' Su don't turnip♦•our lovely n11W, 14111 .proms bol with one. ' "1 du out ••armt at all to wed. Soya sir, .1 you pteae. The inude.t union mV•ekly' wW, 'And lett ice. prat, to )lea., bo. *hank that you hat outer .ern 11) -elf. u1' ,n14,11ud my" iyh '(a, lung a maiden I hasp b'•eu For Ju ror. in your �� "Alt, ,p ue n 4'u..," the tuber preyed ; ^.11) •da•rrl .had bride you'll M• • You are the Will' weeping u1.ud 1'hat'.currant now with wt..' Arad a. the wily- tuber spoke t He mingle( her by -user... And. tocins her an artlrhukr, Detoured her with hi. ere.. 16. A 6:m -a' girl emelt/ate to whotrl hod Swett ',assigned the theme. "Be- yond the Aips lies Italy," wrote this •e.•*y : 1 do not Mee a rent whether Italy ties beyond the Alps or in Mis- souri. Ido not expert to set the river salt.• with my twerp career 1,un glad ilia 1 tome a very g4*x1 wlu4 4 thin, but I 11111 hist going to u)iense it. by writing 'poetry or essays on the future 4•unlatt. 1 just avant to marry ..111411 who can lick anybody of his weight in the township, who can ren an eightyawls. faro(, and who Ilea no female relnt ives to ('0tlae *round and try and boss the ranch. 1 will egret• to conk 'linnets for hint that will'not tend hint to all early grave, and lavish upm lieu a wholesome affection, an t., see that bis 1x201 has out been used t4 int lin NMI wire when he Wants to ahate, In view of *II this. 1 do not rale if I get a little 1.11141)• OH the /ate of three and kindred thing* ,as the year-. g„ by." 4 44.' long ns we love, wt. *1n•vr, 40 Ling m. wli are loved by othrt's 1 wnnid elinoktt nay we :u4'• indis(wtt14ihle: and n,. Iran i. 1114e -lees while he has it friend.-i{ulw•tf ieini* St1've'nSn11, 4 Ale. awl Were.*. A mare gave fors ones jurat to ere hi. name I'!un.t non,ird ler the ackk light of fable. 1 unman. "tient, let her he*rt J e*k, .Ins, 1'/1,11 c a dear one from k ea p flet erg• ! A learned *table on the jPW's harp has just appears) from the pen of the late 1),. ("Arrington. Holton, nit", ad- dresses himself chiefly to the piln- logicall p7ubleul connected with the toy instrument. The jaw'* harp. which is of the greeteest antiquity, timidness one of'the old definition of ,a inlmter n. n "fuer-f,slted animal that walk's back- wards." For the testrument is not harp. and it hits no Mintier( ion with the lows. Whitt, then, is the explan- ation or its 'name? Nobody know+ not even hr. Bolton. Hammel Petr e, an eighteenth rentury ,antiquary, de- rived jaw'*•harp from law's -bairn": Ihtt. Inter authorities regard that a. ah"mnj. Profeen4)r Skeet takes the singular view that it. wait ",a name Riven ie de:Spfnn, prntlahly in ref1•t Parr to the harp of David." But before the Igstrnm4111 was celled the jaw's -harp it was known, elope,-iallr in the north. as the •' jlew'14- 1111np.' Clearly, the name is 4a r0nnndrum that the .4 :'gicr ❑1, ' ju14t n* WP gave 11p trying fn play the inrtruneet tatter a few enin attempts in our youthful days, 41.cat' HiIn111P7.lein Amid nt A ft (ilial', apr" ,.n4 of a certain joke : "Tien, joke is no far fetchesi as the sign that a tailor ntl4e pal lip in his ioSilir el home, "Th1. **ilor'e sign waft an Ap4IP 4 single an Apple. The people were anearuyl Al it.. They clime in crnwdft in the tailor. Asking him what on earth the meaning of the sign Wama, "The tailor, with A complacent Amit., Mplird : *hr.,*it it. hadn't ieen fur An apple would Shp clothing Nannette he inlay r .. Like* New Meets., New to the man who never had vara(' is the pain relieved by Putnam's tom Extractor, Old (torn% and new ane* rnrpd quickly hy "Put.nant's," Hold everywhere, Thr Rignel( drawl' gond Joh printing. TESTS FOR FRUITS. Hew tee ■.asewtte gay Tell wakes termite Are y'ra.J1, Teatlug swan fruity