HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-2, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONrI'A IMO 1 111 lc. %1 :1utust 1906 5 PEN AND SCISSORS. ., ra,.,t. The artist Day, al inert* dwlgrled to trues l'putt the earth the heateu', varied hue. And through clear hours she worked In languid 414.40 , With hoods of light and shade, and wash of de». lint alien ncs•0r the sky lead sired the awn, -te4 in Its smocking banes plunged down to rest. Inpatient at her labors half undone.. sloe Sung her tangled color* In the west. Winfred Cloister In August LipplurulCs. 'i1 "Buttercups and daisies follow rail- ways the wm•Id over," *aid an en- giln•er, "in India, in Central Asia. in Brazil, the parallel rails real con- tinually Iwlwrel meadows white and yellow with home dowers. "ill the construction of practically all foreign railways English ut• Scotch enlfine.•rs and contl•ael4I•& have a hand. Theta men know that gnl*1 11omr grass in the bred thing fur hold- ing together the earth ut1 embank- ments. Grain is tough and Iasting ; it strikes rugs so easily that it prise. Ovally cements the most flimsy earth- works. "Mo great serol from home is sown on railway embankments all over the world by home engineers. helping to huild them. ,and thus, in the most tropical 'places. among gorgeous or- chids and palms and giant cacti you will ser mil. .after mile of wholesome, clean home gram. studded with white daisies and yellow buttercups." - Frmu T. A. T. (Tales and 'Talk., Dore. would ye Hurn the rain to t:aughtertuwu, U ye who hate lost the way! ltuuld >e hate. )'sung heart though your lair Ire gray I Do learn from a 111t1e child emit day. Go 'en e hi. wool. and play hi. ploy, And catch the 1i11 of lila laughter gay, - And follow his dancing feet 44. they .1 ray, )cur he Iowa. 11,0 rain to laughtrrtuwr.; 11 ye w 110 hove lost 1111• way. , --Katharine 14. HI 46 "I thought it Was a pretty sort of telescope a fur unr that wasn't very big." said Uncle Silas. "I rigged it up In the attic I. the high th window rind had it foxed No it wilds, swing round easy. I took *t deal ill ,+ati1far- iun in looking through it the sky Wed err wide and hill of *'under' ; 'asylum Hester Wan here 1 11 ght 11 'give her the pleasure, tial. She slayer) a lung time IIpet*i1'n and sectio .1.1 1w enjoying it. When sir cattle down, I ntkel her if she'd di1- ovelwt anything 1(.N'. 'Yes,' she sa vs. •K'hy, if inside everybody's du, e4. .11111 44) near that 1 Weellle1 10 be 'gilt Iw*idr 'ens. and 1 found tout what oho I'ritrharl'e folks are dein' in th r out -kitchen. I%'r W tenet what t •y had a light there for night after ni It. and I just turned the glom* on their 'nduw and f 1 out. They are natio' pple, to dry -folks fav rich as them . ruttirl' apples I' And n,'tu.tIIV, tint • was all the WOusan had tee I: With he whole heavens lw- fole her t1) en )y, she had 1pcul her time prying in 1 the affairs of her neigh)*ern! Aid here ,•re lots %urr like her -with of 'thont telrscnp ee." Selected. .Snit alar -.a Ianin' en it rhallln' Ind, roll : Dmu a ru•'k en is lou -'I4. Night 1 mon : F:n a enroll.. wen 0' frons' lint sous rompin' chlllln's -teal Th0., de conifer yrrr en der .p•rrit (hUlum uc a.• n'nr' Yearly norms'.. wile a horst*.' w'en ole .sail, wit,',' •.nblow lir. I m0.4 a•w• dem 1•11111un dip ,in' Theo de rmhin.. green ten dipole' - 44o"41nm• misty 4hnpnent. I nultu' 4444.11 )ander. herr. out Minn' Kr dee dodge 4roun' en run. Fall 4.r frolic et* 4.r fun uh da'. Ia1Rn' en dar'. rhnlan' Inde co'n; Ilwr. a ru.lc en a hu.7e Night en morn t En lilt'. mein las)' fa nein' 11:at anylon .amp's'. sands' Naddly' y*ller {domes 'fl pran1in'-- In dern'n! 4Villtel ulna F. Pruitt. in Lipp'ncott'•. 