HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-23, Page 2$ Tnoasutt Lupus 23, 19u6
uu&l'RICH, YNTAKty.
v♦ \ATalia Or )WYCKTru\'
t.lepben. ran No. SO.
;Terms at Subscription
) .r &aliens la envaece.
It 1a,tss��l h..:"Oe ; Ihave womb., LV.
lirbanlbw. ants tan to receive TUF0,0.401
raglaerly by wail rill ,.under • favor hr a.•-
relidiElng usvt the fa. t at s. earl) u tints r.
When a clumsy of adder.. 1• de..redtoot it t he
Old ar.4 the tier' rddrles, 'Mould b. alien.
Adv.rtn.ng Rates .
Legal and usher dwWr adroit. •.went., lee
per Iloe for not oelertlun and 44 per lite for
each .ulgeynent luOorrtlou. Miaowed by- a
oa1prrell u -ale. twelve line. to au Inch.
dustily*. cart. tat rix Ilse. and under, 3 per
Advert forwent. of 1.04. Fuuud, strayed. !tit •
...akin. V w ,, N l . 41114111 inn. Wasted. Huuw. for
rale or to Rent. Frons+ for rile or to Kent,
Amtcle. WI Sade. etc., nut exceeding eight
Linea, Va. ea h newt Ion ; tl1 for ant month, .'see
for each sub..lgoent month. larger advert toe
west• in proportion.
Announcement. in onlinery readily' 1 ype ten
rent.. per line. No naive leer than )t..
Any etr•'eial mai.•., the e►)rvt of ahb h i. Ike
pecuniary Wheel of any Individual or sceoel
as Wo, to W eaudd •Tri an ad ern...meta and
to be charged acoordfngl
Rale. for display *nd elan met .44.1441-*
wens. Will he gf veu on application.
Addre.+ *14 rowmuniestloa+ to
Tug Maxi,
The Signal believes that the people
should have at direct voile in the
granting of ft'aurhiser extending over
*term of years, sod in this belief it
dissents from the aetiuo of the town
council in granting* frenchfw• to the
gal company for twenty years with•
out auhwittiog the matter to vote of
the people.
There is little doubt that the grant-
ing of the franchise would have (leen
approved by a majority of the tete-
payers ; bit there are those among
the ratepayers who would give n..
such franchise without o.curing tonne'
tingible return to the town in consid-
eration of the privilege thus granted.
Tlwre are others who object in tato to
the grontiug of franebiaes to pt•ivnte
corporation... (';Baena holding these
and other shades of opinion should'
have nn opportunity of measuring
their strength on a question .14 this
kind whenever it ramie. up. The
granting of thin franchise without a
vote of the people ms)- easily at wane
future time be taken ass precedent
for the granting of i franrhire of an
entirely objectionable mil ire without
ronsolting theratepayer•a, and the rule
should be eatabIidh.d and maintained
that in all motto -EN 4)t this Lind the
people of the town Ann be given an
upporlunity for the direct expressi*.n
of their opinion.
Having granted a eondilinual frim
tibias. if will he the duly ill the coinl•il
to wee tht the terms acettnipauying it
are stitch es will amply and surely oath -
guard the interests of the town
throughout the duration of the fran-
t'ol. Ihrnism. of Toronto, it a good
example of an optimist. Hr believes
that the ('handerhtio scheme will .till
The British Medical Aaw)rinti.,n it
meeting in Toronto and the city
papers are trying to talk learnedly
aalwau toed leaf sri.'nce and rarh
Now that 4 h tax ride fon' 111111 ha+
leen shack the ratepayer+ 4:111 Ilgnre
rat whether they are paying more ui
leas talar unlet• this seal's. watew.mient
Ginn 'miler loot year's.
Pre'silent Rewi.evell'e evident desire
tO 'rv)rh the trusts it nd ' '11hle; but
hie judgment is a long way off when
he Nays that the querlione of the tariff
and of the trestle atan.I wholly apart.
The reduction of the tnriff to *1•ensln-
abde taria would do mnrr in n week to
protect the people f the spoliation
of the toots than an "ant it rut hnv"
would do in a decade.
It i$ reported that the island of ,lean
Fernandez, off the ('Milian coast, has
diaappeard an a result of the earth.
quake which de)arde1 \'alpnu•airo lust
wok. .loan Fernandez was the island
on which Alexander Selkirk wan
"monarch of alp he rnrveyrrf,", and set
the traditional Hnbinwon ('rmsw".
