HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-16, Page 88 TERBIUM; August 16, 1906 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH t )ti TA K i( ) COME AGAIN, BOYS ! 1Contioued from page ..1 track near the Maitland bridge, while the attacking party, coating trout 'vivito the river, opened fire frwu for shelter of moui.. shruhe the other side of the water. The ire war promptly returned. The defenders were 1t some doubt as to whether the tiling from the Mother caws from lite whole force of the enemy or was used only ail a cover fur Nu attack front anrlthet quarter, hut they kept scouts un the lookout at points of vant$ge and weir un the alert for au attack final any quarter. A report that the eurnly was coming 4100 the railway track caused rat - caused the own to divide up and limit of the force spread out 1l cover of the railway anew truce. and 'scouts. and eignelhng corps were all 4 a . Pre*ei. ly the enemy' canoe out front under cover and forded the river, then ad• trance(' over the golf links, nwh Nitro rush. receiving gad lrittrning the err of the defenders' continually. Vi'heu the enemy got up to close range orders wars given to crass tiring nod the siege was over. Presuuutbly the town WAN captured. but an port - ant detail like that did not rrt•rive h attention. At all events the enemy came 00 up the hill t pp,srd. Ur, perhaps. they were taken captives by the defenders. \That matter,* it Y The warring factionmarched away together 1 the awbulsnce corps Marched iwhind carrying empty atret chew. r Friday afternoon it pleasent:wept' Wass held et the croup grounds, when A. large nuwlwi' of the townspeople were entertained 1,y the °Meets of the 21s1. Tbr event ion waa , bald in it large uuarp iee. Irl the ev g the s • hotel was 1111• "write of great feet ivities. the "0%110on (wing the mili- tary hall tendered by the office's 1.1 t he :ford to the "Meets or 1 he 21st. The Boar•ketourotc•htstrat 111111ra1nd t h.• meta: nod the attendance wile large. Thr sante ry ; he band gat r pti other concert on Chi. Square, WIWI'. however, wait cut short by the appear, ghee °f the "kitties" headed by the bugle hand. Military cures for Lilt. with 1,atrrsaeke hanging before, tunics turned inside nut, Sprigs of goddrrla1.l ill their forage taps and bayonets shoved into idea, top*, the Highlanders le silted inane ed gue like the rrn1 thing. Counting Ibe bugle hand Ihr parade )Haul limy,. Nerd about one hundred. They went through tarry r4a°u•uvrwnnd(111 upsnch (tidies is au ted tbeuiswlves, and gener- ally, did their lest to imps 4-,S the spec• tutors with the fact that they wrrr having a gosh time. The specietot. cert ly en,Joyed it to the lull, alai when H. 11 . 13x11 rind C. A. Hrwlwr 411rppll 1.. the front. and called for 44 cheer for the Highlander. they were given with a will. Unr of ihr "kitties" responded by cnllieg tot cheer for Ulderich, and three cheer. and a "tiger" were r neingly given and another added for the girls, A. the special train with the visit ing regiment pulled out on Natur.l,y the drwharging of blank ruo1.Idge- from the car window* wit. the eatldirr'. farewell to lloderitb. Yo'rK4. It took N few days for the soldiers and the citizens to get in touch with one another. and then good terms were rstahlished at once and there was general regret that the 't•egi- 'tiellt. May in towel was so shoot. 