HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-30, Page 3THF'' •4II:NAI, • (:('t)ritti'tt '1`:'rr%ltli►
T10MnAT, Astute °O, 19Ud
• •daughters -thele are left to luulu'n
the Toss of a kind and loving ulolhei
two Noor-Oea•rgu uud Adatu. soil love
daughters - Mrs. Mitchell Heil Iles.
bowies, of M Inris, \1.111.: '.1t... 11 Il In
ley, of Slanleytownship : Mi..
,fews of the Stand.
Au Masa
w lit. Paul's hutch.
ven a
Hue brat► p p•
W Ingham.
Mies Grace Howard, of Howick, was
united in the bonds oarl •
August 11th` tom
r(ieorge Gal-
braith, mot of Edward Oalbraillh. t,f
Orange Hill.
Emma Hoskin, beloved wife of the
late Hugh Carson, passed away on
AugIINl 15th. She was one of HOW-
ick'll old settlers and was x native of
Cornwall, Eng.
1)r. A. K. McLean. of Chicago. as
graduate '1 Toronto University, .I
brother -in low of Thomas Fraser, of
the second concession of Stanley, died
*sweetly in Hattlefdltl.
J. Ander win Coulter, of Ingersoll,
.1111 of MIN. M. A. Coulter, of Seaforth,
formerly of Bruiser's. how here elected
Mayor of hetet-Soli to sneered the lute
Mr. Boles, who died m few weeks ago.
The barn of Henry 1'►uu111ey,.eth
c,nceMNi',1 of East Waw»11osh, tvaar
tidally deshs,y.•el by Ile.• AI hay of
last week during the electric storm.
Thr barn contained ell 1111.year'sc1op.
Donald Rulwr(sum furutrt•ly of near
Helgrave, now of Hewarl, Sask., was
married) on August flth to Mitt. Kate
Halliday, also formerly- of Belgrave
Late weak bland, general debility, impaired
d'oerio.l. No ow need have these -,o klog es
malt Lr. er.e!ket bl•.. d -nd nerve remedy ea
TRACE MARK 144.,1144449.
Tablets are tc be had. They supply tl.e blood
with rci corpueck and ream, I,celd,• clearing
the skm--p..riiyrny 11 whole rydrn
They build up rr:r and mock, ,••d make life
well worth living. 50c. a -box -6 boxes. 8230.
•tiara Goan Tena an .• AI.ta O,Rnweal err also
es. r/br.I /or IAatd and slim tremble. TRY ).Arm.
Al dr .grub -„r jt of ' 74e Chew ul.' Co. t' (uuofa,
Liwued. I romaio4-Tot.+mla
She Food
That Builds
Maybe you think cf
Mooney's Sodas only as a
toothsome tidbit. Don't
overlook thea food vela.
Cream Sodas
are made of finest Cana-
dian wheat flora, pure but-
ter and rich cream. There's
nothing g else of equal size
and cost that contains so
much wholesome nour-
An ideal food.
AR grocers have there -fresh
and asp in I le 3 L paeiuges
41, =Std:s
• Meat r ut:air,. C*':r t1
The Northern
NavigationCo. Northern
For Georgian Bay. Soo, Mackinac
Islands through the 30.000
Steamers 'isnot .a Ingw..d )fooda..
Tuesday. Thu rsb.y and MMonI.v 4.1
1.n1 pini.. Ila en Sound 11 14.114.1N1 lay.
Thnrnlsv sod MKt nrday ..ailingvi*
Parry- Sound. Hying Inlet and Fogs h
Ito. err. Monday .reamer orale g•'••..00
wank Mtr Merle.
Penetang and Parry Sound Divis-
S4 ranger Ira..•+ Tenets,/ week da.-
•a:, 4.m. noel htwnnd. SI..ttmer 15444_
l t.,rt Wnu.d N 14 tylsl rap l.% .Rad
YMda. at 4):.r 4.111mostly, Thntt.In.
and sal 4Mat .t I a.m. root hbound.
For Soo, Port Arthur, Fort
William and Duluth.
W n. 11,1.•r- 1.'.141•111.1 4 40 M,lnda'
ud •11 r 4..d.... F nl
1.-.11,n t,;IK•. t4! 4410,.1,
lo 10,1111113
Attractive Tourist Rate ,
Tickets and information front all
railway agents.
vicinity. Mr. Rubeltaon left noteri t of Detroit, and Miss Tilly at h ..:c .
about twelve yeas age. - .._-_____-
C. McKi,lu.e, clawie4l
Chuwa Cullrgo►s, 'w i,'typ mid ule
although his condit btu 14 se favorably ably
as can be elite•..tot, he Evill nut Lw able Results in Stomach Troubles and P:ly.-
t1 resume hi. duties until some weeks Ical Breakdown.
after the opening of 11tr term.
