HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-12, Page 2r#•t
ul)Ub Mll'H. UN•1'ARIu.
VANa.1'1'li.a 1 ltVb TMlI'
T.I.pbore 1'.401 No. It.
Terms et aub°erlpliee
W per annul. ,n ...or...,1: u.x11hs, :u• 14,.,. 'toroth., Y .
4uhw•rllw•r. who (1,11 11 nw.w,.r •111, SIGMA!.
regularly by nail .111 safer .t fat or by tor.
yualnl lag .. of the Iwa a. w. r:uir • dao. a.
When a el.onfe of Addeo. 14 .tr.lnd. holt the
01d &n.1 Ihr ore .wtdn•4huuld 1..• gi.e14.
Adele -thong Rants
boat :1111 141101r +huihtr wl.ral euirats. Mfr
pet line for llr.l insertion owl :k• per lila for
each '.11tw'ynent tl,.urlion. Monuatred by a
uMq..'441 wok, (w el% a lli... to 110 lush.
Ilurine+., ,weds of du linen and under, $S (ter
Ad. rnlwnw's,tr of Ind. Found, M1rayld, rat.
111mw,. Varum, 1inud1a.. \\'auleJ, Hears tor
Pair or lot It.4u1. F4.1114. for SA1, 1a to Item.
Arltrlw for Side, rte.. not exceedi14t right
line., tie emelt iaeni,,, ;SI fee ere ',unitb, .+1r
for each 4nbsgar h. 1:lye adv.-014,•-
nreeta In proportion.
Local own*, It* Iwnpan•il type .L• per tits..
N0 los l'. Ir.. I awn LL•.
Announeeiornl. In ordinary rr,dh,g type 0111•
trot ler wed. No nut ler lean Than Yrie.
Any .pri311,011,'.. 11., obie'l of which 14 the
prr•uulwr) 14•44rnl of nu>' I.Ai% ulual or *a.a•1-
.1loe,, 4o le r,nwldond on wt4 en lwn1'ut 0114
to be uhnr7(r.; anoirdl 'Igl ".
!tate. (u,' ti.pl: y 1113 coldnu•1 41 venire;
alert. 41111 1e wive. on 41)1.1un.l lo.4.: -
Addrll.. 311 ecru %%%%%% titration. to
T A N A I'Tt:lt 3 It4)91:1:1'140 i\.
'fur ?Hasa,.
t,.o.tIrb. Its
OODRHk'R. TIIIIIt$DA V. JI'I.w It. 111fK
The INr>Ille of Ii1Nl.rich by their
vote on Saturday have pledged them-
selves te, tl..- assistance of the Mait-
land River ('ower t' i.'s rrheule• .1141
the prompters mild now rely for
further progress upon their own re-
sources and 1hi• merits 11f ticir pro•
ject. They h,itr the .ulwtanthl
goodwill tor the town, es expreened ,n
the hund.oml. mlIj'rity IoIhN1 in
favor of the bylaw on Semite v, and
the e,tizells as a wind.. will 1e pleased
t/ ire the project pushed ahead as
rapidly AN INrwiIle 111 .4 suwe.wflld
etnnpletiun. The 1..11.40 Cunnril will be
looked to to attend with dilig.•nee 10
the interesl4 of the i-iliyenM in the
iindrrluking, and when the •
conies it will burr an imlorlonl duty
to perform in rh,o.ing nn .axpe'it-mwet
and emgwlrnl engineer to wards the
construction .4 the work* in lehalf 11f
the town.
The moaner holidays are just new
tneneing. aril already •,w • people
Ane exclaiming : •'1 (10 wish the YAM-
,w a-
1ion were not Mo lung. '1'h.• 1ov, gel
into w.. h Illiachter. 0h.' would
Iw 44 MIN•h IN'ller in w•hio1." 10 is
file thee hulidny, for the children
often make • work and anxwt\
for the parents. 1111a hem .spNriAll)';
yet thin. in ordinary rireimielunels,
nerd not be the (ase.
Vacation i, ne•e.sory for the low•.
it would 111• wrong that he '*011".1,1
s;wuid a large pro of the warn, bright
days shut up in a r(•11 n 1lrr los,., no mat-
ter how attractive the Iron. 11111y he
mole. 111 ride, e4(wr'ially in their
more densly settled pens, the 4•h,ol-
rlixa may be pleastlter and rol.•r
than the envier; in 4nrh l'aw's rmn•
mer foreshow' may 1e iwnefltinl for
these who ea t get to the parks or
the suiINIrI,e hilt in the eminIry and
the country tnwnr mint of the pleas-
ant. Nu imer tier should ie ,pent out
of door..
1t is not well, though, that %swat ion
should brie lime of idiene..s. Idle
holy% will, of emirs.., get filo mischief,
not at all Immune they prefer Mr -
chief to 11ref11l plr,IIits. INTI became
theft-mathand inex(wriene,' end
impetuosity prevent them from dim-
linglliahIn between the 'ireful soul
the dangerou,u and harmful. Even
much very weIl•inte•nlionnl piling
people as the "Would -fie -Goods"
found that their Ino,. e11'nest And
vigorous effort." In benefit the 1.11111-
11y ended 111 dls:t4ter to a011t0)n1•,
jinn Ieenoire '.1)uu•11ing wear more to
happen that they had nut foreseen.
