HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-16, Page 2a l' t ' : 1 r Alga $11 16, 1906
(lUUCKIt'Y, ("'I'AKIL).
jTdephooe P*11 No. at.
,Terms •f Subscription
Silts. per annum 444 ear aarr.
4Irw1t4.,,).•; 1hl.4nmutat b.,YSr,
=sitter. aft, fall 10 revise 'toe Atonal.
ratrtlarly to until w ill coder W fa. or by ac•
i _flg. uof 111u feet eM a. really re date •a
44 n a change of addre-. is de.red. bob the
aid and the new ,*44re+. should be ge. en.
Advertising Matte :
1 .41 nod whet dui tsr ad, 0111+entent•, hb
per Llan fu, tar -t 10.11 aged K• per llol for
axle ueb..guent tier Una. Mewund by •
ugapandl rale, t weir. line. loan Inch.
Yu4.ur.'. card. of .41 line. and under. Si per
Advertkwhesit.of Lost, 1'uund,1trayrd, qh•
natio.,, y.atnt. Silual1041+ Wanted. Huu.e. fur
Sale or to Kent. hauls for 'Sale or to Rent,
Artkk. fat A*Ie, etc not •ex.vwhng eight
line.. 2".• each en.ertlon ; Ip fur art month, abs
for ...h u1144'gI gent limith. larger advertise.
snout. in progio tlwu.
Aouonneeinent. in ordinary reading t ype len
rent. tier line. No not ter le.« than tic.
Any .p ata) 001 ire. the object of whlrh ,. Ihr
peunkn) benenl of any IndR dn.4 or aw441-
attoo, lo l4'. ,04.sderd nn ad,ertheineui and
to be charted .o.4udIngly.
Rate. fur dlgda) and fenestrate! .4d, ere ace,
noon. .111 be ge1 en en am/11d inn.
Add n•+• all communication. to
Tor silu.au.,
1)s.,rrirh. (h,
IIgKU'H, THl'ItAI)AY, AI'U. 10. Masi
Not hway of boasting, lana simply
M a matt r of fact, we are pleaAsd to
h: able t state that yields •of the.
crops in H "real thio cr,Ir ATP ,Away
shove !home of perhaps any SOP'.
county my in the r4lvinc0.
Freon 4 -Reef,' nlef,' • prepared retnl s,
sent in by reliela men, we Hod th
fall wheat will erage twenty -144
huihels to the acre, rel• the quatil y of
the Le•n.l i4 rxeellr t, the crop lav•
ing been hal•vexted leder the best
conditions. Talk about the R',•st !
Spring wheat ix not SO generally
grown. hot fhb'. year it is yielding
almost us largely lmx fall wh al.
Harley will )ol x aleraK r bt •-
eight bushel* to the tie e, 1441 al-
thmugh a little diecol,red it ie 'feet am
g«*1 as the brightest for fe4li11 pnr-
pew•s. The porkers and horned 44 .•k
will be well fed during the coma g
winter, for barley is ,11411
coming into favor for H'niahiug off the
oarium. animal. 40)111 for pleat.
One. wilt average tarty -two bush.).
la the acre, and are always in demand
both for home feeling and for the
Pen% ere pilling up again. and 'rill
average sly twenty -nix teethe!. to the
acre. I'ee%+Ilse 4440 mewl for !eve.
'aha hay crop 144 only fin average
one, running about n Ion nn41 a half
to the acre.
Potat ore pros naw• l/ 140 a meal yield,
44111 gh the begs were e4 Ihiel as
applicants for a gm'crn1)1Pnt jot.
Early fipple% arc plentifnt : fall
apple,. fairly nhmed,tll : winter verb.•
tics are ware.. All are fairly tree
from senh. PI :ire ex*w'.hngly
gPor11•, '
The syste11, of sending mit the
etnnl inalbeit 4'.•t urn' which the 14e-
paltnent .f Ethical bib! enfolded et few
years age has had at fair trial and hue
,emoi.traued itself a failure. 1t
should be diecaldw1 and the :veldts
4411.11111 he published in the old way.
As bl is now lonluai.n and 111lcer•
flinty and eetspenee are 441n1/o441 bound
to remelt front the fact that at the
4IUl*of the year that the results Are
AV*il*bee the prinlipal'. of high
s•hoolee are in many caws away on
their bolid/tyr, and the students, tut,
Are waittered during the holiday time,
And there are. 'teeny breaks in the lir
4,1 l'4)plr1)*Inicatiln between the IM+
p►Mm(nt and the candidate. Thie
week in O,xleriwh there have been
many 44nximee inglih'iP* 444 to the
rPsultM of the exetnin*tions whieh
have had t1 go unnn.wered b'Pu)40
the d04ir41 inf./emotion 'n% not at
hand, The pmhlirati4n .41 tier. reenter
1* the old way would h eve done aweey
with all this sllg)ef'r.
