HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-12, Page 44 THURSDAY, July 12. 1906 FAMOUS PEOPLE trY FANNIF M LO I .DROP HOMER WAT$ON""t;,,u. Canada's Great Landscape Painter. Every great landrape artist is both a poet and a painter. The imagination, the intuition, the ulterpretatton, the'eyutputhy, the reverence, the nave. kinship and communion with Nature of the poet, filtering through the mind of the artist find their medium of expression iu brush mud colors. Every great painting is a poem in paint inetead of iu print. One feels this stronele in the presence of Homer Watson's painting:. the put- ting on canvas of a "'Mile moon. with detain ever rubordirt:ttwt to the general effort, They are never photogra otic, but are always strongly individual inter- pretations, Whether it be a rough Will with the Juni tug tish,r-Latta under a dull, tarn -G14.1 sky, the white mill catching the high tights with its Ior•kgmm,d of foliage, the lune rider bent over his horse plodding ulolog a ran-washrll road. some moble monarch forest tree br.uting the eleutelots, or his iuterpnautlotts of any other moods of Nature, one always L els the sentiment. the richness of color, the atmosphere, the glow, the feeling all seem parts of a sinlrk• effect. The dainty daubs of J rhunwteristie of soome painter+laud to place 1n Mr 11atsln's work; It is ever bold, rugged, broad in treututeld, Ineathuig vigor and vitality. 4 Honer Watson was born in the little village of 1toon, on I;rand River, (lett., is 1850, and as a boy at school showed his natural instinct for art when be sur- rrptiotlsly drew on his elate an over -vivid picture of the strong and Is•euliar fea- tures of his teacher, which drew upon bun de.art„ I punishment. Ile seemed to turn naturally to landscape work, and his lint large painting "The Pioneer Mill," which appeared at the first exhibition of the kuyal Caruulian Academy was purchased by the Marquis of lank, and uuw hangs in a pktrc of honor in Windsor Castle. Mr. Watson has exhibited at the Academy in England. the New Gallery, the New English Art Club, tie I:lasirow Institute and ut International' Exposi- tions, and been honored by our-1nau e•ihihitiulw w hen• thirty or 1114 on, of itis paint- ings were hung together, thus enabling one to stosfy comparatively the range of his work. lie makes almost a ail trips. to England, hat loves ('anada, her 'ernes and her people too well to take up pentutnett residence abroad. 11 is always dangerous to compare the work of ate painter with another an it may carry with it a suggest ion of imitation which would be intim.' to one whsle work is so in- dividual as Mr. Watson's; but the critws in their mppn,•istion of his paintings couple his name with Corot, Constable, Inas, ltisw'an and (burliet a noble band of Austen % with. whom l'an ada'' painter nluy feel 'unions' t.. le - chewed. WM,angtea k..ee d W Pit. ens croak oo t ter Men by W. t.11181, M too lit .tt..t d Apttteaew p s^ THR ,SIGNAL:, CODEIt1011 ONTARIO Sent Up for Trial. McCreight on Charge of Wounding Eleven Others for Riot -Hearing of Evidence Before Police Magistrate Humber In Kingsbridge Shooting Case. The Pleven young men who were an'a.led in minuet:tion with the Kimgs• bridge shooting ram.' iip for preliu,in- ary hearing before 'Police Magistrate H her on 'fueetlay but, bogetlwr with Joseph Buckley, who hail been arrested since the prom -romp noted in nor twat issue. The hearing of the rase' occupied the greater ptrt of the day, and before the evidence was all in Mr. Humber decided there wins sulliei.'nt evidence to warrant hill) in sending all the young melt up for trial on the charge of riot (with the exception of Mctreight, who waw cent Ili 1.11 the more serious charge, that of unlaw- fully w0u11ding Hu.sey ,frown Attor- ney Meager deciding not to pees. the