The Signal, 1906-8-16, Page 3t t I - I1 •'
1 ,,1,11•I. ,
Tee 1(4 As', An.uat I¢, 1006 ,e4
Mews of the !District.
l'lintu°'s tax ratio 1.11444 year la ;yi ptosed on t Lulu 1,9.0
41. Manisa and will
WHIN 011 the dollar. ike.y1rwuiu Ilea
til a time.
Thr Zurich fall hair will Ix• held '1111
,,)sllte1116•1. IUth nud•'J')1h.
J. J. McCaughey him nought out
taw livery business of Harvey Davie
in Clinton.
The \Viuglxun Hospital I. pally,
Limited. has lawn incorporated with
a capital of SWAMI.
The trustees o[ S. N. No. It, Mucriv,
have engaged Mies 111 Outfit., of ,IcKillop
township. as teacher.
H. 1'. 1t••ekie, dieggist, of Clinton,
has disp.s11v1 of him bueineesr 10 Mr.
Met'uuurll, of Detroit.
L. Tyndall, Clinton, has sold hit. fine
Mack driving mare to Jamee 11C1'hle-
k-ey, of Uodet•ieh, for OS:21.
While unloading gr ' one day re-
cently David Dunbar. tielgrave, 1'e11
from the load and had two ribs
Ihr. N'ill N. Hryans, of Ores. has
accepted at position as aeeh 44(4)1. to 1)1'.
Il•and, of Toronto, and will spend at
Vast a year these.
A letter has been received fives J.
.l. Siriu•ham, of (Ivey luwuship uvrr
whose unexplained disappearance so
much anxiety was fell. He is e•141 -
remedies run all die art 600.1 d:sates— &reel.,
o R:r taro,
Sow', I'.ln, Consti2ctiun, Judie-it/on
. r.nd other multi 91 impute bloaj. They coned
LIN. cause sod draroy the evil condition.
itivissent isofhes ,: x4114.1. all.ftsrafrd.41..
L,f r.«, r. and A/.ra 7 abl..h ,J.a N.v Mr blood
. ,,.v: ' .,,,.ra. 4, liver, •,J, ,,. and Bene r.',.
(4stro nt nnJ Tables, each 50c. Blood
T. s, 31. At drug -stores — or horn The
( ,nn.ui Co. of Canada. Limited, liamdtuo-
1 on'ruo,
1i �O:O)N E�Y�S�
(gt4h So
S?.OT'3lD (,Nes)
Prom the
Ovens to You
We bridge distance
with our moisture -proof.
dust -proof packages. HaL-
fix and Vancouver are
brought to the ovens'
doors. Farms and small
towns are put on the same
plane with the big cores.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
o• packed in I 4 3 L stir -oar
packages, fresh crisp. delscsous—
and reads you in ohs same con-
eftaap no owner wbow you Inv.
AT ALL amocata
The Northern
Navigation Co.
For Georgian Bay. Soo, Mackinac
Islands through the 30,000
w ranu•r leave I 'ollingwaWl M.nd n
Tor -day. Thor..lny and >+at,,rias
I':1r pan.. (Iwrn 91111111 11 p.m. ,Mond,,,
Thor -slay and )tat onlay suing- 1L.
Parry hound. (ling Inlet and F,rnr•h
Ihv.'r,. Monday .tcauu•r only g,44•' to
•halt Nle Marie.
Penetalg and. Parry Sound Divis-
�Ir ,,her 1.,•.,1 r; Penetang week dav-
1 � Iran. northbound. Strainer lenrr-
1•,0l ira n / Monday. w'ediir..Inv
1..11.1.1(al 9::., a.m.. Tnewlay, Tho, -day
',,linos AI i 11.111. •out hblund.
For Soo, Port' Arthur, Fort
William and Duluth.
•..mery 1.^,er 8.rnla 51::04 Mand .1.
44.1 n,• -day and Friday. 4'rid.0
•1 r.0 n rgoer. lhinurgt. to niiluth.-
Attrative Tourist Rates
Tickets and information from all
railway agents.
