HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-9, Page 22 TI IISDAT Assiut 9, 1906
04/1114:1%14 'H, (0, 1'ARh>.
W• NATTER a: 10U1iERT:ac1N
Tolapboua Cao N.. at
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Addlwr *11 eonm,8ulh•e11a.. 10
YANArr 1t t1. KOH1:RTaunN,
Tiiv Swat.
I$..mrich. On
O4)1)ERIt'H, T111'ItSUA Y. AI'(11. 91. !!lilt
'The pn>poreil is made that rohalt, 01
which lnrg.gta111ilie. ate now (wing
mined in Nirt hr, -n ( Intel io, be need for
coinage purposes, diapl.ie ng the small
ail e1. e ' is now in nee in (',nada. It le
argued that the siren• roine, especial-
ly the lit -part i pieces., are easily lost,
and i1 is pnrpoeed do gulwlitutle in
plan of these larger mane of cobalt.
while a smaller coin might repla.e thy
pre 4114 feature cent. 11 is claimed
1 ol' , s Malleabili-
t hat w ing b nt hnnlnr4. , mall .a Irl.
ty and lark of tarnish rethink is en
!deal metal for three ening of low
talar. 1t would furnish it par
coinage and. a consideration that i4'
of alone moment, it would area.,
greatly in aheorhing the surplus of
cobalt now being mined. Sines the
recent developments in Northern On-
tario and the prodn•linn of n latlfe
quantity of the medal. the price has
fallen from *1414 toXi cents a pound.
At Ilse present ti111e cobalt and its
compounds are almost wholly used for
pigments, chiefly put' coloring glees or
the glaze for pottery. beautiful blur,
green, yellod and bronze colors sink-
able fur these purposes hieing obtained
from a cobalt hese. The metal is slid
to he very effective fur electric mint-
age batteries, while a, n plating ma-
terial it in much superior to nickel,
the ro:4ting Iwing larder, brighter,
and 111111e tenariols. Eerie!' elle
conducted with n view In the nor of
cobalt in a manner similar to sleeken tie
an alloy of inn have not proved tue-
eessful up to the plemMt, notWit h•
Mantling that cobalt fr ifs hardness
and high magnetic properties wonal
naturally be e111wcl(1) tr. give •n)wrior
results. -
The market for eobalt color* i4 n
limited one, ,and its rntnpetitien with
cheaper artifkrial colors it is not sapid•
lye increasing. The improvements in
storage be;t•rie. will probably cause
en imrreesed demand for the eine 11.
while, the cheapening of ...halt con-
sequent to the new' digs -oven i1.s may
greatly increase It* 11M ns a ripener
plating material. '
Collett is a while, %lightly reddish
metal similar in prgwrtie. to inn.
being slightly harder and stole ,trnn•
ri0111. and leaving 11h,.iil the •.11114' 114o.
gree of malleability. It tarnishes
very slowly and in lint Cavil)- /11 1/11•1001
hr 1110st mitts, or In• alkalies. •
Canon's trans tetm•ne for the part
rear .peak volumes for the people,
Int they condemn the Government.
The ex` ort,' have largely increased,
'Phis show's that the Iwopple have
worked energetically anal fnithfnlly in
every department of effort. On the
other hand. the Imports have grown
w1 imnwneely *hilt we bring in-
to the (1(4)ntr•y III:MI,11)1,1))r worth e
goods than are went out. This elem.
that the (io'e•nment ks aslie•p er
hostile. We eight to well nlmr` Than
we buy, and we might to In/Ike a(
home millions of 'lilies' worth of
articles now bought Moroni'. Mail
+11)41 Empire.
Thi" es n wimple of' I.he stuff that
does duty'89peitra•tintik! "argument."
The export. ha Ve inerv%Mal Iwv'On4P
"the people have worked energetical-
ly and faithfully hat 'l'he Mail and
Fiance rvid,•nlly thinks that the
people have nothing at all to do with
the imports -11r. Fielding pnlnhly
A down and orders .111 the goods
Unnndinnti want 1 ' Britain.
