HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-2, Page 22 TIIu*soAr August 2, 1906 •
(M)1) Klefl.ONTARI).
IVAN...171M t RWI►RTS4\
Telephone Call N. &.
Tenn. of Subscription
Sir .W per annum In 'warm -,a aouW.iklp : t bre. u.uol b., L.
tlubeerlbere rpto fail to reeelre'1'ax Swat
neaelart7 br n,*I1 .111 confer a furor by NW'
Misdating uo ul the foot at as early n date a.
N'Orin • eba.ag■ of addrer.l+dedr 4, bol h the
eld and the no atldress should tN• di, mi.
Advertising Rate
I sial mud 01 her .horror ad veil) rtae1ts. 104'
per Ione for tlr.4 lu-rr) inn and to per line far
each .ub,wqueul 444,4)lion. Meaa,ted by a
nout.,n•il wide. t wet, e lines 10 an Inch.
W,aues. rant. of .Ix Intro and ander, 110 per
Adsrn helium()) of lost, Foui.d, `strayed, Sit-
uations Vacant, Sit wl Ions Wonted, Hour• for
Wale ur lu Rent. Favus fur Sale or to Rent,
.article. fur Sole, ale., nut mweestirlt eight
linos. tie each Inaerlion -.St fur 41st moth. alb
for each .ubuoquenl month. larder adsvartise-
meet. In proportion.
Annwuocem.•ul. u. ordinary reading type ten
COW. per line. No notice Ares t halt •L .•.
Any special not We, the obiw•1 of M hi.•h is the
espoalar, benefit of any individual or wean'
anon to 0" .ml.derrd an advertisement and
to be charged n.awnlln gly.
Rates for display Rod .044) r.uI .'beet t -e
Meatz will lea 4144 on on n ypheul ion.
Addre.s all roplowltletulo.•+ to
VANA )Tett & ItoHFat'I'w)V,
Trig 1l0Mals
N..,etlel... 4I4
Just thirty -right )'rat•• ago the Brit -
1.11 Parliament pM,044.d the 109 by
Which the hug., Northwest territory,
Y1en known as Prince Rup..rt's Land,
nee handed ever to the Canadian
Qovernmlent. At that liner very little
etas known by the majority of people
alpout that great territory. The Hud-
enn Bay Company, who had held n
Arise of the land for two hundred
years, 1101 wishing 141 hose it, had per-
sistently spleed the n•prtthat it was
good for nothing except w'ib1 ,Mina's
and their foes, the I iiiii tere and trap
But the Canadian government had
faith in the country. They neke1 tor,
and Obtained 144sessi M1 of, Ihr Lund 411
the expiration of the Hudson abiy
Company's lease. Although there
was a little dims silty at the outset.
with the Ind' ,.1111 half-breeols near
Fort (carry, Iee11110 have amid). net i -
.eel the faith of the guvonunrnl. I/nl
of the "deeolte, uniuhabj(lal.Ir t11)ul-
try" hove 1M•ell rile'el eeverMl 111)1
pros i:ices w•hoi* • uua44n41irrn Pro+ls.•1•
WI* attracting twitter. by the 1 boo
Minds. Thr great 4410•:11 fields and gist
mineral arras are IN Hiner., of Ammo
unt,lkl wealth. The climate is health-
ful and invigorating. it remains only
for main 10110 his puri.
%r hope, however. thin the growth
of the co iii en! 1101 be too tepid.
It were wiser 111 44o slowly Alla hate
little W resole. than to rush homily
Intl, sorb danger', As -have Tern
brought fl, the Visited Stales by Ihr
great influx o1 'Neat' We
wan. our West welled, but 0111)• by
th,,00 who Will make g.ssl ('an:Iliens.
We want, espwrinlly, w1I lel', W110 pre-
fer comfortable 1 10 great
wealth. \\'e want settlers who have
ideal. higher than the mete sw.'Iliog
of hank acc' Is.