If you wish to test
one of these Razor
without RISK or
your part,
to us for
details 1
ON on xi
Cottle. $20,
Per Is
Leat leer Coolf4W
*able Costae,
lee s«n a..ris sp.
(1,.A 4,rr1 S11,1.•. el .M)
Poe the kl.t "glob N Stirs.!"
l n `; (. LIfir Ootlerich
1■111116—�wa j = Iii
IMimum1 !R= M•�
I10O1OmM�' . moss". L '
r '
l 1•�'��•�= I LLON
1110/TIL 114 14/1.4. 409044 ATILT T/.441414
4,.e+k.,,n.w,r.111y.wr90 I )ft
14'4..(111.44,., r...-- ass sips" ...r.1.
�ar[tgai�yom j
w1-� • 1 �o
For sale by J. NICHOLSON
George ('. Pelt t' has pito-based the
McUloy blos'k in H.'11mall and now
°wile the whole of 1 Lc large block Iw•
Inediately west 411 the I)1101(9.
Word has been t't•crivetl of the
death 111 Newark, N. J.. of Witt. New-
combe, at [uru1.•4' w•elf•knowt) re aide t
of Mollis township, in his eevenly-
fourlh year. Thr 411,1 gentlemen died
'1/11 Friday, :Ird 11181., 111 111.1 11.11119 of
lois duugbler, Mrs. J. ti. McCall
Al lite Inoue of her daughter, Mrs.
\fill. IA/w'wln. 11th r°nl•rNsi4144 of nay,
Airs. Mary .lane Perk died on dluudny
of 1.1,t week at the age of six. , yea11 s.
rhe rlecei ell badd npalvtly'1it nIrake
flung the effects 1/1 which 91111 never
recovered. Interment 1,1,k p1. ee Fn
Bayfield co11wlery.
011 Thursday evening, August 2nd,
Ole. wedding .4 Sydney West and
Hiss Lizzie Jeeves was t•ele•hraled :at
the Jan°^., tit. Sleth.441411. t9nw,nagr,
Exeter, by Itev. A. H. (cuing, The
„bride 1111 iirrisesl a few day's lnevi,.1(44
frourC(venlly, England. The goo
is a 1'twi(1ent of I4xete•, ulnar the
newly -wedded couple have taken up
their residence.
A Seaforth Wedding.
Uu 'l'iesday of laid week Misa
Myrtle I.. Ila n,n,elt, daughter of It.
Il: '(1. Seat..1ih, was united d(1
111111 nage to J11h11 G. Murray, Md./ of
Sea forth. The 1•rremony w419 194 -
fol wed by Rev. A. K. Hicks. 1144. and
11,•N. %Ions ttill iesile i1 S4•alfortb.
Drowned in Alberta.
Word was nidi ivied 1,1441 week of the
drowning of .4..t. McQueen. won of
J41111.'l( Al clj11eel, 414 the 'Sud cotters-
. Stanley, while bathing aloud,
t we•ntV miles Irmo Vermilion, Alber-
ta. 'rte deeea.e•l was lwelfly-owl
years uI .ire and wws Stu1lsin4 for ill,.
ministry el the PI'elbyteriaul church.
A Brussels Wedding.
A quiet welding took place al the
Methodist 11419.1111140. I1rns,N•!s, on
Wednesday afternoon of last week,
when Miss 11uy(!;ie•. only' daughter of
Arthur ('ante).1o. :tall lite of Morris,
became the wife of F:iey:n.3 P11181 1,
.4 lines. Hes. E. (i, Powell lied the
nl.atl' 'al 311•. and 'Nies.
Polito 41 take 1144 their 1lsidtsw.• un
the go (x1111'4 farm. •
Induction Service at Exeter.
On Sunday. August:Ah, Her. David
%Vatter Collins. late of bier, wits in-
ducted into the lectorslip of Tiivilt
Memorial church. h:xelev'. The yen. -
twiny was c,,pnductel by 'Vett. T. H.