&1c4 States, France and ether
. Mint people, *00, willld
114 it would he 140401 haw-
se' greater vi,),,,' in return
nese to err
for the thin n 41'11, in whish rase
our imports wIhld le greeter in value
thnn non exportbut The Mail and
Empire *1(11141 rat r sur expartet4
should ••1\ awn t `I t' .Pow e
h dd 4 I for
nothing. 441 t 110 there ritight 1w Whit,
protectionists ('1111 n 'fav sable" Inll-
1104.e of trifle. The raw` of n lender
who w0111(1 send n shipload of 1'nnn-
dinn goowle to Liverpool. sell Ihenl
there, rebind the ship with Hritish
greets for 1lannd4, find then Tose the
ship Anil los (11'1441 on its return trip,
would fill The MAOI and Empire And
the average protectionist with glee,
The return cargo would of „ante he
of greater entire than the original ship-
load of ('nnedien goods., if the tr,uler
were not to lone money 041 hi. vuyege :
end the only way to prevent t,he tran-
saction front adding to the exeos'. of
(-anad.i 0 imports over exports would
he to send the whole thing tl the hot -
tens' of the eat. How the el.',u -headed
free -trailers of (treat Hotels must
chuckle at the queer economic notions
of the prntoselonlet (0nst11'.!
THF. STGNAL:' t•Onl':id1CT1 ONTARItt
We are afraid a sono 1nu111We of the
feat life sur town 1s has Ing 1111+ week•
would caww the nelghl'. 45 te talk of
"giddy Uolereeb."
Sir Thomas Lipton propose* to build
two racing boats. the Wee lwing to
sail diem against each other and err
which he will send acmes. to he heat en
lav a Yankee craft.
t'um'or' In tradition, the redcoats
in town are guile pancea1.1e; it
is the fellows in white who no. doing
the fighting. Don't you hear the
shots on the bowling given
11111• visilora should Iw lnipr.a.ad
with the fact that Gtkle•rioh hi grow-
ing prettier every year, and if they
want to ser the town making n little
better than it 411/44 at, present they
should come next year.
\1'hile the tintari. ('onset•vativee
aFP taking Iiw scalp*. of Lilwral office-
holder., the'1.41N•ripso* Kin4s.l0n are
romp': ' g of th.• appointment sop u
well-ko41wn (', )l.,•raaitive to a post
under -the Libel a1 1411%Prnrnrnt al
04 fawn. . Laurier ha14 t>nt suh•reu,In•d
tr. the spoils ay•Ie•111, 1a11 11141 good
example ea Iltrow'u :sway upon Whit-
ney and his foll.wel•.
An effort is Iwing made by one of
the legatees of Hnw•II liege to bear
prorisiatt Made for William 11. laid.
la wattle 1111114 who fifteen year.. ,Igo
ten- made a 1hil•hf for the protection
of Sage'. life from a lemlh-thrower
and 4ah.111) Sage himself refuse) to
inde 'ft 11 (4414' generous w'ay for
the injuries which he sustained. The
Iegaftee evidently lind4 that Sage.
11141111•)' horns his 110.(1s while the
MM.! ice to Linable- remains uut tlnne!
Thou people w'110 acre sal ff./1111d (11
the effect of the granting 481 'rontitn-
tionul government in British South
Africa must weeny Iw forgetful of the
prineipbs for whi.lh British rule
stands. There w:14 no w.u•ranl for
the nitre vention 41 Rritish'ar11ts in
''eidl' Africa if the intention woe
sinlidy to make the Blwr republics
Vaawtl4 of Cleat Mit:tin. The'N,*•t
of the lit -kith e% thio hies flag is the
,•Miles of !Bleu V, and when our
Canadian hays height in South Afrirn
it wile %Ilpplw•d that they were fight-
ing for Ihr, extension of Billfish five
e ince il.Ubn* to that pati of the world.
In the greed ing 1(f ronstituiona1
gorernluent to the health African
people 13rit,lin ie gi4'alg the ooh'
possible juetifiration ter her war of
enmities! upon the lase!,
The Cure.
1f Ili•...ems n weary lad.
roll of 'ling....,
bio out In Ike open world.
souls thln11-. '
Feel the ',smolrr 0f the pint,
Itl0..mlll (ro4a ord.
Latina up 11- lovely halal
I.* he .1.
'Learn this fano the growfnr things.
'11 rail. ht they paint from 11111 and'dark
Tohe skira.
1' Ia 11041 r l'hll,nden.
Is it the First Time ?
1i1.rlph M.•trnr).
1t loOka 11• if ran• old friend Kipling
has. for fore in his life. mistaken a
pNlt *killer f, ll' Mini a1011).
Zanch Has Aspiration.
Zara 'b Herald.
When Zurich, gets. flume two rail-
way.. and 1. made n pwl'.t en that
(ansa there ought to be •'41
dningr" herr sorely.
Tama. -ital.
Automobiles may growl n( 10114')) ns
the) like, but if lees were ns big 114
they nrr 444. 4111111111 insist 1111 *heli' tt,1
lights being lit. I.s..
