The Signal, 1906-7-5, Page 104
10 Trnluwv, July b, 1 50
Hope Is Held Out for Joseph Hussey's Recovery -
Eleven Young Men Arrested in Connection' With
• the Affair -Preliminary Trial Adjourned to
Tuesday Next Joseph Griffin's Statement.
One man hovering between lite and
death:' eleven *obits in the hands of
the law charged with his wounding ;
sorrow brought Into the Moue of a
young ample just lrnunwncing their
wedded life, and a gloom cast over the
whole neighborhood three are the
results of what was probably intended
as only a harmless bit of fun.
Joseph Hussey. the Victim of the
Kingsbridge shooting affair of 1401a
week, was in a very critical cuudit'
for a few days and no hope was 'held
out for his recovery : but Dr. Whitely
states that there is now a )(11051 chan4i•
of his pulling through. Ureat interest
be bring taken throughout the district
in the dev'Iopments of the case. mo
nwny bring concerned in it in one
way or another.
The shooting took place at Midnight
on Wednesday. Next day the Crown
&oilmeili. r in lioelerieh receiver word
of it, and no time wow last in invr5ti-
gating a d taking such other act'
as the e rc truces deualldel. Un
Thiamin evening Crown Attorney
Seeger, 'rovincial. Constable Phelan
and Constable McCreath visilet' the.
wenn and made four arrests. Early
Friday mor g Matthew Met'teighl,
Thomas 1•'*ri isli and l'harles Taylor
were lodged in jail here. The other.
Joseph (iriffln, w+u: released' on Neil.
his father, J. lirifflll. and James holey
going security for 11.100 each.
The frown attorne • and 4''stable•
Phelan. ac ponied oby Drtctive
Murray, of Sar made another• trip
t o AsIttield on Friday tin eontinur
investigations, and on Tuesday 1'on-
stables titulary and Phelan went out
and male seven other arrests and
yesterday horning the eleven young
sten were brought up in the Police
Court. The nen arrested 04) TurMlay
were Elliott Dretlnan, (Ionian Dren-
nan, Haney Young. tierrge Drennan.
Janie. Howler, John Sullivan and
James Kane.
At tAe Police Court.
Dr. Whitely at the Police Court
yesterday gave a statement of the
condition of the wounded man. Joseph
Hussey. He maid up to Friday he hod
thought the man would not recover of
his wounds. but Hussey hail been con-
stantly improving mince then. Hr
Mut last seen hiul on Sunday night
and Waw going nut to ser him Hutt
night. He believe) then that Iltisse•y
was going to gel better, though he
W1s not quite out of danger,. Teem y-
s•ven shot of size R,•nurse his lately.
seventeen of which had not been got
out. Three shot wet. sdppelsed to h
in the lung. 1111* Were *1111.M1 h+er•1111ess
now. The ones most to be feared
were the slots' in the back of Die
neck. Of the or ten which en-
tered here. four hal barn taken out.
Crown Attorney Seager applied tor
an adjournment of the caw till Imlay.
pending Dr. \Vhitsly's'repoot if the
wounded man'm condition, as, if it was
known definitely that he was going
to recover, the offence would no1 he w4
serious as it otherwise would. W.
Proudfoot, K. C.. who appeared for n
tsar 'If the )a•imOners, op1m"1
sending all the young men buck to
jail again and neeessit.1 ung the bring-
ing deet of the awn who were epee)•
to give bail for them, and, IM.
Whitely stating that the chance of
Hummey N not res,vrring was a very
alight tine, Mr. Meager consented to
bail being taken for 1411 ihr men ex-
cept Mc('reight, against 4vhnil he said
he hal evidence that be was the one
who bol done the shooting. Accord..
ingly in the tame of ten of the young
men the court was a1'oit•tnel tillTuesday. July 114111, end Mel'reight
was remanded until this •ping.