Thr pr•4ent method writ. adopted
Iera114e, it Was said, the pnhliw Imide
unfair cumpari.oi* between the dif
relent wheelie un the fineries ed 4'x,
tion requite,. The reply t) thio d+ that
the pnhlir should be a eientel 11 he
female., and that in any ei1'P ('errugw►r-
i'.n144 Hee now' made between the
secha,le in a 'eat rict9l.ren, say within
A enmity, e4 ser ns lin. revolts One'
published in 1 1),4' ,'.,41411 )' paper. they
ere delayed it V1 erek or two, that is A11,
The Toronto R'nrld Iwo 10•(11 en"
gaged for some time in the interest-
ing teak of hunting 11p a new lender
for the Ontario Liberal... 114 Inlest
protean! -at least np In Tuesday Inst
- wee Rev. 1). C. Hoemek, of Toronto.
Former nominee. were N. W. Howell,
,1. S. W)Ilirion, ex -Crown Attorney
Curry, and Others to numerous to
mention. Rev. Mr. Hn .o.nek is about
na likely- „ man for the job 4414 any of
the other, -alter, about 444 ,unlikely.
14hen the Literals of Ontario Wali) a
new lender they will not go to the
city of T.reento to find hien. nor will
they snake The Toronto World the.
medium of their ingmiri444.
We 4011111, in feet, if the Literate
of Ontario want a new leader
just at prvprnt. What they need a
great deal • ix n new merit
thrnngh.ut the whole party among
the rank and file as well we among the
leaders- a 'spirit of renewal sew) for
reform, of aggrriyrne.. in dealing
with the new prolkms which are
plrew(o4( for attention In this Prov-
iso., of public-spirited. clear-headed.
determined Liberation]. A nmw
leader might do much to bring *hunt
the desired n•vieal, bol he is more
likely to ep)ear in the (.(1',e of
events when the prrseut condition 441
lamaitude in the darty peewee awes.
and new 1+4441.44 call forth 110.41) 111001.1
HIM renewed activity. Them tillage
are not to he brought *hunt in a day,
end it will do nobody any perm if the
1.ileriel party lies by it44 (40144 1111111 11
wakes up its mind in what direetiun
it i4 geeing to uteri.. Rud for this
_peti1441 e4 development in inaction I11e
p ieeent leader re )44•rbap4 1144 gtli41 as
any 11 her,
Several caller. and barns Have been
holding old hey.' to .nil i'. tins week.
Thi+ is * sign that Lill'. 111e 44(0(1.
'. 'I hoard /t such 1t'(111411111 11(11.-
ing the 4)09.41 N. 1'. days:--Henlilton
11'hy, nobody. of ('11411110 The hoys
were...Piet going no.*y i1) flame dare.
Andrew Carnegie and Sir l'harlea
'Tapper ere having n dispttr (4401'
w4111ahing which Sir 1'11:4.11* accuses
Mr. Carnegie. of having said in lef-
etener to Canada. Mr. ('*ruegie s*yx
110 didn't my it, Sir ('h4(110* anye he
dirt Mr. Carnegie ray-. he didn't, Sir
Cherie. 4441 c+ h1• diel and eke on. The
dial/111e I. uol inte•remi ing except all
showing that the two old fellows have
algae 11fe in them yet.
Thr 'impose) to iulpn•t an ins.ct
from ~pain to drsttoy the cldlin14
1114.41,, a high i+ Ouch .1 11,1.1111.. 11 11111'
apple -growing indm'.I1 y-, (44 intere#ting
ire it'. wa)•. Snplo'ing t l.• 11.n• lnw4.1
0111 se up -1411 lite ...Mott 111+ 4414,1
wee. Ol heir tten1, shall w.• have 114 dna
41141.4 still nnnther bog In keep the
Spsvli.h ifew4.1 within bmtirldr.: A,
the pset 411cs:
f114 111.3. 14414 lit 1k• 11.3.
4 C Heir b,•k.ln blre 'ea11,
A al'lltlk flys+ 11,1,• k.rr a..,.
And so ,d indention.
