HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-12, Page 7tt
H b: K1GNA1.: (;()i)Ef Ut `11 ONTA 1:10
it'FZ`,* .4. 'i'***4940+4 4+4 'i' 4'+'i + .94 +44'i` 'iF 'i ,t ;4iv'i"i' fP tintnr iJr:tofl l'nHrdiCiugd•The i w1!:',.)1';;;;
uiurd may hat hetween 1Knthrrwl flout the Glc
rews of the District. .
144044 46 +45 45 4544 41 46454545454456#64444454544445444 45***+44546**4 4644 4445*
LLE. from (ledorith fur Toronto, Oakville DUNGANtH
NON. three[KepziP, repairing three culverts, L. R
LD. -O
Fritter last. July tit h, there a• cele
WEDNENDAY, Jlll • 11,
britey Isere the one hwndredth an- SATURDAY, July 7th.
niverssry of the birth of Mrs. Holmes. Mier Eva Dutton, of Stratford, and
The day had been looked forward to Miss Ohara Daniels, of Dunganuun
with much eagerness, and interest in are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mitch
the event
ggwas shared hy the people of ell.
thkno• wn Mrs. 1iMrs, and
fmr who lune
Qvltrr Hurti WEDDINt1.-A,,happy
years. Prom an early hour in the 4theven at t theace Inoue of of Mir. Wednesday,
morning until the evening' friends Timm. Mitchell, l'arluw, when thrix ehficr in the nem, f t
arrived to sin in tronffretulrtiunr to
oral other points.
of her people r/44M•sral de to 1urum1e t44A
t,u1y tiling 111.4.1 $.241) h.ctewswl 45 per
cent., or by $ti31,1ttl,11141; and 1he
number assessed increased L'l41 per
cent. tauter then population, indicat-
ing as vast diffusion of wealth uuutlg
r and S. H. 14, $;,41111 all' ill (Teaming pl..p>rtiot1 of the pia pie.
�. A, NF. \1f I'UN, DF.NTI�1T, LICK- I G. Twruuley, Diming the s • period yagel in-
NbN'.-AtholueaverydayeleetaThos. gravel, 1114.1'.: J, K. Mc(►ullnlu, gravel, elwas,. 1, while rust. ,, living, paupers
day,. New tewwlyfor extracting teeth 1No itto I $2.00; J. J. Hug:ul, gravel, $5.04; J. I and rrlulr decreased. But what will
etc. ,Geller Ihaji giata Crown oral bre,. wOrk, McHxr, ,eve!, $2,4u; H. Mcl.e>tn,
el.. Alumiuouplr(t1Nlrov 10,114 breakable,. g °Isia' our'. protect ionist friends
N. H.- Yew uu Always have your work lunch gravel $'2,1511 ; It McKenzie, 1 wu dans
better facilities fur oidoing the worker inure re cum
fulaaWe for the patient.
better Jon 1 the dents!
IglkNe rllvelli11 gravel, • 11111,t IN Ihill (.Hlleupa•xne1111 with
bell, g 6 $1.111; N. Oauip- lhe•la• in(ntlihlr signs of a pl.Igr4.1Mimg
gravel, $1.411: A. bong, }!rune!, civilization her imports exceeded her
1$5,31; 1. Handy, cement tilt. and work, exports by
TvIe1UAY. July 1111 h. $17.00; H. \\'alker, reputir•ing culverts, $111,.4,,, pI 4i,Ict1,
The Methodist congregation of this L. It., $..IMI; W. T. i'rllow, fllhng ('h4' dell of the prutrc*i( t10 curl'
village have purchased a tut, upon L. I tun 1-1140J lu ti1.er, 411); 11. to the people of Brest Britain is 1o11 -
which they hullo to erect x new ehur''ll • Itlw}, ditch miners/ohm 1, staidly inrre piing, yet the few who
a tier.$11.1111: \V. ):sin IIv that fiscal system never cease
H. aline., ditch runeeNlil.n 4. $1.111►; pno•ltimiug. through their subsidirwl
MIN. Mel/Mil, of the ps)stofflle book- A. Juhuwtnl. lgravelliiig S. H. 4,
store, ham reeeirel a stuck of rnuvrnir 1W.. $11,.;4: D. F'ergusoll, Ii'N w'ctl'' (lees and *trot. advocates,going
11 that she
postal cards, Ponta' ' g views of Ilan- *2._S; .1. K. Blow it. 1 g• ( (Great Hy and
v going U) the dogs
gravel. u e1 1 A. Right Tally and a Cha olhrr way. The
Kxnnuu nod- virtuity• S • pretty 7'uwlr, glYlvrl rued 1! dny,i shovrlliug, }light Doll. Mr. ('hxllllw•lvinin and him
Metric effects are shown. _ $1. i:; ; J. I(. R'e11st.'r. gravelling 'V followers believe this, but the fxclm
The Material for the erection of 4.a H.. $Y.d.41.5I '1'h011. \\'4'l..ae•, 1tl4(mM11111. point in the opposite direction, and
private office for Mr. Attuning in the $).tsl; J. Herd, till coolvt•rl,, S. It. f.runutrl) for themselves the people
front /i;rmlrk pI.4lith:es has l'haning Milrlmrlvo� u' to $3.40; J. l'h l :x4. ,. 141>11irlug rid of Great. Britain know the farts, judg-
vert. S. B. :1, 4, it. A111 1ew•, in • f the recent 4'leet'
and will be put in place Mhortty. 'grarilliug (ouaeamiou 1'., 11, rrpniail1(4 This notion that the protectionist
The clops in this vicinity air look- culvert E. ik and two deers' wv,rk 110 Ilial Im18111 . I'llilltn the trade and 1111-
ing well. Some hay is bring cut, but grader N. H., $3t,rrt : J. Spindler, in- rFooverirhing the gpeople of lir at
it i1 possible some fields will have t. s�weting r• •rrriou 1_, 1:3, 51k•, : 14• Britain tvmdti be ,unu4Ing, erre the
stand until the fail wheat is liar. 1 rhdlrr, insloecting conr.atio11 12 13.