4 A inane worst enemy is hie selfish - fleet. 11 narrows And palette; hie 4..x- 4 t•Ile•. and t4. nsfortne hint into a slave rnf 1 •If. Hnleful eelflehneso Is like a narrow, unhealthy cage where all our being languishes. lawn is the free. vest horizon where the most 4'011 .1)read its w-ing., ('heroes Wagner. At a luncheon given by Mrs. Alice Barber St'plienn, the illuminant., at her new home at Moylan, the talk turned for a while to the v,arinll1 charitable sx'Ieties that. give shin children outings in the country in the .111111111.4'. Rem:rkeble instance. were narrated of shim children's ignm•nnet• of coun- try life their idea that milk teras an extract of the milkweed. that eggs rattle from the egg plant. that mush wax e p1Kinrt of the mushrooms), and "Those inet*neee," ,aid Mrs. Ste - lnhes, "are 4,1d and well known. But et. One tell you of a new one that h:pppe•nel Mint A little Enna side hay wee 1111 hi+ first country excursion. He lay on the grate in asl•ne!' orchard, making n chain •11 (laird's. and buttercups. Arrow the blue sky a line of bird. dratted, nail his !melees. ,a young woman, tail) : " 'Look up. ,Conk up giiikly, *1141 'tee the pretty birds flying through the air.' "Tommy looked 1(p gnioky anti then he said in it e pa=aimed e tone : "'Poor little feller, they ain't got 0" cartes, have they :%" .4.4 Parse is 21'44,4,4. Nothing that h.. can pat*.,. or tat ; The moan will eon. Ihr moon will wane, The mist And chola will tarn 10 rain. The rain to mkt and cloud ng:dn, Tomorrow Ix• toll.,). -- Lnngfelln w•. THE GAS PROPOSITION. Town Council Favors Sub- mitting a Bylaw. A special meeting of tht• town council was held last Thursday even- ing to disease the proposal Made by J. L. Grunt at the last regular uteet- ing, tar the eutabliahtueut of a gas plant in Oexlerirh. All the ulrnlwrs of the council were present, with the exception of (:ouncillul's Elliott and Hallows. Mr. Grant adderasel the council, explaining the proposal and slated that the intention was to 14414. hard coal in the manufacture of the gat and use oil for enriching it. it would cost between $.YO,IM)I ,and $10.(E to get the plant started and about 11101,11111 to 4' plete it, including the laying of the pipes. The plant would he 141(1114r to one of the two it* use at Guelph, an entirely different system form the Itranlptnn gam, which was proposed in the bylaw voted down last year. Hiving a plant of the drser'Ipt pn•INIIed 444) near '11 would be easy to find oat how it wurkt•d, and the gas, Mr. Grunt ex- pllined, wuold he suitable for lighting, heating, cooking and power. As tu the o1uestiun of competition with the towns electric light system. Mr. 61111rt said there were a good many homier. which were not suitable for elee'trie light but would use the gas. and he did not think the two would come into rongwtilion toasty extent. Hr raid the pisimotrl•s of the 40111. ire thusgght of ,asking for it t%elltv-yeal' franchise. with it .;taus in the bylaw providing for the pur•hase of the system by the town, 1 they would Ask that their franchise 1*. made an exclusive one. The plant spoken of would Iw large enough to wlpply double the quantity 1'e guise! 