HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-23, Page 7TNF; 141;,oliElt1c11 t►N'I'Akit) 1/4 ".. '• 'F' •" 4+* 4 1•_ _#' i 4' i, 44+4'444* ii4 •_ -• "• •" 'i i -f- ♦ -f' moi" ** "a *** "f- The News of the District. 4,,,„4.45,84,464,+4,1.44+4,45+4446**44,4,44,464,*+.444,4,44****445*464444,44,464.441$ LOYAL, ltluxunr, Aug. 2Utb. D. W. Ureen, of Moult Ste. Marie, was ceiling on f•iruds in this neigh- borhood ori Taesday last. Mita Olive Wilier spent an enjoy able time last week at the lake with her friend, Z1'141401114 Walter. We. H. Clark entertained the Lae - burn Women's Foreign Misltiouary Society on Wednesday last. There was a large attendance. Miss Loretta Young. daughter of Jai.. Young. after spending the holi- days et her hom, here, returned um Saturday last to take charge of her shoot in Bruce county. DUNLOP. lbuYDAY, Aug. JUtb. Mn.aHorton . recently enjoyed a plrxsrtnt week's visit to the city of Stratford. Miss Rosa Oke, a further resident here, visited old friends here lately, rowing froom Uoderich. Uurs•huul reopened bene on Mon- day last Alter the summer holidays. The new tr:u:her, Miss Eva Dunlop of (f(drrich, amounting her duties. Dur- ing the school days of the week the teacher will reside at. Mr. Hortou's where the late teacher wade her resi- dence when teaching here. Last week we received a bid from The Signal to join with its employees and correspondents in its aminal out- ing at the Point Farm at Lerburn 011 Batu day, the loth inst. Owing to oar health, which has nut been u(, to its general standard for some tune part from the elects of au attack of rheututatisul, we **Fretted bring un- able to go. No doubt those who went hada gonad title, as we ourselves had last year. FaH TUX LITr1.11 Fou .-lt is a well-known fact that matrons somr- times have quite a time of it washing the faces of their cherubs to get thew ready for reboot or Sunday school. We would like to tell any refractory urchin that we have a grey puss that has three black kittens, and each day Of late we have 'noticed her throw each one in turn on its back and mos( raretutly lick its tate over and then rah it dry with her paw, Harking their faces look quite glossy and bright. .t pleasure party en i,.ute to the faint Farun one afternoon last week 011:1 hay rack loadetUwitb bay had a l,reak down, a tire conning of one of tbi: wagon wheels. This sauteed a halt for a time, while the wheel was reset at the smithy, about half a- mile awa). While the travellers waited for the repairs they hummed "Wait for the Wagon and We'll all Take a Kids." In as little while the wheel raver down in a fast bogey and wan soon put on avid the cheers of the party. whoaeauu►ed their journey to the l t in extra good humor. • Miss Alice Cumming, of wham we sls,ke :a few works ago as being over f ' Chicago on a vacation to see old friends herr and in Godericb, watt here last week saying nude-byye to friends in this 'section and in Loyal. previous to leaving by boat for De- foe/ on ber way boweward to Chi - (ago. While cowing home front the Hub to the Circular Town, in passing a cement culvert which was being built on the Huron real she took the strung route op the other aide of the regular temporary way. where the teams go hy and the horse %topp e d short befaw a deep pond with no •hcidge to erne. Seeing her dilrwuut Ate backed the horse eu that she could lura round and get to the main road again. Then helped a little hy for ,distant •glow of the ele:tr•ie lights of the Huh. she found the• temporary toad all right and reached the Circu- lar Town before the town