Lland its story bar en interest for
ev.•rylwsly who has tend and wbn
ha+n't ro'41d :' 41M'oe'4 farrinatiug tale.
Many of our tnwnop.lple will re.
member the i/•tr)it Alderman, E. .1.
Jeffries, who WAS in 1114.11 n year ago
when the fight over the gar ft•anrhi+e
was on, and who addre..ed the public
meeting In the town hull rolled *n
diseivia the glia gllention. Mr..leffriee
la now a rnndidate for the Ina yorality
of Detroit and has hued hiss plat loon
M follows
1. The iripal ownership o4 mil
p hlic 01ilitiee
2. The right of the til)• In took.• il*
awn laws h rule.
:k Honesty, efficiency, nn,l peon-
omy In all nanni.ipal department..
4. Civil 'teeny.. or merit .y.te•n) in
piddle . Ake.
.. 1)iteet legialalion.
11. 1 MEAN IT.
Mr. Jeffries it making n red hot
campaign for nomination and arrnnl-
ing to The Detroit Jnnrnnl, w paper
which ie opposed to hire he is pretty
dire of getting if.
The rural oehools re opened on .Mon
day, two wrecks i,'fore the dote set for
the re -opening of the town and village
'schools. Why not make the holiday
term the same all around School
work cannot. Ie carried on to 'Avant -
ate during the hotweathea of August,
and in addition the rural .chords hwvh
to 'strug'gle with the difficulty pre
sonteld by the fart that many ehlldren
are kept at house duringconi tbue I'NEWS FROM OTTAWA
In help othe forum, andd curling in I
after the work of the term ham rule•
u.'nced they disorganize the school.
It the run schools did nut cumulemre
the fall terra until Ms.ptrnlher, as in
the roar of the town s•buulti it would
be h more satWsrtory all around,
and the pulpa would make quite as
rapid prow OW.
t ,ben -huskier never see ley fr••e ".gain.
Pl..) rot 1.0 -11111. More thing. are wrought
Os prayer
11.41 1414. world doom.. of. Wherefore, let
t by vole,.
Moe life a fountain for me night and day.
For what are nen letter than .heep or g4wtr
Time 0uurlrh s blind 111.' wIndo the brims.
IL know ing ,1,,l. , he)' kat not luu.d+ of
Hook for ahrw''I ,e• and those a hu, can thew
.1 ,,, -u II,. v444.411' 4110111i part h 1. 1)144 ora)'
gold h .In- a Malt 14.1 fret of Mode"
- rrIln)'.ou.
Did Jaaaet Think It Funny ?
H'en.all 4 Ib+r•rs. •,
A rather sing accident haps
'waled in the rear of theOftworver()Mee
on Monday night. "Pat", Fred Me•
1Amell'. leg hound, and another dog
were at play when the former Made a
firiuuo real' 4)n goal and inn tilt
against Miss Jenner Curr who hap-
pened along at thio juncture.
Carr wan hurled to the ground with
ouch fuer that her lip V.'N.i Kelly eat
and bled considerably. Fortunately
heyond thiv and the slick no rr•t'iuur
14.+alto 'followed
Studious Little Boys.
4 41•)4ho,14 4'bdu Uralic.
"Ednration i.i. great thing." said as
tr Umnba to his friend of New
York. "ieslk at -the boys tea this car.
Each one h,ar his fare buried in 41
urw+l1111.rr, and not one M. them ha.
raised his head lite the past ten min-
utes.. Whitt it wealth of information
thn.,• tittle fent Ma +toting up tot•
Dome yea's. 1Vhat knowledge they
are alh4urlltlg of the gamt Nment+
of the whole world. lee Wopderfuh I
tell you."
The New Yorker 'wide a quiet in•
veldiptntioi, E.l0y boy Maul his nose
glued to the hairball page.
Hunting foe Scandals.
Hnmahon Tiva•..
Notwithstlnding their poor ...memo
in unearthing SCA mbar during the East
.e%a'tn nl Parliament, it is raid that
the Tories are 'a'Nppraring for mother
campaign of scandal -hunting during
the coming +.•scion. )1.4. do nut blame
them. They find- it imp)ssild.'to hurt
the tiuvernuae•ut on it+ iegislative 4 1• -
old. And the realms continues to be
s) al.raldty pvwferouN that they can-
not raise any bowl of 41 cry on that
head. bene* the only chane.. of ate --
reeding against the (lover nnlenl is to
pay into it. administration 11f affair..
And hint all worth of charger in the
hole that .4111)4' of them will mirk.
