HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-12, Page 5PEN AND SCISSORS. • pa. Mallin wW a.e• be ready Is' de main lot 'f n NAP. I d r11(Idab bo a -I *Il whah de male'ahaddaha crap. aide sewn ba,koob de ribbsb. le: a-taklie oh my ease, A jolly 116.14. bruddah to de blaa,osr au' de beeps. a bah tondo' mania'. redden hear do rvapahs dna. From acme the wood* an' meddales, wbar de honeysuckle awing: It lee' emu klud to. estural 10' um to oako my ear, I o' 1 w*0 bo'n a btuddab to de blweom. an' do brews.. 4 'fere is a )It+asonalle suggestion from it New York paper : Did you know that a hat 1s one of the hest life preservers % Hold it either way. 1f you can Ixwsibly have the presence of mind, atter falling in- to the water, place the brim under your chin so that the hollow will he up- ward, and it will keep your head above the surface am long as you can hold it. Or tura it over, just a* you wear it. and hold on to the brim with lath hands, lightly. The air in the Noma will give it buoyancy enough to keep you afloat. 4 Our neighbors have been celebrat- ing -tire Glorious Fourth" with their usual enthusi* w. and with the usual le.ultm. A Chicago paper liar pub - r fished a surotnar•y of the deaths and injuries caused throughout the 1'nited :rater' by this year's celebration, showingfifty-one persons dead and :t5: i inured, .ouie of thew fatally. as the result of the day's fun. When the cures of fatal injury and of lock- jaw and other dive:uses indne•ed by in• juries complete their work, the list of deaths will be greatly swelled. But the Fourth collo s only unc0la year. 4 Curb not the 'dodoes. of a young girl'* heart, clad, not the laugh. the blush. the +ndden tart For,-enyitIre w.oni e sbxlnla flower. Nurnlred to beauty Moor ai,iduw bower. 14 many a one. fresh grown to maiden grace, The felt et glow ofjoy line on her lave. Too w1n the eros.wire winds of destiny Itust blow about her, and our 0yaa uey se A ...tiered Woman. practical and goal : ,. But nevermore our flower of maldel,hoaL 4 ••%V'hieh part of the circumference of n wagon wheel es the La*tr*t is a question which 1%1 st invaruably (1)11100) the 'wino,' asked has thought of the matter Iaditrel briug• the reply. "%Vh , ail parts alcove at the whir fate." 1'et the reply is not .t, elk T top n he Lc i part of n 406111, when moving along thegg rimed, y trao p Is very much h r4. ry rt idl • than the lower part_ It iv an interesting para. 'lox and one that Cala he practically demuuotrntrd with a circular object of fairly large siLP 'h • .'Daily duan by verbal explanation only. A moment's eonaideration Will QUIN that Ihr m•tilrn of R wheel when moving along the greenlet are part of a w.agcrn i0 materially different from its :action whets the axle. is j,u•ked up ,end the wheel is al a;',anuli i11 the air : and yet at first few Iw•upl.• will adroit that ill the fortser case•. any pelt of the wheel II'll%Olr faller than any other parr. Herr is an explana- tion of the iwrlulox : Draw a vertical Zine through t.1e wheel, and it will lie Mond whrm the wagon is moved birwar.i that %Ishii.• the end of the liar 1.•.tiug on Ihr ground moves very slowly the top end moves relatively fowl. (1r, s11pls,a/• the wheel to Ie "dripped of tire and 11.1(1 w• and 011 the spokes 1,11t ( w,, 1'r- move.l, the one resting eni the gonlud and the one opposite. If the wagon be moved half an inch forwnnf, how far wilt the top .,f Iht. 11 1/14.1. 0p./kr ha%o 'wl forward : The phennnl- 011011 may he s11)1d by laking n eir- cular object, rnnafking 11 print on the circ•uulferenee and riling it bongg nn a table while 1raeitig the mark Itta/1r nn a hook set up beside. it. 'rhe pint' 'narked on (.110 rilr•Ilnl Ferenc.. will lir found to demt•rihe int circles, but a •.