is so simple, tee- c'urdlug to au old flee dealer, that a woman who has had any e><i•erdepee la buying supplies fur the household should be able to Judge their edible qualities easily. "With the larger fruit, such as mel- ons, • !woman must have some expert- euce," said he, ' ht•fure she can be sure that the ones ape selects are ripe and good. With both watermelons aad cantaloupes weight should be a deter - u lulug factor 112 the choice. Thee. too, with the former, 1f ripe, the rind should be soft euvugb for an lndeata- tlou to be made with the finger *an fig the sharp end of a peach, for, *1 a rule, eaten they are bard and resist such pressure 11 1s au indication that they have not become sumetently ripe to eat. Of the mauy varieties eu the Market the (Georgia melons are the best -that is, the sweetest-lu wy oplu- 10n. Many dealers do not object to cutting into a melon wben a buyer has selected one, and ft a merchant is WW - lug to make such a test I should sug- gest that a.womau accept the offer. Toothier M■ekaak'sa, "Muskmelons rod cantaloupes are best when they are yellowish Instead of greeu and have uu rougb ridges. At the ends they sbould be a bit soft to the touch -that Is, should yield under preuure, though out too much, or It 1s an Indication that they will be soft In- side. Like the watlerwelon, they should be of good weight when firm and In a well developed condition. "Many sayings to the contrary, there Is nu way of telling cling from free stone peaches except by breaking the fruit. Whether they are sutclebtiy ripe for table use can be readily dis- tinguished, for the akin should be yel- low, perhaps with tinges of red On spots that have beau exposed to the direct rays of the sou, and firm to the touch, though not as hard as they are when green. Any defects, worm boles, etc., show Immediately on the skin and are apt to be where the stem is pulled out or at the bottow. Bruised or soft places can bsseeu at a glance, fur they are usually rwitbered or are brown In color. "Apples 'that are in good condition for eating should be firm, free from spots that are soft and any worm holes, though the latter can often be cut out and the fruit will then be as good as 1f there bad been no defect. Color counts CHILD'S PLAY TABLE. THE MARKETS CAN BE TURNED FROM TABLE TO SAND COX. - caseated by a ('lever Kluderfart. mer-lt 1s Little Mara Than, lea* Feet Loaf, Two mad a Blatt Nlga sae et Learner Width. Ass lugeuluus pluy table for children w'htt•la bus been adopted by many klh- dergarteeus lu this country uud even lu llerluauy le the rtt'Put luveutlou of )tins Fruwee A. llreeulaw, a young rug Tag PLAT TAULIL kindergarten teacher of Marinette, Wks. It sawn spat.. told tier, serfs* as well lu nu u4'.:ivary nursery as In the school- room and 4I IMPS the little folk by its very capacity of traueforutatiou, The tabes is a little wore than four feet lung, two and a half feet high and of issuer width. The %welshed top Is ruled 141 squares, helpful in dres.wak- Iu,, plaiting colonel paper*, desigulug and ezerc•lews lu nwaeurrmeut. When the small students weory of much les- sons, the top is tipped 'over on its hinges, oft regardless of the dolls that crash bendluug to earth, and a large (Pyx of white sea sand 114 dl*clomwd, This sight renally evokes the euthuala"tic mariner's soug, and thee the children ply their spades in the bope of finding DPatls or. sunken .hips. The wise teacher sees that there Is sotnethfug new to be found each time. But the poeslbllttles of the sand box are endless. Houses are built on the beach to' the accompaniment of the carpenter's moug, the forester sings and plants a grove of evergreens, the farmer builds lels dwelling far lulaud, null the mother image out bar clothe.' 