HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-9, Page 88 rRIB Tp..rAi, August 9, 1906 OUR MILITARY VISITORS. REDCOATS FROM ESSEX OOUNTY ARE HERE IN FORCE. Arrival of the 2Ist Fusiliers for Their Week's Sojourn in Goderich -- Popular Concerts by the Roil - mental Band on the Square -- Trooping of the Colors Th.s Af- ternoon Social Events Tomorrow The town has been a lively enough place thia week, the pre.enee of the Ewes Fusiliers being chiefly res{on sable for that condition, and the band concert+ on the Square have been very popular indeed. The regiment arrived on Monday afternoon by special train. getting here about 2:3 o'clock. After the officer.' mounts had been gut off the train and rafter at trw informal words of welcome f the Mayor, Lt. -Col Young of the :tied, and others, the Fusiliers lined up and paraded to their camp grounds at the Agricultural Park. A carriage con- • tanning Mayor Tilt. Lt. -Cul You``ng, (Captain Gundry and Councillor Blau headed the procession. which went by way of East street, the Square. West street and Waterloo street to the w Next in the proves - /don grounds. P R s' corps carr signalling r fpthere- giment, then the brass hand, the bugle band. and after that the cptupanier of the regiment with their o®cers. The tents had been pitched before the wen arrived and the regiment marched straight to the tents and disbanded for the day. The visiting regiment numbers about MIU when full strength. but half that number covers all that are here. a good many of the wen being unable to get away from their work. The staff here consists of Lt. -Col Bardet', cn►nmanding; Major Laing; Major Hohinson, acting adjutant : Capt. M r K a y, quartermaster ; ('apt. timytb, paymaster, anitt Rev. J. C. Tolrnir, chaplain. Capt. McKay and Sergeant Schmidt arrived on Satur- day last and saw to the setting up of the tents and see forth. Thr band concerts un the Stiviere on Monday and Tuesday evenings were very much appreciated by the towns- people and visitors. Thr baud of the 21st huu: a reputation as a hist -class or etnil.ation and certainly in their renditions justified that reputation. Monday evening'.+ program waw given under the trees. a number of incandes- cent lights heiug strung from the trees fur the purpose. Thursday night the band occupied the hand stand against the court house and the music was heard to much better advantage. the crowd not being Ni, much on a level with the players and the music• iu consequence being heard to a consid- erably greater distance.. The singing of Mr. Leblanc, one of the bandsmen, to an accompaniment by the band, made quite a hit on Tuesday night. bis numbers being. "Asleep in the Deep" and "in the Shade of the Old Apple Tree." He received a genuine ovation in the way of applaud. and the herr hy the band Were alio heartily applauded. This evening the tend will not play on the Square, hav- ing arranged to assist at the concert of the manner school. Residents in the vicinity of the camp grounds have been favored with nightly concerts at. "any old time" during the hours of tri• darkness, and most of the soldiers did not put in very many hones of sleep the flit night. As Bandmaster Ruthven put it when called on the following morn- ing by an officer of the summer school and found dozing in his tent, "The boys are pretty enthus- iasticeind they were up pretty nearly all night practising." On Tuesday afternoon members of Companies Non. 1 and 3 were at the rifle range practising at the 21le yards range, while the remaining portion of the regiment, including the hands. went through some evolutions at the camp grouuds, trooping the colors, etc. Thr evolutions were very pretty to watch. Yesterday morning the regiment' left by special train for Stratford toassist in the demnnstre- tione there in connection with the Old Boys' reunion. Thr .peeled train lett about N o'clock and on its return ft Stratford shortly before midnight. This afternoon a big Held day hes been arranged to take place nut the 11.11Itura1 grounds, starting at a`teel ck, when the tripping of the colors will make place. This will he folluwStl by a baseball match between n tram'rout the 