HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-16, Page 5THE NAL G0010 11011 ON`1'AItld) A MAGNIFICENT PLANT.. Opening of the Western Canada Flour Mills Co.'s New Mill at St. Boniface. The magnificent new 111.11 01 the %Venter❑ Canada Fluor Mills Cu. at • Bo1i(acr, Mau., was opened under ultra auspicious circ Lances 011 Thursday afternoon Iasi in the pres- ence of Mix hundred leading citizen\ (ruin Winnipeg. Brandon and St. Boniface. Premier Roblin delivered the inaugural addlesti and at the close of his demal•ka he touched an electric button which set the machinery of the cars at once, have been completed and The mere erection of the muter wally wail u great work. se fur mouths over Sl1Q men were employed. They reps -- rented every nation and people and tongue under heaven, which added not a little to the laleors of Mr. 1 t'ek- ner, superintendent In charge of con- struct' Tbe Plant. The plant consists of three huild- logo, a mill, a storage elevator and a warehouse. '1'11e elevator consists of Yawl plant in motion. a working house and ten t:auk" each The tot, Boniface mill. which has 80 feet high, and is the first of the j.t Iwt'n opened. is 0114 of 1114 prop- type in the city of Winnipeg, and the reties of the company which owns the first on the C'a11auian ride, west id the Big Mill in Goderich and of which the I iSI'eat lakes. The cement is feiiforced with stet$, -of which more than rix Messrs. *Slaw of town are pr - carloads were Used in t ant members mbels and others of our citizens are ehareho1dr1•r. The \Vinnipeg Free Press. W which we are indebted for a deport of the opening of the new mill, gives a her of illustrations of the plant and portraits of some of the of- . firers of the c parry, including M. A. McUaw•, president and general Mana- ger, and H. J. M,liaw, nleehaniral superintendent, "1 he wizard who planned it all." The Free Press amen t says : The large mutter of president :Ind directors µ s' ) 111y left the C. N. H. de ' ciao train which the cu kindly provided at :i li cl quickly to the mill. 'Phe: shown through the splend from tot. to (4)110111 nod the express' of *(lour, en :dl sidles. 'elm• gusts i winded all Ihr toesulels of the grain board of 118.14reples•Ila the different rnilr).*d. bat soviet' 0,nd also other i holies. After the mill had spectwl the guests nd journ. "e • 1 timer of the warehouse, and well lighted room. F111,.1 w tables where loth liquid 1111d nrrhmrnts were trryld, )it. ltd at. the head of Ihr table was Mr. A'drew Kroh'. president of the Western Can, oda Flour Mills Co., LW.. and m his right hand rat Pretuier Roblin a on the left d'apel Tilt, president the grain exchange. Other guesta. 'ere senator K ircbotfer, O. J. Bury, •en- eral superintendi nt l'. P. H. : F. V. Peters. general traffic manager of t e l'. 1'. H.: 1►. D. Mann, vier -preside 1t C. N. H.: Oro. H. filum, genenal ten fir Manager C. N. R. ; James Pyr, Minneapolis. representing Noldyke normae ; John S. Maxwell. John 1lanab4tg, Peter Payne. Manager \1'rather,ltunP, of Bank of Hamilton. all u( Brandon ; Aldrnuan lw/lint4•r, I.•plesenling city of Winnipeg : Mayor A. lia,1vi11, of St. Boldface ; W. A. l:unpbell, assistant Ilial 11u.nager Ogilives, and Will A. Matheson. of the 14144' of the Woudi Milling Co. After It few words of inti•.ahlrl tall. Mr. Kelly called on Hon. Mr. Hubein to sal the mill in motion ; and the Premier, after thanking the president for the h which had le -ti con- ferred upon hila, Mp•ke of the condi- tions which hail warranted Ihr erre- ion of such a plant. The auldil' of i1 to the 11lanufa.3,11•ing ,and milling industry of Winnipeg las the speaker 4,116.0rl411 %\" 'peg and NI. M oti f:ue practically