matter of the destruction of wealth
vested, a1 itis ripening fast these drays. $:1.44). 11. Dairen. 1rp:4111ng 4uivel't• land the increasing indebtedness pip -
Moat of the students who have {ws•n D. 1.., $(,1111; J. \Villin. gent elling, S. 'maim 4.11(10114 less 'serious for the
H. 3, 1 E., $14.44); lie I11111nwon, repair-
altending the (i.Nlerich l'ollegixte 111- lug grainer, 1110•. ; J. Glazier, reparing alnlul;�'t1nd1•xrintarlrinll('rurndn, N,h..
Mtitme and other s•h111d1 have re- cit vert, concession u, $L:ia1 ; H. Lowrie,
turned to their' homes, and are now IY•p,airiug apprtyseh 11) 141idge (•.neem. like the satiate drosses in other pt(8
ther4 anxiously lvraiting to blear the result of )4iun 4, :,I k•. ; T. (1. Allyn. unr l u*rt•r • 'Nt 4omit:hat, ret duly for this de
their exau1111 (1 slI1u•y, express, postage 11111 Snlie 11,1oyel wealth. interest un the del .
H. J. 1 K1 sellingg-out Nab• s1i11 dies, $8.10; NV..1il•hluY11o11, ravel and, in the e1nh the) a ti,, n, chi
c,.nlinm•..• He inte t-4st having an Ling. 1.. K. and rep:11ring wall g1, 11, n,omuut•ntal Iruul, nut .f the prsluce•
•rntent in The Signal phi. 1... $2;.141; J. %%Hers. inspecting, L. It.,
week, but has lawn loo bits) In girt' it $:3.75; J. Kilpatrn•k, (-flanging bed 1 that IN to 4.,1y
the at 11.111i011 he desires, hid expects 0f river, /•nucessi 1, *'-2'41.1111; ll. Me-
t., production have it ready for next week's issue. Kenzie, ditch, c ...seism 4, $1'2.444: 1
Ile whsle. l.. reduce Ore she•k n1 far W. Henry, reputiring culvert, K. If.
14.. (o,.Mib1t• during this 4.:414•. IW by MI 1•immty bridge•, $1.144-. I, KuIpatlirk,
doing he run more readily dispose 111 grading, :Il days. $1'...'.i ; 31. J. Me.
whatever balance may he left ren Kay, Is:d .11l'P of salary, $•{1.144; 31'.1J.
hand. Mr. W g finds that the yell's Treleaven, license e1lr.tlle, lase. ; N'.
of (•lose /•nnfinenl,•nt lo buanet. 111(1.,- T. J.hlist,.u, l'4(%>'1 (34.,, $1,141; E. C.
been very r trying Itm•o
. his health, ) I. 1 dohIlene.. to
s,. from Johnston, n ull
railing and repairing -cul
his deri.turt In Mdl uul.
rldr,t daughter, Adair Mut w,ue
the Heel la y, who with all her bur-
den of yealy war bright anti smart,
All Mts. Holmes' children were thele,
with mune of her grandchildren end
(preatgllumlchlldlen, and Mrs. Holme))
pined the happy circle at dinner.
Lr. W. J. R. Holmes, county treasur-
er, and Mru.. R. W. McKenzie, of
lioderich ; Dr. T. ll. Holmes, surgeon
1'. 14. army, Fort Wayne; Mee,
Howell, of Onondaga: Mrs. 14410h,
John 14, Holmes en( Alias Deborah A.
11u113WN, of this piece, rue the eons
and daughters. and others present
were R. W. McKenzie, of (i4wle•ich
F. H. Holmes, of (iodrrit+ ; the Misses
Stella and Gertrude !fishnet. of Fort
Wayne, Detroit, Mich. ; ,Mrs. M. W.
Howell. of (ictlerieh: Mild. John Ache -
mm and Mira Elizabeth Acheson, of
1i,Nlerich. Nunlmous lettere of con-
gratulation were received from owes
in England. Ireland, the Poirot States
and Canada. Mrs. Holmes iN a na-
tive of Ireland, where nlmo rebs was
martial leaving the Emerald bile on
her wedding day and coming with her
husband directly to H411messs l4.,
Here she has 1ivw1 for motile m•venty
five y.erv. gathering to herself the
esteem and affect ion of a host of friends,
who all wish for her an rosy and
dewmnt path lownnlN the chow of her
long life's /out trey,
Moss.. Y, July 11th.
