HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-2, Page 88 T■DIiiDAT, August 2, 1906 THESIGNAL : GODERI(:ll ONTA l:l() LOCAL TOPIC IN BRIEF'. Portent. that slake you Ihlnk Dull rail sea Ike ala t kind 4.0 stud) I t e, lair 01.414.116111k1 Y d hat at K. M NrUow ' studio wtb b frua*1 Neat, salty, al)'11a1,. are three •rlba thrwLInA4)sortivea that 1.a.r.ui4badaaabrItiler +a+tabltl5wulr1 1 . %swim* You are elating, art the best. ('alt at W1tgtsr Smith's fur souvenir soot. Re keeps a tel stork of all oar's of such outs. Ur 11 111 d t you dog wrotk4.r+kr.'hlni. dumtWr)'0us 4 sal my supplies )4.0 need theta. 1 The Doty Rngine Works shipped another couple of hni+t. to Toronto hast week. A party of about twenty-five per- sona front the nrighlmirh4*4l of St. Helens spent last Th'u•M,I4y in town. W. H. Pinder hos ter•enl ly titled up bathrooms for Alex. Johnston, A. Farrow 111141 11:4'114 Bleck. *1111 hos several others to push ►hhough in the near (Mitre, • 4)n TueiI*y morning a charge against John Mellon*Id for keeling .1 d*ngeo414 dog W*. 11r,11111 at the 414,Iir•r court and the magistrate ordered the *111)11141 to he dem0p'el. . W. J. Dore, of the (i, T. R. nater, herr. is asuiMting *t Milehell during the 'tbw•u1•r of his father. Ht. plae• hone is (wing !eke') N4 pr•Mept 11y I.. C. Smith. 4.1 Ut.iyluu, Who 1•41111'" herr (roll) Georgetown. W. R, Pinder and staff have berm plowing a now 1e1111 of 1hr•.-plv 1rphelt-rooflig urn'.' 4.v the firma - ford Asphalt Halting Co., 04 e the Work ()reigned by the Scandal Loan Co, during the teed week. The annual convention 4f the PM, town pheni AMMI M•I*t of .t Merle.) will be held at Niagara Fans Amgll•I 7th to h*h.'V4". 11. Hroph"y will be Mellyy' foo theses dates, hill his studio will be in charge of 11is. Hw•aflIeld, Manager 141111 H•", what. 11" presi- dent of the Hoard '1 'Trade, tried to gel ria*ler•irh put in the week end excursion rate f ' 1onto, Ieeei t'el a m14'NMlge frim) 1. 1, M.1)011:011. N'e'ster,, ticket agent of hu U. '1'. W. Diet this would go into 114.1 trim. 14nttoday last. The annual convention (41 0 I'h11- tulentphe A'wW'iat 400 of will to hold at Niger. Falls A 744, to lelth. H. H. `tallows w'i away for theme dates. but his ..to, will be open and in charge of his instant. ail that *1111114l1rM 11114}' pre' 1e• their .uppliem a's usunl. The Sunday vehnol excursion from Mitchell next Thursday 1% hell'. civic Mdidayl' will bring w..euge•r- from :Nebringvilll• :Ind I biblio a- w ell as from Mitchell. The r'4111.iti1 train sl 1.1 *rriv'r bele lased 14.1.4 o'eIek in the •iiig and lea.le+ w the evening. No doubt the exeul•si,11 will he fully its large as un foron•r neeaMi41n4. Civic holiday ye"te•rIly .1'a'i cele- brated in a mond .ray, the b,".b111 nulteh In the afternoon :Ind puri' parties to Bayfield and her l44,1111• tieing the chief artritetions, Of the pienle. l.1 Hayfield we might Im.•uI the annual outing if SI. lie.rg'•'s choir to.Iewit4'1 grove. The day wens an ideal one for such an tar*Miom and thole who attended voted the affair 0110 of the newt 'nerPMMful aid plena. antvet held. .1. F. Andrews and H. Mifvan made large Mhilrments of rattle the past week to Toronte and Montreal. 111': Mclean shipped foul' loads from) lwleknow in Saturday mud on Tuesday shipped• forty -Mix 4M from the ,lodrriek Mt*liun. 'rhe animals shipped from herr averaged about 1,4161 lbw. 