HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-9, Page 7I'iIK SIGNAL : GODERIU11 ON'I'41I:I(► I Tat Rs Al, Aneuet 9, 11'06 7 404449**++4 s oksi9+4ciiint' i4 -4-''''x• r ` 411019` ;' ' 5; °4 + 4119+` e�# The News of the District. V4°44°44 °444'* 44[64 446464°454 4° +4+4'54.64°44.4 46-40A445444=41446* KINTAIL. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. DUNLOP. 'TUESDAY, Aug, 7th. Hobert Quaid Ikea week watt build- ing Dr cement wane in hie cellar, the sand and gravel for which he had drawn some C • ago. Miss )Cva Dunlop was out from llelrred.1111' nthereveinng sewing *eta. of the t waves of the echoed in eon- nAe•tin With her engagement se pre- eeplre7s in succession to Miss Ciente- Ion. Work on the cement abutments for the bridge here is progressing, and es the count)' engineer Wile caIl(d away to ser 10 other cuntr:tcte he 11404 appointed W. F. Young. of loyal, to NII the position of insps'16r. Air. 1- g is a good maul for the work. An error in our arti4It. ea last iNMa i with reference to North street, (od- evieh, eighteen years ago llmldr if appear that Rev. Father Loi)• con- tinued ars curets. to Hey. Father \\'ea, whereas when Father West became parish priest Father le.ty left teetered'. On 1Vtdrlesduv of this week our Re- iner reeideut John Lawson. who fur the pawl six years has been part nee In the Gealerirh planing mill, will New the knee to Cupid. He is to he rigid to Mise 1(cllumrrie, of near Hruseels. A large circle of friends here and .4t L4..4,urn wish Mr. Lei'. ..011 a happy journey on the sea 114 utatriuu)ny. . The stalwart form, 111 Jelin Hyan, who for so Many years has 1hreehe'l 1 the bane.uHthe west slit1Mion of 1 Aherne. will this ,ea.on 11411 lw wren here. Mr. Ryan leaves in a few days for\Manitulut, going; 011 the harvse- en. xrlll•'ioll, with a field 141 sewing the I(1 them. On Th.rwhty .1 hist week e• took his hig engine see well known\here to Blyth, the shrill whistle \lvaking up the Loyal 11411.4145. 1'o,'I .w I •Iles and the sleepy Auburn maids as it. passed. L.EEBURN. 4tisu.tt, Aug. 7th. The followin left for Stratford on Saturday bast to the doings in the Chime. ('ilv : Mi. LinkInter and sis- ter Elsie, Mr. and r,. Jae, Chisholmu and Miss Amur M raw. • We understand • t Daniel end TleonaM Carney have urehased a self• feeding thre*h.r for the sea5on'll threshing along the leek shore, owing l0 114101 Hyen going out 1 the thresh- ing business. here. There is a desire on t e part 44 the• ratepayers of the. wester division of 1'ulMorne that the lake his 'at the feast of Butternut row shoed 11 pre - 'tired forgeneral use. no that i e.uld e used for drawing up gravel 1)r ,is a driveway for pleesurseeeeker'. . eg- ged are being mune that an 1 t,• e4' two on the dupe down to the ht "e. '.6.441141 he purchased from Nesse. Vanish and James Chisholm and need es a public park for picnic parties and 1 'ly gatherings for th.• ketoses of the neighle. ho(d. When the c,mnril pita the (reed in repair private rille.'iptinns Fran Mime of the elite.ly. I.:wh.•l4)'. might '4.1 the Tull 1.,Iling ands • of the heading men of Pup• 1 ,, How and Carlow might renew snit. The it.•111 with reference Io4heTurn- bull meroloreel in lel week'. Signe' waw read with deep interest here. as the deceast'l lady was well known herr• 4 ' ( to elode/irll 14411 bride when Rev. Ur. Turnbull wee . al:linrd 47141 npplinlr I to :i1i.1 the late Hrv. UI. 1'11• in ',hello. of Knox r•h,t,li. U,slerieh. Lw•burn a 11 41 1' 11 i o n church.•For over three years Nr. ,tel MI'sTended! worked and 7.1*11ed among the people herr. 1111'r which 11t. Turnbull accepted a call Moot SI. Marys. when. he 111Mer•(1 for tonne vents previous to taking his preeelit hares. in Toronto, the 44'x'.l Presby- terian (•hireh. Mr.. 'Dunhill! w•e• Vet v highly esteemsel•h.r.e and *hoer whom she workwl with end whom' children she taught in the S' lay .. bend hat'. 1put 4111 a building 111 el farutT 131141 AS A 3.11114( Menlo' ine o rhr g.1011 11141.4.111..e wife taken from [twin in the midday of this transient life.. SHEPPARDTON. Mose. Y. Aug. nib. Rev. F. Me'h,ffy. a former resid,lt of Port Albert, with his wife, visited old friends here last week. The Presbyterian church is 4lo..d for the month of A14g.. t, a1 the pas- tor, Rev. 1', Rutherford, is away on his 4•M•atism. l(rlert Scutt and Clayton 'While, the latter n former school tea,Jier el Port Albert, Vieited (ride', in 1►m - gomem Inst Fridley night. _ , 11TH'. Emilinr' Hayden fins reterned frons rhr 11'eet, whet.