21st regiment and (iodericfor a purge of $18 donated by Honorary IS. -Col. Walker of the hssex Fusiliers. The proceeds will be in aid of the (itderieh hospital and the afternoo 's program ahapld draw it large attend nce, A camppPitlee Ism - fire is proposeed\for the evening On Friday the\reg rent will probe ably march through town in the morning and toxxiipp the\colors in the afternoon. and fm kit! u'elurk n reception will be het at thisramp by the otfieers of the Es ex usgiit.4'nt. in- vitations for which hate been "*sued to a large number of'•townspOoplr. Friday night the offleeri will h' the guests of the officer, of the Tied regi- ment at is grand military hall of Hotel Ooderich. The masseo\� will be 'provided by the Blackstone orkhestr•s. ttaturday marring the visitors\leave on their return to \\'indsor. The forty odd tent.' nn the ramp grolmds make it very pilau sur view, with the ,m els and sergenn mess fent' to one side neer the na., elainery hall, which is being used As a dining hall for the men, a kitchen being fitted up at one ehd. The regiment consists of eight rom• pnnirs, but ('omp eny No. 2. which 1. stat' el at Leamington. is not here with the rest of the regiment. Thr Mess band numbers alwu it thirty and the bugle leind about n ware. The men etre ern tegtiler pay during the ramp herr anal aur officer Rona' l.ondun, o1 the regulars, i' here to give the sten scouting Janet ice, etc. A shooting contest between then from the 21.1 autd 3ird regiments will prllaahly take place on Friday. IT'S A GREAT GAME. la *Mintiest from Dawe J.1 ASSOCIATION MATCH. Fifth Round. t'IMton. Lurknow. J. H. flooret% dile-. le W. AWn. skip ... Model len. Meafortk. Ihr. Hunter.aklp.....sa J. M. W.a.aklp 1 J.on.kaen.,A. M. llramlan, • 11 1 $ h' O..w. FWa1L 1: t'14aion. - 1*aadua. .1. H. H(ouver.'.klp....1; A. M. Ileumaan.skiµ1. Uut,rirli, ler. Ranter. bye. • Finals. To he played this afternoon. THE BOWLING TOURNAMENT. Matches Expected toiBe Finished This Ev g. It is expecte{ that' the bowling tournament will Iw brought to n clow• this err ' g. Thr final g in the 111 pry maser was played yesterday afee(1(ou. The scree' sitlou unrated has renchel the litead.sited .1. 13. Mover, of Clinton. ;Intl tt , pr. Hunte/•, of (iulerieh, are to tight it out this eateries ole. It. is expected that. the consolation match and the doodles and singles, which unr far advanced towards the finish. will 14. completed also this eve . g, although it will r•• quite all the daylight that is due thew days to get all the games in. Thr great event of the tournament was the final bow in the trophy match. which was played yesterday afternoon by lir. lis ,r'' Kincardine rink and H. W. 'l'hoollsou's Iucal 1.151... Bee lif these teams had won some bard ioattlrs 1/n their way to the finals. The Th on rink had n narrow shave in the third round. winning from Dr. Hunter's (lever gnartette by one shut. in the semi-finals they gave the famous McCurdy rink. from Stratford. a good heating, and then they tete up against Dr. Bruce and his -Minnie frrhters.' from the sister town up the lake It ,wawa a battle royal and was wool by good playing. At one stage the Kincardine men were rix up. but the Ood.•rich men didn't let that discourage them, And grad- ually they crept up until at the close of the s•rwnd last end they were even with their opponents. Th. last end gave Thomson two shots and the first piece in the tournament, the score being 18 to 16. The members of the victorious rink were E. L. Dickinson, J. Galt, F. Davi'. and H. Vet. Thomson, 'kip. Noyes OF THE TorltNEV. The hoys were glad to see James McMichael. the patriarch of the See - forth club, on the grounds, through he was not nn a rink owing to recent ill - health. May he remain teeny. years yet to trundle the "wee hoots" 1 \Vilhur Anderson is acting as official scorer. Quite a number of (iosderich Old Boys figure prominently in the game. There are Maur R. S. Hays. of Sea. forth. and J. M. Hest from the swine town. teeth skip. --and geed one.. Dudley Holmes, of W1sghem, usually captain* a rink, but this time he played third tot• Skip Crawford. H. J. D. Tooke, of Hrn.aall. and M. A. Humber, of Stratford-, 'deo are play- ing third in their rinks, and there may he ()their. ° An unusual thing happened in a game between the London Thistles (S. O. Swift, skip» and a Sealtorth t ink - the London rink in one end scored with every howl. A n eight end doesn't often MrtlIP within the calcula- tions of it Skip. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. What so nice for -.unmoor wear as n trade-to- ontrr -tilt ! There Is lots of warm Weather ahead of us yet. Prldheim the Idilor `ha. the convert material.. While your family and friend, are with Ton you should srrnnee for a silting at H. H. Sal- low: photo -t ldlu. nest have the meed omeoelble souvenir of their ti -it. All *ores of souvenir vurst. at Wilmer 'smith.* fnndeire and art star. Find street. 11., not fail to call at his Rom and -re Ihr massy a hoire lines he lila, on exhibition. Two person' were fined for riding bicycles tett the sidewalk this week. G. 1'. Bleck has been appointed bailiff of the Gaklerich Division Court, ('glin C*nydwll, Huron road, nude. et Targe ahipulent of live poultry to Toronto on Tuesday morning. The spring chickens neersiga1 If p m s apiece. The Signal 1w in receipt of an invita- tion from the Western Canada Flour Mills ('o. to attend the termed open- ing of their new mill at St. Boniface. Man.. which takes plate today. Farm laborer' exru►sion from Gode- rich to the Northwest di August. lith. The C. 1'. R. ticket office will be open till lee p. in. the previous evening, ws that pull can'ernrr your' tickets. On Saturday lass Mrs. Burn.. an Old lady- who had lived for meant' years on the Huron road, posed awny. Thr timers/ took plater on Monday to Maitland c.'nwtri'y. She was a tnean- twr of the English church. She bawd no n'httiees here and lived alone. A meeting of the town water and light con ttoitlee nn Tuesday night, in- formally diwussed is proposition for the lighting of the outside h•eak- wat'r. The htnia sof the proposal is that the town should furnish the Plee- Iric current if the Government would Metall the necessary connections.. The enntraet for S. R. Hick'e new 14.11141411P 1111Elgin nveinr, nn the lot he recently pnrchaatnllpart of the former (i+irr w property , has been let to ('1d. Yulutg - and H. A.' Tedford. The rounda'i„atje being pit in. The build- ing will Iraq two -start• red brick and Mr, Hick ex to it will he ready for occupation by evemher, PERSONAL" -'MENTION. Mie. Moran Kidd Is rbdtlnant To1Mn. Frank Fitw,s.( Is away um A111,411 to t'nbon -r. Mr*. Hare -bon ern. In Sinftpttl Ihr reed week. Mi.s Nalhkwn Kelly to 'halting friend. In ('oMrurg. qls'.Hattie IlerMxm moor retrite in. Berlin tea. work. Mlvs KilooteeIh im.es 1- visiting In sen Melia and Clinton. Miss'- imlly and Msh.t Unldlhnr)w• %'sited Stretford testeed,y. ItnIa (7eigle era* among the e'enrslnnist- In Strut fol.! t','strnla). Mis' (their. Meleenn. of Dungannon 5. rl-It inw friends In town. Jahn Atohere usny. lila week of Sn ford. ha. Men spending n d • Miss ('aasiely haf returned to Ottawa 1 atter a visit with friends in town. Chas. Melntnah. of ('hieagn, 1. spending holidays in the Old town. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wiesen have re. tamed frnrn their visit, to \Iontreal. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Eaaggle end son. of tit. (:atharinee, are visiting at Mrs. Eagle's nod home here.txw Mrs. W. F. ltezeelwd, of Toronto (formerly Miss Emma Holmes). ie whett- ing at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. i'. Hick this week. Mrs. Oe^ege McMillan. Hayfield road, after spending .nate time visit: Ins relatives and friends at. Ann Ar hoe, Toledo and Detroit., tae returned m h(o.. 