HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-9, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTA RIf ►
TULMa'Ay, August 9, 1906
Xews of the Sistriet.
Myth Gall fair this year will 1N• Iu•Id
4111 S1•pt.Il1arr 1801 and 19th.
Ueo4ge 151clfuibb)au, of Harrislon,
has been engaged am principal of Furd-
wirh public school.
The Seaforth Horlicultiu•a1 Stade, y
will hold a flower 14114111• 1111 Aligned
:31.6 and September 1st hi the town
Miss May SW,u•t48 and Ivan John-
ston, both of \Vinghanl, were quietly
married 111 (1nrrie rectory 111 111011day
Scaly Splits Diseases
-Er ze*ia,SakRhcum.Tettrr etc )ielJquiekly
to the Inaba; lower of 111ua Otnow:I .
Why soler wuh the burning ars( ildmej)
Why let the thins go on i Deal be mlanabk
Mira rods only ,Oc. a hoz-- 6 for $2.50.
Get ei to -day. At dlusgiai --or from The
Cheetah Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilto -
"A /ow hour, alter Me/I4.4l apph,olo,. "Wn/n
1..a. Cynics*, / 1't»RMlvn A: -e ' ,%1wiMea,
•-//eel (real rel 11141 hag rwn hod wanders sr
me. ' (//e had 1:1 rrt1a Jo. %k m. , ))
Wirt w pale Ile fr wi, walk in. ved mslk-
Appetite comes with eating
and each square of crisp de-
liciousness seems but to make
room for more.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
are different from any other
cracker. Nothing heavy or
doughy about them but so light
and crisp that they are trans-
parent. Mooney's biscuits will
be a regular dish on your table
if you will try them.
Say-Mooney's- to your grocer.
The Northern
Navigation Co..
For Georgian B .. Soo, Mackinac
Penetang and Parry Sound 'vis -
today ill 6.31111.111., 1-111.0111V.
For Soo, Port Arthur, Fort
William and Daillth.
11.3110/1. 11111/.. hr01110 to.fhilulb.
Attractive Tourist Rates
Tickets and information from all
railway agents.
Of Last Werk, 1141'(. Me. Farrolliviat1115,
th. Mcl't'
and John Tolmi41,
ex -11. P., of Kincardine, have gone un
a trip 111 (s/iub+ in Manitoba and
W. It liver, principal of the (intra(
srblxJ, Kinearline, 14+114 resigned his
position toltcl'rpt n better ise.11 in
Hraedo(, 1.1:111.
On Monday of last %York M1++, lieu.
Marshall. of 'I'urplx•rry. 11140411'(1 away,
Resides her 181181x\Ian she leaves 14
yuaing 14111x•, a few mouths old.
11r. Leo Kahului.. of S11.11 forth. has
been appointed official a .411101 let of
SI. Michael's hospital,• Toronto. He
also receiv1141 a special diploma for his
14118911111 word..
T. E. Haudfulll has sold his hu11+r
and wale stables in Exeter and Ilia .1t) -
maw pestle (arm hear the town to
Charles Hackney. of Thatlles It(t441.
I'xtxlrlle, 4411' $13,5111).
Thr positim) of 1rietre toaster of
the (Clinton Collegiate Institute has
been offered to 1I'. Forbes, of Essex.
Thr salary is Volt as year. 11Ir. Forbem
has not yet accepted.
1)r. J. N. Perdue, of !Myth. has*
Mack cub -1x'(11' in custody. Bruit] is
good-natured and is being •h tut
mired. lir Wax captured in New Un•
bolo by a gentleman fi Outletit1*
Thr Exl'h•r g1,un Mob (the Huron
Indians, have had a Iwa111ifn1 silver
medal (Ums17o411r1 Which will be shot
for each alternate Tiniest' y evening
cl non wind ilg hast Tbulvlay evening,
.•1oguis1 21111.
'1'111• induction of Itev. \141. Wishart
(,,• the pastorale of Melvin'. church.
Ihu.srls, will take plate 'Thursday
41144111x01, hath inst. His inaugural
sermon will Ix• I11rv11.hed1 on the Sall -
hat 11 following.
\1111, %Vilest. of L1111(1,'1 . eli14pos•d of
his Iundre.lai'•le farm in the town-
ship of t'shurur, r• 'rssiot 4. to 1l'tl.