For Elliott Drennan .lames 1hrnnnn
and Richard Bradley wentbail: for
(Jordon Drennan. H.4.hcrt and (i,'in'ge•
Drennan; for thirty Young. Alex.
Young and Michael Howler : fin.
l Thr charge now held against the men
who ate Imp lirnlyd iN I tial. of "rowel-
ing," which may 1*. changed to "un-
lawful stownabl) im cam. of Hui ''x
t'rvuvery. 1f Mosey 1.l Id the Has
titillate will Ise 'ober ...rictus.
Rev. Father Hussey, of Rid town.
is a brother of the wounded man.
\Vold was ewut to hint imtuediately
and he arrived the next &bay.
Fairish. 1)4avid Fa1Tl'lt and Angus
Melee tt : for 1'h+irles 1:ayhn•,
David Taylor and Joules Dietitian:
fur (itsll'ge Drennan, (1.1a•ge Dietitian
and J es Drennan : for J4 •4
Howler, Mirh*el Bowler and Morgan
Dalton : for John Mullivan, \1111.
In in) 1 Morgan I /altuu : for Jamie.,
Kane, Morgan 1I;,It u, ) \1'. Fog-
arty : for Joseph Urilllu. John 4/elitist
4(14(1 Maut•ice I)1lt4111.
r.I'I'odium is acting for Elliott
Drennan, Matthew \I4Urrigld, (Jor-
don Drennan, Tho". h'arriah. ('has.
Taylor feud Harry Voting: J. 1. Kill-
oran is acting for .14w. Kane, John
Mullivan. James Bowler 1 Berrie
Drennan, and 31. 0. Johnston is
(amuse( for Jiiseph Urilfiu. Elliott.
Drennan 1(11d (bottom Drennan ,tic
"aid to 11.' only fifteen years of age
and Harry V'0uti)( twenty_. The
others are all young( men.
McCreight Before Magistrate.
:Matthew Mc('right was los night
before the magistrate this morning
and the bail of his Cather, Matthew
Melheight of 11.11011 llwnsllip, 111111.
of his uncle, 1i. 'l%. Fielder. of .tsh-
fleld, wits accepted along with his
own. in the al iiiiii t of 411.1441 each,
for his reoptwaraucr c4) Tut -malty nrxl.
at 1i li41s'k. 1►r. \Vhitely's 1)11(1)'
su.»Iit .r 1 ht' ('4lhIdltllIIl 44* the w lel
maul Hussey WAS entirely (*40,11411.
Hr said he had seta' hint at 11::N)
\Veln•Mlay might and his pidse orad
t•ugwratnre were mai aid he WAN
desperately hungryNone iorr of
the shut in the sleek were showing up
now .flint the swelling was g ' g
down anal these could 1w ((ken 0111 at
tiny time. lin the aalosPn('t f the
1'ruw•n atoms , 1'. 111w1"4w, 1114.41
for h(ul, opposed' hail (wing taken.
(1. F. Blair, for the lois •1. mull he
h101 understood bail would be maw'', 1l
411141 the geutleii,t•i twin, were 10 give
bail hal rouse boek to town, also with
that idea.
Hew It Happened.
Joseph GfiMn's Statement.
After being 4(41111ilttxl lin 111111 Joseph
(11111lu tuade the following. voluntary
,statement before :lagisl1-111 41ilnlINv
and in the presence of his father, hie
counsel, M. U. Johnston, 1 the
Crown attorney:
•'1 cauls to Kingmhl'idge nn. that
night and inlet a crowd of IaWs (here.
They had it sled Idhoard of 4t
plow. 0.114.1 44 ('4IW lM•II. \\'r sl +tyre!
around thele for a while and w
Ism)" (ante f1 Kinlail. 'Thry had
two imam with them. Matthew Mc-
1'ieight brought • and I think
Elliott Dreinull had the other. We
talked together for :t while. when the
whole crowd arranged to go up to
John Dalton's louse. there having
been a welding there that day. \\'e
went up lin have some fun and to
ehari41ri thrum if they did not put up
the leer lir 1 he money. \\'r all wean
rap lin 1Ile corner of the 7th, tonersrim)
mud four went 4.01 811,1141 10 !hilt .10
ho41,r 111 ark for the lwe•r. I(irittln
waw not quite mute ul".ut the foul'.