clock struck in,i,t.a k p. in.. without further nlis- hNpaa. CARLOW. MONDAY. August :Sikh.' James MrCaugbney, of Toronto, was here last week visiting his sister, Mrs, Jones. That was a fine shower we had this Htor g. It (fad long 'been looked for and did h goal. We ei 1ngrNt teat a Fra re Aft l)orufgh, jr,. on his sheet s in the ,rent Mations. We uudristand Frank will attend la noun. University its the fall. Meese. Andrew Millin has returned hoe, the Clinton bewpiLtl, where she underwent an operation. She is int- itrot n•. iug slowly and hope will soon s• well again. Miss Coutts. of Hamilton, is visiting nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnston, Lame evening she favored the ,•ongrrgation n( 4nfith n Hill ,bten. with a aolo. ' Af y Ain Camara, - which shr sung with h rxpr.rasion. Thteahing is naw the order of farm work. Thr crops are turning out well. At a sample threshing the other day peas turned nut thirty bushels to the acre : barley tr•o:u thirty -flue to forty bushels', and a anfall lot, of oat% forty Mvr bushels. The funeral of the late Mn. I4:me Martin, whose husband at one time kept the hotel bare, peaand through the village on Sunday on the way to Colborne cemetery. Mrs. Martin died At. Lncknow, )where she had been living for some years, The !alum' house of 4, S. No. :i duos leen undergoing N thorough remodel- ling inaide. A new floor. fresh plant.• and paint and other renovations make the interior'r Inck like new. J. Ernest Ho ef•tanu, the new tearhrt', t rrtrnced work this morning for the tall term. Several left here nn the harvesters' excursion last week --Wm. Fowler and (Miss Fowler, Inc Edmonton : Gordon McPhee awl Thu.. McPhee. jr., for the Inuiphin district, and Ernest Kil- patt•frk for southern ManitBha. We believe most of those expect to locate in the West. Rev. Colin Young, of Prince Albert, Musk„ vinited his brother here over Mlnd,ly. He had been visiting his rhildren at Arnprinr. and left today on his return to the Went.. He brought glowing reports of the western coun- try. ilia rongtrgation is building a new briek church and is increasing rapidly with the growth of the city. WESTFIELD. Moskva Ang. 20th. Raymond Reammulareturned to his srhla,l to -day. Mrs. 11. M. Gordon. ill l.urknnw. spent a few days lest week the gnat of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Catnplell. School opened today in charge of Miss Clark. of 4t. Helena, A large number were in attendance for the "petting of the term. We are much pleased to not ire that Geo. Jefferson passed the junior teach- ers' examination with honoree. Con- erata,lttionn, George! Mina Annie Wight man returned honer on Saturday after spending a few data with her aunt And uncle, Mr. and Mrs..1. Wightman, nt Oode• rich. The harvest of had is now a thing of the peat : the grain is all garnered into the limits. Those of the farmers who bNvr threshed report wheat and oats excellentyields and barley gond. They ate now Malty peppering for t*11 wheat 'seeding and doing the fall ploughing. --- mend The Signal tel yn11r friends. To January lad. 11111. for 25 rents. POPLAR ROW. THuetnay, Aug. 16th. John Liutleld, of Roston, visited hiss tousiba on Poplar Row list week. Lee Potter left last week fore, Duluth, to train for the position of railway rugines,. Mrs, Peel, who had area visiting .her old I hrte, returned this week to her home at the Soo. We regret to report that Joules Tata, is still very low and little hope is entertained of his recovery. Misses Ella and May Howell. of Des Moines, nee visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hatay