HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-2, Page 7THE SIGNAL : (x01►I:Iill'11 I)N l'i11:1t) TULHN, LY, Auquet '.. .I,Iiii 7 rik9+014 44+444 4+4itiici'+4Y+y-'i', 1.++ 249 4044 44,4, lt, ,k. ,t, + 1nt+++,44Ifv ' • The News of the District. 4'' 1464644446 *4°4' 4°&4°44°+ 44545444°444°54444° 46446 45** ° - lit +4"445* -364640646 WEST WAWANOSH;. • UUNGANNON. 1 A. NK:\V'1'UN, DENTIST, LUCK - II. NOW. -At house every day except Thus, - da)*• New remedy fur extract lea teeth Monusu fermi, bet t er than gli+- ('sown rad bridge murk. etc. Aluminum plates ieo.breakehlel. N. H, -- Vote can always. ha.r your work much better done Im the dental ulTlee inure time, better patient. ag the mutt. wore cow. travelling puddle than Jotiatha(1 him- l►TI1'E. 1'I1 l': LOCAL AGENCY Kele With owcumpletiuu .f gaathe N ;u 1 •fur The all l.at etc etr.l Guelph and (1(deri(h railway, Kid to ,ud1re Book and etatluwery dote. and Mrs. McLean win rowels a other. fur ,•ub.orlpt ion.. eft iu11 anU 14131/1111111 3131; for hanl- w1vr1+LilNI andjob work, and is authorized to ling live stuck and freight near at Kit• mashies for amounts tail for (114, 14441110. hued, we bespeak for wine host at the 11111 41 fair NhWm of patronage. The stabling accommodation it alsu to receive its due share iu the iwprlvrnente contemplated. The new host nod hostess have had vxperienc'r in first -clines hotel keeping at Ooderich and Sea- furth• end there is nut is 111311 ill We'd - ern Ontario letter known to the NVKUNK44uAY; Aug. 1st. l'hutli$ Oirvin, of St. Louis, in 4444it- in44 uld friends. J44111431 Whyard has gone on it ten slays' visit to Detroit. Mr. McMurcbiv, of Kinttit, called on (I lends helm un Sunday. Miss Alice' Daley, of Seaforlh, is visiting Mie Nettie Sproul. Mia, ('nngdell. Of London, is .visit. nig her friend, Miss O11ye 111awford. Slier Lizzie Richarlwln, of W,eel- ,to"L, is visiting,. Miss Jennie.IndrewM. Mr. Glover, of the Mallumgh Hous•, hat, Eel Wiled frons his visit- to Dett•oit. Mr. Sturdy. of Milwaukee, M' -is en a visit to hi. father, Reheat Sturdy. Her. Mr. 1:ttlndell+ spent Sunday in our town. the guest of Rev. T. sed .11rs. Hicks. � Miss Martha Pentland. mf Gunned', milliner)' store, 1.ucknuw, is 4'iailing friends here. Mies Lulu Robintem, of K,Luunzou, Stich., haus come til speed 114.1' vacation at the pkareinan .. +'Sts. D. F. Johnston, and little daughter Helen are 411441ing their many (ricotta a 1 this iliac... Miss Maty Ryan has given up her ps,litiun in Mr. Elliott's "leer. and -fs gU11044 1Vr14t. fOr n tw th,: cfsft.. elan. Carroll, of limds 4n. ha, re- turned to her h • atter Blending a week with her father. Stephen 1 14.•V13. Rev. .1. KL and Mrs. limiter re- turned to their Inane near St rillforl This week, after 'pending a short 4' ,at the 14u•wlnngr. , Sirs. '1'. Pentland lure gine 111 V•1441 ler slaughter. Mrs. .I. ler•ydg.i. (st Geler•irh. Miss Frank Hrydges rifting at her grind fiat tier's hr r•. Rev. .1. E. 'lunger. of Stratford. preached in the Met11,Nli41 church last Senility eve g. He is 11114' of the rising young melt of the le)1Id,1 ruu- There Will not Ins Bey Nervine held in the Presbyterian church during the month of Au44)INt +a, thr members of that church have de cidwl to git 1 their peeler. Hey. l'. M. Italie' 14,111, u th's holiday. Mr'. D. O. 'tickle, of Torino... is visiting 4elatiYes a ud friends here bell ore mt(Ving to her new home at Norwich. That tont) recently rarriwl (t bvliw• to ban the Taylor. \Vest it 'tickle $.1,4441 anti to race rpt 1141.11, 11•. an taxes texr'pt ea•h,.141 taxes. for 11.11 44.14111. 