Children neeil supervision and direc-
tion to sonic extent even ii. their play.
!1 gh it i4 elw•nym will to IIIAke such
direction unobtrusive, if po.siI.k. nu-
It, is a mistake 111 think Ih1t n11 mho-
ention i4 gained in the seheohroul. or
from tN14)k.. A most valuable part of
a .duration iM 11e11/11r141 111 hi,
Iri1411re 11o411s, and 11r 1,'is,9r• 111 the
monomer vacation • dol h to
make or mar the future of n child. A
great 111.11 is heard '.Nhtys about
nature study, and of the 114.' 1,1 .ueh
work in training 1lie p'w•1r4 of nh.,r-
vntion. N'ha1 0111?,r lime for nal Orr
et tidy than 111, long . 'r lay.•
Hoy." will net, unle.s they have a
,tong invlinntion in 1h,t direction,
take the trouble of their own marled
to gather and eln4sify plants, to oh.
serve the habilr of bird. and inertia,
or do any regime .work of the kind;
but a little ene.111r1g••es1l11t 111 the part
of the parents, a few minutes spent
morning and et ening ill 4114ver..0 '11
with the (hula, in listening to the tele.
1a -
tion of their dimeo.elie4. ie apmno%-
Ing the work ar•owpli'hrl, in sug-
gesting fresh subjects for investiga
tion, may open to the growing Iniad n
new and delightful world, and emote
into set ivily cowers hit hello dor
Some children are of n Illr4'Ilanir4l
tarn of n,Ind. They ,u,' always plan
going and inventing. 1f they are given,
or helped to earn, some simple bade
and inexpen.ivc materiel, they will
learn, in the line of manual training,
much that the achoolroom cannot
give them If it 114 needful that the
toy earn money during the w•aration,
let his duty he made as ettrfalte as
pomaible by the Hooke of enngenlal
employment, and by the tntenwt
oilmen by the older members of the
family in hi. wot'k. and In the way he
i4 doing 11. 'Dolle he ,.,ay be led t1
tato. :1 p1e nine in Ili.. h,lydrr 0.441441 of
life, and 111111 thio work well done
hniugr.1 1.04(11 greater than ►ry,
To 1111 any 111. all o1' three t11111g0
.0Ira11x w.nw expenditure of (1441x, of
thought, of energy, un 1145 part of
parent*, hurt not Snore than would hr
spent in keeping the Ioyr 1.110 of mis-
chief, and it would prove a Inore pay-
ing 40w•rrtueut. In following until,
Interesting pm -smite the boys will dr-
wrlup rharlcterimtics that will in time
quake them llrrfal Ine•Iulleltt of weiety,
while the hotel 1e(w'(8•11 parents and
.hitdl-n will 145 ..rt-egllwne) and
will !male in after life a lir 11,111 will
plwv1nt the lads from 14t'apiug int°
h,u•infal paths and will keep them
true to lir prv'rple and example of
t he home.
A l'uritvgolsdent 11f The Toronto
New% 1akre that patesto lark for IIs
nitital. regorling the pensions to
pedicel Cabinet Jlini.lrtx mind Ih.%
increase in the indemnity to nwlnlN•I'4
.4 , Parliament. )(e•aul.r the Govern-
ment y I to the popular will and
decide) to Iroyal 1110 lensio11 Illevl4111r,
The N.•w4 arrn.e+n it of ruw'ervlire.
Auylbing 1.111 a pwrwrrled 140'1(111 4rnwr
would give the Oliver umHat email fur
willingn.•NN to undo al wrung; MINI
even if the Glover lllllrtt 41Nr11 believes
that the proti.i for peusiomm was
correct in principle it diet only whet
wax right 111 withdrawing 1t in the face
114 the popnl11' feeling against it.
Autocracy i,`.1.0 tart ..f 1.0w:4db:i e
I.ilwralr believe in the tight ,.f,lhe
people 1.1 ray what shad( ,smut what
rh.oil 11111 lie done by their Parlia-
:nenlaly representatives. The Nrw,i
l'urremiomdet writes
"('an yml toy with ,.ones. good
w.rwire in A 1i•gi'h11ore:? The higher
0 h.' .1(41,..)' 11,,. 114-10.1' 0 111' 414'I%'f('l' Em-
phatically And eternally, No! Nle,
while 1 h bort menl.•uc.• of your recent
etlil.0rial, viz.: • A democracy which
stubbornly 1141144.1 111 give its plrbtir
w•rwa mer 11A411418141.' Ir• !seriatim,' is
likely lo get just 41boN11 1he kind of
s•r.4•ire it dr4•rw•144;' leaves open for
debate the whole 11111.41' '4 what 14
ren. bar, it tacitly ass m111es. 4414 it
seems to ale, 111e noaorlrnns fallacy
that the kind of service which ,)cols'
teary r141N4rl1/ from its re•presentativrs
will Ile pi.M•url1,1• with money. All
hi.l11ry gives the lir 10 r,1eh un no•
moot ion .... 114'nnld say that any man
who decline. to 4144,1 the dutirr
which air 111gxsAA 1111011 11 • pmMie
w•rwao( 01. 'INM.plr'. 1r•111141•11t11iwe,'
m*. the plan that he is slinking nor.
