HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-23, Page 3'I'Iih s)l •1.1,• i',“ktl►
Xews of the Sistriet.
A telephone line from Brussels tm
l'Itnbt'uuk will be opened shortly.
A tnvve►uent is on foot fur the sube
witting of a local option bylaw in I's -
borne township. •
The 11'alkerluu town council -has
IT IS ./' .r?I rnJ^. CI.E / 1 J
—.ay I:. »::» .
Bletdin ; .Pilus Cured
--af•er Y.'r4 of Suffering.
krrrack-day. m=y Le p.A—but On day of
mai people from wfer.ns is ever present.
What is more die.. MN rhes h-hiwg, R(eatiirr•
Pike? Som. soy el. only el.re i. 41,0 Leif.. We
any, operations we utuwceeary. Read fiat letter,
••Elle vena/k.rd /',.' r: ,,! e..,,•..J 1,.,tyro
ftn*L !Ar u. ',NI / ' ' • r, ‘4...4•444.
is lw,}r,»O/4./41.4044.1,.• .... .e ha,✓ihy/a
"The n,nrr..,a.l. 4 ,.. 4—„ r.': •.,, 5',,.•.—
/rr.,J.•rrd gr •^1:---, "1 • "N I r.,••y.Z4 ...ie.,
ie n y nr'w. /6.N1„ rrr.A r.wnh,..—u,dMM_f elle•/.
"Omit- wry". Au.,l. /. 44 e',,.'rn,rr
peel U, I,."N4+•,1 o., e,...•I; rtr,n-,la!'.4e 4N:
v ,e rrov.l. / u son, n•n:4 e•/4 ear• n.d au.wJ
raj drips m • mere , p114. Fro,
"1 ,rr4.r'r . e. 4NMF•d Ill• • • el nrmerl gs.00,on,
amen tg/. as 11.1' 04.101 ,a f ramp 'amt.
•• Hawdt., AlarrJ, r, 'nat."
(,S -art%) /1404 0 Porerkr, rr6 1104 St. A'.
lait that the sort of print you want
Mr. O' ourte is the well 1 new•n breeder of
bull-te ' dogs. Everyone inHanal .on know, him.
Mea intment briar, quick, lining tel,ef, and
prem try cures flu waist cases of Piles, Eczema,
Ulcer Sores, Charing. Burns- red odes skin
WO I. (alk. a boa --6 for S2 ;..t) At dntgpn:
from The Chemin Co. of Canada, LIrited
Look for Ihr trodelwark—
Stolen Pleasure
The children will show you
rhe merits of Mooney's biscuits
if you give them the chance.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
have made themselves famous
all over Canada in a very short
time. Crisp, inviting, tasty.
Different from any other cracker
you have ever eaten
Say "Mooney's.' to your grocer.
I The Northern
Navigation Co.
icor Georg.an Bay. Soo, Machina
Islands through the 30,000
steamers leave if'Ma mien! Mandan
Tlewlm. Thu,'.d:y avid 4atnnl40'
31ep.m..0.en sound 11 p.m. 'Monde.
Thur-d..y And Satnrday :•alltng-
Parry gamed. hying inlet end Fre,..,
fllcer'. Mnndar ,•tenmer Doh• r1s1- to
.'anti Ste Marie. ..
Penebng and Parry Sound Divis-
Steamer 1ra. r= i'enrtlttg week day+
t.S pan. nlrt hbnmd. Steamer !enc0.
1'nlry soma( Honda)) Wedn..day and
ridgy at ,let pm.. Tuesday. Th't-day
nal Satnrder let 7 H.111 ...0111M10111141,
For Soo, Port Arthur, Fort
William and Duluth.
Steams', lea.., Sarnia 3:I* Monday.
44 dn.•-dayand Friday. Friday'
-1011.111V1 1,04. Ih1oltlth Io 1,.,1r1t11.
Attractive Tourist Rates
Tickets and information frcln all
railway agents.
