HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-16, Page 4ne
4 TRUIrsDAT August 16, 1906
THF SI(;NAL: l;t)i11';I;i('li ONTARI(►
ream to g.M.r, Yeseresl
The Builder of the ('anadian Pacific.
Sir William Van Horne. Chairman of the Board of ()irctors of the Canadian
Pacific R. R., is the mutt versatile man in ('❑rade. lie is a railroad builder who
defied ubstaeles that would have daunted most :able nen; he Is a collector of paint-
ings and is u painter of ability; be is a de'e'p student and a pleasing talker; he is a
successful amateur fanner; be, is the head e41.I prone '•e4' u, dozens of big enter_
rpri ea which he Iaudles simultaneously tittle the ruse of a peen. juggler teaWi ng
pa1L1 tutu the air; and he is invading ('ub.i and a;iatrtuala w • L the great alvalce-
agent to civdluit*on-- railways.
He was burn near Juliet. 111., in 1843. a Laval elesei•nilatit a one of the Dutch
fmders s 11
e, great city
evolved. uf New At fourteen lthefn. the de death of hisfi. th, r 1111:141'1it IIe.Y .'04', .f New him to York
Mauliving the word ours to everyone• alio yowls day .roll night, to Ikea the dela.
He was first tel.•pSraph operator u1* els Illiue, rent rel. (Iran atilt in 1h• server
of the 3licbigau Central where Ise remained six years. leaving to he inn dissppastcher
of the Alton, there rising successively to tea• position 01 superintendent tek'graph
and Jiyisnwlal superintendent. Ile afterward wetsy i.J managing paean) s u1* th.•
Bt. Lions, hiatus City and Northern. Soli; lera Muuinith• Batt r tocago nin A• lto',
and Chicago. Milwaukee and. St. Paul l::ul1ays. going (non
adieu 1'aafic as general manager. - .
The inception of this, one of tlw w•orl.l's greatest railway •)'stems, wax ue
to the patriotism, courage :aid eiderpI1:e of I. eras Minna Stephen and Strath. -4a a
and utter capitalists; but the vitt uil buil,I'u , Of the road moil putt*u g into t1
completerd work the: soul of a mighty par os-. 4411' IMxnallesar energy. vitality an
brain that have 11111414' it what it n'4. was the work .441 Sir N"ilI u1* Van Hume. In
1884 he becau a vice-president of the road and four year), later ails 'mule president
His splendid organizing aWlit)'. his "wintery of detail. his infinite r•mourtw(uIIws'4,
his c0uqueet of ub4tacies -.x11 laid their lasting nm1*uwelt in this splendid work.
Ire has tit• visions into the future that distinguish all great leaders; he swell the oak
in the acorn, he sees in imagination the lousy boat. w lob itsteaming population,
where other 444414 tiro' wily, it paasi61.' good site for a male P,or him to see a teed,
is to plan; for 1 to plan, is to execute.
in 1ti94. Queen Vietoris. recognising the mnn•PM44M impetus he bad given to
Canada. conferred on 1' au honorary 1.i, hth,...1. which he muxhatly accepted
as a tribute to ins railroad. and has liner carried) has Isolate. with the simplicity,
grate and dignity of a large -minded, bread -gauge nlau.
The summer school continued its
4,41,4ings last week uu1i1 Sattuday
with at good attendance. Itey.
1h'. Courtier cnng11.'1PJ his excelleut
lectures on the Life of Christ, taking
up, 011 'rhursehey the first half of the
Galilean ministry, cal Friday the
second half u( the Galilean ministry
and the I'eieau Ministry, and on Sot -
Imlay morning Passion Week. The
Doctor gave it s any of each
period, Meld peeing the authorities,
the time, characteristic features and
main events, with a funning r .
mental and litchi a•xphtIiations.
