HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-12, Page 1(ONCE UPON A TIME there was a successful merchant who did not advertise. Hut he Is dead lung ago. It was before the age of newspapers. The most persistent ad- vertisers are the most successful tanners men. • tonal. 1. rieelf•NINTQ YZAR-No. Soso GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA. : JULY 12, 1906 GOOD JOB speaks for itself. The work turned out of The Signal's job pruning de pertinent tells a story of skilled workmanship and honest material. If you have a bit of printing to __ be -done call and see us. YANAITKR t ItOBKRTHON, POsusnaa, Financial L 'U M 1' S U 11 6 t OF MON>':Y • abouli not remain in the batik without interest. The better plan is to take out a eertificete of dep sit or pur- chase a debenture which will allow you to withdraw your money when you need IL and in addition Will net you a► satisfactory aunt in interest. Os11 or Writs for our little booklet entitled "SOME ('ARPINA1. POINTS." THk WVICRNMKNT AUTIIUKIZRS 1's To ACI El'1IKIMM IT.- Goderich Office, - Curs North at, and uare. W. L: IIOR'I'ON, MANAGER. THE POINT FARM 'rbc old nod popular resort b open for t he nc.•pilon of 4114•.1.. I '.sople from town ore ins 41441 to r • t .1 end *u afternoon nr 14 ening at iuh4. Poim. Boot err, toe for picnic., Brit;e1( *1111 lasatiae twrtic.. For ally particular. 541.111.. .1. T. liOI.IYI'll(►Itl' •:, eimeHIrT"lt i e.'l, 41.0,0.0 To Sant �TKWLV FL'HNINHED COTTAGE TO RKNT. -\.•ver been weep/ed. M roma. and 4.t h room. water faucet upAalr4 and modern .out elite. es. al Me111wierr Park. Fur particular. apply to W. I.. GKiJ. Jeweller, The S(u:airs l+oderkh. fol( RENT. FI' ItNISHEll 'H(N)MM, l 1'lola+lantlyy (tu:nnl. not far from the hotels. knuuire al THIS tit. 1.11 filo rHF:NT.-TIIE FLAT AIIUVE 1 the Sot creiln.Rink. Dories t1.eoeuvre. o11Lc orerhaulhlg 0f I lw Bank chi. fiat 4.411 be ll..d up t44.1/111ono1. Kmgnln•:d BANK. 11 1)ASTI'Kk F44It CATTLE AND l Ames*. al Hld4ewood IMrk Farm. Fur teruo.. etc.. apply to THOMAS 9111, a1 the -Farm house.calf I FOR HENT. A 1►WKLLIN(i ON I` RU A RUM a ROY ADAMS Tau•a*a ow I'IAxo >ltMM le Hoak of Manual hock. h 'rva. street. • A d wethnic 'flimsiest or not 1. near take frond: modern 111111 ruirnn FON S.u.►.. 1'nu ucw dwelling. 011 .4ugIrr•:, street : an• dwelling on I'klou 1 rel : a1so building la. on Elgin at eon.. F:us•x 4re.l, Fine Arts 1't4tar ., reel atilt Pine .1 reel. W tXT u A fea fund -lied om.r. Or rami. 11RA�i'1N(I AND PAINTIM(( I N 1 near the Iwk), to rent for the su tootiiiier :Hy:4 . oar vim C\U B ItltF:k]'zu1\. 01 AND WATER ('GIA)K. 1'ri4 ale tuition and e1+1•• . U 0., F. 0 + KU ITT. I 'unto la haul 41 iukdt burse'. low 1. Dentistry t R. MALE. L.D.K.. D.1►.i4. l•)�1«Ian's m.rk IDr. Turwkull.aid .4.ii4.1 In la sganaon Wartnen.ay afternoon .that 1 )Rtl. KMMRRHON A TI'K�II tTU.. A. T. KMarwa.e. M 1 i M. W. 8'hWO.. H. I/Mea11, nonillion Sheen. Thome el. lk+.ldcnce 'phone IYI. lilt. A. li. MA('KI.IN. M. R. 1! PHvshilt' .t VI$I'1H:KI/N S alttanlim' w F:y'e, Knr. \ox and Throat. 00.. and re.1.1=, old Awoke( Mon Rah opplydte 1•rl.•toM.n. %Vest •1., (4o4,rch. Telephone No. ht: Legal IAMERON k KI1.IA)KAN, 13AIt- RlS7 KK8 wdlcltoes, notark••, lar. enllltuo 8t., third door hem 44 .mrw.l _ h. +Int. M, o. CAMICRON, K.( . J. l• IC41. IMIRAN. DROUIWO(T, HAYS k HLAIR. JL barrister.. warner.. uotark* blle pr. ' ' ors In the Maritime Court, etc. Mace. row site Sgoare, next doper. A. Nairn'. gro.rr). fM I ate funds to lend M kw 4.A reten of laterraa. W. 1'1t►UnnnIT. K. I'. It, 1'. HAYS. 0. V 11.A 111. MU. JOHNSTON, 13ARRISTEH, • ...Bettor, notary mlllk'. ,•mr11rslawlmrer, etc. Money lo Mara. 4corner Ifaulllme 141. Andrew'. Street, Uodeekh. 1 MI. l'KiNHON k °ARROW. RAR- iSTKRH, attorney., mlk/m-, etc.. liade h. Money to lend at Iota est rates. K. 1. 1114 NfM)N. ('HARLks UARKOW I.i.B. Loans. etc. 1OIIN W. 'RAi(MIE, LIFE, FIRE r and accident unnre. Agent for leading mut.. mutual and .tank • monis, nstrtnc) all lines effected on , . plan. and at loosed rale•. 4'all nt oMle, tame West Stmt and Nonni, address .1. W. ('RAIUIF, Goderi(h, Ihal. 1'4. IP ,hone 24 r FIRE IN- tom N- 1 1. IT 1111 KIiA)1 itM 1T S I' R A NI' K 1' (,. - Fa and coasted low'. ia„pen snrpd. Valu of pert) in- s0nd up to Jmiu Jan. ten, ncrr $3, 1irr, llmeer. and directote McLean, ' 4.n T. Frno r, rir•r-pier, !'Jna. ('onn011r, 11,�Iwlr, Mr. 1'hc. req', J. Watt, Jaw, Ktams, J.U. Uriev4 J.Benne - we's, director.: T. M. Hay. !(,+*forth, 114141)- 1reasurer•Insp4 4 ector., neareims•tor loss. J. W. Yyet. 11011111.1111e. aetmd for West Huron. Polley holder. ran a1y aseev.n ntw and gel their cad+ rrr ipled nt Mr. 1' 1lInton, or at M,I p*n Bros.' leap.- 1 loth Store llmleneh For Sale L1OK MALE. KMPIRE, Ti'PF.