HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-12, Page 6w , e "'lylo1r111Ar, jely ts, spit; lees - A Friend ,FtA Toid Me About TeSIL GENTLE KIDNEY CURE Hundreds et people, who have been cared d Riduey Trouble by Su -Ju, were aril induced to try this wonderful remedy by friends who had them- selves been cared. The sales d 1h -Ji 11setts are daily increasing, because everyuue who takes than is benefitted --and these in turn, tell ethers. Su the good nags is spread. Berets what • Pieties man says about Bu -Jet •'1 ban used I. -)e with great beseet 10oyest, and cheertelly tama aoao4 tonal trio, I think, .re aderiag from Lidory T..utaes sad aieumetim. '•t thank lie -Jo tie bet remedy Ride ' • Toors alacerely, ;AIMS la 1.1.1..3. Tit OLAPUN CPIEMICAI CO., L/MITaq eta ease Orr • Naw rata TI1 Sturdy's Groceries are always reliable .... NVe Iind Maliefaelion in dealing out pure, fresh good. to our customer's. The steak ie specially well ,v.so.•trd for the I+nuttiter Inuit., lied the most YM will mauls of our IuAUI a have prompt w•rrie. Pt"h re'getahlr'M 01111 111111s in sea/4111h Phone pi er aU. STURDY" & CO. The Square, Goderich. GRAND TRUNK RAIL 1 The Holiday Season Now is the time to gel away from the worries of lnesinese life ,slid spend a few w•eeLM in the highlands of Ontario or 1Ake n 1 through the endrrn newel to the seaside, which is one 41 the 1111".t delightful and Iwgadur tripe. Touristtickets are nn sale daily to all resort. For ticket's anal flail in• for nest ion emit on F. F. LAWRENCE Town Agent. (1111ce hours : 1;::11 a. 111. 1" Win 11.111. JOHN MTHAITON. Dee, d'Agent .1. 1i. Mel onald• 1119111l1 Pis - settee,. Agent, '1'oriiilo. 'PHONE I5QR2 I 11 .. n•h„n.e ` / fir. Weed when yo , 0 ,ot \ and \,ants 1 1 e tH and THK III F nt I.ork `Mquare COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON H A N G Fdir All f nal aeigh.d nn the to trite, wade., where yen get /MINI lb.. for n Inn. WM. L.EE. Order. left :.t t'. 1'. 1, F: F:K Honteare sou,. F:u.t olds Soman•, promptly attended t0. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any earn nnn.Iwrwl oection of 1 ko,lninn laama$ In Mnaito(nt of 1 he Neal h we+I ihrn Iner- C111.=1.11( M and )1. not n'wh •r, ed. may to .1mu.. Iv an, pywm who h. the wile heal of 0 Osman,. or nm male u, er IMI ear. of age, to the r x10111 of one gnarler ...igloo of 1a1 4,-rio. newt. or 10... UI nlry 0,11.1 be male per..w.nliy n1 the meal IanA .e f.w the tl-trlot in %h ch the land 1 - .it nate. Tho hom.'otcaler 1. rrgninvl to irrfor0, the ennditl.n.• connected therewith muter one of the following peon. 11) At lease de month.' re.klrme npnn and ',,111,.1 bon 1,1 the Lund In emelt year for Three yearn. 121 If the eel her k'r 11101 her. if the Os her in de 0(1 he Imo..•.tender Redden n .n, n form In the vicinity of the bind entered for the re . hnlr.mrnto no to ...Metter 111AIM• 0(1..0r.1 les nrh lagoon 'voiding with the farther or rnntber. 154 1f the 'rill.'i hn, hi. permanent reoblenee 0p,. fanning Iaod nes nal h, him In the ,iPio Hy of hl. horn..t.•nd. the r..rtlrnmento an to rwadence may ler .allotted by m'Llenre motto the maid land. Alt moot h.' notice 11 writing .hnald he gigen to 1h0 1 ti tol•.larrr of I bmininn land• al WAWA M Intention to apply few latent. W.INV. 1.08 V. tlrpnly of the Mini -ter of the Interim.. • NatJnanthnriaoA publication of this ad tot will not he laid for. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Qopy of change of running advertise- ments must bm left at this office by Monday noon to ensure inssetion In issue of same week. CAP'N EFtI By JOSEPH C. LINCOLN C.uyilght, 1911. btf A. 5. Saran to, Co.. Publishers. ISO Fifth Avenue, New York. A11 alsbts Reserved VJ CHAP;ti it XVII. way. very glad 1' have company. rad T was true-Johu Baster wee It layered nu gr`'cr un,.wut of urging .lead. IIle 1'loleut outbreak of to Ialrruude the %luf.l'nattd revolts to the previous afternoon bad I Nay to tea. IA lira the went was over - hastened else end that the dee- they washed the dishes together, nal tor had prophesied. There was no UM capelin sons ao uervutls 'bat It 18 barruwlug death scene. The weather a wonder there was • whsle plate left - beetles old face grew calmer and the the pair were seated to the parlor. sleep sounder maul the tide went oat Then said Captain Peres. turning real -that was all. It was like a peaceful and hesitating. "Pasby. do you know coming late port afar a rough voyage. what a feller told me 'bout your . No one of the watchers about the bed Now this remark was purely a pleas - could wish him back, not even Elsie. ant MctfbM, for the captain war about who was calm and brave through It to undertake a complement and Arne ills When It was over she went to her rather afraid to shoulder the entire re - room and Mrs. 5uuw went witb bor. sponsibllity. Captain Eri went out to make his call No, I'm Pars 1 don't, Peter," ttsphIed Miss Darla, smiling sweetly. upon kir. Saunders. "Well, a teller told me you was the The funeral was one of the largest bet honsskeepe. in Orhum. Ila salol ever held 1n Orham. The little houseWetthe wan that, got you would be lark." Thi* was encouraging. Hiss Pa• tle+,e colored and simpered a little. "Land sake:" she exclaimed. "Who- ever told you such rubbish as Witt IDestdes.' with downcast eyes, "I guess no man would ever want me." ' "Oh. 1 don't know." The captain ' moved uneasily iu his chair, as It be contemplated bitching It nearer to that 'occupied by his compsolon. "I guess there's plenty would be mighty glad Ito It you. Anyhow, therr'e-there's one that-tbat-.1 cellists the fur s tbk k as ever, don't you?" I But Miss. Patience didn't ' give up, in this way.. - "What sous 1t you was goon' to say?' she asked by way of giving the bash - rid oqc another chance. '9 was guln' to any, Pasby, that- that -I asked It you thought the fug was as thick as ever." "Oh, dear mo: Yes. 1i p:ae likely 'tis," wee the discouraged answer. "Krems to me 1 never tete such weath- er fur this time of year. The ice 1s 011 out of the bay, and there ain't a bit of wind. and It's warm as summer, pretty nigh. Kind of a storm breeder: I'm u(raid." "Well, I'm glad you're here to keep me coutp'nvs i've never been sale was crowded. Old friends v:hu bad drifted away from the fanatic to his latter days came back to pay trl11'ite to the strong man whom they had known and loved. The procession of carryalls aod bug- gies followed the b to the eeme- tery among the pities, and as ti:e mourners stood about the grave lbs winter wind sang through tbe ever- green brencbes a song s0 like the roar of the surf that it seemed liken dirge of the gra for the mariner who would sail no more. As they were clearing away the supper dishes that night Cap- tain Eri said to )ors. Sumo: "Well. Johu'e goue. I wonder if he's happier now than he has beta for the last ten years ear so." "1 think be Is," was the answer. The fulluwing day Elsie went back to her school t'cp alu ilei walked up with ber and on the way told her of Ms discovery of bar secret zed of his Interview with Web Sauadrre It was exactly as the eaptaw bud surmised. The mate she bed received on the even- ing' of the return from the Ilfe saving station was (rum the proprietor of the billiard saloon. stet In it be hinted at some dire calamity that overshadowed Ler graudfether and dewauded an nu - meditate oaten lew. She ha!, been trim Ihut night and under threat of lustaat exposure bad promised to pay the sora required for sileuce. tlbe had nut wish- ed to use her grandfather's money for this purpose. and w bad takeu the poai• eon as teacber. "Well," Bald the captain, "I algae you'd have come to me right away;eud told me the whole bu;'uess. 