If people of alien rare. ale 4nximts
to nuke ('1111441111 their home they
should not be permitted to eetllo in
eulories NII Isrge tie to pevrut their
mingling with settlers uf• Canadian or
Brit nth birth, who will teach them the
ways of thio 04 try. \Ve do not
want a "Little Italy" ora "Little RIM-
six- in our Northwest. It must he
Can,ulinu. VI,' want "(treater Can-
ada- to he great. in more than hand
and population. The IM•a naltumtl
idnaL t 4M• n•tnined by uui• ew•n
people, And 1 be 1111111e the ideals
of the settler. from other laud* if
Canada is to Iee0111e. in this 4wentielh
century. the great power that it
should her r. High ideals first.
wench and pg)1l1404041 seron11. should
be our flu,
So the Old Folks Say.
The old folk. say. The Owe. are rhnnginc
The bygone years were s.ltely I4•.t
Oyer land and .0a, former randr•lg.
Mon wrader now in 4agile )mer -1
And faded Orn the green raunrnce ,
The neandng light lin. died awet,
The world has lost its golden chance-
sn the old folk. say.
The old folks may, The CIA y+ aur )111111,.
The sweetest songs are Iefl mn-141141
The .prirg w►• full of .rent and 1411"1
bang, ked ago, when we were )n.lnV
Ahoy. Oar head. the .ky was chore,
And warmer wits the sunlight ra4 .
Yet Heaven it now a little nc:an•r.
N.1 the old folks .al).
The Ohl folk+ aa), 'Tf+ 11,)linle %mother,
play. et.iktrrn, to your bear)'. desire.
Itst leave m• hand in 11,1414 t ngelher.
IlesMe the swiftly falling are.
For earthly claim. arc near 1 heir br,aklne.
And err- are dim, and lock• are gr,)-.
Rol bete'. a dream that kno44a tut Nuking.
So the oil folks -mi.
Poll Mall (norm..
of gatue., or indulgence in any fort)
of light recreation, on %Melillo., re.
IuuK Ise it is cuwbitael with M due re-
gard for the easel claiuls of divine
A Criticism from The Expositor.
semforth Kxpoatur.
Anothet• pensioner ou the 444)04
peuple ut Ontario b:a% been toweled.
Lr. Loudon, ex-presdeot of Toronto
L'nivrrsitT, has been retired un a full
pay pension of $5,:s41 a year. This
Imo Iw.n done by the Huard of Hoe -
Hittite of the t•nivereity, on the rec.
ummrndetion of the Ontario Oovern-
mrnt. Dr. 1.on41uu hu41 been in re-
ceipt of this salary. with other pet,
quistir*, for a Kraut 1114111)' years. Mud
beside. (h1.. he 1r still N 1014114 111,111
truth physically land 1111.111 ally and
Mh4111d he g44ite able Iu e.1111 his own
living. And still he is to 1reeive an
ul pow; 5411111 114 We wait.• of a
good 1)uhui,4 1 trot -acre. tarn) Icor
doing nolhis.g. At the firemen! rate
of going thele will S,011 be le tax
eaters. 1halt tux payers. Hut this
seems to be 111 line With present day
A Charge of Neglect.
Tomtit,. 11.1114 ='I,.r.
'fhe Vonr11use• Province says with
some bitt.rrneeN a huf,'1'un.411,1, though
half was for alf a Veld14y the 1111111e of
Mr. Alexander -Mair, Heve• 11is", oi.-,1
his lurr'll+ until Iio was, dead. This i•
halrlly +aeur:atr. Mr.
Oink taws).
enjoyed the respect 14f the tunel11unit V,
and WON 11 144'41111.0 at tail i114N•
gathet'iIge. 11 is true Ihul he did not
Make any motley out of his jNM•I11, 11411
the making of pear)' is 11olpalucrativ'e
u(-cupttlion anywhee. Blies Carnets'
wrote excellent poetry in the hest
market in the world for 44411.l(urr.
The hump* on the Cambria road
monolithic wall- 450141)1 make biarn-
uuu's saner turn gree -t with envy.
al)0ut tout $244,1441 club:'
pleesari4 tits' et public bowl kola.