ono marked an rlss•11 in the hiutory of the West. The t' occupied in the Const Foci ion, which was exactly twelve months. was in koeping with the enterpt•is' id the doss -tors :and with the spirit of the West. The speaker Was glad to learn from the president that the 'magnifi- cent plant through which he had just. been shown WAS ons of the finest ill the world and certainly 411)4 0f the largest under the British Hag. The eaparity was 1,111) barrels for every twenty-four boors, which meant that :at bast 7,0110,01111 bushels of wheat. would be consumed annually. at a cost of four and a half 1)r five mill' dol- lars. When these Hgnles were taken into Perlman consideration it could easily be son what the opening of such a plant meant not only to Win- nipeg 1,111 to the West. At the conclusion of his speech Mr. Halpin touched an elrelric button 1e - hind him and the wheels throughout the mill revolved and the \swore: 1 Amnia Flom Inial was in operation. ('ape! Tilt. president. of \Vinnip•g grain Pxehange : Senator Kirrhnfer, 1;. J. Bury, general anperinlendent of the central division of the 1'. P. It.. and others also spoke, and after the 1,111\) of the addreI ws the guests again adjourned to the mill and watched the 111ac1 ' •1'y ill mot i n ft.• a few minutes. efter which t hey hoarded the train and returned to the city. highly satisfied with their visit. guests of the of 11 com- a. - n •t. i4( a spe- upuuly very •k. and rant they Were 1 atrialure natty we'e • heard )(change, yes 1 - kerN as - fluent int well in. to 1111' a Large h long lid tee tion. The foundation Wil fret thick and of said steel ; and the pier• haven fret square. Between the conal rue- 1414 font. mem and Llys seven ■ piers are arches of *Mid cement and Mtta•I, form- ing lung corridors through which pass the 7tH-f.ot conveyer bells. In the flout of each bulk the stet•\ building rods are only (mi) inches apart, while the walls are reinforced by steel rods riitminix perpendicularly every two feet, and ,y fiat al 1 1 •4 - fret circular steel kande rvety (4)01,, • hand being near the uul.idr and the other near the inside of the wall. The elevator iN s• arriulgl'tl that the wheat can be abase .,f the r 1 id the YI received in the pits ret winking house•, elevated by any toil. desinsl, c•ailyievl ehrouytll to the cleaning 1 se in the .nth I•nd of the mill and retrlr1).d to the tank., p ors again through 1he working house and le loaded 111t•' Cara. The still is six storeys wilt' eupol:l, and iN dlkl fret lung by rid wide. 'Ilse basement walls are four fret 1 hick and the brick wally up to the third Hoot t w'4( fret six inches : all sash and lint- els are of galvanized iron and the gen,. of the windows webbed with wiry meshing. Evl•ry precau1411,n hats leen taken against tire, the milt through- out having its own complete sprink, ling sysle'ln the elevators ale all trappsvl and the congnanv have their own water supply. A well has ,been sunk in the corner of the (engine rosin from which water is p ped into a 44,111 gallon tank elevated 16.1 feet. and from this I :ink a powerful Mtre,u.1 of wager ran Is• thrown right over the Lop..? the working house of the eleva flit. AL the base of this tank are 14.4) old- ditional res•r%Mrs. one of 7:1,4J41 *1141 the other 40,44 to gallons .spacty. Most Modern Machinery. STORY OF THE MILL. Description of the Great Plant at St. Boniface. it'roin The Winnipeg Free l'rers.l as full of wonder and romance as any of the 11 gm of th. Arabian nights. The uuu hinter)' in this will is not only the at up-to-date in America but thele is nothing tetter known in hr Milling world. It is not the hug - t.1 11,111 in the w .i -Id. lull thee pang FL s Hap-• Seaforth. by default Jas s to Without fear of rim' !whet • ,i4.,.forth. at there is nothing better. Hruall. Kinranline. Mowing the regular rolling pr)- I (• a kt•poi,•lI .hon 1y Col. Clark. .k(4( thewheat starts at the bottom In elevated to the lop 1111(1 aft.