John Joynt. of Luck now, has tear- ThI' 441iisI`uuns life of iii 1der 1. filar.
th 1 its farm that h longest forces n,lr to rush triton h thou
St. Helens, paying therefor 118,001.
1 clewed r •acre a n. : ideals hestly, hurrying f • the table
to him brother, the Iat,. l It. M. Juynt. "( reels
the sotto rush after
the almighty
This will give him :WO »4444•.+ it nut dull»r.
The result is in photo digest •
inflammation of the w,tlM of the st11u0
act, and lack Of secI.'Uut of the gas-
tric juices, ending in ch loris .t itch
trouble and nervous breakdown.
How •h letter would it sw ler cat
more slowly, cure the stomach trouble
with Mi -o -ns and somi rrgyi.4 ported
health. The he•ulaches, eleeplr4Nness,
nervous troubles, pain after rating,
specks' Iwfurp the eyerl, backaches.
I1Irlauchul)• and gllsony foreboding
would be MN,11 uveremaie and perfect
health and stenglh would Ire restored.
Proper treatment of the weakened
digestive spare' with Mi -o -nu will
cure every case of alnnareb trouble.
The results of this (14441,t,nt are 040
astonishing and roma iiiii ee1 that
thow who have trityl it te%vt• fail to
appre1sale its value as u healing agent.
Ertel' leis of 1111 -u -ala sells for :1H
cents, and i+ inyadt4Jde to anyone
who suffers with indigent' , nervous -
n444. or weak sttnech.
If pet valuta obtain Ali-o-ut of rout.
euupir u( years. She Iravt•s t w11 small druggist, it will be sent. by well, on
children. Th,• funeral sl'I t ll rs 1411 rvteipt of prier. Write us for advice
Monday were conducted) by Itrv. Or. .011 your carr from a leafing stomach
Stewart.. The deceased waw held in 4peoillist, which. will he sent hoe.
high esteem and her untimely death The It. T. Booth Company. Ithaca,
is mourned by n large circle Of friends. N. Y•
block and he also owns timelier hal
John O'Reilly, of McKillop, met
with a fatal ,accident en Wednesday
ning of batt week. Ile wow assist-
ing in hauling in oats at the '(t bogie
furca, when he bud his Instance ams
felt off the lead, otriking his head.
When the doctor arrived the un-
fortunate ratan hail passed away.
James McCteighl, s(m of Alex. Me-
(heig ht, is visiting at his bot' in
Myth aftet• un absence of nineteen
years. Ile resided in Wester'!" Can-
ada until sive years ago W hr a,•nl
t, South Ah ire with lladt•t-Puwell's
mounted pollee, and has leen 1111 ditty
in the northern Transvaal since that
time. He is on a six months' (rave of
uhsence. -
'On Saturday •ning, August IFi:h,
ocenrred the death of Airs. TI utuls
Wigginton, Hayfield. She was the
only child 01 George Allen. of Olin•
tun, and had only been married a
rhe death is • •ed at Aliraj,
India. on the 18111 of August, of
Moo. Wanless, wife of Dr. W. J. %Van-
lew, a medical missionary thele. 1)t..
Wanless is a nephew of Wm. Graham,
of Clinton, his father. J01111 W:ule.s,
Ming 'Harried to 11 sister of Mr.
Graham, and was at our t ilue a resi-
dent of Olintou, be bring one of the
contractors for the erection id the
building now k 'n as St. Joseph:.
Mia.. A. 1'. Aaudlmnaltl, 13. A..
National Secretlu-v .dills; Women's
(Christian Association in Japan, 1
visiting at hw• parental home at
Winghaus, hating lust trim Mei 1
from Paris, France, where elle. had
roper attending the world'M .4olVS't-
i loll of the, Young Wllllle11's Christian
%ss4H•iatiun, Miss Macdonald will re-
main in Wingtlxm for it short time
t,'.fure leatvingagain take up her
work in Japan. .
