HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-23, Page 1THE SIGNAL to January 1St, 1907, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, 25 cents � "Iw C cfi� , I �e 4 k k \ �'%6__, _�J_ -:3,Lai 1T ]jlj IR. A GOOD. -JOB ""speaks for itself. Thej3 work (turned out ofi The Signal's lots printing de pertinent tells a story of skilled workmanship and honest nlateraal. If you have a bit of printing to be done:call and see us. __ _ -. _ -_ - - _ - -_- F'IF1'Y-NINTH YEAH -Nor xltu------------------.GODERICH, 0N,rAR10. CANAD 4 : AUIIUST ' V, 191% - ,` --- vAVATTkK t KI,BI:KTtiu�. Nvrl.laelllw ___..__- ---- -------- �r-__-- - -- _ - Financial OODERICH MARKETS. I s funeral WAN largely attended, find the and Mra. Swamrld of C-rullerland. l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS--AUO. 23. LOCAL TOPICS. Horul offerings wrrr (N'orwoe And ver• IThq lived tier a short tiulr in Wood � New Directory -M-11 Ielrphorlr up , Yµ4 � - TarNNn.sy. Au n -t :!11vi. Iw atiliful. The rein ain" were interred slw'. and toward% the end of thr Name Han -t Help Waited V. p, K. .1 Kr' s Fall wheat, per bells. slow of An to 4 u [M Sprung wheal, p,r bel+h, new .. a as to b till gold The Mayor Signs the Bylaw. in Ald(ch crwrrel•y. Thr twhWvr% cement wrrr : Mrs..l. S)•wiugton nod Vrar u1Nde rho Joel roe) noel Y to Jit' r+urliur, Kuiug by luulhrr %% Ag 1 ()Ili Hrn+ Wanted -A anndu Poultry &nil Pro - du,v rel Ltd. Stralfona O ltye per bush . .. . v 43 to U {J Iluri:wbeal, burlu U {tl to 0 Itl Mnyur Tilt IeUu tied INat nIK"I front P ell) Clarence Harvev, aural JAu herr Dole weans of runveynttcr At that , ... .... I ....... Fall INeI "Alwrtlu's" - { per .. nal., per bash., ur,r v't7 to u stl Detroit and hfiN %igned the M aillsu(1 Airs. Clark Ayer »aid haAtquu , of lime They final! • settled iu (Iaulr- - .... .. - \•"ang �l«u -, \Vw. aharulau... s 1'rus, lx•r bush U A. to n IU Itivef Yuwrl• U I. hviaw' g SI r. AndMis. liNftishlroli h. Sask-. ' h and, with I ill exc•ept.io n of a u(' Ill ....... . ... ... (let the (lest - H. It. Bw'kett. . ....... .. Y � � ,'arrrwkiinjsjs+ {uer lure . L ttl W t '1d W G. EL M Railway Notes. W. John%ton, of iitrisaloue, and W"I. ,but title,- s wait by Mr. SWAMP Ila England few ago; they have Kvtamordinar)• Prbr ruttl[ts, W. A. l R Ire"or Flour, family. icerv%-I ...- t w to t y, Flour, twtent, per cwt tl eD to t al •1 The Unt Mercury wlyN : At the S min tun and run, of Niche.' Y K a years Iw•en residents of this election ever S"" "' s Brun, pertain - - . to W W 19 W present time the laving of track lip- Public School Board. %iti(e, nearly thirty Yru['s being spent Typewriter Hargaim-W. L FJliott... L ...... to 8horti, per lou .. ... LII W to A) lel HNY'.yert«, tl W to re W r lots twt'en Linwood and Millbank hr% been until certain mnlait A si)rrlxl mrrhng of the pnhhr ho,il bo:ud held least Sloodav the fawn un the ld h N.N It'+thr PanA+ol+ N ad{cns tom.. .... a Stucw end iGmgr- F P. IMedln.. 1 Wood, d .. -- - ... 6lel to a 00 sn»pended N, wa% erich hisses which they removed to li,xlrrlch i ed to ... l'nderpricrd Butter, per lb Is to o IN bridges Are ca a b•It-d. The ballsst- K N P evening, present W. A J. H. ,(ane rix year» ago. At tilt' tittle / f K s ,,. I'or,rts -N'. A. )Ic Khu.... ... .i else -re, per Ib ...... . I, Id to v 12 C', IN U 17 ing loetween the Conest0 x and Lin- R C R. If. Ca ('1'filgle•, J. W. Uralglr, K. H. 1'111(, A• their urrivxl in ills 7•uunlry NuT [rat• \•ulrarv' hies, IA16 {1. U, John,laa 1 it:gK+. ire!sh, per dor. 11 to Mtat«s 0 W to {.1 would is being pushed forwArd said tin 1). Mir -Lean and B. C. Sluunings• A a.rin's sftrr the plat wawa a wilderness Ware Fencos '•. 4'. 1A•e ..." . .5 cattic, orniin'y to flood. pet cwt. 3 ON to { for effort will too made 1%1 have the line communication iron[ A. liisxrt-7lu)ul ,tied tilt' clearing wllm et dal tel• done K ? Pin -air Form 1 orlon Itrg, Black { (-attic export, per cwt .... .. :i sale to :i W HUg+ lire weight, pet rel.... Nat' 10 lel o N,tird up to Linwood in little fur the exhibit(((((.'" was with referem9• to tilt- Trtislher;Lnce 1{all IIIY w;1$ fur tl r boosts cud pullµ building» (if House• for hent - W. J.Morrovo .. I - For.ale or to Hent --N'. A. Harrison, Los, - SpprIt1R Cantor ..... /Ill to .IIp :1 W to :f 311 UI'alratll NCh(1U1 tllltl aN•rI'PINI')' directed to Mr-. Thein, that hff, WIIa[ IN now the town of Uf nu,v 1 8herp, se., "Wt ... ...- .- .... Hum. two is .... '' - - '' 0 Is to u IN To Pay Prize Money of 1902. Info('((( Child should attend St, Andrew', ward Clive- 7'hrir children. \1'illixw S., of l'Irt'r- Cleveland Mirs. ....... .. .... .. ... ... ' 1k).ler'.8haro Found -The Signal . ..... 1 Fiwra,, per lb ..... ... ...... U 15 to 0 et' Lard, per lb .. ............ IYi to It ::All Thr directors of the Gress Not•th- FXhlhlt hal Went nllt sc•h(wl. The following amounts were )find ; Joseph G., of ; V. M. F:IIIUtt• Mrs. JNA, AdAl11R 1Lnd For -.0e -J. B. Hawkins,.... . ......- . . follow-, per lb to a 1 Hirers, ppeer cwt . .. ' . . . . 6 yo to 7 sn ............... aemterri 11111 a'P circular, to the exhibitors of ltsr_ who UI nand' GPU. S(11rrow, lin•.: Gnottry row, $1.f11: \\'.A. McKim. ffiI.s11; SlimsJr%AIr, (AT(i(xlel•ielr. welw resent P Suakle.tpvals--llldha�ew•otchStorr ; Two SaleDwrs-J. H. Colborne a `theepSkill"..... 