Foust. who 111114 10rn working. the
place few Several year's. 7.1141 Ilt'Ire
paid was *11,111x1,
,Joseph 1'ldl1l1elh•k and family, of
Exeter, purpose removing to Calgary
in the near future. Mt'. l'tibbledick
ham purchased property in that ....st-
ern city and will interest hitlself in
this noamdia•luring and budding in-
One day Ia•-t week while .14.11n (bol-
ster, of Zurich. wait chopping wood at
his home, the axe in 4 • way
came in contact with his f,u1t' rutting
1 deep gash. which requited a Iwr
„1 stitches to close. It will b1)• him
,11f work foot some time.
The votes' list � for the township nf.
1•:111 1%'awa10
t1s11 for 1906 has Teen
printed. The list this year irk made 11p
of 153 voters in pant E )47 in part 2.
,nod 21 in pal 1 :1, a tuts of .din %tilers
Idle her Ill pa•rw.n' gnalitied to
serve as jurors is 3". The 1.•41 of
0,a PUN bol year was .111.
\Ilse Mounecastle, of Clinton. has
Is'en granted p ermisaion toexhibh her
oil paintings In • of the 4 ' ter
1 uolns of the Toronto cit )' hall 11411 iu5
the Exhibition. The .town'. w n s
)'rant et) owing In the fart that the is
1141• niece of the 1x141 John 11. Howard,
d.. •ofHigh Park. Toronto. ,
A quiet wedding took place at the
mange, 11'ingham, on .duty I91h, when
Hey. 1).. Per•rie united in marriage
Iola. Calvert and Miss Howells;
roti* ('asemore. The bride is daugh-
(er 111 John l>4sc11101e. of NVinghiu11
/unction.. Mr. ,1111( 11.. ('advert 11,1%r
taken up their 11•.11,'114141 in Witghatl.
While .1. a' Kipper, of t lie 11.111 e.Inl'es-
sign of Hay. was passidg through the
lig swamp • morning recently on
hit birycll• lir mel a big wildcat. which
(11,d11• its appearance f • the bush
dnng the ado of Ihe road. J1w eve(
the wildcat and Mr. 1Vikle:at eyed Joe
1,11• some minute.. both eery h
.Ilrpirise'l :11 the nunsual sight, when
the wildcat suddenly put Inv the
atorehoase Collapses.
The grain storehouse in Henslll
used by II. ('111111111t and Messett ale-
tonell collapsed one day recently.
01111 '4,41111 bushels of 'Nils W'eir
stn 41 in th.'• opper story ,and the
Wei 1 evidently was too much fur
tb• uprlorla under the building.
\marl) all the grain was 011 VIII in greed
411111(1( 1 and the 111.:1 will not he
he 4'•y.
Dear of Former Huronite.
on 3
Y r 11101101 returned
nut unshed in every 444,l•
to, .111a4/ the "Carbo-M.gnetn
It .4,41.4ratil, troweir,,d And
ow, it will hold
to edge lor
cant- /Kossotscz//
Pair is 11108
briber moo
11.1111(. oeoearo /js/
for tr7 awY
"Carbo-Matnetir" F Me
tie C,,hron Strov,, 11.00.
Pin booklet "Rion to Shaven."
„ '(611111
•IA', C, LFF` - IGoderich
John A.
On their return they will take 11
their residence in Exeter.
Disappears from Hospital.
David Hastings, of Turaitwrry. made
hlx eeleaIN' from St. Joseph'. hos9ilal,
I1m►*lot, Olt 1Vetllemlay night. July
lath, and all el?olls W !matte bins Have
Ixeu (11(1141. Hastings W.C4 s1111'et'itg
trout te•voll8'trouble. 11(11* his condi
tiuu hall 11.c01114e .111.11 that it was
necessary 111 employ a male nurse to
guulrl 1 ' I:v.utin5 him nurse for a
n141411eth. he jumped 1. the window
of his r000m, which was located Int the
%•1.411111 HIM*', 141111 14411(11' good ill. es-
cape, alit gh his 1(1(144144141 was Ji.•
covered in a rely short time, :41111 lie
w'/M4 g111ek1*' pursued.
An August Wedding.
On 11'ehu•wlay of last week at.Iligh
IIIN1111 a pretty Wedding (1 N,k place :t
the 1eside•noe of \1r. and Mrs. 1.
Langsroot h, S.af/lrth, when their
*laughter, ,l nliu, was nailed in mar-
ring** to /ieorg. E. Wade, of Strat-
ford. The oeie y was p erfot'nuel
by Rev. John Merry, lector of St..