Your money returned
i(notaaeened in error way.
bec uv,he "C./rho-Meteoric"
I.ei.rrsally grave i and
ground in its own
De, ob./0 way. With
nee. It wil hood
i 1e edge for
}earls 'BS
1.064.4 sea•
Doable ne..a.. sjs4
Ow W7 bride
"Carbo-Matr.ent" Fla.-
tk Cutl'ton drop*', 11.00.
Pew soei/se "Huai to Shaven."
CHAS. C. LEE, - Gr,rterirh
Ii laii,sa•-•- 'zti-'
i M —ost•e •eii• . 1 , 0•I
R 1.11•t 1MOI eon.=i;%!';: '
I 11111100300•_,.. `4 1 LLO
•764r t 1'». rw4ea um,' 414 r 444.4 4,.sae
1,,,,,..,, bare .W4 wen ..4 ...a.4 r
4tsMM a nw.. we .11:0 %1 rman ., .n4 es
M.M..M11.4...44n00 fnr - nes nen.
t LIMg4tr,
For sale by J. NICHOLSON
,,truck the hex rate for 14klfl at Gtf mills.
the Mille us last year.
1Viughalu's tax rat.' this year is
24 wills.
Seafot'th's tax rate this year is 'Si
wills for public school supporters and
27 Lillis for separate selioni supporters,
%V' awn d: Hoyle, general merchant*
at Hens/ell, have (tis 411V141 pal'tliel'-
ship The business+ will Ie karthosed
by \Vw. J. %Vitriol'.
F. C. Puwoll, an Ltd lrsident of Kin.
Callfiue, and for tunny years principal
of the model school there, 14.1(40'.
'dually to besot lit. Nol•th Toronto.
The prineipahhip of Kiu4atd
of J. H. Garner, whit 1
wen second teacher in the stilts*'
The house of Mrs. E. Moore, Clin-
ton, was the seen,* of a happy. teuuimu
of the family last week. her 111110 chil-
dren all teeing there for the fist time
he thirteen years.
Allert Montgomery, a young boy of
Wingham, was found guilty of steal-
ing a bicycle from the King Edward
HoteL in this town e,ud wits sentenced
G, three months in jail.
Mrs. Wm. Sims, Blyth. passed away
Wednesday evening of last week,
;after a sense illness of several
months. She leavers her husband
hd and
two -sons, James and Arthur.
Wilbur F. Cudmore, a former Exe-,
ter young man. was recently married
to Miss Minnie Woodbridge, of Har
row, Ont. 111'. and Mrs. Cud
will reside tet. Crystal City, Man.
Jos. Cobbledick, who is leaving
Exeter for the West. Ink sold his
vrlsi11 husines..1nd his warehouses at
barter. Centralia and ('lsndels,yt• to
Itiehnls4 Sheldon. of the London ,toad,
south of Eze'u'r.
A1'inglianl Meader: We have it
nn g,aal maimed that one farmer,
Iwtwt•ei4 '.. 44 :h:un and1
has threshed his fall wheat au,1 it flog
yielded over fifty bushels to th•r
e arr,
1 cry; gno'1 for ofd Utl:u•in.
A few days nett George. the '*'blest
Don of John Johnson. Lundrslolro,
shi'i 'tl while •'Iinibidg up :a pu=t in
the yard and fill on a rustyrustyspike nail.
tearing his intestines so Ialdly that
four or Hee Nineties were re,)ui1(41.
A piesfnta.tn•11 ks 1e to Mr. A1id
Mrs. \1111. %Voss's,' old residents of
Vdesw'Mtlt, on the eve o1 their 11e-
partnre for I•:metson, 'alai'. The
former riweit'ed a for coat and gal/M-
kt. and Mts..%Volats n tine shawl.
M,Alel nol►tNd has been tilled by the
While slating the hi ltsr pf H'tti.
K "testa el, at 1,radbm•v, one of t he
Is„rkOlen lust his balance and fell
..t'nty-fnnr fret to the ground. A.