more carious charge against all the pris- oners. A auutinary of the evidence taken on Turiel,y is as follows : John [MIN m„ of the 7th conewisinn of Aibfiekl, the young roan in ronnee- tion with whose wedding the trouble occurred, amid rtn the .'r g iu owes-: Hon five young fellow'.. .'ai.,P to his; house, only ones of whom he knew, Charles Taylor, and knocked 31 the door. John O'Connor went. to Ihe doorand came hack and told t he wit tie..., who then went to the door. ('hail,•. Taylor asked for 1111 and said there would In. trouble if he did not get i1. There were two of the boys outside the door and three at the r1.31er of the house. Taylor said arft.'lwaide he would accept 12. The Willie**, ref uw•d is give the money and ordered 'rsylor off the place and mid if there was any trouble he woidd ser after then!, Taylor talked to the other 10q's wool then they went. sway. In about len or ffbrn It inutrs two huggir. el down the line and the nil s.vl ,Imleph fluency and John O'Connor 1.111 to N.• who dhe •ecupulls welt. and where they were going. Following the buggies e • n rntwl walking and Stood on the rind in frond of the house. As O'Connor snd Iluss.'y got to the road n ahot W1111 111141 by one of the crowd end the crow'' ale. rattled hells and other articles tout kept. veiling. As a11,n as the shut wits fired from the rood Huntley wend, into ih.• house and got a gun and went out sod fired it off Into the air.• '111.' witn1't.s wan ramm- ing inside the door find saw• .ht. Ha.h. The witness said 1.e haul told Hummey td fire into the air to scare the crowd away. As soon as Holley tire.! Ile received a shot, of which the witness heard the report hot -ens trot At n position to ser• the RAM. -The wan.... stepped buckle the house when the Orel shot, was Ilred but heard lung her shot Ihrd from the same dh'er,' Tont Sullivan malted for a !Ones of .grater, saying Joe had fni11ti'I• Sollll- Min and O'('onnor dragged IItsw•y lute the witnewti old hoNt. next the Ysw hoat.e, where the affair ee- elerred, and the witnens got n glass of water and hook It. to Himney and then tDSnt for a lamp. He fount Mowry bad been Shotand waw 1deeding. '1'1,« only wound' he saw were• on the cheek and the lark of they heat!. He t for a doctor at once, As Noon as QVortnue went nut and asked for a boron and told about Hiswey's hying hart the nolo stopped. To K. O. Oanterm Mr. Dalton said Jahn O'Connor. Thos. Sullivan and Jiiuepl Hussey were the only three of gr tse+et wbn were still at .ht. hmue Hle titan Int the aocldent, Thy otters left just lefot'e dark and Otroot earlier. The witness bad asked RPM Hues to stay heoaties he had hood stere woe ggddfg to a it was allotrt dl u k els mune. assay e about a toile and n half from tun' wit nrsei place. Masai•%''s tuns the only gran 111 111•• w'itne.s' buuw• 31111 lite wh- ites. had asked Thos. Sullivan, who was taking 1.11e 01 Ihe girls home, to get it. flies were till tt11 friendly ► ergot., To N'. Prou11ttaot the witness said h.• heti first- heard elf the intended ch.,tivari :dant it week lefure the wedding. 11' ut. AIt•l'arUtry x1111 ,l.,ai'ph Dalton 11114•' Wil !OWN. Instiller, told hill ule,uf it, hat he thought it Was at Mott .1. O'Connor told him aimed half -past 11 Ihe .•v ' g of Ihu•. wielding and this ata. the Host time tie paid any attention to the report. 'Iht• altloe.s Ihotlght pasters''. gun aims lu,ulyd lo•1orr it ens brnlght t.. his harslet Monilia brought fuer o her .hell. beside Ow one float was in the gun, ,1.,d the it tines. heed mince torn ono• of them ;lsut and fuuid it was nailed t', int "train .hot. 11' hen the lot's •'alit.' In I h.• hone Hussy. ns well a. Ilie wile.•- nnlrred 11u'lot out. The nil co•'•-' 11111 tint think 1luas.•v stoop alt thing :t141111 x (retreat. 11'('olo111W .rid in i'.a1i.h. "Von ran 1-.11.