'this Gu•t1314" 311111 40a1101.31111.. wi11 la• tbrr•111444' x11 14. (.. Birklr, one of the tern, is mother there. The 1V*wine,h council has pa.e:d n b) law 10 aid Messrs. Craw fleet. /' 4se and .lanee t i bail,1 !Idyl 4 retie"( grano- 1.1l11.' w -,'Il 1.4 paying 111 per 'rel, e.1 the ,',n1(. \ The w..rk will le mew Illrnrell right awns. The Aehlbld teemed decided :41 Ihrir Iasi u).i•tin4 to pay all pet• vent. of thr.'1w1 for * live -foot walk fn1111 Walkoisee stnrPlu the Metholisl. chnr'h. It is certaiidy needed there as the plank walk. are :a disgrace to 11n1. tidy village. ST. HELENS. M41NPAY. July allth, Miss Elizabeth Miller is in (i.N'erich this week. - (4to. l'im•k left for Midland on Mon- day ruing. Wheat harvest is all over and .lusts will he ready right away. D. B. Murray, wife and 'family, pic- nicked fit Kintail on Mlaiday, • Herb. 1'nulp►ell, of Marraa'k, paid a Hying visit 111, 14)11' midst Sunday. John Clerk., of Pittsburg, is sweet - lug hie holiday, under the puu•rntal rlk)f. Quite a number from here took in the exc4tsfun to Kincardine on Fri- day last. Miss Agars \Vclsh. of Awlwrlry, is 14' Kneel 4.1 Slis Mille Rutherford this week. Feigns BI'111,en1111e, of (;argil(. spent Sunday in the vicinity, renewing old i1cquafntuies. Sirs. Alex. Stewart and dnughlor, A111114, spelt, Saturday and S lay with friend. ii. Ripley. Oro, Scams. of ('ape Town. South Africa, is spe•ndil.g a few days at the butes of lis, Asquith. Iter. S. M. Whaley, of Hickson; was in the tillage I:as1. Wednesday .4411(1 called en a few of his •11.1 friends. M atter I'n'ns Firth. 111 I. mdun, in spending a nn.tilh',, holidaye al the h e of his 1 , Mr'.. H. K. Miller. Sl bee, Maggie and 1'hl•i..fly 1'is r, of Sarnia, are spe•tdiug a few weeks at the- 1 of their grandparent -s, Mr. and St's. Jas. Ramage. A bet of the )• 44 people of; 11111' 1)4181) I,11'I111N1 1114.111/'kell at. P..,rl( F1u'ns and 611111ti11 4111 'I'hureeI1y of lest week and tmpe.l't 3 Komi time. We 1. congratulate our teem her. Miss And•reon, of getting her 14411 'lass 1.1 five 4.114)11) lhr4ugh the en- 1111ne 144141111110114.44. '1' It i. ri.fl•cts er•11it on both 1,• „•her and pupil... CARLOW. Weusi;"1).4Y. A+IYII.t 1-1. - Nlr.. Small 111 'Tornio!". I. vi"itin44 ti tends in ' i,eighlela'Ipeel at the present time. alias Slimy Robert Mel, daughter 111 Vex. Rotertnon• of the 11111 ion. i" ',pending her V44ratMit at the pat•..teal h W. lei stand Ih,tt quite 1er f '44441(144 11101 from this section ex- pect to tale in the harvest revere' to the West about the midrib. of !hie mete h. Mise Bertha Nlfllian, of feelrrirh. who has leen teithiig forth.• part two years at . .t hill. has been engaged by the trustees of S. S. No. 8 for' the fall tern.. Hichatrl and Miss Gladys i,evv are to ie clln44rat,tlatetl 1111 their stw4ril.141 the teem[ entrance examiner , their standing being the two highest in the township. Needy'. is only eleven 'rats 4,1)1. KINTAIL. 1,111. 4 v..1 ill• 27th. t111Nsiesx•1' tune is. A very pretty wedding teem red at ill.. 1 • of It. A. 1'.n•riek on Friday 4•4eni1'6r. July Jah, when \lis'. Minnie 4'nt•ri,•k 4.•- 44unP the l,ri.le 111 E. (i. .Inhume). 4)1 Duluth. Mini. The bride was 441144' 00(1 III n simple white tress of French Ile Anal rat lied Ieeupuet of 1.a Irian,-,' 11/Se/.. In Ih.• fib=sur,• of 1111' hrid,•'s Gather. her brother-in-law, A. A. Boyd. gave the bride awn)-. She 44.4'. *Deeded by ler little Iieee, \lis" 14.'''lhy 0,4100 0, Mover Rill :11111 Ike 4414144111 was 7111.411rndwl. Rev. SIr, Miller )Hl7iat..I. Mr. mod Mrs. 4'ar- ri1•k will wake their h • ite Ihdsth. TI•I':411.(Y, July :i(.4.. Slim( (',+t tie Fun' spent Sunday here. Philip Austin has rrternd hpnw (0 1'1114ie, l (hie. Sitilon Style. is le • op °(t we •k', visit freul the 144/0. M13. Holt. "4rU111.1141 entertained a fru of her friends on Friday 4.0 44. Mrs. IM Wier. of lineage, is visit- ing her parents, SII•. enol MI's. .Ins. Se•nnith. Mr. and Mrs. I)ut. Siu-ray and family. of St. Helens. Vieited friends here of Mundey. A few of • lle young people, on Fri- day evening :attended the Ilee)nliPub party at Point (:lark. Rev. 11 fit. Mclnt,41411. of Elora. and sister. Mies H'seie, of Timone,. ere camping at. take 1'irw' Park. Mies Nellie Mcl'la411, of Iiaitrirh, w•hu OAS visiting ir'h'llds here, tmturne& home on Mond*v, acr4mg1at141')t by Miss Annie MrMur,hie. Mr. and She. 1'. Slientlon, 1411)1 Sir. and Mss. Johnson have rvtul•ned t: their hours in Duluth. Minn., after visiting Mrs. R. A. Carrick. 