HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-30, Page 44 Ti u.ou Alt4oat 30, 11u6
A Successful Canadian 1Crlter.
One of the brilliant young writers of Canada who has won recognition.byltuis
splendid work which foreshadows still greater performance, is Norman Duncan,
of whom the "London Spectator" which is usually diary of praise. said: "It is
a pleasure to know that there is a writer in the world from whom we nwy hope
for greater things."
He was born in the City of Brantford. in 1571, and spent eight years at
Mitchell, Ont., and from there entered the University of Toronto. lie tool almost
the full course, but left before attaining a degr.v. as the scieutific cuurse did not
prove congenial, and the further he progressed lir more distasteful it became.
His first work atournalism was at Auburn. N.Y.. in Pte.', and two years tater
he joined the staff of the "New York Evening Post." In this literary atmos-
phere, which harmonized with his tutee and needs. he began to develop, and
his first stories -tales of life in the Syrian quarter of New York - appeared serially.
They were simple, natural, heart -stories, told with sympathy. poetic insight
and dramatic power, and bad that subtle quality of refinement and artistic finish
that reveal the personality of a fine mind radiating itself in print. When they
appeared ui book form u "The Soul of the•Ptreet,' they won instant favor with
the diseerning ones who appreciate individuality in literature.
Then he turned his attention to the fishermen of Newfoundland and spent .
a summer on the "French Shore," the northern section of the eastern of
Britain's oldest colony. In this quaint, pnnotive locality where the 'Tinting
wheel still turns blithely, where no desecrating railroads invade the solitude of
nature or the seclusion of man, and where brave men fight fierce battles with ocean
storm for a livelihood, he heed in clow companionship with the people and in
"The Way of the Sea," published las Newfoundland stories after they had de -
righted thousands of magazine readers.
Then came "Dr. I.uke of the Labrador." aiiotber book in which the reader
teeth the sharp, crisp, cool ocean spray in his face as he lives with the people whom
lir. Duncan has created. and feels with thea the little joys and sorrows that make
up their daily lives. In all his stories -vital and pulsing with human energy
-the work always weans like that of one who thinks in poetry and writes in prose,
-the work of one, who. knowing hie and its struggles at close range, never permit.
his experience to dull the eel • of hie optimism ur of bis faith in humanity. Mr.
Duncan is now professor of rhetoric in Washington and Jefferson College, Wash-
ington, Perm.
Wows woodsy to 5.t d He MYry K SVM to lb. ywr MS. ,, W. C. ewe. st tri Newts.** MArioat. e
....' ma* It *AnsaCa
George C. T. Thomson Look-
ing Over the Ground.
A Branch of the Lloyd Manufacturing Company,
of Minneapolis, Ask for Free Site, $50,000 Loan
and Exemption The Board of Trade Acting in
the Matter.
On Saturday morning last, a meet-
ing of some of the members of the
town council and board of trade wile
held at the town hall for the purpose
of hearing a poposition from a repre-
sentative of the Lloyd Manufacturing
Co., of Minneapolis, for the establish-
mrnt of a factory here. The company
are manufacturer% of all sorts of
wheeled vehicle% for children, auto-
pedee, folding go-carts fin-
orcoaster wagons. express Wagons, toy
carte, toy wheel barrow., doll go carts
and earl Mgr++, and also of sleigh.,
lawn chairs, wire hammocks. fire
nen-ens, wire mats, wire window
guards. coat and hat rack., wire
clothes lines, tea and coffer pit
atan4M, rte. (leo. C. Thotnsln'who was
here, .aid the a tnpxny were coining
to Ontario right away and would like
tit. locate right. in Otelrrirh. behest
the meeting he wee driven an d
and he said he wive very •h %truck'
by the advantages of (i'odrrich. The
only difficulty wee to get it mite con-
venient to both railways. Thr in-
tention was to establish in t aniuly xo
exact facsimile of their factory t11 Min-
neapolis, which represented en uulht)'
of $15II,I10 between plant and building.
