The Signal, 1906-8-30, Page 1THE SIGNAL to January Ist, 1907, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, 25 cents Furry -NINTH YKAK-No. 31u8 Financial A. Safe FO -UR. per cent. Investment - Hy opening an account with THE STANDARD LOAN -COMPANY you will experience that happy feeling which conies to those who know that their poemessirltls are wife, +til a savings account with this company is just as secure as an investment in (lover nhIIrelit Ronde and yields a higher rate of income. FOUR per cent. interest paid 011 delasitM and money can be withdrawn et any time. Goderich Office, - Corner orth St. and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANALiEK. T11 1)01NT FARM The old and popular rerorl 1+ open for 1 lir reception of guests, people frurn low a are not/ell 10 come and •Iwnd 11,11 af1at11W1 Or 4.1 1.111116 al the [Lint. (loud amyl...! for picnic-, dell {ox said hooting parties, far any particular. adder. - J. T. (1O1.IY1'HuHP'.. issormIRTUH anon 1 ROY ADAMS TRA1'1IK11 01, PIAV11 Studio in flank of Montreal block. Fine Arts iHRAWINO ANI) PAINTING I N 11! o1I. AND laATRH ('U1.4)R. Peltate tuition and cheeme4. URC). Y. HARUITT. t'an/brie Hoed IUoldtMrpe's rout. Dentistry R, MALE. LD.N., D.D.N. • McLean'. Mork IUr. TurnbuU'a old stand.) In Dungannon Wednesday afternoon.. TLYPEWR wake -.4114 telephone 142. To /Lent 'I'EHM TO RENT; A1.1. -1 ('Marge.. 44. F:. ELLOIUI 1(. I)t)OMM TO 1. 1L luinulr+ 0all. (.cud location. . o wt THR SIGNAL. :T. -ABOUT TIMET. role, Collegiate In.titl.le furtable r000,.. .1ppl. fj1() (RENT. FOR ( HE FALLAND 1 winter lnmah.. ,w neer if dr+ire.l. 111.'• popular mrd well known "St. Lan rewe" on Montreal .I ref. Glderic 4 44(44 fler„i+hod and ry nipped a, m large riling hon -u. .4 •pl•ndiel ,,halo.. fur the rig) per -on to do .1 MUM) bu.loc... 1'14...•. -ion 11011 111 o n c r. Apple for 1arocoL,r. to \IK.'.l', HECK,u„ the prempe.. ei -4-1. HUCSF; FOR H:N'1'.- -FUNINIIEII of unfmri.i,4 -good lavation. ( or. 14rit (111111a roust and '4'14)4(1 , .tree[ oppo.ih• Collegiate Ina i hu.•. AU modem eon, nide,. Nine ruonv. nal •i ything in Mr( ria- n•pol,. For further l4 111.111/111,,wpply (0 4. . MURROIV grocer Hamilton +I ort. TO LET. TWO OR THR two or three iout,'. walk fr-lied, with om Collegiate e 1 •otute. Apply to MKS. JOHN MA1W t -IS, No :N ElIrobe( h .l reef. e1.34. TURENT. ('OMFUHTABLE -cern-room inuv, Rear Collegiate. Iii.te tote : good (4.11:0: hard awl 'rift Yoder In kitchen, 'ferries 4.:t.)•. Apply to MHS, URO. COX. la, 4f. 1)ASTURE FUR (`ATTLE, AND aI hareem at Itldgewolxl Park Farm. Fol term.. enc.. *pelt; to THOMAS 3111.I.IAN, at the Vann hu e.l•. 1M -t 1,10R RENT. -A DWELLING ON Keay. owe/. A dwelling iiurnf•h1d or not 1, near lake front; Yedicai - .- --- --II modern /on,eun•ner... - F'OK SAI.).-D0u.,1 •w• dwelling+ on Angle+.•❑ 1)K.N. EMMERSON & TURNBU(.L halkllinito'11a- 011 1..1011 ,, I.I4l,, ,ir.(.l. t'eclair street and Pine .1 wet. A. T. KrMkltltos, MIA). WAFITgp.--A few Mini -lel h011.e, or ('0411,. W. S. Ti este 13.. M. it. near the lake. to rent for th.•. •r.e*.0,. Ogler., Hamilton Street. '/'hone 114 W.44 ')O1.N11 & 1)1 1H4.44144 I.N. keedenee'phone 121. `H. A. 11. MA('KLiN, M. H. I PHYSICIAN AND St'RUKUN SpecThrum. 4)fide and resilience, oil Nan Hank of Mort real. opposite PatoMee, w'e., .1„ (iedrnel. 1••lephooe No, let. laegal i'AMERON & KII.LORAN, BAR - `T RIMTERS, soll,'ltor,. nolarie , etc. Hamilton Sl.. third dour from S,1 wire, l eoderie h, Ont. M. U. CAMERON, K. C. J. L. K11.- I31KAN. ROUDFOOT, HAYS & BI AIR. barrister.. rolteitor., 'toter', public pr • In the Marg one 1'0441*, et.•. 1 Mee, a wt side Se ; re, next door 1'. A. cairn'. kovewr). Pri vat unds to ha( at Icw yet rat.•s of intere.t. W. P U('IH'larl', K. C. H. 1'. HAYS. G. F 11..11 MU,' . or, notarOHNNTON, BARRISTER, . rolly' j1lnblk•. 1.111111111.410111.1% etc. Money Lull. dace,, corner Hamilton and St. Andre 'troel*. (ioderlrb, ow, 1LIItKINNU. & OARROW, BAR- eloderich T Morey Wolennd wt ►owe.ttrale,.rtK. 1- DICKINSON, (H4 LKel HARROW, LLH. • insurance, etc. TOUN W. CRAIUIE. LIFE, TIRE el and accident lneurance. nt for leading runt tut and tock rowpanle+. t mane.' in all line. effected on bed plan. and at we.. rale., e' 411 at office. corner %Vint Street d Square. n4. aldr... J. W.