HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-9, Page 4TIHIPIDAT Aqui P, .19c6
1 lilt.,1
MO, Ly Osselu It 4.1044 imam
The Popular Canadian Author.
I( the temperature of an author's popularity can be measured by the ther-
mometer of sales, then surely the moist popular writer in Canada la Mus ](arahail
Bounders, whose "Beautiful Joe" has sold 4410JMMI copies. and horn treualated
into Swedish, (knuan and Japanese.
At her greudfather's house iu Milton, Neva Scotia. Miss Saunders was born
in ltllil. the daughter of a clergyman, and a descendant of the John Alden im-
mortalized in verse by Longfellow. Her early Jays were spent - ill the beautiful
1 roma
nee and historic
tl redolent / f
land of Evangeline where the very air ..rem
oris,,. When she was nix the family moved to Halifax. and there slit. remised the
fouudatiuu of lee education in private and public schools until fine en. when she
was sent to a,iwardine school in Scotland and thetas. to France to put aotne finish-
ing touches to her educStiou.
On her returu to Nova Scotia she taught school fur a time and then drifted
into literature. Her first short story brought forty dollars. bat she soon realized
that real success could not be plucked like a ruse it a garden; she mint pay the pace
in years of observation, study, training end practice. She apeut several years to
foreign travel, as a pont-graduate course 151 l•xperience, and then returned to Nova
Scotia, ready for the serious work of tier life.
lis 1844 the America's Humane Educational- Society offered a prize of $21M1
fur the best story illustrating kiudnrse to dumt, animals. Miss Salinders deter ed
to compete for it. She spent six months in writing a story. the hackgromed of
which was largely autobiographic and the spirit pervading it ha'r own Intense bye
for animals. the sileut appeal of their helplessness finding ever a sympathetic echo
u her beset. The romm,ttce of award in giving the prize to ber book " Beaitiful
Joe." said "the anther ha+ genius, heart and insight. It is an admirable story
and should have an immense sale and become a standard fur all litirarirs." and
yet Goa sweet, sympathetic study of dog life. despite its splendid endurarmrnt.
went legging among the publishers fur sax months before it was accepted. Miss
Saunders baying availed herself of ghee privilege.of forfeiting the prize money and
retaining her manusrript.
When published. it gave her a plate in the ver' front rank nf writer's of animal
atones. Her "Tilde Jane" a simple. natural. pathetic yet humorous star)'. adds
a uew.rharerter to the ebarndrg literature of childhood. In her ambitious novel
"Huse it Charlitte." she goes a delightful portrayal of the life of the Acadian. in
the historic. country around St Mary's Bay. a realm of idyllic romance, where
maks and sorrows seemed to sanctify and purity the people to higher things.
asissa a. .•Nle* MA. .t W pulum•at •1 Ca .ea N tae year 1... b, W t• ra.a, a raw rausoissoi... emaciates
Extensions of the Waterworks Sys-
tem to be Made Old Sewers and
=Drains Interfere with Laying of
Sidewalks Mr. Saunders on the
Cambria Road Walk Trouble with
the G. & G. Railway Sewer Ser-
vice for Britannia Road Discussed.
t the regular ,neetin of the town
con oil held Inst Friday K aunt•
ter, pertaining to the ranolithil•
walk. the town is le ing sis year.
Iwwer •uunrctiun on F3t•itanotu road,
e•xttnsi ns of the water eyelet , etc.,
If he %'rn-
ural etre u ot
fru i ,t
K r
Rug. A collar situation wen
when the' Maitland River Power 1
bylaw had received its Noel redia
and was penowd by the council. Thr
Mayer, who all along has been
uPI wooled to th town's having anything
to do with th scheme of the roue
pang, refused
the matter was
that position,
All the member*
present, with thr
Elliott, who no wit o
Wm. Alduue serol
inereare• of *l(MU ill
he f 1 hr needed
work as Sexton of the
could not afford unr at 1
tion he wag getting, wh
tl:laitt n year, with Ver
extra help he had in lir
the s err month), he hae
ing two Men's work. 'rhe council
wended in favor of the Mere
referred the matter to the 'r
and parks conu11it1e•I• to rove.
\,'and r,'Itii't
The treasurer of tfif (1. 1'. 1. le
asked t hr town to levy 11*3,55sa for 1
legiar Inslilutr purpw.w for the sat
rent year. This is $'Jill in mica nee
the t lteked Iasi year.