A Hopeful Sign.
Tolman Moho.
4',Imola is crying ollt for harvest
hotels. 'Ibis is a doubly hopeful sign,
ne it reveals a large harvest and the
1111 14,1.1' of a (nave of idle men ;Mail.
1111t 11111 111 work.
A Solid Citizen.
1 'hiv4gn Itrit'.h ,Nuerre.u(.
A I,mdon, Oni., )aper glare n pie.
1nr.• of a satire, of '(I,Mleri,'h win
weighs. 11x1 pounds. There. surely. es
11 111an r1f weight and si►wlanee : 11
man not to be lightly 'ed.
Learning His Lesson.
411,11 Reformer.
Nelms til• a ntillinrs of the threes
million dollhr lasivinrkal lien has
already- leeti*riheerih.*I' by Ontario
inn ('4101.4. P444441111111 Ti•ammer Math-
raen rearmed his lesson well, when he
did not repent ah.• bbind.'r made
when the previous Innn was placed In
London heir points INelmr par.
We Apblogize.
lash Itemiser.
The (iedrrich Mignsl inserts this
item' : "Malt fails to get one of the four
ova normal school.. !Medford 4.-
1'111114the one which should have r,r1nw
here, (\11111 which gree4 to .how that.
1l•. (Irv.. Pnitinnn, uwmber for %mm(h
Waterloo, hon nhs.lntell• no inflownee
with the 1\'hiss}- Administration.
This is the seentul instance in 101101
Mr. 1':ittinson has allowed the oppor-
tunity to make himself solid in (tall
In .lip hy. The 411 het• was his fnilnrr
to mecum n (invernment. ewer grant,"
and tweaks it to The Reporter, re-
marking that "it is another evidence
(if the hlg)i.'r *1' .18) i('ll in title Province."
This silly ppu'44glsph 19 original with
The lank Reformer. An apology de
dile from The (4.wlrrieh Signal.
Alcohol from Peat.
some Fore., 4 m,federa4e.
A Swedish expert is said to have in-
vented a proses. for oinking pore
elenhnl fr went. 1t is believed that
this Neill rerolntionize the alcohol in.
rlustties. In Norway, Sweden lend
Ireland there are imnenar depfx+(..it04 of
peat and the visits opened up f..r then,
countries i4 rather a lurid one, being
sufficiently cures, M Alcohol already.
Talking of pent and alcohol and Ire-
1an), war anis peat sinner the door CONDITIONS AT COBALT -
of an kWh cabin a sign that. inhale ---
wl11nufeetired pothers wait to le. had
within? 'I'hie relation between pent
and alcohol would seen) to h tar been
a historical one.
Where the Liberal Party Should Stand.
Toronto Star.
Much is now lleiui[ mid about the
prospects of Lih.r lemi ea, l'+mnda
and Ontario. The (UIt111I'1 of a patty
are 441 les,; importance than the inter-
ests of the people, and parties are use•
fill troll' in w. far 110 they serve the
people. The (quest Mil 41 getting into
office (1r atay'uig iw office is of minor
importance as a pared with the
question of upholding Liberal prin-
1iplrs and poo ling usrfltl push(
1eteislalam. In (pp ming 4411111bi4".
which tend to ovate tariff nuoni.plly,
the 'Liberal part stands 114100 good
lighting Liberal around, and *he more
fiercely it is alltaclieal on 1h:11 semi'
the latter. 1.
How Is It, Boys?
Waikrnnn Tele.rop•.
\lissea L. Holmes and \filial.' 31a.
will, both of Stratford, healed the list
at the rer'nt entrim1' exanlhult.'
for the whole Province ('1 Onhaies
each laking 01 per rent. of the Iota!
marl. 111 the county of Bruer. it is a
girl who heads the list at the.
es:11ninatiou. This would lead to the
eonelu0lon that girls have WOW brains
than boys. We do not think. how-
l.% 41., that this is the dire., ,•xp14na•
,loo of their 441),•(1".4. In the opinion
of ehil journal. in point of ability girl.,
and 10q•44 are equal, but girls work
harder than boys and work makes all
thedifferetice. Boys are laza beg14srs,
the consequence being they have to Iwi
content with 14 hark seat.
Those Useless Restrictions.
Hamilton SIrclntor.
There is n ruling by the Canadian
suit s that Anierica11 :rut 4)1144.114
entering Canada shall pay a license
of $1, end in addition are cemp shed
to pat up a i•a.11 10.1111 10' Nora the
duty 011 the 111110. At the Canadian
enol of each of the bridges at Niagara
Fall. clet ' of 111,1 . are slati1,ne1 to
enforce Thr rules. As n retaliatory
measure the .•oder te! of customs at.