•r THE BOWLING TOURNEY Completed Thursday Last List of Wainer.. THE WINNERS. TIaur11Y. (t{, W. TloIn10Il s rink, Ooderich. Sec 1-11r. Bruce's rink, Kineardiur. Aalsx•LITION. J. B. Hoover's rink, Clinton, Mectood--Dr. Hunter'. rink, tilslrrich. (•ONMILA'r1UN. . T. H. Me('uldy's rink, Stratford. Meeiond -E. A. Dunbar', rink, Mitch- ell. IH)UUl.V.4, Crawford and Holmes, Winghanl. Second -Latimer stilt Staples, Se.a- ful't h. *INGLES. W. White. Copleetune. Met•ond-Dr. K. Agnew, Clinton. The bowling Wurlatn4It was hlonght to a close on Thursday even- ing. Hain interfered considerably with the play the Lail day, but till the r4rlat$ were completed and the win- ners ale as stated above. Th(* Ileal gaune in the' aM's'ialiun watch was won by J. B. Hoover's link from Clinton, who defeated 1)r. Hunter by 1a score of 17 to 14. Clinton. Uoderirb. K. Howard W. 1ru4 4'. dossing 11'. 11. Holme+ It. Agnew J. N. Tiger( J. I4.11uovrr, skip. . 17 Ur. Hunter. Alp .14 The consolation watch was Won by the Stratford rink, skipped hy T. H. M,CO,1y, who beat out E. A. liar's 1')11k f111111 Stitcheld ill (111• finals. The doubler were wuu It.' A. M. Crawford and Dudley Bolide,., Wi.1K- 14,1111 : K,1. Latimer and .1. Stapler, 41f 1rafortb, being the runners-up. In the singles W. Whit+•, of Cuple- stone, book fit'st, and 11r. H. Agnew, of Clinton, second. Through am inadvertence the list of prices was inenrn'1•tly given in The, Signal past week. 'limy were as falIIIWs : For trophy m;ur11 1st. four eases codas' ' g half dozen pearl -handled knives anti forks : '2nd, four cut glass terry bowl.. For loll watch 141, four sil- ver salad servers": 2.141, ., four fel bowls. - Fur consnlnl' watch ••-(st, four sil- ver hreatl-1rsalds ; '2nd, four sets of half-dozen cut glass t Met', rn• gra vett F'o11' 41(11111L•M-IMI, two Mort•isell:airs: '2nd, two jardinieres with oak ped- estals. • For singles -Iso, hammered cop et. rlar.'t tankard '2nd, brass inkstand. THE MARKET. Liverpool Wheal Futures Claso Higher, Ch,cago Lower --lave Sto41. M ,r - heir -The Latest Quotation' 11ulWry comer. Aux. 1:4. LItrrpwl wba+l tutus. •1(4•,41 44.4.41 yid le %d higher' 16.411 4.1014ay U10 :•trail 111 11ucs u,rhauged. 4•t. lower At Cbleago Sept. w-hrrt i•lu"44 then Suterdayi Sept. •0111 idiebalgeJ ••ud S. p1. outs *4i, hlgher. WINNIP11a OPTIONS. At Winnipeg eptluu. Markel 10 day, for fciwan g were the elurlu4 when' quids - War; Aug. T4e, ort. For bed, Ure. j1',4'•. THE VI,aIELE SUPPLY. Aug 13,'141 .4'I' l,"Id Ane. 12.11: Wheat ..91 ti4.l'l') _.1J)N.Ut) I:I,a:lp,44*1 eons . ;L:•g:.,•14 :,,4(71,141.4 5.u74!UU Vats .' .. d,IW),uu 4,ti1*.1su d,:a{..1a.1 O1•rlug the 1544444 wheat U•rrrnerd _,4;4J,. 4W hostel.; corn Jreteas'.d T.i1,00U bustInds and mart* lucre4.e4d 370,1U) l,usbrle. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. s Sept. Dec. May New York i1ty, 11 sty, htOcl1 74', 7711 41 11. I.uuls Ilh411 it Tdki lUnurayulle i 144 72% 7714 -1'A, 7744 x1 lrulutb 73;4 T:144 T714 TORONTO PRODUCE MA,tr.Ci 11rala- WI..•et, spring, hush ..10 TS 10 1.... Wheat, fall, trunk ..... .... .... Wheat. rod bulb . .... .... Khool, goose, hush Uerlry, burp 0 51 0 !S•2 Oats, I -ash U 41 .... Nye, Lush O 74 .... Po its bush u 72 -LIVERPOOL ORAIN,AND PRODUCE CONSOLATION MATCH. First Round. HI)14,. - sesforih. J. 