At Minneapolis they employed lfit
hands, or in bury .''aeon *Moot 17:i.
The pro*. trete for much an industry in
('angle Mr. Thomson coneideed were
very r.e.y. In the fulled States there
were lin factories king the sante
sort of g.exl., whilein Copula et
present there wee fluty one, and
though the popilmliou in the United
Mtates was greater then in Canada the
per (-alpha 4') 111.111 Iiq.l ion of thew
article% was greater un Canada than
in the Stetee, and Mr. Thomson eon•
aidered the prop.eil' for the estate
IimhinPnt of a factory in Canada wee
a fout••fold better ,ine than the com-
pany hal in Minnietfxdi.. \Vhat the
eoliip ny were asking for walla free
site of about ,ix acres, exempt'
from tax*tion v1 far as it could be
given and a loan of $511,11111) without
interest. repayabl. in twenty or
twenty -flue a 0 11 n a 1. Installment..
They would also like none coneesa0t,
in the way of free water if outs was x
municipal plant. In answer to a ques-
tion fr Councillor Goldthorpe Mr.
Thomml40 acid the company �would.1' use
steam f.power. b'ralt.e they needed
steam for bending the steel they uwd
arid for treating other raw material.
Alex. Saunders ',stinted not the 1u1 -
vantage. G,xlrrieh INxsees'd in cheap
freight rates hy water for the impor-
tation of steel and other raw material,
and the advantages there would be in
the intended eat blishnrent of n line of
U. P. It. boats for shipment% to the
West.. Some available mites were men-
tioned and after the meeting Mr.
Thomson was driven around to see
the location of then, some property
to the south of the furniture factory
'seining t4 "p(,sal to him as a satis-
faptor'y site. The Lloyd Manufactur-
ing Co. have patents on moat of their
'Midis. the most special of which in
tbe patent nn the wheel they use.
M. Thomson had a sample of the
wileel with him and explained it. al -
wastage•. He said it won't' stand It110
Ibis more than any other make of
wheel. The machine that makes the
eebeell Is alms patented and the coot of
tnanufactdting. apart from material,
Mr. Thorelson said, is only accent a
wheel. The town would not be asked
to pay any money, until the factory
wail complete end ready for manu-
The wetter was advanced a stage
on Monday evening et the meeting of
council of the board of trade. when it
was decided to have Wm. Campbell
and W. A. M"Kinr, who were going
to Toronto the nest (ley, interview
Mr. J'bonlson and see it he would not
cOnsider a proposition of a loan of
$.'i,leat 1 free , site, the board of
triads: thinking it might be difficult to
carry at byline granting, the larger
amount. Before -leaving town on
Saturday Mr. Th son was under•-
stlNld La Nty 4I,e''nlllpany would r
in 01 1111.11141 if the town wanted it.
He has also lawn in rulnlnllnieat
with Elmira and Brampton with ref.
eretwe to Locating there. The proian-
eition watt first brought 11p by a let ter
in answer than advert iseurent the hoard
of trade inserted, ..d vertieing the ad-
vantage. of the town. Whatever is
dune in the matter will likely be done
ver)- %hitt l'. nmthet ', edianpatentso n
8(41114' of the r pony's .4,4ielee have
already heP4. (wire renewed and ex-
pire at the Pod of the ti e...tit year, eft
IIlilt.lher wish to get their Canadian
factory u11(1'te11 l'iglil alttay, M.ippt ..
ing the farlory established here and
iu,s•ss•d for *11N1,INs4, the school tax
at the present rile, mix Mill., would
yield *Ipst, w'hieh would g,' pert of the
wily to paying the interest on the
Among other matter% disc11.1med 41t
Ili• bawd of nude were as prop /minim
from (`toads. 11 new' illustrated 11111g. -
rine published at I.mdon, Eng., to
it 'tr A11gln-l:anndiaut trade. .ng-
ge.ting an advertimernent of (i.N11•-
rich'r advantage., end the enquiry
from .1 irk son Mfg. Co., of / '!int on as
to whether eleet'i(' power email Ite
had in Iitxlerieh. Ni. action w'*'
token with refers,',• to the former
and inveetigaations will be In:ade as to
the other.