Itich4,dwm, archdeacon of London, in
1111' presence of a large congregation.
The archdeacon preached in the morn-
ing and the new rector delivered his
inaugural sermon at the evening se, -
' Wedding at Hills Green.
.44 pretty welding was solemnized
at the Moine 111 11,. :red 11rs,
'r1'oy'4•1•. 11il1s (i114'11, 011 1Ve(t1eroNltV.
A11411181. 1411, •when their young •SI
daughter, Hiss Start'' A., was united
n ulnrriage• to I;en•ge !lines. of
Sloorefield. Rev. 5(Vn1. Halt. of Hen-
-a11, WAN the• 11.Mei:ding 110lgynu111.
After the customary festivities Mr.
and \h -s. 1 left for Zorn 41, where
they will reside.
Exeter to Have Canning Factory.
On Satunlay, August 1th, a bylaw
*STSs passel in Exeter to Tend 41(1,11:)1
for the establishment of a c, ' g fac-
tory in th1 town. The vote was :::7
tor and 27 against. A joint stuck
nanp44ny 14 441 1N• formed 1.0 1,x14)111 the
11n(1ertnking. The bunt i. 141 be repaid
w ilhnul intrr4M1. i(1 11.11 yearly instal-
ments r,mmr:being six 4.1.144!1 hence,
The roomette is 14. have a minimum
a.•d,.nu•nl of $,;,f*$).
Business Changes at Zurich.
A number of chlrlg"s in 7.Itil'II's
business circle have 1..•11 , 113
1'11)• 16111nership exiting between
.Ames Prang and, .1,44411 .'rruelllll41,
hlacks41litIIM, has IIPen dissolved, Mr.
Prang taking "ver the business. .I.
fleeter has tonight the hardware and
1 in ware stuck and shop fixtures of 1..
1 ). 1'herleswortIt 111td will continue the
1.11.41111.101 111 con nerl inn with his I;en•
end store. .sew. Dir -tiny has par•
chased the banter business of the Late
lie•ulxm Hamacher.
the puylucia of s41.11les; The lollial
44ILuy fur ilrst i raiyl1f)L 10 be $37.1.,
with .111 11111'010W of 415, p'r year 41p 111
$1511.091 111.41 of $111 per s, ;,1 up t 1
a151N1 ; 1 L,• 11411441 eia'ary fur the neat
five assi,1a116 to be $.C;.i, with 51.4 u
014:4. (1 411' $13 Per year up to $40) a d
thee, of 410 per year up to $t Q; the
Initial salary for primary teacber to
1:(50 with a yearly, increase of 4,5
411 to 4425 and thele of 410 up to SIN'.
Results in Stanch Troubles and Phyc-
ical Breakdown.
The ;err life of modern times
forces. people to rush t1luug1 thew
meals hastily, hurrying 1141111 the table
i11 the mad 11151, after the alnlightys
The (vault is 111,' plebe digestion, 1.111 of 111e wally of the et
Atli, and Luck of se•crlth in of the gaol-
t1•4n juices, ending in . lir • • +1 'h
U'ouble'.11111 nervous brcakdow'°. -
41uty 10001 194th•. W011111 it Iw to eat
more 11ow'ly,'cure the sl ,1.11 trouble
with M1. 1114 and ,444)44 regain perfect
health. The headacle•e, 1leeplessuers.+,
nevous troubles, pain after eating,
specks liefu(e the eves, bau•kaches,
lueiau. holy 114141 gloomy forctIo1iug
would (a• .444111 41vrr111ns'• and (erte.t
health and strength would lye reslu.d.
Proper trearineoL of the weakened
ive eyel0lll w•i11 111-o 4451 will
rule ,•sexy ca -e of stomach tl•,4mble.
'Ilia results 111 this 11ea(111e1,4 are 11)
astonishing and pi • •w4 11at
those who have 11ied it ne•yerfail to
appreciate its 41(111.1 It+a healing agent.