'M,Mun'hie,-kip 1. A. Winton, .kip t• 4' ant alar HI's1 41.1.1) Way OI fou liar 1'hr lation ('an to reel raps TI ppre ty Iry deem he etre .l).1 Angle, help forting that Is reseal the *sett were in full 1 wits :1141 volving 4(l as high r4( t he out the ► thing. Shipping Fee' ")earl cle: g processes receives its break in grinder No. 1 on the 1 Flom. The grinders. hy the in from NI.. 1 to Nu. 1 r fifth Hour are the sifter+, r in her, ,old ell of the rya t,pei1 Ntletlyke anal Mar molt. y instal- arn Ierated by the ih B nt inghamtl d rive 141 ,uta. KWh n(tJe* w se sifters (SI right the old forst of bolting r, whir indicate the ' 111+• Icily a the still. the nn itiat.r•el the car' Hours M4•ntwl ter 'ildering vieta.•1 of rapid• revolving heels and shafts driven 4 Of !rather 44 ninny - 1141441 rope rives. un.! mysterious qts, rennin' at every c •ei'ahle but 1114 t rust leo oiee ('(,11(1 soonthing nut. e wonderful ! cup own in the engine u• duplirat 1s•ilers of 1141 h.p. 151 \,Last: in 1h.' next m the great i. -kilowatt dye►uto throbbing am li.iziing land the h. p. 51141014,1or+ on m h side of it, re - a of spots', and lwr.1ty,.or .std tutors 1111ortgh- r vast buildings 11 doing -mime- 'ties. Hour %viten system of the double arehouse, flet wide M lone"t Mitchell. hig the :tons. g. A. Dui.h.r, rkip..1* t+uatort h. J. e'. Urcig. •kip .. yl1 From the fifth H.srr th manufactured retests hy elevators and tithes14•ros+ railWtly tracks to the which ie 216 feet loner. 711 Exeter. $4aforth. %V. W. Tau,ou..kip IM E. I.. Willi., "kip ... a Ilenwlh Goderich. H. J. Bulling+, -kq' 11 1'. 1.. Walton. Alp. 1 Second Round. Rrnfo1W. Hb'1h. It 4. Hay* -kip 1.1 J. McM••r.'bie, .klp.11 1'. A. Mellslell. Heinall. 1•y d'Rutlt w'. 44'. T:wrul. Exeter. K .4. Dunbar. (ltchell. by default H. J. Bil- ling., Hen.all. 4 linton.• Windham. N. Voir. Alp..... .II 11. 1'an.to,)e..kip. 111 ('opted one. 11 o4 c ri r l4 . E. McDonald. akip13 J. A. I ,i,nI, di, Alp 11 1. 41, UrPIR• I+„afort h, b)• default .1 Harland. 5'linlon. Mitchell: mb.leri,h. Dr. Hnrril1. "kip. IM J. 1.. Killoran, Alp 11 Third Round: 11.•nwll. Se*torth. • C..1. Milknell, .441p.12 k. S. Hsys..kip 10 K:. A. Dunbar, 3,4I0hdL`by default N. 4'alr. Clinton. Seam ll. (1 IIP+lone. timid. Alp. .. .13 P. ]IcnonaW, '.kip. 11 Dr. Ilurrltt. Mitchell. by default K. J. I',' +ant, tlorlph. London. •\t'IPRh.m. J. E. AdoNel. +kip....1* A. K. 1'oMcr..klp. 7 ,4tl I1irk. u London. u.drrlrn. 8. D. Swift. -kip. L) T. T. 1.eekie, skip London. I.onJnn. Dr. W.A. +kip, 13 J. I4•erh, -kip Fourth Round. H.•n"AII. U. A. Mctlunehl,+kip.1:l Mitchell. Dr. 1Wrritl. -kip.----.10 London. .1. K. M.Vrr. 44' Ingha ml. A. 11. 1'ra •vford.+kip.lu Clinton. 13 T. J:u•k+un. .kip ..12 and three storeys high at point and six MtOr'4 y+ h g ...entre where the pocking 'rhe flour passes into great at covered with 441rle4lo1, sr aha Ahwlhtlrly protected foam ever of dirt, and from 111 • intrusion inset life. Below the tank. packing Hoerr. with • Ipu•ity pot Ing _'441 barrels or 41f I sacks per The packing machinery' is w plete that' the Sur- ale • filled n Weighs.) antolnati.•.11h•. the only thin done by men is the ,ew'ing up. \Viten .eWrd they drop tht..ugh A hole in the door nn foil cuneeVer 1e11• Which may carry them to any pert of the ware- Hoinnnre'end sentiment cling to and adorn milling as ivy to the old castle, The Mill wheel and the m1i11- •'r's daughter are the legit iodate stock - in -trade of pet, novelist and painter. Mills in (Rims form are found amongst tfr feller of the t ancient. 