Then he Would select s • special
topic enil1 awl1.1 wit h the Period uud(r
discus' and deal with it in a more
horiughmanner. tilt owing •h
h;;hl Ilpxxl 11ch,:whjtcls ars the temp-
' 4;.41.41*. of Jesus, the set on the
\burn. tltr' 1 ranaflgural roll, 4 cleans-
! trig of the temple. rte. Those wholm-
oa n -
jovial the pleasure of listening to Dr.
courriee's talks will Ie interested to
;,now' that hr intends to publish a
n4. -r of bass ails on the Life of 1'hist
-.imam. to Ilya which he delivered
herr. Dr. ('uurtice is to occupy the
pulpit of Domini, l;t'ntre Methodist
chord*. L.41*don, during August, fn the
absence of the pastor. Rev. E. 11.
Latterly. who is taking; ,t vacation.
(l1* Thursday afternoon, J. A. Jack-
son, ser•ret.rry of the 1'royincial Sun -
d ny School A•soeiahoi, gave his
Y M..d...-.M.gN 41:4 ,14*. ev4a. M des .d. In n.. , u 1.,' ,,r w. C. heck •1141 Dp miss' ac. A{a..aM14,
dry tveuiug the other on Saturday
aur g. hitt'. Normal Was a college,.
mate of Rev. 0. N. Hoorn. J. 1'. ltrid
and E. F. Armstrong, though they
were nut in the ear. All Ilii
were present at the school.
In his first address he spoke of
Japan and its destitry. lie desctilled
the egwning up of Japan to foreign
nations and briefly 11lrntiinwl the
steps in the peogreie. of the country
up to the present year. Hr etupha-
sttetl the importance of 11ir ultew,e.'
44 the ptY•sent Emperor at the time of
his accession in 114[17, when hr told his
people that 'knowledge st Id I,•
sought for throughout the nothl."
Hr drew&ibed the material advatlrr-
welt of the Japan. -e. their postal and
telegraph system, railways. news-
papers, etc.. the breaking down of the
ratite system, the lieu ulnas if law
and liberty, growth of parlianientury
government, and the increasing lutlu
race of Christian ideals and •els,
vastly out of proportion to the etom-
panttively ou1411 11111111x•1• of native
converts, who, taken till togefhei.
Protestant and Roman Catholic., form
only '1 fraction of one per cent. of the
popmlut . The present year. IIMMI, n -
marked by the union of the Methodist
churches in Japan awl the beg'ntiug
of the revision df the translate of
the Bible int() the Japanese ve•1114r1-
Inr, instead of the Irl.nary foil) anal
heretofore, which is not iider4lon'd
by many of the c4noMon people.
011 Saturday 11 r. Norman related
sntnr of his experitmees amongst the
View of the tents where the rest regiment were enclttapd.
terry f,.r
Work of
much for o a man. He' showed ' the
rl(rrssitV 14 11 training of teachers in
leaching xS w 11 114* in knowledge of
bellies, taking 'as 1114 MIl.j..t
rt. -training." He advocated the
limit of a'Siltldav s, h*M/4, s'/'Ie-
he Methodist rlourh, 41.s the
...king after both Epworth
d Sunda) *1•1110011 is 1041
the 'lible and 1lrclnreI t ;1t !ler dP-
' Wan1d 1or 11114 11x1 ing should mt dia-
euurar th,104(4 ern hers nlreaJy eji ' gaed i1* Snnday w ,ad work. r
bowed alless ns. gk f the,. -1 rwrfw•14 of •tial ler*1nrr, p;icin'-pxeial'irai44'
to the set is'mwl by the
Build of Publication. 11
a comae- in llarhei-ti'14ini11
taken up at thea ter sell.
Visit of Windsor Soldiers Look After the Newcomers.
Rev..). Reid, 11.A..f Nil
'resisNato bin
neged that
Wheelie' le
Was a Popular Event.
The Week's Outing Concluded on Saturday—Thurs-
day and Friday Were Busy Days—Sham Battle
on the Banks of the Maitland "Kilties'" Par-
ade the .Last Night in Camp—Some Socia
The visit 4..f the Essex Fusiliers rattle I (hetet-hit and though he had had no
to'nn cud On Saturday
•Inst„ pearlier- Intedv proved no not We in
the pdrhe•4*Ian. ThP trails tte4.,'ns
the special train fairing the wen' pollma4*' uodrri.•Ii - Knw•xhaw•, H.
back to Windsor leaving stout II ' II (',cram. 'rhn.n44s, R.. l'r,rigie. C.
sl"wrrdie, E. Devimr,li.l:nrtn,•k, Foster
The men appeared to enjoy the we, e k 1
and A. 11.1,•:11*. Windsor Vansickle,
Ston,•-. Dela tier. Brian, - Rnthven.
