HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-23, Page 44 THURSDAY August 23, 191 6 THE SIGNAL: 1:0i►FP)C11 ONTARI' l ditIAMOUS PEOPLE !sz til I ANNiE. M LOTidROP Copyright Plat" slaws. N.. York MRS. GEORGE GOULD The Horne-Llfe at Georgian (caurt. One of the most aoagi.fieeut country house. til tie,. 1'uilad Stater tit Georgian Court, at the head of the beautiful lake ('arasal}u. among the tall. Straight kind: Pities of Lakewood. NJ_ and the wife and mother who makes this palace a baw- ls Mrs. George J. Gould, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (2. L. hingdou, formerly of Toronto. The beautiful Edith Kingdon, after completing her Pdu•atiotl in England, adopted the stage as a career. and her talent, grace. charm and presence were win- ning recognition wbeu in 1886 she was married to George Gould. the millionaire railway owner, and son of Jay Gould, at one tune America's leading financier. Mn.. Gould soon became one of the most popular of the younger society women of the country and a leader in the world ut fashsoa. Beautiful is the house ii, which rhe lover, but far inure beautiful is the atntu..here of love, sweetness and eoripauou- abip� that tills the bump with sunshine and happiness. It is said that wealth often makes fair favuntea of fortune forgetful of the privileges and joys of motherhood, aaenhciug uu the altar of fashion, time and attrition that should be paid to loving watebfulueas of the welfare of the children; but Mrs. 1 :mild is a model mother to brr six children, a devoted companion, confidant and friend. 'f be Goulds are practically for only members of the ultra -fashionable set who reside l0 the country the year round. Geor,1an (court, built of light gray brick and terra cotta it' the style of the French Reuaissaiee. lies in beautiful grounds reudered exclusive by a high truce of wrought iron •with bass( ,and interspersed poets of gray stone to match the hope.. The stables, h.aruouning in architecture with the mansion itself, are stocked with hones u( wary deacriptiou for the family and guests. Over the stables is the theatre. n dainty. bijou play -hoose. complete in every detail, furnished in dark red and gold and satin; abort woe hundred and twenty- five. The Casiuu, tjevoted pnnaanly to Sport. has a spr eital rate -track. a great plunge swimming tank. courts for all games.:and :about forty heti-rooms and half as many Lath -rooms. to be used when a large Muse' -party overtaxes the hoapitality of the mansion. The 3uukeu Garden. whieli is sixty (ret .n width and 1'20 in length, is floured and walled with HawIese marble and. fine seulpture llerpmg from a dark backgruuud of evergreen shrubs ;stud hush,(, is refleceed in the clear waters of a Ia- guuu. Sear by. too. is the wonderful electric fountain, sixty feet in diameter, of white marble; the centre piece consisting of a colorant Nautilus shell of bronze, forming • chariot on which ,tauds the heroic statue of a naan driving a pair of purest &amble sea -busses. lowed w. dost v go .t ala P..1...r Canada... we leer INS. In w C Yeae. N .M D•p•awen* •f RerlwIllwa TAX RATE IS 22 MILLS. THE MAYOR RESIGNS, BUT NO ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL. Goder.ch Gas Company to Be Granted Exclusive Twenty -Year Franchise \ and Get Right to Work -Brock treat Residents Want i Sidewalk Where Shall Victoria Street W&ks Go, Inside or Outside the All the members of the town conn - til, with th exception of the Mayor and C41uncillo Elliott, were present at the Meeting at Friday night. In the absence of t Mayor, (councillor Blair was moved t the chair. A communication from the secre- tary of the public sch I board asked for A. -,,Silo to he plaeed t the credit of the board for the yeah and a letter from the secretary of the separate school board nsk.d that' the sats rate should be levied on separate to boil supporters as on public school sup- porters. Thew• eommllnil•:Ition. were filed. A letter