'n head. white 011e Meer rearhel the except' Ily large weight of 41001 item. TM. a1111md WNM raised by .1. li. Holmes, of Hoim.Mville. Mr. Andrews :11111 Mr. .Mrfean went to Montreal during the week in eonue'- tion with the shipment.. SUMMER SPORTS. l'linton, .duly ' 7th. The inter- . mediate 4'. I,. A. match played here this evening between ll'ingh:uu and (Tinton resulted in n .1.tory for the biome tenni by the wore of '4 to 41. Mr. 1)in,Iry, of 1\'ingham• rrtrnvd the game. A general meeting of the Goderich howling club was hold on 11 ' lay night tel decide details in connection with the howling tournament here next week and it wenn derided to confine the refreshments 1Irusidel un the green to deur. ale and soft. drinks. A junior (t*srIMdl lean has been formed in connection with the senior organization to develop player* as a sourer of supply for a armor tram. Goderich Defeats Lucknow. The baseball match last Friday night, nl the Agricultural gn.sands between Goderich and I.urknnw was an interesting match and. quite a her of spl•.•tator•s wen• in nGend- anee. Only right, inning's were played and the wore W*s 14 In 4. 7'he tends and summary of the play were as follows : 1,1 t' a VOW. Ilr,ib'NI.'14 W. Mrrrn F. Mrlsinghlin R Mill 'op 1. IVIgitin. It. Robertson ' ' It. Md.ltr,m V. Mrl+lan 1.. Elliott w', .lohn.ton r,. 411gai10.011 4". Thainp+ail I', I. Lewitt .1. Fbullater H. "pork+ M. Wynn 11. Ileleher 1', Trr%etl L. Motoa•II Taal rum : I ioder),l, :4, 14 II, n, II, :. 1. O iarllnow 2 11. 1, u, 11, O. 1. el heft on Iw.e. : moderinh, 8. • La,know. N. for Goderich. The hent h.brill team Added nn - ether victory to (heir list y'rsteIhry by defeating the 4. T. H. I,•nnl of Stratford, last Year r•hnmlpiona, by a • score of 17-7. The g4 to ems replete with errors, "My one o two of rnrh tears having aI clear as-ord. The features were the batting 1f Belcher and the till -round fast 4)1a1}'i of %fel- 41rlm al lirsl, for Giele'Irh, nil the fine work of Ward at ..1'r f Is a for ettratfonl. .1.e Ihlyle relight fat the honer from rind shawl'' by the w -n in which he handled Hrlrher's shoe, which by the way ale n.. 'Iighl ones, that. he ban not folmit ten the old game. The 4.':1111M Were N. 44,111,44'! : H. T. It. P41 relined. GeMleri(h. O'Brien, e. F. Mrl,nnghlin, :411 • F. Barnett, p. .1. %% 1141{111., MM. Battersby, i1,. Mrldrtnl, 4h. Ward. 24'. lligginwln, 2h. Swift, A1.. Tait, If. Bertram, :t I. I h.yl., r. Dunmore, rf. Lewitt, rf, Hamilton. rf. Maxwell, rf. Marshall, 11. Belcher, p, Summary : 1L 11.F:. Ooderkh, 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 4 6- 17 HI 7 Stretford. I 041202002 7 141 9 Lefton bases --4A Atswtford 11. Deem no halls- Goderich. Ir, Rtrifford 1.' Tliseefi hire Rana. At the Windenr races last week J. W. Health's MlawwM ChM took fourth Maidi In the if/IY cls against w held of dine others. On the eifIling day of tip reeve Darker,'of Hat. owned b proved atone d a surprise, winn the 2:14 piles time straight beats, and It Is geld those from armed W1agbara • who twat a few hundred dollars took clow to 11110,40.0 out 01 the pool box. A,,r,�dispalrh from Windsor says : •-r,1N INtee. 111 question IM la cheap hough'. little trick called Dalley tint and is a daughter of Yter 1141. A man l4. Canada owned her and lefu+ed 1ig1 1 1'm year,butv 1. N4. t r her last 4.1. thin rl \ went wrong with hint uud the sheriff levied. At the 111111• .,f the wale .1. E Swatt4, of Winghuu, was on (leek sad hi* bid i' 4)401 secured for I the prole, n sulk v, ,i c:u't, 44 sleigh, harness, blankets 111111 even hubbdrt. fur no 'well-nlann.red l'ap.diam 141,et could leave its drat' 1.41 hobbles be- hind, 1'41ll if w'* 1kiu);a r1t tot 1, drink of water. Mr. Nwarlsj.,'. 