(1111ney at him hllMitlr,( 41111 CA 4)4
.ffm,d to give up his own work for the
paltry indemnity 11ffetr..l by de104•-
ru'y, that 111411 is di,ti,4401)' nut
wanted, no matter how able or ..killed
he may 114•." -
1'Ie iia hon Mpvlator i.4 in 9011111
with the French to defeat the Sunday
rest bill,
• A train war'wrwi'ked on the 1)nt1110
O°vernocnt railway the other .lay.
Thr Mrafurth I:xpslsilur will pleas/'
bake note of ;mot her argument against
mitotic ownership,
A pees.. agent is getting in a joke on
Sarah H.-.'n11mr11 by .tarting,aa story
that she it a (;anluli111,, born fnl)11:ow•e
-many year, ago. M.O1:11110 Se11140,
Mir nn ase+ for 3'A40,Llfans,
It Is surely, Carrying the ids.. of
"vernal right." to nn absurdity to 1145•
it Aa All Ark lllllellt against the w'it11-
drawil 111 the pen/Mow 011 rex-Minirll•Iw.
As well (night the receiver of stolen
gluon. lank of “viedell right.."
-111 ex'hnnge r•markr 'spun the
01111ni4s for NfNNdl in travelling which
prompts 4 man 10 snit an,nnd belt 4
day for n feet Irani which will gel to
lir demi Motion Iwo or three home
after the slower 0n,lin wwhirh he might
Imre token. _ '
A member of the Hrilirh (;Ibinrt
11081nn•r 11131. the 110114• of Lord.
should 1e "rnl to the setrl(.he4p. 110
('unman We Are Inure elnrid,rnte of
(1111• '•111pNer l'hlllmller" .we ,111 giving
the members an incriNew of $1,1 NNI i11
%a1oy. Not ex,,•Ily, either they
took it.
The Kincardine Reporter lins en-
tered upon its second year 1nler the'
nu11uIgemeit of the present prvlj11ie-,
010r. Alr. 1lmnlrr liar imp4444(8) the
paper materially in miner Al m,lke•
np and w'.': re glad to k that his
efT411'0 • nn• earning the nppnrhtion of
the pnr)ple of his cowl owner,
How alight a thing fm Game! A
cablegram was 4..01 to W. J. Hyran,
who i. travelling in Karina, to "p-
lebe. him 11f hie t►(Nnfn,►a011 by, sew' -
ern! Stale convention. 041 the 111e•
cratii candidate for the 1'nilml Staler
Presidency in 11914. It WAN ad,Ireswel
to him at Dresden, Germany, and was
returned with the intimation that the
(*104011 addressed was not known.
The Whitney Goerrnncnt la (herr-
folly hammering .,nails it* its own
ruffle.. The liamie.al of M. T. Rnutdo,
Deputy Minister of Fisheries, who ham
been n most ramble and energetic
public servant, is another of 0he arts
4.f official tyranny which ere Magnet-
ing the people of fhb. Province with
the 111111 at they plowed In power
less than Own years Ago. Let them
go ahead wish the work ; (lacy will
bury 0heinowlere all the alm)nrr.
A putecttrrtll*t contempt/nary tells
il. reader% ,sf the big lewdness whir+
(beet Hritain come. on in second-
hand ships. It twilit its old vessels to
foreigner's, snit replaces then) with
new and up -to -4110e 4h1(n for ins own
trade. It dares not (recur In our con-
temporary that. Great Hritain is a free
trade County, And that it. r,1nt°nierw
for the "old told' are pro(e(•tiuni.t
ra int ries, and that there i. a 1.01111PC-
IOU 10'1we«•n the tWO wets of facts.
A nl°%erle1ot hen been started ,again
10 have Thv,kegiving Day ehangeol
fr 'I'hul'wlay to Monday., The ehi,•f
argwurut for the 4l►noge'ie that,
cum lug right offer 3.'m1.1.4y, it would
make n lunger IwF4My for many
people. Il is not aurp(i.ing to learn
that the1 railways are the inMi-
gators Of 1h. (biller,) change, as
they believe it Wtadd tend to iotr4a.r
pa*wuger Irani.. If 'thanksgiving
Day is In Ito• 1,1)1lcng lint at farce,
such (1,Il4idtn•atiu1s should have 144)
weight. On the other hand, if it is to
ire riwply a they of pk•asure-making,
Hie name xhu11ld be changed h•
Thankllgh•ing Day l.0 sturlhiug else.
lot the carrying 0111 of the P141-
4furial Government's stew policy for
the training of tea.horr, dote regard
be had. in the 114'311.0,1 of the
new normal w•blwd4, 00.1.11 Wel 10101 4)l'
the Province. Thie portion of the
Western Peninsula prodoie'l as many
school tra�'hels, pro14/1dy-, 118 any
other meeti491 of the I'i40ince. .4/141 one
11f lir new schnook 411 Id lie e•4tals
firluvl al a point Iwlwarll(Iy com-
et -Went for throw• 4.1 one young hull,
who wi.h 10 4100e410 such an inslit)-
t' We should, of couple., like to
New 1111*' in fibs e'l•h. and with the new
C. I'. R. 1• e'ti11n it would le 11
very 11 /1/w-e401int [ob1t 111r a large dis-
Oti.'t : but wr• do nut 111 ,all ex1wet In
hit 4e uur 1111.11 favored in this way.