He mentioned l'har. Taylor. 'Thos.
I"l(rrish x11(1 James Klnvle', and said
there might not have 1we•n • than
tem three he w'aw not stare.) Abt
thirteen others remained at the cor-
ner. myself being 41 them.
Matthew Me('r•igit, Jaynes Kane.
`molt. Drennan, .1 .D1111 Sullivan and
sevet;tl others wade lip the or4tt'd.
cannot it: • them 311 for 111e 1110.
silent. 'rhe boys ('.11ue hack 11'4.111 1 h
11 w• and sob) they were, refused.
Joseph Buckley was • of those who
rein, iinl.l at 1111' cnrneer
4 ••The .•11owd then derided to all go,
up ihr red pawl the house to rheaH'-
ai thrtil 41 he married couple) by mak-
ing a noise twitting on the intimation..
ringing the i41w•I•Il, and cheering.
wlnrh was dun.•, the crowd going
thele fol thin purpose. to 111*4 4 ori
the married couple. This wow dune
of the road in front of the house of
John Dalton. \\'r 1wturinel there for
a minute or two beak big theme 'sea.
%Vhde ihr 'rex at re being le
there were one or Iwo 441111tm fired off
at least. but 1 would nut. Iw sure of
own. '.'hew 'light have been more.
but 1 went un M.ul11 W the bridge,
where there was p buggy standing
having lades libeler. '1'1 am Fai-
rish an1(irorge Drennan 1n it. 1 WAN
talking 1.1 then, for probably liter
tis when. taro boys with the
plowshare ('141111• (140.0. One of them
was Joseph Hoek ley, While 1 wits
there Mw1e shots were tired and the
noises continued. The 1o1ym in the
11u41K)' tilt•ne1 their blase around and
w'e all went north towatls .11)1111 Dal-
ton's 111111x•. A100111 half -wily rap the
hill we beet Johsl ('(111144(144, Ire of the
Isis Who were ill the 114.11x1, *1111 he
:wkel for the loan of the buggy 141 go
for the priest. We did not believe
'him. hill a•onsidrrel he wear trying 10
play a joke on )1s, not thinking +tny-
onehall been hurt. We thought he
was playing a trick lin us to get the
hone.. V' let hint have the horse
after a while 81.0 (iet trio. 1h•eslnam
went with 111111 to the priest'" boils...
l'he west of us went rap to the corner
of the 7th concession and l'harlea
Mors rau1e along from John. Dalton s
I • and asked if Father Mcl'(1rmau•k
was in the er.wil. they exile•ting hire
14( he neat' 1,y. AN "4N)11 AN w'.• head
s111ux111.• wax hurl We wet bock ill1A1
the house of John Dalton (Ted Griffin,
('on. Keefe enol myself, to gi4e day
1wxixt,ule• We ('(1111(1. 1 IwlllaillI'd
there' all night. or until daylight,
when I left for home.
"1 'Merles 'fay lot. said Matthew Mc•
freightfired two shots 111 towards the
As Was stated last weekma wedding
1ta1k oboe at. Kingsbridge 011We it s -
day, John Dalton 111)41 Miss Frances
Moiu: being the Irinl•i1al"• and the
"h4414tin41 lleel4rIl l4111I411g a charivari
that. took pimp at night outside the
young couple's h.. AN 111 how• 1111.
charivari was .a•gani%AMI thele 111e
t•a1•i stories. tow is that. INr•,ulse
.11411e of the yuan;; mel of the tli"ttie!
had not been invited to the welding.