For Toronto.
The cheep fare. to Toronto start nn
August 271h. Return tickets will be
Petted at angle fare, good returning
njr to Sept briber Ill It, on August 2''i1h
and the following davit : (I 0 i n g
Anglet 251 h, August :tnh, September
let, Seplenaltrt• Illi or September nth
the nitwit t irkets rnul. holy $2.11.1, good
to return until September 1I(h. Hoy
your ticket% and get all Infnrnlliu11
at the down -town ticket afire, next
Parsons' Foie, and save the delay and
wor'r'y nn Oxtail's' -day rosin means
at the station ticket office. Trains
leave Otelerirh 111. 7:111 is. in., 2:51 p.111.
and S p, tn.. arriving 4.t 1'ornntn at
12:2)4 p. u5., 7::et p. u5. and 111 p, 111.
Returning leave Toronto At SAO A. m.,
1 p. m. and 7 p. m', arriving In (bele-
rich at 1.25 p. 0r., 7:4(1 p, m and 11:111
p. m. respectively. F. F. I.AwRgwg,
down town ticket *gent. (Mice
hones fi a. m. to 11 p. un.
ihat weak, tired condition will
soon change by the one of Miller's
Compound Iron Pills: 5) dome for 25
retail. For sale hy Jas. Wilson.
A man may lin the Salt of the
Earth. but Mout woltten prefer a dash
of ginger in hind.
A loan is soon tot gotten eftet he is
dead. unless you happen to mart his
widow. -New: York World,
. A Mattse of B
(Neu ILuker.l
It has generally lawn considered
I hat the clt'ilizat' ,tt tattled by the
Egyptians of the time of 41*' 1',)
dyiu.lira timid lien. leen the product
of a gradual advanee during t -Inds
of year:. The necessity ut this as
sumptiou is, however, definitely Line
ptosed by the extl'aorliner)' and
rapid advent... of the Japauese, a titer
Which in'tbit 1y -rive or forty years ba+
edvencel from n Stale 111 %t of bar -
lie 1 iSU1
ar•lie1'i$Ul allll ar 04i -'.*r IgA1 y boa ricil ix* -
tion 111 great measure 'spial to that of
the Most advanced nation, of the
earth, and in 4.0101' 1'e4p10cls even e.
yelling them. Even in 'surgery Ind
medicine. ,u wiener hitherto con•
widened to 1a• the monopoly of Europe
Anil America, the Japanese altogether
surpass the 'titter nations : fur the
percentage of death from wouuda and
disease during the late war \vas very
lar 1trluw that of any pterions great
And, in addition t4 their mapni8•
vett prowmei and ability in wa'fere,
wit far towelling that ut their oppon-
ents, how notably the 4uperiur►1)' ut
their 111oral nubility writ, constantly
exhibited. Apart from the 'extraor-
dinary solicitude displayed towards
sir prisonef. of WAX, and Ilie toter
anskill extended to the'wounded
who ell into their hand:., the unbxtnt-
ful r eve end 1(II.olutr veracity of
their t ''pitcher. isnot aided forcibly
with the nendar•iods reports of the
Russian g real'.. A .IAlutnese di.•
patch was alt ayes accepted as a r4r1:1d
of facts : u Hu ion report 11484'. uli-
t i1.•orrols'raled. In tact, in al a
every respect G . t Britain's brave
and valul'4«imallie's r used theni.el'e.