V40 notice on Caalbria road the cou-
tractor is platting the granolithic walk
on a mud foundation, not very good
Who is going to initiate the petetwd- for the future of tho walk. Houle of
Inge?' .4'.' •• Isrrchnnte, eta.- lip! the walks pat dews in the past %how
You iv 111 reap the advantage. eridetwe Lof being •'rkilupvtl" In re.
lural and 1101 laid on proper soly.0il.
The town i+ undertnliug to have a
large amount of cement walks laid
and the eitizene who are 4444Y1ng for
the larger pnNon of thew should
have,) 44. lel, permanent job dune.
\\'hell is Mr. Metiiignn going to
bed.' that long pro111iee1 freight .41,041
and remove 1111 4re,ellt 111141iyhtl)•
41pprrmeh to the 11oteleo 44' depot?
%Vt. will M.NIII hav4• it visit from the
HI it 14)51•101s. \\'meld it Hot he 11
Wier. thing on the least of our Juan
fathers to est' that Ihr gra.. is rut ,old
the streets 4)1herwi•e cleaned 1141. 1.01
• cousins from 41%51 the w Stet• can y
hoiden )vowel iulples.inu 4.1 our beauti-
ful 1111vn.
It is n want of folesi44ht n.t ha hove
the walks Put ant'.ids• the flew.. and
ural.• this rul.•. uniform 4,11 ail Int
Io.4urs'. Ntteet4. It „',curd odd to the
IrMu1y'uf the streets and to the value
of +M1 batting prop est Ms. 'rhe 1''.4)11111
4o the %aloe of proper(y-,wu44141 woie
than 1.044.4)' the eitizeu for 441e rust of
Un. walk.
At the 111001 int• of She rn
•i1 of the
Hoard of Trude last :Monday eVe 44
and his inrn1114' 4'4.0111)' *inn n 5 .11.
The only writers 4011,4 „ogle lel 14f.lalk 10:4. indulged in Ir to the
of 'filet:time are Ihr 1111114111•. of l 11541 way 10 :u14mice the interests of
pop41:u• els ,and PLO*. Hul 11 '. the 1,)wn and Ihr ....peril aetmall)' al-
Aht111r1fu are"'1hr r14111411441U1y 141 v
om.. on t rust score. Thr people lowed the secrrinrr to %pw Dd (Ile meg- r
nee Under 110 obhg:uion to buy, of 111140nt of 3141 in :advrrlising, together and ro11sttlrr ,ju.i 4thar in
Well. pet -hate; that is only a Wart. thiceiletnt. MeV can offer to indust)de.iring to locate with ns, %o (hat
the)• will have spine well-defined prop
0011101) to place heftily µadieu who
may apprp.111. thrum and not be gale.--
ing nM to hue little they ran offer.
titan is married. 141 Ir.,v*" his ;lore of \\'r have al W.4ys mainhiin.d that
ruyd,.t'ulrgt, ur rei11Vrs 111 inolllrl• the tournament twit week. 'Mgr what we require to Mille 1,111' tOScn a
.'fly. Voll 1-4 1111..4 be always preoleat- w'ivee. and sweelheeirts will Iw letter city is faelo ries, Inst We fa 111101 4;et
lug 1 ' with noel's :std he ,v,,0111 salis1le,l A11d will no dnib.4 44(x01' the them I.y quietly hitting down and
not thdnk you 1144. erecting a 11)41110- proceedings With to (ledian•• it IN twisting our thumbs ; ear it either
tllrul in his h41nl,r dancing his life. tittle that public then were learnin • et a move on or et left in the rare.
Nur would it be an art of Muir ft tend- p f R K
+hip to keep singing the praises of at that liquor isnot nereseary to make ,a tiers.