('KAIUIK, I(ode h, Ont.tele ,hone 21 M('KILLUP MI?TUA1. FIRE 4l1 K A N (' R (' U. -Fenn and i.olnh;d town property insured. Value of property It rued up to don. 4144).over Ii Alle.1 ll, OMcers and dirrl•tors:-J. f1. afclw+an, pre., : T. j•ntser, .'lee -pre. ; Jqn, ('onnolly, (l. Dale. Mr. f'hr+- 'le)-,J. Walt, Jas. Evan., J.U.Urleve,.1.lie •- woes, dire tors ; T. K. Hays, SPaforth,..erelary. tren•nryer Ingwctnre, nearc.t dilr0'tor to los.. I W, leo, Huhnl*,vIlle, agent for are.[ Huron. l'ol ley.holder. 11111 1414 rww+wmeenta nod get their card. re•elpet at Mr. ('oat*; .' Tinton or at Mcbeen Hrr.,' Talar. (lat.hing Store ()oderioh YamageLicenses^ `>JALTF;R GOi1F.441('H, ONT. Watchmaker, JewellPnand OptlkMn. Lauer of Marriage Lleenw+'. WPLANE, ISSUER F AfARRi- AVE Hren.eo, Goderich. t. Auotioneenng TROMAN OUNDRV. LIVE 4TO('K and general auctioneer, ha• rrtnov • from Hamilton ritnwtto new offices on South - reef, where he will Ism found at all time. n -he not "raringalle... Termsreneotuhle and ever *f on. tined to rive you owl I+fartlon. 'Phone ( EOROF. RECKETr, GENERA auctioneer, 444* Hamilton .4 roe?, Underlrh. ('.O. hoe 1110. All '.Iles will trent,.' .plrinl attention. 1 will buy ymir entire .tork of honseh 44 good. for cash, and *111 •a11 you 401 e., fnrnilnre, mn,t.re..e., +tering err.. til s line. Call (4 4)j 11F 4* 44( 44 TT, for ur/o-iiy Shop. (loderieh. Bread and Butter1 Education Rn4nes, house. hate, Oil+ ra+t year. made TCN TIM FS as ninny demand - gown le for young !tulles and gentlemen who are thoroughly RmmndM In hist nto r(lnelplea. me we hate had +1 eidenl. CLINTON ill'SINESS COLLEGE TAMisted with Winghwnl Ha*new. 1'oll.)f,l O1RNM SEPTEMBEi{ :trd I>Mp a poet"! fur Information to GEORGE SPOTTON PRINCIPAL Neal Estate tor bale. L!OR SALE: Olt ---ro RENT. -- A 1' 'lir.? class .4I4.w. term intWeet Waw*nlnh, .a.nee..i/H1 .i, lot • ,, edit 173 hewer. 111 a X144(1) -tate of rull Walton. well fenc.d, well uatend. good orchard. large Mink bunt. gad hour. Prl.toflice. Mack -math -hep and .lore sr earn,/ of farm. '04,4 einem to hod and .1urrba. Ini14., hun11'. P. H. .thou at Althorn. 'I'.•ren. rn.3-. W. A. (4.11(44(441 RN. Lurknow. nest 1►TEW HOUSE , FOR SALE, ON 11 Hrlmnella toad. ra.l 04 W. T. Memory'. resident,• Apply to 11. M. 441.1.14 ITT• Fa.t .tree[. LIOR KALE. -THE EINE BRICK P ho,w•• with 31 nen•.If 1 L m, Hayfield rood. at pn•.•nt otrupi.d rby the. undetdgncd. 4n idealdaee for a hm u,. anti large 4ardl•rl. The Ie•.1 it) in theleserb Thi. phew .h0uld dn0hle in 414114*' in the ni44 four yearn. There i. all abltndaIar of pear.. plum.. ebenie., grape. and . 11 fruit.. To he .old let bulk or 4)4 fled. Apple 011 prrmw.r.. J. H. MALLOUGH. THE I.ODERICH HEAT. ESTATE 1 AND INSURANCE; AURN('V. . Fon SA 1.&. Fllrni.h,d cottage to will. 7 Isom.. nicely 4411111e41 00 Keay. +t nrl . 1 -.tory frame d arlllug. ,,111.• (001(14, with gad •unmMr kitchen. g..sl .lately, nett 4t elated no Keay+•l reel. 'l5 .tory brek findree,ent Iuroom/d.wrlling. lance .held., 0 lel-, Finely .itnnlyd on 1(0414. +4414.4. Mori. a +map. 2+tory brick .lore, baker'. 1114.11 and photo- graph gallery. Situated on \Lin +t not. HAI h. 11..411. 2 large lot.. corner I'iet..n And Wellington. Price, Vol. See til., +tory brick. 11 roomed house rind 1 mems of hoed. good orchard. Prier 12,441 one-quarter men• lot. near U,'[ K. -lotion. 44 .ter)- frame hour, a 19001•, .1111:104 me (Melon +tort, near 1 'oltlgiale Institute. 111,3m.1 and frame Ianndry,:A. fart frontage on East .I met, near Square.1,00. * r, toad frame .tarn;end.1willing,large 'tabh, • oared pertain avenue. Income from bei.I- Slim annually, import tinny knacks bre nee 111 your door. Mone)' to loam .5 per cent. ('AREY. H A M LI N K. nk of ('olnneercNHldg. N EXC LENT FARM F O R 44.41.F:-A1111rye. In Wont Wawnnnsh. r w•o mile. Imo .1,lhmn4: +oil it .111}• lana, abate IM :ere. ruder cultivation and :b to et .u•rl. I hntwr. A well 111111 tworing+ of water. a new Maher dwelling, e' and barn, tnbk+ and driving •bed. Apply to t•,ot-NU K ROH44 RT - SON. Goderich • YOUNG k RORER ON, REAL Fstale and lnnlranee' A nt.. Real 4.1_ tate for stile or to let. Prop•rtl handled in any part of the town anti moot Flee and life insurance, money to In le. etc. L30R SALE.-- -FOUR TO1VN\I.(1r9 11' en Haynes road, month of Mn (('ata`(Uib ;property. Apply to O. W. THOMS 8 SON Navigation i Algoma Central Stesmehip Line STR. KING EDWARD Westhpr permitting TOL N)-RA17LT RTE. MARIE DIVISION. Arhveel( Toledo and Sanrl SIP. Marla and intermediate reenter will 1.