The mobile is 11.11.11-,alh' so.piriuum, and
it .4o • ' •+ 11441)' requires reiteration
and $11',17.01 effrontery to make some
people , believe that black is white.
Howrvpr, the people 11n the whole are
not +0 eerily fooled. and we have no
doubt that the men who descend to
ruth means t.. 'tort their opponents
will Myer Willi little success, •
The West and the Tariff.
Winnipeg Free Pre-., - '
Already the Government is receiv-
ing advice n. to the urw' tariff. One
advocate of high protection raagge'ls
that it he -Canadian." That requite-
ment w'f'i114'to have leen filled by Ihr
reyi•ion of 111147 Mader which the I:mile
lull grown from lt9t'I,'ea1,1NN1l,-
0101,111111, w h.i I e nl:ilufaa'tit ing in -
dui dri(rs have pru.p•ted to Rn extt'nr-
ueVer before known in the hirtory of
I'MIl,min. 11 i+ needle.. to point out
that the West rejoice. lir much in the
indnattie) il.•velta int Of Eartet•tl
Canada nog doss in the egrlcultnral
drveto' an of Or pretties. Both add
to the meat neria nt Camels'. Bmt thia
pow of lew
la. Wonted t1.tthe tariff wholly;
other cause. fat • r potent ha ye
been t,.1't.8'e. Political .t:lbility thee'.'
has leen ,and this is nee...wu'\• to
tuitional progress: it is. in fart, the
Hoe neee•rrity. The potpie of the
Wiest have ...twine -Ord to this by .4146•
wilting to n r premie* h,'tween ex
tonne high pnue.•tion it. advocated
b)' the Manufacturer. Ammon. inn
and their 44044 view. approximating
fare trade ideal. to whirl) they still
folly adhere. I11 14lar adjirinl.01 of
Ihr tariff 11'e+tern opinion will he a
greater Moor then. it hitherto har
leen, and thin the Mntlllfaetllr'I'. A'-
s'ci,lion will as•alize ,Is n r•rnit of
their vi.it to the 1Vr+t.
The British Bowlerf,
lnl:dnn .\d,e•l(tier.
flue vf•it
for the 'mellow of se -
merit 11t'10 many husine.r men frau)
(trent Britain giver hs t little insight
into the haslet. of the 'maple at home.
(1n thir .4 nt4114011. men in borinl'w., no
n rule, lark the raving gra,'. of relnxn-
tion, Many .if them inn hardly find
time to vi.lt their own t '114.. But
it British keener. 1111411 can attend to
hl% hnvin.'•u' without letting his hila;•
neva usunopolize every moment of hie
time. He Ickes hi. full quota of
'denier.. in lite. And he ran do that
without neglecting Moro. a'rioUN (x•rn-
patios.. There are no -e rnerg.•ti4
4wo IP than the Hi'itish: And they cmc•
cw'I in life without keeping the ner-
yons system keyed ip to it. ittan+t
at rain.
It iron ilhar,tion nt the trio, 01
the hirer;,)* preached he +414111111 inn..
that the b•.t work ran 11(• done when
there is it due Ins port 1n11 'nf time
ren* in recreation. And the hest
recreation 4. eertnint'.' not that which
involver the moat violent I'xerria.'.
All work end no play maks at very
doll mon. If noir people paid
regaled to this :odium they would not
be romp•Iled to drop out of the rare
of life ns early no manly of thins do.
It is teller to .',,Miyake the Hritirh
mode of living than the Auu•rirnn.
Then own wo.ld livy longer, and
work longer. Perhaps the rpvinrle
of robes. find we..•earful Nominees men
Acing n long yuyoge far the simple
object .d having a few gonias with the
t'inndian bawler may tench 04 n
paid leer on.
Always Look for The Signal.
Role. F4rrier, of North Yakimn,
Waabington, sten11r 112 to pay for The
Signal tn.JAninry lot, l4'N4, and 04441'.:
"it is not from lark 111 appreciation of
your 40ltiable piper flint 1 have not
remitted rootlet, for the way we
pollinate The Signal is hest paper/wed
when RP soy that it never mines to
hand ,nesp.eteenly. %Visiting you
e.rntlnned ene'nwps," Thal Is the kind
of letter we Bite to get.
Read Tie Mignal'. ?Ice offer. Page *1,
Personal Charges Against the Minister
Failed Seven Vacancies in the
House of Commons Plow Apples
Are to Be Grilled and Marked Un-
der the Fruit Marks Act loves toga -
bon of Canadian Neat Deposits.
