HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-23, Page 51
THE' SIGNAL : GODKI I'�lt owl'41't1,►t I
Tilt b Ay, Aerie 33, 190G
The British Bowlers' Visit.
The Visitors " Down " on the Play at (loderich
and Clinton.
Saturday last was the occalun of the they gut In to their ;winning 'streak
visit of the British howlers to Otderich ,wain and deli -atter the London
and Clinton. Although it was thought 1 bowlers by a good margin.
fora Umr that only three rinks would I Noires,
cuuu• to Lioderich that was changed The three rinks which played at
and four rinks Came ys at tint in- Mitchell o,3 Friday auris beaten by the
tended, four rinks Aliso going to Clio- Mitchell player, ey 13 shuts. Pr• -
t• i*itore to Gude rich I view' to this the (Oily defeat admin-
istered 1' h 1 to the visitors wag by our of
the Toroulo chub,. Have to coil*' to
Western Ontario for goad howlers,
you see -
Mayor Davis and Mr. and airs. Wm.
Th ,n, of Mitchell, ace pettiest
the bowlers to town and spent S lay
herr. Nit.. went on to Lau-
don with them. Secretary MlKeiul
of the Mitchell club also came rip with
them, and IVarden Slaekulan, of
Exeter, seas another who Tent his
pretence to the gathering in town
oyer Sunday.
The oldest member of the Old
Country party wits Peter Campbell,
who is eighty•lhrr years of age. Mr.
Campbell has travelled a great deal
and appears to iw still gINNI for Many
a jaunt. He played as "lead" in Skip
Morrison's rink. Another member 41
the party in where considerable iu-
terest Was taken was Thome.. ('harl-
ton, the man who never wears it - bat.
A busby head of hair shows one re-
sult of the habit. si
The visitors presented
each member
of the rinkN wheal played against
thrid wit11 x si uvrnir p111. The Body
rich club hell given an order fire pills
for • 'bur popes,. but they did mot
arrive in time. They will Iw for-
wt/rdt'd to the Britishere later on.
'wryest on the morning train and were
lnrl at the station by the reception
committee of the bowling club and
town cuuncfl. Thr gird regiment
lona Wee engaged for the occasion
and took up its position on the station
platform and just as 111*' tram cation. to
11 sta,3dALi11 the band struck up. After
handshaking+ the party of visitors gut
Mei the hacks which Were waiting.
Five Wier were among the party
an•ivieg in the morning and K S,
Williams Look charge of thrum in one
of the hawk'', proceeding directly
down tow'''. while the other six backs,
containing the howlers themselves
and the reception e°wurittee lined up
IWhilld the band and proceeded
dome East street and around the
Square to the hotels fur dinner. Other
ladies arrived in the evening with the
party from Clinton. The ladies were
Mrs. Hay. Mrs. McCulloch, Miss Mc.
l'ullock, Mrs. Watson. Mrs. Br ckett,
Miss McColl, Mrs. Willoz and MIs.
;luhridge. The members of the rinks
of visitors which played in Goderich
/ 4
o Maitland,
I .lVieN 11
were M. Twisa, f
M.(IU', Scotland ; J. Welsh, of Hast-
ings. Eng.: A. Lilley, of Bellshill,
Scotland; M. Figglan . of Beuowhill,
I;• ('Glasgow ; P. Canoe's. , of Perth,
Scotland : %Vn1. Miller, of Luton"
Place, B. C., Edinburgh ; A. H. Hamil-
ton, of the tatme place; J. T. Morrison,
sof Coat holder, Scotland.; C. Addicot.
of Weston Wiper bare, Eng.; F.. Gib-
bon, of Kuthelglen; Scotland ; 1).
Wilcox, of Belvidere, Glasgow ; W. E.
McColl, of Patrick, B. C., Glasgow
F. Pickard, of Leicester. Eng.: T.
Charlton, 41 Newcertle on Tyne, Eng.;
7'. J,Brey, of Writ End, 11. C., Edin-
hlu•'ggh; and Jae. Telford. of Newcastle
on Tyne. Eng. H. S. Williams during
the vi.itors *Ay devoted himself
specially to the ladies and presented
each sine of thein with a bendsomr
.tnlrrnir and badge.
lu the afternoon the great event of
the•dey took place on the West street
green, where the.vuitors were pitted
against three rinks from the local
,Inti and one rink front 1Vinghuii.
tleGlre the commencement of play G.
le. Hlxir, acting Mayor, made a brief
address from the balcony. welcoming
the visitors in the tame of the town.