**.1111, int ,'i t ey1,,•nw, ne high as ton like." Thr hou.e it, ',neral .oxine fret. Lnrl, from the load. Neither lir 1e' hint test.. h t the• tta '1 n tent out ut 1'nrried a grin, toil n..os,n a. 1 hey got to the fever a gin at't Med 1 • the towel and Iiii..,•y ran bark f.'. his gam and the tviln•s'handed i1 to Hussey was p•rfeetly ..oleo . Ile bad had one glare. that witness saw ,mit per hap. more. Int•. Whitely •'ti.1 hn cnn.id,ttd Ilime was absolutely no d:dlger iu 1,1•,sev. case • Ile land latst. •e••el hint Die night berme. The wounds it ere veru serious at Ilia. Ile hail .•vantim,l Ili• p"c.slily and saw a patch of Lb,.tl Idiom 2 feet long and ti inrh.•s %vide where Ilus.cl' .vas shot, There were 'mite M Ik•r of shot., in the side of the hints.• mid e • 1hrotgh the w•ind•ow•. One shot 11311 g through th.' outside clapboard and Ihe inside sheeting. M hot. than had gone through the window lend pent.. Crated the .pposile troll. Hussey tuu.t have 1i' 'iv •d two charges. '1'11.• ehuts in the wall woad Ir:ul In the second pal north of the small gale at loot the point from which they mast hate r fl nm Mniht'.n'm evidence rim - Beetled Dalton's i n the 111 a i r ,point ft.. l'hatit". Ti itt '1 and Thomas harrish, h.' valid• ran. to the dun and there well' 1111,4e other-; at the corner of the house. 'Taylor tidke'11 tar money. Th.• wit nes. mail he 1bought Hussey said, "Don't give it to 1hcul." and he himself .aid, "inn don't want. much." Fnt'ris' will ',mtrthiig hitt Ila• witness did not know what it was: i1 alight have Leen. •.'inn had better put op." 11'1'ouunr mentioned "f •cal expense•a' in answer to tit remark* made by Fattish. The boys then walked to the road and the wit- ness and the •titters from the 1 followed. They wise two ur three ;set - gone leaving in n rig, who went hark earth, and Ilyr' or ten 11011111 ea later they heard the rig returning. 'Mere w:a talk of the rh*rivari Abut, it week before, hot the witness did not kreov for mune it, was going to take place .in. tip the party art'iv,.l. 'I'll, erasion the witnela returned to the house after driving the yogog lady home Was Shot he thought them was going In he a donee. In an.wer to Mr. l'rrindfnot the wit- ness said he did not go to Htnsny's on pttep one W get the grin. Hussey told him to get, it when he was down. The witnesw on returning left it In the rig and either hiulton or Howley took It Into the house. The witnesss, did not load It. Hussey told him before he weft for it list It wag Insrbd. High ennetaltle W. H. Halley siakh • Elliott Drennan hail said In the pree- mie., Constable Phelan and hietisodf. J. Sullivan and protcably Kane, that Ile had lur11 ask.' to take a gun to the charivari 111111 11:1.1 Chute s., 11" .lid not lite it off bol TayIor did. Provincial Constable PheIan said It.. and Detective Murray. Ii1311 to the jail. •u the 211.11 +e 111 '1' • ylor locule a statement, alter 1a•itg ttut'i..•.1 ill it anything h« ..1.d .uuld 1+.• 11..•.1 in ,•cid.'lot,• agrin.t hint. Taylor said that Mcreight said Ito hint, "llu••ry fired as nee flet and 1 o•1 Wool Int,. -hulk," dlr. Ih'n1111- 1,ud o1rj••1•10-1 l.. (111. as r•tl.i.•irr 4111 th.' ;;rotlul that Ait'(t1.1; hl wvts 11,11 oiera ttl tt 1110 Un,r, ,nt 11 1V.1.4 dint Inwse.1. 'Ale. Phale•u said Taylor .rid he himself Mitt not ttte•1 the shuts. lhl the way from tit, gkdi.a• rnurt to the j oil 4111 the Ilh of .lolly )I't'reiglll' said he 'lied onto one .hut, in :uutt•tr O. a question (emit \le Phelan uk (o haw Itt•10 Alias r,0111,1 he Med so close nte'I her t • 3 ...111,410. 1411 a,•I6•,I goon: W. Demutbt.,t, K. t',,. ail 1 1;. F. Itl:.ir appr;ued hoc n nnnt''.•r of lhr 141..3114 ', M. u. ,l,•hn.l.+u lar Joseph Griffin, and M. G. Cameron and ,I. 1.. !idiot an tor the Lour m.•uliuned in sal• Iasi i.kue 1"gel hrr wish .Joseph Buckley. Crown Attorney Seager ruudnti.