Stnrttlont is a ((1 Kid rru11'ai 1114111, and
a 0.11(4.0l them would serve the in-
letestu .If this barge dist.iel 'teller
than one at any of the noire plover.
that We have %Nell 1111111 i1/11141 in phis
Connect fun,
The Hand Th -.l Rules the World.
Nlr..inK. 141 Ihr han,1 of amain.
A nand. guard 11. -Induct It 111111 grace,
111 11x' inane, rnl ing,•. Ito. el :
1(1•' oto uult l,•r , herr 1 he plow !
\w0n1.1 that tiroer .form- n...411r1 it
Ihd•d.lit. ince gentle meld;
Fee Jar 14.4,1,0 Iha1 n(N•k. 4111• rt:411e
1. 114• L..nd that ride. the .t odd.
w'onwn. hove d1. i,e 31)411- mission
11.'r.4 upon our na1a1 -oat'
he•p, de! keep,, tilt' )'01144( sod open
AI way,. 10 the to 4,44111 of tr14!
All the tonally- of the mgr.
Are front Mother hot I4ae,11 art:
For 114• 1,3451 that rack. the cradle
1. the Lord that rule. the wort.
.. r.Irc.iuK•
no the 113/111 of .0111141.-
01111.1.Falhet. -un. 111111 da"ghter. cry';
And the .tern' .two ,. - 'ld
wllh the onnhlp of the 1k3,.
\Ilugled 4. here 110 tenor, darken!..
IhJnlnw. e, tuition• are' medal.
Fur 114• I...114 111111 rock. the erndlr
1. the hand th:.0 rules the world.
111111441, I4.n. Wellnee,
Just Follow Your Nose.
\1-ood-tock Sentinel -Ilea few.
A writer in one of the review'%wo-
n O,IlWrsthe rediscovery uf the recut
.1 longevity. Iti. opt' '.111• lie
cheerful, hopeful and opt' '.1' • Ire
all vire Maitre.. and y.4111. days will
lo• long in the lapid• i.at hr new nelaw 11f
life. Now if /0/11114014V0111114vould diO4'4
the Revert of optimism all would Ie
well. "Iter opt' 'At ie rand you will he
helrlly," i1 eerily said, but how are
\•m,1 In le opt' '. tic Y 'cher. are
Gime yw'h/: believe that health is the
se.'rel of nrrdilllism. "Ile healthy And
you will ie 11111io1fslie." i4 the Ville of
life. Thum we bee a involved it* 1111
1/11,4111.4.4 r•ir•1.• He opt' ' 1i.• and you
will IN• healthy : 1e hr:dlhy and w,'
will be nplinlistie. 'i'hr 'al nl the
111i X•1111 %•..nor l0 11.• Ilett ndwire it
Joseph on the Lords.
Toronto IiInM•.
Mr. Joreph 1'haunlerlain'i 04dieal
speedier of over twenty years ago Ate
frequently quoted againMt 1 ' . He-
t..•tlw, in a prlbli4 4114111..4, hr inviter]
the House of (4)41)4 to make nor of 1 b
rdnra' hill 5o thwart the Liberal
MinistryThe W.edonimsle• Gazette,
0.4' way of rejoinder, quote, from one of
his Ilium ingh:110 4(N•e•h,e t his passage :
"l'he Hu1w• 11f Iw.rdr has never POW
1rilA1te1.1111• iota 111 roomier liberties
or popldiu' fret'/I11111, or ,)on(• anything
10 n,)w,ncr lir rnnuuon weal : nod it
hem ta'.trr(.'d every Metre and mhrl-
(e.1fYl ('Peri`' 1)t'1viI.'ge. It Ilei denied
justice end delayed ,'1'forts,. It it ir-
r.•41po11sible w11hout independence,
ilwlinate will t coinage, arbitrary
without judgment, and ,arrogant w'ilh•
INt- k ledge."
The Bible in the Hotel.
401 rat Mal I4'.1.,,,,
One of the signs of the d.►y is the
revive! of the old•time demand for
the Bible nr nu adjunct t•) the hotel
tearoom. 'ref 111. Iwelve wears ago
rvrry room 111 a► hotel of 11ny 5111,41•11-
.41111 Ind 11 1111,1.. un il.. burin, '.'hen
it w'ns 1Ile Inactive or Ilmrmt lintel, to
1111.111111. n 111111e in the Met of nrceentt'y
'Mint ure. (it;t,)11ully Ihr la•nple who
wen• lock of the enterprise bed its-
t•r•rt ,i.ul the books disappeared. 10
1111.44' w•elnr 111111 many )N' .°1141, pat'-
Iirmlarly 1• ill traveller's. com-
plain of miNring then. .Frouently
they maul a (•+Wplet• defier going to
INNI jest to dris'r 11w11y the Idle!, but
naw they never get the rhllnr(• 111 1114/k
bromide a Bible. One Toronto hotel -
keeper 11114 retiiZell 1 h 111441 tot' 11. 11-
v14111 and ham given an order for ."e'en
doyen Bibles. "11 shall not Ire maid
lint tiny man stopping at my 11111140 is
drive, to pw•trlilion for the want elf a
Hihlr,'' is the w,uy in which he pmtx it.