11•44 olid a great deal abeilt her, only than ..he ru1ld furor. lb' 111'%0e her hiulself l4. Is stte•fel, and when hr ('4144" tons, he told s friends tleit she eas n great mare. However. he .4.d 1101 Kot all i' the tirk,'ty un h.'1', ns 1.h" sold in Cheam 411.1,14 ge)1r•ratiy. The it het boys Duna Canada grabbed them as they were'tfrrel, sum'' 41 SG cabling tin' about 414, w1141e Of *1.1 being 4'44x1 404 :41.44. The task, as tor u" Iha try Han Mus eonceruwl, Wan it very unr- sided affair. She haul just n,;urhed away with it in straight heats and in the second line Drive( Bassani iseasi her up at the end, when 1/111 ofdnny''r, and Then hung out 2:117;. )vhieh 1110(1 halve broli Close t., 2:141 if she 11411 Iw. n driven 1,1 it, THE FUSILIERS' VISIT. Preparations for a Gool Week's Outing for the Windsor Regiment. 1'rep:a'.ltion.;nr 14.4)14( 4114.4..•rd f ,t the visit of the \4Vii t-1111 Pitt• 1l•i', 1)41'141 111 (lintel 101 tie 1 w'el'l. .Ind 1114 hill lea 11141'. au' (1411, Ihr uu•illiet ...11 1441'.,' 11 Ions) v16,04,0,11. "mow. T11, taws) et,lll1.'(1 ale polling l4. 1 11 44' :111 lights i4. Illus Ago, ulhu,,l grounds 1. furti-h Idrgly ..f light in 1lir ('.1111. groundsawl 1he pith•- ti.1 the Willi' are :(41' n11.•,ula' in 441ae411 i- expected there will le 44•Iw 4r•n lltty Anil -icl) ten). pie, heti on II,' gtIinnd•. The' 4111%.41 114a• part. 15111 arrive un Sadao 11.41'. :\114(11si 11 h. while the mini Lely •d the 1 eei ier11 %fill 1a -live b% special 11,11) oIl \I lane,' August nth probably ,4...nt :! o'clock in the :,ft.•I'114 Mao. I.irit.-1'114. 1-un111.7 of the Ilnron Regiment 1• in 1141.411 ..4 1h.• follmvin). ate' fr Hie 1'1 lilt( outdoor • 11'in,ls•,r Beg. •i1 1110 4.Np..et. to 14 e ",Il i•fac(ul'y ticrit24'nll tuts 8141114 the 1 4)'.41444(0.1181 LI -(•,4 'unng. 14de04h, ant. +nr414 1'111.11441.1 Purer., our hmu.rnrt. 11. 1 '4.1. ba. lilt en N •,10Nd•e.41111' a moa w tar pn' l.1' ppIwo -,cid . Hr t. 114 Kar., p11,4 . .11141 at 114 rite 10..•14dl •,44).'141Me wee n Ih,• '1111 aou dint 0-gl11u411., 111' w141 a1 -lb Flue a pi t,4 4111)e4 al +Li l4. 44 1e. int , ..1 4.l 1144,-'-p 111.11 from earl. of t lo,.n•gbu,•1(1- for-hoot Mw wiII )411 tr..41 rel cunt 1044(44. Il p, Y1 (NO It 11111) 1M• Eder -..411 fit tree roll l 44',11 •.. Y0111, 111111'. • N. A. 110'na1. 1.1 . loll., I I •N1111en 1(altel' .1 14 g4N11•'.t. The Windsor 44' «'id 110. the to) lowing{ with. reference 111 1111• visit .•f the hs.1'x Fusiliers 1..1..M1.•rirh next week : •'The fusiliers pot in A good drill last night "piepn•alory 1e their trip t4 Godrt'i,h a 111 51 rat fold. '1'hev trooped the 1111or4 and went' through their t'eguar dri11 with Ihr hr;lss bond. "The G,.det'ir'h outing is being looked tone, d to by the members 4f the iegiulrnl with at great detb of pleasure. -The military W111 while there will be made quite easy and while it will do eve•y outdoor and 11)4111 o great deal of good Dom n militnry stand4o,int, it is really intended min holiday. for 411. I'he t4;get manatee Will prove of great mlr*sure it. well as 1u•o11t to 1a11 who partake 4.l' 11. Fur -114", rash fav, it is the int.utit.n if Ihr officers ti offer priMa.. "The en1I'l'ing will he in the hands of (1441' of their own members, Sergi-. Langtry, and the bill of fare will not he the regulation ramp ration., 1,111 the Iw.) of •'v.'ry I1 40140that ran be pur,hawel then•. "'rhe %Vedn.•.day spent at Strat- ford is ale. a plrl.s reaunt All the regiment will be ,.skid 4i 114. will IM• t.. morels front the "talion to their head Oat where the'. will he dismissed After dinner they will hem' the parade bo the park anti will there morrh mast and rump the 4,1)14)1", 'rho•, they will le pr.i•lirolly off duly and 11111y enter in the various military spell* .MI f 1 rare••, t1114[0.111 -War, err. 1 which are gill len IIP 'Madly ler their enlertaiunl,•l,(. The hand, w'hi,'h will lie thirty strung. will pay in t4.