the superiors of .o- aural Christian
Arid their ability i. not confined to
science of mar, for they rend tun in
ivany peaceful arts, !Chat a thing of
beauty. for inalauce, i. 1t . 'Attire
,lapaneee garden. .lick as that ex-
hibited at the last Paris Exhibit'
Tiny rills of water pursue their wind-
ing cootie ; here felling in a, little
foaming eitee 1411' like a d' ' ntive
Tr'olh*tten or riagar.l ; herr swirling
and eddying mid -1. boulders and
jagged racks : 4.r here broadening trot
and forming a L(ke, its shou'es1 all
bright toil aglow with minute Hower.
and lierry-)'(sued plant... Scaatteted
about, some Alrtiust at the edge of a
jutting rack)' pis onn.ntory. ur s
growing' in the green 'wand of .the
river's batik, are a number ut gnarled
And rugged, outspreading ('elan+, or
pines, or other conifers and forest
trees. a few inches. only in height.
healthy and vigorous, but evidently
of great age. ahem' diutiniitive .)•I-
van dwarfs are said to lea hundred
or 1' )'ears old, and perfect
Miniatures or mature and aged trees.)
And. bounding the whole are the
peaks and pyramids and tier -eared
domes of a range of spurt -clad
And happily too this great nation is
just Iwginning to cast away its ,rn%e-
1ess id1/1s, and to accept the Christian
religion which teaches that the Son
of God made full expiation on the
cross fur ell who will humiliate theta -
selves before Him. and will cast all
their care upon Him for time and
eternity. -
Aa lieonosaeal Pashtos.
That deep band of color used to edge
the coverings of down quilts or Mc
lightweight cotton filled ones so satis-
factory for summer weather Is there
for a purpose quite aside from that of
beauty or effectiveness.. It Is always
the edges that soil first, and It was to
protect them that the bands of solid
color, usually much darker tlau the
material of the quilt, were first used.
If your sumwer quilts ba)'en't these
bands tory are easily applied and as
easily ripped off and fresh ones substi-
tuted wl:en they finally auceumb to
soli. Ouly choose a material that 1s
closely cuough easel$ so that the de-
sign of the foundation may not show
through. -
Keep Lessen Teel.
Do not throw away your lemon peel.
Fill a bottle with rectified spirits and
when nsiug lemons cut off the yellow
part of the rind and place In the Spir-
its. You will find this quite as good
as the essence of lemou which Is sold
in the •hops. Easeure of orange can
be made In the same way.
Embroidered T 1.
Sometblug novel in the way of ■n
embroidered parasol 14 shown In the
Illustration. and, with the growing
fondness for having all of oar's per-
sonal belongfugs marked, It le fair tis
suppose that the initial or monogram
parasol will have great vogue. At
presPut poly linen sunshades are
marked iu tits way, and the lettere
are nlway. worked solid and not too
heavily padded. To be effective the
moDograms or tnterlaeed Initials should
be four or five inches high and not too
a NOYZLIT tit •IItttBADla.
elaborate In design. Should one wish
to work her mouogram on a ready
made parasol It le best to clip the
stitches which bold the cover to the
frame and rlp the section which Is to
be,forked partly off the frituj' before
doing the embroidery. When flee work
Ili 8alshed and pressed It will he oozy
a few minutes' work to sew the /Potion
in place again. Of course, 11 one is
accnetum.d to `doing the satin %titch
embroldery,•aa well as the padding in
a frame, 1t will lot be necessary to
rip the covering tram the frame of the
Tteetwee if $..seta.
Ton can make your own tincture of
bensoln If you wish, hut It Is much
easier to put -Lase It of your druggist
Take one part of pulverised Minions
and cover tt with five parts of 88 de-
g rees •h-ohol. Allow the mixture to
stand for eight day., littering ocea-
S loaally, then filtering carefully.
Wlafee (1.ta...
When parking away winter clothe*
try dried lavewler, esovoa and ether
fragrant spires with them, instead of
the inevitable ramphnr or moth hang.