31 to Mr .. ,'late ell..... 0 Is to 0 1s erre paid Doty x pnrtinn of [heir prize that sue- Stat•, $1.12; alarretary, postalg r• >,:: fur the occasion,gar em well as moat of their fifteen .grandchildren, two of ---- _- -- ---_- - -- atrawbrrr(e.. . , . s} to NL 3.) money. »tiring with another this they G. N. W.. telegratnp, ;tile. ; Slail. FL,•. ; when) yreirt ted their grandparents Hnrlwr )ark in the AftPrnoN)u. '(fila ) Wutaidrmarkels wt Palle cesmtul exhibition year .hots• y (ilollh; ! r V. A. Heil]. gii.Hl) ; \� . W11 x curve of Tach ttrnn thrix .• 1 t • I tb to Ix Ahlr to make K(s(xt the smonntR �,.>e;ii:i.tki: Gpltrrich Plwing Still% %pet IN excels oIA lain ul,l+ r pie �� kept back in 11AT2. ]'his action should flu., $11k3.7a. An arc(snht of C. C There- wilts osa in t and V Rail. turn hip in the evening, A Krtre- -_ �_ -- -- udd.lo the credit of the (}. N. W. and There- were xlaw in the (uwily 1{use NII IPI (s Hurthrr'r wrl'r of if aid re- A000lnitnod>ttion fir Sumtltlr� Visitors Lee's was referrPal to the finance coin- 1 >' y N) _ __ _o _-_- _ _-,._,- ___- -. THF. should lip an inducement tel all to help mittrr p, report. Thr rontifigrnt iSlls. Edgar Dnvidsolu end NAOtui, frexhutrntm a rived ill, town the day T 11 r '» r tt�� -�-- !loran Id Pi U 1 INT .� a 1� FOK fat 11 SiF.K f3PfOHS. Ir , t iu "fit this year'+ fair a Kreuter cnnunitte•r was asked to repOr•t at the .,,at nus' living. Mr%, • before the outing to nicer the dr[nnlralN 1' 1 LKLIIU BAN i\ slicepsto than ewer. September :NJ. 27 next IurrtinK the vile -r of the shed lnctttrr, the KrratKran.twn[hrr ut ut [hr day. --- Byre•que-t of Il,e &,ardof'Cr,rde. unlx•non+ 1 and fif sur the Tates chis year. , »uulr of those prevent (stt TurmeLaY 'rwu rinks of howlers calla+ a with .1 -.- yr havlurr acruuawedntion fOr •uwulrr %iltor- to The old and pupnhar re.uri � � �w'u r,,, Y � nnd onNiuildirtKN at St. I atrfo•k's w•ittr Jird tit K'uoxlalurk not dun x u at I(Mdod,lai are rc, n,•+cod to (rave their naw,•+ a K K the excursion and mson.playei two 1, mix OF CANADA Appointed General Agent. rch/fid site ,end oleo the axlur .rat the u(xt old n r of niurt rwu. Sirs. hr evcaptlun of gue-sa, j and pxrik'ulrr+ rl )tie nrw+puprr nlfl%v (rt for � � R g y; rill kl+ is the Aftrrlux)n, Iwillg Nix vhed tit the CentlKt. 1'aropk fraxn town are Incted to evmr IDwI,, N'h,'m Ild- III%) be krill. Avhiah will Dr L. W. Laois has this week as%umrd Wyatt, Huron rn,ul, is a %t»err tit SI r. pointer up on,thr play; The rinks and Hr.%u U►rics Tuxosru erld spend w afternoon air r%ruing at nvaflableforrnun,rrn- the general agency tar this district for The Signal's Annual Outing. Sa'NmrIT. svul•ra weer as'tollows : the Palet. AnY' rddn•+,e•• •rel[ in to The ��ggteoli Wilt AI'TNOAIZgIr CAI•ITVL, j1;r11.aa' the Ur('uruuck ilf Co.,nlakrr„ of g R• flood ,eer-lcefor pfcnlc,, driv16K and will be propeh roarorebd. JAMES .NIIT- a K' Berlin Uodencb. CHICLI, Surety Beeped of Trust*. agi i,:nituial implements. Str. LAyis 8"tasrday afternoon Lt%t a•na the oc Meyer - Gibson. J. [fail J. Kidd Ia1Nor a y par-. I - nasion of the• annual cutin tit' Tile For any particular addrc++ 11 - - - --- I\('UItW)KATEIy BY KPF:1'IAt, AI's has done good aurk for several yP:uv The lieauucillr Independent of Auq• it. H:[ rel A. Mr11.AlIwn as till- lucid fi eat (If the Sta%sea•- !signal At Point Farnt. All t e wee• P( H. , �Yerr 'kip w. Lane To Soul or tomiNIUN PARLI.a\LENT R !N•rs of ihr staff were resent and. not l th Ir an the following accoul"t ri( \1'tp. F:nlrr 'kip Is It. a pots, aklp, 11 J. T. OOhDTHUHP!s. - ---- --- To 1(F.rF.tVF: UF. Po t.l.; Hanie ('u., fail() the McCormick people P the inarr•ix a of A. N. Al,-er, M. A., J. 1, Mat'Nlinr, C. Wee rtu)ralX7r)N - --- - are to IN- congrotudatpd u w ,r(4uvng ('minting those of the country ('(rr t[nithrwat iagl mumter of the Gtxlrrich urn. LsCour+e• a fie..UarroN- 1;Odrrieh Ontario. Hot nnfulni.h„1-)rood.1«•a-nu, (or, Blit his men•i(es. Hr will Rtill make Gode- 1 p Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Sire. ,, • -lune ruled »aid w atelloo .trrel, oppes.n. / . c U ,a i i• -h his h cine. A Ictal agent fur the Slo- '•rut nnd other' KnrNl.+, itlx)ut "thirty K H. J. Nfw rklp _ _ H.'i'i_a•r[, .kip N I.ulkKfalr ln•W ni,•. All modrn, runrrnlrnrr,. :� I tx s D A \ i\ (;ol'lllll•k ) IP N'dl iIs elf Nrilll,d performs ttx)k part Ill the affair. The Meyer have rrtursed ho IuN'tl and ere _.__.-.__.-__.