'Phomas church, tinder a 11(11'11( 1101 of
n141111e and while asters. The bride
was unattended. The wedding march
wont played by Mrs. .1. Best, of Sea -
forth. After luncheon the bride and
groom left un- t he 3:Yu train for a trip
to Torottl and Niagara. Mr. and
Mrs. \('rule will reside 111 Stratford.
The Local Option Movement.
There is to good deal of activity just
now among 1ewe, ante people
throngho,t the Province. They are
looking forward to the 1411111111,4 l.f
1111.111 option bylaws in a large tuullw'.
of municipnlilie%this year. ('oder the
new law voting takers place the 4atle
day as the nuluiripld election., but
petitions for the sail 's.1on .d' bylaw..
. t he presented 11.the cti11ncils 4111
04'104111,' N,ivemlWI' 1, which deans.
that 111 most 1'01/1_0.1 1h.y .t for pre'
settled at I1.' October Meeting. I1 is
expected that bylaws will Ire sub-
mitted in Heitmal1. ('s14111141, Stanley,
'I'uckeI-)lIlth, and possilly al.. in
Turnb•rry, Morris and (hey town -
oh i pw.
Death of Miss Maggie SmiUi4, Grey.
Mis4 Maggie Ymillir, eldest &nigh.
ter of ,la Ines Stlillie, of the 18th con-
cession of Grey. pa*e1'd away on Joh'
lath. She hail spenttwo yea1•M it 1be
Nnrtllw4,t and shortly Whet 4' .
Mane plaints* of not ferning 114
well as 11811101, but nut hi ng 014.4111. was
eXpeetad 11111 i1 n -short Bele ago. when
nn consultation with several doctors
alarming ovmpt 4 11f some internal
Jimrase were discovered. 'though
everything that was possible was dour
to stay the .progress` of the disease
the efforts prayed unavailing. The de-
ceased was well and widely known
and highly esteemed Mears„ of her
good qualities 1/f boa 11 Ieat•t and 1111 I1d.
She was forty-six year's of age.
Will Case Settled.
The cage over' the will of the 'hoe
Elizabeth Each. of St./Ro'lh, has 14.4111
settled. This was an action brought
in the Surr (gate ( 'onrt 1,11. the, r•11iliit0'
of Huron, by the brother of the de-
ceased and (4'r14in of her nephcw9 and
nieces all residing in I)r t -Int. \lirh•
igen, to contest and set aside the will
of El izalwt11 Each. made the day is. -
ore her death. The will teff the
property to another set of nephew.
,and nieces of dereamed. Judgment
was given in favor of the latter and
the executors and declaring the will
(4I4I. Costs of the execot111'0 are to
111 IW paid ant of the estate and thl•
contestants are to pay their own
voodoo. .1. L. Killorait, of (1oxler-ch.
iaclel for the exerutn'".
Cues Disrrussed.
The trial of the Kincardine mereh-
14at4 accused of having their places of
business..pen after 1411i.lock on Sat -
nrlav eve 5, Jul)' 21x1, co0*('lIy 111
bylaw, did not. c • o4T entir•I)•. One
of thele. Shields. Anderson aA Shielli,
apts./it-ea, 110w(•v'el, before MagistPal It,
Barker and Mackenzie. J. A. Mac-
pherson appeared for 111e44 and raised
n point in re`g,11rl to the interpreta-
tion of tble statute, contending that
a place of Ilusinesa may he open after
the inekoc1Ied h hut there is nn
411Tetce against the law unless th,•
merchant sells goods after that hoar.
No evidence of male nr purchase after
hours was forthcoming. ,11111 the
magistrates( had no option but 4
agree to a withdrawal of this and. all
the other 41110.0, except 1.. \\'iegand
and W. Young, who paid the Milli -
11111111. 91.111) with costs.
Fortune's Pranks.
As an Illstnitee of the strange
pranks which fate may play upon us
I4 the arse of a young main 1111111141 St.
1.10w•1'e111.1' ('Ilatd11T, w'ho motor sixteen
years ago was clerk for n short t'
in the Molwons Hank. Exeter. Hr is
a won of Col •1 St. Lawrence I'llnnrl-
ler. of Salem. 1li., and at present is
manager of the 1-. S. Stove 1Vu1'k4 of
1'hi,agll ,11111 ens the in 111.1. day
adopted by Hon. ( dandle Penley.
