HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-16, Page 7Cool and
Everything, you peed in the simile of summer
wear to 'mike you feel cool and comfortable.
Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters.'
North si•le Court House'
.,(inure, (.rnlrrirh.
The News of the District.
X4141454544456,364546-544++,45-664640/ 563+44k ++,++' 34'64444445+ d64* ' '64$'6+$6' .itt4 6 +4 ' '44*'
TUIC$UAY, Aug. 14th.
Maw, %Whaling, of near Stretford, is
visitiuK her daughter, Mn*. Janice
Miss Gladys Stewart is enjoying her
sl•h,s,l holidays In Lake Huron's
breezes at Kincardine, the guest of
het mint, \Ir . ('hidlow.
1Vl1LNRMDAv, August 16th.
Rev. J. 1'. Reid leave. all Friday
morning on the King N:dwauA to
attend the Windsor district slounler
sauna held in Kingsville. lie will
take a few weekle Windups visiting
dittetenl pi,iotr. Next Sunda' A. M.
• Robrrtwan, M. A., principal tit Harris.
tonHigh School, will occupy the
pulpit at Nile morning and evening.
On the following Sunday evening
Robert Young. of Golerich, will
preach and on September lid Rev, R.
Nott will supply the work.
Tt'Ks»A ', Aug. lith.
Mrs. Whitely, from near Londea-
laro', is visiting here.
Mrs. John Ryan Visited old (1•Ienlla
al Sbeppardton last week.
Chas. Masuu, formerly "of Brucetfrld,
is down from Manitoba seeing relit -
lives and old friends in this county.
Walter Kingsville has purchased
from John Chishulitt a flier Intek
driver for a We'd price. We suppose
Walter will gut his steed in ft ' g
for the fall shows.
On the 2nd of August last M1•s.
Quaid, sr., passed into her ninety-
fourth year at the resident... of her
sou Robert here. As in former years
since she has remitted herr there was a'
Mandy gathering of her childtrrt
living near herr, but it watt nut are
large as in the past.
Musuay. Aug.l:ith.
Miss liraele Wise is visiting friends
in Clinton.
A number of our residents pent A
pleasant time at the Take on MMurday
air. and Mrs. Jas. Young, of Au-
burn, were calling on friends herr lent
Miss Mcilardy, of Toronto, la spend-
ing it lh whit her brother, ('has.
W. T. Sallows and his mister. Miss
Mattfe, rinited friends in Auils•rley
for a few days.
Mass A. %V. Green spent a rumple of
days in Toronto on husin,wM in con-
nection with the dairy helmets of the
Department of Agriculture.
Our esteemed friend Miss Catherine
McPhee. sifter 4F 4.nding a month with
her brother in Wayne. Miehig»m, ham
returned quite drligbtei with her
Irma antimer .•orlr••,ondeut.)
Weteeit*IAY, Aug: lath.
School n'opetx Monday.
A lot of grain has been Isarnel thin
Mr.'4.,ml't'%all ham pslrch:01sl » tu'w•
Massey binder. which hem dune s, •
g,sal stork. Frank 'Young rut John
%%1111am's grain in short time with his
new IWet rllg binder. The Ileering
won the medal Mil the Massey won
the pipe,
To Nana r, Aug. 1 t h.
Arover :Vernal I, Aquiet though
s interesting ,•vent 11114k phare o»
\Wlslurwhly .''.,•Ming, the St h instant.
nt the hours• of N, Mar'lea. Aubert,
shim him vires% Mims Gertrude 8114.r
Ar'nastrring, Wats uiarry'e.i to lidgau• H.
WAnsl one. son of William Wens.tnl1•,
of Mo 'Iles, The err•rtnntiv Was per-
formed ley Rev. ,1, L. Small, 13. A..
poster ef Knox ehurrh, Auburn, iu
%liens. choir the bride sang ton a mint-
ier of veers. The bride Iookld charm-
ing in a gown of white silk trimmed
With all-over lave and riblsin and ear -
tied it beautiful honup,el of white
sweet teem She al140 wore 14 iwealiti-
fol pearl crescent pin, the gift of
the groom. She Was given away by
her Mother, John Henry Armstrong.