'ihr wish wan rxprested on all side* that the Fusiliers would tome buck neer year. h ttb1 s is not at all F ry ,h - able, AS we understand they ane plan- ning to go to Richmond, Virginia. 'rhe Signal sea.' glad to wart Cept. MAC Kay, of The V4 indoor Record, who is qus.rtrtviaatel• of the Fusiliers. Capt. MacKay was a very busy Ulan during the week in coup, but he found time to extend . •tesirs to •isiturs and made himmelf nut Ile least popular of the splendid lot of ofcer. runncclmd with the regiment. One of the touches of 1 • to lw noticed around the camp grounds W.I. the following 'unofficial) dor nnient posted up in the tent where hospital- ity was extended to soar tit the visitors to the camp 1 NtITIC):. To Js+. toilette. 1.1, nse Molitor. Cou Are Hereby notified tlwt the follow mg [persona boas been put 011 the Indian Ile, 43 . ).lent. Mullerudd. 4'ant. Kent, Undertake, ('heynr. underly Fe111011, Manor Laing. Lieut. Mercer. 4 apt. 1',ddw,. Ary hdnngemr111 after the notice )tnlr license will be cancelled and you will be incarcerated. Se/.tuns A. McKay, H. H. rasuaal.,, Unmoor 4 scarinilwrioner. for /'amp (►oderirh. "Yon 1110 say WY are Matihflr(l," were Lt. -Cul. Bartlett'N parting words to 'rhe Signal as the regiment ren- I harked at tilt (i, T. R. station on Sat• .51vlay for the howewultl trip. Nut • very enthusiastic farewell mersaigr, perhaps : but then it WtIM1 be remrii- Iwrrtl that the Colonel it Scotch, land the Scut is proverbially chary of .Il prelatives. Frther. the Colonel is a Sunday school superintendent, and presumably tiunit id. One of the buys sent this message to bis mother after the Khan. battle, written un a piston pplrrard showing 1 lir Maitland 1,1 idge : "[War Mother : Thi. 1. where we had a -Lain Pattie. 1tul killed about the middle of the 1 bridge. They threw 1111' led)' Into the runt The Windsor• Record had r corny <lumdrnt at the camp. Among his et) ururnts Were the fcdlowing para graphs : ••blderi.h is 4411 ideal town for re- un•trrv---clrau, rood, and healthy. Still it has a graveyard." •'stir explanation given ail the rause of the 4.144.Iii, o manifested by the Ciotti -rich citizens to the Fuailirt•. is that alwlut it year ago some guiltier% (tool London caugwd at 0*kIerich and 11 ght IFP town was 1111111P our their enjoyment. They tuts things 1°ose. w, it is raid, suit since t ben the ea have little urs for a suldif.r." In lir, ostler 10 Iaglui4tion the lily of 11 lobose, it is .rated, .rut more lie wondered ''. There ore wavy fine .bola in the .1.l and with a suitable range An immediate improvement wont.' he wiled. Another tartar which told heavily against the sten from Windsor was that the Huron 1 tot t (en tat ive. 11144.41 the urw Kusa rifle with its tine sights, wind gauges And all the latest improvement,,, while lb. Fusiliers are atilt armed With the ler-Enfield. The target tided Wag a 74nch hullwryr air 21 -Ft yards," It is worthy of nine, how - ever, that the (,tllrrlch mrli had had no practice for some time past, where- as the NYiudsor men had limp mac( i.- ing at the ranges herr 1tl'furr 1le match came off. 'rhe ()Meer. for the "kill ie. " pltr- ade on Friday night were .tit follows : Lt. -Cob r ling. Hergt.