1V1" are plrn.ed to ammonite. that Eresl. Itole•rteoti will have rhi+•441 of No. :4'school at Ue (Ism of Ih.' pr'srnt holiday Meamin. We look Upon hint Its one of our own 1kly. in ,i .en"1•, hi. Moue being w4 near our urighle.rhno(1. Picnic parties are quite the order of the day. Sevrrnl in our neighbor- hood have had outings at the lakeside. and Col. Voc,e, with n number of e Ile )111' 1477'*' his 'friend', mid neighbor., r.., fid a K I i having nu outing at the Point Farm Thnrwley of thi. week. Our fruit -grower, John 1n•vy, i leaving it limey time of it thew. (lay-. With ,4. Mu•44.' slat( of leery pickers at work, he h,a.rt had to make ton trips 14 - day to the county town 4,11 meverel o,'. elusions. IIP reports that the bu.h1" , laden as hast t ( nl n , n . r I not nits n h +til y \•P •0) 'Nis fair Ar a y/11 ' 11 1 ILII h the 1 If the w'nther coati Mices favorable It ie expected that the bulk of Ow len - vie' will be cul this week. The hi'' - le)• ie nearly n11 secured and a number nr4 rutting their,etts. Several of our fartnrre expert to have thrix entire grain strop ,Prwt'ed by the end ut the cent 1111 V w1(',• ) whole P'I / In k. On wh 1 th 1 '(butt ie an 4'x,•4'114-1)1 nett•. (IIP 144114, e4114311111Y. Ming tet ler 111111) for '4'v• end yeah•. pare. Nathaniel Hogg.. And his nieces, the Nliees Boggs, whn have Il.•rl proprie- tors of the *'mime hotel for the pest twelve year., left W,dne..dny of this week for 1 lHl4'rirh, where they have taken up their r.•sidl•nr/' in the hotter formerly ecen11i1.I 11y Mime Doyle. Hur- on road, Mr, Hoeg. leaves sur ser - lion hearing the ie.pet•t, and w'lI- wimhee of e. blew. w'1't.isn of the com- munity, and the Misses nswpts also leave a 144)141 of friends behind them, and el Id they return to this section at any time they will receive a hearty welrome- LEEBURN. TUauAY. Jul)- 31st. Mie. Sara Fairish, of Detroit, is ever on a visit to relatives in Colborne and Astltleld. Mr. Lewitt, of h:as( street, (ioderich, iN enjoying our hake breezes here, the guest of Binns 1'htt1011. 1'1111«3 Sterling, of Buffalo, is over on her amoral Visit to het' parent ,4 111111 relatives in Colborne and 1ialerirh township::. LUCHALSH. 1VKIINksn.(Y, Aug. Ise. The walls of Alex. ('Mulslenzie's new cement, block 1 w• 411' ('0111- pleted. Susses Mary and Margaret Fiulay- 144111 atm spending a few w'ee'k -e on a visit to their parents herr. Mee. 11Lri.timi Mat11011n 011(1 M1311 Margaret M:4.4 bi't•Irs have returned f • a visit, to friends in Sault Ste. Marie. SATL'1t1J.4 Y. July 2181. Council met us per adjournment enembera all present. Minutes of last merlin); were confirmed, Wm. 1'roud- ftot, h. 1'., was appointed 1(sw'uship solicitor, .411 ue)tiuu of SIr..11ts. Audrt•- sun -and Medd. Therollector and treasurer were ordtnrd to do their business through the Sterling Back, I)engainuu, un met ion 11'1• Messrs, Anderson 1(1111 'Phonq/w.11. W111. 1\'14.1.44i11 ;old Jaw. Vuung preeeutlsl a petit' 'e the cutting of Sh; hill, conessi 1. *m1 4411 111141011 of Messrs, Murray and .lield the (uwnship 1144reed. to pay dollar for dollar with l'4.Ih(lgle township 114'1• and above 1110 private sulwcri`,- lions. (ht motion of \least'.;. %Irdd 3114 Anderson t11r [hard agreed 111 `{key lu per tell, of 14'11333 sidewalk et lhulK.uul11u fr 11. -.1. ('rawfo.l', 13u1'I1el' to Irl', ('.1141•' 4':1.111.1'. '1'111• claim of P. 1Va1-.h 1,• .toeing rund- na•)', c essiun 1), was left, ever to intel;4 ire coun(iU,a. 01 Ilan. On Most of the wheat crop has been motion ulMlwsrs. Slurry anu Meld safely garnered in by 1he, fernier, 4,1 the atelilore report presented b)• rurun this ta111fty, mid the barley liar -I Nieman. ('rew'fut•ll and Iiirviu was vete. is lasing, while moue• have itecepted. I). E. Munro, 4)4 Auburn, begun cutting their (sats. The severe drought of the past few weeks was le•ekr11 by the welcome rain of MabluUQ1 last. The p:' 'Plage throughout. the district w:4' let' g very bale and titure'rain is ledged for. HAYFIELD. '1't'tttenay. Jade 31,44. Picnics 4410 the older of the day. Miss H. horsy)tIt, of Sea forth. is visiting at 141r. \meters. Mrs. Fisher (cul sun tie( lige. of Kin- earline, are 111' guests Of F. A. Ed- wards. Mime.. Edea and Edith It of Detroit, are spending it , few holidays at 1 •. B. BBono. NI. 1'., and Mrs. Gunn lull G '1)• ate• spending a few days at the Itiv'l' hotel, taking in the balmy breezes of ILO•Iield. 