from the town solicitor ens with'reference to the property of the late Mt,. Horns, whose death oc- curred recently on the Huron Anil, In December, 1804, her property wax` deeded to the town, the town agree- ingto pay SIa week for her support. The letter saaid : "Frnln 18*MI to INC the woman w•a. paid $I a week, amounting in the aggre- gate to 81111111 $t'2 , when at or alert. the establishing of the Hollow of Refuge the aid to her ceased. since then she has lw•en maintained by the members of the Church Of England here. Her funeral expenws, however. have not yet been paid by anyone." The solicitor RAW 1 hut the Intel should he sold and the priweeds, if any. ntoy.• the the town had paidher plug interest. should he paid to her next of kin. The solleitor wan in - 'striated to take the necessary step to have the property disposed of. The MdI Road. The closing up of the road lending to the mill ot the (belerir•h Lumber (lo. by the ('. 1'. H. track came up for di+scission. A letter 1 the town /solicitor reealltsl that on November 30, DPI, the ,,unite had granted the (S(mmpauy *2111 to'ni( tit comslruuting the radl om the condition that the U (any world keep it in suitable condition for puhlir• 1ranir. The ,w,Ileitor said of the grant made by the town "This was. however, an furl+ aid granted to the company and there appears to he no obligation whatever on behalf of the town to do :anything further than they did in making that gran) The matter of the blocking op of the (rcirlony must he a nutter enlirel • betwwt'n the ail w - Mill pang 811111 the tatilwny r piny, with which the town hos no- thing to do Nether than that it may be in the public interest that the saw• - mill 'ompriny should In some way obtain access to their pro1w•11y.'• The matter wit. brought. iip by n letter from the Lumber Co., who ell ' v1 that our of the eon10l1008 ent•tid in- to by the (ompriny and the town was that the (miniumy wait to lure n Ismd to the mill. Hill asked the town to ns• mint in having the railway people pro- vide a coapt. Mr. 'Thomson, man- &ger of the 1' pans., was pres- ent, and addressed the council with reference to the matter. Mr , Thompson wanted. whatever arrange - meet was mater fpr A rosrlwey, to " have it become n puhlir rand A third letter from the solicitor wile with reference to the 'motile the town had had in connection with the (' 1' R. work at Harbor hill. He said the railway company 'should ie billed with whatever damage the town had ,mei alneed. Tile electric light poles. he was informed, should he changed so as to carry the wires at a greater height over the enhankment et the Ifound that *great ninny persons would take etoo'k it' p ops• r)1111. ,uy if they were .utw of getting a frauchnie. The e '1'a pre ' 'resolution was that they would consider the granting of a franchise fasurahly, and Mr. Uratiee pngoeilion was that the council should grant the charter provisionally fur thra.e (months, the company under- taking in that time to meet the 4'0unril's conditions that half the stock be silbs,•rib'd locally. Mr. Grant %aid that although f11 had been mentioned as about the tlgurw•at which the ('0111• party would supply gas 1 heir' intention was to supply It aw cher dy ars 141111sible after paying n reasonable dividend un the 111 vestment. 'their idea was to do as large a business Hs possible et low prices rat her than a limited business rat higher prose•. Thr 44I141'('. .wKr• fixed at 11'35. The company was to I* capitalized at ,$IlU,1*51, Bits 1i:10.IkM1 wits All 11141 it was pro(lhsed to issue at pre'w'ut. '1'o pipe the 116liu .1 wetA 1,1 the town would requite twenty-four miles of mains and the company wanted 10 start putting in the mains right. ,away. lie nrlrr to get their franchise and get to work right away putting in mains they would withdraw the request for nx,441 assessment at first 1(1,1(14'. On maition of l'ouncilluas Clark and Sal - tows, a rr., l hili was passed that the