The Signal, 1906-7-12, Page 88 TananA;, Jlt1) 12. 19( 6 LOOM. TOPICII IN BRIEF. limy. None of the party m et. been in II:Aerial toter 44 M nee 414 Miss Alice Trainer, 111111 t Iwy ex- pressed themselves as charmed with the twain y of the town. 'Delia I. (wawa. for, sod fame of ltd. an° I. fOnikkilviuli IN- sneakily of the week that len% ev like esItiblivlslueril. %Aligner Stunts As* • vet) full line of -0114 pair &pesetas of yowl. 4 int to °Wretch. AV. bead gunner- for fancy work and ,41 4 0ipplies, 4 Orange and *varlet may be Illtisog rotor. for 1 hing In clothing for any el...soden. The ',man 1Licl tory disopla yowl nit - Boys front l'ormitti. 9.1.9111ina I ion in violin HI the '1011titte that day. Aittlititinal iron ork for the tem- porary wterk at the C. P. R. Bridge aerie*: t he Maitland has arrived. The Huron Old Boys tecetirslion fr Toronto con:dated of 01 44Ir 11 31111 prOlonii. 1 woo toting keying Toronto 1111 Saturday lllll ruing, the ludo fin ellaChe% And the 1111M for lawknow of eight. The Ibeteri. trilby Ited 511/ Passengers 1%./ it left Stratford hut Ilititon. The excursien loan left tbalerich on the teturn Monday at wee made to have the band give a concert On SOI111.1411iy eV1.11111K h111 too many ot the members weir engtige at Wool to permit of it. Legal Not t. Tonna° Mail Anil Elooire. Wore lov br 14141111 It and agreed by a Further *ism work has aleo ern' ea letter to it•Avr it 111 1111. 0.11114. rondit for the eleveltw. 111 the hod Of stacerwItil alaident. at Normal (\allege, wiiming an interim public and high echiest certificate (specitiliat in moderns and hist 41ry The caw*. .4 ihe King against ‘V. false pretenees, C9Ine 1.1? trial Aral war, dianti.wed foe want of E. L. Dickinson has been elected , president of the titiderieli ehili, succeeding the late H. 4E1 and F. B. Holmes has twee" added to the exemiliir V4.111111111 el.. The Jitly her tif The Outing Magazine contains a st•ries tit six [del itres.• entitled Seenee from the Heal Country," by It. R. Mallows. The illustrati llll are all fell page 141141 Mr. Bellows' fine w,trk allows tip to 'peel In reply to a quest ion in the limew of 1351 week, Hon. Mr. Hyman, Minister of Public Works, intimatial that "from the evidence available lie feared lie I 1. -pat I men I would have to local' the k..kvt id ho daniAge fit the break water al (1,40 kit caused ity the great !dorm of last oar." Helens, a Kr:141mile et the l'• I appears in the list of Ow stweessful students id I be Ontario Normal College. Miss 1,. III1 414141141 1141114114. 444114401 COIrl 1114'41 IO. • tor yOttr.. the CX41111i11111i4411 to 1444 I At the Senforth bowling tourna- ment Imo week II VV. tug • McCurdy._ of Mitaiforti, in the Worconsol 10 llll 41 by 17 to Id. defeetingi S. Bays. of Seaftirth. '.1:2 to 111 in ate Semi41....19 and defeating . is tombs that has ever been fashioned by sin, of Mitshell. in the finals 15 tit- 1 I one tailverledng coltinin9 t 1.19 the haud wan. "nt what a (*basil(' week Will he lomat the 1111111111111.11111e111 2.0°° Year* has brought about'. Today of tlw Clititen Business College, hieh an ugly mummy, with au emblematic Is affiliated with the 1Vinghant Hied- bunch of decayed whent and a coarse 111.0.• College. a ith tieiesse Spotteu , comb tied to its bend -a mere roll of princip.d. Those whit are thinking of tightly swathed died- lies erumbled taking a inisintsta 4,111,40. roe a Wrens glass (110W at the Brithih ✓ espond with Mr. Steelton. who. will sewn. It Is Cleopatra, the onee great Shut 4.'04 emt""."1" m"Y ild"1.""iti'Hi queen • Veto's in charm, beauty and in regent to the ttttt the differ. • • ent courtier: whieh it idler*. An ineident :4 the Huron Ohl Ripe I visit was a game at bowls 011 1111. aVest stieet green tin Saturday be t wren 11 local rink and