.Rohn Beattie. o . the firm of Meanie
Itro:i., Spnfurth. has Mold his brick
Idewk on Main street. consisting ad the
-tole occupied by 1 - serf and that
'1.1•upil.l by 1.:enuedy Brothers with
:Ile r•.idrIlrlN 1111 11(44 w'r1111d 4111ry. -
lames Dick is them rit:twe the prier
being le Olen. Thr grocery hotlines'
'i ill still tie continued in the old stand
Is formerly' The partnership which
has existed for .1/111e lime Iwtw•een Air.
teattie and S1'iltist. A. M,'Ixtet• ham
bopn dissolved. M1•. Beattie continuing
the business in the old %tand under the
nId firm name.
Two students of the Sear.' Mt Co1-
I'•gi.te institute made a go(sl showing
of the scholarship examinations at
'Format" University. Mss. M. A. Oil:
lespie, daughter of Jamas Gillespie,
If you welsh to teat
one of these Razors
without RISK or
your pert, apply
to us for
details I
.reetk n. 8t.'
Pear 1a
Leering Case �1'
sable Geceva le
tet Vrv1 Marts
"(ar?o-Mnyt.11if. P,nat it
(4a.hi.•n \I role, 55.00
Pres assltit "Vials N SYssers."
C. L - GO(tP tort
Farmers, Look Here I
Of emorsl• you are going to the great
Toronto) exhibition. 1t is Citnulu's
national exhibition and in an educa-
tion in itself. You can lenVe on any
train on August ?4th. August. :111th,
September 1st, September 4th, or
September 11th, and return any t'
up to September 11th, and it will only
corset you $2.14, for paw mourn 51 ilway
ticket. Or if you want to go any
other day yrill can gel your return
ticket at Mingle, lase, gond going any
day from August 27th on. g'14141 return-
ing up to Weptemb l 11th. F. F.
Law•rene.- is paayir • particular Mien -
tit n to the conveni nee of people f -
the country this )• ar. His down -
Onion Delo* agency is hAWNyrt open
frmt-fiticl.wk in the I awning. (hive
annul to his uftko Ile 1 In Parsons
Fair before you go&twtt to the slat ion
and you can KPI v • tickets and all
infurulitiu11 without the hurry and
toed at
worry of an excursion -day
the s_tetinn offiee. Trains Ira •e rich at 7:111 ,1. ID., 2:50 p. a and
p. 111., arriving in Toronto at 12:31l
R -111., 7':3) p. 111. and 111 p. m., t pec-
tIv.'Iy. Trains Imre Toronto at #::311
a. tn., 1 p. 111.. and 7 pa tn., arriving in
li(det•ieh at 1:225 p. 111., 7:tki p. 111.. and
11:It p. 111., restwctively.
Made of Silk Covered Robber to
!Swirls the sole.
Natty and, becoming ur4t the caps to
go with the new bathing suits this sea-
son, and very tar removed are they
from the old style rubber cap, which
S,wforth, took second place for the made eveu the prettiest of women look
l -heard Hlak.• seMdarski in nlathe- plallu uud homely. '
mattes, and 1i. 1'. Johns on, son of Made of silk covered rubber to match
W. H. Johnston, teatchre, t Stoney, the color of the suit, they are most
made :1 splendid 1,•1•or(t, a si"/t+t fetching and attractive. Formed of a
1 urate genera proficiency list
I.t fur Edward Blake .,.•boost»hip in trlcornered •piece of material, there is
mathematics nod classics : 2Hitt (in the cunningly concealed beneath a 'libber
-.ane in mathematics and selene• • 1st cap of oil silk to slip over the hair, oue
at the sante 115 mathematics and ''Sad point of the cap eomlug Just over the
tor the sante in sri.•ner. - forehead, the other two ends being
Lo al Option in Huron brought up and tied In a bowknot.
Still another shape, when tied, forms
It is rape••tel that local option h)'- a pretty ruffle In trout, which Is exceed -
laws will be submitted in Hrns,ll, tis- ingly becoming. Nor are tbese caps
borne, Stanley, Tnckrrs31ith and ,onlyfor show. The introduction of the
possibly also in Turnberry. Morl•is and
l;rey townships at the municipal elec. o11 silk cap renders them very practical,
lions til January. Ender the new law and a girl can not only paddle about
petitions for the subtotis41r.(t of liyIates the shore, but actually swim, without
11411st he Presented to the omodwils on fear of getting her hair wet --that Ie.
,•r before Novetnlwr 1. which means unless she essays to dive, when no
that in most rases they 1 be pre- bathing cap made can be kept in place.
