HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-9, Page 5THE SIGN AL : (.(DKRIt'II ()N'I'ARI() • '1'111 Kr A1, Au:;url 9, 1906 5 It's a Great Game. Thirty-six Rinks Playing in the Bowling Tournament. The West Street Green a Centre of Lively Interest This Week, as the White -clothed Gentlemen of Western Ontario Pursue the Kitty Trophy Prize Remains in a Goderich, H. W. Thomson's Rink Winning the Cov- eted First Place in the Tournament The Scores. 'rile fourth annual tournament of the (hklerieh bowling club War opened o.1 Monday after with uwt.ic and sgk"•h. The music was supplied by the exeelleit INual front Clinton Whi1.111'a111( lip with the excursionists from that town un Monday, aand 4.M for the speeches the goods were delivered by Mayor 'Tilt and E. L. Dickinson, P resident of the club. His Worship extended the civic well • to the visiting bowlers( anti granted tht.,n the rived of the town. and following President Dickimtun welcomed the visitors in the name alio- howlers of (iolerictl and expressed the hope that the occasion would 1'e one of pleasure all around. The Mayor then put dop•n two bowl. on nue of the givens amidst the encouraging plawd- ita the crowd. The HI'st pair of rink, to get started pert. skipped Iiy 1. Stevenson, London, and J. A. Huul- ban, 1;olri•ich, and in it few minutes the play became general and skip} wrrr ealliig'for chalk. Thirty-seven rinks were entered - three from \Viiighai1, four frau loll. Sig SIL (row S.'afortla, six from Lon- don. two raeh front Kincardine, Mit- ellell ,and Hrnsall, and • e1. h f Illyth, Guelph. Lucknow•. Slratfur.!, '1'..I.s1uhr and Exeter, in additi :o 111 .six rinks (soul the Ito'*I club. (,w of the Srat(orth rinks, however. failed' to Ina iu au aptlraraner, so the bet of rink, actually playing was t hirt y - six. Our hundred and furty•four godwwle'M on the green. with a goa11 reinforcement of spectators. including a -hu•ge n her of the fair sex, gave the grounds a gay and spirited ;appearance, Which W'as fur- ther :enhanced by the sl 144 and cheers and ward -pix)' which were con- -Lindy head as the. playing pl•'- gressed, In say clothing of the music ,•xt'arled from a tin whistle by Billy" '1'hum•ou, of Mitchell. Fourteen givens were provided, so that nearly all the rinks were in the game all once. Ht' the first evening the second r d of the *wish) match had 1,.'.•n pretty well finished. On Tuesday morning there was no playing on a1' - count of rain. but they were at it again .harp after dinner .and the Hist 1,4.11111 of the association, thatch was •oluulenrel. Y.'eltrrlay morning a 1l was made at the rousi)lal1.m 011 0.h and by nein the rinks were grit Ig pretty well thinned out. The 'rites offered by t he local rho h are : Nur 1 why match 1st, four silver .slut .ei'. n : 2n 1. four fern howls. I'r rot elation 111141111 1st, (ani silver tray resat-h.,lyds : Ynd. boor vets of half -1 nen cut glass tumblers. engraved. For duibles - t, two Morris chair. : 211.1, two pin 'flier.... with oak Is•.11•.ba1'.. For singles 1v1. 1i •rel r•opper 1•latvt tankard : '211(1, teas+ ink stand. Ihr s;1'rr : TROPHY MA H. Preliminary Round. W Ingham. .1. H. Chi -hole 4'. Iwo 1.. W. Hanson H. Voodoo., Alp. W Mohan,. T. F:. King A. H. Mnyfrote D. Rolm.. A. M. C m o (old. skittle. Sea(orl h. Ur. MNilunls J. smith s W. (1'. Weill. A. Wilson. skip .....14. Myth. 1'. H. nee• -r .1.14. Violet, Dr. Long "1+N J. MCMurrhie. skip .y (111,144. It. Graham • A..1. \Inrrl-I N. Hall N. Fair. skip. ..IM I ltdrrirh. I. k. Ton 10. Macklin lir. Turnbull 1'. L N'a11111b skip 1a 1 lir'ton. F:. Howard 1 . It .A( n .