Morris. Lew Bateson, 'of Brantford. who has here working with W. C. Potter during the sit nIIlter, lsNt•es this week on the harvester,' recut -atm to the West. SHEPPARDTON. Mnxn.,Y,Ang• 'JHb. ' Miss Lizzie Rutherford. of Belfast, visited friend,. here East Sunday. School opens again this week. with Miss McLean. of Kintail. as teacher. Mrs. Win, H. Garside and two daughter.. of Brandon, are visiting their cousin, Mrs. John Bennet,. ,The cement work of Thos. Dnugh- erty's and John B. l irahatnb Imre. wail cotnpleted last week, S 1 ('utter doing the work. Sandy Gordon, of 411ep{tarrlton, and Wilfrid Quaid and John Me'fillau, of Port Albert, were aunbng the exa•ur- sionlats for the Prairie Province last Friday.. The Methodist Sunday school held their annual picnic at the lake last week. The Epiw'opal and Praha - terian Si lay schools will hold their pienir at Port Albert nest Saturday afternoon. NILE. Tt•Paola v. Aug. 21st. Mr. tied Mrs. A. J. 'Cooper, of (ii<de- r•irh, spent 4nuday'itt Nile. A. M. Robertson. of Hat -Liston. iaeupied the pulpit herr haat Sahlwth. Mr. and Mia. Will Metelutd, of Chicago. err visiting Mr. M.Arlandb mot her. 31r. and Mr.. Ryan, Of lirhigan, are visiting the farmer's brother. Richard Ryan. tat Nile. Schierl reopened this week ,atter the vacaticin with the mune 'earner, Miss (4ray. !n charge at Nile. Epworth League topic next week will be. "How Methiudisu) %int fur Cis it and Religious I.ilert y,' taken hy Miss F'. y Bray. Auuong thn%P who left from hale o1 the (tar tett eX 'ttr,'tun I:.st wet•1. were : .1: •a Elliott, sr , \\'in. Corr%. sr.. F:rne•-t Horne and. Will laiip trick. The trustees tar. S. S. No. 17 have engaged Miss Mirth,. 31iltiau• .1Godes t•irh. 111 teach there for the fall teerna. Ilie former teacher: .11iss Hattie. hating treigned. LEMURS. Mora) Y. Aug. aft h. James Linklater enjoyed. as pieas:int afternoon leer Saturday at the, Poiret Fm•n1 with the Signal ttitt and some of its rot -respondents, at their annual outing. A piper from Kintail on n .visit t, a •restive on Saturday night played quite nunllwr of Scottish aka As he came along within twit haata of the thaw of day. hushing to .(rep with the 'tundra! 1 of his pipes many a anal had and laesir who had worked heretic the harvest. drawing in the grain in the afternoon. Harvesting it abort finished hut, at present there is no news. of a thresher coming along. There is a rumtor, how- ever, that one of Mr. (ioldthorpe's hints may be slang in the near future and that it may have a new engine. as the one that cane herr with the Ryan sepnrator was sold to an Ashfield frurl, who moved it from Dunlop on Saturday afternoon. Joseph Thompson, trim for nearly a quarter of a reentry has leen engaged as a feeder on the threshing machine staffs of the west division of Colborne, was an excursionist mut to the North- west with his fellow•thresber, John Ryan. of Dunlop. Both are nn * pro- specting ecting tour, hut while there may Lake a turn in the thrrshinge going on there. Samuel Potter also went with there to see relatives wed sere the wny they work cement there. One duty last week, sit n Kine*r dine automobile, en route for Toronto. wars passing throtigh Leehnrn, it suddenly came tea Stand still. The occupant alighted to oxamide into the cause, which at that night appeared to be serious. Thr chauffeur deemed it ne•ceswtry to mon help and, seizing his horn. gave two or there sharp tsota a..:a signal of distress. The villagers, who were well advanced with their harvest, were indulging in a midday nap and ns the strange