•Signal extend, l*ngiertielnti*ne
to he 't 441 ern Canada Floor Mills
Co:, nd eepeeiall• t11.1111' 11e.m11. .11e -
(law, poo the •lose"(4I opening of
their ei w ni111 all SI. 1i.lnilacl•. \\'e
Me glad m see 1111' 14)w'n4ol,'n e•xlrnd-
iug their !mention., rep'.•ba11)• a4 w•P
lwliete 11111 11I0ir '.n4eww in the ex-
tended Head will tend to '.1rengthen,
rather than tit weakee, the leo-Milne of
the local milt whieh i+ part .r the
40:1l milling '.y'.lens whieh they 441••
4edoping with Sul 1111.'11 energy and
al 'lily. -
Englisb Pieper aske its readers to
t their imagination into the
year+• 4 cootie and 1•ho1.1 I he hen
1'in441n1 1'h11r•leilhe at the head of
their tr.' •live roun411,". 11'in"Lon
Churchill. 'no. Stet isle Croke. Secre-
tary of Stu lar the Colonies, I hen
Premier of ( 'oat Mifflin ; 1Ninstun
1'hpry hill the Ole rira1 ntveljet and
111 preeent a vital' Pate for the (bee' -
hip of New H upwhir•, the•u Pres-
ident elf the 1' oil' 1 Share It de a
shriking pie'hn•r•. H the way. 11 is
interesting tee 1114e th 1 the chair
at /141• of the 'wean '. which Ore
(wing held 11y the Amer' •1n Wheaten
('1 •hill in Nees 1111mp.. ire felt it
n.researy to make en veld. nation in
remold 1,. the e,r.lid44te's per. InalitV
A eider. he add, 11,141 fold Id 1 that
h. , old not support 11r.' ('hl 3.11111
Ise:1)l'.r he wee a "foreigner, and my
an short l bn.• ago had been pr (44
in 1114 ltril14411 I':4'naruent."
1l),• Me•aforth Expewitor juin'. in the
pianos! against the lemming or ow
R'e'.t nl Ill• expense of our own :Prov-
ince, and say's :
"Unborn. i4 entirely ton nu)deeL It
ha. 1111r1W(41 if grooving brothels In
the Wont to gain .41 large 11 place in
public view that it has fallen, in le
n.'1411re, inln ah.• lo•kgro11n4). \Ve
hear so 11,11)'11 ale mt tl.• big 1.11111+, the
blame land the '.j*rlllitil),) in the neon'
West that we heti. in Ontario alar in
11,1ngor O( fa'gPlling '111)' 4)4'11 1114'.4.
111444 and ler ' g rnvbo'"o mf nor
neighbor.. Arr.. few ,acre, the Grins
in ()Mario produce. more in rn.nry
value than du the fel MA .f the '(Newt,
while our fillip., pewees and villn4( 4
are making mina pros:lees and .n1'
people have n c abiding prow
11e•r'II)'. 4 • 1f lel 11111)• 11111 Ile Ill:lk-
1ng money 111 41111111.4 like weldor 'f the
hind'.pralal.r- and Iwmtm'.tett' in the
Weed, lana what we elo 'mike we hold
and have. 11 be 14/1 ,111 in env mind.
.*ml on pale'. 111• '11)1111(41 4))44 tont
own hump a loudly : our neighbor,'
in the 11`,••0 1114 *111i1(•impel 1de e t doing
them Own blowing wit hunt any .sate•
Liner from we."
The. 'Toronto Newel ie evidently
ginning 14.•1111er and letter witkf'ghe
years. In r.feSun.. to the Temiia-
ka ' g right .4 way den) and '(Ir.
Di.keon'. "tatement flint member.. of
the. Government ' proneieed that the
4ynelicnle cif whieh 110 ier ti member
would hove the advantage up to
$111.14)) in t1*' new tender+ for the con-
(44414on, The News -aa y1 flint this is im-
passible, Mr. 1)i,kwon et has,. mis-
unde•1teel what w'as 911111 "even if a
rrlslknt den) were intended it never
would 1e curried nut in merle a hare-
(arwl public n.4nner. " In the any*.
when Mr. Wilhelm w'n' 14054' fn lin
jilt, 4''. n heaven -pent regeneruor of
Ontario politics, this wile not the way
hr talked. No charge ermine! the
then Governnlenl was he. ineprdlable,
to tome. too Moly, to be mixed
Nem by''ht New. and treated 4444 if it
heel been already proved. Hut now--
whista difference! how mild and
r*lin.nl the hetv,•n-44ent regener-
ator has, heroine! He even refrains
fo railing Mr. Dickson n "leer
The Toronto Telegram 1)q•.:
"('nmute levied en import doh' me
the souvenir pins that the Old 1'teen
try bowlers brought over to give
44w'ny to their friends. .l1).) 4444 roe.