• went though an apple 11'01.'6411 the
c down, his fall wits broken and he
sustained only a few slight bruises.
(1,4 of twenty applicants the Bros -
sets public sr•hot,l board chose Miss F.
M. Fes -minion. .i. A.. of Ithaca. N.
1'.. ea. se4•ofd t('4rher in the rontinlla-
tiun (•lass work. Mins Ftssenden is n
dangh r of the principal of the nl-
legiah ('
nstitl'le at Pet Primal,. Ont.
'E. A. Latimer, who has enndg4ted
1' •general h:n',ht•nre hnsin.ss In Sem.
foith for th,• past Iwo year., has dbs-
putud of his stook to Messrs. ('heaney
and Smiley• hardware m,•rehat)h.
Mr. iatimer has gone to Urillie.
where he will take charge of n de-
partment with the Orillia Hardware
31r. and Airs. 1a'. Hunter, of the
9th eoneeasion of Hallett, were waited
on by their neigh's'', 4i 'fray evening.
were Mrs.'Wm. Green and Ura. and
Miss Brown, of lioderich.
'Suicide Near Lugknow.
N'ul, Gleason, who At • t'
lyrpl the Iduigalde store, hart of late
years has lived ou a farm near Luck -
110W, rutuuMod suicide on 514111441,14',
(1th lust., by taking marls green, No
reason cern 1►e assigned for his com-
mitting the rash act, which- was evi-
dently preweditated, a,, he had ar-
ranged his' nlfairs With the evbd.•nt
expectation of an early death. Mr.
(41"ason Will well knitter' and highly
Iespe,-led throughout Killtlie:a and the
0l»'.4'. of his tragic death occasioned a
great shock in the. cum nunity. 11x.
leaves a willow and two -children.
Fatality at Calgary.
Mrs. Ruhr. Bl istoty, of I':guwndville.
a flew days ago )Y'('Pn'/Y1 (11e 'till 11Pw''.
that. her 'un, John R. Brief ow, Lad
been killed at Calgary. In company
with three other workuten ter hart
been working on it '.k'ingiug 'raf1oll
on ra public sehi.11 buildingg, wh' n
ropes at one end of the N»atrl.ld broke
and AL'. Bristow and another of the
the w`o,-kul011 were peed Bested tl dist.
sure of forty fret. The other ten
111011 grasped the lunging boards 1
aes•n(a+d with slight injury. Air. Bris-
tow lived /insult loop hoilrs after the
accident, but dm•ing that li mle. never
gained tonsrimu, 4.a4.
'1'1!1• hotly Na'
brought to Isgntoudv illy for interment•
Thr d.'ele:Med leaves a yuuny(,widonv,
Brussels School's Good Record.
IirnssoI,, Purl : The spl l klietl, result
of pupils attendant ml' the puddle
school at Urnsoda in thelererll rx-
t' for jutliine tea eaters' certifi-
cates is of a t. Nati4hu•tory rwar-
acter. plea'uralle 4(1ik.• ti, trachea,
pupils, Jnueuts told 1 11181 •s. Thir-
teen is often iefei•led tnasa l(yaul'4*
Iwo, ' hul the spell +1 have
broken, a•4 thirteen rutdidates wrote
and thirteen passed. right of the toma-
lley capturing hmnors."HMI ten of
thirteen x14,4 passing on matriculation
Latin.— -,-------
Why Chest Colds are Dangerous.
They Irateto pleurisy HMI linen;
wouia, follow the advice of %\ . H.-
Putvles of Ponies ('nrnees, Out.. whosay'':' ••1 111041 to liesuhjtrt.lu attacks
and although 1 'sed most everything
nothing twlirvPd quirkly till 1 (1(4044•.
red Nervis•. 1 have used it for
pirnrisy' and sere chest :11141 (maul it
just the .prs•r thing. 1:44.1111111'.1,,,
err neuralgia it's .mirk as 'lightlllilg..
ehw'rfttlIv Iw/,4u1nend Norriline.'