1n (i.xlrrich. lir would out speak definitely but thought that likely the Company would out be afraid of the establishuuelt of any other a 1)1(11)•, but nothing definite had hetet decided upon by the pro motors. pending a statt'IIPnt of the ruuueil'N pxr$iltun 1owa111n the matter. The \imps'. and l' •illur'l'L•ark t•>,- prr"ael themselves tax in favor of ut141icital ownership, but Dr. flock gald this proposition might not iuter- fere %vitt' 11t4111ieital ownership. The question wh.ttire the Company would furnish gas to any !art o1• the town desired was dis•ussel, and it was pro posed that a clause covering this 1N• i,I*erted it* the bylaw let prevent the perssibllpy of he ('on.tu11Iy furnishing gas may 1111 street, t% herr it would be reprciully profitable. The Mayor brought up the 1)10111 that, ill vleW Of the fart that the town had voted to pay $7.1)41 a year fur thirty years fur power fr the Maitland River Power Co., err did out want to ado's'. anything that would c into com- petition with the tokens electrie light system. It %vas stated that the charge the I'ompauy would make for their product would lie about 81. net. The names of the other pr lees (*skins 31r. Grant were not given. Finally it was moved by Mr. filtir ' and secrlmled by .1r. (1.ldthorp.', *hat the council will f:n'111•abl%' consider et bylaw granting a franchise for u term of twenty years to a company, one- half at Ie al•t of the stock t11 Irr• held by stockholders who are bona Ude resi- dents of the town of l:,Ktrrirh, and thin was earned vtlabout •1pINNitjIln. deal of attention to them. The 7HE aPAaKEi Motherwell eorrt•spxodenl of Thr tit, Mv' A •g 1 h •t' 11 a4. s . 1' Its alt a app) 1,l 1(l Hicks in this "Forecast for August". Ai net first will begin this plonth. It. w'l Ire .o:Massed of thirty-unr days a 1 n 'mashie nu11dwr of nights, of thaws made nd August lwilllwgi, the Statutes 1.11lepr ties& i,u n lately un the expiration of .duly 31 , The three d14y4 tinay not Ise di4t'tiguisheel 114 anything very remark) de in the general management 0 the earth ur .44' • the planets bei very quiet., Many of them h*viug gm 'en their holiday.. NO great 1.0114'I114nn ill nature. or in the architecture of t r world me ex- p es•ted-but Iuight arra by any mixed train. Any minor di ur•b sees u4. con%ul.inoN likely to axis wiU iw dur- ing the alight. and will 1w t :aceahlr Its over indulgence in evert* •4111 1n - Nide inforuation 11111 1x• had f the victims. On the atli two ve v im- portant ,•vents will take place . TII.' Pe•th'4)1.1 50r>: Itennion w ill be . odd in Stratford *nil the 1114x411 will he till on Abel dote. Thi, i14 a lugq'v 1 incidrnre. . Holweever. the most will 1w 1111 ire let quarlrt• un the 111 h. and will ptolualdy hAtr to get some • from the (*1d Hoye. August will lit short 1n1 Sanders. thew owing only( \\'rhupwtIsis will net halpp en again, as mime of the olhel• months 1st•.' five. •('hur.•11 collection. and tuutk rubbwrieN will Iw about the s: • 'Is_next August. M14i'lers and sui- cides' will be regulated and governed trey it by the temperatla•.• *1(l the rust of living Picnics will 1w nnnlerme towerda -the 1.11e 1 both ends of the month. 4 visitors will be plentiful and hard to. dis-0ur*gr, *s the spare 11)otit is much warmer 1114(11 in winter. . . August will not work 0%•rrtillir, as it is the st of the suonner se.