Niagara Falls rollltwist 1'a1adian ems tour-
ists r.t ru''ng the United' States to
11114keOat h Iwfo,'en0 Auwrir-,n consul
that they are about to tom. he United
States. for M periled net tenger than
three monthHrtetofis a the ('ami-
di:111.4.Xprrir11ce1 nn alit. hints 111' de -
1.1y in entering the United Soars with
their antnnlol.iles. Canada Will lose
• money by the new rule, 110 it
Will have ,1 tendency to (heck 1/1110
10111'i4 4110111 r 'flit into the rtiun-
try. As a general thing that eines of
tourists 1(1'e liberal spenders.
The Ontario Farmer.
Haldirnand Banner. .
While the press of this c(nrltry now
emuinually shunting far the young to
go West. bet 114 1"urger the old man
,It h 41'e heartily' join in the
ehortis of the tinny, "Young man. go
AVest." New. net us look la, the sad
man in 01.1 Ontario, He is not 'doing
much hi.Ileting either oar way nor
the other, just simply pegging away.
and a kiwi Providence is 40)1111)14
down 1pnit him. IN•.tr.w•igg iNlunlihlt
harvests, ilnd, incidentally, lifting the
11101%y'ti1W 'tgagl• that ea. weighed
liirw,dnwn for years. T.. his trump for-
tunate neighh. i' who has net been
b,rdeued in this wily told On4,. i 1 is
iw11)lient forth her 14ond0e14 with n
nlnntif4) h. tel. nod mut' 1'111:11 ff'iend,
who is • best friend. 414.ete ting a
handsome h •• far his old days, 1.1. if
he already p4,s4P1tes sneh the midi -
tion of ,Mother 14)1-arlr plot ie bring
added to his domain fit' the grown -Sup
son who rPnaiuel at h •, and in
lar• inst.1111e4 the pn.apeet44.' son 111-
1.1tv. 'I'he 411eaent year 141,1•• ever•)•
I.rnnlisr of 4! INnner year for the 0,..
•, io farmer.
Extending From Coast to Coast in the
Dominion of Canada.
in theeitire of Canada ;'ll(n)i•reiuly"
-trews have been r.hthtiahetl to the
lusher of fifty. Nelw,n,' I*. 1'., is ism.
ei the latest n(kditinns f.( the Seal -
1..1.1r (.1(11i14'.
so popular popular have they Ise ' with
the INst-,Ir•s.ed neem that it le the in-
tention of the !te•nii-r•.rily Company
to 4)41.11 1 'V than 1111. '.1(11-1' in the
Larger citiesThi. has Iwrn thought
iteeessnry in view of ' ' atm,. who
oin names with *lash they hope to
um k!• Capital eat of M,•nli•reedy repu-
eel-t tion. In thie cif e1)0.1district the ex-
.hisi •e frnnehier for the wale of Saroli-
1" idy in held hy Messr.. Mrhran
fins., (irderich, lint.
Instructive and Interesting.
(Me of qhs leading nttrarf inns at the
!'.median Notional Exhibition in Tor-
onto has Iwrn, since its inception
l lure o1' film' {'ears .Igo. the Prowess
Building, in w'hil'h nr'4' shown 14 swore
or 11un•1• of n•:Hiking 10d11.41eea in
eat nal operatlnn. Among the manu-
anorfactnes shown this year will 1e a
co /,8plele (tenu.nrtrn.tion 111 the mak•
ing if par• fend. 11111str,Nions of the
various (penes of textile nlnnufawt0rn,
.'11111 t1. 101414 and shoe Hulking. tum)-
;tinctlr• of Canadian tweeds and
other cloths, spring leas and other
111-11118'. of 4111 •.ter nese, silk-wrncinp;,
lithographing, with the hilesl wee. es
and machine., type -setting, )linfer-
4Wire, pinking, tanning peeking, ghee -
cutting. and so on, furnishing, un•
donitedly. one of the t itit erest•
ing attractions ever offered at any ex-
hibition, its well an one of the mart
black Art in Another Form.
A (iernlnn gentleman And his young
a1n. Feltz, were o11 an express train
hnnnil frlr the w','.hare.
While Fritz 'writ 441007111g, NIA
father, whit occupier) the window -tient.
emit Isbell inti ('.14)- Anal lPrndngly
threw it not of the open window.
"Alin." the joking Gather %nide
•'your cap 1.1 on de 0ul.kle. Never
mind, Elite. I'll vi1(1' 1 It')) r'
011) de inside mil (nlrknes. ."
