The Signal, 1906-7-5, Page 9THE'it;I(.NAL GODGR1UI1 ONTAI;I(' itaki cirhic 444104 444+ + 4,,icit, 4444+ 944+44+ iintiiintsint it, 1914 i, 44444414+K The News of the District. 4444644444064*+14444*******k64 4***+44444 +636 UUNGANNtiN. 1 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, Ll'CK- VI • NOW. At hone every day extent Thun- dayr. New t uwadyfur extracting teeth INumuu• foetid' better than gw. l'ivwn sod bridge work. em'. Aluminum platas loon htwrbblel. N. 1t -- You can al way hove your work Much better done in the dental ultloe- inure tittle. better facilities fur doing the work, Inure Iwo. fort*ble fur the patient. UTI(' LJARLOW, MONDAY, July lid. PRKrgNTATIt1N TO MISS l'UUNTNKY. -Thr picnic of S. S. No. 3 was an- nounced to he held in the wuu,ds at (: iwrir on Saturday afterutou, but on Account of the heavy rain iu the fury. noon 11 was held instead of the lawn St R. M. Young's. In .uldition to the E. THE LOCAL AGENCY DUNLOP. I LANES. TUItimAY, July :tide MoNUAY. July 2ntl. One former well-known resident, The beer ring is again in full roving 1Vu,. Niebergall, and those near and herr. deur to hien have out. deepest sy111- The 110.111(1 of the mower is uguiu puthyin theirhour of rurr0w, owing heard in this vicinity. to the death of Abr. Nirl ergall'N wife During the latter part a his many The weather these hast few (lays is rush - yours of residence here Alt. No Iwo• decidedly do1e•, owing to the refresh - pupil.+, u aunt ter of the ppranuts and N in Uun rune, tur'1'hu s gall had charge of the saw -mill bele u1g rxiu of Saturday last. were present. Tllr children Signal W at the of uthels i ► n d.rutJ.u.N'aid.J.1?" "r,. and he was wide( kuuwu and Mas 11'11x11111 11,99 ha■ returned to and "Brown - ups" had r. gtxMl lout+ will resei)curdnrsfurs. Ya,rooteta, ohs Y K iu aprl Ib1)horitunw , gi playinggames and in other re'reU- i tub work, ,dud f. nulhdairnMl to i lions, and after the lunch had beet' (ceults (Or amounts 1(011 fur 'hu waw. served a projfrenl wag given by the pupils, Mr. 1 ming acting as chairman. Choruses. -The Maple Leaf." ••Blue 13,•11," :old " Hritish to the Cure," were sung bhe school: Reutla Levy, Lilian 'Watson\and Flureuce 1' g goon iecitations, and there were duets by Jean Young and Lama Luttrm• slavrr and Miran Rebell 5011 and FlI(wnee Young. 'then the most inter- esting {Mart of the afternoon's pnseerd- ings took place. Miss Annie M. Cuurt- tl.•y, WLo its been the teacher of the school for a year and u half, during which time she has won the -affection of hair pupils and the rsteeii of the whole section, is leaving to attend the Nutty*1 School at Wii.nifwg, with It view to teaching in Manitoba, and the pupils toted not let her depart. will t as token id their feelings towerdk her. Gladys- Levy ..wad :ul address, while Elmer Lutrnklayer p1•t1rntel to Miss Courtney a fwatitif.1l pearl slug and ism Young handed her (a bouquet. The address was as follows: esti. lighly rstrrwrd. "' re I The school here closed on Friday hast and a picnic was held al P - To Miss A. M. I'urnr.r.v. Inc eN V111KNa £Ni )'):A(111H,- We. the pupils ors. `. Nu. .1. Colborne. on this the 11)e ul your departure trout alnolgst ns, hog to tender to you our Amore regret that you lave deo:ldld 10 .ever your Conn s -t Ion with us We have.pent a year A11)1 is half pleiwiutly *4554 prullt ably u 4. n o wa In- ether o- yTher; and duriuk that we I..) item mud yrIn.W toa IrwI. ►,rn> but firm r ru)ilaNub 401 orb.> noeaiding n. by every wain,hl your power. in o,rr..mw the tiny dif tculthss ite.etaanable from •e•huul life. You have always proved w u. that your work was our.. and turs yourown, t token of the est Ma slight rein stud A a r VDrlra you wi w sree you are held by us, we beg that you will a..