Plangent riders will prevent the moth.
•s •Ifeetsally as dlsagr...toe ones.
provided they are snmei.atly anagest.
Tae Tyres,.
Th. well futeutluued luau overheard
' two women telklug _together la a tram
car, and be immediately let down the
portals 'of h15 ears, for the well Inlet'
tlunrd man always goes about with a
lifelong buuger lu his heart to t.n•,>
himself with the affairs ut other pts
, "I tell you he is a perfect tyrant,"
laid wowuu No. 1.
"I have no doubt of It," said the
"1 will listen to this poor woman's
tale," thought the well iuteutiunet
man, 'rand perhaps 1 way be uble to
assist the poor soul."
•'Yes, he Is a regular tyrant and
despot. Be hos no merry on me what
ever. He rides the whole house like n
"Of course he does," Auld woman
No. 2.
"1 shall Lave to offer wy services to
this poor, downtrodden woman,"
thought the well Intentioned mum.
."Yes, he rides over the whole of tis
roughshod. And sometimes, when he
gets on the rampage. he breaks every-
thing he cau lay his hands on."
"Madam." said the well intentloued
titan, who could stand It no longer,
"madam, my services are at your dis-
posal. Let me go to your home and 1n
terede with your tyrannical husband."
"He ain't my husband at all, you
simpleton," snapped woman No. 1.
"Hr's my nine -months -old baby -bless
hie precious little soul!" -Tit -Bits.
Bedlam le $elleviss.
A drastic and highly suecessful sur-
gical 111uslon recently carried out by
a French doctor has caused no end of
talk 1n l'aria. A woman suffering from
nervous troubles was couytneed that
the symptoms were produeed by a liz-
ard which she felt eraw•llug about
In her stomach. She insisted that
sherecalled perfectly having swal-
lowed the animal when young lu
Making her thirst at a brook.
After drugs and dieting had failed to
work any relief Dr. Ri:helot had au
1dr+n. He remembered how the surgeon
Velpeautreated a peasant who thought
he had swallowed an adder. So he pro-
posed to his patient to deliver her of
her unwelcome guest by a serious op-
eration and had her enter the Ilopital
Cochin. Then the doctor.'secured a floe,
large. living lizard. Having put the
woman under the Influence of ether, he
opened her 'stomach and immediately
rowed It tip agalu. When .he regained
consciousness he showed tier the lizard.
The sight effeeted a cure nod the pa
t�-•t 'viola n per 01 the animal
Rare Appetizers.
(Talk's Potted and Devilled Meets
are rale appetizers. Tasty, nppetii
ing 841)11 wiches, easily mode.
If you have Backache you hale
Kidney Disease. If you neglect
Backache it will develop into
somethiog worse -Bright s Dis-
ease or Diabetes. There is no
use rubbing and doctoringour
back. Cure the kidneys. There
is only one kidney medicine but
it cures Backache every time--,
Friday, August 31st, and
Saturday, September 1st
will be two great bargain days ;tt to 3 store. All summer goods will be
put at about HALF-PRICE. We intend to wind up all summer goods
this week and by Saturday night r\\pert to have all gone. Remember
our figures about half-price on :tII stunutcr stuffs to clear. Regular Bar-
gain Day prices on the rest of o:1r stock. These are to be our last
Bargain Days for a long time and we intend to give the best Bargain
Days we ever offered and when we say Bargains, Bargains it is.
Corner Hamilton Street and F•quare,
The Bell a
Telepholie Co.
of Canada
is about. to inane A NEW TELE-
district of \Vesltrn Ihltluin, in-
cluding the ten It of Gimlet ick.
()islets for new connect'
changes of firm moues, .hong''
of .heel aaddrt•msr. or for
e:al a ('tett ire sl Id be bended in
to Ore 101111 115a11ager Sat once.
Geo. Porter.