'Twouln have saved a pile of truuble." Tb. young lady atulped short mud faced him. "Captain Eri," sbe said, "bow could I? 1 was sure granofattier bad set ghr are. 1 knew how III he was, and 1 knew tbat any "Luck might kill him Besides, bow could 1 drug you lino at when you bad dune so much ■Irtad)': It would have been dreudful. No, 1 thought It all out aud decided I snug.. fare it alone." "Well, 1 tell you this, Elsie, pri'tt gln'rally a mean dog '1I bite If he see )unre afraid of him. The ouly way to ham...e that kind 1e to run straight rat bite and kirk the meanness out of bit. The more he barks the harder you ought to kick. If yuu run 'sway once It'll be mighty uncowt'table every time you go past that house. But nev- er 'Mud 1 gallate tbls p'tic'lar pup won't bite. I've pulled his teeth. I guess. What's your pleas now? Goin' to keep on wile the school or go Mel to Boston?" Miss l'reston didn't know. She snia she had not yet decided, and, as the schoolhouse was reuched by thin time, the captain said uo more. There was, however, another quer tion that troubled him and that scem.•.1 to call for almost inl0IPdlate settle- ment. It was, tCbat should be done with Mrs Snow? Tbe housekeeper Loot been hired to act ns sure while John Baxter was In the house. Now be was gone and there remained the original marriage agreement between Capta'u Jerry and the widow. Honor cauet for a derision one way or the other. Mrs. Snow of rousse said nutting about It. neither did C'aptaln Jerry, and Captain Eh felt that h. roust take the Initiative, as n,ual. But somehow he was not es prompt as was his WO'.. mud sat evening after evening whit ting at the clipper and slooklu;; thoughtfully. And another week wout by Captain Peres might end probably would Pare suggested action upon (1l• Inipurtnut matter had not hl• ruled been taken up with what to him wits the most Important of all. He had made up his mind to ask Patience Davis to marry Lim. Love N like the measles; It goes herd with a man pest fifty, and Captain Peres was severely smitten. The dr- Clslou Just meutluned was not exactly a brand new one; Ills mind had been made up for some time, but he lacked the courage to ask the momentous question. Someth'ng the May bad said during the tirst stages of their ac qualutance made a great Impression on the captain. She gave it as her oath - Ion that a mail who loved a woman should be wilting to go through fire and water to win Ler. ('nptaln Perez went home that n'gbt pondering deep- ly. "Fire and water!" he mused. "That's m turrlble test Bet she's a wonderful woman end would expect It of a feller. 1 wonder If 1 ,meld do It. Seems 's If i would now, hat flesh Is weak and 1 Might think and that would settle It. Fire and water! My, my! That's ete- tul"' Ito the raptaln delayed and Miss ra tenets, who boll cherished Impel, found need of a good share of the virtue for which she was named. lent one afternoon at the end of the week following that of the funeral Peres set' out for a .all upon his 1■ tended wblrb he meant shenld he • de claire one. Re fermi the lode slows, for ell Mrs M. -a had gone with bet wow, whose efts was Abner, to visit a rowels In Remiss. and would not M hark until tete 1. the ev.JIlftg lilts ratline* mean to "That's It; putt hard!" elope lu ibis house afore, and 1'houle be dreadful lonesome It you hadn't conic." This was offered as a fre.'i batt. "Pushy. I've got sotnetbin' 1 wanted to ask you. I)o you think yop could - er-er"- "What, l'erez't" "1 wauted to ask you"-tbe captain swallowed several times -"to ask you - What its the natters Is that?" "Oh, that's nothu, ; ouly the bens sglawkln'. Go ou:' 'Yea, but brut don't squawk Oils time of night 'About they bave some riusou to. It's that fox come bark; that's what 'tis." Miss Patience earlier In the evening hal related a harrowing tale of the loss of two Of Mrs. Maro'a best Leg - Loom