•rpl this ring a.. it souvenir o/ your o1worn amonggsst us and w It 01111701 01 our hirnddup. WlehIng 7011 every sunrs.111 your future career'we remain. Your Loving Pupil.. Siynol to behalf 1 W.Aire Ln r. lit the .11001 ) K1.1414:14 IIA("rpi%MI.A t',tm. June (Ch, Iayt On the reverse side were signed the names of all the pupils of the ischoi,I. Sr. Young replied briefly for Mika Courtney and the singing of "tidal be with you till we meet again" brought the pnreldingm to u- slues, Mikk Courtney ham gone to Amtwrley to spend the holidays .at her home there heforr leaving for the West. She carries with her the good wishes of the whole community. HOLMESVILLE TURND.RY. July :till. Airs. 11. R. F'oriitsr is 1 visiting her parents, Mr. aryl Mrs. J. Y.o. 1. Proctor is making gga great int- prevenient it - {n vY n( to him fern this summer Harvey Mulholland is tliia w'e'ek to 1.• wedded to one of lioderich's fair ladies. Mr'. Swallow, who haat been visiting friends;tu.l relatives at F'ulIaaton, has r••tttrn.d home. Mr.. 1). Tudor. of ('unN(+tine, pent0nn,l & with her pan'nts, P11. rand Mr. \V. Stanley. • Miss Swi , ('. A. Tebbult and E. Vadum, who have been awry teaching, err home for the vacation. F. Chit worthy with his wife and hildretu of Ailsa Graig, visited their uncle, W. Jervis, 1111 Monday. 719• following pupils W1 Oh. on the ••ntmore rxalnina I ll)11 in Chilton : P. Huller, C. Bedard. M. 'l'rew•:outh i. 1'. PottPI'. J. Sturdy, C. %heart'lev. On Friday of this work \Iso. ,1. Holter. will /•ele•bn9,• the hun11,e.IiIs .anniversary of tier birth. Her uuuly- Mends huge to 11e• her live many }ears longer. The butter factory is fining 1a reel ing business this ou,on. '1'11•• butter 1.'111C11 thou 11 denindm the highest Price, 9119. la Ib. 'Thies repeak•1 will for our hut t.•r•nuaker. ,Ilea {Liss, Rev. T. H. t'ont•tiee and 1)r, A. J. ('ourlic,• with their brides are visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Peaklike. Rev, 1'. It. 4'uurti.r preached to ,a KB'' congregation on Monday even• ing, J. W. MuRole'rta. wif.• and dauglr t.•r. of London, 1111'. visiting friends sod relatives in and around the vit. 1'l'•. Mr. Mcftn111•rt8, who wane 1One ago taught school here. ham lately taken the position of librarian in the 'l(y of lolidou. We are glad tit hear of his promotion. Most of the farmers are this work busy with their hay. It will notbe such a heat ')• crop as I11id year but itis tetter than was rxpt•ctd a few weeks Rn• The rains we have had lately (lave helix 41 it. greatly. The farmers Rnt,well pleased with the pr ..pert of the crops and expert to have. be pocketbook.: this fall, WESTFIELD. \Vk. )NK*IAr, June 27th. Miss Annie Kedulond is un an ex- tended visit. to friend'. in Aliehigen. Mrs. George \Vightman and daugh- ter, :Hiss Nettie, of Essex, are visit ing Mends herr at prertnt. Masher Runtly (Jordon, of Lnck• now, is slx•nding it part of his holidays with his ro)Isin, Mager Colin Camp- bell, Mr'., W• R. Carr and two little tlauRhter•s, Re/4th. and F9or. nre, of earlttdnl, visited friends, here last week. The strawberry festival on the lawn of W, li, Campbell on Tumidity eve11- Ing soul (nine .a success. All present w`emrd tui enjoy themselves. The I>'18u.ls of the evening amounted to ,o'er MONDY MiexBel vn(lamphell.of the(3.. (dal ' h0n1 . for the summer vacation. t rN Ymond Redmond, who has been hingg near Bhtevale, is home forth^ holiday/I. Mas M0R. M. Turner, of Crediton, is 'n,t fi'w days with her minter, T Miss F, aspera t f,Atie k.lhnone ftw•oVPring nicely u,n his recent arride•nl. pfMrs. S• 1Mw and children, of n IkM II N pent the holidays' (1Rys with Mrs.„ father, .1. H..IeRrlson. is Miss Nellie Hoyle, of Mt. Augustine 1a ndinu few days with her grand - 11 and Mrs. Redmond. 4yg(htmRnnie gn've today was w 04ided rM"" y It rertni(1 nl was the hast of t1) kint that hamever dean held romp„ The proceeds were over $111). The 4iRnal'N wnnotlneentent : 04;1492 (hay in News/lapels-1mm- on a of this' week's lame. Ter.:su.ty. July :11,1. Miss Nettie Hell is visiting trissole' i11 (ilrlrrich this week. Mies Cora Roberts, of the (1, C. I., spent Sunday nL her hums trete, George Hurn(• has been on a visit In his father and mot lies- lieu' Tut•uuto. Mies H. Z. M. Whyxtd, of Elmira, haw come home to spend her vacation. Ming Frank McLean clime 1 from Exeter last week for her holi- days. Mr. jtnJ Mtv. Thus, Anderson nor upending it few days ,at the uld 1 this week. • A. thither, of 4t. Catharines, Spent the 1st of July holidays with his uncle, 'rhos. Dialler. R. E. Manning. of the Sterling Hank, spent -Sunday and Monday with hi* family in Clinton. There WAS an •• auto" in our town on Tuesday and • rut thae citizens enjoyed an tuning in it. Mrs, Alex. Pentland and childtwu later returned f • la visit to the fealties'''. pat mit* at (1. MIel•Ittl. • Master Morley Treleaven, of Hamil- totn, ham c • to upend' the summer with hi.. mule, S 'Treleaven. Rev. '1'. 