__ ♦[air 1«,ws. L+,aything In rer+r-class n•peil. �" p I dray wait n avxnu otic ,utQ the magni. receiving the uuJ Ni»her of their ANNOUNCEMENTS. ! For further p,nh'ular- apply to W. .1. ) »hnrlh• and will cunducl his f/al%IIINmm K roan • friends. �'I r Inde "Indent slayer : � -_ __ _ JILUKc I,L) HOW. Krw,'r, Hamlet«I street. DFPA in the stand on Ha mih(sn street which tiernt bathing beach head irresistible at- ) Pr Y -- - tractions fur -its al number of the Un \\'rtlurmduy xftrnuuln last, the HacP (sn seen the, fine di% ha, has hen•tofute Iw 1•ai (Ircupir(1 fly SiI. 4 house of John Gibson, Queen street. )' p y of AROY ADAMS ICRNISHFD HOUSE TO LET ON party. Tennis, Iwseball, howling, stove•A and ranges at E. P. PAILLiWill? a TKACHXA or Plano � NewKare .ireet ; four loedronws. dining INTFMF_STALi IWy .Dom UKl'(riI'1- !.avis' was the Nrene of a ver Ieaaain event [von draw-ingrouw and Iwo kuchen-. Apply I f►F" it AND VPWABI)S, rule I nnd rel steel around the pie• P B If ran urs troubled with Buffalo St radio flank of Montreal Block. at TIiF: SIUNALolOcr. latf Death of,Mrs. Costfe. turr,•1 tie FerewiReN m,a/te rim,• pain when him eldest AughtrL Iran y __,--__-_ _ YalidPyt'rythrerniunth%orroili After fin i0nrs. of over seven yuickJy till era. was call•(. ,and a Hrna!p[wutt,lax•Antr thrwife (st A.N. bags in Yuul h(suAr, qct a bottle of TU LFT. - TWO OR TH-K•F-F: muulhR Mrzi. Silo. ('ostir.dieal bn huu{ ry, happy crowd did ample jus- --'------ aw_ Meyer, M. A., mathematical umetr). of our tialo Bug Killer. only L'x., flat Fine �g room+. fund,heA, with wt' without board, la;nandrd yuuMt'rd) Tuesitu)• night tit hl•r rwwidrnrk on lice p) the good things proa-Ided by the OWerich Collegiate lustitute, and H. NPI, �'HUMNa1N m Drug Store. _ ____ _ - _ two orlhrcPminun-.'w•alktroutCoik- iateIn- 1\'est mtrrrt, nnd Ihr f-na6•al taL•rtl lVioe Hunt Goldth(srtw. In the syr- furmerly rinefpal of the local High The- Wot•W11» have %old several - ututr. Appt ytat MM. JOHN JIAkQI'IN, No. School. y. K K HAWING -AND PAiNTING 1 N .isKnrubeth'+tre•t. w;u, place till, ntteruum t.1 Maitland reale- ping Jxa. I,iuklntrr, n[ I,crhnru, who he crn•uum which Auuk beating mtOtew this month. Might I) alt. AND NANDTICH ('UI+uK. (,I ---'9 --- - ----- - _ FARMICHS' SAJ,K NOTFS ('ASHEI) trey. Mas, Cost it. was it native of Ibp wall one of the ray. pyalk N prorui- Place in the urtiflciall)• decorated that f:u•t account for file nnalstlra117 for RENT. C O M FOK T A B L F I IR 1•oI.LF:('TED AT HKAWIN- Orkttey Islastds but rattle to this conn• hent port in the musical progrA111 drawing roam oras tN•rfurlue•d by will weather we have turn expert- P,I,atetultiouondrlas+e+. j + ,�en room hone urar I onralate inner ARIA: ItATES. try with her another and sister in the %frith Ilia violin. A couple otshuwerm Rosy. 1)t. Afrintn're, 1N[NLoi ut the encing the past iia duyN7 (i KU. F. HABUI'IT; ('anode Ruled I tate' Rood cellar: hard said -oft anter f. • IuoMlhory»•', roll,. kn.•Aeu. Tern,, eA+). Apvb' In MIt S. UKo. =� year 1971, her brothers haying rnu-• orip at soppertime Nud the other ji,st Pa•rAll""rian church. of which the The regular• meeting of the \\'Asset- roX. p.,tt. out previously. Her maiden n:uur Irriurf• til*- return nip r•(smtitrnre/. bridt' acs A member, in the premenre• rdA Christian Temperance Union will _ --_._. I -. IA)AN9 M i1P. P ) b ifllmedlAtP-elatives. Primevallyvat LeIItlsLly _- war !Mary (lark, field James find K(sb• could not have (leen better limed and Is• LrW in the Trrnprtan"e hall 10,3 )ASTI'HF FOR CATTLE AND ert Clark. of sown. ore tier brothers. only added to the refreshment tit the half -twit 3, the winsome and popldar if, til, Monday, Atiuat 27th. All ----- -- ----- I toot-- as RIdRP,%food P.,rk FArm. For K 1 ) ratio bride. attired in a handsome { p K pp�IrR for Iulntaser- 1 F. RALE, L.D.R.. U.U.S. 'w uF.NeKwt, xANKtNa BI'AINF.SS 11hr las afM) !1111'\'1\'Irl lay A RimtPl' SI Fa. ryrailll and of rile unrnr • lunar. )-rating - 1 hose tier nein %n ' Iran+,tic., appl);to THOMAS y111J.LVN, at TRANSA('Tlttn. ICN t.)l'Ivliglr, and h two children, which ora% rnliyrn/s1 h) n eery sig- trx%*-Ihng suit tit blue brwdrloth• utrn'x cowGn•t•►NIgN will kindly brio Mel,ean'. Block Ire F'arn, hon -e•. matt1. P ?• trianined with whits• %ilk brocade, slid \\'i lixm and Sties Lizzie. lice hull- (srraus rendering of iwptilur wnlgx and thew hl this merlin Mrw11Pr» an star. Turnbull's old ,land., :t waist of blur milk taffeta, covered L\OK HENT. -A DWELLING ON GOUFRICH BRAD 'll lNtld N'aR lel'-wlyt(l twenty-nine yearn IPtr;111N. ylRltllrm are I Wlnr%tf to he ptrRPnt, uN In Dunitannon N ednesday afternoon,. I' Kee>.street. •I n. \Ir+. (fustic was it naPmlm•c of - N-Ith all-over a I of rat fathered.er, leaning it is ,an im{wrtx-t meeting, Exec- -,-_,----__ _-. _.-- ___- _____ Adwelling dtirni.had or not a, near lake front: A. U. UA\1HLF. \f.,• . '� Death Of W. N. Anderson. tism the unu Of her INthrl•, lel the hnox rbllrch and Rev. Sit-. Andersen { nova• will iuewt at 'l p. ail. at. call of Medical rnoderne•olUcnienee+. ,I All ofi elate at the services this after- last Thurrd,ay ntrurrel the death sweat »trainm of Beethoven's Wedding president. Cum. _ _ f FoNyAr.a. -Tao new dN,•11tl,g. on Angle -A, (sf W. N. Anderson, funnel• assistant �'�.,)'-_'P;--L:1i1`-- h, plsyet by her cousin, John trees : one dNelhlal on Milian stree•l: ,d+u -___- .-__ - noon, Provincial tr•Pa-surer. Mr. Alnderw)n N, of Turuntu, And dock her • HAtMuN*u A POOTIK'N Tltx NlaHre K,S. F SIMF,HKON A TURNBi'LL. building lex, on Noires, revenue. F- % ,easel. �rg Iva BAR RUUM." With entire) new, �� r,dar.,rsPf arul Pint' +tent. s1t13aLlOIIs ♦aCUIIL s At The Harbor. was murriPll to \limy KAY, f(srnl*-sly tit twwidP the turtnnatr groove, Y A. T. KrrAr.awm. M. Ir. \YAxn'u. A tr,r furnl•hm1 hoar•. or rrxnn- - _ .- t•rwn. The (ilotx• had the G)Ilnwi- iu unattrndrd. Atrile con- +andPlAtwrntPscenic Pgnipmest, Infir- N...i,Asstr.r, M.H, nearlhrlakr.eon•nrfexthr.nunurr+,•,wm.. GF:NTL,{ \\'A.'IfTF.D.