•nvp 110derieh a+ follow.: Northbound 9:6N1 p.m. Monday S..nthtrnnnd 10:3I) a.m. Friday 11 'M. LEE, '' -- iacal Agent.. T. .f. KENNii • o (Traffic Manager-, Sa It Ste. Ma1.1P- 4 STAR -COLE LINE STEAM 1': IS STEAMER _I R()N for Sault Rte. Marie, Mich.. via North Channel of Georgian Bay. TUESDAY, 9 P. M. For Pert Huron,fKmit,Tol.'dn, and Cleveland, FRIDAY, Alit P. M. Wx. Lyp. Agent jowl. A'GOOD JOB speaks tor itself. The work turned out of The Signal's job printing de- partment tells a story of skilled workmanship and honest material. 1( you have a ba of printing to be done:call and see us. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : AUGUST :30, 1906 VATTKKt Runt :ItNON. PtaiMORIN GODERICH MARKETS. LOCAL TOPICS. TnyHauay, Augustsutb. • Fall wheat, per bu.h, new "Oft/101 0 Mt spring wheat, per bush. new J 1411 to el eN K>r, par bush U Oa:4 Buckwheat.per bush U 14,41,, per b Lush.. now . 0 Pea+, per bush lt,,t•Iry, per bush 1 seem/Ong., per toll I Fluor, lawy, per cwt :1148413,4 Flour, patent, per cwtb4Rr1n. per ton W Short., per ton 1 W 1l/y, r fou . Np 44' , per cold QRutter, per Ib 4.8 to 1 1'heeW, l,er Inv 0 12 10 t2 1'k .., (1, .h, per du, U le to 0 17 040 to' 43 Cattle, tied i,) 40 gas44l, l.v. tie. :1 ro to 4111 Cattle export, per cwt :1 in t0 3 e Hog., lire weight, pet cwi w :u to 7 W (ipel1Ut Lamb. 1 m to .S W Sheep, per .'tot .t tome to 3 y Haw. perle U 18 to 0 18 14wo(, per lb 0 13 to 0 1) Lunn, per lb to 124 T,iluw, per Ib 044214 to 0 144 Hides, per cwt 911. :d to Sheepakin. Yi to 1 ldekeu. a 12 to St raw brrrir. Mut market. Op Amar 3.1 to 43 to OM to 4) 7 to 0 Al to 0 41 la 18alto 2 311 to al to lb U0 to sol us to s w to 181 to 14 i 30 MI 0 12 M r THE S7'ERLING BANK OF- CANADA HEMP G-a•Irg • T0a0M70 AI•T110111':41, CAPITAL, • $1•11111.11ll INCORPORATED Hl' SPECIAL At T 01200MIN1ON PAItLIAMF:NT TO I:F:1'4:1\' 4': j)F:I'OMITM SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT INTER4ST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OF 11 AND CPWAHII4. Paid every three months or &0111. pounded quarterly. FARMERS' SALE NOTES CASHED OR 4OLLRCTED AT It1',481►N- AI4L4': DATES. .1 11 1.0ANS MADF_ KRA1. RANKIN() H1'81N4S.9 Via NSA('TRD. 00'ERICH BRANCH 0. (x.4 \I141. F'. >hainieer. Situatt° , Vacant WANTED. -A •ip%ant.. MRSA (K)i► GENERAL. . `> ANTED.-AT 0. ;E, A 0000 .l.441 lK,.11f Tal Apply (0 Mt_ _sm ' faintly and 410 w ('IRI WANTED. - TO 1N) GEN - Ell AI. iEN- I ItAI. housework. rattail of three, 1111th. ee,, co unene a about dna 04. 4111,1(1 week In September. For further articular. apply to THIS ;VFW F' GENTS WANTED. - iN ( DE - ant vicinity. to solicit 0441,' . for Royal Tailoring. onakee. of mea', n e ordered clothing, and for The (';Mud Lot . Irl Co.. maker. of lathe.' tailored ganncltti u order. May take either men'. or wow, 148.., 02' boll,. n. 4,.ired. Act I,1. agent. e, good 1110n.y. Faegant .11141 F. 111de mpM1 M,,.,. ( 4),, Apply. with ryfdhei n +tn'e. f. Ontario. 04 1a 3)- 'a rANTED. Hl" NEPTEMRFK IST. n .wltablr ggirl for genentl housework. Apply to MI.. Iack.ne:-11'Mcrloo.ltrPl, Mese,: 14M. PIUfI'DFOOT, 412.14 I)OY WANTED APPRENTICE TO D leant printing. 11 or 13 year. of age. fair .duration. -1 good opportunity' for bright boy. Apply al THR $IliNAI. OPF'ICK.. Notice Boort PRIVILEGE. Meted le•oder. will he relwlrrd rip to Seim. pith, Iter: for W4. +uk privilege of.ellleur 1r fm.henem- un the ground. of the (Irian Norah- we.tern 101411 1011 o, September lith, 27th and 'ER4 next. No tender nersarily accepted. h M. O. JOHNSTON, Se.•retury. - Dressmaking Parlors. MIMS ('ON1A)N; WHO HAS MAN - Art kit with sn.•h+ricers+and +al isfm•t ion I1114 drrw,making demaarlocnt with Hodgen. ero., will open 4(n•++nuking parlors over the Standard Lunn Hank ahem) September lu1h, and will he plen.d to have,all former patron., and ,alw Iles' one. call 11111/0 her. MISS ('UN LUN. 2-1, !'or Sale WOR SALE. -A LIMITED QUAN- 1. TITY of early red Ontario fell wheat for sod. Thr wheat 4• bad with whit,• rh*K eine' rid Irrrr3' and is hardy and a fairly gond yielder. Mao One good brood sow mon 4()n• to farrow. apply to JOHN SUWF.KHY, J. 1'.. lot. 12. comewdon 3, (l derlrh Y. O. L1OR SALE. A (1001) STRONG JO horse• a1+o a carriage and h•Irne... cheap. J. H. HAWKINS, St. Petrick street. {,1RENH MIU.