011 the toothpick poles. The send bot f* so much (uu that It is a question 11121.0101 awn (ALLAY. fur little In the selection -that Is. hi testing ripeness -for some are always green, while others are yellow,,though when an apple turas red when ripe 1t should not be eated; until the skin be- comes a ruddy color 'unless first cooked. Mow to Tell Small Traits. "One look at cherries should be .om- cleat," be says, "few If the red ones are a deep bright color, especially those that ure shipped from •California, or a glisteniug yellow tinged with streaks of red, and there are noapecks or gum- my substances (gi the akin, a woman may be pretty sure that they are 1a perfect condition for the table. Of course they sboudd be firm to the touch, but if cherries are old and overripe they do not have, as a rule, the full roundness or the fresh color of those that are best tweet. "Color alooeeto enough 'to assure a buyer that Eatgllab gooseberries are good, for if they are decidedly green and have no spee:ks ou the surface they will make g ood pies, gam and tarts. When they become red, how- ever, they are neurally soft andtnot de- sirable for canning or fur pastry. Huckleberries and blueberries may be tested In the same way, for tf they are not a deep. dark (blue the sweetness of the fruit is not shat It should be. Of the two the smaller huckleberries are better-thatsla, sweeter than the blue- berries. F Ilowilrg the same rule ter color, blackberries shoe id be glistening black and without any reddish place. or brown spots wt sere the seeds have withered. and th ey should look dresb and wen devetapld. Some persons prefer the long 'ones, while ethers say that the round 'varieties are sweetest. Raspberries, Rtlether black or red, "bould be rails 1r soft to the touch when ripe, but sbooid be bright In color, round and full, without specks of hard, knotty seeds on them. Strawberries can be reedit y told by a look. for if they are not fresh and In good condi- tion they tm aedettely become witted and mushy In , appearance Wbeo Rood for table use, they should be a bright ted shade, w e41 developed and arm to the touch." A • ((seated Ageef. Home Seel ter -Seems to we this house isn't very w M built. The floor abates when we Ws 4R - Agent -Ur I -7 -es; that's the new kind of apr' lag floor. for dancing, you know. "And they le stain creak terribly" 1 'T -e -a; w e furnish this new patent burglar ala tin stairway wi .boat extra charge." I. 6 Mat Tor Weft s. When ve Ile are removed t tom the bat they shoo) d be stretched is (lth the dn- !germ seroft a' the breadth of the Well and 'then rollei rn•ound a roll of p aper. which imam an s*scellent f0undat len. A coo- 1ple &'ptlll •atilmld secure the, ei at either end.- ilisamed Too Soot(.. It fell, ata the lotof fit a }+at. old Wallace 11ewwart, lacing the third son in rapid. •euneoawi0n. to sift t he family *Theis 1 ea !hi* brother. had dc' fie .before. him. Clew 'morning the boy waw twld hy hi r lamming haather th, tl, a hale had :.rr4..A. the night het' we. Wal- l/We a APIA beamed, tniieh to h is parent's Rent' dleatt.n. •'/ ind built think I it is 4w'r Artt Iitt1,P fern" t Vsilaco'a senile vanished Ark, 110 Nee /whet like a pirate. '"A girl'" ** if It were the synonym foe all that wan oppeohriou• a "Otte! nitwit . 1 allonym girt ashes" lieplow.