Each (.,x iI1 Mr411)1 sills for rel
twine, 1111(1 Fs iuc:dmable to anyone
who suffers with iudigestiuu, nerwnls-
nev, or weak stomach.
if you cannot obtain Mi-u-Iut ofour
druggist, it will, IN• sync by wail, •,n
ree•ipt of prier. Write us for advi.1'
uu your case (r a leading stomach
specialist, which will 1441 1441)1. fee.
The B. T. Booth (r pain)', Ithaca,
N. Y.
Old Offender (:aught.
impossible to escafe' toeing (•(110(1 if
you apply Putnam,* Corn Extractor
t41 the worst corn' 1111 record. Pain-
less, safe and Costs only a quarter in
any drugstore.
His Simple Wants.
1t. H. Mut ray: Fu a sketch of H. 11.
Rogers, the ''Igraine of the Standard
(' . n e's 11111'1•
Gil octopus.- Iinls," sells this : H g
tv:,Ikw1 roti• the lint of Ned Haskins.
w'ho lived the life of is seuli-herm4it in
a hut eight fiee•t wlu:nr•, cld%r to Fort
4'Il(N•nlx, Fairhaven, Maus.. when. der.
4(4.40 9 ' •r house stands now'.
"Nisi, what would yeti do if sum had
$111,IMMI,0110F' risked Rogers. "Hy
jingo, said the hermit. ,after lung
cogitation, "1'.1 lliive this hut built
two feet larger."
Stomach Medicine is Useless.
Impossible to cute catarrh in the
11(4.10 M' dosing the stomach. 51.1,11
the healing salsa. of (',tL,,it'hozone
after the germs and you at. r ne-
e p411511 gIN.1. Any 1-10ee .1f 4,1,111111,
114 ('411:,11144, 1411 1 11:1t 9 tlel•Pssat•y is 10
inhal.• 1 'alarl•huz4sn1. Y11n s o u p
hats king, nostrils 1414' cleared, psoas
is heeled and fret 411 pble•gm : 44'.11 5'
vestige of the 111111111e is fill01l•I• driven
front 1 h system. '1f you want is per-
manent rare for eatarrh, throat 1111nhle
or Mon. -bilis, l'atarl•hosone is 11 stand-
by. 'I'svo sizes, 2M•. and $1.141, at :ell
dealer s,
House Struck by Lightning.
A despatch from I1ntleford state.
(hall on August 1st, 4.° Mg a severe
betrieal storm. the ie.i.lcoee of J.
A. Gregory. formerly' of Exeter, was
struck by lightning and the interior
greatly damngeh The members of
I he family were all inside ,at the time,
1,11 with the. exception 11f \Int. (ireg-
„ry, who stiffens/ ,t slight shark. nes
'sl•,lwd. A little baby was steeping
directly under where the bolt struck.
but Mlthough ron-ere(t w11111 plavtet' and
debris it,wms not in jnred.
Death of John Bosman, Wingham •.
A highly respected resident of
11'ingha11)'4)ss(•d away on Thumb, y,
2,1.1 inst.. in the person of John Hos-
,unn. The dereeard w':,,, horn in
Yorkshire. England, in 1s2 F, and when
a young man crime to this country.
He lived at London for (went V -one
years, then on his farm in 11o1•ris
111wnslip for eighteen years. nod then'
retired to Hlneyale, iv here he lived
until his 114111w441 to Wing) 4ere11
1,•.114 1140. He leaves a widow, one
and three dau4ht.,s. Edw'a1d
Bosman, of \\'ingh9tn. is a1 brother of
the deceased.
Took Paris Green.