'mentions have no 14111a n rn.tntn11 law
has no heart. The cruel indifference
of the protective uyeetern to the motive
of the importer is not w product of Co-
da • e4' yyeetenley. Away flack in Delft
John McMlnan, now steward et the
jail. was l* ('hieagn. The news that
t.be Pentane' had crowed the l.orler'
and might even then be the enemy In
the gotten of Torrent,. reached Mr. Mr
Millan in his plere of exile. it was
Mel * few 4410)4.4.. I lie W11 -help whrrw
Jwhle M.' ilh►u inyeeted 40)11)4' of him
141411111 aavinget in 14111114 ,11111 x
144441 and 441111 1114 trusty rale .n hie
simulate. the teteerni(44 patine dark
the. fleet train for Turnuto. At the
1h•ti'oit River the l:a tion 1'1141011A
*1ffleer roused Mr. McMillan from his
fitful eloneVer, rullw'trd 17 leer cent.
ad valorem) duty on the t))44ty Orate
and sent hint on hie we ' rejoicing. A
0011111')• 1 11e4 40(4)41 collect duty on
title that i1e patt•i.t won war bringing
in to help defend Its homes d+ capable
14 levying at tariff on the gift. int -
ported by the Old Country bowlers
ar their l'anadien hosts."
'And the Telegram alight nave 4141 -
*10d only that it its'lf is a 44upl4lrter
of the protective tariff sperm that
1t is t7apellle of any other kind of fesll-
ishnees in the way of obeirnetin4
legitimate • t 1'a1114*rt • a11.1we t 44 4
iotter. at the behest of ally 4..•111411 in-
ter.41 )hal can wake a hist rolled'
1111.41• 111%114 )t. "n.4d"*4 protr.lbon,
. Twilight. .
Th.. twilight 44.41(1 and cloudy.
The wend blow. wild Old n,'''
Anil like the ruing. of ,nwbu.l.
1,1.e.I1 the whitest. of 1Ix
lint in the 11-hernean'. eat Mee
'fiery .hitless rudrller Light,
Alit a little fore 411 thu widow
Veer int Into the night.
4 'Ire, time It 1. ier4++ed to the window..
.1. if thew ehtldi4(4 ey...
Wen, 100441,4 into the darkni 4..
, To -ee wmle fore arise.
And n woman. w':: ving .hadnw
14 panto. to and fro.
Now risiovg to the celh*g.
Now bowing and handing low.
%%lint Dale do the roaring peat.
Anil the night mind, III..ii, .Sud wall
. A. fiery tree al the eras; .,•.,•lament.
• 'fell to 111 little Thi(4l i
A n.1 w)1)• .14 be rn/ing mean.
.\rsi the nig 1 ulna wild ,mil 111.'.11:.
A. the. bmf 414111' 11,.,1 of 1 r 14r1
I era, e• the 4.1.11( leer *level. r ,
\\\\\ • Longfellow.
Is He a Catch..?
London Veer Pre-.:
The T.nolu News eau s L•,reing
o1) his holiday. 111 make nrjnirir.
concerning that inte4eetin4 y g
p"441 a S1
1 n th Imno•r ((i ''44
11. 1 14
1 a
chance her the (1**.'rie'h bunch.
A Hint to the Boys.
wingham Advance.
A reeident of leer town, *how• vo
tion take,, him frequently into tit
r try. mal n41' a note .f warning 1,
4)ettle% driving ;slung 111)• King'+ high-
way in the enrol diet 1141'.. lir routs
are beset with farm machinery. Lear
t' rugine. 44,44 '.Iraq m11 Idles.
and )hese will 'ware 11 VI'll1"4 444l58 41)
ant of newt horse•,. Time wishing to
avoid ma -lariat, will del will 11 heed
the warning mull keep loth hands on
the linr4.
What 1 Snekkes in Ireland I
l'i41-burg (b rette-Tllu..
It i4 w)1lie!Whal 41 i'.4-.,,,'o,'t 11114 to
lovers Id "4')1a11i.n in 1 h don wid-
ly +ra410 to learn that the
•1nke '•mn',Nllrin4 three flet in length"
which was recently (mind in the
math of Ireland wean is fugitive from
a travelling 1114magiro' and not a na
five 10 the l.l.lud. However. th.
m.4' feet of its escape and wlIeegllent
re('overy hag dieee•ted renewed atten-
tion to Irelien41'* preedier ty
them 1lie reptile tribe,
The Farm Help Problem.
Tarmac) 4.lobe.