that had gone to furulib a Suu- duy meal for a marauding fox. As the said Leghonia were the pride of the old lady's heart, even the impending proposal was driven from Mees Darla' miud. "Ob. Peres, you don't a'pose 'els the fox, do you':" "Yes, ma'am, 1 do! Where's the gun?" "There 'tie, behind the door, but there ain't a mite of shot In the house. Ab- uer's been girth' to fetch cone from the store for 1 don't kuow how long, but he's always forgot It." "Never mind. 1'11 pound the critter with the butt. Come quick. and bring a lamp." The noise In the lien yard ,outluued, and when they open:] the door It was louder than ever. "He's las the henhouse," whispered Alias Patii'nee. "Ile crust have gone lu that bole at the side that had the loose board over It." -All right," murmured the capltalia "Yon go retool with the lamp and open the door -that'll sears him -and i'll stand nt the byte and thump hem when be rower oat " So, sbaeldlug the lamp with her apron. the guardian of Den Mayo's outraged I.rghorns tiptoed around to the ben Lots.e door, while Captain Peres, brsu dishing the gun like a club, took np his stand be the hole at the side. Without the tamp the darkness was pitchy. The rnpteln. stooping down to watch, saw sotnetbing coming out of the hole something that was alive mud moved. He swung the gun above his head and, bringing It down with all his might, knocked Into eternal oblivion the little life remaining In the tinted Leghorn roaster. "Colman It!" yelled the .iweutlon.r, stooping and laying 11s head no the vlrtlm. "i've killed a hen Jnet then then camm a scream from Sot other stdp of the henhouse, follow- ed by s crash and the aenwd At a fail. Manning nrnnnd Ihm corner, the alarm eel Peres sew his ladylove atretehed open the ground. 'roaster diswall, Xy.ay.aaal. t"grR:11.1.6e 0.1113>rw•:so@11.'.00,,Q ':e,aavec7...';@ S1(;T';t14: (;O1)I?1'1('11 ON'i4ARi(1 "Great land of Gosleu!" he crud. "Pasby. are you hurt?" "Oh. Perez!" gasped the fallen one. "Oh, Perez!" The pitiful appeal had such an effect upon the captalu that be dropped upon Lis kuees anti, rubella Vias Davis' head In his hoods, begged her to say she wasn't killed. After souse little time she obligingly complied and then, hare lag regained her breath, explained the altuat100 What bad happened was this The fox, having cele. ted Lis victim. the rooster. had rendered it belpleso and was pushing it out of the bole ahead et him. The eaptal0 bud struck the rooster Just na Miss Patience uprued the door, and the fox, seizing this chance of escape, had dodged by the lady, upsetting ber a•+ he went. "Well." she said, laughing. "there's oo great harm done. I'm sorry for the rooster. but 1 guess the fox had fixed him anyway. Oh, my ruul and body. look there!" Peres turned, hooked as directed and U M the henhouse In t!.,mts. The lighted lamp. which Mlss Pa- tience had dropped ns she tell. lay brokeu on the door, and the blazing oil bad run In every direction. The dames were making such headway that they both saw there .was practi- cally no change of saving the building. The frightened hens were huddled in the farthest corner gazing stupidly at the tire. ' Ob, tbose poor Lcaborna!" - walled Miss Patience. "'!'hose bens Mrs. Mayo thought the world of and left me to look out for! Last thing she asked me was to be sure they was tett. And now they'll be all burued ult! What shall I do?' Here the lady begen to cry. "Pasby," roared the eaptaln, whom tbe 'Igbt of hi" eh:winc 's tears had drlveu almost wild, "don't say auother word I'll save they, bens or git cook- ed along with 'em r' • And turning up b1s root collar. ns though he sour going Into a refrigerator instead of n burning .building, l.'aptnitt Perez sprang through 'the door. Mess Davie scretuuetl wildly to him to come back and deuced about, wring- ing her Lands. The luterior of the heuhouie was