('H COWS FOR SALE. 1: -Apply Apply to E. 1', A7r1'Rlld., R$44fUw004 M44 TUWU R(101E4, ONE CUTTER pierch1ir.N,td from M. W. H 'w W for)\rh henp . Appl)' at 4'HAS. C. L4K'S hardware "tore, of ,- Warning virARNINO. ANYONE r• O t' Nty I► treats ane 01 carrying tire 110111+ on nn7 port of 0114 property 4.111 1w arrested andn(s,. 1.111.1. ISlghp.11 ti, C. and F. 1-. A'r'f lLl. A .'tion Sales A iTCTION SALE, ()444414, HAItx4 H1-OGf4.9 IM- t'L4\14NTs. (C H, w'AGO!4 i, Mr. 1,, Iwai+ will well by toddle mellow *1 hl. wareroom., Ilandlton sl nowt. ljad4.rieh, 011 Saturday. Metitemlwr Imo. M 30', 1wk. sharp, t roan hoer, s year. old , 1 hlnrk 11041e 7 peer. 0k1 . 2 work horse.. 3 new buggies., 1 rubber I.fre buggy. 14 guMMl 11s new : 2 1ugg10., 411 nr.t etas. repair : 2 brutgy ppoole+, a new center., 4 new plow., No. 21, Verily: 1 now pk)n • .Vo. I5. Fleury • 1 ..Torsi hand, lin `.'Aril gang Mow ; 1 around hand. hotel plow : 3 new pulner.. I light w•tatgg00. 1 road wagon. In gelid repair: '2 sets M single harm... rte., I, new : 1 -N of light loran,' borne.., nese], new: 1 eel of heavy donbh• harm..., 3 new robe., I Myrr+ imam, new ; 3 110.'n114 hand 4.o ter.. I .emnd hand rad ,'art, wide', heifer', mire., fork.. shovels, and nthei articles fon nnmrron. to mention. A11 must be di.pried nf, n. Mr. iart. hike given rip the .gene for the Meneey Berri. here and will herr no rise for these TERM^. A11 some of amu and under, rash : over th*t. amount 7 months reedit will be given IRI fernl.hing *.'nerved ,1Mn1. 0044*, A rllsonunt at the tate of , pemi r omit, per *outdo, of wed for raeli on ortsll4 *roo4RG. L LAVIS. T. Ut'ND44Y. t?oprietor, Auctioneer. Huron Old Boys' Tent. The Balton Old Buy*' Association of Toronto will. as ureal, have a tent on the exhibition gbouud44 daring the great Lair toil nil Huronites are W- ittiest eel e•gpestel lee visitthe tent and, make it their headquarters during their stay. It will be located 1111 the tv,'sl aide of the grounds near the W. 4'. T. 1'. The Indian Gets Four Months. Isaac Young, the Indian who pleaded guilty to the chargee of theft and burglary at a house near Credi- ton, was before Judge Doyle on Wed- nesday morning and His Honor sen- tenced hint to four months impriwm- ule1L in the county jail at hard labor, saying the only lesson he did not Rend him to the Central prison for a h tenger tenon Ana that. ,at the .present time that institution way crowded. Thanksgiving Day. A dispatch from Ottawa states that " T'hallksgiving flat this year is likely to be held on the same 4(1(44 ,as in Itkki, 4ix.. the third 'rh11I.dav in .lk•luber. The railway authorities have made a strong representation to the (ilivern- al.'nt i11 favor of a change to Monday. .11 that the travelling pmhlic might en- joy Saturday and Sunday at their Mimes or wherever they eelebr•ate. This doves not seem to rrrnmend itself to the tx)wer« herr, however, who hold that for thlulksgiving proposes 'I'11UI'llday Is as good a day K5 1'1)1,11] 44.• chosen. - G. & G. Railway Notes. Under the aupervi.inn of Construe• tion Engineer Griffith, M1's,rs. Me- Quigge and Hunt. railway contl-act- .r*. have a pietist the grading and building of the large earth enll(ulk- mrnt Iwtween Milverton and 111,111 - bank, on the Guelph A Goderich 'tail - way. Messrs. •.y,alli.t,n 41: Johnston, riuiili' rt ors, Owen Sound, have e mn- pleted theirs carotene! of building the massive concrete culvert on the G. & lis Railway, between Millbank and 41,Ive1•ton, and have left for Smith's Valls to f.1fl1 another contract for the t . P. H. The ('a,,uL( Foundry Com- I,,any. of 'Toronto, 14447'.' c,unmeneed 1h.• work of playing the ne4v *te4.1 .I ru"ltlre for the bridge avows the Nith river at Millbank. County Model Schools. The board of PX:uniner4 for the count)). of Huron met in the public seh,o1, of 8e•aforth. on Satan/lay, August 'Lith, to arrange for the ses- sion of the Model sellosJ. of (rentp►•i,•h mud Clinton. All the lu4li(wtn were present. It was resolved to admit students to the Alldlel ,4 hoots, who will be eighte•.•q rears of age on 04. b• - fur' t he ore , g of the /reboots at the auto 11Ol term mf II«r, 'reu'h.'rs hold- ing expired thin( -elms* eertilicatea will be granted renewal* for three years 1)n passing the float exan(ination of the Mrslel.ehlol in December. The final examination begins un Alond4, De•e114er path. 11417. 