quartette representing the 01:1 Illoys. W. 1 1. loot, K. C., ;mil W. It. Miller. skip. were the Toiseito represent al iVeS, .11111 ' and Sheriff Reynelds. skip. extended the hoapitalit y the Meal eitib and took the viaitors in by a go.e1 .1.111 (lertrinte McKnight. %shit lois cnt of the Hiles. county luiepit al al in width I received it. Iltiring my tieetipancy the piste MIA.. 44 lath 444' he- r; brolten, crossed by the aeltling of building. *hi...ugh fault of iii i ll e. Am I obliged io put ill 3 new Ana. - agreement 'to leave the preiniaes in Ilie same st Ile of re- pair in whieh you them' did not Intel son Ill rep.tii damages atis ing front causes over which you hall' 110 control. Whole a tenant agt04., "to repro' " the isiveisint agn-ement is rensti tied mean only -sorb klk11111.ge, ,1• 111 y Ve 'wen 410110 1.9' or !swindled 1 Mellish his negligence." Ike, a 111111...e. the COV te:sn.1 i. tit lie res' oldie and %hat he may big required to 111 11,44 Truly Considerate. opened by mistake for • vein by a French surgeon lu the operation of bloodlettiug. The woutau succumbed not lung after to the effect of the lauuder, but In lwr will left the sur- geon a swell yearly peuelou. "not out), to comfort him, but so that he could live the reat of his life without doling vivisection any more." A similar his- toric occurreuce le Mated the Med- Wel Times of J.Folish prineess who had bad the sarne experience. She add- ed a clause to her will expreseing her forgiveness mid leaving the surgeon a SUOMI peuslon to indemnify him for tb• "loss of reputation that may follow my sad catastrophe." Where does Cleopatre's holly rest? Benn•rly a layman who would uot su- mer, "Why, lu Egypt!" After her cajoierhes her wiles, her life of In- tense if not very exalted loves. Cleo- patra was laid In oue of the loveliest Jerk Tar, lismortst. Menne never auy balm ; what our bluejackets will do whet, -out for A lark " A inuthei of them were 111 Loiiiheitierry a week or twe ago, mid a couple of them walklug along Foyle the foottiath with a baby In her arms. One of the "tars" In passing snatched at full speed toward the Great North- ern railway. For a nioureut the as- toulshed mother stood lu bewilder- ment. She then raised su alarm and ran screstutug after the bluejacket. was joined by fiCheits, who seemed to appreciate the joke Immensely. The whole body rushed through street after street, the mother still pursuing. In Ferryquay street th• "tart" halted, dashed into • 'bop. bought a perambu- lator. placed the child in It and retrac- ed their steps at u rattling pace until they met the luturlated mollwr. They theu pulled up. quieted her fears aud handed her over her child In the hand- some new perambulator, which she wheeled off lu pride and triumph. the bluejackets meantime cheeriug.-Lon- sluu Answers. Postoa's Masse. Boston owe.; its name to a Roman Catholic sahib F.arly In the seveuth century • Catholic monk named Bo tolph founded a church In what is now LIneolnahlre. England. As the years went by • town grew up around the church and wile Called Butolphstown. Thin was shortened for convenience into Botolphaton, then tc Lstueton •nd finally to Bosuns John Cotton came to America from that town and named the New England Walkerien for seine time w 'peat capital after 1144 Dative village. acceptability, has rest nett the ll to take a similar le 111 Co •. t' with the genurtil ispital at Duel di. Mi.ei McKnight 11 412'10 ter II 4.1..C111. Me knight, fe nerly tioderich. and her friends s be pleased tip learn id hernd v anremetil has sold tor Mr. Corbett, 1 pf Teeswater. a twisyearetlit gritting mimed by Brown. of Tiverton. and bred by A. M. Polley'. heavydraft stallion lawh- The (mit weighed 1.7eill lbs. anti in every way dee% credit to hitt sire. This in 1111 