Theirnme was watched by a large
much rnd m
iwr of spectators
terest was taken in the methods of
play employed by the Brit inhere.
which ar' somewhat different from
those - of our players. Especially
noticeable was the keenness shown by
the visitors in following up their
howls after delivery ; mouretitnes they
would run almost the whole length .t
the green after the hall. Their skips.
(0*,. were vet candid iu their c
meets on the play of their men, re-
proof of a pour play and approve' of a
good our being delivered wish almost
equal freedom. In contrast with the
mon from Great Britain -nearly a11.
indeed, were Scotsmen -- the home
player. were quiet and reprearrd, our
'Bob" McLean (wing x noteworthy
It Wa. a very warm day, and as the
visitors mint have been tired after•
their continued travel from place to
place they were probably not in first
case condition for play. At any rate.
their "winning waye did not avail
them here, and they were "down" on
the day'+ play. Two of the Gtderieh
rink, lead from the start. while• the
other one was not M1 formulate. The
total score of the three rink* was 84 to
-.V in favor of (lode' ich. The Wing -
halm rink won by 22 to II. makingthe
total score of the four rinks *I to 7:1.
The visitors .•umplained of the con-
dition of the green, which was really
not in the host, of shape. and of
course would not at its very best com-
pare with the Old Country greens on
wlieh the VIWitOtr ere accustomed 10
play. It was remarked, however.
that the inemlwrrt of the winning rink
had less to say about the condition of
the green than those who lost.
Thr ,cores were :
r >., J
l'ul A
. li. .1 l rw
wait enema the sl.•..tette.. sit '.Mxtu'-
the y'es g,uur.
L. T. Eland, M. P., Pas.es Away After
Long Ilium.
Kincardine, Aug. le -Leoretrol T.
Bland. II%eDliwr of Parliament for
North Bruce. died at hi* hoii•e, north
of this town, today. He had been in
poor health tar upwards of n year, a1.
though elite to attend to his parlia-
mentary duties during the. part
Mr. Bland, who was in his fifty
third year. cause to Kincitrdiee stone
twenty years ago from Oxf/nd county.
and since locating here haw always
taken an *Clive interest in local
Miens. has leen r3PVP of tht�Gnvnship,
warden of Bruce, and a member of an
equldi/at*Oil euwtui.*i))n of the c°nn-
t)' previous to hie retlirn as Member
for the riding tet the last getter/it elec-
tion. Of rt line physique, his charac-
ter and conduct. were such as to it
spire the donttde,3re of his part and
the re.ptct of all. Betide* Mrs. Bland
he leaves one eon and three daughters.
Uoderieh, British.
W. Line , F C. Addicot
F. H. Hollow. (1. /Ribbon
.1. H. Ttgn•rt D. Winos1r. Hueter. skip. ...M W. E. McColl. *kip... 13
Hunter.. 210121310211000601110-24
McColl . 002e11e110 1011111221116002-13
Uoderich, Brltl*h.
R. L. nlcktn+on It. Pickard
J. Ualt• T. Charlton
1'. wrl+ T. Jeffrey
H. W. Thomson. Jas. Telford.
kip.. ..2.1 *kip, 17
Thomson. 2'12420200013001204004-2
Telford.. 000061 021 3001 20111 031 2-17
Underich. British.
Sheriff Heynokt* M. Twlwr ,
Y. 'Al. Roberts, J. welsh
R. McLean A. Lilley
F. Jordan. skip.....1$ M Finglnnd..kip 2N
Jordan 0201300000101 02011110.2a•I)
Fiuglm.d 403002613211111211111101 -84
W'inghmn, British.
I. W. H"'n+on , P. ('aroybell
A. H. Moo/nice 11 n1. Miller
n. Honor. A. 11. Hamilton
A. M. 1 ruwford. J. F. Morrison.
+kip. _.YJ - skip It
1 raw ford .1101(311121001110021103-21
Morrison, 11l1 311 11100001 1 000 1 302211-Y4
Four rinks of the British howlers
played the Name afternoon at Clinton,
ag»inet two rinks from Clinton, one
from Winghnul and one from Sea -
forth, the Canadians winning by two
*hot*, .1. Jagger. one of the Briti*h
skips who heal not heretofore been
beaten in the tour. was defeated by
1V, Jeck4on, with a score of 21 to 14.