1411 Monday, Aligns' nth, nrru1'rd
the death of 1V,n. \VP.t1'aft. „n old
and well known maiden, 0f Se•,Ifort41,
undo' peculiarly sod vire stoners.
several reale 1440, while living in
Hensall, %Ir'. \\'.Strutt s,if•tel from a
sunstroke aand.Pver pd n' se then he has
been subject to 4Mrcegional tits of mel•
neholy. It 11114rofsibly in this con -
(titian that 11r, %V•estcolt on Sund•a4
took a dose of p,aris eiviat, rind al-
Ih11uglt a physician was •4untlltonwl
111111 It 191'g9 (mollis ,4f ow 1N/1+1111
wrap e91111(tcd Iby rho stomach b 11nlp a
sufficient quantity had been distrib-
uted through the Ny-1,•., to iminee
death, which res(1Ilel early Monday
morning. 1lr. 1Vrsl1-111! ,44119 11lw1111
fifty- • years of age and WW1 n brick -
lave' and ph4'tetrr by trade. He
leaves .a willow and grown-up family.
Clinton Public School Matters.
The ulster hoard of Clinton politic
srhnul ham engaged Miss (' ('hidley .t
a eatery of 4315 to succeed \lies (!rare
Shepherd, who hes taken a erh,Nel in
Middlrwx. 'l'he heard has also ('n -
gaged Mi.s.4 N1'ilellan for the t1.w11•)
term et n NNlary of $1 le for the term.
Mime Dell O'Neil has tendered her eew-
ignetinn and will take a rest from
teaching. Next yen!. will Iw•.1V. 1i.
1.,11RIl'p twenty-fifth year as principal
of the Clinton perm.! and will prob-
ably he his IASL in that eapecity, M44 he
wishes to retire. He has given splen-
did nervier to the town. The beard
has adopted the following system for
Oar. Mwll.h Alphabet.
Why, think of ill '*444."',e not even a
reputable alphabet. The letters nre all
tangled up. J NJ when It isn't Y, and
more than half the time Y. I 401:1"
ditty for I. N Is sometimP4 Z, f: la J.
stud poor C Is alw'ay's either 14 or,11.
We've Sot four dlslinrt way's to ex.
t,resa the N sound—^n, pn, kn and n:
four ways to write the terminal eylla-
ble "er"--er, ar, or and Ir; five ways to
sound the letters "ougli'—uR, nwf, ow.
0o nud o. And there are 11.1 rules.
Each of the myriad caeca; must be re
nrately hamrue'4'd into a stoic:'.:
head. .Wd this Is work for baln•s'
Mary nruntwu ilartt In Woman's Ilome
A Good Color.
Negroes use the 119111,' phrases they
hear whites use, often with amusing
nppllcatlml. This conversation, over-
heard 141 the streets of n southern city,
1s related 111 1.!ppineottb Niagazin4:
"Ilowdy, 11414' tinnily? liow is you':'
called one dusky aunty to another.
"Oh, I j".' toilnbl', Alis' Johngon. How
you feelin'1" war ILe response. "Why,
is a-feeth1' 1ui111ty peart, i Is," rou-
nded Mrs. 3011114011. "i sutteuly does
feel fine." "Wellnm, yo' sbo' Is look -
It' w.11," agreed her friend. "Yo' col-
or's so good."
Proxy Ho.bande la Turkey.
Divorces are 1:;-y to obtain in Tur-
key, and n husband and wife may re-
marry three timer. If they swish to
mnrry a fourth time, the woman must
go through the formality of marrying
another mom and then of 11nMg di-
vorced. This (1stom has given rise to
n curious profesylon—that of prosy
bn4bRnds. Suet tneu nre generally
blind 041(1 have no he•altaney In relln-
qulNhing their brides for a money cou-
He Has.
"Pa, whnt dotes .::lsulr ?nice 411(4:114 "
"Well. 1 don't 4.1:ow• that i can ex-
plain It exactly, I.ut the tnnnevli .4111
look ticklwl and lu:i'rc.tted wl1Fn 1,1nc-
ho11y .tufts to tell a story that 11: has
bear.' nhout twenty tunes before has
It nil right."
A ranee.