Thal wage'. are tint high i. n frequent
resew ell given. The rent gal•'.tion 11) he
.41(1)•4, however, i4 whether the
w*g.4 asked etude' not be pill to *.1•
%attar•.•. If the 1iir,vl 111111) Pan
by hb:, 1.1101';44111 It. 1Ile receipt. of the
fxrtl eol'ider*hly more then hie own
wages% it would Ip• the height of folly
m 140 deferred f' employing hien
1 •ate. • of any innnt1' nether...11i/n to
p*,•imt unit cash. Partner. who have
gro 1; up Wider other (1ndir1,,n4 11,4
nt di kith tee deluge thrid way... but
the. 0 ri• worst solution of ',repent
dilflrnl '4'4 ie to 411'4w the farm to rein
down t., lark 1)I hand.. to cultivate i1.
Ne:''spa • s aa Reflectors d Life.
)Montreal titer.
Those who ok upon the pnimtw as
"minxes oflit "gel a we one rupre44-
pion. They lar only ' -ems 01 the
*bhnr11,al. So 1 g as all goes nn as
tom*1. fh.re 144 no • ewe." 4)111• alight
144 well reefer that awn) train» are
al t , ertnin to 4* •-reeked became
the new+peepers gales. 1 speak of the
tho,I'.Old.1f trains whb doily teach
their el. elinit.em in 4004) while they
dwell et length upon th one erratic
train That leaves the track. \ mirror
of life w.11ld he filmiest wind • playlet
it is the• ..jot wheel- the drop 11411 ble-
4e•t hoe dlsfierbd the 9urf11r* Inch
the n1W44pfiper reflect,.. Thug it d had
I)hilmeephy to infer bole tow Mime 4e-
)• unmoved mnehini•ry t(l eollerti
news that the world i4 Krlwing wut4e41,
All the exiden.r chow'. Chet itis grow-
ing letter. 1)iw'a.e. ere Ling
hn *41 in and exterminated. 11'er
is 'wither w. fl'wpu•n1 11141' .11 (rite),,
Thr' highway.. are enter. Police'.1j(i1-
•ince ix greater and More effp,tive,
Education in more widespread. Bot
when thingr .114 ge wrong we are a1-
11n04f 1 01•teln to hear ,,f It, 141111 are In ,t
better Wpoxr1.01.t1 t1 piehli'.h ,.II th. "hnr-
t•ible. curtail'.'Thr new•'. -gathered•.
Oki. the the rest 1f 11111 sx•ial machinery --
aur growing More expert : and this.
vrr4 Taut n,,ni4fe in the ,I,'t *','l 11)71 tool
pienishlem'nt of crime,
Rev. Donald MacGdhvray Nearly
Drowned in China.
A letter received by Rey. 1)r. Mee-
kn)•. of Tmvulo, fr Rey. Donald
11*e4lillivnny, the 44.11 -known former
thelerbch man Oen he doing excellent
work for the cause 64 ('hrtelinnit)• in
Chinn, trelm of his nmmvellnne escape•
from drew' ' g on .11111• il, 110 wens re-
turning from Mekeneen do n native
levet, towed by is !Mine+, when a
squall "prom then and rewired the
Isms, drowning his e
curl nion..1 Mr.
Lw ('heialinee neereleanl of fine
I-bermeier. Mr, MnwOillivrly w*s me-
c(1w) by s • Ai,,erir:In marine., wh,.
cot a hole in the 1e.)f014 1f the op
horned boat and look hind nit lamely
In lime 11'.3(411 1)111,.
His Closefl Halation,
"MM)Il/141." said it young Toronto
hopeful the other day," "who i. my
amine relation ? Are you T'
"No," sweetly replied the mother.
"Your father him that dietinetl,n.
He never giver the a lent nubs. 1 ask
hits tor it."
And It was a full half•henlr before
the head 4)f the homer dieeovpry i that
the peewit he Wax reading was 11paad..
Opposition Trying to Hunt up Scan-
dals Some Details of the Trade
Returns --British Preference .Has
Helped Trade w,th Mother Coun-
try -German Trade Hit by Surtax.
Ottawa. Aug. 11.-1'he expectation
herr da that Parliament will le called
to Meed on NovrwIWr Lsdud, and the)
the seseiun will last until 11n14'. It i4
not thought that the Uovei•nlnrnt
will' l" )xsie kny•e sweeping tariff
changes. , It is no secret that the Up.
position ale I.unacki.g the country
i* under to Lind tertal for scandal
charge. 'they have committee.; at
work in every lex•ality, who report
from time 11) time at headmeitiee're.
Things Looking Up on the 1. C. R.
