HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-2, Page 3II
Tug sl(:NAI,• (:( rwR1o1'1 • 1}'l"i't1'Itti1
TacnJAY, Antrim 2, 1906 3
Tfews of the gistriet.
Brussels will bold its civic holiday
on August 8th.
L. T. Bland, M. P., is arrionely 111
at his house in Kincardine.
Clinton's civic holiday ham been
faxed for Monday. August Ikh.
There is talk of another furniture
factory (wing eatahlished in Wing -
The East }f?tiron fall fair this year
will be ,held on October 1lh and 5th,
at. Br11aNtl1".
Miss 1Lu,d Horton, of Exeter. has
been engaged to teach at N. S.
I'al M/l'11 r. Miss Horton is soirees1+441' to
IRAs. MANN N/L1:,1-.t11
Tablet cure Neuralgia. Rheumatism. coldness of
hand. and feet, shortness of breath, weak heat,
,allow Jin, wipeout] dlsdtwn, the result el
babas. dr.
They supply nerve-lorce and help the body as
salon normal health m the shortest possible time.
sof. a -box. Used will Mira filuod
Town- and Mira (hatmeal, l:itcmra, sad
/he worst forms of skin diseases are
speech!" cured. Al drag -snores -or from
rkt Chemists' Co. of Canada, Lirmilsd,
'has stale -
faultless fit -
newest pat-
terns. You get all t
-and get them
"Plastic Form" CI
average custom tailor c
Did you have your
to order ?
Lo you have shirts,
shoes,sho, underwear cut
to measure ?
Why clothing ?
''Plastic Poem" Clothing gi
--absolutely perfect fit
-the very lot word in styles
- hundreds of patterns to choose
oring of specialists
-all backed by a name that I.
a guar •tee of honest value all
over Ca. .a
At least, ' .: the new Kyles.
ese advantages
ng than the
g 7 n iyou.
us. tch made
"e Plastic ['arm Parlors"
GOD '10i
REG. BLAth, „le Agent,
Packed at the
Oven's Mouth
We do things right at
the Mooney bakery.
Crackers are packed piping
hot from the ovens. The
moisture -proof paper and
air -tight tau retain all the
(freshness and crispness, no
matter where or when
you buy them.
They come to your ta-
ble just as inviting and de-
licious as though you ate
them at the ovens in the
bakery. At all grocers in
air -tight packages.
',you wish to test
Otte of these Razors
without RISK or
Your part, apply
to us for
Pdr l•
Leonia Cao. H�
MI .CMC•.•
M Meavy lairds nye
`•(•nrl*.Ar,.er••rler Flap! in
( `11,.1, 1n,4 N//,,,w, 51 .00
Pre• Sss i.4 ".eats M Sloven."
F' IP:h
C. LEE -.. Goderich
1 l� ��►�r�,-_moi:iii
1 ' ;•
1 IMfi--• g;:.
11■�m��' .w. %.
1 I�I�tI�=� iii•:::
/ ""�� a
.'.Nt 11LON
^T .•T
.. the rate., ... ... no. 1'.
r she
.n. Me. .1'.141. Mr.N.t 4 .f 1�.o%*t .as... 1wArM
1'Lt, 1 4ae all NIGH C44ab1. IM .Ire. JIM
.Mr.. /1.. al...t • ...w
1.1 .r w-11
For sale by J. NICHOLSON
Peter Ouwau", who has removed to
the Sou. •
W. P. Mpeldinghalt diet1/Mwd of bis
, interests In the Pintos Knitting Cour
piny and has retired tonal the utul•
agement. ,
iss 4)ulclut \Y11Mun, *4144)1141 dangh•
ler of .l. A. 4444'11144411, of Meafort14, lois
dwelt rngeged its leacher in school
ss•ti4t No. I, Tnl•kersulith.