Ottawa. Aug. _filth. 141. voiding of
Hun. N', S. F'irldiug'r eleeth)n for
Quern's and Nbrlb iarne'N, N. S„ in
the general ele.'tiom 1.f IIN1i haat kern a
bonanza to the Opp)ritiun mess,
which has mud* the sou, t 0111 4)t the
oeem•rruce that fertile brans fired I.y
partisan zeal could sllgl(est. As, a
matter of fart .Ur. Fielding has not
been et ,111 compromised by the pro
reeding% 4wfore *ethe Court. r1though,
of Cola's, tl)r ,I(F.11t' au Iluplrawtnt
unr fur him. Ir Thr prt•rututl rhargr
optima the Mioi.ter tell through 011•
titch', and the Brat 1441s cuidrd nu the
gt'4mnd of the corrupt payment of
money by, an agent. The Chief
.lu.ticr, iu delivering judgment, said
that he war impressed with the hard-
ship of making a statesman. whose
whole desire was to %erre his count's,.
tespunsible fear for corrupt acts 4)4 14
few' agent. a g s) 11141n)• persons
who innocently swatted in 1e(u)iugo
his election..
There is np doubt that Mr. Fielding
will he returned again either by accla-
mation oh by at very large majority :
so that the sole gain to the Conserva-
tives in his nuaPating will he the op-
portunity 1.t ranting as4er•.ion+ upon
a pr0ulinent um•m)lo•r 111 the Govern-
Sesta Vacant,
in addition to Qtweit•a and Sled -
bourne, election.. will have lo he held
this fall in .ix. labor .on%tinlrncie%.
In Ontario three .rut. ,.tee vacant •--
Emit Elgin, North Heuer and North
Renfrew -and in t?tl4IN•( the St.
Mary % 4licia011 of Montreal nod the
county .ot Quebec are ul)repreoented
at present and Mr. Lemieux. who was
t•Uuuwl for both Nienlet and I, -
per, will rhos• to Nit for one ut the.*
outwit a•nciPs and a new electim) wi11
Ie nrrr.w1 v in the other.
Canada's Peat Deposita.
At 1111 early date Hon. \1111. Temple-
In1an pr4pu.eea to give his attention 0
the o.rihilitiei connected with tb�
pep t deptooirr of Canada. The import -
mace of prat as a fail is emphasized in
it petition which the Minister received
shortly bettor the rouse of Parliament.
This (imminent, which Was signed by
111.11)' norait 4.l. 4)t Pal'ItnlUPtll and
others, urged that the lmfnes branch
Ir inrlruct1.4 to make ouch A 111umugh
invest igllli11n, with it sirs' tl, obtain-
ing reliable information -a. t0 situa-
tion, .extent, capability ut' drainage
and brit m eth.od..of working availoldc
log., together with the character,
calorific -value. etc., of the peat r1n-
t,lined in thevu, as will aid in the in-
telligent decelopu)ent of Ilii• calunble
Grading Apples for Market.
'I'he fruit division, Ottawa, ha.
given 1.111 the following with ,'.1r,ence
to the recent onlendllI•na' to the
Fruit Marks Art :
twat -unions have been isjued to
Dominion knit in.pe. tors to enfnre%'
strictly for %yolent of Marking and
gentling apples rs*:Ihli.hed by the re-
cent nno•ndmentn in the Fruit Mares
Aet. The important changer are :
1, 1'Ee Word "fancy" or the mint-
ers'''. N.•. 1, No. 2 or Nu. 3 must he
lewd to mink the grader. Other
mark% Illll.t not be more prmruinrut
than thee•,
2. These grades are now di -lined
;messed of only one formerly. 'alp'
Iwrelll pal. .4 rash grade Hike .4. Il.lieiw'.:
,Ial EVel y apple ill a I ''ka4t'• inerkwl
-fancy" amu +1 be Itf 11111111.11 .1/4' and
free (sou. opt hlrmi.h. 11., Every
apple `In package walked No. 1 ,,,...l
Ir a well r-1'own .p'(•illeu of the vnis
Ply memo' on the package, si un.l. of
nut Ie., 141111 upd' size,. of g,ssl
color (o1 the quality, of teamed shape,
,Ind 9.1 per cent. of the op•rinien. foe.
f • all defog+. lel Every Apple in
p aekage marked Nr.. 2 toast 1: mol Its.