tomtit emote upon their ears bounded front thelr conches and rushed outside their dwelling%. Another foot neon thehorn of the chauffeur outer! the tnystery and they willingly ran to ha assistn nee. • Saved Two Lives. Sam Potter arid Hiram Brown, both of Methuen, were out awing on the Merr'imaar, when the haat capsized, apiM- Ing both men in the water, Mnarwas a fine swimmer, hit wan not very bright, while Hiram was bright enough, hat could not swim a stroke, When Sam found bimwlf in the water he stntek nut testily for the little pier• on the shore, while Hiram clung to the overturned skiff. As noon AA Ram reached the shore he was About to plunge into the water again. when a young wan on the pier paid: "What are you 'going back into the water for? • 1 ne just. (swam ..(shore." Seat paused a moment. saying : f hed to slave myself Meet now 1'u, going hoick to finch Hi." and he forthwith proceeded to bring Hiram *shore. Roston Hse*kl. BENMILLER. • EAST WAWANOSH. MONDAY, Aug, 2utb. • Teginav, August 21st. Mr. and Mn, J. E. Andrews, of , HAHN BUHNxD.-Uuriug the then. Cleveland. Ohio, ate visiting *Odra. deet' storm of Monday tuurniug the Andrews' old home herr. barn and sWblr on Hurry Chawuey's Thr weathers of Court Bm ealier. fatal were totally deata,ya•d, Ma. C. O. F•, attended service In a beady, *t l'lauuney lost all he; season's crop and the Methodist church yesterday' and a tlttufls'r o1 pies. were titian -toot! by Krv. J. U. a elland. '-- whose discounw was touch (twit coaled OODERICH TOWNSHIP, by the brethren. There was a large intendance. Taman!. v, Aug. 21.1. Afro and Mrs. W. F. Hick returned uu Monday last. from visiting relatives in Chatham. S. S. No. 1 opened on Manche• with Miss Lillian Wilson. of the Huron road, 44 teaseled•, Miss Sadie Finlayson. of Localsh, 31t•s. Rymau. of Emily City. 31i••h., spent Sunday here. 1. visiting *t the henne of her puents. Mime 111rtggte Roar. of Blyth, is visit- Mr. and Mts. John Foi',len. ing Miss Anna Winegar. Alex Hoyd, Will McGregor and Thomas( Styles left for the West on Friday, • 31s.. A. R. Vur'av and family and The cost of the investigation re- Nis. Rebecca McGregor visited (reedit cantly wade l,y at Provincial auditor it. bit. Helens on Friday. into the municipal (Walla of this township has amounted to is 1111le over $USI and it is hotted that this will 1e the full amount. It. •ill maks. quite a difference in the tax t'lls: KINTAIL. TUKau. v. Aug. 21st. Miss Jane MeD onal d has gone on a► visit to the Soo. The following left oh Friday of last week for the West : \\'lm. Johnston, \1'm. Westlake, Rob. Flatlet. and Rob, runlets. Milts Jessie Mraurehie is leavig fur F:1 Paso. Texas, un Thursday to ern to Iw a trained nurse. Her it uy ftiendls here wish her success. LANES. LAURIER. Mox,,.tY. Ang.211th: TerainaY, Aug. It Mrs.'tVuods, of Zion, nod Mrs. Pink- G. -urge MaeGr.gor, of Luickm w, nry, of Senforth, visited friendal herr "' nt Sunday at honer. last week. t mold l3uyd and sun, Charlet, vi. Mise tetttto• Gilson, of Ripley. tuna a ited :,slrrich this week: flying visit 1. old friends tit Lanes on U, • itup.ou and Joluu \I UonaW, o1 Sunday haat. K1111a1 spent Monday in att.:o vrain Thr rain of last Sunday night rano- Hail. rlwonan reignited .tr. Dash - dime in torrents, utak ing the fields wood Nn utility to rr•.nlur hit duties dun Is green ittautlr• Thr rod' and es tei'her. rout crop were. enlrtitlg severely frail want of rain. Scholl duties have again ewn- iuenced• We hope the arhulara hasp enjoyed their holidays lathe fyllest. Luckuuw, are guests of the aliases