The wedding marsh wan played by
little Mise Winnie Howson. who
looked very dainty in crew)) e ish-
nuere. After the ceremon • the guests
sat down w
n to
n rich
and 1 pnunlifnl re -
Mosu.aY, Aug. I
Miss ,Jeuuie, Wiul, of Blyth, ba
ing at her brtithets, Gilbert Vin
Most of 1!w farmers of this vi
wit( bring the harvest to a ch
8th. WKUNKSUAy, Aug. ltith.
visit- 3\'r are pleavlvt to hear that Joe
Flynn is getting around again.
eiuity Mrs. O'Laughlin, of Ashfield. is via.
s1«• this icing her mister, Mrs. Flynn, this week.
Harvest threshing has e)Imtilenred
:old fanners report a gon*1 yield of
Misses Kate and Heal: Mary Mc-
Guire• spent Sunday with relatives in
Mrs. John 1"rrgusmn and daughter,
of Lurk ,a►•e visiting the forwer'a
emit. Mrs. John Craig. at. present.
Quite a number from this vi
attended the summer reboot in 1
haul this week.
Wing -
Miss HIetta'rreleaven, of Ripl
spending 41 week's holidays s
gr:tndfathrl's, Jam, Lair's.
Mrs. William H. Reed has tett
holte after haring ,t two Illottths'
with her daughter, Miro. (Rev.(
Bowering. u( Manitotaa.
Allan Bowles, of tut know, oven.
pied the pulpit of Hackett.v' appoint-
ment on Sabbath evening last in the
absence of the 113`.111r, Rev. W. A.
Smith. Mr.Bowles delivered a
:searching sermon which mils very
ch to the point. The rhureh was
crowded to its utmost capacity.
The garden party under the air,
Orem of the Ladies' Foreign Mission
key Society of Linen Presbyterian
rhnlrh-was a grind strews. Gram
pai"a is date tl 11u• holies 'of the ruil-
gregat' for the mile way things were
carried oi. Alter sttislyiug the M-
uer with the pptutus repast
all gatheed roiled the platform to en-
joy an exeellrnl ',«•grant. oousiaing
of speeches, secitali.ns and sinning.
The chair w'a4 ,ably oecapied by the
raster. Rev. 311'. ('raw. Dan. Mc•
es1, t.1 Reposer ; .111.4 1.11111‘. 1111 11.
Helens; Alr. Meuse !or, of hitt:oil.
and John Nlamary, of Crewe, rendered
appropt•(ute "Maus, which Weir v,•ey,
u1t h apprrciatel. lire, Ur. ('1.IW
and Rao . ..r. Miller anal Ala.. Alillrr,
04 I..whitish. al.o sangvrl'y iwee•ptably.
The St, filled, choir were present and
Kai\e a couple of well-rendare.l 4'Irc-
(ioerlta.$»I. '1'111• { Needs ,ttttttimbed to
ey, in
t her
jj 1 A. NN:1VT(JN, 1L1'1'IC-
l�. NUw, Alha11.•eke .1111'1'1,11d 1.111/1,
dais. New rr11Wn,"(ell.•\I tag tl'-11, 1r4,1,,In.•
forte, Let ter *hen g1Ci*. 1 lawn rel bridge wink.
roc, 11Wnmau, Nana•. more 8. *11461,4
N. It Yoil ,run ala'((,'. 111141• t u,' i, ork la.l,•h
Ia11«•r flus- et the dvalal 01144 11/ore alts,
better (ar111t i.. ha duiag Ihr war ,curt• mei-
turt.tWe for the Iwo trip.
voTic}:. - TNN: L(M'AI. A N:Nl'Y
1, In Uulaptunuu for Tim Signal b, at 1 , • H•-,
other Iuok .1,11 441.4?loller) store, as \I r.'
Mdawn 41111 nlehr tarter. fur .uteri . n..,
mel were1.i,an and Job wort.. mist 1- authorf lu
111,e receipt. lot aal.lanl• Iwid for the sailer.
I't's:.uAy, Aug. lith,
\liras 4'ampls•11. •If 141t1do4, hue ie
t urilel l
.lam. 11'i4w»r, of Ehlre. is mpu•nditti4
1111, racxtt(1n heir•,
Miss Vivian, of (iolri-ich, is t
guest of Miss Lulu Huhiuseln,•
Mils Nichulwnl, of Buffalo, 14 on a
visit to her mister, \ins. ('lark.