1" they ars found today amongst the most primitive peoples. The advaince from the stone with a hollow in it in which a handful of wheat, corn nr rice was pounded into a pulp with a wood or sllnle h,al11iler, t4' tht• mills with one, two or three sets of stones. wits a great stride, but even that au' %niece sinks into in"iggnificnnee lesi1('the mill ,opened in RI. }Uniface yent.'iday. The quaint French tOW 1) nn the '•' banks of the lied River can claim the honor of the must. modern and most highly e(luippsl mill, not only in America, hut. in the world. Hungary, the h of the modern system of roller (1101(st Hour making. has no thing n" strictly 11!. -to -date as the Western (''arida F'lonr Mills, Ltd. Ih1 the nth of August, 11115, a fete gentlemen assembled on the triangle formed by the lines of the C. P. 1t. and the C. N. H. in Mt. Bonifaer and watch's' the big shovel est the first. sol ter the ereavatinn which was to receive the foundation of Ihi, greet. plant. now in operation. \Vhen the pane of the new com- pany in ell their magnitndr were pub- Iiehtwl together with the statement. that the mill would be ready to grind the crop of 11)66, even those moat familiar with rapid building in the \Veet shook their head* and said SI (01)141 not be done. Within the twelve month* the elevator with "tor - age eapaclty of half a million. thv [Hill with a rwpar•It.y '.1 4.(441 baatrnps pet day and the great packing wM4•- f/w1aA with trackage for loading tell hank+ it is form o any is the •pck- h. 1'. i en 1 r• '.i I London. S. Il. Nwif1..kil ..13 London. IIs. \Yood..11;' .. Loudon. .1. 1tevenun,. -kfp 12 Liverpool, Aug. 1.:t. Wheal -DWI, now burl; fl;lurrs, easy; Sept.. ter 3',4,1; 1)t.:., 0. 7,M0d: March, uuwlu.1l. 4'041, Xput ' ,(4(l„t cud shady; Amtrlcau wised, urw, 4* 7d. A uv ricuu lulled, 6141. 4. MJ; (14lu1er. 41x141, rept. 4t. 7.1; Der.. 4s 7 9•d. 11Yur, *hurt cur, quirt, SIM. 14.1 01, Cowl., laud cut 4144 4441; abort ribs. 5trady,•7,1.. Loud c'e.c middles, light, dull, 314 41; 1.4,11 clear 101,1 Mei, h. rt.)' dull, els. ,-leas Lenora, 411411, 61. 1.4r,1. M NUN( wt. 4214 lid. IMI. h nWrrr 1 seek W ,sue w.w r Ilererr d n 44 ■ ad' Ant V stern, l4( M ,X Tt t.7 1. X11 1•1:1•4441 n'uu 'In ills gide l. 44 re 1K in Lu1,dw, 1'arltl^ . u:wt Wm. '1:: l w l4( (4 13.. •l'urpeutlur -pacts, dead)', •.:14 ltd. NEW YORK DA4.. i MARKET. New York, Aug: 1J, Butter. 11nu: re Mlpl.. 4474:): 'street ell, .'Y extra area •cry, 2;"yv to 1:44. 004.1.4 pricer .•rr:aln.•ry. 1..1,.laa, (0,11:11, 17y(r 14( =WC; rr14.ounrt ('ewwull to ,xlrs, lir to Ale; 11...tr1'u fa, Wry,. monsoon t0 *rats, 1444e to 17% *'..t(*rit sanitation. rre,rwrry, cstr, 114• 10 144441: do. , firsts, 1744•• to 111e. ('horn,' Simi ' 4.•.'rlpls, 1114; full cresol lrrgl funny, 11%' ; fair to 1 111.e to 1144v; do.. .mall '1auey. I4%' fair l0 gaud, l•N4•' to 114..; Inferior, MOWS, full to Lea to to te. Eggs- Steady; rr.'.•Ip(r, taan; *tate, Peen; et o'rtli v,4 nearby (awry +elected, white. 24e to 2tr; do., ,bines, : to ' •:4 du . mixed, este, ,22e to 71:44.: *tater' drat•, 14" to note; do., beclouds, 1644e to 17%4. Strafford, T. 11. McCurdy, bye. Fifth Round. A. Bomb tr. +klp..12 J. 1'. !twig, skip . p 1111,1.4. or deliver th.'nl dint•! 1,, The Dr. sal.. 11,101e`. London, Wood a p s a r. Swift, 'Alp. .. on either side of the• builaiog. 91 toed. London. T. H. ,:•unty."ktp.IS .1. Ste. eiron, •klp...11 J. >I. Be -t, Seaforth. by default %Y. A111i , Lurknow. Sixth Round. - trick facilities could not be liner. as ten eat•s can be loaded :It the .aloe time ,and the a pony have their own ap- paratus for switching. so that there b. absolutely no delay in loading 4(r mov- ing cars. Notwithstanding all the I*hor-snv- ing devices. the plant will deploy Over IW men, and every section has been erected with a view of early and ex- tensive enlargement, for which there is ahnnriant room, as the company owns thirty-five acnes lelween the two tracks. Another feature of interest abet this milling plant is the fact that it is the first large Industry to employ the Lar du 1(c •t power, that mysterious current that cones from faraway Winnipeg river 4,11 wires strung of poles flint look like long rows of skelr• ton finger's disappearing eastward from tot. Bonifar•. It will be sen from the ruts that not. OOP of the teen interested in this enterprise' can he considered old : •{'et. so great is the advnnee in the millmg "Mydn Mar industry that. although Ma 14)4.14 they writ+'s : delighter y was 111 Irariusl the old tnethoxl of stone- taken ill with Bright's (1ieeeme. 