-Major Smith : Captain No. 1 Co,. Nergt. Schmid : Captain No. 2 Co., Sergi. Hake.. Capt:un No. :i Co.. Seale. ,larkson. __ PERSONAL MENTION. • 1:, Heaton War up from Toronto over Sunday, Mrs, Copeland is here from Kvrndou on a visit. - Cato. Grunt made a brief vlalfha cutout. tela week. Me -11M Graham 1+ slatting her gisirent, East .11 I I. • Ali.. 1"liver, of A vonbant. visited her •dater. AI r.. I Iter. t H.undtin, during the week. She DAUNTLESS TRIO OF OFFICERS SNAPPED AT GODERICH CAMP. ESSEX FUSILIERS AT CAMP GODERiCH. Reading from left to right the names are : Capt. McKay. Surgeon -Major Casgraln and Lt. -Col. MacDougall, the last-named being commanding officer at Wolseley Barracks, London, •� volunteers to. the Mouth African war than any other piece in ('anodal. P,uldon, who Wa. here last week, ha. the distinction of carrying 4 1,V r 1 d. ofth ofsown •. Fee e 411 4.t the -Wisest from 1\•iddwor who saw active apes ire on tlat tx•casiou. Fiat sinately be has made a complete t•ecuvrry and shows no ill effect. of the 'strenuouss cam- paign, The following comes from Windsor : "the only complaint nla(I) by for Fusilier. i.4 that the young ladies treat rd them very coldly the nest few day's. haying a very disagreeable idea of the Canadian volunteer on account of the rowdy ise•tion. of a regiment which camped there last year. 'rhe gibs s ottdrl't even 14.nk at its at limn,' said Ni•t•gl, Bugler Ileneam 'If we .poke to Ihrn, they would run nwey. But before we went away,' he con- tinued. we had thrru hanging on our necks legging for button.' folk ...oven - The Wind'ar Record. in comment- ing on the rite shoot, for the shield piesented by Hon. Col. E. C. %Valker. say : ',"W hen it is rernemetrd, how- ever, (hat the local regiment has a uplendid riMe lenge ru.y of arrows, while the Flwiliers have no range 1.f Ally kind At which to practise, the di.palil) h1•twren the trams is not to THE BIG MILL FLOUR The RIG LOAF Kind FiVE STAR PATENT AND THREE STAR PATENT FLOURS are re'ognved the world over as the standard of excellence. They are absolutely pure and do not restore to be bleached, as they are of a fine, natural creamy white color, the color of pure flour. We give the natural goods of the highest quality which the best raw material, to- gether with the latest and moat up-to-date milling devices. can produce. 11(1 NGT At.IJ)w CGI HSELE TG HF.'.11151.1:1) HY .1N 014'F71t GF w)M5'r111N14 PIM NOTHING --CGI' IN1'AhII,tHL\' LOSE IN TIIK RHD. Quality and Absolute Purity are assured the consumer, first, last and always, and It is on this basis that we have built up our trade, commencing five years ago, until our present daily milling raoactty is thirteen thousand, two hundred bags, Buy Good Goods at Fair Prices without trashy premiums and arrept nothing that Is affirmed to be "lust as good " There Is no flour just as good, quality and price con- sidered, as the "Flue -Star" or the "Three -Star" brands of patent hours FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS THE WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MiLLS COMPANY. Limited Mills at GODERiCH WINNIPEG BRANDON Wa+ accompanied by MI+-- Baird, of well Mew Grace Smith left strafe Toronto. C. Harrow- left for a Kitt to morning. M Mr. and MN. Au.. -brook are awa on a trip to Foal Williaum. Lincoln k,lsvani, of Ihtrolt, ha. been jolting at the old home. Mt . w.