•rira of cycloid:el j ps, one aide of the „figure being the straight liar of the Hat table. 'I'hc all 1111 dellllmetrnt ion is far more effete ice and astonishing than any written ex- planatiuu 011u1d be. ('oulpnlat1.u. have been 11111410 to .how the variation in distance travelled during a revohl- tion by the various parts of the wheel. and they may prove interesting : Marking the vire termer of the wheel at every tenth degree end dividing the half of the diameter into 1,11111 parts, t 11 a portions of the curve drst•ril/Pd, in the several tarns, leginning at the top.tud going downward tin the for- ward half, are found 10 be, (met ions abbreviated 174.:1, (7'2.11, 1711.4, ltk14. 1(11.2, 151.5, 117.", 1:18.4, i2' I, 117.5, Iti.S, IllI.6, 66.8, 152.4, :i1.5,':L$, 7.11. These figure" 'chow that the 'irk• tod r hd of t he r Phmference go twentythreetinier As' kat :as the bottom ten, and computed nn as single degree ft, the point, of dead dwell on the ground the differ- ence would he still re striking. Then era Prw.n 'SR the bottom sof the wheel begins to rise the process is (1 d '- vPrer, 'The first ten degrees /tt 7.41 I!1 increased till the lest make 174.x. Then, „'•"ing the point where 1114. IPrtiral line touch.•s the circumfer- ence the next ten is made in the s lime. and then the decrease is re- peated am stated. F:verylxxly ie hot able to make the c putotiemy, 11111 anybody can demonstrate with 1 shall eirl'ie rolled along againat a ma- ,• fact upon which it point can he traced that the top of the circle movem faster than the bottom. n/d(lwin Smith lolherwiw A By- standrti in The Weekly Simi. Ilmtlall • concerned with the profound consid- eration of gr:o'e problems of polities and ethic'', L,rnm to a subject whirl' More nearly towhee the common 'aortal. He Mu evidently reeeived t�or al celebration. anhim d him Edictum oe at n the quemtion of wedding gifts is as follows: "The defeeta of the present .y*t4m are obvious. There is multiplication, sometime• to a Indiernua extent• of idle same article. There is a waste of th(w1Py on ill'ch0tmen anti vallekwm `fl f rings, There may ml►metimet he n. *ns nntgiltitpjjeation of the AMU@ icl is aa((1 to have gone so far that there wasa atone In New York at which r° e 'e diepr,mpti of their wedding gifts. si/so of Individual gift., moppode we iaiendireed the plan of co-operstkn. Reppose all the friends were tar pool %sir nthmerlptlotse fen the porches. Of Presof he t and valuable gift, the subscribers belly( given net not the anw,nnta of the several aiammanetal sal would Wires, knirtooBe Pel•hllte It love chanced ever to grow cold, It might ben gentle roulade'. of the wedding day," Parliament would have a difficult task in reconciling it cawmop,litnut population to a Suudlty observance law. Every day of the week is • Sun- day" somewhere, The Greeks observe Monday : the Persians, Tuesday ; the Auyrlans, \Vedtwsday; tbeEgypthtus, Thursday ; the Turks, Friday ; the Jews. Saturday, and the Christiana, Sunday, Senator James Mehl linen la reported to have said '.hat the stellate cowls each itrem it) ('auaula five cents a year. which'l'he Guelph He•rdrl replies : "Give me tuck my live, ,lite 1" POWER BYLAW SUSTAINED. COMPANY WILL HAVE ASSIST. ASCE OF TOWN'S GUARANTEE, Vote of 389 to 228 in Its Favor A Poster Contest the Day Before Polling Creates Some Excitement What the Company Will Do Next. The hyphaw to guarantee tilt• Is,titbs of the Maitland River Power l'4.. UP the extent of $1 50,m10 was vi,Ird upon on Saturday Knit eros carried ley a large majority. The vote by !milling sulxlivi$inns wets a., follows: • FOE. Agiiinet. $10 \ 47 tl'2 57 (r2 :t1 N.i. I . „ y 7 ..... :15 ' 1N 25 • :*ii : Mitjority for bylaw 1.1. 'P0 teem the leyl,n it was required that it cevut'.