they dear ' al to v.tit their a •
x111,• upon the welding 41811)' by
eventing a (1isl11rbn('e int side Ihr
hone: Another 5iew, and one that is (I)' insisted 11114411 by resident( of
the dIat•ict, i" that the boys simply
int.•ndel to have some fun ; though
who' glens were taken along is it rir-
1.luustulce that is not lealily 1.x•
pluin111. The young men w'ho ale
t seriously connected with the
affair in the rye. of the law do not
live at Khlg.hrid41., Int farther all,
and, it is said. simply happened to 1N•
present, ha5iug no INarticular. 1utetwst
111 the affair. Meereight 1111(1 Hulme)'.
indeed, are said to 1w pt•rfeet strangers
a factthat is significant IIre.aiew
Mcl'r•ight is alleged (4) heave Neel the
.hots whirl' took • tfe•t 1111 1111ssey.
1 '(Tright is au implement agent bat
hints'', hat mg to that' lance not
long ago f • Ripley.
Taylor and Fairish, it Weill.. went
up to 1)a1lo11•s 1141044• and 1wke1 fol
mu8l•)- or liquor. and w•rrt• refused
Then the elulrivari began. There ,was
more than one gun in the maty
Joseph Ilusst'y. who wens in the house
• • out and fired off a gun, with telt
intention of smearing the int ioltas
away. M,t'r•i ht, N is alleged, Mel
shot (wile, and the charges hit H,s
sr). The d041,14 afte•watls ft ui.
twenty-seven buckshot in 11nssr)'
head, neck feed boar. 'row only stat
' haus.•. :111 I know shone the guns iN
'this : Mat chew '.1,•I'I'e•ight. Wim
• ung a gun when leaving Kingsbridge.
• Atter passing Thos. 1'onti0es 1 asked
• Mi'('reight what he hail dour with the
gnu. 111• MAW he haul (art it into the
1 •bug)() : do not know w'h(44' buggy it
Was. 1 also saw Kane with ober
glut when We gal to the corner of the
7th ('4uleem"io1. The fun Met '1 41ht
hent thin has )'et been taken 4,111
ebilh'. in regard to the shooting, i
that of Joseph (irifln. The ('row'.
+(1t !medic') ane looking into the detail
of the ease. however. and these wit
('time 1)01 when the It takes p!a('e
hail w11s a shotgun ant the gun Kane
- hail woo for either shot or ball. EI-
'n" lioDrennan had the gun at the
corner 1)f the ilh e4AireNsbun and he
" .aid be was pilling braid into it and
wax apparently loading it. I SAW 111P
the welcome sad long -expected 0. P.
K. steam whistle coming Lhtai h
DineColborne. about the ule the first Make
of mow will fly this fall.
The Way Godr h- CCelebrated Our
National Birthday.11
It. IN some year's since Materiel' bad
a public de Athol 011 1) . 1011
Day and the success of Mouday'N two -
gram shows w1111 144(11 h• .14111P is
fortnight's time by un energetic mon-
enduresw•11ltres It certainty mist Ise like
a pu1)lie holi)1*y and a m01e fitting
WAY lin ('rlrllrate the nation's birthday
1.4 11iVP a crowd of people i the
1111 1 wearing 1t festal appeal'auce+
thou to leave the day unmarked wive
for an laxaaonaal Hag or bit of bunt-
ing the. Moyalt) (1f s private citizen
may suggest u1. tits her of the
crowds which leave the loom 04) that
they to seek ausement rlllCat+1lhrn•.
'11people10 eople from the mlll•r011n4 illgg
c try came to WW1) early 14y lllA
h' beds and a 4)411,11101• hrlught pic-
nic INwkets with them. The morning
program consietel of children'.( 411111(1.1)
in the Square, following a calithmup-
tan ptaes11
ado, whicha
. though not
1101)41•011P, did lunch to put the('row(141
of s(wct(torte in good 1 fur.lbr
day and induce the unbending Bann
convent' Mira 011which the $access
of Nucha celebration in part depends.