1'le ('neem fn cuunel•lfun with the Presbyterial...burets atttt i V)'IsetV ser' - y 44115 it &wi11131 1flel.e3/1. The town hall was crowded. amt the pr•- yr+u11. wh1'h 44:14 /• i/134Q ill' ne11)131 all outside talent, was quite up-te- dal0. '1'h,• ganlen party tinder Ute auspices'1'I'rinity'hur•h un'Need ty '4' • g WAS •1 decided*, sn'1eSs. The :Lira h:atlalli.0 hand, of Iialrri4'. 1.111 - tasked '1 ' •' nmsi'. Short addresses W'1•t• given by Rev. ID. 11iu,l,•. therm.. tor, and B. B. li , NI. 1'. The two- eeeds amounted 4s 0001 814 114.4(4. WESTFIELD. Mosite Y. July 311Ih. .1.• 115.11 Carnplell sleet Sunday with 11.•11(13 in L,i.Lnow', -- - - 11is .tali' 1111,',, of •• einealdine, is spending a few weeks' with relatives. Sirs. J. N. l aetlplWII and M1iss helve visit.) friends in Bohlen 0 few days Iasi week, Wesley Valises, and family. bed( Advantage of the excursion to Kin'n't- dineonFriday Last. , The fall wheat leo-vest is :lend over mid most of the berlav is ,rut. Se poi the fune41ryslrt ex'ellent crap.. 'rhe corn and tun ngel fi/.141s ;u'e looking leautilui at pt•e•••ent, het the turnip (mop e,1 Gtr is very slow grow- ing. but the r44in of SUnd1,y should improv.• thecal. The trustees bate.- engaged )lis. Mary ('lurk. of St. Helens, as teacher for the rowing terms. Mi.. 1'1 mk c . Highly roto • 01141. Shed, a Noruml Cull.•'.;.' graduate. - Oul of a Oasis of .ix pupils for lh' enhance ex.uuivatiom 'l4V14 w4.1e 4114'- ''r"-111. 54111.•1* 1, a11 ex'elleut showing atilt r: fieri'. grecs 71.e,1it upon their teacher: (iottlon Wight 111110 CQLBORNE. DUNLOP. • 'I'rr:,n.t'..July :SE,. Our Fortner townsman, %Vln..1.•well. wee out ft the 1 •,t"filar 'Town Wet week Inking ,t hand in hay harvest- ing• Mrs, ('.u•rol, of thel'rich, with -Sirs. Ih 1' ' K, of 4'hicagoand dew44h- ter Alice, wile is on a business vaca- tion ft. Chic/Igo. and Mrs. Crawley, of 'Toronto, visite) here Monday of lo't week. A new traction engine, recently purchased by a thresher nl Port AI- Ie•rt, with +► lank of wader hitched In it, psaseed thie way Sat nrday night en route fur the Port. .\t the rear the threshers had (1*',rtwu teams.. 1(R.'.Imxku.-'r)etelav of Net week Miss Jean Cant els the present teach- er of our 14(heed, (.1411..41 on the seer)- it1 hu�)- 4,f • isonrd of ',duration with her r'signntas flasher of the schwa here. She intend., to attend the N411114141 college when it reopens. «lis'. Et t Dunlop Avail take 511.'. 1.161t01o11's place for the remainder of her term. While here for the short n•rie 4 \lis.. Cantrlon was (.snteant in her dol ie'. nml WAS a weren't favorite .e and w d' , (s •11,111 a 1 1 f mit. young 1. K .i t during bust winter ',edam! ,.msid- Pratey in the work 111 4 h.' 1,11 Petry Society of the yihn44 people it Ieee- bern, being enP of the n*,htl'4 rs of the tn,u)ag,nlent 4 'pee fn nr- ringin44 the fortnightly 'nter•ta1n- nmetes whi'h they held with gasp 411r- r4ss, tooth as to pn.ytl'1(nts and al fetid - :ince. Jonathan Miller, of (iederieh, has pnrrh,..0(I the Carlow hotel :tnd, we nnderetnnd, is to take lemeeesisn flee week. Mr. and Mrs. Miller beep been known to teeny of unr resident.. *nee the (lays of their childhood. .and their ('nlning t,, the hotel atthe hill le ✓ hailed with a gond degree of satiate,- +� tion. The hotel is to he remodelled and furnished in 311 up-to-date man' o.r, and is to he fitted with bathroom eud other conveniences. incltding new modern heating and kitchen outftw. \vaa appointed tree.lrer, uu motion of Messrs. Medd and Thompson. 31111 it bylaw 1,11'.44X11 u1, eolith ming the sates. On motion of \lead•.. Audet•xui and \lnrrny the Reeve w1(., appointed to rxa 1111110 (pie securities of 1'11• trenstil're' and su1 't them to th1• atiditore for approval. The Reeve and clerk were appointed to meet Ashfield c el re the eettlrulrnL 11( emeeint re l'. S. Sect' , No. 17. 'file Reeve and treas- urer We1't• 0)114elw4'l''d 10 1i11'1.4,W the u( ($81e1 for township purposes. A bylaw was p,t:.4d adding tit per cent. to all taxi•, not paid 1.)• the 16th of December. The township rale w•ae stuck at '.1 11111111 and the county at' mill, 4111 alae dollar. 