Strongwi• 4'leatie.l, nee., poindestiti'-
iug r cul on rat th isPoison's Nev.vilinr, ; •, 1N/ttles sold everywhere.
1. -I1 twenty-six rent will 1(ay one
pound of butte, what w'i a cent and
u quarter buy ? Answer --On. pound:
L. Why is an aid troth ti'v' a town
pot Answer-- Part ml 4411 ni •',
:i If 1 gave fire five cent p to
tire boys. what time of day w( hi it
he :' Answer -A quarter to five.
4. Yl hy is the letter "F«' lik • a
COW'S 14,4:' An wee --It is the end eat
:,. 1Vhich would von rasher. that
a jAgnar 'hrndd kill you or a wolf P
Answer -I would rather the. jas:n.n
Would- kill the wolf.
Doctors Change Their Methoas.
Yeats ago they fought ettla •4.1, In•
internal dosing. '%'hey sats' Oil.
1',,jnr.1 the stomach and ,*''hanged to
Ise rizonn(ed air etre. het ter lode
-cats This treatment in
:ue ►otaws.. It goes to the source of
Ile dis,'tge : it destroys the cause,
that maintain catarrh and cert in the'
worst ,,IVP'011)1 Ile•nt cure k gnat -
;in rl•d. Failure trltl. ('atnrrhd'nne is
impossible. Antiseptic, healing and
far-rr11rhing, 11',. IN 1 to rine every
tiny. Endnrswat by than "Went)
tl sand physiri:MN'in America alone
and soul in 2.i,•, rind SLIM sizes ivy all
d Pa lCl"(
ago and Mr. Hunter was presentefi
with a gold watch and Mrs. planter' t
with ,a silver ten set, as tokens or 4.s•
teen, and appreciation. Mr. and M1•4,.
Hunter are leaving .for the 1%'e• -t tm
loin metulwts of their family thee».
On Sat today, August 11th. the wed-
ding of Sliss'illanebr, daughter of air,
and Mrs. ()eot•ge Petty, Bengali. and
.1. Lorne Ment1, a...Mini:lilt of 1110
SO%ereigu Bank ,It Exeter, 444141
soleutnized by Prof. Hu,gr•ss, of the
Western Cniversity. •London. 11r.
and Mrs. Srnit will' reside in Exeter
of their return frmnl the wedding
Death of Henry Walper, Zurich.
Another of the pioneers, lfenrl•
Napppex•r. of 7.ur•ich. 11,1s passed away.
Nix tleilt11 occurred in Monday, 13th
Ord. He h.el reached the age of
eighty -adore years and was in good
health 1141 to the 1' ' of his death.
Hr leaves tt widow, four sons and two
daughters. •
To Study Manic in Germany.
Harry Livens. soli of H. Linens, tof
Sea fort h, left last week for Leiiwie,
Germany. 111 pursue his musical stud-
ies. .Mr. I.iyrns has 'tndi4sl ander
Some .(f the lest masters hero and is a
pianist of merit, and he goes to Germ -
',rimy to receive the ;lava Wage if train-
ing under the best musicians of the
Seaforth Wedding.
On Tuesday tnmrning, August 14th,
the w•edding. of Thomas U. Atkinson
and Hiss Mary A. Hymn, both resi-
dent A of Sea forth, Wits sulemuizr71 nl.
St..14ot1rs church in that town. Rev.
P. l'otr•mran officiated. The !bride was
1 footled ht' her r,u'ii, Miss Minnie
Klein. and the groom way supported
by his cousin, Harry Purcell. The
happy rotipl» left for a trip to ('hut -
ham, 1)r*1-nit and Saginaw, and nn
their ret'n'n ivill resile in Sen forth,
Married in the West.