- [' writer. .41RMIt used. perfael roedllion. .w 11197.:11 1444 ftalt IAN. %V. E. 2I.I.11►Tr. L\REMH M11A'll (Y)WH FUR HALE. lL -Apply to lis. C. ATTRII.L. ItO*r.uod Park. ri, MALE. A WELL-HItED HAW oow,four >ear.old. Apply toMISS wl fi1W0 HI'(.(l1Es, ONE lil'7TEIR 1 'ANI) AYnN to 1.1(OHT WAGON, recently rrba.ed Inml M. W. Howe) for .ale chenp. . •K w stooge a( 1' S C I. i. had are at A �► H I Apply --- Ramage Licensee WALTKK Tt. KKLLY, .. - OODKRII'11, ONT. 'Watchmaker, Jeweller and I)yolella. 1..ter of Marriage Peewees. TVLANE, MITER 010 MAI(Rl- MITER. AGK aerates% 0nderlrh. (ett. GODERIOH MARKETS. Tourtsp.lr, July 12111. The small demand is the 1•uu0 of a drop In the price of w heat and oat. 411 be local wankel. 47 animal. conetitUmt Molotov's 'Mimosa of hog+. The price was $7.10. New potato.-- are now' oil t he market alai ore quoted at (11.14 Fall wheat, per bush, new. *1 7A. to Sprlug wluu.l, per boots. new .1 7A. to kyr, per bush * 0 43 10 Buckwheat, pet' bush U (a to Oat, per bush.. 1441* U 91 to Peas, per bush .......... 11 al lu Hark.), per bush 041 lc nereenirlas, per 1011 .... .... IS In to Flour, family. per cel ... 2 :n to Flour, patent, per ewt .... Y Oa to Hrue, per sou Shorts. per tau .. !lay, per ton Wood, per cool Hueter, per Ib 'hese. per Its Errs, fresh, per eros 1Mat,44". . ('attle, ordtl'y to (rood; per c* 1. 1'tulle export, per cwt. 4Ictus, li,.o wbeillht, per awl. ... lb 141 to .. 9144410 .. 41144 to i 111 (4) 1.. to x12 to o I4 to 0 22 to f roto IY7 W 7 44 to pr uK +.m 4 ,n to N oep, per rat 4 4414 to Itaw. per 44 0 11. to lineup, per Ib 0 (9 to Lent. per It. .. 141 to Tallow, Iver Ib 0 M to 1(Ides�apI4.e•r cwt It 9l to Sha'Sklns... al to 'turkeys ... ...... ...... ' 0 13 to Thickens ,1 IN lu St ram torr,4," ....... ... its to xlulside markets on page a4. Keel Estate for sale. (yM)R MALE. --Till.: FINE BRICK 11' swans with 31 Mere• of laud, on Hayfield k nt an•npa-4 by t1).4 o,d.•r444,w'4. An p1am for a 110ur and Isere 1prdrn, The bin le lioderi. h. Apply on premise, .1. H. MAI.IA/1'UH. 1L11R HALE. -IU II.1►INti iA►TS ON 1 Markel .Merl. nail Cnrn.Rk libntr).. mod 4e+Irableka•a1lool. .\only 111 311tS. J. H. WII.I.IAMs. 117 If (,1A1011 FUH MALE. 11MI ACRES, 1 Is-ing Ihr north 4.nll of lot 1:. 1/111« .+loo I. A.hnrW ae141e11 00 Kra, el rand het eell IIIdPMrI, old I.m'knbl4. 111111 -platter. of a mate non. Nile pw6odlrc:„' Horeb and -tore. 11 1. considered one M Ow ' nr-t farm, 1, the month of Huron. AI.oaft, m•rea sit Mil ell the r4rrn,1 roti ....ion M A•harkt, brier the oil11 half of the east half of lot 11. There are two tanning -t 11• 1111 .1111 i'1,11A.M. Tlwre 1+ a (arae .4i x M. with 711 1 (044' (umarat ion. 1 wo frank budklllag•.. x 0{ x 441 a road frame boos anti kiteh 1 and a fine young orchard of the honest/so. Hol. farm- am all seeded down a1 preen The MHz! N1' N °IRVIN. Nilon it. e P 1. F•« h) Anctioneennir *It 77 U 77 U 45 U 4s .A.7 u a; 041 4W 220 a, yU00 IMI KW e al U Is 0 12 4114 (11HE (H)DERi('H IREAI. F.HTATJ 1 ANI) INSURANCE AUKNI'Y. FnI, A41.4. Fared -host repair to lent. 7 rams, 1.14117 *Mooed on Keay. -1014. 44.army fr0uae 415.111644. ' • .wwu.. with good -it nuucr kitchen, pool -table. well +B o t,d on Ke tyy. street. 21 .tor) bn.�k .nd rew,•nt Inrrolnnl dwelling. huge stable. R hl., Finely .it 011 0.•1.)- Meet. «I,lm. a snap. 2 -.ton brick store, linker's oven nod photo graph gallery. H4tn:td ml Maio stmt. Myth. 51.11). Y taw km.. corner PI, ton and Willington. 1 Pru+•. eI Y?lee Ili-. 2•IOry I,r4rk,'tronnorll Mose x114 4 Items of Incl. Rural orchard. Prier e4,.li, 4 one-g4arlrr .1r• kr. ne.01i.T R. Ala ton. frame tont.... '. nano., mlltlntCd nal 1.1'101 stmt, near 1',46'44'1. 111.111111, 51.41'. IoM and frame Ialutlr4. Lb foo frontal.';• nm 0,'-t at Met, near notion.. iI Irr1. aro. d frame stone and do idling. large .table. .11tuned PIterate from ' n1"'. *OP annulll . opportunity knock - Mit 1111«« nldoor. 040114.)y to In Won, 'o ta'r rent. AHOY. HAMI.INK, Hank of ('o ,,n -ree - 1 R MALE OK RENT. -A FARM 11111 of 11 *ores of best clay loam. Irrhnwing In �. 1.1 Fraser, 6lo4rri ch.-d1,iated ,dol fmilt-.I meatus.., lrnrh two mho., lialrnch, ire 0,11.1 C141.11m and fi 14. (NM. lay' 0.4.4: fairly ad bnldla. and Iwo on•had.. Reu+Oo lt'te ruts. For MMher part Wider. ,.pp14 .o J.%. Ji C+11.lv01.I., H1111s alert, I iO4eleh : or KI , 'ARIi At 1 KSON, Uialerlch. *Of. ►i'HOMAM IWNDRY. LIVE MT(N'K and general auctioneer. has remover; from Hamilton Street to new office/11W) Routh Street. when- he will be found at all 11641148 when nM crying .*lee. Terme reasonable and eery of ort teed to etre you oat lefaction . 'Phone 111 \(1E(1ROE I3MIK Kyr, (1ENERAI. ` T mart trowel . un Ifsmlltnn strr.L Dederick. IN O. box 1574. All sales will meeker .helot attention. 