HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-8-2, Page 1THE
to January
ist, 1907,
25 cents
speaks for itself. The ;;J
work turned out of The
Signal's fob printing de-
partment tells s story of
skilled workmanship and
honest material. If you
have a bit of printing to
be done call and see us.
VAN A1'11711 & RUHICHTSON, I'ual,lww)t)w
to keep your money at home or in a Bank
where it --is earning little or no interest ?
pays interest on deposits at the rate of FOUR PER
CENT. per annum and money can be Withdrawn at
any time. Open an account with us and thereby
increase your savings, '
Gtxlerich Office, - Corner North St. and Square.
The 1 and populace crawl i. open for
the are tion of kilt..,,.
People on 10.11 are In% 11111 for
and -prod 11 NM V1.1111011 w r.rl,illg at
110. 1•uu11.
hood -cr1 i. for V{rnle-, deit nip and
hurling I.1rUr
For any port{ Ulan n,ddre.-
.I. T.(4(4
4: odcrlch
1 giLn ,n
TAKE 11•A ItN 1St".
'rhe )rnolt4.'. of on. Ilog Hotta are 111. 1„
1, n!u11lirlel •0fun.al.
11w111.1,utld.4(..l14u1d 111 on.... 4a11 and p,1.
Ii.r•roe fie clot el tag 0114 •111 4• 11'..114,.
Ig\'M. 1 .S MI•HF:I.1., r. o14•'i,.,
WAKNIN(I. ANYON1. 1'o (' N 1)
I respe...lug or carrying tire 1.1111• 1111 any
owl of our property .111 he ..rr.ot.1 and prose
,- .0.41. tail iamb Is. r. an.l F:. 1', A'ITIt1I.l.
To tient
====-,Y %''ANTKI) 1st) ItlNT.--l. 'u11d1 -Lal
1.01.1 mita raf cel em.. Addleam 1'1. 11'. F tdu
=U11111C j mane, 011141. 2t
1 .1 cele nnau lance near Collegiate ln.tl
lute: good venni'; hair! acid 141/1 Nater 14,
kitchen. Term* rapt. Apply to 1111trl. ORO.
studio in Haul of IdoatteahH • I V►K. 111.11.
burr. at It4ltlr and }'ark Fano. F0.
teen.. Pl•'.. ap)a) lu ' I44 /MAN M11.1.1 A ' ,,i
Ibr F'anu hoose. Its i r
Pelt ate 11,41 on and ,lase.. Kea) .tare!.
11 F:u. F. 11,4/W111% ('notline Itched t dwelling lfurni-IN'I 01 not. near Take trot.,
Mold! Morpr.. row.. In. ern eonvuirnlr.-.
F' /MA l $.-Two new dwelling. on Anger...,
-t rets ; • dwelling on Pleto0 .l rert : 111.0
bulkll la. on I.li(un as entre. E. -ex .1 awl,
I «tar - awl and file -trees.
1\'1s 1 11. A few fur..i-bat boom. or room.
near the kr, to rent for for 'mouser ,c,r.on.'
YS• If 111l'Xu k loll!:ItT,oN.
Jt Ti..AI'ru:x or Pi.tsu
Fine arta
(1 "F:. SALE. L.D.M.. D.D.M.
Mrlran - Hlork
❑)r. Turnbull'. old -tand.1
In l 4nng .anon Wldnr.day afternoon..
pHs. EMMKRMON A 1.1'1C1HUL1.
A. T. KIaatN* is. M. If.
\\ 1.l. Ti'rase. 1.i. M. H.
Itlfer.. 113mlharl Street 'Thong hilt.
Ke-detcre'phme 121.
IH. A. 11. MAI'KLIN, M. H.
$..eetM 61111.1111011 10 Fee, Far. Nome and
Throat. 1 Mlle and .'when.'. old Danko( Moo
oral. Ipla►Ite P.ruelIce, 111 Pd .1.. Hndrr.rh.
hirehunr No. 1112
KIHTft'Itl adldton.n/Kwrlra,41.'. Ilmre,
Hand1tonMt..third door how raquon•,U.wlerteh.
tent. M. U. l'AMKHUN, K. l'. J. 1...1:11.
M.rri+tato, Mltnr., !slam,. piddle pit •
r. in the Maritime (*mu., et•. 11(111 M.r.d l,'
!.quare, Text door 1'. A. ♦atra'-grows). 'rl
.at. turd. 10 howl at It w .at n,lea of interval.
W. PK)I'IIF'4KIT. K.''. R. 4 . HAY'.. 0. F.
11. .1 lit.
...Bettor, notary nhier. 11o,rnd+a{on er.
etc. Money to loan. OMNI. corner Houdltun
anal m1. Anein. tea Street., Uodrrich, 4),,,.
KI2TKIt1, attorney., rolkllor., etc.,
Uoderteh. Money to lend at lowest entre. F..
Insurance, Loans..etc.
t acid wridrnt tn.urance. Agent for le::lin`
Inial mal and stock continuo a. Itr.nralew in all
her. etre. pad on beat plan. and at Issas ea nor..