1',IVn,•, I3ryden, Pape, J, 14,1,•.•
Friday mitring was taken up With
the shooting. not tch between M
outing to the full. ,and In their rnJlt
be it said they seemed a vet)• re,14'rly
lot. The town 11,04 *1.4.1114,1 quite for
sakrn sine.• their dcpartaire and oma
rnissw the !scarlet r. m!4* lobbing up at
every turn and 1114' musk of the hand
and the call of the bugles. /i,doieb
will wile • them hack on any couture
4x('104• when they 111'1{• el.riale 1''
repeat their visit.
The 1•eg' rut returned from then
visit lo Stratford .sett' iou 'rlaurs.I.c
and repent the moaning in a.14,;.•t iv .1V.
Thut•Mlay afternoon Was lake.. op
With the big field d:. v, the piorecd• of
Which Were devoted 10 1144. 4i,. by i. h
hospital. The w,•..111,•1 Sia 1h.cat
g lint that dial not 1.•1.•1 a 1 iv.
Ix•r of people 1,44 nihil: nil I.. a i.
Iles+ the trooping .e1 the coli- a(..1 1 b.•
baseball (still,' ll'I ti'•,u1 Ole 1.11144 (1'•a'��
anal a lentil f4. (h• Cs,s 1'usiino •
The trouping of ill,. ,sola • r, ,- , r.•, .
pretty .•eremony a01d 4,h' slow 111.11, -Io
1414,141, ,(4 the rotors were .earl ie41
the 1n11e if Men standing ;it "pr,• -,•1 1.
artier was ver) nmprt•ssi0'.
The baseball march ',will(',1 in a
win for this• visitor* by a s1•.ne om
eight. ti lite. The strength of the
visitor: trams was Pitcher 1',yto•. the
honk players finding it a very difTienh
matter to sit ike the ball :u all, and
M'es'cal innings ended with ern On
second and third Who waul11 lure
scarred if the halter (amid have crew.
the ball. '1 h.' 11'i11,s.n• pilrh'r w'as i1*
good Dans and did not seem to weaken
is the gamy prugre,seil. 'there Was
lots of rhallftig, bit the Willie Wag a
thur..ughty 8.x141-ntatired • fr
stout to stip.
The players were as follows:
wind tion, u alerieh.
W', iehl inn r. f. v`'laafus
Wok, 2 h, Maxwell
Ibinner 1 h. Me•Idnnn
Rr)•Ae„ 1 b. Toll
Romano Mrtwnghlin
V,n+1rkle - p Iteteher
Hrt•o1, 1. f. I.rwllt
Rathven c• !kale
Payne o. r.
The (rare hy innings W1114 a0 (4llow14:
NVind,ior--n 3 2 11 1 11 2 11 x N
(ioderich—(I I 1 II 11 II 0 11 :t
A huge r•ampniele lanflly at night.
was a good feature. The flee blazed
brightly for tweet -al hair( anal warn
still sIioildering the next morning.
The, bawl paraded around the the in
the int,•rva14 hetww•n the showers and
a near approach 11* 11 war dance devel-
oped as the spirit of the orcaei*n trek
hold of the toy..
The following evening a team piekwl
out of the (lode•rich company of the
'tire regiment. played the visitors.
Pitcher Payne woe ni? duty, hit. even
so the Windoor men neor441 another
win. They ,rrrxl.four ins in their
first inning,. but otter that the (balm
rich boys held them down pretty well,
and Innings after inning( would paean
without a error•. The remelt of the
game was 7 to 1 in favor of the visit
utas. Harry Carson. the only member
of the Uoderich team who did not. be-
long to the regiment, pitched for
4.V... ('. e 4. Nile. ave
a very:in1411•uel(Ye au4lrPss nn '•''hr
For•igtlrl•14 111 the ‚..'4Y Prnt'111-4,
Hr nsad • charts that hr bud per
petard, 4*hawinW the Iwr of im•
14 for ),4.vrral yr,us, and lhr
11 nundx•t•e Iwluugiig .tO the 41411.al.