•, with her ne•{{lhett, Dr. N-. Y. Hayden. of Grebe ricFl. she had been visiting rrbativee for the past t we months. They lu- pine having hall a Very Injlyabl4 t 11114'. While visiting at Knoell unr' ,Ii' 1115* week our of the 1 wins of 1'..rt Albert ,and a (1r)l41•t• .O1(01 lrnrlter of that place had the mi'fol•t • to have their veiled.• taken. One of them )las seen trying .141hn (111P1n's plan but got di'4.onrege•d and had to go INut and get Kenneth s buggy. and arrived hone. in lilur to Inter' a little nap .41141 ebir1 hark to return the borrowed and plaint their own property. PORT ALBERT. Trhepee, Altg. 7(11. list•, C. N. Rethirfnrd he taking ,► titonth'- Vncnt' Miss Semi nun, of Onondaga, 1' ri/it- ir,g her comm, Mise E. Young. Rev. T. Hicks and Mi.. Hicks visited Aiming their parishioners here last week, Walter Hawkine left. fur 1A'IlllIi ng' II* Inst Friday to spend three weeks in that town. 'We expect in the very near future tit have telephone ronnerliot) with outride pointer, R4inella, Edwin and Ifarhie Mel ee- halt. ere in lierlit� this week. attend- ing n reunion In that town. Ret. P. W. M,hnffy and Mrs. Mah,lf1•, of Alvi'11tnn, were here Lost [reek for n few (I yrs ruling. Clayton Whit , who taught herr Islet year, in re) ew•ing ncglle1^14ner- ehipet in and area nil the tiling.'. 1' The farmer. in this vicinity n4' nearly through\ with their hart 1. The rrnprl are tfnrning out way this year. Mr. end Mrs, j .1. H. Na in.. and family and Mille Sne d, Onderich, plenieked here ton lir of loot week, Mtge Tout SMI, returned ttemateline 911 week's visit 148th het niers, Nellie their horse neer turtle'', after a *tire,. here. NILE. l'elowtr, Aug, 7111. Chas. (iirvite j1•., of St. Links, is viaiting at 1401114'. Fred Corey is hulfrons the Moo on a visit to bhelm. father. Ve 411. Corey. Herbert. Hervey Ire%PS this weak for the Sial, whert• he expects to spend the mints. A n let• from here ere litleuding ,(ine of the erosions of the. summer Khoo' i1) li,eleriell this week. Rev. Ernest Phillips. of England, who is visiting in this neighlN,l'IIINMI, occupies) the pulpit here hast S I•:1.Wel't11 l*•aglle 141pi1' nett week ai11 be "11y Favorite Parablennd,Hnw It Help. Ate," taken by Mrs. ('has. (.irviu. COLBORNE. Tresn.tit :amt. 7111. Hey. J. S. I)nwm has les seater to keep house for him. MIs. Colli'a,n has left for Alitch'f td stay a few days with her datghtet. Mr. awl Mrs, Brien were the guests of Mr. and 11r•s. Alarelel 4(u Sunday. Mr. amid Mrs. 174'iede4'11u11. returned o1) 1lenday to their home, S•116114w, AI i.•11. The ( 'oll.fl'tle Sunday school hits I. cidesl to celeln•.04' harvest 11,11114. M time its Sept e•lilel•. NI r. 1 'ollis*n is afflicted with Aeinl- eism, so that he is u1):4111e to work. His teeny to heels wish hill speedy r,.oyerl'. • • .1r. Youugld4Ns1. the thresher, has engaged' Pully \yodel fur the thresh- ing season.. %'111 Yotinghln.ul. 1)l the Hlock, tithes 1',11104 pen.•. ot1 the farm. 41'. 11111 ba, sol.\ thirty -ax 1.4.341 :41141 M. flick heir head 4.r their fat .,1[114. The 4.41144 reeeiV1d wvw eerie - tie -tory. Th.- 41411 le were 4Irli erred en Saturday at liodrllch. Severed of our farmers expel•, to hat ,i their entire wain -crop seemed by the end 411 !hie week. the welcher Laing favorable, Un 'the whole the crop in' this section is nil rx.'.II(nt olle. eats es w•1 albeing lee et. than f r wcrral spars µtM t- DUNGANNUN. ' A. NEN l'.1N, DENTIST. I.1 ('K- 11, eow. .t. ho14u• 1.1(ryday event Thur de) New Wined, for extractina tee, h •w for ma. bet ler than 44 .. 1•row•u owl bridge work els: Ale u.in ns. piste. 401.7, bn'akiblr.. N. B. -eon run nlw.o' have tour work better done in 14+4' dental peek. • time.. better twilit ie. for doing the work, more cool tamable for the patient. • �t ()TICE. THF: LOCAL A(.F:N('Y Li in taiga/an muofor The Sigurda,firthe 1'u•i- uln.r (look fool Stele/Oen' Starr, met 'All, M. Le-111rvi w411 nve 01.11417.nb e -r. (or-.4npnon-. adie•rtdret 011.1 4014 work. end t• :tuition...0d to gi..• receipt. for fu,o,i1P µ.id for rhr mum•. Fee:suer. Aug. 7th. Don't forget nit' 4.14•i1' holiday. Aim- ee( '2'nd. Jilt unr mote week of lielid:n•s for the seho 41 children. Miss Sale...1 l.imdon, is visiting at 11 • home of Airs. Bice. i(s lames, 41f Toroalo. is the gee of her .nein, Urs 14 1 Young. Alis. Augustine, of (*.elerich, is the ((iyeet r her brother, 1). E. Augustine. T. 44 . Hen .11111 fatuilj' spent Mater day and 111141*)• nigh friends in (bode rich. M1.. Pink ey And daughter, 44 1i4ea- Gnih, ei•4' v icing at Mts. Geo. llrul' (ot'd'e. • Ali -s ('4'l a it Wel has gime 1.4 Gilofrii(II to a lend the •r sch,wd. Mis.est (ihldv a .1 \Inrgnn•t 141wi41 err visiting Mi.. 1 •Mut '74 lI'4 l in I *4444410i. Mr. and Afro. Ih1br, Kirkten, ate - visit Mg 141,. and Mrs. Ig fir %Val' the. week. '1) nied by is it fii,•n.ly 11 r•. 