-- IN (i1/D - Un.iatmilay la,t the yacht .('aril gK vt•Ilutu .urchanir[al etfrcul, brilliant Ohre,., Haul:ist«+!Street. Whom• 111. !after Yol-No k RUBKHTwIN, 611'11 sent cHAuNy, lel -nik•11 ra del•, fie Parr took tip list ex1`ut„ion peirty to n•fe•n•uer to Mr. Anderson's tl"itth : clilminu ,at the imprt'smiyt' mrr\•icr, anal Reside ire'ph«IP ILI. lrX ineal 'feel, "In nwkrt+ air nrrn'+ it 11Llin Station fur a week'+ ,aurin "Waifrr N. Anderwon, al fine tint*- atter Mr. rind Mrs. Meyer hint received elect sir illuwinatiunN, and an excep- K• tioti ally mt.trmg ruutpany, the ever • ordet.A I its all for Thr I AnNellan skin 'Tier party cunsi�te] of Lionel Pismonn, g�•nrtrT maneLKer tit the Cwnfutiau It/r minra•rr• and hearty crangrntulit ,tiller arm rtinca• drama, '*Ten 1H. A. H. MACKLIN. M. B. Yeti( 1'sLa1e IO! tt)�le. ro.. umkie elf (Mees' rosorml K,enuna'' lel Shady, ThoN. Yairn, LaN. Renk of Couu-*-rre, And Inter aatmis- tions of nil. a dainty wedding break- pt I I pHYSIr1AN Alli) tsl'RIIRu\ [ ----- ---==- Order. May ' IP either wrrr', or walnc•n', Hiar•r)' Ni llt% in s liar Rlxlm," will ix• re- Yi ,it, Ur. Tiarnholl and Skipper tient treasurer of Ontario, diel YPAter- flat. w,n Nerve! in tilt• elaborately dr- K pp SDPcI I attention to Kyr, Farr- Now srA IO}{ RALE UH --t'0 RENT.-.', Ifo,•, or bah, i„ dr.trcd. Area,-- -Went- •ata (�( Pi mented in Victoria U Cit Hunsro- SAt- Thro t. ofMr• and 1e-idence.old I4rnkn( Mon- e.t«I nlnney. F:kK,mt nam Ic ..41111 ll.r•. h,la\'Non. They •are expected era return day nlorningL in him Neventy-sevorad curetted dining room. Which lit I tN•ru Ik ped clw. estnrn• Levu n 11\"r,t 11'xwnuo-b• ) 1 wean at hiss residence, Iii AcenuP'road. runvrrpd into a v*-ritshlr Ix)wrr of °nine, August loth. It is u piny ut real. opposite Po -total e. N -f ,1.. lioderirh. ,r,nr"•,dun.,,bt 1. Au,h 1... nen+• fu . ¢.axe Apply with rPferem•P+ to F, t. h.(ILFRT8: un Sltttday. Telephone No. 14VI I •tate of ,-ullly,alion, well frnexd, well N'nterme, ("I K. 'Lr! N')'rdham street liuvlph, /hularlo. He haat been ill for some time from tweed Mendaniew (Senator) Wilson today lord contains a wholesome hP0.rt, y(«s1 ouaimed, large think Isares. god lour . 14 3t. The kl•hnosier Kolf,age im moll in port. ) interest• and there its a clever inter. -A,-,pa- Thr i n roof it Nein art tin the Krn*-rxl debility. The bap• SI r. Antler- and It. L. GilxsuL (irinialry, presided Po-toMrc, black-m�rh nd ,tore ,u eter.,rr r� K P mingling of rotatively and tu►thur which Leal .t fano. 'on%enirur to %ie«)I Raid ,'hon n. N ANTED. -Bl' SEPTEMBER 1ST, *-lecntor, \ Run ramp Io thin city from Scotland (scpr the tilMrR, and after the health - oafs•, frons r. P. 6. ,sat ion air Auburn. Terni `k 11-tiltable �1r•1 for general hon+ew'ork. in Ihr party Hftiea and '(sines( the- staff of the bride hod been no (mrd and krrtxl the audience in a plraanrwhlr cqq•, N', A. HARR"IN. Luckless.. ,raw appply iu \I1-- Ili,- of. 1VAtefin, -t net. MKS, Thrlr:title work of the sawmill im { mtiLle of rxritrluenL. The (sW tale of IAMF+RON A KILWKAN, BAK• 11 M, 1'RUl UFtN)T, ffttf fx•in elm a but it will Ix• vnuu• ft's ,If the Hanle of britirlll , (sells Anserirr. revpinded t(s they weer eel»(. puina- 1 KISTKRS solielton.notnries,eh•. Office. - - R I the light Iwtwtwtl virtue and vice im woeks yet. iw -r the mill is rent) 6)t' Liter h,• joined 1h*- (',uuulinn Bank (sf taking in s*-f•inq that *-yrrpranr was 1)w. MnaL.t.kNIKK rf, K f'. J.li«Lertch• F:\\' HOI'Sd. FOR SALE SALE. -()111 /A`TFD.--AT ONCE A (3O011 Commerce, becoming ins slur in aniply provided. Both Sir. asset , rl. pled inn there the isisemblance and not Doi. M. IL r.aJtKKUN, K.1 . J. L. K11. \ Itlll.ennlw awl. Pa•t of W. T. \lnrlw•y'- `Jrutting. c K I { Ltfi.aV. •aI)VIy lel lie M. KLhItTT, Kahl altammd khchru girl. were•, f)i w The R'r%tern Canada Flom• \tilla N(sa•rmla•r, 1+371, and , n*-ra man , I Meyer fire well and fxvoiubl kno n Dare is Lht't•e the Rrmbluttre (sf im- -1 tr'.•I. week. Apply rh one n, H(YI'F:L UOUF:HII'H on IA•rrulllrr al, IS72. Thin x,sitfuu in 111•nulmvillr, a valet xn•a of hv►uti- Prolrahilit til*- fault of m(s many uROUDFOOT, HAYS A BLAIR, - - - C%o,'r(smP*-IRIlli altered suraling to { Y 1 Merrfster+.+ollrlto(.nataHeapuWlnyn \1 SAI+F.--THF: FINF: HH11'K *K'UY \\'A�ITFD-APPKF.NTI('kTU rcuru*-rhulint7rtorow*-oIT uat'inq t,i he held until lklufuPr,l*rMt; when he fail and rosily prriwiltR nttrmtin{ir- t.r chAmaA. 1'hr organization crarriem It 'on fa the Mar�lln, 1.Or !ta'./MIe•P, P'.•1 +14•e (ti r of FINI eel, Hayfield L Irnrrt print l{or l.i yrNn Of a¢r, tnir Lhr (i. AG. rail Wil 1'lirinll[g th1-4111 11 wear m tereetieA by Byron E. Walker, the exteeill 111 Which 1111•Y lire I. 11 high CI,LRN ha(((ll find Iln•hPNtl'tt. Pal'• rt, hoti-r, with 31 n re• ) ad,- at. noun. The )ricem of admission tARnnie•. next door r. A. Balrn's Kr•«,ary. Para re,xd. at pn•+rnf arca fed 1t')' thc'nndrnf rueL •ducat ion. A Krw,d Vppp ,urtunity ;f!)r n brfKM the, Initl ll'o •rt .) MI..