council gran) a fr:uichise on terms to be mut oa114' agteed upon, 111'.l1*) of stock to be subscrilw'd locally within three mouths, otherwise the resululloll to 114' void, The romp,any ask for a twenty- year exclusive. franchise. Other Busmen. The public works cot utliiltee's re- port, re'coumtending the taking tit the eolicltor's advice with reference to the Lumber l'uu5pany's right of way was iatluptel. The water and light emu- ',aitt•e recnm0mended that Sir. Mc- Ewau leekeit to cancel the balance of his old r fol c.al and that tender's lw,asked, i nd that. the lawn rnlplu4' H elan to stop the waste of water..l qtr report woes adopted. The acting .Mayor mentioned a re - 'Vest he had received err a light at the head of J14.l)onald street, the street that lads to for Agrieultur81 grounds. and also the need of a light near Mrs. Hutchison•s property. These mattes were left to coumnWee to investigate, Cnun,mh,i Sallow% mentioned the nest ion of a Willer 111.1 light ram- s lesion which w':aa p'opmwd last year. H thought there was as 'h need such .1 r ' �4inta now 114 Hien ,old said a'bbyllw should Iw,prepwarwd rind voted on next January. He also thought something should be done in the matter of the noxious weeds that were being allowed to go to seed on private property. Mr. Mallows also suggested s ' sort of protect' for the life -preset vers al t he hat'tot', and was given I/toyer. to have such at Leaded to. • DI'. ('lark asked, '•11'hat about the town water:" and the only answer wit. a r•na lone ?. 1'4'0111 the rha irman of the water and li t • 'tier that we had not had stn, very bad wate Iately- and they we (raving well e•nongh aeon.. The Tax Rate. Bylaw No. ll wax Nate(' making a levy of twenty two mine for the year. sixteen Mills for genP,il pur- poses and six mills for N•hOsil put pose.. This w ilI produiee $21.4;1 for general. purposes and 1610,1118' for school purposes. Two per rent ill be allowed off for taxes paid lief. October Ist. ..ria' per cent. for taxes 'Haid between Ont her 1st and Nov. ember 1st, and five per went. will he added for taxes not paid by D.eeubw•t Iltli. - The tax rate was struck on the fol- lowing estimates : NE('EIP o. .. ... $111...0:1051: Cah.... ........... Water Alta Ilaht 4 y Llesnr. 1t.♦4Smiu1 food of Harbor hill. as they were un - wife as at present. Thio +should be d • at the expense of the railway. The Mayor's Resignation. A leiter fun Mayor 'tilt resigning his posit' was read, but as it gave no explanation of his reason for this step. - alt) gh it was 11nderituod lax arising out of his refusal to sign the Melt land River Power Co. bylaw, the co(nril took no action in the matter. M. Tilt's Tetter ofresignation was as follows : To the Municipal 1- ' 11 of the Towaa otI a.odrra•h. 0E'T1 IMF,. -I beg to resign the oral 1•e• of Mst'or of the town of Unclench and rvaple-I that you will do me the favor of accept fust the Ivslguatlun er once. 1 -our Lrprtrnll)• 'I'HI1v. TIr.Y. A report -front the collector gave the amount of 1011; tsars still unpaid as 01I$._2 and granolithic walks its- s'.sno•mis not adjusted g1•l.•lt. He mid he had ntaalr a partial tour of the town, notifying dog -owners who hard not rotuplied with the -bylaw. He had notified about thirty dog -owners ami of thew eleven had paid the tax during the last two days. There were 1110 dogs now trgiatrra•d. The matt ter woad left with the rollretor to continue the work. Joining the Union. A letter from (collector Campbell advised the town's becoming a 111e'm- tw'r of the Union of Ontario M11nici- paliti,•.. $'l would entitle the tnwn`tu .rod delegnte to the muting and. '6111 two delegates. Mr. Crimpled! at- tended the Meeting Inst year without l\he payment of any membership fee lett 11e t hong ht t he town should iw(• it Member •of the Inion and 1haat n mei ler of the runnel should Ifs the (istegtte. int motion of (councillors (9atk *nil Goldthorpe, the payment of the Iltl netlibe •ship fee °was decided on. \ Victoria-st. 