.'1'11,• father whist lel and 444 the
0/11111. t deftly dared the cap on
hiti ntentl•e son's `hun t. Mit/ was
'speechless... Hr pulled off hi* hen(I-
covering and gaze) nt It In wonder
rind to hie pnt•rfinnilins in deep nil -
!Mention for several minute,.
As the train neared n bridge the
little chap war Inupirel. Len ' g bu-
r/ut of the n'indow he dropped the
(snit and, turnip en I4is dad onli
(lenity, fetid. •'4'vette, l fielder.
li ppdnent els
•'A Feat Indeed.
!boat'. hid tr•i('1 ,he teacher's pat
iener worely, noel when the latter
looked tip Anil saw the little girl chew-
ing gam, with her feet sprawling into
the aisle, she *odd,
"finale .lune, hake Chet, g out ,f
your tnouth and put vont• feet in.
August Lippincott s.
Fns biliousness, try Miller's Gran -
tile.. For .*h' hy .las.
The Camp Settling Down to Steady
A visit to the flinwus Cobalt mining
camp shows that the unhealthy cot) -
441104141 d.' to the '• boom" of the past
yeararo rapidly' changing for the
Sutter, and that the ramp ie now
settling down' to a sane ,tale 411 de-
velopment and production. During
the past year the area containing the
silver -leaving vein has been only
slightly enlarged, while the areas of
colalt•uickel V441111 111 '.4' It'.' extended
...4 sidentlily. Filen 'p1waent i11dicn-
til>ns threw appears to 1w no great
chase 41 widespread new discovl'rirs
of silver veins in this camp, except
perhaps to the wraith. on the
timber limit now controlled by the
0111.4rio Government, and tri the 11.11 ik.
11) the southern portant of the
township of Bo(•kr, where the thick
.peeting slow and expensive.irkr•% pro -
Thr that bleak in 1111. '• 110111 " is slid
to have been der to the withdrawal
from wile, by the (ir{'el'11t11ent, of the
l:illiea I ' , thus grrail)! reducing the
presumably rich area open In the pro•
uapectnro: the srron,l 1.14(144' Wel4 the
difficulty of 0taking discoveries in the
ur'ta deeply - covered with Iwnldet•
Clay, while the Ilii:hit,' touch Was
addled by the ref.'s ll of the ruining
inspectors to peas any eL ' which did
nut .how' sufficient mineral to jlt'tify
the prey pt inn Mho a'wotkable • •
would 11.• deselupel en the claim. 1►f
course there rue still Wane peralns
going about Cobalt and Hakes -bury
Iv it h the (1411,41 c0111.11• of Mineral
specimens in their 44",'ke*e ready and
anxious In show thein to ' )tending
purehasrrs, but the time is pa. , never
to return, when a slight tinge( cobalt
bloom f (un a 1.1.1im made it wo1111
.4hnuwurds 111' dullal•t.! the invest has
les* bee weary and Flaks his 1111)0.')'
1.11)3' in teatime which have passed t1..•
inspect or. -
7 he Miscellaneous floating poplLt-
t' of the early. sp Ing, consisting
largely of nineteen. pr(.pe•ties and i1)-
4eaer., has deplrlel almost wit limit
P414p tion, graving only a lawn -abiding
a1s*Ilflage of ' '1 a midair these in
legitimate trade, no that only the ism-
.tan:ly- rr(•ort'id'g blasts from the sur-
1,1 l
K unalin mines show that Cobalt
dilf,,s from the prosaic character of en
ordinary new village of Ontai in. The
only cense for trouble ,11 present lithe.
le several parties 4(ospectiug on the
0.1 111e ruining Int. all trenching for dis-
covery veins, with equal right in the
rye. of the Ins. In these arses the
party that has leen et work fir
weeks digging un•n"ceratwll•, but
Ng -whin', feels naturally sure at the
inta11anrl of others, and threatened
viol•nee ha% Iwrn expressed in a
another 4.f instance•s of this descrip-
tion ; novelle, whisks- e4 ah;wnt and
'- pt11114" ate few. ACI that- to date the..'
hiekeringgs have all ended in words.
The ether chilies me beginning to be
systematically works- -almost every
Mille now has. 14 %Matt with the nitres.
Kin .tram hoisting - and drilling
plants. SMdta are being sunk and
tunnels run. to ,block out and prove
the Millen, and a mart i• 'rang Iliad,•
to recover from last aeal"on•s d4)ng1.
h 1111)1(' valueble ore thrown wads.,in the hurry for rich returns. Milling
plants are being introduced *nil the
time will soon be past when ore
faked at hundred. of dn11:ns a tau
will he cast aside as of no consequence.