Whose Religion ?
\\',note, •k PenoinrLHe, ire•.
Referring to the Lon)'oi hay hill 'rhe Bourassa 1s Useful Sometimes.
Han11104ln T. Kx3,•• Ihat. the trouble M. Henri Hi III•nwsa is looked upon by
IR that an titlrmpl in 1111511.. In found the country generally Aa A w •what
rent day Iegi.l,l' on religion -sant• 'erratic Fentlenl11), whose french
MPH'S religion. It is In to ferrel el,grat0et'o 014. 1e111 hind to study
there ix. truth in Ihir stnlenlent, effect, and who has A weakness for
notw'ilhllnnding the many n4Nlranrex that which will )wing him notoriety :
that the tome has nothingdo with and no d,uhl there iM much truth in
the religionm oller%ance of the Nail- the idea. nut. he 'is pretty level-
led h. It in impoomeil>te to ig .. folio- tended ns well and lone done 1111111`
ge•Iher religienls ron*iderti,m9, tin than one woeful 'lino" 0hi. m ..riot.
matter how at long the denim, !tiny be. 'rhe other day. fol• example, he celled
Sunday is inevitably 1144N•toatol with 'Mention to the net11tl (mer diem play
relig' There would be no great w • member." were 11rewing, and the
harm in giving w.•ight to religious figure* show that there i. money in
eonsidernt' lout lar 0 h (meet ion, the hominess of In w. n*k ing. provided
whore /religion? This 14 the disturb. you don't work to long at it emelt
ing factor. It is the r • difficulty aseeion. Ne•netor 1.0x, for example,
that 'esteem nun• iodine 4.1),1411 system eked oleo his PAt'ning.. with aJl1i.:A) for
open In the ehnrge of poring ungodly every day he attended to his dutie* An
e Charge which, by the way. could pr•,l, m /senator butt. mention. Mir John Cert.
ally not 11e suxtninel. 'Them wou1.1 ing got $lt)..3, and othem toot* ot•
he little objector to the teowhing of lee., The Common.' did not do 4,
religion in the schools but for the well. Mr. Carrier, of Levis, ratite out
question, whose religion P hemi with $190,1.5 A day, and Joseph
$nigeam picked up llnttoS for ... -h day
his spared to the service of hie coun-
try. No wonder there has been a
kirk over the inrrra.Iv) imlenfhity in
aonle quartets.
Senate Discusses itself.
.',rte Paris Green and Hug Death at The delate in the Senate on S.•nmte
V '1N4tl.t:. hardware store. eef(w'ml in concluded, and it iro m rase
of "tat you Were." Mir Mar•Keuxie
Ruwi•e e lir Ispeakers
and o was
himself npplsd ti
. W
A9)' Change. tb4u1(11 if change there
WNDAY REST BILL PASSES THE should lie lie approved the suggertk.n
COMMONS. of election of the Smatter by large
runMlinieneiee. Hr had 110 syenpby
with roust of the "Dew-fuugled" ideas
that hall been suggeste.l. This re.
(mark fairly mum up the general
opinion of the House, and it Ir a nat-
ural conclusion for theme gentlemen to
arrive at.
A Very Contentious Measure -- How
"Scandals" A re Manufactured
• Members Who Ars Drawing Big
Pay for Little Work Senators Do
Not Take Kindly to Idea of Sen.
ata Reform.
IMtwcial correspondence of The Mignal.l
(►Iowa, Judy %h.- Al teat the Sab-
bath nbservetnee'hill Moe got through
the Comment, though in a wily differ-
ent shape from that in which it
etlrtel. Ni, ne}cure of recent yenta
has bail notch a stormy experience.
1141,) it 451414 only by slinking to it until
nearly four o'clock this morning thin
the House managed 111 *.lake an end•
ing of the matter. Indeed, it is a
gyral queetlun whet11.1' all ,riding has
been 111:M1r; el011 if the 6111 gels
safely through the Senate it it likely
111 comer tie for •ulwrul 114x1 y*',-
. • 14.1* ill it. prr4rl>t .ha$M• 11 is 11110
(INtblr 1 1101 il. Will suit everybody,-
lucky 1f It mike anybody ill the Prlr-
1111'1• sof 4,,,'I*,'. '
No Two -'cent Rate Yet.
The amendments to the railway bill
Which were inlndul•el by, Mr. Eur
Wel/oat 111154 ge 1114 through with N.0*.le
m,Mlif1,',tiuu14. A atrn111414 light was
emote to ,' pet the adoption by the
railway. of a universal t wweent rate,
bat it N'*4 shown to be illlpraelira1le•
in w • )1:1'Is of the,.'.11.04•)', 1111..1 f.•w
.11pporlrl•4 11011 final,) 4)u either aide
of the' Ilumsr. The ge•1111''iu,,'D .4•11,1 11y
lot 1,1w•r 1 he privilrgr of travelling on
pastier' (10 not feel the pinch of 111*'
higll*'r rat,'.