1'. A. 11. bar wrote asking ,again
if some arrangement could ural Ise
made no t hat he conk' get the town
water for his luta on South street,
Nos. PGI' 1 and 1211. The matter was
up before and the engineer reported
that the cost of extending the town
water t111011 wunld Ise too gi,' it fur the
r: vans• W tau devised, the town onion -
fill vifift
halving it res,5lnti glut 115 per
reed. of the c,st of exteneiuos ehuuld
he guaranteed in yearly revs' Ut
motion of Mess's. Blair nntl Posing
the 11er was left with 1 h engineer
I.. investigate and ..•e if enure nrt•awge•
menta cowld not Ile Wilde w'he•1rb)•
water could lie obtainr.l from atria
Edward's hydrant.
John H • wrote expressing Itis (h-
aul. to put a 1w111 in his 114111.4. on Bei"
tennis ,'caul and Raid he thought 111n1
the town .ho,Id put in drainage past
hie house, ria in the sprinpl he hail from
one to two fent of water in his cellar.
\ (ft her pr, ye•rty-owner. on the anuli
street whs. had spoken about wishing
Sewer eonne•tio11 were also uw'nt'
d the ..natter wee referred 10 the
r works eon Ates to violet!,
the engineer and report.
fleet from Mee. Yate), for water
wise wanted and Mr. Gold-
s sign the bylaw ,and
Ilowed to re•tuain ill
f the conned were
exleption of Mr.
• asking for
lary. He said
hurw in his
cemetery but
Wltslo5'a• do so would mores ate the s'tl tin.; was nide down of the knoll f not of the prop
rd far Ilio ,,rtv, which Mr. McEiran felt wonill
hw•u du- rake from the beauty- of the spit.
An article that app.* .41 in The
granolithie .idewatk ars be built nn the
*milt •id5' of Trafalgar st1eel, if laid
whole propped, outside the trees,
would iw., over a tank A 111 drain at
Mr. `tethers' Horne•, which would Ire
All 111011 isfaetor': 1 dation. Coun-
cillor ('lark thought the only thing
was to pat the walk inside the trees,
but l'ounclfiura Blatt and Goldthorpe
stark out for having it outside the
Iters if at all pnr%ilrte•, and the matter
WAS finally referred 'to the street its -
aper -tor and the public works coin -
'flitter to investigate and report.
• A iwtitiun for a sidewalk on the
north aide of 'Trafalgar .trent, be-
tween V irtorila street and Cambria
road, to he five feet wide, was laid
aside fin the time, the emmltcil think-
ing there might Is'• other petitions in
before the contractor would he ready
(n proceed with the construct- and
expenses .uf advertising and holding
the rnurl of revision could be kepi
down 1.y dealing with them together.
H. J. A. Mrl:w,155 asked for p ereu•-
•iun to hove the walk un Cambria
road extended past unr Int of his prop-
erty in order to have • the walk to tlo•
triad gate, and pe•rnlinsiun was given
on condition that Mr. McEwan sign u
lilion to carts- the walk right past
wh.,le property to N'olfe street,
en11111'i1 pgre•iug not to runstrnrt
than the portion past the first
tese•nt. he object nf the tomb
•onncil's resolution was aril
then• in' ht 1w no possibility of ,t
fet ui. ext 'shin of the walk to Wolfe
street being .tusked by the refusal of
,toy futmte
property t,5 sig
the nails I(lre•ady
g>,1.•. 'Ili, reason
pt rent be extrude
write of the M,Kwtil
the petition owing to
running to the front
ho walk will not .1t
further is that 5,
matter. M5'' 1:Oily •• 1 that ever
sine.• the work started 1511 1 b harbor
lull the railway people had ruutin•
u:111y nnnoyel them and that day,
just after he lied th1• wir'rs tightened
up, hr heard a ".e while hi WAN in
the a,ri'er lomatand going out ler
fouua the railway employee•s hauling,
a large caide ot•er six of the town
electric light wires. and the result was
that the covering was etlipped oft the
wires and the wires is stretched.
and when the men ill 'Chillgo were
slokrn hl They defied him. \Ir.
Kelly said the cable could have leen
Kut over the wirer without injury to
thrid. "1 have put up with every-
thing up to the psese•ul time." said
Mr. Kelly, "and it the 1'oun.'iI look to
1115' to have light every might 1 waist
s -ane swot e•tiuu." The Mayut said the
mat ter Itld been talked uvrr with Mr.