• oar -third r,f the possible vote and a majority of the tine) cast. The possible VI/Ie 44 1.,. Hgur.l out by 1Ile 104011 .'l., -k as sttl, a third 01 which would be :SIN. '1'11.1e was therefore It MO 1111114 01. 71 votes over the number requited to carry the by- law. The vole war I1 surprisingly large ane. ihowiug that a great deal 01 interest. wens taken in the pr"la,nil ion, last year, whet' three bylaws ever.. ynUd on 011 0110 day .the gets, the ele- vator, 4111(1 the waterworks amt ,'it.•- trie light bylaw 41, the largest vole 4,1, any tine of them wee* 51:+, lin Sttul•- iley fila votes were cast, A little excitement developed the day herore the polling. 1bayeer Tilt had ,al along I al ng leen known t0 15• nut. Iagimistic t0 the Power 4'utrglah)y'$ propollitiin, int the ,Inrxp•rted hap- pened when be had handled)* di., tributes'1 1 t n Fridat, m eking' a direct appeal to the oleel,t•s tti vote against it. The hill read :t. follows : To the Electors of the Teuton of G,relrlich : \"UTE A(..A[NS'I' POWER B1' -LAW The Town can ilol :afford to lie tied up with any such sr'hr•u,e for thirty years. THOS. TILT. 11ay,.r. Throe hill, Mari not lawn on the street very long when flaming red I0 o"terw appeared ill the interests of 1 b power l' puny, running thew: TO he ELECTORS of the TOWN OF GO1)EIRJ(1I Thi tivt. 'ilk, not in his capacity aP all e•lector, hill law May01', Ila) igeut'tl a circular to -day, the day Pse( 010 iwlling, advising 1 he elect arm to'.01,' against the Power By-i.tW. The n'sutnpt' is tial he bas • greater authority hy signing himself Mayor limn plain Th1111014 ''tilt. If etv Mayor he thought ,ht• Bt I aw 0hould not Is. snpl5aiwl, why ware he not men 01011101 to 0(1431.1 aro at,d give his view's at the public meet ing lir roll 1 meet ing of citizens and diaenss the proposi: thin % 110 ern. At (h.• pnbli, meeting railed by the pro,,i ierh. and 011 1110 platform, but way as thimbles :4.l oyster, He has a perfect fiy:ht Ila n private citizen to do what he pleastw rind ray what he pledges al.mt the By -Low, but he h ,s no right to endeavor to ll'',11.' the impression that he has any official authority for his private a01 1141), THE M.IITLAND ItivElr I'owe.it ('o., Per 11..1. A. McEn'nu, Secretary. Vote for the Bylaw And the Progress of o Ir h. Thi" Warmed things up a hit. and the nilt•ce111,t of the byelaw claimed [hal the 10)401' contest helps' 1I.etll by stirring up interest in the ruling. At any rate, the '.''.te wart murk more favorable than it 40x0 generally ex - fleeted to be. The Next Move. Now that. the tulle of $1:111,ts01 of brands iv pretty well as.mred I.y the town's guarantee, the. promoters of the Power Company Call go eiheaud with their effeortx to interest private capital in the scheme, If Ih1" ern •ecomplisl)ed withoult n great deal of delay the enntracts for the supply of material ran ,e let and other pepart. tinn* n.ade for an earls' 0(1111 next year on the construction of the dant and works. These will have to be completed in one 10alxlrI, a. a fleshot 'night sweep then, away if they were left. through the winter rely portly constructed. If all goes web, n year (call next fids should seer the power plant ready for opera' • How to Get Consumption. Ninety per cent. of the "Inngin' rnntrart ron0,tmptinn by 'allowing' power of resistance to fall o o haw that n favorable tomtit ion for the develop- ment, of the Isacrilli hi provided. In A healthy *y'.tem e9nnmpl inn can't Enke root. Hilt where there is weak - nem and debility, there you find tu- Iercnlolat*. For developing strength and building up the weak, nothing .goals CCITT earn. 1t makes the blond nntritioua amt the nerves enduring. The wayIt (nvertw food into nutri- ment, the appetite it gives. 