.ding with thi. change from open
q(1art'Ving to .haft -mining owners are
provieding their ciaim-4 tot tithe'
vein• hi4airo beneath the boulder clay
and in this they ,ue lieunlly marvel-
lously .ucc,•.sful. Many new vette.
being found .hy- mewl. trenching.
This methal is .0 slow, (eats 484)41
otherwise imeatishu•tirry that an at-
tempt is Ming made on one of the
larger pr(1 ertha to remisse.theenthow
dirt by a Ilvdtarlliring plant 41041 Ile -
pipet it in 4111 adioinitig !eke: On some
':I1,Mei the veins uncovered by 11eneh-
Ing nee 111( 1111111P111114 and close together
that it is a qu..tien whether it would
nnblw Letter to take out the entire
dick Masa rather than h •scams the
claim with* network of small tunnels
following the irregular r aye of the
many veins.
in the shafts and borings nn 11/.111144
greater than :4q feet have wwn
,eteh'al, but these e11 show a .•nnlino-
atinn of the rich ores in depth ami 1.n
paint to greater depth. for profit tide
ting. The information nbtiin(•,)
Boni the abaft• and tunnels :+how•s
that the rich 404.4 01011' in "zoo•• or
(niteh(s in the cobalt -nickel nrr%, hal
et present •nflh'ients infnruurlinn 1,318
not leen obtained to %tate whether.
1h11C 1wetirrroes of the• rich lopes fu1-
low a general law or ere 41irr•gllltlr
No discoveries ,f new minernle have
leen lately found 141 add to the gargle
iwr +tfready discovered in the
grin%. Mulaltite is the con ere
in the Reenter nastier of the trines
with the Vario4)u ether compounds, of
entailand nickel in changeable quan-
tities. The silver usually nr('111'I•$ ill
the nal ti VP nate or ae slyer...wele tall
alley of sliver and anti nl(1ny) : it is
also freemen!Iy found es nr'gentite and
•r rarely as rnhy silver. Native
bismuth is f 1 frequently hut .spar-
ingly in many of the mines.
The future of Cobalt camp honks
height for severe' rear. to ramie, 104)
there omen's to years
little de1irht. that
continued development. will lend to
the discovery of ninny new veins, while
the sinking 41 %hefts will %how a con-
tinuation of values in depth.
A Wonderful Meeape.
Flesrhi tried to assassinate Kite
Louis Philippe of France In July, 18'11.
The king was riding aloug the linen of
the national guard In the Boulevard de
Temple. There came a crash and a
rush of bullets. Louts P1d11ppe s arm
was grazed, his horse was slot In the
nevi-, Marshal Mortler fell dead awl
about thirteen other people were kIlle,1
Ind thirty wounded. F'leschi had taken
the upper fuur.. of a house Revert!
weeks before and there 'limed hip nn
oaken frame four feet by three fret lax
Inrhles supported on f
our paste of oak
and Itself supporting twenty-five gun
barrels fixed In groove* at various
runlet 90 as to (' .mmn nt an 111'4'41 0i
twenty-five feet in length nnd ten fe-t
in height. When he *1,'etl the tr.tin of
powder that let MT his battery the k':ug
would have been killed If four barrels
hail not burst nail two missed lire,
A.Nrwt Locks.
T•0rkl were use.) In the time of 1', •
pharaohs. At Karnak the 4 iattor 1.
shown the eeulptured reprsentftloll ..i
a lock w•hk•h Is almost exactly like o:1.•
kind of lock used In Egypt nt the pres-
ent day. Homer says tint i'en, leoe
used n time key to open her wardrobe.
fie adds that It wait very crooked na;1
hnd nn ivon• handle. A (:reek writer
who lived In fie In'tt hnlf of the twelfth
eenllry explain. thnt ,melt keys were
undoubtedly Ven' nnel nt, ahhoti;.b
still to 1M seen In 4bnat,ntInnple Mid
elsewhere. Manua Inks, like the F:gni.
flan, required it pailful .11dln2 of t111•
key. They were, ferret 1.r, more intri-
Lew Lawry la paavMed.