•• morning in the band stand in the city. '•(In Ft 'tiny afternoon 11 (4.1rri.h if in the otteers' intention (0 giy4• all 'at home' at which ninny of the people of (betel trh will be moil tidiest. Ati invit:tt' is 1111411 les tended I0 any from 1\'ind..r who may be there on t 4..11 'ate. Two more drills will he held, Tee' - day and Frid:1'• nest, when it is to. livered there rill he,. large !''I"-'"'''' lion term ,'yeryr4nyr,nly. •:I'he ofllrrrs are sparing neithei pairs not• ••xperwe I 1 111a kr' this trip the 1.1,111t49 one of the regiment and they hope the- men trill turn out in such l.4-ge bet. that they will 410 lea h the reg' •n ',i)oI the lily pr(1nd. m" they h:i. a ,,dear. done on prct'inn. 0nenNiin»," PERSONAL MENTION. \IIs+ Edna ,Irn4n, 4.m- been vidtingat Nodous. 410. .lost, Dickson, of I h,1'sgn, I. in roan ml n %1-dt. .1. 1'. Ilrowi left yeuerilny on a ti-il to 1 ulg»rt. h,14,14..1\>I4.nn I. 1,0111' from New York for , )-. lir, nna Mr.. Olen. of `)sully, vent smutty. at 4'. Ml-- I', •0 .l it ken left 1'N, M,.lnntar In -t on n t l -4t to I.1 -row el. Mol -lir Alrh,e K.11'. of vtralford. 1. ti•lllog 0.14111.'+ In Ino o. Atr'..1n+rhrnok left tla. morning on n .4.11 to frit nd-1, TO, onto. F. `Itahleker left On not tinkly Ind for n r1.11 of n few day, at Marto. Waller Nawnder• ha. gone to Horlln, link A11111 other print. for Id. 11r'.. ,11d,n Sn•Ild.*'tnerly 111-. Thnteuennl. of 1 114cagn, I- in town on ,, I ,.it. se. 10101, Twredl(• nod 4:. T.. revile, Of Detroit. a • home t to- wirkk 011 u b + Pluses. 'M Milwaukee. I. the sire.? of Mr. , d Mr.. 11..1. Hobert -on. Ali., ie Long. of I: bog -c 1110. I. 1.11Ing 1 h M1. -e. 1 .hnann, 1'In,mtI +I reel. M L. lira. .Tethys; of Detroit. t+ v 141 'mg 4.••r 1111(.10,.1,1...- 111110, 1'lunhrin marl. Wolfer C. 4Ahnu, and 11111111)' hove 1'r t rneci from ho int Ina nl Ik.7M•IA. Mrs. 11. MdII1Nn I nod M4+. M. M.l,ien, or Itorhe.ter. N. '4'.., 1 I+Ilne. in town. MI.. 1110110 and n... 1101.4 01 (dhow ore the gn0.l. of their Iher. le W. Iwrl+. Mbw•r !worn mot l4 h0 Fnrmw len on got or. dap for n fortnight'. carni , et 111'*ni Mend. Mlle, M. .1. 1'nrrnih,t. ft Thnr1ov for Hamilton, iMkvllle and other ern manta. J44-. Mae Roberts ra)itn,s! to nursed 45.1 Mal tirdop, after at bat M *mow w 11. In town. Mlw Ilerprr, of Maier rtwwet Teriw,to. Ia on %b41 to her hrrah,r ('hos. J. Harper. We -1 an'el. Mb- M. M,Kwen and W. MeE*.,, of Stmt. ley. were seen. st r. Tweedier, re. IlarkEr ea res. 1M ('ersl Plvlss la home treat fit= Mich.. whirs she In practising ea ponhMM11a1 nerve. $4('•wan refereed y,l wednerdaY aha visit to her relatives at her hoe near irretter, ho hes bees rerd seam Owe. a1mera t.rn1011e11ass, Auntie, who ha* br'rn Inented then, for ) he Pr+t two learn. .11 r.. Holier N.\vlml ru41 daughter, Mi• •c1' 1 1' "r t are 1t-illn•reld et Alai d l Mot 1 dole o a . 1 a L. 1 In low it. \Ir. and Mr.. Pant 'I'nrubull mustn't' to 1 , 1role, on 540m111c Marl lug. after a 1 bll at ."1. (lo.,lge • 1'141011. \Ir. and 314:11.1W left on T114•n1:,0 • wwRlNx for :. 1 1..01 o y o 14I . (4.r Ow benefit .1 Mn. )Ic41,.w.he,4,h. Mr.. Thnnct 111444101, of 11,4'. r+tl, 4. "µend. in4 ., rouplr of nee k. „m4. 