"Please, pn," pleaded flohhy, . "Pat
one more."
"A11 right," said pa, ('1o.fu4 lila brook.
"Well. may, lin," isegan hobby, "who
Is going to bury the Inst nlnn that
Not Oae of There.
Hones—Tile great men are all dying
Innes—Teat d(x'9n't make. It nesse.-
eery for yon to see a doctor.
Nava neat,
Many people ruppuse that w00ullght
possesses great potency and hos u woo-
derfnl Luttueuce ou or over animate
and luaulwatu things on our planet.
Such peraour !Mould reullwtier that
tuooulight !s uuly retletlto(l ruullght
and that the quullty and quautlty 4.41
. the light thus reflected are not what Ir
generally Iwu;iucll. ' 1.0 fact, It 1s a
truth which hog often la•ru demonstrat-
ed by the speculatii'h natruuumrrs that
It would take (44!1,1)!) full winos 10
affm•d Loa 14111ou11 of light equal to that
elnitlel$ I.). the .ren, 111141 furthermore,
there only Sky 8'4.8,,4 fur 7,assas each
Ibsk : Seale heat cooler from 1111,8•
I,,:lt. Il.,wever, It Is IY gn,tlltihee 90
44110111 that 11 ea 1 be measured by
ordluary lustrun aitr. F'luluwurion
Nay.; that the 111waut of heat emitted
by a full n1001 w'hllesm 1t4 zenith 41111 -
not 4149 1110nt than nue .lghty-thuu-
saudtl (of the amount that the tom sup
Mika 'when standing 00 the meridian
on a favorable day In July. Such be -
lug the ease, It Is really surprlelug
that Intelligent people should (*.milder
that the meow has such n wonderful
"influence" over terrestrial affairs.
The Ithlaoccroe Mrd.
Among the birds nut commonly found
Is the rhinoceros bird, from the Trana-
vaal. Bulfel plisker 1s its Dutch uame.
Its habits are remarkable and Its plum-
age unusual. Small tbockn accompany
wast of the large antelopes, the buffa-
loes and the rhinoceruecw 1.0 South Af-
rica and run all over the creatures'
bodies, picking off clips and Insects.
When au enemy approaches We buffet
pikkera sit in a line with beads rallie'd
on the' back of We animal they are at-
tending, like sparrows on a roof ridge.
and signal "the enemy In eight." The
plumage Is curiously close, uniform, aud
compact, so much e0 that the bird line
an artificial loot, as if covered with
painted satin and not with feathers.
The general tint of the body Is cinna-
mon brow-°, with yellow beak and legs,
giving file color effect of a brown and
yellow Iris.
A "Tamer" Story,
Very few London dealersjpdeed are
competent to judge Turner* works—
that is, without a certified history. A
lady ucqualutauce of tattle Mud a large
picture to her house which she had al-
ways regnriled as a Turner, and. desir-
lug to sell it. Idle utl'rred It to fire or
six of the leading dealers. but not one
of them would buy it at any price, ns-
Perting that Turner never Paw It and
that it was nothing lil.o his work, and
Fe on. A few mouths afterward a doc-
ument turned up :111/0114 her family pa-
pel'4 sho111114 that the pi"tllr" had been
"(,Ceialll' painted 1.t- 'ru rues for hat
ndsh:ours father' and Iu a week she
had gold tbo work for f2,2:.0. The nv-
ere(e dealer le u!w(t1,t frightened to
touch n Turner, 1111 you seldom or hes-
e. see one exposed for sale in the g:tl-
Darwla aid INuk..
Of Darw1u It 1,1 affirmed that hr
staqued uuawure of the difference la
Ilio value of bouks mud would treat a
Zaehuodorf lauding with the sawn
scant courtesy Mat he exercised to-
ward a penny pamphlet. ('overs ap-
peared to h(w a useless weight uud de-
cidedly lu the way, and he ofteu got
Hid of thein by ripping thew uff. Some-
times She hook was burrowed. It 14
said that in the cud his friends used
to give hint any hook which he wished
to borrow. for they knew that, It It
were ever returned, Its usefyiaess as u
hook would he at an end.