'Walk. .1. S. b'Int*'s lhltesled the council in ((import of 21 fo\talion front pr/1w1•ty- ow'net•s ora 111e• east side of 1'ieloril street auk Ina. that the grnnillithie walk to be eun'l rutted ls• placed outside t he tree.. The council hail previously de- rided to plan. the walks on 10111 sides of V141001i street inside the tows, alt ly owing to 1he re•pi't,wenlat iotas of Vii. Holland. who Iran ,\\store on the w'e,l side of?hr road and aria lined that the '1 reelw1,111d bee • in lisle n latsin,•ss strut. and partly on account Of 1h,• pr•smce of put odd .ew'ee 4111 Ihr other side of the road from ('1 per's war.hou1, to Tho511ps4n's blacks lith shop whihh %%audit present n pre t• found.att.ut being found for the will .f placed 1110.1AP t he IcerMr. Plat urged the stili anlages there would he in not having' the walk against 1111• fences to 1w Moir(' Ia•:math n (rank of snow in winter. Iola said with 2a few exeeptions the 11,,Ines of•.a11 the prop erty-uwners on Iris stiction of the walk were on the petition fur 1lie walk to be 0111sille the trees and t of the prop•l(y-nwnets (m the other side of the street were in favor of the walk being. outside. Ile said the old srw`ri would have t,, Iw fillet rip +stone tiro. anti it might rix well be done now ns Inter. After 41111e dis'us$ion a meeting of t he ,osin,il wale decided on for Tuesday eve g rat .) o'clock at Mi. 1 1o1land's Note to decide 11re proper 'diming of the walks. A pail ion was reerivel from n•dI- denls on the south ride of Brock street for a. 5 -foot walk f • ('nmhrie toed to '1 letoria slut. Rory !feel. who was pteseut, risked for the walk inside 1h.• trete., merle said the street 45415 too narrow to lace it Oil 1'd'. Gas Proposition. .1, L. Grnul next iuldresaed the council with reference to the pprop,.le1 gas party. Hr said the bo time he appeared lw•fore the council he did not represent Anything, runt this time he repr•.entsl the (f,dPrirh Nus 1'011,- pnnV, the r• tinny having nppoinlel their pent isinnnl directors and officer( in the ingantime. K. C. Attiili eau the pct. .cut. H M. Hodgen. vier- M1r..ide•ut and W. R. KolwvGon, 1V. T. oiney� and hiumeelf the acting dirge• tots. Fiis reason for appearing before the co1nell again was that they had 1)uat lax rine.. Kerisingron Fltr111os• e 0 Uw1rnrh(Irg.n 1 . . 00180111 LM wa1►. a-.e--n.eut All.•rt -1 ,reI sewer Non•re.ldent taxes Tuxes on $1.1al121 at 16 to. Tu r,•. on 1.X:.5,311 at a in.. SXPEN4E". Sabarese %Vater end light Fite deoinoo•nt ('rolnty 1.11r.. I'nblfe., boob. t'ull'gba, Separate school 1'101110610 ory .....- 1'nhnr work- • Print is% .ind ashen Yong Low eo1 14tme•Ld et int 1'rmeteit . Inalrnw.• I ntereo Irelientm,, lti..,•1h) m sou s I$•M•ntan•• from 1'JIa5 The rounril then edjo11t•nel. LETTER FROM CHINA. Rev. Donald MacGillivray Tells of His Recent Escape from Drowning. The Signal is in receipt of a letter frill Hes'.1)unald Jlneliillivrn'),Sh+anp�• haat, (china. in which hr tells of ht. deliverance fr drowning, which was briefly noted in 41111. columns last week. The occurrence took place on .1,11' ,th. )Ir. Nlactlillivray writes : "I had just taken my little family ht• river lip .to the train called Mnknnwln, where they (2111 piss I he hefted Senn in coolness ,,lung with others who have soiught refuge from the heat of the dead level plain in which Shanghai is sirtaatel. Mr. Law, ,a business man of Sluanghai, al- so hail 1,skerl his family , up, and we were both retooling 10 neer work in the city on 25 native .raft which was being towel by n steam Iatineh which plies in these anter•. 