4.,•r 1•uu•Ir Nle) oarless I'ma. Tr inu4II. 4). -+ Brno,' laod44•I. ^t. I'.dci,.k.. -trait. L R (hand a1 • ulwvlug1{ for A41'10 week.' .I.4 Intl, friend- •.1 1.4 100,4?. •v .lame. 1h1u „11.4)1. -r., .runt an1.41 by 114•• \lay Hue 11anau. H. A. len 14., week lar r lisp y[ 1 l,r.,h rho 4ir•rynu, 11.1)-: I4.'vgie and !trainee 4'4Idt1 au,, aim 441111 ,I..muter of Fnvt" .I. 1•rid'lauu. 11.,.e Kuhr w \I Inc 4411 for. ?brlr ludal Nit... 1\'. J. II sir rel 010 .4 to '1,4,14111 on 1 1ynh4r..lay Idler." few wtw► tru..I her, tooth.•. -. ljr. J. 1 . llilh to 114-• M11x•1 111rr, 4.t luau. HMI her run-in. 11,.• .a rine Fair. of Fru, kl... Tenn.. are i.ii htil l4. HnILJu Nna 4; hull ,. Air. Dnnl.Ii 4.t the not n .1'1 11.1 10.. Henn.. 1141a, -amt Tlllbd .% In fur. n. I4..- v,4.• -I e( 4%111 Flb,,u of :Lr "o,-,•r.er 11 14.1. 4..y',•. \Ir.. 4'.11. I:•w.. or 4.,,4i -11e, I.y., i-.4wwL Inv* hours% n,'4. 4.,'r tri. Irl. Alf . til..,' two. al I he re Ideon• nt 111'-. Uro. \hn'r: . .vlex. ..I. into -h. ,1 ,till 1.t,. \L1Nr, MOO,. boo 114 r of .1. t . \).-IMu-1,. 1 - .1-1111(4. 1.111 . .' - 111 I ,1011. ,. . ,1101.01,0,1 111 hl- wire. \I:-- .4.1»rti-, 4,1 l'ero.t,. who .•-10)0 tip with ,L,- Ilan,, 111.1 114.•'-. La- Ie.., the aur+1 4.t fatuity. of'.%ulkervllk' ; J. K. Meruleheun and fondly. of Tomato ; all.. Mar !Mitten. of 'fur 14.110: ('1r4) 4),141111 kdwanl+, ,% Lemuel: 111'..1 lark. 1.01141011 1 111-, 14. Jrnklu-, of 4'.•- 01 imm'o. u.di 1, uud Mr, Shelton. H+ I4';i-t•rrd 1111111111' the week a1 Hotel thole - 1 41 111-. A. N. A1(detwlb 41411 M4 -1.o. Margaret ,4.,d Kai b.•ranr Auderwn. 1MIr011 ; 1111. Ilia) - 'how Holden. maid and .4.441. I-nul11 H ; Mr. and Mt '1hn-. Dab,. Mi.. Iw•1 (awplrll, London: / ' .mul11 l', u . 1 nun , • 4 w4ur11 1 . / . m a , 4 y 1 \h L c , \ �. F. 11. Malin Ion '111. I11•laut ; Mr. awl 11 4. ,IMI clolltiorio. wind.ur: lir, X. \'irtur 1 trier alba -nn And X. \'deur 1 alter. Lauded: Howitt. (i'lrIph: Newt un H. 11 all Mal wife. l lea ,•I.,ud : 1D-. 4'. D. Mel'nlluch. Mi.. firm ill la \6.4''1110.4.. 1'.•11 is, III.; \h'-. France. \II-• \1,14(y14," Atkin+:1'ha-. \ . N41Iau)•, IiuWulu: Mr. and \4`r.. 1;. J. llardiner 1114(1 1111411, ('hat- 1.saet Trade a t•. tiara* peanuts that nro bought ready roasted nro of a light yellow color. Others, however, aro pronounced bra Hotel. There I, a reason for 1101. ilia great Amcrlean peanut will re- main crisp only a tiny or two bfter roasting and In dump weather only a f,'r,• Vora. it /theories moisture rap- bl:y, so that two days after roost:n„ 111" (Inert nuts loco their erlapcevs nest a:':' to 1111 latents and purposes ns Ihengli they 4.:d never been cooked. TYa /Milan a..d Creek peanut men freshen un their stocks by roaatieg JONATHAN MILLER. The above is a picture of Goderich's big nuns who this creek moves to Car- low, where he has taken over the hotel. Mr. Miller is well known to the travel- ling public in Western Ontario, having been the proprietor of Hotel, Bedford here for years and later of the Grip House,. Seaforth. He was also the proprietor of the East street livery for a number of years, and whether as a business man or a private citizen, he has always been the essence of geniality, and everyone in Goderich will wish Mr. and Mrs. Miller well in their new location. %ler. 'snootier-. .4 "Nlahl.' 1.- ivy); 1'.unbrho r. a 1. )1r, Sinclair and -nn. Allen. lirilaundr mud, roti (0,44)Tile-A.0 of 114.. ow•k flan. a ple:wu(1 1 ea work . i-il with r,•lat 1, -- In 1 1111470. Ire,. alba \Ir-. 1'0.4, S.oger. of Tarim.,. 1410 II, re on a . 1-0 ?n the forme,'- ',tient-. Mr. ant Ili-. 1'. Seager. Al floe 4„1(10 near 14enmill.I-. 114-- \tar -hall. 1,1 tendon. -i-ler of 44 ill Alar 4011. forum-rIv .4 k. Hick - Ilion; .tore. ,- ci-ifi,u( 1,l ahs to •4.t \Ir -.:1. Met 7illivray. Mr. and 11,.. 1:.o. King. of 1414-11, : %Ir, anti Nit, 1 i'r:Jd Ging. of 4114,1. 