't '.i 1 . r few 0. t* Me** Mete -nil. of Orlmnhy, wan the great of MIs. Strong during the were. ire w. Harri.we has genre to Perot ford. se here he Mao a molt inn Ino drug .tore. Miss Annie Clark. of St. Helen., ha* barn *pendinur the week with friend* In town MT. ,and Mrs. ('. A. M -(anw lent,' rMurnM 1n Tmmntn after a tun m.mth trip to Europe. Mew. Ida yen -tine hn. arrived honer from Reetfain to -vend her t &rot Inn at her hnuM hen.. 51rs. 11 Johnston end freighter !enrol hr. of Preotnn. h ere r01111.114).11111111))1111111))r 1 l , otter a .11 in Town. rw..t1.'8 l1bhwmand daefhMe.. aonfd tdwe A fa.M, *tw rias Rilth Standout I.Mnard MrlronaM. of THE SIGN AT.; GODER1CH ONTARIO GODER! CH DISTRICT SUMMER SCHOOL. The aarond session 41 the Gokderieh di-ltjrt sutnnler school for the study of the Bible anti missions was opened on Monday evening by n meeting at Harbor Park. A letrgr tent, contain- ing seats fur •two or three huudred persons, we' pitched close to the pavilion. This wive well tilled. in 'p(tet of the. counter -at treaction of fhr hand 11111141! 1/11 the S11uat•r. After the one ' g exercises. the president of the Ooderu•h diseriet Ep• worth League. Rev. W. H. Graham. 13. A., of (ioklerivii, gave an address of welcome, explaining the objet of the school, the course' of studies and aJdress's prepared for those who should attend, mid heartily wweic - ing all to the enjoyment of the privi- leges and advantages aHurled by the coveting:. The ',erec ion t'rudrreal by the G.sl.•'kit male quartette which was then twndcrtti was utltrli enjoyed. •Het'. O. N. Hazen spoke on the rela- tion of the Jletledisr revival of the eighteenth c.•ut111y to tee tuissiunary sue tyrtrlr;nt of the nineteenth century. Hr showed that in 17147, five yr,tts Ik•- fore 1'a►ey went to India, fhr Methodist collfrreu••e in England appt,iuttel it missionary committee. lir refs•rrd to the utissiuuary• llahlrs of \\'rsley. Coke and Aeleury: ..waking special went inn of tile hurling z'aI of Coke. Rev. A. C. C'our't ire, 1). IS. editor of the Christiatrt (3uatrliatn ft. MC. to IOC, was then introduced by the chairman. Or. Court ice is engaged in teacher -training and is giving the • srhotil A writes nt lessons on j the life of Christ. Though frail in body. Dr. Courtier i, strong in ill• tenet and spirit. lie epuke is few words of encownRReuu•nt and ex- plained taw' plan of his Bible lessons, Dr. Courtice an the Life of Chest. Or Taesday afternoon Dr. l'uurtire gave tar first of his lessons ,on the life of Christ, treating of the birth. boy- hood and growth tet manhood of Jesus of Nazareth. He spoke of the sources of our infut!nation regarding His life, and • pared the gospels with one! another,,showing their cherartrristi.s and the manner in which they supple anent one another : Matthew writing the gospel of the Kingdom; as an account of a historic 'anent, and dwelling on the significance of event. without regard to their sequence in time : Mark. a Jew. writing for Gen- tiles, narrating incidents rather than history. giving us the gospel pf action and confining himself largely to the ministry in Galilee ; Luke, the secbol- art' Gentile, setting forth in under the events of Christ's ldr : John. writing for Christian believers,. making pto- minent the person of Christ, the Word made flesh. his theme being the King, as Matthew's is the Kingdom. Dr. l'uurtice was followed attentively, by all preeent and closed his i,'ss(w by asking roil. review questions, the eyeteeth's( of which proved that his labor bad not been in vain. - Missionary Addresses. Two missionary addressees followed, one by Rev. T. A. `Headman. of Bay- field, on New Ontario : the other by Rev. M. Anderson. of Blyth, on Indian mission work in Canada. The former described the work of Methodist mis- sions in Northern Ontario for the hast fifty years, mentioning the labors of iohn N. Lake, Silas Huntington. the Moorehonse brothers, and Rev. Mr. Galloway: He described also the of our dining home old Iw/ material resources of that par. Province and emphasized tit of the I heruten on the churches, Rev. Mr. Anderson has the Methodist circuit -rimier'. abhnrren manuscript and felt obliged to ttpote- gize for having brought some with him. He evidently did not. feel *t hnume with his notes ani did not con- fine himself to them by any means. His areount of missionary work among the Indians was very interest-, ing. He told of the deputation of heir Flathead Indians who at•uie a century ago travelled from the Col- umbia river to St., Louis to get the white man's Book of Heaven And whn pttL.ticnlly expressed their grief when they disap- e ailed ,mud y t p�ointuent