-. Henn' Rim the present mnnAger. Stih,egoien h-. Among the many Kift% was a inagnifi- l •)• vete fnlsls to kM at kw)wt nU•- tit wren• -t. V ag tin)'• Apply as THF: F'I�INAh oFFI( F.. 1 ix S havt'lx•cn elnral tit alk•., sic, and rel.. An NirAl Lae for A ble and Iarre garden• ►win tit in thestore now•, artier %omp yearn sim•nl in private Ir Iii- cent solid silver tern nen• Accosts- f t%'. PKUGI)FIRrr, K. ('. ft. C. HAYS. U. F �' R P nem%, MI'. Anderson was ntltwint rd panics( by N❑ luldremw frOW .the went- - ------- vote 'rise hest uy In Ilodeii,•te. Thi. plu.e troNM -- .donhle fn %&file b, ihr u,'%t four yrar+. Them for isale She Is Appreciated. assistant treasurer of Ontario, ilia iters of Ihr Presbyterian choir, fit For Workers, -' - I. An abs adornq • of (,ears., pluen, ,•herrie+. MU. JOHNSTON, BARRISTF:K. 11gtrolM•s ami +r,wll trials,. To be .Ad an bulk or - A recent number tit a Brandon omre lir cnntintt,d to fill tip to 11112, which the bride was x faithful. and Is• it mental air manuf►1 work, Ulark'm . madfor, notary ppublic, eoudnbwlonear, Ah-ldsd. Appl•en prerrliw- SOK HALF. --A GOOD STRONG IS(Nn.) San hN. an ncrount f the pres- when a chnn)(0 of (iuvernment tlrok vahied member. ,Arvid glowers- of Pork and Beason is a food ('till of en - ate. Mopnet'er to lues. (J•ee (xlrner, jl,amflton J. H. M.U,LoI'1iH• � hair.•, also a cani and harness, cheap• Pntntinn ro'91is% Mrlrnnan:�:x dna h- Ince. Sines til+It tier he had lia•el a rice and f)lxd wimhefi rile hat unu all tel,. AMty+w'- Street'+, Uoderlcb, Un_P_ _ - - - -- .1. B. HA N' KIN.. St. I atriek -Deet. K P K happy young Prg)'. 'l'avty And iwfuly-ptwwt. at'. j�ICKINSUN t (iARHU\V, BAR- HE GODHRICH HFA1, ESTATE -»_ - err of oar Urwuwnt+ut. F'inlat SdrLr-- retired life. A willow, (Nen Nona. Dr. couple left on the 8 urhu train for and list.. lines. KINS8, attaroey+. .ollcltor+. etc., T ANI) INNURANcE AUKN(V. F�(RFSH SIIIAIH I.0 WS FOR SALE. nan, by the city officials find (7�1er% of 'Norman Anderson. 'Toronto, Unvid Toronto• from where they will Rail la Foe some. 1' --Apply to K. C. ATTHII.L. Hldgewood Brando.o. MISE'llel,prinan heat been a(fndi•rw(nr, Dunkirk, N. T., and, A Quebec. to 'spend their honeymoon, Farmer Look Here I Uodencle. Money to lend tit lowest rait". k. F•nrnlshed ,tAl to rant. 7 motif+, Measly' pak• ltf tf r hU-KINWAgs. rHARLiYU_'t6Hi)N', I,L.B. .dtuAtM on F%rRy YtRrL _ __ -.----- V. .. ._ _ _. Nr Pnllgl'i\piIPI' to ItIP PI[y N'raaurrr nf• d,uightrr• the wife of .Inhn all. Clark, IrPfurr talking up their {m•rrnaaf•nt t•esi- - y ,tor) rra,nr dwelling. "low on.. with (rood WO BU(IOIFS, ONE C["1TF,R fire at Brandon for t rhe yeah+ aid K. C.. survive ." deuce' iu (ioderich. It is needless 1(s Of a tint you are going to the great -- �euiaII�a Loans, � ,• •ti[utnecklta•hrn.p»NI+taMP. N'rll .lnl-trA T ANI) AUIx)1)LIOIIT WAuuN.n �P1tly- rine to her dP artnre for Hai,,��`` n,ty that H,+uumvillr ham »uKrt•rd a Tomntn exhibition. It in Canada'R ou Kray++fret. pun•ha,ed from AI. \V. Hmv,dl fur s.,lP rtlru o. P •'y PrefentatiOn to Rev: W. H. Graham. _ 1 River• Ont.. to take et ponitlr/n,there\,, NrvPrr loin in tilt• trinuval of moria n nalional"Plabibition and its tin educe- _ V nor)" brLk m,drnnrnl Ntrruonleld-Ilia& ' Applyal I HAS. I'. LFk� har%l,cure storr•. t( A very inleres program wfir tion in itself. You ran ►PAPP (stt an -1►HN W. ('RAl1i1F:, LtFF:, F'IRF; Ivan ,tante. N lot.. Finely droarPA mhPAvfin tensile tile recipient of a fare- rtSdered in conl4t•ginn with the Papular young Puly as N"'r"%, S(t•yrr, Y tm Keny- •1.e,t. SXMI. as -nap. - - - ' - - -- --' well Nddre-N and a handsome dianimed \ (rho will Ix• greatly missed In hath teal(( ,in Aogum6 281h, Auguwt. 311th, .JOHN accident in-urance. Agent lorlraAin y+l.l) IAnk +twre,`lAakrr'+ oven and plea Inldie,' Aid Social held in lhf h1esP- R Y SP tnul)t•r 1I at! tr mutual rued do"k rampm tile+. lnntran, e• an o� Warning ring. The titin concludes the nrconnt church anti social circles, where sbe P P mbei- 4th, or 1911, �tel pie Kullcry. Sirl.oed orf Main -Ireo g , t Ball (of VictfN•LL street \Ire hrNlirt Iter+ PKrrI"A tau h,t plan+and at (Dore=trate-. N1,tas fl.•M. - - ---- of the presets tion by Sayin -,Miss wa% ever ready to cheerfully It -ad her Septrtntwr A(a arid return any time I .dl at oMrr, corner tv,,,1 Street all Aq,'t(' 2 blrK�• Put corner I'irrun and W"Inngf«e. - rhiirrh on Thursday evening laRl. n to Se temtter 11th, and it will and or adtim.. .1, W. t'KAIUIF., tiodench, UnL WAI{NiNG.--:\\1 ONF FO IJN D Mrl,rnnotn w•:w n resident n ,Brandon Via, it"i+txner and exceptional P P y fAr .noir '.a prof,•, i.1,,. 8er thf,• rtes InR err rarryin arc -mem. nn M Atter light lefrewhmrntw had been - coat you l.iffi for - your r•Pturn railwa t -tory he ilk. la roomed noose end 1 Arrr+ of piste" K Y foot' over ((lair yearn anal dnring that tNlPnte In an} worthy coast.' y =' y y I land. K,nd orrhair frier and Part of ou . proprrt?• will he Arrest all prole fillip mite snadr ,a Itnml rat ft•iends. R. nPl•ved he following Ariertinnm were � ticket. Or if Yalu watt(. JAI gel any rKII+LOP M('TL7A1, F'IHF, 1N- son,•ap,orrrrrrn•Mf-ucarO.�.K.+toUun. eutld, tSlltnmh F" r. Nnd. F;, r. ATTItILI. tesdrre with anuli aulfafartfnn t(s ^ IN SI' H A N(' F: l'U.