1 han near 'm/r1' '417e, Ami 7{11 peke
rent. of" the •primer+ must lir hat
from all defect. ,anti all material
mode., 1t is held that ' attwit y
1.11 mre'N slat triol wrack*, rli that no im-
maturity applies natty Is•-6ipp%1
Marked higher than Nu. a.
N... 3 grad.. is not defiled. last the
smirk la provided to en, Ile .hipiwer to
rend fu1-'. lot any marketable apple..
that ..•a111at qualify for IIs• looter
grade.. -
Discussion of the Relative Merits of
City and Ramal Corps.
The rifle match between the team.
of the F:$.ex Fusiliers and the Huron
regiment which war ,an incident of the
resent visit of the E.s'x roldiers to
(Poloich 4+ made the text of an :thele
on the military mage of the London
Fro.' Pres., tot follows :
The recent meeting of the 21st Regi-
ment, of Windsor, and the Mull Regi-
ment of Hurn comity, (It a friendly
musketry competition 011 the rlulges
of the latter reg' an, in which the
21.4 Regiment were beaten. I('lwls one
to reflect a little lapin the relative
nleritr of illy and rl1r111 .corp., and
the support which each receiver from
the Militia Department.
It appear+ to me *het it city corp„
get. far more in coulpnriwm than it is
entitled to. In the 441'+1 phl(e an ex-
pensive n4. 'y is hni11. costing Any-
where from $75010 to $21Nl,alo. Then
a caretaker 141111 en engineer are ap-
pointed at ...Merits. which umm.ant 10
11 14/111 $1.:414 per Annum. lfundr(do
.f dollar. ere rp'nt every yesi' in
healing And lighting, and t•er reation
entitle., le.vvlhlg nslpyr., shooting got
Irrie•.141111 other player. of ennimemrnf
nrr sippli(11 by the Hover nmleta.
Each company ha. All elal4l1.te 41rm1•
my for rowing 4r clothing. erne+ end
11pnapnent, and each man has A locker
of his own.
Now Irl is see whet n t•nral corp. of
the Annie rtr.'ngth go.. in the way of
enmities, rte. The depart Men' will
not Mild armories of any kind nt all
for rural companies. and of enure.
caretakers air ort of the tomtit ion.
Therefore the enptnin of ea1h com-
pany of a rural regiment Imo to rent a
pl'ce hinlrelf 1.. k.v'p hie c(11npny
supplies in and has topay 11 110111 to
keep them in Nlu.pe. To enable him
to I7,. thfs. the department pants hon
the magnificent of Real per an•
num. I'reviour to this year it was
only sills per year. How the depart
e ar•taneut expects him to 110 this not of the
allowance ir not laid duan ha regula-
tion* And under.. The 1511 per e
pwny per , runstituteo every-
thing received by a rood regiment to
provide aruorieel and keep the arm*,
equipment And clothing 1111 'shape.
Then again, the ,city corps i+ teamed
with Mtge tmifornr And ales. cloth
tunics and trou,wrw, while the rural
('*lei gets malting lint the Norge
elothing, Thir means that It Arks
about *tire* times. as. •1) to clothe
the ell corp. as it dors the rural One.
Hot it la 40 be hoped that tunics ,Ore
never hupesld on the country units,
t11ot if the department ever gets' a
little genrrou1 11)w,ud,, thew. some.
thing ower irrable alight be issued in
their place.
I14 View of the 11)10re, 11 i+ nut has(
to seer why the city corp., always Iuok
much mule neatly 'formol than the
111111 uoe1. The soldier (VOW the farm
lens to wear his old red setae for ramp
after vamp ouO for all thole., whether
on -Church Parade" or grooming min the
home, ant walking With his
lest girl, or drilling all morning in the
boiling sun.
A etty corps can novo draw• _is.)
rolnld.. 41 ammunition for each of its
ueu11e1•rl, while at rut al regiment
need Ire content with 42 monk. per
1 et in -vires of all this, i1 rePlna to
m.' that a good rural culls is Of 4411
11111141 10404441 141 the country am i city
Corp,. 'Hwy can't "Troop the ('olo14"
4)r "\larch Past" lie well 414 their city
comrade., nor do they I1ok 1114
".mart. 1,111 II In not 111•:11 11111(111'11111
:ind vele ma,nial drill *hat win KatIC..
11'hen it runes to the -roil businrsi'
the farmer buy will take his place he -
:side the city lad. and will be jirt as
good a shot, a tar better rider, anti in
moa two., hardier and able to endure
nitwit 111U1'1• fatigue.