'elle meeting' hen adjourned to meet. on 1 )n•elmtwr ninh at Selfot'th., OKo, 11.11 nn, Hecre- 49,1.111%M ar)'. False Pretenses. Thr Clinton New',-Reeonl last week bad the following : "A young woman mauled Douglas cattle down frau Glsterith on Ali and, reptetlenting errata( as an employee of the Jackson fg. Cn,, visite) three or foul' stores a I made purchases -- without any pa) brit. In one close the proprietor been Ir suspicions and refnwd to de- liver he goods without cash-- which was no forthruuling. At the APcond *tore all net'mrd 1a pair of shorn but the sell.' hating ill the meantime been given '4 tip, she was forced to re- turn them. At the third place, how- ever, she ma,ag(MI to secure several dollar.+' worth of goods on approval froni a Junior r 4.k and then skipped out to Gralerirh ,. quickly as the next train *mild take 'r. The end in not yet." The Biggest Yet. The directors of th Ashfield ,and 1Vawano«h Branch Agi•irmlturlil Society are preparing fo the biggest. show they have yet held tl 's year on Thurwhty :and Friday, Ort. 1th mu/ ,ith. The prize list has Iwo largely iner'ased in many classes a • 1 the directors are eonflde•nt tiro sit w of 11411 will he the (est they h,tsr yet. had. The :Cfret regiment 1(1(11 4414 been engaged. Fut• a the r era n the evening of the «eminal day an e relationally strong array of talent Iwo* been penned, inebrding the following : George F:IIiN Fax, one of the moat versatile romedinn, Canada. bas Peer proctored : Mia* l'anIpaigll,of (lode - rich. ncecmpaniut.: MIs* Maud 'tilt and Mita Auiul nx,k, soprano soloist*. Goderich. and Mr. Metier, baritone soloist, Auburn, the Afi*4Pq HoWrie and Leonard, Highland dancers, of 00darieh. Labor Day Attraction. The attraction for Labe Day x11 1',w,. will ie the baseball ruatch be- tween Goderich and iondon. The gator will be called at. 2:31 o'rlrk Lost or Found LOST. -A O011D SCARF I'1N, with pearl and four rohl, Reward on leaving at S1ONA1, OMee. ADIES' (4(41,14 WATCH FOUND. Owner eon have the wale by applying at HISOFE F:. 1 OST. A C1111.1011 NAVY 'RLUF: J rota, trimmed with white hraM, 4.tntdap evening, Aiegus1 lath. Finder will ple1w4 leave +nm,, at Mr. Porter'+ .tore or *t 44T, 144,O44(1RS RK('TORY. 11i1OUND.---ON KENT STH 1-' Monday ahrrnnona gold nrrkh,r.•, rt with bine .4.041.'.. Owner can ha,.- further particnl*r. of -Ante on email ncanon at THE I1 1NA1, ofi'v. L'Oi'ND. ON THE M(ll'ARE, A PP lair of Inwler's white minim..how. with rubber roles. Owner ran have 4101110 by apply few rol')14.: SIGNAL. I OMT ON EAMTSTREET, AN J lows hy-t brow h. Finder will he ren anted on lea, lug +rime nt Signal (131ce, A000m nodefhn for Summer Visitor's I110R SLIMMER VIMIT0ItM, by tegne-t of 1110 Ikard of Tr*de, all 'er.nne having aeromnl.xlation for summer , laltnrs to (1od.H,k are n.Inn.ted In leave their neawe of (tp.'*« town, nets the m.tytlb ' kept which whootr TA will he available for enquirer.. tiny a44rw,.n, sent In In 1'h. Signal oetpe KU, reproperly reetuded. JA 141.:i.141.:i.l' ItMIT '}V Hoard n4 Trw4P. sharp an( the *41'1114,4mi will 11e la•. run Neve t fl t 1 and heaver He: rye will go wing '141(1 111 ,a •rich 111,, good for gentlemen and 11k•. for Indira children. The London team is 1 specially selected frau the vett teams of 1114. city to give the (miter finance against. the (hal. Moe, who have wive defeated L:gldoner* this season. and a K • is {m• '.sett. T11.' axle/delitwain will be follows : Itulwrts. p ; Croft.c : Tait. 1b; (leo. Iii-Hi/aron. _9, Doyle, 86 ,Lu : F. Mel.ghliu, ss : \1'iggfne. lark NVig4insand SparkLewitt, fielders. ITIIIp11.4., Alw 1 Kiloton. 'Thr tract and as In other as ran are requested to obw the 44(11nd4 for practice at 9 1i cl on Monday blitig. More Lunacy.- This morning 1114' (inti,,. of a w evidently mentally unhulaneel trached considerable eatteta ton a the FHluan• until sir was taken charrg e by (unstable* Pllrlall 1 Sands, The W4(lllmll is 1► Honcho',' 1 dent of Goderielt holt Lately hart 1 living at l'liutou and she arrived 1house.night at the Medford house. ' eon.Iahlel girt m rig and took her 11 to the police magistrate and t Dr. (.allow who says there i. nu 1111 t• but. that. 111e W0111:111 IM 111aa Her 11x111.' 1,4 Lowy Mary Philips. a events of some ten years ,Igo or seem to form the lawns of her (lbw mooed talk. The police nu4giatl Rent her to Jailor Gelato to i e' Irak charge of for the present and bite Wiring her relatives at Clinton t itfte'1111on1. Hotel Clerk Disappears. l y'• re 1111 w144, an 1 i( the winter . :tout twenty-five bushels, . More Youthful Offences. Lost week W. 4.'