Mr. l'hristie, of \Visidatock, 111114
p111 I'I1ased H. A. ttllla•h4M111 M griwery
and crockery business, in \Vinghaul,
and fakes possisMn111 on the est of
t'hua. HIII•fntl, sect lot foreman
on the 11. 1'. It. at %Vinghellt juuotiuu.
has ptirehltsad Peter 1M1.11s limpet -1y
1.11 the north end of Joosephi14' sln•rl,
'A tend of lediluls faolu the t .nada
res'•V' ill Middlesex county has been
working 411 flax-pullin( in the neigh-
borhood of Kipp.•n for George Ste -
Ewan, of Henreid.
A. M. McKay :old J. S. Shaw. of
llruMsrl*, have fin sed a partnership
in the halxdwar• b4114111ess formerly
eomlueted Ivy Messrs. A. M. McKay
of that pities..
\V"I.l II:IN been ressiveil in brussels
of this death at Langdon. North Da-
kota, of 1)4/111(141 Mrlanchlio, furtu'rh•
of Iil'IIMlcb. lo41(1tl)'. Death 1411..
caused by a 'I4 OLP of p+testlysiN.
A quilt it.•Ilding was Ireentl', sol-
e ::::: iZeti
ol•rlunizrll at Regina in the Presh)•-
teri,11 church, is hen a Kiacardin4
y g lad)•• Miss •Mari.. MI l►onnld,
tris unilr(1 to 1) If. Aiken.. "f Be-
The little thee -year-old daughter of
tames Ander-aro. I..h rrm•, had
,.t her hands err )• badly tura I.y its
L,•i11g caught i11 •t pull*)' attached to a
11:1)• -fork. The *er11141 anger had ta, he
The •entt•tl stouter races 1111 the
fast halfmileJewel et Brussels will
take place "n Wednesday and Thurs.
day, August Chin and 211.1, whrp
purses ai(4(14g,ning 1111,4511 will lir
1•1.111prltd for.
A1soi1 fifteen merchant!' of Kinenr-
.line • were •"tuosoiled before Ile
just ire of 1 he penes. fol a viol(1 ion of
the bis obliging [hent eh.... their
plass.. of IMwine-..11 111 o'clock on Sat-
urday evenings.
Mrs. .1, 1I. Smith. daughter of 111•s.
John (Russ, "f Ss -,forth. 1111$4.d 4114':1)'
u► her h • in !Regina on Tuesday
of last week. She %a14 married ill
\Vinnipeg to her now lwt.are.1 bus
band a lir 111• over at tear lig". The re-
twere hrou;;hl lit S,o1f"rlh for
\V..f. Shields, of Ethel. passed away
'111 loft :'Inh, in his teem y-s.•venth
1•ea(1. Ile had been in failing health
for 4)41114' iu"ntha:uu1 the end was null
n,exlwcte(1. Hr was torn on the
hkh .'lneessinn of (levy. where he
spent the greater tart of 11t•, lite. lie
leaves his wife, to whom hr was nlu'-
ried four )'ears ago.
A quirt Wedding was .ole td by
the Itev. Mr. Ernst„ at 1114. Manse. tit.
Mary's, Wednesday evening, July
Ith, when Marian1Jane. the eldest
uighG•r of Air. and Sirs. hide.
Sphen«111. St. 11 try's. Was united in
tit. huly,114m(1M alt matrimony t44 Nei -
PIM :. 1'411','. formerly 4,1 Exeter. a son
of 11s, ('ase of the !e,ndon road,
x1441.111 f Exeter.
Dea of Mrs. Bedford, Crediton.
l'hr *,u nil unexpected death took
[slave at et bottle in ( 'rwliton "n
hliday,.bll) :doth, of Mrs. Georg.. H.
lieslfunl, rid t danghtet of Mr. and
Mrs - 101m 'I'. W'r..t.•"n, of Exeter.
She had Icer ill hot 11 few daps
death being cam d by paralysis 4,1 the
bowels. She w•n. in her thirty-first
)-wit and Iwsid,w 1 r husband is sur-
vived by at little da liter, *Ned ave
yea?", of age.
Married at L • don.