T. J. Anderson. of Clinton, is spend-
ing the o rel, at his it hoe.
Mrs. ,Cil,'hell, Sylvan. is the guest of
her mister, Mrs. Andtrw Spred.
Mrs. A. Mtuhir, of Se•aforlh, is visit-
ing her mother, Alt's. %%'. MrMath,
Jannrs Thlunson, of (ioderich. Was
x visits in our s Melee on Mmnda'.
Miss Haley spent a few days in
Goderich, rhe guest of her mother.
Mr. end Mn. It. E. Manning; were
visitors at Animus one tiny this week.
Atte. and Mrs. Temple 4'lark air,•
11w.1)• visiting friends at Ole wall :.nd
lirngd Bend.
Mrs. IG.s• ham returned (I,a., her
trip In 14,imsevaita, Itattlefor,l, Band
other pints out West.
%%'ill Crawford ..f the W. H. IFr,1•k
& ('.a, '1'.ar,nto, is spending a few
days at his 4 here.
Heel 11.1iy u•d, with his nephew
IIr1'Iwr1. til Winnipeg. , is on an ea -
tended visit In him parents,
Nev. .1. Clement will ,.•'•t ey the
pulpit in the Methodist ,hrurells next
Sunday, new tilag and evening.
Mrs. M,Nally and 111111111.11 ,1f1
•:ptdirtg the holidays ;It the hoar of
NI r,. NIeNAIIy's father, Mr. sem 4, Port
1\'r are sorry to hear of the ron-
*inm.st illne•.+ of Thos. Anderson. sl•„
who recently 'et) to Locknow from
his home here.
Mies 'Daley has returned to -her
h i Sea forth. She wee meow -
ponied Mia Nettie Sproul, who
Neill visit •r for time.
Last, and for remainder of the even- ('or
spentmg rota i
se'1111 intpt'rrrllrlen The games
utswere "
many end cert ly, including es bed n
w Klemon suite from the bride's elude, .1f',
Marler, a dinner set from her lister, pe,
Ales, %1'Iw. Jewell, 14.18• 'Iter. 01111 ,Mein
a miller pickle (•rapt f her brother. hi'
Henry, At a late hour the ha spy' ego
couple left for their hole at len- 7•
miler, carrying with then, the hest
wishes, fa host of friends. gfvt
We .4*.'l mea i
{ ea i tt kern that Mies
a Roberts and R.•u•-nn ('ase have
sed their examinations with
urs. Oungatulonite. -always do
vv. Albeit Tiffin. of Trowbridge,
tubed in th" Methodist church on
day evenings. it ‚.4411,ft'demur.. 14.
old sometint1nr.•, to hear him
he contract for the sidewalk was
'n to Thos. Sandy, of iws•hal.h.
right elan in the right plare this
e. ars he understands his work
Roy Willis, of Toronto Conserva-
tory of Music, in the guest of B. J.
Crawford for at few days, and oat Sun-
day evening sang very li.•reptnhiy in
the Methodist church.
Alias We:ADAY. A1ig. 14th.
Tena .lihn.ton hem leen visit-
ing friends in the count) town fora
The 1rantewot•k of Thos. horns'
dwelling him*, is 114) and reedy for the
Miss Annie ('lurk. of Mt,Hplen., was
visiting her friends its Haim lornlity for
w Vesal days the past week.
The t% f . R. ste,1111 .huv.1 hem
crossed Sharp's creek and is now
working on the embankment at Chea.,
Treble's. A few weeks will complete
this work to the river ; then we may
1001c for the laying of the rail..
Harvest i. 0111t over: there has
been splendid weather for fissuringg id.
The first threshing wan dune at %1'm.
('unninghntn'e yesterday aflrrn,ien,
with gond requite, And After finishing
there the thresher mover) bast night to
John Fpague's, on the lith cnnces/don,
to thresh n twenty -three -erre 11.1(1 of
pens in 1Ventern marl.. with tram•
drawing the grain direct to the ma-
chine. Next week threshing will he
general, J. T. Goldthorpe m outfit
does the work *round here.