1 all at cies, corner Med Street and Myuere,
or.ddre.. J. W. I'RAIUIF:, uoderirh, One.
fele Mune 24
111 sl' RAN(' K ('O. -Vann and iwlnt•d
roan toroperty• Inattrwd. Value Ill pr open)y .1.-
-and 111• In Jan, ten, over f',l,lrlll,llr( le cci•.
end .hnrtsrr.: J, 1;. Mclman,re+. ; T. l' r,, ,•r,
lire paw, ; J1111. Connolly. 11. 'Dale, Mr. ripe..
ne), J. Wet 1, Ja., Evan... J.1l.11rir. P, J. Bruer
eel., dinrt0n ; '1'. E. Hay., 111d.wth, .a•n'tary
nra.urer ,•(n.)ru•tor., near -.t director to
\J. it. Teo. Holmr.ville. agent for %%ern
11unw1. Talar, holder. can pa) :a.e.+mrnb.
and get their ertn144 n"II 1.1 el 1.1r. 1'Ie4:,
\Ihdon, or rot Mele•an Har+.' fain,,' I lathing
ore tnderleh
e Licensee
Wale naker, Jeweller and l 1ptition.
Ira, •r of Marriage Ideon..•.,.
We LAN' DIj1'ER OF MA1t1t1-
AUK Il , Uoderleh. (Int.
A , oneenng
and general auctioneer. haa renewed from
Hamilton Street to new o ee. on Month Street,
when• he will he found at all I Imo+ when not
erying +ahem, Tenn -4 nomnitt,tie and ',airy of
on 1..r4 to rive you Natlafaetlon. 'Phone .0.
lv3A am.1lottery Net Hamilton arect. Underir h.
4•.11. box 1101. All 'le. will n'lelar-prrirl
attention, I will boy )nor entire 'lark of
homw•hold gonda for matt. and .111 .ell you
.Im1.., fornitl1'. mat t r1...'.., aprink-. etc.,
chests ('all and err' what we van do foe you 111
lhie 1111,. 1*140KUK Hlq'KKTT, (.0,10'711
14ho0. 0aderleh.
Beal ' tate tor bale.
11 Britannia Haul, radf W. 1'. Merel)'.
residence A440I 10 4. Al. leLLUITT. F:u.t
I' hour. with 31 acre. I.wd, on Hay Meld
newt. 1.1 pl,•.r.l o.1.-npkll 4e. be under.{Yfled .
An lieda:ue alts a Woo.a • 111r111` garden.
The 14.1 du) In lendwrirb. '1'4 - place -loosed
duuhlr In value In the nrx1 four vr.n. Tl. n•
ia an aburd,ulee of true-. p1., ebon l4,',,
Kroh. real .wall fruit., '1'11 leer bt bulk or'
dlretwl. Apply on ',rewords.
LN)K HALF.--H1'II.DINt1 1.4 ON
C Markel .t not. near ('arnrlle lobe , w
nu«.t 41r-1r0b1e 4,..,?lo,.. Apply to y1RS. H.
tl' u.I.IA M M. 147 if
bring the north half of lot 12, conn -.don
1. A,hgrM :.11 acid on ger, el rood Iw1 ween
(lodes lel, and Lueknow. !brat-ouiHrr.' 0( a
leas frau Ndr po-ttralre. ehur.'h old dote. 11
i. .•o.,dder.d one of the floe -t fano. in Ib.
...minty of Huron.
At.., arty acre. dtuated on the rr•ond eon -
nee -ion 1.4 A-hflrld. bring 110' north half of the
era half of lot 11.
Then• ate 11,0 running dream- on each
bias. There 1. r 6nn1 :11 1 at. ,,'hh -, •
ou n.lation. two frame budding-, hl x :o and
!; x Pc. r goal frantic hou...+tall kitchen rout a
floc ming orchard on the hwuedcad. Ikab
farm. are all acceded dos. el pr.'.rnl. 'rhe
ie mere lea ha.. barn .01x 61 etc a. For .rte b
JIK*. H('UH UIKI'IN. Nile r. O. n, If
F'urnl-hal .'olta(• to rens. 7 nom-. nirrh'
nn er
mit 11011.41 I:m . al ll
14 ',doll frame d.-lling, nine roams. wish good
-nu0ue, k11.1.rn.gUurt•l.tlr, 11,•11 A111.11111
24 -ton trick 'tort ...m,'.,l Pr roomed dN'rll{Ile.
large *aide. a lot.. Finely situated
un Kray, .o art. 111,11.o. n •urn.
2.104) eolith -lore, baker. ,e'en and photo
graph k4,lt.r1. Aitlaled on Alain •t reset.
1111th. 111.51111.
2 large lot.. corner 1'iro,m and Wetting -toe.
frig,. $itt. sus. thia.
2-atory brick. a -roomed homy and 1 newt of
lard, good orchanl. Pte.•
2 nnr.luartrr art+' 101. near 17.7 11. +td Ion.