Cbla►apa Are F1eh1.,
"The hardest prublew We builder boo
to -wrestle with," said a well known
member of t1e professiou, "Is the chim-
ney. WLut the heathen Chisee Is to
the bummn race nod the left banded
mule to the animal kingdom the ehlw-
uey if to the various appurtenances
MA go tomake up a human hablta-
Rou. There Is no haft rule for the cou-
structiou of chimneys. You eau build
a chimney all rt;:ht in theory, hut when
It conies down t.1 nraeti,e that Is 1111 -
other matter. Budd two chimneys tilde
by side Iy precisely the Rattle manner.
Employ the best *killed labor and con-
struct them exactly uu the shine prlucl-
'ples. One they draw all right and the
other one .woke 11kr u l'hoctaw. Yes,
91r, the chiwuey is beyond all uuder-
standing, and any builder will tell you
Wiebol•r'. Retaliator.
Ouu day aau entered Daniel Web-
ster's office Rid consulted him In re-
gard to a pfospective lawsuit. At the
close of tbo eoufercuce bo paid the at-
torney s retainer of 4100 to look after
the matter. Upon returning to his
place of business he found that 114'1
partner had already settled the suit,
ubtalutrg the sum dewauded without
uu attoruey. He thought 4100 was al-
together too much for au office fee, 110
be dlspah•bed his clerk to look after
the subject.
' Mr. Webster," sold the young man.
"my employer thiikr you should re -
tiro u part of your retainer. That
case bus been settled."
"Youu4 wan," said the lawyer, "you
go back and tell your employer that a
retainer Is something to be retained."
I,aRhaw'ay—Don't yeti think that for
nidi a wealthy chap Duttius takes 1,1s
pleasures serlously? Clevcrtuu—Ile has
to. They are all he has to worry
y it
-.. KEEP U5 DRY.
11 you don't waut sick poultry, keep
then, under
Paterson's "Wire Edge"
Reddy Roofing
' Leaks and dampness are bound to
-creep i1 if you roof the buildiugs with
siingles or tin.
PATERSON'S " tt'IRR. BOOR " makes
roofs air -tight, water -proof and fire-proof—
and lasts a lifetime. Il keeps barus, chicken
!houses and tool sheds always dry. Cheaper
than shingles.
You cars do the roofing yourself. Our booklet
tells how. Write for it and a free sample of the
best roofing made.
Ilsrdwne dealers everywhere have it or will
rrt it fol you.
PAIERSON MFG Co. hosed. Toronto and Montreal
Deafness Cannot bo Cured
by 1114,11 npi)i'nt 141,1.. As 1 hey cannot mach the {Nat ion of the ear. Thera in only one
way 1n em, drwhur--. alwt that 1+ by ernin111n-
tlunnl rerni•di'.. hrafnaa,r I+('11111},1 by An la.
flamed rnndilion of Ihe mtsemt fl.'l g M the
endnehin4 lobe. When this titre in inflow,.
vim hove n misting sound nr Imperferl hear
ins, and when It M entirely' elapsed '14nfnenn In
the m+ult. and nn1evv the na*nlmntInn min be
taken mit and thin tale restored to Its nnrwlal
enndir"n, hearing will be daeteny,4 fntrree�y'
nine 141 ' nut n ten am eanne d by retorts
wh,•.h i. 11,•1. Minis Int an Intlamad condition of
the mueon, aar a(rs.
it', -111 gl, a One ilnndred Dollars for any
ex.. of drnfne.• leau.esl by eatarrlu t.hnt can -
nM he unreel by Half. Catarrh ('urt, Rend for
(in•.'s,. 11"
F'..1. f HKNiCY a ('u. Toledo, O.
Mkt by 'huge.), 7351
'fade Raaf. F'nrntly 1'114. foe ooesKlp.tlon.