10 surpris- ing. .host what the man verging on etmoumptlon needs --that's Vert -ovine. if tired and weak don't pill off. Fifty cents hays a bog of fifty tablets -at all dealers. What makAS It •o hard to be good Is bete is nopu oieblodgt 1(7ml get d1111•1kt at IL -grew York Pt.s.. THE SIGNAL: GI)1)KUIt`UU ON'I',%IUf() G. C. 1. EXAMINATIONS, Peter Adamson Scholarships' Won Benson Case and Gladys McNeviu, 'rho results of the examinations at (jlalel'irh l'ullrgi,ate Institute are an- nounced chi. week. The Peter Adam- son scholarship for Inathrlunlirs www a1':1111041 (0 Bunsun t'+adt', Molt of Dr. Case, Ihulgani , who ohtaiied the high percentage of le), 'rho Peter Adamson scholarship for general pro - nubile). was awarded to Gladys Mc - Nevin, of town, who obtained a pei- ce•nitlge of 71, 'rhe following are the results of the promotion examined ions held the hist week of ,lune. Thr Ilgiert.• indicate the percentage i taken : %"Rog JU4r1,k Luw Eek 'rt 1410:111 LOWER ER 1•'411(81. E. %Volker (411 (1.. \'ansteine..:,7 C. Elliott. 79 I'. 11011illivray :17 T. Elliott. 741 1,. l:ov.y ...., L Pri.11uuu. 75 M. 11.linuIn.:.t I. Nicholson...., ((5 U. Vivian . F. ('lurk 115 l4. 'Va rnouk, 49 It. l Lu•k(42 111. Irostcr...... W. 1.1/.itt (11 I1. 11.•ha'her.. M. Beacon' 61 11. MaeUunald D. 'I'nncut 1 11(1 H. Bti'rher and 11. McKinnon failed in Ismk-kt•rpine. einem sKN I(1t 1:.'.Vl.:k TI, .tt.'l,k ,4I I U 111. K, A. 11.•14551 5S A. H,11uiltou t;ti 14. 11Nov'iu 511 11. Platt lib M. Anderson... 70 L. t'Iark 119 A. Tom. , .. .. , 611 1., Salkeld • Ll comtihR1L1I, i,41NM, by 1111 1 'rhe 1.110w•ing 111'0 entith.l 10 rnn/- mu•reinl diplomas: 1'. 1'antrluu. 't'. Elliott, C. Griffin. O. Goldthorpe, 1,. Kerr, S.M.' K 4,,,,,,, 1:. 11 ' gs, Jrllllie i'ruudl,5t. 11. 1 111 i t 'J'h.nmpsent, T. 'l'Ieu1110, 11. 'i'hurlow'. Passed in stenography and type- writing hal failed in bookkeeping: \I. Miller, I. Thomas. 11. Wylie. Ilanol•s in steuogl:aphy and type- writing : V. Elliott, I. Ker. S. Me- innon, Jennie I'ronelfoot, I. Thomas, 1I. Thin toe', 11. Wylie, 1'assetl in 1551ki/taping only Sul laer-leend. Humors in Isiokkeeping: V. El- liott, i', Griffin. O. Goldthorpe, 1,. Kerr, S. McKinnon, 11.'rhuirlow. CAPTURED THE FULL DRESS TRADE. A Boon to Men Away From Home Who Have to Fulfill Social Engagements. in prl•141 ing for an ,•vl• g lulu•. h .... our• needs either (1111 dress lir the poi ,u►:u Tuxedo. Ihr• 1't 101 for the less formol al(air-. Now:ad1O's ane would jie.t.as srn,n think of lost ing, one's silk hat en "pet.' hat toad, 111 mil, 1 ,as l4. 11)1h..1' 0 lit•,•., 01111 11, /10.0,0t4when .ilk•liue.I vicunas 0:111 Is• bought at the Semi read%- \%'arrlrule. for $2.4.104: '('h,• n,er0h:ult tailor lh:u•g.s :\111,100, 1,ela(ls1• he snake. s, Low in a season, and his tailor 0:1nnn: gel the ',rack.•' which umake, 1 expert. 11 .11,11Y.i. or (1100, .1111.:40' 111:11 10 1•y..1'1' 1e:14,11 by the Seidl really I:ril,rs, lm tilt, city 0111 dislti.•1 the exl1n- .iy, ft: r w hl ro f 1 flu• ,:air of Semi - ready is held 1.0 110..1.. Nrlxai, Bros.. G. slerirh, (hit. A Lot-er of Flits. For many Scars Lord Gardenstone 4030 one of .the characters of Ediu- burgh and as 411011 received a place among the fatuous Ray's purtr:litee. Ile was r'plrat•uted riding on an oil horse. with a dog In front and u boy dressed lii a kilt behind. A detailed account of the picture states that 'Cay por- trayed him a), W11/11 he really WWI, a very timid horseman. ts.muted em au old Intek, which.l... bad selected for its want of spirit. 14444410d ISS' Ills favorite dug Smash and followed IIS' u highland boy, whose duly It fres to take cLarre of the horse 011 arriving at parliament homer. Ms ec1.11rieity took the even stranger form of n strong affection for Wire - lie b."