-Fano. ueA Isolated Ijanry Irnnn• house. s [veno+. -united nn _ _. -_ _ __. _ __ ______- her p eassfint nod obliging nefain,.r Muether s Excursion. tither Tay yon can get your return - -- those ppole nt : DIIrt, \IP,mr!,. Belcht Tnesdat' iv am A big do for the Pm B R going y town yror,rrT enured. Pwla" of Property lel Purl.. -trret. -near rtell••giA1e Iu,Unuc. AnatiOII dales M{Ah rh@rinnn won til*- evtrPrrI ('f and WellR reading, Miss Ftfvl. Davi_ - B Y ticket. at 'single tare, on. in any _ surld tip maim. IA over {a�ru,faw. u(((rea ltj.:eu. _ _--_-_ thome . hr met in Lhr city (sfllrer in x pluye•P• of IlurthPr'm I,iun Brewery Jot)• ileum AuguAt rah on. R(xIT replrn- aMdirecmr-:-JIB. Alcl,rnn,ppraN.:'G Frnw•r. Lot nndfrnmPlaondry.lit grlot ftonta¢rvn F:n•t hnmin/•�iv way As will as of her ft•irndR m('n' duet, ins tiirhol%cyn and 11rs. and Iheir Lunilifw, F7PinK t.hr ,MraMlnll inK tip to SPpt.Pmtwr ilth. F. F. I peen_: Ja-. 1'onuolh'. U. IInIP. \Ir, rase- ,tr et, near Sgnam. tl iia,. ['('YIDS SALT in RorLtl cil-rles. Her very manly Sillib ; NJJr R, KrA•. B. Clement. (, f thrix rxr -•%ion to G(xh•rirh. Thr L+awawnce in paying particular ntp•s• airy',.LNa,,.1a-.F.%'an.,J.U,Urievl•, J. IN•nn,- air«tined fronlr-Inn•nuddN'rllln{a,InrRr -tnhM, A� _ r . .. Then .dart by li%% a iJx 1{PII Anti Mit tion to the ronvrnit'upr (sf eel+, dlnrdol'+: T. F. HAy-. Srnforth,-.,celery- .Iciatd onriat to ee%,nue. fit, etrom r'ti,i of a de,ir;ahlr to',n of IN) nrrn., ,V1.9,01-pInq fwrudm ilretrly regret her dppnt•fure. \'j.vltor» arrived alwril 11 o'clock ou a people ftvnit t ren+u rer • In- lector,, ureic -I diameter to lore+. n New sunnNlb. U »Ntnnit kn«•k+ A. R. l)aa•n., atom eaDnraU-red. t t•-. VI >' int- 11N -Put, Ha1un tiled, UriAerlrh Iun.bip. m vial train of five pnr,s*-nger class -hem. the IXnlnlry shim year. Him down. J. N'. �m,. Hollo ,vmr, n,tt•nt for Ned h, once tit yonr door. situated within half it mile of the ttl%%n lindt- Neglecting the `sections i Wheal theme, pel'R,) s U-rk the platforill town ticket JL enc it always H,tton. policy' holAen inn tory .r+t•-+tneffta ' Molloy to lostn..i per rent. of the luw..f Gamierlrh, oar of 1 he Ino+t ore fist had n large -ifrrP of r(sitil❑ K Y . open and R,t Ihrlr cA til•' mxiprrA nl Mc t'ehnrs', rARFa'. HA\1 L1NK. KR„Ire anA la•+r nu-Inc•+[ulcus ail Unhlrlo� The (�li-Ran �irws•li rrm•d %n VN �i r• DavisonIlnvimon M''ynr'tilyd the ianTlPltcP canton or it Mrl."au Nn)+.' enlace I lolling FNank of ('olnmPlf,•r Hldg. '''rhe sPctiranigen Alun rile whole IInP p) mtimd and hr their rrnJ nil address mtretchel the whale lenggtil will the flnnr 6 o'clock i- the 'morning. (h•iwe Store liadrrirh ------ - u611i•olo tIon, vi rile--(Belli-te .,free Exchange of the L. H find If. been Pill- to tilt Mt(ir of the rhurch, i{e%•. W. in-rription, •'Berlin I,iun Hrrwrry FX- round to hiss omr*- nest to Partitionist' N F:ACF.LLFNY FARM FOR Pn Ihr toN-n of Ulxlerich, on ) P rursion to O(alerith," whit#• the (Art Frit' before y (su Ku down to the station -__. -.-_-- ._ -- _ _- R.tLF:.--8a1a,•r•ahn t1'rvl \1'nwnno,h:two Suhudn SP temhl•r 1st, I1111H, ployed Im•tween Hyde i ark find Lon- H. Oraham, and MiGs ilell presented (•1tr WAR femtoo tet with afl•Patllerm of and you can get vollr tickets and all 3 P don the list three a@eke rafmin lisp n purse rontilining $1411,-ulRtfy in real, whirr and hhlp. The rXcursintt Ralf cage Licenses mf strum Auburn: -,it A,'tay 1«u.1, nMnt 1441 P information, wililmlt fhr hh and At rhe hells of $ oc•h is D• m.. lhC mbuh ahla. K old. The address, wam am follows : crowd -_- -_-- -_-S, acres under rulUvnUu„ nam( :a, to pe orrr+ ,r.nlNxt prols•ny, which. from f1+ ndndnlhrr track nwuiy thirty fret. A stu•rin) K wit acrom Nni*-d by the Berlin hfl.h worry Of Nn rxemsion-da etr)wd At -ALTFR E. KFLI,Y I Ifadx'r. A well And s ,'n rinK+ of wOte'. n-Irualion, goat, productive -oil, and otkrr train arks them ti each morning. UMrrieh. Angus 16th, I!rwl. pp the Rtatiun omee. Trains tart- UIIde• g, wm�m basin. liable and P F K Fir imrnt F,and, Which-trvided rice new f��n�.d,yrllln n oat oral aidvxntaRr will matte a fir+t.rlA-+ in )nswin thrall h Clinton at (3:20 ".tai., Iter•. t H. Urehnm. 1 r UODF.RI('H,UNT. driving-hrd. Apply tohUl'Nli k ROBFBT feslmont for anyone looking for',cloneto t K R .Ib:.,n r.c+Tun.--N'P,ttrnrmMrvofvirtorbl rrllt•tlf mucic during the day. After t•fch tit 7:111 n. n1., 2tfi11 p, In., 8nd.r ''alchrnnker,Jewellerandoptician. SUN Uodcri make mune'hybringclosrtothrmArket.And nndhriaigmthemhtunr ngait\at night. -herr Marthodl-t church assn -bled here'ilia diarinlrttrkingfrontthe train the visa- P• [n•.^a!rrft•ing in Toronto at 12:21) I--urr of Marriage Linn -t< _ have ten ra-ily-worked tariff. lew ing Hyde Pnrit at R o'clock. iv,nlag, de+ire to esswea. out apnrerbnion Of ,ell., #':AI ). all. Rend 111 . rte.• res pre. r0IJN(a A HOI3FRTR0N, HE 1'hr Mun,nmafn- 1w, %arc-. ha- nl,tindanr'' During the alienee of rile men the emu inhlea +Passes oeMrrnl n, Atinlnr tar iters lined tip in procession, hrxdeet by P• t P pec - NE, i99UF.K OF MARE[- };gnlr nnd Insurance Agent,. lice( e+- of ,caecr, IN'o N'cll+, and'%never-failing-pan¢ t thrrcyear,. \Chile the purl thaw ye+tr+ the brand, which War preceded by n lively. Tna1nN 11rNVr Toronto at, 8:311 W• ro(,d 1 Rrrf7nnm Nrr neglected filed the rola• gholy R R Jack. u• rel•• 1 p. 