Mina Lirtetta Cunningham of Port \rclptyre, this w k. Albert ha* charge of the school for ;hiss Auuie an Neil McKrbrir slather feral, *pent 4und*y in Lu :know, the Kura s Dr. Samson. of Iona, renewed old of Miss Auuttla Mur ,.ayi nequaintancra in this neighle.rbos1 Misses Barbara and •' olie Ferris, of last week. 1h•. Mammon left these{ Uetutit, sent a colla of days the parts when but :a deny hat still memoryg�uesta of Mesa Annie cola -enzie. had quite N number of picture% hang- ing un her walls. The bagpipes wmnded r arming in this, neighborhood one re aline last week. ('orae hack .esu, ag 'n. air. Auwng those wbn cork aaly* stage of the excursion to the West are lex. Boyd. 'flee air lar Lean, 1\'ill i.- Y. Me- t)regut• and Hugh Stewart. r Mr and In, Treat have IrtututMl to Chicago a to speeding it • time 1n elllt' midst. Misses Stew and Robertson, of ST. HELENS. \\'ED:xsn,tla- Aug. 22nd, Mrs Salkeld. sr., o1 Godericb, is vis- iting at the home of W. E. Gordon. Misses Eli/aleph and Chriasy Miller returned trent OWeiich on Fridav last. We lutist congratulate Mtnw'. Mwr- garet ('lark and Minus Rutherford on paseitlg their exit' llitatiuns. Alipsee Irene. Loire and Lizzie 4*lkeld, of (ioderich, are holidaying The applr•packedee r, r work at the haute of Mrs. R. H. Miller, again. Cast week John Levy, of Car - Will McGi ego,. and alias Beatrice low, packed quilt a nuratlter u1 hauls. The exodus to the Northwest wets Chas. Took. Angus Mbhonadd. \1htl- ottlyraa` couple snore lids itrtodd'ad week. W e lim;n- (err Millo•r and -JA.. Joynt left on the late aha• whale village. exrttr•vion to the West on Friday lest. AUBUHN1 M. ttttY, Aug. steel. \hiss Hannah, of Wiugham, t•isitead atthe h of herr uncle, James Young, lass week. Anderson resumed their Latus at their respective schools on Monday. D. 1:. Munro. treasurer of Went Mrs. Chapman and daughter. Clara, WAwau<wh, spent pawl of haat Toes - returned l0 4t. Thomas aftrt• spending day at. the town Hall, where there was sa h. at the hump of Mrs. George n regular meeting of the township Asquith• lathers. Rel.. H. W. Craw and \lies Craw at- Again the sebool children, are seen tended the induct' of Hrt•. Mr. paving their acenetonerl t•nun& to the i\'i.h,ert at Brussels on '1'lu:r•sday of village (school. i.aast 4attuday the last week. tracheas arrival. The , ther4 'Mrs. D. Tadd, jt.., toed two children. breathe it sigh of relief. - arc p,niel by Miss 1l. C. thither- 'T'hreshing is the order otthe day At ford. left on hrid*y, tii hr ,at f tin ppesent, Grain i4 turning telt. weell, ti<drrich, uu an extended visit at the FSM wheat and psoas Are turningi 11111. 1 • of the fornfrt's Iatrents, air. and letter than for se)•ers1 year.. The MrsJas. Neely, of Pigeon. Michigana lair oats awe light having ripened Lahr Our burg Hent her contingent of gni,•kly. ,school littat•nlr: the latter put of hest A week ago last 4abbnth gnily a Yr( ek to begin hi*te". 31ess Mar- tater,ber ofavur)<men were seen leaving Warta Clark to Kintxil. 3fiyw afinntr the village n'ith 'their dinner. pail., Rutherford to near Kinlnigh and Alias and Notts over their shoulders, pro - 31. 1. ('lurk to neat Westfid eld. Miss ing IW the railway. and were Eli,abeth Rutherford ren nmws her ldnierr,ed Iaeily employed at the con - duties at Cedar Valley. 1Vee wish atru(tion of the new;i.a(t. Whereat* thew All: vera 4necefa• the (haul ' : of tale Lord's 1)st• AMance ? John Arthur is treating him resi- dence tots new diet. of Metal aiding' this week. It would he A boon to mime of tow rootW ill maids if Lie- ail - lege fathers wuul•l provide A shelter for them instead of allowing then, to wander far into the night lilting oar sidewalks, A stranger would judge that the majority were. as the Scott -h- elm.' ways. • initherleas beams." UUNGANNUN. `t A. NEWTON. DENTIST. 