Emery coulee frutu the I.:uud of
Nato'. In the easter' Mtrlltearai." .'
thence it Lae :wen exposed for
lust two ceuturir, or wore. The i •
are (0 tbei uurtheast of the- Who'd. I:..•
deposit deaeeudu•''' Into some • of toe
nelghborlug I)lands, the emery beide
found In Ieuticuli.r masses. restla4 uu
layers -of scblst in Ilmeetune, almost
Identical with Pariau wurble, the !M-
eat marble kuuwa, which coulee tr,:a
the Maud of Yarns, close by. 11 ..,
are about S'r.I wen eugabrd 111 Cie
trade, ail of whum have to be wul•ris 1
before they are •ldudttel to the fra-
ternity. The material he much too has.:
to be dog"out ur even blustrl. (drat
area ure lighted round the bluets tali
the eatural erases expand with 11'e
Leat. and leve:, are then Inae:•te.i to
pry theiu'apert.
This ..yetem Is cuuthiued mall the
blocks art• rednpeu lu size to 1118141.4 of
a cubic tout ur less, mud they are t1.r:i
shipped as If they were coals. 'IL; e•
n1'e said to be :014100.000 turns yet ay-I:i-
abhe at Naxos. It is one of the'rrsi-
est snbataucer yet known, coullug n».st
to the dlamuud, and emotes rte ,•ry1.:i-
line forms known to the yew.Iere are
the ruby and the sapphire.
Lighting a Mae. .
A smoker olio started to IIKht Ids
pipe ou the etis.'t turned to h14 (sea
p11alon and mail. ".\ loan fold tale t!Ie•
other day boo to fight an ordctr.rr
match In it hlch :4.1014. Let me show
fO11" ,
There wag n stiff breeze blowing.
The demonstrator took from his pot'lu•t
au enveluta•, streak n parlor thatch o.1
a rail and .1111! `.f It luside of the en-
velope, facile. *he weird- as he did ro
The match buried with hardly it t11c!.-
er, and the man who held It petrel (4
his pipe with great tlfltisfnctfou.
"That's a trh•1: worth •I:nowlug." be
remarked. "dere', mother. Some-
times you get a spark ou top of )•oar
pipe which the most vlgoron.: 4141011144
fails to spread over the Kurt tee of the
tobacco. In that case take a piece of
papernstud of almost ay kindk
ho l It
down In the *para Thie will spread
the are and give you the sort of light
a pipe =ulcer wants"
Raking Gatos Atter ftewtag.
Some persons advise rakleg after
each mowing. I do out. because the
clippings drop down lute the grass and
form a mulch, which I consider of
great benefit. They also help to fer-
tilize the soil. Tire lawn that is not
mowed often enough will not look well
after you have been over 1t with the
mower, because the was growth
enough to partially hi the award via
ou which 11 falls. This will wither anal
turn brown lu a day or tri and great-
ly detract from the beauty the In sit.
But if you keep your lawn w 11 mould.
- and that means guiug over 1 at least
three times u week In ordlua Sea
sons -the amount Nipped off a e.:...11
mowing- will be to slight that there
will nut be enuu4ll of It to show. xret
the knife blades be set high euough to
leave at least two inches of the foo
The Coyote.
One of the most interesting wild ani-
mals is the prairie wolf, known to
Mexico as the coyote rind lu the 01d
world as the jackal. It Is thirty-six to
forty Inches lung. with a tail measur-
ing 'lateen
easureIng'lxteen to eighteen Inches lu length.
The color Is usually a dull. yellowh't
gray ou the bac: and sides, with blot::
cloudiugs. The underpart and Ill. do
of the limbs aro of a dirty white tint.
The voice Is a Burt of ennpping bar::.
and for this rensun the antim l it
known as the "barking wolf." It 14
found on the western plaipti, extend
lug from Mexico to latitude fill degree(
north. It Aunts In packs and 1s eery
nave a DMaite Afar.
No life amounts to much until it
bas a programme -something definite,
something• particular. Nothing else can
take the place of it. Education can-
not, talent cannot. genas cannot, hard
work cannot. Until there is a definite
aim the energies will run to waste, the
ability be squandered. The faculties
deteriorate when working withent a
definite aim.
101ne1,14.”4.111 : ,rive rum t.,. s m' girl.. n MI -r
srea1-.• whPII , hey' ttnl.h +oil bite 01.
lo r'Mr,,1 ,r,rk 00.1 helot* 4O0.0;4
our ..Mand, b:. --n.1. ,n1 write to- ortr entel0R'n••. err ore doinr Letter
ore than .veer Warnand 1011 gn,•ranr
tr r,relle,i r..uh•. loll le rho fe.0
British American
Business College
1 M.( . A. Hnlldimr. \'oirve and
.lien allpls. Toronto .