At the meeting of the Hoard of
Trade council on Monday evening, n
lot of desultory talk was indulged in
as to the heat cleans of helping the
growth ,.four town. \\'e are now 1411
the verge of prosperity. if ever we
were, with the Advent of the C. I'. It.,
the develuplrnt of • water power
and the enlargement of ' barloi.
and we should bestir oure•h'ew and
ende*vor to induoe uulnufae1 Mere 111
Locate in our town, We are letter
situated than any other town in
\Vrstenl Ontario, both for furl supply.
cheap labor and shipping facililir,
tooth by rail and water. '4Ve have
natural pr,duels, such as %all, liu)r,
sand, .lay and r.w'k for rummer(
and building 4.0rpoiOl.. 0111N is elle
flne•sY 1.walily in Canada for fruit
growing and 1 0Inning faet.ry would
Ie aseeir:able ,uldilion to our Indos
e t•ietn It d'o,ild be well for the toren
41 and. Hoard of Tta.le (o 111001
054'11 to 1.0:ul. w'11*1 014)4 waits. - •
Of r1urse, 111,1W is (wing said ,flout
Alexander Muer at 111.' ptese11 time
Hum at any t • during lits life. 'rhe
r•e14111 is that praise 114 given to turn
upon oN•r:IMiuns. 41)1,1 death is Ile
grwtehl 14f ,M•ru,inu.. The hasudstuur
r•i{rht-tiny dock is, i n•wIItd when the
Ten limes that 8111011M el i111 1e .pent
in jn41trio11. tel vert king.
The bowlers did x who. thin;; to mit-
ting out hlmze from their refresh-
ments to. Iw supplied to their guests at
Our Old Friend Keyhole.
Taranto world.
The London Free fres. may. that
if Mr, Preeton Knee h1 Chinn, the
memory of Sidney Fisher's Japanese
tour will rause Whip Taylor to go to
Where We Have the Advantage.
Toronto Star.
A rnnt..n ww*ry eom tains that.
living ie *w high in ('anon* ex in the
United States. forgetting to add. how-
ever, that life is feller and more
worth living in these parts.
Jews and the Sabbath.
Jewlab Sunt'.
“ktik-ING Ala ibN 4110.R141 SOM-R fROMiFtJMORTON TO ki\kP.t3R3C'. IANbIHCt 1OO MILES
VkQYktfti1 or WOOD a, COR10114st.• rr*Ir)L\Dt( 0M1+(: Coal% M,
sway. It Is proved mut sue horse, lu
the course of several couturier, has
dropped tour toes sod 410* travels uu
0445, mud some trunk that (BIO'S pedal
extremities are tome' to follow a sim-
ilar line of evolution. 111 the horse It
Is the middle digit which has survived
as the fittest. In man it will be the
Eng or great toe.
Toribiag Cbtldre..
Au excellent gruel for children that
are cutting teeth is made as follows:
Tie a quarter of a puuud of wheat flour
1n a thick cloth. Plate 1t ha one quart
of water and buil fur three hours. Be -
Wove the cloth and expose the floor to
the air until It has become bard stud
dry. Wbeu wanted grate from It one
tablespoonful, put It Into a plot of new
milk. Place over the are and rtlr until
It comes to a boll. Theu add a pluck of
salt and a tablespoonful of cold water.
The above ,o a plc-ure of a ten -ton trarine boiler, made by the Doty Engine Works Co., Limited, Goderich, as it ap-
peared on Its way from Edmonton to Athabasca Landing. too mules to tht north of Edmonton. The boiler was to be put
into a steamer at Athabasca Landing. The enure outfit of machinery for the boat was made by the Doty Company.
living man in the .tyle of the of»ilunry
notices. If he wen• a weak nl'pn it
would spoil hint, 18111 if he wee.• n
etrong mon it would lore hint In
death IM•fuie his
The Forced Precedent.
. 41114we 4 111/re.