to gt't it there. Mr. Anderson advo- cated keeping the Indian children at retool for eight or nine months in the year, instead of three alontbs, and deitouneed the present methox1 hf netting the Indians as wards of the ti..vrrnment instead of making them independent citizens. with full rights and responsibilities. Everting Session. In the evening the tent ens vended and every gout was occupied. After a song service, the chairman. Rrv. B. Clement, called upon Rev. A. K, Hicks, 13. A,. of Me,tforih, for his address on ••Th.' Present Opptrhrn- il y." The smhjeet of the address waw the opportunity ettinrelel by the home mission's espeaally gthe settlers crowding into one Northwest. The speaker exhorted leaguers to "gee the work" and to "melee the work." to be house tel-sirynaries in their own Writ.. 11r4 and to keep up the metalwr•Mhip of fhr I.eagate's. Mrs. Norman, wife of Rev. 1). Nor- man, missionary from Japan. gave an interesting expinnatlnn of inure of the indirect tnethodg of bringing the gos- pel to the people of the land of the ris- ing sun. Hie illnetratinne exhibited the Christian tact, that is PO necemart in all efforts to win souls ter Clod. Even "afternoon team' Ore made to do service for the Master. Mas. Norman referred to the treatment of the Rus- sian prisoners be the JAps during the late war and ehti,n,r1 that the influ- ence of Christian trashing and Chris - time Meek was evident in their spirit of humanity. Wednesday Afternoon SIMMMS. Rev. .1..W. Robinson. of Dungan nun, had :charge of the afternoon meeting on t\'e'dneeday.. Dr, Courtier. give his second lecture,enn the Life at Christ, taking up the baptism and temptation of Jesus. and his Jiodates u ministry. He explained the signifl- caner et the baptism, the snaugurr.- tinu of the Messianic ministry. and of the tewptaatione to suer wrong or uu• worthy methods and to conform to the expe'tationa of the slew/ m-'garl- iug the Mesejah, which Jesus had Its oyer( In Chia period occurred His first cleansing of the temple. His nt.t miracle aaud first disc1/wsen ; the ft tends tt'hu afterwards 'weenie His de...id•s were alai met for the Hist tiler in Judaea. Joh! re Iscariot Was the only MO* of thea) that belonged to ,ludas. The main sourer of informs. 1ben regarrlimg this {k•rilk' is Ji,hc's g.wprh with Matthew- ,cud Luke's for the baptism and temptation. 1)ururstir• missions iu Brit lett 1 4 hist were di.e.tssrd by Rev. A. H. Brown. H. A., B. D.. it 'Varna. The story of British Colauuhja front the 1ivar of its dies:nt'ery to the present, the. gre:ttnees of the rg.ulrr(.'s of this we -tern Province, anti the mis.'iuuary work there since ie.u, were taken up in turn. nryant. Evans, Lucas. Browning and others were Mentioned us pio..eeus in preaching the gospel in the Pacific Province. • hr. ('ourtirr gave sante ineidtnls t bat cans under his notice While he was stat' et.) at Vernon, H. C.. 'Mistiming the eever- helping .f work by fhr Pi..trstaut churches in the new sett lenient s. Hrv, F. Swann, of Holulesyille, wets intl.lucel by the chairman as one welt»urthy to illustrate by his life are t: ell as by his words the 'True Lutw of Christian Beneficence," which was the subject of his address. Mr. Swann aulvewe.tel the tithing system and urged all to proportionate. systematic and cheerful giving. If possible re than one-tenth should be given for religious and charitable work. Look to the West. In the evening Rev. W. E. Kerr spoke to a crowded house on missions among the English-speaking settlers lin our new Provinces. He gave an earnest and stirring address, pointing nut the evil intltiences that draw our British and American brothers who settle in the West away ftvnu the gos- pel and Christian living, showing the necessity of evangelizing the Anglo- Saxon element, the leaders in. the new country. the most important, the most ninaernes and the most easily reached by Christian missions. The reverend gentleman knew whereof he spoke, for he spout some months armorer the ranchers and farmers of the West. He urged that we sl Id send them the gospel and too so speedily. The Sunday School and Mtasions. .1. A. Jackson, seretary of the Pro- vincial