14.a3 my frame J,nnr, le moms, -notated nn
1'1eton .trent. near 4..Il.'giatc hot lime.
tic end frame laundry, 211 Lan frontage on Fatal
.I rrrt, ,.ear Mguutn':11111.
4,1.001111A (Mille +Inn' Ant dw ening., Iarge.tablr
-.mated o ,!thin avenue. 11111 • fniu, bud
ne.-• genu rnnnntly. 01,1.11moil' leak
but neer at your door.
Murry In loan, .', ter rent.
Rank of ('ornmcres llldg.
of 111 acre. of brat clay lana, belonging In
\b 1413 Friers, uoderich,+It n:(1111011 tat eon
eealoe. 4latereh lownyhlp, •,' -en mile-. from
0o1.•11,h. nine from I 'Ilntou amt Ilse (rout *44*)
find : fairly gaol building, and two orchard..
Bea-ono/do t•rnrv. For fnrtlu•r particular,
adapt' to J.\..IF:s l'u1.N'Fa.l., fR1a•k+ tree,.
Il nteleh : or K111VAIll .1111F'.11N, 1l.deri,I,.
N EX('EI.LEN`i' 4-' A It M FO It
Pit *41I.E.-201N'l'P+In \1'e -t w'awanlleh. two
mil, from Althorn :.oil A et.) In:Oa, about 140
,u•te+ under .1lli:ation, and :14 lo to rem•
timbl'.. A well and two • ainc• of water, it
new trance dwelling. a good bun, atabte and
driving had. Apply to Tel'\t k 1t(111,:ItT-
011./N Ooderlch
Ewan. and Ina,trnncr Agent.. Real ea -
tate for rade or to let. Properties, handled 1
any part of the town and ,nand'. Fire 11114
life locoman/I% 11,0ney 10 10e0. etc.
1 on Hayfield nod, *oath of \In P'0ppt.101b-
aoe'A pmpert)'. Apply to U. M. TR(OM.SON k
SON. 1 Tt 1f.
RA.rnnl.pn MActMVAt.n, PM*.
14. M. llrltwAnT. (Ion. Man.
A NAA('T1Rf)
OUR IDLE MONEY can Porn Interest and yet he art
le at your rail ns if in your fo ekrr.
111. snme other Insecure plats,. You can have the principal any
dal with interest for the actual time it was on depoelL
tind.rieh Branch,
Jordan Block.
LOCAL TOPICS. Idied. Mtw. Crooke lw(vea besides I
htiathtti,I a family of 1111141 childry
TxraKoar, Au$114 w. I J1.1tn ('took,, '.f Hlalgens Bros , ('Ii
F311 wheat, per bush. new ell to 11 711
Stra a hen al, ai to 144
Eau Wheal, per bm.h. 11kt. s to
77 Another Planing Mill. tau ; (icor..•, ,.t 1 111111 :Micas T.
Spring wheat, per boat?. mew .. a 70 to U i7 wig, a1a11 at. home. Wu. Crooks Wan
H*. per bush a 46 to a Lt, Thele in a !amen. That another phut- luentler of 1110' .11e114aliat (+mall a
at, pro• blwh 0 454 10 11 41 lfR 111111 wool 410 wlal•1111 111 :II;e ,,t-ar 111.• +el't'lel"3 011 M411ltaj' wen, 1•I
Oat., per buaki., ne1 o s1 In u ; fututw 1111(1 we underatnn(1 tht n lata- >
en, I. 1, bu.h 0 41 to oat ductal 6 • I{,•1.. F. Swann. of Hulot
IAIr►ry, per bu:1 u 11 la 0 u dun party will wiasset-late himself with i'n.
rpertun ill al w 1 0048
a1 bw'al wen with ibis jw'7 iia
lrfuhy. .'rest .2.0lu•J6vYieW. There 4.4 01111111 'fur another" 2sll lu. 1!11 AtHotelGoderieh.401,, yescwtro, pr t le 111 to 10118 planing mull in town.Nrxlwiwk!viiiIts•(livelyanenta,r loutil w to 211 tiltheaunnnerhotelandthehlatihHi aus w to 41 WPOliceCourt.
lwld 31,1 to a 14 1.1.. Monday ..... .-• ..-.. W111 be crowded l0 its 1'aDxl'It
Butter, per lb
In to 0 1;
4'h.wae, per Ib 0 12 to 4 12
FYga, fn•.h, perdue ..... n Ie W 0 17
Potato, .. .. u SU to CI
('mile, Urdlu'y to good, la•1' co I. A 1111 t0 4 111
1 'tittle, extort, per cwt 1 .4''''S77":7
5 Lo 1 .14
H,1ra, lore weight. per e.1 7 :i/ w ' yl
`lilting 1441111e ... 1 W l0 6 W
sheep, per cwt .... _ .1 111 W it ctrl
Haut, per Ib 0 IN to 0 18
ankles Nr1r• t U on the Iw'xl under
lI„cou, per Ib a 4.i to 0 ri1 x awtlrh warrant. It wa0 11111111M
1an1, per 1b 124 to 1•pG Ut'(t the wen Were under the influents.
fallow, loaY Ib to n IQ
Hides, perewt ... ... .... .: 11.'5U to 7 .:1 of 1114110.':11 the t_ The 111:Fgisttvtle.