1 will Any 1unr entire 4(0,6, 141 household good+ for faith, and will q'lI roll -t maltreats,., ie, fnrnit ere, maltre•.prlor4, Mc.. romp. ('all and +.0 what ver inn In for .'nit In this Ilor(4011KOF. NM 'II Tmrin+tty Shop, Uogeriell. .was T 11 K STERLING IERLING BAN k OF CANADA Hr..111 U►'r1,4 - T1.14u]ro 1 \( ottri KATII) RV SPECIAI. A4 1' of IM)MINII)N I'AHL!AMKNT r . ICE( 'El V IC IKPOSITS HIUHKHTC1'ItRONT KATY. OF INT000$T PAID 411 04 41 SAVINGS BANK 1)EPA RTl1MENT 04 IIKW)MITA OF 5I AN1► UPWARD,. harvest. is paid or r 110 14.11 (14411' tittles :t year. (H{A1'1'4 II,II•IIHT AND 41)LI). A OF:N.014A1. )l t\KINO IIISINKM TRA`'SA(•TE11. 4 4)OFItI('II BRANCH. 11 4.M411. F:.�r. asp Accommodation for Sumner Visitors LIOR MI'1111EK \'ISIT1►RM. 11) re.p.•I of the Ward of Triol), all person. hat Ing u.+olutt,l.t ion for +nnuurr 1 i.ltm. 10 1ia1rN.•h 4.,. reone.tnl to 11,0%e their 11141111, Aad port limbos al the nen simmer oflllws .4 the Iowa, t hien• lid. 1114*) nae kepi which well 14. m301111111 fur enquirer, .4n) nddrisse. +1.41 In In '1'1,4 Signal oath *ill Is. p1*1*r1y n4•.Mrk•d. J.1M F:+ MIT 1.11 F:1.1. Secretary Board of Troth. - AN EXCELI. 'Y'I FARM F O R R.4 Lt.'. -101 acre. ''4..1 Wan.nnsh, two mile. from Athurn : sol t clay loofa. about 141 acne. tinder cultivation .MI 40, to III Acre. Weber.. A well and two nit.of wlller. new frame do idling. n pod been. -table and driving shed. Apply to VIII .'11 k KnH►:1T MON (toleneh VOIIN(4 k ROHKRTSOa REAL • Kamm and Innen., Agents, f(cal es- tate for 4418' or to let Propel -Ile. M k1l l n mart '. any y p1aw n off th1' to wn end > F owl life ImnrwM'e, morel In loan. oto. WR SAi,F,.-FOI'R TOWNIA( • on tt:,ynrM mad,'.. omit fµ T, l'i, tt., Mb. sow. properly. AMd% :O, 14 sa111.1.1.R1c 44 Notice LOCAL 'TOPICS,. Hoyns's Anniversary. 'Phis is the Glorious 1'%yllftb, The Orangemen are celebrating at Hea- forth, l of thee' leala'iug, a«. tomtits: by their fife and dr corps 11n 11 special train at U Ii 4.l et. this Morn in A Celebration is ,also being held at Dung In the Far Northwest. There appeared on the front page of Thr Globe of a teeent lumber all illus- tnatiom of an i m.4 111411 iu4 1Nlilcr on its way from EdmpM1(1111 la Atha- basca Landing. This boiler was 110111- uf,a•tted and supplitvl by the Doty F:mgioe Works C•ntu�nwy 1I: 'tear, of O,MIe'ich. Baseball Match. A baseball match Iwt wren Clinton and (iuderieh has been arranged for Salunday afternoon at the AKrirul- toral grounds, to Mat at 3::41 u elo•k *harp. Admission 1704', tinkled" 10c. and encourage the boys by your pr'•tiellee The Oudot, club in one of the best in this district and the lied... rich cloth ham heels 4,1ar11si114 hard. s1 that it good game will Ile witnessed. Had Narrow Esc:lpe. Krv. S. H,eckett. assistant pastor of Knox church. Winnipeg, while t*tuw- iuy' with a pauliun on the Assini- Imrme River recently. was capsized by the St. James' ferry cable, anti nar- rowly e4'apd draw ' g. The • were rescued b)• a ferryman with difficulty, as neither could swim. Mr. Beckett is a former .Ashfield boy :111d a W11411llle 111. (h,d,'t•ich 4'ollelgi:t.- Institute. 11N' 111N OF (4OL)EHII'1I. 11'1,6.' not ice that the 11111111.111:11/. nnnril of the iery or4tbn of the town of G.drnrh intend+ to C011..111111 cement .Idew•alk. 111 the .aid Ain. A. follow. 1. 444,64,.' .em111wr-1 side of 6 ..11,Ornr .1reet ta•61vM'. W,lerloo +111.1.1 and St., 1':41rirk'- -Ireel. '4, 110 tar mill host• -I 4411. of 4'oRaNne -I reit betw.r•n Its• Sln4re and Sr. Patrick'. +1 reel. • •k on the smith .4de of Si. 1'44 rick'. -I rect 04'1 worn Waterhet.4ne1 .1011 Wo:11111 lou .t1er1. 4. Orn the mmlh,•..( side of Hanilloo +tree! Lelwven Lon b4 1(4; and Victoria nod Nelson y nets. ton the north -MI.- 141 Trafalgar street between NOMI, .Inert mill V irl„rla •tpsi. a Int Ihr north -ide M Hi lief. st reellbet wren Not I le.1 reel a1H1 1.1111 brio noun. • Anil intend- t0 nom•.+n portion of the 11,141 •0'4 thereof cpm the 11.111 411048.11) 10 111• 1 .fMet) Ienrlll.d thereby. fronting or Albin limn 111/011 .044 .,nets as aforesaid, b•• t worn the -al points. and to Ie43• '-61(11 Omit 4.0.1 n,eunhnl1. 10 rbc fronliw.• thereof. b4 (.4006)' nnn61,l +t eeinI n .+.Mint- ; and that is +tttpIuad shoo 11 Me lana+ 1,ahk• to awl propi id to be •la•. nil% 4.+o.m41 tut' Ihr 1411 work. 0111 144. name d •h) ownrn thereof, so r I aecert aired f mm the n4. n+ the m4. nn Inc! ret best nw•.•menl x011 111141 M.irwit•, k non 1114•4 in 11x• 004 41'41 Obi . clerk 01 the 1tn1 nlc1p011), anal I• opsit Insl.