Noon 1).' Livingston and Marquis of
F.ckeIMlev. and onv.et•ds to the title.
The adopt 11(11 is the Iem1111 of a Mel'vit•r
rendered the Mnrgnis at a time of ill-
ness. The ride a •4 (41 t1r. Chand-
ler ret the expiration] of the 1/'ase of
life ' held 1.y .l•. I'ennb•y. They
arc maid to Is. the titles for which
N'illlant Waldorf Astor offered to
pay 9 4 *41f. 1I1•. ('hammer i4 a highly
Napo w ding wid41wer. Ihill3•41lnr
•rnr 1111d, and is maid by his friends to
I ani enviable catch tole %nylons
no. other than those slated.
Late Richard Irwin, Clinton.
The .Ilow-ing is from last work's
is4ne of 'ti' Clinton New Ern: t)lin-
111I1 Inst. 1) of its o141es1 business 1114.11
11141 Week 11.• 1 he death of Itieh ad Ir
win, after 11.1 illness lasting sevet'a1
weeks. Pri11 to that lino. he was
seemingly in 1 beat of health, and
there was nn ind allot that he wo111.1
not enjoy life fin' 1 any years 141 rotor.
fur he was one of he ilsvet il'st and
most active Iter ill le town. Horn
in the neighborhood 0 (3alt,^nn Sep-
141tn11er21th. 18111, he a, t. his youth
in (salt and-Hrntforl. In 1857 he
went. to St. lAali1, Mn,. remaining
thele until I1t82, when he
ros•11, son of C.aincillor
John Drown, 01 eoticesaion of hisy.
died at his lion 111.111. NeellaWil, Mall.,
1.11 Wed111.811111y, IIIV h. aged t wen-
t 5• -eight years. F it bad cold
tottercidisis of the tows followed anti
for about yeiir WW1 failing
health. 111. 18 •11111.Vi 141 11i14 Wife,
lv Id Ethel. nnd three tla natters. Mr.
141 1141,11 111111 104.11 ill 1 he V11/41 ill'. 1 illf•
Wedded at Wingha
wedding took place at tbe ho ne
:ind Mrs. Robert Loekliart.
When their third doing ee,
Aid N. MAO, of North Toronto.
high noon ,on '111mrstlay. .loily
Newt' on Hill, -le of the bride, as -
NI. Whitley, lit.m.ksrlitle. The
voting (ample will the in
Sudden Death of Zurich Man.
11,111,111 Halt1111.11..1., ich, died
soddenly et Loon Lake. a oat llllll er
sort near Pint Art how, Ont., on Alim-
day, .1111v Zird. lie had gone on a
visit to •Pcrt Arthur (4, take a few
months' rest, /IS 1111. 11,111 not been feel-
ing well.. and a few days before his
&alb he went with a part y to Loon
Lake to spend a few days camping.
It was then. that he suddenly droptssl
off. the result of heart failure. l'he
Minting were bronglit to Zurich for
Hotel Normandie License Transfer.
The ‘1'est, Huron lionise commis -
stoners met to deal with the liceare
thr Hotel Normandie. (*holm), but ns
negotiations for n sole of the !name
lit. was
Were 111 prelgreAR
reached, and the board adjourned
iitit 'Nefainy of last week, when I lie
license wax Issued to S. S. cooper,
be transferred to Mr. Scott. vrho has
secured a tease of the house. %Ir.
Scott ham been the o-lerk /he. hotel
Exeter Nuptials.
(5n Thou-R.10v mooning. July '211th,
Maio street Methodist Omer)). Exeter.
when Mix* Eva !kiwi -fling. second
:1m1 teorge A. Hawkins were united
in marriage. the ceremony being per-
formed by tht• prudor, Rev. E. A.
Fear. After the ceremony Mr. and
Mts. Hawkins left on the morning
train for a trip to Toronto. Montreal,
11140',0-1, New York and other places.
Ponce 7,,,/ ars eatIsflaa .04 .11 want more moo
For sale by .1. NICHOLSON
'The Rest in Current Literature
Mullett, 001111 IN !VIDAL.,
carne to
Clinton, whole• he hn. trod 1 ever
since. 11. en11N1rkeJ in the (leery
*11114111411414 here in September of 111112.
continuing therein until March 4t.