1tr. terse, ,4e Etb.l(11111144.ige.art•4 et Hewell. Het'. .1 W. Rabineen. i 411111 family- ;44e in IiI)lleri:'tl alien it rhr •111111111r1..4.110411 The buyers are reeling ,bound rti n and packing apples will scorn beet order..? the day. Geo, Crab'. avid little datlghler, Ihantflrl, visited at the home 41f 31r. I)ee%es Ihis w'teke \ft•. Mole has a very neat sign nos in frr et of his barber '4*: up. X11'. Align.... tinedi-1 the work. Alley 11141141 \\'illi'., of Diem, ie spending (Iris week with her friend, Miss Mend whynol. .fes. [1'11)'11[41 and daughter Ida te- tnrned ITo1)i Detroit, per strunl'r King Edelen'. S 11) night_ Mier 41*rjorie I1c11at1e slaughter of .1. 4'. 1Ii•1lalth, is spending her taea- * o*) with her grumble.* here•. Ora. And.•rmon, .1 buck ptsl'.1 through unr tillage on Tuesday. He 1'. ...it en his ted 1111Mri1414 looking up g11.141 apples. Mrs. Andrew M Ireule and Mrs. T. W. Lillie ate tinder the doter's rue nt piesrnl. IVP hope ,414011 111 heir of their recovery. The directors of the Nest \Vneet. mesh Fire In.nrume CO. meet ns Iwnal !hie month and Mel smite an ,unennt of lnisi414.e l4 tatl.nl•t• Misr.. Ruby sold Meta Hohin.ton visited their sister, 71t's. 11 •r. for a few day. and ,414' remaining in (Melee rich on their way home. On Sunday evening lest n ,eV4're wind and rain stole) passel (45.4.1' our vill:Ig.• and uprooted Meme tees, but no further daurage wee done, D. F. Johnetdn, of Owen Sound is viniting atthe home of Alex. Pent- land. Airs. Johnston and &emitter intend returning hemi' wit h hien in :4 few (lays. We s4'II(• ane Mr. and Al.. Ell. i(ob- item' and fondly. of Pontiac, citizens of • village. Mt. 11.111 on has gene into punted ship w his brother Fred in the bother 1lntne'.s herr. What is the met ter w 1 the (4'P11111- ery'n preparing elm Iutter for heed trade ? I1. i.,itnpl de to get enough Mutter to 7nppl)' - P local mist 11111 here Miner the ere eery lees leen in oper- ation. Mr. 11,1 and Rah. 11.wor' hey.• ine' peeve (heir Melding+ hi' cement bee. ng, anti the buildinggs err car to t' ,4 1r(dit to them. Tile esenent. ilders are lent' preparing the Idl+el•' for Mr, Render'.Im's house this week. Miller's Grip Powders ride. For ode by Jit*. WlMnn. We eenn't. always Moe Ming. red mon tea : but meet people will here a way of their own. Thole un*ightly pimples ran he en- tirely removed by the nee of Miller's 1'ompound Iron fills. SII doses for •lir rents. For sale by Jit*. 1Vi1.nn. 'I'1F:wu.sv, Aug. 7th. Dick wears *smile. It's it girl. Niles Mail ie Si•nnitt hex returned to l'hb'agu. Andrew 141.11llrhie• slant Su1)dsy at the PokIt farm. Mita: Au11A• \Ic\lurchie has returned 1 from liudrl•i(h. Mise Catharine 4Vhitty spent a few eht)•s at 1.,11.•14 the I1141 week. Miuuai Styles has returnee! to the Soo after spending a week at his 1 herr. M1.., (ievrr•pe Douglas. of Luckllow. is visiting her mother, 7r:s. H. A. ('at•riek. Miss Agnes Johnston has left for her home in New York. after visiting• f•ieends here. Ales, 1). McKay, of Veiny River, is visiting her parents, Mr. and 11[x. (ielirefe D11.1111311. J. Stedelfelurr, of Fordwich, our Ginner chews. -1)4111.1.1, paid a (tying visit here on Sunda)'. e ST. HELENS. F:Ml.t v. Aug. 711.. .10hn ('lark returned to his pi..item in P11toburg 1414 Saturday hist. \piss Annie Clark writ to li(derish on Sat tit to Aland a few days. John Melee...tie1uu Wilt. to'roronto, we understand to take a lg lnition. Frank 'r.e111 spirts a rlhleedired Leggy. the fist in the nei4l.1Nu•h1s4l. 11r. and Mr.. 441 rld:o'i, of Vernon. H. l'., visited at the 1111111.4• on Toe. - 11a V. Misses Mary and Jlorgaue•t ('L0•k epee.* Tnee ht)• visiting friends in Dim- mouton. 4'hrisleno H. Aliller went 'to hude- rirh on Tuesday to spend as week'.'. holidays. \\'. s. ,,('Instie and Lewis W'eath- erhead went to linderieh nn Imeine-s Saturday. Mcliilir' A 31.'1)(nlld es enmenred the season'. Ihleshina on 31ontlaly art 744'. F:. Gordon's.1 P' Off Held et wheat 141,'. Uordun had al vielJ of otter ii4i) Imehel'., aft average of over :*I bushel, to the acre. 