-rated st the Oetolwr sleeting. . Besides caps In plain colors, some are
Huron Poultry Association.;'', lined with white which when tied show
The Mr,tfnrth truant of the Narcan the eoutra.ting shades, or still others
Poultry and Pet Steck Associating are made from silk• which has a dainty
have elected ()elvers for the towelingflowered pattern over it. Either the
prat as follows: President, I'. Dill:
vire-president. Edward Daley : sever-
tary-lteasnr•r, R. (i. Muldie: aamiN-
latal-.Pavexes, J. F. Ibtley : directors,
Dr. J. 0. Scott, Wm. Hartry, George
Irvin. 1'. Or1ev, F. I.. a1'illiand .1.
Hest. .1. F. Daley was apps. ted a
dela tar to attend the Poultry 1'rttired
Prot 4ton sleeting. to Iw held in Toronto
in September.
A Western Wedding.
S t[tlttstt>• • vat! •
Hxr. W.A nIl
„n Y} Ir MM N
Mays IIP.:
same 14 1 *,. s• Ino •n...e.IVR,
... sr •4► •en
an Snigia s
,w-n.�. rns....l.t Ceram,. r..,l - IM.
EW I0aI • Am a `'Via
awl t' 'Via
For ,sale by J. NICHOLSON
On Tuesday, dilly :list, J. H. Yonrig,
,.f Vitamin, British Col bin, who
is ill charge of the lknnininn Express
('oug4►ny's business in that city, was
msn•ie(1 in Winnipeg, to Mims Mar-
g$re'b Sloan, youngest daughter of
Mts. 1s. M. Sloan, of Menton''. and
sister• n1 Wm, Sloan, M. P., for
Comox-Arlin. The rslvlIlltny wits
perfoYtnrd by Rev. Mr. Sinclair, of
alt. Andirw'm Presbyterian church.
Mr. Young in one of the besot known
men in British Columbia. For many
years he waft a resident of Vahrnlyer,
itnd when Hos.land bee: • at ,city of
inhpxortenre he Was sent by his emu.
pony to take chsrge of its business
there. Itccentlg' the was transferred
tit tie capital, where be now resides.
Died at Clinton.
Mrs. Macdonald, relict of the Irate
Archie: Macdonald, died at Clinton on
Saturday morning. .Angnst frith. at
the age of sixty-nine yealre. Mhe had
been in derlining health ever since the
(teeth of her husband two years ago.
Deceased Was horn in Inverness coun-
ty, N. S.. and caro' to (Clinton with
her husband atg.nt the year 14472, and
had resided their• ever since. She
leaves four sone and three datightoscs.
1 he sons are Peter, tf li•a : R..1,.
of Teethe,: : John .3.. of (Clinton, and
Ihlr,iel, who in in the West. The
daughters saw Mrs. John Me(irPg or,
Eglnondville : Miss (nhella, of I3i/s-
tun, and Mil" Anni.' :t home. Mr...
Msrdnntl$l wee highly esteemed for
her genuine worth. She w•M4 a mem-
ber of the Prsebyterian a•hnrrh.
Death of Mrs. McCartney, Holmesville.
The death ncenrreil nn Saturhty,
Angstt I8111, of one If Ilnlmeftcilhs
most rs"lwrtd residents, in the per -
eon of the wife of .Inhn McCartney,
who heal leen an invalid for meveral
year.. M r R, Mr(' I1 t try, whose
maiden name wsa Margaret Cook,
wee horn in enmity 'Itippernry. Ire-
land. m, Meptemher I:., IRM'l. She
emigrated t. Canada with u
h hrl parents
when twelve years of age.aettled
in the township of telethon. In Darla
she was nlarrled to her now he -
MA vett husband. Of a family of
Pleven chiMrt•1t-rix arms and five
$5.� ILLMA1Lp will
f A P be,,..1ie*ay
p��erwo ho pore that
Solht Soay .unlaias Kny
foloins Chem.c46 or airy
rm of uluh.rauoo.
is equally 'good with hard or soft water. { .
If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions)
you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better
results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way.
As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly
pure. the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be
washed without the slightest injury.
Leve Nether* Limited, Toronto
Your money refunded by
the dealer from whom you buy
Senhglr Soap ,f you fad any
cause for complaint.
Menace to Health, Through Retaining
Heat, Bays Montreal Doctor.
Tile danger to health of mourning
garb is pointed out by I)r. Stenson
Hooker, says Thu Montreal Standard.