. Goode's shute -was un llt't'rrtl occasions entered and potty ts'1•ulatiuns mule t' • the till, and um Monday nu)rning Wi11 Hirt - WAN plt,u(el guilty at the (slier court to three chai'gei+' of theft. from Mr. Goode. on the I1)th, 2 (ld,G1c1 1 4rtl of thin month. (►u Monday. the 19th AD•. Goode went motor Alrnesrhmgand on his return be discovered that his stofl• had been entered and the cover of his algae case broken and a number of cigaty taken. On Wednesday, ' 2nd, between:. and is o'clock in the evening. while Mr. Goode was 1110114.,. hearing surae sound in the stole he came out from his office in the rear of the store and found that some loose Change had been oaken from the till, and again the lfulluwing day during the afternoon the sane thing 1)4" .'tiered. On Sunday MI'. Goode sup- pcMrd [hut his aline was locked but appareently the lu,'k was not arcutely (aught. Pima various incidents Mr. Goode was led to suspect young Rich tools, who it appear. (ltd been treat- ing of her boy's to cigars, etc., and in - prtuy with Nolle tither boys of about his own ;age had hire) a rift anti gone for a drive to Hayfield for n days' opting. Richard)) is only ten yearn of age and an *d )(IU I'I(uI(44(IL of the court 44'+114 to till yesterday for the Crown ()Rhes to decide what was beat to 1e dune with him, whether to send hiuo 111 the reformatory or to place hitt in carr of the Obildtrn's Aid Society. Yesterday afternoon ,art•angetllt'nts well` made for taking the young lad to • the l'hildren's Aid abeller at Minlieo for the 111 1100111 and Ile may later lie placed 111 a foster h • Ed- die Bennett, who was arleNted in eon - needn't with the same charges, was released, the charges against him be- ing di.11ui*gl en. 1 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --AUG, 30. 7 rlrKrapYS legnJly ((a•boul 111' -- ('entral T- e PA, 'Toronto Ili'..neaking parlor,, -Miss Conlon... 1 oeuntil Seri t1111 Wanted- Mr. S. A. McOaw 1 Ikw•k 10111P 1114 Sellable -4V. K. Pinder 3 Fall (Mod.- D. Millar & Co 7 Tau Harmeln Day. - J. H.l'olborne. 4 Typewrite'. to Kent --W, K. 441440 t 1 Duet Huy a Fall Suit or Gverosltl-W, C Protium* 1 Jul pair. Sample Hae --Hodgen. Bros.. lllll l Hirt Wanted -This Deco 1 *Awl Shoes. etc. -Downing tt MaoVl*ar, ■ Uold Necklace Found -Tb. Signal. 1 Fall wheal for Sale - John Sowerby To Item Mr-, C. Heck, •... 1 1 ('oat Lost -Sr. George'+Rector)' . ... 1 Massey Harris Agency -Stoddart k McKln- (4011 ..... ... ,Is J. Jos. 'Jan. Nur fig nay on tack In at - (4)41 )ten ,a,t rat 10 4 1- 11e, 1111 all u11 - at 11 ell rid,, 44114 On Alotiday ('hitt Clerk Barton the Slimmer Hotel disappeared fro town for parts unknown ,and has 1 Mince been 11x'Kted. While here apparently had full (harp.• of t looks and money in rnnneetiot 4(•i the hotel and Manager Fort • of 1 Goolerieh Hotel ('1). figures out tl they :Ire out s)me hundreds of dull/ in the meantime until to settlemeut is effected. tot quite probably will d A warrant for H,u•tu(I's arts was taken out the mimic. afternoon b the emcees got the wrung man. A Barton had as his guest herr I young lady pianist who took a part the concert a short t' • ago 1111 t hotel and she a(rompatli hint On his departtre on Mundy Both )Ir. Barton and the young b1 1'. from Ann Arbor, Aiirh. Clear 1132.40 for the Hospital. A very pleasant affair was the modal given at the Si. Lawrence on rueNl/ty evening in aid of the hospital, Misses Annie fauna and Geraldine (4ra1•es, Miss Edna Garrett and lieu- riett* Me('ulltx•h, who have been stay- ing at the Sl. Lawrence, (wing the ones to whom the reedit of getting up the 'affair belong, and their efforts were rewarded by , the ehal•ing of *32.44). I;retml.phone seleet1(1ns were given by otle of '11 min & Son's machine.. and ice cream, rake ,and lemonade Were served, ,arid there was also frincy work table. Lonna+ Rundle, dressed as a glassy. wan the oracle run,ulted by those anxious to peer into the future and his de•i )her- Inp(a of the nnarkingl of the hand added their 11uot•l to the proceeds of he evening. The young tubes are to he commended for their rnthusiu*w in a good) cause and congratmhtted uu the 4IICee** of thein' effort.. Death of Mrs. G. H. Hosken, til