1 rat i.lnalnl ire represrntYL Hr Mpnke ,
!nal1a 4414411y of rhe Rrnn.in l'atholic
4'1,Yirnt, the' 3LOrmnn14, .I,•ws amd SIO -
i h. 11'dans, 'aiming nal t lir (Iang1-r
*4 ovr. ('.tu.ldian ,•ivilnzal ion 441141 ('hr'.-
lhwily) if (hese newcomers were not
brought Inde' the intimater of our
iel4.;11 4 and religion. Ile expressed the
opinion (haat l'14r0uliaus jive Inn nor -
14154 in their. sympathies, and that we,
sholdd he more ro141114.p.,lirau if we
wish to reach these foreigners. '
1,44 Crider aim -nasal an address on
the -nbjeet "Saved I ay Suri.'l V'' 5yas
give 0 by Hee. 11.'E. ('irrie, of Laaid •Y-
loro'. Hr showed how the individual
may be reached hy social influences :
ileo --t rating his remarks by s( weirs Alta
in(4ldetts, lie denounced the ha 111.14/1111
and the dance and questionable
Jaws. Ontario is, in ills opinion, a
beautiful vomit,y than ,Japan
told our life fuller and richer. Life in
Japan is interesting for time, telt
140014 One feels the effect of living
a g a penplr swuxitivr, promd-
spiritryl', mater 1(Il t.•, atheistic, age
moa , and often ' ra1. He read
a report issued by a Jap, the
nor of one of the most widel•-
,(ir.ulaled newspapers in that c ),try:
this report stated t hat 211i001l out of
-Ba,ntuI students w. -,e led tel 11VPM of
crime during their college. life at
Tokio: The speaker gave instances
of Japanese patents' urging him, to
take their sons into his home when
they were sent to college, Iwcatew
They knew that the ixoys would 1e 4411
rigid with him. He told hove he
Made uM• of Ihns , opportunity to
influence the young men for Christ.
After his :undress Mr. Newman and his
wife exhibited sonar Japanese (ir1o14
that they had brought milli ,here.
Ifariday Evening's Concert. ,
e concert on Thursday was an
es(' - (lent one and 441404 well patronized,
Thr. ' x I' , flies tend was a great
;Write on. The singing of Mes.l,.. H.
O. 101't/P. of Clinton. and R. E.
11'illis, ei - %rafath, and 31isses Mae E.
Thompson. of St. Mary's, and 31aude
Tilt. of lov'n, Was greatly HpplY•-
cnated and ,•n yed, ter were ,also the
rcitat Ons by Has 13t•at4y. of Meas•
forth,' and 311. Th (son. Two
songs by Key. T. A. Steadman and
own select by \Vesttield male
•err• earl 'rendered. A.
Roy Adams played a arY•r1111pani-
11511114* for -the` soloists ud 31 ins
McClinton ac-ompaniPtl the Male
Business Meeting.
A business Ineeting was h
I ,idaty afternoon. A co&mitt
Cleaning Up the Summer Stock
Making Ready for Fall Goods
Some Lines are Coming Already
Jost it few dares lengths left sled s441ne o1 u lo'mi
are a1 only hal( price.
A hill line at exactly wholesale pricer,. S.. -es
44 incluse, to 141 inches.
Our 1:e line for 12.1x. Fast color,,, I:o , I
widths and new colorings/' Another 15e Int al In,
for earl)' fill brae ahendy,
All of three lines at ithatev.•r price or coli*
must g44 at mune prier. There wort not Ile a yang
carried over, if they bring ever so low a price.
White and black, made of pure Japan Sill,
only 5 white iuid 3 black Irfl. One-g41arter off.
1 nice lot and cheap. Iiive us 44 look if you
.4 .11 n skirl 11 will pay you.
!height at ma much a Ib., J 141 31/ yards to n piece. direct from the factory. Pricey ally :MI per cent. less
I. all wart, goods of tile 14.1111e quality. Everyone should ser this lot. they are tial snaps. Another Int of
d inelettt• ends just come, 3 yards to 111 yards. a rimier lot at the prices looked.