The mores fallow :
J. B. Hoover,
oldssklD- •.-•.�
Clinton , Brftbdt•
%%Jackson. .1.+kKger, 11
W Jnghntn Rr111sh
14 Vnn+lour,
London's Exhubltioo This Year Will
Be a Great Success.
The 1Veeterii Fair, i.ondon, Ont.
which ie to be held September• it t,
lith this year. promises to eclipse al
ptievioi+ exhibition.. although the,
have leen good. Fifteen huodtet
dollar. 11xV43 leen .added to the {4r i7
list Entries lire roaring in•. foot
all sil1P't. Reserved 'teat plan
have ,'wen adopted thio year fur
part of the grand .rand, wile
will Iw a great accotnwudetion to
the pnhlie. and everything indica[
a very rnceessfil exhibition: The at
[actions tine year are /thrive the aver
age, being loth new and novel. 7'h
Royal Venetian Band. one of the IN's
musical organizations of the day, i
under engagement for the entire week
C. W . W 1114x104. with hie air.hi
"America," making his daily flight
through the clouds ; the Kita Banes
Japaneee troupe in their acmliati
rete and '•slide for life': the Norin
their high and fancy driving ; th
Le* Hrnu/s, or Polite Bulgur[, Inci
lionise performers, dark wire an
c edy holder acts; Aldo and Amour
Ism e011ledhlne, in theft• count- art
and many Where. The Hreworkr th
year, the leading featnn• of which wi
bel• the carnival of Venire. will ,nope
anything of the kind ever present
at the \V.wtern Fair. Reduced 'rate
on all railways,- for which ser tim
tables, and also late trains for a
e)mla notation of those remaining t
the evening performance and flre
work.. Prograhr' and all informnti,
will be given on application to th
Secretary. London, Ont. Take a ho
day And visits the only Western Fa
4)111e time between September 7th at
c -
Results at other Centres /n Tktes Dia-
, tract.
The fulluwiug are the lists -01 site•
ceaaful candidates at the. lkepart•
mental exanlivatiuns held at the
yariou'tentres 111 (his district outside
of G.derich
Senior Teachers' ..l►. (4. McLean.
Part 11 ; N. 1). Rials, Part 11.: John
Rumba'', Pett 1. and II.; %V. B. Tay-
lor, Part 1. and 11., Part 11. honor*.
Junior 'rearhrla' -- H. J. • Bailout,
hulloes ; F'+ther E. Jamieson ; W. M.
McQueen; M. E. V. Rodgers', honura;
F. H. SWlIlil, IloUUIr ; 11. 1►. Swain.
Evelyp 'I'iplatly.
Completed Matriculation -Jas. Cam-
eron, Seiner' l.ailonl, H. J. Iautuur.
Part of Matriculation -Geo. L. DAn-
rau, Bert Johnson.' L. W. Manning,
T. F. Rance.
Jlulihr Teacheri with Honors --le.
L. EMerhart Freda 4'. Hess. Mildred
M. Junes, Annie J. Petrie, Violet
Petrie, Russell Scutt, Ed. J. Whittle -
ker. Pees -Norman Boyce. Ethel M.
Capliug, Folder Fowler, Linpie E.
Gillespie, Scott !Luys. Evelyn A.
Horton. E. M. Mctingor. Win. G.
Ile'nto.h, Bella 7aylut.
Juue'r Matriculation, Complete --
Bert Archibald, Verde Beat, At•chie
Campbell; F. l.. EIrerhert, Scott Hay.,
Fred. 4'. Hes:, Evelyn A. Horten M.
NI. Jones. Jailer! love, Nia1 Murray,
V. M. J. Petrie, Ethel Pickard, liazeI
Roberts. Russell Scutt, Ed. 1110H:diet..
Partial-*' 1V ti. Faryuherson. passed
iu rowposili a and Lslin authors: J.
Snwille, pas e(1 ill F1•rnch ; Belle
Smith. passt.(f\im grnuumar, t4nulo.i.
lion. history, arithmetic, algebra,
e 1 Latin.
physics, chrmiN r}. Flrn h Atet
S,• ' • 'reach , Part 1. W. H.
Bilks. %V. J. Cat resin. A. M. t'awp-
hetl, Ryerson Her •, James hove, M.
M. McKinney, w h physics ; R. Y.
Mcl.r,ua with phy. It ; E. M.
with physics. Part 11. -Bert Archi-
bald, George Buchu tau, .lennie F'.
Forless, Linda Norris, Ella M. Robb,
Frauk M. Scott, Gretta T. %V,ttson.