1t., ganrod11npr.l fi o111o,1411r.'1 rh, eyofnnIh• rnemw (Ithte noWdDeen h1sn e'iIRllor1tsa he ('4411141 do *npoitth.'ingof ell fur and model mill nn the continent of her. A ropy of 1►I,Id', alumnae fell North America. The mill at Brendon, formerly known as the Kelly Milling CO., and mills at Onderich, formerly operated was to slse Ihat 14114 N relief almost by the Manitoba and Lake Heron Mill-' g' ing Co., have been nlwnrhe(1 by the I from the first. storms'. We persevered new company. The capacity of the with I),sld a Kidney Pills until et last. Brandon mill will he doubled Ind the she was completely ruled, and has new eertinn will he aM r'l.xl4rrl M the never had the slightest sign of w re Ht_ Boniface mill. When this is cons- 1 lapse• Opted the three mills will torn mit] (M 41111:114 ami1P is worth a da of ur (1,51111 IIl%r'rels of "Purity P Y flour every . twenty-four hos. Ilan 1011'01011'00emo e K n00e P g• truthfully say the day. of rot ares! I Millet's trip Powders cure. Fur are pelt f Mltrrdy mel, ern milling is • sale by Jan. \V ilsln, tate out l0 CATTLE MARKETS. Cables for Cattle Euler -Ilea• Are Steadier In Ameel.•.nu Markel.., London, Aug., 1J. r toil• are pquoted at 1•• yr to _e per Ib.: refrigerator hive[, 9v*0 beer IL . sheep. dressed, 14e to ldt per 14. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. H.velpt•1 of ore stock tut' the Juoetleo M4 dirt were SP ear loads. 1ompuwd of 414.3 ..t tl.•. 3:i spvrp slut 7. r•N'rs. karertere. 1'lres ranged trot,. 44:51 to 44.1)5, 0407 four or Ave loads lrIugli,g the latter pet:r the buil: selling at 44.411 to 44.70 per alt. b:I$M,rt bulls aAd at 5:4.3o to *4.225 per cwt ■atskera. TLeru We* not true straight chola,. goo4 lord of butcberi heifer. anti •1,•11* offer r,1 and only .a Unified uuwtrr •11 told Tbere wits rot enough good butchers' eat ter to supply the dewau,1 :.44d the export claw Was Invaded t0 gK i supply of a few 441,(1 cattle. altho they were heavier than was r•mulred:. these sold at 44.:51 awl $4.05 but May were light exporters. ('Irked heif- ers add •14ere were near..' and brought 4stitetu 441'.; tidied lords of young row• and heifers,' 44 to 44.25; cow■ sold Iron 4250 t0 43.75 per cwt. All of the (veal drake reported prices for nowhere' est ole a below blither than a 154 e ago. Mlle\ Cows. A few weer reported as being sold at 535 to 160 each. Vest carves. Teat calve. sold at 43 to 4e ter cwt. $beep sad Lambs. Limes sold et 44.40 earl. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK:. Muulreas, Aug 13. ---Cable ed.lees o4( t'bradlen cattle 1,0,0 1Jeerpoul aud London ('"5116- weaker an 1 444 lower Yl 114 to 1144e with raw r her. at 14'41c 111 l04kc. Glasgow r4 p•rted trl,de bad and market weak on a• c0rut of .her.y supplies, oath .ale. of 1V c to - 114 i w Web 1't. 'bodkins at '4. • , al 'titres they lot 4.4 per brad. There b*. lieu • Rood Armand fur "'van freight sleet. mud It hay ell Weer booked up to the raid of September at 45 shilling. to Liver pool, MM to London and Glasgow, 42s (14 to M.ncbeetrr. Exports Iasi week were 2963 cattle. Iteet4ple today were 15011 eat ter tU witch rows, -41x1 calves. 