now a mass of black awoke, from which the voices of the captuin and the Leghorn' clouted In a discordant mPdIPF, ss mething like this: "Hold still, you luuatics: iS ,uawk! Sgnawk!1 I)rulher be roasted than have me catch you, . hadn't you? ('Bquawk thitiawc', A - kershew!, Land: I'm amothe•.'t1s Now Fre got yon! Thuoderatbou' hold still! Hold stilt, 1 tell you!" hest as the -agonized Miss Patience was on the point of fatntlug the little Window at the back of the shanty was thrown open and two beus, like feath- ered comets, shot through It. Then Inc red faee of the capbatu appeared for au bustaut as he canght his breath with a "Woosb!" and divert back again. This performance , was repeated six tunes, the captain's language uud the compliments he pafld the Isom becom- lug more plCtaresane every summit. At length be anoouo(rd, "That's alt. thank goodneee°' and began to climb through the window. This was a diffi- cult task, for the window was narrow and, lu spite of what Captelu Eri had called his "lnjy rubber" makeup, Cap- tain Peres 'tuck fast. "Catch hold of my bands and haul. will you, Pasby?" he pleaded. "That's It; pull hard! It's glttln' sort of muggy la behind here. 1'11 never complain at Navin' cold feet ag'I. 11 I get out of this. Now, then! Ugh! Here we be"' He camp out with • Jerk. Ilke a cork out of a bottle. and roiled ou the ground at kis lady's feet. "Oh. Peres,'' she exclaimed, "are you hurt?' "Nothin' frit my teelin's," growled the rescuer, scrambling upright. Tbe captain's face was blackened, and his clothes were scorched, but his spirit was uudaunted. • -Pushy," he said, "do you realise that if we don't git help this whole shebang. house end a11, will burn down?' "Perez, you don't mean 1t!" "I wouldn't swear that I didu't. Look how that th'ug's biaxial': There's the baru t'other side of It and the Louse t'other side of that." "But can't yeti and me put It out?" "1 don't dare rank It. No, sir! We're got to get help, and git It In a blurry too!" "Won't somebody from the station see the light tool coine over?" "Not to this fog. You can't are a hundred foot. Nu, i've got to go right off. Good land! i never thought: Is the hone gone?' •'No, tiler hone Is here. Abner took one of the store horses to go to Hernias with, but he did take the buggy and there's no other carriage but the old enrryall, and that's n'most tumblln' to pieces." "1 was cal'Intin' to go horseback." "What: And leave me here alone with the house afire? No. Indeed! it you go, I'm goon' too." "Well, then, the carryall's gat to de, whether or no. GB on a shawl or eomethln• while I Larnri9 up." It wens a frantic larneesing. but It wee done la a Marry, and the ram- shackle old carryall, dusty and cote webbed, was (hogged out of the baro, and Ilorare Gorky, the horse, was backed Into the shafts. As they drove ant of the yard the 0am00 were roar- ing through the roof of the henhouse end the lath tenet' surronndtug it was beginning to blaze. "Everything's so wet from the tog and the melted snow." observed the rapteiu, "that It'11 take some time for the Ore to git to the barm if we can git a gang here we can save the home easy and maybe more. By mighty:" he eJ..uintp,l. •'1 tell yon what we'll do i'll drive across the ford and git Luther end some of the station leen to come right across. ellen 1.11 go on to the village to fetch more. 11 was 7 whorl 110oketl at the cluck am we come in from washlu' dishes. me the tide mast be still goon''ant and the ford Jest right Olt dap!" • Ilurry all you can, for goalne,S sake: Is this as fat as we eats go?" "Cast as we ran go with this peer- lastln Nosh'. ark Heavens, bow them Wheels squeal' -The axles ain't been grossed for 1 dw.'t know when Abner was gain' to have the old carriage ehopped np fee alndlln' wood " "Lucky for him and tno'tenet ',hopped np now. flet dap• slow poke! Better rbnp