-.::ne so ankh attached to oqe that he allowed it to share his bed, and when goal feeding coli rapid growth made It a rather cumbersome l5.lfellow It WWI still lodged in com- fortable g11arters i4. Ile apartment. During the daytime It followed him nixed like a dog. one morning a farm- er 1)nd erasion to visit his lord"bip and, beim: shown Into his hearth ai, stumbled upon some object. That ob- ject gave vent to an uucoulpronllsing grunt and towed of COmplalnt, and from the bed there proceeded a voice, "tt In just n bit sow, poor beast, and I laid my breeches o44 It to keep It warm all night" -Dundee Advertiser. Mating Ants For Dessert. Savages, we know-, indulge In such luxuries as grubs and locust*, but for a civilized 'white man to finish up his dinner with a dish of raw ants seems tau nasty to tie credible. Yet In Mexico It 10 the custom and n etedom adopted by plenty of l'olgnll:iv and visitors. 'I'Le. ant eatens t 1 utl4••I toe honey • rat t and 1* perhaps ns eurieus 1111 insect 114 live,.. With 11 tiny head and legs, It has n huge body am blg dp a large pen, trod Mill 1s yellow awl anullen with excel lent honey. 1n end, nest there are 300 or 400 of these 1111110y )tilts, width are attended by thousands of others. The honey ants hang oda to this roofs of the cells In the neat while the others flied them. They are, 111 fact. Wring store- house* of whiten fist. An observer says that if One of the honey nuts falls from his perch n worker will tib and pick hien up and replace hien. This feat Is equivalent to n 111111 walking up the face of a cliff carrying a large buf- falo or cart horse on his back. I have lived to thank (7,x1 that all my prayerm have not been answered.-Jenn tugelow. How's This ? 1te offer one hundred dollar, rowan! for any rvw• M catarrh that cannot M, cured by Ilall - C'*t*rrh Pure, F, .I, t'II FNF1' R ('1I.. Toledo, We the nnder=Ign.d love known F. .1, f'heney for the Imi 1.i teal•.. 0110 believe him prrfl.•tly 4,nunrnblr in all linsln0." trartanctfona and financially nide to carry unit any oblles- tlon, mala hy hl. flan. (1'.ar.ulvo, Sits 1.4 R M 40114', Whnhew1„ i"-ngvi••ts, Tnloln, (1, !toll'. Catarrh I 'ore 14 taken Internally. wen Ing dlment, upon the Mewed and 100ro,4 411r. 11trc4 01 Ill/. .ystern. Te.11,tiontints went tree. 15h', 75 erode per hottln, Salt by all dengglat... Take n*11's aintly 1111v for rnn.tl(wlt(mr., THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futuro* Close Higher, Chicago Lower - Live Stock Mar• kite -The Latest, Quotation.. Mender F,re.h,g, July 9. (Jrerponl wheat future* meted tmday Vat hlgker Dam aattmday a1d earn fu- ture* teti higher. At (bleep July wheat clued Mic lower than 14atnrday; luty cora 114e lower sad Jay eats %r bliber, WINNIPEQ OPTIONS. At the Wlulpg ernes market to -day otos dsaesese masa me .tram aamrt Ai TB�c *: July, *)34e: Aelg., 11414' lila: 0rt.. THE VISIBLE SUPPLY. Judy !) 'Oa July 5', 'l?, July 10,'06. Wheat . , �l 1K?.'.t*11I11! 22,1493,0w 13,428,4*, t'arin ,. • 6,573,uW e.votl,,su 4.453;061 URN ., . 6,3114,0.1u 41,441,rx) 7,430,0.0 Urrlug the work wiles, decreased 1,14:.1, - Mb Lush; cote ,h',' , .. sc 1 42111,1..10 and oats detreaaed 73,wu bush. • LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. Jute, 14.91. Eley. \.w York be boy guy Urolilt .. .. is }a . tru b1', TO. Louis -' kth•uenpull, .. 71.'; 7T'lY 7714 Toledo 7s Th'I bole Uulutb .. 7b1, 771a 771s TORONTO PRODUCE MARKET. Orale- w'4eet, spring. hukh 111‘est. fall bust, U ba0 w 11 beat, rad, bush 0 413 U 44 wheel, goose, bush ' U 73 Burly bush , u 51 .053 Vats, Gush 0 421, , 0,43 Rye, bosh 0 76 Pet's, Weis 0 7g LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE 1.1vorpuol, July 4.-.%1 hent -Spot nem- irel: futures firm; July, Gs ey,d; Nrpt., u. triad; Dee., W 01444 344 orn stocky Ampot ericcan 1Wx,dy'al,lt,l4* iU3yl; Afnturaa quiet: July, 4. 