1Ce were mak- ing +irerord trip for time. Shanghai woe Well in sight aloin six hours earlier than the 511411111 time. 14-e were loth standing inside the hoot watch- ing the shipping which now dotted the river. when it Keegan to main heavi- ly. 1 r eked that. the launch might have ditllr silty in steering safely thro11gh the driving rain, when a tor- nado otnado etrnek the boat on the.ide, and immediately capsized it. Mr. Intro be ing near the exit 1111151 has.' got r bear of the boat into the w•nrr'1' and was disowned. I lost right of him n. .mon nm the bunt went river. Al. fleet thought I also would tea• drow•uel, but I managed It' 'ling to the Iwoet until if (0014)letely turned over, burying mP 81)11 11 native in the dark inside. 1 Th- storm rontin11el to rage for some time. The mise of the wnVr5, Ivied, rain and the erie•s of the Chinese out- side whieh we could heat, evidently in extreme 'writ, made an awful im- pression on our mind's. Front vime to t' • I milled nlond for Mr. iaw, thinking Inc alight pmx.ihly ala. he un- der the boat, halt there wax no answer. Fervent prayer was nnewerel by the .topping of the Norm, which 4)84441151 on its path of deatrletion down the river and across,. Shanghai, where many ('hinple lost their live. from rapeize and falling landings. I enm- fnrtel Huy Chine*. companion, called for help and rapped on the under side of the Iwntom, 11(1 as IAl direct the re. - cue. part', which we felt ,.ore would 4404 III comer. Fiat we heard the whistle of in launch, then hot rying *ter along the bottom of our _boat, which now was the roof of our prison. and the quick blower til'taxer. wbicb, wielded by brawny Attie' lean marines, soon Made a hole right over where we Were. I"waa token at once on board the gunboat Quirt's, which happened to be at the duck fol relents, mild every kindness was shown mer. Mean- time every effort war being made to 11nJ Mr. law's laxly : all in vain, how- ever, till some days idler it Boated to the surface. "slave a few slight bruises, 1 had no i11 refects, and went on wall 1113• work as mote( a few days'/a(ter4 got Jack to 1hafighlai. 'Thele ani 1• 1111any C(111' ((mine tions on my ene•.ipe. mingled with du'm'p s:ldntws at the sudden death of my friend, Mr. Law, a sterling Christian man Tong resident in Shang- hai, anal highly respected by all classes in the r•oauu51nity, Chinese and foreign. •'I feel the suleinnil c of my latait' canoe hiek.uow the seeom1 time in China fr the very gales. Once he. torr in Hinman, along with Mr. J. H. 31.1('yie211•. ear 11414l1 scanted near the gates. Now once more, surely God W11111 a 11le herr to Ki5'.' 111V t %vice-re- deenlel life with all the Meme intensi- ty and singleness to the groat work of China's evangelization and uplift to God. 'Ye 1114. not your nuns' "D. MAI IiitL1vnAT." It is easy for a man to behave after hr breaks into the has-been class. A lady going from lemur for the day locked everything up well, 1 for the ginee''s benefit wrote on aS rand : "All out. Don't leave anything." This she stuck on the dour. On her return Goma• she found the house ransacked, and ,all her rhe.icest po.se'+ss' gone•. 'fo the call on the door was added : ••Thanks i 44'e !Liven 1 I, tt. h." Shirred Heart Review. HEART DISEASE is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor has said, " I never yet madea post-murtemex- ami nation in acase o t death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys were at fault" The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubl1H, and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills Cleaning Up the Summer Stock Making Ready for Fall Goods Some Lines are Coming Already Our Me line for 121e. Fast colors, 11004,1 widths. Alta IleW (mho ings. Another Lie lot at 10c. NEW WRAPPERETTES for early fall here all isoly. SATEEN SKIRTS. A nice hit nod clicap. Give its 11 look if-) oil want a skirt. It o ill pay pm, COLORED DRESS MUSLINS. duet *few dress lengths left atilt' 440111Y of then, are at only half-price. TAN STOCKINGS. A full line at exiu•tly wholetaile prices. Sizes 4 iitchisi to 91 Mehra. FACTORY COTTON MILL ENDS. llought at so much a II)., 5 1,1 Ho yards , a pie, a. (limo from the factory. Prices fully 30 per cent. less than w gOitilsof the Mille 4111alit y. EV4.1 -.11,611141 .44. t Ilia lot, they art' Mal 4441114411. Another lot of 11 'tette ends just 1.0111e, 4 yanls ln ya, .1 I..u. e lot at prima asked. 