Junior Teachers' Par IL -Alvin
Brintlell. Edna McPbe . honors ;
Nellie Russell, honors ; ;the' M.
Junior Matriculation -A. Going,
\lacyy Murray. Nellie Russell Victor.
Sanders, Arthur McAllister, m1, J.
PArtiel Jletriculation T. l'a ling,
English And wiener : Etta ',vie,
English, history, science. maiheml ties
and Latin H. H. Fair. Engl ;h.
ilathenoll its and 'wiener : H.
Fanner, English, history. physic.
Latin rind FI•eto•11: 11. J. Gardiner.
English. hirtn y. -.science 8,331 French :
Otfa McPberson, English. m.lthrmatie-
arid history-: E. 11. }senior, English.
w,uhematiCs, sciet e. and French ; E.
C. Stoneman. English. history'.
science ae French.
1 11 d
Minnfort h.
R. 4. Hoy..
H. McCulloch.
+Ili' . ''ft
J. ('. [looter,
skip 21 OOP n
Total 76 Tol*1... 74
In the evening the visitors were
jttltletl by the members of their party
who had remained In Clinton during
the day. and an at home we* given in
their honor by the lora( club, at the
home of John (salt. Kefreehmente
were served, music was provided by
the 33rd regiment band. and a pleas-
ant hour or two was "'pent In getting
acquainted with three of the visiting
bowlers who attended the function.
The vi4itor* retied herr over HIM -
day, attending the various churches,
driving *bout the town and surroend-
tng rollntrr or otherwiNr spending
the day. 'rh.y left oo the early train
Monday morning for London. when
An Old School.
Throw who are interested in com-
nlerrial or 'shorthand 'Aeration will
do well to writ, for the catalogue of
the British American Ilnliineem Col-
lege. Toronto, which is the trident
school of the kind in Canada. and
certainly one of the most reliable,
having a record of nearly ball a cen-
Wry of mucce*dul work. Their an-
nouncement will Appetit regularly in
our advertisingcolumnr. including thin
Liverpool Wheat Futures Clcse Lower.
Chicago Higher -Live Stock Mar-
ket's -The Latest Quotations.
MusOay Evening, Aug. "Al
Liverpool wheat futures close) today !td
to 1J Iuwrr t au Batutday, al'd tors to
turw 4344 II I'1r tw 4ed IOgrr.
At ('blcugu, September wheat close/ *Or
higher Mau astur51)'. Seprauber cert le
bigtor.- and September Wats Iv higher.
Aag.:V, v6. Aug. 23.'96.
b 1
=macaw w 18,7V. .I
Vora .,,.,. .,.t,2.71006b 4,420111
Y1'J,IIW 6,146,414
Luring for week wheel locreased 39I,4.4114
bushels, J.',rrasrJ 677,IW b6ehela, sod
Wald d."•frao J 14i,tAa).
Sept. D. May.
38,14. 514% IPP4
Li% 7644 611
OP. 7 t. 73
21y pry 77
7:,•1 11. sot.
... 715. 774.
Grain -
e nein, swing. beats ..50 75 to 5....
Wheat, tall, lonab .... .... ....
'Flit, red, bush. .... ....
Wheat, goose, bush.-
Burley, bush U 141 0.43•3
Outs, burn. 0 41
Rye, boob0 75. ...
Pito. Yount . 0 T2
Liverpool. Abi. 2D. wbear-apo steed);
. 2 reed wrwtrr1 winter 04. Future*
dy; Sept. Gs Pod. Lie,-. 1;. 34401. Mr la
- Spot study; American wised, ue'o.
d; Araerrt'ta mixed, obi 4. W. lo-
om; Sept, 4a triad, 0,.- 4.. 6'S
lihSrt trot quiet, MIY. Barna
lilt. 4alet, 633 W.
New York
Pet runt
St, Louie
Ctahloa toady-Asae4/eau IdarLets
A Sharply Eteser.
1 --1' the • rr quoted t
Loudon. A g. 14. o a u td a
lU,ye' to 114
b d,r 10 o'„i-
It: per Ib.
stuck at the Jun
Were 44 carloads.
tar, 66 "'beep, 10
c per Ib.; refrigerator beef,
r lb.; *beep, dry+.••J, 14c to
-- rl N live
Hrc t f
2U u
On Union stuck yards
cunepuaed of tee cast-
es and 12 -calves.
The market fur .h ping 4vttle woe he
e11 .'d to be 11u0 at I:Ist ww•► + prior.