7Sd; bt•pl., 4a 7.1. lla4s-- short rut etreo g. W.. Mom, t:uulla•rlsnd rut atroug, 804 fpt: 'hurt rib earwig; long .leer middle., 11gbt steady. 51.; lung •ar 1u1.1d105. Lino) arm Loa Nal; abort clear 1.111..k4 strung. 5 I Ikl: .deur Le•llles strut's; S4a 4d. l'6ee.e American ',.eel white stisdy'. LOG: du. rulored steady, 55., NEW YORK DAlhl MARKET. New York, July 9. -nutter- QuI, t ; re- eetpts, 710,; street price extra creamery. 210 10 2144 ; official µr11 es creamery, 4am- mVn to eftr.l 1014e to 210; renovated. com- ma uta extra' 124. to 18144; western tsctory, ccmurou to grate, 13e to 171; wwt5ra lul- u.tlull creamery, 5xtra5, 114lye; brat., 161,1 to 17 , Cheese Steady; /eyelids, 1551; new state, lull cream„ large fancy, 110: fair to good, 11)140 to 10esie; small fancy. 11c; fair to good, tUe to 1011,0; du, Inflator, 441,4C to 91,0; akin... full to Lest lc to !Pie. aito: state. Penn. try:otitis and neaps -Firm: r -by ,fancy selected white, 22e; do. Owlet., 21e to 22e; du;ARA es era, :Ur to 21e; weaker.* beta 104e to 17e; do second., 150 to 15.•; southern., lee to 15k,c. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Ea.lees-('kteago Strom. fir *11 C1. et Stook. London, July r. -Cattle are quoted at 14w- to Wye per 1b.; refrigerator beef, 8i• to 8yie' per Ib.; sheep, drecwd, 731,e to 10.• per 11.. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Toronto, July 9. -Receipt, of live stock at the I'nlun Stock Yards were 90 car loads, composed of 1862 cattle. 51 sheep and lamb,, with 7 veal calves. exporters. Export rattle sold from 44.8) to 15 per cwt. for the gsaeral rum. only a very few loads being mold over 46 per cwt.. no will tweet by sales Quoted. The bulk of the exporters sold at prlcea between 44.50 and 14.1io per cwt. Export bulls bold nt 53.78 to $4.3u per cwt. *stokers. The best botcher* sold from *4.a10 10 114 73: (Ur to aloud loads 1t N.145 t, it no: coo mon wired with cow. at 4,83 to $4: stun rod row's flnlohed on grew, $4.00 to *4.25; grass cows at 42..1, to $3. .beep ami Lasabs. Export sheep, $4 to 44 t,; spring Isiah. sold at 44 to u *itch. Veal Cakes. Prie . e• n r4. lased f m 13 to 40.50 per cwt. Hog•, None offered aid ler quotatloos given. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. &footreal, July e.--Llveryuol cables on eauadlao cattle were Steady at 10160. Lou- don .deices were easier, and noted a de- cline of he, the top Moire being 11e. i0w repoTed trade bad. Sal.. or nadta grass cattle were made at ria pert'a11.50n, ,rhleh lune 40. Exports for the week were 1742 tattle, 11w nbeep. ONau freights weaker and chippers bar. hero 'electing at • loss of tic to 10. per head: 'tree pts were 1300 rattle, Wu 01re..'30u abwp aad • lambs, 1200 bop, 50 mnch cows, fu young PIgn. The butchers were out strong, but the large supplies of cattle caused • docil•e et 14e per 1b, l5 the price, Prime beeves Gold ■t ti0 to 514r per Ib,: a few .ol ease brought &44c; pretty good caths,b$45e to 4%e, and continuo stuck, 3(c b, 31bc. rehab cows slow of sale at 125 tl't 460 verb. Cloves sold at 42.'0 to $10 teach. ypeep sold at 3440 to 414e per ab„ aad lambh at $3 to 57 each. Young pigs sold at $2 to 44 each. Tber. w.. so rfls ge In the coalition of the market for bogs. Receipts were fair, there beton 1140 received, of which S• were bought 14 the west hy ono picking concern. The demand teas good. apd 110 artty, trade erg* dune 111 17.55 m 40 per l0) lbs., weighed ort ears. fur ssleeted lots. ('al to advlre. on Canadian haeon were atron;, and privy to IetnJbn advance,' 21 t.. 4s. l4. itrintol 1s to 21I 6d, 111.01 Its lAver' pool 1s to 2s, EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. 1:1ia Buffalo. July 11.._I•kttle-keceipts, 4tan h, ad; fairly active cud• steady; prams .1,, r., *7•,"s1 10 $3.K1: shipping. 