'to. ehildren, but is survived hy twe 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -AUG. 2nd
'14. Mich., told Mrs. ',Award and Mrs. latuoist 1st 3
a Mogi , of town. Mr. Blake was a Midsummer K1110011% W. Acheson & Son... 2
Pal littera, mil morter tit North street Tent for Sale -William St roughen IltemulUer 1
/11• NIPIh0111S1 1' lurch, of whielinJw was a
4, emptiest rot member, MD 54•4ver joined
any of the many fraternal societies.
s Nixteeit years ago lit. and Mrs.
filake visited the Old C try, but he
11441 been it resident of (lode! telt prise -
!Welly all him lifetime. The funeral
eaptain steamer .Atlitiitis. whieh Won in port
with a cargo of mad for the town, to.
Kettle,. with one of his crew, Were
Arraigned At the 'mike (Newt on the
Hew lance Timm»
Paid evetyr three Intim or ("en-
- lietinded quarterly.
ten sliitle Al' Itle.A.WIN:
fit •S1 N ESS
For Sale
imposed a tine of $11 s.
Death of Richard Irwin.
Last Saturday ()centred the ileigh of
Richard Irwin, nee 4.1' Clinton's best
known resitlente, and the bimetal took
plata- on Tuesday. Mr. Irwin was
misty -tux years of age and leaves*
fieMly of four dam,ditets and three
semi, Mrs. P. IL Hoilgetis, Mrs. Kilts%
Michigan : Mem. Norman Fair. Clin-
1 John, of the IL T. R., Lindsav : Greig, later kept a livery (at Smith street.
at Mpringfietd, Man.. secreta.rY We The News saes : Stens, 1111e
Y. M. C. A., and H31 rr, of town. the well-kuown 1110ml/erg Amitlar
• al
ariairding to present indir•at ems.
Many tif the officers and others of
wives anti other relatives and the
present•e of the (+melees (101111 Western
Ontario at the bitirnament will Mean
/Mother big demand oii t Ile are
dations the hotel. A couple
11141114'4 Hee alreatIV in prosper, for
next week and on 'Wednesday evening
t here will be a grand (smcert. at. the
hotel. part imams( of which me given
evening thr•re will lw a dame at the
hotel and another of such funetions
Wan held ra few days shire.
Death of William'Stotts.
death of William Stotts, who for
many years. W11M 111 the hat-m.6.s hied -
At thilt Harbor.
11111 daughter. Alrs. E. .1. Jeffries.
' The steamer Atlantis arrived lard 745 Milwatikei. at•enite, %Vest, Mon -
Thursday with 315 tons of mad for the day. Mr'. Stotts was .m.. of the pite
1114914 or Ont• lt oil
LWellt v-Ilve years ;two he came to
Detroit, where he hail mince minim'.
He is sui•vivril ler ' children.'
Funeral services will be held from the
'emblems. of his daughter, Mrs. E. J.
Jeffries. Welltwidav afternoon. with
inlerment at 1Vpodlawn cemetery."
towel pumping station.
1 The selitioner Julia Larson arrived
401 Friday night wit li it ...trier of liter
bet for the Oederich Lumber Co. and
left again on Tuesday, bound a li,
a ith a small cargo of salt.
The Mettint.r Turret Chief arrivell on
ing :51,1351 bushels at. the Big Mill
elevator. left the sillily el' ' g for
Point Edward to diseharge the hal-
.3 nee of the cargo.
-.Danny" Campbell Dead. .
4 »I afonday "Danny" Campbell.
. WhV11,141 been living in the shack 011
1 he beach between the north pier and
; breakwater, was found in a half-dying
condition and was taken to the jail
. until he nould be sent to the enmity
2 house of refuge. Mr. Campbell Mut
I keen acting as watchman it. the r IF,
i VA 1111* during the progress of the
construction work. The jail surgeon,
I t' Mien during his illness. whieh
was evidently caused by heart trouble.
Mr. Campbell died this • - g be-
tween 7 and si o'clock and an inquest
,a,-,,i111,1rikw. held this evening at 7:34I
Next Week's Program.
Next week should be a lively one in
liOderieb. Tlw Essex Fusiliers will be
'A Good Appointment.
We are pleased (44 congratulate :Miss
Grace Strang on her appointment to
the position of tearher of 1111Xlerle4
Se11001. Miss Strang lets berm
work at the Mitehttll
filling a position in the Tomtit,' publir•
library shire the complet bin of the
term at tlo. Normal college. Hamil-
ton. but will spend the last, fortnight
"There Were ten applieants for the
••antil t ht• one accepted was 11101 01'
Nfiss ttirms• Strang, II. A., of Goderich.