1' rind \ ,. Melte have Pe - battled from a very pleasant visit with friends in St. Thomas and London. Miss MuDer tt has returned to her home l 11111 atr •' T at tatM' k, after m rib'1s1 1 ' g her season's work as milliner at J. 1Valkour's. Come to Duugutt11om for the a ioIeI na- tiun of the 12th ofa J il), next 'rhutta- dat•. Great preparations Itre (wing made by the local brethren. Mina Nettie Harris hits returned to her home in Farquhar after visililig her mister, Mn(. C. C. Brown, for s time. 1 wonder who will be, hourly now• )IMI l 1 Ulm/ . INu.--Thr dug µ,iw,nrr of (iu Ierich seems W have an apt imitator in Dung , Since Satur- day evening five dogs have been poisoned. 7 he Ir" 111. or IJertsoms, doing it wrong to Rini at the dogs that are very highly prized and so far has succeeded well. It. is a vel y noel prac- tice. ail the d. ego suffer intense pain. If the owners err 10 blame for any- thing. it is rather unjust to allow their pets tVstiller. If t1 dogs/Heat fault. whyt i) . I give thea a milder death. '19x• fact that all the.dogu get the poison m)lllo•wli•re 1111 11111• street is helping those who, are trying to find the gull:)•. Such iterson 111' p er1M,elM ought to he given all the punishment the law will allow. __ ST. HELENS. Tri-;oo.to. July 3rd. Mr. and \Ire. Alex. Stuart were in (ilrlrrich on Monday. 41 • of our formats slatted haying the i egin11ing of the week. Mr. Anil Mrs. Donald Murray and sun t'titf spent Monday in Ripley. Rev. %Ir. ('raw attended a garden party• at Ao151111 last Wednesday. Quite rt bet from here took in the celebration at (ilrlrrich 1111 .1111y _lid. Alr. (1114 P1r.. 11. 111. of Wing - Nom visited friends here on Mondry IAM. Miss Edith Taylor, of Guelph, is spending het. holidays at her •Ie'., J. \\'.'hetes s. Mrs. H. K. Miller and her daughter l'hri,my visited in Toronto from Fri- ' day till Tuesday. \Vol. McGregor, teacher of No. :I, left on Tuesday to spend Ilis Ill lill:ays at his he • at Iaul•ier. The Orangemen to the nnnllwr of about fifty attended service 111 It Moly at the English church on Segel y. The cement. -men were working at Mr. ('lark's the beginning of Ibis week, putting w wall under his barn. \111. Allen ,and ('nn. Decla•r had a gosel day's flahing at the river nn `londay, catching It gloat string of black bass. There will Is. a picnic at M:ittirt grove on Friday-, July IKh, flames and amusements will Iw pnnidel. Eve•ylsml)' welcnnle. ('• 111111 bring )•iur basket. 11ugh Ano. rson. of Montana. is visit- ing his parents in 5111' villitgl•, It is twenty years since Mr. Anderson left here, and he Me•S quite a l•hnnge. especially in the yo)1ng generation, NILE. Feint'-, J • 21101. Sru(xt. HI':PUNT. V. class E to a McNee, Willie (iin•in. 1V. class Leonard Pie II wain. .1(tnior- Gertrude Kirkpatrick. Lorne Kirkpat- rick. MabelPVil+nn. Viola Young, Senior III. Reginald 1111.11. Senior 11.