The Minister of Railway,. ie making
44 tour of the 1nte redo.. Mai and finds
the posit' of the 111,411 h e
.:Itisf.rtory than for seine time. He
'tat1..,thet the offlriads and euplu)•vr4
of the road are ,,l1 un their wet tle Ie -
cause of the meow critici.w of the
1n4ercolanial and are anxious, to help
in uvrtr'onling the diltleuhien which
have to Ise contended with in se -rearing
the pr.Htalle ()perm i llll of the 44)'stoi, ,
The ••ern1ug4 or the roa.1 dunog.1111)'
exer4,41111 11111%e, of the coriesxo*Jing
month Inst )•0x0 by neatly $1111,14$1.
At the saute o lime the condi'lon of the
toed is not Teeing allowed to run
down : the I1lxdlad 14 being iulprewed
where urer'.wu-y and new' 441.1) lienvier
rails art being laid.
Canadian Refiners Greedy ? •
\'he,4 a preferential 1 mar rate on
1V.•.1 Indian sugar was est ablideed by
the 1'enwlian I'arlianm11t the inten-
tion woe 11 lend w ' aam9fel ee.
thereby to a portion 't the Enmity
which had Idem passing through a
commercial Tri'.i4. It hoe frequently
been stated. however. 111;11 in'.Irnd of
here -fitting the \Veer 111414111 anyydu•-
grrw•r'r• 111 the extent of the t`,ef-
eret.e, the lower 4,1).• has given the
Comedian relner•e an opportunity, of
which they . ,.
hl 'h th have avoided thrw+rlcrs,
to get their sugar nt a lower rale with
SA little b•II.HI as peesill,. to the
growers or to the rori411mors. The
growers resent the I real ,,loot of 1110
1'nn'clian refiners and talk .f ee-
tald1shiug a refinery of Med- own in
Canada to IN. semplie d with sugar
front the \Nowt Indian plmntnt'
and (1111. 10 aeellee to I h,'l)iselti, u
buyer eneee4411re of benefit from the.
f'..u,ution tariff prefe ee..•.
C do's Foreign Trade.
7 e greeted aggregate .4 (1snuliee
foreign trade for the Mot twat y,:1)•
will r. •1111 the ,'n' )rullol 1'. en111 of es5f1,-
04'4.2141. a gain of MO per cella, .t•e•t'
the lige' •s for the year Mill. A strik-
ing fent it a of he rel urns i4 the eub-
stxntial in rovemen in the trade be-
tween Can: is and (great Britain. lea
IMT, when t e preferential tariff way
iI*ugeiret.d, '(('anal*''. import.. for
con411111plion Yroue Great Hritab e
amounted In lee),4)2.1Me, 5411114' 1.141
year they tolall I 1a1,176,11i1, The
impltie f4' the 'nb1.w1 4letre con-
tinue to tower.) v ry- largely those
from the 11.Ihet' 'onnlry, but in
greet rneNmmre 11 1. is lite to Ihr feet
that ('.nada has 11 in ea (14.111 the
United Stites (.urge gni 14th••'. of Iran
lualeri4l for Manititet ow g peerp)vs
which cannot be obtained (1+11,1 Meat
Brit lin. i.:Ief ve.41', hoes veer. the
gain in Impel t. from Ghee Heitai,
was 13 per rent. ;Ind from th t'nilcd
States only K per .ant.
The surtax on O.ru4in good. h e
snite4l in a decree... of import.. sem
Thal 4 try. Lott year th • imp 1+
fuI. 1•,.1,,111 11 i 41
f t• o u (i••
I uunl v
ainment•d fox little over seven nli
hone, while throe Veal'. ego they were
o:ee twelve millions. -
Railway Commission to Investigate.
Tor r,lilway ".111111)10401)11 intend.; to
a mel out al, in'pe*t or throughout Can -
lute this (.11, in order to *sweeten')
whcthe• the railway lumpanbr. 11410,'
complied with the law in regard 1.
air Ir*kPa and automatic cemplere.
He will also Pxounine the generel
eget)) •nt .f earth Pine, in rlld,•r to
ascertain whether the interests of the
public are in uperly safeguarded.
John Obeyed.
Mts. F. was :, .)*Pry stern w.omal,
who demanded Instant and lila; et.
tiouitag obedience from her children,
says Chums. Ot, afternoon ae she
was working In her sewing room a
Muria came up, and she sent her son
John to close th. trap leading to the
dat roof of the hug!'.e.
"But, mother"- a::Id John.
"John, I told you to shut the trap."
"Yes, but, mother" -
"John, shut that trap!"