•w J. 14. Honer, skip, i) F4I, aniine. 1;..1: Steuart K. 1•o... 1)?. J. A, McDonald Ia. Hrne, skip ...BI Clinton. 1, 1 4nrt ire n 51,4 40., ie N . 1.. ialbra ith .I. 11411...I. -kip ine•Iph. I:. T.JLunillon 1. 'ironed) SIL Irr}'Inn E. J. 14 rant. skip :2,1 e ,,.I,•riett. \1 I.,uN• F. It Hollow: • J. H. Tiger, I0. Huolrr, .kip is Hrnsall, Ile. Mul•'atden J. U . Ir.u• Y 11. J. 1). ClMlke H. J. Milling-, skip . Li Second -Round. 1'Ilulon, to J. Ir. Honor, skip ,14. Hottest, h. J. L. !intorno. skip 21 Kincardine. 11r. Bowe. skip. 1.441104. I4.. J. %\'owl, skip 1.441144. Uolerieh. E. Jordan A. Mel/. Allan it. McLeie 1 J. Sievensnn, *kip 7 T. T. Leckie. skip... leudon, Mitchell. A. 51. Woman. skit. Is Or. Merritt. .kip.. Stout fold, Clinton. T. 11. McCurdy, •kip...1 T. Jeck.oll. •kip,. !.union. Murlu•11. .1. Jttech., skip . 11. F:. A. 1 '.,..hare •'kip Ual,•rich. Huufurth. 11. 41',11 J. 31..444 .4, .kip.. 1inlrti. hIaanlnll 'Thistle.. I)r. Hunter-kip d: ti. 1). Swift, .kip Third Round. Kiurnnlnu•. Loelein. Dr. 141-11re•ki. 1 Ur. J. Wood, .4(11, Lofoten . Loudon. A. JI. Heiman,. skip I4 J. Sortensol. -kip. s l 0..d full. London. _ T. H.P ldy, M.4'u-kip, Is .1. Ne4•h, skit•. U I;olrrh•h.-Ulolunrb. II. w'.'1'Iwwsuo,-kip..'4 Ili. Hunter, skip M Sema -Finale. Yf R .12 JO la 17 1•J 11 Kincnnllne. Loudon. J)r. *trace, .kip .t A. M. Hemmen. -kip IS tloderirl,.- Stratford. 11.'.4.Thone.sbskip.+' T. 11. Met un1),skip In Finals. 4indrrkh. Kincardine. H. 11'. ThOneon. -k4, Is Ur. Jtrurr, skip lei ASSOCIATION, MATCH. • First Round. Winvhuu. H. Yandone•, bye. \1Mahan,. Senfort h. A. JLCeawfurd..klp.1' A Wilson, -kip Fust Round. Clinton. 1 ioMrie.h. J. N. Hoe; er; sklp...211 1'. 1.. 11.41144. skip .211 Srvlfort h. p1 4 lemon. 141.41,• tion of rhe stair's. roof and Iruu:hulrt•y, N. Fair. -kip 11 'J, MI•31n,.ddd, .k1,,. S whish will he .41 steel and iron. is '1( lioelpll. Seaton 1l. relnforerst coneiwte. . It is sixty -H\•0. fret wide by one hum - F:. J. 1'ri•vrol..kip. 4, It. S. Hay -..kip. .IM It and fifty-five fees. lung, An& Is of J. A. Jt boll. 4•drrich, bI .1.(.11111 Ju-. solid reinforced concrete walls 11p to a U1rk.:leafu,th' height of r1111ty'•LN', (rel. Elston 11104 I.IN•k14p w'. Kln'n(daP•. 1111 I. to in• .1 0.0 x1141, .ixly fret high. 1w. -V1i,.. 4klp. 12 ma.1'Inrk...kip - M DIrking n total height of unr hundred L,obn'. Hen -.dl and forty fret from the 1,.,1.411. J. K. Mc\0.r, .k,p C.Irunrlh -kip. 1 Them x'' altogether fifty-five hin-. 4 uple.1011, *0,,ttM•tt. - the deeper ones 11u•4,ut•ing I4 by Il F. 21.14 kl. •4(144 2.. F'. 1.. 141111.. skip . 11 and are righty -lava fret deep. while the more shallow' ones measure 12 by •rnfon 0. Exeter.14 fret and are sixty beet deep, making J. 1 . (.fele. -kip. ..Il 11'. W. Taman. skip. 11 11 [111411 1•ap(l•ily of :A.0.11111 iim,lirlM, lvingham. H1•n.aK. The weight of the building i. It1,IMM1 A. E. Porter. skip. 34 • 11..1. Hi11.ng.. skip 1/ 11,411. and the w' right of the wheat 15,- 4 1111111/1Itolrra•b. 111141, imikir11111e weight of 1ht. rlevat11I' J. 11.,rIaud. skip.. _12 P. 1.. \\..Iron. +kipl 11 when filled 2.1,1004 tons. In the .4narurlion of the building. • oar pat Portland rrnn Ill,' leu parts of .mud and four parts of gravel or crushed stone rale ea two inches 1n site were lewd 111 all rl,l)py 41 1111411• 1.' a, Would hold together hl avoid the nrlt•„it y of tamping. The ....turret .• w•as simply poured into the (oral, and allowed to- remain for :twenty-four bowl, when addiliomll form, were Placed on top of the others and the work runt 141,4.11. lin en average .,f fourteen iurhes a day were 111441,' iu 4 inti ,. 