etitlenee that it paya breed to the twat. lawhinver trill he home at Mr. Polley's et eblea f the middle of July fur I he Iret4 Of t .14.14- 111111. • Among recent visitors in town Mulfeld, of Chicago.. Me. fe an oftleial of the Baltimore & it K and the pent' had lieen tnki or 1,11 called :Wren 1111 Lake hemplein they On till. 11111111 j ' "Peale.' from which IthitatIon pre- cious shows are made is widely known, but few are acquainted with the he gredieuts, though it le generally Un- derstood that the paste gains Rs brit- Ilauee trout the lead It contaius. For- mulae vary for the paste. but all con - tails ruck crystal, red lead. carbonate of potash, borax aud white •arseale. It Is required that these articles shall be of a high grade of purity. as there is a considerable Wa9te, so that the genie made from "strums" as the C01114 position is tethuleally kuowu, are by to the straits Its brillinney, while the rock crystal contributes brilligucy. A paste dimwit] caunot 'scratch glaas and is thus easily detected, but colored stone% •re inatie of .crystal Moue that are conaiderably harder thuu gleam. In the inakiug of thee.: cryatal stout. is lailluived out and with some colored liquid, the unties. being eloged with • plug of enstal, which le gronud down so that there la uu trace of the Tle gnome, Care. Nerve speciaiists, it 19 said, are now men who stiffer from nervee. The pa- tients have to a«t apart • certain nein- ber of hour% it; which no word it spoken. A women we know tried this treatment, with a curtons result. Rh* herself came out In a rash, but her huaband, who suffered from head- aches, recovered. -Punch. PIERVONAL MENTION. 44.1. kiee011011/11110‘1 toy her blew, 1114.0 Blanche Mits. ltd. ttttt ukol nod children 11101 Mr.. pin Week.. Mr. awl ilw. A. 11 elL Allasi mire k11 the awl- Iv.1111. 1'11171111. 01 4 sovors.o. NI tolk. 1.1 hem 01 • It 1.. linens yo•ar. -trice ho, nut (leen In 11uvItelelt holiday viral. loefuer. Ili-- Ito-. straits is to front lirlori.by for AI.I. III. 1,*. Cray and Nit-. Cnoy, of °twit& t le !solidi). . with their family. are .potoolleig the .insouer in :114•. Itobert.va 44 loom, (item %Vilest -or for lite Ntiswer May, lierilia nod Ailliln 1/0Wdllill Align!! 1' neat ion. went up few, Tenant o on I he 11.11. 11. excitation. 111. Annie si ill ooloo.oito a tomato. the graeot of tirant Hord WA, 141 from Toronto est the 11. 0. H. exeirbour. lit 1.... Nr savants% linnet rand. 14.11 lie Maoney left on Monday to Join hi.; 141." King. af Bialh• vi.,1"1 '.! 1110 n"'illow• Ifni ef.l. et 1'1,1444 ot Mr. and vle.. A. David...a loc.t week en hoer F. M. Termer. 40 Winnipeg. nteld • Ow dmr• hy .1r., Reynold... of Detroit. work looter fruit. 1*(11111. She As ei, neeuiiiiiiiikl011 lir. awl Mr4. JO., 410)41% Of Iletr°It• Me MI,- Lottle Hateal. aceenotnuirst toy loci. two 4 Lotting the old los 11. children. Ere lerlek and .Viter. I. tintless her. Milos Maud %Vilf,vM Wol niimIng 1/lie 044111.• 11 trent., Mr. and Moo. John E. Halts. .10411.1. from Toronto. Iletory and Arthur Nutlet of Toronto. at -rived Mr-,. Ihickhosta. lot t'lileago. 4.4 vintlitg her In town on Saturday to .1%11111 Illkliiikty, ilk flits k114111•1. The (urine.' left on the nelouter Klan: Ilkeiv14 %eel.. 