A happy -event was IIet111izesi a1
14Im1111, rwrntl', when 3.alrge Ne'1-
111, a termer resident of 'xeter, Was
u il.ml in marriage to M * Nellie
FI encs., second llutght"1' 41 tiro.
Dawson. of I•oul. n. After 1 4' rerr-
111"n) the happy co"P1e left .4an
mutton bile trip. SIl. Nelson is a
towns s•r of the than of 11110.011 ell.
Mel' n k Neblllll, wholes il.• 11 •
4.n14Is mer anis of 1.0.1odon.
Clinton 0 an Factory Changes.
}'red .1. Hi has beam appointed
manager of the W. Doherty k
piano and "►•1(411 ulainifacturrt., of
Clinton. Ile ha hw•n the 1'"ok-
keeiwr and banker or the firm for
several )Nears. H. H. 1'hant. ass es
the duties of mocha 11141 superin-
tendent. He ham been 11 rhnide of
various branches of the 1 pert, work
of the factory mime its est Irks! •nt
andisua/14141, a lilt' tie k.ow'Irdge
of the, whole manufai•l1n•ing p eress.
iib: int _ Birthday Reunion.
The ; seventy -f -tit birthday of
Tetl4m M.11(1. of W'c.l W'awano.
gave the "erasion for •t family re
ul,ion including Sir. Medd's four 'ems.
three Iao.ghtel•s, 111111 their wit•rm.
husbands and rhildrrue "tt Tuesday,
July 17th. During the. eve ' g :11r.
Medd was presented with n guilt -
headed walking -cane• from the h'',,
and Sirs. Medd with it silver mice.
basket from the girls. Mr. Medd in
ulnP of the 1111 •4 highly 1 Vented 1'1'4i -
dent. of 4\'1'14( \Vawanlwh.
Died at Banff.
Mr,. -.1. Il. Hloadf.M.t, o14l•af"t•Ih,
received a Message nn 11 lay "f Taut
week informing her of ,the death of
her eldest •on. 4'illiuul liroadf11ot'.
Mr. }hruulf,,i'* died at 1lanlf. Alberta.
whither he had gone flout the in-
terior of the Prnti11re for treat-
ment for typhoid fever. ,.It is about
twenty-ilt•e years since he left Sea-
fntth and he had Iwl'tI engaged newt
of the time in ram•hing and mitring.
HP IP11V1•4 at wid"w'. The 1elnninM
were brought 111 Seaf.,ttt for inter-
Death of Fortner L,ucknow Resident.
The remains of the late Thonln1
St1'venemr, a former resident of Ash-
field 1111(1 Lurk MOW. teres. hrnn4Kh1 from
Toronto for interment at I,u•know on
.1111y filth. The deceased wee horn in
Mcntlemi in 1Nis and 4.1(141'' In ('81111(1a
in 11431. Fite years later he and hie
Int.' wife settled) nn the lath rrinees-
Ninn of A.hf1141(1. Where they lived for
thirty year.. when they retired I" the
village of Imeknnw. Sirs. Mlrvenson
died five yeerm ran. An adopted
laughter serviv)N, !11r+. ,I. N. Brown,
of Toronto Junction. with whom Mr.
Stevenson haul resided hitldrly.
The Late Mrs. McGregor, Stanley.
On W'ellneslny evening. fitly 181h.
there paves! away at her home on the
''2,M1 ronr(esion of Stanley, Elizabeth
(`reran. relict of the bete Hugh Mc-
Gregor. et the ripe Ng" of eighty-four
year's. The &wea ed was injured by
a fall three yeere ago end from that
time had etRerP(I considerably. The
demeaned owes horn In Scotland and
came to America after her marriage
to Mr. McGregor In 1811. They spent
14110* year. in Not•th Raatbutw, and in
185111'ahle to Stanley. The dect9tse(1
is survived by .four suns and live
daughters, eighteen Kr 1l•hild,en
and Mix great•gl'allllchlldle•11.
Death of O. T. Jennings. of Kincardine.