1'4tMi, when lu' fnt•med n partners 'p
with the bale John Illxlgrns in th
dryglmwls• hominess. 'Chi. continued
until 1872, when M,. Irwin retired to
engage extensively in the grain Wild
produce businera, which he r'nn 41.1 .I
from that time until his retirement.
from business n1o11t nine ,year•. ago.
Mr. Irwin was 'wire dart-ied, his
first wife dying in Mels. In 1871 he
married Harriet. Itippwy, of St. Louis.
who survives hint. He had one mon
by his fist wife. John hwin, tr'ain-
rnnster of Ihe.O. T. H. at Lindsay.
There were seven children by the
second (marriage, the nomad, Richard,
dying in infancy. Thome 14nrviving
see : Mra. F. It. Illxlgens. of town
Mro..1. I). Kilty. of Iwtlriurn, Mich. ,
Mn.. N. Mel.. pair, of Gown ; Mary, of
Toronto : (i r r g g, of Springfield,
M,asm.: Ilatry, of (irxlerich. Mc. (t-
win swam ,a Irrnad•ndnded. nlhlir-
spirited man, well yarn( on all top -
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best,,when used in the Sunlight way.
To appreciate the simplicity and ease of
washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight
way you should follow directions.
After rubbing on the soap, roll up each
piece, immerse in the water, and go away.
Sunlight Soap
will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes.
Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if' washed
in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing.
5C. Buy it and follow
directions 5c. Lover ■rothon Limited. Toronto .6t
i1•., and Il'.ognizel as la 111811 111 the
highest probit)' 111111 1 He was as
45111,1 friend 141 1x•rxl mm.in 'distress, in
his e11•r as'd,utg g41x1
IelieY• %llieupell 111111 0u1T41IuI1\lgreat 11)• 91('I'041111,-
ally supplying their e weals. The only
fraternal 04uaey to which he belonged
5541.0 the ('.taaliall Oder of Houle
l'1r.lrs, of which he was at • (1(1141
one 11f the supreme ofttc"ro, but hr
urs 1111ried insurance with lh.• I'.111 -
ink 1.11,.. He was a menden• ul 1\'il•
lis chord), anal lived that life which is
a comiplentent of Ila' one to r ,
The funeral was held 4111 111, sal+n'. iu•
tenon -lir being 1,1x.1e ilk t' IAA) 1 crab
eery. There was a 1.'rge atteld:tl11e
of friends, who Ilius shower( thrix
sympathy with the b.veavr'1 family,
and their reiiiie.•t and esteem 1'or 111e
de'e'asetl. 'Che 9.411-Iwaret•s sere A.
t). Pa ttisoI, .1. N'. Irwin, 1V. 1
Smith, 11'. 1t. 1.1114511, I). 11c('orl 1,•
14 1111 ,114144410 Tlvilrhrll.
1t Was His Only Tie.
(1n1• Horning. as H81 -k Twain re-
tu•mli (Arent it neighborhood morning
1.111• sans necktie, his wife met Iris at
Ih.• door wills the eyelan11ltion •
''There, stun, y1.11 have INe•n 4lwri• l
the Stowe's again wit limit 11 neekU,
It's .('rally disgraceful the w.1y you
neglect your thea. r' •
Her husband said nothing, Mt Wrist l
oft to Ili. 41(4111,. .
A (4'.l 111.1es later his neighlsor--
Mrs. S. WAN .ulnnoted to the door I
by a tl•..,•nger; -who present AI herr,
with a small box neatly door 11p, She,
opened it and found n black'silk neck-
tie. Iteennlpanit.l be the (allowing
114.44• : ' '
••Hr11M is a necktie. Take it (1114 and
look al it. 1 think I stayed- half an
hour this morning. At the end of
thtime will you kindly return it. as
it is the only one 1 have? -Mark
'Twain.'• Lad Ms' 11 Journal.
Barely Lived Through It. ••
A terrible expM'rienr1 had Ealw..1.
u'(' . of S,\1,11 81 e. 31+u•ie.!
"Fr boyhood ' 1141 writes, -I have
Bore( t\ constant sulTelr•1 f asthma ,
and catarrh. My H41w• and (111.1011 was I
14110, % - s141p1ae1 Up 111111 I had drop-
pings 111 I hr throat. %1'hlll attacks I Thr Signal to Jnn.