%Poen we -,curet on these farts. it
.eeu)N strange that so little is done
for the soldier from the faun, 'Puke
the• county of Oxford for instance.
Here a tine, rural corps hits leen al-
lowed to go to piece% in order that the
city of 11'oodwtoek might have an ex-
pensive armory and :s 1144'' table little
four-rumplany regiment. Here w e
now have the ridiculous spectacle of
a $That*Nl armory and not ill single
soldier to drill on its polished floors or
lounge in its luxurious reereat ion
moms. The regiment ha• to come
int* exirtenee vete Int in time a sickly
little corps will IN. brought 4urth to d0
hares drills ,inti give fancy bells, and
the hunky lads of the country _round
anoint will ((starer that thew• is ash a
thing a+ ••%oldiering."
$uppitre the department land taken
even one•HfII of the en -t of this
armory•. and built eight .mall ciao'.
pans at '11•r at different little place.
throughout the country, there is not
the Irmo doubt that, wither a very
short tulle, we world have seer. a fine.
healthy regiment or eight , ria, p., lla•r,
such a. the Oxford Rifle* used to be.
These little lir its would our cl.a
mnrr than $2.0111 each. leaking a total
of S111,IJIl. Which do you consider
the tetter bargain for the politic. four
11001 little companies fot• S75.INNb or
eight good, healthy ones fol silkiest?
TM Need of Accuracy.
In an erti1le in the last issue of The
Outlook, "Hints to Fellow -winker..
by 1a Sausi:writ \. tllrl'1• is. al 4411g-
fpr•stioD that nets- throw ionic light
upon the )unrhaleha teal a gnee.t'
Whether ,a college training 1v of any
practical 4)444' in 1a husines. r1i'eer,
The ulwervations refer piiularily. of
rnlll+e, to the haemes. womban; Int
they Are P 111,AlIy applicable to the
business man. "i brave watched.
rhe ways, "the work of prliduter of
eolleg.w. from Canada to for Gulf
how New York to the Golden Gate,
and the failing nearly all had to ('1111.
hat WAS 11 lurk ot accuracy. That,
w'elknel. tne.• enal.terd, 1 stand for
the ,ollege'trlinrd woman."
This experience Ir not 1111 iluminnl.111
one. TIN) often, if it rftldent is nuked
rum* question rapping for exert knowl-
edge of his work, his Ott+err will tori
often be like that 11f the man whom
the pate Lewis; I%trrul •ler.'t'ila'+ it, the
*.say On '•Meetliug the Mind•: ":1
thoronghly w,.II•rota man. Just try
him nn any' s16jecl uuw. Y.nl r.1111'1
puzzle him." Yon turn 10 the new -
mighty well-read uu1n. Inn ark hitt
n quevrfon, ear in Engliah hi.tory the
is unl•I•.t(4)1) to knee jurat lini.,ed
readingt �\hteau111y). He .nli1e ew
n,atlrM1ly. trier 10 lank ao if he knew
1111 aloat.it, x1141 p eche* •de to dive into
hi. mond for the answer: 1'p 1941111'44 a
handful of promising facto, Int on ex-
,mni11aliotn they turn ant to belong In
11e wrong rentiry. and nee pitched in
attain. A 4Pcond, haul 1)I•i0gr tip it
fart fi more like the real thing.
but unfortunately along with it." w
a 11)nglent nt4ler thing. --A 44111 in
'w111tie,11 rill y, a. I'111P in 'diah111P.
air, the age. tit hi. brother's children,
and a .tnn7,:a of "Gray',, Elegy." He
hl. a gloat genet al idea .If the rllhje.•l,
but the business man needs morn t hon
A general idea,
11 is baud to 1411ollnt for Ihfr lark of
acesrrary in the roIIPgr trained man 40•
woman. Perhaps the habit. he forma.
of constantly looking up hi. fart. and
references hen s •Thing to do with it.
It it poi...Mini, of 4uurse, that he Is•
hole to do Ihi.. hat it is easy to fall iu
lo the habit of tooting to text•hook.
for 1111104 facts that ought to 1e stored
in the manor]y. The preeswait .'durva-
tioml methods reem to give to the
training of n1PIn,.1'\• a rather unim-
N)t'tarnt. phsce. The I'ndle"t 11,1f,w, the
Ione "pieces" that our father+ and
then were obliged to c • to
memory 'teem to lar of little ' i -
into tor, it is tone. but the training
than given to memory wrist exce.di-
ingly valuable.