The h of Samuel Carter, ten miles
smith of 3I, nitons. 3Ian., was the
scene of n pretty wedding nal the soh
ins(., when hit eldest „daughter. Eliz.•
bs•tb, w•:1s• married to Benjamin
Sprung, acemintant in the Telegram
office, Winnipeg. About forty guests
were present at the cele y, and
Rev. fpr. Rowrving o,flirialod. Al r.
and Mrs. Sprung lelt Lrr A Trip 10 the
('oast. The groom is a son of Bola.
A. Sprung, of Afanit,nr, formerly of
the base line, Millet 1.
Death of Egmondville Resident,
Thomas Ward passed 1144,1y 1,11 his
residence nt I gmondyill. on Monday
evening. bit inst_, in his %events -411111
year. Mr, Ward was )1'nsU'•4teil with
a paralytic stroke ;asap a month ago
and'in»e then had been allmost. help-
less. He wan 11 native of Eng1aMF lint
came to this enlnlr•v when quite ie
young man. He hired Hent' Varna
for many years 141171 retired to Eg-
mondt'iIle three years ago. He linters
A widow' and a gl4tern-1141 Gamily of
eight some and two daughters.
Kincardine Nuptials.
Un % '+.11no'Sditr morning• Angus(
14(14, at ( +. residence of Mr. and Mrs.
John (lentl*s. Kincardine, their *hits)
daughter. Miss Ada M.. 4514'. united in
marriage to Dr, Er:arm,w Ault, of Cal -
Rory. The r»remnny tans performed
by Bev. Rural Dean Miles. of the
4'hnreh of the MPtsinh. The brides-
maid was Miss 1111inn 14011th. and 114..
('ort, of New York. was (test nun.
Dr. And Mrs. Anll left for a trip to Old
Orchard Beach before prnorwnngg err
Calgary. where they will reside.
Among those ptwaent at the wedding
Of the penitence of a corporation
that ilail been found guilty of corrupt
Inkiness methods Senator Tifintal
said with o emit,. :
"The sorrow of three people at olive
disgnsls and amuses me. e►s I kite
skier it. I think of n druggist of Paint
"This 11t'uggist, hieing in at finny to
get ober to the hell 5/11110, 111Nde a 1111...
take in r impounding ae preseript1ton
that contained nr:'Pnlr and 111 r•1111Ve-
quc11C1•1 f his error the patient died.
"When the druggist heard of the
nlan's death he strl'rk his tnrrbrad
with his elenehe' fist and groaned :
"' \Vreteh that I ant --110 was talc
beat customer!'” -- - —
Does Your Heart Flutter?
Vnn kno44' 11e4111 Hutt Pring means
you're nut as tyro /IS yon sh011l(1 1''.
It's An evidence nf• impaired nerve and
scalar power. 'I's) Alain r11re, try
Ferric/maw: it has a special ort' 1111
the heart 41, seen 'n 11111 rase of 'Phos.
Grover of Pole Barka., N. S., win
slyN: ••11 1 exerted myself it would
bring lallpitntion. '1'n esery ally
heavy weigh': art• go smirk 1y upstalini
completed' knockoff Ise nut. 4Vhen
had attacks c:nne or. 1 lived in fear of
ambles' dent h. Fert•ozone gave my
heart. the 't'e•ry assistance it 111,01+.11,
,11111 nmy 1 ,atm gnih' WPM" For 111411'1
ut•'l1(•1'%'4.' it's hard t(t eaeei Frrlv,•r.nne,
:,tk•. per box sit all dealers.
Picturesque "Ivanhoe. -
The 111't1'll,'t (4.' Teel sell. lake*:
fr Sir Walter Seottn rimeAlitlr an.l
(**'I 111,5(4110 4(044' "Ivanhoe'," thnt
fn Iry (1re4e•nt(4) nightlt• at the Cana-
dian National Exhibition, from Any.
list :')4 until SPp1"1,,l e4. S, both dal i*
in('hisire•, will LP 1111.n 0(444*' of (•,•rn-
pita eness and itnntessiy,.nets, 111e1 it
Is ennfidelitly staled. has never 4;e.