•rt ion 411111111( oMee hour.. The rd inane rid of the Work i- , o 1 r d 0111 a 1. f ad 11.Mr/s'a of n Milt e7!C.I 1 of the genet id fond. of Ile- vitality. A 1•onrt of Itrcd.hn will le b on the fill • hour of 'clock In the h m f l4. la Ant' of J111F, I(4) a o.' afternoon. n4 the mun•II .bomberthe. town of 4 tderieh, for the portiwr of he Ing tont pinbals 44(4111.1 the proposed n +r.+ua•nt or (h) 4rcurar) of frontage u1*•nn•nn9tls or any other .ornpininl w'h4rh the person. hotere. (st may desire 10 Make and which 1. h)' Iaaw eta. nimble b3' the fora 1. ' !Paled the 121 1) day of July. lard M. 11. J6HNSTIIN, 11('lerk. 4 Til E SO`'EIt 1,', 1(; N BANK OF CANAL). I,. M. Soon .1.1., lien. Man. It minty,'Mat'ol)wA , Pm.' A UENItRA1. RANKING RI'nl' 0' Tit.4NSACTI:1' MAV !NOS URPAW1 ENT Viso OPENS AN ACCOUNT YOUR IDLE MO EY can earn interest and yet t40 as MBA at your call es if in your pocket. or some other insecure place. \'04l can have the Principal any day with interest for the netted time it wee on depail. INTEREST COMPOUNDED FOI'R TiMES A YEAR (irelerirh Branch. ANDREW PORTER, Jotd*n Blnrk, • SIA\A1:}:R. e* Mart Smith, 11any friends of the grout iia (iode- rirh will lar interested in the an- nn61irrmenl of the marriage of Seven' Hart, formerly of .1. W'ilsen'* drug .tore, but lately id- Kincardine. 'rho event t«.k place last Thur -shay 'r- ing at the Ieeidence o.1 Richard 55'il- sun, O,.de•irh. Rev. NI. 'Turnbull per- forming the owns y. My. Hart's Inside is Elsie M., daughter of A. M. Smith. .tanager 411 the Met.•h oils Hank at Kincardine. In the Toils Again. Hoollie and N'altl•rs, two Inds who h14'1• figured in Ihr proceedings of Ihr Iodic. (1011, lin former IM•Inl.11111m, ween' hefts.... Judge iloyl• 114 Monday morn- ing last, being went tilt from Crediton on charges of theft- f.-osn et014•11 in ('118111011 and Exeter Inst week. They were reulandel for n week. The saner morning Seattle and Er10at 'MOM 11 Were lirfutr• the ppNldiel• magistrate nn ;he charge of 1110 theft from Wm. (;lazier 11(11, Mum of moor)• aaml.ltinting to $7501' fJ)4l, and 1 h heiaring of. the case was adjourned a week. • At the Harbor. The steamer 13ratantie Ir1might up a Ford fond .... dale for .1. H. Kelly yesterday mooting. The machine Is as 'mt.-seated rig with n top. The Mehlonre \'ienu44 Iva • in on Tuesta,y evening, bound north. light, and will probably remain ingorl for a few (1m)s. , rhe s•hon,g' Sarah c • in ion Fri day and 11.41 011 1londn)• wilh4elt for Port Elgin. The steamer Bing Edward took 1111 about 301 bags of Hour for Depot Hat, inn mn S IA.)' might. Collegiate Institute Board. - ThP regular tweeting of the Col- legiate Institute board Wats helot on Thursday afternoon last. Pros te, Messrs. Hays; 4'ulbm'nr, 'McKenzie and i)r. 1'aylor. Mr. \IcKrnzirs n=rut• Wan Oared un the pr..pert 1 com- = _ _ -Navigation, - - - Algona Central Steamship Line SIR. KING EDWARD Weather permitting TOLEi)O-SAl11.T STE. MARIE DIVISION. Hetween Toledo and Wr,ll :41e. M*rie and Intermediate points *'111 10a10 U(derich n• follows: Northbound A:IMI Poul. Sonday Monthbnmd 11 „'111 11.m. Fridny \\'M. t.KK, --- Local Agent. T. .1. KENNED{ Y. THt•nAlnnitcStel.nMarnnge•ier, . • ('i.LN'I'()N NF.rSS COLLEGE I Afillqe4 vete Winghaar Anew Cratere' nrRwa SEP'i'EM BEV 3rd IN TH1: MrKAY BUM'0 THREE ('1)1'RSF:s Preparatory, Shorthand and Typewriting and Commercial. GEORGE SPOTTON PRINCIPAL. Situations Vacant 14)111 4' iia 4)11411. 1(1 Ile. Acheson, de- oral crowd. A special meeting, it WA% de- E. 1 rifest, should be called this week, the E. ( .pedal Noisiness to 1114110 before the auJ bo,ud being the consideration of the are I1•1 isi,111 of Mee t.earb.T.' 41.4111l•ies. The following u(, Ir were ordered raid : Remington ,'Tyewrltet ('u„ one. : J. H. Ilawkius, 57c , St:u', print 1610, •1112.311 ; O. A. Rob•rlsnt, su1111•14 14(1 onnl8, $2.48 ; Janie') \1'iIstnt chemicals. $S.'3'. F. H. Hulules. (oat, Sawmill Burned. I' nt>' 'Tuesday •niug the trill of the liullerirh Lumber ('o. at the her- lor was disvlve•Iwt to he un 41x1' 01141 Ihe,1lauvl was given lileift 1 ,ieltwk. Owing to the bust11)14.tatireofthe Mill nod the material ,uljacent the building Wil. as 111al04 of Hanle by the 1' • the brigade wean 011 hand 01111 the mill proper avax totally ilea(reyell, only portions of the brick loil;•r room walls, the ladder..frontthe waiter and Ihr elevated rack from the mill out into lite vara remaining. The uHler %Not uninjured. The timbers of the (lover mutrnl breakwater opposite the Mill look file and wile 4.1 'Whitt burned. The less is only partly r4Iv- 1•te41 by ivairanee and will probably 1'1111 ab, Iiit '$10,0M1 above 111e a111n11nt of the luminaire. The the originated in the 111111111' I'INIIII. Women's Institu'le. A1o111 Twenty/I•.' mentlwl's of the 6.14..11 ell branch of the 44'est 1llrlll \V en's Institute attended the regu- lar monthly alerting et the h • of Jlrs..1,1.. Aitken. wherea very pleasant time was spent. M•s. Lewitt, the newt,-11lgoilllel president. made an (4)111"pri at' address before (.4 K the meeting in the usual m:tnu(•r. Those Lakin part in the program were Mrs. %Vitus Ite•(Ve• IVD4+ ..la Miller and Mrs. J. T. Malke141. The principal business was tanking n4.