1.1141 on. this way.• A. the weakest point ill x wall i.• J. M. Hoover. -kin ...1. .1.ILerJa1N1, -kip 11 tin, centre. the Centres 1i( Ihr wall-, Onlrrah, liexlrnch• turning Ihr ,ide. of the bins, are foir- 1'. Leckie., "kip .. 21 .1. 1. Killoran,skip.. !+ tela inrhe. lhiet. while at t11,. intl., - inlun..11iuhell. - section. they aur only ten int•44e,. T..1, 'k -.on. skip.., .11+ Dr. Harritt, skip. to The forms rte w.melen pIx1A:4 held (11. SPA 14,. 5111011111. g..4 1,..,- 1.y boll, by regulating which J. M. t. skip 14( I:..4. Unnbar, skip 12 any desired thickness can be ubtailied at ally point. For the intersections ),441144..: U. ywlfl b)'0.. 1'1111,, rut in the ,haps of half circles Third Round. were used giving the 'r. 1 effect shown ill the phot'' " ph. 1111. The reinforcement is oar • in%ented ip.12 F...1. Present. 44,111 li and pat.`ntel by the contractor. ND. 'I'romaubn,is,'t•, himwlf. It consists 111 %goitre hes in three sites mrnsnt•in* unr and one-eighth inches. ,*tie inch, and seven -eighths of an inch. resik•1'- tively. The h.rs are located two fret afoot fr the top to the 1x114 of all the wall,. The latter 14411•. are put Lon 0. in the I.uwe•r portion, 'f the walls,. .11 ..10.14 ifl,skip M where the strain i. greatest: Five 4, 11111. •' courses of 1,111. 1111.11 IN11•M are 111.1 111 at I0 111'.15.141., p.... l) the lull to 411evenf fracture. When the en/1 bins of at. elevator any 11111'11 with grain end the 111iddle ones at•r empty there is n great tendency for if to pull np4nl, and it is to cumltel•4rt this that the fiyr r(nrw' are phu•ed at 111e top. Between eight and nine thousand L reels of Portland cement and two 1111 dte41 and 4hili y toms of bar iron for •.4nflm.ement were nwd in 1ilild• ing a to the print where the eula)la hrgins. (If co 114' in installing u*aeh:nee\' ,U' and so fd h, it. «multi be \eery dillietilt to drill ho -s in the walls, Mo to avoid this 11101411 t. east -iron ala(1s, with threads in 144 u, are placed tit very close intervals 1 oyer the building sl' Ihot lriir•4 can 44• fastened in very FIRST IN AMERICA. Goderich Elevator the Only Ooe of Its Kind on the Continent. The Cement Era, x Jumllhly uuaga- f.ine pnblirhed at Detroit, hat. an in- tereadi11g wfite-up in the July haus of the tioderich islev,atn and Transit Co's cement elevator now x11140441 com- pleted. The article is written by George .1. Seymour, and is accom- panied by sere. al views of the work it appeared 111 I'I'e11'at104. 'file ('e- metat Era s article is as (intoes : 1Vha, is really the only alk-cunrrete square -bin gt•aim'rlevat/n• in America. u unique experiment fu buildingg 1.1411- .1•11,•111111. ie 114.1141 ew4Lel at lioderich, °wars 1, by Mr. J. H. 'l'r,uianhauwr, an elevator "(ntractlir of Minneapolis. J1' .. for the 1ilkle•i(h Elevator 11. Transit Co., I.W. Another elevator, built of wood covered -with sheet iron. which,1st about $115,404(4 caught fire at noon one day, and resulted 111 ,a hiss of the building and n large* llllll Int of wheat, lou that 111 repIlu'itlg it \\'illi it urw one t he toxin uhjeet was to get a material that would absolutely resist the f11w, and r•infIrct't runcrrte was decided 11pN411. "We have been watching the results shown by c •rete fol a 1o11K lime.' said Mr. W. I.. Horton, manager of the elevator • patty, when asked by 4.1 reprr,rnlaliv4• of rhe 11rulrnt !'era why they decided 141,4 concrete. "Thr rttdrndid showing wade by it in the Baltimore a111(1 Toronto firer. ,and the strong re•'1mnnendatiuns made to us by people who have erected bins or ware! lllllses of 1t, ('(,Il 'llll•l4l 111 that 1' •let,' Was the only material that would meet our ideas. "Yes. it is • 1s0. less of till rxprri- nlrnt., there being nothing like it 411 this continent. nail the only one just like it that w4' 14111)' of is at Yw'ause•1. N4 tiles. 