Price.. rouged 1rum 44.' to 5496 per cwt.,
with only our load at 1► latter figure. The
1o1154 of exporter. :old t 54.40 to 54.75;
per trot.
exposit bulls, 13.75 to 54.'
Clued butchers' cattle or
mere would leave found read
chair. to prime lets sold at
per cwt_; keds of good sol
54.44 tut these )Dods were
fair 'lieneutage of a,wa bald t
few straight Wads of but, bora'
torero they wooed haw brought
$4.5o to$4 70 per eat , as there w•
denoted tut ru,h. Medium. nosed I
fat 13.al to 15.20 per , wt., cows
from 64 to 54 per cwt.
linea Cows.
The market was strung tar nat.*
and springers, *bleb sold at 535 to
Veal Colima.
A Waited utla343r told at iii 1. $6.25
e erre. atilt
*Ole, Picked
50 to 54.70
at 54.'4., to
td, with a
ere been a
ter+ rod
*a sued
d. sold
Td at
Sheep and Lomb ,
rt ewes sold fat from $4.50 to 54.25
. teaks at 56 to 4G.50 per cwt.
Pa*' --Jennie Armstrong, •. .lessi • Huss' ,r,re uuutlyd .4 at SONO mer tot.
Elliott. Beatrice McNair. \Vn1.
Stsvenw.i, Prarl'l'ull.
Honors Bervit B. Bryan., Eva
Caul run. Mina Elliott. Finlay Fraser,
Stell*- MCQu.u•rie, Kate Mal'.h><II.
Ewer Moses. Jennie Rand+.
Paws--F.t 'r K. Hurn", John H. Mc-
('ro.tie, Mn 1 C. HOsh.
Honore -CI . A! Anderson. Ethel
1I. 1)avid*um. 'wl. H. Jefferson. An-
nie La w. Pea McPher*,int, .lanisa
Perris, Winifred tewnrt lierti4'I'io,
Thos. G. Wilson.
Pass --Annie Cowan.
Kincardine.. ,
Junior Teacher..•. Part i1.• -Eric Har-
ris, with horn[;, Donald \tat rty11.
Kate Mtirtyn, Donald Mcdhrnald, with
honors, Roderick McDonald. with
bonup3., Kathi'riie Mi•F:w'en. Stirling
Mairegor, with honor", t hrietemt
McKenzie, Maude Smith. H x rt. y
TI peon. a it h honors.
Senior Teachers . Part 11. -- Ku,re
°eke. Margaret MCblhtinney.
union Met riculat.ion, Complete -
Jan s 4'umming, Eric Herri(, ('lark
Lock Ronald McDonald. Roderick
McDon , Stirling Me(i:ogee; (leo. C.
McLeod. a M. W00t1,
Matricide tw in all but 14: ackct.4d
subjects --W i a Berry (loath.), Sadie
Cnllin"' (math. t, A n n i e McKenzie
(Fre ne10. Ks 'eth McCrimmon,
( history 1.
Pilssed in all sulj t4 of their ex-
amination -Randolph Hiseet., John
P. McLeod. •
For Toronto.
The cheap fare* to Toronto *',tart on
August 27t1. Return tit•krtri will i,'
issued at single fere. giant 11turninp;
up to September 11th, 00 Agg)st 27th
and the following dare Going
August :Nth. Angn*t 30th.September
1st., September 4th or September 8th
the return ticket* cont (ally $2.1ki, good
to return until Reptetnher 11th. Buy
your tickets and get all information
at. the downtown ticket ufflee, next
Persona Fair, and Nave the delay and
worry nn excir*iontlay crowd n)Pans
et the *[*tion ticket °Mee. Trains
leave Goderich at 7:10 n. ii ., 2:5f) p.m.
and ci p. tn., Arriving rat. Toronto at.
12:21) p. m.. 7:51i p. in, and 111 p. tn.
Returning leave Toronto At g:311 a. m..
1 p. In. And 7 p. m., arriving in Goole -
rich at 1.25 p. m., 7:I5 v4. in And 11:14)
p. in. respectively. F. F. LAWRR1•ICE,
down town ticket agent. Office
hours 6a.m.toap;tn.
That weak,tired condition
oil ll
soon change 7 the low
Compound Iron Pills ; ti0 dome* for 251
cent.[. For sale by la. Wilson.