- Idsee Lipptne iota, s PLAT MALI Al SANDZ. whether the students will ev be will- ing to have the top restored ind go buck to the common tolls of dressmak- ing and desigulug. )lists I;reeulaw 14 a most *Minutiae tie elpdergartner. Ileviug fi practical kuow!edge of carpeutry, she not duly lnveuted the.ptay table, hut built fhe frr.t full size models herself. Her 1 - plenents were saw, pluue, turame lathe and a hammer, which uever mho- -Wok in•took the wielder's thumb for a nail. What the Baby Need■ The less noise ,,a baby bears, the Tess be IS carried about and played with for the first six months of his life, the bet- ter It will be. It le seldom necessary to take him from his crib except for his bath and meals. The habit of tossing him about and trottiug him on the knee makes him uervou* and wakeful and cannot possibly ao :toy good. Ills undeveloped system calls for rest, yet he Is often denied that privi- lege. Childreu as well as older people are to a great extent creatures of habit, and they cannot acquire bablt* that are conducive to proper development and health of the body at too early an n Ike. It Is during sleep that the building up forces work without Interruption and the child genie In Beth and strength. Ifave regular hours for bis naps and see that everything is favorable for sleep at that time. There should be no tight bands to hinder respiration. I'lace his crib in such a position that the light will not shine directly upon hl* face, preferably lu a cool, quiet cor- ner. Lu not cover bis too warmly. t'hunge his position occasionally, and he will sleep longer. Slip For "Meet" alloaaee. Some girl with a love of pretty tbluge hit upon the clever idea of making great 'huge and slips, with which she covered her best bibs and tucker., of flowered stuff instead of the usual plait white wu"lin affairs. The open door of that closet reveal. a pretty eight listens of a rather funereal effect the miolln .hroudings are bound to give. ('boo*log a closely woven mate- rial. no that the dust IP as safely defied no when a .tout mu(1111 is the shield, Is the only point that need be looked to. Hare some of the covers big. th.et-like affairs. There are certain gown. which keep In tetter condition If aonietbtng folded carefully about them than it they are .lipped into the roomleet of bags. And put loop* upon bag, or wrapping sheet. so that their weight, little a. It may Deem, will bear dlrtlly upon the closet book* Instead of adding It* mite to dragging the delicate skirt or blouse out of shape. w111 Water. Asa Deep. tr*t Lady -That new housemaid Of your. Seem* a eery quiet girl. Reeond Lady Ye*. Rhe'm so gelet th*t when she's cleaning out a room she doesn't even disturb the dost, Steel Knife In the Flesh. 'l'hnt'14 the *en,ation extwt'ieneed by Robert. Price, of Becton, Ont, He knew it ens sciatica and iaf clnlrwe 11(rtl "Nervihne." AA usual if. cared And he aay* : "No liniment i*n excel Poison's Nerviline. (Severe pains made my side lame. It was Iikc n 'steel knife running thrmtgh the flesh. 1 rihhevl in Iota df Nervlline and We* completely voted," A regular snap for Nervlllne to ease .ciatica and rheintati.w. It sinks Into the care of the pnlet, cosy. 1t In short nyder. Ler.. 25e bottles at all dealer,'. Advertising in The Miguel page. LUv.rpel and Chitlins Wheat Patent, , Close Lower -'Liv. Stock MarkNrs- seThe Latest Quotations. Monday Eeriest, Sag. n 4J*•erpoui wheat tutors(' %•(seed t.-i1r Md to eed lower that Saturday am cora t11*n led Llt6tr to 1.,d lower. At ('111. 44.0 S.pt. ub. r w►ert 1 .ie4 410 Lee, thou Saturday; sept :era, iSe mesa; W1NNI.'1G OPTIONS. At the Winnipeg option market y}rte�r•idley the fullewlag wet• the closisi 1Me1*ms Ana. 701ryr 14.1. 004. 72te•, 414*. 71%le bili Slay 7a1're hid. THE VISIBLE SUPPLY. Aug. 27,'06. Alai. 26,'96. Wheat 34. 41t'JI) 12,912 IAA) Core 2.71/1.441A) 5,1011 41U0 Udlr 5.1474.0 WO 10.37. U4) 1)urlug Ike weal warmdiereses* sou ass) boob. Is, corn decreased 2u010110 busheia, and out"'theroaseo e5si1A) 4111441414, 1.1EADING WHEAT MARKETS. Sept . Dee. Mar. New York 1*'" at4k 84% 1lrlroU .... .. 