1 do nut think though that we shall ever regret aur step, as there are Orr)' Ia0tlly advantages in it be- sides its fireproof qualities. Fla' in- stant*. the insurance 00 the old eleva- tor was $2.I0, while the new inswinger will be only thins• vents 111 sand, There is realty no ie:etstity for any insurance, but the town guarantees bonds and slakes (114 eal•1')' swore." The elevator. '\\Isi/'l0. when finished w'ILI 1441 about $11 75,111X1, 444s begun last August, and with -the exception of Ione months work has been kept up ever eine... The foundation of the old building was of concrete .111(11 untwithstxndiug the fart. that when the Iltw 'recurred, wheat whi,h fell all around the piers was horned. u•aeti,aHy placing Ihr Iades in a burning furIa..... they wee found in such exrl'llent condition that it 4444 only necessary to strengthen them by driving seVenty'• five east-1n0u pi1.". het Wren t 111 us1' the old. foundation for the newhuildiug. Thee is not apiece of wool in the building. everything with the exeep- Seioed Round. '.4 nrh;un. \4.11101:ull. .4.4.1./ a,1wlord. sk*Dela It. wanstone.-kip. 11 Uurlph. 1 1,410,,. F:. J. I'rr.anl. ••kip..,,: N. Fair. skip .JI Lurk now. Gulerirh. tr..4111... skip ... _..21 J. A. Itombnll. skip. In London. J. F:. 24.1..,',.kip wlnation. A F forte, skip 1 oldrstoN•. 11 F. 11.•104+AA. skip 12 Sr,dot h. IB J. C. Wog. skip. ..M easily and machinery. rte., installed SUFFERED 14 YEARS. will t tiuublr. 11..."lute•, ‘1111', Augur►. 11th. ISIk•• NI. '1'rumauluulsrr l whn how the 11 Ingham. A.31.1 rpwlonf l.nrknuw. 1v. Algin. skip ... .... 1 Clinton. J. It. Homer. skit'.. Clinton. T. Jnek•.o,, .kip . ..11 Kincardine. 1'llnton I J. M. Hest. -kip. Di. 14rene. +kip ..., 15 .1. yarlatod. skip. ,.441 4 lexterlch. - Ilolrlieh. - • 1 telph. In. Rinner, ••4(1p . A. Itolu'rtroll H. T. HamiltonI London. London. 4 . M, L eh Pole 'ironed% I. Stetr/n, skip. 15 .1. Beech. -kip.. 111, , Hlalr R. Ho don J. L. •Ilk,rnn,-kip- 17 1:.J.1'11•v,,t. skip Lon, 14. 1+1.411,14,. , Lando'. .1. F:. M,We, -kW ... A w'inrhom. . F..-I'nrter.'sklp 12 stretch. Leckie. skip. II h it '4141.11•11 ele44tor 11141 111•ne'l down, 11,0.111x 3 Awith 4i1410 tern x1yP41 4110 ala luuggrxperience in elevator build- wase Laid 41 1' 1 wth au "11.4 of pleurisy 1,4 and ut hate bas Ik4 it,.oi ll•iug the which af4.14ted 11y kidneys 1411111441\xntagrs u(u ring tom elle 111 !rue. u e in x very weak shale," writes Mr, F. \I. McAuliffe, of Lachute, (jar, '•1 .ut►rrr.l a 11.'.et Jeal of pain. es- pecially in lav Ictt•k, a bio with dropsical st'.rlliugs. and finally. atter many at - temple to get rid of • my trouble, 1 ((11111 * 1%'1+1.1( ctuuls•11141 1'1 115•, up maid confined 10 Ins Iasi WitH%tluu'1k1111. roof. there being nulling 111x1 can 1 Died nuu►rrtlu. 14•1114.1141 but they arch fire, x nae• 4.111.311111, 111 a failed to do me ally good. !lien 1 t•e- lu•r )v44. 14 there is Ib41'ilily of stem- . .tolvrd •lu take II,W's Kidney Pills and alter taking our Isla 1 felt great - ly relieved. 1 114.'4 114.4,1'111uaulw hex.... and I a m happy to 1+n)• 111)' b;u•k is all right, t11/.111.1111114441 Mw4Ilfngs 1) t 1' 114/441111111•141'041.411111 1 *14(54 yuih• regained 1115 health. 