"All right, mother, If you say so,
but" -
atm slowly climbed the stairs and
ab • the trap. The afternoon went by,
and be storm howled and raged. Two
hours later the family gathered i''r
tea, an wben the 400411 war half over
Aunt M who was staying with
Mrs. F., , d not appeared. lire. F.
started an v0stlgatlun. the did not
have to ask • ny gn1.tlons. John an-
swered the firs one.
"Please, mot. she Is up on the
M0cll,L "A• I to Wrote.•'
Some ludl(rotl4 mist es are made
by some of the lamowh-(' ' adian people
114 our New England eotto, mill towns
In their attempt to molter h Ilsb.
One summer a gain deal. In Som-
ersworth, -N. H., reeetved a ritten
order from one of hie French c( tom-
er, which read as follow,
"Illese4 send
"1 bag hole roan.
"1 tax Geld.
"G pounds acid."
The clerk, who has had many yeses'
experience with theme people, .441,1 at
*Oce, "Mend him a toast of whole corn.
a MR of mired teed and live pounds of
game need, or, as the French people put
It, 'bayaeed,'
And he Suns right.
At another time en order wan re -
calved for n bag of "corn broke," nn,l
at still another an order far a hag of
"cern not broke."
MIs Atablttoo.
P(ther--My son, do you know that
most of the rich mon of today began
peer? Small Ron -Yes, sir. Father -
And yet, Instead of saving your pen-
nies. you spend them. Small tem --
Yee, air. When i start out I want to
begin goer.
He Can Look In the Pocket for the
Label that Spells Certainty.
Fifty Semi -ready 'thieve, nearly all
eetahliahrd within the pet few year's,
is * potential prof of the rapidity
with which a really great idea ie ae-
erpted in ('40)1»11*. Every stare hoe
leen .succeesfu1 beyond the expecta-
tions,- of the townie's. The Semi
read)?-tradOuo4•k and Utle price pro-
tert11 the buyer and the maker egainst
the cheating of chose who had 1411)111'
the clothing 1/(18)511•es a bye -wind
Semi -ready labels are the hdlivark e.
loth style end merit,
in this city and disitrict fhr ex-
01114i5'e (rem•hbed. forthe sale of Semi -
lead). i4 held by 'Iles,', McLean
Hro.., (i,kfrrich, Out.
Soo Canal Trafe.
Detroit. Atigiett 4. -Thr tonnage
the neigh 111'1• Wet canal during July
wets 7.741'E,i71, the largest in the his-
tory of the (•x)1:11., and over one mil-
lion toils greater than Judy 14 last
The total tonnage for the year to
August Da is in exceare of Iwent y two
million six 1 deed thousand tons,
while for the entire seat,,'" of 1111ki it
was approximetely rlill0ter11 million.
right hon:lied and dtty thousand
1, me.
While e► woman like.' to have a 111411
tell her that he known her hike x hook.
she is liable 1.. get furious if he says be
can trail her Moe het % Veva 1lellitlea.
Of High Lau. -
There is not in Semi -ready
tailor-made clothes the good,
better and best of workman-
ship. - The $15 Semi -ready
Suits are made by the same
tailors who make the $20
and $25 Suits, -There is one
quality only - the best.
The difference in price da the
di40renee i0 cost of Ilse materials
used. In a $25 'Semi -read) Suit
one )•ets the cloths (arrkd only by
the Lied• -class tai).r %Ow makes
(apitsl Gut cf lis exclusive one.
edit cloth lengthls.
'4'e buy our, clothe in the web-
; -yer.l length+- ao.l perbnps tc
c1 ^.w:1,s4.1 ca;11 Fitt.ra - died
from the I'riti'.11 ''.x.11en mills.
.• 4'",f ' M -••.d kt (bemoan.
a, 1.Y .!t
McLean Bros. - - Agents
Fall Term
Sept. 4,
ALh, t:KAht'A TES;
IIFT i'4'"ITI•,'•+
Berli 1 usiness Colle
you will ghe row boy
tic.. rour.P when 4h.y
high ...tool murk and 111
) idle .11901, 110.11. and5
tires 1..1141111..1141111,(111..1.11.,: lye hole
, Ing hle
work I halt ever leforew nd e, 1 quatnn-
ter• eXIe11N11 r1,1111•, 1',111 1. 111 (yea,
tiepl. 4.
or girl- ,, 14,1.1.
1.41I.peddle or
h peen . •Irv.
de for 1):r
British Americ
Business College
0. M. r 1. Itnil.in.. \'nage and .
Ale14111 BI.., 1'orv040
T. M. WATSON, Principal
SEPT. 4th
In deriding 1,) peel n bo'.Ina.+ minim
tn.'. or Nwrlh.mrl l ruining. It es V. I+4' to
.11110.• a ....1111.111t1:1, 14 well goon for
•t Melly hlgh'gnlde oink. The
I. well kn,,rn n. • of ,he he.l conn
memo) -.hind. In 04Mfelgee. 11- record
1111'. ironer len. been moat rrg4nrknhl,.