•d the pro•truti.at. DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION, The tollou in: i. n statement of re ceipt. 111.1 f•, ltt•ndit nt.'s' iu rmtlurt;1.0 with the Dominion Day .3•11.1.1-11 iurl 411 11/111{. 'I'll's bahu•c.. of 8it.r61 is nn de- posit 111 Ila• hulk for. the henellt of next year. t.r11•Inatiuu : 1'.411 !owl. e,n.to'll. 1.1131 grant 51'J.at lean dodo- or . iti'.•a,. .. i:NPK' ItITI'Itks. 1'hihln it -more . Rule• ion,re.•-tau .1,1101 Kuuu•.. .. 143. 31 . 1..11.11111; hill I rang, n, ort. t'. -IM .'.rte IL:', Pilotage. a... Tier or .+,r .203l 1 u.•„ori. .1:o; to Lei ..... .. .. -- :-,act 1 mtll Ikdanre to Book. • iretrU M.1 Moil rel. 1 'hairp.ut. _ _ W. T11,4,11149%r, T11,4,11r. . u..n anon tame Grand Trunk Through System of Checking Baigage to England. The system adopted by the (ovoid Trunk i- tiltv3y Myklent ill marmot' Will, Ihe, 1 ohne-All:ru in S11.11111411411 lice. LM' through rheekiug ..f-bag- 143ge Io 1,1t••rpo,l. Eughutd, via the ports of Alolit e:tl :Ind Monnet', Isproy• ing v1•1• popuLu' stud rs bring wore /1 11.1 1,t4.1.e used 3,1he nyMt•lu Im.'orlet gene:lly knurl, mid the romp:usy 1s reteiviti ttt try . oat•ut,a'y letters and motives foot inaugurating this im- proved noelhorl for eller klog and handling tau+s atlantic. baggage. • IMx.••ngeas eo1N1•,uplatling n U•ans• Allt.tic !lip ds desiring to :nip the11,- meli-eu 411 11,is system of through chetkitg to Liverpool Ale reputed,• 1 In ter that 341 baggage is pt••perly Libelled with the steamship label of lie fine by whirls they iuleoid writing aunt that Inlets leveling "11'naled.- or ••Non 11': .41,- as the rase nuts L•, +ate attached in order I hat Walt-rtw.in L.•gg••gr may 1.• kept sep:uile 410111 Itaggag.• loot wanted .1W it :u•rii:tl al tlestfnat . 1.3l'Is for IIli, 1,1111.0..• Will 1.• furnished to. the different steamship agents from tiloom trans. portal loon is purrhatwsl, Mill should L• ntlueb,l lit Iktggnge• by 1.w'ner I iefliiv presenting baggage at station for checking. Safe Anyhow. The story is told in nn.ton of a .11.- russi.tn aloi.ng the judges as to the rhoi,-e• of a stenographer. Moat of thein preferred a wenutn, hal one ub- je..tasl, "Nov, why don't you want one; asked Judge M. "Vot'knuw they are gem -rally mono to IN. depended ort than teen." I'hnt may le 311 Sit," replied ,fudge lit : "hut vo11 know 111,/1 in our rases we often have to he here very IN 4o, There :t•1• always waled 'it and other guard• in the eort'ielors. Int you think it would be prudent In have at w..1111111 allying with any 411 the judge. :is late 3s might L• neceewu•y 1,w n sl,'.,.grnphe•r Y' "Why, what are you afraid of :' 1'outdo', vnu holler•:'"gtie 1 i. tied .I oilue Y. July Lippineo'1's. Have You Heartburn ? 1,'. .1.111.' common n ith people whose digest' 1. posit. Immediate relief follow. the ti'e• of Ne•rvilin.•. Mlon,.o h is 1.31131W 11131131. digestion 1. nand.• tr•rfe•'t, luting .'rite I3..111. in mot's' rows.. 1•.e 1'..bat,,'. N.•,'v lhini' nue,• ;ail yttu'11 nt•it•i' Ir• w'it 1141111 it. I.v't11.,• .'t'r'oy- type 111 si.ttnao•h lis older 144 r•nnqurred by ,. re•w dtw,'-, 11nt. _.'. 614111. of Ne•t%Rin.. :Array. room -ion -es. Sold everywhere for the last fifty yeite. Miller's !;rip 1'rowil.'rs mare. For sale by ,la.. 11 il.on. A man with an aunt bile doesn't 1111 4. Io 111. ;1 bachelor unite.. lie wants to. New Turk Press. •.11.0•,; your 11114111131 kill l.lher you marsh ' -I should say it did. Etrry idiot Linen asks quest inns shout it." ('Ie%eland leader. Little N'ilh«In, : 1), table! Why don't you send same of your pouts (n 1u.ti'nlin. 1 haven't Soy al/111111N from there in my collection. Flie- gende lila ter. A Denver teacher showed the chil- dren a ropy of Millet's familiar ;M- ime. "The• Angelus-. mil dla'II.Jlitll awki•tl them to write the story