1 am Mu44) 1 owe Ibis entirely to Uold's Kidney- fills." ad tures of this kind. 111' stated to the Willer that he did not carr to mak.. any great cl ' fur the elevator, pre- fet'ini: 1.' let the work• de - trate its ad5a111411ew for Itself. However, thi, ulu••h east) he safely said about it. 11 Ir all-llllaely fire - t1411....01, ...Minis' 1.'11. 4(I(..11 wt bile 1. the o1 l 0.A•, ebur. Al Ile• sante • • it 44 111111 1• 3101 1,111. 4 1. 141.•1 11,1111 a I1,• hrolf 0.14.1•1 el,v.41,.1 "1 111 ,' 11 411wia111 Ilxv/• I4.4•11. 11'IIe•11 44.111 • •elWrxl.'• 111 4111)• 1.16111111, 1,111. 14.1.01•1. 1'1'11,1 1111414 Willi have c11n•1.e1.r 614, leu,, (0 show t11.41 i1 is les. 11441 1'•.•4.1,1.- uheye 1'nu- r111, i•, u.wl. l',/111.1 PIP aka, keeps out vete - , Mud11'•- 1'4 r. I,0. wheall ill .1414.11''? e,lnililio11 111411 aNly whet 11u4'•1ix1, \Vo. kde11 bins risewhen empty and shrink •.rhru full or grain, 'There i 1411 Yield in c 'rete hits and 1111 p141- vis' was amide iu the '.5 111s (..r','x' 1''-'4' 444 joints. ' S41u44re 1i*s were derided on in pref. 1'reitee'to) eolllld, AM t1u•y aIle I1101r• run venienl lu build, 10 Hl 11iae•1linrry in and in the at•rastr.:e tent..(** 1'41*' tracks. A great drnlonslratu'n in favor of reinforced conet'rtr 1 given here 1)y the Gust that had I he runcrrte• beam* w•hiell form the supports of the build- ing. and in Net the ..ase is the saute with all the walls, been built .d ,1111• Crete alone will iwinfoir'r11arnl they would have to h,at,' been twice ((N thick its they are u.,w, .how•fng 441 ilulllrllw saving in ("1,14.1,1. Another Wotaner 111' 4li. .w•undrr(u Mt1'rllgll 11( r `{'rte pfud111•l4 i. 111' i\51.1' 114110'. tl•hielI 1, of ....went bt•iek. 11 w•4.•, Ihdlt in the Wilder 1' and e ver 4411111' Illy hot *414-0111 exlau5* f4- t he I'11g111r '(14!11 111 1'111) alar V.1111'1 rtl• wixl•r. has poured right against i 41111 vel 1444-1,' lilts Is'e•ll 114 da111a*e le it. It is very doubtful if a clay brick would have stool su511 :1 lest. An idea that might Is• useful to 1'1.11 11.411'41144 11+ the. • of owing 1541) medium-sized concrete -mixers lust rad of one very large aur. N'hilr unr i4 mlixf11g the other 1. 11 ping into the wheelbarrows., milia( lug the work 1.. gu 114 in 1111 ' telt t uptel stream. A gieat 4411411y 4440111111{1•, whit h appeared inMuruountable at the Ile - g K solve'.* 11)-,'-'1 es, 41114* uuoc the work' is neatly finished. It is a new idea. yet • that gives every proluise of 1,114.41.1+..It is Ilrillg Wiltrhel 4.y a great 11uany, and if it 1•'1l11 e. 111) to expectations, x0. it 411 doubt will. the)• will follow the ex- ample 'of this' progressive company. which will mean x new era in !levet.. • A. Tithes n 11. N', Willis 1 -',frown .1. is. Steele A. Slot Ili. J. Wool, T. T. lark 1)k•k. Seaton b. Lnndem. W. 1. Hayward i. Nightingale 11'. 4'nx J. ,.Ietens00, skip Mitchell. \114, Elliott too, 11ownry In. Wlxd 11r. Horritt, skq,. Landon. A. J. McMilln M. Ilncsion i.IN•ktaw, IV, .Ulan. skip. N. A,vnt 1 Clinton. J. B. Hoover. bye, kip Is It. S. .uHas,, .kap .14. .a,,alor',. Clinton. lialerlrh, by 11..(4411 of Jot-. .1. M. Hest. skip I1 1'. .lal•ksou.*kip. Fourth Round. \1 Ingham. I7 A. II. CInn ford, sltip.l M I101r rig•h. 1lexlerich. . 1 e nrdnn.• A. 11. Unnlble 11r. Hinter. skip.... IU J. Ste.%moon. skip. H. U. Thom -on (.ITnNlorl. Stratford. A. Pprlrr A. M. Penman. T. 11. Mei4111 y, skip A. Itombnll, •kip 11 .._ Kincardine. J, 1. Moller 11-endlldrd on page 1+,l li.•k.\T.. J anh u.Im z - - W. It. Wm., 2; 4 Ol 1 rP k ki • "I The signal to Jan. 1.1. '07, for 2.1e.e. , LnrknD w. 11. SIddA1 Dr. Elliott F. M. Moon T. 1%atsot A. M. 