'I'his is vomited an exceptheta11)' g(NN1 field for this year. 1 P. ('link had a '.1un11 blaze at his place 4,11 'I't) Ill")lIll v. Ile hard Tern es- 44acting hoary e1)d going int • dinner left a lamp which he had been using, h4lrning in the building. On cooling out f4' linncr the building was 111'.. .'o','lli'd t, 114' ,n flr. '11*.' al.irni 144.1.111 oma sou1)ded .mad the lu,k.•t hriga,le set ' ediltel• to work. After a few minutes lively work the Hre alee got err control. being 1r111ined chiefly 114 the roof .4 the. latilding. If there had liven a wind 14uwing the 11)•., weuld (erteif4,ly have leen more e•r4 lI(', es the ludo, nml ether build- ings %%vie nese by. Ae it w•a. the 1(,. will bol la extensive mei is covered by in•uranee. WESTFIELD., T1• F:sn.i', Aug. 7" 3hl.i,r F:wart 'and Miss Fa11111 Carr, cf K'rkton, visiD,1 friends herr• last ti eek. Airs. David ILlin'.y is still in a very poor state .1 health. We hole -nn 1.. hear of her r•(•nyery. \t"rlliam IL414fon1 has Igen (11104' i11 dist nig the !141.' Werk. hal i, w'nlr• What letter at t' • 1'1' WI'i*1(144 The nn4114erwery s4'rvi(•(e of the 1)nl'n41.nw.414 ;INN ttlit:tient ate to he 11.441 on Monday and Alundfv. septets. - lar 11th end lInh. \lir.': C. M.('Iitemi, 1Irv. John \I. - 1)onnll, 111+. .4linnur and Ali.. 1).•14 A11I►ow•ell ate. attending the Mn1)um1'r cMsd at (G.wldl'i,II Ode week. 5Ii,7. 1Vnmifrsl Oordoi; of Leek - now, f. spending a few weeks at the resident a of her •1.•, \V. H. 4'amp bell, also with 31,141.4' Goble.in I1a1.- !aeon. of (intlrrich. E.% it Art...- A recent issnr of The 47'etaskiwin T' 'M hes the follow- ing reflt'nce to the 111:41riege of a niece of \1'111. Melee rt)''4 : ••A joyous 1141 happy event t.e4k plan. at the 1idellre of 4'Int'k Hlwlver. Hnsen.nl1. '1'iteeda ' evening, .111114• :11th. 11 the Ig•ea4Minn of the mat riage 4.1 'err, Aria Eleanor Edna U. Auld, 111 . Jas. H, Earle, H. A. Ali'_, Auld 41 jest u•rived from \1'innip•g, where ' r parents reside, and where she hat leen an active Christian worker i (omles'li..n with Mlat1•I:,nd street Me* . lis( chlll•.•h. "MY. .1. H. Earle has pi. graduated from AVesley ('ullrxpfP, 4\'in w'g, an.l w44.1, ordained at F:(Ilnrmon •'. Sunday. .lune 17th. H,• was slat iota at • Penh411(1 by the recent i'nnfrrenr'4\ Th(• Wedding eerie was perform `I by Rey. It, K. I'inL1y, ,itnirnla411 o\the di.14'ic1, in [111• 111141st of n ia41ge It lit et• of guests. Many vile... the express *114 4.1 felicity tendered the )' g sou e, who have gen, to Berthold t) r'.ide, ST. AUGUSTINE. Tt•Esn.tr, Aug. 7th. will King and hie',M*eV, 511.414 , , 7 .1.. spent. MnnIAy with relative,. .1e1)n A1e('n le huts return : - frgll sunny A11e1:a looking n e• nu4. hearty. w, We Ate. pleased 1.1 el' Mrs. Geo. 1111lJphy, whe was ••rieusly 111 1;,"( week, aide to he Arnd again. 4. Abs. (hilum nt1 i her Men and (laughter. of unto, are t'isitin.; herr mother. 11 .. Flynn. et preeent. Mee. • Hoyle mid her dn'r,hter, Urs, 'ilh, of lemdon, nee isiting the .•rinern brother, T. 1'lonmimi. Walsh p inata.e4 n 144•,')1.1-11and inder the other lay. Pedal. thinks that ttvo11(1one's ,,u. ht 141 110 nearly eM goo) Il , one new Nits. John 4111in 441,41 dnnghfrr and her HOW. Vise Miry (* 1 *ii.0hlin; tf A,hNrld, risked eciptaintnnre.c in St. Angled inebeet Thltr1.1AV. Mr. slid Mrs. 1). Alexend,•r, jr., ,end Mindy and Mrs. ('Inc' mol Atte. Mee Alexander np.nt Seedily with eel - at iies on the lit concession, .los. Flynn met with a very painful accident Lately while working on •a honer neer Iblgrae. H.• eats work- ing on 1 (14.11(1.11.111144, which gave way-, letting hint ,hop n dishnlr of nine- teen feet. He lighted on his feet and eeverel• injured one of hie 11,91'., and will be laid up for some finis,. A Good Example to follow. I'Peple in this country, when mak- ing their wills., do not "remember" their favorite newep►p•r. An Heinen Indy bee Met en .'xemple She Ilan left a leg,u•y of Cent. It joernel "in r1-llgnitlnn of my Irretitude for hav- ing peen en often entertained." 1'AI(te)W. July :kith. Colborne cn11)14'11 umet in the teem - ship 11,411, all t1*.• wPttthrrs present. The luisuales of the 1)44.4•'111114 meeting were read, and on 1)n)ium of McNair. i1olw'dt,lon and tit ruugh:rn 1:e (.1op1 d. The following ue(llunte Were tiaieb : Will' Aelplith, eh•.u- 1114 4111(1*, $It; Star. printing circulars. $2 Y•.: \1(11,410 Ste:e mble , gravel (old 11144(1 t owl', $22.7:1: Abner %011ie, team on grad(r our day, $.1,:s): John li:u•ker. Irani 141) gnu's.). our day, 913.'.11: Jelin Ik0•ker, three and a 1:111 day. 1 u1)1itig, grader, tee.:el : John ,Harker, twelve *',.itis of gran el, 714,•. lobo '1'rrble. gr:It.rlliug, *21 Albert Aingfo 1, drawing gravel, $1 : E. Seemss. twelt'r items for bridge, $1.50: Ali. xa11dwr Reb.