The ru•fsenterrl and painter, are nt
work et the hotel and are making
great. iniprovetnents in the nppwarence
of the place. Mr. Miller is hnttml tel
have en tep-to-dot. 1 Reeid.m
looking to exterior Rpp'erranCps he is
nuking provision for the best of ser.
vire to him guests, lie has ptrrhased
*flue Jersey row from tleorge (.with•
waste, of (ioderfeh township and now
ham a pair of those highly lawful
animate, m0 that guests will he ensured
a honntifnl supply of the lacteal fluid,
of Al quality.
MIii.r'm Grenuh+a cube -.Nlow shin.
For sal. by J.,,. Wilson.
S1lceaam never comes to a man who
is afraid to face fit Rowe.
Flattery shnnJd always lie diluted
with tarts - New Y,wk Times.
a ,
Misn,1.R Sheena ham gone lu Toronto
to attend the millinery openings.
The Indies Will he interested in this
Gael, am the fell hate will soon be seen,
and of course the latest is what is
HARNm Rr*NK.i.-The barns and
'.hale of Hobert. Dnrnfn, two miles
went of here, were burned Thtrwl*y
night with a large quantity n1 hay
and some tstrMy. also . • of blast
year's grain. AIr, thiamin was in-
sured in the West 1V»wnnmsh inenr-
lance Company for $1IKt Lightning
was the raone of the 44re.
Following is n 'tartlet list of those
1 ►
from Dungannon »ono
tog a who attended the
rummer nr•hool In Go erirh : Misses
Lily and Frank McLean, Etta Hender-
son, filthy Robinson, Celia Pentland,
Rev. .1. W. and Mees. Robill.,lll,
)Gess.. N. %Vhynrd and 1. Killmegh.
Mr. and Mrs, Roxeh, Mr. and Ales.
\Vnikom, Mr. and Mn,, T. ('lat'k, Mie.
Hamlets end Henlah \Vnikonl,
Thought It Was ss Buret.
.inilge (4. NI. Spent-cr, A Mt. Jose ,h
(Mo.) lawyer, tell. thim one n*him.elf
A Iocel .realer in horseflesh sold a
good-looking .:els1 to 1 rm.tanler,
who, on the seers! day after the sate%
broughthim hark and angrily d.•
mended the restoration of his looney
on the gmmnd that the animal wax
"Yon had the ,meanness," said (h,•
irate ratan to the dealer, 'to sell me e
horse Rs hlltrl Am A host, and never amid
a word about
%Vhat you say in trate, and f rant
deny it," reepmdlxl the other, "but
f Nought him from Spencer only teat
week. and as he failed t.. say anything
about the horse being blind I stpsosel
it was a secret."--Plttahllrg Proal.
Mrs. ('uultier. Mr. and Airs: Collins
and Alias Maud /Navin, of AlppePna.
Mich., are visiting AIM. h, Metliiire.
John \Irl',als• ,4 buying a loci of fat
sharp. 41r intends stripping 1hea1 to
Calgary, where he Is running at
butcher shop.
Mu snip, Aug. 13th.
11,avr we a *Mize 1111114•101. in this
WV, 0 1.(p:' If nut, why not There
are:(. aur patches ten the Nation r
that vrtandy ureal :silent is 11'hy
do not the owner, of the proprl1
''lorry the law- in the ulzltr of
noxious- weeds:?
Towxsuie COCNI'H., -- The council
met ten the Wh iusl. Minute.
of last meeting were read and
passed. The following err (s were
``peed : J. 1A. fowler. services 41t Mait-
land Iri,g.•, 111 : Johlf Rodger,
drain arlllas eonti, $Id : 1', t' xe, tile,
$21 ; 1%', \\'h,•ately, r.n'k slip plank.
Mo. A bylaw was pooled at, the
fullewil4 1744/w for the cur'rrrlt year :
; township, 2 3.10
milts: genes als•b(4,lrate. 4 Mt10luills ;
alveilir various school section rates.