'batman, skip.111 Ileal. AIIIn, d(Ip....12 Stint ford. London. 14.. 1'rann• Joe Hark fess A. E. 1'a+h \L Millman M. A. Ilnnll'rr .1..1. Angn• T. H. 511 -Gerd)', .1. McNee, -kip .klp..111 Clinton.. Would!. 11. Home Ily. Arnold J. WIsenlan 11r. Mellen' A. Anits; hong 1'. `hewn!? T.Jnrkem, jr.,nklp.. la 1•. A. Melle'nell. .kip 1: M I t ehell. 4 'npl est unr. (*01.,1 toi whorl y A. Morrisnm 1'mi t- •fhn.o o,n It. WadleyA. R. Ilnrll•y W. %Ilene IG A. innbnr, skip 11 F. McDonald. skip IT 11, • Why Not Use Both? •'O11. elle !" ex1L•ailord the excited MAMMA, Who luta Ilti'laid iter h11.b:111d, I'm Itslking for a 1+11.1(11 man with 11111• rye,'• "•%Pell, ma'am." replied 1.1.• polite H.Mx•walker, "111' he's a 'w;atl elan. ulayIS• you d 14411et' use Tooth ryes."-- I'hilsulrl11hia Ledger. • A Good School. A school than has niade an excel- lent ree..rl this year is the p.lpulat- Elliutt tfi.iue.n College of T Iroolo. The 44.11)41141 made by 4444111*".'. Nrnls dr.it•11114 41( acerb ring 474 alltlatte4 of this well-kuo.vu se•huul Illus Ie+en, we On - di -Miami. al11141* 1 Wellty times the supply. 'elle priu'ipal. Mr. N4'. .1. Elliott, Oahu. 11131 the secret of the Nein si 3,4 rulers, is due to the l':u•t that they t horunithly •ant i.fy were slentent . Hr is 441''• 1111 e•xtensi(e advertiser mill says I hal net( spall.•! "dl•ert icing helot. him w.•11derfully 111 Iris business. The advertisement 1,f his eollytr,a11 114441, in this paper. Beall it. If in• te•restld write for 44 catalogue. The Better Man, Prat was inyited't1111, welding and 411115 ell faultles,l% attired in e'tr dress. as white rhry.iailtlle his but lrif) hob.. Thr guests a.wlllblel Weir' suddenly 'a1 fled by" hr,arhlg 41 lion. Hushing into the hull. they w1•11• start led 1., 1melielld 1',11 tumbling down the astir+, c pletel5' disha•llad. ••\\else, what's 1111' 11uu- ter :'. rx11,4in1e1 Ihr 1)115*, •'Shure, xnd 1 hint upstairs: and, whin I \'.int inter the ro4111 I seed a .will yowle daily w•id as Whiff. 1%1'11114 Menu in Isis hutton•hule and kid gln1e•' 411 Isis hands. 4.11' I seri to hint. 'Who's you 'Shore,' he sex, 'x14' I'm the best man.' And beg,.rry, hr is." Ladies' • J,411rllal; r 11 unrtrnrt' . and another big a(1o'a11/1. ill. r•oncr'lr r•ifMt rhl('t , A Perfectly Fireproof 'Elevator. A Iee111 IM•r of The I-'anuels' Advocate has the following etunlnent WI (11r t i slet•ich rlev4t n0. : ('enmut is Rapidly- e g into ge•n- eta41 use for building purtsl4r.. 111 the great 1',''4y- elevator fire at Duluth, the wooden wot•kii14-Lmusr, rnlrtain- ing 141+4,14(01 bushel, 'of grain, valued• in all. at ne•:uiy $1.100'.1441, was a total 1... hat the 1•0411.11•14• .:1111)4.4. eontain- 111g all 1 lIlIllen%' 4111.411111 v of rye, flax :old wheat, went tiltl.uah the fire in: tart. Arenrding to a report In The Northwestern Miller. the two bnild- ing' wrrr alk.ut :t: fret apart. and tilt• heat frau the Millions 1)l' feel of .dry t uinea.111 the wrest house was so great that steel fails 1M•tWren the 14.51) wrr1' snhie't.d to n welding and fusing temperature. while• for h Ire41• of fe't away it was en hot that torn could not live in the glat.e. Thr N to 12 inches of cement bet we -n this heat and the wheal within the ne•,at est row of bins in• the enirrrte house were amply suft1r•ient 111 pot;ert the grain from injury. 4Vith the folrguiug 10- Skew•, the new t•I*\stir of the li/xleri,h 10nt,1 EIrvatm and 'Transit l'nmpasly. now 111 1' `,e• of elt4•t , is (Ming rnrl- Mt•us•te1 throng! t of cement and Merl. Both working-hoi.w and shn•- ege bins a11•1' bring hiih of those materials exclusively. This fart is re- garded a44 of the 111 -t important... to 11411'1111S 111 111.