Corner Hamilton Street and Square, -
The Signif car ee al the Construction
Operations Now Gout:- On.
Badu -.lay's (dole hail the alta,.t rug
article o1* liar 1'. d'. 11. reins lie lion
campaign i1* Western Ontario:
('4444'44,(1O' ion wiirk om 1 hr new' 1'. I'.
1L. line W1.ich is Ii link tilwlpl and
Bore: nett is proceeding rapidly. S 1
is now laid f..i'Tour o1• five "Mees iv t
of 1.inw.xxl andrailingpr in dour (o
siderably Iwyoid t'bc end of steel. A
Lin .a.'•..1, 441i,li ha !Wen selcrtea AS a
junta ion poi'' . a lime 4.i*w' stat 14111. rnf_ j,
dci•fill• large to *Y• late a
heavy Herrn.•, Iota Iw(n erected, a111
the laying of steel an *branch line to
Listowel has AA) 114Y•t r •tired :n
Linw,'od 111111 is 1111 Is. pal .til Goa w.ud
with timidity. 11 is exjM•( ead that in
thlrr 114' (ant weeks lrau11 Is we ai11
Is. inaugurated bet wren Lin -11114111114
Guelph, sprung int et4e g, points..
Hy early in the ant Ihr eMtiprlly
intends, it is understood, to haythe
Listowel It'auie1, etemple4.41 and h' the
Nu 441 ..now to have steel laid flirt tali
to (1,alerirh. On the direct line ` ie-
tw'een Guelph and Geode' irh na?tti
eighty Is 1 stee•i rails are being Lai.
On the Listowel eminerti'n sixty=
pound steel is weed.
• The runstroclhut of thew hvo Utica�
and of p thiel from Fb•aherl.n via
Durham. Ila noy'e• and SValkrrton to
Kincardine is an eVi.11nre of the ag-
gressivepx.licy which the cempathy in
pursuing to obtain direct tome,. w irh
low grades front own upper lake pi ,Mx
144 Turunlo, alnd also In seem.. hard
nes+ offering at nourishing towns
along thrs.• Innes. The company's
upper Take fort in unw Owen Sonn(l.
This given a fairly (liter! route to Tot"
IMO., blit the Ilea t'y grndrs 4.n -I
caribi 11.41 1111v1. long been m 1/44.11144.4 to
the eeonot11il' opera,' of trains fit
the transport at hitt intim of Targe vol-
umes of grain Irrumght down from the
West. One ea t he t'rauma's; therefore,
for building the new line to G,Mlrrieh
is to get the 1• Mlitahtc grade.
FIPvatirs nee bring erected at Goode.
rich, Ihr new ball i4 being eon
Mtt•nrte,l with it view to err
dieting heavy through 1raftle, in. eV1-
deuced by lite char:Icier of 111,• toad -
lied, the baying 4,1 ,.landed steel ailed
the tiibstanttsl Appearance of bridges
and e14041115. These fat•t14. tiDgethrr
with the easy grades ,+rle.ctlMl, credit'
suggestthe dewire to make Gotha bit
the favorer 4. rain port.
The sngnifirate•,' of the new lin... s o
fair its the c try is cone:rowel, is
that they will collier•, several towns
loth inland aerial anon)! 1144' avast a hirh
,w err 11..a served l.y Goy rind.
Si •h ',Inures as (i,aleY-i,h. Kincardine.
1.ii' eel, 11ilvert on, KImiri. Rh -t1,,
Durham. Hanover. \Valkt•rton, Lin-
wood and the nlhrt• taw 441 Petered by
the ran coital all give widener of
traffic. b Ili pa -singer 'and freight.
which will renally inereaae the 1.11111 -
patsy's a arnit ^s. 1Vt•sl't'n Ontario, 11
ive, is w4'( 'nt.'t•seetcl With Bran
s a
'frank line., Lu the C. 1'. 11. is with-
ann. env line real incl the lake roast
ft • Owen Molten In pelting. 1t in
evident there f,te 1h 11.is e. emp Lily as
quietly Ine-ndin( a )'eh at:lirult,nad
and promising ivau.s Lel Ierritawy,
which the ti, '1'. R. has h 1.1 for it•rif
for many year., 1, lilt 1h i,n,•nt tied
only of ,es...hli-long Nora through
14,41(4'" 10 Toronto and \Inn --cal, hal
of developing 14 'deadly hwa1 l Mese.