--011ie MeNee. \'irtoi• Vnnng. \Vorth0 1401111. Junior iI. Hamlet Mcllwain, )'trust, Glen, fart 11. Viola M.'PVhiiney. Lloyd Young, Vera Tiffin: Senior I. Marguerite Olen. Junior I. -Mar' Hylar. Lucy Curry, e11101. FANNIE S. GHty. Teacher. Te ems:0 , July :led. ('lark, of Toronto, is visiting her h ither, \V. Echlin, A nt,hthvr from 'here attended the eelebrntiOo in Owleri(h nn Monday. Mrs. Mclhtomh, of 14)chalsh, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs, Isaac Ileth4) ington. Our teacher. M (fray, left on Sat- urday to spend t holidays at her home nt Crewe. We arc. pleased to *ow Tom John- ston around again after Die seises• in- jury to his foot. The Epworth tn'nquP to . next Tuesday evening will he, "1'0, iving sod plying Forgiven," taken' by ism Mabel itaili.. Next. Sabbath evening the Nile pas tor will preach a sermon to the mem- berm of the 1.. O. L. The centre seats will he teaer'vetl. Will Elliott., of New Mexico, came home last week to see his father, who was dangerously ill. We are phrased t0 report. that Mr. Elliott is now some- what. tetter. The Nile Sabbath school held its annual picnic on Saturday last at. the Point. Farm, -and in Spite of the rain in the middle of the day all present report a most enjoyable time. Faro, all those who attended hating It ,splendid time. Three of the scholars, Misses Blanche Shaw and Annie McGraw and Hume Clutton, were candidates: at the ea8111, 1*- aulinatiou, The teacher, Mise Cont will spend the holidays in Code - rich at her home. The autumobile that was used in carrying the Goderich police back and forth to make arrests in connect' wills the shouting at the charivari near Kintail broke down near the night-watchman's house un its way to Gomde'ich with three prisoners toil a horse -plower trig had to be gut at Duet lop to drier tate prisomers In jail at Gdxlrrich. The disabled auto wits housed at it farmer's shed here for a few days and mus quite an object of curiosity to the youths of L•ehurn and Dunlop, - AUBURN. TOR/WAY, July :arta Rev. A. E. Jones occupied the pul- pit of the Methodist. .•hurt•h here last Sabbath. A large member wets. pres- ent to hear their new pastor. Haying is started and a few farmers have leen (uttMg. This year the crop IM not very heavy, f! Wclall Y the civ I rl. Timothy ) • •' 111 f N w x fair (Top. Charles. Asquith arrived at his house herr Iasi week. Nr has 1n'en at u T11r- ul 1l fur 1 r w d c 1 x1 t arra r lit lit. 1 we are glad to be able to state that he is getting hatter. Our village school closed last Fri- day and t 1• h teachers 111'1. it r ff (lir their hulid:tys. 4 • of the mothers ore already exist.•airing the wish that the srlt.x,ls were opened (1ga111. Were lNu.- Miss Jean Strnughan, a popular )• g Lady, well known in this village, was married on \Ve ,t.,.• toy of last wreak at the home of her father, Thom:s Sttateghan. of Auburn. to \V. A. Mivhe•iv of Th:uursv. lar. The 181.111uty was performed at high noon by Rev. J. L. Sinai(. 13. A., of Auburn. in the presetwe of early the inunrdiatr relatives of the bride and groom. They were 1111ititl•nde1L the ,,rade being Ille..e•:1 in white silk moll. Aft,'r rnugl;trulat' s were extended and it dainty 11nw•h sorrel, the N•el- dingelittp,luy drove 10 Hlyth, where the newly-111:11.1ie1 ((1)11)1, took the tl'i(Itt 101' x hou•ynion trip to Detroit and Toledo. Du their return they will tike lip their residence in Th: •svillc. The ye. mg couple have the best %visite. 1.f moo y'+ ft•ie)ds for their future harp ' .ss, the large 1111111- Iwo of costly mid useful presents testi- f)ing to the e-Il••nl in whirl' the ,.ride is held. - HAYFIELD. \\ih:nse.An t 0..1)11y 31 h. JI)TTINais. Thr following visitors 15(11' in tmwit last Werk : 1►r. Hrowll, itf London. at J. %Vhiddun's; P1r. Trehile.M'k, id London. at 11. Erwin's; Aiiss .11• 111111. Of 14111111111, 50:11 111,. Mp1.7t. 111 4e•afot•th, at Miss Letuna Er%'i11'N...... Mrs. A. Weil, of 14,11 - don. who kis Is•en herr for v ro)1ple of weeks wait$.g )1n her tier, Mts. Iiiggins. ha. 1,1Ili n9d 1141111e. Urs. Riggin. i. sell veer ill \h•. and Mts. !Mit .vis l., ar t.,.11.,1, at the 1' 114.1'.•irtl Ite•S. Mr. 14ddgins. o1 (Tatham. 1,1 'lusty lector her.•. will 1Mvmpy 111e pulpit of'1''' ' y ,hnu.•h un Sunday next Ales. (Rev.) Mantes has ell to Clinton. .Rev. Plr. 111 alto 11:1s been :'I.I litlt nal 1'1V101• of this {parish. I34,5 oswx IIA v. The day 'Broke rather gl.Mlnly (1n \IunsL•y, but AN 0111 401 began 14. disperse the clouds above Hayfield's Jisihllt- breezes seemed to draw together (he crowds from the nrighlr.riig tow n. n 11 d villages. 