the horse np. too, while he's 'bout It" The last remark the captain wadi nada Vol hreatk. . . . . "lly gracious, bow dark It Is! Think you can dud the ero*elu'?" "Got t0 dal lt: that's all. "rig dark, that's a tact." It was. They hal goer Mut a few bemired yards, yet the ere wile nlre" dy $rely • shapeless, red rwudge nu tier fogey blaeknese behind them. Ittiar- Gradey punuued aluug 01 n jot nu -I when the captain slapped Win wllb the eud of the rents broke Into u Jerky gallop that was slower than- the Itut, "Stop your hoppbt' u1' and rhe:::: e• counnant el Peres:, whoa* tempo r is Wyoming Pommy t Preyed. "Vi4U wake we think of the wulkln' Peas 010 a steamboat. if you'd stop tryru' to Ily and gas strut bit ahead we'd do bettt't." They progressed lu this (esteem for some dlatauee. '1'heu Mbei Davis, trim the curtained depths of the buck malt, spoke ngalu. "Oh, den: me" alts exclaimed. ".ere you more you're on the right mutt? Seems 'a It we 'must he aba•ut Ire statbou, and this road's; awful rough."' Captain Peres had remarked the roughutes of the road. The e,:rry till wee pitrhlug trout one hummock to nae other, uud Iloruce t,recley stumbled un00 or twh'e. "Masa!" cowmauded the captain. 9licu he got down. lit a match. stud, shieldlug 1t with his baud., seretei. 1 the gruuud. "1'm Lind of 'frail," he said prt.ently. "that we've got off the road somehow. But we mud Le 'beet opposite the crosses'. I'w guile to drive dowu and ere 1f I cue dud it." He turned the home's head at right angles from the way they were gu11,5. nod they pitched uuward fur auathcr hundred yard*. Thee they came unt Menu the herd, .wooth baud, uud lu'.,rd Use water lapping o0 the shurv. C'ap- lalu Perez gut out once wore and walked uluug the *train, bending for- ward as he walker'. Soou Misr Pa- tient* heard hew trilling. •'t've found It, I guess," he said, com- Ing back to tete vehicle: "Anyhow, 1t looks like 11. B'e'll be over 1n a few minutes uow. Glt dap, you!" Horace Greeley shivered as the cold water splashed his legs, - but wader. bravely In. They moved farther from the shore and the water seemel to cow no deeper. "Guess this Is the crossln' all rlgbt" said the captain, wbo had cherished some secret doubts. "Here's the deep part comics'. We'll be across in a JitTy." The water wouuud to the hubs, then 10 the Cottons of the carryall. Hiss Davis' feet grew damp and she drew them up. "Oh, Perez!" sbe faltered, "are you aurnt this is the ford?' "Don't git scared, Pasby! I guess maybe we've got a little to ole side of the track. I'l1 tura round and try again." But Horace Greeley was of a differ- ent mind. From long experience he knew that the way to cruel a ford was to go straight ahead. The bottom OC the carryall was awash. "Port your helium, you lubber:" shouted the driver, pulling with alt Lis might on one rein. "Heave to! Come 'bout! Jibe! Consarn you! Jibe"' Then Horace Greeley tried to obey orders, but it was too late. He en- deavored to touch bottom with his fore legs, but could not: tried to swim with his hind ones, but found that impos- sible, then wallowed wildly to one side and snapped a shaft and the rotten wblmetree short off. The carryall tipped alarmingly and Miss Patience screamed. "Wboa!" yelled the agitated Peres. "'Vast beavin'! Belay!" Tbe animal, as much frightened by his driver's shouts as by the water shot ahead and tried to tear himself loose. The other sun warped and rotten shaft broke. The carryall was uow Boating, with the water covering the door. "No use; I'll bave to cut away the wreck or we'll be on our beam ends," shouted the captain. ITN ISF: t iN•rieeen.I MOTHERS SHOULD KNOW. Black Hawk, N. H. I)ie., Ont., July b)th.