/1111• 1111 1 (hi/light 1 couldn't live
through the tight. I would. sit pp
.1(111 gasp for beat(: and endure gir'at.
duress.. ('nhu•rhozoti4• 1e 1114. en-
tirely well." N11 stronger proof is r.•
quinol, Asthma i0 curable. stn is ca
tarrh. tw• ••1'aturrhoz '" :111/1 your
1410.041ry is guaranteed. Two sizes,
3: (0114 $1,111 at all dealers.
1st, '07, fol- 3s%
\*464 •
I crumble the marble pelage,
1 cut as 11R 11 111 1heI1r prime;
The 11. 4.4 the torr.(
Full halo, 1hr scythe of Time.
Hut 111y moat drat nlctn1r eao,ls
Of auow. and 11141 Sant colt,
(lest111 rltect on •• Win Edoe"-•
it, I1.e, fur yea, 4 111(10111.
Paterson's "Wire Edge"
Ready Roofing
Costs less than ordivary billugles and lasts a
lifetime. It is rain, snow and fire proof -imams
dry, comfortable quarters: for Live stock and
poultry -and makelp, the ideal roof for homes,
Tarns, chicken ilona•s, etc.
Sample and booklet free. Write for them.
Hardware dealers everywhere have
twin procurer it for yon.
Peterson Mfg Co. lllwaad
Montreal and
August Specials Prompt
Low Prices
We are sole agents for
white light, entirely free
gallon. To introduce it
we will sell a gallon for
Twenty-two Cents.
'. .(‘V/•.•,•-•:•
..t.,. ---
Si.4. 11111 111'W 11111' (o1
I :'s the hest ever.
Keep those beastly flies
otit of' tha house With
Screen Doors,
Wire Cloth.
We littve just what you
want in this ljne and arc
selling at cost -to clear.
'ribose 1 Wo-hill'hor
Daisy Oil Stoves
and Kettles
were all gone. W.; got
some more. You can buy
the Stove and Kettle for
One Dollar and Fifty
Everyone iop,i, a 11:1 it. iii'
ior (intim!. stove ripe,
Tin, etc. We tire selling
a got oil init. fin'
Fifty Cents.-
There is no getting
away. from the fact that
we have the largest and
hest stock of'
in town, We guarantee
f•very tool WP heil to mive
lierrectsaishietion. t'onne
in and we will show you
the goods. .
We give sPecial attention
Farmers, '
Hardware, ,
Paints, Glass.
Iron Pipe and
Valves, etc.
We have a large stock
and' the prices ar,-, right.
keep this in miiiii.
\\ 1' handle only the hest
Machine Oil,
Separator Oil,
Linseed 01
Now it is just like this.
When you have to spend
nione3• for
Paint and
where yon feel certain
that you will he supplied
with the most dependahle
and purest materials at
lowest prices. (Mr paint
department 44 that place.
You'll get the brst 811161-
faction dealing here. Let
us know your wants.
Table and
Pocket Cutlery,
Wo' want to show you
our stock.
i hir
11118 got to go if price will
lii0V0 it. ( hily 150 feet
left. Make iis an oll'er.
.-:010 agents for
Fluron Stoves
and Ranges.
The hest made.
BLUE RIBBON TWINE at 1.312c per pound.
RED CAI' TWINE'. at - I3c per pound.
RAVEN TWINE at - - 121c per pound.
are always
NV.. nod Hatisfitetion in dealing mit.
The inoek specially well assorted for
the summer trade, and the most
W/1111/4 14 our patrons. will
have prompt service.
risme 91 Of can.
The Square, Goderich.
The New
Cement Walks
.41 t• 11 great town.] enient.
XV11 1111 1".• 1 111411. N11 1 1/1111
11,11V 11 eall :11
11.I• ,111 I 111110; pin need ni
Plumbing, Repairs,
41 all kinds of
Sheet Metal Work,
Rooting, etc.
American and
Canadian Oils and
Y011e PI hint( and Heattng
promptly attended to in a first
class manner. Personal idle/i-
t hill given mad satisfaction guar -
155 W. R. PINDER
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
hour... night or day
have opened :t livery stable in
the mtand Newgate street op-
posite the Collan-ne Hotel and
have fitted it with
New and Up-to-date Rigs. New
Harness, and Good
Reliable Horses.
A 11 I/111 1111114 ore /140.11reti hi' ile511
mervice. Your patrol -mg.. is
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Wo rsel 1 's Hardware MAZES
'Bus Stables
1,01/11 111110•41.,4
I larke and reli-
able driver.' in
c barge of, the
'Humes, which writ
meet an t m
mid ate/1 m bo at s