48 10 4...40; Lutrher'. $4.5e/ to 43heifers. $:.7. to 48. Io; ow'*, $3 to 84- :u: Lulls, g2.78 to Si18. stockers and feeders, 4:1 to :14: stock 1,15-15, $2.75 to 43.5; fresh row. and '(01.5.1, steady to 42 waiter; $18 to $52. 0.•nls--Receipts, Berl head: orntc nod 25• hlghrr. 44.5u to 47.75. Iles,---Ilecelpty, 1,.,34.0 bend; active and 1.a• to 11,. higher; heavy, mixed and York- ers, 41.10, a few $7.13; pigs. 47.10 to $7.13; roughs, 10 to 46.35; atagi. M.0) ta, Pt; dalrir•. 40.70 to $0144* Sheep and Lambe Retal��1Ys 341410 bead; cede.•; veiruugs sod w"thets, •3c higher; Istrbt, IPI ti, 18.311: yearlings. 46.73 to 4aZ7?� wether, 111 to $•;.25; awes, 44.78 to 75; Sheep, mired $1 to $3. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. sew York, July 1l._Beets• 4teeeipt., :ran,; 'deers active and 144,• to :be• higher, rearI.t for . umwuu w b h0 a .• w r sh•n ; r' d h vonn, n 1 rows steady tad ,.,• T to 1 Lhd,er: ale. ro $4.25 to Ns; hulls 43 to $t•:.:.; cru', $1.8, to 4106; export., to -morrow, 1*)P rat- tle nod :1 8t, gnarter5 of beef. 1 , 14 '.•.ker,•I pt., 41114; ve.1. 7-e higher; 1.1.1term11k• mild grassers, Te to' 41 hleher: . vests, $4',0 to $7.8i; eeleeted do. 47.75; (11•.015 and bntterndek* 43.25 1.. 41. Sheep and La uubs K000lrta. 17,11144: 51,e.•p, tee higher; 40111.. Seth, on 1 15.• to Vie higher: sheep, *3.rd to $5.25: choice do. $.5.511: collo. $1.10 It. 43; (amim 1114 to $1e m. Moot Herrlyu, 7778; market full steady a1 $7.13 to 37..10. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. • Chicago, July r, ('attte--Itevrlpti, gl,. GIG; stloog to 10c to 160 4156.1; rul4hoel to prime steer., 44 to $$.lU: cows, $S 10 54.8o; Letfen, $2.73 10 $5.Z; bulls% 42 75 to 41.23; 1.411.4, SA 110 to ill NC 11 •iteke and (`.del•, 12.73 to 4.4 (111. 114eep Rr.e:1J., 24,001: steady: sheep, 34.23 to $6.25; yrarhu*., $8.40 1. 47.411; 'barn louder, $3.40 to t16. xws.Algo The "Semi -ready" franchise in a town is as valuable as a public utility franchise: It gives the monopoly of merit In men's clothes. Only one dealer in. a tows Cold sell the real "Semi -ready.° Dealers who did not get the franchise for the prosperous towns are sorry, though they declined it seven years ago on the ground. that the pso6t fixed by the makers was a s,nall one. They argued they could make bigger profits selling ordinary ready-mades. The real profit in Semi -ready tailoring is 'tae many sales made and the east: with which goods can be sold when the maker gives the guarantee bond found in every pocket of every Semi -ready garment New customers of Semi -ready are regular patrons, Overcoats for Spring at gig with just as goat style and tmter1 ..M you usually pay Ps for. SesrI-kEAUv Wt'ARUKUNE- GODERICH McLean Bros. - - Agents INTERESTING INSTRUCTIVE " Correct English= flow to Use It." A Monthly Magazine Devoted 10 the Use of English. o hie J sero a Turck Baker, Editor. 11%wr1.1i. 1liNTKN•r+ ►•Ort Tuts af1,NTI!. 1 Our.. 1n 1:ml(1i-11 fur the Ilex' •r. . renew ,n 1:•151441 (lir the Adt,ti,rn4 1'11141. lb./ u, 114 r,•., • lbw'. V..'ahutary, The All ,.f 1'0(.1 era/ 400. • .nuuld and 11'ou;d : Iloae In Co. Ti,,',,,. Pr teincfat ilia. lll'nf)n,' Dictionary., 10111.'1 /11511011 lie the Ilu.ru•. la reel E0Kh•I. in the School. 1111.111.. Nay ural 111131 Not to Slit'. I 'aur.. 111 1.1 ler 4'. n ,Eng mid I'une't 1101011. A (phat5.14.' 1.1.4 of A GLr,1 nil tont itu�(n•. Engll.h for the Itiehiens Nan. 111*anld 5'. „111.: Ilan to write Them. SOt I.Iternt,ue, Agents Wanted. El A% s Year. %Wilk for Sample CoPy. CORRECT ENGLISH, Dustin, 111. For the steamer, Take one with you oo your v.Ctetion trip. Write us for roue Oros, plates. paper aad all atom - graphic euppliea. Our stack is away, strictly fresh aad chemically Piro. We give special attention to hail orders. Write for our 1908 Catalogue, J.1-1. BACK & CO. 4 Masonic Tern la, Loaloo. Canada. TO THE PUBLIC The prirv• of le. 1.