-1Miw'eiala - Here is the story} of how the little eight -y'ear'ned (blighter of Mee. M,Lerwl, of this place, was rural of Bright's disease by Ihwld's Kidney fills. It utas in December, 111(11. that the child was fleet, t,iken tick. She was e(1 weak that eh. had to he carried :shunt like an infant. if mite 04111(erd earningq round she would cry mit be- muse Mlle teat w1 weak AP emits! not turn herself. She wan all skin mid bone with brawn patrhes all over her hwsIy. Her Imes %Vete tan eontr•netel Hutt she could not *tend up. hat would errey en 1 on Aha door like n isaby, fhe d,a•tnr maid Mho watt of liete.1 with Bright's' diselee and could not 1.. mired. From 1hr day +he mtar'hrll to bake Dodd's Kidney Mhw gained right alone(. Nile im now o wile cured and ilsld a Kidney Pills have waved her life, A Great Treat. The Signal has Murreeded in e Opting an arrangementby which every person taking advantage of our offer will wrur0 the gn'nteettrent in reeling matter sere ohTri'd tlnr (llrn1- c11.1n puhlle, The 1" 'lye seemed and Weekly Mar of Montreal hiss IM/rly entered into n eyrelieate wills a few other's of the leadingellw•t•" of Eng- land and America by which they have w 'enred, et a cost of $1511.1111, twelve new admire by twrhe of the world's test *el him.. and they ere to uptw'nr in The Family Ifet:l4 Iwfon' they are itemed in hinok form. N.arh story is e ;detest in a.uonth. making twelve etunplele stories, flint world ('041. eighteen dollies in. hook form, inside the yens. It is Pet•tai111)' • of the greatest reale in omele:n jonrn:thetn. and nide the .11Tingest Irwspnlw'r'M could take the rink of the ' nes• ex w'nditnn', iVe have remade arrangements to of- fer Th. Mignal and The Frostily Herald nail 'Weekly Mine 11nti1lnni,ary 1st, 11117, for Ilse sn1n11 seen of arty (en's. And in that t' • thaws' taking advent - age of the offer will Merlin' at I,'net, elk of the a plele glories, not remitting the many other int.reoting features, of The Family Il.rnld and their own hr's) piper. To preened rr',ulets of The Miguel we offer The h'anaily Her- ald fon' HHo' bnlanee of the year iter only f e r t y rents. Muhteriptionm ml td be sent to The Mignal oftlee. New life for n natter. Miller,. Compound Iron Pill.. For male by Jtw. Wilaln. "i will now ming hod 'one roars +wing," said the 'modelle whom per- f.rntneee hid 'severely trier' the petlenr-P of the tnngmny, "end then will go hoose," "Forgive Ane," replied the hostess, "do you lay partirllar stremm on the order of your program r Te "is good tea" Use a package and you will not be satided with any other teal Prices -25, 30, 35, 4o, 5o and 6o cts. per Ib. in lead packets T. H. laSTABROOKS. ST. JOHN. N. B. WINNIPaa. TORONTO, • Skew ST., a. Parnsai 's Broad Mot. h marlleary, ..able ems meth. (1s wif. to lace .upseler sad mon wbui.soa,e 14.5.4. w out lily of the trouble and worry baking day ova.. .toad her sootier. Md It Was less Teas is 1.1e. P. T Dh:AN YOUR POPULAR tlROCti R. AGENT Coal ! Coal ! Very Low Prices for Coal for Next Year's Supply For Cash All orders filed by June 20th will be filled for $6.50 per ton ---best coal. ROBERT ELLIOTT 'Phone 70 1 Bargain Day in Newspaperdom Al' about this time every year the city newspapers pot on some " bargain (lay " offers, for the balance of the year. Persons who wouhl like to hare a city newspaper for the remaining port ion of the year, along.with The Signal, should select one from the following list of sp?cial otters. These offers are good only for new SI1118C1'1 hCTS. Special Offers THE SIGNAL and THE MONTREAL FAMILY HERALD and WEEKLY STAR to January 1st, 1907, only 50 cents. THE SIGNAL and THE TORONTO WEEKLY GLOBE to January ittt, 1907, only 30 cents. THE SIGNAL and THS TORONTO WEEKLY • MAiL AND EMPIRE to January 1st. 1907, only 50 cents. THE SiGNAL and THE TORONTO WEEKLY GLOBE to January ist, 1908 (almost eighteen months), for the two papers only $2.00• S('nd `our order nt once, sn as to get fhb' whole benefit of the offer. Address Vanalter & Robertson THE SIGNAL. I200F_RJCH, ONT. •