5)1 11I*'is from Seatot•th, Hens:all, lisrlerieh, Clinton. Bruerfield, kirk,* runt Varna p ed forth • s • in gab.. .: carriaws, etthets in vehicle of different. de9d'ri )t10110, bicycles galore. and w • nil 111111.; while others were del:0/14 1 owing In lurk of ane merle of transportation, rhe roads leading to town appeared as if it pt•. M•1-ssiol were possi1114 fl•m111 rally ' g until far into the after- noon, Fully :,111$1 pwnple were in town. The foot kill tern, is to 1w con- greillted on the day's sport whish it, 1urnimbel. About I11:11 1a. 111, a num- ber of calithemminns paraded the town and net the ball movytg for the day. In t1,e r:ft•u rnNln the trawl ed 111 the :igrirultul:al grinutals, where the spools were. 5,, take place. Tli• Ihsl on the program was the fool. ball mitt ell het Ween Seaforlh and Hoy - field. Referee ('nnrtrlings, lit Seit- fnrth, lined up the tennis. Captains Murray and Brownlee tnswell 11p :mrd Sea forth winning the toss decided to kti•k with the wind. About live ' ales after ploy started 448.tt 11th Meorel by :t pier rush. The ball then trait ei ed in n lively way fruul one end to the other for about ten minute.*, when after a fin,' rush by T. 1111• 1:1rd the boll w -os passed ores 411 1119 left field, where Cranston '.t'ilh n nice Herr of headwork seemed for tinylicld l• swore being n tie now. the hal motel (vapidly up and down the 11.•141. Mesforth sroresl again n few uninnt•s Is•fnrr half -tilt,., 1i)• it 1150.1.''11 1 he part of Hayfield's goat! ender. After five minutes' rest. the wino. again 4tltrted, Bayfield rushing the tall and crowd- ing the Seltorth goal. but in spite of their hand play it. 1)temel ns if they were 111.1 going 111 1)14)11'1'. Ilowet'rt•, about ten minutes before time wn11 rolled T. %Godanl scored on a pops from left. This ended the eros?114. The game ended in a draw t t., atH. The g • throng! t was Gast :met clean. A program tat reel's, rte„ wnN then carried out. 11. McNaughton and i), Peck won the shot -putting mid ('harle.swnrth and Cameron ween Lh. rare... In the old m:ut'M rnee T. Cam et.,n won first, and A. 411 itrhmere 1119010(1. In the evening n junior foot hall match took place het wren %ori,'h And Hrtur.fleld. 991is ors a closely •ontested game, with the honors i vnr of 7.urieh in the first halt and of g field in the second. Hsieh teatn sensed one goal. Shea. of Neatort.h referee(, When H.yffblei d,ws any- thing it always does 11 well 1t thj>e afternoon the corner stone of the ATetho/list church was laid by Messrs. Clark and Wallis. Speeches were made by Rev. Messrs. Y.Rand, Mr Neil and Steadman. ile who manics for fen may ie sotii•y that he won.-Oblcago News. • her hone in Part. Albert, where she intends Spending most lit the holiday., Joseph Sino.11xer is at present wear- ing a broad smile, owing to the arrival of a fine daughter on Thursday of last. week. ('bodes 'P1(Uonutfh, merchant of Lanes. look it hnxlne s trip 111 y1hr Orange lodge at Kinlough 1/11 1'rikl:ay evening hal. CREWE. MoN u.t y, .1 ul'•Ynd. (,tat Thursday Abram 1'ii1))ert raised a 11x•14.' sheep barn. Mrs. Al. Higgins is spending as few days with her dnughie:, kits. Jawrs Culbert. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. McKay, of Godes rich, are visiting at the 1 • of Mrs.t Wm. Pieter. A('l•I tKNT. -A painful runaway aeci- dent occurred near herr today, \Vim. Dul'11111 Was driving to Ii.idet•ich in a double carriage, when it seems the holt cornrow, of the whifltetreeand the team took fright and run away, turning the buggy over into the ditch uud throw- ing out ADA. 1)urnin alit) her sister. Mass Husso•Il. Aliso Russell Malsl: vet•v severe iiljut•ies, h:aviig her kg broken near the ankle. 1►1 etols Situp - sun, of Kintail. and ('use, of I)ungdo- 111)1 were tClw N Ila 11 1 f r i t 11 1'.• 1' t l ttll(1 117141 the9ha [lie r set; Urs. Uurniu wets 'Badly hurt but the extent of her in- juries is tied known lit the time of writing. 