•11sou. inspw•ling. *2+.114: J41..wph Neagh., inspeetpng, 8.74.. The c 'il a,1.iu411110 1 to 111ee1 '44.1in Augg4114t'27t11. at 2 u'klech p. 148. F. 1V. Nclk)s.tuh, Clerk. 1 THE KiTCHEN. Make It a Comfortable, 1 beery and Coaveulewt Room. There 13 11u coheretem to a pretty kltcheu or to a girl tllllug nue up with brlc-a brae 1f she keeps It free trout dust. A kitchen to those who do the work In It 14' the living room, and why slatted It not be made cuuveuleut and pretty? If the kitcbeu Is a comfortable. cheery room w1), girls will take a pride In keeplug It 140. Give thein Mee paper fur the shelves If' they wish It uud a fancy lamp shade to rest by aft- er the kitchen Is tidied up for the night. See, .too, that they have eonreu- lent uteuslla to cook- with, a good clothes wrluger and plenty of dothes- plus and a good stove. It will pay you well to look after these tb'ugs Iu the' good, wholesome dishes that will come on to the table well cooked. - Many girls have to do with make- shifts that you would 1)o possi- ble thtuk for yourself to use -it broken wrluger, a tub without hawhes'or a wash boiler or teakettle with' u rag run through n bole to preveut leaking. No girl likes to ask- for repairs, awl oftentimes the mistress it tub careless to look well after the little things for her kitchen. Also' let the girl's sleeping room be a pleasuut, attractive place. Alauy a horse has better quarters for rest than servants have. Look well to the comfort of the servants. If nut ap- preciative at first they may learn to be so. -New York Journal. , YOUR MQUTH. Tenets It to aa11e nail Keep Away the Cynical Linea. It fs Ruskin who points out that I1) the human race alum. the mouth Is a mark of beauty and may be wade to eouvey a great deal of expression even though the lips are 'lieut. The curve of a wornatis lips can ex - preen, oh, so much! There Is the proud mouth, the cynical mouth, the sensual mouth. the cruel .mouth. !Ape that tremble can tell more of grief than many a spoken word. Lips that smile can Illumloate a whole household. As a mode of expression the month has ever beau a te1111g factor. As n mark of beauty the mouth eau be cul- tivated. It needs no beauty doetor's art to train 1t to pleasant (lupe. Teach It to smile. Refuse to let It nettle into hard, cynical linen. Give It the uplift and serenity that speak more plainly than words of peace and etreneth, say, Home ('hat. By deliberate training the mouth can be made one of the most telling, most attractive. features of a personality. ' LAUNDRY LINES. Cold rain water and soap will re- move machine greaee. If clothes are hang on the line neatly and smoothly much labor will be eared when the time fur homing comes. Two potatoes grated In u basin of warm water wit/ give better results than soap In washing delicate flannel or woolen goods, ribbons, etc. If books Sod eyes have rusted white goods, put the garment Into weyeer In which has been dissolved a lit cream of tartar and bull for a few Minutes. Beeawax and atilt will 'wake runty flatirons an clean and smooth as glass. Tie a lamp of Wee 1A n rag. When the Irons are hot rn 'then. first with the wax rag, then s6ur with a cloth nprin- kled with gar When welishingeblark teork•IOgs take care that fresh water be 1141441, both for washing and rinsing, and thug avoid harfirg the stockings eover.sl with lint, tch 114 sometimes the cries• when they are. 'clothed 10 the same wetter used for white cloehe.. The oTeaperaaenl" T Sometime,. you bear a wum:el offer aM an excuse for her faults, "it Is my tetuperameut " Du you not kuuw• that the perver'ious of a tempermeut are 110E the temperament Itself? There never was a temperameut that bad not Its good as well as Its 4.511 possibilities. The teeth le that we Inherit our tem- perament [lith Its natural p(erverslone. Ind It 154 dor tmeinees 1n life to sltbke off tho per4er.toas to order that s.0 may and the veritable temperament itself end that it may carry 1174 on truly to the. best work,that such a tempera- ment can do. If all who have evened theme elves for selffehneee and evil be - ranee of the "artiste! temperatneot" had ireeognlzed thnt they were really excol:ing the pervereloui of their tem- pera; nent and not the temperament It- self much nee(Ilesa pain and sorrow mlgllt have been arolded.