The ...tuned ,uljo1r1e1 11) alert on the
first Atonality in Se otemiwr:tt 1 si el44•11.
t►Dt .hs WAS a Wren OC poetry
anti she lid dreams of pound,, Ably
Lila kept Ler grocery bill down, It in-
terfered considerably with her ppttlog
est orders ou rinse, uud etre eattoteted
that eine about offset The other.
The poetry loving widow had had
fifty dUGerent poetic effUSW s
fished lu the Clarkin over the nom
Wume of Flossie, but Mr. Flint
•eausived Um copy with a grout,
the public lad relv,sered from
absek each tithe wltlitu tweuty-
TM, "poems" had been published
antro catrylog dead advertl.tug. M
$dwell was rather surprtsed
the ellt e-drepped 1n on her me ev
int a'nduworeeded to say that be Iran
011 1*,' for the mistress of hie house
ed and uuswered,a
gheewas an tosermbts
annt.bis rrie
between them. He didn't look like
er •lmh
;pSheew what be could de
the way of an twet1on hill, but
man tau wed Illeasts'uat look
pat She wuotd attend to the
es a illestofore, bat be must at lea
here long hair, an aesthetic face
dreeniy eyes.
Ile editor maw at ow* that
Couldn't fill the 8111. Fie wore bis ha
sheet, bad it fat face, and ills sy
were 0a the lookout for dellnque
subscribers steed of looking into t therefore far away. Ile picked up b
hat and walked buck to the toile.
However, the Iron had entered' Mr.
Flint's soul. He had IoW Ins forty -
year -old heart at n woman's feet. and
she hud spurned It. Ile either wanted
to commit suicide or secure revenge,
and after dgurigg up that the Clarion
plant was worth about $4.000 he decid-
ed to hung on to earth. The first In-
talleeut of his recant* wall shown to
his next Issue. when he said:
"We Lake pleasure In informing our brother enders that a other of the W Idow
Bidwell, who writes beautiful verse
Ruder the name of Fl.ssle, has Just
led uud left her a fortuue eiitimated
t $ 1Ua000. She has our heartiest con-
Of course the public read the Item,
sud of courartbewIdow read ft. There
wasn't a word of truth lu It, but when
people came and showered their cnu-
gratulatiou she couldn't bring her-
self to deny he story. She was even
thankful to the Clarlou for publishlug
the canard. The issue of the follow
hag week pursued the matter further.
"We understate'," it old, "tbat the
fortune left to the Widow Bidwell by
her deceased brother ill the west will
10 $L(0 fatter than at Brat reported.`
There are reports afloat that she will
remove to New York city as soon as
she rome. Into possession and buy a
residence on Fifth avenue. Her poem
this week le the best thing lu the pa-
Titers were more congratulations,
and the widow got deeper into the
BO n
hulls. It was ice to be patted on
Jbe back and soft soaped that she
couldn't bring herself to deny the re-
Beteu the second and third Issues
of the Olarion the editor had a caller.
His ostensible occupation weal alliin;
Bohemluu oats to farmers at $5 a
bushel and sailing mighty close to
prison am a swindler, but Le had the
hair and face and eves' of a poet. Even
the fat and healthy editor Lad to ad-
mit that- The railer wanted to insert
a small ad- and ask about the Widow
Bidwell- He had toren the notices In
the Clarion tinedher legacy, end be
wanted a few pointers,
Editor Elim praised the woman who
ad lumped on his bleeding heart.
Aye, he spoke In highest terms of her,
and even told Mt. Harold De hell tow
Ie could get au intruductlon to her.
Thenthe third issue said:
"%%'e bad a pleasant cell the other
th Mr. from Harold L* I.fsl.' who
lam Just rend• a Iffillem dollars rut-uf
Penn*ytvania oil We understand thatmawemawremain In oar *Wage for Rome
lap- Indeed, Dame Ruiner le eon In
rcuag nae name wan as se a rico
d prominent widow on Chestnut
Mr. -le Like was dully, hattsdaoned to
,- W
b1&w She.ha.n
set ewes ou tam than her'beset began
to palpitate. e port bad cmfil
-cease. a
looped and tlrseeed the part. He also
acted 1t, Nothtng wee said of her
dressmaking on the oae hand nor of
hie oat busheeae on the other. They
talked of sunnetn and poem:lead Idsts,widowand the W$duwas not in the hotel
dialog room to note the quantity of
corned beef awn cabbage besgotwir ag
en -
'thepoMt 47
' ostionaV, Aug, 11th. r
William 3'. Alefitegor intends leav-
ing for the We'd.um Friday,
Miss Jennie ,Inline[, u. is the tote, d
of !Hiss Martha J111111/401/1., of Lanes, a
this Geek.