The friends' n
fro '41 f Mr. and Mrs. J 1•x
Stirling, of the 4(th /on4„o,iun, will
st•uglathize• with thrid in the death of
their little men, which talk !!dace ore
\I lay laud. HP was a bright lit the
lad iu his fourth rear, Heath watt
caused by croup following' an attack
of la grippe.
-The residents of the vietnily were
sh,m•kel to hear of the death of Henn.
Murphy, of the llkli I'11111e•ms.' , which
1.14•11M111 a11d11Pnly on Mondry 111 test
week. Mr. Murphy was taken with a
- weak turn while engaged in 144 wing in
one of the Arida and when found by
hit, mon he mut Tying on him back. dead.
51r. Jlurphy was one of the oldest
settler.. on the 11(11) conces1i,.11 and
wax held in very high esteem. He
was al member of ihr Orange Order. A
Conservative and a faithful supporter
6f the Episcopal church. His wit..
.ort iv -ea hien, am will as four 811118 Nod
\ four deughtera. These are Wm.. at
'\ Edinburgh, 1
r h Dakota: • 'r
g Richard. at Exr-
••r; Th we. in Clinton Hetet. on the
h nurst.ad ; Mrs. (renege i.Iilhwnit4'
an Mrs. Elliott Day ulem. leerh : Mr,. Fred Forel, of Hohue'.-
lille, id Mien Jewir, al bottle. The
( r took place to Clanton -eeme-
tery on \\'ednead ay, end w•a» larger•
\1'RUNHsD.av, July 111h.
1\'4. ale ,hurry to hear tlutt Mrs.
Higgins ' Q
Irl INN '
hn 11'hiddon, teacher of 1 ort
('relit public ,ch w,I, it visiting friends
1liesew F:. anal M. 'droner, of (lode.
rich. nre vi.iting'rd\ 1 • for a few
tllt•eks. \
Mr. and Mr,.. .fuhtt inset' left on
11 1:1y for the OM ( molt•)• for a
couple of aha.
The Ladies' Aid of the PI byte' ion
church intend tinkling ,t cr*n( 1t 1111 111
the Y4r1 111 July.
S •r visitors and pieniej al
Indo of the day. Quite a 41(1111
eighteen; are here.
4. the
united in marriage to David Edwina
I Anderton. '1' h u h a p p y eolple
left the Milne evening for their
home near Dungannon, where Mr.
Anderson is m p1Y)Nper.mN fernier.
The bride is well and favorably
known, and the good) wiehrN of their
many' friend.. go with tlw young
'rrltsn,Y, Jul 10th.
Mr,. ' Wllnall1 and child, 0f Toronto,
are guests of Air. and Mrs. Andrew
Masters Albert end M,Kruzie
Young, of Hamilton, are visiting their
relatiww here.
Mb., %Villein, teacher of 14. S. NO. 11,
has Iemig11VI, (11111 lir trustees 1411'
advertising for u Nue•rtl.Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Levy spent 11 day
u4. 1 4, nt ( 'lint MI visiting MEN. 1.e5y')1
Mister, At111, Fisher, who is ill.
Haying is in full blast This week.
Thr crop is tlrttiug out •h better
than was eapectel Harley will he :111
early clop (til year and the fields give
promise of 1a magnificent yield,
M. Rosebmrgh was rep on the Huron
11141 Boys' excursion fto114 Tunonlu and
wax the guest of Alex. Voting. a1 r.
14.lNrburgh was the teacher in H. S, No.
3 yearl4ly(0, nod 14 Very good leacher
While r
I herevow welcomed
Icy n mu4hrr of his old pupils,
"*11 >40(5, July (1th.
:Rim Lillie Elliott, of Toronto, is
visiting her home at Nile.
:Vias Ella Hyatt ham r'tut•n4 after
spending n couple of weeks in l'linton.
Quite a her 1d our 1ilirxm44 will
attend the Orange 44Iehration rat Ilan•
g*nnon on the I:9 h.
Epworth league topic next Tuesd*y
evening will he : 'Trite Fl i.•n1lNhip, '
lake) by Miss Mayulr(iitvin.
Rev. '1'. (1. Harlow, of Owen Sound,
who, a m the 114'w representative of
the (.' I..ri,h 111,1,X1 1SpW11r111
Leagues to the British Colm11dtiu In-
diana, is visiting the differenl movie-
1irn in the dibu-1,1, will ple:u•h to
Nilo church next. Sabbath eve ' g
A cordial invite tort ire extended t. all.
Collections will he in mid of the Jap-
anese f,utinr food.
.i. .4
I F. 11\\', )111\- loth.
Mims \Vinnie Shren•. i1 ho • from
Stratton! for M • day,, hnholaya.
Miss Wright, f 'Toronto, tn:as the
guest of Mims I.inkl ter hist Week.
11isw•s E41n4 'I'aylnr. Jean (Tutton
and Ruth Mhaw• an- honer from the D.