1.I'CK• `T. Nati'.-.Athomeeveryday exec u Thur.. day, New rrrnwdyfor extracting trot Oions u- fornu. tet ter than gas. Crown and In i a work, etc. Alto minnan plate.11101-1111,1k31011.1. N. H.-- You eon aiwars hate, roar work retch better dome In the dent'LotMrr •,• titer, hettenfu'llft i,•• for doing the w'nrk-, more come forrable (or the tint Wit. NOTICE:.- THE LOCAL AGENCY in Dungannon for The Signor i. at the Po.1 otnre Hook and 4lationery Sion•. and 11r.. Wheat] will reeelve order. for +nth. 'rfppff dun.. advert i.b,1r and )oh ,vork. and 1• withal -Wed to give receipt. cur Ntnount- paid for the ...nn.. Tur:sIAY, Aug. 21st. Mine Smith, of Petrrttorongh, is visiting at \hes.'tVhysrd't. 31r%, Stobie, of ,Meafutth, ie visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. McMath. Mise Ruby Maintyie, of Kinratdine, is visiting her friend, Miss ('ot:a Rob- erts. We *re pk•nwd too are ahs. T. W. Little atotmd Again after her recent illness. Ali'.s Fowler, of Akron, Ohio, is on a visit to her Ander, Mrs, James Caesar, this month. The Mises Howell, of bee Moines. Iowa, are visiting at the hotne of Ur. Case this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. 31nnniryg and little mon spent Wednesday of this week in Clinton, 'Ree. Air. (:letelent, of Gode•i-h, oc- cupied the pulpit in the .Methodist church last Sunday. R. l;, Willis,, of Mesfnrth, hon ,iris en the position nt clerk in 51t•. Crnwfurl'a store until ('hristma%. Mins llanelda and Master I l .yd Hamlin. of Hiineauine. Ar• visiting at. the home of Sion. Pentlami. Work has heroin on the neat r of sidewalk Anti mi. rare hoping -al will keiep on to the gtwal work. Ani. nod Mea. George Stotts.'. and fa,nily, of Walkerton, Me renewing Acquaintances( around our village this week. Tomorrow (Wedneadnal will he our ,ilei, holiday, and a g'si many of our citizens will likely get to the lake for the dal. Mr. and Mrs. SL T. ',ante! and daughter. of Vinaire, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Berhtel's parents, Mr. and Mrs, .INA, Whyard. (In F'ridn y of leaf. weelA''m. hnrnin, one of theolde,t Pettier(.,ft he nt, ship of West Wawan<»h. passed afnv:.v tit the *t4e of righty-nrven yenta. Ile had been ,n poor health for over ten years, 11��1y seleeral tenni a awoke of par- nR'RTt I lr'le svep to molten him loam a wifn, six sins and two daughlera. He way a member of the F ecopal rhumb, Mit in the absewee of eV. Mr. Mloks Rev. Mr. Rutherford (inteiated at taw funeral setrl,e. Resod all T1te Rign*l thi.. wank. COLBORNE. '1'1•t'4uA5'. Aug. 21st. Mr. and Mrs. .%IeDonald, of Gotha rich. were the guests of Mr. aril MW's, Martel Ott Sunday. The Menars. Hultzhatisen. of Tor- onto, have been visiting their patents. Mr. and Mr•s.of , H tzh ut. seta u. ,11t•. Johns. the apple parker, hal again anile his appearance to nsai'.t the farmers in getting rill • of their apples. a. On Sunday a number nt the Col- borne Sabbath sebo of echolia-s end teacher. took in the Children'.. hny eelebaation at Mullett. The M. -ss.. Duret. and .Mneder have pnrehaaed aacotnpl.te threshing out- fit, including %elf-feeder.,etrawrutter anti plower, Ha Hal! there will he something now. The harvest is Huil ted anti thresh- ing is the older of the day. The grain turns out %ell, And is an excellent wimple. No wonder one' ran ser smiles tin over the ears. Mrs. ()nest, who