74 71.1% b1) at.. Iuule 1.43)4 ti% 714 Atlnues l4' .. ..,. tt 712. 0 0 L/kith 781a,7310; t7 TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Grata- V% rata_ Kheat, spring, hush ..91 T5 to M,,,, lt'heat fall, Lush ... w hest, red bu*h ... .. N ural {{vise, (5.14• .... Berl. -y, (,(4114 U 51 062 Oats, bush u 41 .. 1104., bu.0 . 0 75 .... I'.as, Lu4*4 ,.. 00U-775251 7: LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCL I,11'4rpoul. Aug. 27. -Wheat suet steady; No 2 leo western winter, 11 i0�os, ; tutoro dull; Oept.. 4';s 24,4; Lee., M ".,d Coro, spat ani. Ausarten° wtaed, sew, 4a ad; Awttleun mixed old. tomual; future*, steady; Sept., 4e 1044; 7)e, 4s 7501; Sea, 4. 2%d. Bacon. .hurt 41441), arm, 61s W; Tung clear middle., heavy, quiet, 60* W• short clear Lacks, quiet, les xd Tallow, Pilule city, are, 'Us 64. Turps unzip spirits, Mar. 404' 0111. Hops la fanned (Yacln.7 Crostt. steady, i7 So to 144 leer. NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. New York, Aug. 27 -Batter, firm; tie (Pito., 7760; street Odea(', rate* creamery, xflt,e to 24e. U44elrl sakes reautery. QlminiOn to'tea lar to IYtty'•, state dairies. e0aialua to 'fancy, 1111• to _241c; re1uval4d, oeesmou to extra, 15c to 30410; 0ertetu fah tory, cumwvu to firsts 14x"1 t. 141. ; west. ern Imitation ereamrry, ratio, AV; dor, *rats. 1S, to 18(e. t btese-- Vita.; revelhpta. *10. State full erwm, large 1..., 1204.'; fsir t0 su1a1, 124,.- to L' 4ac; nuah fumy, 12%c; fair to 'Fsod, 11%c to Like: inferiors, 10+5* to 11',.: •alms, full to Leat, 20 to 10c. I':kt• Filet; receipts 10.:87; state Peso- *r)c1u1a sod nearby fancy selected' white, :01• -to 2e7c; do. choice: 24.! to '111*; *41114 surra, 24c to 231; weetelu grata, 70},. Id 21c: errand., 141 to 194. CATTLE MARKETS, Cables V.chaafed-Cattle Mill gao- ler arler at Chicago. l.rndo41• Aug _i7 -conte Ire Quoted at }'•'y tv 11+y. per ib. , iefrlgSerater beef. 84,c per Ib , tLvep, die.seJ, 141kc to Inc pet ie TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK, Toronto, Aug. 27.-Recstpts of live stock at the t'n/vn Stock Yards were 18 car loads, composed of 1.672 cattle, 811 'Weep and larnbs, with a calves. map.rteea. Prhts ranged frust 14.26 to Maper Ce but Ho: letter price was stay pahl tot }f^ laud of choirs tattle by W. Levaok. bulk of the exporters told at Si 40 to per cw 1. Export bulls at 28 75 to Mrs Orr est. tateaers, 4holta picked lots of Lute etw' sets ■f j1.50 to 14.75 per .wt.: 1 s ut feud at 141.; to 14.40ca ; rdium, at .75 to : com- mon, at t3 to t't5.e; c , at 12.50 to 13.50. M11eb wet. Mnr4. rows and 'P eters were In demand St following quota *ted R.,untree to 800 each. ugkt 12 curs st $7.50 J:40,es Mani os bought 2 leech cows at 840 to $52 each 00'ut tutee.. 41.,tlple of veal calve* were UgIt 11 Si 10B1110 lercwt. Shoop awl Laughs. 1`1400 awes soli at 1.5o in 1475 per net. bucks at 14.75 414 44, 1111.t., ■4 807.4 to 67. Haas, II P. Hou.e.d t.)././ tet. 1066 while 8071 wutast Ly Puddy Loos for a seu'plr lot of uh4aca Yoga [AST •UPI4ALO CATTLE MARKET girt Du4slq Aug. at.-Cattle-ftoceteta. 6260 bead; active and me lower; pr,u..• Otters, 116.00 to 81.15; a tow p).A); oh(4.441 ,1 13 to 1060; botcher.', Sys to 66161: 1,.,.1 err, 44444) to 84; cuwe, :3 to $4415, u'.ii. W to 14.15; etut•kers ahs t,.4,, Y_ :0 0 8; sleek better*. 12 60 to 141 25, fn et, ever and sprtuge,., 82 to $3 lower, 114 w 152. Veale -Receipts. 1400 Lead; active mud Wordy, 14.76 W 01.50.' Hep-Iteed7te, 13,IW0 bud; fairly acute mal a shade higher; heavy and sumer.. E to III•60; dairies, KAY tu SU.415.70 1010.40; yurkrrs, 8075 to ALSO; pigs. .70 to pi75; roughs 86 25 to $5 30; atop.. 4 to 8.60; dairies, KAY to SU.W. flattop mud Loam -kteelpts, 13,11140 bund; active: boat. *ad ewe. 2.1.2 LIt11er; ether* steady; trait*, 8.4 to tix.50; 'warthogs. 