1'11eques were issued In the auwmit of $2111 for payment of culverts. grat riling. etc. t'4,un'11 adjourned to Inert 1111 August Clst 'lt 2 o'clock. W. S. McCetteTIK, Clerk, • CAYENNE PEPPER. lits Jailotose Voss la Cooking Hrlags Moog Results. ('owparatively few people are aware that cayenne pepper 11 used JudIe1ouely way be made to add apt,reclaley to the digestibility of the produet1 of the cook's duuialt t. If prre(.ribtd by the doctor and pnr- (111131.11 ut the drug etore,lt will appear under We mime eapsll•uul, hutitwill be cayenne pepper Just the same, and It Ie wise to begin Its use before the time arrive+ to seek the good offices of Phe teudency of red or caygnne pep- per le to., drew the blood to tate stom- ach, where It Is needed while the diges- tion of food is tlkiue plave. This kind of pepper west not be employed as lib- erally us black Pepper, however, or It will be so witch In evereuce that It will be Impossible to eat the food. t'.e It sparingly, nod it will help to brim; out the flat or of many 034.0)7 ,11.114. nithumsh 114 pre+rare will 1101 be detected. l'se It in tamps, lu baked 13•1111", 111 stews, In hash and lu many more cumplicated culiu:ery products. TrKen.%v..lul ::1st. ND. Hill bum the lest flrl.( of 1':111 in the 01411eily. Mt•s, Slotatnid411, of li,Nlerirh, railed on Mrs. IbtedeI on Sat tardily. Sir. and 11rs. W,•idethnit. of SaK- in.nv. Mich., nr1`stle•rilin44 n fe.v days wish r'datives here. - Nliss McLeod. of ktiattotd.spent a few plea.nut week. i\t the 1 • of Sir. and NII'". K11r14hin: i. NI KANT ria LA :•T WEE •. - Mr. Nlew• . ' 1 of wis.4, ,•h has ripe 1 .I) ora. Ih h Was '1441.11 this sprits[. Who Paul beau that' Rev .t. 1), (ii',h11r, Zurich, :1101 Its\. Nlr. I:idt. hof thishw-4N0.1, were in our 1)4.14411 Is*t-ho. .11 climbing eler•)- trees. Il)• the war-, they bed good 1.et•i'4'"s, for encl. unr leek a b' ail (4I' (.henries ,long with hits le 101• 'I'Iny also 11111410 11 .hi rt. call on .. , of their friend.. '*Ire. Mamie", wit., has 1113.13 af- flicted with r'hru11utistil, and who is ,.11:+1'1' In eland en her feet, w'n4 at churih 11011 Sunday., The invalid'' o Chaff'. whish foJrer ro 1 fits n several 4. pal R K nsouthe ago presented tc hen..'wilt Is :1 V'hi'le to bring her le thnteli. The pastor and the congregation were indeed glad to see her present. St's. SIedel has the sympathy of the en- tirec (y. (iODERICH TOWNSHIP. Mos i.\v, July :0)11). Mich Ad* 1)avid.on is sidling r' Intl VIM at. 1Vitigham and Pott. Elgin. Rev. Mr. FI,'t,her, 111' the 99uimer, Roel, is to preach in the l'nitm I'reM- l.yletfan elm: eh on Sunday. Mire Eva Mei-Math end Miss Arnold rettirned to New Volk on Saturday Inst to menthe their duties in Mount Most Hospital. Nick headaehrs am mired h • Millet's 0i•anul"e. For sale by Jas, Wilson. Sfnet aen item neither to tinder stand their riches not their "111nwth of the former they believe greatet things than they 1h1oltt-: of the letter mach leen. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To slip the rod of a freshly laundered curtalu Into plume try moistening the hem. The rod will go lu easily with- out damaging the fabric. Wipe off furuiture with a cloth wrung out In but water before apply - Ing furniture polish. A high polish will remelt and will not show finger marks. 011palutld walla must be washed with soap and water, using a soft flan- nel teeth, care icing taken to wring it well before using. 1 -se cold water to finish and dry with a linen cloth. When heunlns: a new tablecloth, If the edges are sii_htly dempl.ild with warm water le which some soap 1)1114 been dissolved they will be soft and much easier to work on wheu dry. Rocking chairs are lest lu other rooms than the Invalid's. They are Inclined to creak In the first peace, and lu the second plate they make a still person nervone. A large easy chair Is really better In any case for any one It nerves are lu cou'lderatlou. Special Reduced Rates to St. Paul and Minneapolis. Far the *trend A11110 of the 1:epnh- lir National Eneanll 'it, Min11eapkl- lie, August 1:1th t, lath. Ih:• Oland Trunk Railway will sell plan 1 trip tickets et special restored ell,•'), goof going August In. II, 12, also, far such trains on An441111 1:31h. ,o will ennhle '.' ' '1" 11 11 a 1• "1• i•re 1111'.1\ 1 111 .1 n 1111 tae 11 t p R K dee. Tir•keM rnlid r.