The rulithuaultiau precis included
a bwr of rigs and several bicycles
and the fact uitic vsl uu11.4 ltmd coltish
antics) of those al4he4 t4IIk part would
Iwo. too hitch in derxiption to at-
tempt it. The chi (4)•n'" 8'4441'4, •►s
usual. were keenly •ontrstel. The
forepart of the after sen was taken
up with the (baseball ud w
mate+ in the AgriclIlt ,d Park and
the littler part in the 14(1411 • 4111111em and
11w -of -war, etc., on the mere. 111
the evening a 4g,,1411141 (1i4p1 • o1lb
..a•kN took 11'Ice on the Squame.
T1111111441101.1 the day the :1: 11 regi-
ment band furnished an abnnda t and
el ' '1. supplyof 14141"0'. the six
1 heel persons were on the Agr 'u!-
(oral gni lit in the afternoon. ' +Ie
w' 'es in the 4,144(114" trees and 1
details of the day's pr.lgrl►m ate
f11II owe .
('.mel- IIYPIA\ )'HIN• camioN.
1,••Ihu•Iwrhlhop' 1I.l1.Spence etal.
2. ••Offal"--Wau. Blair et al..
••\Vending Party C. Lewitt rt al.
Splendid Soil for Gardening.
Streets Ali Graded.
10 Per Cent. Cash,
10 Per Cent. in 30 Days,
Balance In Ttvelve'F_qual Installments,
Payable Monthly.
For particulars apply to
guns biter but do notremember for
slue who had them. The last alitw t-
in41 war done while I was at the
bridge. Thi. is 'Usti. the 411)11
s11lst11l/e of what I ewe and heard. I
do not know who fired the studs."
Notes of the Work Going on in Col-
borne Township.
The work of ('4,nstnittion on Hat
'motion of the A'. P.• (. Dining!' the
lawn"hip 11f ('(1It"n'ne In progrr"ming
fa v.ulahh', lunsiderin the many
diflhldtiex that Contra/rt. r'Pigott has
114.11 to eneromler owing 1. the-nnevel
and airfield.. nal ore of 1 f•4.11nt7
thro1,41)1 which the line is Nnr-
ve•ycvl. 1' •neing from \ the fah
einweasitin 114) 10 the division line it is
nothing but • loweesrilin of etlttings
ail (8111)1111k titetisit and Ihe•ti' are
probably not one hundred ya sof
load that have not 1101 to be buil by
the strand shovel 1511(1 its attend t
41engine.. A visit. Pin now
the works will reveal the vast a
of work that haw Igen accomplished,
and will AIN. "(mW what a Irt thew is
yet to be :1:111e before this ('1011y Int of
road will be ready.//or the laying of
the rails. h'11)li thildopi4 hill to the
new 1h's.m ',talion, at the diviai(u
line, the road is 4411)10st. ready fo
ballasting and the land ham been
le4•elleroff id this pwoint. p*'(p (rltory to
the building of pie new station house,
with two side tIstekm at the west corn-
er (1f the plot of five erre', !reserved
for that pnrp8)Ne. Owing to the
NWatupy nature of Ihr lane) just here
it hits been found necessary to dig a
drain it half mile 4.r M4 In length
through the black soil to carry off 1111•
',orphan water to a lone level and et
Ipresent ( here nrP POMP forty or ►pore
talians engaged under the able fote-
lnenahip • f I. Fellows. From elle
divixitm line east, through the Stevens
and Bean farina, are two cuttings,
seventeen flet deep, with a small
swamp which has given the eontaru't-
or a deal of trouble to find a Polio
bottom, and it haw only peen hy
d ping in a very large am0int of
materiel that something In the shape
of it sold footing has been obtained.