'is., and 7 p, u)•• arriving in A Kllcenaao,Uoderlrh.Ont. tate for +:)Mor to kl 1'ropertfea hnndlml In in M -tura. There I. w famine dweIf PC. R P hAAarll ht taint of +hMow rhe•' have Irarin s Pat• r UnG)h tiny part of Ila t'ow'n nnd mint)'. Fern nnd alwut Wind tralue• collage 1y x IN feet. A IV bilitiPN of Aerf[lrn to In"lpa%inR•" hold a Erre, deal of ,un,hlnP nnd „•n.Anr G(xlprirb Ili 1:'Lri .til.. 7Alfi In., and lhu,k Mon {Z x.91 feet, with a NrrtM hal in me•nuvrir- that +hall follow with u- Into the Then ('ami the IIIPn. nearly 1:11RLI'0-K, P p --'--_______� -- - life in money to bras, rer. We harp heard of mornrthing of the 11:111 ), n1., re% etivel , (r,norcllon 116x71 feet. all a q��r Arlvin¢ tpsnn•. t\'r lace 1)r.•n dP11Rht^d ith Hn• Ittal'Chinr ill procession, tull(swpd by 1 PP )' pctlOIIeeIlIIR hour. All the h (din and (•nrv, sire h1 sort tPrtx retia the spetiomnen art this ir,t ere.t )• n have taken in n+, old and ytnro -- - _ ____ r----- FOR RALE. -FOUR TOWN LOT'S g" � _ � K. the Ladies nnd children h kq ivn - 1 y math of Mos.It'n [.,(Also RTh mare on. end of the (it rimes taken line Llai one anti s We .nds we have (tel rhe many efnrev. There were flee hnekv and FALL FAIRS -IOOe. TROMAN [iNDRY, LT�•F, RT(X`A on Hn-fleldroad, �' Thcreamten acrc+otbeating appkvr•hanl. they Are Rnrnr•thnea taken viva)• far `Oven ,hake -of -hood. wt' have mri,ed fmm nnd Reser auctioneer, ha. removed hon``-nn'-pmlx rt -. Apply tO(l. W, THO, 8ON k a+ne++lt11 purr un•hatll, ale acrr, In pa+tare. 4a you tit ihr clow tit Dir pnnllc arn'Itr. nnd the seven hand wagons and orwnibti9@e still . HasesandiltoSt reef .newoMrc+onSmith Strcrt.l8((N- Xl-II. .erc,^/n hay. 7 acnes In summer flxllow', [b,• CUnekllrahiP prTlYxla to dra wnt'k Hlsel• many kind words spoken In �nhlN• w+ will n. taken on ihr Whole' the tier -penin g p A Tnrnntn......... ..A11 .27 -SP t. 111 Mlh,nre. un Pr crop. whelp. it Im 0. matter in which rile In private. We are very than fail for the pear'' iw,ndon ........... .... Sept. 7 -la Where he will found M all time+ whet, not _ .. _ _-_ -__- .. _ wear rt- o(KI looking Int. Tlie lire place nn be Innyx•ettd any Itme before nod hntennely that ha- preyniled anion ns n, K R i "' - eryingRalPs. Tr rraAoa do anP every P( find if sectio have a vital tntrrea't, RR �yf NsYI et1011 ++ter. wsrnr and p•nplr nnd Jnr rhe many rlrh Mrss� Nunn Innvt have OY)nslmt#•lt of roaimldrP. Exeter ............... Sept. 17-i8 ON u -ed toP1A-r yo -iii+taction Phone. 9,. end iC til*- sections; in Lille di*trier err "' .,- - ___ _- _-�.-- -� Tr.KN■:--Ten per rent, of the pnrehr.r �nrsOur Father lisle n+ durinar y«Ir -t-AV Nilly ovet• 31111 persons And rnndp an ion. Blyth ..................... Sept. 18-111 money to he peed i r rile titre of ,rti anA ihr fn npR gra the railway rrnnpAny with a+, oti we hap• nnd pr.o• ilei eel inner %Min a lade am it. r ,created lip Ihlnrurdl-e.......... ... Sept. fi-111 (INORGE BF( FTP'. (iF:NF RAI. Algoma 'Central �3tltamrhi jAl-t• t)Nl:uecP within rblrry dye., or n InrtLm of tux! tAnuffer rutian•of Ids Inc. -Iwai he felt and ren g err( 1 1 wrI aurtl(mmr.Vat[ ,ur.n.frre•i.odPrtrl. f1 Is inReRrPatrPRponvlhflftY. �; \S'alkerton........ ....... Sr t. 1N 211 pun'hane nuniey, up to .1001, may mmlin nn lot initials, In rho, furan. % e ho, -e rnrr thlr ant. %treel and it the S,tliare, p P. o. hnx IKt. All ,al will rm•rhe-Irrrinl ----- ry ,attention. I w•111 ,al •air entire +t«•k air millionsge won Inten•so wt' a Airs Mn-,mnhlP Death of Jamms Symington. ctdnK lila[ wt' mfgbl awn• tally .hnN oar 'rho. wholr outing ora, arranK,•d #at the Zurich • • • • ........ Sept. iH-d11 gTR. KING FDIVAR � ) rat,. 1'nP farm will he offered -00* t to a re- aplyc ,'cation of your w•r%ices to Ihr post by SpAforlh...... . hollwhold axed+ for na- nnd ,tilt cell roll .STR. eX •nor' of ihr proprietor tit IIPt'lin'% Yr ,t. ' 1 R .et', r MA. Thr following from an Aalnrh nrpa.l�-ng yen with u,i• nurse•. N"r hare• m, P( P { • • • • • • • 1 b ll mtoven, firnittere, mats +P+, spring•, err.. WAsamther r-Iftihl Mr, 1.d terrnlnc, in sell m wella,r, ttitltas(•mnln frnnl hrnrt- fill�tit hi ertahli•lhinrrlt. inehutln the faire Rfplpy...• Spit. 25.211 P(. R y l r n n r el In eminence to 1he.JPnrh of a v (( s I 1 t{s Goderich ........ Sept.6-27.28 "heap, fall endow while Oct do fur tai fee rely', as her health IN nor R•mrfl. NM +hr nm+t P Imr am ratted, foe-- yne nnA rater, end ❑ Nstd hack, rile I'I r to convey thin Ilse. UK(iHUF: RF 'KF..IT. 4Ininsity Mon of Sirs. 11111 m Symin fon, Au- Rh P g ••••• • r olives tilt reroofing. For ftiriher particular+, _ R we pray 1 tit glen rrn'er rhe -t blea+ing rally re -1 I(hnp, unAPrtr•h. I T0IXDO-SA[ dT ',TF• apply rel, ihr prem(«•+, or to horn : ".1N111Pm tilt • laaheA ate aid invert, ill -too tit \\'Ingham • ...... .LIP t. 27.28 NVIUftlgluh pnarlxl nlnn yon AnA )tine tonsils' and that hyr And"•'•"' P SIAHfF, hTCiSIO1V. PRuI'DFInsT.IiAI'SkNhAik, wwnYnfOainsltnronRh.RArkstrbrwn,t. hyrwemaviellmmtlnthat land who" the hoopla flat-lateral-.)trialrefreahrnrnta Lurknoa.................. Uct, 2.l --_-_--- - -_- lfetw•rcn Toledo and Sahll !rte. Marie nnd THUS+riCNDltli', liarri-ter-, U«lei fell. never m% K(xvi n'e. sPrarel at the Hsrh(sr nark in ihr B/lyfleld................... Oct. 