*,on. Summer K1Nt eti•ente will not. be valid after 1st. Iswk41 of hair, diamonds her Olken) of iffetial Austad urnel nut Inter than tie itemiser ken all through tilt. month will he 110. Cl111ptregatinnnl meeting); Id 1 avoi.lyd as much as possible. It is gear Ily rone ltd that one has more warn friends in August than in January.January.WELL-KN • N MAN WRITES. The London StandardStandardAllyn: "An orler i.suel by the linnetnnton 1Ner'felkl council reads: 1)..g. Intro not hark while turtling ;along the seafront. Tim• council has in4lruwMd the leach taker to make the doge conform to thi1 rule." We would re'peet(tllly offer the leach offlrer the nervier', of the (4oxderirh dog poisoner *s the t effective method dr en - toning his inRtrncl.innl. Or O,Klerirh hieyrlinta would he willing to trade the poisoner for the (Mach officer if the letter would guarantee to keep the Goderich limp quiet. A gn.rl many of the country paper's in ')steno make a texture of the wrath- ") fore'xsts of Mr. ir'1 D. Hkkw, a I ntte.l Rtatea weather prophet. and it is said that the farmers pay a 50011 it ,111 11 1* 44. 1st. '1 _iverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower -Live Stock Mar- - k -is -Th• Latest Quotations. Mwlaay I:scoot*(, .duly 1'). I.rerpul what fumes* closed today to ted lower Dud Turn furores Bid to lows. At ('hirago to-duy .1.dy wbggat closed 111.4 hese? noel aaturday: slaty then )he higher 11114 July nate 4kr 10w•vr. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. At Winnipeg epl1on market to -day the following were the .luring Wbeat• quota - 1's: July ins• bid, •ug. ;lite hid, Oct. THE VISIBLE SUPPLY. • July :Wel July 2.!,'. F: July 214, 1K,. Witte; ...•r.:Cn.4A1.415.110 1::.:1-11.(11,1111'a.,, .. ... !ail. '111-5,14,l,.arl 5.11414.uU41 O)i's . 4.'-'711.014.1 4:71.4134 4,10''3.011IU t•. rlug floe w,.'•),, wt*al feen•a'e.i 4,0:6,. ,1x1.41 .he1r ecru ,Irerea-4.J Ga;.IIW bushels, tn..1 oats decrees l ..,.1,,11,1 huabrI,. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. JuIy. Sept. ' Dee. Int lb 75'4, 76% s1. Louts 73-•. 72'. 7N% JI over seals. 73 7(1•. 4% •I' .1. n.. .. .5ra 34!11. Is I ,.e. t -:4, 714, how Vert:ps'.' tot: '4% TOH,...TO Yft:JOU::E MARKET. Ur s_ 441 'at.' spring. Lash ..Seo SO to 8.... %%'h. ' loll, I.ual 4/ NI •••' a be, Peds tie,* a NI ..., W111:11. maps., b,.-5 U 7 Parley, real o 51 0 rti t.u., lou... U 42 Iter, tomb 0 75 sees Pias, bush NEW TOR DAIF.Y MARKET. N.-% 1'..4.1, Jul :hi -flutter -firm: re. ...apts. b.-.-.1; It r••44 prier. extra 'era m••ry. •' to 21•4e: -ofUeial priers ovuma„n 1,, or. i, U'-'- to '•b•: renovated e0l11wu,l t,. 4.1- 11.e. •g- nu, t ',e to 1'4.: w',ateru fa: tory, • "much t:. ...I'm: 1::•• lo' 17••: ft "stein 11iit e!IV,i . n.'4.44v. et On., 110j4.; 11 I':,,+,--rlit•,Is; Ireolpt a, coital. large cowry. 11 lie; d 11.' 1,. 14'.e: .1.... .mull fat*. n,lr 1.* rood. 100, • to 11e.: . 0" Iv Me; half .t .n.. large•, hest\tl+e" du., sit all Lest, Ss., to 1,•: du., pa skims, rime, 74e' to 444 ,1t*., fair to roost. 41 to 1 11• uel•-e. m.romou, 4.' 10 5e; do., full klmt, litd Ergs-Steady to arm: rerrlpt4. 1:1, ,2 I state. 1 elsa'ylvaulu and nearby' 1a, Ie. .ltd white. 24.• In 2a•: do.. choice. 2 1I 1 relied, rxtru. =lc 1" _:N': west, 4.0.1,14, 1 1' lo 1:tk•e: do.. 'o'ennds, 14'ye to 17•,1•. 1 CATTLE MARKETS. IleuldA, Ont., JI • :tie h.--(Mpcciwl.)- \\'illi,tu hell, .1. 1'., of this place. ehe•rfdly rontribnt . his unsolicited testimony to the r" ley 1/( DdII'N Kidney Pills. Hr writ e : •'For more than x y •Ir I wits an inlet's.. sufferer front kit ey lrrluhle end although 1 tried diee'ent renw- dies and was under the tow t111rn1 11f local physicians i felt that. i •,',ie get. ting no Iwtter, 1 was insured t give Doxld'4 Kidney Pills as trial and I aur ,)1elae's In abate that ;dire taking two 1(r threw IKrxe, I felt very h bet 4.r•. Thia encourage) 1(w t.. continue w h l.hsld'. Kidney Pill. and I m1( now well as ever 1 was in illy life. in the how that 1 alight he the means of en' roar*ging other SIIffieere from kidney treble to try I)odd's Kidney Pills 1 cheerfully enntrihute this