+theul left ye+tr•rday for eine ord. to join her hu.bnnd. Albert H111ck+. of Tawas. Mich., H y51.111 hi. sI -ter. Mr.. J. Knox. Pmslneral Con -noble 1'hel:u, left on Tuesday for a t 1.15 to Walkerton. Mother .e) elan a vise to Turonto • t Id+ Harr) Coif. of Toronto, h -sending t he week at the parental residence. Mr. -+ .4 Mr. A. 0, Hadden and son Charle. area Siting at Alvin*tou. At', A. HarH.an. of b,rknow. ha. been spend- ing yes oral day. in town. The '.lrs+es Florence and Nina Graham are holid t, ung at (jranu Bend. IM4 hint F. -.cry. of ('nllilon. l- the gored of her ft.'and t4•Iphine Nairn. A. lb -eft -Thom ha. returned from a three week- .rsit to Atlantic City. w. J. Leckie. of Toronto, visited hi- brother. T. T. Leckie, of town. th1. week. Mr-. I olln Campbell left for a short .toy at London 1hi* IThm-a4a)-. morning. Mr• =laeeth left on Tuesday on a visit to her daughter. Mr.. Tindall. at Heflin. Mr. and Mr. renege Harlan.t and two Phil drrn, of IMtrolt. are visiting in town.• Mr. sbannon. of London. h the guest this week of her daughter, Mr.. t1-. 5illrb. J. M. Single. of 'trnmorit. Ghia. 1. a guest at the n --insure of c, Well.. Bayfield toad. rapt. I►onnrl1V dent Wm. Alarlion went to Stratford )e+lenity to take In the Mg avow. Mi.. Jeffries ha• renamed to her home M 14.1 roil after a snit with her telat We. hen•. AID. ,Icahn Iwne•r. of Stay) nor, r. i I+iting her mot h.•1 , 'Ir. ,I nine. Coag+e. 45111041 .1 ort. The Sovereign Bank of Canada THE SANK THAT PAYS INTEREST 4 TIMES A YEAR. 0S Savtags Accvuts ! U BRANCHHS. I 000t RICH BRAN. 41 ANDREW FOR1 ER, Manager. Jordan block. • Ing the week, accompanied by 1,4 daughter. 1c110 dl remain here far a few weskit, Mi.. Carrie Milligan. of Hrllaarla. wan the guest of Ml.* M. Sharman, St. !Meld'. at reel. during the week of the-umluer -4 5104. 1'. A. )'ebbutt Isle pram pal of Dungannon public -.hook haw ........land a 110,111441 111 S. S. No. 3, Stephen, near F. soler, at $dl$) per41411,14,1. Atl.y 1' w14 Fluher, of Henmiller. ba. rel tuned robe atter .p1orr041ug •, ple:naa41 imeidap soul. tier friend. Mus. Mabel Shuruiau. Mt. Iwo ars street. Ja'. Thomas l+ra,u on a trip to Toronto to make Vurellrse. of ,uoprfage 'upphos for 11, Undcrl,h branch 0( Ihr w ,.,tent l auadps 15. .. M111+Co. % 111. Jenkins, late of Hespeler. left On Mau 411) for Cartwright. Alit„ after u abort s alt m town. He intend, to -pend 11 11.55 11401114- in the %vest. Magri rale H bar and Crown Ades,.) Seager go to 1•4,.u(0rt1. 1111. aflrrnunl, fu run net lo,, 144th sums alleged Htfru,•tior+ of tl:: Livens• Act. 1. J.1./1'814141'. of A) ruler, *pent a guo't port of last week 1n town. urating Ito 01.1er In Fns. 4!r.. uundrs. SI. David '+ -tree,. :oat I1,.• Mes.r. l: undry. 'If he ..)Il..•. Harland. Kray -..beet, have bee. eaten..iiiu4 a null1by of friend. frau. Sioa-u.. 1llchuuu4: MIs. Ile, 11, Alias. 1 Gbh. M1., wool and MI.. Wright Alla. Monk and Ali-- Aro of *inkhorn. *011' li.Hur. In sown over Kuud,.y. '. 04k 1- r 4111re of Deputy Sheriff l :u11rn1u oral Ab., armour a.,• the Start of AD-. H. I. ylurr,ah. • All.. Alice is rut ler. 41110 ha. been teaching near Sl. Ju.eph. h,5- ....voted n 41►It,w, in n s•1•101 on 111e 'WA 44.44. 4.'.Sorrl. boundary. roar 141)'h. All.. 'Gutter sea. in town ihr, lout work, w t . 1,1.4om, formerly of Earley, w'a. int town 11,1. week. Ile Ion. porehased a general mercantile hu•ine•.- ,,r %lurnloK.1de alta., and on ha 1. 1 lin, lu the 11.•.1 Mill take np 111. re eidrlwe there. Key. 11'. H. Grrhaw, of St. bran''-. Lobar 01 Ib.• pastor of Viet Orta •t reel 31e1 Faded 4. la 4.41441 ht. dun over s.o day, Joann McNeil and +1tre. alae of St. Alary',, were 551.11110* 111 Ike parsonage. Leonard Cuff' i. I tor the week from Brutus.. Man.. whir.