When w Seotehman answers a ques-
tion he settles the matter in dispute
once for all. On a certain oer.a4on,
the que/dims vote rooked : "Why was
Mary Queen of Scotty 14043(1 of Linllth-
gOW? Sandy Kee c proinptly an-
swered : "Became her mit6heerr hap-
pened to he "'toying them et the Utile,"
and there S IR more to ll
to he on he sube o
St, leidmr, N. B.. Alio. 91th.--
cial.)--in a few convincing weirdos'
Lazar. G. theism of St. Isidore. N. B.
Yells the story of hie sufferings and
sulllP(4uent restoration to health by
the nee of Doeld's Kidney
"I write these few words," nays Mr.
Dnrlo., ..In let you know that i nal
still quite well. thnngh it is set long ago
that. Dalen'( Kidney Pi114 rur.d nue.
Mine oat n case of Intoe bark brought
on throughu
trouble and 1 mi-
tered terribly Cori could not ttix)p lir
bend my hark to do any wink. But.
Doth 's Kidney Pitts ('1111143 to may aid
and nude a highly s►tiefactnt•y ('ur43 of
A very had ease. -
Worth Knowing.
Report* of the destruction of live
stock by lightning, when ildjacent to
wire fences• are becoming quite,nunl•
trots. in fact, the occurrence is trio
frequent and the losses ton heavy to
he pleasant. and the .itnr.tion is ag-
gravated by failure to apply the pre-
cautions' that would avoid the losses.
A ground wire every twenty rode en
a wire fence will word off all danger.
Bend An end of ground wire -Plain
fence wire -around the toll wire of
fence and then around each eurceed-
ing wire. end flntilly run wire into the
earth fully two feetor vv'hrle the end
will always lie ist. An iron red
!sharpened at the end will stake a hole
for the wire. The job is rosily- drape.
the rota is almost nothing, and danger
to animal or man i* avoided,
No Rice or Old Shoes.
On the edge of the mea a little ,girl
wall retching senderal, and putting
'them into a smell tin bucket of salt
water. -
"Marie," she suld to her rouse.
"Plait -ii P"
"Were Adam Sind Eve respectable?"
"011, truly. moot respectwhle. Why
do von ask P'
"Well," said the. little girl, "a far
a 1 can see, they were never really
Pereeyer*nre work* wonders, Inst it
can't ('on Vett. NMI eggs into thickens.
Some people talk abrin the de
mot *tieing influence of the theatre
hemline it come more then going to
rhnrrh. New fork Time*,
____ 1 .
al4alresl. Aef sl• iijp.v$al.e Cable*
tau, Liverpool and t;1addu w .0344:..
crllla were easter at 1 sad ra ,4lrta al
14/4 .xportr teal %eet wets 4:„2 .att11•
Se .hese Beawepts t1 dal were 1101 vain,
ISW-suety tad lamb*. 140 calves uu1 M*1
A fstare of the bug spleens daring the
POW wept bis tN.r'a (1 ' st(1uger feeling In
b;arrpera .arkela far ('autabie hewn, slue
our canter of Maatardsy nodal se udvaace 11
phew of Is to es 'Isla fact. bowever had
■ o mamma upon tae Merl 'motet fui 31.w
Moo to-dng. as trade was toilet uu acr4Suut
et tlarwa(r*ar• brut :.ad woad awner', and
palawW wfarad,' at $7.:;1 to $..:*1 per. Tun
Ike., rar/ted off •1111 II I)' good ,utter
were warn awn tows►[ tl3ber VAr0i than
t1q [bare (rata dates Middy, wally Mom
ttl✓e•ap Ika at teat sett'• Mur. Priwe
beeves esti .t 4?yr to K per Ib. aud'ta,•
latter prate was Wad by Mr. Jusepb'nice
arOdor two dr Ire steers. Pretty gaud est
tie gild at She W 41.c. and Ow roninem
Work et 2Pse to 3c per Ib Mai h .ow"
bald at 5'•'11 to Vie ..43 (Wives send . at
.41 to 110 .aaahi. tikwp Wold at 14-lt' to
4IOC per W.; lambs 11 ark to 55 wcb.
lsslt•Bstale, Abs. 20. Cate,- -Receipt
• artlsa; fat •rattle 15,• to 25r'-ktgbrr.
,liana. rains to tile hisser: vows- etre,+
56.115 Oe 58.25:'dapis,.11 to MAK.; batch
ere', WO to 55.40; bolters. 51 7*) to 45.233
coon Q to 54..'4; bulb, 5.175 to 54.2
Modistes sad feeders. 52.75 to $4.15; *to.a.
h eifers, 52.04 to 53.25; fresh cows 1311
aprlagere etthee tad steady at 5'JO to 555.