Peterson and he seemed to be as
71 ions a• the town Naar to have
everything propel I% att••ndrd to,
After `•out.• discus -doll it. was decided.
..it motion of t siiiii'ill,r• B1a'r :old
Sa11114vv., t15 itl.trot the 1,lvn .elicitor
to take• w'hat.•ver ale•tiun he thinks
bra ill tins iilelest s of the hovvn.
Che lo. .lino 151 Ihr ptvlp...e,l
walk on Ile west side of \'i,•1.1 in
street came up for "%Lw•us.iota 11
appearctlilt . of the old lox sew-
0fs runs ;miler the outer edge of the
pt,sde..ed location of the walk,,Maids'
the lore. cud thia wuutd interfere
1% oh setting the ptoiwr foundation.
\I1. i4slltws was strongly in Laver of
having the walk outside the trees if
,,srible, and it was finally decided
that the elute s-rwlut'iI .huuld visit the
place on Saturday intuiting and see'
w hat could be dour.
Neessafy repairs on the Albeit
stiret sidewalk \sere ordered to he
made. This walk ha. been down only
two...•nr.and the guarantee is good
for doe years from the dale 15f putting
A motion was passel to 'reduce the
, a w'herr
1 t
te • 5'l
•'. ,..Ira
N'Idlll r f 1 1
K. .
tlss- ‚.riik i, 10 1'.' .six feel to five feet
and on streets where the walk is to Ihr
five fret to Omar fort.
HyIaw Nu. 13 of 1353k to guarantee
the bonds of the Mait hind River
Power ('u., VAMP up for its third read-
ing. Mr. Blair mover that the bylaw'
as read the thit'tl time Iw passed, but
it was a H01111te or t w'n before al See-
ondrr was ready. When he dis-
covered that the motion hail not been
seconded, Mr. Sallows, who was lig.
tiring on some matters hr wanted to
bring 'whirr .the council, sreonded it
and the five councillors present voted
for the motion. Thr Mayor voted
against it, lint drelat•ed the elution
carried. Thr clerk got the 11 N'11'4
weal trade acrd handed the bylaw to
the Mayor for hie signature, but His
Worship said. "No. 1 won't sign it.
No, fin thee action war suggested by
any of the cooncillot•e and the matter
drnpppwd without any cupeu•nt.
Mr, Sallows said he wa. told .•.aur
persons were allowing their water taps
to lain all night and suggested having
the eight-watchu14an take the unto•>,
of any such he could notice. This wits
thought 'a good plan .and arrnngc-
nsets will no doubt tau tuade along
these liters and ileo for it similar cheek
a,4 to the 55,40 of water during ptu-
hihited hours of the (lay.
Mr. Sallow. also wanted to know
what was (wing done to enforce the
dog hy'law and was informed Chet the
collector haul agreed to make an ex-
ample of some of thaw• who were let-
ting their dogs run at large without
tags. A resolution was passed in-
structing the collector to' fine Iliuse
who) were not ()harrying the law.
Ali.. Salluwr wanted to has, the two
cancem at the west end of the town
mounted nu cement. foundations, the
same as the one in Victoria Park, and
was authorized to 1144.0 the Work
done. tenders to ie asked. Thr in•
formation w•as elicited that, the cost of
the new carriage and the cement
foundation ter the cement in Victoria
Park was $31, and Mr. Blair said
he thought it was $ 31 wasted.
Another sugg sttiutl from Mr. 5n1-
10ws waw to hati'r a shelter puri' up at
the Ie,1 hint; lunar to protect hat hors
f5' the sun going to and from the
coater. This was left in the hands
•t the chairman of the parks
►s •ell -mittee.
Another idea of Mr. Mallows' was to
have a cement sidewalk built on the
north side of the harbor hill. as a con-
tinuation of the walk on the north side
of West street. He thought the
mirth ride of the hill would Iw better
shin the south side, where the present
Binder walk is situated, as the sun
would have letter access to it and
keep the snow thawed out in wilder.
No action Was taken in the matter,
however. for the present.
A request for ineandesrenl light
service for ter. ('lark's• residence
tvra granted.
1\'illi:un l-iarrett ryas heard with re-
-pert to the srszrr•it)' of water in his
end of the Inwn.. Ile had .5 glad sell
bat a number of the urighleirs were
awing it and hr was afraid it would
run dry. HP. t1 gilt . • errulge-
melds should Iw made whereby reed
(lents of the vicinity could get water
front 11 town water top in the vicinity.