Ill lot he he - he pat its 1s Iw •st tit fir. he ill he ell y. iy Thr news of the death of Altai. (4. H. Hosken last Saturday was herrn with «y110pat het it, interest by 1 h members of Ftt. Geot•ge.s «hnrrh, of which the deceased Waa ,1 111P11r1e1', a* w•t•ll 11* by the many friends of the family out- side that bialy. Moo. sinker hal been unwell for *111114' time past and latterly haul leen in Toronto, roe treatment. Her death occurred at the residence of her son, William. The funeral took Place On Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock to the rharrh of Nt..lohn he Evangelist, and thetiee to Mount Pleasant cemetery, Rev. S. D. Nweatman rondmrting the mer- Vif'M lit the church ,and the grave. Mrs. Honker) leas a native of i evon- /thin-, Eng., (wing lawn there fifty-seven yearn ago, She )Vas married iti Eng - laud and clone 10 this eonntt')' abou1. twenty-two yea's ,age. She is sur- vive! by her hn*Ietsd and mix chil- dren. IVillianl, Charles and Ernest, of Toronto, (41111 the Miss-* BP4Iric.' and Kale and Master Gordon, of town. Accident on the R. & G. Railway. A very serious ,occident occurred veste•dny afternoon on the Guelph ted (ioxler•irh construction work about mile and a q •41.1' vast. of Smith's, H I. It apteara some of the 111r11 We to move a ear to- make some rept . to the road ,and the ear slid down the embankment. A donkey engine Rowed, and two luPn, Tol,iaa Fiah.'r, Colborne, and Fred 1Vil- 11at114, the nginecr•, of Ottawa, were caught bet en the car and engine. Both men w• eon«ideraddy cut and Were baldly Bled by the 4«caping steam from th engine, which rile, prevented re4r11P . being able to get the men out of th Ir pre11.'alilr•tit an quickly a* they therwi«e would. Williams was the aro • t injured of the two, being badly rat. )v4. t 11 knee and h *caldel about he fare .and shoulders, 110 was+ brow' t to town and in being attended by 1 Hunter, 174111 i* at. .1. E. Bryd4e> , A . Finher wan taken to his 1 • in dhorne and Dr. Taylor wan 411nt110a• . Ht• also in much cut and scalded amt has a bud -hack. Prof. Linfteld's Experiments. The fallowing item from The AlinnPRp)ai* Joan nal refers to the work of an old 0. 1'. I. boy, whose relatives in this vicinity ate weII- known: Professor F. R. Linfield• director of the experiment 4tdatiotl, i* touring the 'thorn part of the abate with 111. .1. Costello, bund agent of the Great. Northern nulro,tll, which is fnrnbsh- nig part of the fund« for I'r)felmor 1,1nflrld's expl'rimwnt« in dry farming in that RPft1.m Of the «tate. ($r, far dry farming ha* 11iadP a fine n'f•I)rd in the f the state. \ The ehowinglis the bst•part ) ever made. tut. the fact that the ann)pn1 of rainfall this year hag been more than the average di«rfwlnta *nnlrwhat the 1•ewults of the y'ar'n experiment«. An the • RIP 111 I4' rnntimlel for . ,I perlo of five yearn, however, they probably will enenllnter a fair averregm of eon - dition«. Also In ewdtertl Montana the year ham been Mureeaeful beyond expeForsytht ion. On the yield of the farm near Changes at the Ocean House. • The fishing expedition conducted by Capt. A. Lawson on him yaeht "North Pier" returned to Goderlch on Mon- day afternoon, after a ten days' cruise through the flheatheto !elands. The eail front Otelerich to their Main lata - t headquarter/a wan accomplished the citify Slip haying been made at hatter with t he natives. Armed with a permit from the local oiwnern of the and Were given the keys of the island. After the tent be 1 helm pitelted anti the provinions tooled the party started in for a week .PI recreatii in llllll the departed epiritit, which. tradition infortim inhabit the island. The party yousisted : Skip- verwet• of the t.I•liefs, Jos. E. Pigott director of war (Borneo+, Harry 0. Sturdy ; acrobatic :artist. G. I,. Par- son.: dining room girl, 'I'. AA'. Nairn. hinny -expeditions avere made to the eighboring islands and the mainland. well as a trip tar Wiarton and a cruise to Golden Valley. The party pulled up stakes on Satoolay morning and nailed as far 104 Port Eigin to re - math for the night. An attempt was marle tor reach Goderich on solidity but after, working against the nonith- west gale nearly all morning the nkip- per decided to pot bark to Port Klgin to await better weal her. %Vial a *trona( westerly breeze blowiug mniipit again rrnni purr Elgin but after rounding