Lucid Manager (;.alrrir h
Livery and flack
The tine -.t 1lll'IleiltS in
lutcn are Snppli1'11 at
tht'se Wcfl-11141!W11 h1al)Ic�.
('arrl;ires for every re-
quirement and g 1i 0 41
hal -tea I'tit ltilited 'at rt us'
enable rates (►t•' h i re.
Careful ' 11: ivory furnished
when lequirel.
All calls prntuptly .,tltrtdt•d t,,.
Walker & 'Augustine.
Plume 5:. East street Livery.
11 FALL 1906. �A L L 1 gob.
FALL 1906.
Should procure their supply t
Binder Twine
at the New hardware Store,
\Vest street.
-tine 1',,rr r u l brands to ch ►o. a from. (lose prices.
I lac Forks, Machine Oils and all 'other lines of
Fanners' Supplies 111 Hardware.
In Builders' hardware we have,the right goal&
at the right prices.,
Your trade is solicited.
The New HarawaFe Store, = West Street.
$1 26o1Trip ng v $1 11 Retufor
L rn
in Manitoba
Stations south of. but' ant including main line, Toronto to Sarnia,
including Toronto.
Main line Turvitto to Sarnia and Stations north,'except north of
Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section.
Ftotn •all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and
, and north of Toronto and Cardwell junction on North Bay
d I)4. a,ions.
One way second Maga ticket/ will be sold to WINNIPEG ealy.
Representative farmers, ao anted by Ifanitotm and Sa..katcheeau Ooverawints, will meet
laborer,, on arrival at %% miaow,
Free traoaportetion will be furnished at Winnipeg to points where laborers am needed.
A certificate Is fnrplahed alien each ticket io r urcha%ed, and this certificate, when executed
by farmer, showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored (runt
that point tor a second clams ticket balk to atartiag point in Oatarlo. at $15 tali prior to
Nor. Jath 1908.
Tickets will be issued to women aw well as to men, but will sot be issued at half fare to children
Tickets ars gotA1 only on special Fano Laborers' trains.
For full particulars sse nearest C. P. R. ticket West, Or
write e. U. F'aeter, D. P. d. O. P. It, Toronto.
FALL 1906.
must of nerr...ty be lasting in
order 10 sin ce.%felly weather
the •bxme of businew.s life.
Thr Foal' -r C'rtv'.At'slxsas
& S:1011111 4N11 Cot.t.1GE trains
',tine men and young women
ro take minor p,siti 4.a which
rvenIanti y Iccad to positions
of responsibility and trust. The
foun,lat' i. se.cure. Our
students go up, not down. We
are unal.le to supply the demand
1',,r our students, Why? He-
1.a1'.e business men recognize
the superior training they
Write for ohr business and
shorthand bboklet ; it's free.
School term: September till
Jane, Inclusive.
Forest City
Business College
W wlt'ttvrtt Y 11 .1, s. Sole,
re, tmoles
are rrcognued the world over as the standard of excellence. They
are absolutely pure and do not require to be bleached, as they are of a
fine, natural creamy white color, the color of pare flour. We give the
natural goods 01 the highest quality which the best raw material, to-
gether with the latest and most up-to-date milling devices• can produce.
t• \'PT A1.I 4.'t' 1 orftt*F:LF' TO BE 31 11414:1) 1c\' AN OFFRR t►t,
-''iilll Ilia,
1.0.s4: 1N THi: ENI).
Quality ad Absolute Purity
are assured the r onsiuner, first, last and always, and it Is on this basis
that we have built up our trade, commencing five years ago, until our
present daily milling canacity is thirteen thousand, two' hundred bags.
Buy Good Goods at Fair Prices
without trashy premiums and accept nothing that is ■flirmed to ,be
"just as good." There is no flour just as good, quality and price con-
sidered, as the "Five -Star" or the "Three -Star" brands of patent flours.
Mills at