4'. I. for the holidays.
Mins Jessie Linkla)e•, leacher, 111
near Pnixl4)', lirnrr c.untl•, is 1
fur her m •r holidays.
M 1814 E. l ack tat PI' enjoyed a pleasant
visit to (tosderieh hast week ns the
wield of 1IIs• i atniltr.111•:N lets •e
UY 1.
Wide a Iwr 14 at lesion wells
have hem' drilled of Inde, 1 g rho...
Who have had them drilled luring
Daniel Carney. Alex. Bogie, Wm.
Mtirling and \1'nl. ('aa,k. John Chis-
holm intends Iwo u! 1
1l 1 logging another arlesim n
w.,. •s ,
well at his place t near the bouts• this
s :err.
TetsotV. Jolly loth.
AN 1vKNIN14 WITH THE 01.1) l'Ae-
•cuN.--Notlimg pleases aur old
irNl Ulan, 4'aptxin Bogie, 1110 re
Than 111 relate the et.l1.'» of 1118
Mrs, J. H. Pelt)• Anel Mr.. I os. r,areer on the great lakes and the
Dirk, of Henson, called on fri44i,. s ninny little. ineident that have
herr for a few drip..
occurred during the forty y4'ulx
!hat he ham m•rveml on • inlan41
%raters. The other corning' a few
friends suet under the verandah of his
h(oepitahie hone /Intl amid the ( •s.
ever -welcome pipe. the yearns
4.r rested were a nby W
fel, anti 144 they were given as posi-
tive beak (rut hfulnrs. cannot for
one mot1L•nt Iw doubted. A g
flume prem•nt was a gentleman h•o111
Muskoka, who eters ' .41 the c
pony with real lice »(.rice haul 1hal
Rev. T. A. Steadman preached a inleeating region. land ;Is the evening
very instniative sermon to the Orange-- wore along 11 neighbor who (ices I'y
men on Mnpd*y. The (Imogencn the name of Diek-•, A genial Irishman
turned out Alam, forty .Iran(( and living near by -ensue his •appearan.,•
•4)1)14' of the brethren visited `'oleos and brought mit PS 'yarn that put n11
lodge in the evening to hear Itev. Mr. the uthe•4 into in.'tgAillrno'e. As he
11)81ginm, of ('hatimun, who preached '•dew• it himself' t peke Y14 no learn to
to IhP brethn•n there. This is the ti,.ubt its genuinefl•ms, The line nfPor-
'ixth time for the reverend brother to vet -motion hail drifted ahem -fully int..
preach an ()range ',Minim in Varna, the recital of snake .ioi'ies, n11 ahem
rattlesnakes, bint•k mnnk4'11.'i(iht or ten
feet lung, puffin}; mildererr,. whet.
our friend Dirk came mit with his
8(414'1•. Which Wad too good t1.•\let (lass
without being recorded. Dirk\ 1ti11.k
111e ashes oat of him pips. and ('15111-
ulrnced by mitring that some tol•ty
Years ago. when he was n young mile
knocking shout 1114' world, 1t.' found
himself 1n the Southern MhtIw, 4t •-
where near 11uhile. In Ih.• neighbor-
hood was an island that had the repu-
tation of (wing very rich in 4imlwr,
for the errs were said to grow 214)
feet high, ,red he and his partner
Made up their minds to exploe. I1.
ami3' he mentioned in passing that this
isl*ta1 was known also to be literally
r,4vete) with snake.. of all kinds, 111••
sides Alligators and wild beasts of
various kinds, and for that, reason
very few would venture to sal fool .n
slier nn uncanny »p it ; but the love
Nrrr1Alq.--On Wednesday, .lady of alvent.utr WWI dttoug Willi our
14th, were eeIet/ritth1 the nuptials of friends and nccotdingly they rjno•
I1nrm Atla Fisher, daughter of Mr. and cured A bloat nbti. Armed with n mhot-
Mra, Amos Fisher, Remnill.r, And gun each. they inarted to ex dos. A11
Han R. 14181g. The rPPPI1'tenr went on well for 1l time and the two
kince et 11 a. in., Rev. J. O. Wetted themselves on Wlult they
Tal Tolland ofnel*ting The wedding thought wase faller! tree, to rat. the
was played by Mina Mary bit of lnnrh they had brought with
7 a4.• Tho bide wan daintily them. After their fnigal te(lnst wan
Mmmel in cream $rep eitr.-ehe,.e, ended our friend Dlek p�4IIw1 out his
with all-over 1144144 and lips and After lar had cut hi* Diluter )
and carried a bouquet of he nonchalantly jabhed his knife into
while earnatione. The bridesmaid whet he thought woe a dead tank.
w*m MIM Margaret Olieant, of Petro- Then a Wet remarkable thing (4r-
INI, who worn cream eolienne trimmed Burred -the thing !vegan to nt4Zve and
with dot d'esprit and chiffon and they 4imoYeed t. their horror that
(*n4.>f pink carnations. The groom they had heen sittindg upon A mrMeer-
N*feeteR. The (groorl'Ported ivy m a gift) to the attartPdthat
to cr•wlsill
of away. (•arryinggeet g our
1i�" was a gold watch and chain to two prospectors over to the edge of
oke hMdPemald w
(p4e gold trrooch *t,� to the water, whete kwtunately they
groomsman a stiekpi}n. The tooth fell off or Dick would not have
"atamlomrw_pte114ly decorated for the been on hand the other night to tell
4 stony beautiful was the recipient the tale. Ruch is this wonderful
tl(" lalel41 presents. After story that may well clime as one of the
any guests to the nuether hest ttlweerpent yarns on teeolnl.