Vitously been attempted. Sto elms,• to
reality fs it proposal that it 04,11 1,..
that special agent .1144sYe It•rt1 Relit 1l'
Eng/nod to year -eh 1141 ,nrthoruti•'= nn
the eostt1111ing of the 1i11u• and t,4 011-
gagP n npt;rin! rtontpany of tiller (rune
the crack eatmisy regiments there.
1n fart Messrs. Hand A Co„ who
have the eontr44rt for producing (his,
w'1141t1)rnmiMPs in be A mole 1 1111 11 01,
dinarily urngnifleent weir stele, have
lawn to exceptional pains to serllre
date nu which to work. Th,. final
scene. the horning of Tolvat1i1'ton0
('nestle, will of itself hr 4o dPtnnnstrx-
lion in realism worth travelling thtons-
ands of miles to awed
Don't expert to get:rid of your
troubles by advert Jai ng (parol.
Enthusiasm Iota the pare, but
mon sense wings inn walk.
Mil er'a Compound 1eon fills, only
25 rents for :AI (loses. For sale by ,lits,
it. 114.91 to 110 a popiilnr fallacy that
UI'n.r rarer with age arid wisdom with
Pipretients. ('hir,go News,
VPs, it is true, 1 wax vert' weak and
M411Pr'I Oconeound Iron Pills made
me strong. 1.nr node by Jae. %Nilson.
Unique Helationship,
Say* the Clinton Ne•w.. Marx: A
charnlillg young lady who resile'. iu
it Hort hero town, buti+ well known in
Clinton, where she went 1,1 mil, ail,
lot; a gtxu) devil u4' sport Ito times so
her own expl•ure, with people a'!n1 do
not tonne the real bir,I11arganee,.
Someone meeting her will 1413' 1
alis. 44l4ak, 1 s.ut• your tidier kr
'•Yr'.." she oeil,•ly'replies, ••tvleioft
'•\1'b.v. your faille,. of i' se,"
"%Veil, but I h:ne two fathers and
Gnu• net h,.►s," she replies in .urh an
iurnler.111 Way that the other dies not ,
know wins( to make of it, roe •
rinses they leave her with the idea
that they are beim.; jollied. Never..
Ih.lews, her statement. thong(' not
literally 11.,1e, Is relatively w..
Her tither is a well-ktown, 1 111141•
i11.•1 11, al 111 highly -respect 14 1111.11 WK'
tall of the fuwn alluJt•tl to.
Shortly after the girl's birth, her
Mother died. 111111 she wa4 ndopled by
A married uncle• taking his 11x111*'.
This gave her two fathers, And' she is
[mull of (hell, hot h, as she ha+ every
rra••n11 114 1e. `tubset)ueutly hor
father re -married and thin gave her
two Mothers oar her OWn side. The
all who l
m t t h adopted to d ho•r suet bad fakeer
the M.o., of her town Mother in .i.very
respect. died, and her adopted ru
siihsequently ae•ularried, sit 11141 sir
114441 111(1 mothers ton this bide, Disking
the four mother. fl is a very me
11,tut1 14.1(41' hiµ 161111' 1hie young
Ludy in not .-hoe err take adt•lulhlge oft
I he oppnrl omit 11 ' prewllta for ro11.
fusing bey friends. :cool givink, her a
Mt le sputa AL the s:iuo• time•
The Feminine Viewpoint.
A pre:t0h,'r in Dallas knotty pried Io
.hidroa• my this 114111'1/41 e111 by hanging
himself iv Oh a blind bridle. His wife
f6nnul din, ,l'spende.1 from a rafter in
th,• Icon. Ito 4114. ,troth a1 brie 1461»,-
411a44 •4,4, 5(45'fl14( ';t you hail tort ole
Alone a few te,itot•"- Mote f Wea4h1
h:. y.• been in Ilea%e n.
His wife replied : "%'es, and sal'
Witold York tiler, running around over
heaven wither hued bridleotl.wopldn't
Non.:' 'fine/. ton I'rex.l Times.