• lungements for a picnic at Hayfield on Fridny, July Loth, solely for the bene- fit of the me,nl,el+ of the Goderich brunch. A land wagon will start from 11 rt. Al. Swanson',,, Bruce stirs -I, Auld ano111er font Mrs. 'I'rethl•we)•'s, thence to Mr.. W. 1'. Miiiney's h sh:wp :at 1411, clock a. tn. fi1EA('IIER WANTED, FOR S. S. 1 NO. I, Uuderi,h township. dntir: 10 ruin- nt•nM nest teen. Ap Ikal bus merit et'np to Jon IMI, by J. T. S.4.11.0K1.16. Midrib -It I'erwotml applic4t bn+ preferred. !NA TKACIIER WANTED.--APPLII'A- Tit INS for teacher for S. S. No. 4, Colltnru•. pill he nom{ co l I,) the 1ra+tee. up toJuly 214 1) to commence duties Auutgoalet Pah Stair whirl and els•lose redimon1l•. (-Has. '1'140111.F.,.t...-Treas.. Salt ford. 4,31 'y memiMer's: 4.V. 1.. Horton, l.. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JULY 12th hu10e}. W. Pnou11Go1, l'. S. Poor, I 1•.441•: ', ALUM and the 11iseem Peterson (' Hat., for stile J. H. Mrlloty{. _. .. ...... I urhi,tim. The. ac .. tio'uflir4•tr Tender. for(l4aul4 Vletorl'Ntrem I ketch I Dr. 51'. S. 'rulnbull, rtesirlt'nl :' Anlwuneenwut.•--J. H. Worsen. 4 1 Waster'TsIwo -J. H. Worsen Noli.e •e Caauent Sidewalks -Town of 0o4e• nets 1 Watch H.epaltllg-H. Park - e we Make Iholy loaders -Frank H. Menlo..., 1 Ono Year's Sucawuf,l Nosiness -11, Mll erCO. 4 July Special. lieu. IUrtr•r. ,... e July Bargains Acheson k BOW 1 lo.eph Pigott,. rice -president ; H. 1K. Auxin, second Vire-president 7 Ur. 1. 11. 91:ttwe, secretary ; T. N'. Nairn, treasurer; O. 1.. Parsons, 1' - 11,,x1/1..1:1:61‘1.e. U. Mtutvl)•, Y1/e•-1'l61111111N111re ; r• itt e, Dr.l'. F:. Mule, L. Milton, F. Hrophvy, Th,., g auul 11, Spence . chaplain. Rev. tttuderTwiur F:. 1'. Pnullu... ... T Turnbull. Auiuug the u11•nJors Chas, Turnbull, F'. iI. 1larlill, It Ambuu,wulcnl F:. P. IMulin 1 tient, l'. Su1dh, J, 1'1) illi;., l'. Ellis. ule•n. Wp,eulber3nl-('Iinlwl Nurlaeir lkl• milk. Harold Taylor, John Platt lege . 1 F. Smith. Wednesday night wam 'Fur You -w, (', t'rhlhnut 2 ;t rart for a weekly run and the Hotl''"Tha"F:4,1 N. N. Ikrkrlt KutbtvWcriu. for Sal unlit) Ho14,0,. llroeSe Realer - U. T. IL ... 1 Three titNv ola W. A. Mclin, 1 The Underwood -W. K, Matt. Ale.$. . .,tt Tylw.vrllur for :tale -4%', E. 0114041 Tu (tent -Sovereign lank. - 1 Furnished R0114114. to Held -TIM 1)1ncr1 . Garden Party --ladles of Si. George's Church I-' Tender. for Coal . Fred. Uelllw, Ottawa 1 Hon...and outfit fur Sale' J. H. Hawkins1 Bo Wanted --sternal Ofeoe. s Furnished Cottage to Rent -W. k. Kelly....1 P. hill 11. are ('or H. S and set. 11 m•.to014 of regatta nano(', enol roloir Auld pennants were left' over until next meeting. Appointed to Bowmanville School. A liuwutaltville 41esptf'11 says: "Thr high school bowed of this town have appointed John Elliott, H. A., principal of Leamington high .•liens, t, the Ileadntaate(ehip of Bowman- ville High school, in p1ar,' of the Inti J Oilfillan, J3. A. '!'here were t h i r t y•Hve upplicat ion., including 8111e of the most suelr.8f611 teachers in the Province." Mr. Elliott Is the brie he• of Thomas and George M. tFa- Ii(rtt, ,)f town. ' The Leamington Poet )11l)'14 : "Prinelinti Elliott (eaves the town to the regret not only of the citizens Luk of many others in Soutar Essex. this ge ' I and upright 4'hrislian char- ade' have endeared I ' to all who have had the honor of his l(l'l Iutiu- l11.re. As at teaelier he is unexcelled, as a Mall his ext illi• has been g04*l, and u. a (•itiya•n he Is highly respected and loved. Our school has taken a high position, and while the assistant teachers have always IM8•n gold;• yet t hi' high standing ,,f the school has bes•11 g ' 1 ' "lwriaally through the labor of Mr. Elliott. At this time it is difficult to think what tem he clone to rept:toe him. He has I)een s, 41,rely e weed with the whom .1, has identified himself with it so thor- oughly. that ill is hard to di4alo•il(le I1i111 from it, yet it. %woad he unfair to try to keep him. The import unit its. for advancement will he greater at Howulnnville juat now, than they are hem. Hr merits the best position in the teaching profession, and wig yet attain to it. The town will greatly regret the loos of 11'. Elliott ,and fnmily. They will be specially nliHsd 111 clinic!. work. 5\e• tt'1181 we *hall have A.1) oppurt ' y of meeting 1 and possibly wele , g,1 ' again to Esm ee ruunty." A Marton Yarn. Ilene is a pretty gibed