'Moll.. anti .41i-- \1.anA King. elf Ik-1 rout. 'pent 1'11'•-.I,) 40 town. \I r. A..), l',dtridge nod a.uvhler Mary ire, are harlot/ it thaw irk 1-11 ,at the home of \Ir.. 1'.. Itridg,• - I.are141-. \Ir. qid \Ir . 1. Pick ,snug. Farr -t. not. - 11', .1. Lev v. M Let.-. We -ton K 4411.enn Toronto, and 11r- Lei ). -int i'nda) and',f untnl of 1.a work in neve. Ihr sur -t. '.f Mr-. ho-. Elliott, 1 .m,br la 10.01. The friend-. of \Ir+. 110 id H.ec. t. bo ria- herd. • unnmol 14. her home fur nro• L inn• 00 ins 10 it brake,, kg., revel% rd lit is fall. ,t Ill lie plrn.•il 10 Le'o'n thio -4.0 1- Able to he Await avian. \Ir. \1.4 nor. of Berlin. n during lua week. the gar -t 114 4-,...- 44.•nu. 44 • pre (•Ilea on •n...1.r 'the e-olb.rne F., .u,grl • r 4 , i et tiro n Mondry. r rrrh nod h/ onn 1'.I h. I \lr...lo-r+ N. Mnrri- dell an Aloud iv 011 her rel. n r„ 1404,110. after it . i -u' al the re -Neuer of diems. "l, -,,-..l 1. NII. .droll- 0,1- 1114 over -meL,3 oral rt•1wn•d Wil h 4.i- iI,• nn Mnnd.ly. Jame. 4 :tiler. aceornp,oirrl 1.4 4i- wire and .I s'.'hl'•r. frau, 14•,, e., I Ile I 'tale. -rent-e•v,rd lav- 4.4 to,en 1.r-1 week. rioting hi- •i -ter-. \Ir. .1..1. \\>Alier Nrbin -tree?, and Mr. A. Una..�lanlr) -141 11.. hulk. of Smith. MU*. and mr...Ion,. and her daughter. 111 >4.det. of H.1111nurrr. )1.1.. are to -"tug at rho 1lllll • of the \li-•r. Fon-1'.1. Iirll.nort. t road. and ,vithotherretail%e- i4 and .i,nlbul I:rderi,•h. Mr-. 11. H. T.lp)'•r 11011 4,44.'. from London, are 44.0 oral w,ek- 01 town 41 the e•Id,nce 44 Iter oaten?.. Mr. awl Mr+. Dan. Stotler -tree!. Irving In (.alter loralth .tittl vigor from the pule fro -h breer••- of lake 11 o ron. . 4.0„-t left town /hi- noir ll in4' f6r %Vin- oilsro. 11.? 4 'l.a••ngn. where -he porno•+tanking lore tenni• i0'hr tumor. \Ir-. 13, 4.1 rho. three -on-. (irnrgqr sµ•n.er and %% 111/11r. and her A•11410r•1. \1i•- 4:dnn. nlreiol in that elf v. She min- ,, '4.M p..uicd 1. brr oi'•rr. \Il.- 1'1'n 1'l \1.i,c5'. .4 N'Inni1M'F. 'l ltn hurl turn 4-4.414114 here. Hr. F. .1. It.. i'nr-brr. -I'° 1,11.1 in 14i.ln.0., of the et e. 4.44, throat .1111 neo. who hit. re••'•nt It 1•..?,.? 411 "Ir„fond. w',- In town 61.1 4,i ria. e.,Ilinr on the nl,dl.-,d Hien here. He bra-• hon.. -no refill in one of the N.., Pork •pe•iil tiler .4 hi. 6?• -,1'n 4nr1-dern)l. IluO• .?..')clog In Vienna Maid I,.,,l,,,, 1 1:n,.,. The doctor eini•MpL4r, to-,Img 1i,drrlrh 111lbbl lily. - santfond Hear.n': "1Ir. Albin Dirk+on. nephew of Mt. A. \I. 44..1-. IM. city. ha. he.n train -ferrel (rani 1111• Tomtit. bunch of the Yank of Moot teak 11 Hell• be occupied Ihr MHI ion of rolls. 101 be '+r:r?rt0. \1 n-4.., twain +, In 4,'mp. , - lar µe-itou. \t. tock -un•+ honor i• w lir41rti,-h.` \Ir. DL•k.nn .tad .111 1:r»re. carte ,q, frnni `4 ratfnr, fur a An). dn,'!tor the week. . Ale.. al 'tier brother of Mr-. ". A. Iletiow, n• torn. i• in lirdrr,, h p,1'-rnl. 1111,14Hg mans former tequn,nI.tl *''. \Ir. .duller Ira. only liven hark In older 4411 one• a i,nnlIMv of year, •.go-Inr, he Ion loan mer 1111111 :)0nn ago• and dmriug that tH1e hl• hn. Ira, flied over 4r110141 tilt• the lHrnle of 1 l.nnda and the !tate- Ile rlatu- Ielo,nmot n. hi+ hone and i• 1111' r+tit n, to t4., far are in -tore for .4.111rtn. Among the recent arrival. 111 \Irneletnnp Rork we not lee tele foll.wb•g: %Ir.:and 1 . 44'11114nrd. \I r.. Dnn4n,,. Dr. 1:. Peon,- and Ninth. 1111• \1H+,•+ \Irl.:nrkle. .1 T. Melirnw nro) front). \Ir•. 4Ale- and fanIlh' and none. \h'.,nd \Ir. 11. 