The"Nosiness 'Woman" mention.
raw g the factors that contributed to
her careen that she received "an
early training in A((Irany t an old-
f11rhiosed English school, whet a .11p
in at date meant staying in after hour.
to write out n lint of the Kin of
England, with their date,. of accer*inn
end t he name's of their air
it i+ quite true that when sh
afterward entered liminess her *111
player would prnhahly never le
quire .4 her precisely three farts.
hal the modern Method of let-
ting the.;intent off with at fairly eon,
prehen.in. ides of 111e tpndenrier of
the reign, and leering him to look up
the extol date a1 his plee.urr, i.
eq Mlle reader. from the +drip
actual utility, end is nut vo useful in
pnolnein4 a trained memory. The•
flirt that the present dny eurMrnlnoi
1st h er•onlprehen*iy'may be at
the holt of it ; but however that
1114)5' '4i4', it seem. n pity that the cult i•
v'aton• 1.4 me •y and arrlarnr)• f.
neglected. and that innmePgqnently the
student arida himself handicapped in
lir Oi seas.
A Hint is as Good as a Kick.
Clinton \PM' Ern.
List week the following item apt'
peered in Thr New Era :
"Men have venom. ways of retry
Mg money. Grocers, hntehrrr and
millet -r. carry it in t wail, bankers in
clean hills, laid frail length in a pocket
book ; brokers only fold this hill otter.
doubling it, w. it were: the young
Imminent. man eitrrira it in hie vest
'nickel. farmers and drover+ in their
nside pockets, whether it ie Hai or
13 cent*. Printer. tonally carry their
money In other people's pponccketa."
In \Cnlueswlay the fallowing letter
estate to hand, with a dollar M11 at-
tached to it :
"The encloses] atom, taken from last
week'. New Fara, struck ate so forcibly
that 1 enclose for our dollar of yours
which I have been carrying in my
pocket since last April. 1 had in•
tended leaving this matter until 1 was
1 on toy '.',oration, but changed
1114' mind when 1 read the ruclu0ed
Flipping. 1 could not du without the
New Era."
Now, If any •e of our ,ulweriler•n
111'* cltt't')'iug astound s)ull4 of our
money, we will le gond if they will
lend it to us..
Os tarok -Study Yaw Tema
e•,nl, 04) Ylpoi'av " l ype 1: Nwmal.-
One of t;..
The - splendid joy which
follows ork well dune is what
makes the etni-ready tailoring
store the ome of sartorial
fes Saito
fee bafq
f4) baits'
$10 , Bailer and $10 better than
the custom tailor knowsow -Sao
in all, when you count only the
advantage of dollars
Garr-a.wor V .o0.95;
McLean Bros. - A.s "
.• price of beef ..,1 t Ir t h rouaho, n 4 : I ,.
Itnt.1, En,p11'e ben- /Mopped .1 to., 1, ..,
INV. anal run-r.ryrut iv 1111(1 pr,, -
duwn. Wr are now u ;Dreg .411 - -
at Meer prl.x.. it h11.• the• 4uabt r ,t-
go1s1,' 1f not taller, than ino• )Ir
1.KANS )1 EAT 41 Alt I:4:I handle. -ail
laid. of went., mullet'. etc_ and. while
thanking the pubhe (0. their 111x•,..4
patronage, u, -ori, n n , outinn,tn.,' "t
the -.on,.
l baser F.. -M -t .,o.4 ,.iti.00. Midi,
Fall Term
Sept. 4
4:I: 41,1' CII
4 1.4,- 111''
Berlin Business College
4'. 1, F i 1.1 1; i
You will g11*' cone kW- nt gni- a 1111-i
norr rant.* w11,•lt the. Itdoh toddle or
high +entad vork not before yon ,*let
your w-h,uL (w .m.• nod .r elle (,,r unr
neo 111.d.arne, We ane doing 1.•1,.
work than *ter before and me ,f root
Ire excellent merle-. Fall tarn. rime
sell. 1.
British American
Business College
v. M. l , .1. Rlalrlin��tt, l ouatt• and
M'0Ill 4.p+., Toron,n
T. M. WATSON, Principal
SEPT. 4th
to dr••i,i4•, to gel nb ine...sanrn
:inn n4. •hallh:,nd t'iintae�it is dire to
,hone* n -. bool that 1. B'e -noo'n lot
.to i,'tIv hlN$, ,r.1(• wort. '44,,-
4'.','i kaon n u- oar of 110• bP-t cont
ner•h,l .'h..,l- In ,' I.l core. It- r•rutd
1411. 4110 ha. been mn+l reneokn11..