Hardware and Stove Store
One price only
Goods right or
money back
\\•.' have a complete
�1111'h lit
Valves, Gauge
Glasses, Oils,
Grease, Oil
Cans, Belt
Rivets, Thresh-
ers' Mitts and
Goggles, Ring,
Spiral and Sheet
Packings, etc.
\V'P'e too Many t(fol;
and must unload, so We
('alt out profit 11)
t he goods. '1'111'
Saws, Planes,
Braces, Bitts,
Chisels, Ham-
mers, Hatchets,
Axes, Levels,
Drills, etc.
The goods are fI III :111+1
the prices are still better.
We make a specialty t,f
Builders' Hard-
ware, Paints,
Varnishes, Oils,
White Lead,
lief lig' get our 11111'e,.
Sole agents for
Huron Stoves,
Ranges and
'1'1144 goods tho people are
talking about.
,Irl,' a gallon 1,1
1140 best and cleanest
burning oil sold today,
To introduce it WO n1ak('
the price per gallon
Twenty-two Cents.
Queen Motor
Gasoline at
thirty cents per gallon.
\\ atoll (1(1\' Hem,
Tubs, Pails,
Wash Boards,
Clothes Lines.
Ili• four hest makes of
Charcoal Irons
at $I.25 each.
110 (lust, it, dirt.
Twenty cents a bag.
Don't forget to take the
Rize of that door and
come and get a
Screen Door
;it ('n' i ( 11111' eight left.
are a necessity just, now.
We aro selling them
very ('heap.
installed expert work-
men. `atisfactioil guar-
anteed. Estimates cheer -
billy furnished. Repair-
ing promptly attended to.
SPECIAL ! ! '2 dozen
No. 9, 1-I i 1i, cropper
Tea Kettles
regular priced at $1.5f4
each, 1'011 can get one
oneydollar and twenty-
five cents.
see them in 1)III' window.
1 ;1•t :I DAISY TWO -
Oil Stove and
for one dollar and fifty
Knives, Forks
and Spoons
for threshing time. If
y4)It nee(i Nolle core 111
1. ( the
get our prices. goo( and
We have a lar stork of
Table a d
Pocket Cutlery,
Scissors, etc.
Sole aunt; f(ir
National Stoves
and Ranges.
'rho kind your neighbor
19 living.
The Cheap Hardware and Stove People
are always
11'51• find satisfaction in. dealing out
111111', 1,''.11 goods to (1111' cost •1's.
The stock is slwcially well a.lamn•1Pd for
the sulumer train., and the•
particular wants of our pahvrle will
have prompt isersice.
Fresh vegetables and f11111..s 111
Phone 91 or call.
The Square, Godench.
The New
Cement Walks
ore a great illlpl•Oye•Ill.n1.
1Ve have them. No Urouble
now to call ,It
1..44 :1111 I III 110!.1 0,
Plumbing, Repairs,
and an Lints ..4
Sheet Metal Work,
Roofing, etc.
American and
Canadian Oils and
Your PI ling and Heating
promptly attended to in a Nest
class mitruler. Personal utten-
t' given and 14)414,41,1(1' gtutr-
__TM' L4AD1Nt1
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders urlully atlenacd to a all
hours, nigh) or day
have nlwndl x lie stable in
the eland on NPs' ate• at op
posit.. the Oiliest -tie Hotel and
have fitted it yritti
New and U¢ -to -date Rigs, New
Harness, and Good,
Reliable Horses.
A11 trona 1111' /19%111.41 the Iwst
of .vice. Your patronage is
h Wiled.
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Telephone 171 1
Livery, hack
'Bus Stables
(10(11) i101151',-4
('A Itit1A() F:/s
--RTC., A T--
---H A T l': M--
well -appoint e(1
I1ndkN and reli-
able .1 vSeri in
charge off the
'Buses, whirjl will
meet all trains
and st r 111-1," at N
A1.1. ('A1,1,5 ATTENDED TO