Miss Tena Uelw'muaU, (.1 (ioderi14,,
is the guest of heraunt, All-. Ken -
Abs. Haynie and daughters. Alis"es
.31-.11111e and Vilna. are the e„11est of the
Cisme.. Uaeleityre. ,
Jerk McLenna«a rend MacMillan.PhiMacMillan.f I.nckunw, spent Sunday at the
Mel). 1 • 111•n'.
1111 a Iwr f .this neighl*.r-
11rma attended IIi. garden fan t}• .11
lames eat Friday eve ' K.
Miss %unit. Mae kenrir, of London
!'unsrrv» ory of 3/11,1e.wens the gates(
1141 .111.4. H 1e McLennanhal reek.
Insets, Aug. 1'th.
Miss ('raw to 1•tding at the manse.
rs. 'chum, J1/y111 Vent n few 411(1':
in Winghant the , torr part -of hast
The MissesMrVoulb, f P31Iprmtuu,
are the g111,11 of Miss H. Miller this
tr •.•k, /
Mrs. Thar--.. 'I'.sld, AIr.,
ani 31ts. Nlcl)on:dd vi4it
gill last week.
Miss .tante Rutherford els
week bolm4atinar at the 1
4, Urs. It, IC. Alillrr,
Mrs. Thurat.li. nod •tion
1k.k111:1, are visiting at the 110111P 141,11,`
futauer'. fat her, ROW. Mulles V.
Mrs. .1h... thirnin risifeel ,at the
h • of her daughl••r, 11r4. Kiril, heal
Brussels. on Saturday and ?nnday.
Qlaitr.r number from here ;attended
the galdetipot y 111 I:to.'. oat Friday
night and report an excellent time.
M,4, J 1.. Nor 1)nu:ald, Alis. J..sie and
Master Iivaitt, of Guelph, are 4 isi¢ii.g
at .las. Mrl►on,ld s, lith concession,
Misses Minna Mod Margaret Rut her -
fora sent Siuldny in Lurk now at the
1 f their •le, Rola. 4)uruin.
Mrs, ,las Gurdon and 'f:nuily are
visiting at 1%', !t. Mr('rostit s and w. -
understand intend to :pend the ruin
met. here. ,y
1'has, Tend; and sine, :McDonald (u..
engaged with the Martin threshing
We h tillea
t r big g thi nz. now.
Hob,K et one ready.
at Cele -
eo her
Harvesting will be pretty nearly
finished this week. The crops all
through have torn good. with .oar
0314. ile1.111111. 11 little liglit, hilt the
farmers haven't • newt' to .erittshle
akin, --
When the Editor
Oaprslaht. leen, by -It. !IC G`eaeioabane
with ht Moder. ,
There war a fverih uuUew hi the
elution. The "pursed editor Ladu't
nitwit to do with 411. (Ion hills Just
then, uud be had time W keep track
of admin coo Cbwtl,ut street. Ile had
bxeu told that Mr. /tarok! Ile Lists
war o►ly a traveling ugent fur u gsug
of eastern 'whittler*, but he wasn't
suing tv say sat. Ou the Contrary, what
he said was:
The wealthy and dlaliugulaLld Mr.
Le Hale is still with us, and if Ise has
not wuu the heart of a heed City lady
then rumor ban glee far astray. The
wedding will probably be a quiet af-
fair, and bride and groom Any snake a
honeymoon trip to Europe."
The Nubeealau oath men why looked
like a poet mod the widow dressmaker
who really wrote rhymes were not ex-
actly Prink with each otha•r. 1141 sever
asked the name of her brother or what
disease he died ut. 11e never amtuu) a
tbat•1Lrtmae had come or wtwu It zelsgbt
be expected.
On ber part, .be didn't ask In whet
part of the Keystone State kis on well
was situated ur whut national bank be
honored with his depostl. They read
the Clarlou and trusted lu each utter.