The trains on the ,1,,1161'-ti•nrked
portions of the Hemel 'Trunk will .in
Intim. take the tight track. I Lend
,•heel'•!, That 1101 .55.111 aft emiul-
1slrt0nl matter. lint it really marks a
triumph of r eenee over liritish
n•reilemt. It is like 14,4.: In dear old
L.ennon and %lentil', 4,•hirlrs pm,, to
the 1511 jos'ead of 111 the right. The
reas11n of Ibis is that in days .4 14111
when knights were bold t la11410e1
each ,,their synth spike) club+ they
always passel each other stn 11o1v-
INc•k in that way in order to get in a
g,.011 Nwut. \\•hen vehicles were in-
vented they paMssl in the lett Iwr,ulse
the knights 4444 ' i. When 1111
t ites were invented they ,ileo passed
1111 1h.• left fer:tnse the vehicles olid !HI.
\\'hen the 444)11 1 'Trunk Railway 114
('Annan eo44t11et14„l donde-h•:trkini,
about - ten years ago trains were
olde•tel to pas. tin the left Iweewie the
British dir.efors et the road ,•on•
trolled the m118nagemeitt, and Hriti.h
trains rote on Ihr left for the 4444411
and sufficient re•asoiet mentioned.
I u u1eh141tie 1
The British directors and ah
donna ell the* any dividends .'1'4111
r0uld be legally- mreptel if the lirnnd
Trunk train. 414Mwr1 on the right.
'reek, and the local general mlin,gel%
knowing how 11lr5o11e 4+ British
rnpitel. probably did nut wish to
4118.111 or mlee•ttlo the Is 11.1 the
shareholders by explaining that the
rule on this slmewhnt large continent
is to prise on the right trnrk. It is n
delicate natter 10 ;Meting to 0hok0
British f,stth in precedent 111 to •ng•
gest tint anything ran Ire Ilene may
other way, especially when that pe -
relent dales Back t11 the 4'nve I)45. -II -
ere. 84au1113f1y. howeye•, double
trnt•ks hey. *14011nc• ?nolo in
Canada. The 1'. 1'. R. runs itw trains
on the right. AP do the railways in the
('niter St*tee, and no there was Hkele
to be eonfu.sion in the future. the
Grand Trunk decidwi In di.regnnl
British precedent.
There iw not, and there never was
intended to bre, any ouch feeling of
Puritanism or of Calvinism wltb re-
gard to Orr da of rest as there he can-
eith t
nrtsd whe 1.01rd'w Day of Our
neighbors. The Jewish tiaishatb wan
to he a delight, and we read that in
the mediaeval ghetto dancing - *mong
otbtr recreations -wan mmm,m o0
that day. There is nothing contrary
to the spirit of Imbibe/1 in the playing
u clever anakusis of a ('onodian eh.u-
u, teristir. '1 hie is :ter 111444.•41' b)'
some excellent drawings ley F'erg44a
1:yle, ehnwing the most artist in
.dams of the exhibition grounds and
buildings 441 Toronto. 'Thr \\• •n
f 4µulish-Amlet•ica," Iry that ener-
gene l'anadian ti svelter, It. JI. 1,.
1 t'oWn, Presents an al tractive appeal-
tulre wit11 its toile. Hon of d stie
1`11)40lgt801S. it will surprise triatty
to know that there are eighteen
S4ianieleepe4kins; repnl•lire in
uteri,a. "Hi the the SI. 1+'.w•li-
I111'0, IN .bene•'. .1141111.11111, 4s wept
1/11101.411eIl With (11.•(1115. of the V4e-
I.Iria ltbl,lnl bridge, the present
Ili and Trunk bridge on the sante
piers, the Canadian Pa4itte bridge at
Lachine, the New "4ark and ()Rawls
bridges at Cornwall. and a drawing of
Ihr stew lj,etwe bridge. 'There Orr
stories by S. Frances Harrison, F, J.
Hl,llehoid, Theodolrr ibt ert4 and
Mt•s ('anlpbell Prael, besides other
MinsuodRtl NI'NtKIl. The August
Canadian Magazin.• io a raids
her. somewhat higher than ureal.