A •rasa dzty partook of the wed- -
�nel', attar who. the br•Ws Are you a w bee: to Tbe Signal 1
Imam t� ee the afternoon trate 1f sot, why not f Re*d offer on page 7
John Petty, of the Sovereign Rank,
Aylmer, oras the guest of T. H.'
Rrownle. It few days lest week.
Rhyne. rind M*Nter Phillip, of
Rrantfol.l, are visiting the former's
(814rnt., Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson.
\falter Raker. of (loll, formerly
prin'ip.l of Rwyfiekl Rubin..eh1N,(. i.
rack to town for o vial• Walter
never misses a . mer outing al Ray-
of 11
VVenestwbAY, ,JUly' 11th.
UFtaTH ,4F MR. HART, -After about
*year's illne4m 1f a complication of
troubles Samuel Hart primed to the
mold beyond in the early hoops the'
morning. The funeral takes place
on Friday afternoon to 4..46,'1 in
.emrtl•ry. Mr. Ilnet im survived t n
brother, Rlehanh at Rns'kfnnl, 1N..
and thaw *tslerm, Mrs, Melrxn,
Buffalo; Mrs. Kerr, At. Urbane, U.:
rind Mrs, (1e1,11r, at 11Pnnliller. Mr.
Hart was in his Ne•ventieth year, Ile
ws. horn in Colborne township and
had lived duple all his life with the ex-
ception (11 thirteen years spent in the
town of Clinton. His wife WAN forme lye
Mm* Nott, Tuckee,nith, And phi. with
two children, Mie* Lizzie And Me•rnrd,
1'Hlz1 LINT RF'>ou':U. The directors
of the Aslitl,•Id and N'iw•l ah Agri•
milt oral M.a•iuty 11111,- the prize list for
Che animal fall Lair: October doh and
:411, 11,11111y revised and it will be is-
sued 111 g111H1 t1111r. It is 11.1(1(11 (14:1(4
the generous support atectu1414-41 the
S.m'tely by the business pe•upt u1ld
othrl•- of our village last y4'm• will he
eXtendel In it this year, els by this
means the directors are enabled ,to inlr
prove the prize list f* year to yen•,
thus enhancing the va1111• 14 the fair to
1)1111K from a Immineam ',tont!.
I'NF:1 %H)T1,.N1 FOR TIIR'l'w*surd,
F:Ntrioirt • prepuu•ltinn1 'rue luring
stole here for the ...debr.tiur1of the
12th ..1 July by l(1.• Orangemen of this
district. About ten Larges are eX-
pw•.elell, inelulling lodges from 1.ucknow•
anti other places in Bruce. Throe
larg,' arches 4sae In he ale• tel ;thong
the line of tnarl•h cal Main 811eel, and
the tillage will be gaily dre.laed
Willi hunting and e•%ergeten s. Soutr
I d'
Ibr), o
t IY s 113 1 t, u4.•.
1 m w i n ti u•. s
imply dr.NM.1 for the 0N•. es' , alld a
number of rrh•t•shluc•Ilt booths have
l '.l, elected un vacant .pace. .n hallo
sides .( 1he• sl reel. I1 would not be at
x11 surprising if fully two thousand
visitors ('a/11e 1.1 lhing:tnn.n for the
ce le bra l t
'I'nl•n,n t y, .lu1y 1'211).
UF:trn o* .1. 1 i. N'.%tor \Ve
regret to have to 1w,n11( Ih11 week
the death of one of Uungannon's
most esteemed wd r't'es..
1 14..
n .1. (i
\\'art, .1. I'. As reader, of The
Sign.41 know, Mr. 1\'ard has Iwen
in very Noor health f.4. N • lime.
One night in 1hueelt Inst he fell .n
the sidewalk mud the shock seemed
t. have. n'r1-i.useffect .n his en-
feeh1r11 system. After a illy'
41'1111.141 illness he :1pp4':urd In Ile
reeoveting, but a' relapse M•1 in
111,,.111 11,1-1.4• we.•k. ago :and In.
passed away on A1ond:ly night.
nor. 1\'llrrl was 1swn in Ireland
set emty--four years ago. 1' '
to ('smut when 11 young m101, he
entered the 84-11.,.1 teaching pr.l-
feseion arid ttllght for ninny years
al Varna, at S. M• N,., 1, (.011101.111.,
East 1Waw;u,)sIl and in ilullelt.
Many r4'stdrnts 1uf the 141045', 11101
men and women Widely s,•atterd
in '(1101 parts of the world. re-
member Itit11 ph•ase1 a (heir toil i..11
al the bends of .'41r. %Vard. (living
np teaching after 11 long and snc-
1.0ssful Unreel' in the pr014'MStnn. he
lured for about Six years on Go.