Min Strang is a *laughter of a former
prinripal of the lioderirlt Collegiate
Institute, and is said to have made a
brilliant university course The
salary will he $7101."
The Canoe Regatta.
The Itletiesetting "srew Club have
arranged al regatta for t ..... orrow
41413.4 evening. to which all. especially
.tit"'"."1"."`"414• 14 feet /1"'+'• Pru'rt""1 here on Monday te remain all week Milliliter visitors, ate invited. The
new, only twee in n atiort time. Will I
...id at a go.at bargain a. the nen 110 not and it is said they will eon* iibout 'migrant opens at 7 o'clock and is k11.I
requite 11. For part kurbarmipply to 11 1 1.1.1 All SI st tong with regimental band and follows : n'elock • Hare/1 for prizes,
Silt A 111H AN. Henualler.
(r1 gl e band, whirh will give wane con- NS (11110W : I. demi& paddle VS. WO
2, single paddle,
tett annu inane (. et i( rowboat VA• tW1) paddles, half mile ;
liowli g Chili, which will no doubt. 5, rowboat. half tnile ; 0, In•lies' rust..
bring large ber of persons to doubles, half mile ; 7, tilting M1LLeh.
ti /WO. en next Thursday is Miteh• 8:111 o'clock - Illuminated parade arid
ell s eivw oliday and the occasion of beach fire on Attrill'm point. 11 o'clock
Ithe manna Shinday sehool excursion. Fireworks, refreshments, imam-
000nimodstion for Summer Visitors mut next w k alms the week of the inetual mid vocal mush.. Transpor-
Goderich 41 trict summer seleml. tatiim will be provided free front the
the sessionm o whieh will last fivin breakwater to the hearth. The race
- - . Nloriday tit the Mowing Sunday. judges are N:. N. Lewis. L. E. Dancey
and pal tl.• the lie. 4101114 olfte, ei tile
loan, a her 11.1. rimy Ire kept with It will M• tante to Gerderirh a I the emintry to A Reminiscence of the Lakes.
11111abie •1111teirm,. north, and one w seems likely nip Buffalo Courier of Saturday
Any abb., aml lar The Signal ottlee a twine pit through t im fall is that hist hits the following t•eferenee to two
will he mope ly recorded. .1 AMES Al a-
t Secrela Mord of Trade. for 0.1..phone rotiner .'on im.tween tioderieli lake captains, the late Rob-
tioderiels, Port Albert and Dun- ert Rhyme,. ef Mrs.
gannon. Richmond, f London. William Ithynam, or towtr, and Cap -
inverter of telephones fit the Hell tain James Parsons. of West street :
Telephone Co..- was in tt vn Int "The loss of the famous Intieieflget.
week. and in eompany with 44:. N. steamer Csionherland of the Canadian
Algoina Central teamahip Lino I.ewis. P.. spent part of the week Royal Nlitil Mteattiship Co., was re-
itt. Port Allwrt and Ibinganno and railed en the docks yesterday when
STII. KING E WARD intervenin it ' We millers na the nanie of Captain Robert Rheims.
Weather permit Mg that if he armee. and others int t•- who at that time was on the Mt. Paul,
ested hetet g the conneetion ma( c • Captain Rhyme; took otT the
can secure e poste necessary, at one hundred passengers who were 1111
'MARIE Di1/4 their niat•ket value. this fall, the lioes ht. steamer, when it, went ashore at.
Between Toledo arid natal! Ste. M le and „
will lie coMpleted before the snow le Royal July 27th, 1877. The crew, in
Intermediate ;mint- will lett e Slob 'eh le eh rigl• 61.14.111e1/ Parsons, 1111W firgt
Death of Mrs. Crooks. mate rind pilot, rif the mummer Mani -
Northbound 0:01) p.m. Sunday toil, turk to the boat fot• three 11111.VS:
1411111 11bl/111111 1101/ a.m. Friday- Lost ,Sinturday occurred the death but It kily lives were lost. The
Alf Agent. of Mfil. CrOOka, of lioderich township.
porrhadui from M. ROW1•11, for -.Ile eh/.30,
tear Clinton, C he and at the time was MP of
'imt•er a "' tiliam• the fine. limits on the lakes and ran
T' 3' KENNEI5V' IST,r1:11iffilieStPli•IirNnf""gr'i.P1.: t.11 Vii• and the f neva/ took place lel. the i anagement of the 111 Mori,
ou Monday , afternoon Maitland el Tie -onto.
of G. Public School oarst .
rieli township, bein horn on
the Hu n road fifty-eight y ars afro. A special ni ting of t he 'midi..