011ie '1'. Jennings, epu of the late
Thos. Jennings, of the R/11,*I hotel,
Kincalxdine, died on .Wednesday
morning of hast week front boons Ir•
e.4t'rd by a letup ex1dh*ling in his bed-
room on tie. Monday evening pre-
vliiils. I1.• was very badly burned but
it was hole.) he would 14,"y1 -r. The
deceased had beet' assisting his
unulher and brother to conduct the
hotel sines. his flat.lwr's death. lie wad
well liked in the e . y and was
k- a ns one of the hent Menem*
playeot in Canada a few )'eel's ago.
Ill' 1(141k a kern hitrl'est in ell athletic
mimosas. He. wits thirty -twit years of
age and •viral.
In Loving Memory.
Thr T'trut,ull lltruturinl Hospital,
Which is being erected at \\'akaw
hake, Hosthern. Saskatchewan is
111114' ready for pinstl•1'i114. Irhe
htspilel is a )lure -story fraaMe
building, and has arc"umaodation for
wrs 611111 Mix p.1tient, in the build-
ingwhich is ill be fully completed
edu•ly in August. Thr Sunday s111)01
of \\'est church. 'fol onto, has sub-
scribed the n.aessary funds, donating
it a* a Memorial to the wife of their
pa,tur, Rev. Mr. Turnbull. Thr de-
ceased lady was 1 native of Clinton,
and Mr. Turnbull iM a native "f ['s-
hortie, in this count)-. This worthy
wt un the part of the Sabbath school
of 11r. T'uruhull's chinch speaks vol-
umes not one Inc the ('hristia11 gener-
osity of the t•11Ildren ./f the 41•11/111, 11111
also ludir+.tes the loving ms. •t• in
which the deli: -141'(1 *as held by them
and the esteem ebtrished fur their re -
slwrled pastor. A 11111re touching
e pliml•nt l0 both - d1',ul and living
mold scarcely be paid,
Insidious Nature of the Disease -How to
Recognise and Cure It.
t'Iver of the sit 11411 may (xiNt for
years w'11111111t very marked ',ylllp-
t .M, excepting those eauswl by ili-
111 gold health, the 1t14110101 resists
the action elf tit.• gastric juice*, but
When Weakened, the menihran1• i+
1uu11Y '1M11141 1141(1 111P (4ig.•.tive
Nui(1r act upon it ns well as upon the
foods, keeping up unlit Iwtdul'alinn of
the sluuuarh occults,. In advanced
eases of idler of the strlulach owe,
mot+dis•o11mfort sifter eating, with a
constant gnaw•iug'st•Itsl141111 Iwtweds
ulral., lupin from the pit of the stom-
ach hack to the shoulder blade.
At yy thefirst sympt let' indiye't'
t reatlIl It .1 Id Int 1414141' h• started
with 4414 -n -n(This is a Scientific
remedy (Mailed speeifleally (u one
P111 N)11)'. the cure 1.1 sit soh trouble..
111-11.11,1 f+± tut 11 letPllt 111' secret
remedy, hot i. 11 ctmlbinlat' of the
potesl`and 111..t '*Babb of remwlie),
for Ntrengtheeing the digestive organs
and building up the whole, system.
11 posts but :Me, a h,x. is it for a
few days and thine i. 11" 1414141111 why
you should not Ise !Ode to rat any fo.sl
you like at any time without fear of
If you s., '( opals 411-11-na of
pair drnggiet, it Will Ise slit by Mail.
Nisi -paid. on receipt of pries.. \\'rite
us for 1.111 V114. nn yotu• ease front a
lending stomach aw4'iiilia which will
1*. sent free. The It. T. ail,ilh l'nIn-
piny, IIIi.,e, N. Y.
He Got the Girl.
Senator He•Vl•ridgqe tells of a Ger-
mato who nearly hat his daughter.
This (tertian, with his (laughter, was
walking beside 1s deep site•a111 un a
.111111111•' nhlrn114nI W11111 1 11 young
gill, -.lip ling 1111 11141 fell in And
she n...1141 have drowned but for the
pr nipt bravery of a young youth.