111.11 small cost. and 2:c•. per month
per u.01' was agreed ilium, and pre-
111in11e arranged to ensure only
thane who euntribule having use elf
the hap.
The enntiril adjourned at a late
Health Depends on (Rood Blood.,
Everyone who uses Frrrnxutr has
go.a1 1•ulur nod great vitality. Bras 11
[u, this is. Ft•rt'uxunr'w power to trate
nom isilitlg blood. "1 was broken
down. had 1111 St 111111,11h and tyaildn',1
rat:- writes Mrs. ('has. .11. tiny, of
("home, Gut. 'sell)' nerves were ir-
ritable. I was thio-hlo.drd and con-
tinually unhappy. 1 wird Feminine.
It give 1110 new energy, force. riu1,
It brought me slrrngt4 --roods 1510
well.' Greatest Ilei'' and rrhuildrr
eve, known is F'rt'rovaur. Sold every -
ii het .• in :ik•. tinges.
New life for a quarter.
t',.mpound Iron Pills. . For
.1n.. \\'ilr15n.
,I list 45' Girt as it grows easier for a
mall to du without ti lends he tindl
that their lees ill, 1cave.
\I idler's
rale by
a5' and
thorpwa\rw++nest for extension of the
syafem lisi), new 1loulwe on Cambriaroad was nteetl. 4 2 -in. pipe to b e
put in, pro ided four services am
An requested at the last melting of
the council, the clerk submitted a
statentt'nt of the money tel the credit
of the town, rni5Pd by debenture, to
purchase the right of way far the 17.
& (i. Railway through the town. The
ppm0Prds of the $2(I.01MI 1 per rent. de.
hcntutes amounted to $1(1,7(0, the
money being deposited tel the credit
of the town in the Bank of Montreal
October 14th, 131)4. Accrued Intermit,
$441, aeldrd mads 111211,1 413. $a,1et1 had
hewn paid nust, leaving 112.1 to to the
("dit, of the town.
The town closet reported that the
signal last week 5., the 5''.•r•
Cambria road walk was la•ini%,
n1+u1. and Char Ihele were hum
collie in for •ole.• 1•('itil•i),I11, a), it`3t5ree-
111.III puse.n,t the contractor and th,
•d Ir••1 insprlor wet.. nnL doing Uresis'
1101Y, The rnnnril Inaiated elf wintC
explanation. Alex. Si doers, Who
441)4 loosen' for flit• pnt'pssr. assumed
responsibility fol• the art joie and
Wined it was correct. The street in•
:tor warmed up und.i'the impnra-
i of neglect of dotty on his part am)
lied the walk was properly laid
according t.. specifications. Hr
1 superintended the laying of
,,le walk. ' 1 -ever, and hs'
son the chief of pedisre. who
..'intended a portion of 1h1
explain what. he knew, 31t'.
the win k dine by the co0-
entirejv etisfnvtnry and
tote the inspectors .4 Ih.
w'aa with the h1 •las 'ty-
owner),, s • ,f n•hun1. like Ntr. Sano
d.`rs, wanted the walk put lower 15
suit the level of their p' -''i tt'. Mr.
Saunders dill not ..•ply 10 these e
Ilw91ta 111111 111e 1114let' WAS aituwed to
drop. the remmril a •Cepiing the state-
ment lit its other •e l 1111 the wok
was all right. -
'rhe finance ronsmit hr's relent, me-
nding the pny-ment of n
her of Mer 1., waw adopt cal, the only
Iv r •nl
io muse the
\Willehnul w.
diol the
\ 111 pa y•
•YIes, bin
that 1h.•
laid on
on it.
the s
wink, In
Sande 4ni.
( i'al•tei N'.1.
the only tro
scot k had lit
11,',',555111 coming in for d
'wing that o1 the tailor v
snit for the new night
The nscosnt. was *2 large!
(.111111111all b),`e•t 11 1111• la'
li 1 1
Rug for snit. for the ronstn
I lie latter wm as explained by ,I�te fart
that to new man is a large and
'10. 1111 1111ll 1hnn Ili and
IwruparWof the !NOM ion.
The intention of some trouble,lle•
tweet' the town 111111 the> (i. k (3. Ba1-
wiy people ens lit -ought rap. and t e
clerk tend is letter which had been
.eat. the manic day to Chief Engineer
Peterson, enrinaing a letter from Mr.