Nine Afile Port encountered Rtrong gale- acisiatipanied by heavy seam, The yarlat rode f he 14(11114 like an (*PPM liner and reached GOderich bow eight boors. a remarkably short he V y mins and !wain wind oncount- of aq traitors lined op on the pieta to woof+ le little vennel tos she climbed the w th only her lowennil set. The part Voted t he expedition ft hose amis. AIM hope to Make the et nisi. with P "Skipper.' gin annual G. T. R. improvements. At last the neer freight 'hell the Grand Trunk hails been talking of erecting here is in night, it' gentleman from Alontreal being here on Titenday ducting negotiations for Oke poreharre of a Imitable site, and yeatenlay morning the deal wart closed for biker and part of the Warnock prop- erty. We understand the considera- If 'Secluded es paire to) sterling Hank, Dungannon linineh-R. It. Pin 1.ost office Ho ! for Toronto iailWletlit0 Ramie Pri v Mute. -111. 0. john.ton Announcement - J. H. Worsell Ileum. to Let The Signal 1 1Mre STILL TO THE FRONT. The Signal has this week replaced one of its printing machines, known as an old style "Gordon" press, which ha! done good service in the office for over twenty years, with a new style three half -medium ''Universal" machine. This change became a necessity owing to the growing demand by our customers fog a better class of work than is usually attempted in offices outside the larger cities such as Toronto and Montreal. The Signal has been doing this class of work for a considerable tame past, but was tied up to two other presses in pro- ducing it, and these machines, owing to their sure, were more generally used on other, classes of work, making it both inconvenient and unei 01101111CA] to place them at the disposal of any special work liable to require their use for a longer period than a few hours at niost The new machine is the most modern production in high- grade printing' presses. and is es- pecially designed for the finest class of letterpress and illustrated cata- logue work, including souvenir booklets, souvenir postai cards, fine commerciaJ printing, etc. The ooze is the same as the one it replaces, but its output is about double. Quality is its essentaal feature an productiveness. We hope to hare it running in a day or two, and will be pleased to have our citizens call and see it. It was purchased from Messrs. Miller & Richard, type - founders. Toronto. Look out for apecial announcement of M. J. Younga genuine clearing out sale at Dungannon in twit Waite. If you are troubled with Buffalo bulge in yam/. house. get a bottle of onar Buffalo Bug Killer, only 25c., at H. W. Tmoitosoat el Drug Store. 110 for Toronto Fair 1 Through can will be rtiti froln floilerich to. Toronto Saturday, Sep- tetnbei• Int Tuesday. September 4th, mid l'hurnday. September nth, fare 1112.1X -t. Buy your tickets at the down - down ticket agency and RftVP worry and hustle at the rotation. F. K, LAWFIK14CK. next Parsonie Fair. FALL. FAIRS -1906. Sept 7-15 Sept. 17,18 Sept. 18-19 Sept. 18-19 Sept. 19-20 Sept. 211-21 Sept. 25-28 Sept. 28-2T-28 Sept. 27-211 Toronto London Exeter Iflyth Kincardine seaforth Ripley Goderich Wingham Lueknow Hayfield Teeriwater Brusseln Dungannon An Absent -Minded Professor A story is told of an absetit-ntinded predestior who war' dining at the sert, which Gook the folio of cherriera, was served the other guesta Were much amused to nee the Profesaor fairish/Hy dipping each eherry into a glom of water and drying it before mirth and divining its cause, the Pro- feanor made a learned veto+ on the tiny germs and microbes with which the skin. of. fruit are covered, anal warned his hearerm optima eating raw fruits without. previously washing them. A few mts after. having relnpsed into brown study, the PrO- fesnor mechanically neized the glum in which the dherries had been immersed and drank at One draught. the water and the microbes. BORN. .11 NSTe be llodertah, nee Satioday Aug, 2.1111, to Mr, and Mr.. Thos. Jobencon, teAKLF:1'. lei floderich, on Sunday. Aug. 2131 h. to Mr. and Men. John Oakley , a son. MARRIED. scirer Hltiltl N. At Knot ehoule mann*. elle Mown. both of the town.hip of Morr1.. wife of O. H. Rooker,. Onderich. HENDERSON. In Saltford. on Wednesday. Antrim noel &WC 1401/4014011. 1•1110d 111 year. and 10 month., TARB.- In Colborne. on Monday, Ammo fah. Janie. Tabb. ager1;37 years, 2 month. and,