8he w matried OVer th ty-I1VP 'whim' Isiard was held 1111 M1/11118 V
t heir mitrria e she and her hit nil %satin 101. SO est teacher for the
STEAMER 11 (.; RON lilted in NN fertile township, ter Central ...demi for 0 fall term, the
that 'ing t the farm where te lady previously appoin ed having 111,
Niprt li Chinon.' of Georgian Bay.
for Sault Ste. Marie. Mich.. v-ia
TUESDAY, 1) P. M. Situation 'Va- cant ,1“,,trii will be yelled tie week to
For Port Huriei,Detroit,Toled.v, •s..e•-_---_--t• . - Make the appointment. The serve -
and i'leveland,
WAN ED. A 0( tat•y• submit ted an e.tt imate or t he. mum
Apply to At .JAMI.:01(1..1 yen mai it was decided to a k the
town \ emineil to inswitle $5,81 for
, WANTE .-81- HEPTE ER 1MT, piddle Reboot 11111111141m1 when stri 'itg
V T a mita Kiri Inr IRMO% ii-evirOth• *-....he rate.f.w the year. This hit It N1
- - - - -.7, - Apply to Atha 1 clo.on. WaterInn st 1 e Mits.
WM. 1 411t1111'111. er. ' lf more t ha last year hut the inerean
Public Notice in frame th n made up hy the inereases
get offers for the old sheds at St. Pet -
Viii. Aehesini) .11111 Trustees Out,
Cra ie were present.
Uharl Wake Drops Dead,
Tuesday welling to hear the news
that Chart Blake had droppeil (lead
int the sleet. . N1r. Rieke wits in 11111
mufti health. had his breakfast nm
metal and we to work at NV. C.
Pridhom's. Co 'Meting his week
there. he evident' started h aid
had got. just oppl P I)r. 3(5151)114555%.
He was 4...ruing an ri
family of vao.
Jortglat o. F.1.1.EIL LATE
1 lard -Patine. of I Int min 411471, 1 'hap. II3s. flint
n11 creditor. and other. hat ing claim. again.,
Ibis estate of the .1111 late Joamb 1 1. Ward, the
elder. who dled or about t he IR da v of Jolt.
All PIK cue requited, on or Into, the id
day of September, A. II. lint In aend hi past
prepaid, or deliver to Joarph 11, VI ant
the younger, of the townohip of 11'..wo
no -n, 401,1 county. Drelfeet 14.1 the
asi mini -3 ?alto? of the fstate of I he .M4 clecrivall
stemript inn., he pert Millar, of their
claim.. statement of their areonnt., rind the
nat ore of the melon rif any. held hv t hewn. THIC 11,1(A V RUMS<
And further take outlive MAI After araid
mentioned date the said adminiatratnr
;inured to 1114d r Mute the a...et. of tin- deceaser
among the poetic. molt led I hereto. log tv
grim 001V 10 1h. 1111111111o( which he .hall then
hare noliee. awl that the mindolarator will
not he liable for the sold merle or any mart
thereof to an% peroto or
notie *hall not hat e been reeelmet
hint at the time of 0lich diatrileast
And further take notice that all permit. In
debtor! to Lb* odd late Jteeph 17. Ward. the
eMet, ere required. on nr horn, the old state
to pay t be amount of their Indebted tom to the
add ardminlatnitor.
Doted on Underfelt, this 1.1 slay of A ogo.t. A GEORGE SPOTT()N
it ma.
1'1101 '101.1111T. RA VA la BLAIR. , PRINCIPAL
test A/Metter. for the Attnantat rata,
altroond kit en 'girl. wages a a
week. Apply al otoc 0 1111710. liciliPitIt•
kern printing. 14 or It et of age. fair
Shorthand and
Typewriting and
and letek-
saw and had stood the mite up against
the fence, evidently feelin the attark
tanning 011, Mit from the ition vf
from his hand as fie fell. ThIe hap-
pened about half lent 0 tielliek. hut
the art of falling. M.. Blake wits of
English decent and wits born on the
Huron road. 111 won the eldest of
the family of ft.te, being one month
over seventy three years of age.
About forty five years ago he wan
letarried to Mitts Eleanor Jenkins.
rt intmlyee him. He had n
Clentilnamp Male of Summer 4100d. --J.
Speciai Sale elf White Wane -IL H. Hocken .. 2
Second Week of Huildingitiale-eW. A. McKim 5
More Wharf Room for the Lumber DO.
took plate to Maitland cemetery (him The New t'enient Waite- -W. Ft. Pinder
Quarter tre Stile of Waists and Underwear -
tin I Wanted -Mrs. Janie.. elwrk
1114I tor. We Irnitand (lir yel'Itild• Announcement -J. W Hroderlek
Ottawa, to inquire intn and iulpist the A„„onne,otos, _le.. H. Brophey
INC of t he mill here depended on oittis-
ter no a•IPIN twere tekell to 1,011K land bridge here het the weight
the ft•itine of the mill from Stokes Hav. proved too great. for the steel cross
am at tir•st decided on. As the result beam and it bent. This ham delayed
of Mr. Stumbles visit the L twr
tli%(411.4".(11ntYliri•itate7siksetviatilt41.7•Ifotrhnelettjwyntisamed4.- e• xpected about the end of the week.
by the Dyilielits, M11 that the CmiillallY Another boiler and some tither hoist -
now 11411'14 4 Ilfee al the 111111* Wet "1" in- ing apparatus was taken over 011 10
to which the wharf at the north. I tt. t he e111111{11 k turel t. 011 Tettedety morning.