• Ii11let•ich el.'yatot•, tis 111 guara11lres,safe storage• for (heir grain 11144*reprrrldr1eyator, Not only will this 1'e of give, aadw,tnt:we to Ontario millers in ensuring the safety of their gait. anti obviating any risk of 11,- t rhanee to their business 4)y the .ud de rutting MI .d their supplies: but it will abut do away with the pay'ul.•Ilt of lwayl• in1nran..r charges. ' London, 1'. 1 a41hert J. 1 armor. K. KIand .1. !leech. 'kip x1`10111•1 h, Ed. thigh, J. Shine w.J. M. lien .4(4p 111.1forth. 1 Pr. Uric, e .1, sonde. de. FA. lot oiler .,11 F. L. w1111s, .kip 14 Exeter. 11. Lei Mt C. Snell 11', Illatehford - 15 W. W. Taman. +klp..11 9ePfart h. .1. K. Parke. T. I'. Coleman W, U. Mrl.nan J. 1 irrlg. skip 1.5 WIngham. 11, IMII /'. P. Smith A. J. Irwin A. K. Porter. skip. .16 Dodrrlrh. F:. 1. INrkinson J. (left F. Pall. 14.w. Thmm"anl, ek l p 41 London Thh,(448. J. F. Mlftnn k. Mho. A- rallwP K D. Mein, skip.. LI A STERLING B' SINESS MAN. 's,' hnv,' 1P4enattl4' nam- 41111 ing t11nt E. 1'. Paulin. w m reee•n114 bought .1. H. Hawkins' hardware store, has ,'nlargell his 4.n ins,• Ly lidding n pl hint and Ai Punish- ing deport men*- and is also it . king the a Tin' first, t 114lt . 1 he 1 1' store. Wit 44 hos bet.n used for storage, will • convert...1 into 11 '.4..v'• showroom., 11.• intends to 1'nt•ry 41 complete line of ole('lime's 1"..niou' st114,4. rnngr' ,Intl Glrnnres, making a specialty of the ••I'ant.lra" now.. and "Wnu'hi11r" frlrnlre: 44',' are plensrd 1.. have n man of Mr. Paulin's reputation and ebiliP11 enter into the hominess circle of the town, a.. he is prectil•al tinutnilh and h,rlvMr• man, haling twenty years. rs- i et iener. :111. Paulin s,rvell his time w11)1 Harland Bros., of Clinton. Sine.• then he has worked in a ntnnls•r of towns and cities in Canada and the United States. In Ila he entered into Jlartner4hip with A. ' olin1[ of \Ving4444111, 111 the hardware. stove and tin issinems, which they NirriP1, nn for bum y«,us. sehl'n they dismolvel partnership 44nr1 Mr. Paulin lncabrd 44t 1)ashwosl, where he carried on a very roweellafnl heuiner. until locating in thin town. Titian for Ontario to Toot. "It is jll. t' .11ki11. 1111,1• for Ilntal'i, to sit np alt 1 *,loot- its nw•it horn." re 111411 ked Non. Nilson Monteith, Minis- er.o A 0.1 11 'e' 1.11 e a "The f li tl Il .t1, other B N'rst has had alauit. a 111 of pullli.. attention. LInt111•io this year trill 1111E4' the most calnahir r•1•np she erre 11:41. 4 M repi,•ts indica fp that t'.1• Will not only have quantity leaf quality, and the priers are unlwmlly good. The only pity is th44 pl'Ilneer and eon/4111 nee cannot get e111s1.i to- gether." Few W.II Escape the torturing ache's of earns. }l0. III.4- pal•el, "-aha otil' painless cart' it Put. 1441111'. Awn Extractor. rift yeatm in use and alreolut•ly guarantee,. From the 4mt-ready .tale Book There may be many other Rain Coats -but you are safe with the ;15 Semi -ready " I mperva " Rain Coat. All Top Coats of the Spring Fashion 4906 -in Chesterfields and Surtouts. The $20 line is emphasized. They 1... she dation.. style marks the well-dressed gentleman. $*1101.AZADY WARDaoBR- GODERICH McLean Bros. - - Agents PHONE NO. W. A. McKIM GODF-RICH Building Sale Continued 1:111 linen • 11 .1 k he ed, full dol inches square a, 1Oe each .... ll Double duulask'paue Irish linen, full bleach. Lunch $1 .•1..t Its, :atlx5lk very r /sial, t .