Deafness Cannot be 'Cured
1.0 /nod 4l 1pIG:Nlon., n• pew rennet reach
Fortiori of U,•.ear. 'There t+ only
way to t ten• acorn. '. and Ihilt i, by eon -I r
/tonal teroc,4.'., Uenh:e.4I. 4.•n -.d by An 4,,
it mast ,,,,,'.iO 0.4* 01,4.' its- ',theme, Hong id the
eu•targian tuba. 55'11411 Mi. inl'p I. rnryau.ed
yon have a rambling ...rod or lmprt (' 4 1 i, •..ry
leg, :and when its., entire') 1o+wl deabu•-- 1.
the re-ult. And Wile.-. the inry,nunmi ion eery 1•e
listen oto And this tuM• r, turtd to it. uon,ltl
,.,Halo1, beoMua ,. ill h•• 11,-4r'ynl tuuevrr:
:ane s.a.e. oat of ten "r,. e.nt.,ee by •Ian 4.h,
1011,41i, n'ntanr hitt ,.0 .4 rtuw'd eirodil ion or
the noul•on..r,efiree .
15'e will give One 1l oell r, Dolma for any
eA.w'n► rte: roe., 1f.411 -I-1 n. ratI11411 that 4 111--
nqt bo,ur,•41 by Hatt -1 .•,•r'ft/'um. Send fur
0,etillr-. tree.
I'. J. ( V:C.1' 1 .. a o,.
so'd 1:y itriagt4 t-.
Take ff •IF• l'>.•nll, 1',11 for •.netbastion. •
Head The Signal's 27i•. offer. Page it.
TBCR43A0, "August 23, 190G
dillk MEM 01,
11 J
N (4 4
t l
vGs \ . 1■...
,11111 -
Sunlight Soap is better than
other soaps. but is best when
used in the Sunlight way (follow
Hard rubbing and boiling are
things of the past in homes
where Sunlight Soap is used as
Sunlight Soap will not injure
tit daintiest fabric or the
and the cbthes will be
white, woolens soft
and f(ulf
The reason for this is because
Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure,
contains no injurious chem:cals
indeed. nothing but the active,
cit nan3, dirt -removing proper-
ties of soap that is nothing but
Buy it and follow a,5Ce
dueons V
b, 010 dealer trot, reborn you
buy 'pair If you find
aur cruse for complaint.
$ 1 2 Trrip $1 8 Return
in Manitoba
SEPT. 5 Stations south of. but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia,
including '(pronto.
SEPT. 7 M'
Inc Toronto to Sarnia and Stations north, except north of
oil Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section.
SEPT. 8 Fr all points Toronto and cast to and including Sharbot Lake and
K stun. and north of Toronto and Cantwell unctwn on North Ba
\ ' Y
attt'I Midland JI:
end I)it•lsiom:.
Ono way e1Oend etas* Violists will be *'NMA to WINNIPtO only.
Iteprosentattye farmer.. appointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governments, wilt meet
laboreraon arrival at `'inlda
Free trnunprrt.alion will be furui-lard at Winnipeg to prints where laborers ore needed.
♦oertlicate is furnished when each ticket 4- p{urrhr.,.,I and this rert ideate. when executed
by tarsaer, showing flint i4I.00er h,t+ narked thirty day%or more.. 111 be honored 14.
that point for i second (la,. tit kct bark 40 startling point to Ontariu, at 11801). prior 10
Nov. ,4th. tow.
Tickets will be booed to 440714044 ale well ae to men• but will nut be i.,ucd at half fare to children
Tickets are good only on +peen.' Farm Laborers,trat n4.
Far full particulars ave nearest C'. P. R. ticket agent, or
write C. B. Raper. L. P. A., C. P. k., Toronto.