WAS for some tiitN• slightly afflicted with a skin -renter in the region of the eve. bits undergone nn operation, She in, however, gradually recovering. Ur. Marklin, of (iolrrich, performed the operati?n. I Fn.m awn her earrrspondent. Lost Sunday ('hiidrena' Day wee eelehrated At 1 h,• Hallett, appointment and was a geand sheers,. Selires will he held at lite Evan- ggrrliraA chnrrh, Colborne, next. Safi - bet h morning at 10 apd in the evening at 7:311 All are rnrdiglW invited. Men. William Durst underwent an. operation last week for N ranter. The cancer was right rhino to the left ry., which emelt- the opera inn is ven- critfeal one, hot it, wet very 'meets fully performed by 1)r. Msnklin, of ()ddet•ieb , and will seartely leave a mark. .1, 0. hut.t hat% purchased the nigg threshing mat, and la getting tn. very latestand bast from. the John lirxsliaot ('n., Sarnia, He will (arm- menIP thrashing in is few days. If the farmers have &little (atiee1pttee' there is no dnteht it will pay In the end, The intratlnn Is to do eke lira work peeslMe. The 14 s Me. offer Inc halitner of '(M, la bringing many new ..mharrihers. w htAYF1ELD, MONDAY, Aug, 20th. Rev. Mr. Deihl is visiting friends in Hayheld and Varna. Milts 4hrrris, of London, is visiting her *u01, 11r*. Pearson. Aiwa Ida Brownlee, of London. is visiting her cousin, Mew. Little. Petry Blgpfart iv running the lar- iat's dater in the Absence of T. A. Mtiuwtu: Alex. McLeod left Monday for Zur- ich, where he rtinenencra ttuotlu•t• year's work. The following heft on F u'tdtty for the 1Vest 1 T. A. Mtin.on, H. Steller. J. 4p•neer. D. bailey, i. King, G. King µad 1. Erwin, Rev, E. l': Jennings, of Kingsville, , formerly rector of hayfield church, an - suited Rev. ADr. Hittite itt the morning services and Nlsu eonductd evening services during the {oast two Sunday.,. Hr And his wife and family ate spend- iug a Month rnaticatiug A Valuable Oog. • Mark Twain is iuuinensely poptd:n with the farmers livi13 elle 1 "Quarry. Farm," his summer home near Elmira, N. -Y. Hr and lir oeishlsn•s exchange experirncea and loth /troth thereby. The genial lotus - 441 3. tells of tate farmer who per-' dressed :t hunting dog that was highly rruutuended to hitt by a man who did not seem particularly reluctant about parting with it. When the dug Was delivered the fartuer looked it IP ehluioaa, August 23, 11106 Cool and Gomfortable Everything you need in the shape of summer "('111 to Make you feel cool and comfortable. CANVAS HATS STRAW FIATS WASH VESTS COLLARS WASH TIES OUTING SHIRTS, etc., at MCLEAN BROS. Art Tailors,' Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters. North side ('court (House Square, Godericb. SLAUGHTER SALE age Fence and Gates We quality o lished. J uneed not 'take space to tell of the high Page Fencing. That is already estab- t look at these prices . Regular 9 stra Regular 9 stra d 50 inches Page Fence, now 35c per rod, was 40c. d, 30 inch Page Fe,,tice, now 33c per roil, was :;''. All No. 9 Wire, 9 st All N -o. 9 Wire, 8 stra 11 No. 9 Wire, 8 strand, Y I \ o !