told by the I•irinre. Thr fol- lowing was 1111• prethi•tion of • len. year-old bay • -It's a man and a July aa'p irk ill' pthlttns, Thr .ix ,1•111f4i \chfstl« hl.'w ,old they quit. - One of the most danger - ons and repulsive forms of Kidney Disease ie oPsy for which Dodd'e Kidney P11s aro the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually dammed ap, and the water, which should be expelled in the form of urine, Sows back and lodges in the cells of the flesh and puffs out the skin. Remove the filth which phsgs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is ads one Kidney Medicine DODDS KIDNEY PILLS DROWNED AT TORONTO. Body of Miss Mae putton, of Culross Township. Takeo front the Bay. The Idly Ill n y g woman was taken frau the lay at Toronto on Tuesday evening of lust week. It haul ippr•tetly leen lit t It e water for several days. On 1I'rtlut•k- d+ty night it w'tu identified by 1'Itiles Botha', (terve of Palo.,. township. its the loaly,of his dluightrr Alar. Mr. Button, who i. a Atrium living • hod our•ywu'1••r miles fr,'ut 'feraw+d'r, had t'e•p•ei%'ea his first in- timation of the tragedy through the newspapers. Ile moor In 'Tou3n,lit t thu1• first trainmaking the itleiililil'a Don at the gar. Miss Ihtuoa was alk tut twenly- seven vi•ars of age 1 had been learn- ing school from right to len years, lately being rutplo2'rd at in -shards. Algoma district. lief recent hollers had Leel, of ii 1110.1 (+eyelid nature. and she had expressed ' pleasurable .all ieii 11 inns ,o1111W ural io0 :tt ho thus doing away with Ib, theory of .,,kilo. The polite are inclined to lh.• belief Mut the 1104.81mi:de y Indy writ! to the w'bau'. es. ,after her Irwin had :waived.',grey' Saturday omitting. There 'alio, app irently fell into the w•.tter. Mies world have had I it trail n few hour. Im•fore ratrhi0g the Iron for the north. '1 he ;a reit s did mor exie..l their daughter Illlll f• unlit %Veilitesday, The (kitty trick bticn home by tht• father. C. P. R. Connection for Brussels. I aniu•eIs forst : Iu re:pollee to cur- respondrnt•r with the 1'. I'Ait. aulhuri. ties 1.' .1, Leckie, of lta.se fratlic "upk•riutt•Iilrut Savior ..f, that tura Wits instanet,r1 to t'lalt $euforij& nod Ip'tissel. Li ''..'cute tt,llitluual data r.'l31iv*, to a short line otau11•vt ing the -es itilh the C. P. i:.g.•'n retort is lin the phut and `iaaud ,,f Ihe tn- ` rk is also e-11ten t toned It. at Nanton. NV. likely - likely to be favors - fe what we mid tent'ons of the coca _ likely to be , ui'rnt'tl tun'. It may electri.• ,1.311, ata11.i$'d gauge, with large for rnpable'tof hauling ten foregut rtuw, In h•'thee-wa ds changed to ..lean,. This would afford the• n.'re.snry 1311p34it' 111 twig lit and pas„ ager rates and give this st•1.1' gook' outlet and easy access to the ....linty town and 14 het paints. With Seaforih and Brussels hat i• large fillip - ping interests and the 1'. 1'. R. is wide awake in taking known ti .' of these. The supposition is that the 'imposed short Ione would Is• 1. N113111011 10 11'rus.•ter, 1ht'rehv conhrcling t 01 established C. P. N. line 1 heti Wilk the Guelph & (4.st,rich line. Sir James Watson's Opinion. He says that the commonest of all di.otdl't., and • from whit•li (Pis ,.ranine i• catarrh. Sir .Euros 1111111v l.li.'vrs 111 1111.31 treatment. w hich iq best supplied by'Velma horone•." No ease of ...dal eh can exist whet ,• Cat arrho%nn• im used : it i. a ' art• worker, relieves ahuost in'i .iidh• Mud mires sifter other remedies fail. (lthal treatments i•1111'1. enol, the disvaw'tl pats li kf• (',,i al'1'hll%Unto, te.':anN• It gore. to the sourer. of the tro0ltic along with the air you breathe. ('at:urho- %one is free front co•ain.', it 11•aie•s Ito Lad 3f1.t•a'tTt•rls, it is kllllpdy gall ill'.'s own ante. Aert'pt 110 .,l.stilate for ('attu'rhox which