8* to .5; wetbr r r .1.:.75 to �a.. . d5. to W: 'beep. m1aeJ, iE to. W, NEW YORK LIVE STOCK, New York, Aug. 27.-Beeve.-Receipts, gee: prime and ,bole* steer', steady to r Shade lower: continua, *teddy: fillther. We IA 154: lower; *leers, 14.50 to 15.'45; our car extra, Witt; Lulls, steady ut 82.t.0 to tcow', at 11 to 64. Evpurto tuwurruw, 1 cattle anti 3 U. quarters of beet, 0111v00-Rrcelpbr Mkt; reals, 25ec lower: ten sed buttermilks, 82 to $4; mixed, du.14.26. , Shoop and lamb* , Receipts, I3,Z2; good aG0.1111U1011.tr. steady; 0.1111U1011dull and weak; no pr me or rbotes laud * hors; others. Inc to 15. lower. Sheep, $821 to 16.1(1; culla 12 to 1:t; Iambs, 10.26 to 14.50; cull*, 11 t* `soso note --Receipts, 9069; state aad Peorml- nol* hogs, 16.00 to 87; choice light 17.10. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. C'bie's° Aug. 27.-Cattle-R.eelpta, 2a,- °Ou bushels: beet. arab111.711 ( mare Wog; coat- 5175wur to mows. tte 76 . Sol*: sow., to: heifers, 12.00 t. SLOB; 41W(0 - I2.25 toIslip0; colas*. $3 to 18: stocker rod tende11.1114 to 153. Hogeto 87000: haat, strong; others, weak; \14uice to prime Leavy, two to 86 43; la1dluttl, to good Leavy, tAl to {1dd1); choice Leavy- sulked 16 to $620; Peewee butchers', weights), 4.40 to Sea: geed is 16.10 t. 1010; pigs, M/.tM to IC50. ihrep-..Reorlpb, ' ,6100; attests steady to strong; Iambs sea tie 13c lower; she, 5.25 to 16.71; yeshow, yearn $6 to 11.10; lambs, M to Mt. Trask Laying to *gin. Montreal, Aug. 28.-I4 4 Mated that track -laying will be begun t'Is week in Messrs. McDonald a: Sielillle 's section of the Grand Trunk Pacific at Portage) 1a Prairie. Auditor at Work. WIngston, Aug. 29. -The Oovernm t auditor is working un the books of Na pan,•e. The assessment roll of 11104 la missing Rain Saves Tobacco Crop. Windsor, Aug. 28.-R.e-nt rains hue, Paved the Essex t,.baccu , t. 0. ',Weil Is taximeter' to be the best vet. Ter Faacy Work. Large sewing bags to use for one's fancy wort- are mode of Malde ribbon fad two small embroidery hoops are weed for handles. Plan of Slum of Quebec. Provincial Archivist Alex. Fraser has received a copy of a military map of the St. Lawrence River, from Shiers. to the' Fall of Montmoronco, with the operations of the stege at Quebec, un- der command of Viee-Admiral Seunderw and major -General Wolt. In 1769. The map show's the posltlona of the fleets, the 1411(1sh encampments and 4rml0s. The plan watt. presented to Mr, Fns.r bw Alexander Cadenhead, of Tomato. [Young Men \r t>•ass•m1tt11111/•WINN= a t• as keen as a Damascus blade in judging styles. Our shoes are the preferred choice or young meu,,lxeeaus, they find that from season to season 55'(: se .the style pace 11t11 all the little things that go to t ak1' the fashion. WO re always just a little ahead in the show- ing of wh 's what in quality and cut. Come in and see our she ving of new tali shoes for young men. See o r windows this week for S ECIAI. BARGAINS. Wm. Sharman REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 11WISMII•WW1111111• WISES ozWir '1(I'I(' I14 l WI Iii1 I + , 1 WISH TH13 BARN PATER50NS WAS COV! RLDWIRE WITHEDGE 41474-4(10f i 'r�/I III II ,Ih ROOFINGyd? �� IIIc`inritil r II[d 'ism I s ,! III `ftv 0ilr 1: is the very cheapest and best you can + '' !4i'�yI'; i put on a baro, tool shed or chicken house TIN rusts, cracks, leaks - and is unsatisfactory. S 111 N G I, Fs S won't .R last more than six years. Then more expense. PATERSON'S " WIRE EDOP_ " costs WO than shing'.e% 14(1.1 with very little attention will last a lifetime it has hall A successful record in ( 4411da for twenty years. Hardware sealers most everywhere have it u yours does