Sunday School As.oci'tion, gave a thought-provoking and timely addles -on Simnday ach.ols and nets cion+. He c1 el that they are One,' and that there is no need todiscnss "tit.' relation" between them. He laid e unefscose n miabinnarythbliInntmiir talhr presenatedtineI.'t Mndday school periodicals on the mis- siooarien themselves, who failed to supply the editors with items and in- formation though the maturing of the pnblicatinns are thrown open to theist. Sunday schools should he s.appirt.d by the church, as a department of church work, then all arinnry raised by the school could he devoted to mss• siollat-y, educational, rharltable fonds, or given for other similar objects. He :Mowed the danger there exists of dividing the church into Old and yolang members, If the idea should be- come too prominent that the Sunday schools and Epworth la•agies were mainly for raising fonds for missions, while the test of the church work and Hnancet shwasit he in the hinds of 111. older menalwrt. This vigorous speech was followed ele set• by an attentive, if not fully sympathetic, audience. Morning Prayer -meeting. The morning 1lr'yer-Ine'tings at 7 n dltw'k have brought out a few own- ed workers to pray for missinns and for League work in general. There lure not so many camping in small tents this year : only one tent was pit up : it is occupied by a num- ber elf y g ladies front Clinton. The tempers and others who hilve COMP in to the Mmonwr school gener- Ally find their way to the early umeet- ings. which are bright ami helped even if not largely attended. To Continue throughout the Week. The meetings of the stnnmer school ere to continue throughout- the week. A *erred concert o tn be given this (Thursday) evening in North street chutrh : it promises to he an excellent one. Through the kindness of the ufltcrts of the h:'asrx Fnsilierr end the members of the town round'. the np.tt-air concert on the Square has been withdrnWn. (ht Friday and Sat- urday Rev. 1►. Nnt•man, from Japan, will deliver addresses ; Dr. Daniel. to former pastor of North atrer't church. is 'Olin nn the peregrine . These iWo ministers will os•cupy the pulpits of North 'street and Victoria street churches on Sunday. The meetings have been very intet•- esting end helpful. as in shown by the Inrge Attendance, which loan enema. - aged the speakers and the officers of the districl league. There Asewee- ent. a goodly !emitter of Leaguers free sweetie' in the district oallalele the town. including many who attended the *clued led year. No charge is made for tegislrat ion and Attendnnee ; the expenses (he defrayed by funds raised by cnlli•ctk.n' at the meetings' and by the rnneett. (>oderlrhx he vldeng at'111a rest tame of W. 11. Mclaroy ('. H. Iltmuher amt 4'. RPMi.ffnnTnr"dnv far Pet.rhnrtrtaWh to amend the mond Later of Ito laldfrllow.. Mr. nerd Mr*. M. t'nrtrn have retnrned to then Irani at Howell. Miere after n 'holt with 1 heir mint le e* herr. I', D. Mei 'artily left nn \I In' maiming for %ante, to take the position of w•nt>(t mate with ('Opt. Shephard. • ' Harry tale., of Ware. Sowsand MI-. Alice hetes, of Toronto. are 'Idling al the parented ho,... Nna ant., .t rent. Miss Dein- Modely Is home from Toronto for her s'a.,at Ino. which .he Intends .perding In (Indere+ and 1'.tsrrnr. .1, Todd. ren emend manner m,5nehee I►i[h Srhorl. hno been spending the week with hl* merle. F.. J. Heelball, Fuel street. M. W. Howell male trips to Temente end ten,lon Chi. week In erenneet ion with lila work as egret for the Planer nightie/ *velem. Mee. Areherlfnlmerly Mo. Ne11N ('hry•1wl returned toner home al Owen Amend heeler- day, eelerday, effete visit of serest weeks In town. Mia.'n Irene and Kdlth Itldolnh refnrn til• week to iletmll nft.ra'pelt atthe rowMenee I of Mr. and Mn. ('ha*. Wee*. Heyt eM rood. ( Mies,* Houle and Fal* .ynnite. the Wow* !totem*. of W'lnniper. end Mime chines. of London. left re.terdnr morning her !merlon. M1.•. Carrie Campbell of the teaching *tan of Peri*. Ont.. I• •pendens Itwn epee. 