Ulingf' The Whitton 0 •ho of 1aks.. week : "The future w•' •r 41( the Marathon ince resides right, here in Wiartut. Diu*. old Johnston, who wean down to thole - :rich 0n 1) L' Day. saw about twenty -live line tip' for the 14111-yaid 11;141 ,11)41 h' thought he would (Ake 11 bund in 11. Nil without any running shoe., or divesting 1 ' self of hitt runt, he 41,111491 in and won Witt tany (11.11111e," The %% lateen chip may be all right for a t4centl•-fv. mile rl46' (his wind is flood judging from the tale he told the Echo mans. 1rut he is nut in it in a 1011 - polls' dash. 7'he winner of the neve ulrmtio11el above w14s 55'111 lohnslon, of Onderirh ; the strange' from the t1) w e If the much of tail- endeelr. Ne is evidently looking fiat• cheap glory. At the Rink Friday Evening, Torltrraw (Friday) evening 0 unique exhibition will be given at the West *t1ct rink, Capt. Duncan C. Rus, chain; ' 4.4ynr1Ktrltl of 1114• o wrld, w•ieKllet' and a11 -round athlete. will furnish the main feature... gi411)g exhibition. of wrestling and other athletic (rats, mwor,lsnmtnship, et'. He 1$ 141 inert Richard Dunn, it noted Irish wrestler. and :a nuynlwr of local men, and will show all the latest twists in the b61sute+s. Seven 104•111 Ines 111144' entered for a wrestling lout Met:nile, Davison. Post let hw,►ite. She w, lbartll1 1'.1nnell, Patsy Hut•1ey and Thos. Flannigan. 'I" • will nut permit irf a ;halt With all of these, but several of them will be picked out for the purpose. The hills say that 25 rents per minute Will he praid any wrestle•, Glt' every ulinuti• he r:an stud before Roes 111• Minn. The ex- hibition is 01111er the management of Pole \Vol, J. 1►'H,•ien. Admission, '.'•o•.: ladies and ehiidlr•n, 1 `L AANTF0DnlulA 14 mouth. Apply 10 MKS. C. 1'. MIIItItISON, Carey 11011e. Ihr ('recent. �AOEK ' ► 1 S tt(T MA + 'Y .I . 1 1 Ti /A. TF r s+ financial 1)n arillon. for for high la 1 ,1 R lilalerieb Aiarirt. Address No..�el Maiming 4 hamia•rs. Toronto. O\' \\'ANTED -APPRENTICE Ti► 11 learn printing. lam la yens of age. Lor edneartlo... A good opportunity for n bright iey. .41114 iat '1'140:(ION.%Ia 111'1'1(0. Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOIL THE POSI'T'ION of 014aal+sl in Vitamin street Methatl+l church ill he Heel caul by the ,umlrr.egncd up to Wednesday, Jul) 2,4 h. Ditties 10 04.1(111 ,(VOgost Iso. A146141. H. 0111 144 V 1'IN0141\.\ 14421 C,, Warning TAK \\'.►RNiN(1. -- _ pc naltle• of tise-ffor Ryles,- are to hr iamedIntelpT e.oreed. owner,. of 4,s4-holld *t once call mot pay limner fee *nd wk. tag and Aare trottble. 44414; TAMPHFLI., tlolle,'lor. ARNINO. ANN(/NI: 110(11'N I) bees« lief er r*rrytp4 tire 4/11. 041 any pert of our I.nlla•T4 f *111 be am'r`•Iwl en4 prow rnl,d. IHlgenh F. 1'. and 1:. 1'. ATritlhl. W Public Notice the trick. They were red all over town. Atr►U EH. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL ITEMS. F. Jordan made u trip to Toronto this week. S: A. \I,(inw made a trip to Toron- to this week. ' CHURCH NOTES. Thee will be special 1lttlxte in North street 'Methodist church on Monday eve li..g, when the choir will Ire PAP 'tinted by Mr. Jotliffe, of Toronto. The choir of Knox church held their 1(1)1161x1 'tmmmmel• outing on Tuewley. They picnicked (reside the Maitland at l4• 'llrr and had is most enjoyable art..' and e4,• ' g. Next slundaav evening the pastor of the BaptiMt ('1,4114.11 will eomu611in44 a series 0f seer to young men. The first anhjert to IM• considered it ' A Young Man'. Ambition." The sting service will be ernduct•d by young men of the congregation. A11 mer invited to attend, and the yotmg mien of the town in p►rttrular. A Good Advertisement. Iia the advertising department of 11.okt:eller amid Mtaliuner (Toronto and Montreal) for ,lime is a ropy*lul•lion of one of (len. Porter's advertisements published recently in The Signal. nal. II 4.s given its n .+amphi of good nda•ri•- tising. conferring 11 runnjdi11lenl upon both the prt•p:ar44tion of the mallet 1.)• the advertiser and the tie ulner in whirl it a•,1s put ban type in The Signal's c posing room 'look - .seller and ' Slaationer'" r 'nt ba ns ((MOWN : "l:rorge Porter. of Ooelerirb: in a neaat Hve•inrh single -col lvetiwe mint, styes : 'N'I' are Nhow•ing in gyral curie4 y very art istic "imported" wall paper, for draw ingroom. 1ihr,u'v, hag Auld diningronm, elm° a lo•r 11f s•Ieet designs fur bedrooms in dainty stripe and floral effect. etc. Mece•rall new and very Pretty designs in French and 0Itglish washnhl,• t11e4 for lava- tory, bathroom :aid kitchen, etc.' 'Pltn gene•al atmosphere of this adver- tisement certainly lends to impress the refuter with the attrH•ti4eneMM of the *tie+." Guelph to Elmira. Yesterday's (ilIPlph Mercury says : •4'4011rt0r Mizell end engineer Daavidwrn will 11,14',' charge this 4'4'11• 1by Iltrl. regular 4'. 