Slipping , 11' coat and shows he plunged
in and after four or five ulinnotes' baud
work brought the girl ears. ashore.
"Noble- 11141 youth." said he,
-we ..we von n debt o1 4111(1111(44'.
A 111111111111 H10104lllll marks or' 111)•
daughtrr'm hauul ebniei*! W'hieh
shall it 1 •,11 0
The youth was no lead, Wise th:ul
bray.., thought' Is, himself that if
be, took Thr daughter he would
slake aIty get the 1111mey also
and n(r"rdingl' without a moment's
hesitation, he snswrrrd : ••1 ,'h,14,s
•on1•dailghh•r." '•A wise chubs''. maid
t 1' old father. "1 could riot !intl.
gi 11 yon the hundred thnitwmd
nun N. for 1 1(111 1011y 11 1141111 robbed•,
lout 1 m shall ha Ve the girl, and float
gladly ,loin hands, dear ehil(1re'Il.
(11111 rear 1ve• 111y blessing."
Thos Annoying Blackheads.
External 11 pli1at inns will never re -
y' pimphe. or blackheads. (holy
la)•vltinlnlnting irei dation and purify-
ing the Moose 1 -11 il. Iw 11 . For
.mirk, sure eels... from 11111. 111411*
1141' Fer►•111,11n/•: 11 111v(,1 1111 hmuol•s
ft • the bloods, lakes the skill
a healthy r"Init,lone sip the system.
With the plr.'1 m1(rili. Is 11I114NI made
1),• Fel't.,z • it's imp. ible to Nutter
fs to any skin i1iM'Nsl'. lull h,irr n
sno tit, delightfll (.kin• alt Iry and
Iwno Y111 (oneplexil by t* og Fern, -
zone 1(1 VI 11'11 feel littm('n*e v Iwtler
as well. Fifty rents I,nys ea h x con-
titi,lirlg f. y ,h111'.olate.i.oated Mete
at ally (Ili 11i "1s.. --
Spa IIuaI Need.
Geroge 1) Doo ell. Ill, actor.le
the following sto of him inln') r-
ola niece, whose 1111r iN 111, 11 i[1' of
n clerg)•noui
One night. Edith 1t n• 't feelin„ very
well and so wits pnf t hest rather
e14r1'. As hes' 1,111*Iher 11 r:+;timid to
leave lrcl', •he called her hen I ,
'•Stamina, I avant to .1'1•-p:I
"•N", drat." her moth. r epli,ll :
Your Lather is IMis)• and rte. a nt Le
dice u►•Isal."
"But r11amruu," the ehidrl perms 1
I want to nee 1 '
An before the rn,,t.h1'r replied, "No :
your father must not 414 dist imbed."
"Mamma." declared her daughter.
soh It•, "I nm ,1 silk woman, and I
watt to ser my minister." H:u-p'r's
Weekly. -------
Thousands the of Constipation.
No condition e11114e1 so many Mem-
able diseases :lm (411181 1111111011. 11. not
only pn•ventM the kidneys from dim
inviting the poise 1v1(N1e14, 11111
(•llIIM1•N llnal'Illill, 4t,1llal(11 t 1,4811111' 81111
itdigestiio. Why won't. yon use D'.
Hanlilhln'M Pills and gel 1d hest ?
This exeell,nt medicine restores
normal bowel action in one night.
Thousands sey s". Your system will
be pore and r „an. you'll he fee from
headaches, no rnore emir etomanh. in
*hurt ynw'll hey(' jovial sp ir'ile end
perfect good health. I)r. Ilamilton's
}'ills are mold everywhere, lie. a box.
Get the genuine.
A woman has lees sense than a
man, het she always act* more Nen-
Were Out HI. Ilager•
There was a brukemau on the Colo-
olorado Without railroad who years ago
lost his Judex auger ou his right baud.