Sunshine and freest air are essential to
health, and any clothes which prevent
a due supply of fresh air from reaching
our bodies, and absorb the sun's rays.
thus preventing these from rrae:dingout
bodies also, exert a pernicious effect
upon the general health,
Black Intercepts rho suns rays In
other words, it "retains the heat': w
that by covertng eurrelves in bleat we
net only abeoIutely kerp out the sun-
light ---that is all thee.- may ohanoe .0
be in this uncertain .-:Inmate-but also
give ourselves unm-cessary discomfort
by the retenUon of tate heat - which
heat. when szceaslvto, ta particularly
Then we have also the depressing ef-
fect upon the system generally c-4used
by seeing unman -es or others all 111
black. The systern Is very reAnorotce
W such Influences, and is very c ensid
'trebly lower In tone, thus snaking us
an easy prey to curd -catching, with• its
sometimes fatal 1-rrulra. Depressing
clothing also causer depressing
thoughts all around us, for "thoughts
are things," and'fly from one to another
Just as easily as .the messages fly (rum
point to point In the rase of •wirele.is
telegraph, and nothtng lowers the
standard of hesltke so much as depres-
Stuhots iu 11e 4l'I:.WI of exp twiet0e 1 A Ulan grows madder over seeing
are hand. .1 their di idumas by the- Stage other fellow get Adored than over
undertaker. l 'hit•agu NeWR, fa111111g to I ' self. New York Pres:.
MR I IS 3E1 Xa
(Noss gentiles without rhos name). This
uu• Specialty, we've born at It oral
year* and going to keep oil longer. !'or
♦ nnllt of work and amount of work, thio
Liak Is famous throughout all ♦Canada
lenu*Lructioa le dplcomport. etreag
ith le meaed ea,. rl(t. ralverIaee and
n.akes a guessed ted. Llalt of brsagkl-
Me Neck Weighs. :1u14 by our Ascot*.
Manstaetutrd by
PS] Write for Booklet "it."
alveolar t; a,
*ul * horses.
Lizards In the Beer.
A well-known 3mpl,•rnent agent, while
en a =lett to D.tldaik the other day,
want out for a Wive with a local man
and In the court,e of the Jaunt got out
at a creek for a drink. In the water he
noticed a number of small lizards and
succeeded 111 catc king two or three. on
returning to town he called for refresh-
ments 1n the foto of lager, sad when
the' white apru.s'd servitor turned his
back'drupped a ,lizard Into one of the
glasses. Just as hos friend ,alsed the
glad., says The Dundalk Herald, the
Joker thought he saw something move
In It, 0d asked hl m 1f there was any-
thing in bts lag. -r. Sure enough a liz-
ard woe there and •the glasses were em-
ptied in ;he, aplttd ons. The barkeeper,
BHA' thorn up ♦gal, t and another Ilzard 1
was slyly slipped into another Maas.
('onsternattr$1 ;wig' led supreme when
this one was point's 1 out, and the. man
behind the bar was to doubts as to
whetheahe saa".ssnakes of thought he
saw them. He tOre around fur awhile'
vowing vengeance'on the brewer and
various other thingll, abut after the Jok-
ers cunaldered that en ough hot air had
escaped to offect the (i1 IermumPter [h, y
put .him wise.
Reviving a Dead L anomie*.
The Dublin •'orpar•ath •n derided to
have all Its carts lettered. In Erse char-
now 1t. gear teal.
"Talk al t human holo s having
descended fro much as a.m.!" exclaim-
ed Poll. "They much more likely to
have evolved trona bird M- You cad t
speak their laugungc, an d i can."
"I don't deny." • rest untied Joeko,
"that they got their loin: 'longue% from
your family."
It was then that the two had their
celebrated monkey • and parrot time.
coal base
- Take the Cast Iron Combustion
Chamber, for instance.
I make it heavily corrugated (or
fluted). This almost doubles the heating
surface - enables -practically twice as
much a.ir to be heated with the same
amount of coal or wood.
As the combustion chamber is really
a continuation of the fire -box, I make it
of extra heavy iron, corrugated to allow
for the contraction and expansion and to
ensure greater durability. -
Thcn my FUSEi) _JOINTS make the
"Heel," dust -tight, smoke -tight, gas-tight.