1'. H. ntarett- 't y K 1 ger of t train In paint. over the O. te(4. tracks to Elmira. Itwill hr .the feet •%ruing through Irvin front Tormnl.1, .Into here et 7:31, and it is billed to leave for the new terminal nt 7:041." 'Ther'ta��+, only Ain,..lop het weer. Guelph end ENnoiriL that nt Weiselburg 1I'eterso04. This slnt.11n hes b•,'n ac lted. RA hn4 that Al KInlirn, and the line front (4uelp4h to Elmira, nix - 1 Peri miles in length, w*. handed over 11an'lhP ('4netrect.inn department In the operating deportment this morn- ing. The lisle -table for the pe+senger Net%irP ha* tree,' arranged. There will 11e twit trnins each way daily. One will leave Ehttire at 7 ',nn., and' the other leave Guelph at 10 44.111., after the arrival of the i4:iai a.m. train. The s,'e 1 trnin will leve Elmira at. 0 p.111.. and. the last will probably leave Ou,'Iph at 0 p.m. (QKALF:II TKNI)EKS Ai)DREMMEf) tattle ,,,,dont*nrd. RIM; r,Hh, w 4 ••TnielI, r for Ynp6'4.114 Cal fur the IMnttdrxt 111,041Inge.` w II he rel'14 re1 nl this office sinI-Il Thinsday„4 n4,••t la, NMI. inched) ely. for the wipitl• of cool for the piddle bnlldllnrp. thretagenll the Il.mininn. ('unrMwwd •IIo•rilleolinn 80,4 form of trn.lrr can be nonm.43 cm application nt this creep. Perdus tendering are notified Ihnt tetaler• will 004 Lr eon.Idrmd mile.- male no the minted form ',marl, and .4011.41 w nth their M•t11a1 •IRnnl tire.. En. -h lender 1 IM• nee o0lpnn let by an ngcrpts1 choi r on n ,-hart r•red lank, magic able to t e oder o4 the Honmmento le the Mlnl.ter of I'0bllr wicks, equal to ten tier emu,. 01an10mnt of the lender, whirl *111 he forfeited If the tarty tendering decline to enter Into a caution when rolled upon to do so, m If he fall to complete the work lent meted for. 1f the tender he not ..center! the (hewn. 4-111 be returned. The IMpll meet dale not bind itself rnsrerpt the lowest or an) tender. 144 order, FRF:1). 11ILINAPI, Secretary. Department of 1•nh11, Worker, Osla w*, July . 111A Jam Hyslop. of Toronto, cantle a brie( visit to WWII 011 Saturday. Miss Lizzie Brown, of Ailberley, ie visiting in town fora few days. Miss Pearl Wigle, of \Vannipt is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. (leo. Cox. Miss Hastings has returned to Mont- real after visit at the residence of F. J Onlal1. Mrs. and the Misses :Mair, of Toron- to, were the gu(rlls 041 Sunday of Mr. 1 Mrs. Reinhart. Nis, lines% of W,shingtin, D. C.. arrived in town 1st week for a visit at the residence of J. H. ('ollwl•ne. Alli,• AnderMnl left this aurning to joitt it C. P. K. surveying perty on the line between Listowel anal Linwood. Mnr.l'rabb utd little granddaugh- ter, Miss F:thin Crabb, were the guests on Thursday of George Crabb, Mea - fort lis Misses Florence and {)live Bates cauyr 411/ (tont 'romans) on the H. U. H. excursion ,old have been visiting at their old hou►e. Mrs. 1'. H. Crewe and daughter are sp1.11tlillg several weeks in town. Mr.' Clew's is now travelling for the Gor- ham M'rg. Co., New York. • Francis Aehlon and him sister, Mn. N'Im, Tow norm', of Clinton, were guests Inst wick of Wm. Jewell and his thl•r, Mrs. Jewell, Cambria moot. _ Vestenlaly evening was the occasion of the weekly ret of the canoe club and 111o. the la •hing of the North Pier, the name by which Capt. law- sou'm new Nail boat will be ca11e(1. The boat is about 35 feet in length. The christening of the boat wax con - disci 1•41 by the c odore of the cap,le club and oth,''r of the members ,4 1imtel. It,•v. 'I'. (4. Marlow, who is g ' g to llritinh l'ul1tlbi0 to work among the 1odious its 1 h .pant rept ...te'Inta11tie Of the Epworth Leagues of this ,dis- trict, was in town during the first part of this week. On Tuesday even- ing he gave an inten•.ling GA at the meeting of North street Epworth League and bel eve g he spoke at \'ietoria street. ' Program of Campaign Visits. Rev. T. O. BB:u'tow; who Inas leen .p- ointed by the miss* board of the 3d 041411.4(4 church to take the place of •v. W. J. Stone. who Naas been left will t n station at his own request, as cls.' At'41.1the t31'Itlxll Col bin In- intlM, will campaign thim district and nde:ta'ly 41 I get au•g11itintel with the gm•opli• of the different MIm ieti,m n the churches. The program of Mr. al'low's visits is all follows : 1401)1111Ih•r, undo •. Jule SO) ; (i(Mlcrirh, Monday, nay iMk T11rslay, July ItMh, Wel- estlaty. .luta' 1113: Auburn, Thurs- Ly, .Indy 12th.. Friday, .duly 1:3(4 ; Nile, S11nday..1611)' 13(1, ; Dungunurn, tondn4. .duly 101h, Tteslay, ,duly 71.1) ; Donn)•blank, \\ r11neslny, July 5ll : Hlyt0. Thursday, .duly 1(44.11. Friday, Jody 111th ; IAwtlesho•u', Sim - lay, 'July 2'2nd ; Clinton. Monday, duly 2.'3, I, Tuesday, .1 lily 241 3,, Wed- iealey, July 'Leh ; Seafnrth, Timm- ins., July "73140 ; Walton, F'rid,y, holy 27634 ; Holnu•N4ille, Sundny, July _'11111 ; ‘',tenni 11 Iny. July :10th, Tuesday, .1111)• alms, Wednesday, Asim d '1st : Hayfield. Thutwlay, August 2nd, 1•'litlay, Augont:Ird.