'tattooed le town. Mi.' P4 r4 4^ v.k." 4" M""41. f4r 4 V" 4t Donald Hopi n•tornest lan,week Dew a trip 1 Mr.. Is. Julill+1011 Mill child. of Preaoss, are Joys,' me ,t Ise grew" ly mul voi... touch In.. 4 kvklinerllieir relit iVrs bele. tere.letl in.Ille Litany and %al ke4 ...iglav 1111 the IS. Eagle. of Toronto. nywid .1. few dare wills twin town- - the power Want.. the 0 eel MOHO., there k that of a post rouge veriskOn delivery -1 ID 11. BOO 4011 Lloarna. of The Toronto New.; L.. -peuding loulotay. in 1110 II. the U. 8. S00,111 which the preacher mark!, ere 1 Res'. Mr.. Kennedy. Pre -to) terian niininer of , alr.. 0. C. Whitely and MI s None,' are thu-iwolwally Of the hewn°. to the world of , 4-4*4,1 and Ilan British orople, Ed. Cog nod J. ll. Lines have The klos/n.. Argotic %; Annie (now Toronto' for holiday •. stroo.1 444 no* err ing et the risooleta, of her allot, Mr.. 1 'aerie. Sin;eicer ktevt left en 'rue Alas' ea Ai. tele to 11- lag, idler Vi it 11111e Old In -tit we, -toeuding the hohol 44- in los... St rat font !lesiva : otal Mr.. ll'barle. Air.. Jor. lk kind kl 'lighter 1.1erir left 011 NIonslay to .pro 4 t ,1 Orel. 114 Toronto. 1119rry Rol Sw..11 and. Ilekv were mown: the excitr-haiin. Oulu Tone/1110 1H1 Will kr.looll 1,1111, '111/ n Taranto U1111 she 11100a phi 1k4), 40 14.444•W 444..141O4141414t4, /111.1 SCINI11101. Wisy the Koss 1111.4.4 Hatch. A famous Michigan egg raker oars- sioually sells some of Ins product to his grocer, and some smart town peo- ple who thought they could get his eggs for hatching cheerier by beylug from the groeer were disappointed' when they found that nous. of the store eggs hatched out. Some oue told the old man about the dleappolutuieut, and he expreesed no surprier. Ile only said: "They should come to me for their setting egg". Whoever hear o' When I sell egga for ratite I hug dip the ends in lolling water skiff the germ. Them was eati• eggr the gro- cer had. If the..ie prOple want Benin' eggs they should 4'01110 to ine honest Rating Smalls. Four Britons ate 'matte at • French reetanrant lu Brighton, England. not long ago. Their experienetet ere de- scribed as foliowa: "lti due course the plates appeared, each bearbig half 2 dozen snail shells of a dingy white. A slender two promos( fork secompanied each dloh. With thie the 11111111.4 were Ing OCOOMp011iell by small erigs tion df gravy. One of tlw exiwrimenters looked critically tat the uninviting ob- ject at the end of III% fork, then be dint his eyee and popped it tubs his mouth. Ills teeth met uti 'something ylekling, but tough, rather suggestive of India rubber. All four epicures manfully ate their six snails." "John," said the dietinguislied law- yer severely, "have you been nwlm- ming in spite of my exprees "F'ather," said John earnestly, "len't It one of the firat principles of law that no witness is bound to incriminate Re-Ro yonr father !Inked 3 on Nehru* you saw 111 me to admire? She 011, no; he staked ,me what I imagined I To Get the General Eifect of Furniture will gonratitce (cam Ito 1,, I lag cil y *tore.. tom the same goods 't should be viewed after it is 'twinged Intrinonititisly. 141141 in 11 mom. Piled together 111 a Attila. it is Mit nearly so hanilsiiim•. you will tnke n look at OM' 111 in, ir line of real 111,11.ogn ei DIVANS, ODD CHAIRS, TABLES, ETC.. '4 MI will concede 1hnt they Mond thrlii Vont' 14.04444 :1 1441 you 1‘ ill raie 114 et them 1111 \VIII 111111 211 per cot. Los el lieto lite . 44401 you t% ill get better woik WE DO OUR OWN UPHOLSTERING. SMITH'S FURNITURE and ART STORE EAST STREET %% 4/1.1 11.11/11411111111 the ‘14-.0. Halle awl Kale Met 'moorhen were* el wesiairsiatil-i- fi pia To ttttt to. "inning Ito."' 1,110 I allke ki •• 1144. 11111.011 51141 81111 %t. 'wring:AL 1111 11 11-1•11., are glievtr- tkl the Park lion-, Mr. Alia AV. 11. tho-ktn. and Pror-4 114rh4 11 ...re op on 1hr Moron 4b1.1 110v- exclir -ion 1'4.111 TO101110. - Mr-. Armour. of Wood -toss. neerosoranhn 11,01hel. Airs Walton. ;Ire 111.4111 11- aing 1114., re -14.414.e 4helr 114011u -r, T. 1. Leckie, ing the noilliowy ......14011. left t hi- seek for her honor at Vontseich. Mr. anot NI is. Davis' dentine th we, k W. It- Miller, s ho canoe op with the Dorms 11.1 Dos S411111111). N /1 • W.11.11114 N11.O01. 11 It) hi- okt friend. here. Oro eh. Of 1.4.111 Huron. Mr pftle•lv I tin. ie -k Mi.