:14.1 conce.sinn of \Vest ..'acv sh
111141 in Iia4lerirh for shored two
years, and 'then came (4) Ihnlg,ut-
1101) :41111114 t %Veiny year), ago, 1'e-
on:,ining here ever since. Ile w11)4
n Justice of the Prase and for
alN,ut iwenty 3,')4"s 551114 te118urrr
of the township of N'r.t 1Wana-
nosh, a position which he held al.
the lime of his death and which h.•
had filled to the mit ire rusts') '11
of the p eaple of 111.; lost 1)1hip.
Indeed. whatever \14.. \Vard put
his hand to he performed with
(Miaow*. and tho.odghnems. For
ul:uly years he Was the represent-
ative and «' "'"pnnden, of paw
Signal at Dung:mra)1l and ho al-
4(nd(141 to his work in that capacity
with singular fidelity and ability}
until his hate ilhu•s. prevented.
Universally liked *1141 IYllpwl•t l'l, his
Ware in the 14mununitl' will indeed
be hat.! in fill. Una of his rhnr:w•-
Ierieti"4 w1a14 hi. exee'II.nt 4011410) 4
it Wa4 n matter of en11114 that ole
144en)ed 111 remember ,411,1".1 ,d1 ;h..
pupils who 1)4441 attended under hint
at the various schools in which he
111oght. Ile WWI n 1•re;bvt.rinn in
religion, and in politics n Liberal.
He IN4W'4 one mon, 4((nrge. who
litre On the IMh ronrr,.8ton of 11'est
N'iw•anik,h• 11(14 wife, Sarah Mit-
chell, to whom he wart married at t he
place where the town of Mitchell
now ..panda, prcll're '.1,1 1111.1 a(Hm11
eight years. The funeral took
place yemt•rd4) 1n Dungannon
cemetery and wits largely attends'.
The service» we+(,v conducted by
Key. C. M. ltnth.rford, assisted by
Bev. T. IltekM and Rev, .1. \\',
Rohin.on. The pall -hes rets were
R. .1. Ornwfonl, John McLean,
Andrew Stinum (Ripley), N'm,
Reilly, Hugh Duff and Samuel
('.alk. \Villiaul Mitchell, of Toron-
to, a nephew of the deepened, was
*song the •nes. The Signal
joins in RympR(AtI)T with threw who
feel in Mr. Nand m n•nlov/11 the 10.1
of 11 faithful friend.
f$.aTeI(n,r, June Zino.
The council (wet today. the Reeve In
the rhalr and nil present. The
minutes of the May Meeting were tip -
preyed, preyed, on motion of Memoirs. Kickley
and Hunter. Moved hy Menem. Stile*
and under that a bylaw he prepared
to borrow sum its sante as requited
for ranted expenses. (tarried. The
fol nwhsg *remote Were paid : N. Mc, -
of their farms :old hard -sun wages.
For Iro•luelive 1ralsn
labor devoted to 1h4'
Ihimgs that would sell for mule• than
cost of production, in the 111d14•u,e of
pruteelinn, 1103 only produces all
wealth, but sustain.. the undue of that
whirr we have already 11ee lust,
It is the current profits arising
f' 8111.11 11111111, a11d ..tne•ll 11114401'
that furnishes the fund o
r,•rl, S. It. 14, BS E., •22,4.,: total's•' a1114' dtslnu'ul4nls of the laxly p11olilir
t' Is paid, 4(415.'22. The next meet-
ing ur {raid. wt•helhor sorb p:►ywrull are
will be held on July 244t11. Ie for the ma11i11le11l111t• i of unr to
Taus. (:. Au.rr, ('Irak. trite( tndl-(*.e::, theehariunide doh..
- the totem ti�eapih(> for i1N use, the
MAFEK1NU, waF es, keep, vs 11) enl,.lnur>ntN of
the nun -producers, the cost of govern-
ment, t .tt, Jul) 9th.
+went, the swag of the thief or the
lilKke• spout S lay at
1•onlI'ibniton, we made to the people
of other- countries in the forst of out'
J11'llectlel 111111 1 stet! good(.. for
ta> 111a1, It en:4M 1414 In pit/t1111.1. 110.11.
Tll pl•011111.1• 111 11 (0144, 144 11111• 1)1.).