I'roielftot. who ie meting for N'm.
leo. Mr. le'e claims he is sustaining
dantliges by renslm of the Eels.
iint of the grade of the lower portion of
the bubo'. hill road, whirls he claim),
prevent• proper *mesa to his coal
abed. '('het's was also another nape` rat
tmuhb I rtaPsn Ihr parties. occurring
the saner afternoon. and Engineer
Kelly WAS called in to explain the
are the only
medicine that
will cure
betes. Like
Bright's Dis-
ease this dis-
ra.e was in-
D"" -...I's Kidney Pills
cured ft. Doctors
themselves- confess
that without Dudd's
Kidney Pais they are
powerless agtinat Dia-
betes. Dodd s Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitations -box, name and
pill, are advert ted to do bis,
but the rncdiuue that dues
is Dodd's Kiy Pills.
Dodd's KiJudneey Pills are
fifty cents a box at all
AVE intend to clear out all our summer goods, in the shape of muslins,
colored and white at about half-price. A lot of summer suitings that
were 25 cents, you can have your choice of seven pieces at 15 cents. A
few pieces of cotton challies at 15c for ioc, wide widths and fast colors.
Y • choice of 1' pieced of gingham at 125
vents in +ell the lending colors. Fast 'idol's.
10 white sltl't waists that were $1.3i to $I.7:,,
elude.. fur :ale.
A new lot of Mill ends bought at so nitwit a'
Ili. Fully :el let• rent. less than regular priers.
A11 good tailors.
Another lot of black seamless' cotton h••<,•.
fast Illnck, 2 pi1N•s for 2.1 veldts, Iodise' sizes.
IS dress ends, 1.7. yards in each. no two 1111k4,,
shot eliects, only fill cents.
J. H.
Corner Hamilton street
and Square,
TO 'I't
The price or M•efi' 11 le5111,01 ls.wa 11.•
I/I:514i Ewen, lei" . oiloos1 a 11 1..1 ,
two, And Y11.1 tuenU» sI
d" cn \\ Are 1141W -1 qdt let ell
14 1:17: i white 1• 111111 l 1
• I 1� 1 1 1 nor. Ili 1 eve. Ne
\tk.\1 \tAHI.F,' hxndlc. all
meal•, Iluullrt, 5'l,' 4:114. w hlle
haiiking the iamb,. far 11 it
1,1 llnl4'5', tee •1,1411 :t mil. Il:ne t• ..f
11,, . un,•:
.. t•. •'1. . 1 .,,n..re. 111.1, I;.I
The Pandora Thermometer
'The thermometer on
the Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac-
curacy to the cook what
the square and compass
mean to the draftsman.
Without the square and
compass the draftsman
would have to work en-
tirely by guess, just as
you do without an ac-
curate and, reliable thermometer on your oven.
The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to -
an exact science. You know precisely how much
heat you have and what it will Ito in a given time.
It k one of the small thing., which makes the
Pandora so much different and better than common
MCJarys Pandora
Hyomei a Scientific Treatment for Ca-
tarrh by Breathing Medicated Air.
Ever since Hymned has been kp(.w'n.
its fu la has fawn given to physi-
cian., druggists. and. in fart. to all
intelligent people who Iambi appreci-
ate the true merit of the combination
of healing gum.. oil. and Ixll•ams of
which it 1s a towel,
\duty lending ph)''.0 lane endorse
11 y011114 and pilaw: it* it for eatatrhll
ttnuIlle•s. In fnrt,sinite n few of them
uS' it lheeswlyes to break rap a cold
and prevent l"'' pneintemis. They reg,ird
it n), 0 natural and scientific way of
siring etarrh.
Breathed Ihrnngll the pocket in-
hsler, that comes will rvrry 11111111-
Ilyl •1 kills sill catarrhal geese's in
Ihr :lit' passages of the thrmt and
nose, soothes awl heal% the irritated
•nue nw•nlhra0e and effectually
,drives from the, system all traces of
catarrhal poiwm.
No one should reinfound 11y `1
with the patent tlte'lls Ripe. that act' Ad-
vrtti%el ns catarrhal emrr),. 11 is us
Muperior to 1tient 111 ns the Ili,•rnond ie
more valuable 1h si rhe•ap glace.