- Irene MallrifIgh went 40 Telkwbri.lge Wrote...lay to alteood the Meddling S:rai ford Hearon Helen and Mar thew %oration at iuderich. -lead for :1 fey. glay.1, 11111111g 1.0111e Upon 11o. 11 C/0.111,4011 frO111 T.11,01110. Alta ale eiroiting for a few do. will, MI Hend.eroions'. brother. E. P. Voodoo. Mr. and Mr, o 'hart, Stewart and eloilolr. KroO411.1. N 110 1+ l'1•11ing her home at Ili.. Mack. el mooed to TO1,1111.11 110/14a1 after a %int of -even° week. town. She Baking Errata. The action of yeagt ou doi4/1• con- verts some of the starch into sugar. Then the sugar Is rustle into carbonic acid gas and aleohol. When the Ilougb le baked the alcohol_ is driveu off. If the bread is miderbaked some of the yesat may remain unkilled, and such bread by being kept inny have more of Its starch changed into %near. Thor- ough baking kills all yeast. spa keep- ing of such bread does not rause any ripening. Stale bread Is more digesti- ble than new bread solely because it is more easily masticated. la.e. New Turk; He,. lit.. 4' Hill. Ito-gin:4 : Met 'avow. hove gA. Knit sit : 1 Aos.I a. part ef a g.slherikkg at the 1.01,1 On Chocolate or Tan Shoes Are the most‘serviceable summer footwear. There's nothing so comfortable for a summer shoe ae 4 light, cool and dainty Chocolate or Tan Oxford Tie. Get Correct Colors Some shades in these thing., and won't do at von with the latest and For those who -we 'are showing made on the nem Queen Quality Women leathers are not the proper all. We are ready to shoe most approved styles. prefer White CERVIIS an the desirable lines .est lasts 801 E AGENTS Repairing Downing & MacVicar kl her, R. It. Cast r Hoot.. toss ii. nod Mi-. Ma y. 014110.161. Does the bylaw vote iintleide that I I'llie smuttier visitora are beginning ' I the ratio of optiiiiista to pessimiste iii 141 Collie. Now that. the Fourth of thone Of our I'. M. friends who hate ithelerich is its :VI 1 to '22s? !Lowy July is over we may expect 10 1.1.1. thie English Seal. icia the oecupations of all the In w nieni are Indicated. Thu* the vicar le Ivor nted by an 0144•11 Bible. the fanuer POMO trees., the e041 1 dealer by a sack. the miller by a mill, the Intl keeper by bottle mid jug, the boot maker by a bout, the emit:ewer by a haunher. the Aloe by a 214411011e bot- tle. the carpe ter by a plane and the baker by a loa Children Audi lallaeares. The reason why children so eaelly contract the mien, geeture% and habit% of their surroundings Is that they have no power of reeistallee- -everythiag °Wattle thetu Is stronger than them - Selves, and they have to borrow frOM all ()award ltitlnenceS for their own growth; lestwe they are good, cheerful and contented or bail, morotte and die- eouraged, Nat neeording to their sur roundinfea Mrs. A -Don't yon know, I 'rally have an attachment for thin piano. The Maiii-Yeatium, and the gentleman who watt here while pm WPM 011t said he had an attachment for it alma Mrs. A. The sheriff, mum. (101114 Health. Flow fevc of II% atop to count good health SR a great blegiOng! We are so him grumbling over 110111(. financial wrong that we forget flint till the mon- ey In the world would profit um but little If WO were Kind ?July Poor 111(11,! A rP you rent- ly f111[101141 (0 POrli n Root! dinner? Tnithne Thotnati I'm more 'nylon.' fer de dinner den I am t' erten it. All travel has Ito ntienntricee. If the paseenger visits better vomit rle• Ile inn y learn to Insprove hi* own, mid if for tape carries Mtn to worse he mny learn to espy OWU Joh:n.4011. July Specials Copyright hooks. retsithit 81 and SI.511'tearing at 76c em A the above n ill be fotind the following hook,. When It Was Dark. The Work of Oar Hands, I.) The Heart of the Ancient Wood. The Bar Singer, by Ili:11.11d liarviiiig Davi.. When Patty Went