alone t•an root• catan'h. ft 2 Bargain Days Saturday and Mondi next, July I4th and I6th will be two great Bargain Days at this store. Sweeping reductions in every department. Job lots at wholesale prices and under. A good assortment o summer materials that must be cleared out at some price. Nearly all this season's purchases. Be sure and come if you want tiny - thing, you are sure to get a bargain. This will be the greatest two days' sale we have ever offered. J. 1-1. COLBORNE Corner Hamilton Street\and Square, - ' GODERICH. For sale LGra11,tlics cure 1.011.11111111011. 11e.t M TME SA1111TO1. PREPAR TIUNS Connected with t today I hat Novi. ) R 'o ran nst ai. •w• . tun 41 un i 41 y i 1 j III IT 11t - oic 1'11 ora\+ News. moa \ t K ssaligkt bap L er than eller soaps, but is Met whoa used a the $aaligkt way. Ray $.light bap wad Bellew dtreetisma Northern NIiviga (On Co. DETROIT -KINCARDINE Division for the te.•th 1ul' Ih.• Lit 1.4 31141 lest aulisefile pia•p+u•atiuns on the mat - ket. W.. are :agents for SANITOL PASTE SANITOL POWDER SANITOL LIQUID SANITOL TOOTH BRUSH ,fust trey them. Slw'cial attention 10 :American toilet milkiest. LYONS & GRAVES TOOTH POW- . Also agent for the PERS,-RUBIFOAM. TEABERRV, EUTHYMOL, POZZONI'S & TET - .LOW'S ;gel ether !cooling fare I ,w•d••ts, ear. Nice WHISKS for dusty days .1. A. Gregory y & Company Hr.t1 estate and Masi• neer chances in Mns• katehcwan. CHANGE OF TIME w, C GOODE Union Trost Co's Lands No tmmn is air poor - Chemist that he cannot buy Bedford Block, Goderich these lands. taking effect July 1 Itb Ln•al areo.•) L. Taub., a• sol., ete.;ght .peeildt.,t., (fall and air the plana, STEAMER BRITANNIC"; • will Iritic KINCARDINE, :KIO p. m,, ' (:ul)1':HI('11, 0:15 p. nl. se inlays, Wednesdays and Frit, .. arriving a:. I)ETHO11', ;de► it, "t. Aloul,y+, Thuralays and Saturday's. For tialies. and .pptr to vrI- rt. 11. (Htdersteeve, C. 11. Nlca.lewn. 'I (loaner infor+n.r, ii.o LEE, =kb )lar., 1 oilingw,rod. 't..m \lire.. M.0 nowt We Make Only Leaders '!'here is no place in the country where you can bay INNINNIONNWs CLOTHES tliat are as gootl as those built by Martin. The only exclusive tailoring house in town. r Frank H. Martin The Tallbr 75 TOWN LOTS IN THE BEAUTIFUL TOWN OF OODERICH FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS P !CES .FROM $30 TO $50 ACCORDING To LOCATION. Splendid Soil for Gardening. Streets All Graded. TERMS: 10 Per Cent. Cash, 10 Per Gent. in 30 Days, Balance In Twelve:Equal Installments, Payable Monthly. For particulars apply to TWOS TILT, Town. THE BIG MILL FLOUR The BIG LOAF Kind FIVE STAR PATENT AND THREE STAR PATENT FLOURS are recognised • e world over as the standard of excellence. They are absolutely pu nd do not require to be bleached, as they are of a fine, natural creamy white color, the color of pure flour. We give the natural good's d the ighest quality which the best raw material, to- gether with the latest d most up-to-date milling devices. can produce. Iso NOT AI,Lnw' yup' I:LF TO Ilk MISLED HY AN 4FFRN uF t. MJTItiNet Ft 1 NOTION.: -Yup' INt'AIt1AHLY 11 t: IN Tilt: END. Quality an Absolute Purity are assured the consumer, first, la and always, and it is on this basis that we have built up our trade, • , Ging fin years ago, until our present daily milling capafity is tht thousand, two hundred bags. Buy Good Goods a Fair Prices without trashy premiums and accept n mg that is affirmed to be ''just as good." There is no Hour just as g , quality and price con- sidered, as the "Five -Star" or the "Three-Sta ' brands of patent flours. FOR SALE BV ALL FIRST -CLAS DEALI.RS THE WESTERN CANADA FOUR MILLS COMPANY, Limited GODERICH Mills at WINNIPEG BRANDON WORSELL'S IIAODWARE Binder Twine, Machine Oils, Harvest Tools BEST AND CHEAPEST AT Worsell's Cheap Hardware Store I&d Hamilton Strut nom