--',tmerican Mag azlne. Carla. a Paaper►d Pet. Al very Never veterinary, had a aye tent all 1:1s own. \t'hrn belreeetred au ori fed toy dog he would consign blur to a distrsed brick oven with n crust of Man ad, an onlon•and an old boot. When lite. dog begun to gnaw the bund the anti Ions meetr114 wee Informed that hen darling w'is "do;ngitcely." When 1t n )mmen4e41 operations on the onion woe ,1 wn1 lent Met the feet was "Ile Ode dly better," but when the nninlnl tact ,IM the Moot any lady «•111 1)TStiflr,l to • hear that Her preciot,s pet was "re (47 to be • removed." THE teARKET?. Liverpool taohence Closed Chioaist Wheat Future? Clop Higher -Live Steak -The Latest Quotations. Aluu':ar evete a. Abs. 4l, Liverpool a5}nd [ire lrrlUak rxcbluge* w4,u closed. *0-440. At Chicago, SepteWt.r w'1'rat cloar4 higher their Vetoed,), September euro higher, sue septemter 14:.1. a.,' higher, WINNIPEG OPTIONS. At Winnipeg uptlou 'market today, 11114 full°aloe w'r4'e tier eluelas wheal 4uuta- taous; -tug„.,c hid; Oci., 72'.4; 714..c bed, THE VIJIILE SUPPLY. A ug.d, 01. July 'Ju. Ott. Aug.2,'445. Wheat ....29,Mit .lNr 25, 141,wa) 1:1 Teroucert.0 5,vl-14i A,*151,.UU 4, w cert. 7111,4*) outs 4,617,040 4,27130) 5.390.7W During the week wheat lucrea1ed 00o bushel*; cern decreased 771.000 bushel*, and oat* Iuere•a-ed : t17,(4e, bn'hrli. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. 3144). Dec. atty. New York Trak .1425, bt"4 Detroit 7444 76% .. ht. Louie Ile% 1L4. 754* Alluneapugs 714. 73ge 77a. '1'ulydu 739, Ida` $• )h Duluth 73 731, 77l NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. New fork: Aug. 0.-Butter-Flrul.;r; re. ...lets, 8640. Street price : Extra cr4Jw- ery, 224. Ufflclal prlcra ; Creamer!". vow• wee to retro, 17.• to 22e; rrrovated, 101.41 thou to extra, 13')1 to 117,ac; w4' fac- tory, 40w111911 to eltra,..13c to 171•; western Imitation creamery, extras, 19*; firsts, 174 to 17%c. 1'betee-Statute; rectelpvU, (156: state, full cream. Tarp. fancy, laeee de., fair to good, 11i• to 11544; du.. swa1). flukey, 11'.4'; do., fair to good 14-,44 to 114: du., luferior, fk to 1Ur; do., 'Muni. 1' to 4'4e. I:ygs-Steady; reveipts, 10,629; ',tate. Peuusylvaaia gird nearby. fancy. selected, white, 24e t0 211'; do„ choler. 22.• to 20; du. lulled, extra. 42e to 23e; western arts, 1.,- to 11.5.44; do, seconds, 164,c to 171,c. CATTLE MARKETS. l ably. t.ebaag,d-!legs Fleeter at Uafalo, Easier nt Chicago. I.if,dou Aug. 6. --cattle are quoted at 114., to 124 per Ib.; refrigerator Leet. 4''.c per Ib.; ',beep. d 41, 14c to It, per lb, TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Toronto, Aug. S. -Receipts of Ilse stuck at the lJnlon Stuck Yards 'were 1_1 carloads, composed of 2416 cattle, 6 hogs. 176 sheep and lambs, 24 calves and 20 horses. £al,ortera. • Pikesrauged 141 flow 64.21 au.11755. the bulk' going tit 54.(k) to 64.75, 'spurt belle ranged ,,t from 63.50 to 44.21 per cwt. ■ ■tchers. There wee out u lig supply of butchers' cu4111• and prices tar the best lots fairly held their 0w14. Best butchers gold at 6425 40; 04,41141.1 1)t 43.1:0 to 64; young, t1,1'.,..,5.111:4: row. sold ut *1;.50 11),813.75; cummua I 92.:44 to 5-: p.1 ,wI. allIck Craws. '!'re were w1), 11111. b cow. of good to •bollqual:ty, wbll*1 told at 953 to 858 - Veal Calves. ' , Prices ter s,.11 .,�.,. .:Nle easy at 115 to 1; ],l4' 1141 aheeir stud Lavabo. Extort en_4e 1..111' t...:44ws er:44 cwt. for erre ,/ 9,4,50 to *3.7'. t •: t., k Iambs sold at !,: l0 44.25 per ca 1 ansa. 7'h, few bug, 71,,: erre offered sold at f;. 1.5 p,) (wt. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. tluutreul,A.1g. 0.-1MIwclal,l-rable1 from 1.1sarpu0l- 1)u .'auudiau kettle were ,teed, 0: 114,'-, While r4nch.•r1 were lower at 4(944 tv lu'.c. Luudou cables were easier and !sc lower, at 111yc but in some cases they were quoted at 12c. 1Hmaud tar 44 ('1111 freight for this week's shipment hes berm good, but there 1s 110 apace 11.I be had o1) sccuubt 44'tbrte Tarp terrying vessels bav- lug met with a, .141euts: therefore they Wilt not Sall en their -advertised date'. Ms - ports last wee► were 3259 cattle. Receipts today were 1301 caul,. "50 mllch cows, MO ebeeie and Iambs. lrs) calves 10U1 bogs. Tire market tar hog, was weaker, owing to 1m:reseed enppll.'s, end weak cable advices a, (•aneeliu 4,81044• Priers dec11oed 164 to 254•. le1111 sale, of selected lob st 97,71 to 68.10. and lower grades at 67.25 per 100 11,,., weighed off cals. The excessive slap - ply of cattle lu meal but weather, mud Ohne so eon*. p.•ople err absent from the .i•y, bad a drpreselug effect on prices, w•aL'h de••Ilure) 4..' per Ib, all round. Near- ly halt of the cattle were 'not sold. Prime ,.'