Manitoba and the Telephone,
),tastit,bpa failed to the power
To the kdllur of 11e Flood.
1)1:404 hen, --In view of the tariff
('111 (gem now under ,i,nsideal' h)'
the Ouvernolelt :1111 pt'ipl*' ..f CMS'
udu, the following few wu1dM 110 the
destruction 11f wealth which the 1ad-
w•.N'Ate,of protect ion admit Illst Thaat.
fiscal ry'rtelll entails, 11:ty Interest the
palette!): 111 3,4)411' w'idtlyIw,tl paper.
Ate.Idittg to their own- al 'ing
the protected manufacturers of l!,In•
0110tlestlayed wealth lot the 1,11(1,' of
11110110 $0Y1,1Mattilk1 boat year.
When thin fact is )e•slood by the
people who. all (01'1141 t°ety for. this
deist toyed wealth, and who are in the
makeily In every 11111tu4t1un141raml-
pry, 0o -trilled protection will receive a
shuts shrift.
All warded nlanulactu'er4 main-
tain that in the aIM.eoee of plrtrrlinn
their finished (IIVN1144'!4 would 45.11 rat•
less than coat of 11r1M1urlinn. %VI ; 40
Hooch pi... duels are mold in the Hrits6
market. We kn(iww that they do sell for
less than rust of product' . The
prier realized in 111:11 market gives ,i.
an idea 1514 to ahat the prier would lie
herr in 1 :1111,1,, it* the el,w•nee °f pro-
I'.)r instu(1, ,1 manufacturer stated
Iwfure the tariff 1'. 'ltIIiIillSi) 111 That it
revel $11.:J) In 14411111,e a 1011 of pig
iron in ('atlada. Recently our 1118011-
fael ilr•tM ha1.1. 45.1.1 large ynant 10 i.•s of
pig iron In the Hellish market tat $9.11
per dun, '4)r :ii IN•r (1111. Irl. Ih«n cnNl
of product .
1t is A fowl frequently a lel
Lhr ,)male,) to expr.pl is 0 she HAI 011 that :Ill protected products (4111 lie
I'yIrphone MyNtenl, 014.0 she ran P411111. 14,1".111_ fur n ll ll lower erieelvnTttwlr
11410' :1 rival 4y4t4m of her own if Mhr 451 Ir o)rra of Ihr r dry *04.40 one.
decides. d11r.N Ihau ih'fdr its porches, 11nr
this syM1rn1 .41 (*x.4111)11 Wrcall prole••
lion 144)1 only prevents lir people 451111
subject I tenor .sew to it from attain-
ing Ih.' 111810 object for which all
eiwilizel ruu11n40nfoie, are °Iga11lia.d
(i. e„ to'mpply Ihrir own w-I/u1s w•iLh
the lea't. later or expense). hu
foire•s them to supply any • living
outside the.' emonh')' with the pines/
of their )1'1Mh1(•Im nl \•x440 few( 1,1 them-
selves : h r in all rase. where the pr. -
!relied manuf.ctiner elle hi. ,r.olurtM
in neural markets for le.s Goan rust
of predurtion, 1P i4 l'e•pai.l for his boor
In lite (iuvrrmurut 111 the expense o1
the public. tinder rover of the 11,11114
and olhrr.peri,d eilr'anlages nwe•r the
l'll l*.Id IN 11 cons,.411e1' conferred 1111 the
manufacturer by (1*' tariff.
Although. Ihr theta 0f protection
locum built fon the solid f legion o1
iuyteris6Ahlr tl'nt1 . nor do its adv.).
rater dep•.4) int the -.slightest', degrre
for support on 'thorn' elevating and
h,1oolnizing Attributes in h u 4)l a n
nation. w'hi. 1 are mol r.0tirtmom to both
,'iwli411 and Iatlntr Introits 40mr1). Lot
rather on I hose tomtit l4'. 4 hat all r -
t° both. soca ata ignnnimr, cun-
ning. greed. fear, cowardice.1'irio1'•
noses. and trendily. yet this one con-
tention of the pin t prier) tommitar(,r-
ers - that their finished products
wvu1th les' 0hatl.ro't 111-)0' eloictilm i4
1,ndontee11)' true•, were it not true
tl,re Wilda 1e• no excuse for their
asking tow protect 1411,
They .ulmit, therefore, that the row
mates used ,1p in Ilwir fael•111,•s is
w'nrti a 11 the finished plod•
nM S. Moine have stated the raw'
111n1rrinl to be worth 1.i per rent, More
Ilion 1144. fini.shrd p.rM1u11•te, the Ina.
J.n•ity putting i1 beta lam 91 anal :11
per r'.'.o. Ear fhe s oke of Mint nit ion
WP will 1tm'unI• the.(1'lr1 (111'.140 ..f 1 h
1.4ww• 111at.l'ial Ii, e., nit the ,•lenieto.4
011111 enter into e11.4 (1r p14 I.t1't ion 0 to
be worth 1:. pe•r('*'nl, 1114)1.' than1lhe
flni•he) prtidmct.,
$-l.1I,4NNI,INN) wane ileal. the w'.*Ite of
the now material used tip 1:1 the pro-
tected intim-tries of Canada 110 Ifaki.