The shovel la now nearing Mharp s
creek, where a long embankment of
1#111 yards or more will have to he
raised In some platen twenty feet high,
which will, according to Foreman
Hunter, neteesltate the (llaplacing
of MAP cultic yards of earth to bring
the road to the required level. From
1 here on to Althorn is a distance of per-
haps two miles Nnll the railway gang
that has been workings from Rlyth 1a,
we am Riven 10 underhand, approach-
ing near the village. The r Maned
gang will rush the work to a tlniah
and la all probability we may hear
:411 yards, 11 years old and under
boys -Rob. Clark, Jew. Kelly, Ne
i11e Forbes.
:0 yards, 6 nears old and 114) r,
girls Norma Ross, Hazel Phelan I1.
Doyle. ...
dl► ya',1s, 111 Veils 0111 7111(1 oder.
Ito lb lionlom 31t•Iti 044,411, M. ellen).
ultl, M. Martin.
:141 yard*, 111 year* old and under.
girls Alit Saunders. Jd, Raw. Iris
1110 yards, 12 years old and muter.
boys -Eugene Dean. Ern. Y g. Roy
Mhnrman and las, Webb.
I141 )-:011", 12 years old and ler.
girls Edna MCEwan, Josie S. Iris,
M. Kelly.
114) yards. 14 years ohm and lel.
boys- - Harold Joh)ston,. Jiu•k Swart..
C. Swart*.
1141 yawls, 1) )ears old and under,
girls --J. Memos t,• Pearl 1)uIT. 4'.
Three-legged 'ace, Ions err l'i
yell's, :111 yams - -Tom and An(1erom.
Mwarts and !hartilan, Dean +and
St warts. -
11,4o1 twee. boys and girls under 12
yeAls, 1141 )'811" J. Swart". 11. Tuf-
forl, John Slattery : 1. S: Tera,
('harlotte• l'u1T, Edna McEw1ul.
A ml1I.T'4' *1 %CA44.
1111 )'61.115 rice --\V. 1. Johnston, W.
J. Taylor.
Third mile fool rare W. J. John-
ston, W. J. Taylor, .1. Hall.
1 utile foot *bare- H. Hillier, C. 1).
Devine, IV. .1. Johnston.
Run hop, step and j p Y. 34e -
Half - Price
Yew our 2.1c show window.
some lines worth .50r• and elk•,
tearing a1 e5 cents.
Choice lines of pottery, tine
English and French china and
silverware, elo ing out at one-
half off regular pri11•x.
Many linea at one-half IIT
nuukel prier and others at
1 reduction's, f
toe per IN,x up 14) $1.00 per box
The above prices are strictly
Husinew' hour", : '1::10 a.m. to
1: p. 111.
Geo. Porter
Court House Square, Goderich
Telephone No. 100
Kay, 11. Relater.
Rim and long jump -H. Belcher. M.
Standing j 1►- Iliu•ry Belcher, J.
I'utting shot,: A. H. Meldl•usll. J.
Hall. -
The baseball match in the afternoon
was well Worth watching. The (hale-
rirlt players luta not Igen playing
together before they started practis-
ing for this match, which was only a
few days before. 1 they demerve
great credit for the quality of the
they put up. In the Hist hnn-
n41s Londot) and llldde•ich rash scored
our run and after that l.l11ldon retired
one run an inning" and litslerich
nothing until the end of Lite fourth
innings. 1u the fifth ' ' 415 London
failed to Initke a run and (ioderich
M•olwd one, and after thut the home
11.at11 pulled bled( Iogetht•r anal made
things interesting f141• a while. *curing
t wit, four and two runs i0 the sixth,
seventh and eighth innings. 1esple•t-
4ively. Lindon scores.' two in their
ninth innings 8mm the Match ended 144
to 11 14) favor of the Io,.ur playelr,
with an innings to spare. A. 11. Mel-
ds was referee. 'rho playelw and
the details of the play are as follows :
l nrle..ts, I.nldoet. Iloderkh. .
A.H. H. A. H. 1t.