1 i linin 'u g m d nal. J P^ t with a lit ' little girl in his nlntN, and nn - other little git•I and Earle. Mr. Dur11- in's inn, who wam driving, also juopa•d out and narrowly (•scapM'd injury. The Milt. I girls received a few srratch- es and bruises, une of them belonged to'1'hon,aas 1lurein and the other was %VIII. llnrniu's own daughter. We ill 1p a Mlr.11 to hear of the recovery of those who are hurt. KINTAIL, Treso I wv, duly ant. Andrew Ah•Murellie is homefrontCobalt. • Arnold Cowan is; !lump' for his vocation. inn. Plies J.•onie Griffin has 'gone on 11 visit to l 'I,i9Agt, Jitek Malloy, of Toronto, is visiting Tisa Annie. Mcklurchie. Aliss K. Fitzhenry,Iuf Marquette, is bating hear •Ir K J. 'I', Griffin. •'' tltln Miss Lilian M.Leu11 I,1 Ilullll• ft• Sheppardton (oriole. vacation. Miss l :uurron, oi' 1),tnli1, i. visit - ing her friend, :Miss M. Mc14.11ti 11r. and P1 re. /wrens, of Katrin•d, afwnt u fete days visiting friends herr. %hiss .Min, of (':uulael►ie, im visiting her parents, .%Ir..u))1 Mrs. 1). Plcl,,'u 1, of this flil,'e. Miss (iotul.ul. of D,t.lit, who was visiting Pliss Sadie Griffin, has re• turned 110111e. 114.st ISMS/ DAVY'KLKHHATlox,- 'rhe celebration on July Yid ander the .UIo- picrs 41 the (': U F'. wo'1 largely ett- tend.sl and proved a great sours.. rhe (Of 101011 match 1,41 ween Itiph•y and Kint11i1 did not prove it Mush•.$ nwiug lit tile bursting of the hall. The other 140 •M were• tossing ,lie calx,•, putting the shot. rnnnisic hop, .1.•11 111111 J p, rdc. Thaw. out i111.•r- .•st.11 in lh/ gnnleMrnj.Arw1 thensrlves elat1••hig and in itlhi•r w:y/. 11141 '-.h- In9nt•leere served on the grounds MAFEKINI;. H verset 1.. on Wednesday even- ing, June **27th, in Ih.' toren of Hanle)'. Mask., abut forty guests Iu41lembbd in Knox Ptws,.yte•ritn church at 7 fi rlewk 111. witness the marring, ceremony between John H. Kilpatrick, formerly f Mab•king, and Miss Lottie .171111• lt.•rtram, • of the most popular voting bodies of Maple ('reek. Sask. The elmis•le haul been drelrrtled most beam if.II)' by 1h.• young people of the 01 4411 Ende:wor s, Hirt Th.• Wedding Illat•rll was played by Miss Atkins: ill. The held... who was given away by .l. W. ('1asw.•11, her broth.•r- in-law, was attended by Miss Al, S. Murrisun as Ilride,muid, while t anon w:(•4 supported by his brother. 1. W. Kilpatrick. Thr bride• was attired in w•Idt•,lapanesee flgut.d silk, trio ul.•d with milk uyerlacl• and rib- bon. After the nuptial knot had been s.smtely lied by Het. 'r, it. U..Nai,-, of Davidson, the bridal petty and guests ,roverded to the 1 • of Mr. and Mrs. 1. \V. ('aMwe•ll lit enjoy it rich and Ira tttltel l'1» wedding feast. The exce•Ilingly beautiful and /•nilly pres- ents to the bride :y1d groom mnni- restel the highest esteem and gn.sI wishes. of the people of ilanley. The. groom's prement to the bride was a gold watch and chain, and to 1 h bridesnm►idl a gold broem•h. Mr. and Alrs. Klipid rick intend to reside near Hanley. Our 1w>'. wishes attend them. LEEBURN. Tcssen,t Y. July 3rd. Mrs. Rome. of Muskoka, a former well-known resident here, is visiting herr daughter. Mrs. W. 1.. Bogie, near Shepparafton, John Ynnng, of loyal, who ban IwrU n student for the past year at the Roman Collodi.. 4''111.144. at Mand- eirh, has been home for his holidays since the 21 Rt. .,f last. month. James Sutherland, of the (1. T. It. shops, 4tra1fnnl, was lip for ihomin- ion Day. His host. showed I ' the disabled auto at his fnrin that hitt been used 1'v' the (iIderich police in bringing dawn those they had 14t, rested in connection with the Chari• Sari near Kintail and also showed him the famous Point F'nrnl oriel C. 1'. R. work going on around (i/xle•irh. There were two big days last week on tits farms of Perry and C. Stewart. The Alr•l,nren moving apparatus moved) 11barn from the Intter's place to 1 hat, of the former said it was then lick lip 111 1 Mu- ter petition 'rl 1 ih n fpr 4 1 ► mm e•I 1 lit• te•r t) Mart eemet work. Then it !tern teas turftetl round and placed( in w new position at C. Stewart's fano, 1 A large ninnher of neighbors assisted 1 in the work and some haat their teatns' drawing gravel for the remeltt work. r'o'an any little h0y,4aaked the new teacher. "1e11 me the difference be- tween n lake and an "craft': "1 ran," rrolled Edward, whose wisdom had been learned by exIt•rienee. '•IAken ere notch pleasanter to swallow when you fall in." -Youth'. Companion. KINGSBRIDGE. trysts: r, July :hal I)At.TUN-M al MM \\'K.usa i, 1/11 \1Ott mrrdu)•, JtiIle ', 711sr'the marriage (1Jolul.l'. 