Hardware and Stove Store
One price only
Goods right or
money back
\V'e have a complete
stock of
Valves, Gauge
Glasses, Oils,
Grease, Oil
Cans, Belt -
Rivets, Thresh-
ers' Mitts and
Goggles, Ring,
Spiral and Sheet
Packings, etc.
We hate too Ivan,'' tout,
and must unload, so we
Celt oat profit to move
the goods. 'rile, stock
Saws, Planes,
Braces, Bitts,
Chisels, Ham-
mers, Hg.tchets,
Axes, Levels,
Drhills, etc.
The goods are right and
the prices are still better.
We make a Spl'ci81t} of
Builders' Hard-
ware, Paints,
Varnishes, Oils,
White Ltad,
Retie). get oar prrfe
Sole agents 1'or
Huron Stoves,
Ranges and
The goods the people are
talking :tllntlt.
Try a gallon of p
the best and cleanest
burning oil sold today.
To introduce it we make
the price per, gallon
Twenty-two Cents.
Queen Motor
Gasoline at
thirty cents per gallon.
Was flay needs : -`—
Tubs, Rails,
Wash Boards,
Clothes Lines.
The four hest make*. (41
Charcoal Irons
at $1.25 each.
110 Mist, no (111t.
Twenty cents a bag.
1)on't lnrgtlt to take the
size of that floor and
('4)111e ail(1 get a.
Screen Door
at false. Osly eight left.
al's' a necessity just now.
We are selling them
very cheep.
installed by expert work -
mels. satisfactiop guar-
anteed. Estimates cheel'-
1'ully furnished.' Repair-
ing promptly attended to.
SPECIAL ! ! 2 dozen
No. t►, 1-t oz. copper
nickel.p)Iat ''1
Tea Kettles
regular priced at $1,'i)4
each. . full can wit olie
one dollar and twenty-
five cents..
sop them iu our window.
let a DAISY TWO -
Oil Stove and
for one (dollar and fifty
Knives, Forks
and Spoons
for' tIH'e. ling time. 1f
'0)11 need . pato come in
and SOP tb • goods and
get our prices\
\V'*''have it large stock of
Table and
Pocket Cutlery,
Scissors, etc.
"l4,Ie agents Int•
National Stoves
and Ranges.
The kind \'our neighbor
1 11i'i(lg:,
The. Cheap Hardware and Stove people
are always
\V» lied satisfaction in dealing out
mire, front, goods to our curt •4.r,
The steek is specially well *unsorted for
the N • wade, mill the most
particular w'ants of our pwtt, nus will
have prompt service.
•Flesh vegetables and fruits in
O Cil
-I-he Square, Goden,h,
The New
Cement Walks
are •1 great (u1(1'%evte11(.
%V.. 11aye them. No trouble
now to call at.
for anything you need in
Munibing, Repairs,
and all kin(dxlyf
Sheet Metal Work,
Roofing, etc.
American and
Canadian Oils and
Your I'11111,llirlg And Heating
promptly attemped to in a first
el,ss Manner. ('('rwinal atten-
tion given and 'nt knit ion guar -
mitred. .
'Phone W. R. PINDER
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders arlully •(te„c:.I to ■t all
hours, 1,111e or day
h ne ope•nrd n livery stable 111
111,• stand on Newgate street op -
posit? the ('IdlAq'rll• Hotel and
bar.• iltted it with
New and Up-to-date Ries, New
Harness, and Good.
Reliable Horses.
N11 patrons are assured the hest
,,•eviee. Your patronage is
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Telephone 173
(UN I)RY liliOs,
Livery, Hack
a_ AND
'Bus Stables
11(1(11) HORSES
FTC'., AT ----
1 ”
Well- :111pn1111 ell
Hacks :toil reli-
able drivers in
charge off/ the
i1lllerm, which will
fend* all train a
sad *ea Mlo, atr
\ I I i l l y ATTRNDKI I
r•Ir„t1 I' 11 1 FHl►M
i\1' I•l: 1 t .%T1s; 00 BK1
1 11 - 11' 4 , 1 PHONIC MTV