tesli11mny to their wonderful healing powetr." a, m4^ to 17e. 4145: *rare, full .falx :u ;;o•d, I1',,'; do. inP•rlur- Tb• Dog's Weasel. Damp 1s the grente,t evil to wbleb the dog confined outside the bowie In a kennel is liable. It w111 Is ill the strong- est dog and must be carefully guarded aga10 t. 1f a dog 1s is keep In health, too, It Is necessary that 11 should be able to enjoy plenty or sunlight, and the kennel should ale nye be placed Nein south, eieept in" the hottest parte of the day In stammer, when It should be moved into the shade. Likes the Gaelic. Walkerton Telescopes: Jar. Hugh Framer is such an euthushed ie 4cotrh- nuln And is elo fond 1,f the Gaelic language than be has mode four trips thin 1munler to Ripley, and !exhale!) in Huron luwnehip to hear the wart of tin.l 'remelted in ire rarity. Ile Rapt it was grand. They have no dis- quieting organ in the ehtirches there and sing only the psalm.. ,Mr. Friser thinks t.hnt manyof the h4ntne which ATV sang in our rhnrrh.'s here have 41 serene flavor of Widens. and an for the Maple Leaf, which ie Flung cores eionally. that's 'dela ry Imre and simple. - -- _ - Miller's (trip Powders cure. male by Jae. Willem, Mice and eoneluann4 Are not. 1ynnnyms. yet women jnrnp at both. -Chicago News. if your every day duties are a linden, it is 'scrotum yon are not well. Miller's' Compound Inns fills will correct this condition. For male by Jas. Willson. Honmewife Ito tramp) "But sanely you we the man 1 "'Yee, sane})ie t, a rottnight ego " "Yee, lady, ipthotght O r'apea you'd like to know i am able 0) he about aglain," For Cable% tack :'aide and Mons Easter at Anuertes■ Pointe Loudon, .duly :o,. scuttle 34..,.. ci1 4 11e to L"4,4. ler It*.: rrfl l•: r,at, - I.•, t 1„•,. to UA... 1).•r Ili.: sheep. Jim -,..,I 14, per IL TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Toronto, July 30. --Receipts of rt. Stock at the Junctl,n market weer 11.1 car toads, minpo.ed of 214114 cattle, 1. hogs, 116 sheep. lit calves and 1, burse. Ba Porter%, Prices 'ranged fr,.m 64.:41 to $5, with n few lots of prima "sole at SsesI4-and av for bulk mold at *4.141 to *4.1101. Mr Ihnu. at *4.40 to *4aL pr: cwt. Kxforl hulls. sold at t1:4.:A1 to ■utehere. I'lked loads of t,ot^b.•rs' cattle, 1174) 40 73 Ilya each: sold at *4.w to 441.711. bit t4. Wee not w.eq' of them, mud they we' of p4nie quality and god roorgb to 4.:p 11{x4'. of twat but.-he•t', (4.40 to 1440: ;filum. 94._•11 to $1.:13; Colin uoh 1111n M los• „4.;4:13 to S4; /011411101) bulrlu•r rows. PL:U to 13.SO; prime quality young ..,w+. l:W to 1 Ilea 4.41.•4,, sold 11t 5:1.73 In per c'141. f111eb Cows. Aleut hal a dkzen ,.:ws sold 1(t 4.:i to 1:s) each. 1/ Veal calves so Sheep lJher one huodre. st Neth per "wt. 1 wt. for bucks. Moe 11. 1'. Kennedy reprot boa rules' for hugs as nuebanged, at 5t' 1 r evertt„r,bogs. fed and watered, and 114. 2.1 4'41444. MONTREAL. LIVE - OC;i. ytoutraal, July 30. IApedal.l ridge ad- vice* from IAverpool on 1'att*ld n s'ttle •fare weaker and 44.,- lower 0t 1 Mr', arta la some (•aaea the Inner was ycut, at toe to It tar, with roue?) cattle at W' c to *044.'. Condors ca61,-44 were er'i''r at 1414• to 12e, •II 144. Ola.*ow Wean freight for August bit beet* Msoked at ,.s,; Mane ter, :cls Od to Mb: London a1 dreg to nod Ilia aaktog rat.. for I,llel lend M 45* Kaports foe the past w.•rk tare 7152 cal tie. K.relpta to,lay erre Imp "01(14, S, gruel •.44448, 5110 abseil aid laanf,s. ILI, 0lI1'a and :oft hogs. The In.rlrl for Dog. was strong ,,oder n good ,1r ma oil nod mall nor. plies. nod .ales erre made at kg to $e--, per *014 Ili* wr4ghed od "ar1. The welt (err had a Weill) depre..ing effeet on the caul.