to College. Old Gordon Graham, bv the author .if "Letters of a Sett made hirrchant to hts Also many others of the no xi NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES inthinee 14 nor boxed mile paper and envelope% al one-half off. Iiiisinesa hone*: it A41111. t.o o; io tn. Terms Strictly Cash. Geo. Porter I Court House Square, (Soden& Telephone No. 100 MI 1 Bet at Moine. Caller -le your father nt home? 1.1t- I tle Denghter What Is your mime, 1 please? Caller Just tell him It Pi hia old friend 14111 Little limighter Then tell mamma If any bin 11111111bo wasn't at honte "Rho must be fifty If she's a any 1101.- enn the matinee to play the part yoting girl," "W ell. sou know. she ens • yotnis girl once " WATCH REPAIRING IS OUR SPECIALTV Wo fully WI:Irani Ce H. PARK Jeweler and Optician South side Square The Underwood Boy Wanted A good opportunity is open to a boy, 14 or 15 years old, to learn the The Irtsals.. ,Raeb Instrument .xceis In solute per - tinder passage, the limo in scale Vag - uses, the harp in a wryer% Hir 111111u dollu the rapid petition uf one uote. the banjo In the phi plas lug of broken chortle, and so .ith other in - all on their own ground. While there Is much viulln musk. that ea lie played on cm other instrument. Printing Trade PIM 111110411111111011 One having passed his Entrance examination I Apply at The Signal Office. IPhone No. Embroideries for Saturday Hundreds and hundreds o N.ards to he sold on Saturday. It 6 a cleaning up of the stock at a ig saving to you. Embroideries of all kinds, narrow and wide, coarse nd fine, at prices that will make it worth while to lay in a supply. Embroideries at 3c :M41 yards cambric rolliroitlet ;Pr and betei Vim.. assorted jcit terns and per yii Embroider s at 5c 1/ :1141•410 Oran ions. AI regular Se ani choice per Yard. Embroideries at 9c 4401 yard.. cambric embroidetiee and 9c "'brie embroidet mid itt limns, good opialltic., Slit.11rthlY Y11111* Mg. set 1 insertion... tunny patterns and Dress Line White dress lint is right from The IriAt maker. Weights snit- \ able for skirts, coats or \ full costumes. Nice line weave, :11i .ineItes wide. ..iSplenilid • values New Oxford Our Splendid osiery Values our splendid values in osiery are bringing more My' more business to t , hosiery counter ight along. Our best stock now on the sl vei; and counters. All reliab qualities and in st cases brought direct from e makers. Two p rs for 25c 1141 PAIRS FOR it cotton hose, full Cotillion:al. 111. everyday wear, apish'', TWO .15, Shirtings A big shipment of new Oxford shirtings direct from English maker just in. ' New .pattertis, good quality, fakt colors. Will stand any kind of hard wear. Some patterns just the thing for Buster 121c and 14c per yard At 25c Plain or ribbed CAA neve home. fliee 11111. 1111111i1Y, R010.1 e eight, all vista- Ladies 114. hittek cotton hose with natural wool or bilbriggan feet. aidiea' lace cotton home io black. I an or white, The 1'1 11111144 iffhtek Cat stockinge' and', gills. Extra thie ri bed cation hoer, Idnek or Inm, feet. Your chi 're tat ttt . Special, 24)c dye.' boblioned, extra gnality, est per 29c Three (iood White Skirts garment well made from fine white cotton. Nothing skimped about any o Ehetnel:. Three white skirts at popular prices that aro especially good value Three good things out of the mill in our big white wear department, At 35 cent,. cotton, good width, plain wills Wide 111411 nv1,1 Mr., 1,m of lucky. perinl At 50 cents , Wilke Akin s 111;tde from Own] quality English cotton, bright Itnkli. well matte, 8-ineh Itatinee trittunial with tuck and At 1.50 Skirts matte from line Enc,ligli cotton, bright eamlwie V1417 extra wide Amino, triMMNI With inownion and cottonitorchon ;Ace. Wide 4111.1 frill. dressy okirt $1.50 at each