Milroy ; b 3 i HlggIn' on Y b 5 4
Ashplasl 3 b 5 4 Mymr, I f . 1
Nwlth .. 5 o McHsrdy a . 5 1
Jacka r f 44 1 Alger 3
W. A.bpbut 1b 4 sMaxwell p + I
Tucker 1 f 1 a wla(tlns 4' f a "
Rubinson I 4 4 1 floe 1. f 4 •'
. h.•hrnl e 1 1 McLoughlin s N 4 1
topless. p ' 1 4 mutat 4 b
tieore by innings: First, Langdon 1.
(ioderich 1. So,' 1, London 1. Thiel,
London 1. Fuul•th, London 1. Fifth,
ltlde•ieh I. Sixth, toderic11 2.
Seeventh, Goderiall 4. Eighth. (lodes
rich '9. Ninth, London 2.
THM: LArtnataK MATI'1(.
The hero,«• match divided atten-
tion with Ihr baseball mated for 'tart
of the afte•uwln, as it had to 1e
started before the howbeit game was
c plead. This wean 1a le•ague game
and the visiting team erre tow \\ Ing-
h:nn ptayera. The result of the 41
411 41iv It out, Was :i to 2 in favor of
Wa ant, td 4111 the It • players
elitist ' 1 it. should 10. 2 to 2. The g,
war ittaed with two (1r three PA MIN.,
til' as the4 5x•tat1Is Who were on Hu-
het 1 rrna111a1r a rush on mush .r•-
4'( (111N 111 11x1.\'het was going 011 11
• 1 ire 1)4o1e play c0111(1 IN•
emu lad. The 1 • 1.3111 were as fol-
lows : 11. H.leher, glad-; F. Korn.
IIMllnt ; (iel..ohlstln, 1•.41.1• point :
W. 1)•441 first defence ; lien. Heat
Mroond 41 ince; W. Blackford. third
defeue : Tait. venire : M. McKay.
third hone W. Hutcheson, second
h ' ; Help • Davis, first Inane ;
Murphy, mind e 11 ; W. Ihwr, in•
aide 1 .
A meeting was h Id last night to
1)r anile 1t tori 14) 1141) 41)111. '1'h.•
following 4.81,.418 rel t•b(sN•n : 11on.
president. M. ti. Content : K. ('.. M. 1'.
P.: hon. vi.e-plesiil.•nt, '. N. Lewis,
1.11 m)Nltar",
if► Kr)•n-
: presi-
dent. Harry Edwards: viee••pr.'dents,
IN. Hitter and O. F. (flair : mat *el.
1. Nairn : secretary -treasurer, 4 as.
E. Lewitt; ('xe-ut4)r committee. 1.
parsons. 11. Sturdy. D. Muria
Watson. There 1's Ilalll•h 411o51 INaa.•1114
trrial in turn and :In excellent
team will he got. together. We hope
to "e• a revival of llale•bdl in lillderich
this summer.
The tw'e'lfth anneal tAwn/intent of
the' Sewfor111 bowling club op enexl
)•estetday. 'liner U1Nh•rieh ricks
hook part. Two of them returnee last
night., While H. \V. ThOntwm'r rink
Dickinson, .1.41x11.. F. Davis
ail H. \V. 1'1 1)411) be still in the
M. 1'. ; patalla and
Mayor Tilt and Mrs. 'Fitt,SI :and Mrs.Revolt ads. We
foot, K..'..and 1(rs.1Prludfo o
( )ur optical business
is increasing
l;areful and correct
First-class lenses and
Square prices
Jeweller and Optician
Smith side Square
Chocolate or Tan
Are the most serviceable summer footwear. There's
nothing so comfortable for a summer shoe as a light,
cool and dainty Chocolate or Tan Oxford Tie,
Get Correct Colors
Some shades in these leathers are not the proper
thing, and won't do at all. We are ready to shoe
\'ou with the latest and most approved styles.