There were more farmers waiting to
buy Babe -mien nap, nod Bud a crop of
weeds, but still Harold De LW. an-
gered. T 's were dresses then cus-
tomers were wafting for, but still the
widow's sewing machine was sliest
The lauguldnews and lethargy of• ludo
tog like a poet and beteg u poet beat •
siding down bin. ail hollow. The firth
'puff' in the Clarion was a eesdoff.
"'The event of the season occareed at
the Methodist ehaneh two days lance,"
it 'read. "As we have ail 'tong pee-
tsdieted, we have Lust oar Wrist dower.
I% other wards, Kr. Harold De Lisle
prevailed upon the cisrmang Wither
Bidwell to give himrerband.anaarert,
and the Rev. lime, Peters made them
man and wit, in a eery impresses" cer-
emony. 'med>iy ecryie left tome fair
cago 1musedfst ly afar, bat tasty se-
tuesaientmassak totprepsredbelbeglanat
abt wl,"
Ten d+pasiaaribe Od4stnrnad.aad
at unce-onQfend, all oil-eastomese Haat
baanen'wee.tot'he assumed st the -old
Toa dpe Aster ,m a distant stats the
bridegroom mos. tilting up Bohemian
oats. They had come to au understand-
ing about money n*s tens. They had
understood Lha each bad played the
confldenee.prrne.on the other and that
they hadn't 41100tbetween.ttsrm.
Editor Pilot of the Chalon and Stern
gnu qty Adesestiner .tat dove and
tesate.en tta stIoa =dor Farmer awes
and told trim whet firs price for Z00
ettptias vainlib.,.-ml,abstosrd ban-
meltmed lag it-upelawtomdthkesteltNety-
"Cls, I lloedtcknow. I dsnttsss.sat to
Less ro+msrbeache•r®der•my•vsainie. I
dbl. I dhoailk4t wooder drInamooseetl
K nth Lightning Rapldlty.
'"Wuuderful eye that I,uy, of mice's
got," said the proud father.
"That so?" mecbaulcally replied the
man who wae'trylug to get away -
"You never maw such a tense of pro-
portion," cried the proud father. "l'a.s
that• boy the cake dish and he'll spot
the biggest piece on It every tinge"
A Po11taea1 relater.
Bragley--Itestaurant waiters would
make strong caudidatee If they were in -
politics. Don't you thluk so? Wig -
way - I don't see bow. Bragley --
Hnveu't you noticed that they carry
everything before them?
Preset Positive. •
Impertinent Neighbor -Do you* think
Mr. Smith 1q fu love with your slater
Alice? Children --Oh,. uu! 1's d1$klr•n
nn• a110wed to go In the patlor,wben
be Is calling-
1fotblme Iroise.
"Miss May." began Mr.-' Iioamley-
woutd you -ere -be wlulf I were to
kiss you?" `
"Not t11•aeemarlly," replied the bright
girl. "hut I would certainly be mud to
let you-"
SCOTT'S EMULSION struts .s o
Ibridet to carry the weakened and
starved system along until it Cas find
film support In ordinary food.
Seed for he. sample.
SCOTT d BO W N E, C4.mlda;
r \pc mad S'.m i all d 1 �o••rb. t
Theile was Fest one reason why the
Widow Rt(hvet1 reined the msttimo
ntataRBr tendered her by Editor Flint
of the Weekly Clarion and Fergie.
County Advertiser. Editor Flint h:.1
owned and edited the Clarion fur many
years. He had never married because
he bad been too belay making, up nett
working off bis edttlou of 000 capes,
getting up and printiug auction blUs,
wising thrilling local notice', of wood
wanted oat subscription and edit'- mat_
tura connected with' a weekly j..!rnal
of twenty years ago. Some of his es
teemed rmtasmporarles sneer(; :7 re-
marked now and theu that he ,:,.le bis
editodsf.. but when It Came. d :w -n to
writing out an auction bill they yielded
him the palm.