• lie ha+ a po.aion in 1'hr4tlr'+ Mask .t ora 11 la 01'1.1' 140 )'cnr- .iu,. Leonard left foal, and hr many friend are pterion to 1111,1 4,454,,44114111. All -.r+ He:g rim arab Kate Ho•ken and Ala -ter Gordo., 14.41‘.11 1.11 yt+tenla awaiting for Toronto. Ip•11.ef ,acted I hither 111' the serious nods' ton of their mother. w hu. we regret In I41011, 1.1)4,1 rx{Kvaivl 1111111. Ibe 'weeknut. Walter F. Hick, of the IL,rou road. anew. 4 m aid by hl. wife. heft Teu.dav morning for hal lura. torep tr•srol He hire lodge of 1111• Sun. of f:n.larrf at the wanton of their Ural Lodge 4, that city died .(1 1 he Male tine 10 51.11 Iii- ..our and fame). Mr. Herrn low e. I umorrow for Sarnia to .loin Rr1 . Mr. Hare, on a holiday trip to north ern Ma•bigan. ahe 11111 be accompanied by her Mere. 311w Mary Thomson. who after living with Mr. arad'fr. lbasen for three year i• now going to her home at Mon.onlin, Soak. Guelph Memory : 31r, and Mr,. Frank Hae, after n residence of iris year in Guelph. where they but c given notch-e1.ice to !militia at revs Methodi.t chureli and ,•Iu,r, are Wailes to morrow for Toronto, when' Mr. Hale will 11e em Vlo)e4 with Kihrour Ilene. Alt. Kobe. Wet 'I) runny. Mr... Har'. brother. 1r III *elan, Pally therm Mr. and Mr.. J. A. 4 Amick 14,1.1 their dun 115 law. Fled. Hare. all of 'fnromu. ort it NI In lnw'o 6 1 ) twtwhilr u i . They 14.14 Monday .a u rr ) on . ion l p t tea Kinrudlnr ed u reaching Uedeneh 1i ,rrr, tc+ Mw. and Mi..•. 1 called m. their 4ii5 1-grria k. Ne wgrle drrrl. 11'hilr 1,,•n• their automobile broke down and after working at Il her a day 05 t sou they 11a.1 10 1.•a), it herr and proceed by railway. H. K. .tu.t in this week serer. hr. connection with the Wlderuh branch of the {bink of 31ont real.lftei a•enpyii.$ the p0'Inun of accountant '1o5 ,4 number of year. He i. owing moved 1.y the batik to Chatham. N. H. Hi. any friend. here will regret hi. departure. Andtln lease. on Satunfn). Hi. ,n.•ae.tlr be R. 4,. Field. at {wen! of Portage III le. who formerly held Iho position of len•. Al r. F'. Hammond, M Part., +nt 44 few da)+ t lir nasi -wick with 31r.. S. F:. Dpeirk, of town. Mort) -ort Mnneom. of Tornioto. 4 visiting at t hr n•-kiel.oe of 1d, uncle. 11. 1. Strang. H. A. A. H. Vail of Washington, 11.1'. I+ c tatting In J Iola n. !he giiest of Ale. and Air+. J. 11. •utiror•np. Mr. Ale K intim ural daughter. A14• Margaret, 1.11 yr.t.•rdsl afternoon can trip to Nr iv York. F. 31. Snit, 111. A.. of Torsions. I. apentlimi tit of hr- hnnd.5). at the r• -Items of .hedge Holt. It. Par.am. was In London this week spring after the platy gin,. for Ihr front of hl• new afore. Ase.. F'Inler. of Toronto. woe w 4115.1 1I1 the re.ieh•nce of 1'wnt. Shepherd a few Aw)•a Ihr, week. Mi., Ala) me MnuAiMw, of C4'rebad, 1lido, i. the go' -1 of NI Aland. Graham, Karl ,sort. Mise IMt.1 Phalen son. 1n slrntford for •v.rnl day+ha-1 week. :mending Ihr reunion there. Iter. A. Tiffin. of TrnwhrldIqr. waa. anionic there who attended the Ilnderh•h •rammer -chant. 311.14 As. 15'hl4don, hard drrs,maker for J. A1. *rhlnhein. of I...towel. is home .pending het s drat inn, M r. M.yoern 1111.1danKlu er. of Hpmnll, were ritln4 at Ah,. 1:. J. Itutnbah'+ daring the Ien.1 week. MI..Irma Intron returned Iasi week fr0n) a shit to 1.4.1 owe. mat left on Saturday for Toronto. Mr. J. G. Haldane and rhlklreri havenrrierd maw Ayr to .pers1 -.otos weeks V1.11 ling re- 1.11s•p. In town. John Ione., of Stanley Inwnnhlp, neer ('lin: Ion. was the Fora of Mr. Unnitry. lb. !Melds.. .Ireet. over Sunday. Mr. and Mr. 5)..lnniiae have ret mord from eery ppl1renrnnt •4.0 In their danghter. Mr.. E. M. tlrallna, Ottawa. 