For those who prefer White Canvas
we are showing all the desirable lines
made on the newest lasts.
Queen Quality
Walk -Over
Downing & MacVicar
game, having defeated N. ligers, I Norris, of Mrafurth, and W. Lane) de.
Seaforth, 27 to 111, 1411,1 F. I.. Willis, treated Ih. Hutchinson, Seaforth, and
Mraf,rth. 911 to 12, in the trophy het to J. M. Best. Seaforth, 12 to la
match. Dr. Hunte's rink IR. 0. Kron-
o v
r e1. i r it
rat 1. c 1 10
I Knox
olds, F. K. H4(1nm•l., R. Pole and I)1.. AlAL the preparatory x
Hunter) defeated T. 1•'. Coleman. Sea- chinch Inst Friday evening mix new
forth, 3) to 10 anti 1os1. to W. 1'. t n►rnll e•Is were admitted Into full con
Spaulding, Clinton. 11 to 111 W. mullion with the church, five of tlwul
Lane's rink (T. Hlwney,, It. McLean: tun pr)fesiti0n of their faith. II
\ - 4
Dining Room Suite I
at Your Service
THE IiIUU 1 of June is the monthof brides.
_After the wedding is over the next most
important thine, 's to furnish the house. This week
we are going to h'-lp you hy, some
Monti oak Sidelka rte, x 21 Iwvll mirror, large linen
drawer. two Nnue11 draw one linen. Regular =1-7.14),
for 01u.W
Nl41pd .44(k'ir:xt1I"iln Table. 'tft. kung. five nicely fluted
lege. Regular 104.1111. for $1(1.41 r
Nix mobil oak Ohlairs. • sen and five su1a11, modelle
sent, t•lmtinnnmY bark leg. Regula 144.141. 104- .WM.
ljn:trter oak Sole hle. r•gubm• 4. 50, for $,.1N.
IG•"Mtrli.e. Per. Phone
xat.e. a89
1',onbrlN nwd.
ria„m• r+
. Undertaker and Embalmer
Phone No
One-quarter less than regular price.
New garments too.
New S. H. & M. guaranteed taffeta silk skirts to sell on Saturday at
one-quarter less than the price they usually sell at. It is an unusual
chance to get one at such a saving. A chance that comes only once in a
great while. This it iter received last week from the best makers of
guaranteed 1 ilk petticoats in Canada tells the reason.
Toronto, June :30t.h, 11110.
Menses. Il dgens Bros„ licstet'ich.
(ientlemen: -
In finishing up Dur traumas( business for the Neaaon we find we have *bout
twenty dozen on hand, two or three of a number. All are regular sizes, blacks and
staple rotors.
We few going ten clear these it twenty-five per cents oft regular prices and Ian give
you any g41antity you inn handutwenty p to nty dollen. Those gsrnlrnts rare fresh
goods. not travellers armories.
Respectfully )•Duna,
S. H. It \I. Co.
We will have 15 or 20 of tht a guaranteed petticoats in blacks colors to
next Saturday at exactly one-quarter Tess than we would have to sell then)
if this bargain had not come to ns fro t the- Milkers. Saturday you
buy a
$ 7.50 guaranteed taffeta -petticoat for $5.63
$to.00 guaranteed taffeta petticoat for $7.50 .
$12.00 guaranteed taffeta petticoat for $9.00
Tho' goods are new and every garment is perfect and, fully guaranteed.
When this lot is Mold we will have no more except at regular prices.
of all kinds, Gloves, Hosiery, Blouses, Underwear, light Dress
Materials, are in splendid shape for hot weather buyers. We have
big assortments to select from and downright good values in them all.,'•
hn+r. p1P1n or
fattertine, binrk..
rase _a'nd whit,,„
`• Nt ter ever
ea rents
Tr) onr.Or*
ribbed rotten
Ins alrl•. sresmlr-
feet. 1,411o1/
per MIT
t5 rents