•hnnling until August :11st. with extrusion until September :fah. o1 payment of :414 retie.. hell on 0. 1'. R. agents ler full pert imam m. lh•sldglsia is n lenity thing en wi+i'h to hl • n not orally ►N41 disponi tial. New York Tithes. 11nven't. you reeked that. ILP nein who ,tette you how yew ran male n fort nn' in ashot•ltime is sell) nide t: .hewn lank balance of nine 111,11 threw figures? That tined feeling will diwtpleer your appetite will improve; pour digestion will be perfect, if you will take Miller's (' ponnil Iron Pills. For sale by ,Ire., Wilton. An Engli.hmnn wax driving thr'ngh Dublin on a hack -car. end whilst. &ting to wee expatiating ant th0u)erit of Oninnee: atom_ ••\-ol'Ie very fo•ten'te Lo 1)44\•.' enih beer to drink," maul he, "for I'm told it's food and drink in one ' "A\•, **diel, se it 44, air," responded the jetvoy. "en' a night'e lodging as well if you only take enough of it." €AI"N ERI 8y JOSEPH C. LINCOLN C.py.itka 1904. Lr A. 04 H est. & 1%1. Liam 156 Fifth Anew, New York. Risk. H, -r sd 'teary For the Dresalag Table. While visiting receutly at the home of t frleud I saw a 11tt!e homemade convenience. dsilgned to be placed be- neath the mfrror',aboye-the dre..ming table, it wan wade of four small cigar boxes ecrew.',l together. Each was placed on eud, ,two below and two above. The covers were arranged to open like doors, swinging outward, sh with r ' was fluI ed w of ours'. The top n scroll work made of the cigar box wood. Very pretty It was, too, and the work of a woman. The dour: were furnished with tiny knobs. The whole was to be ntaln.d and varnlmhed, to match the table, making a little cabinet pretty enough to genre any lady's dressing tubi,'. It was designed to hold toilet bottles or any accessory of the tollet.-Christian Work, 11'„Itliullyd from jA,ze (1.1 ed 'Ralph.. •"huppu'Iw w•' look." Mo they looked, but found nothing more than the usual aseortw,mt eou- tulutd lu the desk of u beudtby milted - boy. 111e rttlaed 1!d shut off the light from the whitlow, and the desk's In- terior W1111 rather dark. They Iw& to grope lu fi14.• corners, and occasionally thvlr hands touched. Every Owe this happened Ralph thought of the decision that Lemma wale SO saw. ire tbonght of It still wore when, aft- er the search wee nbaudoutd, Elsie sugge.ttel that he help her with some prohlews that she WAS preparing for the next day':; labors of the first clime in urlthmetle, Iu fact, us he silt be• side bar, pretl•udfng to figure, but ral- ly watching her daluty profile as 1t moved hack cud forth before his eyes, him owe partieulnr problem r•eelv'd far more attentiuu than did those. of the (lase. Suddenly he spoke. "Teacher," be said, "please way I ask a question?" "You should bold op your Laud If you wIeh perml'Mlon to speak," W:14 ter stern reply. "Please cousider It held up." "144 the question as Iwportant as 'How wavy bushels did C. sell?' whh'h huppeue to be Illy particular trouble Just 11011•." 'it IN 10 we, certainly." Ralph w.•. serious enough now. "It 1s a queetiou that I have been wrestllag with for some thee. it M. Shall I take the posi- tion that has beeu offered me In the west, or shall I stay here and become superluteudent of the station? '1'11e superintendent's pIaee may be miur, 1 think, If 1 want It." "1 should think that question might best be decided by comparing the sala- ries and prospects of the two posi- tions." said Elsie quietly. "The two positions are much alike in one, way. Your know what the life at the station means the greater portent of the year -no compaulons of yew' own age and condition, no society, no amusements- The western offer means all this and worse, for the situ:aloe is the salve ill the year. I say three Mimes because 1 hope ppm may be will- inc to consider thew nut from my point of view solely, but from yours." "From u1ue! "Yes. You see, 1 "nus reckleeely dar- ing to hope that. whlcbeeer lot Is (10 - sett, you May be willing to share