144 Pont' alien of this 'srhrni• it 14
pro .p4114401 ti ('.a1J south (14,111 ' - 04
water to connect with the new fi,
rich -Guelph line and wast from Flesh
et•ton to connrrt with the new Tor-
udbmry road, now well ad -
View of reg sent drawn up to execute the stately ceremony of "trooping the colors."
from Ill.' 21st and :1444 regiments at
the 4,8141 {141'1.4 Fringe, 4411d a sham
tattle. The. 1Vinds,t' Hien v 114
441)1,' 1,1 pit it over ►h• 101.1.14•01•11 fed •
1 ons at has•l,,dl, hal the 4 motet it•h
chapet certainly have it 441 shuttling.
the Ms ire ntluding 1111 to 273. The
)'ssea line. however, nee 441 41 ,lis-
stivaningr• in not having an tentnide
rang,. 1,011r011.11.01. 1111111 Win.)'nr. '1'11(4
actors Were ss follows oil of n Inossilde
Macon Regiment. k•-rc Frillier
Merge. 45 . 1'hl.hohu 'di 1'nt.*. Ninon IY
Sergi. w'at"on JM 1',41.1. lysine. FM
Serg1..hu.44+ . l I.h'nt. 110.1 11
'hl,holrn * then?. M,dx'rn.kl .:'!•
I're. 5). MI n10011e . 91/ rk•rgt. 51,,,.44 Smith. 11
1'11...i. NewcombeSi Sere•. ryheelel 1a
141e. Tat 1.44 , 2 Pew. Maxwell la
Pte. R. 4'r.Igle . .1; Mergt..11dxn1 ... 21
Ile. Prairie .. . ! Metal. 1 '..M. ..
IYr. J. New,mmIefl l'er•Ixond Jarksen . IM
1'44'. l 'ai t eek . 111 4'le. Mnnmetno ..
111e. J. ('h+holm. 21 Ile. Surmise 14
Pte. R. It n,IM I'Ie, M. Moran., 21
1•t,•. I..ith w,ll, 11 Ih, T. 11rian . .. IM
44,•. 11 nell .1:1 44,', J. Jaegqer+
1.4 e, u0nd111041W :4 !miller White.
Tolnl ((41 To1,1 •St
The shah Nettle wase all 11110.11•x11441q
feature and Waaa watched by good
number of people. The flrst idea was
to have the opposing forces selected
from the two regiments, the 21st and
:Mal, but it was found iulpxoa$ilk to
get 14 cnmp,lny together from the
Huron regiment and the 'visitor's me-
eorlingly divided up into an attack-
ing and a defending 'Arty. The. de-
fenders took up 14 good position in a
sort of trench this side of the railway
;1t metaled as page Ill
s1r ,s.•11ment" and urged the young
people to 1e frank when declining,
ranch ente•t4t ants Mill to Pi'P their
real reason for not geeing. Inslend or
leaking 14441110" e•xrllee•.
The Grand Campaign. -
111 the evening !fey. per. Daniel. of
London. a harmer pastor of North
tit reel. M4.t h.xliat. rh,reh, gave an elo-
quent address on "The (brand Cam-
paign.- The Doctor war; 101141 as nn•
ten',lin( and enthneiastic as ever.