not, write for free Semple and bookdrt PATERSON WO. CO. 11411710 40a0aT0 sod 11101'TYAL Ii IL", was/' / r 4 1 1 1 11 ob Printing is a special feature of The Signal's business. We have made our customers' requirements our life study. Good wor at moderate cost. Tubas '*v, August, 30, 1906 5 PHONE NO su W. A. McKIM GODERICti, UNI CORSETS UNDERPRICED Only .i dozen in the lot, t of thew short waist or girdle, all thin .in14011's goods, made lit e11i1 :41111 genal valor *t title earb, 10 351 tient. at Belle up to GIS• to clear at fist. - l'olhlts„ were 2110 and 'Lie•, et roc and (50, sante reduction* gO` WI higher prices, nue lot fit .':a•, priced up to Pru,' silk while w'trate, 'try 44111x11' sizes, :ti and al. $1'25 Wet, 5'2.1'4 , to clear at.... y Another lot %vies. yt3,i111,'vely- Site valenro'iune*tel Ti, C.1 41) pure ,.ilk white waists, to "leas a1 ' •' • tJ Hate air ; )'OU enn't ,affilst to wear that out -of -slyly hat any lunger When there 114 an up b1 -date stylish hat at •2."w ready for you at )IrKin1' . 4 A11 101111lurr goimis pow un, the run *'hilt' the e(l'(*•ntrt:s are at work 0 idol ing the extension of McKIM'S BUSY STORE GODERICH ea�seesa� (r' ' Cooks and Bakes perfectly at the same time There is not an- other range built t which the heat may be regulated so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other. But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is nowasted nd is at all times under the simplest, mostitive co' trol. f you do the cooking of your household you can at eciate exactly what this means. orl Pandora E. P. SOLE AGENT War.h.oeoa and factorise . London, Toronto. Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Jt. John, N.B.. Hamilton AULIN, GODERICH Tourists Will liml noir at...T 111111)* u( Atucricau toilet article always full and 11p-t1iilate. THE SANITOL PREPARATIONS : Paste Powder Liquid Lyons Tooth Powder, Graves Powder, Rubifoate, Teaberry and tunny other all idle. 1401 minter - 111114 (.414) 1110114• Lel lel try to suit you please. LiME JUICE -best of all cooling H11tnrttet' drink., SAMPSON'S RED BLOOD PILLS. The best compound iron pili Ott the nuu•ket and only 25c 114' 5 for $1.00. A great tunic, W. C. GOODE, - Chemist Bedford Block, Goderich The Red Cross Drug *tore. 103 yr flour ee14a, order. rue Punts. & 14,111 herr. A1IFNT FI)H TH1•. Union Trust Co's North West Lands he poor nlan'1 best chatter, 1103(1 ADV.%N(•gD TO 4)N EAril' ' ERM i, Call and cwt' anyway, t'11YNR(T(D W • H J. A. IIRKOORY sit Real eerltate and business broker" t1. • - al.1 .�g, __._ • _,_,_ _ ' PROTECT YOUR NEXT YEAR'S' CROPS WITH GOOD' 1 1 1 1 WIRE FENCES We have a large stock of Ideal and Ameri- can all No. 9 woven wire fencing, which we are offering at greatly reduced prices, to clear out and to make room for winter goods. 1 A FEW SAMPLES OF IDEAL FENCE. The 7 wire fence, 40 in. high, stays 22', In. apart, was 37c, now 31c per rod. The 8 wire fence, 44 in. hign, stays 22,. M. apart, was 4tc, now 36c per rod. The 8 wire fence, 4r in. high• stays 16 in. apart, was 46c, now 3Bc per rod. The 8 wire fence, 47 in. high, was 47c, now 40c per rod. • . i AMERICAN ALL NO. 9 FENCE The 7 wire fence, 42 in. high, stays 34 in. apart, was 37c, now 31c per The 8 wire fence, 42 in. high, stays 24 in. apart, was arc, now 36c per The 8 wire fence, 42 in. high. stays 12 in. apart, was 460, now 38c per The 9 wire fence, 48 in, high, stays 12 in, apart, was Sic, now 43c per rod. rod, rod. rod. All other sires and makes reduced in proportion, as it is not a question of price hut room, it must be cleared out. In hardware, stoves, tinsm+thing, plumb- ing, heating, etci, we lead. CHAS. C. LEE 'Phones Store, 22 ; House, 112. L.........• "'alai`sol• `a. ttM.r!•l�ese i I