114'1441 111m*,,141(tnE•1•s x41uti( they are
41 ' gwould cheek the growth of the
politic fortuo•, even if the loam tell on
(�li,' lmgagel in soeh prlsluelion, but
for the (*ot•enamlrnl to 40leom111ge the
un1 '14,1expnnsi.r,.t•.uch lit/lucl1011
1t the expw11sr 11114* 1'/11141.1)111.111 Cheek
to the expansion .( prulllnlde pllNln.•-
liun Ilhe only- kind of prlklmMion
from which any 14•1.1.1111e•, )nlb1(1• n4.
private, caul 1w oblainel Is surely
the 1.e 4.y 11 - (exacta 4. tot gone •10
Such folly on the part of govern-
ment.. is the one cenhuliable erns• of
the int•te11e• of Ih4lse great evil.. Dial
now menace the civilization of protec-
tionist e t'ie's, 1. 4'., the II1w11,.IjI 1,'1
15 the div +stun of weth It, governmental
cot•rnpt. , poverty and 1'
111 those .onntl•i414 where the ex-
pa1111111 of un)r((Itlb11• production is
1101 enr,.ullage•1 :t the expense of 111111
which i. profitable It. 4'., free trade
r heirs) wealth i1 betonl'Ing diffused
au,ungst an incensing proportion of
ihr twoplr, whilst poverty, mule and
gtn'ernmentral corruption is tl*rlells•
t ng.
'u• b•
These broad
farts 111111
IIJ help our
Dover 'lit 111 resist the present mei
a111 future attacks of the prolelel
taimmf a •t livers on the h,.mrsl and hard-
won earnings of • wealth p,r•I sh14'rt'».
visited friends her,'. As n eiViliZ,'d (in%ernment whose
premier dolt' it is to protect the lion -
Mr. and \Irl, D. Fergusoi visited est and industrious against the at
friends here on Monday. Lnl•ks of the disholrst and vieinus,
they sl Id Irmembra that any in-
(ense in the protectionist tnritT nlllayl.
111. Increase the we111h-destroying
power of th1. 341rul.erled Milos) ries.
2nti. Cheek the exp44n4tou of all in-
dustries ((1711. 454)11ld yield n profit 111
the *1lM,ene of protection atom the
profit.. 11f w'1111.11 all the disbursements
of society nee paid) by robbing those
engaged in such industries of ageater
pr(I(wrtion of their tar ' g1. than 11
der the already high tariff'.
an!. Dive 1111 ndditinn111 impel uR to
1hee wittt•nlimtotwealth, 1/y forc-
ing it 0111 of the hands of those who
IIr.1.1.4• It, into the 1 11 of the tariff
11h. !'heck the salve MI' in Milli
Iniad value... which ham Men m/ 11111-
ARrt spending three week,i gree- inINK.
liars the tariff was luwrred
tion at her h Misty Margaret Me- rah. Inclrns• the propor•t• to
Murchie trimmed en Sunday to 114.- number of the !tool. and the criminal.
unit, where she has a po.ition am Ooh. Increase the pH,wer01 the roe -
stenographer. 1-111111nni14t44,
Although it i4., ynile true, a4 a11
protected 111x,111fae11)111' 55111 wnintni
11111t 1111 flitialled pnullll•t wo11141 be
worth Hess than ('11)41 ' 1 pt•alul•liun in
the nla?elre of protIcl' . yet our own
exp erien4l• movers that ulanuRu•-
t firers An n whole would gain infinitely
more by the cheapened raw material
and widened market that 11 general
Brominatedfrom polar 2.1 1 1414141,11 rwluetinn h1 the Lnri11
would neeessaril involve than they
Irstnutinn of wealth protection 4.•n. 14111 sneer hope for antler the excep-
P ti(nnl privileges they now enjoy un -
tails that causes the r•on.tnnt shortage der the present eltet'Rively high tariff.
of capital, the ever increasing poverty. 11. N'Astnxn'nly,
and the frwlnently recurring pwriodis .y(•er•tnry,Hiili.h Colonial Free Trade
.( rlepess4l wade peculiar to all pill- LPngue,
(er•l ionist countries. 14 v P 1, 4 11 ,•
I St111e.. Ula nest favored I,
IIs )
114.. Matthew
Falmer Phillips, of the (1, 4'. 1., is.
h.un• 1.4. vacat • ,
ND.. Aggie Kilpatri,k visited at
Hiplry ace• Sunday.
Morley Hall, of Clinton. i44 Np ending
hulidat'a Wil It Thos. funk,•,
Don't f'rget the Orange releb tllion
in Doing:ulnon on the'I'w'el(th.
(i-.rgr• ( 'r*11)4ton, of '1'o nail)). iv
1,..,.' un the Huron 1)1.1 (1.)1•s' moan.-
The little -fresh :lir" children are
guile at novelty and everything is
novel to them.
1,4141e Hauser)' And4'rsn, is recover-
ing. 11irrl)' from the ;,.silent .f list
winy ,
lug. .
l(uil, •l 11.11INy h• this vil•initl•
:IW.•ndwl the Instigt• s•ryice at Zion
on Sunday everting.
Miss 1I• • Edwards, of Berlin,
11111 Holiest, of Toronto, are spending
the holiday. at 1
Hobert 'I'r.d,•.tven has r•l,u•nel bo •
:1)1e1• nearly ,1 year's 1111141•111.1• i1 the
N'esl. He I111,,k44 the N'r.l. is the
idace, but Old Ontario has not lost all
11.s attract' .
Trtnnay, .lolly 111111.
Hiss Lizzie Dickson, of 1.orltalsh,
spent `touchy bee.
4.x4. 1•rawfm.l. Ne•4aw•4, '11,11„
limsst. \\'hitt)• has retiarnel biome
front Mtrntfotd for his t:u•atiou.