11. 11. Green I. horn.' fete a few• week', from Lang !Aka, In the 1'olslt district, whc,e he ha. tern poppet Ing. Harry A10'r5osth A .pending a rnopls of weeks tinting friend. In HamllIon, Traonto amt SI. 1 sat bri nes. Mrrretnr) Mclnlo'h of the 4inaprirh t.nmhrr cong1ewals mode a. Amalie.. Trip 10 London and St. Thoma. 111. week. M4w•. Annie anti Kathleen K111.01. of Hay field. hasp been ...ions their grand)narents. Mr. and Mr. whlddon. Mr. J. W, W.+lawwy *0,111115. 0n, John 4'., of Toronto areitar•.1. at 11in home of Mr. and Mr.. ,John 50. \ an4tter. MIs Ca*slday tin ynaterday afternoon nn Fpr rotorn to Ayr, after a shit el the reddene of her gran.nuirle, W. Burrows. Mit- Helen flhephar. left ) r.lrrday on it vl*It to 1'orn,ttn, whets• Ahs .111 he a g11..t at the rr arlenee orf Melford Fklilto.. 31r. liart1ge left on Turtle) on he, retwrn to Mrarnirh Fitt,. a vl.)!1 the roil,,,, of her )sunt,. AIr. .5111 Mr.. W'..4, he*.r0. Mr. ward Mn. 1la,Id Jardine are 11441111g thrh .etp.Ind.,w and daughter. '1,- .n.4 Mn. J,..11. Hnwntt. Althorn. till, week. Mi.. K. McLellan. formerly of 1.r U. o . 1. staff herr. ha. been vi.111ns ht 1111‘ n uhf. a -ark. the sure) of Mr. John \1'. 5"nn*ll rr. .515511, Mhwrritan 15x1. ,ip Min, W'oo,A.toek Ant We would have nines ideal cities liut fur the licartity of ideal citizens. engu Nrtvr. Euligkt Soap 1s better than other soaps, bet is beet when used in the Sulilt4bl way. asy Sw lle d Soap rad fellow dirsetiras. The •k'' ar ival+ a1 Hotel I.M rin,' : M. At. MM' • mark. M. J. Dalton. Kinpbrldge • .1. E. Cough . Toronto: Ja,. A. VanN.uta, tre- troit: H. V. Allan, 551nd•or: 1'111. A. H. MacDonald. oelph; J. Folbr+bce. )trathre)• : H. W. Tofu. 'trio: Mr. W. ('. Hare, 4(4-,. Edna flare, So in. G.: N. Dna its 41111 f h . Detroit : E.t.14 and Ali.. Wad). Gurney, Frank F Gill, Tum to: F'rwt. Dyke. New York: Mr•. and Mi.. Mar ale Ronan. Lancing. Mich.; Mr. and At4. J. A s Loughlin. London: Mr. and 'Ir-. A. A. Fraser rid Nader Edward and charle. Fraser. Detroit M. France-, Inndon; A. A. MrPhoe, Detroit . Al. Adger, mother and dater. Wind -or ; A Thompson and children. Attica, Ind., Mr. d Mr.. Fkatt3• 111,1 faintly '1 oldo: Min, Gn u. Hrougldon. 1:11`.; Mb . Joan For:she. Ike it :Ails. Wlliao l at H. Campbell. M141. Maude 0, Mc F..oy. De- troit )o-troit : A44'. Hanna L 1'ar.on., 1:. Parson., jr.. Toledo: Mrs. •Folz. r. Hunan, usug; Moss Re11r C. Gn,y, Mr, K. 11. woolfend.4. iretnet: Mr. and Mr+t J. F'. Duncan, Ayr: U . Morris.. Mr. and Mr.. D. M. Cooper. Miss 1'. 1'ooper, Mr+. er*eker, Detroit . .t. E. Colli luno. tonna. Mich.; 11. A. Herdman. Sandwich among thee -p recently registered at •fel Gaterich rue Ibe following: It. 4 • Sin h. Chlragn; AL F:. HoMrn. 6. G. Night inga John I). 1114.111. Mr. and Mr-. .1. M. Hk•kry. Mr. and AIN. John Loughlin. London : Mr. J. E. Peron.. Alias Hannah Parmna. .Joh,. E. I'arw,n-, Jr.. Ali.. IC. H. Kedk. Toledo: Alr. and Mr.. A TOMan. J. G. Anglia, R. It. Bland, J. K. McNee, .1. Hai knee., lir Scott, W. H,1MI i11 umn, Landon : S. W.W.I.,144,011: T. 11. Mr• Epson,'only• John St. 11, Epson, y. 1 ox, MIr41 font: Mr. and Mr. .1. N. Hoo,I J. F. Mlftnn, S. U. SwtfL S. 1',y ward, London ; Tell Dwight kA ward., melon, 1.11.4,1.: LL -Col. Mrlwngnll. H. 1', H. London: Ferdinand Al. Miller, Detroit: 1:. Hingham, London : L M. Newton and daughter. 