- . JUST NONSENSE. Conte ;again, Hnnm 0111 13oy1 and girls ! ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1hu•bine oil You will get the best al. \V44sE41: $ hardware store. E. Paulin has just received a Targe uniport shipment of window Khasi. A few screen downs' and win cows to be sold at cost at Woget1Lt: S hatal- ware xtuts% J. H. Hawking wants to sell his hors•, trap and harness ; the hand - sone outfit tan be had at bargain. If yarn are troubled with Buffalo laws to y • houste, get as Mottle of • Huffish) 13tig Killer. only 25c., at NW. THoMMUN N Drug Store. HII 'Y1•1.I0l AT WHU1.6N.t(.14 PRICKS. We have it. Mtock six bicycle', new, egad' we will sell you at. r,lmt. Also one ('Ies•ent hicyrle,. ',' n) nearly new, f t-irLII. $ K Ie Hi snap. 14.thetoday at UK/. W . THI)Mta.IN k SOWN music sten•. • Fine stationery 111111 *o.venir post cards. Lew'il s eharpened by the most nu,I,•rn prowess known to ern mow) ' •al whine.% Lown f • thee tory run 1e taken hotne sante day if brought in the morning. /ToWo old, 4.,4 called for and delivered. Droll a .postal or call. CLI` KH PK'S. NIN/1T1)N, \\'llliltlll street. Remember the garden party on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, July Iflth, under the auspices of the !Julien of St. (barge's church, on thl• IMgultiful gtalands of 0. F. Carey. 111 present occupied by Mrs. Morrison. Arlertuon ten will i*' served from 5 to 7 li cloak :and the band will he in attendance in the evening. Admission to the grounds 100; tea Me. Wonder whet T6rrnntu would do if all Ihr Huron people who COOS` nor 1111 the H. O. It, rheum should deride 111 renr►i 1 in the old county. _Perhapslhr 'zar e.MIItt it the r nitrr way1lind 11-a-m-u I nuppi,.4' the lumber people will g.'t their insurance ey: Intl who le g ' g 11) pay nm for the two holm' sleep I Inst over the the 4 Willi limber at $''2.:141 an inch, w per why they don't keep it. in fireproof venlig. Don'I. gel into the habilof keeping ,a notch handy on your dreNser just. Io8•anw• yin' couldn't find one the other night. l'ou'd be nun' to forget it slime night, and that night there w/114l1* be ,a flies • Menesetung Csnoe cub. A meeting was held last Thursday evening for the p1►rpome of organising 44 rant* club, Anil the name eelet•t won the Menenetung ('ante Club. E. N. Lewis, M. jr., wan 11p pointed hon- orary pfes*enc l E. 0. Dickinstm, hen- inory vice•preddent, and Judge Holt, Newspaper. homelier thM advortls•msnt honorary almond vie'e-president, ^while A wlthoitt *whorl' truant i'y from the Depot tant will the fnfnRing were named no hon- / not be paid for It. There'N nothing like a fire at, night to. bring out Matte eceeentrieiticn of fres'. AUCTION SALES. S,Arum, t4. July H. -Auction sale of house- hold furniture atthe residence of MI+e Swift, No. 20 Trafalgar +Met, *1 2 o'clock, -harp. T41,a., (26-41/n1. Auctinneer. BbRN. ('61oKO.--At Henv11, 4.m Jane t.111. 10 Mr, ant! 11r., H. J. 11, 1'a.ke, a. dnnghtrr, FI)R41N, 1)11 .4nly lot 1,, In Mr. and Mr.. Alex, FodeA, a daughter, It111+F:IlT Ryes In G,al4rlel,gj. londay, July 18th, to 11r. and Mn. 44.. 1(01.1. 1)00, n son. MARRIE PALMER Mv1.04111. On 4Vedneslny, Icily Ilth. al the residence of AMtander M, Don - mkt 411ouc).trr terrace, by Wet'. J*,.. A. Aielerson. H. A., John Janice Palmer. of Kincardine, to Annie, dawghterdf Mahalu M. beml, 4l.alrriela • o'NEI 1. HLAK1:, lattlefnrd, June 2.0h by ke% . F. Thompw,m. Clifford O'Neil, of flan It.n hake, Rask„ Only sem of the late 4411 liom F. O'Neil, 10 Nollina Make, misted daughter of the late Thom,. Blake, of lialrrirh. He Is still the People's Joe. . fa there anything eineou would like, Mr. (ioldthorpe't If t� Is, jest ask for it. _ Doubt ale Thomas was outvoted, but at any rate he displayed the Courage of hi. doubts. Those Power Compaq) posters dkl DIED. w'Altl). -A1 alnulgn nnno, on Monday. .1.1y Rh. Joeeph (loo a Mani. aged 71 soar. I/onpiony years The Slgnsl's v*lued torte prddent *t Unn4annom. MUitl'HY.- In Oodatch tow male on July 4, Henry Murphy, aged 7Y year.. HART. -tu Colborne townshlp, otWed need1W J'lly Ilth. Ramnel Hart. aged (O year. and :l mouths.- DALTON.- In ouths.- 1)AL1,Tt)N.--1n noted h 01q11 [14.1141*). July 5.. Thome. Clarence Tadtan. Infant am. of Mr. and Mr.. J. A. ballon, opal 3 year. and 9 -months. JARIINK.-At ► Nmth Dakota, on %Val needay.•duly. IIs John Jardine, formerly of klnewtdlwe brother In law of Lieut. Teen,. theierlrh,