Airs. .1. Harrl'is, of Itiplev, spent Nun.
d4a14y1. ,t the home of Neil Mel)un•
Miss Katie Fit•rhenry has letlrnrd to
her home in M"iiiuiette• after Npe•1111111g
Moue 1' • visiting Irtenda here
\piss Edith Wrung 11:04 I•tanard to
her borne in Porter's Hill, 11rcol"-
plu1i1•l1 ivy her cousin, Miss H,•Inett u.
'411-s. A. Murray and family-, of Far-
go, N. 11„ are Visiting at the 1 14
Ih.• (.ruler's mother, Mrs. McGregor.
Quite a Iwr took in the ....vial on
1h.• manse grounds, runl•rs.i.n 1.2,
given tinder the •anxpicem of the
Iradir� Mission 11aoJ.
Miss Margaret Clark, of St Helens,
who ham learn attending (lo(lrrieh
legiate Institute, 1114 been engaged ,4s
tenc•he• of ant• 111111111e 44rh4Nd ire S111•1•1•4•
Sinn to Miss boron'.
Maitre, and (•pursed by tlariff., of a!I
countries in the World, ham been
obliged 1,4 ►x.rroly f • one single
little comntry $7,.441,1411,1441, w1111s1 (iter
tes.r and criminals. have inereaMP(l to
such n degree that they now endanger
her civilization, and no eanntry
suffer, more temp lemtly sl intensely,
or for longer p14'Iiodds. from depressed
trade. SVP in Canada play ir(but' to
the mane country nn A debt of n111t1
41,144),(J(41,INM); the other rnnnlitr.
combined owe her people aiont. *7.-
1'nu•tleally speaking this debt
home $IO,IM41,411*►,111n1 hen 44er•1-mil
t.o the meth '(f t hP people of
(trent Hrilain since her government
cens,1 to encourage some of them to
permittee thing* nt a loss, at. the 4'x•
pen's" of those who )treelswe nt a
profit. and the pent eta govern -
merits got hasp taxing their non
people- into poverty to enable their
nl*nlf*cturer* to supply7, the people of
/treat Iiritnin will' the rtnent of their
protected and INm21.-fel amide away
11/•low• Post. of pro,In.l
If cheer* the hearts of the 'maple ,4(
pmtectinniet t•ountries t4 believe, a*
the tariff beneficiaries and their hire
ling* teorh them, that theme b on,m-fel
goods are ruining the trate and 1,n.
poveriahing the people of Groat Rrit-
*in. Whefethe people of the protec-
tionist countries relapse the fart that
these protected and bonne -fed goods
are enriching the people of Greet
Britain heyond the wildest and most
extravaaggant dreamt of avarice, and
itspoyerWtlpg themselves, the will
insist on a ceealatkrn of this they
(Nlawn. 13441.
Scientific Proof,
"George Hemmed tallow," said nn
(,liter, "likes to poke fun nt srirntista.
114.. Shaw .nee (I..lared to me that
the tit ility'4 scientists woo. 'iv-eroded.11e said that was a typteal talent (at, to
wh 7a young man took n Nu(wrb
eignr4•lle-holder of clouded ander,
•• •M • nor shims,' mild the young
roan, 'that th1:' amber in Itnit*lIoi,
sir. Will yon tell one how I may prove
conclusively its genuineness 1."
"'Jun soak it,' maid the scientist,
'for twenty -tour hour8 in *Icnhol.
If it ire genuine. it will dimnpp e.r.' "
Nees ewe Heard.
Rnid-Aly new bonnet attracted a
great den) of attention In church. Ed-
na -Why, all the 'Irk sold It was your
new shoes. 4
• Thou and strength by re gaining treat-
ttflent With
Scott's Emulsion
!should continue the treatment
tn ho weather, smaller dose
ttaOnnhd away wit I �Millkk With
aul�rirlh their hat d
t eaaNfh.wtaa1ogltr�
Tutu 'ay, July 12, 1806
The Palace Clothing Store
Men's Summer
Hats •i Fabrics
Straw Textile Fur Felts, in
Exceptionally good values. Negligee
Summer 11 shirts
lit natural wools, I)alI)riggaus,
etc. See our Combination
Suite. They aro becoming
very popular.
Everything for Med 'and Boys
25 'cents
Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, • Hatters.
North side Court House Square, (.odericb,
That will wok in any machine. That's the
kind we sell.
PURE MAN 11,,LA, 65fl feet,
Price 13 3- 4, cents.
Store 'Phone 57 House `Phone 77
One Year's Successful
WE have much pleasure in returning our sincere
thanks for the liberal support we have received
since commencing business here and by strict at-
tention to our customers' wants and bykeeping only
P g
goods of the most reliable quality and thoroughly
up-to-date we trust to receive a further share of the
public, patronage. Our motto in business is that all
goods of passing fashion must be cleared out same
This and following weeks we will offer alloods
of passing fashion at very temptingprices. g
'Tr Millar's ScotchPHON11
in Hardware
Everything in Hardware at the best prices.
Clive -me a call before purchasing.
The 'New Namara Store, • West Street. 4
sat,; ;:.se1t,..,