J. E. H. McCre ray's 'termini of the
death of Th xM D'An•yy Metier. of,
tried and hanging of Whalen, will bre
read with interest, because Mr. Mc
('ready was a tnemller nt the Purse fiat
lery at. that tine. Norman Pattenw4d
atticle nn "Thr Exhibition Habit."i
�pjfau O.tM■.
Egypt bee beeu regarded by .0100
people as the land of pyramhls and
mummies oily, tett it has frau flu.•
iwa)eorluI bad a reputation ter
onion.. Ancient Egyptians s:. ,r, 4 c
the onion and regarded the plant n erred. The 141sr i I . r
Cheops a
1 ton the
P P.
mid of Cps tell. no that the work
men had onions given to them, awl
from the Bible we lesru that the Ili
brews. when elavee under Pharaoh,
euloy.d these 441,41*, and that whet far
nwny they remembered "the leek. nn41
the cinema
and the Karlin" Tho Ego
flow onloa la ■ handsome nod nse(ll
vegetable, and by *4100(ine the 'wet
etrelna of seed the quality tendo, year
by year, to improve. TheT.g)ptlan
knows two varieties, the "Bonn" soul
the "Miskaeul," but supplies of the Int
ter kind are seldom sent ahrond, na
they absorb so match mol*tare from the
frequently irrigated ground th %hie!1
grown they are that they do not stand
a sea voyage well. The "Hann" oldu11
1e the more popnlnr Egyptian 1111101111111011and is grown In yellow .0lb, which 44
sparin,;ly watered while the bullet ere
mahirieg,�n order that the Mita'. may
stand ■ len thy Rea 4.ynge with Utile
risk of spro Ing
tlersp Ltltlns t■ !(wrway.
"It Is a gond .'4leme," said n rt.!'
man, "M spend the ummer In Norwn•..
\V , The Norwegian .limns Is gusted., the
scenery Is grand and N,the 1141na la
- cheap -a dollar a day at tilhotels .in I
(SMsges at a half dollar a ay. One
4n. thing shout Norway Is t! t In the
sumtner the .nlgtt NHL last* a ,1201444.4,'
Math Saga.
The Invaluable bath bags are made
by tilling a thick muslin or thin calico
bag with two -mfr's of bran or oat-
meal, bits of soap and orrls root, just
to give • sweet savor. Let this soak
in the water before entering the bath.
and make a spleudld lather all over the
skin. 11 you use this only two ur three
times a week It will wake the body
smooth. But each bag Is geed 031!)
twice using. Ouce sour it does more
harm than good.
A Darning Help.
Try filling up a bar hula with a bit
of coarse net wheu you are darning the
stockings of the yeuug hopeful of the
family, who goes through stockings
with a superb disregard of the weari-
some stitches somebody else has to
take 111 consequence of his careless -
sem. Then darn back and forth. taking
your stitches In and out of the net,
yet darning as closely as you do ordi-
narily. He'll have trouble to wear that
darn out.
Launder With Clens Aprea.
Never allow your lauudrees to iron
-unless she Is wearing a clesu apron or
a ...trail cotton dress. An old cloth
dress Is bouud to be dirty It not germ -
tut, stud no particular wuwan wants
her (lean uaderWear or table linen to
be rubbed agalnst such a dress as the
Won'sn ■tauds at the board at work.
However, this Is exactly what hap-
pens If you are not careful to observe
and insist on such cleanliness.
Tale P1.easalles.
No pin tray, however expensive or
beautiful It way be, can take the place
of the pincushion either as an orna-
ment or au article of use. The tray 1s
easily upset, and when It 1* upset no
are the pins auol so are we. The pinN
su lu a dozen directions. Tile cushion
1s more staple. It way te•Identatly
be turned upside down. but the plus
Stitt and our tempers remain unruf-
of bourn. mud If yon go a• for as the
Nortb cape there h no night at all,
but the run (-truee round and round
the horizou and uever slake below,
The Norwegian rivers abound lu tioh,
and any oue Is free to angle for trout
in them. The salmon rivers, though,
are strictly preserved. Some of the
salmon rivers are very flue cud rent
for as much as $2,OII0 a year. I know
a man who has a river only two mile;
long that he pays $1.400 for. rte often
Seta 45h ellty or seventy pound,,. The
day I called ou him his wife came in
with a forty pounder, n twentt-two
pounderand n fifty-one pounder that
the had caught herself Within three
A Perest at Giants.