Oue day a lady passenger who had
been much Interested to the wonderful
works of nature the brukrmuu bad
poluted out to her along the road no-
ticed the stub auger. When the con-
ductor came through the ear she said
to him:
"Excuse me, sir, but eau you tell me
how the brakeman lost his forefinger?
ale seems to be such an accommodat-
lug fellow."
"Yrs, mum, that's Just It. He Is se
accommodating that be wore that au-
ger off pointing out the scenery along
the line," said the conductor.
Contracted Quarters,
The sort of conversation in which
Martha Hackett often indulged was pe-
culiarly trying to Ler cousin. Mr. Lane.
"Martha's leen here all the morning,"
said lire. Lane *rarity at dinner one
night. "She talked oat and on about
adage that didn't amount to auythiug
and were all disconnected. I endured 1t '
am well as 1 could, but It does ael'm
sometimes as 11 she was wandering 1n
her mlud."
"Well, there's oue thing," said Mr.
Lane grimly, "you needn't ever worry
about her going far 1f that's where
she's wandering." -Youth's Companion.
Igede.t Presse..dare*..
Figures recently showing the dally
salaries of certain magistrates have
astonished some of our readers. The
judge of the Seine receives, 1n fact,
8,001) francs ($I,t1011) a year and the pro-
rocurator of the republic 20,000 fraucs
(:4,000). But In the small tribunals
the salarle* are as follows: Judge, 3,000`
(rams (=pial)); paid substitute, 1,:100
france ($300); substitute (Juga sup-
pleant), nothing.
The Age al Plebes.
The age of fishes is seldom measured
by a definite period of years. Moat of
them grow as long as they live, end
apparently live until they fall victims
to some stronger speetc14. It le reput-
edethat carp and pike hare lived for a
century, but the eVideUee needs veri-
reentry p.n.
"McLuab has been arrested tax drunk-
enue4a and wants you to hall hlm out"
"Ball Lim out!" ejaculated Colonel
Pepper, who had beard the remark in-
distinctly. "Good gracious, is he that
full?" -Exchange.
' The Hessen.
"I think the picture lacks atmos-
phere," said the kindly eritle.
"}'act I*," said the artist, "I bad a
hard Chile raising the wind while 1
was palntiug."
WEl~ K 4th toIIth'AUGUST
.l,sr►s_s.._ r ••'*•-lams.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 411, Opening* Day. Arrival of special traine-
r -land Concerts Afternoon and livening.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5th. Old Boys' Sunday. Old Boy Preachers in
City Pulpits. Sacred Band Concerts.
MONDAY, AUGUST 6th. Reception Day. Arrival of Special Trains,
Baseball Games, Parades, Performance at Park, Fireworks.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 7th. Athletic Day. Aquatic and Land Sports
Trotting and Pacing Race to Mile Road Race Baseball Games
Social and At -Homes.
WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8ti1 Military Day. Manoeuvres by 21stand
28th Regiments Sports ill Park Band Concerts.
Ste the Great Old Boys' Carnival. 8 Days of Fun and •Frolic.
fluid Fail to Sec the Electrical illuminations. Greatest put on is
the West.
SINGLE_ FARE Railway Rztes,on Certificate Plan.
W. J. Ferguson,
idayon President
J. D. McCrintnton,
Vice -President.
F. A. Copus,
Sr' rotary.
i•Pzz l3lo<m°Z1E actor
jPirOLD�' Oft TO s
!,�i'illEIiSON'S "WIRE EDGE"
itIis the .'us. roof that is not affected by 1 ' heat and cold. It never leaks -never hardens
us. 1'r '-is rain, snow and fire -proof -and
la• h. lifetime. Cheaper than, shingles.
u will want it for every building
r you knew how thoroughly oil'
I '
Vlllflc'1(Irt' it is.
s. free booklet giros lots of
idiom tion .Lout it. Write for -
■ copy\and free sample of the
• 1
Is.t roolin in the world.
Ilerdu• re dealers eveywhere sell
l'alerson's ",Sire Edge •" or will get
it f..r elm.
ERSOrl MFG. CO. Ltd.