- trade, but the prleen were rattier bet- ter than .w lent Monday, Prime beer,. *Uhl '4 4'4' to 514c per Ib. : pretty groat, aye to 4'1(4., epd 114, rnmmun *tort Y'S. to.3%e. 511)144 .•044)4 roll nt 52.1 to 5041 .148.11, icsicenamistat 81 no to $10 earn. *Neep sold at at,ir Io -41,i•' per Ib.; Iamb. ,,l 52,75 to 4.4* 1..4+4414. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. Rant Rofalo, lady 1a1 Cattle Receipt*. 7200 W.1. faIAy a4411re and t e to Les• loser: prime e(4e1', Abu to FORS: ehlpping, 54.Ar.4n 4.6.40: butchers, 11.15 to 4.5.25; heir - les *1.26.1. 5:.: Mora. $3 to $415; hulls. 4.2 di In Pk axorkerw and feeder*, $2:0 to 4.4, stack before, 4.120 to $.7; fresh rows aewl spafagerw good utterly: others, *2 lower: I'Y) to 4.444 t•etl*-,jterefpl)4, 20141 heed; Me :ewer: bads eMews. anter; bossy, •1'444; $4,an terT. M Rag.--Itarstasp. 12,7541 Rina: slew and a : +••s texas: Matt -aid J•tiaa• ,$.S - to ' Calves. at Stu each. ■d La alba. misery 'Fold for •apo -t ewer, and $ 1.7i per 5UN$IGHT Wash oilcloths and linoleums with warm water and SOAPSunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe dry. The colors will be preserved and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fade the colors and insure the surface. Sunlight Soap cleans, freshens and preserves oilcloths and linoleums. Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothing that can lnpure either clothes or hands. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps. but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Buy rt and follow 5 c • dAectieni .5%.;• rt: LEVER •507(1(55 LOWED, Toronto *TM, 'Urger*, *Wm. . - .e.. •. a^tw, sees light )uritera, 4.7.10 to 07.144; router., $5.5) to 4.u; stags, 4.4.50 to 5-'; dairies, ;11.45 to, {i.It4 sheep and Lamb,-- Receipt*. SOW awed: getter; We're, steady: lambs. 254. higher; merle, $5.50 to 4.7.20: yrarl4u►a. ti11 10 561'1: wrtberr. f:..11 to i5. 2: ewea, *4.75 to K.: rhea p, mixed, *:f to $4.511. MEW YORK LIVE STOCK. Naw such. Jath 30. -Merge* Receipts. *Sm.; mems, 1twel7 to lit• lower; bulls, slew and unchanged. Fut cows in 1141'41 at 1.ply and arm; thin cows. steady; urdau- Airy to prltur ataarl sold at $4.55 to 55.441; lona at 1421le $431:0; ,,.0 $1.50 to 1:1(10:doomedd.e..,*a.ed heel, slow at 7.- to Ste per Ili. foe native sides. Calve. It.erlpta, 4:04: market fairly W" this and geoeeally stead)- to arm nt lhi' cyprr lard: cloning leer at ,Irra.•y City. Common to 4boler veal,. sold 41 1.50 to 57.74: bull*. ,goad et 4.4; grasa•ri uu,1 hotter - pike 44l 53 to *4; weeteru .•chew, at *4 to Se;: Ur•*r•d citron 1t* fair demoted; city tinselled vw,rl0 selling at 5) to 4.12; country 111,14101 at 50 to to{e. Nbeep and IalwYe Itarelpta, 1:1.520; gasp, stead); herbs 2a• to :Ale higher; ah. .•p *old at $3 to 85 1.er «wt.; a few • hoose the. "t K -ZS: ' all., *t 52 to 0250: $:• to 5N.25; one ear at *(.30; rolls, at 14. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago. Jdy 30. , 'at ole- Receipt*. 'tl,- 41P4.:s• .1, 10.• low e,': .'.aumo1 to prhn• sir. re. 14 40 116.40: cew*. 53.75 to *4.5a1; to Hers. 32.75 to *5.25: bolls, Ile) to $4.1; satyr.. 15.7 to $7; a;o'krro nod fec,lera, 44.60 to *4.24. Hog.-Ftr''.spt*, slaw): lUr to 1:i,•' lower; ebe4.0 to what- .begs)'. 1114.116 to 4.4.e4.; tae. dlum to good h,.••try, 54431, l0 441.1..: bWrI, era' weights50.•1 to Se) 7e•: sped to rh04.'e, lessee. tutted. *1).35 1t* 5IwS"..; 1aek;'g. ,Gish) to $0 M, Nh, e1) Iterelpt*. 24401): at con; to 107' hoc l•.•4.: 114.1), $4 to 11.1'00.: yelirlinga. 