1 •hieagu' Wei 1:MM Grero, Mr, R. Green,.Mrw, S, D. Swift. MH. Emma Lah.n, Miss Thelma I.nr.ro. Kalani: z,,o Alr+.•JaA. Craig, Ann Arbor: Mr,. H. H. hotline Lawrence, Kan.: Mr. and 31r., E. 1'. 1.1•ort5 ,ser.. W. 14. 1hvnon and +tri. '.1 r-. Aa1grlwtn- 1'• MlellWngen. Mr. /11144 Mr. 14o/nen U. i ohimtin, Mn. Barba., Lomita In. Detroit ; 1:. HlIlbr,w,k. Ann Arbor :,1. N. Van der Vrlo'. Lawrence. Kan. ; Mr. and Mr. C. N. Tay Irr, A14. Inn``, J. McMrnm. Pontiac, Mich.:'.1,.. H. A. 11ard• man. Sand wh•I,. ' I Court House Square, Goderich Telephone No. 100 aiNIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIS AUGUST SPECIALS Copyright hooks. regular $1• +t and $1.50. Clearing at 76e each. Among the admire will he found the following hooks. When It Was Dark., The Work of Our Hands. by Keays. The Heart of the Ancient Wood. 1,y Bohm 1.. The Bar Sumter. by 1,tichmal Harding Davis. Tommy and Co , by Jernuw K. Ito„ When Patty Went to college. Old Gordon Graham, Iry Ill,' ;oil hoc of "Letters of a Self made Merchant to his Son.' Also 11111', land,. h.•, 5 of 1111. 111.5 copyright K NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES ('lensing 1,11141,,' 01 our In,\etl 111 /IP paper 451151 .' nsrl„pe. at out• hall' 4/Ir. It11ai114,4 110111's: ti /1.111. 1,1 17 1,,111. Terms Strictly Cash. Geo. Porter ********** •••••••... • •• • • Football • • • MATCH• • • • • • • • • • THE MAYOR AND THE BYLAW. To the rn4tior of The Signal. DKA 14 N.H. -Apropos of our Mayor'a refusing to sign the Mlaitlasu River Power Company bylaw, the following remark. of Chancellor Nprlgul• in a Judgment given in a similar 1141*,' in 18741 1..uhmittett : "Thr art hag 'It ed to provide for the (ASP of the head of 1lo' council bring present. and refusing to perform his duty. and it, is contended that the only remedy i. by mendtllln. direct- ing the officer In 110 his Awl y. 1 said at the hearing and I repent, that I should not 1,411041 In find 141111) a rn.r pprr,vided for by atnlute, for the i4ytis- 'slime world not AAP That sorb 14 cane 1011111 .,rent% that the bend or n corned would he art WU4111111 of his duty) 11411111' presiding ofeer oil a deliberate Moly or .1. wrongheaded and poi verse it. not to discharge it. It, wn11h1 1w 1144 1 that twenty yews' expecieneI,if munict(pul 10.1hit- would 1e anlflcient. h, educate thus' filling office. in them in the fleet principles by which the pn.reedinge of the Moliee thereby created are regu- lated." This waa t.hiefy-five years ago, and our Mayor is not, educated vet. AIRx. M. -I), ALLAN. The annual summer races will take place on the fine Driving Park. DM* sets, on Wellnenday and Thut•ad*y, Augn4t '22nd and 'Lits'. end will lie letter then ever. On the fits! day the program will hes a 2::1l, 2:•22 anti 2:1e trot "5 pace and a snoring rect.. t41'c. mid day the event. are : -2:iltl trot and w 2:27 and 2:13 parr and n inn. $1,4311 in purse*. Hand in attendance. 1'uriullliaus, of Engl.' 111.1 i • • • • I l neons, of Sealorth •• • • • Aug. 22nd •• • • 2 • Recreation Gr. -minds, • • • Se'afurth, 2:43 p.m. ZI„l'e.:nt.me finished in dills to eateh evening train. F.A.t. and • 11 2•••••••••••••••••••••••••� This is Vour Opportunity Our shelves must be cleared for our new stock of FALL GOODS. To make room for these and clear out the halance of our Summer Shoes we are determined 10 SAC. Ii1FICE PROFITS. We will offer for the next two weeks reductions in prices of 20 per cent. NEVER BEFORE WERE SUCH VALUES OFFERED SO EARLY IN THE SEASON Downing € MacVicar WATCH REPAIRING IS OUIt SPECIALI' 1' fully I;11' IIiII r 1)111' W'1i1I. H. PARK Jeweler and Optician South si(if Square 114y ss'• Ir rk that Ihr :rah who sella para.sd. is engaged in it shady I,llaina'ss POULTRY WANTED \V.