2 SALE DAYS 2 lit'e intend to make Filiday. August :11st, and Saturday, septeitilier 1st, two great sale days tor() llll dup. the last (it the ail lllll ler goods. The 11144.4.14 theSe I wo days will he anywhere from half-price., Every - .r goods. After this soli. we will devote our thing t lie ( Issued ow, a. we will ( allry over no is w hole attention to oelr 1.111 Are e...11Ing fot watil ,dreatly. Quite a lot of new fall dress J. H. COLBORNE Corner Hamilton 5,trect and &ware, "Now. my c101,1.- said the ea:initial behavior nod mit !oaken little ing !Ourself Imlay." ••411.11v. ma?" asked the little saidre. olt..calisi. we aye piing to hate that new minister for anima.... The Plii' idclphia Press. The Bell Telephone C is about to issue A NEW TELE- PHONE DIRECTORY for the &era! It t Of Ni'esterii Ontario, in - eluding the town of Ocalerich. Orders for nese connections, cluing...I of tiren s, changes of strcet addresses fit. for shipli- mos. cm les shook] liandist tri the local anana'izer at mow, 6eo. Porter $ 7:A :tor, 10' 4 Ito s1.H„ Gregg Shosithand ToucinTipewriting are two ,v-rems whn you cannot afford to omit from your business (-ducat :on. 'In t hese days, when everything must be done arciirotely and rapidly, the system used Gregg Shorthand 14 easy to learn, ea -IF to write.aod Pray to read aher 14 written. Our catalogue will tell you all about the system, and is free for the a -king. School term: September till June. inclusive. Forest City Business College R GREGG, Founder Gregg System LONDON. Tho only DOS that does Twice the Mork while half easier on horses a Record Noe Equalled by anythIng ease hula for eillt teat:rig. • for mak- ing need are on Fall Viewer, Land. For Asiimitrr Fallow • or ett•blalr Field. after harvest. Look for the nohle "BIS - Salo by Agents aud Alio,ufactured be T. E. BISSELL, ELOPIA, ONT. Drop a po-t card for Booklet "E." FINE TAILORING. REG. BLACK SHIRTS, REGULAR $t.5o, FOR $1.00 FINE OUTING SHIRTS FOR HOT WEATHER FOR $1.00 NICE LINE OF BOYS' HATS, 25c Watch our windows for them IEverything in Men's Smart Weir: FARMERS . Should procure their supply of Binder Twine the New Hard Ware Store, Wegt Street. GOLD MEDAL PLYMOUTH SPECIAL -three, good braGittRIsEtEoNch(SmtiseEfAnF)m. Close price-. Ilay Forks, Machine, Oils and all other lines id Farmers' Supplies in Hardware. lu Builders' Ilardware we have the right, gooll at the right prices. Your trade is -elicited. J. NICHOLSON The New Hardware Store, West Street. FALL Igloo. FALL 1906. " MARTIN'S THE PLACE FOR THE DRESSERS EXCLUSIVE STYLES AT POPULAR PRICES WE ARE READY TO FILL YOUR FALL ORDERS kFALL 1906 esi THE BIG MILL FLOUR DO IT NOW FALL 1906. The BIG LOAF Kind FIVE STAR PATENT AND THREE STAR PATENT FLOURS are recognized thr world over as the standard of excellence. They are absolutely pure and do not require to be blenched, as they are of a fine, natural creamy white color, the color o( pure flour. We givs the natural goods of the highest qual.ty which the hest raw material, to- gether with the latest and most tip -to -date milling devwes. can produce. NoT Yocusg1.1.* TO BE MISLED BY AN OFFER III' MOM ETION0 FOB NOTHINU-- YOU INVARIABLY LOSE IN THE END. Quality and Absolute Purity are assured the consumrr, first, last and always, and it is on/this basis that we have built up our trade, commencing five years ago, until our. present daily milling rapacity is thirteen thousand, two hundred hags. Buy Good Goods at Fair Prices without trashy premiums and accept nothing that is affirmed to be "just as good." There is no flour just as good, quality •nd pnce con- sidered, as the "Five -Star" or the "Three -Star" brands of patent flaunt FOR SALE. BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS THE WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY. Linited WIN at GODERICH WINNIPEG BRANDON