"Auction! Auction' ,tenon!" read
the .Laraine bill. "Take notice that on
the loath of September George Styles.
farmer, will sell at public 4-entioe all
the bee atoek and other personal omit
cry on him farm on the ltd Bridge
road. Said stock consists of horsey,
cows, sheep sud hogs Rud 111,011, 11411
tees and geese. Rale to begin It 111
a. m., and all will go to the 111;,•1111,11
Wider •,
Tb,ry WAN So doubt edema the sae
MIR of the CAarion an a nevi -Reaper or
&boot then sneer* of Editor Ellett as mil
anew When be Tinnily m"41e up hiv
nand to marry the WMow lihlwell.
them leas ne, rkw,l,t that hp wenl,t he n
IMMO s a■ It Benedlr-tBe same* n
Mtg. however The widow twirl hove
obliged to fern In elr•wssmnking *Mee
bee IilMuad'a Aaath, arm* she dM tont
L11111k-.lbs Saar *roe* of 0P
Have you arrived at the i
fork in the rl fol of 1if e? Are
' you purled because you do
not know which p'.th leads
to success?
No doubt you have 'looked through''
the office window of smut, great concern
and have seen the nlnnrcer in, his chair
-looked comfortable, didn't he?'
*Yon have wisll(d to fill the sante position
-solve day. That's where' a Business College
education comes iu. But int%electing'acollege,
first see that you are right - -then glee ahead.
Our free b,x,kkl tetle all about OM%, systet aa, charge*,
posit. ms after graduating. etc. W.i.e for i1.
S,-h,w.l term: September till Jaw, *clues*.
J. W. Wf S 1: RYILT, Y!+ C A. RI 7141
Prlrrlp.uL ,Lmotion.
t., taeCa►+e.wm,
E have had lona; experience in this branch of
he business. and will personally superintend
ork of this department.. We will endeavor
l to turn your trade this way. No trouble
ish on tiny of Lha above lines. If you
-nything in the following list that you
uir'*', we have prices that will interest you.
the w
to tea
fair yo
to furn
Wight req
Page Wire Fencing, Page Wire'
Gates, Graniteware of every
description, Lawn Hose, Glass,
Aluminum Ware, Galvanized
Pails, Elephant Pure White
Lead, Elephant Pure Mixed
Paint, Imperial Portland Cement,
Galvanized Black Iron Pipe,
Building Paper, Ready Roofing,
Gasoline, Galvanized Wash
Tubs, Canadian and American
Oil, Machine and Cylinder Oil.
Store 'Phone 57
House 'Phone 177
Age violent wither.
Nor custom stale, its infinite variety.
Canadian National Exhibition
AIM. 27
SEPT. 10
O N 1 A R 1 0
AlmgniHrenl Educational Exhibit of i ioces'e. of Manufacture ill new
:jl*,'l,lael Ila la,llnK, ,
The Pineal Program of Amnmp.nente Ever Presented, Including
"IVANHOE," with expert Tillery, brought expressly trout England,
play twice daily on the limed I'Iaraa Mee), 11 num., and 4 p.m.
N., op-to-ilate('.anaiian will miss tins Exhibition.
Til 1,4.41) the great rrowd tonne firm, week.
For all information apply to
Lieut. -Col. J. A. McGILLIVRAY,
I:1 :it ,o,s
J. 0. ORR,
Manager and Secretary.
1'1(4' Ball, Tureen, Ifni
Sonie Specials in Hosiery
for this Week.
/betide helm and toes:fell feshinned. Thin is a L
spl.nded line and e]OC
al ways sella at :Av. Npeaial prier, per prier
With natural wood, split. mole, the moat ronlfortRhle *tacking (or ��C
t ha , e who have tender tees. N ealel valet.at, per pair.... ,.,
ere •.
n t designs i n e
g In f hick. tan, and white. Special- value, per Rik,
\%'.- hove still a gond range of
to hand thi. week including ell the newea novelties,
We have at very r'omlplrte range 111 all art needlework linens, rusbion
IooR, cenl.res, drawee, etc„ ser,
The largeststork ip town of needlework umlerials.
We hl% e reduced our entice stuck of
and lett,- marked thein all at. prices Iha will create a speedy rlearatee.
..i". k 11,11, 14 1,x:01, per pair fromJ�J
1anada'y leading slake it ail the newest 'Maitre. every size in fin`
P1fOONI Miller's ScotchStore PHONE