None of one' graduate. are Ort , fns.
than. and I h. dr'mmmd for oboe, 1. ohm,
twenty tom. be .uypl). V1 ear lata,
for our mngnllleent ent'in*ur,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
err. Vinare and Alexander 14r.
Fall 'term opens Sept. 4
Thar interene'.1 in hwdne.. college
. ark .hnnld write for nor large eats
Inaur. Tho is the largest and hest
rommerrlwl and holihnnd .111001 In
w-e.('ro rhnnric,. ''e glee n penrNr141
Winning` and waled neer geminate% t..
res .Ible pc..ifinn.. Many of the
leading Mldne•w roller, employ m1
Lord a*tea Write MIF for 4. free rata
I'M Ort tel.
W. Acheson &Son
Rain Coats and
�J►JE AHI? S!1OR'IN(over una huudeed 114W garwenlal in eeveu-righlhe
�Y and lull 1. 1;911 styles of cr*vnnr4� and in light 4wrwt chats. '1'11,•
fu11 1,swe colt. 1•1IPa x14• •tl iU favor and some, Willi-Mting or with
'stylish I*'It.•.I elf •el, Value is exceptionally good for rapid $12.0
sclll1)44. $'4 ,4411,4 W
Table Lil\41'.s
Shectings Towels Towelling
\\'. oil.•, u1.wy -•pe tial lines de these gold), at
aclblic. price.,
Dress Mustins Shirt Waists Prints Ginghams
We still show an assortment unequalled rise-
n here
lse•where in O,xlrrich for style 5(1111 quality.
We invite inspection of our special range of BRUSSELS, WILTON,
TAPESTRY and WOOL CARPETS. Uur stock ate very large and alva4s
(wing leplenibh(J with some new (11aigna. rllnail Persian patterns, large
oriental patterns, U
s'rol ,.1 floral patterns, excellent coluriugs
at tier yard :ilk', 41(4', 51 ' 1{11,•, a i,•, eta), $1.111.11111 $1.25
leave decided to 4..1(1.1• 111)' stock of 5s irk.• roekeis avid in
order to do no Will utter .*11110' 4ulwtanl iaal r•wl*cliutl 111 t hem for t h.•
hex ten 41ay+.
Wicker arm rockers, fancy Barks,
heavy 11.11 etlge. hatnisol0ly tinishe1.
Regular price *UM. $S.7., ;114.1 .$S.111,
Sole pile,.#.i5, $7.::1 $7 (k(k
, '.Viekcr nem rockets, heavy roll Sul¢.,
4�i(ewxl strong, reeds. Regular pt•iee $(4..4),
11.1.511 and *tilt. Sale prier $3 90
$1.75 and Ill
1 only willow steetnerchalr. $350
Iegula r $4.:111 for
Veranda elinins. painted ret $250
with wicker seat for........ L
A large and well nesm•teyl sttek of (uirn 11,1 11' always on hand.
l ie.deree0. 4'M.
Ve1',, ' .1. 410
4 , i.,,I.ria 1i -1d.
'l'IAple 1;4
H. B. Beckett Pho89ne
Undertaker and Embalmer
Livery and Hack Stables
The flnPst htrnonls in town Ore ed shw• Weown
stabler. ('arrisge4 for every r•4plir•rnrntknlpli*1411 gosxtt theorse4 furnbII-kI)shed
al 1*A:41 :i le nap. of hire. Careful drivers furnished when required.
All calls pro .iptty attended to.
Walker £? Augustine
One -Quarter Off " All
Summer Clothing
'1`hE time has come to snake a clearing of all summer
clothing, so we pot on male for two weeks all our
summer clothing, including the 20th Century Brand, at
a clear (discount' of 25 per cent. Don't miss this
splerl(lid opportunity of getting good clothing cheap.
$10.00 Suits will cost $7.50
$12.00 Sllits will cost $9.00
$15,00 Suits will cost $II.25
$1.25 and $1.50 Light Summer Vests clearing at 75c
*1.00 Negligee Shirts at - 59C
*LOU Boys' Knickers at 75c
75c Boys' Knickers at - 50c
X12.50 and $3.00 light-colored Fedora Hats at 98c
ob Printing is a special feature
of The Signal's business. We have
made our customers' requirements
our life study. Good work at moderate cost.