T. M. WATSON. Principal
SEPT. 4th
Ind -stain, to fer l as roes,, (Allen
• 'nn or .hrnthnnd 11411 Mot, it I. wi.c to
41,1111,1. n '..1,11/,1 t hat i. .'.. ll-knnw•n for
(lily Mall et ; le e, n •k. The
i. WI kn.,,,a ns .N.1. mf Ihr nest ram.
niceeb 8 .• hind. in ••al.Irn,r. It- isnot
year •ins berm most remarkable.
\n e,•
"he ono of i
11, 1. IMUI
1m non lLe .nvl,s.ld fire elwa n
(weal) 4,11w -Ile •r. pldr. Write I.nlat
ne• Mir netgnm(emb "etal0pge,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
('oe Vance ton.. A,lr• Miler VI'.
Fall 'I am opens Sept. 4
inure -1e41 ,n hmlooe-. enlfe•,•
,,,A -ins wrlle for noir largerala
I wear. Thor, fa the Inrrr.1 and 1.4,1
nlnmeelnl 111111 h0,1lumd-.•hnnl in
ae.ternnnn' ,aMd le
l l0. We give n peent
training ndh1,d .t..).t .a4' geminate,. to
• ( taritlnn•. Many of the
)....ling M•elims. (Alfas. etnply nnr
Footnotes. Write now frit a fnm lwta-
1410. 1/A1 -
W. Acheson & Son
Midsummer Bargains
wt; have measured and 111111 1.101 •oral hundred lengthe of our best lir,
in dress K(s11114. chr►Iliee, prints, silks. ulualins, delaines. etal., 'and will clear
them in a !envy this week at a great. Iweriflee from regular prices. Finds of
f1. 2 to Il yards left of what hen been the newt popular gowkls this senwnl,
Siberia! sale of high-class table linen cloths. 2x24, 'lx:l, alxl.
Hegular $e.11), Waal 1 *ton values et $1.511, $1.7.7 1 $2.25
Tapestry r:u•p et, .'7 inches wide, extra heavy Hiine and in :t great
vat•iely 411 ',aloe -us and coloring', all pieces% Maimed', to per 441.11
111 great d101nntl at Dole
y:11'11 I2l,c, I:N' and
rut prices. ►MMI\yards clearing at per 20c
on 4:'114• at Gast -selling prig'
1lime decided 1,4 asiue,' 1114' stock of wieker rockets
order todo se will 0114 r wnH• althea ant ial ribietion in thrill foe the
heat ten days.
44'icker ' rut rmeLer., fAney harks,
heavy roll edge, handsoulrle finished.
1 -
1' `r Lal ,,3 and Ihr •111:11' 1 Seam.
Bale prise 'tt$,7S, $7.7.1 $7. 0(k
+aid �JJ
nil in
Wicker ,Ito ,s•kers, Ilrnv4 roll edge,
good strung 11.1 1•, itrgulur price $11:d1 .
asa.311 and $1.:.)1. Nal.' prier ' $3(](l
81.7'). $1.73 and .. •70
1 only. willow'.te, tier chair. 53 50
Ie uL,rtE1.:,11 for ,
- Verandli chime.. psi lel red $-]liar
with wicker sent for
1 lat P and well.m'elrted .tock if furniture always An band
.d, m . , r.
`c1-00 -1, 101(1
.u.hry. 1.Ploole
B. Beckett 'Phone
dertaker and Embalmer
Livery and Hack Stables
The lineal meson*+ in town are supplied at these well-kro1w11
stables. ran lager for every requit trent and good horsey (srnithrl
at t,•a%nnn)Ie retie. of hire. Careful rivers furnished when rewired.
All colic promptly I f ended to
Walker & Augustine
We nrr .''raring out all our Scotch tweed tiuitings, $13.50
111:1111' to orates tam
'We want to riper m111 in the next :11 day* all our Meech tweed.
therefor' we offer the above %proal jn-kr. Any one contemplating'
gelling n *nit .hm,d take Advent mite of thie sale.
(lood Scotch Tweed Suits made to order $13.50
Fine Blue and Black English Worsteds $16.00
Every one should have either n blue or black *nit for hest•
esp+rcinlly when you ran get one for $111,0l, !mule In order. 11rst rin-•
Irk imps 11) 01 lit. gonrnntled. Fine blue and Mark 16.00
0 * n n for * $16
ljf Glx/
w rtitarl, 1111* t net f u lits
Five Pairs of fine Black Cashmere Sox $ 1.00
The right place to buy
Men's Clothing, Furnishings, etc.
ob Printing is a special feature
of The Signal's business. We have
made our customers' requirements
our life study. Good work at moderate cost,