The sot iplete Hy 'i ontftt, con-
sisting of a neat poekrt inhaler, a
Incl ieine dropper. and a bottle of
Ily `t costs;1 and exits! Iottle,. raw
Ile obtained for Alt cents, making it
the most rrononliral me thtxl of Hering
entsr'rh, ria well as the nine' reliable.
If yon rnnnul. nhl•sin Hy'nmei of
sone dealer, it will ho forwarded by
instil, tuna age paid, nn rerelpt of price.
Write today for consultation ,lank
that will entitle you to aervIcea 01 snit
medical deportment without eharge.
Thr B, T. Booth l'' parry. Hyrum.'
Bsid(Iteg, Ithaca, N Y
sec :. � 5'l F,xtori
London, Toronto, Montreal,
Winnipr-t;, Vancouver,
St. John, N.B. Hamilton
`;hlllllll ',In1 Ilr1' lht'll' $111+x -Illy 1 f
Binder Twine
at the N t'w I'Iardttlare St i e'.
West street.
three good brands to choose froul. (lose p
flay Foil:, ilach'Itie Oils and all other lines of
:trnlrrs' Siiplllies to llardwa•e.
Ll Builders' 1lardware we have• the right. good:,
ie right prices. -
our trade is solicited.
The New and are Store, = West Street.
The Exhibition That Made
Fall Fairs Popular.
An ide occasion for a family outing.
Daily ase skins of a navigable Air
Ship, always tit: r perfect control. The
most wonderful im invention of the age.
Fireworks on a re magnificent and
imposing scale, picturin the great Carnival
of Venice.
Many splendid eductionel feature.
for the. buy's and girls.
11 I-A1S )l'.11111•:HS FUH
Plastic Form Clothing
Watch for a nice line of
New Shirts
in our window.
Now is a good time to leave your measure
for an ordered Suit.
To Manitoba and Saskatchewan
.yr* f e additional for that turn ticket,
t h
w tel une v conditions
tsw( s
• aq Wlew.
r,--G'OINCa D1TEe--
1U1 14 Statleee south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including
101.11 Maio line Toronto to Sarnia and stations aortb, except north of Cardwell
Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section.
111. g From all points Toronto and east le and in, lading Sharhot Lake and
Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay sod
Midland Divisions.
Oso way e.rs aA alar tint eta w111 be sold to WInatpew only
prwetative farmer*, a000lntad by Manitoba and tla katchaps /hvn�enfa, will MIN
1aboran ra arrival at Winnipeg
Trio traanpsrtauoa .111 be furnished at WInnlra.a to pelota where labor.» are n.nl.n1.
♦nerdbate le tnralahed when each ticket lay chewed. and thin errt.tCoat.. when .xsnued
row. Mewls' that laborer ham 'worked thirty dare or more. w111 be honored from
teas pilot for a .creed elms llek.t back to atomise point le Ontario. at till M. prior to
t ora, , a.. fay feet
____......_ _. - 1'1sk•b will he M*narl M wmoins n. well me to man het will sex M limed at half ran to children.
His Setanic Majesty will triad any
roan who is good at making excuses.
an geld only •• .Imetal arm Laborers' iron*.
For hill p•rtlrtlers am aaarwf t' P It, Hetet Wank or
mew G H. Teeter. D P ,. O. t'. R, Toronto.
For inform.ti,n write
W. J. REID, Presii lens or
A. M. HUNT, Secr*l.ry.
Sept. 7-15, 1906
are'rerognierd the world ober as the standard of excellence. They
are absolutely pure and do not require to be bleached, as they are of a
fine, natural creamy white color, the color of pure flour. We give the
natural goods of the highest quality which the best raw material, to-
gether with the latest and most up-to-date milling devices. can produce'
Irl .Niel' A1.L11N' Yul'Ir3:L3' TO 1137 MISLED 11Y AN OFFER HF
54sMF:T1fIXu Fal; N/ITHINo--\'(H' INVARIABLY1.1n13: IN T(IP 3:514,
Quality and Absolute Purity
are assured the r °usumer, first, last and ai ways, and it Is on this basis
that we have bili up our trade, commend+ ig five years ago, until our
present daily milling rapacity it thirteen th wsand, two hundred hags.
Buy Good Goods at Fair Prices
without trashy premiums and acres.t nnthis, g that Is affirmed to be
"just as good " There is no flour just as good. quality and price eon-
sidered, as the ..Five -Star" or the ''Ti tree -Star" brands of patent flours.
Mi .1* at