!it's': ititiAelliHilinri-i•sr Iamb v•ild'eds.. ilire..C;;;Itilit'irilys n• ear the elevator where the track will
The pile-driver hair reached a M at
WIII Shot Still he able to use the liar- run on a. terrace cut out in the hillmide.
:shier ta,m phltrieeLlyvautt.iptui.lwtibtrenblithiled,ingwilf, At the foot of Harbor hill the steam
dig erwtn. moved hack on Saturday
have lo give ttp using the newt meta, an on N1onday started into a new Mit,
141111er 111. 1 he harlif er, They would The upper side of the bridge has hemt
then in obably iise the river for bring" filled in to the tep of the abutment.
ing their logs tip, while 1 he ComPurlY and the other side im now being filled
w,kohl still he allowea 3 h,.,wie of the in and the grtule of the road raised.
inner vortier of the hart mi. near t heir Five damp -wagons ' are kept, hussy
mill. , (Arcing the earth from the steam
The Summer School.
Some opposition WAS. raised against
the tlislerich Lumber C party being
allowtsl• t he One of the harlser for stor-
ing their rafts of logs and Mr.
Stumbles was here yesterday trom
the work until, another beam arrives
front the tatinhatt Foundry Co. It in
Oft Sat 11 May last Bill Oarret
The following will be the mediate'. had his right hand badly injured get -
....rt. to lw given in North street
Methodist church on 'Thurmlity even-
ing of next week, and it will be 1414.11
/rim, the NM that it will lw enter-
tainment. of unusual merit :
Vocal alleetion. by D. N011111111 Jolliffe. of
Toronto 'oroervatory of At wk..
of Toronto Cootwreatory of
MiS// M1111114. Tilt, of T011111101 'onservatory ot
i,,litct.,;Tt; Steadman. field WeAttleld Mab.
instrumental ?muds, by Anglo 3VIsfle, of
IiillgmV1111'. violinist.
hot 'Mal aolo aeleet tom by expert mem
bets of the 21-3 roadie, Hand, Wind.or.
Reading. by Mims May V. Thotop0on. gold
etiolate, Whitby 4 'allege. 111111 1.), airier, lair of
oratory in Ashlitiry College. !A. .1 , I Vim
Mem. (Rev.) D. Norman, at prement
on furlough with her husband (rem
minion work in Japan, has kindly
program. Mrs. Wright in unable tn
mime because of afiliction. hut there
will eertainly be no dimappointinent
with the time given -to MIN, Norman.
who brings tis message diret•t from
the field
A Grand Musical Treat.
A grand evening recital, will lie
given at Hotel Goderich on Wednes-
day. evening of next week, August
8th, when the limple. of Goderich will
be given an opportunity to hear Cyril
Dwight Edwards, ()smartie'. greatest
baritone, late of London. Eng. He
will be rumbaed in the program by Nlims
Ethel Jenkinm, contralto. and Min
Nell B. Stockwell, pianist. Mr. Fgl-
wartlii hart a reputation as one of the
i•eally great V1 walimtm, while the ladies
who will assist, hini are elm. talented
ititimieians. Miss Stockwell is from
the camservatory of mush. of the uni-
versity of Michigan. Ann Arbor. and
Mims Jenkins fr Loudon. Nti lover
of west inmate mhould fail, to be pres-
ent, as musical treats mo high a
class are too . rare in town. The
ticket.. are li0 cents and the peograin
will be as followa :
1401/1( 1111 Mr•llaande in the Wood Alma their
itc Aorta of the How .Aylwned
Mr. Cyril Dwight I.:award...
Sons 101 Far A1.11).• the Dr..ert Immt.
Ito .14 in tit- meat Daystars
lel Allah Fle With Us
4/:111111 11 Lot torn Ihurousereq. Woodford.,
Mi., Etta Jenkino.
Piano Solo ..Poloniti,, Op. 'at NO. .h1111111
Mi. Stockwell.
Moog lap Kashtniri Song
(bp Than the Dam
MrCyril Dwight ifdtwarcia.
Piano Solo Medital OP. 72 No
P. Tachat.kowaky
Mr. 1 Hi tests/lit -SA wants.
MI.. Etta Jenkins,
Duel . flood Lock and Dad.. .. Squire
The Fruit Crop.