It with ure-as my wife. Elsie. do you think you could consider the queAlou from that viewpoint?" And -well. Elsie thought she could. The consideration- we suppose it was -.the conalleratios--took so loug that It was nearly dark wheu Elsie aunuuuted that she sitnply must go, "1)eurest,'_aaid Ralph after the door was hiked, "I forgot to bare another bunt for wbatever It w•1(, that t'nptula ErI wanted we to get." Elsie mulled rather oddly. "Are you sure you haven't got ItT' she useed demurely. "Got it! Wiry -why, by George, what a numskull1 ant: The old ras- cal! I thought tlsere was a twiukle In his eye." - "He said he should come back after me." •"Well, well! BIesN •1441 benrt, It'+ sound and awret all the way through. Yes, I have it, cud, wbat'N more, 1 shall tell bins that I mean to keep It." TUE CND. The Measles Theory. Specialists in children's dineasen In- sist that tbe old theory that children should be extmeed to measles 14 abso- lutely wrong. 111 remaking of It onus wen knownwu phyeichin s.n a er- xenon is 0477* inure ref' In ell claes'1 today than It was a !Intuited )•'nen ago. In no tame le It more prevalent and (11e- natron.. than In the treatment of nem - Flee. The IIIWiieei profl'tsion4has trf.•ir le rain to stamp out the old I,brn that every child mast have m.n'ies and that n chill therefore might as well be put Into the same led with a brother or teeter who Ie suffering from the com- plaint. MEN'S MIDSUMMER WEARABLES COOL, HOT -WEATHER UNDERWEAR NEW SHAPES IN CANVAS HATS, STRAW HATS, WASH VESTS, TIES, COLLARS AND OUTING SHIRTS Everything for Men and Boys (rx: eta hoot, to wear in Summer Time MCLEAN : ' OS. Art Tailcrs, Furnishers, Clothiers, . atters. North side Court House Square, Godorich. METAL FURNITURE. - Thr Wt) ,o Treat 117.1.•, ::fid Eno Met- ed Iruu tied,. "if 1 14:141 tin)' WO) with ;'•nous who, po 1,raa' tar,, hu•.•:' 44add 14. care fel housekeeper. ' 111unW never Mime.. them to 1 h the Metall without gloves of some kind- Id, chainol". rubber m•. best of all, 1•auten 1111114411. 4)1.•1)1:"0 N 14 wa411y- trod by keeping' the Motet itesh from couta.t with If14' 'sersitiv'ly fin Ished Feriae.. 1 ,Iioula Itave better chimers of keeping the brass bright. "If the brave ie use -1' hue decoration on Iron beds that are euarheled the lat- ter nerd nut be 10 mir'fn114 treated 1n fort, 1 know of no teeter way er cleaning' It than by using intklw:tr7* ender sled n Mild sten., but tbe gtrp+t- est precaution should be taken 1.4 pre- vent the braes !mine towered or rah - hoe( while ibis cl'nnsi'iR 14 in l" -"'s"., "0e4asioually the knobs, ut1 brass end Iron bed.. 7et11P loose from careless pulling about, and 1f not tightened 111 time the framework get's faulty, and s• when w 1 it " f 111 ur , Keil u one 11.1'. a feeling' y K sleeping in let and a carpenter or an Ironworker 1s c:111e.1 In to reuidy• the d,'rov t. Now•, ` if a• woman only kn'w what n temple thing It Ie to remedy the dlllliulf)• she ,14nuld 'lever allow them to get that n -ay, fur by screwing the knobs, eta., tit ht mire '1'rry tw'u ur Mils. days or whoa .ver they appear to t.lnwmin4 she \4, 11.1 nut only save 11'rvelf emelt Meilen 1. but the 11tteu• ' r Ilio of the 'n would ru' h n b flan e t I t i bed." A Cooklag Sorest. - The great 'secret of Emmett eoolarre In a knowl.tlg4' of the variety of food to 1* had, plenty of time to prepare the food and it clow tire. Amerieen cook's are In 'so nitwit of a hurry that when they prepare a meal they lin- mem. that what le n00P14nry IS plenty of furl and It robing hot fire With meat. this 4lmpIv hnkei or le ein'rntee the fller1 instead of pertnt!ling the juices to perform their prni .0r fen, flan.. And this "hurry up" •Nestem la :'hat 1i, slowly perhaps, ha t surely. tanking Americans a race of dysprp- tica • A Valuable. Too flee. ('roup, pneumonia nn. diphtheria ;mitter: Taken piece of o flannel to 111 chest and balite nim Inye of cotton Ir s e i batting on If, then pr a I le quite tlsit kly with a layer of best 1 d, then sprinkle lightly meth grated tm(g; ;dare in oi'rn for al moment an lien apply to patient's Newt, pinning ur.