1)11tum, ,•Idt•st sort .of Alr. and MDs. Char. Dalton, to Miss Mary Ftatives )loss, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Muss. loth of this par- ish, WAS el,lrnulixtd in 111. Joseph's chwrh xt 9:30 u. Ill. The nuptial 111088 was' celebrated by Rev. Father Mc- 4'urmaek, parish priest, assisted by Iter, Father Hxulun, of Clinton, and Rev. Futon IAuteudr.ut. o1 St. Atlgit 114(ime. The bride entered the chu1.11 leaning on her father's :x•111. She looked lovely gowned ii white figured silk, trimmed with Irish hire and rueIliugs lit chiMuu, and worn a tulle tell ....light up with orlige blossoms, her loveliness !king rlltlani d by 111.1 girlish simplicity. The bridesmaid was Miss Lillian \loss, sister It 111e bride, who wore cleat, silk, trimmed with :lluv.'t lace and silk ruching.., with white chiffon hitt t•inxned 0011)1 pink ruses, Miss Annie Muss, yuan est sister of the bride, was ring -bearer and was prettily dressed in white poill d'espri1 over silk. She wort. :a %%rem hof tat oral orange bless s, and :It u -,'i..41 it basket of 4)1•1111ge• blossom's, while bridal roses and white earna- tiams. 'I lie grout was supported by Isis brother, J.Im1•1111 Uallun. After the vere11M)tly the Iridal party, arcual• ponied by their friends, drove to the future hone of the blithe and 14tre where a ree.•ption was tleld. The house was is•.u(t {folly decorated with roses, 11111k 1.11111111 7011b, tell*. 1111d ever - The• guests uutula•ret' about eighty and it merry time was spent by all until the s,ul ttcside•nt took place which is chronicled iu another vol of this paper, and whish resulted in serious 1nj)1ry 11Joseph Hussey, coos - in of the groom. 1111. and Ills. Dalton have 5li• best wishes of the celmmoutli ily ter their future happiness and 'al's - peril Y. \111,11 t.•gl•.•t 5,4 expresses for the introit torah. occurrence which marred the otherwise Joyous ()evasion. Among the guests from outside points were Mr. and Mrs, \V. T. Aluruey, AIt1 . au I Mrs. Joseph Griffin, Mr. and 11x..1 .B. Kelly 1 and 1 .Ir.1 x11(1 .Its. N. F. Farr, G/Miet•ich ; Mrs. Redmond tont Mora ilealnlnud, Blyth ; Miss Brophy and (t4it;ge Brophy, St, Aug- ustine, 11 and the Misses 11 •1•' lieu x11(1 Ethel McLean, talcknowThe presents to the bride oven• it. and i',wtly, in- cluding a piano from her father. The room's gift to the K K t bridesmaid Wart * ruby ring. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Tt'Rau.ty, July 3111. \\'. 11. Hell, of Mtratfnrl, is spend- ing hist hulduys at his hone on the 3rd concession. K- • 11. Porter, who Was .kicked b aarse *1)41(41 two weeks ago, is 1tbl - to • out rt14:tin, 4i McSlttth had a tee 1111 Friday rowing gravel for his new barn, to •place the • that warn Iorie1. 1Valtrt•'Snrgant, 1.1 Palermo, Hal- m county, visited at the home Alts. It. Hell during the past week, The picnic of S. S. No. 2. held on the tternlon itf Friday, the 291lt, was r .Iv attended. d. ,11• nfG•r•u.t) n was ,int in games, boat ing 'and racing. 1 )4N.'u. 119:F rlNu. Council one t June kith pursuant tit adjoin•numml : menilM'rm all present. 'I'ht•• ' tem of hat (11191ing were read and passed. The following al•eunnts wen. passel: Step•, pt•inti1114. $5; Signal, printing, $.i: Iwuu• Snike•Id, cel...•, 111:N. 411. ft. Andrews. .e1or,$u: E. Elliott, l•e11tr, $1.141; A. Alnstrd, )'robot•, $121; Dr. Snaith, vaccinating seven patients and disinfecting houses of John :and Peter Meths., $19; road ronnniasioners' salaries, $125. I'onne.illor (l)% ens in- structed to conduct it dr*111 on the publi9 High%ay in a uurthrrly direc- t' 'PP°' ite. lot 19 on r•omc,asi11fl K, rhe council ail j11111.114.11 111 meet 1111 the first Al lay in August at 1 ''.1..rk. The fullutving is 111.