►Ire r 9 strand, d , inch Page Feuce,•.uow 39c per rod, inch Page Fence, now 35c per rod, inch Page Fence, now 3oC per roll, inch Page Fence, now 33c per rod, IGH CARBON WIRE. ATES. 13 foot by 48 inch 14 foot by 4s inch 10 foot by 4S inch SMALLER G Gate for$495, was $t;.00 ate for $4.85, was $5.75 Ga e for $4.25, was $5.2:) ATES N PROPORTION. THEE PRICES ARE 0 REMEMBER TH EoPi Paulin's PLACE. Store 'Phone 37 ardware STOVES, PLUMBING, ETC. House 'Phone 177 SINS over with eOnaidrt•nhle tniagiyings. It sppuwd Any and Ina(shfnl and handy I the M41111/41 11 w114 crack tel up to he. Anxious to give it it triad, however, he look it ant shortly Afterwards and, as luck would have it, ran :names a fax The dog took after the fox and the two were stem out of eight, the farmer following ns rapidly ne he could. Finally he met. another farmer who, in reaponae to his inquiry, stated that the had passed geed 3 in his d' .til. a tion. s r A k da4Ln { how they h y tyre running, the second farmer replied : "WWII, it was nip and tuck, but I think the deg wits about three fret ahevad,"-- Lippi neon's. Sunday School Training. • Pub•shall P. Wilder anys that the 1 small Non of a friend in Brooklyn enrhe home one day with a badly disfigured face. The old "melt" took him aside for tl,a• usual heart -t,, -heart tuck, t at have you leen up to now:'" Asked he. '•Fightin'," Answered the lad eta - "And after an I'vasaid to you about fighting!" "He %1tes1)r41 HIP on the cheek." "How faftrn have told sem thatthe Good Hook kids tie torn the other cheek41 Y' did, dad.-hon.•et : b u t h r snuuaheel me of the mete. 1 call that* foul : s10 i pitched in and licked the marlin' out of hitm• had, he's been to Monday school just nil tnurh as I have, and he ought to know •the- nitre!" \\'ireleaa t.legtwphy is compere- tiara- new, hut the kirk under the (Otte is as 1,1a1 a% nowt -lege. --1'Ie•veland F'IAin Dealer. CONTINUE Those who are aalutlng flesh and atr•ngth by,stunner trim. Tent wfth Scott's Emulsion hould oontl1aeyV• the treatment 1a hot t ..�atrIwPt snpaller dose off(sway' wit heIt wilt col rn1 CPTottI)ttyentto ao. duotm daring t • �aeateA "mason . _ T..y T`f aMttN>L 14 sea et. U..1y .1 410 The rxpres.iun "to get. the sack" is derived ft for pia) fill form of Ilia• missal reputed to be in vogue in the ofitriellif tametantinople. itts f1 dpheusel th..Snlf n,, he iwaas tial tip in a suck mut flung, into the 1ie.sphnrua. A lady as d one of the children in her Sunday •hoNol rhos "What was the sin of th Pharisees?" "Eating (amide, 11114;11104; wits- the reply. The little girl bawl re that. the Pharbtery '•atr•aia.'.I at gea and swallowed (Aurelia" .`y" D. MILLAR CO. PHONE Sb Some Specials in Hosiery for this Week. LADIES' HERMSDORF BLACK COTTON HOSE, double heel, and toes, full fashioned. Tide ie * apleud,d line Land r]OC ,dway. molls at '2.i.. Special price. ler pair , ... L LADIES' HERMSDORF BLACK COTTON HOSE, with natural wool, split sole, the most eotutortable stacking for threwwho have tender feet. Special t-alur at, per pair.... 25C e' LADIES' ALLOVER LACE HOSE, ne West designm in black. tan,, and white. Special value, pair We have still is good range of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WHITE HOSE. IN PLAIN %AND LACE, IN ALL SIZES. CHILDREN'S SOCKS, iN ALL COLORS A NEW RANGE OF LADIES' BELTS 'AND NECKWEAR to hand this week including *11 the newest noveiti,'s. ART NEEDLEWOffK • • ART NEEDLEWORK We !MVP rl' very rnniplete range in all art needlework linens, cnAbion tops, centres. drrapes, etc:, etc .50c • The largest stork in town of needlework materiels. We have redhead our entire stock of LADES' WHITEWEAR anti have manned thele all at prices that will rfswte a speedy ole*ranee. B. & C. CORSETS. f.atlw<la's Landing make in nil the newest ..hap,.., every faze in atnek from 14 to 3), per pair .... SATURDAY SPECIALS. All gis,ds of pluming fashion will he pot. oour tiara* in tables on 4*tur• ,hay, which is to n le oar great Aran tip dates. 40, aerie in the firranlwn if possible. and Stehle fame of the snaps. P1NE Millar's Scotch Store PHONE