44.15 t0 Wel; Langan *6 to 4.6.4. Geste as Mowing Yaeklaea. A hock of Angora goats was put on a rocky hillside that 1t was desird to Lave cleared and cut Into grans. It wan each a tangle ut brash and briers abut It was witb difficulty one could auuke a way tbrullgll It. 'rhe goats ac- tually ate their wee In uutll It was Iwnetrated with bathe In all dlrectlons. After theleaven within reach wen eaten they would stand on their hind feet with their fore feet In the branch. of and so rat the leaves higher up, or, If the bush was nut too large, would throw their weight against and bend tt to the ground, where others of the (lock would help strip It of Its foliage. The leaves would come out again ouly to be eaten off, then sprouts would come from the roots to share the same fate, t'utll at the epd of the second summer everything In the shape of a bush not over six feet tall except the pones and laurel was completely killed and white clover was beginning to appear. These goats with their lung, curly, white tierces attracted more attention prob- ably than anything else on the place; but, as can be Imagined, they had to he well fenced lu, fur they would run over a stone wall like dogs. Roes of Society Ladies. There should be au eight hour day for "fashionable- women. We cannot talk s,audal continuously for twelve, 04 we du now. The excltemeut and the strait( upon the imagination 'are terrlflc.-Letter to London Truth. How to Cure Toothache. Any aching tooth can Ise relieved inntant.l%• with Nerviline. Fill the cavity with patting dipped in Nervi - line anti rub the g with Nerviline Mao, 11 the face is swollen and store bathe the painful parte with Nerviline and cover %vitt' a flannel. 'this can't fail because Nerviline 14111. the Amin outright nmol prevents it f• red toe- ing. Stronger, guicke•, more eat is- ful•toryy, than any other liniment, P01- 144111.14Nerviliie has been the IAt•gra seller for nearly fifty )'ears; try it yourself. w. •1►tt0,ta. +"Blank started out to be a rose spe- cialist, but the inserts ate up his bow- ers no fest he 1104 to give It up." "Wasn't he discouraged?" "No; he found so many Interesting varieties of bugs be went In for that subject, and now be's just as entbu- 'bottle over bugs as be was over dow- ers:" A Deferent C. pI.aln. Mand -Did you say I painted? Ma- rle-I did not. I sold you powdered. Maud (reluctantly►. -OL, well, that puts another cotuplexiou ou R. What Causes Snoring. When asl.'.p, people that a breathe lhm.gh the th instead of the ,,,strias, which nein choked with ('4114(1111. Just use "('atarl•huzonei" 1*f111e retiring and you'll quickly clue the stoning habit. By destroying the cause of eat/well and healing the mem brunet, ratio hoz • makes 11 . poste 4 114." in every mane : it. cleans the weevils, studs the dis'I*rge 1 pre- vent, drop ung in the throat in as few• minute*. Nothing w) pleasant tor cer- tain 104 am•'1115, 11111catar'14rhwortor comrldl- . n» ('at arrha17,0ne 1h reti 118.11115. • NAVE YON A 108? or are you Inde- pe.deul' If you err making money fur some one else. quit and make 1110114.y fur yourself. .:et out of slavery and be free. Write D. Nai*wtl. & Co., London. They veil show you the way. They have started thoulinds on the road to freedom. Seven dollars a day. every day in the year, is ke- ine male handling their goods. Write now. Time is money. • TO THE PUBLIC Th. price of heel vet I h• 1 hroogbool !he 14,1101, KInpire hAs dmppet a notch or t.vu, and 4.o(-,' lIent ly laval price. ter down. tar an• 00w4)*044 rill rill+ At lower prices, whilea14torr