• Iy with small safety plum to nndervpmt. Title roust not 11e removed for t*o W14•1:4. it M maid flim honitleP bum 13344 1111141 with coupes.. iby ninny prmlinent\ doctors. 11 1 We Wish to Announce that in the conr,l' of two weeks we will have "ole' Plumbing and 'Tinsmithing Department in hull swing \Ve were willing to pay tlit! i)1'iett Yue a first-class mechanil' sold have been fortunate in securing a ratan lit' lilrge experience to take charge Ot this department. Our :lotto will he quality first. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR STOVES. This week the following goods will Ila\'lt to go at slaughter prices. We ulu,t un- load. Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers. 1 I iuuutock, ,i .i price $.),00, now for id 54.00, i, 1 baby Hammock, $2.00, now for 1 li $9.55, now for A few at 75C each. $3.65. $3.15. $3.05. $ I.90. $4.55. $4.40. $I.80. Paulin's Hardware Store 'Phone 57 House ,'Phone 177 Poetry at 1111 ,ST:". ■ Mae. The highest price ever paid for po- etry was $1,1577) a line, $15000 for au eight line puew. it wits not a good poem either. Jades Fulitb. one of the authors of "Refected Addresses," wrote it. Smyth met one' night at dinner In London Strachan, the famous English printer. Stra,hau, what with old age and gout, was most Infirm. Iudeed, Ye could hardly walk. But his wind was exceedingly power- ful and brilliant, and he talked so well that Smith on his return hums wrote the following doggerel about the old luau: Your lower limbs seemed far from stout When last 1 saw you walk; Th. cause I presently found out - When you began to talk. The power that props the body's strength In due proportion spread In you mounts upward, and the strength An .•dtir. 111 the head. Though this was undeniably rank Dortry and ranker flattery. It pleased SCOTT'S EMULSION wcn't make s Ihump back straight, neitl ,er will It make a short leg long, but It L ted' sort bone and heals diseeed bene and Is among the hw stenuine means el recovery le rickets and bone consumpn an. sem for fr., e„14pr• 1lr'ATT A 110W le 1. Ch.w,1„Ie. ?sten••, 15,3.1'4 pc fid 17 not ell liege rs- Print's Stra'huit so well that he added to his w'4II a cudi,il giving Smith siti,- 000. For 1 mbrella Forgetters. "Loaf umbrellas, forgotten umbrel• las," said tbe lust and found clerk, "pay toy salary. We sell all that aro unclaimed, you know. deriving from this odd source $14.11) a wunth. Nearly all lust umbrellas are left In traitor. There Is a thing to do with a7* umbrella ou entering a train that will assure you of not leavlug it. I'll tell you what that thing is. w'beu you sit down in the car place the umbrella on the out- side, between yourself and the aisle. Thus the umbrella 1n a fence. it bare you In. When you Jump up hastily to get off at your station you fall over It. You cau't forget It whether you would or not" Turpentine will remove tar iron any klud of fabric. 'PHONE 56 D. MILLAR CO. °°4°° Muslins Muslins Muslins CT 4 (1'I we will start our first sale . atur . y of Muslins and we have marked them all at prices that are sure to please the purse. 1st LOT I'Mr 'hire of all the Vert' best Mnchne 11011 .111,1 from :1. to Si , 2 rte. male 1 P' i 5c Satunity will 2nd LOT 'I'br Muslins That we have ....h1 all through ,- , I I s senMin 1 1 ..N 1 ) • y price 11 .4k sale P T I , 1 9c 1 3rd LOT A collection of Slum line, MuelindeMoles, etc, All Have been f 11 sellers R at L's- aril 21k'1 Sale price 1220 also start the clearance of all our Ladies' Ready-to-wear Wash Sults. Wash 341111' In tight grey tweed efTPcts. Theile are only a few of thyme snits left, were 1$'3.11, 4x11• prire.. ,. $2.75 Your choice of any other Windt Suit ail• rens Linens Dress Linens N\., Lave aimed 6 piece. Dress Linen, this se+teen'* prelur- thin and made to retail at 4t►c to :eke Sete price, per part 20c 1V' hnvr till a few left of the Parasols we a41verti.ud 14,4 week and these we have mar Rvrd at prices that. ,are mile to 1334110 a ‚.41.'4'1)4' t•leitt•enee. Sample Curtain and Carpet Ends. \VP 1111 0e jest rP,'rived n ttat eller', maniple lot of Curtain and Carpet end. and these we will pet en sale Setlrt'day mottling. PHbNE Me liar's Scotch Store PHS NI-