Wets Reeetpts, 15110; active awl strode
54.611 to $1...59.
Hass.-)tet'elpts, rKW: active; 133 to as
berhse: beery, VISO to 14.110; Wised. 50.'40
to 56.90; )'urkers and pigs, $4:.73 to 56.('..
a few. 46110; rougth+. $5.27 to 53.3.0; stag'.
54 to 54.54,4.1 56 40 to 56.75.
Sheep rod Dobe
Receipts. IQ1i1; a'
tier; sheep Resdv; tanto 'Irony. le high
er; lambs, 51. to 54.4o: a few, 5(.50: your.
11111s. 56 to $6.2:1; wetbers. 55.75 ,Io 5e:
roes, $4.75 to 15.2.1; sleep. lulled. 5:t le
clavier". Aa4. 24.- COttlr dert•Ipu, 26,
000: steady; commie to pnme sleets. $:4.7:.
to A:75: *'brace, 12Jr to $( i:,, he,fera, $2.W
to VAS; calves M to 13 -*0; *1u' LPrs suit
feeder*, 1260 to 54.255.
Hue. It."rfpts, 27.0401: len• higher; ebol.
W prune, heavy. 59.35 to 5650; Meltnm to
a.- .I4 L$6310: 311; b
r. 16
weights. 56,411 to 14.55::OoJ to choler, matt
•I. 5u.10 to 5G.:111; packing, $5.40 to 54.30:
pigs. $7.43 to 5G W.
Sheep oust Lanais Receipts. MOOD; [tsar
het aur• to 17.• higher; *beep, 54.2 to 51475:
Iambs, 55 to 56.M.
[Midge'''. Aug -40. 'There were 14216 bolos
LoarJrd by 14 lart.Kles et 11414 w,.renut'1
sale of the !Amiss). Cheese Board TM
laetur3e* were offered and rut a geu.l prtee
for rhet4w 1.25-10c whiten Moire ls .rani
* . tenth ttf a went of the highest ,.sneer
umrI;"t 111* ueasuu. Rayer* prewnit thus
morning w-rr.• M„ssra. 1.l lesplr. Ieteeelle,
Kerr. Cook: Brown. The bmdtbog wa* Urn
I) this morning, and mere *ban once buy
er. copal Munro lugetner: the whole board
+oLl /or 127 10,. 11 •.++u- r. . ,•. ' 131'' .'
:,nd Brown taking )b,•whole luteund divid-
ing about equally.
Remarkable Metaphor.
The Eng1is11 woman suffragists bave-
1-rim1•ib,3lyd 1*•.iJes 0111,•1 things to
the gayety .1 tintinn. a remarkahly.
mined mei Milner. One .,f these e41011'
nuns ladies. ',leaking of the lack of
int meet of women in their• right..
+aid : ".1s vet it is but it Hest bite tin
the oven IL hit let ns ut•i.e in •III our
.tri ngtJ1 and nip it in the bad. We
have ....en (,N. •h not (o know
where the hoot pinches."
F.vcn the girl with dreamy eves ie
a t to be wide nwnke t'. her matri-
111 lied chances. - 1'hi,-ago News.
i Young
es. _•
are as keel4as a 1)alnascus blade in 'edging styles.
es are the preferred ch ice of young
hey find that front seas( i to season
pace with all the little hiigs that
aShiO11. ,
`Our sh
we Het.tlle sty
go to nuke the
We a alwa-'s just a little- ahead in t e shOw-
in I, ► of .what's what 's qualityand cat. ('Intl in and
see our showing of etv fall shoes for young men.
See our win ows this week for
Wm. Sharman
M. -. -
w i 1111(1 nm' 115+ri11 dent. of A,3i., ic3(11 l oily[ lu tl'lr.
8111111 3. full and tip -to -date.
Page Powder Liquid
Lyons T tb Powder, Graves Powder, Rubifoam,
Teaberry 11 41 maul)' other articles thin tlnn7er-
e4" .11 a yon
!IOW. 141 u. tis t R
ou"' trio nlr .1
f all roofings Iner lrtnks.
The fest • • pound i n trill on the markett:\
Anil only 26c or 6 for 00. A gre:tt tonic.
Bedford 5Block,
,The fed Cross Drug •t.
Lea re our to mit unlrr- for
eon byre.