According to the admission of the
protctel . nwnmfarturer., therefore,
when this raw mei rrial was. changed
into Hob:bel prxlnrt4 it ens wwmili
only $'1111,INN1,INo. or 171 IN•r cent. b•..
th.4u lir tate material. This indicates
a destruction .4 wealth eine) to gea1,-
1as1,IMN1 during the year,
Become the tariff emiowered the
nal nm fart wen. to charge the value of
this (beltro)•ell wealth to the Canadian
cons,unrrtli'Inot eller the Gu't that
in the prcesr .f changing the now
Snnte•i4 intoi the finished products
there .4 a wart .1 .tructi of the
wealth of tine roont•y t n dert met i ,.
.4 wealth as real nn if it had Iowa
de•slr)ywl by a great lire or n idol of
anarchists. Indeed• 80411 111111 protrr•
lion f. nn.r•hy fn 11i.gminr.
It is Ihr enor1111u14 and rami
I('oncl.utrd no page 7.1
l 1111 identally 1t 1s item .ting
lot 14)4.1 that the Minister 1.f Ju..liee
placed 1 ' self on record 114 111111/144.41 (l)
mullir ,a snrl-.)lip. 11.t1•r 1Mr, Ayle.-
W,,r(h made the explanation that
what he intended tl runny- wits that
Ise 0hought public ow wish in wart nut
A 111111'111411, question in 1}114 a try
and would I L be for many a 11113.1
Our Friend Dr.-Sprollle.
The wwt....ehe acoustic properties of
the t' m Hamster were again
Ierdi4•stw1' this week, and in the
ruu1'sr of the debate Or. Sproul,' Made
Ile 4ugge'st' that G1• seal, might
le.4rr,tegevl°fanxh.4lu•. so that every.
r taker would face the majority °f
the members. This is an important
Deader with the Member for E.wt
Grey, for he hex been our of thegreat-
est and mesa' persistent names in the
Ilo'Ise. In (*imps. it .l tie added
!hat he is *Iw('one of the 441o.11 nide-
f,digahlr worker,. No 111311 in the
Howe• sti,k. 10 husin.•s•. • e faith-
A Sample "Scandal." •
Once again have the Opp. "sit ion gi w -r 0
conrtusise prof that 4(1e11' alleged
'•4•:11)4tals" 7111 es Often As not pure
gnem-work i40nurnd,N•4!brn4'11out on
the choler .1 happening upon .411111P.1hing1111011 W111,41 to hang the w•u,-
t(ian(e of a charge of malfeasance of
mlismio)ngrll(rtll. One aftern/on last
week Ale. Lake. the Tory member for
(j!n'App•I11•, asked the Minister of
Agriculture whether it was (true Diet
H. .1. Mulerley, who had been rnn-
Viet ell .11 ballot sluing in Saskatch-
ewan. had 4illr•e been appointed as 141w
of the a 101.4 in the /remix 441145•
being taken 111 the Wert. Apr, Mosher
replied that be had nut the list ander
hi. hand at the •nt, lout he wulll-
114)mir•. A couple of day.. doter the
list Was prominent .411(1 Hall 1f1 the
11o114•, and it was found that it dal
not contain the DAMP 114 11s5Iwrley nor
Anything dike 11, - Mr. Lake, w•Ilo war
present, /11fer1'.) no explanation 1111 to
why he asked the q.lestion, which
r,it-,u•d the ul.w' insinuation with
it : lie simply sal bark in his meat and
'nailed. 1t iN .*fe g,1/'xming, though.
5110 the incident will be introduced
into Tory campaign materiel -in motel, a
WAY nm to convey (11e impremnion to
the uninitiated that the (rovenimet
Fs employing woke) rowans in ids
eenr,1s-(aking, or, ,s0 tear,, that. those
)nvieted of «rok'ehP... are being re-
nnin) by the Government.
he Anti -usury Bill.
The anti -usury 1411 has passes! the
Hume of f!ommune with slight
A9lendmen(, atoll ie now going
through the Senate, where it ie mol.
lfkelw 41 meet with serious omen',•
%while, in theory, people Mhnu10 he
able to take ,carr of Ihemisrlver in
x,11•)) 01411rr', experience lam proved
that they ('*nano, And thin 1nrnmut',
w'hieh protides protection for oho.' in
flnnneial strait, against the exfor-
lions of the usurer, will prove a lemon
to ►nary who torsi just such prow -
non ,et a time when they tin. least
,11.1• to help t hemw•I1 es.
No Dominion Bonus for T. & N.' O.
Road. -
Altl Kit the 3'onre'vatiye party,
44111,',' fl *11,01 Ie.',1 ill 1111)NMH-1011, 11114,1e-
veloped an ar1Lip,1111 to railway Hide
ridie', i1 MIA 11,4 n1'linel to Adhere
5110 closely the olh,•r day In its new
principles when the cities' ion ('11411)41111
114 giving a'1►whly to the Teini4kaur
ing road. 'l'hir b. the l'rovinciel Me-
rriment rad and th,lt. Government ix
1 'oiewrw•atiwe, too of emir's/. it would be
all right in the eyr4 of the Comer ea -
lives In give a getout. T1,' Eerherl
Government, however, held the w•irw
that 11►r people wile aheady con-
tributing heavily to its eonm(rI,lion,
and that therefore no farther 4111) W4,.
warrMtotet. And no the poor dog go(
Clark's Veal Leaf
is joint tender real-taetlly seasoned
anti coked in egg i.atter, An topp•
p•tising tit -bit always.