'Very favorable reports etre ..... ing
in as to the praispeet.4 of our apple.
pear and plum orebards in the viemit y
and I lirotighoot the comity of Huron
generally. The yield will not be quite
so heavy am was experted 'in the
spring. owing to the falling off of a
large quantity i ...... attire fruit, but,
redwing the yield ham had the effect
of bringing out finer specimens. and it
expeete4 that there will be a very
174:re perrentage of the frnit this fall
11 t. will clams am No. 1. The apples
esperially are particularly free fr
scab and the destructive , codling
h does net appear. so far. to have
done koucti dittliage, Am. far tel
have seen the late winter varieties
will mit be heavy, much as the bald -
wins, spies, eantitet. etc.. but the kinri,
lilentwitits and other late fall varieties
were never lel let and they will be
1 he pritii•ipal apples for shipment, this
fall. A notable feature of the friiit
clam t his year is the Chun) +11141 healthy
condition .11 the foliage of the 1.1•14,1
01 1111 1 111' minseiment well-developed
specimens. In Fortner years the snow
Ptitiletetel apples and Flemish beauty
pears .were 1161111(111.1MM with NMI)
114/01% 1 hot they (mulct not be shipped.
but this Fenster' they ate well (14.•
yeloped and many barrels Will
t mg it caught m some of the tackle
used in ennitection with the work.
'Phe t risek-laying gang ist the other
end of the line have reached to a (lis-
tanee of twenty-four miles out from
1telph, three miles beyond tkinestoga.
Quigge and Hunt arrived at Milver-
tort on Saturday last with a targe
gang of workmen and thirty-five
teams Mal at full equipment. and for
t he next few weeks will be bemily en -
the road bet Weell her. i1011
IL IN expected that the steel will he
laid as far as Alillbank in ^couple of
weeks' time, after which it. expected
that it Will reach Milverton an-
other t wo weeks.
Next. Sabbath ..... ening Rev. G. N.
IlaZeil ?Old Her. W. 11. (leathern will
exchange pulpit m.
The quarterly 411116/11 tord of North
street, Methodist church ineete this
Thursday evening.
The financial district meeting of the
Iloderich diatrict will be held in the
North street Methodist ehtirch next
The Presbyterian church choir of
Myth picnicked at Menentiing park
yesterday and in the evening visited
town. The pin•t y tiered %WPC 11
The 111)111 411 111. the Lord's Supper
will not be held at North street Meth-
odist church an urinal the first Monday
in the month, hut on the lemon(' Sun-
day, August 12th.
At last 'rite -alley -a meeting of the
elmerh Leo Howerby, of Or an (1
Rapids, grandson of John Halkeld,
gave some exeelletitly rendered piano
select' . including some of him own
e011111101111tS. Mr. SOWerby ill only
eleven years of age and show* re-
markable ability.
The Mt/111M pienie of Victoria street
Sunday school WS% held Wednemday,
civil. holiday. to Menentung Park.
There wits certainly 10 splendid turn-
out end every person seemed to enjoy
the day in good fashion. The park its
situated for pert much affaire.
the only defeet from the pienickers'
standpoint h1 the want of tablett.
From the flniumial tit/gement of the
N'impria mtreet Methodist rhumb arid
the Zion Hitmlerich township) Metho-
dimt ,einirch just imbued, we take the
following figures : Envelope fund.
IIIHNI4.10; trustee board. 111 431.57. W.
Sunday whim', $1)15.58 eormexional
111.5441.W2 ; Zion rhumb, $K1.711.
ocrupied the pulpit of Knox church
on !Sunday. and preached two excel-
lent. and vigorous meta -none. The
Meter will preach next Stabbath alert.
At the evening rwrvice Heir. AV. %V.
MtisIdart, of Fulton, Mo., rendered 41
very fine solo. and wits, RA 111441kL
On Menday eve g of this week
the NV. I11. ef Victoria street (thumb
had a most successful quarterly ,tea
the home of Mr's. Alf. Nicholmon, Ht.
David's street.. There wits a large and
happy crowd aasembled to take tea on
the fine lawn and enjoy thet»selves
socially until the program began.
About 8:15 the musical and literary
part of the program comments -rt.
The members 1171Ve arranged for a
society picnic to Hayfield itt the near
.1. H. Hawkins wints to sell his
horme, trap and harness ; will Yell the
horse omparately.
If you nre t.roubled with Buffalo
bugs in yout• house. get et blAlie of
nor Huffish. ling Killer, only 25c., at.
'mots avid shoem hrut arrived at the
Ii(xlerieli Hisegain Stem. this time
from !Sarnia, and the biggemt anti heal
clock I have been ithle te get hold (if
stock of all new and tip -to -date goods.
Iably he ment ()Way. This change must This will be it eraeking cheap sales
be attributed In the favorable Minim it.• Ti„. mi„,,,, will 4,,, dom.(' on FridiLy to
eonditirnis of rOfrI"thing Thon'Pr4 41111 arrange the stock for welling mat, and
plentiftil stnishine, for very few ef our on !Saturday, 4th Atigtuft. the store
orehandista have sprayed their or- doors Will be thrown open and the
chards, that operation not twin 'h II sale will begin at 0 o'clock as na. .
in other parts of the Provinee. fifty cents per pisAr. J. W'. RftoreltR- '
O. a U. Railway Nome.
An attempt was tnade Oft Miaturclay
morning to mine one of the mg falcon'', mote, aged '73 year. and 1 mouth,