1,1-, 1 3 .1( '1
t►,31y 5 doyen itt the lot, most of thew short waist or girdle. all this
season's gnosis+, 11111(5*' to suit and gen d value at Tile each. to 35c
,•II4a• at 3
Belts ,3p to ,4354: to elver at >Sc.
('ulh►lw, were 211.• and Mr, at 10c and 15C. sante reduction
tri higher prices. one Int at 25'. priced up to Jll
1'Ilt•e silk white wt1113(5,. 111(1.t1'. II sizes. :l'.{ anti :tl, 1 •"M
%%Orr $2.t41, to clear at ... ,
Another lot, were $11•.'k1.'very 611e vnleneriunest•iutned. ei •QC.
5)1UY• silk white waists. to clear at r "" •C77JJ
(late 2.1r : you can't afford to wear that out-of-Ntyle hat any longer
when there is 1►n up-to-date stylish hitt et :lir ready for you et
All • goods • 111) the run while 'the Carpenters tar at
work rowple(Ing the extension of
It is not the price you pay for a range which makes it
cheap or expensive, but the fuel it'consumes after you get it.
It you buy a range which costs S6 to 57 leu than •
" Pandora" and it burns • tun, or only half • tun of coal more
in a year, what do your gain? Nothing, but you actually
lose money, besides putting up with all the inconveniences,
troubles and extra work which are a certainty with a poor range.
The ;' Pau4..ra"1s equipped with many fud-saving features
which are not found on arty other rauge. Hot-air dues are con.
etrupted so that all the heat from the fire -box travels
directly under every put hale and around the oven twio. -
every atom 'of heat is used, and only the smoke goes up the .
Sold by all euterprisiug dealers. Booklet free.
London. Toronto, Montreal, Whetting.
Vaneouver, St. John, N. B.
P- • "8
Opt Lam
fit' • t ' .M. r. 7 7S7 • - •.Y s
[inion Trust Co's
North West Lands
'I'h • 5)11(14 111,1 t
MO1RN ny.t. 'ED To
('all and Anywe :
t'osiNp.(TKti 'IT11
Beal rotate an
h r..inenn broker.
Cheaper than Shingles
Don't von want Barn and Chicken ,'louses as dry as
your kitchen ? Roof them with
Paterson's "Wire Edge"
Ready Roofing
1t i4 clrraper than ,llingle' ao.l von can put it on yourself.
With each roll of "1Cire Edge" are nails, raps and cement. Vol,
need only a hammer an,l you can [rake nil the buildingsrain-proof,
snow -proof ami fire -proof.
Our booklet tells about the roofing that
liver leaks and lasts a lifetime. Let is
rad you a free copy and samples of
Sold h1• hardware dealers.
evi•rr. wile%
PITCSION tare. CO. inane
Tweet. see Me.tresl .
The Exhibition That Made
F111- Fairs Popular.
An ideal occasion fur a family outing.
Daily ascensions of a navigable Air
Ship. always under perfect Control. The
most wonderful invention of the age.
Fireworks on a more magnificent and
imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival
of Venice.
Many splendid educational features
for the boys and girls.
For miurmstwn wrde -
W J REID, President, or
A. M. HUNT, Secretory.
Sept. 7-15, 1906
•oma •�4�
1 . We have a la _ e stock of Ideal and Ameri- s
can all No. 9 wove wire fencing, which we are
offering at greatly r..duced prices, to clear out
and to make room for inter goods.
1 The 7 wire fence, 4o in. high,istays 22.
The 8 wire fence, 41 in. higa, stays 224.
The 8 wire fence, 4t in. high. stays 16 1
The 7 wire fence, 42 in. high, stays 24 in.
The 8 wire fence, 42 in. high, stays 24 in. a
a The 8 wire fence, 42 in. high, stays i2 in. a
The to wire fence, 48 in, high, stays 12 in. a •
The 8 wire fence, 47 In. high, was 47c, now 40C
In. apart,
. apart,
was 37c, now 3tr per rod. 1
was Ore, now 363 per rod.
was 46c, now 38c per rod.
Was 37c, now 3tr per rod.
was 47e, now 46, per rod.
was 46c, now 384 per rod. •
was 5243, now 433 per rod.
All other sizes and slakes reds►• 1 in proportion,'
1 as it is not a question of price but Its ln, it roust he 1
cleared out, ' Ill•.ilgrdware, stoves, tins 'thing, umb-
ins, heating, etc., we lea(,'.
'Phones Store, 22 ; House, 112.