. Acheson & Son
with ..Datum warp In
shades hr,wns,
1.••..4•11.-, reds, fancy
reeds and pl«in,
:tweet! I:a), Alk and
Alk! art p•',- 3'1trd 12S ', 8C
l:,c fond
s7.11uh Witte, MR
season's patterns 111
heavy pole r:u14Ms,
11,11'141 141' ,/'1'1111 (tat-
tern4, •
1•edul•ol lot
per y,1111 :i:a•, 4lk' 50c
'1%'hile• Swine hire
enrtninN, apef•hl
$l,4Mn :11 (1,1 (8111'
°t1l,190. 14) padre of
Nottingham while
Ince contains, '0141
Metter wide, :11
3,11,141 Irmo, .cro(l
and fern materna,
rrg11l:o• prier per
noir $1.715, min: a 111 95C
Handsomely em-
hroider.d, trimrued
and tucked, a great
variety ,all nl re -
1 dulcet! pekes.
Regular 1111.241. SEGO,
011.095 and
(grating at each 50
$1.011 and $11
High-class awn1ter
l'OrNe 1.14, finest
emitill and of per-
fect workmanship.
Newest ul.ldels,
every sire 11S to 91),
at 4.'r lair special SVC
Clearing sale of :1
and 4 -yard wide
Scotch 1 le i11
hlo..k, floral and
Tile patterns, reign.
lar prier per yard
4:11' a11.1 ilii% perJelly'InC
sale price r y:url
Dur,,,' the last couple of weeks we have enlarged our show-
room for parlor and Upholstered goods and are now better prepared
than ever to serve you, In these lines we have a large array of up
holstered goods, at prices that are right.
1 only. S pier;parlor suite. birch and
mahogany francs, upholstered with
velours, plush land, oarlike $18 5"
*'31.111 floorfloorl/
• 1 only, Aspi1•• parlor suite, bitch ,Ind
mahogany framer, aF hldstet•el with best
velout•s, silk plush 111411114, spring edge,
button hull, regular $28('^
void for .......... Q V�IJJ
1 only, :.pie's parlor suite, extra hnaw'y
mahogany frit 1111.0. 11pholrtewl 451111 1414
silk, 411 11111 e1)(e, 14111111151.50
front, regular tit:A 10 �JIL/
1 only, 9:pie a ;parlor suite, mahogany
frames, 110941101(01113' finished, uph'dst.•rel
with !oleo silk, spring eolg$41 r,.75
nAranly','egu11t•SI•i for
Itr.liellre, Por.
N,L'on 1. and
1'Mlnlwin tun...
'insost,• I:4
H. Br Beckett Ph89one
Undertaker and Embalmer
Livery and
hack Stables
The fine -t turnouts in town are supplied at these
well-known stables.
Carriages for every requirement and good horses
furnished) at r.';e,on:itllc rates of hire.
Finest Hack service Everything up -
in town to -date
Careful drivers furnished when required
All calls promptly attended to
Walker & Augustine
our On -.r. a-,• '.1, Larger in they
wen. N trio agoThe iodine Ante
learned that Ill. I4 the tiro Otter in the
I'roo ,ore In rd,tnin n rot/snow r•Ial
Moral ion or .hon hand Irdnlnngg
Mt wired. are entering .0 0 week. .111
embower gel gond meMinn4. Write
now for catalog.,
HAVE Voli A ('AMi:u ‘
.t Vont home,. totter our In•trlr•.
11.m there 1. ,H1 PaleranrntlnR or
wa411nif of materials 1411 •1 Von
learn to do rrrry .Irl .ol III,' work your.
Pecoraro gl11.rnntr,d, Our •11.'.II( M
ATM peke W111 lettere-I ion. Write taint
(lotr,sponelenee Ihsrtnlenl,
Tnrnnl O•
A Great School
Ml !dent. from Ilritlih 1 'nhunldn•
M4.katrhrwnn nnr. MNnitol,, on the
sea to New Dronnwlek on the Prot naw
in ottendanor til. year, (interne k( no
hindrance to than 441,0 wl.h to gat the
hod, Our rwitlal(a are slwnya tone
enr.fnl. (nor facilities not nnxurpAmettl.
( 0111 mener now. No mention. /'alt'.»
open 00th! runt. Maanlfl,ent ,•min
Mp,e. free.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal
t or. armor and Alnrn,xl.rMt.
For You
1(11 despise the slouchy man and good clothes are like
charity, they cover it multitude of sins. 1f all lulu
were las good as they looked in
20th Century Brand
clothes thereS would not he enough medals to go
around. Remember that good clothes aro a good in-
Thu sizzling days are here-tho hottest of the
)ear. But what's the use complaining when cool coo
fort awaits you in our outing shirts, pants, bats, wash
neckwear, underwear etc., at a very, modest price.
`'tl pairs cf .workmen's pants, bought very
cheap ---yours for $I.25
The right place to buy
Men's Clothing, Furnishings. etc.