• st•horll »,91 ion ussessreient of the v.•rar 118111: No. $1/11,:R1:e: No, 2. $1:11,171: No. a, $Is1,- 3(7: No. 4, $I111,I99; No. .i, $211,I184: Nu. 11. $t:8),,111 : No, M, $11a:111; No,. 9, $194,801: 5.' 111, $176.:e$1; No, 11, 1 $1.47, l(N1. ; No, 2 • $1M,7143: Net II 1•, 1 onion. 111 1 IM I 1 la 1 .1 Nu ttt hot $ltd,. II.A4 NIxo9 4TI'Itt)1', l 'Irak, MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 1b• w't•:-tT WAW.ANnmll. 1V1•:0NRsI.u', ,lune 211t11. Ther il met Its Iwo lid j u l. Me•mltwrs all present. Reeve Ilailie in the chair. The itilutes of Inst meeting wets. 4' ,i,I rmed on mot bon of Messrs. Medd and %lurr•ay. 'I'h.• lll,anriad Mtlttemie•nl., showing hall(,,,',' ora hand Of $'2.41.1:1, was filed. \\'n. \Vets,. asked to have the r0:ul gravelled in front 14 1144 farm. Thin 15,45 left to the ruled .•ortunissiui,'I4 to art. The fol lowing ('hesp ies were i5Mmr1, 1111 11111110n of Messrs, Thompson and Marra)' : Jas. Bryatl, art printing lu•rounl, $2.i: O. \Vin,Imill, rulvf•rt, concession 1. $2,111; 1), Sproule, shovelling gravel, $2.:114; M.•i)uneld tiros„ culverts., etc., $M.511: R. 'McGuire, rulvett,,' •eras' 10, $l,l,: 1. Agnew, hauling tile, $1.511; Jos. (ii)'nur, opt• g gravel pit, $11111; R. McQuillan, shovelling gravel, $2.1'01; S. Phillips, cult.. rt, r'neessiun:111, s:: ; Gls. Festgq0n, gravel lar(unt, $17.37; Wm. Andrews, s,t'1•n loads stone, $1.211; W. S. Met 'nadir, gravel account, $2:,: ('has. Robinson. gracrl atecount $11.:,.1 ; Wm. ('. mon, repairing fence, $I,'2.-. ; Jahn Wilson, drain concession 'a, $N2Cr. I)n tion of Messer.. Murray and Medd the council luljournel to meet on Saturday. ,duly 21st, at 2 o'clock. 1V, 4, Mltleowris:, Clerk. The 1Cinghanl 1) 11(11 team won the chain! ' hip of The W. F. A. dis- trict eomprisiu14 1Vin14ha111, Hayfield toga Brussels, bot was defeated by Llitowel in the second I•uund. "So h.• pr,tisel Illy singing, did he F' "Yes. Ile said it wive heavenly.' "Did he really say that f" "Well. not 1.xatl)' ; but he probably meant that. ile said it teas unearthly," I)1, not 1.1111 after happiiwss, but. week to do good. and you will find that happiness will run rafter you. The world will seen) a very good place. land the world to. • a 1s•ttcr place still. He "i sow your old neighbor, Mr. Skinner, this morning, It seem, he's interested in one of those wildcat training rnulpnni.", now " She - "The idea!" 1 never knew you hart to mine f,1' wild/sum." -Philiulelphin Press, SUPPORT Icon! EMULt10N Nave, as a 1 brldgs to carry Ula weake*u1 sad starved system gleet mill 11 um pad fins support M ordinary food. Sort Ins hes ample SCOTT & MOWN I, Chandelle. pa. sod Stasi r Sti eh $Itsnr(. Teruudey, June 5, 4906 9 The Palace Clothing Store Men's and Youths' Summer Pants Men's and Boys' Belts Men's Summer Hats Straw Textile For 1''I•Its. Exceptional('- g.,)'Il talu('s. Summer Underwear in natural wools, balbriggans, etc. See our Combination Suits, They are becoming very popular. Everything for Men and Boys Pure Fabrics in Negligee Shirts Fancy Half Hose, 25 cents McLEAN BR0 S. Art -i•ailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters. North side Court House Square, Goderich. Why Not Make Her Happy ? Gasoline Range A SUN WiLL DO IT. .... CALL AT .... PAULIN'S HARDWARE THEY WILL TELL YOU HOW. Store 'Phone 57 House 'P one 77 1 The mother bind. unerring ineti■d .elwta the ch....et enur.a)• for Cyr 71)1..5. The w,.e human mother teed. 1., banns oa Parnell's iso HomN-rNda Bread r wl It bit ;d• sous. le . sharpens M,>D Sat, • I 1w/14a/ion 1.,, .ig„s reumanhood. P . T Dh7A .N 'I OUP POPULAR IOROCER, AOEN7 RIF 1 Some One Must Be In The Lead r„, We are; because we give the best materials, cotnbined with style, the two essehtials that particular tlressei's demand and got. Frank 11. Martin The Tailor Seasonable Lines in Hardware BINDER TWINE, HAY FORKS, HAY FORK ROPE, SCYTHES AND SNATHS MACHINE OIL, SCYTHE STONES. Etc. Everything in Hardware at the best price. Give me a call before purchasing. LIJ. NICHOLSON The New flaraware Store, - West Street. J f