it le almost Iwpooeible for one who
has seen only the eaetenl or Rocky
mountain forests to iwaglue the wools
of the Pacific coast. Pictures of the
big trees are a. ruwnlon as poetnee
stamps, but the most wonderful thin:
about the hag trees le that they are
.tamely bigger than the 10et of the for-
ted. The Pectin. roast IK•nrw ouly a
tenth of our woodland, lint nearly half
of our timber. Au average nere in the
Hoek). tnou0tain toreet yield; oue to
two tbousend Mound feet of lumber; In
the southern tore.t, three to four thou-
sand: In the northern forted, four to
six thousand. Au average nere on the
Pacife emit yields fifteen to twenty
thousand. Tel fele ote the southern and
itocky mountain foreeta, Uwe the north-
ern on top of them and Muff the ven-
tral Into the china:+. and, Dere for acre.
the Pacific forest will outweigh them
/tales es Desks.
Ink Melba n141y he removed from n
hook by applying with a camel's hair
pencil a small gnnntlt,v of oxen.. neid
diluted with water and then using blot.
Mfg paper. 'Two applications *ill re-
move all Marva of the Ink. To remove
grease spot. lay powdered pipeclay
each fikle of the spot and press with
an Iron as hot ns the paper *911 heir
without weorehlno. Sometime.+ grease
spots may he removed from payer or
eloth by leylne. n piece of blotting stn
per on them am! then pressing the lilnt.
tlog paper with n hot Iron. The hent
melte the grease, and the blotting pa-
per absorbs It.
Tale Little Tee 4. He.
A eompsratire anatomist rem that
the little tele Ilea got to that It Is n
needling appendage•, already ahoelnz
signs et de.generatlen at, withering
Bed W- the .by.
A lady roluaPks that, old fashloued
though It may r.nwd, there Iv uu better
bed for a baby than a bag of clean out
chuff laid lu the base!rlet, which should
be enl;tted. aired mud refilled over a
munch. '1Lie. she ways, 1s cheep and
clesu and sweet.
a Co.StaatZistrtaaing prnmoles
W. Acheson & Son
Midsummer Bargains
%Vo have 111eaNitel and 'larked bevel al bundled length% of our beet lines
in dress glodls. challie.% prints, dike, nulling. detainee, rte., mud will ('10411•
them in a hurry this week at a great slc•rifice from 1•t•guhu• prier.. tends of
't to II (ante left of what has leen the 1(1o1.t impair goods )hie Keelson.
The man 'who thinks heis
old, is. Yetitdng from business
he is shortlysretired by Nature.
Nature/juststakes his word for
it andlllets hint gtnt.
/ Semi -r mdy " tailoring is
thefinen's rapparel,dacllievemerit
'of°this century. Temyears of
StJetluoussexpezltsIce 1S 111 it.
There is coni\• one maker of
Semi -ready ,tailoung,,ancl the
Semi -ready tradeA mark as.41
the selling' price jis on •eacL
garnlel:t. ,141 theipeckctis a
guarantee 'bond -- a• real -war-
ranty of.'worth•
Set - the nor V_ovcrt• F,,ri::o
Ovcrcnats--' `1ru:i-acs "-
PLO', Ila'lica1 c!o:L,„ f.o),
$25 and asgn;;u ws4$,
alskta,st .11..c,:04a hov so ..uw, et;,,:. -u( -few
' SF. 41 kr.44441'l'4 ,•r.L:.0 ..