•,1.11. t ' _ •VV 00 11'111(e quilts, tine to $1.:54 earl,. One very special lime. lull 742, ....1,,,(4 , reversible 1011, good valine at $4.40) for kill- Wrappers J Wrappers worth $1.1111 for %%'1►itr and colored ►lin wants for; 68c 38c Marlins. All our 14.., 21k- and 1151• tins 1.4)'lefty at 124" 5c :41161 Window Blinds ! 1 Cheap ones all gone hal we hat the Inst oiled linen, e inen, olauque fringed,, with the 1.es1. hetlshorn roller worth IIIc for 60c. 1111' sante but both 60c .1 iuge4* uud inw•rli011, Hearth Woe to clear at each .............. :Ale "mini', lodes C p1rl.• for 2&c, Parasols 1 1 (hdy n few fans\• m left and at one -thin! off. SIM/ parasols for tale.$1.:111 parasols for 51.00. 3 only purl• .ilk Caney parasols Al '111 per cent. o1T. REMANTS. lots of theI.. clear while the buildetw ale 4t,•ndinythem•• McKIM'S BUSY STORE GODERICH Tourists will thud 11111' 414'01.11111'111 411' A11u•rieau toilet articles always 1,111 and tip -to -date. THE SANITOL PREPARATIONS : Paste Powder Liquid LyLns Tooth Powder, Graves Powder, Rubdown, Teaberry and many outer art isles ton tamer - too men'iou. 1.•1 u. try 111 suit sun ple'a't•. LIME JUICE -best of all cooling a+lnumer drinks. SAMPSON'S RED BLOOD PILLS. I'br best a (suind iron ,.ill un 1 h market and only 25c 111. 6 for 51.00. :\ great. tunic. W. C. GOODE, - Chemist Bedford Block, Goderich TM Red Cross Drug Store. Lente Soar repair marls for '1'aule. R 'on hem. ARE YOU MAKINC $2,003.22 A YEAR? 11 is being done will, con goods, 14 a w pleasant, permanent and peof'tnble. user in every 1 .e every day. Ha fate. and uo need to create the demand. 1•egitinaatr. timetable business. Y.HI can "tett wilboll ■ cent of capital. Write 1414ay. e. M .5444* r. 1. A Co., Wholesale Teas, and Coffee.. l.mdon. 1n11. 41t1•11111 •11111• • Its MO; A Special SALE 1 OF Women's Fine Goodyear Welt' Shoes which we mast clear oft to make room for fall goods. 1'he regular price of this line is *3:75. We • will clear them at $2.go per pair. Also a line of WOMAN'S OXFORD TIES. lieOular price $2.011 ; *48!11(1 1 to $2.00. Wm. Sharman REPAIRING A SPECIALTY mils. IMMO GM= 1 A11F:NT FOR THE ' Union Trust Co's North West Lands The poor man's (lest chance. MIINET AUVAN('RD TO START OM EASY TERMS. Call and s(',' anyway. r11NNK1•rvU WITH ' J. A. li NE(iORY & CO. Heal estate and business lit okrra 5IF YOUR DRESS SUIT Get it Now. \, 1' 11:1 \ 1. 11111' NEW FAI.I. (iOODS 1',+1111,1 Hug THE LATEST MATERIALS 1'0►` this particn1ar•kinit of snit. Frank H. Martin The Tailor • (Mb 01•111!II • The Best Is The ' Cheapest 1 WE buy the best, therefore can offer you the 1 same, a few of which are : Plymouth Binder Twine, 1 Gold Medal 65o ft. Twine, 1 Green Sheaf 55o ft. Twine, American Pure Manila Rope, i i i i 1 1 from 1-; inch 11p to 11, inch diameter. 1 Sherwin-Williams Ready Mixed 1 Dillon Scythes, fully rlarautecll, Paints, Happy Thought Ranges, i Kelsey Furnaces, 1 Hdmmer Brand Calcine Plaster, 1 t1 t's!, cm -10a11 jest. in of National Portland Cement, of which our Sales have been Over 4,I00 barrels this year. This speaks for itself as to quality. Ideal Fencing, American All No. 9 Fencing. Our complete line of • Shelf Hardware 1 is the best we can !my. Plumbing, Heating, Eavetroughing, Tinsmithing, etc. We carry a large staff and can gi Vti you prompt atten- tion and guarantee satisfaction. CHAS. C. LEE i 'Phones Store, 7 Show Cameo for sal•. (:all and gree mane and get prices. alanneolell1111111510 22 ; House, 11 2. .114 Empire 'l')-tt1•tvyit.rl far sale I at $a'.'Ml 1111111111111111111111=11.•