'L4 A tirtltmwer. nn .Inti[• rah, r in n lingering ill De- +1 and on M•ba�f of til. eon rAQation, t • iiiPrmrrllnrr point. .ill Isar" Umlrrich Rs P'xteaidinK neer nixny nlfinLhR. I lr- � R J. �1'. HM/nrairK. afM['llMln. 'rho•sr List cunmistwl of Termwat*-r......,.......... (let. :I-/ follow, : . ---- - --- ----- i� tt�� Public Notice ePased wtim Hft mix yearn n( NgP, and A. It. I0%vlanv. b,t rt'. I,imhorgt'r, rhpPne, syr head, BrnrwPlR -� . . Uct. 1 a 171'C�l(l ln(l D ttCl' Nnrlhhmnd A:IMI p.m. Nnndaf felt eleven yearn %vs., a resident Uf 'Y r. Grxhxtit WaR much rn well ham RAndwicheot, "Runtnlprwortz" rod Dungannon ............. Oct. L1 -s Sranthlx•und ilk:#1 a.m. Friday cam-= �' ..winnerwortz". What. culinary m st Ar1,x•h, ta•hr•re he naxnAgrd one of ihr• but nnd.• a eery wuihahlr reply, icer y Education \VM. LFF, - I,tx•al Agent. OTF,RW LISTS, iI#Ifl. @IPvatnrs, and lou. tinitPrvllly pnp,l- which addrPmsgs tvhe gitNn ht John tot ie" three last two wnt%bt reprearnt AUCTION SALES. (Tram' MAnittfe7;' �rBnrrAIATr or rMR Tows sir Gonrwl, n. Iar. He leaves a wife, daoghser A -d Elliott. H. A., of Itemmfngfon, f{aid hi% we' (lun't knuyt, hist alt all events the --- Heafnes.hnis"- have, Ilot- PRO r, T. J. KF:NNRDV,'ISnalt Ste. Marie. Conry aw Emir)". %on to inmirn his town. The remotion forother•, (i. M. Elliott, (s trown, exrllrmnnl.tR wprp rovoilf)• trentfrd. A T1 r.o%v, Auld. lath. .lurthN, sale of fa,III call, TF N TIMES w- man d,mnn +fork and Impinnevtt- At IM L cin--lon 7, w, were hrnu ht. to Aid(m•h, wheel• the \\'ilii - the addr•psw givers above in• trrogratn of gameR sur ►sly- arul irlr, „pen u,+�}or young IMt,- nnat g, as,.. , Y ' I iu• h I%- ----Ih t f Ifni R R R D. MhflrM, romnlem•1ng , 1 Carl«•k lily who ale rhnraoKhh and(,A fn hu -1 air-, prfnclpks, tie wt' have Aad ,,udeol- n +enil. CLiNT()N BUSINESS COLLEGE IATllotrd with "'Athan, HaRln^,., CoolleKe Ihray. SEPTEMBER 3rd Drop a pNNAI for Irfernation to GEORGE SPOTTON PtINOTPAL irricl I. h R rel a IP Iran. milted til death rami to t he penin -mons bold In fnnernl funk ilia(•@ front I'()I•emjel•� dictates the rotigregaf.lon'm appres(-in- ,a PUII ,II` fif IIIPn N rM•P, if /l ill 1 R -of- Jim. Hear r. rlfepelPfnr. naw, (1l•rnar, ,.@rtlon- as -nd s of ihr Ontario Cofer,• I.W. half tin( the AIIRpirPe of Court Ar- tine of their lmlrtop, a waft( or two wall' x•t la'ten Stt'atffied and Berlin Auctioneer. _.__ -_ Art, and the amenrtment therAn, the rope., rR- almd by -.old Amtaorn- to as, se) trtineennre•d air �Pt1'.."A Ir doeh, 1.O. F., of which order he was A in mi lift. Is• maid to r,iire of a roti re- R P 4!j R whit nae hotelke•tx•I s, wife arlan alai by the hotrlkee•per4 of Gnxlerich. )-t. Iha day If a woman can't think sit :Inything At tie, nor. nlede pur-,lano to ,mid Ar-t,nfD II rer•on-apt-,ringhythelm-lrP%I,ml inember find which It* riortiett $.IMiR inmllr•an•e. Rev. Mr. Map-eennflirin ed, t Ration, working yaraifral{y to make Victotin att•Mt ehfrreh ,Pon ill- wn% A„ of-ry warm that the "'"tR ,1001 to he mi",rahl@ ,&hood, mhe will Rt) away Mem honer mil M worry air@r ft.-., RW 11,11 of the -^AA mnnfrltall[y to tie` entitled In %at' In rho said numlelpalny aI a.mirtel h\ ItP\. Mr. Pallier-. The - rivasi ggo,ml inA[in[ wrl'@ not contested. A pl@timing fen- Inn, of the til@ rhildr@n. New York Prnmm. r rMrtitn-far uucmher- of the 1,"Kt-loldve \- And to giving ing thea nnd air@ giving fh@it' pta,,irnr n fai til fill a flan his afternoon's program w'faw the to Mem. Fistrobes, _._ .__. -_ --.-_- `---- - ---�------- --- - L06t -rrnhtyaM Aft uuenwirnl electNrN., and this, the+% lW Ame Oar nstml tip In my t Rupporf.Irl miniatet.1 Inhnr.. pre-entation of ra diAntnnd hia"t BORN. nnd,rieh,ae toot, 11.1 day of Aigti.1. Irlm. enA Or ZOUnd Golden Wedding. casting sroai. The prem 1) %BIGHT, - In "IrAtfrnrt S MlMina IIM- lar Inap,i Ion. _ __ -' '=--- --.-_. -- "--�-- __ a•nhttinn wfiw lnaA@ by Mr. Phillips, tit on a Angu-t "h, to Nr. end %Ir-. l.' tied y. ra.4k tgrlghl, a -on. IQea•to(w mai• rwllml alxNa to Pxnm'nr the saiA t'1OUND.-ON TWE' it „ ilQ ARF, A On Tomboy Iawt \1t'. nnd Slim. Wilhaln Nw•aA1Pld a liritAnnin Berlin, ,an behalf of the hol.rikee error 1t•- DIED, list,%all It any «ni.alewn air say a Pr error+ fen,nA taelwlu, to take Immtdlata 1 lair of howl" white mnvaa shonm with oo rohhwr,ealea, owner(xaa bate hl rallied. the fli 4th along the list#• ilrtwren hetes And tvMTIK.-In litxlerNA, net Tawedw A era p,.fne.•,y. have the -ol1A .nrwv ,Barna apply Inc THR NIUNA I. celebrated snriiverrsnr of S y lin. The Harbor ark rremrnte, A P 1 1-f )l stat., Mary stark, widow o/ the IeAle �m, inew lea rOrre,tAsi anrurdlna -_ _ _ __ ttWr wedding, whfrh t,,ok place• In ♦@t•y Animated appearance dining the 1'(rur, M, n. JOHNxTY/N, 1 PMT ON FAST S'rRK,FT, AN Dunds"• of*.. in IWA. when booth afternoon and th@ llAthing Ixvteh AItN) HALLIDAY. (heThmnwlav, A,tRnet jowl, n„ (; IASK air U411"N' a. Imalad thea tl-t Anklet, Ifni j� weer, hest hrvmr-h. Finder will he n!waMM I ung vlgnal werse IMwly nvPh from Man R1And. Mr. wAN well patrnnimall. The Iwlnd 4fAnt ern M Mr. and 1(n.. Tkps. HAllidoiS inlonth+(Rrmndsen An -A -n,.• tit Odire. IlwAmeld to a nrfive of ih)rtePtehire• played an exr@llenf progrAna in the .�M1 M T, n. some, ,Tit M.I.a+n ' l 1 .. • •. ,