•..,, 1.• 1 loin ngl out Ihr h'It'. 1 1 h Enna". hn- 41/01/1/041n f+• 1'i II n, I Ne ;111'' , -, '1111 , 1!1.11.' , ' bawl nl n'i.41 at, d, nen. Ne are t oipidt ion All eio 1.N••r' lo'icr. 1,Lil.• t u• gaulnl 4.'.- 1 good. .41 nal bene', Il, 0 errs. ,l,' 4:.1 N 's IIkAT MAIM' 1:'I' t .,.ib•, all kind• of men.... pool., t, r, r old, loll.• 111.1ohIng the pull(' 14,4 111.4, Ifla'n.l pial eon:wwe, err .01161 * 44,111 innnn, c of Ine Mc LEAN BROS., 1 Genre I:lol St.:0u1 `:plan, :0.Iell •h. • ONO 0/111111.011101MPOIIIIIMIO 1 SNOEELS ()F QUALITY Men's $3.914 and $3.59. Shoes looking, durable 1111 i stylish shoes at and s't • that. WE are after the melt who want good - d moderate prices. We'll just put it mildly • .a3. We Have the Best13.00 and $3.50 Shoes this County y Produces. e. 'Prey' its on $a,00j,'lnd $:i.:,o shoes. You'll buy satisfaction herr) los wel.1 as goal shoes, 1 Wm. Sherman REPAIRING A 3P £CiALTY L. M`M iligiab0MB■iB$ at .INIl....INIMIntim d5 rit'lu"AY, July 12, 1906 5 • PHONE NO. so W. Lz j �. A. Mc K I M GODERICH 3 SPECIALS 3 24 WRAPPERS AT EACH 75c 1.,,k of good print. light colors, waist lined, 'Pelted, frill on satin, Intuit' la sell of 111.2,:1, This Cul 1,, 010411 AL eae:h 75 cents 36 WHITE SILK WAISTS AT EACH $1.35 Material pure ,41p silk, well rutile with newest sleeve end cuff, Made to tw•11 al $2.:51, '1'o .•Iran' al $I.35 ioo HATS TO CLEAR AT 25c Ali this w'a)un's 104 1/11/ (lir W011e11 nod girl.. reader 10 al•II up to $1.50. 111I't go at •ea,'h 25 cents \V.' want 10 elrar :Ill 4.111 wash goods 119W and we make the prices right, 0L11'tiug at -le per ya111. Hig table of remnants now ready for you at. McKIM'S BUSY STORE GODERICH tea! SUMMER GOODS FOR MEN SUMMER VESTS, SUMMER I1ATS, SUMMER TIES. TWO-PIECE SUITS MADE TO MEASURE AT VERY LOW FIGURES. FANCY HALF -HOSE, 25c AND soc EVERYTHING IN MEN'S SMART WEAR REG. BLACK Custom Tailor, The Square, Goderich, Sae H We Have 1) ave • OM 1 i • ebi Everything You Want That is, Everything to be Found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store. 1 Screen Doors and Windows Refrigerators Lawn Mowers We have several Crakes o; Lawn Mowers. ` Scythes We handle the famous nISTON Scythes. I Hay Rope We handle the hest American pure manilla, examine. made of strand. 12 to 15 feet long. Call and We handle several other makes also. Binder Twine We handle the famous PLYMOUTH Twine. Gold Medal, 65o ft. to the lb. Green Sheaf, S5o ft. to the lb. Cement We handle the famous NA'T'IONAL PORT- LANI) Cement. Already our sales 'this year \Clare exceeded the whole of last year. It speaks (Or itself. 1 Sherwin-Williams Paint I This Paint I. .n )% 1 the world Ourr• sales ales were never as large as they have beee this year. %Vhen once used you will use no other. I Harness and the Other at $9.20. We have two sets of new Jlarness, one at $7.60 I Hafnmocks \\'e h;trc /1.11/1 MOCKS :at from 75c to $5,00. Something New - Zenoleum Zenoleum is :l di',inte4tant put up in bottles and different -sized raps. One gallon of Zenoleum mixed with water will teak(' one hundred gal- lons of disinfectant. Use it: round your sinks, bathrooms, cellars, stables, outhouses,l etc. For Hies on horses and cattle use (me cup ot Zenol- eum, two cups of raw oil and twenty cups of boiling w:Iter. Sponge or spray on. It does nOI( destroy the hair, but maker your horse glossy. Cows not bothered with flies give more milk and keep fat. Plumbing, Heating, Eavest'rough- ing, etc. Vs'e keep a large and competent staff" and can give you prompt attention. CHAS. C. LEE 'Phones ---Store, 22 ; House, 112. 1..eamminamemumposimmumsesa simemi i Good advertising in The Signal will bring good ,•t'lsulta. '1 y9 to