The '•We, 1 campaign" is the niission-
airy movement. the evangelize' ion of
the world. 11e presented 1114' con-
trast between the t111194144' r 'eV'
of the ••world" and of •'te'arhing and
"evangelizing- .'ntlllnined by the
earl)• Christians I the broader ideas
regarding thew,' 1hn1 are. taught, (.y
the rhlt•rh now. The campaign le -
grander wish the enlargement
of oar 1(1+14mi4m of ('hiist'n r
!nand, 'an )•e into /III the W..r11 and
te'im'h all nations." He 14howed what
n Lank it ie Peen 14 give the Itihb•,
(3u4,'( (1W11 w1n1 of life, to the nal inns
of the earth, in sm'h,4 w••1y that. They
may understand it, and ,u•repl ion
leachings,. Ile described the many-
sided work of the miwiOnary, educa-
tional. wide!, nl,dieal, etc.• as well •1e
religions. H.' pictured the grandeor
of this eAllipa,gn which should enlist
the sympathy- and active and hearty
co-operation of all Christian bellcvl•rn.
Rev. Mr. Norman's Addresses.
Rev. It. Norman, 11. :1.• nlissinnary
from .lnpeo, gat•), two intereatn
adelienee4 on that srmntry, one On Fri -
appointed to snake nominations for
the (Mires -of the district Epworth
League for i/14si-'If7. This report was
adopted at the evening meeting. Rev.
I. C. Reid is the new president, Miss
51. Nairne. of Nile. mrretary, and W.
E. Elliott, liod,'t-ch, treasurer. Rev.
11'. 11. (traha111 wan appointed) repre-
sentative to the conference. A special
Vole of thanks wine presented to Mr.
bvaliant ,it the (10owe of the school on
Saturday mot ' g. 31eich of the sue
ewe, of Ile week's meetings is dile In
104 untiring labors and hie unflagging
7.1,11.11. 111' 11.1, .lone• the pion'Y•r work :
Ihr• Scharr l is now on to t'04tlbliM114.J
beans :
it 1'e1.131110 for the new exeYlrl.
live to continue the work, and to
enlarge the scope and to widen and
deepen the influence of an undertak-
ing, which has Ix•rne arch good fruit
in the last I Wo yCOMP.
Method in His Madness.
The special mania of an insane loan
waw the belief that he himself eau, n
kolarhw1 egg. One day he said to his
eeper. "I 44(44)1(1 like a piece of toast."
It won not at mkt -time, and Ili.•
keeper Raked, -Why do you want n
piece of t.na$t now P'
"Because." answered the maul, "1
oil Grist and I'd like to sit. down! -
Ametro I.ippinrott's.
That hot, dry, eczematous condition
of 111. skin will disappear hy the now
of Miller'o ('trope i iron Pills, 51)
dories 25 cents. For sale by Jas. Wil -
`hound proem 1' t heir 5111,1111
Binder Twine
at the \e,5) IIau, Iware SLa1r4',
\,est Stl'et't.
three good brands to choose from. (lose prices.
Ilay Fdrks, Machine Oils and all other lines of
Fa •Deers' Supplies 4,u IIardlware.
it Builders' Hardware we have the right gook
at tel right prices.
Ir trail(' iv solicited.
The New flora ware Store, = West Street.
andora Ra
Managed Like an Engine.
One•third of a housekeeper's life is went in her kitchen.
One-half the labor of housekeeping is at the cook stove.
Your range , an double or halve the cooking slavery of housekeeping.
A poor range adds worry as well as work, and worry multiplies the
housekeepers care.
Get a range that reduces the work and eliminates the worry.
The Pandora Range is as easily and accurately managed an an
engine—it responds to the touch ■i quickly and certainly 'as the hug"
engine obeys the hand of the engineer.
The Pandora Range naves worm, and because worry kilts, it prolong.
life. Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Write fur booklet.
Leaden, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vance , St, Jolla. iN.B.
The only people who govt very touch
fun out of Marini/ Motley ,ire their
heirs.—New York 1' -
is the deadliest and most
painful malady to which
mankind i. subject. Dodd's
Kidney P1114 will cure any
case ,of Bright'. Disease.
They have never failed in
one single case. They are
the only remedy that ever
ha. cured it, and they are
the only remedy That can.
There are imitation. of
Dodd'. Kidney Pills—pill
box and name—but imita-
tions are dangerous. The
original and one genuine
cure for Bright's Disease 1.
Dodd'. Kidney Pill. are I
fifty cents a 1502 at all
Plastic Form Clothing
Watch for a nice line of
New Shirts
in our window.
Now is a good time to leave your measure
for an ordered Suit.