..ire.., and baronlo
ugust Specials
Low Prices
We aresole agents ftir
the new Oil. It gives it
1 eautiflll, clear, steady,
white light, entirely free
front smoke and smell.
Always' sold :it '25c a
gall0u. •To ilitrl$lttc•e it
we will soil a gallon f('i'
Twenty-two Cents.
Every' nc neelii a pair 111'
for cutting Stove Pipe,
etc. We are selling
R good'pair for
Fifty Certs.
We give special att ention
and Builders'
Paints, Glass.
We handle only the
grades of
Machine Oil,
Separato r Oil,
Linseed Oil,
our prices. sire light'
M. -t„r.....m.
has got to go i )vier will
Ove it. , ( )Ill :It) feet
Make ns t otb.r.
:i10' 0111' rte\\• line of
Is'the itPst ('4er.
There is no getting
away from the feet that
we have the largest and
hest stock of
ill' town. 'We guarantee
ev ' r}' tool we sell to give
p ei rect sat isfact ion. ('ono
in au'd, we will show you
the g 104 -
When h('ll \ '011 ueell
Table ;a.nd
Pocket Cutlery,
Scissors, etc.,
we Avant. to Atm tw you
our :;toc&
role agl'llta for.
Huron Stove
and Ranges.
lit 1.('•,f. to:tele,
Keep those beastly flies
out of tha house with
Screen Doors,
and Windows,
Wire -Cloth.
We have ,jest what yc
want in this line and a
selling at coat to clear.
Those two -burner
Daisy Oil Stoves
and Kettles
were all gone. We got
some more. You can blty
the Steve and Kettle for
One Dollar and Fifty
Iron Pipe and
Valves, etc.
We have a large stock
and the prices are right.
Keep this in mind.
Now it is just like this.
When\yoat have to spend
tummy for
Paint and
(1fl nabs ally want to buy
NvIiere -von feel certain
tllrtt you will be stllppliell
\Vith the most dependable
and purest materials at.
lowest prices. Our paint
department P4 that place.
1•on'II get the bust satis-
faction healing here. Let
us know your wants.
BBON TWINE at 13 =e per
WINE at - 13c: per
NE at - - 12' c per
pot ind.
Worsell's liar& ware FURN CES
"You bee, Illy al/n, every times• 1'0.1
411'1' 1utnf11y papa I.MM•N a hair" ••OI1,
p•1, bow naughty Null t hal e
been ! Look at grandpa. He lupin t
any hair."
The New
Cement Walks
are 1 grout intim oventent.
W'.• have thrill. No trouble
now to call lit
for anything you meal in
Plumbing, Repairs,
:mil all kinds elf
Sheet Metal Work,
Roofing, etc.
American and
Canadian Oils and
1'1[111* Plumbing and Heating
promptly Itten11(11 111 in a filet
1.11(1444 111a1111e1'. 1'eeisstlnll attrll
Lion given 111111 satisfaet' guat-
'Phone W. R. PINDER
Northern Navigation Co.
Important Notice.
hashue', lvithl1rawn to the
Georgian Bay Service
All fut1114 sailing, bet ween
WINDSOR. 1)1.7114.0 IT.
(;ODK1t 1l '11 and K -INCA 1t DI N I?
sal' hetcl,v cancelled.
C. I1. Nicholson,
Traffic Manager.
u•nia, .Tutt tis -1111. 14)41.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
orders . .rlully ■llena.-A to •1 all
hours. light or day
have opened :1 livery stable in
the eland on Newgate street op
pt'site the Colborne Hotel and
'eve lilted it with
and Up-to-date Riga, N e w
Harness, and Good,
Reliable Horses.
A11 pal. .l..u•e :1.-/I1-1•11 1111• I,,,-
Int el4'rvil' •. 1 11I11 1„t 1 ,.11341• 1'-
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Livery, hack
'Bus Stables
(4001) HOItNES
('AHill Ali KM
--RT(., AT-
flal'ka and 11li•
able driv.•rm in
charge 11fthe
which will
meeetall train a
81111 411'81111111 MP