Write for catalogue of "Ueda" Furnaces and
Peninsular Stoves and Range.. Send me a rough
sketch of the house, and. 1 will send you an
estimate of the cost of in-.talling a "Hecla" in
your home. All free. Addrt'ss the .a Hecla
Furnace Builder," care of
BCCOWWN° B4O111Itn (:AI'.
two toned or plain eoide. are beet liked,
the effect of the figures being' more
Along with the new to blig cape
come cunning little silk pock M which
have a particularly old flight (dl t11-
vor, b.lug In appearnnre like all . that
grandmother need to carry with le r
huudkerchief, glasses, Pte., when ,•
went out to ten. For 111P summer gli
however, who doesn't Wear s ectaelog,
they are intended fur her handkerchief,
bath keys or any valuable% she may
wish to keep with her. They are fee -
trued to her belt securely and nre of
the Lame material OR the bathing suit.
1t Is quite nnneePMsnry to Ray that the
girl who wears this acre4'ory to the
new bathing suits has no Intention of
getting bor feet wet, tont. rather, is got
up for the 'inmate of promenading the
beach, to see and Ile seen.
A IY•a.b View •t Eagthillmee.
To nn Amerlenn ■ Frenchman le •
waxed muatdehlo and extraordinary
stovepipe hat. in "('hallo Anglaise"
the Preach Idea of an Englishman Is
given. He !peaks French with a "'hock -
Ing accent, erode every sentenee wltb
"a11 right" and when he la Introduced
to a woman does not remove his cap
from hie hoed or him pipe from hos
Rand t• flak. Of.
Hewitt Be ,diets clown than a broth-
er. Jewett-Yeei be sticks like a cha
Back to the old
riptiEY are corning back and
1 .it will alts Iw our en-
deavor 111 wart•(' our cuNtuuN►1w
IJ the 1141.1 of our Irl i11ty hl eny-
I hong they need In the line of
Heating and
Eavest roughing,
Roofing and
Repair Work.
Prompt service and satisfaction
We *re mole agents this
)'sal' again for those celebrated
Good Cheer and
Penn -Esther
and Heaters.
Leaky.. your urdera early and
avoid the rush.
'ss W. R. PINDER
are always
reliable ....
•Ve find sutisau•t• in dealing 1/11t-
pnw, herb gra HIS te) aur ruNt(nlrr4,
The stock 1s specially Well awNiettl for
the • Orale, anti the must
particular w'antti of our pat runs wi11
1014444 pr pt N'rvire.
Fresh vegetable* and fruits in
se :,Nola.
Phone y1 s, ea1L
The Square, Godench.
Inti Le AWING --
e Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden carlully •tt.ua.d ler at all
hours, ,lght or day
arid Oils.`
-We have al 3 begl stock
of the hest. painting
str,'pplies at -'The iowPst
Stoves and
We always cam' the
most complete and I.•
sorted stock of \ roves
()thee dealers wonder
why we ilo such a large
trade in Locks, Hinges,
It rifles.
♦1111 ranges in 'town. e
lass, etc. Its 0111•
We'll save Zan money
are slhowing some Of is
ices, they are the lowest
if you holy hr'JR1 IIS.
years StOVP3t 1411(1 R -alit
In tilwll.
you to see themand ask
Get, your
i1( our prices, they're theApple
Stoves and,
Several good second-
Vpou will never know
- Furnaces
1 hltn(1 RANGES and
HEATERS 101' sale
how tii)ick.anll slick they
(lo the work till yon buy
repaired end eleaJ3.ell be-
cheap as We want their
one.' Special .prier+ at
fore coldweathercomp"
room for new stoves.
65 cents each
We'll get you any repairs
tail ilo the doh righ t..
Pennoline Oil
is giving great satisfac•
'rho hast ware on the
Large and i nMli ural-
tion. It burns without
market, (over )ince guar
y i g
sized Laif1 G12sses al
smoke or smell and gives
anteetl perfect. SoI(1 at
5c each. rn'ire th,•tn
a clean, bright, light.
the salve price as til:•
three to well •llstorne. ".
22 cents a gallon
poor trash.
have talents' a livery ratable in
t he 44(.and ut Newgate MI reef op -
teethe the Colborne Hotel and
have lit tel it wit11
New and Up-to-date Rigs, New
Harness, and Good.
Reliable Horses.
All paton.+ate ♦toted the best
of N'rvier. l •.tl patronage i.
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Telephone 173
UUNllhY 13K08:
Livery, ilack
'Bus Stables
'(1001) HORMEM
P11A i:T0N1�1
- - RTC., A T--
---RA': 138-
Hanka and reli-
ablr drivers in
charge u the
Ruses, whit will
meet all train s
and ul•'anhboatN