..i sold at 4%c to 5c per Ib.; pretty good cattle, 3',c to 4Ie4', and the common *reek, 2',e to 81•.4, 5111th cows sold it s25 to 155 each. e'r.Ivrs sold et #2.41.0 to 111 each. Sheep Sulo 1)t 34.,.• to %c pee IL.; Iambs nt 92.75 to $3.25 each. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. Fast buffalo Aug. (1 -Cattle -Receipts, 2,2l*1 heed; fa111y •.•thee mid meetly to me btglaer; pram, steers. 95.0) to 8; shlpplug. F4.6:, to 45.:.0; but• bers, ' to 15,40; 44'1[,4'14, 932:, to F•. I0a s, 4:1 to 94 50; butte 92.75 to 64.25; eh ars led feeder,, 92.50 Jo 54; stuck netters, 12 25 to 52.:44; s 94"10 nd sprlu4ters 1(44417 1)u guo(I; sio en rosy oo y nn.uo0: 1144 to 630. II ,--- e,elpt.,, 14'... heed; fairly active; Sher; heavy. 90.75 to 441,90; mix- ed, $6 95; plea and light )orkers, 97 to 147.10: rough., 65.75 to $5.80; stage. 14.214 to ll*; dairies, 96.60 to 16.80. Sbee p a,d Lambs - Receipts. 494.0 heed: settee: withers 2144 higher; others steady; lulu(fs, $5.50 lo 9'J: yearllugl. 4tl'to 46.50; withers, 1575 to 16; ewes, 44.75 to 45.25; sheep, wiled, 53 to 45.511. r NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New fork, Aug, 0.--Beeves-Recelpts, 4321; steers steady: common grades slow; bull, and cows dull and 10c lower; com- mon to choice steers sold at 94 to 95; bulls, 51.141 to $:1.2u: rown, 61.25 to 94; dressed beef dull at 0%1 to 91 per Ib„ (00104011 western beet as low ■e 57444. Carreto-- Recelpte 3700 bead; veal. la tale demand ■ed steady; araesere and butter- milk* 2:e lower; all sold; veils sold at 66 to 97.60; gra sod butteranllk', 7263 to 63 : ); pity dressed veils at ea to' 44c: .,n•utry dreseed armed nominal at Sc to lie. sheep sod Lambe --Receipts, 10.39e; sheep steady; common and medium lambs steady: Prime end rbole" du., 10c to 164 higher; rarer. sold at 5.1 to $.1; lambs at 96 to 97.21; one ear et $9.37%. hogs-Re"Hpts, Wit::.: market arm to foe blither; state ,1441 Pennsylvania Lugs sold at *7.10 to 97.25. • CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. litm1go, Aug, 6.-('attle-Receipts, 23.- '410; I11st 10e to 15c• hither; °there Serail): common to 'es, 43.144) 10 :Q: cow•1, 62.75 to prime 44.50;stebetrters. 12.1N l , 646..2..25; Imne. Y2 to 64.:45; tithes, $:4 to 90.75; Mock- ers •nd feeders. 42 to 34.50. 110(1 _Ite„ipte W UX; bret.11ght, *retitle; old 5e lower; (hodc4 to 'aline. Levy, 80.40 to 6635; mldhnu to Ruud, hese y, 46.10 to en. 35; betcbere weight,, 80.45 to 46.70: good In ebote.•. heavy, mixed. 48.10 to 96.35; paekl044 65.:41 to 9(1.25, .eery sod -Limbs Receipts, 20.000: strong: *beep. 11.25 to 51:60: yestlluge, 16 to 66.25; lambs. 14; to 97..45, CHEESE MARKETS, ',lod*ey, Any. 41 The Victoria Cheese. Ituard met here today: 17110 boxes were lw.nled: half of wblch went 'to Mtrill I.•sple et 11 11-1614: the below, was divided b.•twert, Mr. (frown and Fl,vellem, Ltd, nt 114,.. The bidding rnlomrored at 111, the board adjourned for two weeks. King Edward Gives Cup., London. Aug. 7.-- King 1:dwnrd h .s presented the New York Yacht flub with a beautiful sliver gilt cup. We like best to call SCOTT'S EMULSION a food because it stands so em- phatically for perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor- ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially to the nerves, its action is that of a medicine. SCOTT & 1..4 foeOMNI. C4**4 fa T gas. ,fie 114.2•1 We 1 Mhr arb. Cool and comfortable Everything yon need in the shape of ,Iln11111.1' lt'(';tr to make you fool cool and comfortable. CANVAS HATS S .RAW HATS WASH VESTS COLLARS WASH TIES OUTING SHIRTS, etc., at MCLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters. North side Court 11onsta Square, Goderieli. 19014 Ager t 5511.114'.. Nur cn.lunl sLl.•. ils'intinite variety. 1906 Canadian National Exhibition AUG. 27 TORONTO SEPT. 10 ONTARIO LARGER, MORE INSTRUCTIVE AND MORE ENTERTAINING THAN EVER ART LOAN EXHIBIT HORSE AND CATTLE EXHIBIT POULTRY and PET STOCK EXHIBIT AN UNEQUALLED Mngnill ant 1.d41rvttion:a Exhibit of Professes of Manufacture in new Ii11u14,1001 Huilding. The Vilest Program 41f Ahnl.w1)euts Ever ['reedited, Including •' IVANHOE," with expert Titters, brought expressly from England. HiS MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD BAND OF THE LIFE GUARDS will play twee- daily on the Wand I'laza (free), II (1.111., end .p 1..1111. No 110o-411111. (tnn,uli:ul will oris., this 1:xhihit nt. • - • TO avoid the green crow(' conte first week. Fur all information apply to Lieut. -Col. J. A. McGILLIVRAY, 1'4',•-1410111. nit :11 cmc J. O. ORR. Mettager and 44oeretarv, cit) Hall, Toronto. Oat. 