- pay the highest rash pl 4*.'.fur poultry of all kinds. live or dressed. Write for priers and partirularl. Mention this puler. THE CANADA POULTRY AND PRODUCE CO.. Llauted. Stratford, unt:nt,,,. Boy Wanted A good opportunity i. open to a boy, 14 or 15 years old, to learn the Printing Trade. One having passed his Entrance examination desired. Apply at The Signal Office. t honr No 25 THE HODGENS ENS STORE RE ICour uHo u se Square Now for the Final Clean -Up of Cotton Dress Good WE are going to make Saturday, August 18th, a regular bargain at the cotton dress goods counter, will sell the balance of th season's stock at prices that will make sure a clearing out of every yard. It is not so much a question of prices as of getting the stock sold to the last end. We simply will not carry a yard over, for we will be in our new store next season and must have new goods and new goods only to show there. That's why we are more anxious even than usual to clear the stock completely out and why you can buy cotton dress goods on Saturday for such little prices. If you can do with a waist, a dressing sacque or a full dress, it's a splendid chance. For easy selling we divide the stock into four lots as follows : cotton Dress Goods, roc Regular 15c to 1St Cotton sirs, mate' nil.. muslin., ginghalna. snit ing-. etc. (Mode hat add at 15r• to lUc per yard, w t.hie weaam, suitable for el cwt any purpose you could use r•(tt n Ilse.. go'wl. for, Choice on 10c Natur ay per Tani , Cotton Dre s Goods, 12=c R hide Pik to 25C )o yards this lot which in- clude. fine gingham., darns or- gnndies, fancy Waisting.. suilinge, etc. Our regular prices have been 18e. ale and tit•. ('brim of them all, commencing Saturday, per 1 saint 22C 11 Quarter Off" Whitewear Sale N'(' are selling whitewear at one- qunrter Tess than regular prices. Do n()1 want any of tills season's stock on hand next year. That's the only reason tier doing it. ' It's a good chance for yon to lay in a supply. Gowns, corset covers, drawers, skirls and waists. All well -made garments nicely trimmed and selling at exactly one-quarter Tess than regular prices. • Cotton Dress Materials, 25c About 'Lill yards extra tine cotton dryss material. including im- ported iharnhr'y., fine ginghaula. 41rP14p organdies. whits' waistings and linen uiitings, everything that sold at VOW, 44k• and NAM, clear- ing. c 'ing Natnrlay, alt per 25C yard Cotton Dress Materials, 30c .lusta flaw yards in this lot• high 813441)' dres..II*tlitwhlr that f ,r waled.,mold 11 11, k ' and r, skirt. or full cuattutw•, choice, 3oc r°lllmr'nring Saturday. Per yell Half -Price Lace Sale Laces are going at the half-price mark. hundreds of yards of them.. i,aces of all kinds. Trimming laces, allovers, underwear laces, etc., that sold at 1 Oc to $2.50 per yard, will 1)e sold for exactly half-price, because we are bound not to carry a yard over. • • The first of the new all Dress Goods are here. li('ome and see them. Fine quality pure linen cloths and napkins. High-grade goods. 61 Maker's seconds selling at prices that are • mineral 'coos saving.