1U0 sheep and loots, 41x) hogs. The market for hogs war weaker I1, spite of the 801811 offering* stud prices *coxed a further dr,'line of Ilk to 15.. The d•vnand mss fair nod sale. of a b.rted lots were reside it 17.50 to 47.01 per cwt., weighed off cert. Amapa the of (elh:ga were ...verb ear loads of North wast ranch rattle. Prices have still • downward tendency 410d ■ name. 4' were 15.1 *old to dlly. Prime Wes,. s4,14 44,4 per Ib.: pretty Rood, 344r to 4e and the t•oln0on sas'k, :'.c 1,. Se. \I11•h row. Mew oof sale 11t from 4:51 to 1:U ear* Calves '.old nt '42•5111414:4 41.51. 4111...1) .old at 341• to 4'.,, per Ib. I,mmb., at 41.15 10 43 arch. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. 'Eunt Buffalo,Aug. 13.-l'atll'-It.celpts, 4:444• baed:, waive; ttlrrlg 10 1)4• Mabee; pr ere ylver5, 41.-•.00 l0 40; nblpplug, 44.16 to 4:11.); belches..', 'K2.) la 43.40; heifers iJ.:c. to 4:6.10; (-owe 13.10 to 14.''41; Lulls. 12.73 to 14.23; sleeker' owl feeders 41.:1) to 14; stork heifers, 5:.' to 5:1; . (..*. end .prnlgera, a(•u*e. 42 a 43 hlgher, 4141) l0 1:••. 4.•els Rerelpt., 12(40 bend; Milled, 44 to 4S. I1rg1-Ile•elpts, 111819 heed; fa and a shade higher; heavy, ;1S -V nld,P.l' 46.40 to 40.46; yorkers, tm. 50; pig.. 4111.:A to 10.4AI; roughs; 45114; "raga, 44 to 44.73; dairies, $6.30 Sheep and limbs•-Reeelpta, 7:*40 ail; settee; lawns. • higher: 7rar11uRs 260 lower: others, steady; 1111101.11, 46.50 to !4.03; • raw *14 el: rearllurs SA 10 814414, wotbrta Mitchell. London. K. A. Dltnher, akin 1.4 Ile. Wood, Alp I: St r*4 40 d, London, T. H.Mc('nrdy,sk(p 17 A. M. He.uxan, akin IB Seaforth; J. M. Re•I. bye. Semi-finals. St Mt ford. MP,.(orf h. r. H. McCurdy. sklp.:'2 J. M. lied. .kip .12 Mitchell, K. A. Dunbar. bye. Finals. Strat fonl. Mitchell. 1'. 11. Me('unly. Alp 12 K:. A. Monitor, •11p 10 A REMARKABLE CASE. Toronto, Aug. 1 )th. (Hpeeial),--The following letter is another instenee mf the excellent work 1(1.41.'.4 Kidney Pills are ()111in1ut11y (1.11111{. Mrs. Malcolm, of 13.-. 4 1111 on street, into my hands. There 1 real) of the marvellous rare, effected by Ihxld's Kidney Pills. \Ve pur•,•ha*esl a hoe and 1 cannot telt, you how eleaaed 1 1 Ili ye, P5.' ly settee u 544.45: B 40 to *6 to 20 to I •,• 1. • 7),000 w W►(D any i4( . n who pro,,. that •, ,1,44114 S..am •nil 4("e any '.' yhr :.ala r soy 4,,, m .,„ 1 Iterauun. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals.' Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. Int as AY, August 16,71E06 a Buy it and C• follow directions C• Lover Ikothen Llnited. Toronto •b( to 40: es eat 54.14 to 5411.41 •w'rp, wlxr.l, 4:1 to 55tar . NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. ' N.•8 fork, Aug. 11 Beeves I(' -.(pts, 65:51;. wrJlu10 to [slate Darer*, urw to 104 higher; r.q11 WWI grades .tow• and uu.•hnug eel; Willa and r,.w ash•udy. l'uwiu.i to chide, steers Roll nt 43.14 to 47,1.11 per ,-wt; tolls 471 to $3.35; nu fat bull"; row*, 41 I4( 44. lois fetes, 144'relpl M. :slob; market opened 2:e• higher fur reals;. steady fur grasaer4 ■ '.d buttermilks, but entered whew. .5 (eh the advance let. Cowwon to chute'. veal.1,1.1 ■ t 45 to $14.50 per cwt.: culla, 44 to S11.:+1: ., ,1 to 3. 5 t0 *4. bi tern I ■nJ II i erasion' Fluwp sed Lambe (11144.11, :.:6; she.q,. elm: boob., 2..• higher. 5'011u0011 to prime eh,r•y 111 4:1 n, 53_':-, Isar rest.: rumuu,a 10 prime Noun. en 1..'49.13. 1101.1 Receipts. 5431; market 3.' to lie• lower: Hate and l'ettija'Iveulr hogs, IPA; l0 441.7:. per cwt. Aped Man Drops Dead. (prawn, Aug. (4.