'PHONE 56 U. MILLAR CO. °•.•° MuslinsMuslins Muslins On Saturday we will start our first sale of Muslins and we have marked them all at prices that are sure to please the purse. 1st LOT 9'lle (hli(e of all 1144' very. beet Moraine that. wphl f • :Cs• 141 e] Vise Male price 5C Saturday will end LOT Thr Muslims that we ha %••• sold all through the Mswlnl nt ,Me' to :OW. made 'wive ■tart. 3rd LOT - A collection of Mus• limn. Mu*lin de Melee, etc. All Iowa 11441 big s.•Ilers nt. 1761• :mai :7F'1 Yale price �'2C also start the clearance of all our Ladies' Ready-to-wear Wash Suits. 11'esll .oils in 11011 R4'4'y tw1•,1 PRPrts, 'There ere only 2.75 at few' of 1111.41• mein. left, were *471, 11411' price J Your choice of '1 /IV of her WA Al Snit for R12.241, Dress,Linens Dress Linens N.• 1134,• ;Rani* 11 pi.•rry Dress Linen, 1!es. seas41n'M pnwlllc_ 214 1111r1 ,mA 111011eto retail at iib• to :0).•.`ro •, be !mire, per yard, \1'4. have •,1 ill a few left r1f the P,tra..ds we report keel 11tut, week and these we Imre lnntked *1 price. that toe sere 411 4'1.(1:1i.e ,t spr,sly (le,tr*11e41. Sample Curtain and Carpet Ends. \\'e have jest, received :4frnell.•r'' snn'pl.' lot 141 Curt nit. and Carpeb end,. end them. we will put on eerr Saturday sterling, P S6NE Mil lar's Scotch Store PHONE elm ROOFING, HEATING, PLUMBING, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS EAVESTROUGHING, WE have had long experience in this branch of the tininess :old N'ill lteraous'11' superintend the N'ol'k of t11i44 t1*'. i 'tlnent. We WIII t'lltll'avob' to make it PLEASANT and PROFITABLE for. youto turn dour trade this No trouble way. to furnish on any 01 the :thole lines. 11 you notice anything in the following list that you might 1'etlllil'e, 1Ve ha\'t' prices that will interest you. Page Wire Fencing, Page Wire Gates, Graniteware of every description, Lawn Hose, Glass, Aluminum Ware, Galvanized Pails, Elephant Pure White Lead, Elephant Pure Mixed Paint, Imperial Portland Cement, Galvanized Black Iron Pipe, Building Paper, Ready Roofing, Gasoline, Galvanized Wash Tubs, Canadian and American Oil, Machine and Cylinder Oil. REMEMBER THE PLACE. Paulin's Hardware Store 'Phone 57 House 'Phone 177 laliamilliMilligillgr 19014 Ager t 5511.114'.. Nur cn.lunl sLl.•. ils'intinite variety. 1906 Canadian National Exhibition AUG. 27 TORONTO SEPT. 10 ONTARIO LARGER, MORE INSTRUCTIVE AND MORE ENTERTAINING THAN EVER ART LOAN EXHIBIT HORSE AND CATTLE EXHIBIT POULTRY and PET STOCK EXHIBIT AN UNEQUALLED Mngnill ant 1.d41rvttion:a Exhibit of Professes of Manufacture in new Ii11u14,1001 Huilding. The Vilest Program 41f Ahnl.w1)euts Ever ['reedited, Including •' IVANHOE," with expert Titters, brought expressly from England. HiS MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD BAND OF THE LIFE GUARDS will play twee- daily on the Wand I'laza (free), II (1.111., end .p 1..1111. No 110o-411111. (tnn,uli:ul will oris., this 1:xhihit nt. • - • TO avoid the green crow(' conte first week. Fur all information apply to Lieut. -Col. J. A. McGILLIVRAY, 1'4',•-1410111. nit :11 cmc J. O. ORR. Mettager and 44oeretarv, cit) Hall, Toronto. Oat. 'PHONE 56 U. MILLAR CO. °•.•° MuslinsMuslins Muslins On Saturday we will start our first sale of Muslins and we have marked them all at prices that are sure to please the purse. 1st LOT 9'lle (hli(e of all 1144' very. beet Moraine that. wphl f • :Cs• 141 e] Vise Male price 5C Saturday will end LOT Thr Muslims that we ha %••• sold all through the Mswlnl nt ,Me' to :OW. made 'wive ■tart. 3rd LOT - A collection of Mus• limn. Mu*lin de Melee, etc. All Iowa 11441 big s.•Ilers nt. 1761• :mai :7F'1 Yale price �'2C also start the clearance of all our Ladies' Ready-to-wear Wash Suits. 11'esll .oils in 11011 R4'4'y tw1•,1 PRPrts, 'There ere only 2.75 at few' of 1111.41• mein. left, were *471, 11411' price J Your choice of '1 /IV of her WA Al Snit for R12.241, Dress,Linens Dress Linens N.• 1134,• ;Rani* 11 pi.•rry Dress Linen, 1!es. seas41n'M pnwlllc_ 214 1111r1 ,mA 111011eto retail at iib• to :0).•.`ro •, be !mire, per yard, \1'4. have •,1 ill a few left r1f the P,tra..ds we report keel 11tut, week and these we Imre lnntked *1 price. that toe sere 411 4'1.(1:1i.e ,t spr,sly (le,tr*11e41. Sample Curtain and Carpet Ends. \\'e have jest, received :4frnell.•r'' snn'pl.' lot 141 Curt nit. and Carpeb end,. end them. we will put on eerr Saturday sterling, P S6NE Mil lar's Scotch Store PHONE