'lotting at the rnaldwner M John W'elk.,. Nelsen .trees. R. It. Mallow. *tad F11,11 ttm)ehey ere attend lurk the minuet amt entente of the Photo. another* .tronehetlon *t NI*gwr* rens this week. MI« Florence N*bel reiterant' on Tnwalar from Tne•mttn *rvvmtpenleed M- M1- Rm. school staffat Areola. task. Hari many Mode - nett friend* wtob her uua•hsocox•.-au.d pleasure la let new 's -at lou. NI 1)0, (Mee Sharman, of Chicago. nlrout panned by her (mend. illi.( Margaret Heeley. left fur home Moo.tay alter spending len dim - vWhite their wooly friends Isere, part sur the thee bt•i.ag -pent at the Pridbauu-Shnrmau c Iwptn,t View* at Heeyttelel lir. W. 1'. Hayden hoe returned frau him trip to the West. He l e hada eery enjoyable vacation slid managed to "es a goad deal of the newt t'a made In hl. two wpulh: trip. Mis„ Kut incline Hayden, of ttheptaoltwt. who aeru111- panied Ialtu on the trip. ret arucd a it to him. Mr automobile )arty. con -toting of E. 1'. Hoar ural Ns so+. bunion. of foruulo, Jame. Jeckell and 111.. !aura Jorkell. of Exeter, was In town yemeeed,). Thee ( ear up truth Keefer In the mooning In Mr. Howe* ear and In the altrnloun Matic a eon to Port Albert. Tb.- re t utI nt to Exeter this mooning. C. H. ikay, who is 110a' With the t'nlun dank at Ramie, l•-Is•udieg et week in town. ( •herhe think. there Is uu pl).0 like Ualrrlcb, and to. h.i, had such osal tine meeting lite box. whom he knew here ten or three year. aim that he. Minks we should hoer a (:oder((' old boys' reunion next year. N.et a heel idea, either. 511.S. Mcl.elbtp and daughter hazel, of Kotlt Mir. Marie. Mich.. are visiting sat the twilit. of Mr. and Ali,. 1). Boyd. Heti 5h ermine and Otto I.u..uquisi, of Cltietign, arrived last eve ' g to spend it fe'w•days with Mt'. shaman's relatives here. Neftel. whn will visit at the ri.dden's. of T. ('. Naffed. hr. ,1. M. Turnbull. of Trine.! Albert, Mneek., 1• renewing e4,1 oempinintannmetelp. In town and 1• revel% brut a hearts wr,rrora' fneto it's many friend*. Mr. and Mr.. W.5 !taker and t.ln children left me their return to I1etrMt y-MrnLt,' ramm- ing. after n ai-11 at the reeldener of .I01it1 Keel. ('hnreh start. Mr. and Mr...lanlr. RInseban and dnnghtee Mnrx,ret, of Stoll Me. Marls. Mira.. are the ``west- of their ne)dtrw, Ione. A. in mho n, SI. (Fertrge'. e'ren-rn I. Alpert and Mho Ln a eentekr'11, of Westfield. awl Mir, W Innle (ordom. of lowknow, erre In town this week. MIs,. Campbell M remaining here to attend the simmer arum. Iter. and Mr.. Arth*r flkr orris., tonight from Sings, Manitoba, for a x1.11 with relative* In town. Rev, Mr. (Ike ha. rrerratl)' been nrpointed to (Mehra MVP,. an Indian ud..dnn stet nn In the dyed. Mia. Nellie Metlill1e.dy left no ',retro last foe n .bort vldt et Hresoel-, before returning to her home In Toronto. thering her rt•lt In (aaterirlt .he wn- n gem? nt the re•idot'e of Mr. and Mr•. !frith,. Writ...10y street. 1..1, Mernrr reteirnrd Prem hl- the through the West 1*,t 5 Harty.HA(.oM Olt n'm- ref hi.' lend and tutrrheesred Nn acres In menthe, pan while nut them. Mr. Merner now nw•ns n.eo peine 'vre*efIntel In the eV. stern Ibne Mem Zeirleh Herald. The Si ed howl n Matsui ^ell nn Mneelm from t. F:, dentia in. e,f set racy Nyghl, in, onto. who le elan the proprietor of The Ply, 1. ilwndanl. Mt. Hnedwin woo In town for the day wl1h hl• wife end (Amity. who am -till melding at Myth. Me. Skelton, who few the )w -t1 wn yen r. ha- heen rennn,-tiM 1.111 IA Thr tSgnel. left )4.4m -dry aflernomt to leeks. * Iar,Itlnn on the pnhtle CHURCH NOTES. • Rev. W. W: Stoddart of Fulton. M.... will {moult at teeth servhea w Knox church next Ne bleat h. - The tioderich distri Meeting of the .ltteh.elist ehun•h is wing held in Kurth-st. Methodist ghee eli today. Mr. Wm. Itaithhy w•i avoiding the reguleraervi('rs in 5 lieHa{ iso chnrrh Sunday next. The pasta is absent Mr this dale in con:ei h) with an- niversary srewires at +a f1/ IIIPI• ap- ' pemtuu•nt. The arrangements fur next Si day's services at the .Methodist chili es of town are 145 (1,111etvs .' Hrv. (leo. 1) Ciel, Ph. 1).. as banter parlor, will prem. in North street Minimalist rhumb in Ir morning and in N'icturia pettier, chore in the evening. Rev. 1). Norman, A.. will preach in Victori., street church in Ihr •ring and in North Mt eel elter(h in the evening. The pea(•a'atlartlt of the Lori's Mup{wr will follow the public nerviee in each church in'the ruing. Wanted lnformatiore To illmsh•at.' ae print of et:deer:tit Sir Henry t'atnphrll•Brmnerman, the English statesman. has !wen Telling his comet iteletlts a story id einall boy who went to hie uiamuua and asked her to lend hitt s pencil. "Hut." said the mother, •'I left a pen and ink ter you to do your lessons with crit the 1 AUGUST SPECIALS ('upvright hooks. 