quality is n, mal, if nut letter. Ihnu ever. Me l,KAN:1 MEAT MARKET handles all kinds of mettle, poultry. etc.. and, while thanking the pundit. for their liberal Isamonise, we solicit it mitt • of he 141(4144'. McLEAN BRQS., • Fast et. nod Squ4r. 1laleriah. orncr J SUMMER SUITS iN Light -weight Homespuns Made up 111 tilt' latest style of cut and finish AT DUNLOP'S THE TAILOR WI ST ST., - GODI•.RO 11 •d4l♦S•111101111•tiIMMO 1 1 SHOES ()I 11 QUALITY Men's $3. and $3.50 Shoes WE are after the sten who want good- looking, durable and stylish shoes at • . moderate prices. We'll just put it mildly \ a11(1 Ray that We Have the Best $3.00 and $3.5o Shoes this Country Produces. 1 Iw Try ns un $:;.00 Biot $:i,.)ll Rh(1BR. OIl Ii lost sat isf;acttoll here as well as good shoes. m. Sharman REPAIRING A SPECIALTY t>••lia•re r }'MUNI'. NO 10 i W. A. McKIM GOUERICH SECOND WEEK OF BUILDING SALE A Few More of Our Many Specials at Building - Sale Prices. -I) !airs mew, T1.0i1Ne1's. %err' $i.2.1, to .,Isar at 90c '1 pairs Men's Trousers., were per pair $2.50, for 'we pair 51.90 IJ only \\'onle'i's Print Wrappers, gyro', $1.(MI,a .lour ,it each fl 88c U) 1 lovely while Quilts, at e:o h 98c Muslin Shit \\'gist,. for. 38c Purr Silk Waists, wi 1l'_'.:+1 and *4,'.4), (t . 51.35 and 52.00 REMNANTS IA,. of sheat ends, \1'asil (finals, Muslin1, I'riutN,Uingrqrhates, rte., long enough for WNIN(N *lollgirlti 4.11,1Se,, Anil .hors enough it* pi i••r• to mail Ila le (nest pocket hook. 'these are hal at few seinples of the bau'gains you may expert here whirr the l)uildet's art. oxu•nding McKIM'S BUSY STORE GODERICH 1 Tourists will find our assup•Imeml of American toilet sell"Ieti Allay, full and up -to date: THE SANI7OL PREPARATIONS : Paste Powder Liquid Lyons Tooth Powder, Graves Powder, Rubifoaril, Teaberry and malty other art irl•A 1041 nuu4'r- ons tot. HIrn*In11. IA•1 us try to suit y011 plena•. LIME JUICE --hest of all (noting snitunt•r drinks. SAMPSON'S RED BLOOD PILLS. Tho• best r pound iron sill 111( 1ht• mallet :and only 26c u4. 5 for 51.00. A glen' took. • .tt.EN'I' Yolf '1111': W. C. GOODE, - GFhem%st Bedford Block, Goderich TM Red Cross Drug Store. 1.,•;1( r' )Mir MOW orders for 'I'nuhe A F"1( herr, Union Trust Co's North Wcst Lands The poor Iuan'& best chance. MI INKY ADVANCED TO 4T.1 KT (IN 1•:A4}' TERMS. tall and see anyway. Cl)NN5•TKU WITH J. A. tiNE(IORY & 00. Heal estate and business brokers YOUR DRESS SUIT Get it Now. We have our NEW FALL GOODS comprising THE LATEST MATERIALS • for this particular kind of suit. Frank H. Martin The Tailor • -1 I The Best Is The Cheapest WE buy the best, therefore can offer you the same, a few of which are : Plymouth Binder Twine, Gold Medal 65o ft. Twine,1 1 1 Green Sheaf 550 ft. Twine, American Pure Manila Rope, from 1-7 inch up to 1', inch diameter. 1 1 1 1 • Dillon Scythes, fully guaranteed. laranteell. , Sherwin-Williams Ready Mixed Paints, Happy Thought Ranges, 1' Kelsey Furnaces, Hammer Brand Calcine Plaster, A fresh carload just in of 1 National Portland Cement, of which our sales have been over 4,100 barrels already this year. This speaks tor itself as to (duality. Ideal Fencing, American All No. 9 Fencing. O11r l'oHll)Iete lint' of • Shelf Hardware is the hest WO call 11111•. Plumbing, Heating, Eavetroughing, Tinsmithing, etc. 1 We carry a large stall. and can ive you prompt atten- tion and guarantee satisfaction. 1 CHAS. C. LEE 1 'Phones -Store, 22 ; House, 112. 7 Show 1>1.s•'R for sale. (Sall and .11( I':mpin '1'vIN•twritd f,., •.ale gee 4x1110 and get. prices. At $36.111, • �finmaiii.011111110mimp•