Nolte of unr graduate. ere 0111 of N.•l
110114a/141 111• demand 1lx then I.(1.na
10,•01, 111114. t hr ..inlay. Write ?MA)
for tom luuaniflernt ent$loane.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal,
1 1 once and Alexander mt..
Fall Term epees Sept. 4
Thr-' Inter•-lrei 111 hn•in,".- ramp.
.cork -hn.dd write for our large ntfn
Intros. This to the lamed and hest
rOnuurrtal and ho tM.nd -ehro 111
)'*Yarn (h1laH0y We give n pre I Irak
training and a..l+f our gtwdunte. 10
rr+ptn•ihle pnsltlew-. Many M Inc
Iee.A lag ln.lnr.. ,+arenaa employ our
grad nate.. %Vette now. for * free eats
Principal -
W. Acheson & Son
Abort one thounond yllyds carpels and liuolemms, tuarkrd as for August
clearing male, good patterns and qualities at bargain prices.
:hs.) yat'.I.. 4.x111► heavy, 111111111 Mud wove carpet.
and mete .'t palteta•, regular 4ic and 55e, at per yard
reversi11.' and yard wide, our 2.5e quality a* 19e
4111) !outdo. 27 inches wide, ptteruv •111(1 c'ulurings suitable for 55e
oily nolo, iegul:u' value Ilex. and Iter a yard, opticial et per yard
1'4ion ea.rpet,
Hrver.ible 39Ci
M1) yards .4 Scotch linoleum, 2 yat'ds wide, 4.1.w•k of floral pat -
t..1•11 and well sea.4)ued quality, re ealu• 374 and alk'. at per *quare yank 3UC
111) panes Nottingham !dee curtains, 54 to tl0 iueliw wide, 31 yards loot,
extra flue quality net. all new designs, regular 112.25, at per pair $1,50
11'e are showing urw and a ver)• large choice in tweed rffe%rte and in plain
materials for imaul1Jinte or early Autumn wear, the styles and cloths nrr
very, very pleasing and Infero moderate.
\Ve invite early inspection.
When you buy a Mattress
get the best
The lest in nl ltr0.rt•s i+ the rele•lirated Ortrruusar.
Patent elastic fe 1 is a vegetable Hbre made. f • rultnu, purr
originally, mule purl y itself by our treatment, and remains tut per-
manently.' It is. dust roof. dirt-piot.f, ver - -proof. germ -proof
anti 11,lak.a the only tn. tr.r lm.'w•n that i, aleadittely sweet, pure,
clean. healthy and hygi fir,
THE P' iCE IS ONLY jts.00
l•dn ran have 114) Orton)
,and if it not the heist maters
refund your money.
.r Mattress, Nleep on it tar 31• nights
•oil ever slept on return it and 1 will
The hest in springs is the ' ERCULES. They are first soft
and springy, then very sarong a1 durable. The KOVernmiemt test
found that , UP p. d of wire wove the h.'i1,11e. Witt WAN us.11
a. five poind' woven the old way. bsolnlely 44u1uanteril not to
.rag .4)r lunacy refunded. A large fork of • the cheaper grades
always on hand.
per -k nee. cur.
Nel+o's t. and
1 :11nbria raa1.
'Phone 1-•
H. B. Beckett
Undertaker and Embalmer
Livery and Hack Stables
Tho• Smolt tnrnnutr in town Art' supplied at these well -k)n.wn
slabl1N, Carriage.. for every requirement and good horse. {ora he'll
,11 reA*nnlble rate. of hire. (`arr4nl drivers furnished when reboil .1.
All .•alla promptly attended to
Walker & Augustine
I'IInN I: '44
" One -Quarter Off " All
Summer Clothing
THE time has come to make a clearing of all summer
clothing, so we put, on sale for two weeks all our
summer clothing, including the 20th Century Brand, at
a clear discount of 25 per cent. 1)on't 1nISS this
splendid opportunity of getting good clothing cheap.
$10.00 Suits will cost $7.5o
$12.00 Suits will cost $9.00
$15.00 Snits will cost $11.25
$1.2:) and $1.:10 Licht Summer Vests cle.tring at 75c
$1.00 Negligee Shirts at
$1,(0 Boys' Knickers at
:)e Boys.' Knickers at- - 50C
$2.5O and $:3,00 light-colored Fedora Hats at 98c
ob Printing is a special feature
of The Signal's business. We have
made our customers' requirements
our life study. Good work at moderate cost.