1-. I'alrlsnn and lir. H. New nu.n, nut of Detroit: Mn, ,1. Anilines' awl agalh and reroastmg. wren the pre. - e" has been repeated three or four times, though, the peanut begins to take on a tawny hue, which le corsld- erel objectionable by those who have steals In the better parse of town. These mnrb roasted goobers are there- fore sold at n diseonut to Greeks and italians who have stands near railroad atnnos and the cheaper resorts, who can roast, reroast and re-reroast them indefinitely until they are finally sold. 4. No merry, An old citizen who had been hen- pecked all blv life was about to die. His wife felt 1t her duty to offer bilin such cousolatlun as she might and said: "John, you ore'about to go. Lint I will follow yon." "I suppose so, Mande," veld the old man weakly, "but so fur as I am con- cerned you don't need to be Inn l y blamed burry about It!" Past, Prerret .ad Future. Mrs. D. force' If I could only for- get the past! But, alas. It is ever he - fore me! Mrs. Oldun-You'll have a sad future with your past always pres- ent. Take 'my advice and leave the past behind for the present end live In the future for the future and not In the past. -Life. Aa F.xp,rtese.t. • Suburbanite (to yisltor)- Uh, how are yon? Come right In! Don't mind the dog. Visitor -Bid won't be bite? Rub - urbanite -That's jest whdt I want to see. I only bought that watchdog this morning. Rothlea r. It. Fleet Burglar Ind 11111 git much out nv dat last burglary? Second Mintier -No; he got so little dot his lawyer advised him ter plead guilty. "Cnitnre," Bald n college president. "Is what remain. when what yon learned in college has ileen forgotten' Never hang one garment over an- other on the same hook. To do this would take all the freshnpaa out of the undergarment, and It would not Im- prove the upper one. To remove stains made by iodine sok the stains In cold water for half an hour and then cover thickly with common soda. if horseradish Is to be grated the IImplest way Is to put It through the meat chopper. GIRLS WANTED GIRLS WANTED to come to Clinton to work on Boys' Clothing. After serving a time in Clinton work will be given in (ioderich, where we purpose starting a branch' Good wages ,and steady work can always be had. Write for more particulars. The JacksonMfg. Co., CLINTON A MAN'S WAY. The name "Semi -bendy" ie ns ilia- tineti'e n name as kalank. Then• is only one teal Mruli-ready, though many people buy the ordinary ready- made gal•Iur1111 lel' 1111 i*Ilpfrdaiou tueit1y Ihriwu out by the Mrllrr that they are Semi -ready tailored. The careful buyer limits fin. 'the kiwi told guarantee 111 a pocket 1 k t4. p let 1 f the coot. l4. this city and district the exelus- ire franchise tut, the sole of Semli- raly 44 held 4)y \11'5'41'1.. Mel 44111 111'o.., (il*lrl'ir,, Ont. Clark's Pork and Beans Hid 111' "411(1 111'1' Wel/N.4,041 .yeiry- tthe•re--,t wen! In .i minutes that sat - 1.li1•, fair 1 .. .M' :,11(4 1Ile ;l 1111. 1 July Specials t'4. e.'4. 4:1.1 114,1)44'•, 1.qul.1' Ila._. and *l..tt. (Tearing al 76e each. Among the gamy.• will he found the following hooks, When It Was Dark. The Work of Our Hands, 1.4 Keay.. The Heart of the Ancient Wood. by Itoheri,.. The Bar Sinter. by Rirh.0 I Harding Dari.. convoy and Co , by J -i. Jet, lll r. When Patty Went to College. Uld Gordon Graham, by th.• :Inti it of -Letters of a Self made Mrrchant to los Son." Al..o many 111 her• el the new 04.}'1 ii;ht Looks, ' NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES f'le'a in;t I',l:,nl l ,41 1(114 11„5,•,I n,it•• bc,mrr 01141 1.14 l'Iu4'r' .,t half (.1t'. II(1sinr-5 hours 11.111. 1,i 1, 4.l. • Terms Stn, tly Cash. Geo. Porter Court House Square, (ioder,rh Telephone No. 1(Jt) 1 WATCII REPAR I6 IS OUR SPEI'I.