-\4`WI:11l C•,udrt. 11 ('hureh street, Inborn. :,gad' 7. year , dropped drat yearrtlay, Clark's Veal Loaf. More whole. • nod tasty that plain Teal. Ifhas all the deli ' s flavor of fine veal appetizingly sea- soned. - - -` - 1'1°1'• W. A. M c K I M GODERICH, ONT. More Building Bargains 25 Dozen Black Hose, 10 Clear at 5C, 7C, 104., 12'.c, 19C, 1411.1 z5:. Women's Wash Collars, at roc, 15C, :mil 25c Women's Belts, al r11'1ari111( price. Another too Hats, a1,olh epi t., §1.5o, to ,tear t, rash 25c. 2 Dozep Hand Bags and Purses, !Ito .•.I tilt 1'. 65c, .111 t o deal' At, (*itch 25e, t Dozen $3.5o White Pure Silk Shirt Waists, I4 1111itolly trimmed with val. lace and hemstitched tucks. well and stylishly simile, to clear at $2.00. A lot of girls' dresses. children's dresser, %% bite goods err., at cleat ing priers at McKIM'S BUSY STORE GODERICH Tourists yrs \' .M 11' Ile •41 \I11.•'1.':ell l,.tet N111 I Will (11111 • a. 1 meta 1 :Ilways full and tip -to -date. - THE S! N1TOL PREPAR TIONS : Paste Powder. Liquid Lyons Tooth Powder, Graven Powder, ' ubifosnl, Teaberry and many other articles t. t- oils eco ntrntion. Iw 1 us try to et t yon please. LIME JUICE--Is•st of 1a11 cool111g, a ' lh'111k4. SAMPSON'S RED BLOOD\PILLS. '1'11,• Is•a r l* 111011 pill nn 41(14' 111,u'ke :111,1 only 26c dr 6 for 31.00. A great tunic. W. C. GOODE, - Chemis Bedford Block, Goderich The Rea Cross Drum Store. If von would (liecover it women's wee knew. all you have to du is to keep quiet and listen. New vigor and energy are sen id - pined by the use of 111iller'„ ('ou- ponnd Iron Pill.. 'Fur sale by Jas. Wilson. TO THE PUBLIC The pair.• of bee f rat t Ir 1 h rlinglum t 41. lei Malt Empire We dropped a n,l,b o. 1,o. and inn«•gnenl ly loyal ;wires no down. N', are now -applying 4111 x141 111 10Wer ['rive., while the quality i. ,.- good, If not better. than ever. Al. LEAN'S MEAT MARKET handler all kind. of meat., yen It r)'. rte.. end. whit, Thanking the mimic for their Ilber"I p1ron11Re, wt. -ol iris a continuance of the name. McLEAN BROS., Corner Kant tit. and ..,tiltare I;.Mlrrl, 1 i A Special SALE -OF- Women's Fine Goodyear Welt Shoes which we must clear oft' to slake room for fall • goods. The regular price of this lino is 0.75. We • will clear them at $2.90 pet pair. Also a lino of WOMAN'S OXFORD TIES. Regular price $:3.00 ; reduced to $2.00. Wm. Sharman REPAIRING A SPECIALTY L4111111N11•1I.S•11111111111 141'.11e your rept, unL•1. for 'nodal K Nun 1:411•. rf YOUR DRESS S Get it Now• 4.1.0r 1.,1, Ili). Union Trust Co's North West Leads 'Pile poor 1111411 M best chance. MUNNY ADVANCED TO elTANT ON . F:AMY TERMS. Calf and nee anyway. (Y)NNIOTNU WITH J. A. (DRE00RY & CO. Real estate and business inoker'M We have o111' NEW FALL GOODS comprising THE LATEST MATERIALS fin. this particular kin.1 of suit. Frank N. Martin The Tailor OMan erre •Ima; The Best Is The Cheapest ' WINInwo WE buy the best, therefore can offer you the 1 same, a few of which are: Plymouth Binder Twine, 1 Gold Medal \65o ft. Twine, 1 Green Sheaf '55o ft. Twine, American Pure Manila Rope, 1 frons 1 ins It 111) to 11 inch diameter. 1 Dillon Scythes, full,' e4rlar:lntt')'d, 1 Sherwin-Williams Ready Mixed 1 Paints, Happy Thought Ranges, i i Kelsey Furnaces, 1 Hammer Brand Calcine Plaster, A fresh carload jntit. in 441' 1 National Portland Cement, 1 I of Which our sales have been over 4,10o barrels already this year. This speaks for itself as to quality. Ideal Fencing, American All No. 9 Fencing. ow. rompI(•tl' line of • Shelf Hardware • is the hest we can hey. Plumbing, Heating, Eavetroughing, Tinsmithing, etc. 1 We carry a large staff and can give you prompt atten- tion and guarantee satisfaction. 1 1 1 CHAS. C. LEE 'Phones Store, 22 ; House, tie. 7 Show 1'aw•s for sale. \'all and An empire Typewriter foe Mev Ma1111' and get prr11'1•.. at $:4&.141, lake .0