'reviler $1.2 and $1.51. ('!raring at 76c each. Among the slow, will `L' found the following ttweks. When It Was Dark. The Work of Our Hands, I % Keay,. The Heart of the Ancient Wood. by ttwlw'rts. The Bar Sinster. by- Hiehau,l Harding Davis. Tommy and Co, by Jerome E. J1411111P. When Patty Went to College. Old Gordon Graham, t v the nnlhur eet "Letters of a Self made Merchant to has Alma malty others of the near • opyrighl Iaoke. NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES clearing balmier of our lox(d t.ii ,p aper p and enveleees at ..n Ihtasine.s hours: S :a.ut. 1. 1,.111. Terms Strictly Cash. Geo. Porter Court House Square, Uoderich This is Vour Opportunity Ourishelv'es must be cleared for our new stock of FALL GOODS. To make room for these and clear, out the balance of our Summer Shoes we are determined to SAC- RIFICE PROFITS. We will offer for the next two weeks reductions in prices of zo per cent. NEVER BEFORE WERE. SUCH VALUES OFFERED SO EARLY IN THE SEASON Downing & MacVicar MEMEL nursery table. Why don'ts:yull, use tial*, hint rad of a pewit 3" l letret e em hesitated fur a n+t•uaenl, ••I)nn't you think. tea a," he said :it length. "that 'nor Times is it very useful puape•r:^ Ilf ronrar 1 du." answer. in. i, -loll what . "%Veil. the little Lid explained. •'1 w'e• pencil to write to the elit1/t and a h u what'll take ink- stains ...it 01 ra wet." /.'slight soap is Dater testi otter soaps, but is bit when used is the Sunlight way. Huy Sunlight asap aid follow directuara Fall Term S .pt. 4 �o1s VOU ARE .INVITED TO WRITE OFA THE .JLLUSTRAT D CAT- ALOGUE a THE • MOST 'SUCC -SFUL COMMERCIAL +COOL IN WESTER ON- TARIO. le'tel►I'.a'I'l - I.er 1'o+ITIU'. - ITHE Berlin Business Colle .e 1.1 1.11: 1'rn,ds 1, The Underwood WATCII REPAIRIN6 1- ()UR. SPECIALTY \\ illy gnaralitr, .,,i1' work H. PARK Jeweler and Optician Simi ll side Square oy Wanted A '_ I opportunity is open t'; a boy, 14 or 15 }cars of , to learn the NUS ,%talion! M W. E F. ELLIOTT, • Telephone No. 100 e.t.a i. h, most,..,,. 1 Agent int PrintiTrade. One havin passed his Entrances mination ( desired. Apply at The Signal 'Q1fice. 'Phone No. 25 • THE HODGENS STORE (_ Squareuse I LACES AT THE HALF-PRICE\ MARK It is not the policy of this business to car one season's stocl`C 'into another. Newg oods must come to each de rtment with the re- turn of the season. That is the reason for the many special bargains you have found here the past few weeks, and for the announcement today of our ANNUAL HALP-PRICE SALE OF LACES. Lace stocks have been gone over and every piece that is not all the year round goods and many of them as well, have been laid out on our bargain tables and you can take your choice commencing Saturday for EXACTLY HALF-PRICE. There are laces of all kinds, from narrow edgings to all -overs.' No matter what they sold for, one-half that price is all we ask on for Saturday. It will be well worth your while to come. " One -Quarter Off" Sale of Waists and Underwear l t Not so many waists or so much nnllerwear to sell as there was ago, Lel still many a bargain to lie picked up if you conte soon. We to clear the Waists and un(ikrwear stock to the last. garment. Not on , a t some extra tine corset covers and some of the best white waists still to are now marked ONE-QUARTER .LESS than original price. if you with Re odd waist, or a piece of dainty underwear,:it is a good chance to at a saving. a week are going istnil(' Barri over. fere area t'ew s ed T�k'artsfair of+sottinl'nt of gowns an(i 8 fancy Parasols. All new tau season, clearing new at ewe -quarter eft en a OS. l(lrawers, ell. All can (10 et them, ars' black ton hose man dye. quality nal 3 pair for sot..