‘I,TV We fully guarantee our work H. PARK Jeweler and Optician South sidle Square amp This is Your Opportunity Our shelves fl%Ltst be cleared for our new stock of FALL. GOODS. To make room for these and clear out the balance of our Summer Shoes we .re determined to SAC- RIFICE. PROFIT',. We will offer for the next two weeks reductions in prices of 20 per cent. NEVER BEFORE WERE. SUCH VALUES OFFERED SO EARLY IN THE SEASON L Downing & MacVicar It is 1.0 •times l.•1 ler 141,' tkin '•.11Iv. The hid 41 repartee ).'44 11111144 it ten minute. tin) 1.11,' 111i4‘,11t nine ,t 144,4) 11 11 114141. ••1\'hat r,'31.411 have you rm. a4444i 111; .I ,.:o -don fr.'01 Stair prison i ' \\'ell. 3 011 Nev. 1 1.411 t l,nsiMtentl}• slay herr. 1 I..n.• 10 w'ti,L Ion h,nn-. ,i,iv :1m.1 I -.g, n 1114•Iiih e1' of ,, lahol' 111i4r4 DRANO TRUNK 'Ivrea $12 Farm Laborers $12 MANITOBA AND SASKATCHEWAN Guieg \1'l 1 11 11 Dom all .talion- south „( 'I'urou1,. 10 S:u'11i:I, 1.a St1a111.1 .1. itrlu.lin1r 'fur,o:- Al'(:I'l'l' 17th 111.111 •1.41 ions T. woad. 1,• Kit nal .11 Sir/11141 1. laud 0?! 1.t it11011'. curl it t hel-ea. r. - repl 11„1111 111 Turunit and 1': 4.01 w ell .1(111(111111. A1'1;l'1T ::1111 fr 'I'otmon :(4411 stations last to Kingdom ii 111.4%'•, vol all .?:,tions moth th1•r.. ,x1f;"al-o titan slit1 i"ns tool it .1{ T,op"nln and (':*•dwell Junta ion. Special Arrangements for Returning. leeure 1 i, k41- 41 I.. '1'. It. „144.-(5. F. F. LAWRENCE I' n Agent. I )tlirr horn's : 1';::l I :1, 111, to 11;:4., pito. .I0IIN STItAITI4'. 111.4111 Ager ? .I.•', "111 r '141e im'rt iptiun you w i.4. "mgr:t reel 111 the i1l•id4111 thin ring Is, 1 motet -A 'F:4me•.t to Retie :'" l .1111114 loan 4a il11 enthan•asang•ht l 11ae'a right. Hut el don't rut 1 h '1 Ingle. 114.1•1.." Suellgkt Soap L letter utas stair paps, bat is beet whim used la the Ilealight way. Soy Sualigkt Soap sad fellow direeN.as, The Underwood 4\ i a u.etaaeaa • IVosi 4.,v, W. E. ELLIOTT, Agent 1;r.l.-r,rh. aular,0 Boy Wanted A good opportunity is open to a boy,. 14 or 15 years old, to learn the Printing Trade. One having passed his Entrance examination desired. Apply at .1. 14, \h•Ilonnld. Dist!),i P I - The Signal Office. IMMIlmmlmW THE HODGENS STORE Cant Aosse Square "QuarterOff" Sale oe WAISTS and UNDERWEAR Saturday, August 4th, we start our annual clean-up of waists and whitewear. Empty shelves before August is out and a new, clean stock for next season is what we are after. There must not be a single left- over to show you when spring comes round. There is not much chance of their being any, for "one-quarter off" the regular price of waists and white underwear, such as we have shown this season, ought to clear the balance out in short order. We will not reserve a single garment. You can take your choice of every one in stock at exactly ONE- QUARTER LESS THAN RLOULAR PRICE. The assortment is not so good as it was early in the season -you couldn't expect that -but what is lacking in quantity is made up in lowness of price. Better come early if you want the best choice. Here is the list we start selling Saturday : - 45 Ie1USLIN WAISTS 25 LADIES' GOWNS Regular $1.50 to $4.00 Regular 75 cents to $2.50 "ONE-QUARTER OFF" "ONE-QUARTER OFF" • 65 CORSET COVERS Regular 25 cents to $1.50 "ONE-QUARTER' OFF" 30 WHITE SKIRTS Regular 75 cents to $2.50 "ONE-QUARTER OFF" 30 PAIRS DRAWERS Regular 32 cents to $1.15 "ONE-QUARTER OFF" The best Whltewear chance of the season. • Boy: ribbed cotton hose, fast black, regular Yoe, a pain for 115c Ladies' tan cotton hose, regular sSe real 1'C