McLeast Bros. . - Agents
SEPT. 4th ,
In ran ;,Imgg to grf n b❑ -ins-. mitten-
, m -*.Orth and tonee11w. it i- nice to
Inge .1 -*geed 11t1 t- , ,•11 known for
.44,1it high. -1.1440 v:nrk, Th,•
Lit/ C1�4
i• well kno., a n- nut of tn.. beer r
1,101401 .414., rel. In 4. 1-t.'1,•,•. 41. retool
this yr*r luau Isvv1 .lo,', rI 'mutable.
Nene of m"' erndnntt. Ole ortNls4
t . and the .Jrnumd tar . h, T1 I. Siena
leen!) LOW, the .npplt. \4 *ifs LNtn).
far our tn.Rnilleenl entalalro e.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
1'or. Yong,' and Allan pier St+.
:special .air of high-class table linen cloths, 2x21, 2x3, 21x4(,
Regular $'4,4441, II2.:5l and $3.1,11 value, at $1.:41, $1.75 and $2.25
Tapestry carpet, 27 inches wide. extra heavy pile and in a went 55c
variety of pat 111.1,. and colorings. ;J1 ;deers retitle* l0 (Mur yard
In uttat demand at 4)10' tut priers. 1441 yards clearing at per 20c
4�u,1 I ,'.', Ia• an.l t.. ..
Fall Term opens Sept. 4
tlkigs'atirO11D; dOltt.T.0
Three In?ere•ted M hn+Inc...% dirge
,cork .hmlkt write for unr large rem
Indue. Tho Is the lir gest and )west
eon,nevM*I end-h•wtband whoa 1 In
weotOrn (hnterin. We so%.• n prat hal
training *11d waist 510 fund mite to
re.pnietAle molt Ions, >tiny of the
limiting la nine,.. .nitrge. employ rnlr
ggrr,wtit*te.. NVtite now fora free eJ',l
Prior ipso
o11 sale at fast•selling (411(1"•.
1 have decidel to 1•e isee my, stock of wicker rorketa at 1 in
older 10.L. so wi11 oder sure substantial reduction in them for he
mon ten .Ion
\Vieker cunt y(M'krl•e. fancy barks.
h.•nvy- ndl edge, handsomely finished.
Regular prise $0.:.11, $$.75 and $14,411l
!kale price $1475. $7.75 $7.00
,old / !!ii
\\'n'ker arm rockrt'f+, heavy 'roll edge,
good at r 111'44 reeds. Regular price $11 sl,
$.1.7,11 and $1.:41. 1131, pri.'e• $3.90
$l.i:. and
.. .. •Y
1 only, willow wtesllerehaii. 53.50
1044uhar $l.141 fpr
\'rnuul a'intn4, painted tett
with wicker seat for $2.50
A large and well ,tea, i-lir1 stock of (urnil111. Always un hand.
It0,1410 nee. c,a.
r-awlb, nod.
'1.1 17.
Und. rtaker and Embalmer yyy
H. B. Beckett p 89n e
11 Livery and Hack Stables
The finest tiirnotits in sown are supplied atthese well known
tables. Carriages for every requitement and gond house* furnished
at reasonable rates of hire. Careful drivers furnished when required.
All call+ promptly attender to.
Walker & Augustine
1'1111.1. :.1
'tVe are (rleari(g nit, all ''4'r Mcotth tweed %tlltrlgs, Si 3 50
ulad0 to order for
We wantto clear old In the next. 311 days all our Kelteh t.weed.
therefore we utter the Above special Price. Any one contemplating
yet tin44 * 411th should take advantage of this male.
(food Scotch Tweed Suits made to order $13.50
line Blue
Every one
t +gully when
Irunmtnge mrd
w'nr,sted sults to
and Black English Worsteds $16.00
should have either a Arne or black snit for bent•
7.411 can get one for III *IMO, made to order. first-class
tit 0
gunnanlee) Fine blue and black $16
order fut. 311 days v vv
Five Pairs of fine Black Cashmere Sox SIM
The right place to buy
Men's Clothing, Furnishings, etc.
ob Printing is a special feature
of The Signal's business. We have
made our customers' requirements
our life study. Good work at mpdcrate cost_